Uv-1700 Uv-1700 Uv-1700 Uv-1700

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oe colo Access to your success {SHIMADZU U Vy! PharmaSpec Shimadzu — 6. Maintenance “The lamp usage times for the deuterium (D2) and halogen sence Cnn era OVD lamps are counted. The lamp usage time is displayed scr eee ATCT luring periodic maintenance to determine when the kumps UE ey need to be replaced hin 10 UV-1700 PharmaSpec meter Specifications (UV-1700) Spectrophoto ‘Specification item ‘Specification ‘Specrel bandwith [1 wn 9919 90 am 0002 AD at LAD) poe | Protomercrepeatbity Dmsnsons Saw tab Hmm noe a +1001 Ab at 0 Ab) Weiet ise Baseline aby | Ast Aho Wavolegnrange [19001 1100 ww Basolno tress [01 A101 Xa A owen Wavelerath dsplay [01 nm menus ois vel nD At PP) OTE A RS CT) Wovetongin soning |! H=roreNs (a samen when conecion | Aba wih omputr meng. nO vce seting san ngs) pene sage of ea ine Wavelorah aosuacy |= an Vas 0 Wielogs any, dean amp Wavelength repeatability |*0 1 nm 3 Buin ight sures tomatic position adjustment Fwavoksataowins Armor caninin -Monoeivemitor | Atciosonsdsba nis aie Wavelenan Scan Rates |Wsvleginsannine sss: Appon. 3000 Dear pont 10 vin Jamal nis DOW
ST) ie m0 640m (40 stance tween Hight Beams: 100.0 Leper waka |2950 nm 0 380m GAD Ram) — e__ iste exw igh ams: 100.00 Sy taht 0s a. (200 am Na 00m NNO Serpe i: Ftd wih 0 ses Photometiz system [Due tex Ops Resse: 9 x05 mm [Aste 0519430 Ab To 130,20, MOWAT Photometric range Power requirements me ears 001 sr Sov 150A bern: 35919 +.99 Abe “bint reqikemenis Tempers in 15 homie 0 WE Recorsing range EE 2 ranenitanse oo 0.00% Ata 10 Ash ong NISTSOD Photometric accuracy “ ee 0.002 Abs at 0.5 As) Overall Dimensions (UV-1700) OW.-T766 UV-1700 Software Specifications a Photemetic (D Measurement at sorsolacied fixed wavelength (2 Quantitation using Karte method @Photomare mos: Choise oP and ARS @Data table storage and eal fnetons © Aaomaie data pitt (@ Measurement modes: Abs, TE Scanning ange: 190.010 1000 am Orcinae range: As 3.9910 43.99 Abs TEE: 39101396 Scamming sped: Very Fast, Fist, Medium, Slow, and Very Slow Number of repeat seas: 1 1099 Recording syst: Seletion betwocn single spectrum, ‘an data oveay @Data processing Peake detection (up 10 20 ofeach) ‘Ave cavslation Arktmeticepaton Detween dla Arithmetic operations etween dala and enstnts to dorivaiversmoothing Point pick Data storige and ect! vp 10.6 man emery. 27 in dla pac) ata cut Graph ais ange change Data eo al espe pon Data expo via RS-292C pert (DMeasremest moths (Choice of Fvavelngth. 2 wavelength, Season, 104 denvaive mets @Ovanttation mets ‘Atomaticconcetation clelaton by Kaci Ascetic oncetetoncleltion using Single pia. aration curve or multi-point cairation curve ‘meted (1193 ode eres cures) @ Messen parameters Nunborof apa meatrenens: 19, cttina mean Vale Fr quantaion Order of derivatives: 180 38 Numberf saa fer mi ptt een cuve: 2010 Or of cation eave: F103" Choice of rao or none intercept @Data able storage and eal (© Aiomate data piout (D Messurs asaunce changes a function of time nd taeuttes he enzymatic atv vale. Measurement tine 1 106500 sen @ Mesuremen method -vavekngth 2-vavlegth, ruil andre mesures (@ Suppers Call Postoner CPS.2404, Muticell olor and Siper 160 @Daaprcessing Recalculation Graph axisrange change Datatade isp Data storage and reall @Dateapon vi RS-2V2C per Time Sean ut. Component Maintenance Functions: |) Measurement mode: Abs, TE Measuremet ime: 1 to 6500 sin 2 Sipps Cel Posner CPS-280, et] Mui Sample Compurment, MMC- 16046810 an Sips Measures changes in Abs, Mo enaray overtime Data processing: Lema Spectrum Mode 6) Data export via BS-232C port [Up w eight components quanied at ence. 2A mixtures well spur components can be wed as ‘standard, Je) Data on standards can he stored, ia addition to rmegsurement wavelengths | Quuttation of reali specu daa, CO