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Output Summary Page 1

Released to the following company:

Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
See Data Check Messages Report for Informative Messages.
See Runtime Message Report for Warning Messages.
Process Conditions Hot Shellside Cold Tubeside
Fluid name Vent gas Cooling Water
Flow rate (kg/s) 0.1650 * 1.3004 *
Inlet/Outlet Y (Wt. frac vap.) 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Inlet/Outlet T (Deg C) 64.00 50.00 40.00 41.26
Inlet P/Avg (kPa) 2401.3 2104.2 551.33 545.93
dP/Allow. (kPa) 594.17 0.000 10.786 70.000
Fouling (m2-K/W) 0.000000 0.000200
Exchanger Performance
Shell h (W/m2-K) 1846.2 Actual U (W/m2-K) 883.82
Tube h (W/m2-K) 5223.7 Required U (W/m2-K) 320.96
Hot regime (--) Sens. Gas Duty (MegaWatts) 0.0068
Cold regime (--) Sens. Liquid Eff. area (m2) 1.446
EMTD (Deg C) 14.7 Overdesign (%) 175.37
Shell Geometry Baffle Geometry
TEMA type (--) BEM Baffle type NTIW-Seg.
Shell ID (mm) 122.30 Baffle cut (Pct Dia.) 8.8
Series (--) 1 Baffle orientation (--) Perpend.
Parallel (--) 1 Central spacing (mm) 72.000
Orientation (deg) 0.00 Crosspasses (--) 18
Tube Geometry Nozzles
Tube type (--) Plain Shell inlet (mm) 25.400
Tube OD (mm) 19.050 Shell outlet (mm) 25.400
Length (m) 1.800 Inlet height (mm) 15.128
Pitch ratio (--) 1.2500 Outlet height (mm) 15.128
Layout (deg) 30 Tube inlet (mm) 25.400
Tubecount (--) 14 Tube outlet (mm) 25.400
Tube Pass (--) 2
Thermal Resistance, % Velocities, m/s Flow Fractions
Shell 47.87 Min Max A 0.040
Tube 20.47 Tubeside 0.96 0.96 B 0.354
Fouling 21.38 Crossflow 7.87 25.47 C 0.319
Metal 10.28 Window 31.33 65.79 E 0.287
F 0.000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Run Log Page 2
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Beginning Run
Running Xist Unit 1, 100
Run Completed. Solution Reached in 00:01.

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Data Check Messages Page 3
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Unit ID 100

There are no messages for the current message level setting.

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Runtime Messages Page 4
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles

The physical properties of the hot fluid have been extrapolated beyond the valid temperature range. Check the
calculated values. The thermal analysis requires properties at bulk and skin/wall temperatures.

WARNING-Shell entrance rho-v-squared exceeds TEMA maximum recommended value of 5950 kg/m s2 (4000
lb/ft sec2).

WARNING-Shell exit rho-v-squared exceeds TEMA maximum recommended value of 5950 kg/m s2 (4000 lb/ft

The B-stream flow fraction is very low. Check the design.

ASME Section VIII Div. 1 Code was used to ESTIMATE all pressure vessel dimensions and weights. The
dimensions in this report cannot be used to fabricate the vessel.

Shell diameter is smaller than TEMA RCB-3.13 addresses for minimum wall thickness - using diameter/24 for
minimum thickess instead.

Channel diameter is smaller than TEMA RCB-3.13 addresses for minimum wall thickness - using diameter/24 for
minimum thickess instead.

Rear head diameter is smaller than TEMA RCB-3.13 addresses for minimum wall thickness - using diameter/24
for minimum thickess instead.

Unspecified channelside gasket - defaulting to gasket code 5054 - Kammprofile

Number of impingement rod rows reduced to the maximum rows that will permit a one-half diameter bundle of

NTIW baffle cut is less than HTRI recommended minimum of 10.0 percent. Operational problems possible.

Tube-to-Baffle Clearance is Less Than TEMA Standard Value

Number of impingement rod rows reduced to the maximum rows that will permit a one-half diameter bundle of

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Final Results Page 5
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Process Data Hot Shellside Cold Tubeside
Fluid name Vent gas Cooling Water
Fluid condition Sens. Gas Sens. Liquid
Total flow rate (kg/s) 0.1650 * 1.3004 *
Weight fraction vapor, In/Out (--) 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Temperature, In/Out (Deg C) 64.00 50.00 40.00 41.26
Skin temperature, Min/Max (Deg C) 44.17 52.63 41.66 45.36
Wall temperature, Min/Max (Deg C) 44.17 52.63 43.36 50.24
Pressure, In/Average (kPa) 2401.3 2104.2 551.33 545.93
Pressure drop, Total/Allowed (kPa) 594.17 10.786 70.000
Velocity, Mid/Max allow (m/s) 24.99 0.96
Mole fraction inert (--) 0.0000
Average film coef. (W/m2-K) 1846.2 5223.7
Heat transfer safety factor (--) 1.0000 1.0000
Fouling resistance (m2-K/W) 0.000000 0.000200
Overall Performance Data
Overall coef., Reqd/Clean/Actual (W/m2-K) 320.96 / 1124.2 / 883.82
Heat duty, Calculated/Specified (MegaWatts) 0.0068 /
Effective overall temperature difference (Deg C) 14.7
EMTD = (MTD) * (DELTA) * (F/G/H) (Deg C) 15.16 * 0.9709 * 1.0000

See Runtime Messages Report for


Exchanger Fluid Volumes

Approximate shellside (L) 13.3
Approximate tubeside (L) 9.1
Shell Construction Information
TEMA shell type BEM Shell ID (mm) 122.30
Shells Series 1 Parallel 1 Total area (m2) 1.508
Passes Shell 1 Tube 2 Eff. area (m2/shell) 1.446
Shell orientation angle (deg) 0.00
Impingement present No
Pairs seal strips 1 Passlane seal rods (mm) 0.000 No. 0
Shell expansion joint No Rear head support plate No
Weight estimation Wet/Dry/Bundle 165.49 / 143.11 / 28.26 (kg/shell)
Baffle Information
Type Perpend. NTIW-Seg. Baffle cut (% dia) 8.8
Crosspasses/shellpass 18 No. (Pct Area) (mm) to C.L
Central spacing (mm) 72.000 1 6.53 50.388
Inlet spacing (mm) 287.00 2 0.00 0.000
Outlet spacing (mm) 287.00
Baffle thickness (mm) 3.000
Use deresonating baffles No

Tube Information
Tube type Plain Tubecount per shell 14
Overall length (m) 1.800 Pct tubes removed (half)
Effective length (m) 1.726 Outside diameter (mm) 19.050
Total tubesheet (mm) 74.000 Wall thickness (mm) 1.651
Area ratio (out/in) 1.2097 Pitch (mm) 23.813 Ratio 1.2500
Tube metal 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) Tube pattern (deg) 30

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Final Results Page 6
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Performance
Nom vel, X-flow/window 28.49 / 130.09

Flow fractions for heat transfer 0.463

A=0.0395 B=0.3540 C=0.3191 E=0.2874 F=0.0000

Shellside Heat Transfer Corrections

Total Beta Gamma End Fin
0.974 0.920 1.059 0.807 1.000
Pressure Drops (Percent of Total)
Cross Window Ends Nozzle Shell Tube
37.71 49.97 3.90 Inlet 4.30 33.85
MOMENTUM 0.00 Outlet 4.12 21.55
Two-Phase Parameters
Method Inlet Center Outlet Mix F

