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The epidemiology of chronic pain

Gary J. Macfarlanea,b

1. Descriptive epidemiology of chronic pain

Risk is likely to involve both genetic and environmental effects
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that, within the although it is likely that many genes, all with small effects, will
past month, around half us will have experienced an episode be involved.15
of pain which has lasted at least 1 day, with the most common
sites reported, in a United Kingdom population study, being 4. Predicting outcome of an episode pain
the low back (30%), hip (25%), neck and shoulder (25%) and A key issue for epidemiologists is identifying, amongst those with
knee (24%).9 Using a more stringent definition (suffered pain a new episode of pain, in whom the pain is likely to become
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for 6 months, experienced pain in the last month and several chronic. Focussing early management on these people is likely
times during the last week), a pan-European study reported a to optimise cost effectiveness of management approaches. A
prevalence of 19%.1 review of factors preceding transition from acute to chronic pain
Prevalence of chronic pain increases through adult life, reach- identified clinical factors, older age, and mood as the factors with
ing a peak around the seventh decade (eg, Ref. 5). Pain at some strongest evidence for long-term disability or work absence,13
regional sites, particularly in the lower limb, increase in preva- and tools such as the Orebro Screening Questionnaire seek to
lence across the age range (eg, Ref. 12), whereas some such capture such factors (and wider psychosocial factors) in terms of
as low back pain decrease at older ages.3 Such a decrease has predicting risk of poor outcome.7
been hypothesised to be related to changes in pain perception,
expectation of pain at older ages and comorbidities. Chronic
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*Corresponding author. Address: University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
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2158 G.J. Macfarlane • 157 (2016) 2158–2159 PAIN®

Childhood Chronic pain in adulthood
Adverse family and social environment

Neck and

shoulder 25%


Lower back 30%

Hip 25% Risk markers and factors

Knee 24% • Injury
• Altered mood
Physical trauma • Poor sleep
• Psychosocial environment
• Female gender

One month period prevalence

Predictors of pain episode

long-term disability
• Clinical factors (severe and
multi-site pain, longer pain duration)
• Older age
• Depression and anxiety
• Occupational factors
Biological mediators of pain onset • Female gender

Genetics axis Stress response

Salivary cortisol

am pm

The epidemiology of chronic pain Gary J. Macfarlane • 157 (2016) 2158–9 © 2016 International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). Permission for Use: For clinical, educational, or research purposes, reuse of this image is
permitted for free with appropriate attribution to this article as the original source. For reproduction of the image for any commercial use, permission is needed from the Publisher. A high resolution copy of this image can be found online
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October 2016 • Volume 157 • Number 10 2159

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