Messrenens tp Went despre wavelengths Get 0.1 am incremeats) 2) Data calculation t up to four wavelengths (erence ratio bebo to waves. cakuaon tence thre wavelength, et.) posi J Prometric mode: ADs, Rosas canbe pine afer each meant. The data anno be sed for Iniiidaa measuremeas) O Bastine conection 2) Lamp usage tne display and eset, o)tastument validation functions Compatible win 9318 ems ‘Wavelength accuracy, wavelength repeatability, sssltiog, Sey igh, ptm aecurey, poet ‘epi, bstine Maes, baseline stabi oe Jove iniiizaion esl ocoing 2 Somi-utomate vation Valin inspections conducted izractively wile Snsetng and removing ispocion jigs 5) Fay auemai validation Aortic vation nspeions rom measurement evuaion and pita 4) Seating inspection parameters and pail crea ‘ty ake yes cane ot pase ae 5) Bulk piaeu of esas Result previous vadiin ispction are print inst form. (Theresuls of Ue prvews inspection ae eared when another inspection started.) Automatic sag of mesma! de alr insramcat initiation Designation ofa puramser Mes psibe 2) Backup of previous measurement parameters @ Satetion of displayed mumbor of daca places Absorbance: 3 or 4 imal places “Transits. dca places @ ON/OFF of te exp function [@) Nummhor of fiesta can saves “Measurement parameters: 16 es x. Data 6 files ma. Seren hd py prinout (ten a rine icone) te samping can te slate etaen ON and OFF, J PC contol Spectrometer canbe contol bya extemal PC (a RS23220, “Troctional UVProke stare cots his instrument. UV- ] 70 0 PharmaSpec ACCESSORIES “UVProbe Software (Cat, No, 206-89456-91) UVProbe is software to control the UV-1700 from a PC. The alkin-one voftware package includes spectrum, photometric (quantitation), Kinetics (time course), and report generator fianetions. ‘Aa RS-252C cables equited to connect the UV-1700 to the PC: Requited and recommended PC configuration for turning LUvProbe isa fons (670th enn COON or ti proce oF cma (Pert I (0) coment) ‘sot aia had ds capt” 16 SVG vio mn, 00> dt en tion (HIT ‘ecomaeas) (Pla reper “Gage psp (comment for ing da) sconoM ive ven waite stove conga, UV Pate pert prorat guranteed, epenting on Wied sie, aware ate, {Use Sanaa connate nel pase Loaded with Data Processing/Calculation Functions Peak detection, Point Pick, aca calculation, and many more UVProbe includes all the data processing functions you'll need for spectrum and time course data. A variety of calculations are also ‘yours for the choosing, like integration and interpolation ‘conversions, and arithmetic operations between data GLP/GMP Compliant For example, wien data processing is performed, the resultant data is stored together in the same file with the original data, which remains intact, ‘The audit trail function tracks the instrument history, and security functions, such as the limiting of individual users to specific types of sofiware ‘operations, ensuring full GLP/GMP compliance. Powerful Quantitation Functions ‘The Photometrcs module pennits mul wavelength and single wavelength quantitation, and quantitation based on peaks as well as area values Calibration curves can be generated using K factor, single or ‘multi point methods. Further, customized functions can be created to determine pass/fail of measurement resus, 12 Totally Customized Reports ‘Arrange graphs and data just as you wis to create informative, easy-t0- read reports, Freely specify line thickness and font color and size, and place labels wherever you like on graphs. Because the setup is all in WYSIWYG format, layouts can be stored as templates to enable fast and simple generation of future reports. Software Specifications ‘Operating System ata Aequsiion Modes: Data Processing in Spectrum Mode ‘Windows NSO Windows 9552000 Spocium, Kinais (ims course messuerce) ad Photometric quantitation) = Murtuasting simultaneous aeaswemeat aed bia processing and mer types of