H. T. Parameters Shell Tube

Overall wall correction 1.000 1.003
Midpoint Prandtl no. 0.17 4.29
Midpoint Reynolds no. 151774 23257
Bundle inlet Reynolds no. 36223 23005
Bundle outlet Reynolds no. 37294 23527
Fouling layer (mm)
Thermal Resistance
Shell Tube Fouling Metal Over Des
47.87 20.47 21.38 10.28 175.37
Total fouling resistance 2.42e-4
Differential resistance 0.002
Shell Nozzles Liquid
Inlet at channel end-No Inlet Outlet Outlet
Number at each position 1 1 0
Diameter (mm) 25.400 25.400
Velocity (m/s) 133.73 128.15
Pressure drop (kPa) 25.550 24.478
Height under nozzle (mm) 15.128 15.128
Nozzle R-V-SQ (kg/m-s2) 43547 41730
Shell ent. (kg/m-s2) 7095.6 6799.6

Inlet Outlet Liquid

Tube Nozzle RADIAL RADIAL Outlet
Diameter (mm) 25.400 25.400
Velocity (m/s) 2.59 2.59
Pressure drop (kPa) 3.651 2.324
Nozzle R-V-SQ (kg/m-s2) 6637.0 6640.2

Annular Distributor Inlet Outlet

Length (mm)
Height (mm)
Slot area (mm2)
Diametral Clearances (mm)
Baffle-to-shell Bundle-to-shell Tube-to-baffle
3.3000 16.093 0.2500

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Supplementary Results Page 7
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Externally Enhanced Tube Geometry Internally Enhanced Tube Geometry
Type Plain Type None
Fin density (fin/meter) Thickness (mm)
Fin height (mm) Pitch (L/D)
Fin thickness (mm)
Root diameter (mm)
Area/length (m2/m)

Mean Metal Temperatures

Mean shell temperature 56.06 (C)
Mean tube metal temperature in each tubepass, (C)
Tube Pass Inside Outside Radial
1 46.77 48.36 47.61
2 47.20 48.72 48.01

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 8
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Flow Region 1 0.1650 kg/s
Point number (--) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (mm) 1726.0 1582.5 1403.0 1331.0 1259.0 1187.0
Mass fraction vapor (--) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 64.00 62.70 60.96 60.07 59.23 58.43
Skin temperature (C) 48.87 52.55 52.05 51.57 51.12
Wall metal temperature (C) 48.87 52.55 52.05 51.57 51.12
MTD (C) 22.0 20.3 19.4 18.6 17.8
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Delta MTD correction (--) 0.9971 0.9930 0.9907 0.9882 0.9857
Pressure (kPa) 2401.3 2369.9 2347.4 2314.4 2281.4 2248.5
Pressure drop (kPa) 25.550 11.805 33.097 33.007 32.921 32.841
Friction loss (kPa) 11.805 33.097 33.007 32.921 32.841
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 8.18 25.45 25.39 25.32 25.26
Longitudinal velocity (m/s) 32.56 65.70 65.52 65.35 65.19
Shear stress at tube wall
Crossflow (Pa) 0.00 10.36 10.32 10.29 10.26
Longitudinal flow (Pa) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Area (m2) 0.240 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060
Cumulative area (m2) 0.240 0.301 0.361 0.421 0.482
Duty (MegaWatts) 0.0012 4.24e-4 4.07e-4 3.91e-4 3.76e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0012 0.0016 0.0020 0.0024 0.0028
Heat flux (W/m2) 4878.8 7033.3 6753.6 6483.5 6226.9
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 13445 19331 18506 17711 16957
Critical heat flux (W/m2)
Overall U (W/m2-K) 632.62 995.14 996.65 998.09 999.42
Shellside h (W/m2-K) 1009.0 2405.3 2414.7 2423.6 2432.0
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 1009.0 2405.3 2414.7 2423.6 2432.0
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 36223 36550 150090 150365 150629 150879
Vapor Reynolds (--) 36223 36550 150090 150365 150629 150879
Liquid Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.1547 0.1637 0.1652 0.1659 0.1667 0.1673
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--) Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--)

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 9
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Flow Region 1
Point number (--) 7 8 9 10 11 12
Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (mm) 1115.0 1043.0 971.00 899.00 827.00 755.00
Mass fraction vapor (--) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 57.66 56.93 56.24 55.58 54.95 54.35
Skin temperature (C) 50.68 50.27 49.86 49.49 49.12 48.78
Wall metal temperature (C) 50.68 50.27 49.86 49.49 49.12 48.78
MTD (C) 17.0 16.3 15.6 14.9 14.3 13.7
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Delta MTD correction (--) 0.9830 0.9804 0.9775 0.9747 0.9716 0.9686
Pressure (kPa) 2215.7 2183.0 2150.3 2117.8 2085.2 2052.8
Pressure drop (kPa) 32.764 32.691 32.622 32.557 32.495 32.436
Friction loss (kPa) 32.764 32.691 32.622 32.557 32.495 32.436
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 25.20 25.14 25.09 25.04 24.99 24.95
Longitudinal velocity (m/s) 65.04 64.89 64.76 64.63 64.50 64.39
Shear stress at tube wall
Crossflow (Pa) 10.23 10.20 10.17 10.15 10.13 10.10
Longitudinal flow (Pa) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Area (m2) 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060
Cumulative area (m2) 0.542 0.602 0.663 0.723 0.783 0.844
Duty (MegaWatts) 3.61e-4 3.46e-4 3.33e-4 3.19e-4 3.07e-4 2.95e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0031 0.0035 0.0038 0.0041 0.0044 0.0047
Heat flux (W/m2) 5977.9 5742.3 5512.6 5296.0 5083.9 4884.8
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 16226 15537 14865 14234 13615 13037
Critical heat flux (W/m2)
Overall U (W/m2-K) 1000.7 1001.9 1003.0 1004.1 1005.1 1006.0
Shellside h (W/m2-K) 2440.0 2447.5 2454.7 2461.4 2468.0 2474.0
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 2440.0 2447.5 2454.7 2461.4 2468.0 2474.0
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 151120 151347 151567 151774 151975 152163
Vapor Reynolds (--) 151120 151347 151567 151774 151975 152163
Liquid Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.1680 0.1686 0.1692 0.1698 0.1703 0.1708
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--) Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--)

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 10
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Flow Region 1
Point number (--) 13 14 15 16 17 18
Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (mm) 683.00 611.00 539.00 467.00 395.00 323.00
Mass fraction vapor (--) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 53.78 53.24 52.71 52.22 51.74 51.29
Skin temperature (C) 48.44 48.13 47.82 47.54 47.25 46.99
Wall metal temperature (C) 48.44 48.13 47.82 47.54 47.25 46.99
MTD (C) 13.1 12.6 12.1 11.6 11.1 10.7
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Delta MTD correction (--) 0.9653 0.9621 0.9585 0.9551 0.9512 0.9476
Pressure (kPa) 2020.3 1988.0 1955.7 1923.4 1891.2 1859.1
Pressure drop (kPa) 32.380 32.327 32.276 32.228 32.182 32.139
Friction loss (kPa) 32.380 32.327 32.276 32.228 32.182 32.139
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 24.90 24.86 24.82 24.79 24.75 24.72
Longitudinal velocity (m/s) 64.28 64.17 64.07 63.98 63.88 63.80
Shear stress at tube wall
Crossflow (Pa) 10.08 10.06 10.04 10.03 10.01 9.99
Longitudinal flow (Pa) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Area (m2) 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060
Cumulative area (m2) 0.904 0.964 1.025 1.085 1.145 1.206
Duty (MegaWatts) 2.83e-4 2.72e-4 2.61e-4 2.51e-4 2.41e-4 2.31e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0050 0.0053 0.0055 0.0058 0.0060 0.0063
Heat flux (W/m2) 4688.7 4505.7 4324.3 4156.0 3988.1 3833.3
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 12467 11938 11411 10926 10440 9995.6
Critical heat flux (W/m2)
Overall U (W/m2-K) 1006.9 1007.8 1008.6 1009.3 1010.1 1010.8
Shellside h (W/m2-K) 2479.9 2485.4 2490.7 2495.6 2500.5 2505.0
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 2479.9 2485.4 2490.7 2495.6 2500.5 2505.0
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 152348 152520 152690 152846 153002 153145
Vapor Reynolds (--) 152348 152520 152690 152846 153002 153145
Liquid Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.1713 0.1717 0.1722 0.1726 0.1730 0.1734
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--) Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--)

