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Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200

Direct laser sintering of iron–graphite powder mixture

A. Simchi a,∗ , H. Pohl b
a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11365-9466, Azadi Avenue, Tehran, Iran
b Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing and Advanced Materials (IFAM), Wiener Strasse, 28359 Bremen, Germany

Received 17 January 2004


In the present work, the role of graphite addition on the laser sintering of iron powder was studied. Powder mixtures containing iron
and 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 wt.% graphite were prepared by blending elemental powders. These powders were sintered layer-by-layer under
nitrogen atmosphere using a continuous wave CO2 laser beam. A laser power of 70–225 W, scan rate of 50–600 mm s−1 , scan line spacing
of 0.1–0.3 mm, and layer thickness of 0.1 mm was used. It was found that the processing parameters play a key role on the densification of
the iron–graphite powder mixtures. The addition of graphite enhances the densification of the iron powder and improves the surface quality
of the laser sintered parts when optimized manufacturing conditions are applied. The graphite content has a significant influence on the
internal pore structure of the sintered parts. They are gradually changed from interconnected networks to closed and spherical shaped pores
with increasing graphite content. The metal matrix structure consists of different phases such as ferrite, austenite, and tempered martensite,
which highlights the heterogeneous distribution of dissolved carbon in the iron matrix. This article presents the experimental details of the
microstructural evolution in laser sintered iron–graphite powder mixtures. The role and key importance of graphite addition to iron powder
in the laser sintering process is addressed.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Direct laser sintering; Iron powder; Graphite; Densification; Microstructure; Rapid prototyping

1. Introduction Among different RP techniques, the direct metal laser

sintering (DMLS) process exhibits a high potential for the
Rapid prototyping (RP) technology is a relatively new net-shape fabrication of prototypes and short series tooling
material additive manufacturing process which enables the for plastic injection molding and die casting [5,6]. In this
quick fabrication of a three-dimensional part of arbitrary method, a localized region of a thin powder layer is con-
shape directly from CAD data [1]. Unlike the conventional solidated by the energy of a focused laser beam according
subtractive manufacturing methods such as machining, this to a sliced 3D CAD model. This enables the fabrication
process is unconstrained by the limitations attributed to of complex shape parts without using conventional cost in-
specially design tooling and fixturing [2]. Therefore, almost tensive shaping methods. Nevertheless, the potential of this
any shape of geometry with variations in size and complex- process has not been explored in terms of material versatil-
ity can be produced to a high degree of accuracy. A wide ity, quality, and precision [7]. Parts of full density are rarely
variety of materials such as polymers, waxes, papers, met- achieved and thus a post-treatment, e.g. epoxy or metal
als, ceramics, and composites are currently used for rapid infiltration, is often required. In this particular context, the
prototyping, and for the fabrication of functional prototypes process may be useful in synthesizing porous materials [8].
by means of various methods [3]. These methods build Recently, considerable research effort has been reported
parts layer-by-layer using photochemical, laser sintering, in the area of laser sintering. The main trends of these
extrusion layering, gluing, materials deposition, etc [4]. investigations were directed towards material develop-
ment, microstructural characterization, and consolidation
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 616 5226; fax: +98 21 600 5717.
mechanism. Direct laser sintering of metal powders such
E-mail addresses: (A. Simchi), as iron [9], nickel [10], titanium [7], bronze [11], steels (H. Pohl). (plain carbon [12], low alloy [13–15], stainless [16,17], and

