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Ee uy Roderick Pt ae Vocabulary 4a unten dacs itothe comet column ‘annoying confident ential lary popular” _salfch sociable opstve 1b Now find 10 more adjctivesin the word square and add themto the clumnsin 1a, esnersg | 2. Choose anadective from Exeres escrie the people below. and 1040 1 Tike watching Vand not dng much es inthe evenings 2 ‘Dadalways ods meting he dees about my lotes and my ends '3 ‘She eal enfy gong %o parties nd meatng new people “4 Thoow Ben willook afte the children we go out-cantrusthim’ 3 esis staying so hadorher exams ont now how she as alsqe[s[o {6 "That eal good stony Alea Where id youge «\Latose god eas rom? 7 We hinishe cn yet wha ne wan by satin and ching 22 )>[e["|=|=/-[e[=/<[2. Fler l-el-|-lel-l= alam <[ zl=|[=[=|2|=/ole[@le|~ lel [-lelel=lel =] l= Elle -lI-ls/-[|=/e| >lel-[=lel=l-lal<|=/= t "8 Now Fm going to onan the party fr Sturdy igh bythe soft eins nl Davis can bing some ue Cle, you send out mations And dustin yor 23. Read the textand ciel the correct word. ‘Watch the family! very Thursday, | watch 8 realty show about & family coed Family Fevurtes, end ts featneang / ootneted Theres the horble eonage 60, Sam, who's realy ‘eneoung / tate, Me doesn have any oben ad he's sys Beng / Bored aoe ft surpnsng / suransed hat he spends most ‘of his time geting on his parents! “4 Wte the missing word then answer the au. Relationships and you! w2rves/ tenp2h He als picks * probiams / aus wis hi younger sion ver supa things, wtih she as realy *Syrayna /st"oye4, The poor methar comes home from work eshasetng 7 extusees ‘21ery dy end then has to dol he cooking and fearing. Tha fatar i oly Stntaresing / terested i focal and a osene hap aa rm realy poss) / leased thax my family sr bad that eter down on out (x2) 1 Whats the best way to break [Tan argument between finds? ‘pretend that nochnghas happened 5. getthem talento each thers opinion getangry with bath of them 2 How often do yout! L____]wth your tends? everyday 4 Doyouget [val with yourparents? 1 yesallthe ine 5 nota, wealways have arguments yes usualy 5, Doyou tang [_——]more with ends your own age ortho who are oder / younger? 1 myonnage 8 wice ayer 8 older once ameonth © younger | Whatdoyoudotocaim[Tsteryouregot 6 Which would oupnfertolkok Lr nay? youre athome alone? 1s san an argument with someone ase » ado 8 thew plow across theroom 8. 3younger brother or aster sen tomy favourite music © aon Score6-10 Score 11-14 Sexe 15-18 Youdont often getangryor have Youseemtobesocableand Maybe you should yo rela ‘rguments butmaybe you should popularandyourfiendsvale bt more! Youcait solve problems beabitmoreconfdentandiess youropinion Youre generally fare oo aggressive Ltn to shy; Dontbe afd osywhat optimistic andlookon the bight sopemutie ake upanew hobby outbid Side ate. ‘ac eno! 0 © 2 1 2 © £6 ‘a ca te 18 za ve avs ye eve eve Wwe sonny the captain of is echo! ‘nate pale teem. He knw a 35 captain ofa tam, erence to habs team to work together But look 2 the team hes ot) Tom ie wealy (CAGANISE) He never remerbars shan be tam hae got taining ‘Sao ot eres Int orn varong dey ‘anny is good player buchos very shy and (SODIABLET We jt wort to py fn his own no in team, He oesn' ke over peopl very much! Seb gets vory3_ era matches but Marovs cn phone the ther [PATENT] with his taareraes when they do ‘ame on be Ia. He were ov bowing ms hs ‘something wrong. He thnks heb perfect buche