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Problem 1. Which team has the highest ratio of goalsFor/goalsAgainst?


Fig:1 This is the highest goalsFor/goalsAgainst ratio

Problem 2. What is the average number of passes made by defenders?

Fig:2 Formula
Fig:3 Average passes by the defender
Problem 2. What is the average number of passes made by forwards?

Fig:4 Formula
Fig:5 Average passes by the forwards
Problem 3. What player on a team with "ia" in the team name played less than 200 minutes and
made more than 100 passes?

Fig:6 Kuzmanovic in the team Serbia played less than 200 minutes
and made more than 100 passes
(optional) Problem 4. Which team has the highest average number of passes per minute played
(and what is that average)?

Fig:7 Slovakia has the highest average of passes/minute

Problem 5. How many players on a team ranked under 10 (i.e. ranks 1 to 9) played more than
350 minutes?

Fig:8 Number of players ranked <10 and played >350 min

Problem 6. What characteristics are shared by all passengers whose fare is 0?

Fig:9 Passengers list who’s fare is 0

Problem 7. How many married women over age 50 embarked in Cherbourg? (Married wo men
are denoted by "Mrs.")

Fig:10 List of Married women age>50 embarked in Cherbourg

Problem 8. Which embarkation city had the highest-paying passengers on average?

Fig:11 Cherbourg has the highest paying passenger on average

Problem 9. What is the most common last name among passengers? What is the average number
of passengers per last name?

Fig:12 Most common last name is Andersson

Fig:13 Number of passengers per last name

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