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American Journal of Hypertension Advance Access published May 23, 2015

Brief Communications

Genetic Risk Score for Essential Hypertension and Risk of

Caitlin J. Smith,1 Audrey F. Saftlas,1 Cassandra N. Spracklen,1,2 Elizabeth W. Triche,3 Andrew Bjonnes,4,5
Brendan Keating,6,7 Richa Saxena,4,5 Patrick J. Breheny,8 Andrew T. Dewan,9 Jennifer G. Robinson,1
Josephine Hoh,10 and Kelli K. Ryckman1

BACKGROUND established genetic risk loci for each outcome. Regression analyses

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Preeclampsia is a hypertensive complication of pregnancy character- were performed to determine the association between GRS and risk
ized by novel onset of hypertension after 20 weeks gestation, accom- of preeclampsia. These analyses were replicated in an independent US
panied by proteinuria. Epidemiological evidence suggests that genetic population of 516 cases and 1,097 controls of European ancestry.
susceptibility exists for preeclampsia; however, whether preeclampsia
is the result of underlying genetic risk for essential hypertension has RESULTS
yet to be investigated. Based on the hypertensive state that is charac- GRSs for hypertension, SBP, DBP, and MAP were not significantly associ-
teristic of preeclampsia, we aimed to determine if established genetic ated with risk for preeclampsia (P > 0.189). The results of the replication
risk scores (GRSs) for hypertension and blood pressure are associated analysis also yielded nonsignificant associations.
with preeclampsia.
METHODS GRSs for hypertension and blood pressure are not associated with
Subjects consisted of 162 preeclamptic cases and 108 normotensive preeclampsia, suggesting that an underlying predisposition to essen-
pregnant controls, all of Iowa residence. Subjects’ DNA was extracted tial hypertension is not on the causal pathway of preeclampsia.
from buccal swab samples and genotyped on the Affymetrix Genome-
wide Human SNP Array 6.0 (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Missing Keywords: blood pressure; genetic epidemiology; genetic predisposi-
genotypes were imputed using MaCH and Minimac software. GRSs tion to disease; hypertension; maternal; preeclampsia; pregnancy.
were calculated for hypertension, systolic blood pressure (SBP), dias-
tolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) using doi:10.1093/ajh/hpv069

Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy characterized beyond that of normal pregnancy and placental insuffi-
by novel onset of hypertension after 20 weeks gestation, ciency.3 There is evidence of genetic susceptibility to the
accompanied by proteinuria. It affects 3%–8% of pregnan- condition, as women with a maternal history of preec-
cies in the Western world and is a major cause of morbid- lampsia are at a 2- to 5-fold increased risk of develop-
ity and mortality for both mother and child.1,2 Although ing preeclampsia themselves.3 Additionally, women who
the exact biological mechanism of preeclampsia remains develop preeclampsia are at a significantly increased risk
unclear, it is generally accepted to be the result of a combi- of future cardiovascular disease, including hypertension
nation of endothelial dysfunction, excessive inflammation and stroke.4,5 Chronic hypertension is an established risk

Correspondence: Kelli K. Ryckman ( 1Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, University of

Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA; 2Department of Genetics, University of North

Initially submitted January 2, 2015; date of first revision January 24, Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA; 3Department
2015; accepted for publication April 23, 2015. of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island, USA; 4Center for Human Genetic Research
and Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 5Program
in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA; 6Department of Surgery, Penn Transplant Institute,
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA; 7Center for Applied Genomics, Abramson
Research Center, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA; 8Department of Biostatistics, University of Iowa
College of Public Health, Iowa City, Iowa, USA; 9Department of Chronic
Disease Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven,
Connecticut, USA; 10Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Yale
School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

© American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2015. All rights reserved.