lends dt evening an Jonny wes rely angry isnt! with, Youre so. fren is on ofthe oldest inthe veam but hes very FESPONSELEF. he shouzed A WHTUFE! for is age. Ever0ne on the tea loves Bly Het 60 He des things tle jarping inv the peo en top ot *__ {SEL FSH) ha never Fis ends! He dosent reates how dangerous that koopa th bal for Hevaelf buh aways toe coud be to chers so thay can scare gos Grammar 1 Match the sentence aes, 1 Weoten laycomputergames 8 lthemoment 2 ash nytt fotdock 3: Stl having unc a alone © every dy. 4 Wemustleaenow! The boatsaisat ¢.onceayerr 5 mstaying wth Zoe and ourfiends © on Saturday We wally goon bolday tomortonafter the por, a 2 yest a0 tat of eat? 3 (ou (ist hema weskend? 41 treme ma te name 5 Me ap taschaotmastot the time, inating (che bust eve for Ono? Wy sti sonae they? wnat yoni about cig i? 32 Read the profile of een whos looking fran ‘fend. Complete the al sing words ram the box There ron eta word. oe leornng ate have we oken St Rea thetctn 3a again and complete the sentences ‘with an averbladveril phrase fom the box Fiotenow never twos ere) "sometimes: 1 ys rahers ower 2 Herparens havethe time to go wither. Inia, 4 Shes preasng fra competion 5 Shehasdance leone ‘To: Bpcommizcom From: Lvgeesmiscom, Sutjeot Desnbine meet HUT iy and f'n 8.1 apes in aly 1 a real Tovly od ity but ike ion ote en bet You, ay Rab Singandingsor "woakand Ive got ive brothers ‘they doa ie doing water por aslo ‘end with mo. My parents dont : Tava th io tcome with me citer insethey nana restaurant, {ale nave danos leona 2n Mondays and Wednesdays Tresly’ hip-hop hough et he moment, wore" ‘some quit ditoulk apa We're {ance competition att end ofthe month ana T ‘Feliove to dat tony ten living in country near ‘mine go wa could perhapa vist esc otber in July or ‘august Woes house hy thesea thc a oaly new 4 Raa tha copy toys emai Complete the sentences withthe correct form ofthe present simple or present ‘continuous. & ‘ro Locomia com ‘rom: Evagoummiscom, sunject: Dearing my great ety 000) ‘uP va, 35 aoa ive i Dassen pain {ant very far from aly aretona' mg en (ike) very mt Lastly ‘rain by tha won so (ot eo) too rin he carmon To ike oot, reports ike running ends on, bub Tove swimming inthesen ae) nore ‘ding ensona with my star hl ear, too immed Wes eeytotay net ‘unser on camping babay an it woud be (gent to meat up My parts done ying eo we —a— eliaye/erval) by boat | onty wan. tts abitsovcr but! prtert too. My Sot, who's two yars oer than mo, as got lots of creado, MiNg (coels265) 1 Thinkabout youranswerst these questions. + Have you gtany breathers or sisters? How do you ‘geton wth then? + Doyeienjoy famiy bodes? What cn be ic: bout them? @ 2 Yous going tohesr kim aking about fay tne which wil help youto find the mising word ‘Then steno her escipton of eral and complete the ising information, Veeieeieieee VELLEL Nee: Kin ‘ge She Younber/ adectne)[___——_) Ded ob: Her dedt a adjective / moun) ees ee | ‘rer / adjective /mumber}|_ ith 0 Big garde, ates Her fmt have got eleur/ verb / advert] rabbits. ‘What they did on haley: They wet to adjective /manber / ne and eyes through prt of the cou. Writing | | | ® and write in the type of information you think someone French cycling holiday UR ieie ae ees | tor deh teres fom) | si unchine They also cycled nthe even te tim ote ly ere acer eee ( ___ ata. Paces sean on tip wet through the Llre vay with river ond What Kim wanted todo ot the baker: ‘She wanted fo