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Wednesday | January 27, 2021

MDAH grants to help with repairs at Tennessee

Williams, Lee homes, Noxubee County library
Department is giving more than $260K to local projects The Tennessee Williams
Home on Main Street in
Columbus was one of three
BY SLIM SMITH Heritage Preservation program.
area recipients of Missis-
In Columbus, MDAH awarded $25,600 sippi Department of Ar-
to repair the front porch roof at the Ste- chives and History Commu-
By their nature, “historic” buildings phen D. Lee Home and $35,000 to rebuild nity Heritage Preservation
are susceptible to the ravages of time and the front porch at the Tennessee Williams program. From the grants,
weather. By their designation, repairs ar- Home and Visitors Center. In Noxubee $35,000 will be used to
en’t cheap. County, MDAH awarded $200,044 to re- repair the home’s porch,
On Friday, the Mississippi Department place the clay tile and make exterior repairs $25,600 will be used for
of Archives and History awarded almost $3 to the Noxubee County Library in Macon. projects at the Stephen D.
million in grants, ranging from $25,600 to Lee Home in Columbus,
All three buildings are listed on the Nation- and $200,044 will be used
$277,154, for 18 projects, including two in al Register of Historic Places and are des- for roof and other repairs
Columbus and another in Macon. ignated Mississippi Landmarks. All grants at the Noxubee County
The grants are funded each year by the require a 20-percent match. Library in Macon.
Legislature under the MDAH Community See GRANTS, 6A


charged with
murdering niece
Suspect lived in same
home as adult victim

A Clay Coun-
ty man has been
charged with mur-
der after allegedly
killing his niece.
Deputies with
Clay County Sher-
iff’s Office arrested
Darryl Larry, 60, Larry
late Monday after they respond-
ed to a call at his home on White
Station Road and discovered the
victim, Summer Larry, 27, in the
house, according to a CCSO press
release Tuesday. Clay County Cor-
oner Alvin Carter pronounced
Summer Larry deceased at the
The investigation is ongoing,
but preliminary findings show
Summer Larry’s cause of death

Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff

Julian Gardner, 14, makes his way down the ramp after therapy. “We worked on getting in the car by myself today,” Julian
said. The goal is to get his steps higher. Julian enjoys therapy. He is the son of Ted and Angela Gardner.

Noxubee Co.
man charged
with shooting at MUW offers allergen-free, health-focused dining options
Tuscaloosa police Student survey showed demand for more
variety, dietary accommodations
Suspect, two officers BY TESS VRBIN shellfish and peanuts, re-
treated for injuries spectively — said they are
curious about Simple Serv-
obtained in shootout Audrey Robinson and Ele-
na Eaton don’t have trouble
ings’ offerings.
“I definitely tend to eat
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN avoiding their food allergies
the same unhealthy burger in the dining hall, they said.
or pizza every day, so it’ll
Both are juniors at the
A man wanted Mississippi School for Math- be nice to have a little more
in Columbus and ematics and Science on the protein and better options,”
Macon has been Mississippi University for Robinson said.
charged with mul- Women campus, and both Sodexo, MUW’s food ser-
tiple counts of at- Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
schools share the Hogarth vice provider, already offered
tempted murder in Maria Hinton, right, a food service employee at Hogarth Din- some Simple Servings dish-
Dining Center, which intro-
ing Center, serves lunch to information technology employee es but instituted a larger sta-
Alabama after Tus- duced a completely aller-
Carla Lowery at the allergen-free Simple Servings food station
caloosa police say Mississippi University for Women introduced Tuesday. Lowery gen-free food station called tion with more variety after
he shot at multiple Farmer said she does not have food allergies but appreciates Simple Simple Servings on Tuesday. a student survey expressed
officers at an apart- Servings’ healthy options, since her job requires her to sit at Robinson and Eaton — demand for it, said Kelsey
See SHOOTOUT, 6A a desk most of the time. who are mildly allergic to See MUW, 3A


Classifieds 7,8B 1 What comedian who hosted Feb. 1: Lowndes County
Comics 4B the MTV Movie Awards in 2015 Board of Supervisors, 9
Crossword 8B starred in the film “Trainwreck”? a.m. Courthouse, facebook.
Dear Abby 4B 2 In 2014, the ancient Viking cir-
Food 5,6B cular fortress Vallo Borgring was
discovered in what country? sissippi/
Obituaries 5A
Opinions 4A 3 What poet wrote, “I celebrate Feb. 2: Columbus City
myself, and sing myself”? Council, 5 p.m., Municipal
4 In 2015, a total lunar eclipse Complex,
combined with a supermoon
WEATHER created what rare phenomenon CityofColumbusMS/
in which the moon appears red? Feb. 3: Columbus Municipal

High 56 Low 30
Mostly cloudy
5 Name two of the three base-
ball pitchers who pitched on the
same team in the 1990s and
School District review meet-
ing (virtual), 11:30 a.m.,
Full forecast on
were inducted into the Hall of
page 3A. Fame in 2014 and 2015. Feb. 8: Columbus Municipal
School Board Trustees,
Answers, 8B 8:30 a.m., Brandon Central
Melissa Jenkins, of Columbus, spends her time Feb. 12: Lowndes Coun-
making fried pies. She enjoys selling her MJ’s Fried ty School District Board,
141st Year, No. 272 Pies at the farmer’s market and other events. 12:30 p.m., District Office


2A WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 The Dispatch •

Democrats prep Biden’s virus aid

package with or without GOP
Package includes money for vaccine distribution, of Republican and Democratic law-
makers in hopes of striking a bipar-
school reopenings and $1,400 direct payments tisan agreement. Biden’s COVID-19
aid package includes money for
to households and gradually boosts the federal vaccine distribution, school reopen-
ings and $1,400 direct payments to
minimum wage to $15 an hour over five years households and gradually boosts
the federal minimum wage to $15
BY LISA MASCARO AND JOSH BOAK meeting of Democratic senators. an hour over five years.
The Associated Press “Time is of the essence to ad- The next steps remain highly
dress this crisis. We’re keeping all fluid.
WASHINGTON — Senate Dem- options open on the table.”
ocrats are preparing to push ahead The bipartisan Problem Solvers
Unwilling to wait for Republi- Caucus of more than 50 House law-
quickly on President Joe Biden’s cans who argue Biden’s price tag
$1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief pack- makers had a “productive meeting
is too high and his priorities too
age even if it means using proce- and constructive conversation”
wide-ranging, Democrats are flex-
dural tools to pass the legislation Tuesday with top administration
ing their newfound power as they
on their own, leaving Republicans officials on the virus aid and eco-
take control of the Senate alongside
behind. the House and White House. nomic recovery package, accord-
Senate Majority Leader Chuck It is the first time in a decade ing to a statement from Rep. Josh
Schumer told senators to be ready the party has held the full sweep of Gottheimer, D-N.J., and Rep. Tom
to vote as soon as next week on a power in Washington, and Demo- Reed, R-N.Y., who co-chair the
budget reconciliation package that crats say they have no time to waste group.
would lay the groundwork for swift trying to broker compromises with A White House official, who
passage. Coming so soon in Biden’s Republicans that may, or may not, spoke on condition of anonymity
administration, the action provides happen. They have watched Repub- to discuss the virtual conversation
a first test of Republican opposition licans use similar procedural tools with the caucus, said there was
to the White House priorities as to advance their priorities, most re- agreement on the scope of the chal-
well as to the new president’s prom- cently the Trump administration’s lenges facing the country and the
ise of a “unity” agenda. GOP tax cuts. need for additional relief. Biden and
“The work must move forward, The fast-moving events days into other members of his team intend
preferably with our Republican the new majority on Capitol Hill to continue making their case to
colleagues, but without them if we come as the White House contin- lawmakers about the need to act
must,” Schumer said after a private ued meeting privately with groups with urgency.

Biden orders Justice Dept. to end use of private prisons

President Biden: U.S. government needs to change ‘its undermined fair housing
policies and laws.
whole approach’ on the issue of racial equity Months before the
November election, the
BY A AMER MADHANI has to change as well.” respect tribal sovereign- Trump administration
The Associated Press Biden rose to the pres- ty and disavow discrimi- rolled back an Obama-era
idency during a year of in- nation against the Asian rule that required com-
President Joe Biden tense reckoning on insti- American and Pacific munities that wanted to
on Tuesday ordered the tutional racism in the U.S. Islander community over receive HUD funding to
Department of Justice to The moves announced the coronavirus pandem- document and report pat-
end its reliance on private Tuesday reflect his efforts ic. terns of racial bias.
prisons and acknowledge to follow through with Biden directed the De- The order to end the
the central role govern- campaign pledges to com- partment of Housing and reliance on privately-run
ment has played in imple- bat racial injustice. Urban Development in prisons directs the attor-
menting discriminatory Beyond calling on the a memorandum to take ney general not to renew
housing policies. Justice Department to steps to promote equita- Justice Department con-
In remarks before curb the use of private ble housing policy. The tracts with privately op-
signing the orders, Biden prisons and address hous- memorandum calls for erated criminal detention
said the U.S. government ing discrimination, the HUD to examine the ef- facilities.
needs to change “its whole new orders will recommit fects of Trump regulato-
approach” on the issue the federal government to ry actions that may have
of racial equity. He add-
ed that the nation is less
prosperous and secure
because of the scourge of
systemic racism.
“We must change
now,” the president said.
“I know it’s going to take
time, but I know we can
do it. And I firmly believe
the nation is ready to
change. But government

GOP signals
unwillingness to
part with Trump
after riot
The Associated Press


Donald Trump has lost his
social media megaphone,
the power of government
and the unequivocal sup-
port of his party’s elected
leaders. But a week after
leaving the White House
in disgrace, a large-scale
Republican defection that
would ultimately purge
him from the party ap-
pears unlikely.
Many Republicans re-
fuse to publicly defend
Trump’s role in sparking
the deadly insurrection
at the U.S. Capitol. But as
the Senate prepares for
an impeachment trial for
Trump’s incitement of the
riot, few seem willing to
hold the former president
After House Republi-
cans who backed his im-
peachment found them-
selves facing intense
backlash — and Trump’s
lieutenants signaled the
same fate would meet oth-
ers who joined them —
Senate Republicans voted
overwhelmingly Tuesday
for an attempt to dismiss
his second impeachment
trial. Only five Republican
senators rejected the chal-
lenge to the trial.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 3A

MSU giving hundreds of completion grants to Starkville teen

financially needy students nearing graduation indicted for Brookville
Undergraduates will receive $1,000 grants each,
Garden murder
not uncommon for them to have a
job or two in order to make ends
designed to help them cross ‘finish line’ meet. (Since the pandemic start-
ed) a lot of jobs in certain areas DISPATCH STAFF REPORT
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN Woodward Hines Educational especially have seen a significant Foundation, which is matched by decline in the number of workers An Oktibbeha County grand
$200,000 from the university, ac- they’ve been hiring, so some of jury has indicted a Starkville teen-
Hundreds of Mississippi State cording to an MSU press release. the jobs that these students were ager for first-degree murder in a
University undergraduates will re- MSU also will receive $861,637.50 leaning on to help cover things like 2019 fatal shooting at Brookville
ceive an extra $1,000 from the uni- in GEER (Governor’s Emergency textbooks, to finish paying tuition, Garden.
versity designed to help them make Education Relief) funds from the they’ve found that it’s harder to find Aviante Jordan, who was 16 at
ends meet during their final year state to be used this year. these jobs, therefore harder to fi- the time of the incident, is accused
before graduation. Vice President for Students Af- nance their education.” of killing Laterrance McCarter,
MSU announced its first com- fairs Regina Young Hyatt said the Hyatt said the pandemic has also 23. Police responded to the scene Jordan
pletion grants Tuesday, given to Woodward Hines resulted in students’ family mem- at about 1:45 p.m. Nov. 24 and found McCarter’s
students in financial need who have grants are aiding bers losing their jobs or students body on Highland Avenue, on the east side of the
completed at least 75 percent of 68 students this se- having to return home temporarily apartment complex, The Dispatch previously re-
their credit hours and are within a mester and will help to take care of sick relatives. ported.
year of graduation. about the same num- “There are a lot of things that Jordan was arrested the next day.
“Our goal had been to look at ber of students each COVID has exacerbated and cer- Lakorian Stewart, 31, also was arrested at the
those students that were experi- semester over the tainly ... made our vulnerable stu- time for conspiracy to commit a crime. He has not
encing financial chal- next three years. The dents more vulnerable,” Hyatt said. yet been indicted in the incident, according to the
lenges in the last two GEER funds, which Hyatt To be eligible for the completion Oktibbeha County Circuit Clerk’s office.
semesters of college the university must grants, students must be eligible
and wondering how spend this year, are helping closer for a federal Pell Grant according
we could better sup- to 750 students, she said. to the current year FAFSA, be a
port those students “That’s a lot of students, and full-time undergraduate student
so they could meet we’re very excited to have that num- and resident of Mississippi and be
the goal of college
graduation,” said Daniels
ber of students to be helped,” she
in good academic standing. Daniels
said in the press release that the Columbus man charged
John Daniels, finan-
cial literacy coordinator with the
university’s student financial aid
Hyatt and Daniels both said uni-
versity officials were planning to
start a completion grant program
university awarded students who
met those requirements and had
the “highest unmet financial need”
for allegedly biting officer
office. “As with COVID, we realized prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, after taking scholarships and other DISPATCH STAFF REPORT
that oftentimes those needs were after a university longitudinal study financial aid into account.
amplified. Not only were the needs in 2009 showed that students who Both Hyatt and Daniels said they A Columbus man has been
amplified, but we began to find out dropped out of school near gradu- want to continue the program after charged for allegedly biting a police
more funding opportunities relat- ation earn roughly $1 million less the pandemic and that university officer during his arrest Friday.
ed to COVID relief and programs over the course of their lifetimes. officials are searching for further Demon Clopton Jr., 18, was ar-
through the governor’s office that Now the pandemic has aggravat- funding opportunities. rested on an outstanding warrant
we wanted to participate in so that ed those students’ already-existing “For every student we get across for aggravated assault and armed
we could get these funds to the stu- financial problems. the finish line, it makes an impact robbery out of Noxubee County, ac-
dents that needed them in a timely “I have had the privilege of for that student, for their families cording to law enforcement officials.
fashion.” talking to a number of the students and their communities,” Daniels Columbus police officers pulled him Clopton Jr.
The grants are funded through that are receiving grants personal- said. “We feel really good about the over on Ninth Avenue North Friday morning to ar-
a four-year, $200,000 grant from ly,” Daniels said. “I know that it’s possibilities that can come out of it.” rest him for the outstanding warrants, and a scuf-
fle broke out during which he bit one of the officers
on the leg, Columbus Police Chief Fred Shelton
told The Dispatch.
Shelton said the officer was not seriously in-

