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Physics 827: Homework Set No. 6 Due date: Friday, November 11, 2011, 1:00pm in PRB M2043 (Biao Huang’s office) Total point value of set: 55 points Problem 1 (10 pts.): Exercise 5.2.1 (Shankar, p. 163) Problem 2 (20 pts.): Exercise 5.2.2 (Shankar, p. 163). Hint: I found it useful to replace the potential V (2) by a suitable Gaussian potential of smaller magnitude in order to put an upper bound on the energy expectation value, Problem 8 (5 pts.): Exercise 5.3.1 (Shankar, p. 166) Problem 4 (5 pts.): Exercise 5.3.4 (Shankar, p. 167) Problem 5 (15 pts.): (a) (5 pts.) According to Postulate Il, the angular momentum operator is defined as L x P. Is this operator Hermitean? If not, write down a Hermitean expression for the angular momentum. (b) (10 pts.) Using Ehrenfest’s theorem, derive the equation of motion for the expecta- tion value of angular momentum in an arbitrary state |!) for a particle in a 3-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential (with Hamiltonian given by Eq. (4.3.4) in Shankar), Exerecse 5:21 Cyege 163) ie gpa La pot frou space The probabil aupGhe Vor a $eHhe, 4 Ca proud Mate of abe D Lengel An te stare If, > -(f [EP os @) con Gt ye) Che iuuer product secetver eotebatons 10 frou. Lax where yk) do. ) Te caupute Ke. overlap autprat, subshihte TH ~E CE23 2%, lke $y): w TR Jan cos Boo g fos cos (Z) 28 CX) & ay pes Seg £ (cor) + sages de [2Ga) + ase "wh ae 8 Letig. £ )2 24 4 -£ he Gg thee) 7% 3G "3% GKreretse 2.2 Cre 163) Ca) Show Ket if d=l, > Eo chere Foxe fee Lovet energy ej mvede. Tepand Yd to wergy eyencrates le> , fl =eled. lps- S$ ~ £4 aat ~ Fleet € & See) £, ts shewe tat lhly>ee Slalr>=-& (er) = (6) Wns Sve attacker pedecta® 2a one Aimer tier Ban ot Azast one bound sfor. Proof: Normale. Vo)ao suct fat VO)--Weriee for Bx, Aso wecan shift x suck Kat Vio de wataimal af x22, Courier YO, tat wave Fancher teen (geo Cente) whel Les on adjested@ reat pore ets O. Callerlate EG) ~ ten) ae He C ESE -voilne dite YF Cue Cae ee ae ie > F@) ee soe Jee eee Gee" { a fo Se = le fe oven) + ck So tbnauergy + ~ yoy) oh A 2? THO = Shee NOs eat abet) eG) ES 4 2A wue)|e@)> =e > PK) Areas axprahall, mitt Hue, 7 Courier We) = A eS B ek Coun pute Here re pies fae oe ~B |e orig Geta") = (Ac PA garth )E cascin . orcs) | = El P+ Agate a wiacir _te) -(-r 4 agri i sarees a eit) | ~ 2 MAr-18") v Prob len. S hay Augilar momenta: C- Rx P= (PE-28 26-28, 26-48) Sue UYLB, BB are oh Haruitean anc Reouuuis ey wt BB, Peeranuntes int BB ant Bemeusete, O88 Ole ake Somuienrt, of Tate tenuilean, db : 0) etd = TE SIEATD — Shrenfert Meorem LG ve sect coreput Fe, 47. stoct ite [0 BEY [E28 BEY A = 2:48, -?P) =O By tuspecten if te cbiveer Hat on iret Kmtherd Pick LL.M) Lh tel

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