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10/24/2019 Midterms

Dashboard / My courses / BL-MATH-6104-LEC-1923T / Week 010: Midterms / Midterms

Question 1

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If the probability that x ≥  6  is 10%.  What is the probability that x<6?

Select one:
a. 10%

b. 9%

c. 90%

d. 1%

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Question 2

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In how many ways can you arrange 5 people in a line?

Select one:
a. 500

b. 120

c. 24

d. 5555

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Question 3
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Statement 1. Factorial notation is the result of multiplying a sequence of descending numbers.

Statement 2. Combination refers to the arrangement of objects with reference to order.

Select one:
a. Statement 1 is true; Statement 2 is false

b. Both statements are true

c. Statement 1 is false; Statement 2 is true

d. Both statements are false

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 4
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Evaluate the formula and identify the correct expression

Select one:
a. f(x)=HYPGEOM.DIST(3,4,6,9,FALSE)= 0.42

b. f(x)=HYPGEOM.DIST(3,4,6,9,FALSE)= 0.38

c. f(x)=HYPGEOM.DIST(3,4,6,9,FALSE)= 0.48

d. f(x)=HYPGEOM.DIST(3,4,6,9,FALSE)=0.45

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Question 5

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It is a theoretical concept whose objective is to be able to explain for some variables the reaction between the intervals of its
values and their corresponding probabilities.

Select one:
a. Normal Distriburion

b. Poisson Distribution

c. Exponential Distribution

d. Negative Binomial Distribution

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Question 6
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0! is equal to

Select one:
a. undefined

b. -1

c. 1

d. 0

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Question 7

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Which can be considered as median?

Select one:
a. P45

b. Q2

c. P60

d. D4

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 8

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If the probability that x ≤ 20  is 65% and the probability that x<20 is 20%, what is the probability that x≠20?

Select one:
a. 55%

b. 85%

c. 45%

d. 35%

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Question 9

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This is a is a statistical measure that is frequently used to indicate the probability of a specific number of successes occurring
from a specific number of independent trials.

Select one:
a. Binomial Distribution

b. Poisson Distribution

c. Negative Binomial Distribution

d. Hypergeometric Distribution

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Question 10

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In a normal distribution,

Select one:
a. the random variable x follows an normal pattern

b. the random variable x follows an exponential pattern

c. the random variable x is normally dispersed with the mean and variance

d. the random variable x is in a possitively skewed distribution

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 11

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Ten people took an employment exam, the following are their scores from a 50-item test

What is the population standard deviation?

Select one:
a. 81.65

b. 90.72

c. 9.04

d. 9.52

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Question 12

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What do you call a variable whose value is subject to variations due to chance. It can take on a set of possible different
values, each with an associated probability.

Select one:
a. qualitative variable

b. variance

c. random variable

d. quantitative variable

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Question 13
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Which statement is false?

Select one:
a. In a discrete probability distribution, each possible value of the discrete random variable can be associated with a
non-zero probability.

b. Discrete probability distribution is used to calculate probability for values between intervals.

c. Continuous probability distribution is an infinite probability distribution used to find probability for a continuous
range of values.

d. A random variable can be classified in two types.

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 14

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If the probability that x = 6 is 25%, what is the probability that x will not be equal to 6?

Select one:
a. 65%

b. 25%

c. 75%

d. 55%

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Question 15

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Which statement is true?

Select one:
Poisson Distribution – Probability of exactly x successes in a “unit” or discrete interval

Negative Binomial Distribution– Probability that it will take exactly n trials

Binomial Distribution – Probability of exactly x successes in n trials

Hypergeometric Distribution – Probability of exactly x successes in a sample of size n drawn with replacement

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Question 16
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Which statement is false?

Select one:
a. Continuous probability distribution is an infinite probability distribution used to find probability for a counatble of

b. A random variable can be classified in two types.

c. In a discrete probability distribution, each possible value of the discrete random variable can be associated with a
non-zero probability.

d. An example of discrete probability distribution is binomial probability distribution

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 17
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This is prefered to be used when handling samples which are greater than or equal to 30.