Clopton has been charged with assault on a law
enforcement officer and several misdemeanors, in-
Continued from Page 1A cluding resisting arrest.
He is currently in Lowndes County Adult Deten-
Rosenbaum, Sodexo’s dis- after the Student Gov- has a series of measures The new station bene-
tion Center with no bond for the felony charge.
trict campus dietitian. ernment Association con- in place to ensure the fits more than just MUW
“The Simple Servings ducted the survey of the Simple Servings ingre- and MSMS students.
station will always have student body last year in dients and dishes do not Carla Lowery, a member
a protein, a carbohydrate response to some sug- come in contact with any of MUW’s information
and a vegetable, and ad- gestions and complaints allergens, executive chef technology staff, said she
ditionally we’ll have some about the selection of Matthew Molina said. All appreciates Simple Serv-
sort of salad and some food at Hogarth, SGA vice the ingredients are stored ings’ healthy offerings.
sort of plant-based op- president Emerald Bowen separately in color-coded “I don’t have any al-
tion,” she said. told The Dispatch. containers, and the Sim- lergies, but I try to eat
One example is South “Some students felt ple Servings cooks and healthy,” Lowery said. “I
Carolina barbecue with that some options weren’t servers wear specific uni- sit at a desk most days, all
coleslaw and corn, Rosen- to their liking or (meet- forms so the rest of the day long.”
baum said, and Tuesday’s ing) their dietary needs,” staff can identify them. MUW alumna Marga-
menu featured grilled Bowen said. “As SGA, we Simple Servings is not a ret Triplett said she and
steak with sautéed veg- felt that it was our place to buffet-style station, so the her husband eat lunch at
etables, a hummus plate change that for students, servers are the only ones Hogarth every day. She
and a quinoa salad. to make it better.” to handle the food before was one of the first people
Simple Servings is The survey generated it goes on the plate, and to visit the Simple Serv-
open for lunch Monday requests for a wider vari- they use fresh plates ev- ings station, and her plate
through Friday and din- ety of options, including ery time, Molina said. included wild rice, quinoa
ner Monday through allergen-free and vegan Since he became exec- salad and marinated cel-
Thursday. The station selections, and for “the utive chef in April 2020, ery.
does not cook with gluten, cafeteria to accommodate Molina has been con- “I like the variety and I
peanuts, tree nuts, shell- everyone,” she said. scious of what students like that you’ve got health-
fish, eggs, milk, wheat or The dining hall already want and need from their ier choices,” Triplett said.
soy. puts up signs so people dining options, he said. “(I’m) kind of experi-
Even without any of are aware of allergens in “It’s not a static menu,” menting with some of this
those ingredients, Simple food products, Eaton said, he said. “(Simple Serv- new stuff here.
Servings still has a wide but she appreciates the ings) helps us give stu- “I’m not sure about
variety of options, Rosen- addition of a completely dents a variety day after this,” she added, indi-
baum said. allergen-free station. day, week to week, month cating the wild rice on
“The ideal is that the “I think it’s nice,” she to month, and with that her plate, “but the other
station’s really for every- said. “It’s very consid- we feel we’re able to cap- stuff I’m sure I’m going to
one,” she said. “It’s not erate of people’s dietary ture students’ interests to love.”
just for students with al- preferences and limita- keep coming back to see
lergies.” tions.” what else we’re serving
The expansion came Hogarth Dining Center on a day-to-day basis.”

Department store chain Belk

filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CEO Lisa Harper said in a statement.
The 133-year-old chain grew from
CHARLOT TE, N.C. — Belk, the the opening of a store in Monroe, North
North Carolina-based department store Carolina, by William Henry Belk in 1888.
chain which has catered to generations Three generations of the Belk family led
of shoppers, announced Tuesday that it the company to become the biggest fam-
will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. ily-owned department store chain in the
The chain’s owner, private equity country by 2015, when the family sold it
firm Sycamore Partners, said in a news for $3 billion.
release that Belk will continue with The sale to Sycamore loaded the chain
“normal operations” as it goes through with over $2 billion in debt at a time when
bankruptcy, The Charlotte Observer re- department stores were losing populari-
ported. ty. The department store has struggled
Sycamore Partners said it expects to during the coronavirus pandemic as cus-
emerge from bankruptcy by the end of tomers flocked to online shopping and
February. It will retain majority control avoided in-person shopping.
of Belk, according to an agreement it Belk furloughed workers in March as
reached with some of Belk’s creditors. the pandemic hit and cut senior staff pay SOLUNAR TABLE
A group of the department store’s credi- up to 50 percent as stores temporarily
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
tors, led by the private equity firms KKR closed. In July, Belk cut an undisclosed Major — 12:46a
and Blackstone, will get a minority stake. number of jobs, mostly at its headquar- Minor
The bankruptcy plan will help Belk shed ters in Charlotte, North Carolina. This Minor 7:47a 8:36a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
about $450 million of debt. followed the elimination of 80 corporate of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
“We’re confident that this agreement jobs in February.
puts us on the right long-term path to- Belk has more than 20,000 employees
ward significantly reducing our debt at its nearly 300 stores in 16 Southeast-
and providing us with greater financial ern states. Its corporate offices opened The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
flexibility to meet our obligations and to in 1988 in Charlotte, and now have about Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
continue investing in our business,” Belk 1,300 workers. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know? Report a news tip:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Compliments to hospital and comments
on pieces in The Dispatch
First, for some time I have wanted to
complement Baptist Memorial Hospital in Co-
lumbus. For a variety of reasons, I have spent
quite a bit more time at the hospital in the
past year than usual. The upside, for me (and
others, I’m certain), is that I consistently get
very professional and, even better, very pleas-
ant and kind treatment from basically every
employee that I encounter there. Considering
how often I’ve been there over the past year
plus, that has been a fairly large number of
employees — ranging from people who check
me in, to the many technicians, to the doctors
on staff. That I have come to expect this sort
of care now says quite a lot about Baptist,
and, in turn, those who hire and manage the
On three relatively recent articles from the
Monday, Jan. 25: kudos to Senator Wicker
for refusing to “get into the business of decid-
ing the results of our election.” Unfortunately,
I cannot extend the same to our other Senator,
Cindy Hyde-Smith, who persisted in promot-
ing unfounded claims of election fraud. It is
sad that the senator requires no evidence to
support her action and, worse, is not suffi-
ciently impressed by the multiple recounts
and scores of dismissed lawsuits in every
contested state. Yes, there remain constitu-
ents who still think the election was ‘stolen’
but this is based on the continued promotion
of that falsehood through such actions by Sen-
ator Hyde-Smith and others like her, not on MISSISSIPPI VOICES
actual evidence of fraud. A case of Catch 22.
In the Sunday, Jan. 24 article about CMSD’s
consideration of year-round education. While
I support the concept, I was dismayed that the
Trump disturbed the perception of US stability
graphic produced by CMSD to promote this hatever the election when the Flor- every time.
idea contained a misspelling. Seemed ironic. flavor of your ida results were only Finally, the state legislatures,
Disclaimer: I have often been dismayed by politics, Amer- a few hundred votes several of which were Republi-
the frequent mistakes I make in my Dispatch icans all have a common apart. can dominated, also dismissed
letters. interest in protecting But Trump lost by Trump’s claims and certified the
Lastly, the Ramirez political cartoon on the perception of the tens of thousands of election results. Trump lost every
Friday, Jan. 22, seemed a bit over the top in its United States as a rock votes in the key states. single time. He had exhausted
criticism of President Biden’s speaking ability. of stability in an uncer- He lost the national vote his appeals, yet still he would not
I agree that Biden has lost a step since his 8 tain world. by seven million votes. concede.
years as VP but he is still clearly coherent — I It is that perception Not conceding in the Then he and his supporters
hope I am half as clear at 78. Seems like we which allows us to print wake of this level of vic- organized a massive rally down
should withhold such extreme criticism until seemingly unlimited tory was unprecedented the street from the U.S. Capitol to
we see the outcome of the Biden agenda, al- amounts of money. In Wyatt Emmerich in American history. pressure Congress as they certi-
ready advancing rapidly, especially his efforts the past, the world has The final vote should fied the electoral college results.
to ramp up federal action on Covid-19. shown a huge appetite not have been surpris- Trump was defiant, using inflam-
Paul Mack for dollars. As long as that appetite ing. Dozens of polls were predict- matory language. We all know how
Columbus persists, Americans will enjoy an ing a Biden victory of about that that ended.
exceptional standard of living. amount. We live in the greatest country
Think about it: If you accumu- Trump claimed voter fraud, both in the history of the world — a bea-
Disapproves of Biden’s executive orders late wealth in an unstable country blatant and subtle. The blatant was con of life, liberty and the pursuit
Six days as president and these are Biden’s
with unpredictable powers that a claim that the Dominion voting of happiness, a shining citadel of
be, you will want to buy American machines were deliberately manip- freedom and democracy. How dare
1. Keystone Pipeline shut down. 11,000
dollars and assets. That’s the best ulated electronically. The subtle he even think to threaten that.
jobs lost; wages lost: $2 billion
way to protect your money from was mail-in ballots being forged. Trump did not tell the crowd
2: Paris Accord reinstated. 6.5 million jobs confiscation by corrupt rulers. Certainly the huge increase in to trash the U.S. Capitol. But he
lost; wages lost: $3 Trillion The United States, far and away, mail-in voting raised eyebrows. whipped them up to a point of fren-
3: Transgender in military. has been the logical choice for But this was a direct result of zy. As President, you own that. It’s
4: Deportation moratorium enacted. decades. The dollar is the de facto COVID. It was just bad luck for your crowd. Your responsibility.
5: Persecution of Trump supporters. world currency. Trump. Ballot harvesting, though Trump should be held accountable
Not a bad six days of accomplishment. That means when Covid-19 dam- vulnerable to fraud, is legal in half for his actions. We don’t want this
Executive orders! Unity! ages our economy, our government our states. There were 17 percent to ever happen again.
Tyranny: “The rule of one person or a small can print as much money as neces- more votes cast, which is a huge As Republican Chris Christie
group of people in their interest and according sary to weather the storm. There increase. It was definitely an un- said, “I think if inciting to insurrec-
to their rule to unfairly control other people.” seems to be an almost unlimited usual election. tion isn’t an impeachable offense, I
Sound familiar? demand for dollar assets. Our Constitution provides for don’t really know what is.”
God Bless America. In the last year, the U.S. has checks and balances when a presi- For years, I dismissed claims of
Lee Roy Lollar issued trillions in debt, yet interest dential election is disputed. Trump Trump’s mental instability as just
Columbus rates on Treasury bills are barely took advantage of this, but lost in politics. But the claims were dead
above zero. It is an incredible luxu- every court. on. I was wrong.
Thinks effort to impeach is misguided ry that only Americans enjoy. At least 86 judges — from state Let’s hope our country learns
Big vote on the Hill yesterday in DC plainly This could all come crashing courts to the U.S. Supreme Court from our Trump experiment. We
showing the attempt to impeach a former down if the world loses faith in — rejected at least one post-elec- elected a businessman with zero
President is shot down even before taking off. America as a bastion of stability. tion lawsuit filed by Trump or his political experience to run our
Five so called Republicans — Susan If demand for U.S. treasuries supporters. Thirty-eight judges country. He did indeed achieve
Collins, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Ben declined, interest rates would appointed by Republicans were many good results, but in the end
Sasse and Pat Toomey — voted with the Dem- skyrocket and our country would among the 86 judges who had his lack of political experience
ocrats saying it is Constitutional to impeach be hard pressed to pay the higher rejected lawsuits. caused the worst ending to a pres-
a President who is no longer in office. A fifth interest charges. Inflation would When a president cries fraud, idency our nation has ever seen. It
grader is smarter than all those who say that. skyrocket and Americans’ stan- you expect there to be some basis has hurt our nation.
Every dang one of them needs to be asked to dard of living would drop signifi- for the claim. So Americans waited We should require every presi-
show the American people exactly where it cantly. patiently for the evidence. But dential candidate to assure voters
The physical damage to the U.S. there was none. It was nothing that they will concede the day after
says that in our Constitution. Senator Paul hit
Capitol Building caused by the more than the bluster of a sore the election. And we don’t need
a home run with this vote, even got old Mitch
recent riot was horrible. But the far loser. anymore tweeting presidents.
to get his head out, and showed the Demo-
greater damage was done to our God himself set up the system That’s a horrible practice for a
crats and the five RINOs that they are making
country’s reputation. This is not of judges to decide facts. Deuteron- sitting president. It lacks dignity
fools of themselves if they continue down this
just damage to our pride. It could omy 16:18-20 states: “Appoint judg- and confuses the world.
path. Plus every dang one of them knows that
be real damage to the pocketbooks es and officials for each of your Say what you will about the
they need 17 Republicans to vote for impeach- of every single American. tribes in every town the Lord your average American voter, they got
ment in a trial or else suffer another defeat in Most Americans know that God is giving you, and they shall this right. They saw something
their attacks on President Trump. Big differ- our country was never in any real judge the people fairly. Do not scary in Trump and did not return
ence in five and 17, plus some Democrats will danger. The ragtag group of crazy pervert justice or show partiality. him to office. Good call.
probably vote against impeachment if they hooligans and conspiracy nut cases Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe This is not about Democrats or
do go to trial, seeing that mid term is right was never going to bring down our blinds the eyes of the wise and Republicans. This is not about left
around the corner, one year and 9 months. government. Not even close. twists the words of the innocent. wing or right wing. This is about
Guess we ought to thank them though But they did damage our world Follow justice and justice alone, so our country. Character matters.
cause it actually helps the Trumpsters MAGA image and that could have huge that you may live and possess the We need to quit following our polit-
movement. I think too that President Trump’s financial implications. For that, land the Lord your God is giving ical instincts and put more weight
campaign for ‘24 is being started by the de- every American should be angry at you.” in the character and integrity of
ranged Democrats while he enjoys some well Donald Trump. For thousands of years, human the candidate.
earned R&R. There is a reason that for hun- civilization has used judges and The rise of social media has
Raymond Gross dreds of years, the losing presiden- courts to determine complicated debased so many of our fine
Columbus tial candidate quickly concedes to issues of fact. It’s not perfect, but traditions. Our country is going
the election victor. It’s good for the it sure beats chaos. One great through a learning curve on how
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to nation. It presents the world with strength of our country is the to handle this new medium. Let’s
participate in your community. We request the a steady image of the most power- integrity of our court system. hope the Trump Presidency taught
tone of your letters be constructive and respectful ful country in the world breezing A month after the election, us some valuable lessons about
and the length be limited to 450 words. We re- through convivial transfers of Trump was still pushing the idea what not to do.
serve the right to edit letters for clarity, grammar power from one political party to of software manipulation of voting Wyatt Emmerich is the editor
and length. Letters may be emailed to voice@ the next. It’s impressive. It keeps results. The Republican Georgia and publisher of The Northside Sun, or mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: the dollar strong. Secretary of State put it best when a weekly newspaper in Jackson. He
Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511, Columbus, Granted, Al Gore rescinded his he pointed out that five recounts can be reached by e-mail at wyatt@
MS 39703-0511. concession the day after the 2000 by hand confirmed the computers
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 5A