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 11
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Flow Region 1
Point number (--) 19 20
Shell pass (--) 1 1
Length from tube inlet (mm) 143.50 0.000
Mass fraction vapor (--) 1.0000 1.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 50.53 50.00
Skin temperature (C) 44.44
Wall metal temperature (C) 44.44
MTD (C) 9.9
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Delta MTD correction (--) 0.9396
Pressure (kPa) 1837.3 1807.2
Pressure drop (kPa) 11.375 24.478
Friction loss (kPa) 11.375
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 7.88
Longitudinal velocity (m/s) 31.38
Shear stress at tube wall
Crossflow (Pa) 0.00
Longitudinal flow (Pa) 0.00
Area (m2) 0.240
Cumulative area (m2) 1.446
Duty (MegaWatts) 5.60e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0068
Heat flux (W/m2) 2329.1
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 5999.1
Critical heat flux (W/m2)
Overall U (W/m2-K) 652.76
Shellside h (W/m2-K) 1062.3
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 1062.3
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 37489 37294
Vapor Reynolds (--) 37489 37294
Liquid Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.1740 0.1784
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000
Condensate regime (--) Sens Gas
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--)

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 12
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (mm) 0.000 143.50 323.00 395.00 467.00 539.00
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 40.00 40.03 40.07 40.09 40.11 40.14
Skin temperature (C) 41.66 42.68 42.85 42.93 43.11
Wall metal temperature (C) 43.36 45.40 45.72 45.85 46.21
MTD (C) 10.7 11.1 11.8 12.0 12.7
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Pressure (kPa) 551.33 547.31 547.14 547.08 547.01 546.95
Pressure drop (kPa) 3.880 0.277 0.062 0.062 0.061 0.061
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (kPa) 0.277 0.062 0.062 0.061 0.061
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maximum velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Average velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Shear stress at tube wall (Pa) 3.37 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36
Area (m2) 0.120 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Cumulative area (m2) 0.120 0.150 0.181 0.211 0.241
Duty (MegaWatts) 3.04e-4 1.20e-4 1.27e-4 1.29e-4 1.37e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 3.04e-4 4.24e-4 5.51e-4 6.80e-4 8.17e-4
Heat flux (W/m2) 2525.3 3984.1 4210.2 4287.6 4533.3
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 6926.2 10970 11594 11808 12488
Critical heat flux (W/m2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Overall U (W/m2-K) 651.89 1009.9 1008.9 1008.6 1007.5
Tubeside h (W/m2-K) 5182.6 5193.3 5194.9 5196.9 5199.1
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 5182.6 5193.3 5194.9 5196.9 5199.1
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 23005 23014 23031 23041 23051 23062
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Reynolds (--) 22993 23014 23031 23041 23051 23062
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Prandtl (--) 4.3423 4.3398 4.3363 4.3342 4.3321 4.3299
Grashof (--) 56240 90395 92582 96095 99864
Richardson (--) 1.06e-4 1.70e-4 1.74e-4 1.81e-4 1.88e-4
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq
Boiling mechanism (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 13
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (mm) 611.00 683.00 755.00 827.00 899.00 971.00
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 40.16 40.19 40.22 40.25 40.27 40.31
Skin temperature (C) 43.19 43.40 43.49 43.71 43.80 44.05
Wall metal temperature (C) 46.35 46.74 46.89 47.32 47.48 47.95
MTD (C) 12.9 13.7 14.0 14.9 15.1 16.1
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Pressure (kPa) 546.89 546.83 546.77 546.71 546.64 546.58
Pressure drop (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maximum velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Average velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Shear stress at tube wall (Pa) 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.35 3.35
Area (m2) 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Cumulative area (m2) 0.271 0.301 0.331 0.362 0.392 0.422
Duty (MegaWatts) 1.39e-4 1.47e-4 1.50e-4 1.59e-4 1.62e-4 1.71e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 9.56e-4 0.0011 0.0013 0.0014 0.0016 0.0017
Heat flux (W/m2) 4616.8 4883.8 4973.9 5264.1 5361.6 5677.1
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 12719 13459 13710 14516 14788 15667
Critical heat flux (W/m2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Overall U (W/m2-K) 1007.1 1005.9 1005.5 1004.1 1003.7 1002.1
Tubeside h (W/m2-K) 5201.3 5203.7 5206.0 5208.6 5211.2 5214.0
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 5201.3 5203.7 5206.0 5208.6 5211.2 5214.0
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 23073 23084 23096 23108 23121 23134
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Reynolds (--) 23073 23084 23096 23108 23121 23134
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Prandtl (--) 4.3276 4.3253 4.3228 4.3203 4.3176 4.3149
Grashof (--) 103709 107842 112059 116594 121222 126205
Richardson (--) 1.95e-4 2.02e-4 2.10e-4 2.18e-4 2.27e-4 2.36e-4
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq
Boiling mechanism (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 14
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 13 14 15 16 17 18
Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (mm) 1043.0 1115.0 1187.0 1259.0 1331.0 1403.0
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 40.34 40.37 40.40 40.44 40.48 40.52
Skin temperature (C) 44.15 44.42 44.53 44.82 44.95 45.27
Wall metal temperature (C) 48.13 48.65 48.84 49.41 49.62 50.24
MTD (C) 16.4 17.5 17.8 19.0 19.4 20.7
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Pressure (kPa) 546.52 546.46 546.40 546.34 546.28 546.22
Pressure drop (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maximum velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Average velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Shear stress at tube wall (Pa) 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.34 3.35
Area (m2) 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Cumulative area (m2) 0.452 0.482 0.512 0.543 0.573 0.603
Duty (MegaWatts) 1.74e-4 1.85e-4 1.88e-4 2.00e-4 2.03e-4 2.16e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0019 0.0021 0.0023 0.0025 0.0027 0.0029
Heat flux (W/m2) 5782.6 6125.9 6240.2 6614.4 6738.0 7146.0
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 15962 16921 17241 18289 18636 19783
Critical heat flux (W/m2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Overall U (W/m2-K) 1001.6 999.87 999.32 997.40 996.72 994.53
Tubeside h (W/m2-K) 5216.8 5219.8 5222.8 5227.6 5229.4 5234.6
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 5216.8 5219.8 5222.8 5227.6 5229.4 5234.6
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 23148 23162 23177 23193 23209 23225
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Reynolds (--) 23148 23162 23177 23193 23209 23225
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Prandtl (--) 4.3120 4.3091 4.3060 4.3029 4.2996 4.2962
Grashof (--) 131291 136773 142368 153537 154562 166894
Richardson (--) 2.45e-4 2.55e-4 2.65e-4 2.85e-4 2.87e-4 3.09e-4
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq
Boiling mechanism (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 15
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 19 20 21 22 23 24
Tube Pass (--) 1 2 2 2 2 2
Length from tube inlet (mm) 1582.5 1582.5 1403.0 1331.0 1259.0 1187.0
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 40.59 40.70 40.77 40.81 40.84 40.88
Skin temperature (C) 43.74 44.00 45.36 45.29 45.03 44.97
Wall metal temperature (C) 47.03 47.46 50.17 49.98 49.43 49.26
