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Zeefreaks Diaries

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Trading 101
Volume: The Smell that tells you "Something's

The Charts tell you even before any rumor or official disclosure is made and the best thing
about the Chart: It doesn't lie.

"Volume Preceeds Price Action"

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Trading 101
“Market Cycles and Outliers”
Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index (PSEi) tracks the performance of the most
representative companies listed on the PSE. When this index is in a bearish cycle and treks
down, it means that players who control majority of the money in the market, are fearful.
And the thing with fear, as with greed, it's contagious. So expect most of the other stocks to
follow this sad cycle as most traders and investors sell their positions in exchange for cash.

Anything that doesn't follow the major trend and goes the opposite
way is an outlier.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an outlier is a statistical

observation that is markedly different in value from the others of
the sample.

Let me help you visualize that.

Now take for example DD (Double Dragon). The PCOMP from

Late May of 2015 to early March 2016 was a bear cycle. But this wasn't the case for DD as
shown in the lovely chart below. It even made new 52 week highs during the bear season.
If you don't call that strong I don't know what is.

*Market Cycle based on the position of the 100M

100MA below prices = Bull
100MA above prices = Bear
This is what market veterans call...

"A bull, in a bear market."

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Trading 101
And the best thing about outliers? When the bulls return and everything becomes rosy
again for the index, outliers can go on a rampage of gains!

But not everyone gets to ride outliers. Majority even stay out of it because...

"It just doesn't make sense."

"Why buy a stock that is making a series of new 52-week highs when you can buy a stock
that just made a new all time low? Wouldn't that be better since that would translate to
bagger gains if it goes back to it's all time highs?"

-Nakamura San

Sounds familiar?

It's because Nakamura San is every amateur trader you know - who buys at "cheap" prices
para makamura but ends up ipits and nagmumura.

People fear what they don't understand. But let not fear cripple you to the path of
enlightenment. So the next time you see a stock making new 52 week breakouts during a
bear market, think very carefully before you ignore it.

Who knows? You might end up with something like this...

As always, Caveat.

After all, I'm just a Fictional Character.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Trading 101
“The Trend Following Astronaut”
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Of all the technical systems I've encountered, Trend Following [TF] has been the easiest to
learn and master. Why? Because unlike other trading setups that require multiple indicators
or tools, TF only require that you follow the lines. In the ZFT system we follow only 3 lines :
The 20, 50, and 100 Moving Averages.

I'm not claiming that other combinations of moving averages are inferior to ours, but most
variations we've tried are just too fast or too slow in reaction time when used in different
time frames here in the PH market. The 20-50-100 combination has been our most
balanced one.

Not many understand the simplicity yet effectiveness of this tool. And I guess it's human
nature - To have that unnecessary feeling of putting tremendous effort to something in
order to make the victory sweeter.

Because why stick to one if you can have many right?

You Infidel.

But to those who have the right mindset, this tool can do wonders. So what are the
essentials of Trend Following?

Let's start!

Having a Trend Following Template

Not many trend followers have trading templates. And by this, I mean different ways to
trade stocks under the TF category - because not all TF stocks are equal.

The primary element in trend following are the key positions of the Moving Averages [MAs].
One must first ask, "Which lines are showing bullishness? And are there any that are
bullshitting me?" All other factors for your upcoming trade should revolve here. Should you

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Trading 101
buy on the ZS and sell on the iZS? How about buying on an established AOTS formation?
Would it be wise to set your stop on the 20ma or the 50ma?

For example, if two stocks were in AOTS and assuming that both can handle my intended
maximum trade volume, I'd put more volume on the one which has broken a higher level of
resistance since that would suggest a stronger trend. ATH over 52-week highs, 52-week
highs over 6-month breakouts, so on and so forth.

Anticipating vs. Reacting

Many traders just love to anticipate movements before they happen. To buy before the
breakout and to sell before the breakdown. When a trader works to show off that he bought
at the lows and sold at the highs rather than show that he followed his trading plan and
system, that's his pride and ego talking. Because who can consistently get it right every
single time?

No one.

And what's the point if all you do is anticipate stock breakouts with your holy grail screeners
but don't trade them?

But plainly reacting on movements can be equally deadly. Imagine if you buy every
breakout without planning ahead, who knows what could happen if the tide suddenly turned
against you? Trust me when I say that you wouldn't want to be over committed on a trade,
experience a bull trap and have no cut loss strategy.

And how about not selling at the top?

Below is a snapshot of having all my shares intact at it's peak price.

I sold all of my PRMX at an average of 3.52

Do I feel any regret of having lost those potential profits


So what if you didn't sell at the highs? Don't punish yourself for not being able to control the
uncontrollable. Instead, reward yourself for following your trading plan.

Always remember that there should always be balance in anticipation and reaction.

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Trading 101
Anticipation is being prepared of what's about to come, but it is the reaction that makes your
dreams come to reality.

Variable Change

When following trends and you bought a stock at a relatively low price, don't be complacent
about your trailing stops. How many times have you had a good position mature into
wonderful paper profits only to get eaten a few days later just because you failed to adjust
your stops?
"Okay lang. Mababa naman kuha ko."
Many fall into this pit of carelessness just because they bought at the lows. I cannot stress
this enough, always account for variable change.
Post Selling Evaluation

Have I followed the system? Was my volume allocation correct?

How can I improve in following trends?
These are important questions every trader should ask after completing a [TF] trade. I
personally take a one or two day trading-break after selling a big position to make sure no
lingering emotions remain. One of the worst things that could happen to a trader is to give
back to Ms Market all your hard earned profits because of the Superman Syndrome -
thinking you're invincible after having experienced a winning streak or a big win.

Post trade evaluation and analysis gives you a step back and have a good look at the big
picture. It not only helps you see the flaws in your system and how you can improve on your
next trade, but also gives you that needed "space" to think and digest what you've learned
and become a better trader as far as mindset is concerned.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Trading 101
“Unfilled Gaps in a Nutshell”
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I remember a few years ago when I couldn't trade excellent stocks and super plays
because of a certain saying about gaps.

"All gaps will be filled."

When I asked some good traders about certain setups that had gaps, some would always
give a spooked and special warning. "Wag mo nang e trade yan! Hala sige, babalikan GAP
nyan!" Which ultimately clouded my judgement.

What is a gap you ask?

A gap occurs when there's an intense buying or selling pressure on a stock, that the price
opens a few to several flucs away from it's previous closing price.

Now going back to the statement that all gaps will be filled. Many would say this with the
notion that the event will happen immediately or in the near future. But this is not ALWAYS

Gaps being closed may happen but the question here is... when?

A week? A month? A year? Probably a lifetime?

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Trading 101

Assuming you didn't trade since late January of this year because of the gap that was
created during that time - imagine all the opportunity losses.

Assuming you bought COSCO back in 2013 because of the belief that gaps get filled -
Imagine your losses and how long you're ipit.

Gaps are simple events in our markets - if it doesn't get filled, it just means beastly forces
are about to appear on the direction of the gap.

Exhibit A (Gap Down)

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Trading 101

Exhibit B (Gap Up)

There are many other examples out there.

So the next time you spot an unfilled gap, try not to complicate things. Trade what you see.

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Trading 101
“The Trend Follower's Guide to Money

Strategic Sandbag Buying/Selling and Pyramiding.

Unlike COL's EIP (Easy Investment Program) that tells you to buy X Worth of Y Stocks
Every month. The system's SSB or SSS (Strategic Sandbag Buying/Selling) and Pyramid
helps you time your entries and exit efficiently and effectively.

Before we proceed, here's How EIP works:

Let's say you allocate 10k of your earnings to stocks each month. You want to buy PXP
every month.

Month 1:
PXP Price =1
PXP Shares you buy = 10,000

Month 2:
PXP Price =2
PXP Shares you buy = 5,000

Month 3:
PXP Price =5
PXP Shares you buy = 2,000

By Month 3, you end up with 17k Shares of PXP with 1.76 as your Average Price. Pretty
neat huh?

In EIP, you buy on a set date without regard to the price or the event that took place.

The problem with this kind of 'strategy' is that there is no value given to the trend. What if
the trend was down? What habit and mindset will this create?

"Hurt me more!!!! Ram it down and we have a deal! Gusto ko ng maraming maraming
shares! Bodega pa!"

While this is good for investors with deep pockets and lots of time, It may not necessarily
hold true for the person who wants a "quick buck" after a few months of waiting.

I'm not saying EIP is bad. But if you use out of context, it will be.

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Trading 101
Especially when you're planning a "Basura Mutual Fund."

I know I'm fictional, But trust me when I say that I've seen worse at this point, I will assume
that you've already read the

https://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2013/02/trading-101-osmosis.html - Osmosis post

https://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-trading-port.html - The Trading Port
http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/p/zf-portfolio-class.html - The Port Class.
And before you buy anything. Make sure the stock you're planning to buy has already made
an AOTS. Coz a ZS might be fake.

Zeus' Strike and The Alignment Of The Stars


Let's proceed.

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Trading 101
Now in Sandbagging you should first identify how many tranches you will make. 1 having
the highest risk, 4 having the lowest risk, and 2 or 3 being in between.
In our system, we have limited the number of tranches done to 4.
After you have decided the number of tranches, you can employ these two techniques:

A. Equal Tranche
B. Pyramid or Inverse Pyramid

In Equal Tranche Sandbagging, if you have a Budget worth 100k, and you decide to do a
two-tranche, then you buy the first half on the first breakout, and the 2nd half on the next.
This is like EIP, the difference is, you buy on the breakout and not on a set date.

In Pyramid, the lower the price, the bigger the volume or budget so if you have a Budget
worth 100k. And you're a "sigurista" and decide to go for a four tranche buy, this is how you
will allocate your buys:

1st Breakout : 40,000 worth

2nd Breakout : 30,000 worth
3rd Breakout : 20,000 worth
4th Breakout : 10,000 worth


Chart as of 5/12/2015
Closing price at 5/13/2015

If you follow the pyramid type, your Average Price would most likely be found in the prices
between the 1st Breakout to the 3rd Breakout.

What goes on in the trend follower's mind at this point

"HOOOOLD! Lalim ng Average ko. Run profits! Run!" But what If you employed a Single
Tranche Buy? And it just so happened that the price dropped to the previous support, which
is near your cutpoint? at this point, the trader would be like:

"#LMPI. Lapit na sa cut point ko! Sabi na nga ba eh dapat doon ako bumili."

And because you have used up your whole allocation for that stuck, sudden background
music plays : Bakit ngayon ka lang...

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Trading 101

The inverse pyramid is usually done when selling. The higher the prices go, the bigger the
volume. Good technique for Day traders who set TPs.

Now why buy on breakout rather than at support? Because on breakouts, it means that the
uptrend is confirmed and more time is saved as opposed to buying on support and waiting
for the consolidation to finish and why do we give importance to this?

Because in Trading, your mental state and health is just as important as your portfolio. If
you trade when you're stressed and emotional, you are highly likely to lose. And when you
lose, you might end up in this vicious cycle I call...

Makabawi Syndrome what goes on in the trader's mind during breakouts?

"Yes! Uptrend ulit!" #Goodvibes

And what goes on in the trader's mind during support testing and consolidation?

"Shetmemeng wag ka bumigay! YES! Oh Shet! Oh Shet! YES!"

#Patience #Panicmode #Dasalmode #FeelingStressed

Yep. You're too tense that you look like you got stunned for 2 seconds by a storm bolt and
you don't know how to react.

Now as to when you will sell... I believe this old post will suffice.

Moving Averages and Patintero


Here's a balanced "What If" table.

For NIhao.

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Trading 101

And here's a case study on POPI.

Case Study : POPI


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Trading 101
“How to Trade and Travel”
Sunday, July 24, 2016

A common misconception about trading the markets is that you always have to be on the

Prices trade and react within a certain range during consolidations. And depending on the
setup and kind of stock, this consolidation phase could take a few days to several months
or even years.

Here's the 1 year chart of ION for example. It has been on a long sideways movement after
its explosive 4 week rally.

If you bought the hype of the "Experts" and are still holding and watching the stock day by
day, you'd probably look like these fellas...

Timing is everything.

I travel and take vacations a lot. And I usually

trade with huge positions which when I think about
it... is scary. This usually would render me unable
to check the charts and be on my full battle gear.
Unless of course I bring with me my loyal
workstation like on this photo below.

But having to monitor minute by minute when

trading is a lie. If you have day job, working on a
project or travelling, you only need to monitor and
trade when the stocks in your watch list or port are
on the verge of breaking out or breaking down.

Sounds impossible huh?

But let me enlighten you to the 3 steps that have helped me trade while on the go.

1. Creating a trading plan.

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Trading 101
Everything should be accounted for.

A. The kind of setup and play you're going for - where you determine if you're in it for the
short swings or the bigger waves and if the stock you plan to enter is volatile or not.

B. Entry price, cut loss levels and trailing stops - the very fundamentals of trading.

C. Time stops - where you sell your position if it doesn't move within a given time frame of
your trading bias. Nakapag move on na lahat, ikaw nalang hindi. #whogoat.

Many traders fail in this area. Having no regard to any of these elements render trades
incomplete and dangerous - a trip to hell if you may. One should also be prepared for every
scenario so you won't panic like sell short or buy late when momentum and volatility comes

2. Planning ahead and working with what you have.

You need to be aware of your environment and available

resources. If you're working or visiting in an area that has no
internet or if you do not have the resources to trade like a laptop
or a mobile smart phone that can access the internet, then do not

I usually just use my prepaid smart phone when on the go and

register to internet promos to avoid getting billed a fortune.
Internet speed is pretty fast and just right for trading depending
on your location. For Globe users, here's the code. Thank me

If you have a live broker, make sure to give them careful

instructions on how to execute your trade. If you have siblings,
teach them the basics of buying and selling. If you have a dog,
train the mutt to trade.

3. Alerts and Trigger Points.

Now all you have to do is to set your trading alerts. I use a mobile
app for it (PSE Watch). I heard Investagrams also has this
feature. Thank you app developers for making our trading lives

From here, you have to determine your trigger points for the
stocks in your watch list. What is a trigger point you ask?

A Trigger Point is a Darvas concept (Click here for a detailed

post) that goes like this : when certain support or resistance levels
are reached and breached, rallies happen. Simple right?

Trigger points can be both objective and subjective.

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Trading 101

Okay for this blog post to have sense, here's an example of my recent trade while on the


Type of Play : Sleeper

Time Stop : 1 Month
Entry Points : 13.8-15
Trigger points :
14.4 - 16.0 (Momentum)
12.9 - 12.8 (Cut loss)

I bought IMP on July 15, 2016 in anticipation of a mini ZS - 50MA.

I was prepared to wait for a month and buy more shares using the GTC feature (buy order
valid for 60 days) while setting my trigger points at 14.4 - 16.0 range, which would alert me
if momentum has come in and 12.9 - 12.8 levels for me to Cut loss.

If the price doesn't touch any of these trigger points, I would not be notified. Ever. And to
emphasize on the beauty of this simple statement, just imagine those mornings when you
were woken up because breakfast was ready vs those mornings when you were woken up
and had to wait for your mother to finish cooking while sitting on the table.

So while still on vacation that Monday, I received a message notifying me that my triggers
were hit.

And since momentum has come, all I had to wait for was the
day's close before checking my port and planning my next

Port looked like this by the end of the day.

Two Sleepers, 3 for TF. No Tsupitas.

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Trading 101
With IMP's ceiling move, it was time for me to plan my sells.

Under normal circumstances, you could just use the Off-Hours Order feature to execute
your buying or selling for the next trading day.

But since this stock

went ceiling and you
can't place sell orders
above the ceiling
price, I had to
execute my sells at
the pre-open of the
next trading day. For
IMP, I had to make
sure to sell the next trading day after the ceiling candle as per my trading rules on these
kinds of volatility plays.

If it didn't go for a ceiling, I could have opted to use the GTC feature for selling and set them
on and near IMP's resistance levels.

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Trading 101

And Viola! A half bagger trade.


Additional Notes :

I seriously did not expect this to happen while on vacation. ZFTs should ask me when I'll
take my next vacation. Alam na.

And I'm sure you trolls are gonna ask...

...Among other technical questions.

Please spare me your messages. Don't be lazy and read this blog from cover to cover.

Study. Execute. Reflect.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Trading 101
“Bodega and The Law of Equivalent Exchange”
Friday, April 1, 2016

Post Finished: 2:00AM 3.17.2016

Scheduled Post to Avoid Hype: 4.01.2016


Also known as "Warehousing." This is quite a popular term in FB and other social media.
And I have taken a liking to it. The popular belief on this system goes like this : "If you
believe in the company, Buy it. Buy it slowly until you have amassed a lovely position that
will bear you good gains somewhere in the future."

I believe this method can be effective if used in the right way, by the right person - Be it a
fundamentalist or a technician. But one should also be aware of the element of time when
warehousing. You wouldn't want to be accumulating something while losing golden
opportunities right? So today, we are going to talk about two groups of fictional characters,
The Technicians and the Funnymentalists, for us to visualize and understand more about
the bodega system.

(The things you are about to see are of pure fiction)

Let's start with the Funnymentalist. These group of people believe in many truths, which
oftentimes results to a non-truth. The most common practice they employ is the combining
of the three Truths in the markets : Fundamentals, Technicals, and Speculation.


This is an example of a funnymentalist's port snapshot with a little taste of his wisdom.
There has been no full disclosure of where he made his bodegas but we can only assume
the following :

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Trading 101

"Why don't they buy when the uptrend is confirmed? Isn't it easier that way?"

Good question. I'm confused as well. But the thing is, Funnymentalists have Vision like no
other. They see things in different dimensions and will buy in every season. They see the
market's downtrend as golden opportunities to add to their positions. But why not? They are
Millionaires! If not Billionaires!

They could have bought on the shifting of the trend. But no. They like to have an
underdog's story of breaking even while others are profiting. Who knows how their minds
operate? Sometimes they practice cutting their losses and sometimes they don't.
Sometimes they have legal wives and sometimes they don't.

Funnymentalists don't mind holding for a long time because eventually, the universe will
align to their favor. This is their truth and their minds will forever remain a mystery.

"A 6-8 Figure Loss? That's nothing to me. BACAT (Buy Cut) 'Till you get it right! Do not
think! Be one with the Market."

How about the Technicians?

They are people bound by strict rules and discipline. Raw data is their Truth. Trends are
what they follow. And if a trade goes against them, they immediately cut their losses.


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Trading 101

When the market shows signs of a favorable trend, Technicians do not hesitate to execute
the bodega system. For why fear a trend that is for you? I made a post before on Trend
following and Money Management, You might want to read it by Clicking Here.

Now to understand these signs, one must look for several ingredients :

(1.) A clear continuous and brutal downtrend for at least 6 months - the longer the
downtrend, the better. (2.) Next is a rally, a mini ZS or a ZS, that breaks the downtrend with
considerable volume. (Click here to know more about the ZS) And (3.) A time of
consolidation from the initial rally, followed by a sequence of breakouts that confirms the
shift in trend.

Below is an example of how a Technican would probably do things if given similar amount
of money as the Funnymentalist.

Before I proceed, I'd like to make a shameless plug.

"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain,
something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent

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Trading 101
"Alchemy: the science of understanding the structure of matter, breaking it down, then
reconstructing it as something else. It can even make gold from lead. But alchemy is a
science so it must follow the natural laws: to create, something of equal value must be lost.
This is the principal of equivalent exchange. But I learned that night that some things
cannot be measured on a simple scale. My brother and I knew the laws of science, of
equivalent exchange. The game required sacrifice, that something had to be taken from us,
but we thought there was nothing more we could loose....We were wrong."

~Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

It's one of the best Animes out there. You should watch it if you still haven't.

Now, where was I?

When we tread the markets, it is of utmost importance that we understand our place. While
we are part of the market, we are not the market. If the market decides you are wrong, then
you are wrong! Your opinion and positions worth millions or billions are irrelevant. For what
we speak and what we have is not necessarily truth. Only the Market speaks truth. And
when the Market speaks, we listen.

(Snapshot as of 3.16.2016)

By the time this is published, either BHI is no more or probably still there. Who knows? Oh
what a lovely case of Schrodinger's Cat.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Trading 101
“What the FAQs : Cut vs Trail”
Friday, October 20, 2017

Disclaimer : The post you are about to read is my personal opinion and may not necessarily
represent the truth of others. This is my truth and you are free to disagree with me.

3. What is the difference between cutting losses and executing trail stops? How and
when do you set these?

In a nutshell, trail stops are there to preserve your gains while cut points are there to protect
your capital.

By now, you've probably noticed how I do things in tranches. Because executing your buys
and sells in tranches lessens your impact on price swings.

When cutting, I make sure I have two cut points: the first cut point is within the 2-3% range
where I lighten up positions, and yes tax and commissions are included in this computation.
The 2nd is my maximum cut point of -5% which means that if my position reaches or falls
below this level, I cut ALL my positions regardless of the time of day - this rule applies to
ALL my trade setups.

"Ayaw nyo hintayin yung closing sir? Baka tumaas pa! Why not sell on the bounce?"

What if it doesn't? Always expect the worst case scenario.

"Pwede ba sa 20ma ilagay yung cut point?"

Never confuse a trail stop for a cut loss point. Here's an example of what can possibly
happen if you do.

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Trading 101

-5% vs -18%

When my cut levels are hit, I make sure that by the end of the day, I have no positions left.
Why? Because whenever you violate your rules, it damages your trading psyche. Imagine if
you held on to the loss for the night or drag it on for days and months. You'd have a hard
time consoling and convincing yourself if what you did was right. And trust me, this is going
to mercilessly torment you.

"Should you have cut? Would it go higher? Maybe if I break my rules just this one time..."

As for trailing stops, I usually have two sets. One for moving averages and another for
Darvas - this is for me to maximize the potentials of both worlds.

Assuming that my average entry price (AEP) is already far away from the current price, only
then will I set my MA trail stop. I usually do this when my positions are at least 10%
distance from my designated MA stop. For example:

Having an AEP equal to your MA stop is impractical. If you do this, I won't be surprised if
you say "Pera na, naging bato pa!"

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Trading 101

So here are two alternatives that I frequently use in setting stops. The first is set just several
flucs below previous closing price. So if MAC's previous closing was 19.2, then I'll set my
stops at 19.1. The second is set on the nearest darvas support. Sometimes, much of your
profits get eaten on this stop, but if you're banking on the possibility of a continuation since
you're following the trend, you might just get more out of the trade. So carefully weigh your

If you owned this port, what would you do?

In both scenarios of cutting and executing trail stops, whenever I'm loaded with volume and
have a hard time selling intraday, I always sell my final tranche during the matching of
prices EOD since that's where bulk of the buyers show up. If the last traded price was at
19.2, I'll sagasa sell 10-20 flucs down.

As a final reminder,
Related posts on Cutting and Setting Trails
(Please do post on the comments section the links I've missed)
http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2014/11/trading-101-art-of-cutting-losses.html - The Art of Cutting Losses
http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2012/10/apm-rise-of-borg.html - Borg Stocks and Trailing Stops

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Trading 101
“What the ZFT trading FAQs”
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Disclaimer : The post you are about to read is my personal opinion and may not necessarily
represent the truth of others. I am a high risk trader that loves volatility. This is my truth and
you are free to disagree with me.

1. What are your top trading tools and indicators?

In ZFT, we only use Moving Averages (MAs), Darvas Box Method, Fibonacci and the RSI
(Relative Strength Index). Many might be surprised how we only have these four in our

"So you telling me, yan lang? Wala bang secret indicator?" "Well, Wala!"

I'm not saying other indicators aren't going to make you money. I'm saying mastery is key.
A person who has an understanding and can use 10% potential of 10 different martial arts
will never match up to a person who has a 100% mastery over one technique.

2. How do you buy and what time of the day is it best to buy stocks?

Whatever the setup or play, I always buy in tranches - 3 tranches to be exact : Before,
During, and After breakout point. The volume for all three can be equal or different
depending on your risk appetite. The tranches can be done in weeks, several days or all in
one day.

Here are some related posts to this topic

The Trend Follower's Guide to Money Management


The Trend Following Astronout


Bodega and law of Equivalent Exchange


This is a good risk management strategy as it can minimize potential losses in case of a
fake-out. This would also maximize your time and lessen your opportunity loss when your
current stock hasn't broken out yet with your initial tranche while other stocks are moving.
Wouldn't it be such a shame if you were fully committed on a stock that isn't moving and
suddenly a super play appears?

As for when is the best time to buy, that would depend on your risk appetite.

If you are a risk-taker, have the time, then buy during the intraday breakout and cross your
fingers the trade won't explode. If the breakout happened in the morning session, expect a
lot of price fluctuation and get ready to cut loss when necessary. If the breakout happened
in the afternoon, there's a good chance momentum will continue until market close.

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Trading 101
The safest to buy is during the matching or run-off at 3:15-3:20 PM since at that point, the
possibility of a whipsaw is close to none. Only problem is if prices have already gone
beyond your levels of comfort. If that happens, then just say NO to that trade.

I personally buy sets of my tranches between 2:30 - 3:20 PM since this is the time where
prices would likely show their true intentions - whether they would like to break-out, break-
down or stay boringly put.

3. What is the difference between cutting losses and executing trail stops? How and
when do you set these?

In a nutshell, trail stops are there to preserve your gains while cut points are there to protect
your capital.

If you owned this port, what would you do

If you have Questions that aren't in this post (click here), feel free to post it on the

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Trading 101
“The Anointed Ones and The Bearish Divergence”
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

I'm sure most of you have seen these anointed ones all over social media and stock market
groups. The funny thing about these guys is how much they love to be right..

... even when the market tells them otherwise.

So let me first enlighten you to a very powerful prophetic indicator that only a few mortal
men use.

The Bearish Divergence

A bearish divergence appears when the price makes a higher high but the RSI forms a
lower high. Simple right? If you want it in more simpler terms, it could be that most people
are bullish on a stock but the price isn't going anywhere and suddenly one day, decides to
drop - which confirms the divergence.

