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International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2 (1975) 29--37

© Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands




Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.
(Received March, 5, 1974; revised and accepted August 29, 1974)


Lynch, A.J., Rao, T.C. and Bailey, C.W., 1975. The influence of design and operating
variables on the capacities of hydrocyclone classifiers. Int. J. Miner. Process., 2: 29--37.
An extensive test programme has been conducted on 10.2-, 25.4- and 38.1-cm "Krebs"
hydrocyclones in order to study the effects of some design and operating variables on
their volume capacities.
For a given pressure the capacity of a cyclone was found to rise sharply with the addi-
tion of solid particles to water until the solids content was about 15% by weight. Further
increase in solids caused a decrease in throughput. The effect of vortex finder diameter
on the throughput was found to be non-linear. A general equation which relates inlet and
outlet diameters, operating pressure and feed solids content to the volume capacity is
presented. This equation is independent of hydrocyclone diameter.


One of the most widely studied characteristics of hydrocyclones has been

their capacity. Many investigators, as reported by Rietema and Verver (1961),
Bradley (1965) and Tarr (1972), have conducted theoretical and experimental
studies on small and large diameter cyclones and have developed correlations
which related the volume capacities of hydrocyclones to design variables such
as feed inlet and outlet dimensions, and operating variables such as pressure
and feed solids content. An excellent review of the literature on this topic
was given by Bradley (1965). Though this literature is voluminous, consider-
able disagreement exists on aspects such as the effects of spigot diameter and
solids content in the feed. Kelsall (1953) and Rao (1966) have shown that a
change in spigot diameter has little effect on the capacity of a hydrocyclone
but Fahlstrom (1963) observed a decrease in capacity with increase in spigot
diameter. Similarly, Lynch and Rao (1965) found a decrease in capacity with
increase in percent solids in the feed but Tarr (1972) reported the opposite
effect. It seems to the present authors that much of the published data may
not be very accurate particularly data relating to large-diameter cyclones, be-
cause in a few cases only were accurate instrumental techniques employed in

* Dr. T.C. R a o is on leave from the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian In-
stitute of Technology, Kanpur, India.

measuring volume flow rates and operating pressures. In addition, data on the
effect of hydrocyclone diameter on the capacity equation, which are impor-
tant for developing scale-up factors for the design of hydrocyclones and their
pumping systems, are also scant in the literature.
It was to resolve some of these problems that a detailed test programme on
pressure-capacity relationships was undertaken at Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral
Research Centre and the results are discussed in this paper.



Tests were carried out on 10.2-, 25.4- and 38.1-cm diameter cyclones sup-
plied by Krebs Engineers. These are geometrically similar and are c o m m o n l y
used in the mineral processing industry. The 10.2- cm cyclone was m o u n t e d
in the small test rig shown in Fig.1. This test rig was operated in closed circuit
with a 7.6/5.1 Warman pump and a feed tank. The pump was driven by a
3.73 kW m o t o r through a variable speed clutch. The overflow and underflow
streams discharged freely into separate launders which entered a c o m m o n
pipe before returning to the feed tank. The feed tank was baffled to eliminate
vortex formation and an agitator m o u n t e d in the tank ensured satisfactory
suspension of the solids. A 5.1-cm magnetic flow meter was m o u n t e d on the
feed line for volume flow measurement and this was frequently recalibrated
to ensure accuracy.
The 25.4- and 38.1- cm cyclones were m o u n t e d on the large test rig shown
in Fig.2. The rig was designed such that even larger cyclones can be tested in
due course. This rig included a fixed speed 15.2/10.2 Warman pump with a
44.1 kW m o t o r and the cyclone feed rate could be varied either by changing
the m o t o r and pump pulleys or by manipulating the valve on the by-pass
line. In this case also the fine and coarse products flowed down separate
launders to a combined launder before returning to the 2500-1 capacity feed
tank. There was no agitator in this tank but the mixing created by the return-
ing pulp and the pulp recycling through the by-pass line was intense and en-
sured complete suspension. A 10.20-cm magnetic flow meter was m o u n t e d
on the cyclone feed line above the by-pass line and this was calibrated when
necessary with reference to measurements made with a 8.9-cm orifice plate.
Pressure gauges (diaphragm type) and " T a y l o r " pressure transmitters were
also m o u n t e d at the feed inlets of the cyclones.
During a test, the signals from the magnetic flow meter and the pressure
transmitter were transmitted pneumatically to a remote control panel and
were converted, via two pressure to voltage transducers to voltages. These
signals were then input to a PDP 8/I computer through analogue to digital
converters. Focal programmes incorporating calibration curves were used to
calculate actual volume flow rates and pressures and these were printed con-
tinuously on a teletype.