Select one:
a. t-test for paired distribution

b. z-test

c. t-test for unequal variances

d. t-test for equal variances

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Question 18

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The average number of homes sold by the a realty company is 2 homes per day. What is the probability that greater than 3
homes will be sold tomorrow?

Select one:
a. 0.80

b. 0.14

c. 0.28

d. 0.86

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Question 19
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If the probability that x ≥  10  is 65% and the probability that x=10 is 20%, what is the probability that x≠10?

Select one:
a. 55%

b. 80%

c. 25%

d. 75%

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Question 20
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This is the probability distribution that describes the time between events.

Select one:
a. Exponential Distribution

b. Normal Distriburion

c. Negative Binomial Distribution

d. Poisson Distribution

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 21
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The test is applied when you have two categorical variables from a single population. It is used to determine whether there
is a significant association between the two variables.

Select one:
a. Chi-square Test for Goodness of Fit

b. Chi-square Test for Independence

c. z-test

d. T-test

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Question 22

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___________assigns a probability to each measurable subset of the possible outcomes of a random experiment, survey, or
procedure of statistical inference.

Select one:
a. Probability of an Event

b. Random Probability Value

c. Quantitative Data

d. Probability Distribution

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Question 23

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Analyze the statement and identify the one depicting two tailed test

Select one:
a. the probability of getting 10 and above

b. The probability of getting above 10.

c. The probability of getting 10

d. The probability of getting 10 and below.

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 24

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Imagine that you are the banker of the game "deal or no deal".  Supposing that you are tasked to make an offer worth 30%
lower than the mean of the remaining amounts contained in the unopened briefcases.   There are only three briefcases left
unopened, one chosen by the player and two with the deal or no deal ladies .  The remaining amounts are Php1,000,000,
 Php700,000 and Php100,000.  What amount will you offer to the player?

Select one:
a. Php540,000

b. Php1,0260,000

c. Php180,000

d. Php420,000

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Question 25

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What can you say about the distribution's skewness given the following data

Mode = 10

Select one:
a. The distribution is normal

b. The distribution is positively skewed

c. The distribution is negatively skewed

d. The distribution is abnormal

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Question 26
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What can you infer from the following data, 10, 15, 10, 20, 15, 25, 10. 

Select one:
a. The distribution is mesokurtic

b. The distribution is platykurtic

c. none of these

d. The distribution is leptokurtic

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 27
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If the distribution has a kurtosis value which is equal to zero.  The distribution is said to be  

Select one:
a. Leptokurtic

b. Mesokurtic

c. Semikurtic

d. Platykurtic

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Question 28

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If you flip a coin twice, what is the probability of getting at least one tail?

Select one:
a. 0.5

b. 0.75

c. 0.25

d. 0

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Question 29
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You are in charged of the repacking of goods. There are 2 types of canned sardines, 3 types of rice and 2 types of noodles.
How many combinations can you make if you are only allowed to pick one per product?

Select one:
a. 7

b. 48

c. 24

d. 12

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Question 30
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In how many ways can you arrange 5 people in a circle?

Select one:
a. 120

b. 60

c. 24

d. 25

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 31
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Which statement is false?

Select one:
Poisson Distribution – Probability of exactly x successes in a “unit” or discrete interval

Binomial Distribution – Probability of exactly x successes in n trials

Hypergeometric Distribution – Probability of exactly x successes in a sample of size n drawn without replacement

Negative Binomial Distribution– Probability that it will take exactly n trials to produce exactly x successes

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Question 32

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Identify the probability distribution being described by the statement below

What is the probability of having  exactly 7 tails before 8 heads?

Select one:
a. poisson distribution

b. binomial distribution

c. hypergeometric distribution

d. negative binomial distribution

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Question 33

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There are 10 employees in a small business firm.   From these employees, two of them have a salary of Php20,000; three of
them receive Php25,000; four of them receive Php30,000; lastly the manager's salary is not given.  Supposing that the
average salary of the 10 employees is worth Php29,000, what is the range amount of their salaries?