0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
192 A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200

high speed steels [18–20]), and nickel-base alloys [1,21] 2. Experimental

have been reported. The fabrication of composite parts,
e.g. Cu-TiB2 [22] and TiC-Al2 O3 [23], ceramic artifacts The starting powders used for the laser sintering of
[24,25], and hard metals [26,27] by the laser sintering pro- iron–graphite alloys were as follows: water atomized iron
cess were also studied. Although recent advances in DMLS powder (ASC 100.30 Hoeganaes, 0.0612 wt.% O); carbonyl
have improved the technology considerably, the method es- iron powder (BASF, 0.12 wt.% O); fine graphite powder
sentially relies on empirical, experimental knowledge and (2 ␮m, Aldrich). The characteristics of the iron powders,
still lacks a strong theoretical basis [7]. In fact, not much accessed according to the MPIF standard test methods [33],
work has previously been reported on the basic principles are given in Table 1. The particle size distribution was deter-
of this process and on the powder bonding mechanisms. mined using Coulter LS130 laser particle size analyzer. The
This may be attributed to the complex nature of the process, surface area was measured through BET method using nitro-
which exhibits multiple modes of heat, mass and momen- gen gas by a NOVA220 (Quantachrome Instruments, USA).
tum transfer, and chemical reactions. Although some efforts The as received atomized iron powder was screened using
was put in the enhancement of the basic knowledge of this a 0.1 mm sieve and the subseive powder was mixed with
process [24,28–31], significant research and development 20 wt.% carbonyl iron in a tumbling mixer for 20 min. This
are still required for the fabrication of high performance way decreases the mean particle size of the powder bed
engineering parts with controlled microstructure. and increases the bulk density of the mixture which in fact
Among different material systems, DMLS of steel pow- enhances the sintering rate. Homogeneous powder blends of
ders is of particular importance regarding to the process ben- 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 wt.% graphite and iron were prepared
efits in the fabrication of prototype tools directly from the by mixing the elemental powders in a tumbling mixer for
CAD models. This rapid tooling method leads to compressed 40 min. For comparison, one batch of the plain iron powder
time to market solution, having a huge impact on chang- mixture without graphite addition was also prepared.
ing product design and test procedure [2,32]. Nevertheless, Rectangular test specimens with dimensions of 10 mm ×
there is still a lack in understanding how the microstructure 10 mm × 7 mm were produced using EOSINT M250Xtended
and properties of the processed material are influenced by laser sintering machine (Electro Optical Systems GmbH,
the processing parameters. DMLS of iron powder and the Germany). Fig. 1 shows a schematic picture of this instru-
effects of powder characteristics and manufacturing pa- ment. The machine consists of a powder handling system, a
rameters have been reported previously [9]. In the present continuous wave carbon dioxide laser with maximum power
work, the laser sintering of iron–graphite powder mixtures of 250 W and 0.4 mm spot size, laser optics and a process
was studied in order to evaluate the role of graphite on the computer. The 3D CAD model of the test specimens was
densification and the attendant microstructural features of prepared using the Pro/Engineer software. The model was
iron powder in DMLS process. Plain carbon steels were then converted to triangulated surface model in the standard
examined since the presence of other alloying elements, STL format. The STL format was sliced to thin horizontal
e.g. Cu and Mo, may influence the bonding mechanism layers of 0.1 mm thickness. The data preparation step was
and the resulting microstructure. Not much work has been followed by the laser sintering process. First, a steel base
previously reported on the laser sintering of iron–graphite plate was placed on the building platform (XY table) and
powder mixture. To date, it has been known that laser sin- leveled. Then, a powder layer (about 0.1 mm in thickness)
tered iron–graphite parts are porous and their microstructure was spread on the base plate using a moving wiper (mechan-
and mechanical properties are substantially different from ical re-coater). Thereafter, the laser sintering started by scan-
the same produced by conventional sintering [12]. This ning the powder according to the STL file under a nitrogen
article presents the sintering behavior, surface morphology, atmosphere. The working output power of P = 70–225 W,
and microstructure of iron–graphite powder mixtures (up scan rate of v = 50–600 mm s−1 , and scan line spacing
to 1.6 wt.% graphite) processed by a continuous wave CO2 of h = 0.1–0.3 mm was applied. The powder bed temper-
laser beam. The mechanism of particle bonding and the ature was kept constant at 80 ◦ C during processing. This
role of graphite on the laser sintering of iron powder are process was repeated and the test specimens were produced
addressed. layer-by-layer according to the sliced STL file.

