January Monthly Meeting

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Monthly Jan 10, 2011

Meeting called to order by Nephew at 7:00 P.M. with Pledge of Allegiance.

In attendance-all Board members and 30 others.

Agenda adopted on motion for Nephew sec/Stacy

Minutes for Dec. approved with addition of promotion of Bob Gary to Captain on a motion by Nelson, sec/Nephew

Bills approved as submitted on motion by Nelson, sec/Stacy vote all yeas, M/C

Fire Chief reported on fire runs and five members attending fire fighter training.

WWTP report concerned repairs to be conducted at main lift station, with work done by DeLisle motion by
Nephew, sec. /Nelson M/C also discussed Seepage disposal system. Board also discussed extending contract with
Infrastructure Alternatives for another three years. Nephew asked that record reflect her wish to table vote so she
could review the contract, and stated that she had the power to table the motion and do so since. She "runs this
meeting", whereas other board members strongly disagreed and asked for a brief recess to get clarification or
powers of the Supervisor. Clerk returned to the meeting and read into record portion of MTA 'little red book' which
stated under meeting Responsibilities, "the supervisor is the moderator of any township meeting regulates the
proceedings of any meeting, Including deciding questions of order, making declaration of votes cast, granting
authority to persons to speak at the meeting and silencing those who may be out of order or disrupting the meeting".
Motion by Nelson, sec. Johnson vote Yeas, Johnson, Grill, Nelson, Stacy Nay, Nephew M/C

Correspondence covered Co. Board of Commission meetings, EDC minutes.

Clerk read into record Resolution covering return of overpayment of property tax less than $2.00 Board voted to
continue insurance coverage with Burnham & Flower on motion by Nephew, sec/Nelson all yeas, with no change
in deductable or additional coverage. Board voted to have Supervisor and Assessor finalize contract for property cards

as was agreed on in 2008, using the contract drawn up by the twp. atty. All yeas, upon discussion of
reinstatement the annual meeting, and problems concerning who could and couldn't speak. Clerk stated that it had
seven years since the last annual meeting, at which there was only one member of the public in attendance. Nephew
made motion to hold meeting, with no second. Motion died Usage fees were removed for adjusted for properties on
Bay and Ward Reds. Property on Bay vacant and usage fee removed from beginning of 2010 going forward. Clerk
stated that she had contacted MTA and twp. atty. regarding any possible conflict of interest with Johnson sitting on
Board and remaining Z.A. Both sources confirmed board's belief that Johnson's appointment was reasonable and
caused no concern or violation of any laws. Nephew made motion that Johnson research start-up of webpage sec by
Nelson, M/C Stacy made note that we still had an ordinance on the books that had not been revised to reflect penalty
misdemeanor. Motion by Stacy, sec Nelson, all yeas, M/C Supervisor stated she had problems with her computer and
wanted board approval to take it in for repair

Public Comment covered board members having backup for statements instead of saying, I saw it somewhere,
comments about holding a public hearing, applying for tax reductions for disabled veterans, planning commission
meeting to be held on Wed. Jan 12th, interest in how many property cards had been updated, animals not being
controlled in twp. and supervisor not returning calls, comments about clerk allegedly running meetings, question
about insurance claim over billboard, food distribution at old Ranch House restaurant building on Jan 22, comments
on assessor's contract, statement that Supervisor should not pick and choose whose public comment she responds to,
cell phone towers,

Board comments: Nephew spoke about missing road signs needing to be replaced; Stacy stated that she would not be
responding during public comment, since that is time for the audience to speak. If there are questions, they should be
addressed either before or after the meeting, or by phone or in person during the day. Clerk mentioned that there
be a recall election on Feb 22nd funded in full by Billings Twp. taxpayers. Absentee ballots must be sent to Gladwin
County Clerk, at 401 W Cedar, Gladwin MI 48612, not the twp. hall.

Meeting adjourned at 9: 13 P.M. on motion by Nelson, sec by Stacy all yeas, Mac

Respectfully submitted by Lynn Stacy, Duly Elected Billings Twp. Clerk

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