US boosting vaccine deliveries amid complaints of shortages

Administration plans to buy an additional 100M
doses of each of the two approved vaccines Biden says he’s ‘bringing back the pros’ for virus briefings
BY ZEKE MILLER shared his unproven ideas without hesitation.
BY JONATHAN DREW around the U.S. had to cancel The Associated Press “We’re bringing back the pros to talk about
AND ZEKE MILLER tens of thousands of appoint- COVID in an unvarnished way,” Biden told
The Associated Press
ments with people seeking their WASHINGTON — For nearly a year it was reporters Tuesday. “Any questions you have,
first shot. the Trump show. Now President Joe Biden is
Answering growing frustra- that’s how we’ll handle them because we’re let-
“This is unacceptable,” Biden calling up the nation’s top scientists and public
tion over vaccine shortages, ting science speak again.”
said. “Lives are at stake.” health experts to regularly brief the American
President Joe Biden announced public about the pandemic that has claimed The new briefings, beginning just a week
He promised a roughly 16 per- into Biden’s tenure, are meant as an explicit
that the U.S. is ramping up deliv- more than 425,000 U.S. lives.
eries to hard-pressed states over cent boost in deliveries to states rejection of his predecessor’s approach to the
Beginning Wednesday, administration ex-
the next three weeks and ex- over the next three weeks. coronavirus outbreak.
perts will host briefings three times a week on
pects to provide enough doses The administration said it the state of the outbreak, efforts to control it President Donald Trump claimed center
to vaccinate 300 million Ameri- plans to buy another 100 million and the race to deliver vaccines and therapeu- stage and muddled the message of the nation’s
cans by the end of the summer doses each from drugmakers tics to end it. top public health experts in the critical early
or early fall. Pfizer and Moderna to ensure it Expect a sharp contrast from the last admin- days of the virus and eventually largely muz-
Biden, calling the push a has enough vaccine for the long istration’s briefings, when public health officials zled them as the pandemic’s mortal toll grew
“wartime effort,” said Tuesday term. Even more vaccine could were repeatedly undermined by a president who steeper.
the administration was work- be available if federal scientists
ing to buy an additional 100 approve a single-dose shot from
Johnson & Johnson, which is ment of 8.6 million. The figures quate supplies and the need for weeks ahead of delivery.
million doses of each of the two
expected to seek emergency au- represent doses of both the Pfiz- earlier and more reliable esti- Biden’s announcement came
approved coronavirus vaccines.
thorization in the coming weeks. er and Moderna vaccines. It was mates of how much vaccine is on a day after he grew more bull-
He acknowledged that states
in recent weeks have been left The Centers for Disease not immediately clear how long the way so that they can plan. ish about exceeding his vaccine
guessing how much vaccine Control and Prevention report- the surge of doses could be sus- Biden’s team held its first pledge to deliver 100 million in-
they will have from one week to ed that the government plans tained. virus-related call with the na- jections in his first 100 days in
the next. to make about 10.1 million first Governors and top health tion’s governors on Tuesday and office, suggesting that a rate of
Shortages have been so se- and second doses available next officials have been increasingly pledged to provide states with 1.5 million doses per day could
vere that some vaccination sites week, up from this week’s allot- raising the alarm about inade- firm vaccine allocations three soon be achieved.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH the next day Monday through sissippi Medical Center In addition to her Memorial Gunter Peel May 19, 1947, in Lau-
OBITUARY POLICY Thursday; and on Friday by 3
of Tupelo. mother, she is sur- Funeral Home and Cre- rel, to the late Mims
Obituaries with basic informa- p.m. for Sunday and Monday
publication. For more informa-
Graveside services vived by her husband, matory, College Street and Vertilee Walters
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided tion, call 662-328-2471. will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Charles Scott Hardin location is in charge of Dilmore. She was a
free of charge. Extended at Cairo Cumberland Jr.; children, Anna A. arrangements. member of First Bap-
Presbyterian Cemetery, Dowe of Peyton, Colo- tist Church.
obituaries with a photograph,
detailed biographical informa- Demetrice Timmes with Bob Edwards offi- rado, Alisha M. Hardin Patricia Pate In addition to her
tion and other details families HAT TIESBURG — ciating. Calvert Funeral of Petal and Robert parents, she was pre-
may wish to include, are avail- Demetrice Timmes, 44, Home of West Point is Kyle Evans of Florence; ceded in death by her
Patricia “Pat” Dilmore
able for a fee. Obituaries must died Jan. in charge of arrange- brother, Donald Miller siblings, Mims Dilm-
Pate, 73, died Jan. 22,
be submitted through funeral 20, 2021, at ments. Callahan of Raymond; 2021, at OCH Regional ore Jr., Ted Dilmore,
homes unless the deceased’s her resi-
body has been donated to Mrs. Hardin was and one grandchild. Medical Center. Bill Dilmore, Janice
dence. born in Jackson to Jane Funeral services Dilmore and Barbara
science. If the deceased’s
body was donated to science, Visita- K. Callahan and the Frances Carter were at 11 a.m. Tues- LaBlanc.
the family must provide official tion is from late Melvin Callahan. COLUMBUS — day, at First Baptist She is survived by
proof of death. Please submit noon-1 p.m. She was a graduate of Frances Laura Robison Church, with the Rev. her children, Christ
all obituaries on the form pro- Friday, at Timmes Forest Hill High School Carter, 101, died Jan. Dale Funderburg offi- Billingsley of Hat-
vided by The Commercial Dis- Carter’s and Hinds Communi- 26, 2021, at her resi- ciating. Burial followed tiesburg and Pattie
patch. Free notices must be Funeral
submitted to the newspaper ty College. She was dence. in Memorial Gardens Knobbe of West Point;
Home. Carter’s Funeral formerly employed as a Funeral services will Cemetery. Visitation siblings, Brenda Leis-
no later than 3 p.m. the day
prior for publication Tuesday Home of West Point is senior pension corre- be at 2 p.m. Friday, at was from 4-6 p.m. Mon- ter and Jenny Campbell
through Friday; no later than 4 in charge of arrange- spondent with Southern The Church of the Naz- day, at Robinson Fu- both of West Point;
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday ments. Farm Bureau. arene of Ridge Road, neral Home. Robinson and five grandchildren.
edition; and no later than 7:30 In addition to her fa- with Stephen Joiner Funeral Home of West Memorials may be
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re-
Angela Hardin ther, she was preceded officiating. Burial will Point was in charge of made to First Baptist
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
CEDAR BLUFF — in death by her infant follow at Memorial arrangements. Church PO Box 794
for the Monday through Friday Angela L. Callahan son, Anthony Evans; Gardens. Visitation will Mrs. Pate was born West Point, MS 39773.
editions. Paid notices must be Hardin, 54, died Jan. and sister, Susan Cov- be one hour prior to
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion 25, 2021, at North Mis- ington. services at the church.

Student-run free grocery store helps feed town’s hungry

‘I’ve really seen the students take said. “They’re excited
about coming to school.
points for their work in
the store or for doing oth-
pride in working in the store’ They’re excited about
helping in the grocery
er tasks at the school such
Linda Tutt High School Principal Anthony Love as gardening, mentoring
store and just being a part elementary schoolchil-
BY LUIS ANDRES HENAO knowing that they are of it.” dren or helping in the caf-
The Associated Press thankful that we’re do- Residents who shop at
eteria. And they can gar-
ing something like this,” the store are assigned a
ner even more points for
Traditional school number of points — the
said Hunter Weertman, outstanding classroom
stores might offer snacks larger the family, the more
a 16-year-old junior who performance or being
and knickknacks, school points they receive and
stocks shelves and takes kind to others.
gear and notebooks — but the more merchandise
inventory at the store
the one at Linda Tutt High they can “buy.” There’s
housed in an unused art
School in Sanger, Texas, no in-person shopping be-
has a very different inven- room. It has been open cause of the pandemic, so
tory and clientele. since November. instead they fill out a list
At Linda Tutt you can The idea is to provide and students bring their
get everything from pro- students with job skills, groceries to their cars.
duce, milk and eggs to and at the same time help About 130 families
pasta, peanut butter and students, staff and local have used the store, Love
canned goods to dish- residents who are in need. said.
washer soap and laundry And the store has one Each week, the store’s
detergent. Students and more purpose: teaching staffers package grocer-
staff can shop there, but the youngsters the value ies for students who quali-
on Tuesdays the store is of giving back to their fy for the Friday Backpack
open to the community. community. Program because their Ray Vassar
And it’s all free. “I’ve really seen the families need additional Visitation:
“I like seeing their students take pride in food for the weekend. Saturday, Jan. 30 • 11 AM - 2 PM
College St. Location
smiles, seeing how ap- working in the store,” In addition to fami- Memorial Services:
preciative they are, and principal Anthony Love ly points, students earn Saturday, Jan. 30 • 2 PM
College St. Locaiton
College St. Location

Jacob Pongetti
Rosary Services:
Saturday, Jan. 30 • 10:30 AM

Auschwitz survivors mark anniversary online amid pandemic Annunciation Catholic Church
Mass of Resurrection:
Saturday, Jan. 30 • 11 AM
BY VANESSA GER A barely breathed under a So instead, Friedman Annunciation Catholic Church
The Associated Press 2nd Ave. N. Location
blanket and went unno- will be alone at home
WARSAW, Poland
ticed. in Highland Park, New Mavis Kerr
Days later, on Jan. 27, Jersey, on International A private graveside service will
— Tova Friedman hid be held at Memorial Gardens.
1945, she was among the Holocaust Remembrance
among corpses at Aus- 2nd Ave. N. Location
thousands of prisoners Day. Yet a message of
chwitz amid the chaos of
who survived to greet the warning from her about Frances Laura Carter
the extermination camp’s
Soviet troops who liberat- the rise of hatred will be Visitation:
final days.
Just 6 years old at the ed the camp in Nazi-oc- part of a virtual obser- Friday, Jan. 29 • 1-2 PM
cupied Poland. vance organized by the The Church of the Nazarene
time, the Poland-born Services:
Friedman was instruct- Now 82, Friedman had World Jewish Congress. Friday, Jan. 29 • 2 PM
hoped to mark Wednes- Other institutions The Church of the Nazarene
ed by her mother to lie Burial
absolutely still in a bed at day’s anniversary by around the world, includ- Memorial Gardens
a camp hospital, next to taking her eight grand- ing the Auschwitz-Birke- College St. Location
the body of a young wom- children to the Aus- nau memorial museum
an who had just died. As chwitz-Birkenau memo- in Poland, Yad Vashem
German forces prepar- rial site, which is under in Israel and the United
ing to flee the scene of the custodianship of the States Holocaust Memo-
their genocide went from Polish state. The corona- rial Museum in Washing-
bed to bed shooting any- virus pandemic prevent- ton D.C. also have online
one still alive, Friedman ed the trip. events planned.
6A WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 The Dispatch •
The Stephen D. Lee Home in Columbus and the Noxubee County Library, right, will get renovation help from
MDAH grants awarded this week.

Continued from Page 1A

Tennessee Williams the church rectory) also dings and other events.” ed this for years,” Conner
contributed to deteriora- Repairs to historic said. “We’ve had to wait
Home project tion. buildings are generally our turn, and the roof sit-
Nancy Carpenter, ex- “There are some struc- far more expensive than uation has become a big
ecutive director for the tural issues associated those of other buildings problem.”
Columbus-Lowndes Con- with moving the home as because the materials and Conner said the orig-
vention and Visitors Bu- it began to settle,” Car- repairs have to be con- inal roof of the library,
reau, said the grant will penter said. “To do ev- sistent with the original which was built in 1907,
be a godsend for the Ten- erything we need, it will construction to preserve has serious leaks, espe-
nessee Williams property cost a little more than the building’s historic in- cially on the third floor of
downtown, which last was $200,000 based on the tegrity. the three-story building.
renovated in 2010. estimates we’ve received. “The porch roof is a “It’s been leaking
“(The grant) is abso- We are constantly looking tin roof with overlapping down the walls on the
lutely great for us,” Car- for grants and this grant joints called standing third floor for quite a long
penter said. moves us that much clos- seams,” said Carolyn time,” Conner said. “The
“We don’t er to our goal.” Kaye, who wrote the
receive any third floor was where we
grant for the foundation. had our computers, so we
state or (aid Stephen D. Lee “That roofing is unique had to do a lot of shuffling
to the time of the con-
from) the Home project struction, so the cost for
around to make sure the
city, so we Construction started computers weren’t going
replacing the roof is much to get wet. We moved the
depend on on the Stephen D. Lee
higher than it would be computers to the first
d o n a t i o n s Carpenter Home on
with a normal roof where floor to keep them dry,
and grants. Seventh
you would use the materi- but we still had to use
This is definitely going to S t r e e t
als and construction you the third floor because
help.” North in
see today.” our space is limited. With
Carpenter said the 1847, but the
In addition to the roof, a historic building, you
front porch, which faces porch was
Kaye said the grant will can’t just add on, so every
Main Street, has dam- added in
also cover the expense inch of the space is need-
age to both the interior the 1880s.
of replacing some of the ed.”
and exterior, which she Eulalie Da- Davis
wood in the roof’s infra- Recently, the damage
attributes to the ravages vis, presi-
structure. has reached the second
of time and weather. The dent of the foundation that
house was built in 1876 manages the home, said floor, which is used as the
and was an early child- the front porch roof has Noxubee County children’s library.
hood home of the famous been in need of repairs for Library project “You can only move
playwright. about 10 years. Shameka Conner, di- things around so much,”
Carpenter also be- “Over the years, it’s rector for the Noxubee Conner said. “We knew
lieves moving the house been sort of patched to- County Library, could the only real solution was
from its original location gether, but it really needs hardly contain her excite- to replace the roof.
near St. Paul’s Episcopal to be replaced,” Davis ment over the news of the “It’s been a long time
Church on College Street said. “We get a lot of use grant. coming, but it’s coming,”
(the home was originally from the porch for wed- “Oh, lordy, we’ve need- she added. “I’m excited.”

Shootout Cheap thrills.

Continued from Page 1A Go for a walk.
ment complex. other law enforcement an apartment complex dy in Tuscaloosa on
Devonte Lavon Farm- agencies were called to in Macon, during which $300,000 bond.
er, 20, of Noxubee Coun- the scene and Farmer Farmer allegedly shot
ty, was arrested for three surrendered just after at four people, three of
counts of attempted mur- 5 p.m., after hiding in a whom were juveniles. He
der Monday, according grassy area and shallow also damaged cars in the
to area law enforcement. parts of a nearby lake for parking lot.
Farmer, who is also more than an hour. Columbus Police
wanted for shootings in Farmer and two offi- Chief Fred Shelton con-
Columbus and Macon, cers were taken to DCH firmed Farmer is also
shot at three officers Regional Medical Center wanted for a December
from Tuscaloosa Police in Tuscaloosa for non shooting in Columbus
Department who were life-threatening injuries. during which an individ-
called to the apartment One officer was shot ual was injured and tak-
complex to investigate in his bullet-proof vest en to Baptist Memorial
reports of an individual and another received Hospital-Golden Trian-
walking around with a a “minor injury.” They gle.
gun, according to a re- were both treated and Tuscaloosa’s Violent
lease on TPD’s Facebook released. Farmer was Crimes Unit is investi-
page. treated for a gunshot gating the case. VCU is
The officers found wound to the hand. not affiliated with TPD,
Farmer on a golf course Macon Police Depart- according to TPD press
at the apartment com- ment Assistant Chief releases on the incident.
plex. The release says Douglas Triplett said The three officers in-
Farmer ignored com- Farmer is also wanted for volved in the shooting
mands by the officers four counts of aggravated are all on administrative
to drop his weapon and assault and two counts of leave, per department
then fired multiple shots malicious mischief for a policy.
at them. Officers from December shooting in Farmer is in custo-

16-year-old charged with aggravated assault

two charges to a report of shots fired

of aggravat- and arrested Sullivan on
Starkville police ar- ed assault Tuesday, according to the

rested a 16-year-old after shoot- press release.
on domestic violence ing a vehi- SPD Public Informa-
charges for a Monday cle in the tion Officer Brandon
night shooting that dam- parking lot Lovelady said Sullivan

when we
aged a car but left no of the Sprint knew the occupants of the
injuries, according to a Mart conve- Sullivan vehicle and shot it as they
Tuesday press release nience store at the Shell were driving away.
from the Starkville Police gas station on North Jack- Sullivan is being held

need it most. 
Department. son Street. SPD respond- in the Oktibbeha County
Jaylan Sullivan faces ed at 9:20 p.m. Monday Jail on $250,000 bond.