Table 1
Characteristics of iron powders used in this study
Iron powder D10 (␮m) D50 (␮m) D90 (␮m) SW a Mean Surface Apparent Tap
value area density density
(␮m) (m2 g−1 ) (g cm−3 ) (g cm−3 )
Water atomized 34 68 108 5.1 69.4 0.219 3.1 3.8
Carbonyl 4 10 29 3 13.4 0.420 3.4 4.0
a Particle size distribution slope: 2.56/log(D90 /D10 ).
A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200 193

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the direct laser sintering apparatus.

After removing the samples from the build plate, the

density of the specimens was measured by using the volu-
metric method. Each processing condition was repeated at
least two times and the result of the density measurement
was expressed using the mean value. The standard devi-
ation is <0.02 g cm−3 . Microstructural evaluations were
performed by optical and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM). Samples for metallographic examination were pre-
pared using standard techniques and etched in 2% nital
(2 ml HNO3 per 100 ml CH3 OH). A LEO 438 VP scanning
electron microscopy was used to take SEM micrographs.
The total carbon content of laser sintered parts was deter- Fig. 2. Sintered density of iron–graphite powder mixtures (Fe–xG: x shows
wt.% of graphite in the mixture) as a function of laser power at scan rate
mined using LEO 444 instrument. The local concentration
of 75 mm s−1 , layer thickness of 0.1 mm, and scan line spacing of: (a)
of carbon in the iron matrix was also evaluated by X-ray 0.1 mm and (b) 0.3 mm.
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). A HMV-2000 Shimadzu
micro-hardness tester was used to determine the hardness
of the microstructural phases using a 0.025 kg load. would reach to a plateau, i.e. higher densification cannot be
obtained due to delamination of the sintered layers. In oppo-
site to this observation, the laser sintering of iron–graphite
3. Results powder mixtures seems to be more sensitive to the scan line
spacing. Similar results were obtained when other manu-
3.1. Density facturing parameters were taken into account. For instance,
Fig. 4 shows the iso-density curves of examined materials in
Fig. 2 show the sintered density of the iron–graphite a laser power-graphite content diagram. One can notice that
powder mixtures as a function of laser power at scan rate of the effect of laser power on the density is more pronounced
75 mm s−1 and scan line spacing of 0.1 and 0.3 mm. The re- with increasing graphite content. Therefore, the densifica-
sults demonstrate the importance of the scan line spacing (h) tion kinetics of iron powder is enhanced by the addition of
on the densification of the blends. While at h = 0.1 mm, the graphite powder and it is more sensitive to the laser energy
density of iron powder was not influenced by the graphite ad- input. Fig. 5 shows the effect of the laser scan rate on the
ditions, significant densification was obtained at h = 0.3 mm sintered density of iron and iron–0.8 wt.% graphite pow-
(Fig. 3). It was previously shown [9], that in the case of plain ders. A significant improvement (∼15% theoretical density)
iron, overlapping of scan lines increases the sintered density, of the densification was obtained by adding graphite to iron
even though at very intense laser energy input the density powder at different scan rates. In addition, the critical scan
194 A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200

Fig. 5. Effect of laser scan rate on the sintered density of iron powder
Fig. 3. Effect of graphite content on the sintered density of iron–graphite and iron–0.8 wt.% graphite powder mixture processed at laser power of
powder mixtures dependent on laser power (P) and scan line spacing (h); 215 W, scan line spacing of 0.3 mm, and layer thickness of 0.1 mm.
scan rate is 75 mm s−1 and layer thickness is 0.1 mm.
blends. The pore structure of laser sintered iron is shown
rate (the highest scan rate for which sound parts can be in Fig. 6a. A continuous network of interconnected pores
obtained) increased from 150 mm s−1 for iron powder to around fully dense iron agglomerates is visible. The ori-
600 mm s−1 for the iron–0.8 wt.% graphite powder mixture. entation of pore channels is aligned towards the 45◦ angle
of the building direction. With the addition of graphite to
3.2. Microstructure the iron powder, no continuous network of pore channels
was observed. Instead, irregular shaped pores surrounded by
Fig. 6 shows the pore structure of laser sintered parts at a fully dense iron matrix are formed Fig. 6b and c). The
laser power of 215 W, scan rate of 75 mm s−1 , scan line microstructure consists of some small and spherical pores
spacing of 0.3 mm, and layer thickness of 0.1 mm. Gener- while no pore orientation can be realized. With increas-
ally, the microstructure consists of large pores. However, ing graphite content, the total porosity decreases gradually,
the connectivity, the orientation, and the shape of the pores and more spherical pores were found in the microstructure
depend on the graphite content of the processed powder (Fig. 6d).