presi) ‘¢ Customizable measurement secon layout (oravelengts, data ply font and fon siz, coer, displayed mute of ows) *#GLP.GMP compliant secur iso) Realtime concentration display * Comparison of muliple speciracaive processing”? ‘Save ll processed data with rig data set Inciuiag a histo of ll manipulations «Spectrum enfagemenustrinking uo eae and ‘Unive ofthese enerations + Annotation on spectrum sreen | © Noemalvaton Poin Pik, peataley deacon, area calculation 1 Transtrmatons: 14° derives, smooin, reciprocal square rot, tural log, a, ADs. to corners, exponcotl, Kuba Munk ‘¢Easenblo sneraping,inepoltion dataset and ‘onsansarithetie (between spectra, betwen spectra und constanis) | Single wavelength, mul wavelengh acadss 2 or 3 wavelenglis spectrum quantiation peak, ‘maximum minima, ae, et, For spected vwancongt ans) « Mit pon, single poi, K-Facor eabraion caves (0*, 24, 3* der funtion fis pass rough 200 sectcaton) ‘¢Pheomaic processing wih wer defi functions x. Log Bp, fctions indi ac) Weight corection dilution factor coection, FRoport Generator ‘dir consstnnr wing aces « Averaging of repeat measirement data 2 Simalanoous display of standard abe, unkown lable an carton ues «Display of PassFal indications | © Comparisoniative processing of male ine cous data Single dct wavelength measurement (Giereace orto) 2 Simatancous display of ime couse da, zyme lable and graphs Enzyme kintics calculation (er ingle or mail) # Michzelis Menten calculations and graph zation “Mionael-Mente,Lineweaver-Burk, Hans, Woo, Eadie Hott), Dixon plot, Hil plot 2 Uniury management of sample information including oiinl dts, sample weight and lution Facts ent econing such 2s ado of reagents during Time course epctrm data processing same asin spcirum data procs) | © Preview and pit unctios To cusiomiad oemais Layout set oxting of empates 1 Quick priming using roport tmpaes 2 Malt-poge printout support Inert dats, ime text, and devin obacts inating Hines, cirls and rectangles Insert spacum and quantitation data, method ont history Headers sed fotes easly iasred 2 Speciy graph ine ickness (asin all modules), Fat style and se "DC, motor and rine ae oti 2) Depend oa MC tonnage, fm 0 -S0sptan 13, UV-1700 Pharmaspec ACCESSORIES (Cat. No. 206-80704-02) ‘Measures changes in absorbance or transmittance for up t0 6 ‘wavelengths, with respect to time. The changes are presented as time course curves forthe selected wavelengths. (© Nunber of wavclngs 6 max. (wavelength adjustment in 0.1 mm eps) “© Phot metric mace: Abs or (© Repeated measurement: Upto 9 repetition and up 0 999 scons ‘measting tie (© Grapic & tabulated splay changoover © Autom data printout Data Pack (Cat. No. 206-80700) ‘Stores operational parameters well as data, (© Stores up to 79 ses of operational parameters per pack. (© Suores up Wo 27 data es pe ack, ‘This Data Pac src othe UVinini-1240 Series Data Pack but the ‘ls ae ot comma ‘The Data Pack must inital for use withthe UV-A7O0. (Cat. No, 206-82850-02) protcin concentration in any ofthe four coloring ‘methods or direily from the absorbance at 280nm, The instrument parameters for quantitation are incorporated, (©The following five quantitation methods are Included. + Lowry Meth + BCA Method (method sing Biinchonini Ack) + UV Absorsion tect measurement a 280m) ‘© Featuras of methods other than UV Absorption, + K-factormethod-Valas for K and BE ny be inp for akultion wing *tauhe sin fe pont calibration carve method single sland is measur 3s though he rig to gona a callton cae, which measured to oneal ei ina ealiraion curve or a second order fous inquanitaton +The equation wed for generating the clraton curve aswell 25 any teination costiints may be splayed (Cat. No. 206-82851-02) Determines DNA or protein concentrations ditctl from the UV sbsorption bands at 230nm, 280m and 260nm, No coloring proc (Quanitative data are