Fig.1. Small cyclone test rig. Fig.2. Large cyclone test rig.

Test material

Limestone of purity 99.0% was obtained locally and was ground in the ball
mill at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre pilot plant to the fine-
ness required. The size distribution of the material used in the present investi-
gation is given in Table I.


Size distribution of feed material used in the tests

Microns Wt. % passing

1,200 100.00
850 98.6
600 88.7
420 76.0
300 66.1
210 58.8
150 54.0
105 50.3
75 49.1
53 47.8

Test p r o c e d u r e

At the beginning of each test, the desired vortex finder and spigot were in-
serted into the cyclone. The pulp in the feed sump was run through the
cyclone at a high pressure for a sufficient length of time to ensure thorough
dispersion of solids. Approximate feed density was measured with a " M a r c y "
specific gravity balance, a~d the feed pulp density was brought within the re-
quired range by addition of either more solids or water to the system. The
system was allowed to run for sufficient length of time to reach equilibrium
and a sample from the feed stream was collected. The volume flowrates to
the cyclone were then varied over a range either b y changing the speed of the
pump {in the case of the small test rig) or by manipulating the valve on the
by-pass line (in the case of large test rig). The flowrates and the corresponding
feed pressures were noted from the c o m p u t e r print-out. The feed sample was
weighed, filtered and dried. The dried samples were weighed for density cal-
culations and the size distributions were determined using standard methods
of wet and dry screening.
After completing the work on 38.1 and 25.4-cm cyclones, part of the pulp
from the feed sump was p u m p e d to the small cyclone test sump and then tests
were conducted on the 10.2-cm cyclone. In this manner the feed-size distribu-
tions for all the tests conducted could be maintained reasonably constant. In
conducting the tests, the variables (design and/or operating) of the system
were so selected that spray t y p e of underflow discharge, which is the t y p e to
be maintained while cyclones are being operated as classifiers, was ensured.
Also in conformity with the normal practice in industry the ratio of vortex
finder to spigot diameters was always more than one during a test. These
criteria required that changes should n o t be made during the present study
in the outlet diameters on the 10.2-cm hydrocyclone and spigot diameter on
the 25.4-cm hydrocyclone.


A summary of the test conditions and the data from the present study are
given in Table II and Figs. 3A, B and C.
In Fig.3 and in the equations discussed later, the operating pressure is ex-
pressed in kilopascals, where 6.89 kPa -- 1 psig. Logarithmic scales are used in
Fig.3 because the general t y p e of pressure--capacity relationship is Q ~ K P n
and this may best be shown graphically on log--log paper.
The capacity increases at constant pressure as the solids content of the pulp
is increased from 0 to a b o u t 15% and it then decreases with further increase
in solids c o n t e n t {Fig.4). This confirms the observation of Lynch and Rao
(1965), who were mainly concerned with pulp containing more then 20% by
weight of solids, that increasing solids content decreased capacity at constant
pressure. This is also in partial agreement with the remarks made by Tart


Summary of test conditions

Cyclone Cyclone Outlet diameters Range of Range of

diameter inlet used % solids operating
(cm) diameter (cm) in feed pressures
(cm) (kPa)
vortex finder spigot

38.1 9.5 14.9, 13.3, 10.2 7.5, 6.2, 5.1 0--55 30--140
25.4 5.9 10.2, 8.9, 7.6 5.1 0-55 30--140
10.2 2.1 3.2 2.2 0-55 40--180

(1965, 1972) that increase in percent solids or fluid viscosity causes an in-
crease in the capacity of a cyclone at constant pressure. It is clear that the
volume throughput of a water--solids pulp may be greater than that of water
alone at the same inlet pressure. Though no explanation can be offered for
this conclusion it cannot be attributed to inaccuracies of measuring instru-
ments or experimental error.
A statistical analysis of the data has shown that when all the other vari-
ables are constant log10 Q (where Q is throughput in 1/min):
(1) increases linearly with increase in log~0 kPa where kPa is the operating
pressure. This observation is in conformity with the studies of earlier workers;
(2) increases with increase in vortex finder diameter, VF (in cm) but the
increase is not linear (Figs 5 and 6);
(3) increases linearly with increase in spigot diameter, spig. (in cm); and
(4) increases to a certain value and then decreases linearly with increase in
percent solids in the feed, PCSOL.
By the use of spline regression programmes* (Whiten,1971), which are
particularly suitable for non-linear relationships, the following expressions
have been derived for the capacities of individual cyclones:

10.2 cm cyclone: log~0 I/min=0.45931 log~0 kPa--0.00054PCSOL

+1.378+0.6695 (1)
25. 4 cm-cyclone: log~0 l/rain=0.4801 log~0 kPa--0.000596PCSOL
+ 2.06384+S(VF)-+.0082 (2)

where S(VF) is the natural spline function of degrees 3 through the points
(7.6, 0), (8.9, 0.044) and (10.2, 0.0539), shown in Fig.5.