Fig. 4. Iso-density curves (relative to the theoretical density, %) of sintered iron–graphite powder mixtures as a function of laser power and graphite
content; scan rate is 75 mm s−1 , scan line spacing is 0.3 mm, and layer thickness is 0.1 mm.
A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200 195

Fig. 6. Polished section of laser sintered parts shows the effect of graphite addition on the pore structures on a section cut parallel to the building
direction; laser power is 215 W, scan rate is 75 mm s−1 , scan line spacing is 0.3 mm, and layer thickness is 0.1 mm.

Fig. 7 shows the characteristic microstructure of laser sin- the formation of different phases. Similar results were ob-
tered iron–1.2 wt.% graphite powder mixture processed at tained for the other sintered parts, although the heterogeneity
laser power of 215 W, scan rate of 75 mm s−1 , scan line spac- is more pronounced in the case of higher graphite content.
ing of 0.3 mm, and layer thickness of 0.1 mm. The local car- For instance, Fig. 8 shows the characteristic microstructure
bon concentration analyzed by XPS and the microhardness of laser sintered iron–1.6 wt.% graphite powder mixture. A
values at different regions of the microstructure are listed ferrite core surrounded by a carbide phase, white areas of re-
in Table 2. This information clearly indicates the heteroge- tained austenite, lattes of martensite, and the eutectic mixture
neous distribution of carbon in the iron matrix, which led to of austenite and cementite known as ledeburite are visible.

Fig. 7. Characteristic microstructure of laser sintered iron–1.2 wt.% graphite powder mixture on a section cut parallel to the building direction shows
heterogeneous carbon dissolution in the iron matrix resulting in the varying local hardness values (see Table 2). Laser power is 215 W, scan rate is
75 mm s−1 , scan line spacing is 0.3 mm, and layer thickness is 0.1 mm.
196 A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200

