Karakamsa Chart From D-60 Chart

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Karakamsa chart from D-60 chart

Relevance of Karakamsa chart from D-60

Again a very interesting and extremely accurate concept!

We all know that the Placement of Atmakaraka in the navamsa chart gives rise to the
concept of Karakamsa chart.


Place where Atmakaraka sits in the navamsa chart become the Karakamsa lagan.

and this chart is as important as the navamsa chart.

As per the texts.

“Effects of Grahas in the Karakamsa. O Brahmin, if Surya is in the Karakamsa, the

native will be engaged in royal assignments. If the full Chandra is there, he will enjoy
pleasures and be a scholar, more so, if Shukra gives a Drishti to the Karakamsa. If
strong Mangal is in Karakamsa, he will use the weapon spear, will live through fire
and be an alchemist. Should strong Budh be Karakamsa, he will be skilful in arts and
trading, be intelligent and educated. Guru in Karakamsa denotes one, doing good
acts, endowed with spiritualism and Vedic learning. One will be endowed with
longevity of 100 years, be sensuous and will look after state affairs, if Shukra is in
Karakamsa. Shani in Karakamsa will give such livelihood, as due to the native’s
family. Rahu in Karakamsa denotes a thief, a bowman, a machinery maker and a
doctor, treating poisonous afflictions. If Ketu be in Karakamsa, one will deal in
elephants and be a thief."

For full information refer.


Fact is, Importance of the Karakamsa chart as per the Shashtyamsa chart (D-60) is
even more when compared to the Karakamsa chart as per the navamsa chart
(discussed in the texts).

Karakamsa chart as per the Shashtyamsa chart means.

“Place where Atmakaraka is placed in the Shatyamsa chart becomes the Karakamsa
lagan as per the Shashtyamsa chart"

For example;

Effects of the 4th from Karakamsa: If the 4th from Karakamsa happens to be
occupied by Shukra and Chandra, one will own large buildings, like palaces etc.
Similar is the effect of an exalted Graha in the said 4th. A house, made of stones, is
denoted by the occupation of the 4th from Karakamsa by Rahu and Shani. Mangal
and Ketu in the 4th from Karakamsa indicate a house, made of bricks, while Guru in
the 4th from Karakamsa denotes a house, made of wood. Surya in the 4th from
Karakamsa will give a house of grass. If Chandra is in the 4th from Karakamsa, one
will have union with his wife in an uncompounded house."

Effects of the 10th from Karakamsa: If the 10th from Karakamsa receives a Drishti
from, or is conjoined by a benefic, the native will have firm riches, be sagacious,
strong and intelligent. A malefic, giving a Drishti to the 10th from Karakamsa, or
occupying this Bhava, will cause harm to his profession and deprive him of paternal
bliss. Budh and Shukra, giving a Drishti to the 10th from Karakamsa, or conjoining
this Bhava, will confer many gains in business and will make him do many great
deeds. Surya and Chandra, giving a Drishti to the 10th from Karakamsa, or
conjoining this place and receiving a Drishti from, or be in Yuti with Guru, the native
will acquire a kingdom.

Effects of the 11th from Karakamsa: If the 11th from Karakamsa receives a Drishti
from, or is Yuti with a benefic, the native will enjoy happiness from co-born apart
from gaining in every undertaking of his. If a malefic is in the 11th from Karakamsa,
the native will gain by questionable means, be famous and valorous."

If the above conditions are present in the Karakamsa chart as per the Shashtyamsa

Then undoubtedly the results will come to pass.

Since the Shashtyamsa chart can easily differentiate between the twins (as it
changes with every 2 minutes of birth time).

5th house and lord from Atmakaraka (Or from Karakamsa lagan) in Shashtyamsa
chart will describe about the mental abilities of the native apart from the 5th house
and lord of Shashtyamsa chart.

Similarly 10th house and lord from Atmakaraka (Or from Karakamsa lagan) in
Shatyamsa chart will describe about the carreer graph of the native apart from the
10th house and lord of Shatyamsa chart.

Similarly results for other houses can be understood.

8th house from the Atmakaraka in Shashtyamsa chart (Or 8th from the Karakamsa
lagan in Shashtyamsa chart) has to say about the penance (Tap), the native will
perform to achieve god.

Since 9th house is 2nd from the 8th house, we say that fire or fruit of dharma is the
ultimate dhana of the Tap (penance performed by the native).

Definition of the penance given in our Vedas is:-

Even in the midst of (Illusionary world- which composes of "Kaam, krodh, Lobh and
moh" "Sex, anger, want, and attraction") person remains bonded to God or is able to
establish bond with theAlmighty.

In other words, if the native wants the grace of god of 9H, he has to first know the
GOD (Which is again hidden in the 8th house).

It is said that GOD is mysteriously secretive (Hidden), Irony is, even though he is
everywhere. It is hard to see or identify him, even though he is too close (In our
heart) still he is very far, even though we all are a seed of God (Jeevatma)
-Jeevatma is not the Parmatma (God). Even though he is the power behind all the
matter, he is not the matter himself.

Only when native has got the Hidden "Bhrama knowledge of god, hidden in 8th
house" through his TAP (again of 8th house), he can receive the grace of god. (9th

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