practte her | but her ester dt ar Meate: Kim thinks French{______ 13s epeialy ot weddings ‘The Journey home: | Everyone wa ut te famty | fet ase | 1 ttyounaga youth cub in your town where young people coud gon the evenings what actives would you enjoy Tk the bas boon 2 Read the writing task then complete the spcergram ‘oth en for sep “Theis part of eter hat i ecsives fom hit uncle a youth oder, Irealyneedsomeheptocrsnieyouth ub | aces Hoveyougot any woretimeatweskends ‘nd ouldyoube terest Whotatiesdo you ‘ny Why-dortyouwrteand tl meifouttink ‘youtbeary goodat hs kindof hing? 5. Remember to group your des into paragraphs so ‘that your wltng ie lear and osc Lok bck atthe {askin Exercise and the ideas in thesplderram, ‘Camplat th lon for Wl op ha ° ‘Laat table Oram eresetary | Weary wey ae wot tne ney a nrg eeccaisiig ide | wid vest ® soctamidicutat © st tae ne Raieriaetd ayy lecevedthe eter ers spidegram boxes | and spidergram boxes | od me 4 Connecting words raw ines to connec: the pars of ‘he roniones been 1 Mees sling 2 atheyhada tenis 2 mecetonvell lesan 4 Shecouant bb sosheasted imeo wncand explain 4 Theyaartwateh ——_&adleaveme alone? thereat show 6 buthehutesruning. 5 Coulyouplease © cause wehave the goanay same eres, 5 te your ete forthe ask in Exercise 2, Use the checlit below to checkout writing. asus | Hove you sed (Clearer tmenberyoue taking tout wfeyou te ng nom [Cs vocbty?Laokbck athe poste ceo other. (Cleowocroh Ue ing rie 20 hep yen [Cinema sie Remember yove wing to Yoorunde-solepthe sendy [Dlsconecr begining snd ending? Make re ‘you ay hand akhow heisa the bepnaing ‘When yu en, wie that you hope that your adic withalp and thatyou ae wang to | hear ren i. i ‘You've done seelly well in tagged Vocabulary » bomen corer 2 Complete the sentences with words rom the box Bock st fiats bridge gete log cabin main entrance spiral ai steps 1 the ong round andround, upto the barooms was ey strange 2 Thectiren climbed over the wooden |________] intothe ia 3 vtoralnesina [Tn ehe cent ofton, she ties 0 high up she can see the whole 4 twetocun ine] nn cnet top orb er we many 5. ewitedscarhe [Totten cee ah Webmsh ours athe honeate ee LE et 2 Complete the dialogue with he correct form ofthe words in eapals. ‘Onnge Sohereisyourhouseboot lovely! rm sure your styiniwillbe t FORGET yes sue bur that. But asd fora ‘moder houseboat, nat ely ioe ik this Thais! seurve Wel mai thatallourotberhousebost senotavalbleat the moment. Perhaps tis bot looks oa but very 2 Inside youknow. Fetes owner conrom sie areasking ACEPT ‘owner: Wel all ight en You can have £100 cheope: Havea eal holiday ew0F Him, thanks ety much ist hope we get back sfey Father: 4 Complete the tort with words fom the box. ok opportunky part photos place step ‘Old English cottages an! Country dancing shou! “Toke he! ohare afon ‘dy out and vist our lovely counerycomages! “Take inthe counery dances and ween? inside some of te oldest cottages in Briain This ‘year ur show ales ‘on U6 ard 17 Cetober 30 be sure not vo mis Taken bacco the parread about the nes of people who ved here hundreds of years ago and don forget toukelow oft The winner of eur ctages photography competion wins fail hela ea 5 Ccethecomect word, 1 Te tien inthe parade bes cashes drums rou 2 Why aha dog saueshng/ wing? eat gett ae. 4 One dhe tas reais screamed as St Was ‘comig down tem quit 4 Therewata big seh /ctoshuhen they al jumpedino the pool together. 