Murder Protect freedom of the press.

Continued from Page 1A
was blunt force trauma, Road northeast of West Investigators are ask-
the press release said. Point. He did not release ing anyone with informa-
Clay County Sheriff further information on a tion on the murder to call
Eddie Scott confirmed motive. CCSO at 662-494-2896.
Darryl Larry is Summer Summer Larry’s body Darryl Larry is cur-
Larry’s uncle, and that has been taken to the rently in custody at Clay
they both lived in the Mississippi Crime Lab in County Jail. Bond is set
house on White Station Pearl for autopsy. at $1 million.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 7A

Effort to put Tubman on $20

bill restarted under Biden
Psaki: Timeline for introducing new bill would be the bill not announced until 2026.
But Psaki told reporters during
announced when finalized by Treasury Department a briefing Monday that she and oth-
er officials were surprised to hear
BY MARTIN CRUTSINGER Trump administration Treasury of the delays in putting Tubman
AP Economics Writer Secretary Steven Mnuchin did not on the $20 bill. With a change in
move forward with the decision by administrations, she said the Trea-
WASHINGTON — With a the Obama administration. Instead, sury Department was taking steps
change of administrations, it looks
Mnuchin in 2019 announced a delay to resume efforts to put Tubman on
like Harriet Tubman is once again
in redesigning the $20 bill in order the $20 bill.
headed to the front of the $20 bill.
to redesign the $10 and $50 bills “It is important that our .... mon-
Biden press secretary Jen Psaki
first to improve security features to ey reflect the history and diversity
said Monday that the Treasury De-
partment is taking steps to resume thwart counterfeiters. of our country and Harriet Tub-
efforts to put the 19th century aboli- The unveiling of the redesigned man’s image gracing the new $20
tionist leader on the $20 bill. $20 bill featuring Tubman, famous note would certainly reflect that,”
Obama administration Treasury for her efforts spiriting slaves to Psaki said. “We are exploring ways
Secretary Jack Lew had selected freedom on the Underground Rail- to speed up that effort.”
Tubman to replace Andrew Jack- road, had been timed by the Obama Psaki said specifics on a new
son, the nation’s seventh president, administration to coincide with the timeline for introducing a rede-
on the $20 bill. 100th anniversary of passage of the signed $20 with Tubman would be
But Tubman’s fate had been in 19th Amendment giving women the announced when finalized by the
doubt since the 2016 presidential right to vote. Treasury Department. Biden has
campaign based on critical com- Under the schedule Mnuchin selected Janet Yellen to be his Trea-
ments by then-candidate Donald announced in May 2019, the rede- sury secretary, the first woman to
Trump, who branded the move signed $20 bill would not have come hold that position in the depart-
“pure political correctness.” out until 2028 with final designs for ment’s 232 years.

No Mardi Gras parades, so thousands make ‘house floats’

Pandemic replacements include scavenger hunts spread out widely in time
and space.
for trinkets, outdoor art and drive-thru or virtual parades “I didn’t think I was
starting a Mardi Gras
BY JANET had been scheduled. The numbers rose. Thir- krewe. Here I am,” Bou-
MCCONNAUGHEY But the “house float” ty-nine subgroups evolved dreaux said. “I’ve got
The Associated Press movement started almost to discuss neighborhood myself a second full-time
as soon as a New Orleans plans. job.”
NEW ORLEANS — Discussions in the
spokesman announced By Carnival season’s
You just can’t keep a good Facebook groups include
Nov. 17 that parades were official start Jan. 6, the
city down, especially when
off. group had more than 9,000 how-tos, ads for props and
Mardi Gras is coming.
That morning, Megan members, including out- neighborhood themes.
All around New Orle-
Joy Boudreaux posted of-state “expats.” About Artists have given lives-
ans, thousands of houses
what she later called a sil- 3,000, including a few as treamed outdoor lessons.
are being decorated as
ly Twitter joke: “We’re do- far afield as England and Katie Bankens posted
floats because the corona-
ing this. Turn your house Australia, will have their that her block’s theme was
virus outbreak canceled
into a float and throw all houses on an official on- Shark Week staycation
the elaborate parades
mobbed by crowds during the beads from your attic line map, said Charlotte paradise. When a resident
the Carnival season lead- at your neighbors walking “Charlie” Jallans-Daly, worried that she was not
ing to Fat Tuesday. by.” one of two mapmakers. “crafty” enough, admin-
Some smaller groups But the more she Houses are to be dec- istrator Carley Sercovich
announced no-parade thought about it, the more orated at least two weeks replied that if they could
plans before the city did. she liked it. She started before Fat Tuesday, which play music and throw trin-
Pandemic replacements a Facebook group, the is Feb. 16 this year. With kets to neighbors, “you are
include scavenger hunts Krewe of House Floats, widespread addresses and perfect for this Krewe!”
for signature trinkets expecting a few friends two weeks to gawk, the
that normally would be and neighbors to join. hope is that people will
thrown from floats or
handed out from a street-
car, as well as outdoor art
and drive-thru or virtual
parades. The prominent
Krewe of Bacchus has
an app where people can
catch and trade virtual
trinkets during Carnival
and watch a virtual parade
Feb. 14, when the parade

First private space

crew paying $55M
each to fly to station
AP Aerospace Writer

Fla. — The first private
space station crew was in-
troduced Tuesday: Three
men who are each pay-
ing $55 million to fly on a
SpaceX rocket.
They’ll be led by a for-
mer NASA astronaut now
working for Axiom Space,
the Houston company that
arranged the trip for next
“This is the first private
flight to the International
Space Station. It’s never
been done before,” said
Axiom’s chief executive
and president Mike Suf-
fredini, a former space sta-
tion program manager for
While mission com-
mander Michael Lo-
pez-Alegria is well known
in space circles, “the other
three guys are just people
who want to be able to go
to space, and we’re pro-
viding that opportunity,”
Suffredini told The Associ-
ated Press.
The first crew will
spend eight days at the
space station, and will take
one or two days to get there
aboard a SpaceX Dragon
capsule following liftoff
from Cape Canaveral.
Russia has been in the
off-the-planet tourism
business for years, selling
rides to the International
Space Station since 2001.
8A WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 The Dispatch •

New Hope boys soccer goes to 11 in first-round win over Vicksburg

BY THEO DEROSA the trip. with scores in the 25th, New Hope scored 30th, 39th and 48th min-
eight more goals in the utes. That output even
NEW HOPE — In the next 16 -plus minutes, came after a headbutt
34th minute of Tuesday’s earned an 11-0 mer- from a Vicksburg de-
MHSA A Class 5A first- cy-rule win and moved fender endeavoring to
round playoff match, on to the second round slow Parnell down.
just after the New Hope against either Ridgeland “It just shows I’m ca-
boys soccer team had or Saltillo. pable of it still,” Parnell
scored its third goal of “We feel unstoppa- said. “I can get knocked
the night, a defenseman ble,” New Hope junior down and get right back
from visiting Vicksburg Trey Parnell said. “We up and keep playing like
voiced his frustration. feel like we can take on I have been.”
“We didn’t drive all anybody and beat them.” His development
this way for nothing, Based on Tuesday’s as a player hasn’t just
man,” the frustrated big win, Parnell and the been achieved in terms
player told his white- Trojans might be justi- of scoring, either. Be-
clad teammates. fied in that feeling. The fore the season, New
The Trojans (13-2) striker had a whopping Hope coach Andrew
quickly went on to defi- five goals against the Olsen challenged Par-
Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
nitely prove that the Gators, scoring on a pen- nell to lead the team in New Hope sophomore Hayden Dodson (1) pulls up as Vicksburg’s goalkeeper
Gators (10 -6 -1) should alty kick in the 21st min- assists; Tuesday, the ju- collects the ball during the first half of Tuesday’s playoff match. Just two minutes
have saved themselves ute and following it up See SOCCER, 3B later, Dodson scored his second goal of the season to put the Trojans up 5-0.


boys soccer
falls to
Turnovers, lackluster offensive
in playoff
execution prevent MSU from upset

Starkville High School’s
2020 -21 boys soccer
season came to a som-
ber halt Tuesday night.
Falling 4-2 in over-
time to rival Oxford
in the first round of
the Mississippi High
School Activities Asso-
ciation 6A playoffs, the
No. 1-seeded Yellow
Jackets saw their near-
last second score with
just over two minutes
remaining in regula-
tion fall to waste as the
Chargers delivered two
knockout blows in the
first 10 minutes of the
extra period to end the
hosts’ year.
“We tried to go into
the overtime with some
new tactics and switch it
up a little bit,” Starkville
head coach Evinn Wat-
son explained. “But I
think we just kind of
See SHS, 3B

MSMS boys Tennessee Athletics

Tennessee guard Jaden Springer (11) drives to the lane while defended by Iverson Molinar (1) Tuesday in Knoxville. The Vols defeated
Mississippi State 56-53.
soccer falls BY GARRICK HODGE shoot foul shots better to win winding down, Tennessee scored. Everybody makes
in playoff and we need to make some
shots, we missed a number of
five-star freshman phenom
Jaden Springer fired a des-
mistakes and at the end of
the day we needed to make a
match at For fans of offense, Tues-
day’s matchup between No.
shots at the rim and we have peration shot that was com- couple more plays to have a
to finish better.” pletely off kilter. Looking chance to win.”
Amory 18 Tennessee and Mississippi
State was far from ideal. The
The loss marks the 13th at replay reviews, Springer Howland pleaded with the
straight MSU (9-8, 4-5 SEC) failed to release the ball be- officials for a replay review,
DISPATCH STAFF lid on the basket refused to
road loss to an AP Top 25 fore the shot clock hit zero, but per NCA A rules, all re-
open, turnovers seemed more
team. but no whistle was blown. views must come within the fi-
AMORY — The frequent than converted bas-
“I thought our team de- MSU players, thinking they nal two minutes of regulation.
Mississippi School for kets and double-figure scor-
Mathematics and Sci- fense the last two games was just forced a shot clock viola- “It wasn’t within the last
ers were hard to come by.
ence boys soccer team None of that prevented the best team defense we’ve tion, began walking toward two minutes of the game. And
saw its season end Mississippi State going toe- played all year,” Howland the other side of the court, but (the shot) wasn’t out of his
Tuesday in Amory. to-toe with a ranked opponent said. “We’re playing two of the play continued as Tennessee’s hands,” Howland said. “That
After qualifying for on the road for the second three top teams in our league. Keon Johnson scooped up an was a huge play. That’s a big
the MHSA A Class I game in a row. But between 18 We had chances in both games offensive putback despite the miss.”
playoffs with a home turnovers, seven missed free to win on the row, we just have Bulldogs having a 3-on-1 ad- It didn’t help Howland’s
win over Madison St. throws, and a shooting per- to do a few things a little bet- vantage in the post, extend- mood that his team was on
Joseph on penalty kicks centage less than 33 percent, ter to complete the task.” ing the Volunteers’ (11-3, 5-3) the receiving end of an over-
Saturday, the Blue the Bulldogs failed to convert Both players and coaches lead to 52-48. turned goaltend call taking
Waves suffered an 8-2 another winnable game into a alike will wonder what might “I believe I was in help side away a Molinar layup trailing
loss to the Panthers. victory, losing to Tennessee in have been when they review and one of my teammates, we by five with about 43 seconds
Nick Djedjos and a 56 -53 decision. the film later in the week, stopped playing because the remaining. On that posses-
Trevor Allen each had “Eighteen turnovers makes especially with several plays shot clock went off and we sion, all’s well that ended well,
goals for MSMS. it hard to win anywhere on the going against MSU down the thought it was our ball after,” because Cameron Matthews
The Blue Waves’ sea- road, much less a really good stretch. MSU point guard Iverson Mo- made a layup one second later
son ended with a 5-3 re- Tennessee team,” MSU coach Trailing 50 -48 with 2:32 linar said. “We didn’t continue to cut the deficit to three, but
cord. Ben Howland said. “We gotta remaining and the shot clock to play and that’s how they See MSU, 3B
2B WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 The Dispatch •

Baseball Hall gets no new

members; Schilling 16 votes shy
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and collective bargaining narrowly, in many cases “In my heart I am at
agreement, and Ortiz’s — taken a stand against peace,” he also wrote.
NEW YORK — The name allegedly appeared candidates they think “Nothing, zero, none of
baseball Hall of Fame on a list of players who have insufficient integri- the claims being made
won’t have any new play- tested positive in 2003. ty. by any of the writers hold
ers in the class of 2021 Omar Vizquel, an 11- With 401 ballots re- merit.”
after voters decided no time Gold Glove winner, turned, candidates need- Bonds’ ex-wife testi-
one had the merits — on dropped from 52.6% last ed 301 votes to gain elec- fied in 1995 during di-
the field or off — for en- year to 49.1% after his tion. A record 14 voters vorce proceedings that
shrinement in Cooper- wife accused him of re- submitted blank ballots, he beat and kicked her.
stown. peated domestic abuses topping the 12 sent in Bonds said he never
Curt Schilling, Barry in December. Braves star 2006. physically abused her but
Bonds and Roger Clem- Andruw Jones, arrested Schilling — a six-time once kicked her after she
ens were the closest in in 2012 on a domestic vio- All-Star over 20 seasons kicked him.
voting by members of the lence charge, got 33.9% in with Baltimore, Houston, In 2008, the New York
Baseball Writers’ Associ- his fourth year. Rockies Philadelphia, Arizona Daily News reported
ation of America released slugger Todd Helton, who and Boston — has been that Clemens had a de-
Tuesday, and the trio will pleaded guilty to driving embroiled in controver- cade-long relationship
have one more chance under the influence and sy throughout his retire- with country singer Min-
at election next year. It’s was sentenced to two ment. dy McCready that began
the first time the BBWA A days in jail last year, got He launched a video when she was 15 and he
didn’t choose anyone 44.9% in his third time on game company, 38 Stu- was a star for the Boston
since 2013. the ballot. dios, that went bankrupt Red Sox. Clemens apol-
Schilling, a right-hand- Some players missed shortly after receiving a ogized for unspecified
ed ace who won three out over old-fashioned $75 million loan guaran- mistakes in his personal
World Series titles, fin- baseball disagreements, tee from Rhode Island, life and denied having
ished 16 votes short of the too. Slick-fielding third then was fired as an an affair with a 15-year-
75% threshold necessary baseman Scott Rolen ESPN analyst after he old. McCready later told
for enshrinement. He got moved from 35.3% to sent a tweet comparing “Inside Edition” she met
71.1% percent this time 52.9% and hard-throwing Muslim extremists to Na- Clemens when she was 16
after coming up 20 votes closer Billy Wagner from zi-era Germans and post- and that the relationship
shy at 70% last year. 31.7% to 46.4%. ed a derogatory Facebook didn’t turn sexual until
Schilling’s on-field ac- It’s the ninth time the comment about transgen- several years later.
complishments face little BBWA A didn’t elect any- der people. The BBWA A recently
dispute, but he has ostra- one and just the third Months later, Schilling voted overwhelmingly to
cized himself in retire- time since 1971. With the was again criticized after remove the name and im-
ment by directing hateful Hall of Fame’s Era Com- using social media to ap- print of former Commis-
remarks toward Muslims, mittees postponing their plaud a T-shirt calling for sioner Kenesaw Moun-
transgender people, jour- scheduled elections until journalists to be lynched. tain Landis from MVP
nalists and others. next offseason because of On Jan. 6, the day of plaques. Landis became
“It’s all right, the the pandemic, there won’t the attack on the U.S. commissioner in 1920,
game doesn’t owe me be a new Hall class for the Capitol, he said the fol- and there were no Black
anything,” Schilling said first time since 1960. lowing in a message on players in the majors
during a live video stream Cooperstown won’t be his Twitter account: during his more than two
on his Twitter account. without celebration next “You cowards sat on decades in charge.
He later wrote on Face- summer, though. After your hands, did nothing Further down the bal-
book that he has asked the 2020 ceremony in the while liberal trash looted lot, outfielder Gary Shef-
the Hall of Fame to re- upstate New York village rioted and burned for air field jumped from 30.5%
move his name from next was canceled due to the Jordan’s and big screens, to 40.6% on his seventh
year’s ballot. Hall of Fame pandemic, Yankees great sit back .... and watch time on the ballot and Jeff
Board Chairman Jane Derek Jeter and five- folks start a confrontation Kent improved from 27.5%
Forbes Clark said in a tool star Larry Walker for (expletive) that mat- to 32.4% in his eighth year.
statement that the board will take center stage on ters like rights, democ- The 2022 ballot also
“will consider the request July 25, a year later than racy and the end of govt will include Phillies stars
at our next meeting.” planned. They’ll be hon- corruption.” Jimmy Rollins and Ryan
Bonds (61.8%) and ored alongside catcher That tweet was sent
Howard, switch-hitting
Clemens (61.6%) made Ted Simmons and late a few days after Hall of
slugger Mark Teixeira
minimal gains and joined players’ association chief Fame ballots were due.
and two-time Cy Young
Schilling in falling short Marvin Miller. Schilling wrote on
Award winner Tim Lince-
on their ninth tries. Both BBWA A members Facebook that he would
face suspicions of perfor- are instructed to elect like the veterans com-
mance-enhancing drug Hall members “based mittee to review his Hall
use — Clemens has de- upon the player’s record, case. That panel — com-
nied using PEDs and playing ability, integrity, prised of former players,
Bonds has denied know- sportsmanship, charac- managers and others
ingly using PEDs. ter, and contributions to in the game, along with
Bonds also has been the team(s) on which the some writers — is tasked
accused of domestic player played.” with evaluating players
violence and Clemens At a time when so- who don’t get election via
of maintaining a de- cial justice movements the BBWA A vote.
cade-long relationship are pushing for a broad- “I’ll defer to the veter-
with a singer who was 15 er reckoning on sexual ans committee and men
when they met. misconduct and racial whose opinions actually
Schilling, Clemens inequality, character matter and who are in a
and Bonds will be joined evaluation took on an out- position to actually judge
on next year’s ballot by sized role in this election a player,” Schilling wrote.
sluggers Alex Rodriguez cycle. While the Hall’s “I don’t think I’m a hall of
and David Ortiz. Rodri- inductees already include famer as I’ve often stat-
guez was suspended for racists, cheaters, philan- ed but if former players
the 2014 season for vio- derers and criminals, the think I am then I’ll accept
lating MLB’s PED policy current voting bloc has — that with honor.