Now let me take you to another session of appreciating renaissance art while
understanding sentiment cycles. Let's begin!

When a monster rally starts on a stock, people obviously take notice. Anointed ones would
then claim how beautiful this company is based on their market experience. So they urge
the new bloods to read on the company.

Obviously this would lead into a lot of discussion. Some would try to refute and warn but
ultimately drown as things turn when gurus would then claim victory over favorable price
actions amplified by the voices of their cult following.

At some point, many would profit from the run. And some would usually share how lovely
their experiences were and how glad they listened. Their "work" would then be used as
gospel to the unbelievers.

"See? Bagger na kami! (Actually not yet for me, but) Be quiet and just sit tight!"

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But of course not everyone would profit. And when things turn a little sour and a few start to
doubt, the anointed ones and their cult would then start speeches that contradict and
confuse - ultimately to have the follower confident of his or her position... to be confidently

We all know where this is headed right? But not a lot would accept the market's truth.

When you see this statement, it really means "I don't know what this statement means but
I'll say it anyway so I'll look smart."

This vicious cycle is very prevalent when you see anointed ones here and there hype the
certain stock non stop even during consolidations and obvious price dumps.

When a bearish divergence confirms and materializes the bear, that's when things get
nasty. So if I were you, I'd be taking what I have even if it is at a loss and don't look back.

https://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2016/05/stories-of-high-risk-trader-gurus-and.html - Stories
of A High Risk Trader : Gurus and Bagger Plays

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Trading 101
“Trading Ban & The Fear of Missing Out”
Sunday, May 22, 2016

A wise man once said...

"Surround yourself with the wise, and you will become wise.
Surround yourself with idiots, and you become an idiot."

Let's not argue with the wise man.

You have all heard about how we do our initiations. "The Purge." The cleansing of one's
portfolio of every existing stock position a trader or an investor might have. We do this
because our trades and investments reflect who we are. And if one wishes to know our
ways, one must first become no one.

"If a girl is truly no one, she has nothing to fear."

After the purge, a trading ban is imposed. No trades shall be executed until one is ready to
face the challenge. And this would usually force to the surface the following wrong mindsets

1. Makabawi Syndrome.
2. FOMO (Fear of missing out)

Out of the many other deadly mindsets, these two are the most destructive to one's port
especially when both are presently eating at the trader's mind.

The want to recover all losses. And the want to ride all opportunities.

The previous months have been extremely bloody and hard to trade for a lot of us. If you
made money during the mini bear cycle since May of Last year then you're one helluva
trader. Kudos. But for those who didn't make money and even lost.. the pressure to earn
and regain everything is real.

"If I don't trade, I won't make money."

While this statement is true, it is also true that if you don't trade, you won't lose money.

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Not a lot of traders understand that cash is a position. That the plays in the market are not
one time events that once missed, will be gone forever. That the market will always be filled
with opportunities to make money - be it a bear or a bull cycle.

To beat the deadly Makabawi Syndrome or FOMO is to first assess and acknowledge if you
have it.

Are you currently at a loss in your overall port performance?

Have you executed loss trades within the week or month?
Are you itching to trade the next potential super stock?
Are you pressured to earn?

If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then you might just have it.

The second thing you need to do, contrary to how it sounds, is to do absolutely NOTHING.

When playing a game, any game or craft that you have mastered, you realize that there
should be a sense of control. Of being aware not just of your surroundings and your
opponent, but of yourself and your limitations. The moment this control is absent is the
moment you gamble and lose.

Emotions are the raw driving force of prices in our markets. But it is the mind that sparks
what comes forth from the heart. A mind that is in decay and exhausted needs time to heal.
For how long you ask? A few days to a week. Probably a month. Only when the mind is in
perfect condition can a person execute what is seemingly impossible over and over again.

Last week the new batch of ZFT had their first practicals. They were given a pass to
execute several trades.

To gauge what the students have learned so far, teachers create exams at the culmination of every major lesson. In the House of ZFT,
our first exam is handed to us through a Buy button. (see The Three Musketeers)
The cut point was at -8%. The area of maximum tolerance. When that point is reached, you sell all your positions without ifs and buts. It
was higher than the standard -4 to -5% of the ZFT system as we have exposed only a tenth of our portfolio value. It was a trial run, a

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knowledge check of sorts. We bought our musketeers (stock picks) on a Friday. And we do only one of two things: hold the positions for
a month or sell when the cut point is hit. No in-between.
On a Thursday, merely six days later, we sold. Two of our stock picks did not even last a week. They crashed and they burned. It was
our first exam, and I couldn‘t help but feel we‘re failing it.

―First mission is a disaster‖, I lamented.

―Mission failed tayo, dalawa agad‖, echoes another.
The conversations within the group carried the same defeated tone. The excitement that bubbled a week ago seemed like a memory of
distant past. In reality, it is not so much about money lost as it is about newly-found confidence slipping away.
―Ako ata pinaka-unang nag-cutloss kahapon, ‗di ko lang sinabi kasi nakakahiya.‖
Our portfolios did not take much of a beating, but our egos did. I
imagine that a class of thirteen very eager minds working in concert
to pass a group exam would fare better. I didn‘t think we‘d get a
perfect score, but I certainly wasn‘t expecting we‘d get stopped out
as early as we did. I guess that‘s the stock market for you, serving
the humility pie when you least expect it.

I looked forward to our next class after we inevitably had to cut our
losses. I was wondering how Zee would react, what he would say. Come Friday night, I didn't think the lesson would be... juicy.
It was juicy like Jessy. Appropriately, our latest topic was about money management and how to avoid being emotional when trading.
Zee posed a question to kick off our class.

This is how I saw it. Emotions come out to play when something of
significance is at stake. If you don‘t involve real money in it, how
else would you take the test seriously?

"If you don't put money in your trades, 'di kayo matututo," Zee added.
And that is our goal ultimately, that is the reason why we are
here in the first place—to learn. It may mean we‘ll have to
take a few hits, endure several sleepless nights, get our egos
bruised again and again. But if in every wound, there is a lesson, I‘ll take it any day.
Emotions. They said that there are only two fundamental emotions in this world: love and fear. All other feelings that we
experience—happiness, sadness, contentment, greed—stem from just either of the two. Every positive emotion comes in a place
where there is love and every negative emotion where there is fear. To learn how to control love and fear is not only difficult, it is
Emotion is the very definition of human beings. This is why out of all
the lessons we have to fully grasp in this course, taming our
emotions would prove to be the most challenging. Neither advanced
technical weaponry nor a well-thought out trading plan would allow
you to execute a trade flawlessly once emotions come trickling in.
This is something that every trader has to continuously learn.

And that‘s when pieces will fall into place, the moment we take responsibility for the
choices we make. The moment we stop blaming others for the misery we are in.

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The ability to gracefully work under pressure, the control of the mind and heart, foresight,
increased conviction to the system, and actually researching and having a plan then
carrying it out to the end are the benefits of executing this month long trade.

After much though, I decided to join in. And to make it more interesting, I went all in. Quite a
challenge I must say given my size and my average holding period of 3 days.

Forced to a one month lock and no trading funds except that measly 18k, I might just take
an early vacation. I'll prolly visit Camiguin or Cebu or some place with good beaches.

After all, -8% isn't much of a loss compared to losing the mind.

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Trading 101
“A Technician's Guide to Subjective Trading”
Sunday, March 27, 2016

There's this thing about us technicians on how we analyze things in the chart and see price
action before they happen. It's like we're on ZFT or something

With the surge of people in FB Groups and social media who are now openly sharing their
Tech Analysis and Hype Charts, we will try to talk about the popular ways on how we can
go into the realm of Subjective Trading. Because sometimes, you just can't help it. The
beastly menace within you, urges all your body cells to Hype yourself. And in the process,
hype others. This post is part two of The Deadly Trading Mindsets. If you haven't read that
post yet, I suggest you do.

Let's Begin.

1. Using many indicators

Don't like a sell signal on your chart? No worries! Just take out that loser that's going
against you and leave all the ones that tell you what you want to hear. It's nothing personal
really. And besides, you'd look like a pretty bad ass ginyos!

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"Good Vibes lang"

Maybe in the future when that indicator gives you that sweet 3-Letter word, then you'll let
her join your little group.

2. Switching to the Line Chart

Wicks are sometimes an eyesore to us technicians. "If not for that lousy shadow, the chart
would be PERFECT!" A Wick means Weak. That's why you see some tech traders ignore
wicks and just go for body to body analysis. And what better way to remove these darned
things by switching to that line chart?

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Problem Solved!

Kind of like how makeup does its thing. So when you see a line chart posted somewhere
that looks perfect, be careful. Be VERY careful.

3. Channels and Trend lines

Channels and Trendlines are a universal thing. It can give you a projection or an estimate of
where things could go. But just like any other tool, they have limits.

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Channels and Trendlines work on a very subjective level. Their placement will depend on
the eyes of the beholder.

Example : You buy on trendline support then all of a sudden price breaks down from that
trendline support. What do you do? Proceed to use the horizontal support instead where it's
still a buy. (Thanks Fullmetal Chartist)

If prices go on the border of those two, it's probably a sign to buy or sell right? But what do
you do if prices go beyond those levels? What if you like using the LOGarithmic chart
instead of the LINear chart?

This is just me, but trendlines and channels are illusions. The Moving Averages along with
the Absolute Support and Resistances or Pivot Points are the real deal.

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But what the hell? Let's all be subjective right?

4. Switching Timeframes

You find yourself hopeful on a stock that you have but the short term chart tells you it's
gonna fall. So what do you do? Pep talk yourself by looking at the weekly or monthly charts
- even if they haven't completed their candles yet.

"Okay lang yan! Long term ako jan."

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InvesTraders usually do this. Traders who are forced to become investors because of their
long term analysis.

5. Pattern Modification and Form Fitting

You see a pattern that's awfully popular. But you're not quite sure if you're seeing what
you're seeing. You don't confirm the pattern with the internet because, YOLO! "Why isn't
anyone posting any charts?" You ask yourself. Of course! Ikaw lang hinihintay magpost. So
you go with your ignorant gut and claim the pattern!

And if you accidentally found a pattern that no one else has, and it worked the first time,
why else wouldn't it work the next time? So you go on and name your pattern. Even put a
trademark. After all, you are now a stock-market ginyos!
There's a fine line between chart sharing and chart hyping. If you are a good trader and
technician, there's no need to hype. What for? But if you do feel like hyping, then by all
means hype! But keep it to yourself.
These are the big 5 on Subjective Technical Trading.
Any violent reactions? Did I miss anything? Let me know in comments below.

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Trading 101
“Trading Setups: A Game of Perspective”
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Trading setups are a matter of perspective. whether the market is up or down, there will
always be opportunity. and while opportunities exist, there is no such thing as absolute truth
in the markets - only possibilities. What could be true today, might not be true tomorrow.

As traders, while it is our duty to predict and prepare, our primary objective is to react. For
anyone can make predictions, but only a bold few can truly react.

In our Market, this is how we should look at fear.

The raw movements of the prices in our markets are driven by emotion. And for us to profit
from this truth, one must tame thyself of emotions.

Type of Play: Momentum

Trade Objective: Sell on Target and Trailing Stop

Type of Play: Bounce

Trade Objective: Sell on Resistance

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If fear and despair had a price. I'd totally buy it.

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Trading 101
“A Starter's Guide to The Stock Market”
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

This is Dedicated to all my friends and relatives who have been asking me about the stock

Take the first step.

Open an Account! I notice karamihan sa mga nagtatanong, hangang dito lang. Tanong
about stocks, pano kumita, etc. pero never nag oopen ng account. Please lungs, don't
waste precious time. Once you open an account, the excitement naturally comes in. Trust
me. Parang yung feeling na may napanalunan ka sa mall raffle, tapos pag dating mo sa
claim booth, ballpen lang pala. #realtalk

Hindi mo kailangang maging super yaman para uminvest. Sa halagang P10,000 ay

makakapag open ka na ng investment account. Maid nga ni Bo Sanchez nakapag invest.

What's your excuse?

Yes. The Stories Are True.

I know we have heard some stories from people na kumita ng malaki sa stocks. "A friend of
a friend" na kumita ng 6 digits, 7, and even 8 or more. Parang scam lang. Pero I'm sure
mas marami kayong mga narinig na nalugi. 5 figures, 6, 7, pati mga life savings. Yung
tipong pati bahay at aso binenta na dahil sa laki ng lugi.

Akala mo joke pero hindi. Sometimes exagge na yung mga kwento pero sa mundo ng
stocks, anything goes!

People who lose in the stock market and tell you not to invest kasi gambling siya are people
you want to, but at the same time don't want to listen to. Bitter ocampo sila. Sino ba
namang hindi mabibitter after malugi? So let us learn from their example.

Parang exam lang. Pag hindi ka nag aral, don't expect na pumasa ka.

But for those who work hard and invest their time in financial literacy or learning how the
market works, sure ako you won't be bitter in the end. Who knows? You could be the next
billionaire like lolo Warren Buffet. Kaya Aral Muna Bago Invest.

Manage Expectations

In stocks, pwede kang kumita ng up to +50% in a day. So if you have P1,000 invested sa
isang stock at kinabukasan ay umabot sa kisame, abay siguradong may pang eat-all-you-
can-for-two ka na. From 1k to 1.5k in a day. Imagine that. Kaso, once in a blue moon lang
nangyayari yan. Okay lang. Libre mangarap.

Pero you have to understand na hindi sa lahat ng panahon maayos ang takbo ng merkado.
May mga seasons na mabilis kumita, and may mga season na mas madaling olats. Parang
internet connection mo lang. Sasabihin ay up to 1MBPs pero yung average speed mo ay
mga 50-200KBPs lang.

Pwedeng pwede ka ring malugi ng -50% in a day! Kapag yan na experience mo, good bye
eat all you can, Hello pancit canton!

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Kaya know the seasons when and when not to invest. Again. Aral aral din pag may time.

Look for credible Mentors

In this field, it‟s dog eat dog. Hindi lahat ng expert sa stocks gusto ka tulungan. At hindi
lahat ng "expert" ay expert, kasi pwedeng nagmamarunong lang dahil kumita noong bull
market or naka jackpot sa isang super stock. Pwede ring Scammer! Maraming ganyan.
Lakas mamigay ng investment advice pero olats naman sa trades. Parang yung classmate
mo lang nung college or high school na itatawag nating si Fe, ang galing mamigay ng love
advice pero No Boyfriend Since Birth - Ironic.

Kapag may ginyos na nagmamagaling dahil nga "magaling" siya sa kanyang investment
calls, simple lang para malaman kung siya ay legit. Ask for proof. Ask for historical
transactions or a ledger.

Kung wala siyang mapakita, jokingly say "Pics or It Didn't happen." and slowly walk away.

Learning alone is possible naman. Having someone to guide you speeds up everything.
Pero pag nagkamali ka ng pagpili ng mentor, for sure speed up din yung losses mo. Kaya
wag magpapa ulol! - Take every advice with a grain of salt.

Final Words of Advice

Now, they say that at some point when people invest in stocks, marami ang nagiging
relehiyoso. Lalong-lalo na kapag ipit na ang kanilang investment.

But "Buy and Pray" is the worst strategy of all. Kapag ginawa mo ito, Juice Colored!
Dinamay mo pa ang Diyos sa kalokohan mo at nakipag kompitensya ka pa sa mga
tumataya sa loto.

Pero know this :

Wala pa akong kilalang successful na investor or trader na hindi umincurr ng loss. Normal
po yan. Consider these losses as your tuition. The only time your loss becomes a loss is
when you don't learn from them.

Never give up. Dati rin akong baguhan at olats.

Nagmamahal, ZF

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Trading 101

Ganito pala ang ibig sabihin ng "let your money work for you" nakatambay lang ako sa
bahay nyan at walang ginagawa. P1,500,000 in 5 Trading Days. Parang Scam lang...

Pero legit.

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Trading 101
“Volume of Emotions”
Great things start with small beginnings.
Most traders when starting out, make the mistake of trading with all they have, trading big
or going all in - Instead of experimenting and starting small.

The path to a consistent, profitable system, always starts with experimentation. Because
admit it, even if you read all those books and blogs, mimic your favorite guru, watch expert
trading videos... Knowing... is very different from Doing.

One of the basic self-check, flow chart a beginner must have when trading is this.

It always starts with a trading plan and the emphasis is more on the volume of the trade and
your mental state if ever you lost the trade.
Why? Because the trader's mental and emotional capacity has an interesting correlation to
the volume of the trade. Confused?

Here's an example.

Scenario 1:
You allocated 1/10th of your portfolio to DNL. Whether you win or lose, this will probably be
your reaction: Nothing much really.
Because the volume wasn't that significant to move your port to begin with.

Scenario 2:
You allocated at least 1/2 of your port to TAPET at the lows before it went sky high.

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You get a confidence boost - Feeling like some hero or tyrant that can conquer anything in
the world.

Scenario 3:
You went all in FNI because of strong FA and TA. (Facebook Analysis / Tsismis Analysis)

So it makes sense now huh? Now when you document a trade, add up the numbers.
And after getting a hefty sum of trades, review, and look for the plays you are strongest and
those that you are weakest.

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This doesn't mean that you should stop trading the setups that you are weakest. But it
should be a challenge for you to experiment and practice until you finally get your batting
average into the green.

These numbers speak out to YOU. Think of the 'wins' column as confidence points. The
greater the wins you have, the more volume you can allocate. The greater the losses, but
you have, the lesser the volume you should commit.

When you gain confidence because of the numerous trial and errors, and when you can
properly handle and tolerate losses to a certain degree of exposure, only then should you
"up the dose."

Now why am I emphasizing on Losses?

Because when I started out, I remembered and learned from my losses more than my
winning trades.

Everyone loses. But the only time it truly becomes a loss, is when you don't learn from the

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Volume: The Sign that tells you "Game OVER"
The Blow-off signals the end of the 'play'

Abnormally High Volume compared to previous days + Candlestick making a new recent
high (and usually with an upper shadow) The shorter the play, the easier it is to find.

IP Daily Chart

ISM Daily Chart

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PEP Daily Chart

PAL Daily Chart

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Trading 101
“Basura Plays"
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Some people define "Basura Plays" as an act of making money, especially when the
general market sentiment is down or boring. These plays are observed to be very volatile,
especially on bloody days when it stands out. And strangely, in almost every instance,
during the early course of its run, a good rumor gets "leaked" - turning some people mad.
Question: So how do we spot these basuras before they fly sky-high?
Answer: It's all in the Charts!
Here are a few examples:
 MR = Major Resistance
 NR = New Resistance
 NS = New Support
 RB = Resistance Break
 RT = Resistance (Touching)

ZHI Potential Gain from Point of Breakout to Top = +571.57%

PWR Potential Gain from Point of Breakout to Top = +1,021.15%

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MIC Potential Gain from Point of Breakout to Top = +65.08%

AR Potential Gain from Point of Breakout to CURRENT Top = +33.33%

When you see a Basura included in the top 10-20 Gainers, check out its chart and view in a
long term perspective (1-3yrs). And Look for its Major Resistance.

If it touches the major resistance, but doesn't break it, add the Basura to your watch list.
Pullbacks would then be good opportunities to put your initial positions.
For big traders, they call this accumulation.

A break from the major resistance would then confirm the continuation and the beginning of
a new plane of upsurge.

I won't be babbling about taking profits because I suck at it.

KKG (Kanya Kanyang Greed) Nalang!
Just make sure you get out before the music stops.
Holding a bag of trash isn‟t very pretty.

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Trading 101
“Basuras : Thoughts, Confessions, Warnings"

Before you continue reading, If you have AR, IS, or any 3rd liner stock that you have or are
planning to buy, then this post is for you. If you don't play 3rd liners, then you better waste
your time somewhere else.

A lot of people have been asking me if I have IS or AR. Or if I knew what was happening to
these two and why. And I'm sure there are a lot of Rumors and "Facts" and crazy Target
Prices circling around the internet. But to answer all those PM's , DM's and future M's, I
would like to say: "I have no idea."

Allow me to explain.
A few months ago, I started to keep my distance from forums, social media groups, and
even my buddies relating to stocks. I know that feeling of chasing stocks and wanting to
know what's going on. But I'd like to tell you right now that knowing the rumors or even the
facts don't really help much - even if those are 1st hand facts! and there's a very good
reason why the experts call it "Market Noise."

In my years of trading, I have lost more money by listening and putting my faith and hope to
these rumors and facts than me 'dart-boarding' 3rd liners. And that, my dear readers and
students, is a fact. Everybody starts as noobs. But not everybody grows to be traders. (or
*ahem* professional Basureros)

No matter how you look at it, when Playing with Basuras, It's BURN or BE BURNED
Now before I proceed any further, I would just like to set the record straight, I am not
endorsing these stocks. Although in a way, I am. But you get the point right? Before you
enter into the trade, do your homework. Don't copy. And don't say crap like "But my plan is
to follow YOUR plan!" Because when that plan fails and things go sour, you'd most
probably play the blame game. But in reality, the only one that deserves that blame is you.
Unless of course your "Guru" pressed that darned Buy button for you! Am I being too
emotional? Alright, now let's get into those charts.


Now, you've probably seen and heard of the common TP's and charts, so I present to you a
"what if" the current 52 week high ( .0086) and the psychological .01 get's broken scenario,
then what? There is probably a lot of resistance after .01 but the boss of resistances after
that is at .013 Again, only consider this scenario possible when the current 52 week high
gets broken.

I'm not really a fan of patatas stocks. I got burned a lot of times because of listening to this
"Guru" and his Anointed Ones. But I'm thankful for his existence - And to all the other
"Gurus" and Backstabbers. For I survived and learned how to smell sh!t and propaganda
from a mile away.

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Trading 101
AR 10-Year Monthly Chart

IS 3 Month Daily Chart

I hate to explain things over and over again. Link Rise of Borg APM
I would just like to add: when a stock breaks, it's ATH (All Time High) , there are NO
exact TPs (Target Prices). Those are just illusions. Like experiencing and chasing after a
mirage in the middle of a desert or some godforsaken place.
I had a good chat with a friend who had IS and told me that he sold his shares in 0.5
because apparently, his tipster told him that the dear 'Jocks' had set the TP and run until
0.5 only. He was so happy his 0.5 GTC sell got hit.
Dear friend, if you are reading this I do hope you don't skin your tipster alive this coming
Monday. So don't set TPs. Just don't. Set TSs (Trailing Stops) instead.
Folks, just remember that by the end of the day, no matter how crappy or fundamentally
sound the stock, it is emotions that drive the price, quantified and simplified into those little
cute things you call candlesticks.
If you're wondering how my port is doing after a long hiatus:

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Trading 101
“Moving Averages and Patintero"
Friday, September 23, 2011

Trading or Investing in stocks is like playing Patintero. It's all about the lines.

When I started trading stocks, i didn't know anything about candlesticks or patterns. And
though I did my best to learn them, as a newbie without a mentor, I got frustrated halfway. I
tried listening to the words of the 'enlightened ones' or gurus - sometimes it helped,
sometimes it didn't.

Starting out, my only trading system was "Buy and Pray."

It's funny when I think about it now.

But hey. Later I found out a better way of trading - Following "The Lines."
And these lines became my trusted friends in trading. The Moving Averages

These are my linemen. You can customize your linemen the way you want.
Red Line = 30 MA
Pink Line = 60 MA
Blue Line = 90 MA

In Simple words:
When your "linemen" are above the candles, the trend is down.
When your "linemen" are below the candles, the trend is up.
In Patintero, once a lineman catches you, you're out! Period.
In stock, I can choose which lineman tells me when I'm out.


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Trading 101

Because No matter how fundamentally solid or trashy the stock,

It is emotions that drive the price.

Additional Notes:

 Moving Averages work well with Blue Chips, some 2nd Liners, but rarely on 3rd Liners
(should be jockeyed).
 When you use MAs, you need to have patience.
 My current linemen are 20/50/100 MAs.
 "The trend is your friend."
 Always consider how many of your linemen are on your side.

Ask these questions:

1. How many are below/above the candles?

2. Which MA is bullish/ bearish?

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Trading 101
“Boxes & Triangles"
LC 1 Year Chart

VUL 6 Months Chart

MIC 6 Months Chart

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Trading 101
Shapes Identified
LC 1 Year Chart

VUL 6 Months Chart

MIC 6 Months Chart

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Trading 101

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Trading 101
“Bottom Fishing"

"When is the right time to bottom fish? Is it safe? At what price should I buy??"
We've all asked these questions at one point. And thought it was this easy
I tried experimenting with a LOT of setups Bottom Fishing is very RISKY.

The one main reason being that you are fighting against the trend. Just ask those who
bought ANI at PHP10, 7, 4 or lower because of "good fundamentals" or techs being
oversold due to the low RSI.

"Respect the RSI my ASS."

So be careful when you come across fundamental gurus who talk about technicals. Or
technical gurus who suddenly talk about fundamentals - Coz that's just funnymentals and
other made-up crap.

I don't know about you. But I bottom fish for these reasons:
1 - Rewards.
Yes it's risky. But if you get it right and you bought with volume, you might just get a ticket to
"financial independence-land."
2 - Bragging Rights.
I'm a very competitive person. And I love the feeling of putting haters and gurung ulols to

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Trading 101
And the fun part of it all is... Contrary to popular belief, It ain't rocket science.On a sidenote,
be careful about what I post and what I tweet. Coz I'm a crazy trader. And a fictional one at

"So why bother Bottom fishing?" You might ask. "But Zeeeee! How do you know if it's the

Simple. I don't.

You'll only get to see the bottom, once you see the 'ball' actually reach the bottom and
starts "floating up." And from there, you react and press the attack.


Tried to bottom fish, but barat bids denied. Bought 1.23-1.25 for the first tranche base then
ended up buying all i could at the close (Sagasa Order).

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Trading 101

Day 1 Of Bounce

Here's the crude selling plan.

Here comes Day two of the bounce.

(Added 19k. OC ako eh.)

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Trading 101
Then Just before selling (I love taking screenshots before I sell.)