MTD (C) 21.5 22.6 20.0 19.5 18.2 17.7
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Pressure (kPa) 546.05 545.24 544.55 544.49 544.42 544.36
Pressure drop (kPa) 0.277 1.332 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (kPa) 0.277 1.332 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maximum velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Average velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Shear stress at tube wall (Pa) 3.37 3.37 3.35 3.34 3.34 3.34
Area (m2) 0.120 0.120 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Cumulative area (m2) 0.723 0.843 0.873 0.904 0.934 0.964
Duty (MegaWatts) 5.72e-4 6.01e-4 2.09e-4 2.04e-4 1.92e-4 1.87e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0035 0.0041 0.0043 0.0045 0.0047 0.0049
Heat flux (W/m2) 4761.3 4996.3 6920.5 6769.1 6352.5 6213.5
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 13155 13811 19150 18725 17555 17166
Critical heat flux (W/m2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Overall U (W/m2-K) 633.72 631.51 995.75 996.59 998.79 999.52
Tubeside h (W/m2-K) 5223.7 5229.7 5243.5 5244.3 5242.4 5243.1
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 5223.7 5229.7 5243.5 5244.3 5242.4 5243.1
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 23257 23303 23336 23352 23368 23383
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Reynolds (--) 23257 23303 23336 23352 23368 23383
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Prandtl (--) 4.2897 4.2802 4.2736 4.2703 4.2671 4.2640
Grashof (--) 110732 115828 162706 160188 148846 146711
Richardson (--) 2.05e-4 2.13e-4 2.99e-4 2.94e-4 2.73e-4 2.68e-4
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq
Boiling mechanism (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 16
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 25 26 27 28 29 30
Tube Pass (--) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Length from tube inlet (mm) 1115.0 1043.0 971.00 899.00 827.00 755.00
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 40.91 40.95 40.98 41.01 41.03 41.06
Skin temperature (C) 44.74 44.68 44.47 44.42 44.23 44.18
Wall metal temperature (C) 48.75 48.60 48.14 48.00 47.58 47.46
MTD (C) 16.6 16.2 15.1 14.7 13.8 13.4
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Pressure (kPa) 544.30 544.24 544.18 544.12 544.06 544.00
Pressure drop (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maximum velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Average velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Shear stress at tube wall (Pa) 3.34 3.34 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35
Area (m2) 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Cumulative area (m2) 0.994 1.024 1.054 1.085 1.115 1.145
Duty (MegaWatts) 1.76e-4 1.72e-4 1.61e-4 1.58e-4 1.48e-4 1.45e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0051 0.0052 0.0054 0.0055 0.0057 0.0058
Heat flux (W/m2) 5829.8 5702.0 5348.0 5230.5 4903.6 4795.8
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 16092 15735 14747 14420 13510 13210
Critical heat flux (W/m2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Overall U (W/m2-K) 1001.5 1002.1 1003.9 1004.5 1006.0 1006.5
Tubeside h (W/m2-K) 5242.6 5242.1 5241.6 5241.2 5240.7 5240.3
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 5242.6 5242.1 5241.6 5241.2 5240.7 5240.3
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 23398 23412 23425 23438 23450 23462
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Reynolds (--) 23398 23412 23425 23438 23450 23462
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Prandtl (--) 4.2611 4.2583 4.2556 4.2531 4.2506 4.2483
Grashof (--) 140456 134364 128644 123062 117817 112697
Richardson (--) 2.57e-4 2.45e-4 2.34e-4 2.24e-4 2.14e-4 2.05e-4
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq
Boiling mechanism (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 17
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 31 32 33 34 35 36
Tube Pass (--) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Length from tube inlet (mm) 683.00 611.00 539.00 467.00 395.00 323.00
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 41.09 41.11 41.13 41.16 41.18 41.20
Skin temperature (C) 44.01 43.97 43.80 43.77 43.62 43.58
Wall metal temperature (C) 47.07 46.96 46.60 46.50 46.17 46.08
MTD (C) 12.6 12.3 11.4 11.2 10.4 10.2
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Pressure (kPa) 543.93 543.87 543.81 543.75 543.69 543.63
Pressure drop (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (kPa) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maximum velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Average velocity (m/s) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Shear stress at tube wall (Pa) 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35
Area (m2) 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Cumulative area (m2) 1.175 1.205 1.235 1.266 1.296 1.326
Duty (MegaWatts) 1.36e-4 1.33e-4 1.24e-4 1.21e-4 1.14e-4 1.11e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0060 0.0061 0.0062 0.0063 0.0065 0.0066
Heat flux (W/m2) 4493.7 4394.6 4115.4 4024.4 3766.1 3682.6
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 12371 12097 11323 11071 10357 10127
Critical heat flux (W/m2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Overall U (W/m2-K) 1008.0 1008.4 1009.7 1010.1 1011.3 1011.6
Tubeside h (W/m2-K) 5239.9 5239.6 5239.2 5238.8 5238.5 5238.2
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 5239.9 5239.6 5239.2 5238.8 5238.5 5238.2
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 23473 23484 23494 23504 23513 23522
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Reynolds (--) 23473 23484 23494 23504 23513 23522
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Prandtl (--) 4.2460 4.2439 4.2418 4.2399 4.2380 4.2362
Grashof (--) 107883 103185 98766 94453 90394 86429
Richardson (--) 1.96e-4 1.87e-4 1.79e-4 1.71e-4 1.64e-4 1.56e-4
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq
Boiling mechanism (--) Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq Sens Liq

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 18
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 37 38
Tube Pass (--) 2 2
Length from tube inlet (mm) 143.50 0.000
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000
Bulk temperature (C) 41.23 41.26
Skin temperature (C) 42.60
Wall metal temperature (C) 44.02
MTD (C) 9.0
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (C)
Pressure (kPa) 543.46 540.54
Pressure drop (kPa) 0.276 2.783
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (kPa) 0.276
Static head loss (kPa) 0.000
Momentum loss (kPa) 0.000
Maximum velocity (m/s) 0.96
Average velocity (m/s) 0.96
Shear stress at tube wall (Pa) 3.36
Area (m2) 0.120
Cumulative area (m2) 1.446
Duty (MegaWatts) 2.56e-4
Cumulative duty (MegaWatts) 0.0068
Heat flux (W/m2) 2133.0
Calculated heat flux (W/m2) 5842.8
Critical heat flux (W/m2) 0.00
Overall U (W/m2-K) 653.64
Tubeside h (W/m2-K) 5229.8
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (W/m2-K) 5229.8
Sensible vapor h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Condensate film h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Vapor phase h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Nucleate boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Conv. boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Film boiling h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Boiling thin film h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Natural convective h (W/m2-K) 0.00
Local Reynolds (--) 23537 23527
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Reynolds (--) 23537 23537
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Prandtl (--) 4.2333 4.2312
Grashof (--) 49064
Richardson (--) 8.86e-5
Flow regime param. (--) 0.0000
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--) Sens Liq
Boiling mechanism (--) Sens Liq