Kobe’s presence remains

strong, legacy growing
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS legacy Bryant — a five- for the Lakers, Bryant
time NBA champion, still strongly urged him to
Kobe Bryant wasn’t in the No. 4 scorer in NBA kick the habit.
the bubble with the Los history, a 20-year veteran Butler was taping an
Angeles Lakers last fall of the league — left be- ad last year for Mountain
when they won the NBA hind, it has been erased Dew. He took a sip for the
championship. He wasn’t now. He still resonates, cameras. He then spit the
at the All-Star weekend maybe more than ever. drink out.
in Chicago where half the “God rest his soul, “Out of respect to my
players wore his number God rest the soul of Gigi brother,” Butler said.
on their uniforms, the and the seven others that Butler and Bryant
other half wearing his perished,” said Miami as- were brothers in the
daughter’s jersey num- sistant coach and former teammate sense. Tony
ber. He wasn’t there to NBA player Caron But- Altobelli lost his actual
hear the Basketball Hall ler, who was close with brother, John Altobelli,
of Fame announced that Bryant for years. “The in the crash. Alyssa Alto-
his career was worthy of legacy that he left, man, belli was a teammate of
enshrinement. he did it all. He inspired. Gianna Bryant; she was
Yet his presence was When you think about be- on the helicopter along
so clearly felt in each of ing better, embracing the with John, her father, and
those moments. storm, having the right mother Keri.
Bryant, his daughter mentality and perspec- John Altobelli was the
Gianna and the other sev- tive about life and always baseball coach at Orange
en people who climbed trying to be better, he Coast College in South-
aboard that helicopter embodied it all and that’s ern California. Tony Al-
on a Sunday morning in why his legacy will live tobelli is the sports in-
Southern California have forever.” formation director at that
been gone for exactly Bryant is gone, but school; sports informa-
one year now — Tuesday that doesn’t mean Butler tion directors are tasked
marks the grim anniver- is wavering on a promise with promoting their
sary of the crash that he made. Butler famous- teams, in good times and
took their lives. ly had a longtime affinity bad, always trying to find
Tears have been shed. for Mountain Dew, even a positive way to tell a sto-
Stories have been told. drinking it during games ry. And somehow, even
Tributes have been made. when others thought he for a story this painful,
And if there was any was having Gatorade. Tony Altobelli has man-
doubt about what kind of When Butler played aged to do that.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 3B

Baseball gathers behind “He always wanted to move Manfred, Hall of Famer Chip- that produced 755 homers. man Terry McGuirk noted the
a player up, and he preferred per Jones and former Braves Others sent videotaped unseasonably warm January
home plate to honor that it wasn’t the so-called bo- outfielder Marquis Grissom tributes, including Baseball weather — the temperature
Hammerin’ Hank nus babies,” said Snitker, who were among those who spoke Hall of Famers John Smoltz climbed into the upper 60s —
ATLANTA — Brian Snit- has managed the Braves since at the ceremony, which was and Tom Glavine, one-time as a sign from above honoring
ker choked back tears as he 2016 and got his start in the held before a small, socially Aaron teammate and cur- one of the game’s greatest
remembered Hank Aaron’s dugout thanks to Aaron. “He distanced crowd — including rent Houston Astros manager icons.
affection for those who didn’t wanted to get that grinder guy, Aaron’s widow, Billye, and Dusty Baker, reigning Nation- Noting the 10 Baseball of
possess his unparalleled talent the guy who was overachiev- other family members — on al League MVP Freddie Free- Famers who have died in the
on the baseball field. ing.” the concourse directly behind man, and former Braves great past year, Manfred said Aaron
During his post-playing Snitker was among those home plate at Truist Park. Dale Murphy, who captured “belongs on our sport’s Mount
career running the Atlanta who spoke Tuesday at a memo- The remarks were deliv- back-to-back MVP awards in Rushmore. He stood — on and
Braves farm system, the Ham- rial service honoring Aaron, ered in an exhibit known as the 1980s. off the field — above all oth-
mer had a penchant for looking who died last week from natu- Monument Garden, which Aaron’s famed No. 44 was ers.”
beyond the can’t-miss pros- ral causes at the age of 86. prominently features a statue painted in the dormant grass SOURCE:
pects. Baseball Commissioner Rob of Aaron delivering the swing of center field. Braves Chair- The Associated Press


New Hope boys beat Grenada in overtime

GRENADA — The New Hope High Academy girls beat East Rankin 41-31 in Heritage Academy’s next game is Fri- tian boys lost 68-33 to Kemper Academy
School boys basketball team beat Grena- Tuesday’s home game. day against Tuscaloosa Academy (Ala- on Tuesday in De Kalb.
da 59-57 in overtime in Tuesday’s road Lillee Alpe led the Volunteers with 16 bama). Joe Michael Edwards had 13 points
game. points. for the Rams, and Drake Shaw had eight.
LJ Hackman led the Trojans with 35 Starkville Academy will play Thurs- South Pontotoc 69, Caledonia 62
points, and Chris Allen hit the winning day at Pillow Academy in Greenwood. PONTOTOC — The Caledonia boys Oak Hill Academy 47, Indianola Acad-
free throws in the extra period. lost 69-62 at South Pontotoc on Tuesday. emy 43
Jorden Edwards added 10 points for Columbus Christian Academy 60, Jarvis Leigh had 18 points to lead the INDIANOLA — The Oak Hill boys
New Hope. Kemper Academy 19 Cavaliers. Issac Grady scored 13, and beat Indianola Academy 47-43 on Tues-
The Trojans will play Friday at Noxu- DE KALB — The Columbus Chris- Trey Williams ahd 11. day in Indianola.
bee County. tian Academy girls picked up a 60-19 Jeremy Emerson and Ja’Von Hopkins Manning Huffman led the Raiders
win at Kemper Academy in Tuesday’s added nine points apiece. with 18 points.
road game. With the win, Oak Hill clinched the
Other scores Audrey Foreman had 20 points to West Lowndes 68, Nanih Waiya 42 No. 1 seed in the MAIS Class 3A, Dis-
Prep Girls Basketball
lead the Rams. Morgan Whitten scored Jamarveion Seals had 13 points to trict 2 tournament.
Lamar School 44, Heritage Academy
12, and Taylor Tipton had eight. lead the way for the West Lowndes boys
Columbus Christian will host Hebron in a 68-42 home win over Nanih Waiya Pickens Academy (Ala.) 60, Russell
Christian in Friday’s regular-season fi- on Tuesday. Christian Academy 42
New Hope 33, Grenada 31 nale. Fredrick Rice Jr. had nine points The Pickens Academy (Alabama)
GRENADA — The New Hope girls and seven rebounds for the Panthers, boys beat Russell Christian Academy
beat Grenada 33-31 in Tuesday’s road Oak Hill Academy 38, Indianola Acad- and Jaylon Sherrod had eight points 60-42 on Tuesday.
game. emy 30 and eight boards. Josh Franklin had six Rafe Brown had 15 points to lead the
Anna Prince led the Trojans with 11 INDIANOLA — The Oak Hill Acade- points, three rebounds and six steals, Pirates. Drake Lowery had 12 points,
points. my girls beat Indianola Academy 38-30 and Cam Smith chipped in seven points. William Parker had 10, and Hayden
in Tuesday’s road game. Rolandis Robinson added two points Dyer had nine.
West Lowndes 55, Nanih Waiya 36 Allie Comer led the Raiders with 12 and six rebounds for West Lowndes. Pickens will play Thursday at Patri-
The West Lowndes girls beat Nanih points. Morgan Dabbs had nine, Mary cian Academy in Butler, Alabama.
Waiya 55-35 in Tuesday’s home game. Beth Briggs had seven, and Sydney Starkville 86, Greenwood 63
Quankeria Halbert led the Panthers Pierce had five. Prep Archery
with 20 points. Tydajasha Hood and Oak Hill’s next game is Friday at Win- Starkville Academy 60, East Rankin Houston 2937, West Point 2897
Nenah Young each scored 12 for West ston Academy. Academy 34 WEST POINT — The West Point
Lowndes. STARKVILLE — The Starkville High School archery team lost Tues-
The Panthers will travel to face Prep Boys Basketball Academy boys beat East Rankin Acade- day’s home opener to Houston, 2937 to
French Camp Academy on Friday. Heritage Academy 58, Lamar School my 60-34 on Tuesday in Starkville. 2897.
56 Cy Hallberg led the Vols with 11 Lidia Portera was the Green Wave’s
Starkville 54, Greenwood 24 MERIDIAN — The Heritage Acade- points, and Jarius Jordan had 10. top female shooter with 254 out of 300
my boys edged Lamar School 58-56 in points. Emanuel Thompson was West
Starkville Academy 41, East Rankin Tuesday’s road game in Meridian. Kemper Academy 68, Columbus Chris- Point’s best male shooter with 277
Academy 31 Whit Altmyer led the Patriots with 17 tian Academy 33 points, setting a school record, and
STARKVILLE — The Starkville points, and Jonathan Peal had 15. DE KALB — The Columbus Chris- Noah Essary scored 254.

Continued from Page 1B
nior stepped up to the challenge with “Sometimes in the past, we might have seconds before the game was whistled tors’ close call. “I’m proud of how they
three as Christian Juárez had a hat laid back, foot off a little bit, but I think to an end via the mercy rule, Parnell responded.”
trick, José Castillo had two goals and us keeping the pressure on them and chipped a ball effortlessly into the goal Excepting the first 15 minutes of the
Hayden Dodson got his second goal of making them make quick decisions for his fifth score of the night. match, the Trojans proceeded to aver-
the season. helped out tonight.” “It feels like we can intimidate the age one goal in just about every three
“They can’t just zone in on him be- Parnell added two goals before the opponents that are coming up,” Parnell minutes, a rip-roaring pace the likes
cause other people are scoring, so I half, Castillo put in his second goal of said. “It shows we’re capable of com- of which exceeded the scoring output
think his game’s progressing nicely,” the night in the 39th minute and Juárez peting in the playoffs at a high level.” of every other match New Hope played
Olsen said of Parnell. scored on a tough shot just before the Of course, it took the Trojans longer this season.
The coach said his favorite goal of halftime whistle to give New Hope a than they expected to get things going In fact, the Trojans scored more
the night — with plenty to choose from commanding 8-0 lead. against the Gators before the com- goals Tuesday than they’ve allowed all
— was Parnell’s skillful redirect of a Just 34 seconds into the second half, pressed offensive explosion. Vicksburg season — a number still in the single
Cole Crawford free kick with 10 min- Juárez added another goal. His third pushed the ball into the attacking third digits. And while the outburst counts
utes to go in the first half. But it was of the night, less than five minutes lat- and nearly scored before Castillo deftly the same as a 1-0 win in the scorebook,
the previous goal, in which Parnell er, prompted an unexpected question: slotted the ball into the right side of the New Hope is happy to advance to its
simply blew the ball by the Vicksburg Would New Hope’s scoreboard at the net for New Hope’s opening goal in the second-round road game on a high
goalkeeper, that put New Hope 3-0 — east end of the field even accommo- 16th minute. note.
an advantage comfortable enough to date double digits? After a brief pause, “I think it kind of kicked us in the “Any time you can get a win in the
open things up even more. “10” flashed on the Trojans’ side, and rear end a little bit to get motivated playoffs, it’s a good feeling,” Olsen
“We’ve usually been pretty good the issue was resolved — though not — that it could all be taken from you said. “I’m proud of the guys and the ef-
at playing with a lead,” Olsen said. for long. In the 49th minute, about 70 at any moment,” Olsen said of the Ga- fort they put in tonight.”