Table 2 4. Discussion
The local carbon concentration measured by XPS method and microhard-
ness values of marked areas in Fig. 7
It is known that the laser sintering of metals is a very
Area Possible phases Carbon Hardness complex process. When iron powder is irradiated by a laser
content (wt.%) (HV0.025) beam, multiple modes of mass, heat and momentum transfer,
I Ferrite 0.1 137 and chemical reactions occur. The local temperature gradi-
II Tempered martensite 1.6 463
ents in the molten pool can give rise to surface tension gra-
III High carbon austenite 1.9 476
dient and associated Marangoni effect [34,35]. Due to the
capillary instability effect, the liquid iron breaks up to a row
of spheres to reduce the surface area [20]. The formation
3.3. Surface morphology of iron balls is likely to occur when the molten metal does
not wet the underlying substrate due to an oxide layer being
Fig. 9 illustrates the effect of graphite addition on the present on the substrate and on the surface of the melt [31].
surface morphology of laser sintered iron processed at laser The melting is followed by rapid solidification, in which a
power of 215 W, scan rate of 75 mm s−1 , scan line spac- network of metallic agglomerates is formed (Fig. 9a). Con-
ing of 0.3 mm, and layer thickness of 0.1 mm. In the case sequently, the part surface is very rough and the microstruc-
of plain iron powder, the solid particles were bonded to- ture consists of large pores and fully dense iron agglomerates
gether to form a network of large agglomerates (Fig. 9a). (Fig. 6a). Here, it is important to point out that if a sorted
Between the iron agglomerates, large pore channels are scanning pattern is used, e.g. sorted in X-direction, rows
visible. Here, it is important to point out that the scan of columnar iron agglomerates and oriented pores would
pattern used in this study for direct laser sintering was be formed parallel to the scan- and building-direction, re-
alternating from layer-to-layer while the same line spac- spectively [9]. In this study, an alternating pattern, chang-
ing in X- and Y-directions was equal. This suppresses the ing from one layer to the next layer was used which dimin-
formation of columnar agglomerates parallel to the scan ishes the formation of oriented microstructure as explained
direction. When 0.8 wt.% graphite was mixed with iron above.
powder, smaller solid agglomerates were formed (Fig. 9b). The addition of graphite to iron powder enhances the den-
Consequently, a smoother surface was obtained. At graphite sification and influences the microstructural development
content of 1.6 wt.%, a relatively smooth and almost fully during laser sintering. The significant effects of graphite ad-
dense sintered surface was obtained (Fig. 9c). In fact, a pro- dition can be highlighted as follows:
gressive transition from highly rippled surface consisting
of large solid agglomerates to a smooth surface with fully • The sintered density increases with increasing graphite
dense sintered layer occurred with increasing the graphite content of the powder mixture when scan line spacing of
content. 0.3 mm is applied (Figs. 2 and 3).

Fig. 8. Characteristic microstructure of laser sintered iron–1.6 wt.% graphite powder mixture on a section cut parallel to the building direction; laser
power is 215 W, scan rate is 75 mm s−1 , scan line spacing is 0.3 mm, and layer thickness is 0.1 mm.
A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200 197

These observations may be attributed to several micro-

and macro-events (e.g. heat and mass transfer, and chemi-
cal reactions) occurring during laser sintering. However, the
phenomena, which would be much more effective than the
others, are highlighted and explained below.

4.1. Increasing the absorptance of powder bed

It is evident that the absorption rate of a powder bed signif-

icantly influences the working temperature and the sintering
kinetics. Basically the absorption rate of metals depends on
their electrical conductivity, surface condition, and the laser
wavelength [36]. In this context, the formation of oxides on
the surface of powder particles as well as the multiple re-
flection of the laser beam between the particles enhances
the absorption rate significantly [7,37]. These effects result
in a lower laser power input requirement for melting of iron
powder. Nevertheless, when powder is fusing during laser
irradiation and forms a cluster-like shape, the laser beam is
reflected mainly by this cluster, resulting in a decrease in
the absorptance [38].
In the case of iron–graphite powder mixture, the iron
particles are covered with graphite lamella during the mix-
ing procedure [39,40]. This graphite layer appears to the
incident radiation as grey body increasing the absorptance
considerably. On the hand, during the laser sintering of
iron–graphite powder mixtures, the formation of iron ag-
glomerates is less likely to occur (Fig. 9). In other words,
the addition of graphite to iron powder suppresses the for-
mation of iron clusters, therefore the reflectivity decreases.
This phenomenon increases the working temperature and
enhances the sintering kinetics which results in higher at-
tainable sintered density.

