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14/1/2021 Homework - Situation in a restaurant

Homework - Situation in a restaurant

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Disponible 12 de ene en 0:00 - 16 de ene en 23:59 5 días

This is a practice activity. These exercises will help you practice and also improve your
knowledge about English. Every time you re-enter the activity, you'll be asked to do it.
Remember you can see your scores in the Grades page.

You and your friend go to a pizza place near your hotel. Put the words in the correct
order to create the sentences of the following dialogue at the pizza place:

1. Take I The Pizza house your, to order welcome May?

2. Yes, with pineapple like Hawaiian Pizza extra I large would a.

3. And Ok, you?

4. New York-Style with I a Pizza, extra large want cheese.

5. Would Ok, that like to anything drink with you?

6. Coke Yeah, like a I’d personal

7. I’ll a take of glass lemonade And.

8. Right with your Ok, be orders I’ll back.

9. You thank
10. You thank

1. You thank  Welcome to The Pizza House, May I take your order?

2. You thank  Yes, I would like a large Hawaiian Pizza with extra pineapple.

3. You thank  OK, and you?

4. You thank  I want a large New York-Style Pizza, with extra cheese. 1/2
14/1/2021 Homework - Situation in a restaurant
5. You thank  Ok, would you like anything to drink with that?

6. You thank  Yeah, I’d like a personal coke.

7. You thank  And I’ll take a glass of lemonade.

8. You thank  Ok, I’ll be right back with your orders.

9. You thank  Thank you.

10. You thank  Thank you.

You can make it better

0/10  Retry 2/2

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