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Vibration Analysis Page 19
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Shellside condition Sens. Gas (Level 2.3000)
Axial stress loading (MPa) 0.000 Added mass factor 1.761
Beta 4.000
Position In The Bundle Inlet Center Outlet
Length for natural frequency (m) 0.287 0.072 0.287
Length/TEMA maximum span (--) 0.188 0.047 0.188
Number of spans (--) 18 18 18
Tube natural frequency (Hz) 1038.0 8136.1 1038.0 +
Shell acoustic frequency (Hz) 3823.4 3531.4 3246.9 +
Flow Velocities Inlet Center Outlet
Window parallel velocity (m/s) 128.46 125.06 123.10
Bundle crossflow velocity (m/s) 6.18 25.02 5.92
Bundle/shell velocity (m/s) 19.47 18.96 4.49
Fluidelastic Instability Check Inlet Center Outlet
Log decrement HTRI 0.030 0.061 0.030
Critical velocity (m/s) 443.44 9818.2 434.10
Baffle tip cross velocity ratio (--) 0.0281 0.0051 0.0275
Average crossflow velocity ratio (--) 0.0139 0.0025 0.0136
Acoustic Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0.040 0.162 0.038
Chen number (--) 15883 67269 16353
Turbulent buffeting ratio (--) 0.030 0.120 0.028
Tube Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0.057 0.232 0.055
Parallel flow amplitude (mm) 0.004 0.001 0.004
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Tube gap (mm) 4.762 4.762 4.762
Crossflow RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s2) 92.93 1565.2 89.05
Bundle Entrance/Exit
(analysis at first tube row) Entrance Exit
Fluidelastic instability ratio (--) 0.020 0.020
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0.082 0.079
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 0.00024 0.00023
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 8.85 8.48
Tubesheet to inlet/outlet support (mm) None None
Shell Entrance/Exit Parameters Entrance Exit
Impingement device None --
Flow area (m2) 1.26e-3 1.26e-3
Velocity (m/s) 53.98 51.73
RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s2) 7095.6 * 6799.6 *
Shell type BEM Baffle type NTIW-Seg.
Tube type Plain Baffle layout Perpend.
Pitch ratio 1.2500 Tube diameter, (mm) 19.050
Layout angle 30 Tube material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Number U-Bend supports Elastic modulus, (MPa) 191969
Use deresonating baffles No Supports/baffle space 0
Program Messages
+ Frequency ratios are based upon lowest natural or acoustic frequency
* Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design. Review your case
using the procedure described in Online Help; You may find that a vibration problem is unlikely.

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

SI Units

Service of Unit Gas Cooler Item No. 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513

Type BEM Orientation Horizontal Connected In 1 Parallel 1 Series
Surf/Unit (Gross/Eff) 1.508 / 1.446 m2 Shell/Unit 1 Surf/Shell (Gross/Eff) 1.508 / 1.446 m2
Fluid Allocation Shell Side Tube Side
Fluid Name Vent gas Cooling Water
Fluid Quantity, Total kg/s 0.1650 1.3004
Vapor (In/Out) wt% 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00
Liquid wt% 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
Temperature (In/Out) C 64.00 50.00 40.00 41.26
Density kg/m3 2.4350 2.5410 992.42 991.93
Viscosity mN-s/m2 0.0104 0.0102 0.6530 0.6379
Specific Heat kJ/kg-C 2.7100 3.2000 4.1774 4.1775
Thermal Conductivity W/m-C 0.1833 0.1822 0.6288 0.6304
Critical Pressure kPa
Inlet Pressure kPa 2401.3 551.33
Velocity m/s 24.99 0.96
Pressure Drop, Allow/Calc kPa 0.000 594.17 70.000 10.786
Average Film Coefficient W/m2-K 1846.2 5223.7
Fouling Resistance (min) m2-K/W 0.000000 0.000200
Heat Exchanged 0.0068 MegaWatts MTD (Corrected) 14.7 C Overdesign 175.37 %
Transfer Rate, Service 320.96 W/m2-K Calculated 883.82 W/m2-K Clean 1124.2 W/m2-K
CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SHELL Sketch (Bundle/Nozzle Orientation)
Shell Side Tube Side
Design Pressure kPaG 3200.0 3200.0
Design Temperature C 125.00 125.00
No Passes per Shell 1 2
Flow Direction Upward
Connections In mm 1 @ 25.400 1 @ 25.400
Size & Out mm 1 @ 25.400 1 @ 25.400
Rating Liq. Outmm @ 1 @
Tube No. 14.000 OD 19.050 mm Thk(Avg) 1.651 mm Length 1.800 m Pitch 23.813 mm Tube pattern 30
Tube Type Plain Material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) Pairs seal strips 1
Shell ID 122.30 mm Kettle ID mm Passlane Seal Rod No. 0
Cross Baffle Type Perpend. NTIW-Seg. %Cut (Diam) 8.8 Impingement Plate None
Spacing(c/c) 72.000 mm Inlet 287.00 mm No. of Crosspasses 18
Rho-V2-Inlet Nozzle 43547 kg/m-s2 Shell Entrance 7095.6 kg/m-s2 Shell Exit 6799.6 kg/m-s2
Bundle Entrance 190.54 kg/m-s2 Bundle Exit 182.59 kg/m-s2
Weight/Shell 143.11 kg Filled with Water 165.49 kg Bundle 28.26 kg
Notes: Thermal Resistance, % Velocities, m/s Flow Fractions
Shell 47.87 Shellside 24.99 A 0.040
Tube 20.47 Tubeside 0.96 B 0.354
Fouling 21.38 Crossflow 28.49 C 0.319
Reported duty and flow rates include a user- Metal 10.28 Window 130.09 E 0.287
specified multiplier of 1.10. F 0.000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

SI Units

Job No. PMP

Customer Abu Dhabi Polymers Company Limited (Borouge) Reference No. W20026
Address Abu Dhabi Proposal No.
Plant Location Abu Dhabi Date 16-05-2020 Rev R0
Service of Unit Gas Cooler Item No. 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513
Size 122.3 x 1800 mm Type BEM Horizontal Connected In 1 Parallel 1 Series
Surf/Unit (Gross/Eff) 1.508 / 1.446 m2 Shell/Unit 1 Surf/Shell (Gross/Eff) 1.508 / 1.446 m2
Fluid Allocation Shell Side Tube Side
Fluid Name Vent gas Cooling Water
Fluid Quantity, Total kg/hr 594.00 4681.6
Vapor (In/Out) 594.00 594.00
Liquid 4681.6 4681.6
Water 4681.6 4681.6
Temperature (In/Out) C 64.00 50.00 40.00 41.26
Specific Gravity 0.9929 0.9924
Viscosity mN-s/m2 0.0104 0.0102 0.6530 0.6379
Molecular Weight, Vapor
Molecular Weight, Noncondensables
Specific Heat kJ/kg-C 2.7100 3.2000 4.1774 4.1775
Thermal Conductivity W/m-C 0.1833 0.1822 0.6288 0.6304
Latent Heat kJ/kg
Inlet Pressure kPa 2401.3 551.33
Velocity m/s 24.99 0.96
Pressure Drop, Allow/Calc kPa 0.000 594.17 70.000 10.786
Fouling Resistance (min) m2-K/W 0.000000 0.000200
Heat Exchanged 6830.3 W MTD (Corrected) 14.7 C
Transfer Rate, Service 320.96 W/m2-K Clean 1124.2 W/m2-K Actual 883.82 W/m2-K
CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SHELL Sketch (Bundle/Nozzle Orientation)
Shell Side Tube Side
Design/Test Pressure kPaG 3200.0 / 3200.0 /
Design Temperature C 125.00 125.00
No Passes per Shell 1 2
Corrosion Allowance mm 3.000 3.000
Connections In mm 1 @ 25.400 1 @ 25.400
Size & Out mm 1 @ 25.400 1 @ 25.400
Rating Intermediate @ @
Tube No. 14 OD 19.050 mm Thk(Avg) 1.651 mm Length 1.800 m Pitch 23.813 mm
Tube Type Plain Material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) Tube pattern30
Shell 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) ID 122.30 OD 135.00 mm Shell Cover 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Channel or Bonnet 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) Channel Cover 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Tubesheet-Stationary 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) Tubesheet-Floating
Floating Head Cover Impingement Plate None
Baffles-Cross 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr Type NTIW-Seg. %Cut (Diam) 8.8 Spacing(c/c) 72.000 Inlet 287.00 mm
Baffles-Long Seal Type None
Supports-Tube U-Bend Type None
Bypass Seal Arrangement 1 pairs seal strips Tube-Tubesheet Joint Expanded (No groove)
Expansion Joint Type
Rho-V2-Inlet Nozzle 43547 kg/m-s2 Bundle Entrance 190.54 Bundle Exit 182.59 kg/m-s2
Gaskets-Shell Side Tube Side
- Floating Head
Code Requirements TEMA Class R
Weight/Shell 143.11 kg Filled with Water 165.49 kg Bundle 28.26 kg