obisined through simple keyboard operation, fre is require ting the resident formula, The wavelengths and factors wed i the ‘computation are arbitrarily changeable © The otowin abi DNAca 2) Formula using absorbances at m(A2) Anscehance itio= AVA2 Protein concentra (9 The shsehancs cretion, (Overton Selection Parameter Selection Basecor Boe Ne Boe io] Meseuroment Depiay 15 16 UV- ] 700 PharmaSpec ACCESSORIES (Cat, No, 206-55215-+ Prints hard copies of screens, including numeric data, A printout is made aier each measurement. Spectra, kinetes reaction data, and quantitation callbration curves isplayed on the sereen are output in the sereen print, A hard copy ‘ean be printed at anytime, making it simple to record measurement parameters. ‘Thermal paper (10 rolls): 088-S8907-04 ‘The printer cable is included with DPU-814, Dimensions: 160 x 170 x 665 mm (Cat. No. 200-91536-15) This cable conneets the UV-1700 to any general commercial printer limited to ESC P specifications) to allow printout. Color and ‘monochrome printers are both supported. "Note For infomation egartng speci pit pes, please contact your Shean oprosortae, (Cat. No. 204-04757) (© Allows analog output for monitoring liquid chromatograph and can ‘connect oan inept. (© Ansog output fall scale 00nV /2Ans oF HOM / 10087 (Cat, No. 206-57476-91) (© Tis some works wih te 1700 and actus empress vance curve dla tthe PCW analyze the Tn (ming emprstu) ‘oF micec acids such as DNA ard RNA, The ht ire sa ype setup fortis software (© RS.282C cables (Cal No. 200-86408) are med pert the PC the 1700 and the spetrophsometer RS-232C PC RS-232C $-1700 470 (Cat. No. 204-05887-+4) ‘This attachment permits measurement of upto six sample cells ‘under constant temperature conditions, Combination of this attachment and the Kinctcs mode provides measurement of perature Sensitive enzyme kinetics of one wo sx samples (© Number of cals: 6 on the sample side (ermperature cont) Tn he reference sie emgeatare an contd) © Temperate consol ange: 1610 4"C © Terperature display accuracy ference from he tre vale) :30.°C (© Temperature contol precision (variation of temperate) 211°C (© Ambient temperature: 151035°C Tab Sap 5 (Cat NO, 200-32) ae RATA TS Sandor onan. (Cat, No. 204-05557-««) Uses Peter effoct for controling the temperatures ofthe sample and reference sample. No thermestatic bath of cooling water is required, ‘So the operation is quite simple and easy. © Numper of cells Oe each on the sample and erence sks (© Termperatre conto ange +7 to 60°C (Temperate slay accurscy (itferece fom the rue vale) 305°C © Temperature contol precision (aration of temperate: 21°C Tab Sa Ss [CN BOOAD| as NRTA TS Sandor onan, (Cat, No. 206-56000-51) This el holder permits sting of empate progam Oo ineTease an decreas the sample cell emperatre The theemoclere system allows prompt contol of simple lemperaure between °C and 110 ( Temperture increasedccreaespood can be changed using 12 ‘stunge which mene te alec be in ana Ine curves for nucle acs et that occur Juri ick as tell ay slow beating or euling. 164 ster also proved o nse uniform temperate ‘stibuiontvougout he el 1 cooling water circulation is required for Peicr element cooling Ana hgh tp water can he wed tis recommended that ‘Sommer nslable comtant-emperstire water cicultor be toda the fellowing conditions muse be full fo exact ‘axinu peformance fom the $1700. = Cooling water peificaton: 20 22°C Waterflow: 48 min or more Temperature is not conolled at he ference side © Calls ae not supplied Please use 10mm square tight scaling cells (@ lina prod). 