5 Maris sresmed/ backed whan she saw te spe, Match th halves ofthe foms The write the coet ormoftneiclomrin the text below. 1 antxgishonshome 3 fsvength 2 beabwer 1 upthewall 3. eivesomeone when we come oe 4 getabng 6 Ishiscastle 5 wellossthatridge ‘he ahouseon re My)fan'y? Hut My eames Ray and ive in a high Bock of Alain London with my fy. We lve nea the River Tharnes in an ares called Canary Whar. es aly cool to lookout ofthe window atthe boat ging down the river fm icky Because ‘wen ny flys together, we sul ‘ve laugh ad joke loc and ave fn Whenever ave probes at school my parents and they do everything they cane help re. The ony dime my ster eer is when she art sign inthe shower but Hust put my headphones en ul shes ished? However next year my ster i going away co collage and I'm relly going co miss her ~and her singing! Any, nd fm sure weil stl se a lot af each oder The thing Ile about our fate that once we clare ‘the doors our home and we can al rea theres AS they sg jess. . Grammar 1 Choose the corect answer Lp na big cy Montreal but when vas young ay parents lag eain inthe mountain We would 2 eer a wesands and felnerentetence Po snowing whe we there and we could hardy se We road ahead. Que rary! Wet Canad whan I vas fan nd we ‘ame o the UK My parents somenherea bt iferenebut when we ey at houses, they any of thm So guess ‘were we are ling now — in ighdbouse! The problem iit ane early everyday hare! 1A wasproning 8 giew © row 2 A wewhavng 8 have C vsed tohove 3A aesoing 8 go were going 5A loves 8 wasloving Could iove 58 wasstaning start, © stened 6 A wectoawe 8 ave were diving ard © wouldiewe were lenvng 8A weétowsnt 8 wanted C want 56 woudleck 8 werelootingC look WA onthe ted © lc ke 1X Wittagg Where’_ougoastweskend? Be tno yout Les party. 5: Nei nog tothe nary because! stay any autor the weekend 1: Oh where dows hee? 15. Shoand ny uncle vein cottage with cabin in the garden 1 Realy Tat ounde fun _Yestts gat! Anyway. something funny_______ app on the Saurcay evening. My parents and my auntand unde’ ta) andl” toe a bitbored <0 {ake mytorh ara?______ wal around he garden - (p38) the abi which has got wooden stp leading wt the door when — — (see four right ‘green igh shine) yterchon them andthe hea) crash and ahowt ase! 2: Sowhatvasit? welt (tl) my uncle back tthe house ond he st %—________oghoureathas gt tens ad hey often on the stepstothe cabichesaidlexpectthey "fying there ‘hen youfeund them an thay" avela shock They = tnotve a shock ent hid 2. Complete the questions withone word. Then match them ith the answers. 1 yeu osayin sean ston ay weno og? 2 Tugeodatsvming these a 3 (yoo me tery snow ast night 4 Was Andrew oingto the shops] yousawhimt 5 ast eaning when yougtt0 sat 5 Were theband| loud music? | Choote th conect answer 1 Creteerovistnecastlesten?Nortely? 5 Woe 8 od © Would 2 While they Jing they itenedtomusie. 6 2D were 8 wows used 2 vine Totelseiesaredionin, 7 Steg © ldgt come 4 Dlvessatin older : Wer dat 1 Vien aye9 8 Didar Wot you play Nextt Ras bh. 1 Na Rwasr, but as heady wet Yes i Every summer < Yesthey were. vas et © Yes was. Very god © Yes think he was. ‘randa{_tl me storie about when she at young ron 8 would ‘We Jeter werent Back mssnon huade 2 wos itwata pret do —hesun|_landthe bids were sega. 2 aedtosine © woud ine © warsing Thetelephone[_ wie we wee watching Roa the poet mu og ng © sreorng 1B Listening ccowcs+as @ + samara cousns cing tyr the wena tient tee conversations shia swesty wer «a O esctn