Some would say, "Why would

you sell? You've got such a
low AEP!" Simple answer to
that is...

While others cheer that they could at least break even. I joined the minority in cheering to
enjoy some profits.

A Total of 3 Days hold. No hype. No rumors. No tips. No gurus. Just the chart and

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Trading 101
“How Accumulation Looks Like"
Months ago one of my trading friends was asking me about this one particular stock
he had - VLL. He told me about how great the company was doing and kept bugging me
questions on how the chart looked, how the PA (price action) was, etc.. It‟s a good stock.
No doubt about that – fundamentally and technically.
And so I was able to monitor its movements – never got to trade it though.

I'd like to be very clear about this: I don't have any VLL shares nor do I plan to buy.
Just recently, my friend from before asked me again how his stock was doing. This time he
was hesitant and was very particular on the BID/ASK board.

Now, one thing that was so interesting about this stock is the continuous accumulation and
price control that was so obvious if you paid attention to the ticker, especially during the last
minutes of every trading day.
Here's Broker Transactions for this week:

interests me now is how the stock has been resilient even when Ms. Market has gone mad!

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Trading 101
Before I go on further, I‟d like to throw in this question:
Why and When do fundies, big or small accumulate a stock?

“They do so when they know that the current price is low, undervalued, or whatever you
may call it, and foresee an increase in the stock‟s future value”
Ok, now that that‟s out of the way I would like to attempt to explain the accumulation
process, especially when you look at the BID/ASK board.
This board represents a lot of statistics and psychology.
It shows the demand/supply of shares, greed/fear factor, blah blah blah…
Now I‟m sounding a bit too Un-Zeefreaks like.

VLL Bid/Ask Board as of 5.23.2012

Don‟t you just feel like screaming and pressing that sell button once you see those big walls
on the ask side on your favorite stock?

Those basterds, the lions and scarecrows have gone cahoots! And they're out to steal your
precious shares!!! They throw big ask orders to scare those who dare look at the board and
give them the impression that prices will not go further; While doing this, they bid low and in
small amounts, giving the impression that demand is low and that prices are likely to fall.
And these small bids don't run out - you sell... and THEY fill the bid orders again and again
until YOU run out. (We call this "Iceberg" buying)

This process flushes out the "weak hands" and at the same time draws just the right candle
on the chart.
As they say, it's like hitting two birds with one stone.
Accumulation takes time. Patience is the name of the game.
Now the question is… Will you give in and be eaten?

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Trading 101
“Window Dressing"
PCOMP 6 Month Chart (6.27.2012)

2 Days Left till Friday And Ms. Market's going to be like...

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Trading 101
“Swing Trading vs. Trend Following"
This post is dedicated to all the newbies at Newtoys Tinychat.
This is just a snapshot, coupled with some of my thoughts, of how Swing Trading and Trend
Following look like.
If you would like to learn more about the methods mentioned here, do your homework and
Google it.

Usual Swing Trader Chart - WITHOUT the other indicators (MACD, RSI, STS, OBV)

Looking at this chart - a swing trader would have 10 times the opportunity to make a killing
trade on PXP…..

But doing so requires a lot of time, effort, knowledge and guts to be able to successfully
make the trade..
The Rewards are Greater in Swing Trading “but so are the RISKS”

Trend Follower's Chart - Effective even with only one indicator : The MA‟s

Trend followers on the other hand, buy and hold stocks until one of their selected moving
averages "snaps"

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Trading 101
In this case, following the 20 Day MA which hasn't snapped... YET!

This method can often times be stress-free and only requires the trend follower to be

So to the Padawans, you could try doing both and see for yourself which method suits you.

Choose your path wisely. Your Trades Reflect your Character.

Here's some stats I gathered that might help.

But whatever side you're on, what matters is that by the end of the trade


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Trading 101
“Fibonacci ZF Style"
As a Momentum/Position Trader,
This is how I look at those Fibonacci Retracements on Charts

Shaded Green is Bull Territory

As long as 38% Fibo holds,
Expect your money to make
MORE money.
Shaded Yellow is a Tug of War
between Bulls and Bears.
The area between 38-50 is
sideways with Bullish Bias,
While the area between 50-61 is
sideways with Bearish Tendencies.
This area could also be seen as
accumulation/dumping level -
take your pick.

Shaded Red is Bear Territory

You don't want to be treading
within these waters, unless you're
here for the bounce.

Shaded Brown
6 Feet Deep. Rest In Pieces.

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Trading 101
In this post, I'd like to emphasize on money management and diversification when dealing
with 3rd liners.

But before that....

Quick definition of Osmosis.

Totally related to trading right?

Well.. not really.. But if you played the game, you'll get what I mean. Hopefully.
When buying 3rd liners, assuming the chart is good and all, make sure you study its
You don't want to be buying something you can't sell.
So Ask yourself this question:
"If i put in X amount of money in stock Y would I be able to sell it with ease on the same
day?" If your answer is YES, then you're one step ready to make that trade.Moving on...

I usually keep 1 to 4 Trending Stocks - all with almost the same trade value.
And when a stock is ready for profit taking, I sell all, if not some of it and transfer the funds
to the remaining three stocks or add to a new stock position.
Sometimes I go over 4 stocks, but when I do,
I switch and sell the weakest of my holdings and go back to the original 4 or less..

Focus is extremely important.

Just imagine if lets say, you have 10 basuras in your port, all with equal value, then
suddenly a wild bear appears!

And the worst part is, your broker... let's say.. just out of total "randomness"
House 203 would have one of those "stroke moments" during market panics.
What do you do? Imagine the pain...
So as much as possible, keep or buy only what you can manage.
"Okay Zee Enough with the talk". I get it. You want results. Here ya go...

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Trading 101
Port as of 1.20.2012

Port as of 1.24.2012

Port as of 1.25.2012

Port as of 1.26.2012

Port as of 1.27.2012

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Trading 101
Port as of 1.30.2012

Port as of 1.31.2012

Here are my other trading rules:

On Cutting Losses:
 Don't let a loss reach -4% Cut before it reaches that level.
On Taking Profits:
 There are no Target Prices, Only Trailing Stops.
On Trading A stock:
 Trade with bias. If a stock does not move according to your bias, Sell.

I also get this question a lot, So i'll just Include it here:

"What is my average holding period?"
4 Trading days or until a stock's uptrend snaps.
And If I'm dead sure of a killer trade?
I never hesitate to go All-In!

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Trading 101
“Borg Stocks and Trailing Stops"
Last year it was PWR, MET, and AAI
This Year it's LMG, MAKE and APM!
Don't you just love BORG stocks?

For those of you who don't know about the Borg from the Star Trek Series,
“Borgs are the merciless living nightmares of the vast galaxy that destroys any sentient race
in its pat”

And the Borg's favorite pickup line?

Yes. Once the Borg Collective makes a move, resistance will be like a hot knife through
butter. Borg Stocks are just like that.

They usually manifest themselves after

 Breakout from an ATH (All Time High) Resistance
 Multi Year Resistance.
 They make gaps as they go through the days
 Defy the natural laws of the RSI Gravity.

The catalyst for this phenomenon is usually unknown, especially during the rise.
So how do we play with these bad ass stocks?
Buy on Breakout and Set Trailing Stops.

There are many ways to set trailing stops to Find that which suits your trading style best.

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Trading 101
APM Chart 10.8.2012

APM Chart 10.9.2012

Be sure to SELL when your stop is hit. Trust me... You don't want to be holding a dead

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Trading 101
“Zeus' Strike And The Alignment Of The Stars"
I had my fair share of profitable adventures with my linemen when dealing with
3rd or 2nd Liners.

"The Zeus' Strike!"

The only lightning strike you'll be wanting to catch.

Now whenever my linemen, the moving averages, like the 20MA or the 50MA go below
prices, I noticed that most of the time, a short term rally happens.

But when the 100MA dives under the prices,It takes the rally into another whole new
rampaging level!

Now I don't know how you call it in your village, but I call it Zeus' Strike
because of that Blue 100MA that kind a reminds me of Zeus' Lightning bolt strikes
that sends things flying whenever it hits the ground.

So when you see that 100MA getting close to the prices, you better be locked and

“The Alignment Of The Stars"

I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard about this right?
I've heard and seen this a lot in movies. And they say that this phenomenon usually brings
"Good Fortune"

When you see the 3 moving averages in this order : where 20MA > 50MA > 100MA,

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Trading 101
EEI Daily Chart

That means the Alignment of the Stars has favored the Bulls and we can all sit tight and
start counting our growing profits.

These lines and parameters are the Trend Follower's Favorite. "The gods have given us an

But I also remember some scenes where the alignment caused "FREE-DOOM!"

NI Daily Chart

You can Call this "The Reverse Alignment"

And yes, there's also A Reverse Zeus' Strike. But when dealing with 3rd liners (and some
jockeyed 2nd liners), it is sometimes important that you also watch its weekly chart. Not all
3rd liners can sustain big and long runs. So by doing this, you'll be able to get hints if a
Zeus' Strike or The Alignment Of The Stars is a sign of more God Smitin',

Zeus' Strike = 100MA Dives Under Prices

AOTS = Alignment Of The Stars = 20 MA > 50 MA > 100 MA

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Trading 101

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Trading 101
Rare Instance When ZS and AOTS

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Trading 101
Happen in both Weekly and Daily Charts

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Trading 101
NI's Weekly AOTS = Top!

Additional Notes
In the case of Blue Chips and fundamentally sound 2nd Liners,
ZS and AOTS in the Daily Chart is enough.
Additional Charts
(2nd Half 2015)

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Trading 101

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Trading 101
“Prices and 100MA"
It has come to a surprise for me that even after a few brainwashing
sessions with the new comers, some still don't know the essence of the ZS - or maybe
some just failed to read my post about it.
Maybe that explanation was too action packed and geeky.
So here's a fresh perspective for the ladies and the romantics.
This is Romeo and This is Juliet

And yes. She's upside down or it could be that Romeo is the one who's upside down.
My head is starting to hurt. Let's just say they live in a very complicated world.
They are lovers. They don't know it yet. But they are confused? Don't worry. I'm confused
too……Now here's a chart.

Imagine that blue line be Romeo, he's smooth and determined.

And Juliet, the violet line she's fickle minded.

Now they haven't seen each other for a very long time What do you think happens when
they do? MAGIC!

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Trading 101
“Sagasa Order"
These badass orders are like fireworks when seen in the ticker.
These can be either a sell or a buy order where you buy or sell
at least 5 flucs from the current price with relatively high volume.
These orders can be very effective in chart drawing.
Here's an example:

I could have waited for a clear breakdown...But sometimes I just want to play the bad guy...
Recently, I have been getting multiple 'letters'

of serious yet funny questions like "are you a jockey?" "are you group trading?" and other
similar questions so to answer these, No and No.
I'm just a small time trader with a system fine tuned for basura plays and while I do teach
real time trading to my students, I avoid disclosing my buys/sells for them to learn on their
In the markets, there is no such thing as trading buddies or "allies." Because by the end of
the day, whether you like it or not, we're all just animals trying to survive. It's Eat or be

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Trading 101
“The Trading Port Resetting"
The Trading Port - The 2nd of the three ZF ports and the most actively traded of the
three. Every 3/6 months all profits are withdrawn and the port gets reset to 2.0 M. If
within the 6 months no profits have been made, no additional funds will be added
into the trading port.
Port Snapshots will be added but shaded until the end of April which would be the
next port reset event. (Post updates 1.26.2015)
Deleted all previous port snapshots so no one will attempt to do 'computations' and
get which stocks I left. (Post Update 3.20.2015)
Sold most of these babies.

(1st Trophy Trade for 2015. Too bad didn't break that 1M profit barrier)

Post Update April 1, 2015

This will be the Last series of port Snapshots for this season.

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Trading 101

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Trading 101

Jan-Mar (1st Quarter)

Trading Port Performance:

Next Port Reset Event :

April 20

Please be reminded that these snapshots are a work of fiction

and by no means should you believe them.

Click link below to see the last

time I did a similar post.


To all my students, If nagawa ko,

magagawa nyo rin. I'll just leave Kap's message here...

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Trading 101

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Trading 101
“The Pirate's Rally & The Insider's Call”
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another round of madness by yours truly.
Remember the ZS post? Well... I'd like to add a little spice to it. Let's say, a touch of Insider
Trading sounds exciting huh?, But before we go into it, let me first introduce you to another
word I added into the ZF vocabulary:

"The Pirate's Rally"

The Pirate's Rally is a parlay between market captains with no real insider buying,
sometimes coupled with filthy rumors set to trap them newbie's gold.

The "PR" only happens to 3rd-Liner or Notorious stocks that have been on a steady, long,
downtrend so Just to be clear: A PR is not a ZS but they do have things in common.
Now, on to the exciting part...

"The Insider's Call"

Normally when a PR happens the stock gets attention, but dies in the succeeding weeks or
even days - A classic tale of hype and dump, and giving them poor newbies a free trip to
good ol' Davy Jones' Locker, but when an Insider's Call is in the works, instead of dying, the
stock holds its ground, consolidates at the highs, and at some point in time releases a
magical disclosure or rumor that rekindles the candle of hope found in the deep crevices of
the hearts of those long term Ipiteros a.k.a "Investors."
Take this for example...
CAL is one notorious stock for Market manipulation Majority of the traders and investors out
there will give a big "NO" if asked if they were to ever buy and invest in CAL, but a few
weeks back. A pirate's rally happened now I want you to look at these transactions and
dates they were made:

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Trading 101

Then Wednesday (4.17.2013) came and CAL announced huge dividends!

(And with it, the cry of hope a thousand CAL ipiteros was heard.)

"SJ Rox you lucky bastard!" Some might say. But nooooooooooo!
I'm assuming something like this happened the day after that two-day pirate rally: And thus
the term, "Insider's Call"

I know it's lame. Deal with it! All stocks, whether blue chips or 3rd Liners have their own set
of insiders. You just hafta identify which houses they use or if there are any fishy players
disturbing the "peace." On 3rd Liners however, Insider Calls can be easily spotted when
you see "buys of aggression" on the board, assume that somewhere, somebody's cooking
a pot of profits and you might want to join in - of course you hafta weigh the odds before
you get in at whatever price that stock is currently at.

Just think about it... Who in their right mind would buy trash? (especially when they buy in
big amounts)

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Trading 101
“Superstocks and The "Informant"
For today's post, I would like you to join me in appreciating renaissance art.

I rarely go to forums or social media to read "Anong meron" or What's up posts regarding
super stocks. And recently I just did. Usually, my reason for reading is to be entertained by
the mudslinging between the hypers and bashers. And my usual reaction?
Who still remembers BHI's "Gabay" from 3 years ago? No disrespect to the person, but you
know a stock's end is near when you find a crowd of hypers hungry for the next post of a
personality i shall now call "the informant."

BTW, Those days were "The Days" of chain basuras.

Anyways, don't you find it strange that this informant who to be honest, hasn't been a
notorious rumormonger for some time, suddenly pops out of nowhere with all this
information and stuff? And talk about timing! Why now? Why not when it was trading before
the super move?

And the funny thing is, the majority would accept anything this person says. Like some holy
prophet or something.

I now give you this crown and you will be called the "Anointed One" , respected and known
throughout the stock forums or whatever social media you use.

*Dramatic Sound Effect Plays*

I know it's sound crazy. But if you don't believe me, go and check out those forums and
social media. And if you already know about these "Anointed Ones" could you post the links
on the comments below so future readers would be enlightened? Thanks.

Spoiler alert: It will probably look like this:

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Trading 101
“The Art of Cutting Losses"
Losing in stocks is like having a bad relationship you want to end.
But for some sentimental reason, you just can't.
Because... Yeah Right...
And soon, you find yourself drained mentally and physically by all, the emotional
baggage,. You could have let go and ended it.
But no! you think to yourself: But it's already too late." Or "There's still hope!"

When you start chanting these words in your mind. Your port might end up like the ports of
two Basura fund managers that I happen to stumble upon somewhere.

Specimen A

Specimen B

Are you in a similar position?

I'm sure the stocks in these ports didn't become the vile beasts that they are overnight. So
if you find yourself in a bad position, sit back and evaluate.

"Is it time to let go?"

Cutting is painful. But if you don't want to be sitting in a corner crying like a little bitch, then
end it early. Remember :

There is no shame in taking a loss. So cut to trade another day.

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Trading 101
“Sleeper Plays 101"
Sleeper Plays or in a more popular term, "Bodega Plays"

Before we start, please click that lovely link below and observe the stock allocation of the
Mage Class

http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/p/zf-portfolio-class.html - ZF Portfolio Class

During my adventures, I have met some traders who are in this category big time. I was
wondering how some people have the strength to 'love' just a few stocks for months without

You know, those who post relentlessly on the threads of their favorite stucks, sometimes
just talking to themselves or worse, creating multiple accounts just so these accounts could
talk to each other.

All just so others would take notice - maybe to the hype, to have the thread on the top
pages, or some reason who knows what. It's pretty damn funny sometimes.

I'm sure you guys and gals have met a bunch. Just a tip in dealing with these types:
Even if we're in the internet, Never make eye contact. Never!

But the best part about these guys, is when the stock begins a monster rally. And then they
start acting like a know it all guru and "telling you so." And those who oppose this new guru
gets to be ganged up by the crazy followers - Such magnificent display of ignorance. But
who cares?

I'm actually guilty of some of these during my ignoramus days.

Moving on....

When dealing with sleepers, you should first ask yourself these fundamental technical

"Has the downtrend come to a stop and is now on sideways?"

"Are there signs of bullishness or higher low (HL) patterns?"

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Trading 101

If you answered yes. The next questions you should consider if you plan on buying the
sleeper are:

"Am I willing to wait for at least 3 months?"

"Will I not be tempted if I see other stocks flying and my sleeper continues to sleep?"

If you answer Yes to these, then you're another step to making that trade.
Because most traders fail to prepare their minds and so these things happen:
Having the right mindset for the right kind of play and to the right kind of trader is key to a
successful trade.

Which means, if you're a trader who loves quick plays, don't go 'investing' or if you're buying
to invest, don't get excited every friggin' time your stock goes up.

That's not being multi-dimensional but that's simply being moronic.

Search the crevices of your soul and see if you're a trader or an investor.

Now for the last step.

Buying a sleeper means buying at a low range. And buying at this particular range isn't very
easy. For one, it's probably in an illiquid state. Not a lot of transactions happening.

It can desecrate supports or even give wild upswings if some trader suddenly loses his

Couldn't get my
earlier records. And
it doesn't look the
same now because
of those stock divs.

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Trading 101
So you would have to adjust not just your expected timeframe, but your exposure and cut
points as well - because trust me, you don't want to be in a "coma" when things go bad.

But If everything goes well and momentum picks up, volume and liquidity will gradually
improve. And all those days and stress of hoarding for those shares will finally pay off and
from here, you get to sweetly decide if you're going to transition your play to TF or

"But Zee, how will I know if it's game time?"

Simple. Once it breaks a major resistance most prolly the 3 or 6 months resistance.

Keep this simple pyramid in mind.

It doesn't always look like that. But oh well you get to say some things when you're ZF and
as to the upside once momentum kicks in?

Here's an idea:
http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2014/11/just-for-records-mrc.html - “MRC – Sleeper Play”

Here's another one courtesy of a legendary trading buddy:

(Snapshot as of 7.1.2015)

And just for this case study:

(Thanks in advance sa mga hypers and gurung ulols)

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Trading 101

Just make sure to put the necessary trail stops.

You don't want your gains to be eaten up.

Update 6.26.2015 (market closing)

So uhh. Yeah. Sleeper Plays. Problem now is.. Where to sell?

I wish all my problems are like this.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to trade every winning stock to be highly
profitable in the markets. You just need to trade the few stocks that matter.

Study more so you'll trade less.

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Trading 101
“ZF Portfolio Class"

Every Trader has their own "Portfolio Mix"

Here are the characters behind my Ports:

Main Port : Class : Knight "The Capital Defender"

Extremely High HP Class. A few critical blows won't
take this baby down that easy.
This trader type usually goes for Trending stocks that
have good fundamentals and stories to tell.
Yields the highest rewards with the least stress, but
extreme discipline is a must if you wish to master this class.

Trading Port (v1) : Class : Elven Archer "One Shot. One Kill"
Precision is everything, does high damage to
targets. But taking a single critical hit could prove
fatal. A highly specialized class of traders who are
either crazy hunters that have that need to feel that adrenaline rush, or strategic players
who are deadly accurate in calling the shots. Either way, a strong mental capacity is
required for this class.

Trading Port (v2) : Class : Swordsman "Balance is what I am."

You know that moment when you just love your
character so much that you don't want to change
class? And so you end up being

This class is where most traders belong It doesn't

matter what kind of play as long as you're playing.

Sleeper Port : Class : Mage "Time is Money."

If there are two things they're good at, It's knowledge and patience.

These aren't your average traders. Speculative sleepers and Dividends are their specialty.
Cash or Stocks, they can smell it a mile away.
There are many kinds of port classes. Some even diverge. But if you wish to maximize your
gains, (if your liquidity allows), then pick a class above.
So what class are you?

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Trading 101

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Case Study
“MRC – Sleeper Play”
If you think I'm hyping, well.. I kinda am. Since I rarely post and show the stocks I hold,
(unlike before.) My reason for buying is purely techs. No tips, no rumors, no "friends-tayo"
buys. I'm just trying out this new case study of market cycles, and finding potential
multibagger basuras before the crowd gets in. And currently, it's rewarding me well.

Because reading all those other crap, including those disclosures?

MRC Weekly Chart (As of 11/1/2014)

I don't have a TP. Another reason why I'm posting this here is for bragging rights.
You see all those gurus and 'ginyoses' posting charts yet have not a single damned share
in their port(s). When the end for this cycle comes, I'd like to be one of the annoying ones
who say....

"I told you so..."

Now for those of you who read this post, and buy because of what you read just remember
that I'm ready to unload my hoard when the tide turns and my expectations are not met.

I understand that I've gained quite a number of haters, and people who just want to see my
port burn. Well...

Port C : Sleeper
Shake me if you can. Because this port got all the time in the world.

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Case Study
“The BoHemIan Church Part 1”
Two different charts. The first looks dangerous. The other looks perfectly fine.
But do you know what‟s so similar about these two?
They are ONE.

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Case Study
“The BoHemIan Church Part 2”
Update (September 30)

Technically good. But what bothers me is houses 253 (Tower) and especially 115 (SB -
mgt. Broker) being net sellers, a lot of houses in ipit state, and general market being

I'd buy either at .30-305 or when prices close above .415

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Case Study
Update (September 26)

Will the BHIlievers be rewarded?

Or will they wake up from their dream and end up in the BHIlibids?

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Case Study
“The BoHemIan Church: Conclusion Part 3”
Its funny how people quickly have a change of heart. I remember when BHI was having wild
upswings and everybody was gaining. Lots of praises to the company owners and especially to
those people who shared their "insider info".

But now that the tides have turned, what do they do? They blame the same people for their losses. If
one would only be objective in trading.

He could have gained a maximum of 27.65% from BHI today, buying at the lows, and selling at the
days high. Ok. Ok. highly improbable, so let's just say a minimum of 10% Gain. Not bad for a day's

(Even Higher for tomorrow's rally - If there is one.)

If you already have the money. Then be a Judas Trader. BHIlieve (BUY), then BHItray (SELL) And
rid yourself of all emotions or you'll end up like the real Judas when he became emotional.
BHIlieved, BHItrayed, but in the end nag BHIgti. (Loss of at least 25%)

For those who BHIlieved 'other people' , they are now feeling BHItrayed when you play this kind of
game, never trust anyone but yourself.

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Case Study
Here's a Quick
Review of the
BoHemIan Church:

A company that
submitted their FS
in the nick of time.
(Pinoy Company

No matter how
good the 'figures'
are, this act and
mindset is just
another form of BS.

I believe in
investing in
companies that
don't only have
good track records,
But also a
management with
excellent command
and initiative in the
BHI is not one of

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Case Study
“iNIhao - The JAPanese's Favorite Food”
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chart: "Up Up and Away! But as to how high this will go, only the Jockey knows."

How long do you think you can hold the iNihao food? Masarap kumain ng iNIhao!

Just make sure YOU won't end up being the ihaw!

Daily Chart

Weekly Chart
Case Study

NI monthly chart (last candlestick is of October) Sideways to Up movement.

I just love parallel patterns. If history repeats itself, what will be the next top? Above 10
Less than 20? What say the JAPanese?
I was expecting this rise.. But Honestly? I didn't think it would be THIS Fast!
Wasn't able to maximize profits tuloy.

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Case Study
Is the cycle finished? Or are we just halfway there?
There's a rumor going around that NI Target is 20.
Technically speaking, that would be OUTRAGEOUS.
Possible, but outrageous.

While NI is

demanding for a bounce from its oversold state,

patternwise it still has... uhmmm.. more bad news,

lots of finger cutting, and capitulation to do.
I've been stalking this stock for quite some time now and
I believe the Jocks are about to give "The Signal"

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Case Study

NI daily chart as of 7.19.2013

As you can see from the chart above, NI is now attempting to do a
Zeus Strike (100MA Diving below the prices). Please do observe
what happened a few months later after the ZS - highlighted by those cute black circles.
Now If the pattern repeats itself, do we see 15-20?
You might be laughing right now thinking that's absurd.
But hey! I was thinking the same thing 2 years ago when somebody said NI will hit 12.

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Case Study
“LMG : A Recollection”
Reasons for buying LMG that time:
Fresh Basura.
Candidate for Borg Plays.
Backdoor Rumor. Ending
Trading Port 1.25.12

Trading Port 1.31.12

This is LMG's Ending Bid/Ask Board for 1.21.2013

This board is very similar to the one

during LMG's borg run of 2012.

(Notice the Bid side. Those aren't pads

but real orders)
Obviously Jockeys are back. But the
question is,
will there be a REPLAY?

Last year, Jockeys used brokers PCCI,

AT De Castro, SG Roxas,
and DA Market to dominantly clean the
board and push up the
price. - Chucky Brokers.