Continued from Page 1B
forgot and got a little sloppy here and long free kick was bobbled by Davis A fter a sluggish first 40 minutes, one last breath of postseason life.
there.” and promptly sent into the back of Starkville opened the scoring in Oxford took the lead for good three
Despite four second-half scores the net by an Oxford attacker. But as Tuesday’s contest on a Max Buehler minutes into the extra frame when
and two more in overtime, the Char- the Chargers began to celebrate, the goal in the 44th minute. Receiving a Josh Zuniga connected with another
gers and Yellow Jackets battled to linesman blew the play offside. corner kick cross, Buehler def lected bouncing ball inside the Starkville
a scoreless draw in Tuesday’s first Sophomore Ethan Pulliam the pass off his right foot, ever so box. Charger offensive weapon John
half. Controlling possession for the breathed life into an otherwise list- slightly tapping the crossbar before West Perry put the finishing touches
bulk of the opening 40 minutes, Ox- less Starkville attack when he en- his shot dipped into the back of the on Tuesday’s win when he notched
ford narrowly missed an opening tered the contest with 14 minutes net. the last tally of the night with under
tally on a shot from A iden Belk from remaining in the first half. R ipping Oxford found the equalizer 15 two minutes remaining in the first
well beyond the 18 -yard box that off a 50 -yard run, he just missed a minutes later as Joel Sandoval net- half of overtime to send Oxford into
sent Starkville goalie Griffin Davis gaggle of incoming Yellow Jackets ted a bouncing ball in the Starkville the second round.
sprawling. on a cross that f lew into the mitts of box to pull the Chargers even before “ The main message, man, is just
Yellow Jacket defender Soren Charger goalie Scott Coker. midfielder Jack Tannehill slammed remember this feeling,” Watson said
Haupt saved a second near-Char- “I mean, he loves to run for the home a bouncing ball off a Char- through a hushed tone. “You never
ger goal as he darted behind Davis ball,” Watson said of Pulliam. “He gers corner kick to push the visitors like this feeling, and it ’s probably
to stop a ball that had been chipped loves those thorough balls, so I told ahead. not the last time you’re going to feel
over the Starkville keeper just inch- him, ‘Man, this is your game; the With the clock ticking toward two it. But any of those times where you
es shy of the goal line. through ball is open, so be ready.’ minutes remaining, Starkville’s last- don’t feel like doing that extra work,
Oxford looked to have found the Once he started doing that, the back ditch effort manifested in a f lying that extra sprint, that extra lift or
chink in Starkville’s armor with 26 line had to drop in a little bit, and it header from Haupt that trickled past that extra workout, hey, come back
minutes remaining in the frame as a changed up things for their team.” Coker and gifted the Yellow Jackets to this feeling right here.”

Continued from Page 1B
it didn’t suppress Howland’s frustration. Howland didn’t excuse his team’s poor execution MSU is back in action against Iowa State at 5 p.m.
When asked in his postgame presser if he thinks down the stretch, despite holding Tennessee to Saturday at Humphrey Coliseum as part of the Big
the rule should be changed to expand replay review 3-of-19 beyond the arc and 37 percent shooting from 12/SEC Challenge.
outside of two minutes, the sixth-year MSU coach the field. “The fact that we have such high character kids
was noncommittal to an answer. “We’ve had a number of games where we strug- and phenomenal leadership amongst the team
“I don’t know. I’m not on the rules committee, gled down the stretch making the right reads and amongst the players, starting with D.J. and Abdul
they’re worried about finishing games within two plays,” Howland said. “But we’re going to get better. (Ado), I think we’ll bounce back and have a great ef-
hours for television reasons,” Howland said. “I They’re going to keep working at it and I have con- fort with our practice on Thursday,” Howland said.
think it’s a hard question, because they were able to fidence in them.” “This is the first time for many of our guys playing
request a check of the goaltend in the last two min- Molinar had a game-high 16 points for MSU, in the SEC, you can see it’s a very difficult league
utes, and they won that. So, we can’t get one, but while D.J. Stewart was the only other player in dou- night in and night out. The last two nights we’ve
that’s just how the ball bounced for us. It’s tough.” ble figures with 11. Yves Pons was the only Vol in brought a great effort and if we continue to do that
A few breaks that didn’t go MSU’s way aside, double digits with a 13-point effort. we’ll be rewarded for it moving forward.”
4B WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 The Dispatch •

NCAA, Power Five play defense with Dems controlling Congress

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS college athletes and some of the National College $2,210,000 paid to lobby- were reintroduced in the necticut’s junior senator,
form of revenue sharing, Players Association. “At ists with similar aims. new Congress. Democrat Chris Murphy,
The NCAA, the Pow- which critics describe as this point, all they can Each Power Five con- “The body politic has is drafting his own bill
er Five conferences and “pay for play.” Democrats do is play defense, which ference hired its own lob- shifted left, there’s no that would also include
their $2 million platoon pushing such legislation is what we were doing at bying firm and they collec- question about it, and revenue sharing. That
of lobbyists had a pretty aren’t just motivated by first. Now we’re playing tively hired the same two that’s toward more stu- approach has the support
good year on Capitol Hill giving athletes access to offense.” firms — one Republican dent-athlete empower- of Huma’s organization,
in 2020. With Republicans the free market through That defensive posture and one Democratic — ment,” said Tom McMil- which is seeking to rep-
controlling the Senate, the name, image and likeness for the Power Five comes as part of their push for a len, a former Democratic resent athletes if they are
power brokers in college (NIL) rights — a modest after the conferences — narrow bill giving athletes congressman from Mary- granted collective-bar-
sports were on track to reform that has the full the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, NIL rights, with numerous land who now represents gaining rights.
secure a way for athletes support of the NCAA and SEC and Pac-12 — collec- restrictions. The South- Division I athletic direc- “I think Democrats
nationwide to earn money the Power Five. tively spent $1,730,000 to eastern Conference had tors as executive director have coalesced around
from endorsements while Instead, some Demo- lobby Congress in 2020 the biggest lobbying bud- of the LEAD1 Association. the idea that if you’re go-
otherwise maintaining the crats see college sports — by far the most they get of any league and even Sens. Cory Booker, ing to spend time debat-
status quo of amateurism. reform as a racial and eco- have spent in a year, ac- outspent the NCAA, pay- D-N.J., and Richard Blu- ing the issue of college
Now that Democrats nomic justice issue and cording to lobbying dis- ing its lobbyists $570,000. menthal, D-Conn., plan athletics, you shouldn’t
control Congress and are seeking to correct a closures reviewed by The The lobbyists got most to reintroduce their bill be limited to talking
the White House, 2021 is system they consider ex- Associated Press. of their wish list into a from the previous Con- only about endorsement
shaping up to be a much ploitative of minorities. The NCAA, despite bill introduced last month gress that would require rights,” Murphy told AP.
bigger challenge for those “I think the Power Five calling off its lucrative bas- by Sen. Roger Wicker, schools to share 50% of “My sense is that if the
who don’t want major and NCAA proposals are ketball tournaments last R-Miss., but with Wicker their profits from reve- NCAA wants Congress
changes in college sports. dead in the water. They March, spent $480,000 no longer the chairman nue-generating sports to solve this issue of NIL,
The bills now best po- went to Congress and on lobbying, roughly in of the Senate Commerce such as football and bas- they’re going to have to
sitioned to advance would they lost,” said Ramogi line with its budget in Committee, it’s unlikely ketball with the athletes come to the table on a lot
guarantee health care for Huma, executive director past years, for a total of his bill would advance if it who play them. Con- of other things as well.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: ing, because the do, it may give you a clearer
My husband last time she be- picture of her situation. I wish
and I have came very drunk, you had been more forthcom-
been close she embarrassed ing about why she isn’t using
friends with a not only your any of the college degrees she
woman named husband, but has earned. If her parents are
“Louise” for five also you. helping her, you may need to
years. Recent- DEAR ABBY: I be doing less.
ly, we were all am childless, but Your niece should research
hanging out, I have a niece to find out whether govern-
and Louise got I’ve given lots of ment assistance is available.
very drunk and money to over If it isn’t, and you can afford
tried to massage the years. She’s it, consider continuing the
ZITS lotion into my in her mid-40s financial assistance until the
husband’s hands. with a young COVID situation is under con-
She also hugged child and a hus- trol. Then your niece and her
him and wouldn’t band who has a husband can get back on their
let go, although Dear Abby low-paying job. feet, and you can stop being
he put his hands Although treated like an ATM.
at his side and she has several DEAR ABBY: I have a male
his whole body stiffened. degrees, she has worked best friend I adore. When I tell
My husband has expressed mostly as a waitress. They live other men about my bestie,
to me that these situations in a tiny apartment and during they feel intimidated because
made him very uncomfortable, these rough times, I have been he has a key to my apartment.
and they do the same to me. paying their rent. She rarely We are not dating; we just
We talked about letting Louise acknowledges it. I have never have sex sometimes, and
know, but he felt it would only discussed it with her parents, everyone that I try to be with
make her feel awkward around and I have no idea how much knows about him. Must I give
GARFIELD us. they have (or have not) helped up on my bestie to be with the
It has been a month, and her. man I love even though Bestie
I can’t seem to let it go. I I’m conflicted about helping and I promised each other that
don’t want to text her, and I’m her/them because this is such we will never break our bond
finding excuses to avoid her. a tough time. I can’t see how for anyone? — COMPLICATED
Should I continue trying to let they’re going to make their IN TENNESSEE
this go or is a conversation lives better without help. I’m DEAR COMPLICATED: If
in order? — TAKEN ABACK IN wondering if you have some you hadn’t been having sex
NEW YORK advice on how I can best sometimes with your bestie,
DEAR TAKEN ABACK: If you assist them or if I should stop. the “man you love” might have
“let it go,” it will probably hap- — LOSING FAITH IN COLORA- been able to accept him. The
pen again and the friendship DO answer to your question is
will be over. A conversation DEAR LOSING FAITH: You yes, you WILL have to make
with Louise is overdue. She haven’t spoken to your niece’s a choice. Now, the question I
needs to know she must be parents about what you have have for you is, which man do
CANDORVILLE more careful about her drink- been doing. Why not? If you you think is the keeper?

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY joyous that these dull tones call your curiosity on the matter,
(Jan. 27). You’re excellent out to you for improvement. you’ll learn a trick you can im-
at encouraging talent and TAURUS (April 20-May mediately employ to make your
coaxing others toward their best 20). The magic combination life run better.
performance. But it’s when you you offer is different from what LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You
turn this gift inward that your anyone else can give. Others cherish beauty and feel driven
life really begins to reflect the could fill in, but it wouldn’t be to protect it, even while realizing
most powerful part of you. It is the same. How does it feel to that ultimately it’s the tempo-
not selfish to become your own know that you are, in some rary qualities that make a thing
best champion. So many others ways, irreplaceable? beautiful. There is a strange
BABY BLUES will ultimately benefit from your GEMINI (May 21-June 21). peace in this inevitability.
subsequent blossoming. Libra Metaphorically, today brings a VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
and Scorpio adore you. Your choice along the lines of canine You’ll learn how things work.
lucky numbers are: 14, 3, 24, or feline. Would you rather the You’ll figure out what triggers
38 and 5. reliable affection of a dog or the the action, what motivates the
ARIES (March 21-April unpredictable amusement of a characters involved, how the
19). The prevailing muted cat? Many pet owners cannot cog twists, how the lever lifts.
mood seems to be perfectly choose and thus have both. A little learning every day, and
fine for the others, though your CANCER (June 22-July 22). you’ll soon be an expert.
standards are different. You Other people’s routines are LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
so often dwell in the bright and interesting to you. In following You’ve a gift for saying sweet
words. Mostly you are just
expressing your feelings and
relaying the way you see things.
But on a day like today, you can
BEETLE BAILEY be more strategic, using this
talent to get what you want.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). In order to feel the release
of joy, there must first be the
tension of its opposite. This
is yet another reason to stop
avoiding conflict. It’s neither nat-
ural nor beneficial to be forever
21). Whatever response you get
it will be because the other per-
son can relate, or feels in some
way personally needed, wanted
or involved. Performances that
MALLARD FILLMORE are just one person showing off,
but not connecting, fall flat.
Jan. 19). You don’t set out to
sharpen your intellect, but it
gets sharp anyway as you keep
up with the demands of the day,
which will include adjusting to
new ideas, technologies and
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). The stage is set and yet
nothing much is happening. The
scene lacks a catalyst. For this
to progress, one person must
FAMILY CIRCUS go on the offensive and that
person is you.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Whatever happens, you
maintain a certain amount of
levity. It will seem to others that
you care about what’s going
on around you, though not too
much. How mysterious!

For what it’s worth

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

A savory pie
to cozy up to

Look for The Dispatch’s 2021

Dining Guide, with menus from
area restaurants, inserted in Sun-
day’s newspaper.

dishes to support
immune systems

f feeding your family whole-
Shepherd’s pie, or cottage pie, is a filling comfort food to banish a winter chill.
some meals is a daily goal, keep
in mind you can serve up tasty BY JAN SWOOPE sometimes the associations we Don’t use a waxy potato. You don’t
foods that also feed your immune develop with foods. want the potatoes too wet or they
system by including ingredients

Shepherd’s pie — or cottage won’t stand up to the gravy and
like mushrooms. With their earthy n spite of our above-average pie — is basically a ground meat you’ll end up with a stew instead of
flavor, mushrooms — like many temperatures the past couple
casserole with vegetables, topped a casserole, reads the site. You can
other fruits and vegetables — can of days, we know we’re in for
by a crust of fluffy mashed pota- also use instant mashed potatoes,
also play a positive role in support- more chilly times ahead. One dish
toes before it’s baked. For purists, but again, make sure they aren’t
ing a healthy immune system. that always sounds appealing to
shepherd’s pie is made with lamb too wet. It’s also important not to
Studies at Oregon State Univer- me in cool weather is shepherd’s
pie. First, it puts me in mind of olde or mutton; cottage pie uses ground skip cooling the filling, says sa-
sity concluded there are a variety
England, where I count myself for- beef. It’s said the pie emerged in It will help keep
of micronutrients important for
tunate to have had the dish in a rus- the 1700s and early 1800s as a way the layers in the pie from mixing.
supporting a healthy immune sys-
tic village pub with friends. We’d to frugally make use of leftovers. Depending on the dish and the
tem. Consider that three of these
ridden there on horseback, and our The end result still today is a thick, room temp, cool the filling for 15 to
nutrients (vitamin D, selenium
mounts were stabled behind the filling self-contained meal. You 30 minutes.
and B vitamins) can be found
pub while we enjoyed our impromp- may devise dozens of variations, Most cooks go for melted cheese
in mushrooms, meaning these
tu supper before riding back across but if you can brown ground beef on top. A good extra sharp cheddar
family-friendly recipes for Grilled
the moors of Devon under moon- and make mashed potatoes, you’re is a frequent favorite.
Portobello Gyros with Yogurt Dill
light. Secondly, it reminds me of a well on your way. When January and February
Sauce or Creamy Spinach, Mush-
“scene” in one of my favorite Dick What kind of potatoes? The Cafe winds blow cold across north Mis-
room and Lasagna Soup can help
Francis novels. The protagonist, on Johnsonia site recommends an sissippi, give this classic comfort
you add all-important nutrients to
a break from being an understated all-purpose spud like Yukon Golds food some love.
your family’s menu.
Find more ways to add mush- hero, makes a shepherd’s pie. Odd or a floury potato like russets. See SHEPHERD’S PIE, 6B
rooms to family meals at mush-