38.1 cm cyclone: loglo 1/min=0.4515 log,o kPa+0.0031SPIG--

0.00126PCSOL + 2.3714 +S(VF)-+0.0099
*See appendix.

250[ = =o Vortex hnder

• 102
200 o°~.- . ~ * : 0 =
89 cm
75 cm
• x 22,C Sp,got = 51 cm

1501 o a.a "°X ' X x ~" 55,0 ~ 1500i

xx .,~)wt~ o
-- 1000
C 100 u , , , , ,

~. ~ ~ o 40 % Soi,ds 55 % Sot~s
3oo r 500

200 ~.~e ~ I [J
x × + J 3 ~
. ,ooo ,,~:°
+o ° +x~ x x ~ 15001
~- 150
750 ~" ' ~"
O+x ., ~ 0' °~ ~ "/0 So~,~ 30% Sot,ds
100" i

A 30 6; 9~3 120 1501;0 5 so 5o 9o 120 1~] 180 30 60 9O 120 150 18(]

Pressure (kPo) Pressure (kPo)

Sp,got = 51 c m ~ ~ Sp,got = 6 2 cm I} ~ Spigot = 75 cm

1500 9. % 2 ~• " " ° . . " ,o o*

• $• ." °
~.... \. a ."
1000 d

1500 o ÷ , * o Q* ~ •" ° "

1000 +o °

1500 ~- -#~ ," 2 : .... ,

~ ° °
~_ 1000 " , , , , , ,

2000 o+O~, o o ++ o ~o+

150D ~. 9 * % + .. +o +° ~ ° ÷ • ~" .'°

• o, o o, °° °°
1060 • " | , " ,
30 60 90 120 150 30" 643 90 120 150 30 60 go 128 150

C Pressure (kPa) vorte× ,,r'~r

o 149cm
+ 133cm
, 102cm

Fig.3. A. Relationship between pressure and throughput for 10.2-cm hydrocyclone.

B. Relationship between pressure and throughput for 25.4-cm hydrocyclone.
C. Relationship between pressure and throughput for 38.1-cm hydrocyclone.

where S(VF) is the natural spline function of degrees 3 through the points
(10.2, 0), (13.3, 0.0886) and (14.9, 0.1068) shown in Fig.6.
The spline functions in eqs.2 and 3 above define the effects of vortex finder
on the throughput.
The number of data sets used in deriving eqs.1, 2 and 3 are 73, 115 and 249
respectively. In deriving these equations, data obtained when cyclones were
operating on water alone were not used because they do not represent the
normal conditions of operation.


(kPa) (a,)
/42, 5/
/0,2. 75

35 /49 51
-- o-
/02 75
-# 7re 5.1

"~ /Of? 76 51


_ _ _ o - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ ° 35 76 5/

x: 400'
D 300

/40 3 Z z z

lOG 3 Z g E

10C _ _ _ - 35 3 ~ Z~

1~ zb 3b ,b sb 6b
PERCENT SOLIDS (by weight)
Fig.4. Relationship between percent solids in feed and throughput.

0.05 010

£ 00/,
F 008

o 003 o
g 0.02
F 0.0/,
hydrocyclone, i , "6 0.02
/ hydrocyclone
LIJ iii

0 0 II , I , i . i

7 9 10 11 10 12 1/, 16
VF (cm) VF (cm}
Fig.5. Effect of vortex finder diameter, (VF), on log10 throughput for 25.4-cm hydrocyclone.
Fig.6. Effect of vortex finder diameter, (VF), on logl0 throughput for 38.1-cm hydrocyclone.

Based on the conclusions drawn above and using the data on all the cyclones
(437 observations) several expressions have been generated in order to develop
a single general equation covering the whole spectrum of variables tests. All
these were compared and eq.4 has been selected for its simplicity and high
degree of accuracy with which it could estimate the volume capacity of a

1ogl0 1/min=0.46021og10 kPa--0.00089PCSOL+0.00313SPIG+S (Vln-~e~)

+S(inlet)+l.2758 + 0.011 (4)

where S (vA) and S(inlet) are natural spline functions of degrees 3, each

through the points (1.07, 0), (1.40, 0.088) and (1.73, 0.1162); and (2.1, 0),
(5.9, 0.76) and (9.5, 1.062'/) shown in Figs. 7A and 7B respectively. These
spline functions define the effects of ratios of vortex finder to inlet diameter
and inlet diameters, respectively, on the capacity of a hydrocyclone.