7110-08-10 ‘omm 36mL 1158-05-10, | 10mm 400. (© Temperature accuracy n cell (when room temperature Is 25°C) Within 20.25°C (010 25°C) Within =14°C of st value (25 to 75°C) Within =24°C of set value (75 to 110°C) 7 18 UV-1700 ACCESSORIES dipper Uai-TSOL (Cat. No. 204-08270-01) Sipper Unit 160T (Triple Pass Sipper) (Cat. No 204-08270-02) ‘Sipper Unit 160C (Constant Temperature Sipper) (Cat. No, 204-08270-03) (Cat. No. 204-08270-04) “The four sppers listed above are available, depending om the flow cell shape. A peristaltic pump deiven by a stepping motor ensures reliable and smooth aspiration of sample solution. (Direct drive is possible from the UV-1700, s0 no inteface is quired.) PharmaSpec smi 25m ‘Note:The use of a Teton Vav Unt (Gato, 204-06500-01) ar the SWA-2 Sample Waste Unt (CatNo, 20420280) are recommended whon on ais tong aka, ogee elvis eo be messi (Cat, No, 204-08100-=) Combine witha spectrophotomety system, (©The aspiting norris progam detons (© Upto sets oF opoational parameters including tho size of aks andthe umber ots tes, may be eerie in he Bary back-up protects fils. (Upto 100 ethos mayest togstr oh rck Nie A cormeraly aval ea ube sand, wih a bara sealer an 220 220 me, plato pper 160 to bulk an stoned muiisumple no move nthe X,Y, nd 7 (vertical) NTT-1200P Constant-Temperature Water Circulator (Cat, No. 206-97242) Circus temperature controlled water to a consan-emperature ecllhokke. Tempera rane: Ane 45°C to 80°C €Tenperate conte prison 2003°C (FC sl engrts, 27C amie) box. pupinga:2731 Un 9573 m (S40 Hy xa ciation me 105 mm OP (hots tn) Tak icy Att TOL Lines) Sta scesore Li with and, mtmcion mane bimensons: OW x SCH x 400 (em) (© Power roquiements: 100 VAC, 1280 VA, with 1.7 m power cra and round pl [Nets Rtibr ose 0 min 1) (Oat No. 076-37355 22) and iose——) laos (Ca No, 037-61017) a6 ot ind a he standard contr ‘Multicell Sample Compartment (Cat. No. 206-69160) Holds up six 10 mam squat eels. No temperature contol capability, (Number of calls 6m the sampled 1 he reference side oe Cal are not ncluded he anda comers ‘Ultramicro Volume Measurement_ (Cat. No. 206-9746) 6 Recommend rs rd pao psc in ogc spptialion. The minimum ange volume gues, when te abe clo se (ec ae © Soton sal apd in th capi cl and he eli ly sabjtd to mesure (Te oldest same wie a 10 mm gl nd can be mold th send el ler, ali wt 100 copii (mad of ur) and te csr (Cat, No. 208-$5050.81) Holds supermicro cells for measurement of extremely small samples. ‘Samples of 25 to 200 Tan be measured, depending on the ype of black cell used. (© Applicable ces: D0), and @) in the cell listo the hack cover (Cat. No. 206-14046) ‘The technique of specular reflectance measurement is often wilized for evaluation of semiconductors an optical materials relative to reference reflecting surface, The 5" incident angle minimizes the influence of polarized igh. Thus, no polarizer is required in ‘measurement the operation is quite simple ( Sano large as 101 0P%1STmm canbe realy ease, te nina size 87 mam in ame. © Sample placemeatiquite measuring face dos, 1 jut eit on the older with tbe 19 20 U V-] 70 0 PharmaSpec ACCESSORIES ‘GSC-3A Gel Scanner (Cat. No. 204-61774-01) Used o record stained bands on disk gels “The record is given asa time-course curve, under Kinetics mode. (© all: Mado of qu 67751 rm nine dmensons, One pce ‘clued inthe Sax contents © Stand cont: A main controler, cll older acl, Constant-Temperature Cell Holder (Cat. No. 202-30858-04) Maintains sample and reference cells a a desired, uniform temperature by circulating constant temperature Water. (© Temperature ange: 5 10 99°C (depends on the prformancs of he -onsantempeatre water craton (© cor notder = Acces pair oF 10 mam square cells Constant-Temperature Four Cell Holder (Cat. No, 204-27206-02) Maintains Four sample cells and a reference cel ata desired, uniform temperature by circulating constant temperature water. Temperature ange :5 0 9C = Te Four-Cel Sample Cemparment Ut Ca, No. 215-COKS0-01 fee, ‘Tong-Path Rectangular Cell Holder — (Cat, No, 204-231 18-01) Holds rectangular cells having an optical path of 10, 20, 30, 50,70, or 1002, Universal Rectangular