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Digital economy in the Philippines

Digital technologies are transforming how we do things and solve development

problems, it support business continuity and prevent service interruption. However, in the
Philippines, we are one of those who had slowest internet connection among ASEAN countries,
had high internet cost which made our country behind from others. And the use of digital
technologies is still below its potential, with the country’s digital adoption generally trailing
behind many regional neighbors. The “digital divide” between those with and without internet
leads to unequal access to social services and life-changing economic opportunities. And as we
all know internet connectivity is the foundation of digital economy and upgrading digital
infrastructure, promoting digital payments, improve the logistic system and foster a conducive
business environment all over the country will introduce fundamental changes that can
improve social service delivery, enhance resilience against shocks, and create more economic
opportunities for all Filipinos. And in this time of pandemic, and we are now living with the new
normal, the use of digital technology and digital transformation have become important for us
Filipinos. It allow businesses, the government and schools to pursue operations online rather
than completely shutting down.  And an improved digital economy would aid social distancing
measures and help promote the country’s long-term economic growth.

B. Basic Savings, Budgeting, and investing

Saving is life. Saving money is worth the effort and is incredibly important. It gives you
peace of mind, expands your options for decisions that have a major effect on your quality of
life, and the more we save, the easier it becomes to accumulate additional savings. Through
saving money it can help us become financially secure and provide a safety net in case of an
emergency and for our future. And as we all know spending money on nonessentials is so easy,
even if you're committed to a well-laid spending plan. There were really times that we can’t
control our spending. The best way to avoid it is to practice discipline and learn to say no to
unnecessary things. That is why we should save first before budgeting for whatever expenses it
may be. Follow the correct saving formula (Income- Saving= Expenses), prioritize needs over
wants and develop our saving habit, through this way we can be productive and financially
secure in the future. On the other hand to make our money work, investing it is a key but
before investing we should first know or investigate what we’re investing as well as every
opportunities provided. Although there is always a risk when it comes to investing, but atleast
we can avoid scams and other consequences. Thus, a combination of own hard work and smart
saving and investment decisions, can make us become financially secure and can help achieve
our goals in life not just for our self but for our family as well.
C. Tools for the digital age

As what the webinar mentioned, the free Wi-Fi for all is a free public internet access
program which aims to accelerate the Philippine government’s efforts in enhancing internet
accessibility for Filipinos so that economic, social and educational opportunities will be bolstered,
and the growing digital divide can be bridged. Thus, this free Wi-Fi for all is very important and
beneficial for us because it can make our work easier, make businesses grow as well as make our
task or doings more convenient. Easier way of communicating especially in times of emergency
people can easily respond in such emergencies and helps us become more productive in some
ways.  And in this time of pandemic and were in the new normal system this programs is very
beneficial to us, student and teachers can effectively use wifi-enabled devices for educational
purposes and, at the same time, the institution can develop innovative teaching techniques based
on collaborative and interactive learning. Though, the use of this technology has changed both
the way interactions between people happen, and somehow has disadvantages but we can’t
deny the fact that it is one of the greatest connective technologies available to us today. Internet
access, after all, should not be a privilege enjoyed by few but a right enjoyed by all. This digital
tools would give us more opportunities that would help achieve our goals and our country to be a
competitive one.

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