10 010

08 008

o 06 o 006



102 cm hydrocyctones
~- 002
/i°2ci rlc °ies¸

4 6 8 10 10 12 1z 1.6 18
Inlet (cm) B (VF/Inlet)

Fig.7. A. Effect of vortex finder diameter, (VF)/inlet diameter, (inlet), on log 10 through-
p u t for the three hydrocyclones.
B. Effect of inlet diameter, (inlet), on log10 t h r o u g h p u t for the three hydrocyclones.


Over the wide range of design (spigot and vortex finder diameters) and
operating (percent solids and pressures) conditions studied on 10.2-, 25.4- and
38.1-cm diameter hydrocyclones, it has been shown that a single expression
which is independent of cyclone diameter, estimates the capacity of a hydro-
cyclone to a high degree of accuracy. It then follows that the critical design
variables are the inlet and outlet diameters and the cyclone diameter is merely
the size of housing required to carry these diameters for a normal cyclone
classifier operation. A similar observation was made about the effect of hydro-
cyclone diameter on the reduced-efficiency curve of a hydrocyclone (Lynch,
Rao and Prisbrey, 1974). However, it may be pointed out that the effect of
fineness of feed material on the expressions presented is not known and will
be investigated in the future studies.


T h e a u t h o r s wish to t h a n k Dr. W.J. Whiten f o r t h e m a n y useful suggestions

and discussions in t h e use o f regression p r o g r a m m e s d e v e l o p e d b y h i m .
T h e gift o f t h e h y d r o c y c l o n e s b y K r e b s Engineers is v e r y m u c h a p p r e c i a t e d .


Multiple Spline Regression is a n o n - l i n e a r regression m e t h o d w h i c h p r o d u c e s

a s m o o t h , best-fit curve t h r o u g h t h e data. I t is b a s e d o n successive c u b i c func-
tions b e t w e e n specified values o f t h e i n d e p e n d e n t variable ( k n o t s ) . T h e s e
cubic f u n c t i o n s are c o n s t r a i n e d at t h e k n o t s t o p r o d u c e the r e q u i r e d s m o o t h -
T h e curves s h o w n in Fig.5, 6, 7A a n d 7B are graphical r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s o f
t h e f i t t e d spline f u n c t i o n s and can be used directly t o d e t e r m i n e t h e r e l e v a n t
values t o be s u b s t i t u t e d i n t o t h e e q u a t i o n s .
E x t r a p o l a t i o n o f t h e spline f u n c t i o n s s h o u l d n o t be a t t e m p t e d . I f t h e re-
quired p r e d i c t i o n s are o u t s i d e t h e range o f t h e graphs, f u r t h e r t e s t w o r k
s h o u l d be c o n d u c t e d a n d t h e d a t a regressed again. T h e Multiple Spline Re-
gression p r o g r a m s ( F o r t r a n IV) are available f r o m t h e Julius K r u t t s c h n i t t
Mineral R e s e a r c h Centre.


Bradley, D., 1965. The Hydrocyclone, Pergamon, Oxford, pp.88--101

Fahlstrom, P.H., 1963. Studies of the hydrocyclone as a classifier. In: A. Roberts (Editor),
Mineral Processing Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress held at Cannes,
Kelsall, D.F., 1953. A further study of the hydraulic cyclone. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2, 254--272
Lynch, A.J. and Rao, T.C., 1965. The operating characteristics of a hydrocyclone classi-
fier. Indian J. Tech., 6:196--114
Lynch, A.J., Rao, T.C. and Prisbrey, K.A., 1974. The influence of hydrocyclone diameter
on reduced efficiency curves. Int. J. Miner. Process., 1:173--181
Rao, T.C., 1966. The characteristics of hydrocyclones and their application as control
units in comminution circuits, Thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld., un-
Rietema, K. and Verver, C.G., 1961. (Editors). Cyclones in Industry. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
151 pp.
Tart, D.T., 1965. Practical applications of liquid cyclones in mineral dressing problems.
A.I.M.E. Fall Meeting.
Tart, D.T., 1972. The influence of variables on the separation of solid particles in hydro-
cyclones. Proc. 45th Annual Meeting. Minnesota Section. A.I.M.E., pp.64--77
Whiten, W.J., 1971. The use of multi-dimensional cubic spline functions for regression
and smoothing. Aust. Comput. J., 3(2):81--88

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