om =O an choctatcate [7] som] toes Qo sunshine [~] 995 Oo wos potwos {@ 2 Uenagnn and choot he coractanswer. Use the clue and your ananers to Exec 1 to help you 1 Whats the weather ike day? Clue What was theweather ike yesterday? What wi ie he tomorow?) “o °O co 2 What do Ne and Kim nade buy atthe supermarket (Ce: What des Mum need? What hasshealready got Geo SH & so ®O ) ¢ Drwhnestomatchthesetncehaes 1 filieohoearbet 3 tanner stot tones vo SS Seer 2 fmgungiowedsone © wrlescando mre ‘mogsenesinarderto_iteresing cbs. 5 Theyreleningenryin < Reouldtake he dog cxsrto fora alk 4 Theruserobouin ——¢_gettotheexibon actries tat ‘ontine 5 write your artesefor the askin ere 2 USE tRe heclitbelow to lp you. Have you used Cl interacting tle You cn us a question youthe, or something thet sous remote Clanintetesting festa? Again youcan use aqueston orastatement the wil get your reser interested. (Cltourraragraphs? An inroducton- stating ‘what you ore going to wie aboutin afew word, second paragraph - wy you nd robots ‘axcinatng thie paragraph = hy they might ‘be woryng ae than your fn statement or pinion, {Robo so wnat youtlihem odo. =) Negotie i i [Clan informa Think who your readers are wenger 2 Read the weting taskand choose the best tte(A-C) | below “ How ered abonabow rahe) fore Are hey facinating or worrying? cae ‘Wolte an ariel for our new teenage magezne, | ap ‘Science in ou future and you could win ip © | i Sctnen Exh I “a Unit 31 How de you rate Your 1h. robot future foryou and me? f proprase wo fa? Se ee) eo ae ee ri 1 Read Ales blog about ws toeland Use the sentences A-H ta complete the ert. There are two extra sentences You dontnced. a ea tym ed wre and camer yard oie poe my pres | and we hada fast ime! There was 39 tookeurtoafamaus lighthouse cled | much t do and see,buc we started with Fasnet isthe taleseand widest rock | ‘thecases ofcourse. The first one we tower (hat iui but om a rock nthe ea) | sed was Blamey Case. My mum and in ireland andthe URI slster realy wanted to go here because of There's alos yacht race called the Fatt ‘the Blaney Stone.'___ Now Race that go from England to Ireland and ‘they't probably never be quiet and wil gst around the rock every to years. eee ‘Altar thawed a bi ofbeaig of ‘Another castle we vised was Balygaly our awn down the Ber Shannon. We (Casle-This caste s abo a hotel and some went on abet that was actly ke a frends of ours were saying here. Balgaly houreboat: went very slowly trough Case ight by he nan andy beaches. he rish coun se, pas sal owns Her name is Lay lobe! and vilsges. nd ie wa very e370 ue. Shaw ard de gor around the hotel aight “The days we had on and bangs on the guess doors Fortunately, che boa war very relaxing but ry mabe ‘hey say she's Hendy! {ide tave x sgnal and | could exe my fends, ‘We were staying na tenc ona campsite In. Counsy Cor fora fw day, bie Anywayaher tse que dys we normaly ries most ofthe cine. gorrealy ends about a ey out —— One dye visited in Dutint We decided to go on a bus Cork ci. bay part which bl onan Cour so we cul ae oof photos. island We aso rook the opporaniyto ‘Then we vsted some look around the town of Cobh, where the fly fends whole near Dublin hows are pained in aferenc colours. huge due bythe sen Te day we went Cobh was also the st place where che there, he sa was unbiorable huge Thanle stopped on is est and as tip, waves crating ono the rocks! Coo!

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