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Quarter 2- Module 7
Human Person in the Environment

Name and Section of Student: Kenneth Aquino

Grade: 12-Comte
Name of Instructor: Leonard Pormento Dahunog

January 2021
Activity 1: YOU COMPLETE ME (15 PTS) Complete the statements below.

1. In my family, I am the eldest and I act as second father to my siblings by teaching them
good values and skills that they will need in their life.

2. My family has made me a responsible individual in the society by acquiring their god
values, principles, and morals.

3. In my school, I consider myself a low class being because I am not intelligent, not
financially stable to pay fees in, a circle of friends to talk with, or a teacher that I can ask
for help.

4. My school has helped me to become a better individual by teaching me the importance

of education, by teaching me new knowledge, skills, and talents that I can in my everyday
lives, and for teaching me to become a responsible student such as giving respect to
students and teacher, taking the school properly, and doing my best in my academic

5. In my community, I am the most active and hardworking community member because

I’ve been involved in many voluntary activities, bayanihan, and other community projects.

6. My community has allowed me to become a patriotic, courageous, sympathetic and

trustworthy individual because in my community every member was taught about the love
for our country, heroism, being compassionate, being honest, and cooperation.

What’s More


1. Due to covid-19 pandemic, our movement is limited. We are directed to “stay at

home”, observe physical distancing and, wear mask.

2. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, draw the relationship that you have with your
family, friends, and community on the so-called “new normal” life.

3. Be creative.
During the quarantine I have a strong relationship with my
What is the level of relationship in my family, family. We bon together such as talking, watching t.v, and
playing indoor games. I have also a strong relationship with
friends, and community?
my community through giving them what they need such as
food and water. However, I have a weak relationship with my
friends because we can only communicate online and we
rarely talk and hangout during the quarantine
What’s More

Activity 3: MY DREAMLAND ( 50 PTS)

1. Think of the community or the place where you wish/want to live.

2. Using your creativity, cut-out materials (magazines,newspaper,old books) and design

an ideal community (your dreamland) or design using digital platform like photoshop, pic
collage, Autodesk, paint, etc.

3. Write a short description below your drawing.

My Advance Post- Industrial , Agricultural, and Green Society
Description: In creating my advance green society I use merge tools and clone tools in Photoshop to merge the photos
that I get from Google. This is not only my dream community but also this is my dream society or country. In this type of
community, it promotes technological advancement but in a eco-friendly way. The bottom right of the picture shows the
source of energy in this community which is a solar panel which can generate electricity like a hundred thousand tesla coils.
In other words, using the light energies or photons of the sun and the ATP of trees and plants this community can generate
electricity for millions of years. Even though this community has advance devices and Artificial Intelligent Technologies this
community follows the philosophy of environmental ethics. The source of food in this community is almost unlimited because
this community promotes agriculture and livestock. One rule of this community is that harmful gasses and materials are not
allowed. What’s good in this community Is that it used alternative materials to replace plastic and non-biodegradable
materials. Money is not a problem in this community applies the political and economic theory of both Capitalism and
Communism. Capitalism was used to improve marketing strategy and service of goods in the community and Communism
was used to eliminate superiority and to distribute resources to all individuals equally. Unlike other communities this
community has fresh air, fresh source of food, no hypocrite political official, and has the most beautiful and satisfying views
of nature.
What’s New

Activity 1: LIGHT, CAMERA, ACTION! Actors and actresses play different roles in
teleseryes or movies. Just like them, we play different roles in our family, in our school
and in the community. How about you? What is the role you played in your family, school
and community? List your answers below.

1. Family

The role I played in my family is the role of being an elder brother and a secondary
father to my siblings. I have a responsibility to take care my siblings such as feeding them,
doing household chores, and teaching them good values. As an eldest also in our family
my responsibility also is to guide my siblings, do my best in my academic studies, and
help my parents in their jobs. I consider this role as a multitask and an important role in
my family because I don’t act just a support in our family but I also act as guidance
counselor, and a supervisor in our family.

2. School

The role I played in my school is a good and a responsible student. I only see
myself as a student nothing more nothing less. In other words, when I’m in classroom I
don’t talk to my teachers in a casual like they are my friends I talk to them with a high
respect because of their position and legitimacy. I also talk to my classmates in a formal
way just like a good mannered student. Personally I don’t act in my school like the way I
act in my home. Even though I’m not intelligent what I do when I’m in school is I study, I
keep my mouth silent, and I do my obligations in school such as cleaning, paying daily
dues, and volunteering for any school activities.

3. Community

The role I played in my community is being an active and responsible member in

the society. This role is not like from the home such as doing household chores or in the
school such as studying but this role is more engage in improving our community. As an
active member my role is to help the officials in maintaining the cleanliness in the
community. I also volunteer to any community projects such as bayanihan, advocacy for
the youth, and multicultural reconciliation seminar. Being a responsible active member
does not only from talking but also from acting it every day Just like my house I treated
my community has a large part of my house. When I see trashes I automatically pick
them up and put it into the trashcan. In addition, one role I play in my community is being
a leader to my fellow friends who advocate patriotism and positive social function in the
community such as strong family relation, compassion, empathy, idolizing the works of
national heroes, and remembering the heroic action of our Philippine National Heroes.