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American Journal of Hypertension  1

Smith et al.

factor for preeclampsia, although the onset of preeclampsia hypertension” or “eclampsia” on birth certificate records.
on a background of existing hypertension is referred to as Randomly selected control subjects had no record of hyper-
superimposed preeclampsia.1,2 First trimester systolic blood tension on birth certificate records and were frequency
pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean matched to cases based on county of residence. Potential
arterial pressure (MAP) are significantly elevated in women subjects were excluded for chronic hypertension, age <18 at
who go on to develop preeclampsia compared to those with delivery, non-English speaking, history of autoimmune dis-
normotensive pregnancies.6,7 These consistent phenom- ease, recurrent spontaneous abortion, multiple gestations,
ena led us to question whether underlying genetic risks for major congenital anomalies, infant death, or seriously ill
essential hypertension or higher first trimester blood pres- infant.14 Medical records were abstracted from the antenatal,
sure are predictors of the manifestation of preeclampsia. intrapartum, and postpartum periods to identify all blood
The role of genetics in determining blood pressure has pressure and urinary protein measurements before, during,
become clearer through genome-wide association studies and after pregnancy; this information was used to classify
(GWASs). The use of a genetic risk score (GRS) based on patients with preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, or as
GWAS findings as an indicator of risk for a given condition normotensive controls. Preeclampsia was defined accord-

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is a novel method of investigating genetic susceptibility to a ing to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines:
complex trait. These GRSs may be investigated for associa- (i) sustained de novo hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic or
tion with an intermediate phenotype, such as blood pressure, ≥90 mm Hg diastolic on ≥2 occasions at least 6 hours apart)
which may then be investigated for association with risk for beginning no earlier than 20 weeks gestation and (ii) pro-
a disease outcome8,9 and vice versa.10 Specifically, one study teinuria, defined as urinary protein concentrations ≥30 mg/
constructed a GRS for hypertension based on a meta-anal- dL (equivalent to a dipstick value of 1+ from ≥2 specimens
ysis of GWAS-identified single nucleotide polymorphisms ≥4 hours apart or a 24-hour urine collection with ≥300 mg of
(SNPs) and its association with ischemic stroke,9,11 while protein).15 Gestational hypertension was defined as de novo
another investigated a GRS for coronary artery disease and hypertension in the absence of proteinuria and preeclampsia
its association with hypertension.10 as gestational hypertension with proteinuria. Normotensive
As preeclampsia is considered a hypertensive disorder controls consisted of women with no evidence of hyperten-
of pregnancy and there is evidence of genetic susceptibil- sion or proteinuria during their pregnancy.
ity to the condition, including variants in vasoactive genes, In the replication population, preeclampsia was defined
it stands to reason that underlying genetic susceptibility to according to the same National Heart, Lung, and Blood
essential hypertension or higher first trimester blood pres- Institute guidelines as the SOPHIA population. Boston and
sure may contribute to the manifestation of preeclampsia. In USC samples also included superimposed preeclampsia in
this study, we investigate the association between an estab- their case definition. Normotensive controls consisted of
lished GRS for essential hypertension and blood pressure pregnant women with no history of chronic hypertension
and the outcome of preeclampsia in 2 different study popu- and no evidence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy or
lations. We hypothesize that women with higher genetic risk proteinuria.
for elevated blood pressure and/or essential hypertension
will be at increased risk of preeclampsia. To our knowledge, Genotyping
this is the first study to use GRS for essential hypertension
and blood pressure in relation to preeclampsia. DNA collection, extraction, and genotyping methods for
this study have been described previously.14 A subset of sam-
ples (N  =  270) from the SOPHIA study underwent GWA
analysis based on Caucasian race and consent for future
Study population research. Genotyping was performed at the Rockefeller
University Genomics Resource Center using Affymetrix
This study involved subjects from the Study of Pregnancy Genome-wide Human SNP Array 6.0 (Affymetrix, Santa
Hypertension in Iowa (SOPHIA) case–control population. Clara, CA). Samples with a call rate less than 86% were
The SOPHIA population is composed of nulliparous residents excluded (n  =  1).14 The mean call rate among the remain-
of 42 Iowa counties who had a live birth from August 2002 ing subjects was 94.4%.14 SNPs on chromosomes 1–22 were
through April 2005. Two hundred seventy subjects, including imputed using MaCH software,16 using the 379 samples of
162 cases and 108 controls, were used in GRS analyses. European ancestry (CEPH) from the 1000 Genomes Project
A replication population consisting of 516 preeclampsia phase 1 as the reference panel.17 Haplotypes for the SOPHIA
cases and 1,097 normotensive controls of European ancestry subjects were estimated using MaCH software, and impu-
was aggregated from 5 US sites. These sites were Institutional tation was performed using Minimac software.18 All GRS
Review Board–approved hospital and internet-based collec- SNPs were available in the SOPHIA population without
tions and subjects were matched to population controls. requiring a proxy SNP.
DNA from the replication population was extracted from
Phenotype definition blood, saliva, or buccal samples according to standard pro-
cedures. Samples were genotyped on a cardiovascular gene-
The methods for classifying preeclampsia in the SOPHIA centric 50 K SNP array.19 Genotypes were clustered using
study have been described previously.12–14 Cases were ini- Illumina Beadstudio software and subjected to quality con-
tially selected based on an indication of “pregnancy-induced trol filters at the sample and SNP level. Samples of European

