Creating Cells On Mapinfo Using Sitesee and Neighbor Check Using SNT Create Map 3G

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Creating cells on Mapinfo using sitesee and Neighbor check using SNT

Create Map 3G :

1., then login

report  Radio Site  Cell Report
Select the sign as below to have all column displayed

Click the Excel Logo to download .

The file will be saved as Cell Report.xls File.
2. Open the File, and delete 2G cells  Save as CellReport3G.xlsx
Open aagin the original file, and delete 3G cells  save as Cellreport2G.xlsx
3. Open CellReport3G.xlsx
Add a column name SectorName
This field will be in form of RNC_CI, (like 320_34543)
Add column Radius. Fill 0.07 for UMTS2100, and 0.09 for UMTS900
Add column Beam. Fill 75 for UMTS2100, and 50 for UMTS900
Save the file as CellReport3G.txt (tab delimited)
4. Open CellReport3G.txt on mapinfo
5. On Mapinfo, select Table  WFISiteSee  Create Site Boundaries

Fill the column Longitude, Latitude, Radius (in km) from column Radius, Beamwidth
from column Beam, and direction from column Azimuth, and press ok or continue
6. Processing around 0.5 to 1 hour
7. When asked the name, fill with : sect_site_ant_umts
8. Finish creating the 3G mapinfo file for 3G cells
Creating 2G maps :

1. Open CellReport2G.xlsx
Add a column name SectorName
This field format : LAC_CI, (example : 14001_34543)
Add column Radius. Fill 0.11 for DCS, and 0.13 for GSM
Add column Beam. Fill 30 for DCS, and 10 for GSM
Save the file as CellReport2G.txt (tab delimited)
2. Open CellReport2G.txt on mapinfo
3. On Mapinfo, select Table  WFISiteSee  Create Site Boundaries
Fill the column Longitude, Latitude, Radius (in km) from column Radius, Beamwidth
from column Beam, and direction from column Azimuth, and press ok or continue
4. Processing around 30 minute to 1 hour
5. When asked the name, fill with : sect_site_ant_gsm
6. Finish creating the 2G mapinfo file for 2G cells

Then make thematic on the Mapinfo based on the sector status (different color for cells
on air and off air). Also set different color for 3G and 2G to make it easier to be

Example result after Thematic :

3G to 3G Neighbor Definition
This file data is taken from RNC database UINTRAFREQNCELL and UINTERFREQNCELL.
The file should be named=nbrs.txt, with below format
(RNC_CellIDSource RNC_CellIDTarget) :

3G to 2G neighbor definition
The data should be taken from U2GNCELL, and named the file as =gsmnbrs.txt, with
below format
(RNC_CellIDSource Lac_CITarger)

Neighbor verification

Open the nbrs.txt and gsmnbrs.txt on the mapinfo.

To check the neighbor, click below two button on the toolbar :

To check a neighbor, click the source cell of a 3G cell.

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