What’s More

Activity 2: OUR FILIPINO TRAITS (15 pts)

1. List down five (3) Filipino traits/behaviours that you practice at home.

2. Write a brief explanation below each trait.

1. Hospitality

Hospitality is the most and common Filipino traits that we usually practice in our
home. Personally, we also possess this kind of Filipino traits and we usually show this
kind of behavior when there are visitors. Hospitality is the behavior we show great
appreciation to our guest. When showing hospitality, we are not only showing
appreciation but we also act generously to them, give them entertainment, and making
the comfortable as possible. In the book of Teodoro A. Agoncillo he mentioned that they
hospitality of the Filipino was acquired from Malayan tradition then it was pass generation
to generation. Therefore, we can say that hospitality is not only how we behave but it’s
part of our culture and tradition. In other words, being hospitable reflects as Filipino. When
there is celebration in our community I welcomed them warmly. I also show them what’s
good in our house and community. Just like my family I also treat my visitor like them
especially if they are in my house. I show them respect, I gave them comfort, and I gave
them satisfaction before they leave.
2. Strong Family Ties

Other than hospitality the next important trait that defines us Filipino is close family
ties. When we look at other countries they all in favor in the concept of home for the aged.
When we look to other countries they usually left other members of the family alone. In
the study of the University of New York 88% of the beggars were left by their family in the
street. In the Philippines we don’t usually that kind of trait just like other countries but what
we have here is we promote closeness between our family members no matter what
challenges or difficulties we might face. In simple definition strong family ties means the
strong relationship of each family members. In other words, when we are saying strong
family ties our spirit, faith, thought, and beliefs tied together to make a stronger
relationship. A great example of close family ties will be my family. We usually celebrate
any events such festival, Christmas, New Year, and Birthdays together with my family
and my relatives. We don’t fight for any wealth or power but we show love to each other
because of our bloodline and relatedness. My mom also doesn’t want to be separated to
my grandmother so our family is living together with my grandmother and uncle. In
addition, strong family ties is also like going to church together, hanging out together,
playing games together, eating together, supporting each family member, and most
importantly helping each other.

3. Being Religious

Being religious is another important trait that we have Filipinos. In the Philippines we
have different kinds of religion, traditions, and beliefs but there is one common thing
despite of our differences in beliefs and religion. Being loyal to our religion and being
religious is the commonalities what we have despite of differences. Most of us Filipinos
are religious especially those Catholics. When the Spaniards arrive we have been taught
about Christianity specifically Jesus Christ as our savior. The dominant religion in the
Philippines is Catholicism which is approximately 84 million. That’s why being religious
does not only show faith in our God but is also shows our history, culture, and tradition
just like also in our Islam brothers and sisters and other indigenous groups. In our home
we usually pray before and after we sleep and before we eat. We also appreciate the
blessings that we have receive from almighty God. The very important things about this
trait is that it is not only how we show our faith to god but it’s about in acting in Acord to
God. Therefore, being religious as a trait of Filipino also shows having a good principle,
morality, and values. In our home I always practice this kind of action especially this
behavior as what I mentioned above. It is important to be religious not only to show our
faith and love to God but it also shows or reflect us as a Filipino.


1. Look for pictures of individuals, groups, and institutions that have meaningfully
influenced you throughout your life. If pictures are not available, you can make a
colorful drawing for your output
2. Describe their positive contribution on your development as a person. Format for
the Output
Photo/Drawing of Meaningful contribution of these
Individuals/Groups/Institutions people to my life

My family is the first individuals tat

meaningfully influenced throughout
my life. I learned all my values and
morals from my parents and some
of it were influence from my
relatives. My family teaches me
how to survive in this world such as
basic life skills, household chores,
and good principles so that people
will respect me. In addition, the
sense of being compassionate,
empathetic, altruistic, and
hospitality came also from my
family. This values and skills
molded me to become a better
individual in the society I live in.
Because of this trait most of the
community members recognize me
for having such a good manner and
a good example on how should an
individual act in the society they live
in. Most importantly my parents are
my first teachers without them I will
face struggles in my education. My
family is my moral, emotional, and
financial supporter in order to
achieve my success.
Another group of individuals that
molded have meaningfully
influenced my throughout your life
are my classmates. In this picture
what you see is my classmates
from my Junior high school years.
My classmates are my best friends
because they did not only help me
academic studies but they also
show me how to be good in life. My
classmates show me the concept of
cooperation, honesty, hardworking,
and socialization. Because of them
I was able to build my self-
confidence and my determination

despite of my poor abilities in
learning. I also learned the concept
of diversity and adaptability. In
other words, my classmates taught
me how to adapt in a certain
situation or group of individuals so
that I will not be isolated. By them I
was able to grab new opportunities
in life. With their moral and
emotional support, I was able to do
my best not just in my academic
studies but also surviving in this
challenging society.
What I Have Learned


From your answers in Activity 2, Our Filipino Traits, choose one (1) trait which you
consider important in the Philippine society today. Explain your answer.