2  American Journal of Hypertension

Genetic Risk Score Hypertension and Preeclampsia

ancestry were identified using principal component analysis include any information on blood pressure measurements
using HapMap3 European (CEU), African (YRI), and Asian or information on maternal age, BMI, or smoking; therefore,
(JPT + CHB) panels as reference standards.20 SNPs were these analyses were only examined in our primary popula-
removed for genotyping efficiency <95%, departure from tion. GRSs for SBP, DBP, and MAP were also broken into
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P < 10−6) in controls, differ- quartiles based on their distributions among control subjects
ential missingness between cases and controls (P < 0.05), or and then assessed for their association with SBP, DBP, and
batch effects (P < 10−6).14 The cardiovascular disease gene- MAP, respectively, using linear regression.
centric array contained a limited number of index SNPs
for blood pressure measurements, so GRS analyses utilized RESULTS
proxy SNPs with the strongest correlation (pairwise r2 > 0.8)
to the untyped index SNP in the 1KG CEU sample. GRSs for hypertension, SBP, DBP, and MAP were not sig-
nificantly associated with preeclampsia. Additionally, quar-
Statistical analyses tile analyses did not demonstrate a statistically significant
trend for any of the GRSs (Table 1). Similar analyses in the

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GRSs for hypertension, SBP, DBP, and MAP were con- replication population were also nonsignificant (Table 2).
structed for each subject based on the beta coefficients of To determine the effectiveness of each GRS in predicting
GWAS-significant variants with a source-reported P-value < its respective blood pressure measurement, GRSs for SBP,
1.0E-04.11,21 The number of source SNPs were 27, 28, 28, and DBP, and MAP were analyzed against measured SBP, DBP,
23 for hypertension, SBP, DBP, and MAP, respectively. After and MAP values, respectively, using linear regression. The
imputation of the SOPHIA genotypes, the GRS for hyper- GRS for DBP was significantly associated with DBP before
tension consisted of 26 SNPs, the GRS for SBP and DBP con- and after adjustment for pre-pregnancy BMI and the GRS
sisted of 27 SNPs, and the GRS for MAP consisted of 22 SNPs. for SBP was marginally associated with SBP unadjusted
SNPs and beta coefficients used to construct these GRS are (P = 0.07) and significantly associated after adjustment for
reported in Supplementary Table 1. Specifically, GRSs were pre-pregnancy BMI (P  <  0.05) (Supplementary Table  3).
constructed based on the reported beta coefficient for the The GRS for MAP was not significantly associated with
effect allele at the given SNP. Alleles were coded such that the first trimester MAP. In the quartile analyses, tests for trend
reported beta coefficient would be a positive value; for SNPs demonstrated a significant trend for the DBP GRS and
where the source allele had a negative beta coefficient, the measured DBP (P < 0.05), a marginally significant trend for
other allele was used and the beta coefficient was made posi- the association between SBP GRS and SBP measurements
tive. The beta coefficient of each effect allele was summed for (P = 0.11) and no trend between the MAP GRS and MAP