There were two rumors that time,

1 - Backdoor Ongoing.
2 - Moonie Lim of the famous BW had "Plans."

(I have no idea which brokers they used to do the EQ Trades)

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Case Study

Board Conditioning 2/13/2013

(For Documentation Purposes only)

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Case Study
“Watchlist ABA”
Here lies a watchlist of stocks with very fishy figures.
Might be worth a look. Might be not.

The Good news is, we just broke the psychological P1 Mark, and made
an all time high at 1.13! We are at the next level of distribution.

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Case Study
What happened today is widely known as "Pasa-load." - A move usually seen in Jockeyed
Different Brokers but the same entity would "pass" the "load" to create artificial volume and
The result? Entity behind the scheme wins BIG! And of course, the little sheep gets

Here are the top 10 Buyers/Sellers for ABA today. (Click the images to Enlarge)
Care to guess which brokers serve the same master?

Top 10 Sellers

Top 10 Buyers

Before you buy, it is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of that
particular stock.
If you bought and held today. I think You're in deep ****.

Support now at psychological P1SO.

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Case Study
“Watch list FOOD”

During the last Minutes of Trading, there was a sudden bid - pad of 15M+ Shares at 1.24.

I guess Tower badly wanted to know who made the pad.

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Case Study
I wonder what rumor they unleashed on the markets this time.
The Ceiling Season... Has it come?
ZHI's recent move reminds me of the good old days ...

Remember this stock being 2011's "Mountain King"

The strongest GREEN on the sea of RED. The Charts below, I post as a Swing Trader.

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Case Study

Dear Students, Read, Analyze, Digest.

Setting Tight Stops

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Case Study
Post Update 1.23.2013

Post Update 1.31.2013

ZHI Chart 1.31.2013

(Market Not yet closed)

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Case Study
Post Update
The Aftermath... 2.23.2013

Possible Bounce in the coming days.

Such is the cycle. Techs don't lie.

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Case Study
“Basura Plays:WIN, UNI, ”

1 - WIN Daily Chart

2 - UNI Daily Chart

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Case Study

3 - WIN Weekly Chart

4 - UNI Weekly Chart

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Case Study
Updated January 25, 2012

Updated January 28, 2012

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Case Study
“Basura Plays 101: Its BHI All Over Again!”
But in this case, WIN has the upperhand.

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Case Study
“Basura Plays 101: EVER!”
This stock really loves to do a loop in time.
But I wonder if things will be different this time around.
Post Update 12.22.2012

If prices consolidates above .375 in the next two trading weeks,

we might have something here. - Next BHI/PHES?

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Case Study

For your own safety, please follow your OWN trading plan
and do not believe the crazy trader.
Ideal Buy Price @ .375 / 38
Cutpoint = If prices closes below .375
(Darvas Method)

Additional Notes:
Jockeyed Stock, has high Volatility, and is currently in a "Slightly Liquid" state.
Expect another +50% Upside If Recent 52-Week High Gets Broken

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Case Study
“The Sentiment Cycle : TSI!”

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Case Study
“The Sentiment Cycle : IS!”

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Case Study
“The Sentiment Cycle : WIN!”

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Case Study
“The Sentiment Cycle : BHI”

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Case Study
“Basura Plays 101: Its PWR All Over Again!”

But unlike PWR that had no "other" resistances, VITA still has one more to take out @ 1.72
It's Amazing how players and the market as a whole react to certain patterns. But of course,
there's always that possibility that the market and theplayers have changed. Trade with
Update 10.29.2012
It could have mimicked PWR if it closed near the highs.
But alas it did not. Too bad.
Case Study
“Investor Mode”
But just for study. Using TA, I'm trying to find and "time" good
[strong fundamentals] stocks for long term investment.

Added December 13 2011 - EEI Weekly

Finding The Bottom and Timing stocks with Technicals .

EEI Closed 4.62 Last Friday, Jan20, 2012.

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Case Study
And My EEI is up 37.91% After 6 Weeks!
Using TA, I'm trying to find and "time" good
[strong fundamentals] stocks for long term investment.
Not really the best of banks, but it's one of the best bank stocks to trade in the market.

IAt's been a while since I last did this...

This is my second time to post under 'Investor Mode' tag.. You know me, I love volatility!
But I make special cases especially when I see potential future flyers.

PNB 6 Months Daily View - (PNB All time Weekly Chart)

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Case Study
By the way, PNB Registered Php103,703,313 NFB Today.
Something's cooking.. Maybe something in their 1st half reports..
Maybe something else... But of course... that's all in my crazy head...
As one of my teachers in FM put it: "Price Action Always Ahead of News..."

If those key resistances are breached, HOLD until your greed is satisfied. Hihihihi.
Buy on dips... Follow the trend...
Timeframe: 3-6 Months
PD: None as of the moment.

My Criteria In selecting stocks for this page:

1 - Must have Good Fundamentals (Obviously)
2 - Moves Faster Than the Usual Blue Chip or has "controlled" movements.
3 - Good Liquidity - Enough to Buy 8 Figures Worth of Shares and still be able to sell with
4 - Ripe Technicals - Where Technicals tell you there's a possibility for at least 10% upside
within 3 Months.

Though these Stocks are slow compared to the speculative hares, you'll be sure they end
up winners.

Here are 3 Important Stock Movements You Should Know:

Type A
Accumulation and Consolidation Stage, Extremely Boring Movement.
Hoard With the Fundies if you wish to get it at a discount.
(Click Here For My Post on Type A Movement)
Type B
Breakout. The most Subtle of all breakouts. Start Buying Like Crazy.
Type C
Chase. It's still safe to chase prices. The Run is just starting.

3 Year Daily Chart

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Case Study
Sector - Energy
Added 8.19.2012
Currently in Type A Movement
Note: This was added for the sake that
Type A Movement would be represented in the archives.
Criteria No. 4 Disregarded

2 Year Daily Chart

Sector - Infrastructure
Added 8.11.2012
Currently in Type C Movement

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Case Study
6 Month Daily Chart
Sector - Property
Added 8.11.2012
Currently in Type B Movement

1 Year Daily Chart

Sector - OIL
Added 10.16.2012
Currently in Type B Movement
Techs Are ripe for another BORG RUN!
AP currently in Type B Movement.
I'm expecting it to do a Type C in the coming days.

AP Daily Chart
There are no Target Prices.
Only Trailing Stops.

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Case Study
“Borg Plays : SMDC”
One of the Best ingredients for the perfect Borg:
A Price Breakout to a new All Time High.
And a good catalyst to push prices
"where no price has gone before..."

Always remember when playing with Borg Stocks,

There are no TPs. Only Trailing Stops.
My Rules On Trailing Stops:

Always Set/Adjust to 2 Trailing Stops.

Once the first stop is hit, consider that as a warning shot. Sell a part of your position.
And when you see your 2nd Stop getting hit, Sell without any hesitation.
Lock-in those profits and don't look back!
(especially if that stock decides to go up later on.)
Nobody likes a bitter and bitchin' trader.
This is me when prices go near my second stop (50/100 MA)

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Case Study
“Basura Plays 101: POPI!”

Insider - An individual who has access to confidential company information.

(definition taken from Ivestorwords.com)
They're BIG and They have lots of ammo.

For Basura Stocks, there's always a bad-ass insider. Especially when they love to give BS
to the public. Throwing them some really good news...
along with their bombs.

Of course, you don't expect them to hold on to their bombs forever do you?

The length of a basura play is almost always relative to the length of an insider's
accumulation. The longer the accumulation, you get plays like BHI, NI, etc. Just like in war,
the stronger force call in airstrikes, but they don't finish the enemy off! No. Not yet.


But plays like these are better since you have more chances to react when things go sour.

Now Behold, the shape behind the one or two day wonders!

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Case Study
“Basura Plays 101: ARA!”
Chart as of 2.5.2013

ARA Recipe For Failed Ceiling

Minute Chart as of 2.6.2013
Chart Update 2.21.2013

Still boils down to the basics.

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Case Study

If my bias is correct, spike will happen within 2-3 Trading days.

Looking at its long term chart,
ARA reminds me of BHI/WIN/PHES
Could this be the next people stock?

Chart Update 2.22.2013

Remember, There are no Target Prices. Only Trailing Stops.

If ARA gaps up tomorrow with heavy buying,

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Case Study
expect a super borg play.
Post Update 2.27.2013
Strong Close By ARA today.
Another Gap tomorrow?

Post Update 3.11.2013

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Case Study
“Suicide Plays”
All this time I've been trading AAA since it hit the 1.xx Levels.
Damn, i should have held and forgot about it. That's all hindsight now. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Even getting bloodshot eyes as a result of waiting for this horsie to
pop out on the ticker during the consolidation phases.
Ok. ok. Enough with the useless introduction Zee and let's get down to business.
I couldn't help but notice a few broker(s) accumulating, even Hoarding the "cookies"

Did the computations for you lazy readers. Hihihi

Brokers to Watch:
House 206 = Management Broker
I think it's safe to say that Houses 263, 200, and 232 are either
CRAZY or they know something JUICY!

Now, the reason why i put this entry under "Suicide Plays" is
because of the current board - the bid/ask spread.
It's like a CHUCKY stuck!
Once you buy a 100k Shares, you won't be able to sell it so easily.
If you do, this stuck might find itself in the top 10 Losers!
To the adVENTUREr, If you're reading this,
Aren't you the same guy who played AAI and pushed it to a hundred?
hAAApy hoAAArding to you! Hihihi...
When the endgame comes, i just hope this cookie would turn out to be a hell of a fortune

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Case Study
“What if?”

Oh and before I forget, here's a little thought that has been tickling my mind recently.

MAKE made a clear breakout from its descending channel 3 days ago.
RSI currently at the 60's
You do know what happened to PWR after it broke out from PISO right?
Maybe I'm just thinking too much. Anything can happen here\

Chart Updated: 4/30/2012

How about you? What MAKEs your day?

(Chart update 5.4.2012)

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Case Study

(Chart update 5.11.2012)

Won't recommend a buy at these levels.

But interesting.. WWJD? - What Would Jockeys Do?
I hope they damn the RSI and just push it up to the 40s!

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Case Study
“Borg Plays : APM Blowoffs?”
"Just BUY Tomorrow and Enjoy the "JUMP" in the coming days."

APM 6 month Weekly Chart 10.11.2012

Update 10.12.2012

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Case Study
Update 10.16.2012

Should there be another decline tomorrow.

Bullish = price not going below .088 or .091 (the higher the better) + volume not greater
than today's

Update 10.19.2012

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Case Study
Update 10.24.2012

If there will be another decline/(consolidation) in the coming days,

Bullish = Price not closing below .15/.151 + Volume not higher than today's
Always set your stops.
Update 10.27.2012

We should see a clear direction on where this is heading within the next 1-2 trading days.
Any close on or above the .16 Level would be considered bullish. Peg your Stop on .144

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Case Study

Board approval of changes in par value/corporate name, increase in authorized capital

stock, reorganization of oil and mineral assets into subsidiary; Special Stockholders'
Meeting on December 11, 012, Record Date on November 14, 2012

Too much speculation...

But whatever they say, Price Action is King!
Breakdown @ .144 = Bye!
Breakout @ .169 = Buy!

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Case Study
The Market is dark and full of terrors...

While Distribution is evident in ABA.

It does not mean price will NOT go up.

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Case Study
“FDP : HVN Sent”
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Slept through the whole morning of HVN's IPO.

Got to buy in the afternoon session and ended June with a bang.
Trade Template : Textbook ZFT Ceiling Plays

hindsight, it was the right decision.

Classic case of Buy high sell higher.

Some of the Bushido students said they froze as they watched the price go from 12 to 23.
They already knew what to do but they just couldn't execute.

There are two possible reasons for this :

1. No prior experience to the setup / Lack of confidence
2. Fear of the unknown
If you wish to kill a medusa, go forward and swing your sword. You don't stare them right in
the face.

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Case Study
“Sleepers : UNI”
To Accumulate or Not To Accumulate.
EVER's Tandem, The UNIcorn.

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Case Study
“Bounce Play :TSI”
Ladies and Gents, you just witnessed a classic Pump and Dump.
TSI on Review:
Fact 1: TSI denies backdoor rumors. Killing off the speculative catalyst.

Fact 2: By tomorrow 12/20/2012, around 30M Shares will be released from lockup.

Here is TSI Chart as of 12/18/2012

Under Normal Circumstances, the 61.8 OR 76.4 Fibo's should hold just fine for a possible
bounce, but with those shares ready to be unlocked by tomorrow, we might just see this
dragged to hell.

That's just me though.

TSI's "End of the World" Just got a day earlier.

"What is our tip for today, your grace? Hath the gods spoken of the coming disclosure?"
The end is near and at this stage, only a few people dare warn of the impending doom.
Because, anyone who attempts to do so would face terrible consequences.

"Repent from your Greed and Selleth thy stocks! The end is near!"

I'm not saying any of the current superstocks are going to end anytime now. But then again,
I kinda am. I just feel like I had to post this so that people who think I'm hyping and who
think i'm bullish would think otherwise. (Or not.) Oh. And the ending of every superstock?
Remember those bashers or even a few of those who were hypers? This is what they will
tell you, pretty annoying right? Especially if you didn't get out alive.
And as for The Informant?

Probably off to some foreign country.

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Case Study
“Bottom Fishing WEB and The Tiny Frog”
Friday, August 12, 2016

This stock has been the talk of the town this

week. So much money lost in such a short
amount of time. You can feel the fear in almost

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Case Study
every trading group and even in normal news feeds. It was quite an exciting time for some
of us in ZFT who bought the reversal. The tension became greater when it got suspended.

"See you at the floor."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't affected. We were talking about what we'd be doing if WEB
would do a "TAPET." Open ceiling. Close ceiling. Everyone who had WEB in the tribe was
mentally preparing for the worst case scenario.

But the thing is... we aren't fundamentalists. Nor are we speculators. We are technicians.
Yes we have emotions but rather than guessing and stressing over the things we cannot
control, we instead act upon the things we can control.

Of course this post wouldn't be complete without those lovely port snapshots to prove our
point. Here's that lovely link (In case you're wondering, we don't do group trades. It's just
that we use the same system and usually end up trading the same set of stocks. )


Because if you're all talk

but no show, you're prolly a

Let me end this post with a


The Tiny Frog

“We must stand guard at the doorway of our minds”

Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition.
The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.

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Case Study
A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants.
The race began.

Honestly: No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the
tower. You heard statements such as: “Oh, way too difficult!” “They will never make it to the
top.” “Not a chance that they will succeed.” “The tower is too high!”

The tiny frogs began collapsing one by one – except for those who kept a fresh tempo and
kept climbing higher and higher.

The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult! No one will make it!” More tiny frogs got tired
and gave up.

But one continued higher and higher and higher. This one wouldn‟t give up.

At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who,
after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top.

All of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it.
Another contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach
the goal.

It turned out… the winner was deaf. The wisdom of this story is: Never listen to other
people‟s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic. They take your most wonderful dreams
and wishes away from you if you let them– the ones you have in your heart!

Be deaf to the people who tell you that you cannot fulfil your dreams, goals and aspirations.

Author unknown

Happy weekend everyone!

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Case Study
“Merry X-Mas and the Buy Back Program”
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Several weeks ago some friends, who have a hard time believing in technicals alone, were
telling me to buy X (Xurpass) because the company has apparently been buying back their
shares at current prices - it was trading between 9.x - 10.x that time.

"Galing sa kinse yan! Umabot pa nga ng Bente. Parang steam games lang, super X-mas
sale! Mismong company buma-buy back! Di sila tanga. Bili na tayo!"
"Cheap Valuations" according to my favorite broker.

(Taken from the

PSE Edge website)

I'm no
fundamentalist and
I don't follow
brokers. I'm like
John Snow,
All I know is had I
bought X at that
time based on the
company's buy
back program, I'd
be incurring a loss
of at least -10% by

If you were in my shoes, what would you tell your friends the next time you meet and talk
about X?

"Okay lang. Di sila tanga."

I wonder how long I'll wait before they'll start saying,

"I told you so."

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Case Study
Dear Students, Dissect and Digest.
This is how the trade was Executed. (If I remember correctly)

4.21.2015 - 5.14.2015

Set my Trail Stop at 1.12 Darvas.

But as soon as I saw the red flag on that possible bull trap,
I decided TO BE the confirmation than to WAIT for it.

Update 6.19.2015

After a breakout from that 1.28, POPI zoomed up to as high as 1.59 whipsawing a lot of
traders along the way.

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Case Study

Currently, that 1.28 Level is the current line in the sand for TF players. Swingers would
have their supports pegged at 1.42.

Ideal scenario next week for this baby is to gap this up at the open just 1-3 flucs higher and
hold that 1.47 line.

Another scenario would be to flush out all the weaklings up to 1.42 support (preferably
higher) then close this at 1.47 or higher.

Whatever the case, RSI 70 in the daily must hold if we'd like to see another action pumped
week for POPI If it holds, expect a 2-4 days consolidation before the next upsurge.

If it doesn't move by then. Be afraid Be very afraid.

Smells like PWR/BHI/PHES/APM/IS play all over again I wish I had this kind of capital
during those days.


Update 6.25.2015

Came so close to another 1M for this month Too bad bulls and buying pressure weakened.

Just an intraday snapshot 'at the highs' current port is lower than this.

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Case Study

So today's close looks like a potential 'top' for this run.

If we want this money making machine to continue printing us more money, we should
(ideally) let it rest for a while.
I hate consolidations. But what's a few weeks of waiting for an awesome run right?

If I were the market maker hired to draw POPI, I'd be establishing supports at 1.73-1.61
before blasting this off to the 2.xx levels and distributng my next batch of shares.

Hopefully these levels hold.

I was able to take a screenshot of this 'event' earlier.

Market makers trying to have a 'big buyer's presence' felt.

The funny thing about this trap is that those small fishes and shrimps think that UBS or
whoever it is, is on THEIR side - that
This big foreign buyer won't sell at a loss. EVER. Well wrong.
Coz you never know if UBS is just one of King's many alter egos.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Case Study
“Tsupita Notes: SMC”
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

So many rumors are going around why SMC is going up reminds me of my younger
days of sessions of passing around "the cup” and tell a story.

Most of them were funny lies just for entertainment. It's probably the same thing
going around here. A Buyout? The Japanese Link? I wonder why people tell me
these things when they know I don't care.

Keep it simple.

Type Of Play : Breakout / Momentum / TF

Trade Objective : Sell On Resistance

A total of 5 Trading Days.

The Stock Market is a game and if you learn and follow its rules?
The money will follow.

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Case Study
“Tsupita Notes: SSI”
Monday, February 1, 2016

Bought the mini breakout in tranches at 1.29.2016

Type of Play : Bottom Fishing / Breakout
Trade Objective : Intraday TF

Snapshot before selling.

Panic Button Ready

Sold after Intraday stops got hit.

Thanks to the bulk bidders, I didn't have to sell in small tranches.

SSI Daily Chart

Short term Bullish.
Mid and Long term Still Bearish.

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Case Study

Intraday Chart After Selling

Additional notes:

Overall trend still down.

Will buy back for tsupitas if prices stabilize or breaks out.
I'll be bitter if it closes above 3.5 and I have no shares.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Case Study
“Tandem Plays: IPit Game & Enternet Game”
Looks like EG wasn't the only Game in town.

IP Weekly Chart

What Does 253 Know That We don't?

Looks like this guy was the unfair investor mentioned in the disclosure.

Top 5 IP Buyers September 26 - Bloodbath Day

Top 5 IP Buyers September 28

Voluntary Trading Suspension Disclosure

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Case Study

-- Update (October 5) --

Extended Voluntary Trading Suspension Disclosure

Here are a few Phrases Speculators like me love to hear:

Voluntary Trading Suspension

2. The corporation will make significant disclosures on October 4, 2011.

Pursuant to the foregoing reasons, the Corporation requests for voluntary trading
suspension in order to prevent an investor to have an undue or unfair advantage on the
trading of IP shares.

But of course...
Trading Suspensions can be quite deadly at the same time.
Remember what happened to DGTL-O and SMC?
Speculators like me might end up as IPits.
And with IPit stock on trading suspension, some IPit Speculators
might just play some of my beloved Enternet Games.

Student Exercises

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Case Study
“Tandem Plays: IPit Game & Enternet Game”
Friday, September 30, 2011
Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3


1. Read Posts



2. Answer the following Questions:

A - Which Port(s) Passed the Osmosis Test? Why?

B - Which Port(s) Passed the Linemen test? Why?

3. Discuss with your Classmates:

In the 3 Ports above, which stocks should stay and which ones should be sold (cut)?

4. Submit your final answers in tabular form. Explanations can be separate

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Case Study
“Basura Plays: AR”
Friday, September 30, 2011

Gaps and The Illusion of Demand

By sacrificing a million worth of shares to make a gap, big players create the illusion
of demand and enable them to unload more shares for a higher profit.

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Case Study

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Market Thought
“Emotional Blackmail"
Many great minds have said that Altruism is
what separates us human beings, from
Animals, Today I would like to talk about
Emotional Blackmail in stocks.
This is something very common
among today's traders and this happens
when you are unable to follow your own
trading plan on a specific stock, because of fear of relationship sabotage - between
you and the person or people you have engaged with on the particular stock.
For example:
Karding and I are friends. We bought FNI at 2.5 because at that time we both
believed It was a good buy. Several weeks later, the stock slides down to 2.4.
Karding says "I'll hold kasi surebol dobol to this 2015.", Because Karding and I are
friends, I decide to disregard my trading rules and hold. A few months later and I
find myself ipit at the 1.90s with considerable losses. I do not regret the decision
because I believe that by holding the stuck, I have kept our friendship bond strong.
Like a group of ants sinking... And dying together.
Emotional blackmail can also be that you harbor strong feelings of loyalty to a
person that when you sell the stock, the person says he or she has, you regard this
as an act of betrayal towards that person.
For Example:
Ernie is a respectable guru. He has one of the best market insights and most
of his stock picks go up considerably. One day, I decided to buy FED at 16. A few
days later, it rose up to 24 and instead of selling, I decided to hold because Ernie
said "LBC will backdoor and the chart is good. Not to mention the forward earnings
of the company…………….Sit Tight!"
A few weeks later, FED died and went back to 15. You hold despite the loss
because you just cannot betray your guru and believe that your loyalty will be
Like a small male spider attempting to mate with a big female black widow, You just
don't know if it's worth it in the end, But the worst kind of Emotional Blackmail is the
one that does not spring forth out of Altruism. One that is deliberate.
I am a guru or a very influencial person. I have many followers. I shall buy a stock
and after I have had my fill, I will hype with all kinds of crap. I will sell and tell them I
am still holding even though I am not.
Why? "Because my followers love me."
Like The Assassin Bug that uses the bodies of its victims as camouflage and at the
same time a trophy to attract other bugs and victims, Always remember that in our
markets, It's eat or be eaten.
So keep things professional. Because by the end of the day, your port is yours
alone - not your friend's, and definitely not your guru's.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Trolling The Truth"

People nowadays are so used to hearing lies that they think, what they hear is truth.
It could also be that the lies are becoming too good, that those who tell them
believe it's true and what I find amusing is how low some popular market
personalities have gone.

They tell you facts, throw in some really good quotes from awesome people, then
mix in their lies - to make that deliciously looking, hell spawn baked muffins and the
public doesn't even realize what's happening until it's too late!

Not that I don't like raisins. But I do hope you get my point, What happened to our
culture? Don't get me wrong. I love our Pinoy pride and spirit that perseveres and
works hard towards achieving our dreams and goals.

But what I don't like is this blight that has been slowly creeping in to be content of
mediocrity than to strive for excellence. To endure injustice and stay silent instead
of standing up against it. The only way for evil to triumph, is for the righteous to
remain silent. I don't claim to be righteous. And I do fear for my safety, But should I
remain silent after all the evil and corruption I've come to know?

Then it dawned on me.

We all have our own favorite childhood superhero they live everyday life just like
everyone else - blending in society and at the same time, they serve justice in their
trademark costumes and masks, But why? Why the need for a mask If you're doing
what's right?

Have you also noticed that in these stories, a lot of their enemies would
nonchalantly cause wreck and havoc in full view of the public?
My mind was blown as my eyes were opened to reality.

Of course I'm not saying I'm going to be a hero or a "seigi no mikata" coz for some
reason, you only become a hero in our country when you're DEAD.

So no thanks. I'll just be a troll who has an identity crisis and If one day I would find
myself in trial I'd tell the judge: "I swear to Troll the Truth and nothing but the Truth
So help me God."

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Quest for Financial Freedom"

In the quest for financial freedom, everybody starts somewhere.

This is my story.

I knew there was money in stocks. But I had this mindset that it was just for Rich
people. And I don't come from a rich family.

I was a graduating student, The words Job, Money and Future have been always a
point of pressure to me. I was waiting for my internship, and going abroad was the
most 'sensible' course of action for everyone that time, even now I guess. Maybe
that's just our culture.

While waiting for my internship, I remember I had an online trading/investing

account my brother opened for me on 2006 and I thought it would be such a waste
for my internship money to just sit there and rot with me.
So in the last quarter of 2010 I decided to try out stocks, making extra money on the
side wouldn't hurt right?

I started my search, I was like sponge and believed almost everything the 'experts'
said, I never missed reading the business section of the newspapers, and I followed
almost every forum personality that was known to be an expert in their field of the
markets and because of this, I was able to ride a few good stocks.

Behold the RSA Plays of 2010

Losing in stocks is like having a bad relationship you want to end, But for some
sentimental reason, you just can't Because... Yeah Right...And soon, you find
yourself drained mentally and physically by all the emotional baggage,. You could
have let go and ended it. But no! You think to yourself, But it's already too late." Or
"There's still hope!"

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
When you start chanting these words in your mind. Your port might end up like the
ports of two Basura fund managers

"So this is stocks." I thought to myself.