From the following traits the I gave in the previous activity in my own opinion the
best trait that we should have is strong family-ties. A strong family ties is that when we
are able to build or establish strong relationship within our family and relatives. We can
establish these through family-bonding, talking to each other, supporting each other’s
needs, and any activities that will bring us together. Many Filipinos ask why strong family
ties is more important than any other traits that we have such as hospitality, passionate,
and hardworking. One of the common reason why elders are left in the home from the
aged is that there is no relationship exist within the family. Usually this kind of concept is
can be seen in other countries where most individuals are left by their family. Therefore,
we must not follow those unethical and immoral principles of other county and preserve
our culture and tradition in maintaining a good relationship to other family. Know that our
family is the primary institution where all our values and morals came from. We know
that being hospitable, being religious, and other Filipino traits is important because it
defines us Filipino but these traits are all in one in the family. Meaning to say most of our
Filipino traits are came from family including strong family-ties. Therefore, having a strong
family ties provides us to have a good moral values and principles which we can apply in
our daily lives. Strong family ties also of Filipino protects their children from any abuse,
dangerous activities, and immoral activities. Most incidents in the family such as domestic
violence and murder are came from poor family relationship. Therefore, in order to protect
and to avoid related incidents to violence and abuse we Filipino’s must nourish and
promote strong family ties. There are many teens who are pregnant, addicted to drugs,
depressed, and commit suicide because they have poor family relationship. So in order
to reduce these rate we must share to them the importance of having a strong family ties.
In addition, we learn all values, morals, and skills within our family. Therefore, in order to
have good principles in life and moral action we must first nourish the relationship within
our family and this can be done through having a mindset or behavior of familiarity or
strong family ties.

What I Can Do Activity 5:

THE BETTER VERSION OF ME 15 pts Due to this pandemic, we got a chance to have a longer vacation, not
in our dreamed destination, but at home. Sometimes we say, we are already bored doing our daily routine
at home. What did you do to kill the boredom? Well, for sure you keep on thinking happy moments and
perhaps doing things that are enjoyable, right? We have personal realizations and reflections of ourselves,
too. With this, list down three (3) positive changes that happened in your life brought about by this
situation. The Better Version of Me

Because of Covid-19 pandemic I learned the essence of hard work. Before the
pandemic I was too procrastinated to do all the task such as household chores and my
homework. I faced lot of difficulties during the pandemic financially and emotionally. In
order to survive I work really hard to suffice the needs of our family because my parents
were unemployed. The better version of me this pandemic is that I’m not a procrastinated
individual. Money is not only my treasure in my life but also the time. During the
quarantine I was able to do the household chores immediately and other task at home.
There are some instances that I’m tired but I still fulfill my duty to accomplish the task
given to me. For several months I finally removed the manana habit and Filipino time
which is a negative trait affecting my responsibilities. Therefore, the better version of me
is the one that who are not procrastinated and the one who prioritize working than laziness

Because of Covid-19 pandemic I was able to control and managed my emotions.

Before the pandemic I have big problem in terms of choosing and deciding. I always
choose a decision based on my desires and satisfaction and not by its reason. In other
words, I often chose a wrong decision in my life rather than good decisions because all I
want is a shortcut to my happiness. I also can’t control my emotions especially if it’s a
negative emotion. For example, when I’m mad I can’t easily chill myself off and control
my actions that’s why sometimes I hurt someone feeling. During the pandemic we have
a lot of bonding with my family. I learned from my parents how to control my emotion and
we even conduct a counseling just to remove these kind of behavior in myself. The better
version of me this 2021 is that I’ m not that type of guy which can be irritated or get angry
easily. I can also plan or create good decisions in my life without the any desires or
emotion interfering my decision. Because of these improvements I can know if my
decisions are in the right track. Lastly, this new version of me enables me to adapt in
every situation and improve my logical ability because I can control my emotions and

This new version of me is physically and mentally active. Before the pandemic I
almost weigh 110 kilograms. I have poor and unhealthy lifestyle during the pandemic that
causes me to experience stress, anxiety, and inability to control my emotions. I took the
pandemic as an advantage to start a healthy lifestyle. What I do is that I just stop eating
too much and I worked 10 hours a day to burn lots of calories. I also include vegetable as
my main diet everyday so that I can gain lot of energies compared to process food and
dairy products. 3 months later I was able to boost my self-confidence back because I lost
almost 40 kg. Other than that, I also improved other systems in my body such as my
cardio vascular, muscular system, and cardio vascular system. I was able to trained
myself to have discipline especially in the consumption of food. I take also the pandemic
as an opportunity to study my course in college. I also learned new essential skills such
as welding, wiring, plumbing, and masonry. I also created techniques to make my brain
active even though I’m tired. This new version of me is not like the fat, lazy, and dumb
old me but this old version of me is a physically and mentally active. By this version of me
I was able to learn new different skills, boost my self-confidence and increases my self-

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