each subject based on their genotypes, such that individuals (Supplementary Table 3).
homozygous for the noncoded allele would receive a value First trimester SBP, DBP, and MAP were significantly
of 0 for that locus, heterozygous individuals would receive associated with preeclampsia in a subset of the SOPHIA
the value of the beta coefficient at that locus, and individu- population (P < 0.0001), with increased first trimester blood
als homozygous for the coded allele would receive double pressures associated with increased risk of preeclampsia
the beta coefficient for that locus. Similar GRSs were con- (Supplementary Table  4). These associations remained sig-
structed for the replication population. Due to the limited nificant after adjustment for BMI. All 3 trends were highly
availability of index and proxy SNPs, the replication study significant (P ≤ 0.0001).
used 6 SNPs for hypertension, SBP, and DBP, and 5 SNPs
for MAP. SNPs and beta coefficients used to construct these DISCUSSION
GRS are reported in Supplementary Table 2.
Logistic regression was performed to assess the associa- Established GRSs for hypertension, SBP, DBP, and MAP
tion between the 4 GRSs and preeclampsia using Statistical were not associated with preeclampsia. This suggests that
Analysis Software version 9.3 (Cary, NC). Our primary an alternative pathogenesis model is responsible for the
analyses examined the relationship between each GRS, relationship between first trimester blood pressure and
independently, and risk of preeclampsia. In a subset of our risk for preeclamptic hypertension. In our primary study
sample where first trimester blood pressure measurements population, we demonstrate that first trimester SBP, DBP,
were available (n = 131 cases, 87 controls), we examined the and MAP measurements are significantly associated with
relationship between first trimester DBP, SBP, and MAP with preeclampsia. These results are consistent with existing
risk for preeclampsia. In addition, we examined the relation- knowledge.6,7,22,23 Furthermore, GRSs for SBP and DBP
ship between each GRS and its associated blood pressure were significantly associated with first trimester SBP and
measurement. First trimester MAP was calculated for each DBP, respectively, after adjustment for pre-pregnancy BMI
subject using the formula (MAP  =  diastolic + 1/3(systolic (P < 0.05), supporting that these GRSs are associated with
− diastolic)) based on subjects’ first trimester average SBP blood pressure measurements in our cohort. Together, these
and DBP. Analyses involving the blood pressure measure- data support the hypothesis that the increased risk of future
ments for SBP, DBP, and MAP were performed unadjusted cardiovascular disease, including hypertension and stroke,
and adjusted for body mass index (BMI). Other covariates following a preeclamptic pregnancy is likely due to dam-
examined included maternal age at delivery, maternal edu- age done during pregnancy rather than underlying genetic
cation level, smoking during the first trimester, and leisure risk for hypertension. These findings shed light on the dis-
time physical activity. Our replication population did not puted pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Although chronic
American Journal of Hypertension  3
Smith et al.