Note: Reported duty and flow rates include a user-specified multiplier of 1.10. Reprinted with Permission (v7.3.2)

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 22
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature, (C) 1 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
2 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
3 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
4 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
5 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
6 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
7 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
8 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
9 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
10 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
11 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
12 64.00 63.17 62.34 61.52 60.69 59.86 59.03 58.21 57.38 56.55
Heat duty/flow rate, (kJ/kg) 1 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
2 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
3 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
4 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
5 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
6 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
7 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
8 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
9 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
10 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
11 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
12 0.0000 2.2547 4.5334 6.8360 9.1626 11.513 13.888 16.286 18.709 21.155
Weight fraction vapor 1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
2 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
3 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
5 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
6 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
7 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
8 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
9 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
11 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
12 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 23
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Temperature, (C) 1 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
2 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
3 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
4 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
5 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
6 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
7 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
8 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
9 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
10 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
11 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
12 55.72 54.90 54.07 53.24 52.41 51.59 50.76 49.93 49.10 48.28
Heat duty/flow rate, (kJ/kg) 1 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
2 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
3 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
4 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
5 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
6 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
7 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
8 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
9 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
10 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
11 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
12 23.626 26.120 28.638 31.181 33.747 36.337 38.952 41.590 44.252 46.938
Weight fraction vapor 1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
2 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
3 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
5 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
6 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
7 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
8 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
9 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
11 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
12 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 24
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Temperature, (C) 1 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
2 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
3 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
4 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
5 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
6 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
7 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
8 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
9 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
10 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
11 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
12 47.45 46.62 45.79 44.97 44.14 43.31 42.48 41.66 40.83 40.00
Heat duty/flow rate, (kJ/kg) 1 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
2 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
3 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
4 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
5 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
6 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
7 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
8 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
9 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
10 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
11 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
12 49.648 52.383 55.141 57.923 60.729 63.559 66.412 69.290 72.192 75.120
Weight fraction vapor 1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
2 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
3 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
5 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
6 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
7 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
8 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
9 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
11 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
12 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 25
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vapor Properties
Density, (kg/m3) 1 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
2 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
3 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
4 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
5 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
6 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
7 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
8 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
9 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
10 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
11 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
12 2.4350 2.4413 2.4475 2.4538 2.4601 2.4663 2.4726 2.4789 2.4851 2.4914
Viscosity, (mN-s/m2) 1 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
2 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
3 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
4 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
5 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
6 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
7 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
8 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
9 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
10 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
11 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
12 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103 0.0103
Thermal conductivity, (W/m-C) 1 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
2 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
3 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
4 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
5 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
6 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
7 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
8 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
9 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
10 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
11 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827
12 0.1833 0.1832 0.1832 0.1831 0.1830 0.1830 0.1829 0.1828 0.1828 0.1827

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 26
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Vapor Properties
Density, (kg/m3) 1 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
2 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
3 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
4 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
5 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
6 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
7 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
8 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
9 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
10 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
11 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
12 2.4977 2.5039 2.5102 2.5165 2.5227 2.5290 2.5353 2.5415 2.5478 2.5541
Viscosity, (mN-s/m2) 1 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
2 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
3 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
4 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
5 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
6 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
7 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
8 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
9 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
10 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
11 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
12 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101
Thermal conductivity, (W/m-C) 1 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
2 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
3 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
4 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
5 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
6 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
7 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
8 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
9 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
10 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
11 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821
12 0.1826 0.1826 0.1825 0.1825 0.1824 0.1823 0.1823 0.1822 0.1821 0.1821

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 27
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Vapor Properties
Density, (kg/m3) 1 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
2 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
3 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
4 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
5 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
6 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
7 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
8 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
9 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
10 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
11 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
12 2.5603 2.5666 2.5729 2.5791 2.5854 2.5917 2.5979 2.6042 2.6105 2.6167
Viscosity, (mN-s/m2) 1 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
2 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
3 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
4 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
5 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
6 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
7 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
8 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
9 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
10 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
11 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
12 0.0101 0.0101 0.0101 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0099
Thermal conductivity, (W/m-C) 1 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
2 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
3 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
4 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
5 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
6 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
7 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
8 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
9 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
10 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
11 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814
12 0.1820 0.1819 0.1819 0.1818 0.1817 0.1817 0.1816 0.1815 0.1815 0.1814

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 28
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vapor Properties
Enthalpy, (kJ/kg) 1 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
2 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
3 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
4 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
5 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
6 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
7 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
8 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
9 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
10 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
11 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
12 0.0000 -2.255 -4.533 -6.836 -9.163 -11.51 -13.89 -16.29 -18.71 -21.16
Specific heat, (kJ/kg-C) 1 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
2 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
3 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
4 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
5 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
6 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
7 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
8 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
9 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
10 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
11 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707
12 2.7100 2.7390 2.7679 2.7969 2.8259 2.8548 2.8838 2.9128 2.9417 2.9707

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 29
Released to the following company:
Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Vapor Properties
Enthalpy, (kJ/kg) 1 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
2 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
3 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
4 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
5 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
6 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
7 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
8 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
9 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
10 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
11 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
12 -23.63 -26.12 -28.64 -31.18 -33.75 -36.34 -38.95 -41.59 -44.25 -46.94
Specific heat, (kJ/kg-C) 1 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
2 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
3 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
4 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
5 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
6 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
7 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
8 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
9 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
10 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
11 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603
12 2.9996 3.0286 3.0576 3.0865 3.1155 3.1445 3.1734 3.2024 3.2314 3.2603

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 30
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Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Shellside (Vent gas)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 1807.1) (P2= 1861.1) (P3= 1915.1) (P4= 1969.1) (P5= 2023.2) (P6= 2077.2)
(P7= 2131.2) (P8= 2185.2) (P9= 2239.3) (P10= 2293.3) (P11= 2347.3) (P12= 2401.3)
(P) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Vapor Properties
Enthalpy, (kJ/kg) 1 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
2 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
3 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
4 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
5 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
6 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
7 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
8 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
9 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
10 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
11 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
12 -49.65 -52.38 -55.14 -57.92 -60.73 -63.56 -66.41 -69.29 -72.19 -75.12
Specific heat, (kJ/kg-C) 1 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
2 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
3 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
4 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
5 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
6 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
7 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
8 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
9 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
10 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
11 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500
12 3.2893 3.3183 3.3472 3.3762 3.4052 3.4341 3.4631 3.4921 3.5210 3.5500