4.2. Changing the surface tension and viscosity of iron

melt pool

Particle melting by laser irradiation may result in the for-

mation of convective streams within the molten pool. Such
streams play an important role in material transport dur-
ing laser processing. Simultaneous heat and mass transport
are governed by thermokinetic and thermocapillary effects,
Fig. 9. SEM images of laser sintered surfaces using alternating scan-
but primarily by surface tension gradient [35]. This gradi-
ning strategy in X- and Y-directions; laser power is 215 W, scan rate is
75 mm s−1 , scan line spacing is 0.3 mm, and layer thickness is 0.1 mm. ent results in shear stress and convective movement of the
melt pool (Marangoni effect). The sign and magnitude of
the surface tension gradient to temperature (dγ/dT ) deter-
• The structure of pores is changed from a continuous net- mines the flow pattern of the material [13,34]. The changes
work of interconnected pores to closed and spherical like in surface tension lead to different molten tracks formed by
shape with increasing graphite content (Fig. 6). line scanning of the powder bed. On the other hand, it is
• The metal matrix structure is heterogeneous and with in- known that the surface tension of the iron melt depends on
creasing the graphite content this heterogeneity increases the amounts of dissolved elements like carbon, oxygen, ni-
(Figs. 7 and 8). trogen, boron, and phosphorous [41]. Generally, these ele-
• The surface of laser sintered iron–graphite powder mix- ments decrease the surface tension of molten iron. However,
ture is smoother than that of sintered iron, and the forma- the effect of carbon is more pronounced. During the laser
tion of iron balls and agglomerates is less likely to occur sintering of iron–graphite powder mixture, it is most likely
(Fig. 9). that the melting of the iron powder occurs due to the lower
198 A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200

tic was detected (Fig. 8). This observation demonstrates that

during the course of laser sintering, carbon dissolved into
the iron melt, thereby the low melting point eutectic phase
was formed. This melt was subsequently quenched due to
the high cooling rate, and transformed to ledburitic struc-
ture. Murali et al. [12] have shown that during sintering of
iron–0.78 wt.% graphite powder mixture using an Nd:YAG
laser (pulsed, average power 100 W) carbon is not com-
pletely dissolved into the iron, and the iron globules are hav-
ing graphite particles at their periphery. In the present work,
a continuous CO2 laser beam with higher average power of
215 W was used. Under this condition, almost complete dis-
solution of carbon into the iron was obtained (free graphite
was not observed or analyzed). However, rapid quenching
due to the high cooling rate suppressed complete homoge-
nizing of carbon in the iron matrix, thereby different phases
were formed.

Fig. 10. Carbon concentration of laser sintered parts versus the graphite 4.3. Decreasing the oxygen content
content of the powder mixture at laser powers (P) of 100 and 215 W.
Scan rate of 75 mm s−1 , scan line spacing of 0.3 mm, and layer thickness
of 0.1 mm was applied. The amount of oxygen present during the heating, melt-
ing and fusion of the metal powder during laser sintering
melting point of iron in contrast to graphite (1537 ◦ C for iron strongly influences the densification and the resulting mi-
and >3500 ◦ C for graphite). However, due to the high tem- crostructural features. It is known that the presence of oxy-
perature and associated high diffusion rate, graphite tends gen allows surface oxides and slags to form as the powder
to dissolve in the iron melt. The dissolution of carbon into is heated and melted by the scanning laser beam [16]. The
the iron decreases the surface tension and viscosity of the formation of oxide layer on the surface of powder particles
molten pool considerably. Fig. 10 shows the combined car- significantly increases the absorption rate of CO2 laser radi-
bon of the laser sintered parts as a function of the graphite ation [37]. This changes the temperature–time history dur-
content at two laser powers of 100 and 215 W. The results ing sintering and increases the melt volume allowing surface
show that not much carbon loss occurred during laser sinter- tension to become more dominant. With reference to the
ing in nitrogen, and it was almost independent on the laser Marangoni effect, this leads to the formation of different scan
power. Nevertheless, the carbon loss was increased when the tracks: wide and shallow for a low oxygen content or deep
concentration of graphite in the powder mixture was higher. and narrow for a high oxygen concentration [18]. Another
It is possible that some amounts of graphite got oxidized concern is the liquid metal surface tension which influences
due to the presents of trace amounts of oxygen in the sinter- the wetting angle between the solid and the liquid phases
ing chamber (present in the inert gas and dissolved in iron that can disrupt bonding between rastered lines and individ-
powder) or got vaporized off [12]. Anyway, with both de- ual layers [16,24]. The formation of a larger melt volume,
creasing the surface tension and the viscosity of the molten dominating the surface tension force, and decreasing the
pool, the flow of the melt is improved and the formation of wetting angle causes the melt pool to solidify into agglomer-
iron agglomerates is less likely to occur. These effects sup- ates. Fig. 11 depicts the influence of dissolved carbon on the
press the formation of large pores and increase the attainable oxygen concentration of laser sintered iron–graphite powder
density. The sintered surface layer is also smoother (Fig. 9). mixtures. The oxygen concentration of laser sintered iron
However, metallographic observations demonstrated that part (C ∼ 0.07 wt.%) is about 0.13 wt.% which is consider-
carbon is not homogenously dissolved in the iron matrix ably higher than that of the original powder (0.06 wt.%). This
(Figs. 7 and 8) even though the diffusion rate of carbon into observation demonstrates that oxygen is incorporated during
the iron is very high at the operating temperature. This can be the laser processing, although the powder was sintered un-
attributed to heterogeneous distribution of graphite particles der nitrogen atmosphere. Additions of 0.4 wt.% graphite to
in the powder bed, e.g. due to powder segregation during the the iron powder decreased the oxygen content considerably
course of layer coating. In addition, localized mass transfer to about 0.04 wt.%. Lower oxygen concentration was mea-
and material convection within the molten pool caused by the sured when powder mixtures comprising of higher graphite
temperature and chemical gradients, in accordance with the contents were processed. Nevertheless, the effect of graphite
subsequent rapid solidification process result in the forma- addition on the oxygen level is less pronounced at higher
tion of different phases and in a heterogeneous microstruc- concentrations. These results indicate that some amounts of
ture. For instance, in the case of iron powder containing high graphite acted as a reducing agent during the course of laser
amounts of graphite, the formation of iron–graphite eutec- sintering. This can be one source of carbon loss as it was
A. Simchi, H. Pohl / Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2004) 191–200 199