Cell Holder, SS (Cat. No. 204-27208) Permits manual change of four rectangular cells having an optical path of 10,20, 30,50, 70, o¢ 100mm. * The Four-Cel Sample Compara Unit (Ca, No, 205-00850-01) is sequied += When retinol, agp ols wen te reerene sd, hoe (Cat. No, 20-2872 is atonal regio Cylindrical: Cell Hold (Car, No, 204-06216-02) Holds cylindrical coll having an optical path of 10, 20,50, 0 100 mm, mm =I wit (Cat. No. 204-0622) (Cat, No, 204-06222-01) cat No epiical pain | votume 204-0623 ru ‘3m! 204-0621 Sum sme Front Panel with holes (Cat, No, 204-27588-03) Allows the tubes ofa flow {hr cll, for example, tobe connected through the front pane! of the instrument. Film Holder (Cat. No, 204-58909) Used in transmittance ‘measurement of thin samples sch as films and filters Micro Cell Hold ith Mask (Cat. No. 204-06886) sam wide. (The mask width is ‘continuously adjustable) (Cat, No, 204-00850-01) Accommodates four cell bolder of eylindrcal, rectangular, and other types of cells Incoeporate four cell bolder foe 10 mm square cells RS-232C Cable (Type 2) (Cat. No, 206-26408) “is cale ried for contin ofthe UV-700 0 a BM-PC ‘© The cabo is equipped with a 9-pa Female PC conactor an 9-pa male ones fee conection the UV-170. (© Tie wires the cable are used. 2 wie or output and 1 wie fr grou (© Avthe connect tat connects ote PE. th pins fo the contol wies allow est np an ouput fom the PC a UV-1700 ACCESSORIES harmaSpec Cell Holder TV Safes Mio Maal Hor ICT Be sHS 7 TWIG Sts Const Tepe Mase a eas M00 2%-5500-91 “This cell holder holds one micro mult-cell either 8 or 16 cell, for micro volume measurement, “Two types of micro mult-cell holders are available, the standard type (MMC-1600) and the constant temperature water circulation | ype (MMC-16000) Micro Mult-cells Sere Nie Mall eel poh gh Te sone Salve 16 Sas Mi Ma RT RT TOR ere lvoe Io aes See Nie MTR AT A Sa vain Sat ae Te Sas Aso Here a ATA —— caivaume st 3 ‘There are to types of micro malti-ells available in both the 8 Series and the 16 Series models, a SO type and 100}. type. The cell intervals of the # Series Micro Mult-cell ar applicable for use ‘with > 12 well mierplates and 8 channel pipestes, Microplate amples aspirated into ti channe! pipettes can be injected dtccly ino the cols for measurement € Nico volume samples can he measured (nium sample volume: 0412 or 1006, espoctive)) (© Support foe commercial microplates 2nd miro pipet (il 8 Series ier els) (© Upto 16 samples canbe measured at atime (ith 16 Svios cro ex ted ery, << Syringe Sipper Semper’ Te S800.07 —| Noel apes pe (Fi al avait pre Caen fe ie rca Tew ale Taw) ‘Syn Siar CN HOD A —| Cost ange, wae age acl aR gC ene ow Gl TTT ‘Sars oA Ton son Din? ‘Sarico) 2 Tor a Toa Stuwe Sen) a. 9505 To EW Son ‘The sipper unit employs syringe pump system. The lg contact surfaces are composed of Teflon, glass, or quart, imparting excellent chemical resistance and ease of maintenance, and allowing ‘measurement of almost any sample type. Furr, the extremely high repeatability of sipping volume (repeat precision: 20.08m¢) makes it ideal when performance validation is required. ©The Now cul ean be changed indepen for excl ease of (9 Excelent chemical estan allows measrsmen almost any sample (© xceten rpc sping oF fk vanes, 2 pm ‘ec Sock &) SHIMADZU ‘SHADE CORFORATIN srt xing Don ‘HABA SCENT MSTRUMETS, We. ‘SAIATIY DEUTSCHLAND Get ‘Abate 60, aE Das, FR, many Phone OTST. Fax NEES ‘AMADEUS PRC) PTE LTD 16 Sete Pak Dive 1 Segue See Pa, Sige EZ, Raub See Pron 0578 GO Fa O27 Be ‘SAMO SCNT WSTRUMENTS (OCH P.O. UF, 098 Sash Set ace SIN 216, Ata ‘SADA 0D ASL CONERCO LTO fun nm Sigh 2, ga Bae, G9 Paso CEP eI, BACH Fron eet 6b Fa Ga 4 ‘MAD ONG KONG) UTED Sun 1028 Onn Cane Hs Cry, TS Tai Hower HONG HONG Fron ee uP Fon ene ‘vss Obes URL http:/www.shimadzu.com

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