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 31
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Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Tubeside (Cooling Water)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 551.33)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature, (C) 1 50.25 49.90 49.54 49.19 48.84 48.48 48.13 47.78 47.42 47.07
Heat duty/flow rate, (kJ/kg) 1 42.824 41.347 39.870 38.393 36.916 35.439 33.962 32.486 31.009 29.532
Weight fraction vapor 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Properties
Density, (kg/m3) 1 988.13 988.29 988.45 988.61 988.76 988.92 989.08 989.23 989.39 989.54
Viscosity, (mN-s/m2) 1 0.5446 0.5479 0.5511 0.5544 0.5578 0.5611 0.5645 0.5680 0.5714 0.5749
Thermal conductivity, (W/m-C) 1 0.6410 0.6406 0.6402 0.6398 0.6394 0.6390 0.6386 0.6382 0.6378 0.6374
Enthalpy, (kJ/kg) 1 0.0000 -1.477 -2.954 -4.431 -5.908 -7.385 -8.861 -10.34 -11.81 -13.29
Specific heat, (kJ/kg-C) 1 4.1786 4.1785 4.1784 4.1783 4.1783 4.1782 4.1781 4.1781 4.1780 4.1780
Surface tension, (mN/m) 1 67.902 67.961 68.020 68.080 68.139 68.198 68.257 68.316 68.375 68.434
Critical temperature, (C) 1 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94
Critical pressure, (kPa) 1 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064
Latent heat, (kJ/kg) 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 32
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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Tubeside (Cooling Water)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 551.33)
(P) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Temperature, (C) 1 46.72 46.36 46.01 45.66 45.30 44.95 44.59 44.24 43.89 43.53
Heat duty/flow rate, (kJ/kg) 1 28.055 26.578 25.102 23.625 22.148 20.672 19.195 17.718 16.242 14.765
Weight fraction vapor 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Properties
Density, (kg/m3) 1 989.69 989.84 989.99 990.14 990.29 990.44 990.59 990.73 990.88 991.02
Viscosity, (mN-s/m2) 1 0.5785 0.5820 0.5856 0.5893 0.5930 0.5967 0.6004 0.6042 0.6081 0.6119
Thermal conductivity, (W/m-C) 1 0.6370 0.6366 0.6362 0.6358 0.6354 0.6349 0.6345 0.6341 0.6337 0.6332
Enthalpy, (kJ/kg) 1 -14.77 -16.25 -17.72 -19.20 -20.68 -22.15 -23.63 -25.11 -26.58 -28.06
Specific heat, (kJ/kg-C) 1 4.1779 4.1779 4.1778 4.1778 4.1777 4.1777 4.1777 4.1776 4.1776 4.1776
Surface tension, (mN/m) 1 68.493 68.551 68.610 68.668 68.727 68.785 68.844 68.902 68.960 69.018
Critical temperature, (C) 1 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94
Critical pressure, (kPa) 1 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064
Latent heat, (kJ/kg) 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Properties Profile Monitor Page 33
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Xist 7.3.2 19-05-2020 23:55 SN: 46639- SI Units

Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Tubeside (Cooling Water)
Property package HTRI
Reference pressure, (kPa) (P1= 551.33)
(P) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Temperature, (C) 1 43.18 42.83 42.47 42.12 41.77 41.41 41.06 40.71 40.35 40.00
Heat duty/flow rate, (kJ/kg) 1 13.289 11.812 10.335 8.8588 7.3823 5.9057 4.4291 2.9526 1.4760 0.0000
Weight fraction vapor 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Liquid Properties
Density, (kg/m3) 1 991.17 991.31 991.45 991.59 991.73 991.87 992.01 992.15 992.29 992.42
Viscosity, (mN-s/m2) 1 0.6159 0.6198 0.6238 0.6278 0.6319 0.6361 0.6402 0.6444 0.6487 0.6530
Thermal conductivity, (W/m-C) 1 0.6328 0.6324 0.6319 0.6315 0.6311 0.6306 0.6302 0.6297 0.6293 0.6288
Enthalpy, (kJ/kg) 1 -29.54 -31.01 -32.49 -33.96 -35.44 -36.92 -38.39 -39.87 -41.35 -42.82
Specific heat, (kJ/kg-C) 1 4.1775 4.1775 4.1775 4.1775 4.1775 4.1775 4.1774 4.1774 4.1774 4.1774
Surface tension, (mN/m) 1 69.076 69.135 69.192 69.250 69.308 69.366 69.424 69.481 69.539 69.596
Critical temperature, (C) 1 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94 373.94
Critical pressure, (kPa) 1 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064 22064
Latent heat, (kJ/kg) 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Stream Properties Page 34
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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Hot Shellside Fluid Inlet Outlet
Fluid name Vent gas
Temperature (C) 64.00 50.00
Pressure (kPa) 2401.3 1807.2
Weight fraction vapor (--) 1.0000 1.0000
Vapor Properties
Density (kg/m3) 2.4350 2.5410
Viscosity (mN-s/m2) 0.0104 0.0102
Conductivity (W/m-C) 0.1833 0.1822
Heat capacity (kJ/kg-C) 2.7100 3.2000
Molecular weight (--) -- --
Liquid Properties
Density (kg/m3) -- --
Viscosity (mN-s/m2) -- --
Conductivity (W/m-C) -- --
Heat capacity (kJ/kg-C) -- --
Molecular weight (--) -- --
Latent heat (kJ/kg) -- --
Surface tension (mN/m) -- --
Molar Composition Vapor Liquid K-Value Vapor Liquid K-Value
1 Gas -- -- -- -- -- --

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Stream Properties Page 35
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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Cold Tubeside Fluid Inlet Outlet
Fluid name Cooling Water
Temperature (C) 40.00 41.26
Pressure (kPa) 551.33 540.54
Weight fraction vapor (--) 0.0000 0.0000
Vapor Properties
Density (kg/m3) -- --
Viscosity (mN-s/m2) -- --
Conductivity (W/m-C) -- --
Heat capacity (kJ/kg-C) -- --
Molecular weight (--) -- --
Liquid Properties
Density (kg/m3) 992.42 991.93
Viscosity (mN-s/m2) 0.6530 0.6379
Conductivity (W/m-C) 0.6288 0.6304
Heat capacity (kJ/kg-C) 4.1774 4.1775
Molecular weight (--) 18.020 18.020
Latent heat (kJ/kg) -- --
Surface tension (mN/m) 69.596 69.392
Molar Composition Vapor Liquid K-Value Vapor Liquid K-Value
1 Water (IAPWS 1997) -- -- -- -- -- --

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Drawings Page 36
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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles



Item number
/ 45-XK-504-HE-513 Total tube inlet nozzles 1 Stream ID Shellside Tubeside
TEMA type BEM Total tube outlet nozzles 1 Stream name Vent gas Cooling Water
Shell diameter 122.3 mm Total shell inlet nozzles 1 Flow, kg/s 0.1650 1.3004
Tube length 1.8 m Total shell outlet nozzles 1 Pressure drop, kPa 594.17 10.786
Dry weight 143 kg/shell Temperature, C 64.00 50.00 40.00 41.26
Wet weight 165 kg/shell Wt. fraction vapor 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Bundle weight 28 kg/shell Pressure, kPa 2401.3 1807.2 551.33 540.54

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Drawings Page 37
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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles

Item number 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-...