Cuban chicken: A fresh, flavorful take on family dinner Celebrating

big with
f your family ever gets stuck in a
dinner routine rut, it can feel like
you’re eating the same recipes over berry punch
and over again.
However, this fresh and unique

recipe for Cuban Chicken with Salsa
olidays, gatherings and
Fresca might inspire you to think
celebrations can be the best
outside the culinary box and give
time to try new, easy, stress-
your family members the satisfactory
free recipes. Drink and punch rec-
flavor they desire at dinnertime. With
ipes are especially easy to throw
fresh ingredients and a wholesome
flavor, this meal is perfect to add to together (even last-minute) right
your dinner menu rotation. before the festivities begin. This
The chicken is full of flavor and way, the drinks are chilled, and the
baked using multiple seasonings to food is hot and ready.
create a Cuban-like taste. The salsa No matter if it’s a big crowd or a
fresca, which is added on top of the night alone with a special some-
chicken, is a tad sweet with grapefruit one, this Cranberry Raspberry
segments and juice, but also satisfy- Vanilla Punch is sure to be the star
ing with jicama, onion, cilantro and of the celebration with its powerful
jalapeno. It adds so much color to berry flavor.
your plate, and all these flavors mash The end result is tangy, tart,
This Cuban chicken with Salsa Fresca is a festival of flavors and seasonings.
together for something unique and sweet and absolutely delicious all
special. jalapeno to the mix. Add grapefruit a bite you have likely never experi- mixed up in one large bowl. With
To start, create the marinade for juice, olive oil and, finally, cilantro. enced before. only five ingredients, it’s simple to
your chicken and let it rest to allow Stir well with a large spoon until This meal is also nutritious with make and even better to enjoy.
all those wonderful spices to do their everything is combined. fresh fruit and lean chicken, so it’s a Pairing perfectly with sweets or
jobs. Set it in the fridge for 30 min- Once the chicken is baked, cut it meal almost anyone can enjoy, even if chocolates, this punch packs the
utes or more. and assemble. The final result is a you’re on a healthy eating kick. flavor for nearly any event, gather-
Next, it’s time to make the salsa juicy chicken breast with a sweet yet Find more recipes and family din- ing or small family dinner.
fresca. Start by chopping red onion crisp salsa topping. The flavors in this ner ideas at Start with 8 cups of cranber-
and jicama then add grapefruit and dish harmonize together to bring you See CHICKEN, 6B See BERRY PUNCH, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 The Dispatch •

Shepherd’s pie
Continued from Page 5B
1 tablespoon thyme
EASY COTTAGE PIE 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 pound lean ground beef
1 small onion, chopped n Heat the oven to 350 degrees.
1 10 3/4-ounce can of low-sodium cream of n Mash the potatoes with the butter, milk,
mushroom soup and salt. You can also use leftover mashed
1 14- to 16-ounce can green beans potatoes.
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce n Brown the ground beef in a large skillet over
1 tablespoon garlic powder medium to medium high heat.
1 teaspoon black pepper n When the beef is mostly browned, add in
2 cups mashed potatoes (about 8 servings) peas, carrots, onion, rosemary, thyme, Worces-
1 cup grated low-fat cheddar cheese tershire sauce, and garlic. Stir and combine
until beef is completely browned.
n Preheat oven to 350 F. n In a 9-by13 inch pan, make a layer of the
n Turn the eye of the stove to medium heat. beef mixture and then make a layer of the
Preheat the skillet. potatoes.
n Add the ground beef to the skillet. Stir the n Bake in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes, and
beef as it cooks to break it into crumbles. This broil on high for 5 minutes to brown the pota-
will take about 5 minutes. Drain off any fat. toes on top.
n When the ground beef is cooked, add the (Source:
chopped onion to the skillet. Stir and cook until
the onion is clear and starting to turn brown.
n Add the mushroom soup, green beans,
Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder and black SUPERHERO SHEPHERD’S PIE
pepper to the skillet. Stir to mix all the ingredi-
ents together. 2 large baking potatoes, peeled and diced
n Pour the beef mixture into a large baking 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
dish or cast iron skillet. Spread it evenly in the 1/2 cup non-fat or 1 percent milk
bottom of the pan. 1/2 teaspoon salt
n If using instant mashed potatoes, follow 1/4 teaspoon pepper
directions on box to make 2 cups. 1 pound lean ground beef (15 percent fat)
n Spread the mashed potatoes on top of the 1 teaspoon onion powder (optional)
beef mixture. Make an even layer. 3 tablespoons flour
n Sprinkle the cheese over the top of the 4 cups frozen mixed vegetables
potatoes. 1 teaspoon or cube beef bouillon
n Put the pan in the oven. Bake for 30 min- 1 cup water
utes. The potatoes will be starting to brown,
and the beef mixture will be bubbling. n Put diced potatoes in saucepan; add enough
n Refrigerate any leftovers within 2 hours. water to barely cover. Bring to boil. Reduce
(Source: heat and simmer, covered, until soft (about 15
n Drain potatoes and mash. Stir in milk,
COTTAGE PIE cheese, salt and pepper; set mixture aside.
n Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2 pounds potatoes peeled, chopped and boiled n Brown meat in a large skillet. Add onion pow-
2 tablespoons butter der, if using. Stir in flour, and cook for 1 minute,
2 tablespoons 2 percent milk stirring constantly.
1/4 teaspoon salt n Add vegetables, bouillon and water. Cook 5
minutes until bubbly.
Beef mixture: n Spoon vegetable mixture into 8 inch square
2 pounds lean ground beef baking dish. Spread potato mixture over vegeta-
1 1/2 cups frozen peas ble/meat mixture.
1 cup carrots chopped n Bake 25 minutes, until hot and bubbly. Re-
1/2 cup onion chopped frigerate leftovers within 2 hours.
1 tablespoons dried or fresh rosemary (Source:

Berry punch
Continued from Page 5B
ry-raspberry juice then Set your punch bowl occasion at
add cranberry ginger on the table next to a gor-
ale to the mix. Next, add geous bouquet of flowers
just a dash of vanilla for and it’s guaranteed the
a bit of extra flavor. Stir punch bowl will not be RY VANILLA PUNCH
and scoop raspberry full for long. Servings: 6-12
sorbet on top for a hint of Throughout the night,
8 cups cranberry-raspberry
smooth sweetness. while conversations are juice
The frozen sweetness happening, sip a few 8 1/2 cups cranberry ginger
of the sorbet combined drops of your beverage. ale
with the bubbly ginger You’re reminded instantly 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
ale and the natural flavors why you’re celebrating. 1pint raspberry sorbet
Frozen cranberries, for garnish
of the berries give you a You gather, no matter
taste that is truly unique the celebration, for good n In large punch bowl, add
and special. times with lots of laughs juice, ginger ale and vanilla
Add some frozen cran- and even better food and extract. Stir until combined.
berries on top for garnish drink.
n Add frozen cranberries and
scoops of frozen sorbet. Stir
and another pop of that Find more recipes per- slightly then serve immedi-
deep, red color. fect for celebrating any ately.

Continued from Page 5B
mushrooms and peppers; grill, 1 teaspoon oregano
GRILLED PORTOBELLO tossing occasionally, until 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
GYROS WITH YOGURT tender, 5-7 minutes.
n To make yogurt dill sauce:
1 bay leaf
3 cups vegetable broth
DILL SAUCE Squeeze grated cucumber in
clean towel to remove excess
6 lasagna noodles, broken
Cook time: 15 minutes into pieces
Total time: 25 minutes liquid. Add to large bowl with
yogurt, sour cream, olive oil, 1/2 cup heavy cream
Servings: 4 5 ounces fresh baby spinach
lemon juice, garlic, salt and
dill. Stir to combine. 1 cup whole-milk ricotta
4 portobello mushrooms cheese
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive n To serve, place mushrooms
and peppers in middle of pita 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano bread. Top with tomatoes, cheese, for topping
1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika onion, lettuce, feta, if desired,
2 yellow bell peppers, sliced and big dollop of yogurt dill n Heat large pot over medium
sauce. heat.
Yogurt dill sauce: (Source: Recipe courtesy of Em- n Add olive oil, garlic, onion
1 English cucumber, grated ily Weeks of “Zen and Spice”) and mushrooms. Cook, stirring
1 cup whole-milk Greek yogurt occasionally, until onions
1/2 cup sour cream
2 tablespoons extra-virgin
CREAMY SPINACH, and mushrooms soften, 4-5
olive oil
1/2 small lemon, juice only
MUSHROOM AND n Add marinara, diced toma-
toes, tomato paste, vinegar,
2 cloves garlic, minced LASAGNA SOUP sugar, basil, salt, oregano,
1 teaspoon salt Cook time: 30 minutes
1 tablespoon minced fresh dill Total time: 40 minutes pepper, bay leaf and broth.
4 pita breads or naan Servings: 4 Bring to boil over high heat
2 tomatoes, thinly sliced then reduce heat to low and
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive simmer.
1/2 head green lettuce oil n Add lasagna noodles and
Crumbled feta cheese (op- 2 cloves garlic, minced cook, stirring often, until
tional) 1 medium onion, small diced softened, about 15 minutes.
8 ounces crimini mushrooms, Remove from heat and remove
n Remove stems from sliced bay leaf.
mushrooms and brush caps 1 jar (24 ounces) marinara n Stir in heavy cream and
with wet towel. Using spoon, sauce spinach until wilted, 2-3
carefully scrape out gills. Slice 1 can (15 ounces) diced
mushrooms into 1/4-inch tomatoes minutes.
pieces and place in medium 2 tablespoons tomato paste n Divide between bowls and
bowl with olive oil, oregano 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar top with dollop of ricotta and
and smoked paprika. 1 teaspoon granulated sugar sprinkle of mozzarella.
n Preheat indoor grill pan 1 tablespoon dried basil (Source: Recipe courtesy of Em-
over medium-high heat. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt ily Weeks of “Zen and Spice”)

Continued from Page 5B
4 tablespoons olive oil
CUBAN CHICKEN WITH SALSA FRESCA 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
Servings: 5 1 jalapeno pepper, chopped
1 cup grapefruit juice n Heat oven to 400 F.
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons garlic powder n In large bowl, mix grapefruit juice, oil, garlic
2 teaspoons cumin powder, cumin, paprika and red pepper until
2 teaspoons paprika combined. Add chicken to bowl and turn to
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper coat. Refrigerate 30 minutes or longer.
1 1/4 pounds boneless, skinless chicken n To make salsa fresca: In medium bowl, mix
breasts grapefruit segments, jicama, red onion, grape-
fruit juice, olive oil, cilantro and jalapeno pepper
Salsa Fresca: until combined. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
1 cup grapefruit segments n Remove chicken from marinade. Place chick-
1/2 jicama, cubed en in baking dish. Bake 25-30 minutes until
1/2 red onion, chopped chicken is cooked through. Serve chicken with
3/4 cup grapefruit juice salsa fresca.

