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Combustion Hotkeys

Common Hot Keys

The following hot keys, with the exception of the Editing menu, are available in all operators.

File Menu
Ctrl+N New
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+Shift+O Open Workspace
Ctrl+Shift+I Import Workspace
Ctrl+S Save Workspace
Ctrl+Shift+S Save Workspace As
Ctrl+W Close Workspace
Ctrl+I Import Footage
Ctrl+Alt+S Save Image
Ctrl+R Render
Ctrl+Shift+R Render to RAM
Ctrl+; Preferences
Ctrl+Q Exit

Edit Menu
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+D Select None
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+Alt+D Duplicate
Delete or Backspace Delete
Shift+Delete or Shift+Backspace Delete All
M Add Operator Marker

Object Menu
Ctrl+Shift+F Bring to Front
Ctrl+F Bring Forward
Ctrl+Shift+B Send to Back
Ctrl+B Send Backward

Editing Menu
C Cut Segment
W Insert Wipe
D Insert Dissolve
I Mark In
O Mark Out
K Go to Mark In
L Go to Mark Out
, (comma) Go to Previous Segment
. (period) Go to Next Segment

Combustion Hotkeys
Navigation and Playback
Page Up Previous Frame
Page Down Next Frame
Spacebar or Enter Play Forward
Shift+Spacebar or Shift+Enter Play Backward
Spacebar or Enter Stop Play
/ (forward slash) Go to Time
Home Go to Start
End Go to End
Shift+Home Go to Playback In Point
Shift+End Go to Playback Out Point
I Go to In Point (of selected object)
O Go to Out Point (of selected object)
Shift+Page Down Go to Next Keyframe (of selected object)
Shift+Page Up Go to Previous Keyframe (of selected object)
Shift+I Mark Playback In Point
Shift+O Mark Playback Out Point
Caps Off Feedback Enabled
Caps Lock Feedback Disabled

Window Menu
F12 or ` (on the ~ key) Schematic View
Shift+F12 or Shift+ ` (~) Footage Library View
Ctrl+ [ Back
Ctrl+ ] Forward
Ctrl+ = orCtrl+ + Zoom In
Ctrl+ - or Ctrl+ _ Zoom Out
= Toggle Home
Hold Spacebar and drag cursor Pan
` (single quote) Show Safe Zones
Ctrl+Shift+H Show Wireframe Icons
] Onion Skin
Shift+ ] Onion Skin Settings
Ctrl+H Show Marquee
F11 Show Viewport(s) Only
Shift+F11 Expand Timeline

View Lookup Tables (LUTs) Stores

Shift+0 View No LUT
Shift+1 View LUT 1
Shift+2 View LUT 2
Shift+3 View LUT 3
Shift+4 View LUT 4
Shift+5 View LUT 5

Combustion Hotkeys
View Modes
Ctrl+Shift+1 Normal
Ctrl+Shift+2 Transparent
Ctrl+Shift+3 Alpha Overlay
Ctrl+Shift+4 Color Only
Ctrl+Shift+5 Red
Ctrl+Shift+6 Green
Ctrl+Shift+7 Blue
Ctrl+Shift+8 Alpha
Ctrl+Shift+9 Inverted Alpha

Panel Selection Commands

F2 Toolbar
F3 Workspace panel
F4 Timeline
F5 Operators panel
F6 Audio panel
F7 Tracker panel
F8 Operator Controls panel
F9 Effect Controls panel (in Paint)
F10 Show/Hide View LUT panel

Operator Settings
1 Enable Store 1
2 Enable Store 2
3 Enable Store 3
4 Enable Store 4
5 Enable Store 5

Timeline Commands
, (comma) Trim In Point of selected object to Current Time
. (period) Trim Out Point of selected object to Current Time
Shift+ , (comma) Move In Point of selected object to Current Time
Shift+ . (period) Move Out Point of selected object to Current Time
I Go to In Point of selected object
O Go to Out Point of selected object
Alt-click Add a marker
\ (backward slash) Toggle to Graph or Overview Mode

A Toggle Animate
Shift+A Add Keyframe

General Commands
Enter OK
C Cancel
Y Yes
N No
D Don't Save
Ctrl+ . (period) or Esc Abort
F1 Help

Combustion Hotkeys

Edit Timeline Commands

drag Slip Selected Segment Ctrl
drag Move Selected Segment Alt

In addition to the following hot keys, you can use Ctrl-drag to slip a segment and Alt-drag to move a

Compositing Hot Keys

The following hot keys are available in the Composite operator.