25.400 mm 25.400 mm Shell ID 122.30 mm
Actual OTL 106.21 mm
Height under inlet nozzle 15.128 mm
Height under outlet nozzle 15.128 mm
Tube type Plain
Tube OD 19.050 mm
Tube pitch 23.813 mm
Tube layout angle 30 deg
Tubes 14
Tube positions available 14
Tie rods 4
Seal strip pairs 1
Tube Passes 2
Perpendicular passlane width 12.700 mm
Baffle cut % diameter 8.8

Pass Rows Tubes
1 2 7
2 2 7

Dummy Short Tube
Dummy Long Tube
Plugged Tube
Tie Rod
Seal Rod
Impingement Rod


Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Input Reprint Page 38
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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Exchanger Data
Service type Generic shell and tube
Run mode Rating
Hot fluid location Shellside
Unit orientation Horizontal
Number of shells in series 1
Number of shells in parallel 1
Flow in 1st tubepass Countercurrent
Train flow direction Countercurrent

Construction Data
Shell material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Tube material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Channel or bonnet material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Tubesheet-Stationary material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Baffle-Cross material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
Shellside design pressure 3200.0 kPaG
Tubeside design pressure 3200.0 kPaG
Shellside vacuum pressure None
Tubeside vacuum pressure None
Shellside design temperature 125.00 C
Tubeside design temperature 125.00 C
Shellside corrosion allowance 3.000 mm
Tubeside corrosion allowance 3.000 mm
Shellside radiography None
Tubeside radiography None
TEMA class R
Shell outside diameter 135.00 mm
Shell inside diameter 122.30 mm
Shell wall thickness 6.350 mm
Front head outside diameter 135.00 mm
Front head inside diameter 122.30 mm
Front head thickness 6.350 mm
Rear head outside diameter 135.00 mm
Rear head inside diameter 122.30 mm
Rear head thickness 6.350 mm
Total tubesheet thickness 74.000 mm
Suppress mechanical calculations No

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

Input Reprint Page 39
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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Tube Data
Tube type Plain
Tube outside diameter 19.050 mm
Tube wall thickness 1.651 mm
Tube pitch 23.813 mm
Tube pitch ratio 1.250
Tubepasses per shell 2
Tube pattern 30 degrees
Number of tubes per shell 14.000
Tube count method Rigorous
Tube length 1.800 m
Tube material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)

Baffle Data
Baffle type NTIW Single segmental
Baffle orientation Perpendicular
Baffle cut percent 8.8000 % shell ID
Adjust baffle cut No adjustment
Central baffle spacing 72.000 mm
Variable baffle spacing No
Baffle thickness 3.000 mm
Window cut from baffles No
Use deresonating baffles No

Supports Data
Floating head support type None
Support plates/baffle space Calculated
Include inlet vibration support No
Include outlet vibration support No

Nozzle Data
Nozzle standard 02-ANSI_B36_19.TABLE
Shell entrance type No impingement device
Shell exit type Remove tubes if TEMA requires
Inlet Outlet Liq. Outlet
Nozzle outside diameter 54.000 54.000 -- mm
Nozzle inside diameter 25.400 25.400 -- mm
Number at this position 1 1 --
Nozzle standard 02-ANSI_B36_19.TABLE
Inlet Outlet Liq. Outlet
Nozzle outside diameter 54.000 54.000 -- mm
Nozzle inside diameter 25.400 25.400 -- mm
Number at this position 1 1 --

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Nozzle Location Data
Radial position on shell inlet nozzle Top
Longitudinal position on shell of inlet nozzle At rear head
Radial position on shell outlet nozzle Same side
Tubeside entry type Radial
Tubeside inlet position Front head
Tubeside exit type Same as inlet

Tube Layout Data

Tubepass layout Ribbon
First tubepass location Bottom
Force symmetric layout Yes
Force continuous cleaning lanes No
Force uniform layout No
Align across primary passlanes No
Fill knock out area with dummy tubes Program set
Fill bundle periphery with dummy tubes Program set
Fill passlanes with dummy tubes Program Set
Shifted staggard layout Program set
Use crossed U-bends Program set
Minimum U-bend diameter 57.150 mm
Use tube layout drawing as input Yes

Clearance Data
Number of seal strip pairs Calculated
Block A stream No
Block E stream No
Block F stream No
Parallel/vertical passlane width 17.650 mm
Number of passlane seal rods Calculated
Tubes to remove for tie rods Calculated
Number of tie rods 4
Tie rod outside diameter 9.525 mm
Tube to baffle clearance 0.250 mm
Baffle to shell clearance 3.300 mm
Bundle to shell clearance 4.415 mm
Baffle clearance type TEMA

Optional Geometry Data

Small exchanger No
Double tubesheet No
Shell expansion joint No

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Process Conditions Data Hot Fluid Cold Fluid
Phase condition Sensible gas Sensible liquid
Flow rate 0.1500 1.1822 kg/s
Inlet vapor fraction 1.0000 0.0000
Outlet vapor fraction 1.0000 0.0000
Inlet temperature 64.00 40.00 C
Outlet temperature 50.00 -- C
Inlet pressure 2401.3 551.33 kPa
Allowable pressure drop -- 70.000 kPa
Duty multiplier 1.1000

Process Fouling Data Hot Fluid Cold Fluid

Fouling resistance -- 2.00e-4 m2-K/W

Hot Fluid Property Data

Fluid name Vent gas
Physical property method Program calculated
Temperature interpolation option Program
Flash type Integral
Quantity units Moles
Pure component condensation No
Number of components 1
Property package HTRI

Hot Fluid Component Data

Component number 1
Component name Gas
Comp. bank name <User-Defined>
Component bank HTRI
Component code -1
Component phase Vapor
Component quantity 1.0000
Vapor Properties
Reference temperature, C 64.00 50.00
Density, kg/m3 2.4350 2.5410
Viscosity, mN-s/m2 0.0104 0.0101
Thermal conductivity, W/m-C 0.1833 0.1822
Heat capacity, kJ/kg-C 2.7100 3.2000

Cold Fluid Property Data

Fluid name Cooling Water
Physical property method Program calculated
Temperature interpolation option Program
Flash type Integral
Quantity units Moles
Pure component boiling No
Number of components 1
Property package HTRI

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

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Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEM Shell With NTIW-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Component Data
Component number 1
Component name Water (IAPWS 1997)
Comp. bank name Water (IAPWS 1997)
Component bank HTRI
Component code 1
Component phase Liquid
Component quantity 1.0000

Control Name Data

Job Number PMP
Item Number 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513
Reference Number W20026
Revision R0
Service Gas Cooler
Customer Abu Dhabi Polymers Company Limited (Borouge)
Address Abu Dhabi
Plant Abu Dhabi

Control Methods Data

Shellside friction factor method Commercial
Tubeside friction factor method Commercial
Pure longitudinal flow No
Pure component condensation No
Condensing correlation HTRI Proration
Mole fraction inerts 0.0000
Momentum exclusion 0.0000 %
Pure component boiling No
Check film boiling Yes
Nucleate boiling method Physical property/theoretical boiling range
Component boiling method Nucleate and convective
Increments per baffle Calculated

Control User-Defined Methods Data

Add non-nucleate boiling Yes

Item No.: 44-XK-504-HE-513 / 45-XK-504-HE-513 F:\3. Work\PR-20007_Borogue_STHE\3. Technical\Rev 1\STHE_R1_C1.htri

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