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Mississippi, Leslie R. Dee, DRIVE, COLUMBUS, MS
Mark A. Caldwell and The Jef- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF 39702. In the event of any dis-
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Call us: 662-328-2424 Plaintiffs asking the Court to
make them the true and lawful IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
tion of the property, the legal
description shall control.
owner of real property in which TATE OF ELLEN JEAN TATE OF JAMES DAVID ROTH,
Legal Notices you have an interest, de- SIMPSON, DECEASED DECEASED Title to the above described
scribed as follows, to-wit: property is believed to be good,
The following vehicle refer- PAMELA ANN SIMPSON, EXEC- CAUSE NO.: 20-0249-JNS but I will convey only such title
enced below was towed at the Being an 18.8 acre (more or UTRIX as is vested in me as Substi-
request of the owner, and is less) parcel located in the tute Trustee.
currently stored at: Bobs Tow- Northeast Quarter of Section CAUSE NO.: 2021-0005-RPF NOTICE TO CREDITORS
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since 12/15/2020. Mapping, LLC and being more COUNTY OF LOWNDES Letters of Administration have
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2009 Ford Fusion lows, to-wit: Letters Testamentary have undersigned upon the Estate of 428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite
VIN# 3FAHP07Z99R152669 been granted and issued to the James David Roth, Deceased, 107
Tag# MKR 930 MS. Commencing at a two inch pipe undersigned upon the Estate of by the Chancery Court of Oxford, MS 38655
found and being used as the Ellen Jean Simpson, deceased, Lowndes County, Mississippi,
Vehicles may be reclaimed Northwest corner of the North- by the Chancery Court of on the 29th day of December Tel: (877) 813-0992
between the hours of 9:00 and east Quarter of the North- east Lowndes County, Mississippi, 2020. This is to give notice to Fax: (470) 508-9401
5:00 Monday through Friday, Quarter of said Section 32 and on the 15th day of January all persons having claims
and are subject to additional used as the point of beginning 2021. This is to give notice to against the Estate of James PUBLISH: 01/20/2021,
storage charges at the rate of of the parcel herein described. all persons having claims David Roth, Deceased, to Pro- 01/27/2021, 02/03/2021,
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above does not include stor- run South 87 degrees 11 and Register same with the with the Chancery Clerk of
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In order to reclaim the vehicle, 89 degrees 51 minutes East publication date of this Notice tice to Creditors. A failure to so
you must provide payment in for a distance of 704.7 feet to to Creditors. A failure to so Pro- Probate and Register their
full of all towing, storage, and a one half inch iron pin found; bate and Register said claim claims will forever bar them.
associated charges, and bring thence South 01 degrees 31 will forever bar the same. Call us: 662-328-2424
positive identification and proof minutes East for a distance This the 4th day of January,
of ownership of the vehicle. of 295.1 feet to a one half inch This the 18th day of January 2021.
Payment must be in the form of iron pipe found; thence South 2021. General Help Wanted
Cash or Certified Check. 89 degrees 34 minutes East /s/ Michael Roth
for a distance of 262.1 feet to /s/ Pamela Ann Simpson, Ex- MICHAEL ROTH, Administrator THE COMMERCIAL
Vehicles which are not re- a one half inch iron pin found ecutrix DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
claimed within 10 days of this on the West right of way of PUBLISH: 1/13, 1/20 & ated, contracted carrier for
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DECEASED Fri afternoons. Apply at The
Commercial Dispatch, 516
LOWNDES COUNTY BOARD OF said West Right of Way for a PETITIONER, PEGGY AUSTIN Main Street in Columbus.
SUPERVISORS GREENE No phone calls please.
distance of 219.6 feet to a one
half inch pin set; thence North No: 2020-160-RPF
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 88 degrees 10 minutes West
SIPPI leaving said West right of Way Government
for a distance of 514.4 feet to
SOCCER COMPLEX EXERCISE a one inch pipe found; thence
STATION TRAIL Letters of Administration hav-
North 89 degrees 12 minutes ing been granted on the 5th
West for a distance of 884.8 day of January, 2021 by the
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS feet to a one inch pipe found; Chancery Court of Lowndes
Thence North 01 degrees County, Mississippi to the un-
Sealed Bids for the construc- 47 minutes West for a dis-
tion of the Soccer Complex Ex- tance of 665.8 feet to the dersigned upon the Estate of
ercise Station Trail will be re- Kenneth R. Austin, deceased,
point of beginning. Said parcel notice is hereby given to all
ceived by the Lowndes County in the Northeast Quarter of
Board of Supervisors at the of- Section 32, Township 18 persons having claims against
fices of Lowndes County Board South, Range 17 West, said estate to present the
of Supervisors located at 505 same to the Clerk of said Court
Lowndes County, Mississippi for probate and registration ac-
2nd Avenue North, Columbus, and contains 18.8 acres plus
MS 39701 until March 1, 2021 or minus. Plus or minus a strip cording to law within ninety
at 10:00 a.m., at which time (90) days from the first date of
of land along the East side to publication of this notice or
the Bids received will be pub- the West Right of Way of New
licly opened and read. The they will forever be barred.
Hope Road. Reference bearing
Project consists of construct- for this property is based on
ing Soccer Complex Exercise This the 6th day of January,
GNSS Solutions. 2021.
Station Trail.
You are required to mail or /s/ Peggy Austin Greene
Bids will be received for a hand-deliver a written re-
single prime Contract. Bids PEGGY AUSTIN GREENE
sponse to the Complaint filed ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ES-
shall be on a lump sum and/or against you in this action to
unit price basis, with additive TATE OF KENNETH R. AUSTIN,
Steven R. McEwen, the attor- (D)
and/or deductive alternate bid ney for the Plaintiffs, whose
items as indicated in the Bid post office address is P. O. Box
Form. PUBLISH: 1/13, 1/20 &
709, Columbus, Mississippi, 1/27/2021
39703 and street address is
The Issuing Office for the Bid- 1203 2nd Avenue North,
ding Documents is: Calvert- Columbus, MS. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE
Spradling Engineers, Inc.; TRUSTEE’S SALE
7085 Highway 45 North Altern- YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE
Bidders may examine the Bid- AFTER THE 27th DAY OF JANU-
ding Documents at the Issuing ARY, 2021, WHICH IS THE WHEREAS, default has oc-
Office on Mondays through Fri- DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- curred in the performance of
days during regular business TION OF THIS SUMMONS. IF the covenants, terms and con-
hours, and may obtain copies YOUR RESPONSE IS NOT ditions of a Deed of Trust
of the Bidding Documents from MAILED OR DELIVERED, A DE- dated May 16, 2013, ex-
the Issuing Office as de- FAULT JUDGMENT WILL BE ecuted by PAUL N. STEWART,
scribed below. ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR conveying certain real property
THE MONEY OR OTHER RELIEF therein described to REAL ES-
Documents may be obtained PLAINT. as Trustee, for REVERSE
from the Issuing Office, during MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS, INC.,
the hours indicated above, You must also file the original Original Beneficiary, to secure
upon payment of a non-refund- of your response to the Com- the indebtedness therein de-
able deposit of $150.00 for plaint with the Chancery Clerk scribed, as same appears of
each set. Checks for Bidding of Lowndes County, Missis- record in the office of the Chan-
Documents shall be payable to sippi, within a reasonable time cery Clerk of Lowndes County,
Calvert-Spradling Engineers, afterwards. Mississippi filed and recorded
Inc. Upon request and receipt May 22, 2013, in Deed Book
of the document deposit indic- ISSUED under my hand and the 2013, Page 14797 ; and
ated above plus a non-refund- seal of said Court on January
Medical / Dental
able shipping charge, the Issu- 21, 2021 A.D. WHEREAS, the beneficial in-
ing Office will transmit the Bid- terest of said Deed of Trust
ding Documents via delivery CHANCERY CLERK OF was transferred and assigned
service. The shipping charge LOWNDES COUNTY, to Reverse Mortgage Solutions,
amount will depend on the MISSISSIPPI CINDY E. GOODE, Inc.; and
shipping method selected by LISA YOUNGER NEESE, CHAN-
the prospective Bidder. The CERY CLERK WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC
date that the Bidding Docu- P. O. BOX 684, COLUMBUS, has been appointed as Substi-
ments are transmitted by the MS 39703 tute Trustee; and
Issuing Office will be con-
sidered the Bidder’s date of re- BY: /S/SHANTRELL W. NOW, THEREFORE, the holder
ceipt of the Bidding Docu- GRANDERSON of said Deed of Trust, having
ments. Partial sets of Bidding requested the undersigned so
Documents will not be avail- PUBLISH: 1/27, 2/3 & to do, as Substitute Trustee or
able from the Issuing Office. 2/10/2021 his duly appointed agent, by vir-
Neither Owner nor Engineer will tue of the power, duty and au-
be responsible for full or par- thority vested and imposed
tial sets of Bidding Documents, IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF upon said Substitute Trustee
including Addenda if any, ob- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- shall, on February 17, 2021
tained from sources other than SIPPI within the lawful hours of sale
the Issuing Office. between 11:00AM and 4:00PM
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- at the southeast front door of
Official bid documents can be TATE OF EDWARD JAMES Courthouse proceed to sell at
downloaded from Central at DEAL, DECEASED public outcry to the highest and Elec- best bidder for cash or certi-
tronic bids can be submitted at PEARLIE MAE DEAL, EXEC- fied funds ONLY, the following For UTRIX described property situated in
any questions related to the Lowndes County, Mississippi,
electronic bidding process, CAUSE NO. 2020 - 0229 to wit:
please call Central Bidding at
Bid security shall be furnished Letters Testamentary have TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE
in accordance with the Instruc- been granted and issued to IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF 17 WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY,
Sponsor: Lowndes County JAMES DEAL, deceased, by the 561 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1
Board of Supervisors Chancery Court of Lowndes IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- DEGREE 00 MINUTES WEST A
By: Trip Hairston County, Mississippi, on the 4th TATE OF GEORGE BURGIN, DE- DISTANCE OF 466 FEET TO
Title: President day of December, 2020. This is CEASED THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGIN-
Date: January 15, 2021 to give notice to all persons NING OF THE PROPERTY
having claims against said es- CAUSE NO: 20-0240-DE HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE
Publish: January 20, 2021 tate to Probate and Register CONTINUE NORTH 1 DEGREE
January 27, 2021 same with the Chancery Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS 00 MINUTES WEST A DIS-
of Lowndes County, Missis- TANCE OF 298 FEET; THENCE
from this date. A failure to so LOWNDES COUNTY MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Probate and Register said 240 FEET; THENCE NORTH 23
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- claim will forever bar the same. Letters Testamentary have DEGREES 32 MINUTES EAST A
SIPPI been granted and issued to the DISTANCE OF 132.8 FEET;
THIS the 15th day of Decem- undersigned upon the Estate of THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES
LESLIE R. DEE, MARK A CALD- ber, 2020. George Burgin, deceased, by 4 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE
WELL AND THE JEFFREY LOUIS the Chancery Court of Lowndes OF 435.3 FEET; THENCE
and JOYCE MARIE CALDWELL /s/ Pearlie Mae Deal County, Mississippi, on the 4th SOUTH 3 DEGREES 26
This is to give notice to all per- OF 200 FEET; THENCE NORTH
VERSUS PUBLISH: 1/27, 23 & sons having claims against 87 DEGREES 44 MINUTES
2/10/2021 said estate to Probate and Re- WEST A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET;
ALL PERSONS HAVING OR gister same with the Chancery THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES
CLAIMING ANY LEGAL OR Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- 14 MINUTES EAST A DIS-
EQUITABLE INTEREST IN THE sissippi, within ninety (90) days TANCE OF 476 FEET; THENCE
SAID LAND DEFENDANT from the first publication date NORTH 87 DEGREES 44
of this Notice to Creditors. A MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE
CAUSE NO. 2021-0003-F failure to so Probate and Re- OF 478 FEET TO THE INITIAL
gister said claim will forever POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE


All notices must be This is the 28th day of Decem- SCRIBED AND CONTAINING
emailed to ber, 2020. LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN
McEwen Law Firm SIPPI.
You have been made Defend- P. O. Box 709
ants in the Complaint To Con- Columbus, MS 39703 PROPERTY ADDRESS: The
firm and Quiet Title to Real Es- street address of the property
tate filed in Lowndes County, PUBLISH: 1/27, 2/3 & is believed to be 119 SONIA
Mississippi, Leslie R. Dee, 2/10/2021 DRIVE, COLUMBUS, MS
Mark A. Caldwell and The Jef- 39702. In the event of any dis-
frey Louis and Joyce Marie crepancy between this street
8B WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: Caledonia Appliances

Rentals 3BR/1.5BA, small house

for small family. NO DOGS.
Appliances: New in box
Electrolux front load washer ON THE WEB
NO HUD. Caledonia School $500. Kenmore gas range/
Ads starting at $25 Dist. 8155 Hwy 12 near oven two years old $300. Visit
Old Country Store. Two year old front load
Apts For Rent: North Available 1/5/21. $775/ Electrolux washer $250. for a printable copy of
mo + $775 dep. 662−245 662−435−7232
2−3BR/1BA DUPLEX, −1191 or 662−549−9298. these puzzles.
Apt B, newly renovated with General Merchandise
bonus room. HUD Mobile Homes for Rent
accepted. 662−425−6954. ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. and carrier for car/truck,
$650 dep + $650/mo. $350. 662−368−6779.
FOX RUN APARTMENTS No pets, quiet area. Leave
1 & 2 BR near hospital.
$595−$645 monthly.
voicemail with full name & Sporting Goods
message, 205−712−6697.
Military discount, pet area,
pet friendly, and furnished ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
corporate apts. RENT A CAMPER! Open for season!
GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. Utilities & cable included, Over 50 years experience!
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. from $145/wk − $535/mo Repairs, cleaning, refin−
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. Columbus & County School ishing, scopes mounted &
24−HOUR CAMERA locations. 662−242−3803 zeroed, handmade knives.
or 601−940−1397. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. of West Point, turn right on
Mobile Home Spaces Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
RENTALS left on Darracott Rd, will
Apts For Rent: West TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS For Rent: see sign, 2.5mi ahead
Offices 4−Private +

shop on left.
1 BEDROOM Reception Area with 662−494−6218.
2 BEDROOMS 5,700sqft warehouse,

paved parking. Please text
3 BEDROOMS Your Name & Email for
more details. $1,800/mo
Apartments & Houses LEASE,
© The Dispatch

to rent. 720−635−5696.

1 Bedrooms

2 Bedroooms
3 Bedrooms
CREDIT CHECK Real Estate Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer

Furnished & Unfurnished 662-329-2323 Ads starting at $25 Sudoku

a 9x9 gridis
witha several
num- 2 9 7 3 5 1 4 6 8
given numbers.puzzleThe object 4 6 5 9 2 8 7 1 3

2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

1, 2, & 3 Baths 2411 HWY 45 N Farms & Timberland based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 8 1 3 4 6 7 5 2 9
Lease, Deposit COLUMBUS, MS grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 8 6 2 3 5 1 7 4
so thatnumbers. The
& Credit Check 203 ACRES each row, each 3 7 2 1 4 9 8 5 6
Houses For Rent: North object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 1 5 4 7 8 6 3 9 2
contains the1same to 9 number
327-8555 3BR/1.5BA, clean, modern
appliances, dishwasher,
Exc deer, turkey hunting
Good Investment
the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty
that each row, each
central AC&heat; carport, (615)719−8329 level increases from
wash/dry hookup, fenced column and each 6 3 9 5 7 4 2 8 1
Read local. back yard, 3216 Military Rd Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 1/26 Houses For Sale: East

$800+dep. 574−8559 the same number only once. The difficulty level
Houses For Sale: Other FSBO: 4BR/2BA. New roof, increases from Monday to Sunday.
new paint, fenced
backyard, driveway leads
behind house. $128,000.
Lots & Acreage

1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/

Bad Credit Options. Good
credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,


acre lot in prestigious
Callaway Estates. Only 2
lots available. Restrictive
Ads starting at $12
covenants apply. $35,000.
Call Long & Long Real Pets
Estate, 662−328−0770
for plat and restrictions. Boxer/Lab Puppies
2 males and 2 females
NEW HOPE Area: +/− 0.5 $400. 662−361−4081
acre. Open land with water
& electricity nearby.
$17,900. Call or text,
662−435−0401. Need a new
Estate Sales companion?
Huge Estate Sale
138 Turkey Creek Rd.
Starkville, MS 39759
Fri. Jan. 29, 9am−4pm
Sat. Jan. 30, 9am−4pm
Sun. Jan. 31, 1pm−4pm
Mon. Feb. 1, 9am−4pm
Estate Of John Wells
vast collection of
advertising items,
Fiestaware, Lego sets, old
radios, Lance jars, Tom’s
jars, Lance jar stands, Boy
Scout items, Star Wars,
Nintendo, Atari, Victrola,
Vinyl collection 33, 78,
cd’s, Blues posters,
When looking
Walnut sideboard with
game birds, Coca Cola &
Dr. Pepper clock, Bulova
for a new pet,
watch clock, coca sign,
military collectibles, Elvis
collectibles, Pez collection,
adoption is
4 outdoor storage buildings
packed, tools. Thousands
of items. See photos
always a ACROSS
1 Is inclined
Stewart’s Antiques &
Estate Sales
good option. 6 Ran, as color
10 “Love Story”
Columbus, MS
662−251−1515 11 Make baskets
12 Oinker, to tots
Five Questions: 13 Rocker John
Merchandise 14 Singer Red-
1 Amy Schumer ding
15 Train course
Ads starting at $12
16 Little lie
Antiques 2 Denmark 17 Ram’s mate
18 TV’s “— Haw”
Antique Organ: 19 Collapse
Beautiful organ not in
working order. Great for
3 Walt Whitman 22 Remini of TV
DIY project. Would
23 Rowing
make beautiful desk. needs handwriting 25 Street cleaner
Free if you pick it up.
4 Blood moon 26 Deb’s wear 4 Gift attach- 27 Was a
29 Suitable ments pioneer
32 Game caller 5 Shrewd 28 Stair posts
Sell idle items
5 Tom Glavine, 33 Garden visitor 6 Composer 29 Lathers
with a quick action Greg Maddux, 34 Further
36 Took wing
Bartók 30 Bay
7 Gate feature 31 Binding need
classified ad. John Smoltz 37 Suspect’s 8 Conjure up 35 Border on

Service Directory
defense 9 Tightly packed 36 Movie dud
38 Wed in secret 11 Horror movie 38 Seventh
39 Diner pages beast Greek letter
40 Drying need 15 Binary base
41 Proofing note 17 “Pollock” star
42 Mimics 20 Research site
Promote your small business starting at only $25 DOWN 21 Old horse
Air Cond & Heating General Services General Services Painting & Papering 1 Complete 24 “Parks and
2 Monogram unit Recreation”
Heating & cooling.
3 Like good actor
Home & RV. removal. Free est. CHAPTER 7 Special Prices.
Service & install. Serving Columbus BANKRUPTCY Interior & Exterior Painting.
Free estimates. since 1987. Senior $545 plus Filing Fee 662−435−6528
Call 602−736−4880. citizen disc. Call Alvin @
242−0324/241−4447 CHAPTER 13 Painting & Papering
Carpet & Flooring "We’ll go out on a limb for BANKRUPTCY
you!" All Attorney Fees Through The Plan QUALITY PAINTING


Jim Arnold, Attorney Ext/Int Painting
Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Local delivery, 14 yd truck. 662-324-1666 Repair. Pressure Washing.
Backhoe & Dozer work. 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Free Estimates. Ask for
Mobile Home Pads & Please visit our website: specials! Larry Webber,
Driveways. Concrete work. 662−242−4932.
662−497−1388 Saturday morning appointments
available for Starkville Office. Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
HANDYMAN SERVICE I am a Caregiver for the
Clean in the New Year! Lawn Care / Landscaping elderly seeking a daytime
1 Room − $50 Licensed with over 20 yrs
experience. Lowest rates in position. Very loving &
2 Room − $80 JESSE & BEVERLY’S caring, light housekeeping
3 Rooms − $110 the area, Guaranteed.
662−242−5005. LAWN SERVICE offered. Call or leave msg,
Carpet − Rugs − Cars Fall Cleanup, Tree Cutting, 662−570−8175.
DAVID’S CARPET & Landscaping, Sodding &
CLEANING & Bonded. Carpentry, minor 662−356−6525
Call for more info! electrical, minor plumbing, LIST YOUR
662−722−1758 insulation, painting, demo− BUSINESS HERE!
lition, gutters cleaned, Don’t have time Ads starting at $25
pressure washing, land− to cut your lawn?
scaping, cleanup work.
Find the best deals. 662−242−3608. Find help here!

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