Ctrl+1 Perspective View
Ctrl+2 Camera View
Ctrl+3 Layer View
Ctrl+4 Front View
Ctrl+5 Top View
Ctrl+6 Right View

Toolbar Tools

Tab Arrow tool

R Rotate tool

S Scale tool

Y Shear tool

P Pivot tool

V Perspective Rotate tool

Shift+Z Perspective Zoom tool

Z Magnify (Zoom) tool

H Grab (Pan) tool

Layer and Nesting Commands

Ctrl+I Import Footage
Ctrl+T Toggle Layer Visibility
Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+N New Layer
Ctrl+E Nesting
Ctrl+Shift+D Split Layer
Ctrl+M Add Layer Marker

Combustion Hotkeys

Layer Nudge Commands

ĸ Nudge Layer Left
ĺ Nudge Layer Right
Ĺ Nudge Layer Up
Ļ Nudge Layer Down
Ctrl+ĸ or Ctrl+ Ļ Nudge Layer In
Ctrl+ĺ or Ctrl+Ĺ Nudge Layer Out
Shift+ ĸ Big Nudge Layer Left
Shift+ĺ Big Nudge Layer Right
Shift+Ĺ Big Nudge Layer Up
Shift+Ļ Big Nudge Layer Down
Ctrl+Shift+ĸ or Ctrl+Shift+Ļ Big Nudge Layer In
Ctrl+ Shift+ĺ or Ctrl+Shift+Ĺ Big Nudge Layer Out
Note: You can also nudge Paint objects.

Combustion Hotkeys

Paint Hot Keys

The following hot keys are available in the Paint operator.

Color Commands
D Default Foreground and Background Colors
X Swap Foreground and Background Colors

Drawing Tools

F Freehand Stroke

Shift+F Filled Freehand

L Line

R Stroked Rectangle

Shift+R Filled Rectangle

E or C Stroked Ellipse

Shift+E or Shift+C Filled Ellipse

P Stroked Polygon

Shift+P Filled Polygon

T Text

W Magic Wand

K Flood Fill

Z Magnify (Zoom)

H Grab (Pan)

Tab Arrow

Tab Switch to Arrow tool Options

Combustion Hotkeys

Selection Menu
Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A
Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+D
Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V
Ctrl+Alt+V Ctrl+Alt+V
Ctrl+Delete or Ctrl+Backspace Ctrl+Delete or Ctrl+Backspace
Ctrl+Alt+I Ctrl+Alt+I

Group and Lock Commands

Ctrl+G Group
Ctrl+U Ungroup
Ctrl+L Lock
Ctrl+Shift+L Lock All
Ctrl+K Unlock All

Reveal Mode Commands

; (semi colon) Show Reveal Source
Shift+; (semi colon) Reveal Overlay Settings

Copy Motion Path

Ctrl+M Copy Motion Path
Note: Refer to Copying Motion Paths.
Object Nudge Commands
ĸ Nudge Object Left
ĺ Nudge Object Right
Ĺ Nudge Object Up
Ļ Nudge Object Down
Shift+ ĸ Big Nudge Object Left
Shift+ĺ Big Nudge Object Right
Shift+Ĺ Big Nudge Object Up
Shift+Ļ Big Nudge Object Down

Selection Operator Tools

L Lasso

W Magic Wand

R Rectangular Selection

E or C Elliptical Selection

P Polygon Selection

Combustion Hotkeys

The following hot keys are only available for the masking tools in the Mask operator.

Mask Operator Tools

F Freehand Mask

R Rectangular Mask

E or C Elliptical Mask

P Polygon Mask

The following hot keys are available for the Output list on the Render Queue dialog.

Render Queue Hot Keys

Ctrl+N Add Output
Ctrl+M Rename Output
Ctrl+Alt+D Duplicate Output
Delete or Backspace Remove Output
Ctrl+Shift+N Add Operator
Shift+Delete or Shift+Backspace Remove Operator
Ĺ Move Up
Ļ Move Down
Shift+Ĺ or Shift+Ļ Optimize Render Order

The following hot keys are available in the Schematic view. Some keys such as I, T, and L can also be
used in the Footage Library view.

Schematic View Hot Keys

F12 or ` (on the ~ key) Schematic View
Shift+F12 or Shift+ ` (~) Footage Library View
G Group
U Ungroup
T Toggle Thumbnail
I Toggle Footage Information
L Layout
E Emphasize
D Emphasize All
S Display Secondary Connections
Shift+ĺ Flow Direction Left
Shift+ĺ Flow Direction Right
Shift+Ĺ Flow Direction Up
Shift+Ļ Flow Direction Down
Ctr-click or double-click the node Edit Group Node
Shift-click the background Exit Group Node

Combustion Hotkeys
Note: Several other hot keys also apply to the Schematic view. From the Edit menu, there are Select All,
Select None, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete. You can also use the standard Arrow (Tab), Magnify (Z), and
Grab (H) tools.

The following hot keys are available in the Particles operator.

Particles Hot Keys

P Point Emitter tool

L Line Emitter tool

C or E Circle Emitter tool

R Area Emitter tool

D Deflector tool

Tab Arrow tool

Z Magnify (Zoom) tool

H Grab (Pan) tool

The following hot keys are available in the Footage operator.

Footage Hot Keys

H Grab (Pan) Tool

Z Magnify (Zoom) Tool

C Crop Tool


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