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Name : Rizki Prabowo

Nim : 17191156

Class : 17.2J.07

Ansswer Question of Meeting 11

1. The term cryptography is derived from Greek, kryptos means “hidden” or “secret” and
graphy means “writing”. So, cryptography is the practice and study of creating a secret
2. The difference between Steganography and Cryptography:

1. Steganography means covered writing. Cryptography means secret writing.

Steganography is less popular than While cryptography is more popular than

Cryptography. Steganography.

Attack’s name in Steganography While in cryptography, Attack’s name

is Steganalysis. is Cryptanalysis.

In steganography, structure of data is While in cryptography, structure of data is

not usually altered. altered.

While cryptography
supports Confidentiality and Authenticatio
5. supports Confidentiality and Authentic
n security principles as well as Data
ation security principles.
integrity and Non-repudiation.

In steganography, the fact that a secret

While in cryptography only secret
6. communication is taking place is
message is hidden.

In steganography, not much

Cryptography involves the use of number
7. mathematical transformations are
theory, mathematics etc. to modify data

3. Cryptography works by Cryptography is a part of mathematics and computer science.

For example someone has a secret document to secure. Any document can be secured using
cryptography. For example we have to secure the word “Read” using cryptography. The
word “Read” in cryptography is called Plain text. Using a set of rule called algorithm, the
plain text is changed into cipher text. This process is called encryption. The result of this
encryption process is the word “Uhdg”. This is the cipher text.
4. security of ATM cards
5. computer passwords, and electronic commerce
Pilihan ganda

1. The practice and study of creating a secret information.

e. All answer are false

2. A cryptography is used in applications present in technologically advanced societies, the


d. A,B and C true

3. A machine called Enigma to encrypt and decrypt the messages in world war II used by…

a. German

4. The example of cryptography …

b. Enigma

5. The a secret text resulting from encryption process is ….

b. Chiper text

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