Table 1.  Association between genetic risk score (GRS) and risk of preeclampsia


Exposure Continuous 1 2 3 4 Trend test P value

4  American Journal of Hypertension

  n (case/control subjects) 270 (162/108) 68 (41/27) 69 (42/27) 65 (38/27) 68 (41/27)
  Median (range) 29.2 (21.4, 37.8) 25.6 (21.4, 26.9) 28.0 (26.9, 29.2) 30.4 (29.2, 31.4) 32.7 (31.4, 37.8)
  OR (95% CI)a 0.993 (0.916, 1.076) 1.00 (Ref) 1.024 (0.516, 2.033) 0.927 (0.464, 1.852) 1.000 (0.503, 1.988) 0.929
  n (case/control subjects) 270 (162/108) 67 (40/27) 66 (39/27) 72 (45/27) 65 (38/27)
  Median (range) 29.1 (21.0, 37.2) 25.5 (21.0, 26.8) 28.0 (26.8, 29.0) 30.3 (29.1, 31.6) 33.0 (31.7, 37.2)
  OR (95% CI)a 1.004 (0.928, 1.086) 1.00 (Ref) 0.975 (90.488, 1.948) 1.125 (0.568, 2.226) 0.950 (0.475, 1.902) 1.000
  n (case/control subjects) 270 (162/108) 63 (36/27) 80 (53/27) 65 (38/27) 62 (35/27)
  Median (range) 28.6 (21.7, 37.6) 25.2 (20.5, 26.3) 27.9 (26.4, 28.9) 30.1 (29.0, 31.3) 32.7 (31.3, 37.6)
  OR (95% CI)a 0.978 (0.904, 1.057) 1.00 (Ref) 1.472 (0.745, 2.909) 1.056 (0.523, 2.129) 0.972 (0.479, 1.973) 0.680
  n (case/control subjects) 270 (162/108) 63 (36/27) 80 (53/27) 65 (38/27) 62 (35/27)
  Median (range) 22.7 (12.9, 28.3) 25.2 (20.5, 26.3) 27.9 (26.4, 28.9) 30.1 (29.0, 31.3) 32.7 (31.3, 37.6)
  OR (95% CI)a 1.042 (0.953, 1.140) 1.00 (Ref) 0.649 (0.309, 1.360) 1.595 (0.813, 3.127) 1.135 (0.568, 2.269) 0.262
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HTN, hypertension; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; GRS, genetic risk score; MAP, mean arterial pressure; OR, odds ratio; Ref, reference; SBP,
systolic blood pressure.
aPresented for unadjusted model.

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Table 2.  Association between genetic risk score (GRS) and risk of preeclampsia in the replication population


Exposure Continuous 1 2 3 4 Trend test P value

  n (case/control subjects) 1,613 (516, 1,097) 117/252 134/299 125/264 140/282
  Median (range) 6.51 (3.36, 7.24) 7.84 (7.28, 8.36) 8.61 (8.37, 9.10) 9.60 (9.19, 11.47)
  OR (95% CI)a 1.01 (0.93, 1.10) 1.00 (Ref) 0.97 (0.71, 1.33) 0.96 (0.69, 1.32) 1.03 (0.75, 1.41) 0.83
First trimester SBP GRS
  n (case/control subjects) 1,613 (516, 1,097) 122/256 128/291 129/274 137/276
  Median (range) 6.36 (3.31, 7.00) 7.55 (7.00, 8.14) 8.16 (8.14, 8.91) 9.33 (8.91, 11.22)
  OR (95% CI)a 1.01 (0.93, 1.10) 1.00 (Ref) 0.93 (0.68, 1.27) 0.94 (0.69, 1.28) 0.99 (0.72, 1.36) 0.99
First trimester DBP GRS
  n (case/control subjects) 1,613 (516, 1,097) 117/263 130/275 134/281 135/278
  Median (range) 6.27 (3.12, 6.62) 7.46 (6.66, 7.71) 7.82 (7.75, 8.68) 9.41 (8.71, 11.33)
  OR (95% CI)a 1.02 (0.94, 1.11) 1.00 (Ref) 1.06 (0.77, 1.46) 1.03 (0.75, 1.41) 1.04 (0.76, 1.43) 0.84
First trimester MAP GRS
  n (case/control subjects) 1,613 (516, 1,097) 134/262 83/176 156/383 143/276
  Median (range) 4.42 (2.04, 5.05) 5.28 (5.10, 5.52) 6.10 (5.57, 6.39) 7.14 (6.56, 10.00)
  OR (95% CI)a 0.99 (0.90, 1.08) 1.00 (Ref) 0.88 (0.62, 1.25) 0.76 (0.57, 1.02) 0.96 (0.70, 1.31) 0.52
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HTN, hypertension; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; GRS, genetic risk score; MAP, mean arterial pressure; OR, odds ratio; Ref, reference; SBP,
systolic blood pressure.
aAdjusted for principal components.