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Market Thought

The feeling of making money out of money in just a short amount of time was
magical.I felt like I could conquer the world. Finding a job? Who needs one if you
can earn all you want in stocks. Of course I needed to Graduate first. There's that
unspoken rule of Philippine culture that you need to graduate so people would know
you're worth something when they see your diploma hanging on the sala wall. And
of course to make your parents proud.

But after these plays, I started losing.

I realized that I was just lucky. Beginner's luck? Maybe, but the little gains I made
from my jackpot trades were enough to start a passion for Trading.

Fundamentals, Tips, Rumors, Techs. This was my order of priority.


I guess everybody starts out as a fundamentalist, We always want the 'sure thing.'

"A solid company that has lasted for years, A strong balance sheet, A good track
record, etc."

"Only a dumb person would ignore these numbers."

So who wouldn't buy that shit? I don't like reading books, especially doing
computations. I'm too lazy for that.
So I figured it would be easier to have the experts do all the work, give them a day
or two, and they'll show you everything you need to know. There's even tons of
stocks fundamental research material out there if you know where to find it.

Whenever a friend would start asking about the stock market, I would immediately
find myself trying to mimic how and what the experts say.

This is how I imagine myself whenever I attempt to explain the fundamentals.

I've held on to many fundamentally sound stocks and ask myself "why the
hell am I not getting enough?" or "why are these solid stocks going south if they're

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Market Thought
I've seen stocks that are really good, but don't get much attention or action
and I've seen stocks that are completely crap from inside-out but shoot up to prices
like there's no tomorrow "Has the world gone mad? With all that available
information, we get THIS?"
There's nothing wrong about the fundamentals. But I think it's only good for
those with lots of cash and time. Like... you know,

100M+ I don't have that.

Tips and Rumors

Have you ever had a known and respected market personality give you a tip? Or
perhaps a juicy rumor about a certain stock that's "about to explode?" How about
market buddies who tell you they've got real inside info? - you know, disclosures
that haven't been properly released to the public.

Who wouldn't want to be ahead of the markets? and because of this desire, I
immersed myself in looking for allies who knew something about the insides of the

At some point, I even became a hardcore, blind follower of some market gurus - to
the point of going "All In" on whatever stock they say is good. In the beginning, it
was good. The feeling of being ahead of everyone, outwitting even those seasoned
players gave off a different 'high' - that feeling that you're part of some elite class
and society.

But all was just an illusion.

I found myself ahead alright. Losing ahead and getting stuck before anyone else.

Whether we like it or not, our market has a certain degree of manipulation, insider
trading, front running, or whatever you may want to call it.
Yes I have some buddies who might have access to these contraband goodies. But
after careful thinking, how am I sure the info they pass around is legit and not
something fabricated out of one's imagination? Only God knows.

But I am no God. Nor am I an insider.


This was my reaction the first time I peered into the world of techs, I hated math and
physics. And techs made me remember all those bitter, cold nights i spent studying
in high school and college.

It was like teaching a kindergarten student (me) quantum physics or some complex
math equation because of the terminologies and other stuff.
"Dude. Seriously. Why do I see more alphabets than numbers?"

But what intrigued my naive mind the most about techs was the consistency of
profits some people claim to have. I personally know someone who hasn't touched

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Market Thought
his retirement money, built his house and funded his travels, thanks to his technical
trades. It was all numbers and patterns. No flowery words that could be double talk.
No lengthy research and computations. No news. No Jedi mind tricks from market
experts and gurus No bullshit, Just numbers and patterns. I could live with this
Because all those lengthy disclosures?

I've been a gamer all my life. And Gaming was an innate craft I had then I thought
to myself, "This could be a nice game." But learning the game was a real challenge.
I almost gave up after experiencing many losses. But in the end, as what many
gamers would say..."G.G."

Here's a throwback trophy trade.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Cost to Trade for a Living!
How Much does it take?”
A few days ago I posted this

That survey, as vague as it might seem, has deeper truth.

Once you have exposed yourself to a certain degree of risk in the stock market,
there would come a time when you would think

I noticed that a lot of people actually consider having a "career" in trading. To those
who answered, thank you for your time - your entries are duly noted.

So let's talk about this survey shall we?

There were those who answered 50-100k, 3M, and even a whopping 8 Figures.
Nothing wrong with those numbers.

But Yes, to be on the philosophical safe side, the answer depends on your
personal lifestyle.


This is how my monthly budget looks. I consume a lot less, I guess around 16-18k.
I'm not much of a spender, I stay home most of the time, and since I'm province
based, living expenses are cheap compared to the big cities.

And just for sample's sake, here's my "made up" projected budget when my port
gets reset by the end of this month.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought

(As of 6.12.2015)I call this, "The Table of Needs"

For those of you who just tuned in to my blog, Every 3 or 6 months, I press the reset
button on my trading port and it goes back to its original port size which is 2M.

The profits go to the projected budget above.

If no profits have been made, no withdrawals will be made and poor ZF will have to
live on cup noodles and the emergency fund until the trading port yields gains and
improves on the next reset.

On the table above and with my port size, I just

need to make a clean +1.25% or 25k in order to
survive for a month. And +1.25% are something I
can achieve with ease and no pressure.

I'm currently in the 6-month port reset mode and

already got my 2nd half 'needs' covered -
anything excess of that +7.5% is the area that I
consider "enjoying my stock profits"

But what if my port size was smaller?

A lot answered 100k Capital. So let's see how that goes and how it will affect my
current Budget.

To maintain my monthly "lifestyle" I'll have to at least make 25% A MONTH! Now
That's crazy and full of pressure.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
You'll have to be a guru who always goes All In on basuras and can consistently
see the future to be able to live with 100k Capital.

Di pa kasama yung "enjoying profits" area jan and some existing commitments
I have won't be supported or would be "short sa budget."

So how about those who say, 500k Capital is the way to go?

In this example, let's assume I'm a family man living in the big city, got kids and a
wife to support and I'll need to get 100k of profits (+20k bonus) every month to
sustain my family.

20% A month. And that 4% only gave a small boost, Still a High number, budget
screwed and is definitely NOT Sustainable.

If you're single and have a smaller budget, it might be acceptable.

I can imagine the look on people's faces when they've reached their target and got
wiped out in a single trade because of the pressure to have "more"
After discussing with my students on the subject, the majority agreed that 5% is the
"minimum" target one should gain in a month on his or her overall port that isn't too
stressful to maintain as long as a system is in place and assuming trading
consistency is achieved.

Now let's try ZF the Family Man with 3M Capital, Living in the big city, with a wife
and kids and a more balanced Budget.

A +3.33% monthly target is not that hard right? and that extra +1.67% or 50k pretty
much gets you somewhere fancy for some R&R.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
These tables are just projections. If you seriously consider trading for a living. You
better be prepared and consider all angles.

Here's a link to that spreadsheet If you wish to do some tweaking of your own and If
you haven't reached your ideal Port Size yet, then dream big and work hard for it.
Because one day, hopefully, You will. I did.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Bear Trap"
Every great candle has a story.
Take the long wick of that green candle for example

that didn't happen abruptly! Was it planned? I don't know.

In this story, we have the Bears and they are Bad-ass MOFOs who are the root of
all the decline in the world - for obvious reasons and a great army they are.

They advance and lead the way to more destruction because that's how they are.
But little did they know of what lies beyond.
A worthy adversary. Lying in wait for the perfect moment the bears let their guard

Suddenly out of the mists they find themselves caught in a trap.

Behold the battlefield is ready.

Enter the Bulls.

Swift, mighty, and just like the bears, they are many. for the enemy.
Without fear they pounce.For this is their destiny.

(The exact moment the bears knew they were F****ed)

Battled raged the whole day.
But the mighty bulls emerge the victor and claim the spoils of war.

But the bears never forget they are Patiently, they wait, as the bulls were.
For the moment they reclaim their honor
and seize their destiny.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Less is More"
I think almost everyone of us would agree at some point that our ideal trading desk
would look like this:

I mean.. Who wouldn't? We want nothing but the best.

The complete package.

But after some time in the markets, this ideal, has proved
to be an illusion.

Yes it looks cool and all. But it's bulky, expensive, adds to
your electric bill, and when you're going on vacation, you
can't bring it with you. (you can but it's gonna cost and will
require much effort)

In short, It ain't practical.

Have you ever had those moments when you over

a stock, and when the time came to finally execute your
trading plan, you simply freeze?

In trade execution, it takes only a fraction of all the time

spent in one's analysis.

We trade the markets because we want financial freedom

and to most of us, that means being able to control your TIME.

Most of us in ZFT
once believed that
mastery of many
indicators would
mean being a
master of profits...

This idea proved to be another illusion and a dead end.

To prove my point, Imagine two soldiers.

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Market Thought
Soldier A

Armed with a sniper rifle, a sidearm, a high explosive grenade, two flash-bangs, and
has body armor, Wipes out 5 armed terrorists.

Soldier B

Armed with a pistol, has body armor, but only uses his knife,
Wipes out 5 armed terrorists.

Yes both soldiers killed the same number of terrorists, but

which soldier do you think is more bad-ass?

Even if you have the right tools, the right filters and screeners, If you don't know
HOW to use them correctly, then what's the point?

Even when it comes to port management. Having too much stocks means having
your performance 'divided.'

I've witnessed a lot of traders having monster gains with a few stocks but ended up
break-even or worse with their many losing positions.

Now let's go back to that ideal trading desk shall we? Imagine if this was your port.

and making that much sitting behind one laptop while on vacation.

I don't know about you, but that sounds more bad-ass, than sitting behind a
multiple-monitor trading desk the whole day with the same amount of gains.

If there's one thing technology has taught us, it's this... Convenience

Where, less time + less effort = great results

Less is More.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The 8 Deadly Sins in Trading"
Sunday, August 30, 2015

There's just something special about trading. You just can't go through the day without it.
You itch to trade even if it's a weekend. You sometimes loathe weekday holidays.
You don't really have to do it, but there's a certain 'high' you feel whenever you make a
winning trade. And that feeling drives you to make more trades.
You think to yourself "How will I be able to make money if I DON'T trade?" Commission
loss isn‟t that bad... Right?


Fundamentals or Technicals.
You've gone a long way with these two. Both of them tell you the very things you want to
hear. And for that, you love them dearly.
You reach the crossroads. You're at a loss. They can't mix. And you're allowed to choose,
but only one.
"Love transcends all." You confidently tell them., Oh what a fool you are. But you're willing
to be a fool just So you could be with them both.


Don't you just wish you could trade EVERY stock that went up? They want to trade every
stock leaves your port in such diversity that you can't make decent returns. But that doesn't
bother you.
Instead of focusing on a few conviction picks, you just want it all. When a stock you're
eyeing goes up, you feel empty and left out.
"I knew it!" you blurt out. You tell your friends you saw it coming. They say the same. Even
their deceased grandfathers saw it coming.
But were you able to buy? No. You then continue to buy the next potential 'bagger' you see.


"So far so good."

You think to yourself as you were able to get a stock at a low price. You believe nothing can
go wrong at this point and nothing else will shake you - especially not those bashers and
Greed has gotten the best of you. You've bought more than what you can chew, after all,
You Only Live Once. Hashtag. #.
Cutting loss will never be an issue at this point so you don't set one and so you not only
count your profits for the day, but you also include tomorrow's.
You then check the internet for the things you've been eyeing to buy. Like that new
Iphone6. "Nothing can go wrong" you chant. "Nothing."


The citizens of certain stock market groups are you biggest assets.
"Why do you need to work hard, invest, or study when you can ask the experts for free?"
You proudly tell your stock buddies while recommending your best group find.

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Market Thought
You buy and sell the stock recommendations. You don't really plan your trades. But why? If
it doesn't go your way there must be some bloody explanation. After all, experts can never
go wrong.
You sip your morning tea while you comfortably recline on your couch and sing "que sera
A few weeks later you open your port with this reaction: Crying


You completely sold down a certain stock to its low for the day and vowed to sell your dog if
you ever trade it again.
"Hah!" You exclaim in delight as you think that it's all over for that stock.
It rallies the following day covering all loses it made for the whole week. You look at your
dog. Your dog looks back.
"I was just joking." You say softly A complete whipsaw. It hurt as hell.
You once more look into the eyes of your loving dog, and say
"I'm the hero you need. But not the one you deserve."
You know you shouldn't, but something tells you that you need to.
The Batdog Trader Rises.


You wonder why several of your friends are all in high spirits.
They show you gains you've never seen before. You want what they have. And you want it
They tell you to join in. Cause it's gonna be the next big thing.
You've heard this many times before. You know it's not.
But you say to yourself "This time, it's different."


An expert. That's what you are.

Success? You've tasted it. You know what it's like. You brag about the bagger trades you
made years ago over and over again.
You tell everyone it's a piece of cake.
Your past record will dictate the future.
Even when the market itself tells you otherwise, you simply announce to your followers,
You know shit just hit the fan. Oh you know it. But you just won't admit it. Pulling out words
of wisdom from the experts of old seems to be the best way to cover it all up.
After all, you can never go wrong.


How many have you committed?

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
Thursday, August 27, 2015
We all have them.

I particularly, am a person with big dreams. I am not a rich person. Nor is my family. And by
this, I mean that even if we combine all our assets and work our asses off, we won't even
reach 12M PHP worth. And by judging my capacity, the culture, the connections and the
opportunities around me, I have safely concluded that it wouldn't be feasible to attain my
dreams on my preferred retirement age of 30, if I'd follow our world's system of living.

Side note: Some "shortcuts" were plausible, but since I am a person groomed with morals
and integrity, I have chosen to uphold the law.

In my years of seeking financial freedom and handling money, I have gotten myself into
different kinds of jobs and tested financial laws and systems. Tried the very basic of jobs,
you may even call some demeaning. Tried to work overseas, networking, call centers,
direct selling, teaching in schools, etc. Many of course were failures, a few were decent,
and some were ordinary.

And of course, you already know how stocks have been to me "So what's your secret Zee?"

I get this question a lot.

Now just to set the record and my credentials, I have no proper financial education. Zero.
None. Nada. I didn't read (or at least didn't finish reading) ANY financial books - too lazy to
do that. Unless of course you'd count my subjects in college in Accounting and Economics
101. LOL.

Now as to my secret, I would just love to say it's all me and my superior intellect. But it isn't.
It's God's wisdom, Say wuuut? You heard that right. And I know I'm so deep, I can see
Adele Rolling.

But out of all the systems I've tried, God's principles and laws on finances have proven to
be far superior than any lawful human system I've gotten into.

By now some of you are like, W.T.F. has ZF been smoking?

This is weird for me to write this stuff on my blog as well. But hell I'll write it because even
though ZF is fictional, the God ZF serves are not. I wouldn't be writing this in the first place
if all I get is hateful mocking from unbelievers and haters.

Now deal with it and let me continue.

Let me put it this way. Intellect is when you are able to solve and pass complex physics shit
with flying colors. Wisdom is being able to teach that same shit to a kid who's about to start
grade school.

In the world of stocks I'm the grade schooler and God, my teacher.

Human as I am, I tend to put a schedule on things, especially when it comes to money -
and when it doesn't go my way, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be discouraged. But you know
what? When God promises, He definitely delivers. And it's even mind blowing when the
'package' you receive exceeds your expectations.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
God cannot deny himself. But God cannot be mocked and cannot be BRIBED. That is why
It's important to check your motives - Your innermost being. Are you serving God? Or are
you serving Money? One can easily argue that he would give more if he gets more. But the
thing is, God's principles and laws work differently than the ways of us humans. If you can't
be trusted with the less that you have, how can you be trusted with greater or more
valuable things than material stuff and money?

God is no Genie nor a Quick Fix to your problems. Know your place.

A few days ago, I have taken up a NEW challenge. A testing if you may of one of God's
principles and laws in finances. This would be my first of this kind. This isn't really the usual
thing of the tithe, regular offerings, or charity works, but since it's biblical, then let's do this.

I've already set aside my budget until my next "special" reset on October. And I have no
idea where I'll get that 6 figure I pledged by the end of September. Subasta funds will not go
to this pledge. So It'll be one hell of a miracle especially in this kind of effed up market

Somewhere in the bible, there's this law and promise... and this is one of the things I
continually hold on to as I surrender my finances to the person "up there" and take up this
new challenge.

I'm pretty sure this post has to do with someone who has the same calling as mine... I'd just
love to hear your story.

And if there's one thing this post will prove, it's how someone ordinary will be doing
extraordinary things, not because of his own strength and intellect, but because of a God of
extremes - who btw, also calls out to YOU... to bring you to your destiny.

Are you ready?

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Right Trading System"
Friday, August 14, 2015

Consistency that goes with profitability is what makes a good trading system.
So what then is the right trading system?

The amazing thing about almost every market is that there are certain fundamental, but
different trading systems that co-exist and compliment or even kill each other to form this
unique and dynamic environment. Like a desert filled with creepies trying to outsmart and
eat one another for survival.

Like animals, every trader is different. And the only way for us to be able to maximize our
kills in the market is if we focus on developing our strengths rather than our weaknesses.
Or hunt when the environment is in favor to our physique.

It's a simple matter of common sense. If you are:

- Day trader and you have a day job that restricts you to check the markets, then don't trade!
- Trend follower, then don't buy stocks that are counter trending.
- If you bought because of techs, don't go holding because of the 'fundamentals' of the stock.

Another common mistake traders make is experimenting or using a fine tuned system on
trade setups that don't exactly fit.

"Braces with wheels! Awesome invention doc!"

For example, a player who buys for the bounce. The trader buys at the lows, and the
position matures to a whopping +20%. BUT the trader decides to HOLD it for "long term"
Because his entry price was the perfect long term price.

A shift in play has occurred and in a few months all his gains get eaten up by the
downtrend....And the trader now becomes an "Investor"

Remember the FNI boys?

Always stick to your strengths. Do not be what you are not.

Trading systems are ways of life. I say ways of life because there is no one system that is
consistent in all kinds of market sentiments. There will always be a system that will
thrive or starve for each season.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
Did you notice the leopard on the first image of this post? If you didn't, that's how it is with
trading systems. You won't see it if you don't look hard enough.

Yep. And by the time you checked and continued reading this post, your port just got
slaughtered by a fundie on a sell rampage.

Let's continue....

A system will most likely be profitable if it is used by a big chunk of players who have the
'controlling' funds in a certain market and yes market anomalies and deviations will pop up
from time to time. You'd see multiple ceiling plays or super plays like CAL (IPO craze) and
MBC (Multiple Ceilings) But you don't see them sustained over a longer period of time.

Like the bunch of people you see in FB who post about their port snapshots and open to
public trading performance 'diaries' when they get lucky. Then a few months later you won't
find a single trace of their presence.


That's why it is important to study and trade popular patterns that the market has deemed
worthy of existence.They aren't there just for show.

One common misconception about trading systems is that it is an overnight experience.

Well, it's not. It's not a holy grail that you find and when you start using it, you become
instantly rich.

All those sleepless nights of charting and backtesting. All the stress filled days of test
The discipline you nurtured
The persistence despite your losses.
The passion
Your principles and character
Your dreams of the future.

All these make up that holy grail, All these make up a successful trading system.
So if you still haven't found your system, go get your shit together and Beast mode ON!

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Technicals or Fundamentals?"
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It's a bull market. Everything works, But what happens when the bears visit the town?

Many traders and investors would find their methodologies tested during this phase. It's a
time where you find out what works best and what doesn't.

I've heard countless stories of people and their experiences. How they gained big or small
but lost more. I would find their system and approach good. Be it a fundamental or technical
approach, it would usually be a system that is well toiled and thought of what went wrong?

The most important thing people forget when treading and trading the markets is the
mindset. A system based on fundamentals or technicals in its purest form is just sets of "if,
then, else" statements.


IF A breaks-out of 10, Then Buy at 10.01-10.1 ;

IF B is [insert fundamentally sound principle], Then Hold/Buy ;
else, avoid ;

Simple right?

But why is it so hard to act on it?

Because numbers are constant. Your emotions are not and while some people would argue
that you can mix both fundamentals and technicals, I believe you just can't.

Either of the two works, that is... if you use the right approach and No.
you can't choose Ereudite.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Deadly Mindsets that Traders Commit?"
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Is it normal to lose in stocks? Yes, This is the hard truth of the markets. From market
veterans to newbies, everybody loses.

If winning 5-6 digits of profits was

normal, majority of the people
wouldn't dismiss snapshots with
huge gains as heresy.

Talk to those who worked as brokers and they'll tell you how unfair the world is, But majority
would easily accept a 6-7 digit loss because that's how the norm is. And there's a ridiculous
culture of embracing this truth instead of fighting it.

Like when you fail in your tests and immediately look for your "buddies", but while
everybody has their fair share of losses, not everybody stay as losers.

Allow me take you to another wonderful experience in appreciating renaissance art and the
truths of the stock market.

Today, I'd like to talk about the Common Deadly Mindsets that Traders Commit.

"Expensive vs Cheap" Mentality

You buy 100k Shares of Stock A for P0.10 Instead of Buying 1,000 Shares of Stock B for
P10. A lot of people fall for this one early in the game. Buying one stock over the other
because it looks cheap price-wise.

Take this, for example on FNI vs NIKL. Both are said to be

Nickel stocks. And since FNI looks cheaper than NIKL you buy
10k worth of FNI shares on October 22.

Next day, NIKL rallies and FNI fizzles. Your FNI's worth is now
almost a hundred less, If you only chose the more "expensive"
NIKL you'd have gained five hundred more.

So what's the point of you having millions of shares on a stock, but fails to show you a
profit? It's just showing off without having real substance. #realtalk

Now a lot of people would also dismiss the idea of buying at All Time Highs (ATH) because
of statements like "I've never seen this stock this expensive before!"

I'm guessing some of these people have been telling that to URC since the 20s.

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Market Thought
And a lot of people would nonchalantly buy stocks that have fallen 20-50% from their highs
because "It's on SALE!" Who doesn't love a good Sale?

I hate to break it down to you buddy but the stock market ain't like the Malls.

FNI MEGASALE at 2.55 you say?

The reality is, there is no such thing as a cheap or expensive stock, Only Winning or Losing

"Paper loss lang yan! Mentality”

The non acceptance of a loss. This is the most common phrase you will hear when people
cannot accept a loss. It's a way of fooling yourself to the reality that you lost your hard
earned money - and that if you go long term, you'll be fine.

A lot of people would use the W. Buffet quote to defend their paper losses:

Rule no 1: Never Lose Money

Rule no 2: Follow Rule 1"

Well guess what? You aren't lolo Buffet who was already a #richkid when he said that and
this is usually the root cause of the next Deadly Mindset..

“Averaging down and the Bodega Mentality”

While this strategy works fine with those with lots of money, it isn't necessarily so with those
with just a few. If you have less than 50M in buying power, why would you buy the down
trend when you can buy trending stocks that would actually grow your money? You don't
have to always suffer first before you make profits and so whenever you feel like buying a
down trending stock, may you always remember this image:

Now what happens when you combo the last two deadlies?

You'd probably end up having this Wrong Mindset:

"It's too deep to cut! Mentality”

Have you ever had losses that reached more than -30% in your port? Painful right?

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Market Thought
"But maybe. Just maybe" you think to yourself, one day, you will be liberated from all this
pain and some magical rally would happen. It's possible. And out of your desperation you
do a lot of meaningless stuff like research about the company you 'invested' in. Hell, you
even know the name of the CEO's dog!

You also believe whatever the Gurus say even though you know deep within yourself that
what they say is crap.

You had a lot of opportunities to cut your losses. So why didn't you?

I'm pretty sure your losses didn't grow as it is overnight, It's hard to swallow a loss. But
what's harder to swallow is your pride and ego. If you only admitted that you were wrong,
non of these terrible things would happen.

So cut when it's still early and remember: your pride, ego, and laziness won't feed you.

To end this post, they say 99% of the people who traded and invested in the stock market
lose. And only 1% thrive.

So If you want to be part of that 1%, then don't do what the 99% is doing.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Life and Trading?"
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sometimes it scares me when I'm able to shut down my emotions when trading. When I win
or lose to the extreme, like you know (6-7 Figures) in a day, and it doesn't faze me one bit.

Trading is a lot like life.

And there are times when I think that if I've fully integrated the system completely in my life,
I might come to a point wherein my relationships and the people I meet would just be like
stock-picks. That If a relationship goes bad, I'd simply "cut my losses" and move on. Or If a
relationship doesn't go anywhere, I'd just sell and realize my "commission losses."

Last night I was able to talk to a few traders. They told me their story about how their group
were hyped into buying a stock, got ipit, and are just waiting for it to go up. They've been
holding the stock for almost a year. And a beautiful bond was created.

I was once In a trading group and had multiple experiences like this.

The root cause of all of this, why people in a group-buy don't sell and move on, isn't
because of the stock or the hype - But the trust that was built in the corporate decision of
buying the particular stock.

"Nagbenta ka na ba?" "Tiwala lang" "Aakyat na yan" "Buying pa ako"

These are the phrases you commonly hear when you group-buy-and-hold a stock.

If a stock is going down (or up) and you sold earlier without notifying or consenting with
your group, there's fear that you have betrayed the goodwill of what your group started. You
feel like if you sell, the relationship with your group, your bond, might somehow be broken.

"What? Nagbenta ka na? Traider! (Traitor + Trader)"

Then you don't get to be part of the core group anymore and you're like...
"We rise as a group, we fall as a group" What couldn't be more noble?

But this is the stock market. Not life. It's your money, not their's. We have to understand that
we are responsible for our own actions, So if you decide to sell. Don't feel guilty. "Cut loss
lang. Walang personalan." We should draw a clear line. A distinction of the realities of Life
and Investments.

And even if I say that Trading is a lot like life. It isn't so that we should cut loss our non
performing or losing relationships. For these things should be cherished and worked out.

I thank God for keeping me sane. That even If I have lost hundreds of thousands and even
millions, I can still give praise and appreciate the little things in life.

For not many are able to do so - especially the rich.