Select one:
a. Php10,000

b. Php9,000

c. Php30,000

d. Php35,000

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 34
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Which of the following is incorrectly evaluated

Select one:
a. 13! X 0! = 6,227,020,800

b. 10x9x8x9! = 261,273,600

c. 9!x3!x1!x0! = 2,177,280

d. 10!-9! = 1

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Question 35

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Which of the following is a continuous random variable?

Select one:
a. none of these

b. Number of customers

c. Number of equipment bought

d. Number of employees

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Question 36
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Euler's number is equal to

Select one:
a. 2.71828

b. 2.3126

c. 2.8128

d. 2.6803

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 37
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16 BSBA students took a quiz in Business Statistics, five of them got a score of 5; five got a score of 10 ; five got  a score of
15 and the other one was unknown.  If the mean score of 16 students is 10, what is the modal score?

Select one:
a. 10

b. 15

c. 5

d. 5, 10 and 15

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Question 38
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In this type of distribution, the number of successes is fixed and the number of trials varies. The function calculates the
probability of a given number of failures occurring, before a fixed number of successes.

Select one:
a. Negative Binomial Distribution

b. Poisson Distribution

c. Binomial Distribution

d. Hypergeometric Distribution

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Question 39
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Analyze the excel sheet formula and identify which one does not belong to the group

Select one:




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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 40
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If there are 20 students currently enrolled BSBA-MIS.  In how many ways can elect a president and vice president?

Select one:
a. 400

b. 380

c. 40

d. 190

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Question 41

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Which is equivalent to Q2

Select one:
a. P50

b. D4

c. P75

d. D2

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Question 42
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Analyze the excel sheet formula and identify which that does not belong to the group

Select one:
a. f(x)=EXPON.DIST(9,1/10,FALSE)

b. f(x)=NORM.DIST(183,175,9,11,FALSE)

c. f(x)=BINOM.DIST(5,10,0.5,FALSE)

d. f(x)=NEGBINOM.DIST(12,6,0.5,FALSE)

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Question 43
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Analyze the statement and identify the one depicting two tailed test

Select one:
a. What is the probability of getting a score equal to 50?

b. What is the probability of getting a score of less than 50?

c. What is the probability of getting a score of greater than or equal to 50?

d. What is the probability of getting a score of at most 50?

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 44
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The variance of the final grades of 50 students is equal to 16, what is the value of standard deviation?

Select one:
a. 4

b. 2

c. 256

d. 8

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Question 45

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With a 0.5 probability of success in each of your 5 business investments, what is the probability that you will make profit in
exactly 2 of your investments?

Select one:
a. 20.69%

b. 25.5%

c. 31.25%

d. 41.5%

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Question 46
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This test is applied when you have one categorical variable from a single population. It is used to determine whether sample
data are consistent with a hypothesized distribution.

Select one:
a. T-test

b. Chi-square Test for Goodness of Fit

c. Chi-square Test for Independence

d. z-test

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10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 47

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Evaluate 55!

Select one:
a. 12696

b. 126.96 x 10^73

c. 12.696 x 10^73

d. 1.2696 x 10^73

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Question 48

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This examines whether samples are different and is commonly used when the variances of normal distributions are unknown
and when an experiment uses a small sample size.

Select one:
a. Chi-square Test for Goodness of Fit

b. T-test

c. Chi-square Test for Independence

d. z-test

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Question 49
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A normal deck of playing cards consists of 52 cards.  If you will draw one card, what is the probability that you can get a
black card?

Select one:
a. 0.5

b. 0.02

c. 1

d. 0.25

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◄ Quiz 004

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Analysis of Variance ► 15/16
10/24/2019 Midterms

Question 50
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Analyze the excel sheet formula and identify which that does not belong to the group

Select one:




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