American Journal of Hypertension  5

Genetic Risk Score Hypertension and Preeclampsia

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Smith et al.

hypertension is a risk factor for preeclampsia,2 our findings The SNPs used to generate GRS for this study were based on
suggest that genetic susceptibility for hypertension is not a the results of the meta-analysis of multiple GWASs of hyper-
necessary causal factor in the development of preeclampsia. tension and blood pressure–associated loci, demonstrating
It is important to note that blood pressure is only one aspect the reliability of these SNPs in their association with hyperten-
of the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Meta-analyses of sion and blood pressure.11,21 Further, most of these same SNPs
the genetics of preeclampsia have identified several biologi- were used in another GRS study of hypertension and ischemic
cal processes associated with risk for preeclampsia repre- stroke, demonstrating a precedent for the use of a GRS for
sented by only a handful of promising candidate genes.24,25 blood pressure and its association with a disease outcome.9
Although genes involved with vasoactive processes have However, given that all of these studies were in a population
been implicated in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, a of European ancestry and our study population is primarily
recent meta-analysis found genes associated with thrombo- Caucasian, it is necessary to evaluate these variants in other
philia to be more strongly associated with preeclampsia.24 populations to determine their association with blood pres-
Another important contributor to the etiology of preec- sure in other racial and ethnic groups. Although our primary
lampsia includes endothelial dysfunction, including insuf- study population was relatively small, the fact that we find that

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ficient spiral artery invasion and inappropriate endothelial (i) the GRSs of SBP and DBP are associated with their respec-
cell activation,26 which may be mediated by dyslipidemia.27 tive first trimester measurement, (ii) first trimester blood
Epidemiologic studies and GWASs, by our group and oth- pressure measurements are associated with preeclampsia, and
ers, support the role of dyslipidemia in preeclampsia. This (iii) the results of nonsignificant associations between each
includes elevated triglycerides throughout pregnancy and GRS and preeclampsia were also observed in our replication
decreased high density lipoprotein cholesterol in the third population strengthens the conclusions of our study.
trimester.28,29 Of interest, the lipoprotein lipase gene, LPL, is Our study suggests that elevated first trimester blood pres-
associated with both preeclampsia and cardiovascular dis- sures are likely the result of early pathological changes of
ease.25 We have previously reported an association between preeclampsia, rather than primary causal factors. Based on our
a GRS for decreased levels of high density lipoprotein cho- findings, we propose that the hypertension present in preec-
lesterol, which included a variant in LPL, and increased risk lampsia is of a different etiology from essential hypertension.
for preeclampsia.8 Thus, the etiology of preeclampsia likely Our replication of the well-established association between
encompasses a myriad of factors on its causal pathway, and elevated first trimester blood pressure and subsequent preec-
our current data, which are supported by other genetic stud- lampsia further supports our conclusion that this increase
ies, suggest that genes involved in the vasoactive process in blood pressure represents early pathological changes that
including those that predict blood pressure are not primary eventually manifest as preeclampsia. Thus, since an estab-
candidates on the causal pathway of preeclampsia. lished risk score for blood pressure was not associated with
A significant strength of our study was the availability of the development of preeclampsia and none of our subjects
blood pressure values in addition to the rigorous assessment had a history of hypertension prior to conception, we can con-
of preeclampsia status in our primary study population. The clude that the hypertension present in preeclampsia is not due
availability of first trimester blood pressure measurements to a risk for chronic or “essential” hypertension but rather the
allowed us to assess the relationship between first trimester early etiology of preeclampsia. Our previous genetic and epi-
blood pressure and preeclampsia and to evaluate the associa- demiologic studies suggest that other pathways such as dyslip-
tion between GRSs for SBP, DBP, and MAP and their respec- idemia may play a causal role in preeclampsia. Given that the
tive first trimester blood pressure measurements. Although origins of preeclampsia are still not well understood, future
we were able to include maternal blood pressure measure- research is needed on the etiology of preeclampsia in order to
ments in our study, we lack blood pressure measurements explain the origin of this early increase in blood pressure in
prior to conception. Thus, although we excluded women pregnant subjects who go on to be diagnosed with preeclamp-
with preexisting chronic hypertension, we cannot determine sia. Although the complex pathophysiology of preeclamp-
if subjects with preeclampsia had higher blood pressure sia remains unclear, the results of our study suggest that the
while still being within the normotensive range prior to con- hypertensive state that is characteristic of preeclampsia is not
ception. An additional limitation is the lack of a standard- due to genetic susceptibility for essential hypertension.
ized protocol for measuring blood pressure, given the nature
of a retrospective case–control study design.
It is important to note that the SNPs involved in this SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
study only explain a small fraction of the heritable varia-
tion in blood pressure (<3%); however, this was also the case Supplementary materials are available at American Journal
in the meta-analysis of GWAS from which the SNPs came of Hypertension (
(~2.2%).11 Furthermore, in our replication, we were only
able to include a fraction of the SNPs in the initial GRS, and
therefore, replication in other populations is warranted. As
additional SNPs influencing blood pressure are identified ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and the genetic risk factors for hypertension and blood pres-
sure are better understood, it will be important to reexamine The SOPHIA study was supported by the National
the relationship between preeclampsia and the genetic risk Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
for hypertension. National Institutes of Health (R01 HD32579), and the Verto