I'm not completely detached from money. I'm getting there. And I'm glad that it's only God
who can satisfy me. For life is more than riches, wealth, and power, but of purpose.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Broke Analysis?"
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Ano kaya alam ni DEUTSCHE that we don't? Insider siguro to! Wala namang bibili ng
ganyan karami tapos papalugi lang."
These were the things my speculative mind dwelt on during my early years as a trader.
Broker analysis. It was such a fun thing to do back then. I felt like I was some kind of
detective looking for clues as to where the big mafia boss would strike next.
It gave me added conviction as to whether I would buy, hold or sell.
"Holding pa si TOWER, I'll sell when they sell." "Ayan nanaman VENTURE the tsupitero!
Ingat na!""Daming COL bumili. Time to sell."

I always focused on who was buying and didn't pay much detail as to who was selling.
It's funny when I think about it now.
Then one day, somebody told me about these... "pasaload" moves - where a client can
move his or her shares to another broker overnight with less than a hundred bucks.
I was dumbfounded.
(well not really everything but for the most of it, yes.)
I could still remember my dismay as I walked out of the room and verbally abused my cat. It
was such a waste of precious time and energy.
I remembered all the setups I missed for fear of who was selling and all the trap setups I
bought because of following who was buying.
I was a fool.
So what if brokers and clients are selling at a loss? It's not my money. For all we know they
might be just newbies with lots of money to burn. And you definitely don't want to follow
those people. Maybe that's why they call it Broker analysis? Because at some point, you
might just go Broke.
But after much study and getting my shit together, there was relief. Raw data in the charts
proved that it was enough. That there was no need for me to study who's buying or selling.
Be it brokers with big foreign names or a group of retail COL clients or traders, and whether
market makers and operators exist or not, well...
It won't matter. Because those cute candles are all I need.

PS : I would like to apologize to my blog readers for my previous posts that had broker
analysis in it. I won't be deleting or editing those posts for me and for future readers to see
how my journey went

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“How to Sell and Set Target Prices for Dummies?"
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Are you tired of people asking you for a stock's TP or maybe you yourself are tired of asking
others for stock TPs? Whatever reason you may have, Fear not.

For here are 3 easy steps to get a stock's target price.

*There are many variations as to how TPs are calculated. But this is the basic template we
use in ZFT.

Step 1: Find a stock

Most public participants would usually pick stocks that are the talk of the town. Hot stocks
that rally like there's no tomorrow. Or probably stocks that were once hot and trying to get
back to the limelight.

For this example, let us look at ION.

Oh such memories we all had on this one...

Step 2: Find recent Support and Resistance Levels

Assuming market interest has died down but the stock still has good trade potential, look for
the recent and immediate support and resistance levels.

For this example, we take 2.63 as the immediate resistance and 2.04 as the immediate

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
Step 3: Hype Calculate
Calculations aren't that hard.

Target Price = (Resistance - Support) + Resistance

There have been many instances wherein the TP gets hit exactly
the sweet spot. But there are also times when the prices
overshoots or don't even reach the intended TP price.

We offset these instances by tranche selling into

a 4% buffer zone from the TP level.

If I had 300k Shares on ION, I would sell in 3 Equal Tranches at 100k each.
1st Tranche Sell: Low End Buffer (3.09)
2nd Tranche Sell: High End Buffer (3.35)
3rd Tranche Sell: At Target Price (3.22)
If I had more shares, I'd have more tranches.

In this case If I were a TP (Target Price) oriented trader, as

opposed to being a TS (Trailing Stop) oriented trader, I
would sell my shares double to half the average bid/ask
volume per fluc.
Board as of Dec 29, 2015 (Market Close)
So I'd sell 200k - 50k ION shares per Fluc until I run out. By
doing this, I wouldn't cause sudden price spikes and panic.
Remember to always manage expectations. It's better to
expect less and hit your target than to expect tapos
papaasahin ka lang nya at iiwan sa ere. #hugot (darn your berlin-art parasites)
But be wary of Target price computations. Not all materialize and if ever you see someone
giving out TPs that are too good to be true or out of this world, ask them how they got it.
Trust me, you wouldn't want to be holding stocks that are being hyped from computations
that are derived from smoking pot.
Again, there are many ways to compute target prices. This is just ONE of the many.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“2015 Trophy Trades?"
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

We in ZFT strive for excellence. #Realtrades more than mere #Realtalk

For what is all your talk of wealth if you can't even show proof?

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought

Baseline from Jan-Jul: 2M Withdrawals: 2.8M

Baseline from Jul-Present: 3M Withdrawals: 1.49M
Total Withdrawals: 4.29M

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Gurus and Reversals"
Monday, December 28, 2015

I've seen a lot of people saying "reversal na sa MCP."

And depending on a trader's perspective, this could be true or false. It may be a reversal on
the very short term, but what about the long term?

Technically speaking, if we want to have a bullish reversal on MCP, R2 and R1 levels on

the chart above must be taken out first and overall trends don't always shift overnight.

I'm not bashing. I'm just tired of the people messaging me their sad stories of how they've
lost their hard earned money for believing "credible" sources.

Remember FNI? The ulols have been calling a reversal on it since the 2.xx levels. Halos
lahat na ng hype analysis, ginamit fundamentals, All kinds of technical patterns, Candlestick
analysis, Broker analysis, Kwentong Barbero Analysis, "Reverse Chart" etc.

Where is it now?

And when the damage has been done, they'll just give you that "you pressed that button"
BS and hand you all the blame.

If the teacher taught something wrong, should the student shoulder all the blame?

It's amazing how gurung ulols have successfully brainwashed the public so they'd come out
clean after several disaster calls.

So if you're just starting out as a trader and planning to buy MCP because of all the
"reversal" posts you're reading in FB groups.

Be wary.

Your city of dreams might end up in the hut of nightmares.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Balance in the Markets"
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

For a few to be immortal, many must die.

The stock market is like an ecosystem.

Everyone seeks life - Only a few find it
and many who tread its road easily find

A few years of basking in the sun and

moon of the markets and I have come to
see these glimpses of truths. And while it
might look overwhelming, I've learned to
keep things simple.

Let me try to walk you through to what I'm

talking about.

Imagine a jungle with a wide spectrum of animals and plants. If you take away one sector in
the animal or plant kingdom, a great imbalance would happen over time.

For example, if you take away the reptiles you can find in that jungle, most especially to the
snakes since most of the human race just hates or fears them - a rodent problem would
likely arise.
For there would be one less family to balance things out.

An explosion of the rodent populace would mean devastating consequences to any life form
that these cute and furry beings have taken a liking to. And this would lead to the
weakening or destruction of the kingdoms that interact with the rodent's meal - be it a plant,
an insect, or whatever these things can sink their little sharp teeth on.

The eco-system where you put all the damned snakes wouldn't be happy as well.

May dedicated hugot dun ah. (Not that I have any.)

The rodents would obviously be happy. But only for a time. Once there's no more food for
them, they too will suffer.

Side comments: Looking back at that food web, baboons are pretty bad ass for eating
snakes. And I had no idea skunks eat birds. Now I‟m not even sure if this is accurate after
googling. I am currently mind effed.

Technicians, Fundamentalists and Speculators.

These are the three Kingdoms in the stock market ecosystem that bring forth balance. Take
one out, and everyone suffers in one way or another.

If everybody were fundamentalists, we'd probably have no 3rd liner plays and we'll have a
really slow market since no one would be buying until the next quarterly report. Just
imagine the tension build up.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
If everyone were trend follower technicians, nobody would be buying anything that's down
trending and there'd be no one to absorb the selling pressure when things go bad.

If there were no speculators, we'd have a hard time looking for super stocks and that's why
you should always thank those who are on the other side of the trade or those who have a
different trading system than yours. I myself have great respect for Gurung ulols, tipsters,
rumor mongers, crowd herders and even those "feeling-jockey" groups. They are my
Heroes. For without them, I'd have no one to sell my shares to. They die for my sake and
occasionally If things don't do well with me on a trade, I return the favor.

This is the reality of the markets.

There could be times when one race would reign superior, but nature always finds a way to
balance things out. Remember the CAL millionaires? Where are most of them now? How
about the JAP Lovers? The FNI boys? are most of them still alive and kicking? Some
monkey out there is probably well off and doing a better job and while all living things
created are different in some way or another, they have these things in common:

Birth - The need to interact with their own kind or to other species. The need to consume.
The need to rest.

Death - These are important patterns. If you're a hunter, you don't go in for the kill when
your target is on full alert. You execute when they are at their weakest and you wait for that
perfect moment.

It's the same with stocks and their cycles. So think of stocks as different kinds of animals
with unique behavior patterns. They get introduced to the ecosystem, interact with the
players, they make weak and strong trends, up, down, sideways then back again and
maybe at one point, just cease to be significant and die.

and you are a hunter It is your job to either kill for meat
or capture and domesticate.

The problem with most traders and investors is the lack of conviction. Maybe conviction to
their capacity as a person, to the tool or weapon they use, which is their trading system.

Most come into the markets not realizing what's ahead. They come unprepared and
defenseless. It's a jungle out there. And everything in it wants to eat or destroy you.

This lack of confidence is what destroys them for what is an excellent trading system or a
weapon in the hands of a coward? Sometimes I contemplate If I should just keep my
trading systems to myself and to the people I've taught. I fear not being outclassed in my
own system and my kind of game. I don't want to be selfish or anything but I fear the
consequences of having something powerful wielded by idiots. I can just imagine the horror
of having a perfect chart destroyed because of the lack of patience and poor execution. If
there's one thing nature has taught us, It's Balance.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 004”
Life of A High Risk Trader
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

There are days when i wake up in the morning late, like 9AM and feel the want to work and
dress up like a proper gentleman with a suit and tie, but then i go "what the hell" ...then end
up just wearing the tie #buhaytrader #nakedtrading

Trading is a craft that pays a lot when mastered and Full time traders are a mystery to
many. Aside from being a fraction of a fraction in the general populace, civilians don't see
them much, and when traders do show up in public, some don't talk much about their
trading lives. Maybe some people do. I don't know.

So what's it like being a full time trader? I am but one sample. So don't take my word for
what you are about to read. Here are my top pros and cons of going full time in this

(Pros) # 1 - You own your time.

No schedules. No deadlines.
Imagine all the trips! The leaves you can take and you get to decide when to take a break
from that break!
Bliss. You get to do what you want, when you want and that is the kind of freedom almost
everybody wants.

(Pros) # 2 - You can work anywhere as long as you have internet and your
workstation (or smartphone).

Work on the go? No problem!

PD : I've traded on a public jeep, bus, van, ship, even on a plane! (until it took off and cut
my internet signal) and just imagine having a peaceful, nontoxic, no traffic to work
environment. You could even swim and trade at the same time, just buy a waterproof
smartphone so you can stupidly show off how flexible you can be while getting the job

(Pros) # 3 - You set the pace

No constant external and annoying force telling you to finish something before the deadline
- then adds more load to the pile of course there's that pressure from within, telling you to
earn, and to trade. But that's a whole lot better than a naggy, bossy boss right?
It even gets awesome when you hit your personal profit quota that's good for months or
even a year.

Now for my top Cons of being a full time trader.

(Cons) # 1 - Too much time on your hands.

Yes you've got the freedom to do whatever you want at any time. How is it bad you ask?
Well, you get used to it and it gets boring after a while. At some point you'll be surprised
when one day you find out that you actually HATE holidays and moments when the markets
are closed for some reason.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
It's like a love and hate relationship. Like when you were in school and you can't wait for the
sem-break. And when that break finally arrives, you go... "now what?" and suddenly miss

Your friends and family would think you've gone crazy for loving Mondays and hating
Fridays. But that's just how it is with you. It's your passion. You just can't wait to trade.

(Cons) # 2 - The Temptation of Creative Procrastination.

I've already mentioned in my previous posts how lazy I am that instead of investing or doing
something worthwhile, I tend to procrastinate. Of course, studying charts, patterns, and
back testing are all part of my daily routine. But What else are you going to do with all that
time that's not market related?
Being lazy in this industry can be devastating to one's health and lifestyle.
There were times in my trading life when I'd just sleep after trading hours.
Maybe play one PC game, browsing Facebook, unproductively surf the net, watch a whole
set of TV series then repeat the whole cycle next day and as for exercise?

There was a season in my trading life when the time and effort I spent walking from my
trading room to the kitchen, to the dining area to have my meal, then back to my room was
my "form" of exercise.

I wasn't just good at procrastinating.

I took it to a whole new level.
I was a master of it.

WAS! Alright Alright. Sometimes it still is and you'll have so much wealth in your port,
it will spill over to your body as well!

I tried to gamify my life and at one point, i finally reached the "Bio-Armor" achievement - by
not taking a bath for 5 days.

Uhgr. I might say more things I'd regret... The point is, you have to pull yourself together
and make an effort to develop good habits, proper time management and discipline.

(Cons) # 3 - Abnormal or Dead social life.

After a while, it gets lonely this is my main frustration as a trader. I feel like nobody
understands me. The experience of gaining and losing in the market is just too hard to
comprehend for the average person who has little to no idea on how the markets work.

I've got no boss, so I can hardly relate anymore to civilian boss related rants and jokes.
If ever I pull one out, they'd just brush it off since they've heard it like a thousand times

When I try to reach and hang out with my non-stocks buddies, It's different. I've got time.
They don't. And this becomes a big issue. The trips I want to take, the length, and how I
take it has become so different, you'd instantly become the odd one out.

I guess it's kind of better because It doesn't kill off your relationships the fast way like some
networking "businesses" do.


Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
Most people think that we create money out of thin air just by sitting and clicking some
buttons. And that's that. No wonder most thinks it's a Scam. It's sounds too good to be true.
A dream.

Fitting in society would be one heck of a challenge. I have learned not to demand from my
civilian friends. Because sometimes when I do, I get that "Oh I'm sorry we're not like you!"

I believe trading the markets is one of the most strenuous things a person can do. Not only
will you have to work hard burning the late night candle, but you will also have to sacrifice a
lot - even some relationships. It is definitely not for the weak. But to those are brave enough
to accept the consequences and challenges of taking this path. The rewards are truly
fulfilling - that is, if you survive.

How about you? What are your Pros and Cons?

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Trading and War”
Monday, December 14, 2015

"When the market speaks, we listen."

A few weeks ago I started accumulating a potential super play with its setup and liquidity
and everything else taken into consideration, I decided to go for the trade.


Of course It wouldn't be all in one day. Certain parameters must be set and confirmed. We
enter a trade because we believe it will show us a profit. But even with a bullish bias, I keep
a level mind before I enter, I know my stops.

Unfortunately for me today, the market has spoken against my bias and I listen.

If the stock rallies and I get whipped, it's fine. I can always buy back.

Trading is like war It does not determine who is right... only who is left.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 003”
Ordeals and Purpose
Thursday, December 3, 2015

It's been 5 solid years since I started active trading. And as I look back to all that I've been
through - the memories of all the good and bad experiences, it still feels as if it's not
enough, and that I know nothing.

There are days when I wake and think "How the hell did I got this far?" I wasn't a full time
trader when I started and as I an idealist, it was hard to live in a corrupted world.

I remember my strong distaste for having a job and working for bosses and supervisors that
disregarded excellence, progress and innovation. It saddened me when I saw the people in
power, tripping and bullying those who were weak. I know how it feels to be weak and I
wanted to be a defender. A hero. But it always broke my heart when I was deemed wrong
and had to suffer the consequences whenever I tried standing up to evil.

"Tiis ka lang. Matatapos din to." But for how long?

I guess that was one of the reasons that pushed me to where I am now. I swore that time
not bow down to anyone but God. Trading was the perfect escape.

No forced "OT", No corrupt BOSS, No job I didn't like

I was naive. So I Borrowed trading money and took the leap of faith. (I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS)

There were seasons when I lost a lot and almost went crazy. Just imagine borrowing 4
Million and Lose 3M+, then all of a sudden the people who you borrowed from (who by the
way, don't know each other) would ask for their money at the same time but looking at how
things went, I know that I had to go through that terrible experience for a reason.

I got to know and experience that there really is a God out there that it wasn't just tradition
or religion.

I got to understand who I was, that I had purpose in life to inspire others. (Naiinspire nga ba
kayo?) To set an example. A standard and be a testimony of God's love and principles, I
look at some of my trades and go

But deep inside I understand that it is by God's power and principles that I am able to pull
off trades beyond the average trader. For I know very well who I am - that I do not always
have the patience nor the discipline.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
I remember another experience, of God telling me one time to divide and give 6 figures to
several groups of people. And during this time, I had a 7 figure loss In my port. It was hard.
But I had faith.

"If God won't save me on this ordeal, I'll just have my favorite food for the rest of the year -
or the rest of my life lang naman." of course I would be lying If I said I didn't have my

"Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then He
will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine."

What BS is this?

Common sense would tell us that it is always better to receive than to give. Giving is an
honorable act. But who in their right mind thinks giving is better than receiving? But I tell
you, try the principle above and you'll be surprised.

Tithing or surrendering 10% of what you have to God can do wonders Imagine What God
can do if you act in faith and give more. I guess sooner or later we'll end up like William

5 Awesome roller coaster years.

Not sure how I'll end this post. So I will just share what happened several nights ago when
we had an open chat with non ZFT Traders. We had a great time. I had a great time and
after all the technical and personal questions people had, one student asked me this:

(Ano nga ba? What's yours?) Of course "Pills" wasn't my answer.

"The essence of being a trader? parang miss universe lang ah..."

"To be a master of one's emotions and to risk not just for one's own benefit but for

-Love ZF

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 005”
Struggles of a High Risk Trader
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Money is the root of all evil they say, but it is not. For Money is neutral.
It is the Love of Money that is the root of all evil.

A few days ago a friend and I were walking along the street and we saw this 50-peso bill
that was within our reach. "Uy may 50 pesos oh!" But we continued walking and let the bill
get blown by the wind. We laughed.

That moment made me realize how much I have changed and how much has been
provided for me - to the point that it felt like I was drowning in divine provision. God wasn't
joking when He said...

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in
this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and
pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

"What are you going to do with all that money zee?" I was, and I still am in deep thought on
the matter. Yes it is a blessing. But it also has become a burden.

"To whom much is given, much is also required."

And so I constantly seek wisdom as to how I will become a good steward of my talents and
this resource.

I got to chat with my friends and they talk about their problems about how they're not being
treated well at work, their struggles of not being able to save or just not having enough by
the end of the day.

I see some people working and giving to charity and how a lot of the poor say they need
money and all these resources so they could finally get out of poverty.

I wish I could help. And I wish money was the key to solve all these problems. But it isn't.

Even if you give away a million in cash, the poor will stay poor unless they change their way
of thinking. And a trader or investor will constantly lose money if their mindsets in trading or
investing is wrong.

I remember giving good amounts of cash to a few people when they needed help. And
sadly, my giving turned out to be a curse to them. Because after a period of time, they
became dependent. I might have destroyed their lives. I hope not. And so I have learned
when to give and when to withhold.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
Sometimes I feel so helpless and weak. You have what they want. But you can't give it to
them and not everyone wants your idea of help. Even if they need it. If you genuinely want
to help people, you have to help them change their mindsets.

This week has been hard on me. Melancholy has hit me out of nowhere. Maybe I've spent
too much time with myself that I got to reflect a lot about life.

Trading is my passion. But it has become boring for me. Like that feeling of completing and
being the strongest character in a game where all the creeps are killed with a single blow.
At some point all the fun is gone.

(I do hope I don't become bald)

The year is just starting and I've already reached my quota for 2016. My trading port is now
1.7M+ bigger and there's still 11 months.

And all this money I have has probably desensitized me from my simple pleasures like
food, gadgets and cute stuff. Have my standards raised without me noticing it? I live a
pretty simple life as opposed to what a lot of you might think. But the things I considered
special have now become normal to me. If I wanted something, I'd just say "Isang Tsupita
lang yan." Oh the arrogance.

I have carefully evaluated myself and understand the need for me to exercise restraint and
for me to once again connect and relate with civilians. My contact with other humans has
become too minimal this month. And being ZF has put me in an awfully weird position.
People expect me to do things and act a certain way. I simply want to be an anonymous
troll enlightening people to the truth and exposing bullshit when needed. And I am not some
cold hearted Klingon warrior that feels nothing - I have feelings too.

Gaining insights from the wisest man who walked the earth in the book of Ecclesiastes has
pushed a lot of my buttons these days. I felt like the dude was my best friend for a moment.

"Life is meaningless." Indeed, it is, if you are without purpose.

Yes. Money can buy a lot of things, but It certainly can't buy lasting happiness and
contentment - even if you do honorable things like give all your money to the poor or do
good works. For There's a constant void in every one of us...

And only God can fill it.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Simple Truth of the Markets”
Monday, January 18, 2016

So I was just peacefully watching my Agents of Shield episode while waiting for this day to
be over when suddenly out of the blue someone sent me this:

That's how multidimensional thinking is.

And that's exactly how you'll get rich!"

This is how brokers and other smart asses try to sell you their dope in this kind of market

The market is simple. Bull or Bear.

It always has been. And it always will be.

No matter how long you have been in the markets, if you cannot grasp this simple truth, you
will lose.

If you want to survive and make money,

Follow the trend and Since you guys have
asked, here's how I'm doing.



Update 1.19.2016

I'll just leave these screenshots here for future

Remember, ZFT always remembers those who speak
truth or lies of us. We're watching you.

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Market Thought
Post Update 1.20.2016

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Market Thought

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Rationale Behind Multiple Ports”
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

You are the most fearless archer in the whole village. You wander around the woods to
hunt the evil that lurks in it. You have found your target, a tiger. The foul beast that has
been killing all the villager's animals and your beloved turkey that you have so dearly taken
care of for the coming winter.

You approach silently and pull out your dagger from your side pocket. The mighty tiger
knows what's going on and motions its tail as if beckoning you closer to its presence.

"I've got this" You think to yourself.

You breathe deeply as you prepare to strike. When suddenly, the tiger disappears from
your sight! You then notice the painful warmth of your own blood gushing from your neck as
the beast delivers a critical bite that ends you instantly.

What the hell were you thinking archer!? You had one job and you used the dagger!

Welcome to portfolio Mind setting 101 ZF Style.

I'm assuming all of you have read these 3 Posts Below:

http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/p/zf-portfolio-class.html - ZF Portfolio Class

http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-trading-port.html - The Trading Port
http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-cost-to-trade-for-living.html - The Cost to Trade
for a Living

Some of you have been wondering why the hell I do resets and have 3 different ports. Let
me explain.

I'm a gamer and I look at the markets as a game. If you've played FPS (First Person
Shooter), RPG (Role Playing Games), RTS (Real Time Strategy, or TBS (Turn Based
Strategy) games like Team Fortress, UFO, Heroes, Final Fantasy, Diablo, Mech
Commander, DOTa, etc, you will notice that there's a wide spectrum of characters and
classes with their unique abilities and skill sets. One class just can't have it all. And every
character has their own set of strengths and weaknesses.

If you're an archer, you attack and kill from afar. You don't go all out rambo knockin' on the
enemy's front door! You play what's given to you and use it to your advantage. So act your
class if you want to survive and stay in the game. If you feel the need to pet that darned
tiger on the head before you kill it, switch to an assassin or a character that can take
extreme punishment.

If you're a tsupitero, handling and growing a port that has 500k is easier than a port that has
2M. The bigger the port, the harder it is for the tsupitero.

If you're a trend follower, you'll probably have no issues with handling a 10M port, But it
wouldn't be easy growing it performance wise as opposed to the tsuptiero.

If you are handling a sleeper port, you need to have extreme patience to endure the times
when you see other stocks moving while your's are sleeping.

It's all about balancing volume, technique and the mind.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
The most lethal thing a trader can do is to act the trader that they are not.

When you come to a deep level of understanding of who you are as a person, as a trader -
your strengths and weaknesses, and put this into your advantage when you enter the
markets, you'll be surprised of what you can do.

Port Snapshot as of 2.23.2016 Lunchbreak

Do not try to be someone who you are not. Embrace who you are.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Trophy Trades 2016”
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dear students, have fun on the Trade Dissection.

1st Quarter log as of 3.31.2016

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Market Thought

(Small Tsupitas + 1M Infusion)

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Market Thought

Starting Equity
(December 29, 2015)


Profit Withdrawals

Scheduled Port Reset

Last week of April 2016

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 007”
Dreams of A High Risk Trader
Friday, March 18, 2016

The game that is the Stock Market is all about following rules and playing the game better
than anyone else.

I remember deciding not to pursue the corporate life and just trade my way out of the rat
race. I was confident and I worked hard for it. I knew this was my calling.

Started with 160k late 2010. Borrowed 2M in 2012. Then Another 2M in 2013. Lost 2.4M in
the process. I knew it wasn't going to be a walk in the park. If it were, it would be like
Jurassic Park.

But I kept going. I Made friends along the way. Made enemies. Burned bridges. Found my
identity as a trader. Found the system that was right for me. Paid off my investors. Bought
them out of my funds. And the rest was history.

To my friends, students, and all who follow my blog, http://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/ Do not

pray that you will gain hundreds, thousands or millions looking for a jackpot stock. Pray for
wisdom, discipline and the ability to endure hardships. Pray that God will mold you to
become a living testimony of His goodness. And pray extra hard that you won't be trapped
by the Love of Money.

Today, my trading port just reached a figure I was only dreaming about years ago. The rest
of my story how I started, the lessons I've learned, the technical notes, up to the present is
all here in my blog for everyone to read. Inspired? Share it. Because if I was able to make
it, why can't you?

"Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you."

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Good the Bad and The Ugly”
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Looking for stocks in the Market is like looking for Pets. Sometimes they're pretty ugly.

"Look ma! Ain't Fifi Cute?"

The downtrend and atmosphere for the past months have conditioned our minds that it is
painfully hard to find those pets that could make us a fortune without giving us nightmares.
And now that ZS and Breakout season is here, you freeze. So many of these good pets
appear but it seems you just can't decide which pets to go for.

"Should I sell DD and buy X? Was it the right decision to sell DAVIN and buy MCP? BHI or
STI? 2GO or IDC?"

So many pets to play with yet so little cash. You get confused and sometimes hurt yourself
in the process of playing with these pets. But the thing is, it doesn't have to be that way.
When you find yourself pressured and wanting to buy EVERY pet that you find adorable, It
could be that you haven't refined your parameters for choosing.

We have more than a hundred pets in our market. How do you filter the ones that would suit
you best? And is your way of life compatible with the pet you are getting? If you have a
confident answer to these questions, the next thing you need to ask is... Will you be
following your rules in picking and handling religiously?

Pets can sure be cute and cuddly and all that, but there are certain consequences you have
to face. Like you know... and that's smelly business right there.

But the reality to all of this is simple. Different pets, Different directives. It isn't really the pet
that needs adapting but YOU. Yes pets can be trained. But animals will be animals. They
have a unique directive that they follow even when they grow all alone without a parent. But
it is different with us humans. We are gifted with the freedom to think and choose our own

I feel like I've gone too deep again.

A profitable system will always be a profitable system.

But a profitable system, in the hands of a user with the wrong mindset, becomes the wrong

Looking for stocks in the Market is like looking for Pets. Sometimes they're ugly... But if you
know how to handle them properly, you might just be rewarded with a handful of goodies.

"Look Ma! Fifi just made more cute Little Fifis"

This concludes the story of little Angela who wished for a puppy for Xmas but misspelled
"Santa" for "Satan" when she sent that letter.

See what a little mistake can do? I seriously hope this post made sense to you. Did it?

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Frustrations and the Process of a High Risk
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Do you ever have moments when you get depressed over a loss? How about losing your
cool over your stuck that's been consolidating while the rest of the basura sector is flying?
How about not being able to ride that one stock you've already planned because things just
didn't turn out the way you wanted it to?

I believe every trader experience these things. And yes that includes me. It's not like you're
some kind of cold blooded robot that goes into the trading process with sets of algos and "if-
else" executions.

Emotions will always be there. "TARGET NEUTRALIZED"

Remember that time in biology class when you learned about a frog's anatomy? Trading is
somewhat like that. You study everything and memorize the difficult terms, then you pass
the written exam with flying colors. "Easy Peasy" You say. Then come the practicals.

You wait for rain and nightfall for that perfect moment to catch these horny little things as
they cry out in the darkness for them to get laid. The first few frogs you get ain't a good find;
So you go on and on until you finally get your slimed hands on the perfect one. "At last! This
better be worth it."

You feed the creature, hoping it survives until D-Day. Poor little thing, you've already
deprived it in a lot of ways imaginable - have you no heart? It didn't even have the chance
to pro-create and leave offspring. Human, what have you done? You start to develop a
weird relationship with the thing.

Then D-Day arrives.

Opening a live frog in front of your teacher and telling her all you know about the poor little
thing. It doesn't go well as how you imagined it in your mind. Yes you've aced the exams
and all, but going through the process of catching it, keeping it alive, opening it up and
eventually killing it stirs up something in you.

"It had to be done."

At this moment you realize the difference of knowing versus actually doing it. You
understand that there is a process for things and it might not always be rosy or how you
want it.

When I lose in a trade or miss an opportunity and get bummed by it, I always remind myself
of my trading rules and the basics of my trading system. "Did I do the right thing?"

If you did, then there shouldn't be a problem. It's always about sticking to the truths you've
found and believe. And what is truth you ask? Well, the simple reality of the truth in the
markets is this:

If it gives you consistent profits, then that is truth.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
When lolo Livermore, said "it wasn't in the thinking but in the sitting" , I believe he meant
that you should sit on a position until the trend starts to go against you, and not overthink
about things.

It's just sad when people twist these truths to fit their beliefs. Like you know... "Don't think
and Bodega lang."

For those who don't know who Lolo Livermore is, the guy is considered a rockstar in the
markets and in the field of speculation. In his later years, he had a divorce, went bankrupt
and died a horrible death by suicide. Yep - Not a person you'd like to follow.

I wasn't able to ride DAVIN successfully on it's latest monster rally. When I mean
successful, I mean with volume. (I did get to do tsupitas on it's way up.) Unless you're still
learning a trade setup, what's the point of gaining 10-100% or even more on a position if it's
a measly 5-10% of your portfolio? That's just me though.
I'm frustrated because It was a textbook play in the system - an easy trade. But at the same
time not frustrated as much, since I've already gained a lot from the stock twice for this
quarter. It's just that these things happen and it evokes certain emotions. We just have to
accept that we can't ride 'em all.
One reason why I wasn't able to ride DAVIN with volume was because of a current position
I had - one which I decided to be my conviction play for the next quarter. It's not easy to
hold and wait for an AOTS transition you know, especially when you're a seasoned
basurero and see lots of basuras flying around. I could have sold it for a faster horse and
other quick plays that showed up but that would mean breaking my rules.

But by the end of the day, sticking to one's rules and having consistency is always better
than sheer luck.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 006”
Beyond the Money
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

We trade the markets in order to reach our goals of financial freedom. We are all in it for the
money. But is money all there to it?

Everyday we are bombarded by negativity and corruption. Do we gain anything if we add to

it? Our generation has been too calloused to care. We should be weeping for our nation.
We could be better. We can be better. And you don't need to be rich AF for you to be able
to help those who are in need.

Sometimes I think keeping the tribe's good deeds is the way to go. But is it the right thing to
do? To keep silent? We don't show off RAKs so people would praise us.

There's a continuous moral decay in our society. And it is spreading fast because those
who execute it do so shamelessly in broad daylight. And when people think it's okay to do
evil because "everybody" is doing it anyways, then we create a serious culture problem.

If we want to see a better, brighter future, let us start fighting evil by doing good. By
spreading love. By showing the youth of this generation hope and allowing them to dream.
Let us be loud in creating a culture that pays it forward.

Imagine what the world would be like then.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 008”
The Mandate of A High Risk Trader
Sunday, April 17, 2016

If you wish to say your piece on the matter before you read on, click here.

It's public knowledge that huge funds pour into the ZFT treasury. Lots of rumors have been
spreading as to where it goes. Hopefully, this post will enlighten everyone on the matter.

Personal Judgement and Paying It Forward

In ZFT, you keep what you kill. So yes. All the money we amass is divided equally among
the contributing peers and go into our personal pockets. We deserve what we work for.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
I find it odd when some people say we should donate everything to charity since it is
"morally" the right thing to do. Does this mean that if we use the money for personal gain
we become Immoral or less of a good person?

But the thing is, in ZFT we exercise free will. We don't force each other to do things we do
not want. Which means, be it for personal gain, or for paying it forward, we use the funds
according to what we believe is right, according to our personal judgement.

And I personally believe having the choice to give away something of value is far more
rewarding and honorable than to be forced to give just because.

" ...for God loves a cheerful giver. "

So do not compare us to seminaristas and other trading schools or other mentors. We do

what we do because we want to do what we do - NOT because we are PAID to do it or
because we could make good business out of it. You don't see us selling stuff to our
readers diba? Our trading gains are more than enough to sustain us.

Investing and The People of ZFT

I understand that I am no businessman. My strength is in gaming and in trading. And with

the way things are going with our current RAKs, I believe the ZFT fund isn't maximized. Yes
we are able to help a lot of people with the funds we are getting. But what happens when
we stop the Subasta and Seed mentoring? How many in ZFT would be willing to pledge
support to charities and other groups needing help? How long can we keep this up?

There are so many things that we could do together with all the talent in the Tribe. But I
hesitate to ask ZFTs to join me in this culture and cause. Because there is no such thing as
free lunch. When we have tribe projects like the development of Technical Screeners,
Project Seed, and other Tribe Events, it comes with a price. And I'd rather have people
come forward and give out of the abundance of their hearts.

And in this light, I am looking for something sustainable. If you give to charity, you help a
few to several people for a while. But if you partner with people in their businesses with the
same principles as you (and in paying it forward), you not just help the businessman, you
also continuously help the community that receives the RAK.

Here's a sample of what's going through my mind.

(Thanks for Introducing the Mindly App Celeste)

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought

I would like to re-iterate that I am no businessman. This is not my strength and alone, I
cannot effectively achieve whatever it is that I would like to happen. So If you have a better
Idea and would like to partner with us on this ordeal, you may contact our budget secretary
Robert Sy.

If you think about it, I could just take the easy path and turn my back on this task and hoard
all that money like an RPG gamer would. But I just can't. I love.. Because God loved me
first and I would just like to share that love experience with others.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“ZFT Mandate”

We are already growing fast as a tribe. And so

as the chief of this ZF Tribe, I would like to put
this out here for everyone to see.

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be

arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but
to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything
for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good
deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they
will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the
coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

1 Tim 6:17-19

This is the mandate that has been given to me.

I will not force any of you tribe members into this.
But you are very welcome to acknowledge this
calling and make it your own.

Keep your identities as tribe members secret to society.

Let people know that the tribe is not some bunch of elites,
but an idea and a cause that they can follow.

You were called for greater things.

I'm sure deep inside, you know it.

So let us all honor God and set an example to the world.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Perspective of A High Risk Trader”
Thursday, April 21, 2016

"Napapadalas na."

blurt out as I check the zennies left in my account. A sign that I've been trading in and out of
the markets with considerable volume.

Most people would panic at the sight of a 4-6 figure loss. But it shouldn't be about the value.
Focus instead on the percentage of gains and losses. A 250k loss that is -2% is small
compared to a damaging blow of -50k that is -10% of a trader's port. It's just a matter of

Taking on these high risk stocks with 6-7 figures is quite easy. But with 8? It takes a special
kind of crazy. These are my defining moments as I challenge myself to this weight class.
Balancing a versatile trading system with volume while trying to keep the right state of mind.

If there's one thing I've learned on these kinds of plays, either you get in early or you get out
quickly. Time to test my limits.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Snapshots of A High Risk Trader”
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

As far as I can remember, I've been sharing my portfolio snapshots since my newbie days
in Finance manila. And this was way before I was taking in students and way before
Facebook Stock market groups became a thing.

(This was the Day I decided to start recording my portfolio every end of day.)

I did so because I wanted to start a culture of openness. I was moved by two anonymous
bloggers COM (Color Of Money) and Cliff The Investor (This guy's blog is no more) who
relentlessly shared their insights and snapshots every single day to back up their studies
and who they are in the markets. They walked the talk.

You see, a lot of people would claim that they traded this or that. And during those times, if
you were able to make a killing on stocks that made parabolic moves you'd be respected
and followed. Of course you want to know how they were able to do it, so you follow them.
And those snapshots are one big help in opening your mind to the possibilities of the
markets and dissecting the mind of the trader - Where they entered and where they closed

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
But the funny thing is, when you ask most of the gurus out there for proof of records, they
can't even show it. Kahit shaded di pwede? Did they really trade the stock or are they just
claiming sh!t?

Why? I wondered.

Now here's a question. What is your litmus test to know if a person is legit or not?

Here comes a guru who was able to buy and hold NOW or BRN this quarter below 1.00.
That's impressive. But how about the superstocks last year? And the year before that? I
don't know about you but for me, consistent results backed up by records would always
trump anything else. So don't be impressed by jackpot stocks.

And like what we always say in ZFT,

"Pics or didn't happen."

Oh. I almost forgot. Here's a fictional snapshot.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Emotions of A High Risk Trader”
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

It was Closing time in the Markets of April 5th 2016. This was my first time in my Trading
career to experience a 7 Digit Loss in a Day. Lucky me right?

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" People ask.

I'm fine. It's weird I know. I should be feeling something. Pain. Depression. Sadness. But
none of these emotions are present.

"Eh ganyan ka naman talaga noong simula pa! Manhid!"

*Plays Pusong Bato In Background*

It wasn't always like this. And like everyone else who learned this craft, I also had my fair
share of emotions - Happily jumping off my chair when I see huge gains in my port from
super stocks. Then cry and sleep in heartache after a few trading days, as those gains get
eaten up by a series of losses. Believe me, It's normal.

Learning is a process. It takes time. And the stock market isn't something easily mastered.
Don't believe people in social media who tell you trading is easy money, people who tell you
all the good things about the markets without disclosing the risks. And especially people
who don't talk about managing losses and emotions.

These people who seem to be always right about everything and give you this illusion that
everyone is profiting from the market but you, is a lie. Because no one is immune from the

I look at the Stock Market as a game - the gains and losses in my account are just
numbers. There are good days and there are bad days. Today was a bad day.

And that's all there is to it. Moping around and giving in to negativity wouldn't help bring
back what I've lost now would it? This experience just means I need to refine my system so
this kind of damage would less likely to occur in the future.

It's simple discipline of the trade.

So how do I manage to kill my emotions in Trading aside from re aligning my perspective?

Simple “Study and Practice."

Here's a link that could emphasize on that.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
https://zeefreaks.blogspot.com/2015/05/volume-of-emotions.html - Volume of Emotions

In ZFT, we have a ritual called "The Purge" where we rid ourselves of all noise that could
affect our trading decisions. This noise could be in the form of trading buddies, stock
groups, gurus, subscriptions, disclosures, news, rumors, etc.. The process helps us re align
our focus and better ourselves. If you are having trouble with noise, Try purging.

Many people fail fast in trading because of ignorance or lack of a better system. Selling
plays a bigger part in trading than buying. And cutting losses is the first system every
aspiring trader should master.

For everyone can buy with confidence.

But only few can sell with dignity.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“ZFT PCC: Arthur Pendragon”
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I am procrastinating at the moment, couldn‟t write anything for the technical report I‟m
supposed to finish in three days. I decided to write this hoping that other people will
somehow benefit and take something from my experience.

This was my port three weeks ago:

A red port and stressful work is never a good combination. Most will ask how I ended up so
deep in shit. My mentors would disavow me for it seems like I never learned a thing.
Having the time to reflect I‟ve divided this post into stages.

Stage 1 – Denial

One critical factor is the denial stage. The refusal to accept you made a mistake will
inevitably result to not wanting to cut your losses quickly. I reverted back to what I was
before the ZF program. When you are so deep in shit, you just --- you just can‟t get out of it.

Classic “ipit” situation.

I relied on hope again instead of thinking straight and use what I learned. This is like you
being Pandora, holding a box with nothing but hope in it. The period that one is still hoping
that things will turnaround eventually is what denial is all about.

You cannot blame me – after all to hope is human for man is an animal with a sense of the
future, a being in quest of reality. Threatened by fear and encouraged by hope, as he
reaches beyond himself for that which is yet to come.

Let me stop you right there as you might get the wrong idea, hoping maybe in human‟s
nature but the same way you wouldn‟t mix Mentos® mints with a bottle full of Coca-Cola®
you DON‟T mix hope and trading in one sentence. (which I just did but pay no attention to
that). They just won‟t go well together.

Stage 2 – Seeking Guidance Comfort

In this instance, I felt so hopeless and so frustrated that I wanted to quit trading there and
then. I needed to talk to someone. I looked for some guidance. From someone who
wouldn‟t say “kaya mo yan” or “makakabawi ka din” or “maliit lang yang loss na yan”.

Celeste in this post (https://rootingforceleste.com/2016/04/26/scribe-chronicles-ism/) took

the words out of my mouth:

My superplay just took a super punch to the gut. It could not, for the life of me, fly. Every darn third liner had their moment
and this stock had not.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
It reminds me of the snobby genius kid at school who is just about to make a breakthrough and change the world but had
chosen to suck on his thumbs at the corner, leaving his genius unfulfilled.


Twice I had entered, twice I had to cut.

April had been so awful, if it weren‘t for the deal stocks with Zee I‘d be openly admitting that I have made such a dramatic
failure of trading.

In the end though, my own moves after each deal stock erased any loss recovery I made until I finally realized that my
losses had returned to it‘s original point of 270,000…. Plus 11,000 more.

The copper taste of blood stung my mouth after biting my lip so hard. It started to bleed. For the longest time in my life,
every emotion flowed through me like life forces filling me on my bare edges. In again, out again.

This was the way of my world ever since.

The stock market taught me not to feel, and when it was time to be angry, or sad, or disappointed– I was not. That was
when crisis struck me. What then? Oh what then? Who am I? What have I become?

I have become emotionless, yes I have, but have I become a better trader? What is left of me after this character trait has
gone? Oh nothing! I wonder if it went away with my soul.

It‘s not fair if I don‘t see any progress I even made after all.

I told Zee I‘m resting from the market. I reasoned I have so many things to do.

He‘s much smarter than that and he knows I‘m withdrawing. I couldn‘t beat the guy to it. I have not met him before but he
knows what‘s going on my mind, so for the larger part of it, he decided to agree with me and then ignore everything I just

―Don‘t you go shiz cray cray on me!‖, he told me, not angrily but rather in a worried way, betraying his usual troll-like
humour. It was after I told him that maybe I should just sell everything, go on a sabbatical, and live away from civilization
where I wouldn‘t have to explain myself.

Besides, I‘d look pretty cute tanned in a sarong.

I always felt embarrassed to ask for help when I don‘t feel okay. I need
someone‘s permission that it‘s okay, and it‘s safe to say what‘s troubling
me, without troubling them too. I didn‘t feel like anyone should bother
with my nonsense. And so, I try hard to keep it to myself. Lately though,
the pressure from making so many mistakes had gotten to me.

And I felt like no one was there to talk to about it. That‘s the problem with
being the 1% of the population who‘s involved with the stock market.
Ordinary folks just could NOT fathom what you‘re going through.
Whatever they say are automatically dispensed from the magical box of

tried-and-tested comforting words.

―Kaya mo yan.‖, ―You‘ll make it.‖, ―Mababawi mo rin.‖ The concern was real, but the empathy nonexistent. It was hard to
believe it since they have no clue about the entire system. Not like it was their fault.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
The resonance of comfort only echoes when the voice knows what it says. It
will only reach the pit if it understood the depth of the distress in the first

We were supposed to enter a bounce play for NOW and BRN. It would have
been cute scribing NOW for the third time. Unfortunately, it bounced earlier
than we expected. He got in, and I didn‘t.

A day after though, still placid from my personal crisis, he messaged me to

get me moving. Ofcourse I oblige.

I was quite surprised upon seeing it. It was nice the last time I saw it but
now it‘s niiice. I hurriedly began to update my charting.

I gave him an answer. A wrong one. I was overthinking the rules so he had
to right it. Maybe this is the kind of anxiety I get for being often wrong? I
seem to over read.

ISM was about to break the previous high, but the top was not enough to
impress me and consider it a ―breakout‖. It was pretty early in the day,
around 10 am. A lot could still happen.

I told him it was alright for it to close near the high part of Fibonacci. Near
0. He said it was not. It had tried to attempt to break it so it must close


Dear readers, when is the safest time to buy?

After the lunch time, I had seen the same strength on ISM continue. It was
defending the top levels and the candle was about to close strong. I then
decided to break the rules a bit and start buying before it closes.

I tried to give him a scenario of what I intend to do.

What would I do on a gap up, on a continuation, on a
sell down, on a gap down.

Upon hearing that, this is what he‘s got to say.

Over the weekend, I had done much thinking about my life. It‘s a crisis!
I‘m standing on a crossroad and I‘m trying to live two lives at the same
time. Both demanded the best of me and I‘m not at my best fighting form,
but atleast I‘m still trying. I‘m glad I‘m anchored by ZFT, else I‘d waste so
much time floating mindlessly over water or struggling to breathe

He tried to understand the cause of all the stress or why I wanted to run
away from everything but I couldn‘t even begin to explain it. I hate being
dramatic when I talk to people, I could feel the pressure of asking them to
comfort me. It‘s such a bother. I feel hyper-aware and conscious of what I ask other people to do. I never meant to have a
heavy presence.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
When we pick a path, does the path present itself or do we cut our way to it?

Finally, Monday morning, I had the time to monitor. The stock market was going
insane. I saw some people have it rough that day but the tribe members seem to
have caught the outperformers. They cheered on over social media.

I was awe-struck at how they could see every thing that moves. How did they do
that? How can they go ―uy, FNI.‖ and then next minute talk about another exotic
stock, then another one, and then another one.

Charting is one thing, how are they watching all their preys? How do they execute?

what if indeed?
His answer reminds me of chess. It‘s not about having a plan, it‘s having PLANS. One for each move or each scenario and
knowing how to counter it.

ISM was having a moment. It was shooting high. The minutes chart consistent. It
consolidates, shoots, consolidates, shoots. Again and again until it reached a point of
unbelievable frenzy.

I didn‘t know what to do! I was so used to cutting stocks that went down but for those
that kept going up? It was a different kind of nervous. I had learned my lesson on sell

Did I just hear the magic words? Possible. Super. Play.

But what about locking profits?

I gotchu, I gotchu. But what about the fact that it hit so high now? Pera na yun ah!
Otherwise known as, you‘ll work twice as hard for the unnecessary sigurista profit-
taking. Emotional well-being is top priority to be able to trade with a clear head.

At the end of the day, we reviewed our plan… Or rather he reviewed mine and made

sure I have one.

But please don‘t test me?

HA! Well, not meaning to brag but I used to commute around EDSA daily so
I know pain.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought

Did I just tell you that my losses went back and even increased? Oh dear. It did. It was so frustrating. My port is having a
bipolar moment. We‘re either eating out at Niu or having ramen for dinner. The pressure is real.

A supercomputer is inside of me but my body is rusted. I couldn‘t execute! That‘s where I fail.

The thing with Zee is… He usually scrimps on the compliments. It‘s fine, just the way he is. I‘m actually the same. He
doesn‘t prance around like a stage parent cooing at every turn. He takes a look at what you do and if you‘re lucky, you get
a thumbs up or ―that‘s correct.‖.

I think I‘ve been a lot more frail lately. Trust me, I hate it. I fight it. I eat chocolates, I exercise, I cook. Whatever. I‘m trying
to fight it off.

He knows it so he tries to help.

there, there…
I wonder what I‘d be if he didn‘t hold my hand and pull me out of it? Probably really
freaking sad. Will probably try again half-hearted and lose in return because I didn‘t
even really put myself into it, and after that, I don‘t know. It‘s a slippery slope.

It sure revealed a lot of things about him, who saw me trying to lick my wounds and
withdraw inside my shell. He reached out and goaded me to try again. I wonder what
it says about me.

One day, I hope to return the favor in whatever way I can. But the way I see it, he doesn‘t want me to return the gesture,
he wants me to pay it forward to other people.

Hello, dear readers! Whew what an exhausting write-up! It‘s only Tuesday but a
lot has happened. Panic is prevalent again as people talk about a market reset.
I don‘t have a clue what that meant.

But just remember, we‘re trading stocks not the entire market.

I hope the universe has been kind to you a much as it was with me.

“The resonance of comfort only echoes when the voice knows what it says. It will only
reach the pit if it understood the depth of the distress in the first place.”

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought

ZF didn‟t even attempt to stop me. BUT…

Kap on the other hand said this:

Did you notice what both of them said? Aside from both didn‟t say “makakabawi ka din”.

Study and invest more time.

Review that trade.
Reflect and learn from it.

No, I wasn‟t looking for those phrases either. In reality, I was just looking for comfort.

So I ate ice cream. I walked the dogs. I took in the form of an Awoken and killed some Vex
and Fallen in Venus in some form of release of my frustrations.

Having a routine to de-stress is imperative.

Stage 3 - Acceptance

Everyone knows the tribe has strict cut loss limits. There are rules. The mentors never
failed to remind us, as they both kept on reiterating the same phrases: follow rules and
exercise discipline.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
I know for a fact that I did not follow the rules and that I lacked discipline on these trades. If
I did, why the hell am I writing this piece?

So I have now accepted that I made a mistake. It was on me. Not on the mentors, not on
the system.

It still took me approximately two weeks to finally cut all those losses. It was the Purge all
over again.

By this time, these phrases in Stage 3 (Study and invest more time. Review that trade.
Reflect and learn from it.) make more sense now.

So nope, I didn‟t raise the white flag. The fight goes on as they say.

Stage 4 – Aftermath

I was supposed to lay low for a bit and take a breather from the market after those
successive bad trades. But I am as stubborn as a mule so I still traded and dug myself
deeper and deeper. I won some trades but I incurred bigger losses.

It is important to take a step back every now and then. It gives you a wider perspective on
things around you.

I guess for some divine intervention my day job forced me to go into a sabbatical leave from
the market. Mind you, it was hard when the village runs on solar power and someone forgot
to buy petrol for the generator. Nonetheless I managed, I had time to reflect and revisit my

After such reflection one thing is clear I need to control my emotions. One very easy thing
to say yet so difficult to do.

Tame your emotions or it may be the cause of your downfall.


Today 18th of May, after almost a month of incurring losses, Ms. Market seemed to be in a
good mood and welcomed me back with arms wide open. I just wish it was really an all-in.

Emotion check: My smile is still from ear to ear BUT not overflowing with joy.

I still need to work on my emotions and so should you.

One step at a time. We‟ll eventually get there.

- Arthur Pendragon (Eques ZFT Batch VII)

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 009”
Trading with Purpose
Friday, May 13, 2016

I'm in constant fascination by the heroes in most cartoons and anime. You'd normally see
them face and fight a tougher, impossible enemy. When I think about it, it's just stupid
sometimes - they could have just lived their lives for themselves and not be bothered. But
they choose to become stronger. To have a higher purpose in life. Not just for themselves.
But for others. And in doing so, they find that seemingly impossible strength or wisdom to
meet the need of becoming that hero.