6  American Journal of Hypertension

Genetic Risk Score Hypertension and Preeclampsia

Institute. The replication study was funded in part by a JP, Lawrence RW, Clarke R, Hopewell JC, Ongen H, Dreisbach AW, Li
Gertie Marx Grant from the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia Y, Young JH, Bis JC, Kähönen M, Viikari J, Adair LS, Lee NR, Chen
MH, Olden M, Pattaro C, Bolton JA, Köttgen A, Bergmann S, Mooser
and Perinatology. We acknowledge contribution of samples V, Chaturvedi N, Frayling TM, Islam M, Jafar TH, Erdmann J, Kulkarni
for IBC array genotyping by preeclampsia investigators SR, Bornstein SR, Grässler J, Groop L, Voight BF, Kettunen J, Howard P,
from Boston (B. Bateman and S.A. Karumanchi), Iowa (J. Taylor A, Guarrera S, Ricceri F, Emilsson V, Plump A, Barroso I, Khaw
Murray), USC (M.L. Wilson), and Yale (E. Norwitz) as well KT, Weder AB, Hunt SC, Sun YV, Bergman RN, Collins FS, Bonnycastle
LL, Scott LJ, Stringham HM, Peltonen L, Perola M, Vartiainen E, Brand
as contribution of genotype data from the preeclampsia SM, Staessen JA, Wang TJ, Burton PR, Soler Artigas M, Dong Y, Snieder
CARe IBC study.30 H, Wang X, Zhu H, Lohman KK, Rudock ME, Heckbert SR, Smith NL,
Wiggins KL, Doumatey A, Shriner D, Veldre G, Viigimaa M, Kinra S,
Prabhakaran D, Tripathy V, Langefeld CD, Rosengren A, Thelle DS,
DISCLOSURE Corsi AM, Singleton A, Forrester T, Hilton G, McKenzie CA, Salako T,
Iwai N, Kita Y, Ogihara T, Ohkubo T, Okamura T, Ueshima H, Umemura
The authors declared no conflict of interest. S, Eyheramendy S, Meitinger T, Wichmann HE, Cho YS, Kim HL, Lee
JY, Scott J, Sehmi JS, Zhang W, Hedblad B, Nilsson P, Smith GD, Wong
A, Narisu N, Stančáková A, Raffel LJ, Yao J, Kathiresan S, O'Donnell

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CJ, Schwartz SM, Ikram MA, Longstreth WT Jr, Mosley TH, Seshadri
S, Shrine NR, Wain LV, Morken MA, Swift AJ, Laitinen J, Prokopenko
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