I always wanted to be a hero. To help those in need. I realized I started becoming one
when I committed myself to trade not just for myself. But for others.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Stories of A High Risk Trader”
Gurus and Bagger Plays
Monday, May 2, 2016

`It's May and everything is red. You check your port and it ain't pretty. You hold your
beloved bagger turned beggar stocks and start reading up on disclosures, follow gurus,
trace broker transactions and start to wonder what you did wrong. "It was quite easy to
make money last month. What in the world happened?"
What indeed.
Let me tell you a story in the eyes of ZF. It all started 1st quarter of the year. A Facebook
post appeared, heck, probably a private message coming from a popular guru or stock
market icon.
Tiwala lang. (Just trust)
Of course, you're taken aback. You've never gained access to such vital information. It's too
good to be true right? Stories and rumors of the many who have lost in the stock market
flash between your eyes. "But what if it's true?" You mumble to yourself.
What if.
The man who claims to be an informed player seems decent. This is your golden chance to
regain all your losses! And in a moment's notice, you succumb to the temptation of pushing
that buy button.
All in!
You consult with a few people if you did the right thing. It seems many have already bought
as well. You join in the exchange of information and pleasing comments about the
company. Big personalities add to your confidence as they release sweet words about this
trade. You even spot a few who claim to be the Painters of the Tape, the chosen ones who
are tasked to bring the prices to nirvana.
"Marami kang binili anooo?" one asks. And you casually reply "Hindeeee. Tikim lang."
A few weeks later you check your port and you are up BIG! You can't believe your eyes.
The rumors were true! The tip was legit and everyone is greeting each other and singing
praises. As a reward, you buy yourself that lovely meal and start counting how much profits
you need to buy that lovely ride you've always dreamed about.
First Gen Porsche baby.
Just a few more weeks and it will be yours. But you can't wait that long so you decide to
leverage on more positions bigger than your original investment because YOLO right?
What could possibly go wrong?
And now those weeks have come. You excitingly open your trading account only to find out
the dreaded mess it has become.
"Anyare?" You were supposed to get your Porsche this week, like everyone else. You
consult your trading buddies first. They too are in the same position. The "Alliance" and the
gurus are telling you that it's just a minor bump in the road, so stay put. "Only ginyuses will
sell at this point" they add.
Desperate and in need of comfort, you seek out the root of it all. The annointed one. The
keeper of truths. The Painter of the Tape.
But even he has no encouraging words to give.
What is it that you should do? Will you continue to believe these people? Will you continue
to hold your positions? Will you sell? Will you grab life by the balls and change your
I have no idea. I'm just a mere fiction story teller.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 011”
The Dissonance of A High Risk Trader
Sunday, November 27, 2016

This word was something that hit me a few

years ago when I was starting to rake in
those profits from the market.

I have always made it clear to everyone

that I am a firm believer in Technicals and
Technicals only. Not to speculation,
brokers or Insiders. And most specially not
to Fundamentals. I have embraced this
truth and will most likely die with it.

I am not saying that believing in Fundamentals or market insiders is wrong and that there is
no money in it, because there is. What I am saying is that out of the 3 Truths I experienced,
[Fundamentals, Technicals and Funnymentals] only Technicals has proven to be consistent
in making me money in EVERY season - be it a bull, sideways, or a dreaded bear market.

(Exhibit A)

"Cognitive Dissonance"

This might be confusing for those who are new to it. So to further expound on this lovely
term, I'd like to introduce Bob. (He's a bit shy)

Bob has been studying and trading the markets for a few years now. He believes that
stocks with good fundamentals, when timed with technicals, will yield him a fortune in a
relatively short amount of time vs if he only believed in one truth.

"Why not get the best out of both worlds, ya know what I'm sayin?"

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
So in August of 2015, Bob bought TEL on the grounds that it was fundamentally sound and
that techincally, it was at good levels and holding supports.

On the next month however, TEL broke down from it's supports and hit Bob's technical cut
points at -5% to -8%. He was faced with a dilemma. It's a good stock and it pays good
dividends. In a fundamental perspective if the price goes any lower, Bob will greatly benefit
from it because he would be able to buy more shares and that would translate to more
dividends. But on the technical side of things, he had to sell because TEL was already
showing signs of a downtrend.

There was dissonance. A chaos and disharmony boiled within Bob. Does he hold or does
he cut?

So he starts thinking about the time he spent researching about the company. He computes
the tax and the paper losses he'll incur if he sells. And after eating his favorite happy meal,
he came to a decision.

"I'll hold and average down. Someday, this will go back up. It is after all, a fundamentally
good stock. Ya know what I'm sayin?"

In order for Bob to alleviate his anxiety and find peace within himself, he had to choose to
firmly believe in one truth and in this case, it was Fundamentals. A year passed by and he
found himself with deeper losses. But that doesn't affect him anymore.

You just cannot serve two contradicting truths.

If you're still new in the markets, there will come a point in your trades where you will have
to decide just like Bob.
"Will I choose Fundamentals? Or will I choose Technicals?"
Remember, there is no middle ground. And now that I think about it, this truth reflects a lot
about life and the decisions we make.

"Am I still serving God or am I serving my own interests?"

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 014”
Of Something and Nothing
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Ahhh.. It's been such a year and so many things happened that I feel like my mind is still in
such dissarray.
I've always wanted to travel and see the world when I was younger. I still do. And this year,
I've dedicated most of my days travelling - you know, spending a week or two in one place
and try to experience the place and culture as a local. I guess one of the best things you'd
gain from the experience aside from the scenic views and great food, is a deeper
understanding of humanity and your place in this world.
Maybe you've noticed ZF isn't the usual ZF that he is anymore when he started. Well, to tell
you honestly, I've been starting to feel burnt out.
Before when someone messages in the ZF page asking for help, I'd normally come to their
rescue and give a friendly reply. Now, there's a 70% chance I'd scold the person or give
cold replies. Am I getting too old for this?
One time, me and Celeste were talking about how our favorite TAP and other groups have
been leading newbloods astray with their so called "trading systems."

"Okay lang yan. We need a diversified market. The more ignorant traders there are, the
more money for us." I replied. Have I turned bad? I remember this statement from Two-face
in Dark Knight : Have I become a Villain?

Thinking about it now, I guess I've neglected my inner child and forgot to have more fun
than I should - releasing all my worries and not giving a single care in the world. Maybe I've
taken more responsibility than I should and could handle? I don't know.

I would like to thank Rooting For Celeste for keeping my emotional health in check. If it
weren't for you, I'd probably act like some old bitter fool ranting all the time.

This season, where our Filipino culture dictates that families spend time together, I decide
to be alone. It's my first time to break tradition. I think I've experienced a glimpse of how
OFWs feel being all alone working their assess off during this time of the year, in a foreign
country for the sake of their family and loved ones. My heart aches for you people.

Nakakamiss din pala yung mga nakakainis na walang kamatayang tanong at statements ng
mga aunties at uncles like :

"Saan ka na connected ngayon?" "May Girlfriend ka na?"

"Kelan ka ikakasal?" "Tumaba ka yata?"

Kakaakward. Kakainis. Pero Kakamiss And you know what I've realized?

In order to fully appreciate something, you must first know what it's like to have nothing.
And if you have it? Lose it. Then get it back all over again. Because even with all the
money, recognition and authority I have, It still won't beat being with the people I love.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Greatest Equalizer Man Has Created”
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Of all the games I've played, the stock market has been the greatest equalizer man has
created. It does not care about your race or gender, if you are rich or poor, or whatever life
principles you stand for.

Come unprepared and you will be slaughtered. Come with the right mind and skill, and you
will be rewarded.

Now I want you to take a good look at your port and understand this: Whatever you see in
there right now is what you deserve.

Don't expect to earn 100k or 1M in the markets if your mind's capacity is only at 10k.

You want a 1M day change? Then work hard and become worthy of that value.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 012”
The Trials and Destiny of a High Risk Trader
Saturday, December 31, 2016

I remember working my ass off in the corporate world and it was tough. I did many other
odd jobs and tasted the business world. I knew deep inside these things weren't for me.

Then I tried trading. It was tough! Trading wasn't easy for me - as some people claim that I
had talent for. I had to go through a harsh process. I had to go through much losses in
order for me to reach where I am right now. And I'm thankful for all the pain and frustrations
that came with it.

It wasn't instant like your favorite 3 minute noodles.

I'd say it took me 3 years to be finally consistent in winning and keeping my gains. In those
3 years, I had 3 instances of a "Wipe Out" where you incur a loss and a mental block that
challenges your will to continue fighting for financial freedom in the markets.

I got depressed, almost quit, and thought of suicide.

But there was hope. I believed God didn't put this passion of trading in me so I'd just die. I
knew I was meant for something big. I just didn't know it yet. I prayed and sought God.

I believe if you pray for something, it isn't enough that you invoke faith. It should be
accompanied with relative action. Faith without works is dead. Parang tumaya ka lang sa
lotto and leave everything to chance.

So cheers to all you traders who are charting this day before the new year. (I was in your
shoes before.)

I've seen people who have worked their asses off, got good results but in the end, still felt
empty inside - that despite their achievements and possessions, there was always
something missing.

And I've witnessed people who were favored in what they did. They also went through the
same process of refinement. It wasn't easy. It never will be. There's always pain. But by the
end of it all, you see them bringing that special impact to the community that only they could

One of the wisest who lived the earth once said..

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.
Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good."

Let this be a reminder to all of us as we transition to the new year. In everything we plan in
doing, let us seek God first and ask...

"What is my destiny? What is it that I am called for?"

And when we finally get the answer... we fight for it!

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Victim Mentality”
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I remember this one late afternoon when I was still a 1st grader. My tutor asked me why I
flunked my exam. I told her "Hindi kasi ako nagcheat, yung mga classmates ko, lahat sila
nagcheat." I still remember that very moment because deep inside, I knew I was wrong and
it was such a lame excuse. That instead of admitting that I didn't study for it, I put the blame
on everyone else.

The Victim Mentality - "I can give you a hundred reasons why it isn't working, and not one of
those involves me." This is the very reason why a lot of people stay as losers in life.

I guess it's human nature.

Side comment : Some say this could be the reason why a lot of women can't make up their
minds when choosing what to eat. Last time they did, they doomed humanity.

Many pursue trading and investing because they believe it can be their ticket to financial
freedom. Oh you've heard the countless stories of successful people in this field, so you try
it out. Maybe you'll get lucky. But most probably you won't. If the stock market was an easy
game, everybody would be doing it. But it ain't.

At this point, you've come to realize that you need to make a decision. How badly do you
want to pursue this idea of freedom? Well, here's an acid test for that : If you find a single
excuse not to win in this game.

"I'm too old.

"It's too complicated."
"The market is rigged."
"I don't have insider information."
"My work schedule doesn't allow me."
"I have too little capital."
"I don't have a mentor."

If you want to be a success, stop with the excuses. And give yourself a chance. When was
the last time you were so passionate about flying with your ideas that you forgot about the
fear of falling?

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Two Kinds of Traders”
Thursday, September 21, 2017

If you were given a million pesos today to trade one stock and were to choose between
these two stocks and with only their charts as available data, which one would you pick?

Stock A

Stock B

Remember your answers because today, we'll talk about the two kinds of traders
represented by Bob (A) and Carl (B).

Let's start!

Bob is where majority of traders belong to. He focuses on stock prices and declines, and
see these events as buying opportunities. A fire sale that would give him profits in the long

But what exactly is long term for Bob?

No one knows exactly how long it is. It could be a year, 5 years, 10, Indefinite? who
knows? For the answer to this question is very subjective. But the most common answer
Bob has is this:

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Time isn't much of an issue. Price is. Or more accurately, feelings are. Basta feel ni Bob
magsell, then he sells. And for this example, he sees the highest price as the reward. "Pag
bumili ako ngayon at BUMALIK to sa 16, makakabili na ako ng (insert bucket list item here)"

Most of the time, this is where speculation and fundamentals start to creep in and play a
major role in Bob's mind. Because these two things give him the justification for his decision
and the hope he needs for his long term dreams.

A year and several months pass and we check on how Bob is doing...

"Okay lang kahit hindi na hit yung TP ko. Long term naman ako dito at magandang
companya naman tong ininvesan ko, (Insert future company plans here.) Babalik din to sa
16! Buy and forget! #ProudInvestorHere"

These are the most common lines you'll hear when traders of this type end up with a stale
or a losing position and do not want to move on. Add to that their collection of quotes and
wallpapers from Lolo Warren to give them encouragement and strength for the coming

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"I am a patient trader. I will hold until
thy TP come."

Let's go to the 2nd type of trader,

Carl. Now, unlike Bob, he puts a
premium into trends rather than
prices and feelings. For him, there is
no such thing as an expensive or a
cheap stock. Only trending or non-
trending stocks.

Carl understands that even if prices have appreciated significantly but still follows the trend,
there is still plenty of room to make money. He doesn't care about buying the stock at a
cheaper price like Bob so he could feel good and feed his ego, he cares about feeding his
portfolio and managing his time well.

When it comes to trading, understanding trends is as important as breathing in real life. We

all know there are 3 types of trends right?

Uptrend. Downtrend. Sideways.

Trends don't change overnight. OK sometimes it does, but that rarely happens. And Carl
understands this fundamental principle : That if a stock came from a long downtrend, it first
has to reverse by consolidating into a sideways trend, then slowly transition into an uptrend.
Obviously, this takes time - days, weeks, months, years? Who knows?

So instead of buying into sideways or downtrends and waiting for these lengthy transitions
to finish, Carl instead focuses on buying a stock that has an established uptrend. He knows
that if he does this, he will save a lot more time. And as the popular saying goes: The Trend
is Your Friend.

And in just a few months, here's what happened...

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91% in 115 days.

So what are you saying Zee?

I'm saying perspective is everything. If you want to make money the faster way in our
market, buy stocks that are already trending up and making new 52-week highs rather than
waste your precious time buying downtrends and waiting out the transition period.

Not saying you won't make money with Bob's method. But just saying... a moving train is
faster than one that's just starting its engines for the day.

Exhibit 1

ATH Stock. Holding Period : 6 Trading days.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Disease of The Mind”
Thursday, August 17, 2017

When we enter the markets, we aren't just spectators of events that unfold right before our
very eyes. We are first and foremost, participants in a non-ending battle arena. And there
are no allies nor are there friends, there is only you and the beast that is the market. But not
everyone knows this. Most of us are taught from the very beginning, the fundamentals of
loving beautiful beasts. That if you love these big, unfailing and mystical beasts long
enough, you will be rewarded.

Dahil may forever... ... sa friendzone.

For those of you who want to know how much that trader has lost, it's around 1.1M. I know
tons of traders and investors who have lost more. I've read countless of letters like these.
And if there's one truth that the market tells us about these stories, it's Learn before you

These losses don't become the dreadful numbers that they are overnight. They always start
as a small, tolerable disease. And rather than finding a cure and dealing with it immediately,
beginners let it run the course.

"Liit lang na paper loss to. Kaya pa."

Then one day, you find yourself paralyzed and in the verge of death. "I'd like to trade and
learn. But it's too late for me to cut." So you accept your sorry position and leave everything
to fate.

But it hasn't have to be this way.

Imagine for a second that traders are warriors. Do you think a warrior can fight effectively
with a dreaded disease? Definitely not. The most they can do is spread the disease to the
enemy - which is funny because this is what's happening to a lot of stock market
communities. Damn. I've such a dark sense of humor.

Before one can learn how to fight properly, the disease must be stopped.

This is where the purge comes in. Purging isn't just selling everything in your bloody
portfolio. It's also cleansing of the mind. Because trading isn't a physical game but a mental

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Market Thought
game. How can you move on if you are bringing a ton of emotional and mental baggage
with you?

Selling everything in your portfolio ensures you have nothing left in the physical and
absolutely nothing to worry about in the markets. It's a painful process but it is necessary.

And after clearing your portfolio, the next thing you'll have to deal with is bitterness. You
know you were wrong. You were humbled by the markets and you paid the costly price of
ignorance and falling prey to false gurus. But in order to move forward you will have to
forgive yourself and accept where and what you currently have in the present. Forget about
the losses you made. Face the markets once again as if it was your first day to see it.

From here, you are ready to learn how to fight. The only things you'll have to deal with are
the bad habits you caught before you started purging - Listening to market gurus, rumors,
tips, the reading of disclosures and news, and all your misconceptions of the markets and
the fears from the scars you presently have.

Don't listen to those who can only talk. Don't fall for it again. For it is too easy to quote
wisdom of old. Seek out people who can talk about winning and back them up by
consistently showing you how they are made.

And how would you know if you are right this time around and what you're learning isn't
another disease? Here's a simple acid test: If what you learned makes you money, that is
truth. If it doesn't, consider it cancer.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Stock Market Support Groups”
Sunday, August 6, 2017

This post is dedicated to all the traders who believe in technical analysis. If you're a
fundamentalist, don't waste your time reading this post because this doesn't apply to you.

I was browsing my feeds this week and I saw this

Side Question : Why wasn't it given the same attention when it first broke out (1)?

Here are a few other notable groups I noticed.

And this one is my personal favorite because of the Description. I admire the honesty.

I would understand true fundamentalists who are in these groups because that's just how it
is with fundamentalists - you consolidate all the news and information you have in one
"drawer" and that's fine. But for anyone else who isn't a fundamentalist?

Strength in numbers. This is the most common mistake people think works in the markets.
"If we group buy the shiz out of this stock, this will definitely go higher."

But you know what? The market doesn't work that way.

And I've seen groups where popular gurus, company owners and CEOs are present and
give buy recos with outrageous target prices on their stocks - AND then dump shares to
your face.

You think these people care about you?

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Market Thought
The market is like the government. You can lock arms, hold hands, protest and rally all you
want with your buddies. But by the end of the day, the market does what it wants,
regardless of anyone's opinion or feelings.

If you want to survive in the markets as a trader, follow these two principles : Never trust
anyone with a buy reco. And take everything you hear with a grain of salt.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“The Case of Liquidty”
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Have you ever heard one of your trading buddies, tell you off by saying "wag mo bilhin yan!
illiquid!" Then you look at the board and think "okay naman ah"

This can mean either two things. Either (A) You are correct and your friend is just a dumb-
ass who got the same scolding from a trader with a bigger port size. Or (B) Your dear friend
is right and you haven't experienced getting
trapped on an illiquid stock.

To visualize this, let me tell you a story of two

traders named Bravz and Andy.

Andy is not your ordinary trader. Aside from being

an expert in cutting his positions he is also a rich

One day, he decideds to allocate 5M in one trade. He thinks to himself, "Rich kid ako eh. I
can afford." So he goes on and buy 1.385k shares of MEG at 3.61. By the middle of the day
he realizes that he wanted something else, something faster. So he sells all of his shares at
3.6 with ease. Commission loss doesn't bother him. Rich kid kasi eh.

He then proceeds to buy LMG because his favorite guru

told him.... "30% Discount! This is syurbol backdoor!
Okadah bombah!" So he buys a million shares of LMG at

By the closing hour things turned sour, supports didn't hold

and Andy's -5% cut levels were hit. He was in shock!
Prices were diving down faster than that racer reached the
next tower in Fast and Furious 7.

He couldn't sell all his shares because there weren't

enough buyers.

Prices went lower and At 4.3 he was now facing a 700k Loss. If he sold down everything
before and during the market's closing, at what price would LMG reach? At this point he
understood that he was trapped and that it was impossible to cut without incurring much

To give you a better image of Andy's situation and to the hundreds of traders who don't
know how to sell their shares due to illiquidity.

So Andy decides to just hold all his positions because it was now too late and too deep to
cut. He then thinks to himself : "Anyway Syurbul Backdoor naman toh. Okadah Bombah!"

Does this sound like someone you know?

Now, Bravz was the same as Andy. He was also hyped by the Okada Rumors. Hindi nga
lang siya rich kid. But instead of allocating all of his funds on a single play, he decided to
be a good boy and only allocate 25% of his whole port on the LMG play.

Just enough to get his balls wet.

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Market Thought
Bravz is training to be a Knight Class Trader btw, holding only a maximum of 4 stocks at a
time. Where a single stock has a budget limit of 25% of his whole portfolio. So he then
proceeds to put in 50k at 5. Why 5? Monkey see, monkey do! Best buddies sila ni Andy eh.

Now at the moment that his cut loss levels were hit, Bravz was able to sell his 10k shares
easily because his allocation allowed him to be liquid enough for this specific play.

Not all traders are equal in size. Liquidity is Relative. There are huge sharks with 7 to 8
figures. There are Whales in the 9 Figures. And of course, let's not forget the cute little
plankton traders that are just starting out by the 4-5 figures.
So how can we know if a stock is liquid or not?
I don't know about you and what other experts would say but I would classify a stock Liquid
if I am able to use 100% of my total port, to buy or sell the stock at current prices and be
ABLE to close positions on the SAME DAY without single handedly creating a 3-5% swing.
To further visualize this, if you had to buy 1 Million worth of shares within a minute without
causing prices to fluctuate too much, between DMC and SPM, which one do you think
would be able accommodate YOUR size?
Using our super powers, the common sense, we'd all agree that if we had to buy a million
worth of shares, DMC is the liquid choice.

But if the stock I wanted to play was SPM and obviously it's illiquid for my size, I could
always adjust my allocation so that it becomes a Liquid Trade. Instead of buying 1M worth,
I'll just allocate 30k worth.
Because by the end of the day what matters is how you adapt and trade accordingly to your

Don't be a whale swimming in shallow waters.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Lessons Worth Millions”
Friday, February 23, 2018

I know I haven't written in a while. I've been on a journey of self discovery and much more -
I'll reserve this for another time to give it justice.

What originally was a sharing of life lessons over lunch with some traders ended up with a
glimpse of the future.

I have a certain stigma when it comes to brokers. But that changed today when i met
people behind COL. Beyond the laggy servers, and all that money, are people who have a
genuine heart to serve others.

Thank you Taylor for introducing me to your family of traders in the 23rd floor - hope to
meet and talk to everyone when the right time comes.

To the Lee brothers I met today, and to the founder Edward Lee, thank you for the wisdom
you imparted.

If there's one lesson I'll remember until my grave it's this :

Purpose, character and being in the right community (culture) is better than being the best
trader out there.

What would you do if you're in the middle of trading high risk stocks and the founder of an
established company visits you and starts imparting wisdom?

Would you choose your profits over a unique moment that will never happen again?

Before (took the screenshot before I was about to sell)


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I lost a million worth of potential profits today and I didn't care. I'd even say it's the happiest
million I spent. The snapshots above were before and after shots of my small port (check
the time) - di pa kasama yung big port jan.

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

Market Thought
“Personal Notes Series 010”
The 6 Digits Trader
Monday, August 22, 2016

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost,
whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not
able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, „This man began to build and was
not able to finish.‟ Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down
first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against
him with twenty thousand?

Everybody has a dream. But dreams are not without cost.

It was the last quarter of 2010, I remember having the typical Filipino dream of going
abroad to work, travel and see the world and then retire at a ripe age and come back to
build a nice house somewhere near a beach. I also remember that I haven't really figured
out what I wanted to do. It would have been nice to be able to do what you want, have fun
and get paid for it. DOTA 2 and eGames wasn't that much of a thing that time.

After some time observing the markets I understood that making +5% to as much as +50%
in a day was very possible. But of course I had to be realistic so +10% every month for a
year would do. I then began to imagine the possibilities. For sure I'm not the only crazy
bastard right?

I was aware that losses can happen as well, but who cared about losses really? When you
look for a job or start a business, do you look at the cost or risks first? No. You look at the
potential profits. Kaya nga nag hanap ng trabaho or patayo ng business para kumita diba? I
was young and foolish.

One reason why people consider going full time in trading is when they experience gaining
profits equal or greater than their salaries with lesser time than they would with their jobs.

My salary or allowance during my practicum abroad (before graduating college) was around
18-21k php. It was a good amount since I was excellent at saving, but it was barely enough
for anything extra I wanted to do or have.

And then that day came.

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In just two days, I was able to gain 3 months worth of my salary. I felt I could conquer the
world. It was at that moment when I decided to go full time after I finish my contract and
graduate from college.

I finally found what I wanted to do.

I decided to go full time into trading with a 6-digit port. I didn't know it was a suicide mission.
And by full time trading, I mean not getting a job or business and just dedicating my time
and energy to the markets as my sole source of income.

You see, there are many traders out there who would say that paper losses are okay; that it
is okay to "sit it out" because eventually it will recover. But you see, pain demands to be felt.
It demands your immediate attention. If you let a wound go untreated, it gets worse and
could eventually turn lethal.

This is the difference between full time traders and those who are just wannabees. A
wannabee can commit a mistake or a loss and stick to that loss. They can be wrong as long
as they want, until they eventually become right and say "I told you so." They can afford to
feed their egos because they have a backup plan - it could be a job or business or maybe
they just have a lot of money - a fallout shelter when everything falls apart.

A full time 6-digits trader however, doesn't have this luxury. Pride and ego won't put food in
his table. Every trade will mean life or death to him. There is no backup plan. If he wishes to
survive in the face of a grave mistake, he accepts the loss and cuts to trade another day.

There's this story I've read somewhere. It was about this King going into war with another
from a faraway kingdom. He sent his whole army across the continent with their best ships.
When the armada reached shore and finished making camp, the lord commander of the
king's army immediately ordered the burning of their ships.

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As the fire started to consume the shoreline and lit up the dark night, the lord commander
announced to the king's army "We have burnt our finest ships. The only way we are going
back home is to win this war!"

This was the kind of situation I found myself in. My ship was burning. There was no turning
back. The kingdom was the prize. Home was the dream.

It wasn't easy. There were seasons of battles where I lost. I questioned my will and sanity
many times.

"Have I made the right choice?"

I ventured into this world with my family's blessing. I had to bring them honor. I had to show
them I was a warrior. That I could take care of myself amidst all the uncertainties that the
market brings. And I failed. Many times. But every single time I fell down to my knees and
started to lose hope, I found myself in the presence of the Lord of Heaven's Armies.

"Do you believe?"

"I still do. You didn't send me here to fight for a dream and die."

"Get up!" He said. "I will fight for you and bring you to your destiny!"

The rest was history.

To the the full time 6-Digit traders out there who have burnt their ships and are fighting for
their first seven and their dreams, you have my mad respect! You aren't alone in this war -
seek out the Lord of Heaven's Armies. Believe. Receive.

Let me end with this story...

In the beginning God created the heavens - the moon, the sun and the stars. He created
the earth and everything that lives in it - the huge beasts and the little creepy shits that
crawl. And God saw to it that it was good.

Then God created Man. And in each and every one of them, in the deepest depths of their
hearts, He placed dreams.

A soldier with the initials Z.F. found his dream. Now this soldier asks those who read,

"What are your dreams?"

Transferred by: Janzen Mhiles Nazarene Endrano

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