large cracks the sintered density would be almost indepen-

dent of the graphite content. In other words, although almost
fully dense iron agglomerates are formed, the delamination
of the sintered layers decreases the density. On the other
hand, the results showed that graphite addition can increase
the sintering kinetics of iron powder considerably if proper
DMLS parameters are applied. This effect is mainly due to
the impact of dissolved carbon, i.e. it changes the surface
tension and viscosity of the iron melt formed during laser
irradiation. Moreover, a decrease in oxygen content of the
iron melt through in-situ reduction by graphite and/or dis-
solved carbon plays a significant role on the material con-
vection in the molten pool. This results in the formation of
different scan tracks, i.e. wide and shallow for a low oxygen
content and deep and narrow for a high oxygen concentra-
tion, which in fact changes the pore structure and the surface
roughness of the sintered layers. The structure of internal
Fig. 11. Effect of combined carbon on the oxygen concentration of sintered pores is changed from large and interconnected network to
iron–graphite parts under nitrogen at laser power of 215 W, scan rate of spherical and closed pores. Important is the fact that the dis-
75 mm s−1 , scan line spacing of 0.3 mm, and layer thickness of 0.1 mm.
solution of carbon into the iron matrix was almost complete
when a continuous laser source was used. Since the sinter-
ing cycle in DMLS process is very short, the time for the
shown in Fig. 10. Anyway, decreasing the oxygen concen- homogenizing of carbon in the iron matrix is too short, re-
tration leads to lower melt volume and reduces the dominat- sulting in the formation of very heterogeneous microstruc-
ing influence of the surface tension. In addition, the wetting ture. For instance, iron ferrite with low carbon concentration
angle between the solid and liquid phases is changed and was observed nearby high carbon retained austenite when
better bonding between rastered lines and individual layers evaluating the microstructure of laser sintered iron–graphite
are obtained. Under this condition, the formation of iron ag- powder blends. Low and high carbon martensite/tempered
glomerates is less likely to occur. As cited above, the scan martensite were also detected, owning to the high cooling
track is also influenced, resulting in the formation smoother rate of the melt pool caused by underlying layers.
surfaces (Fig. 9).
The experiments results showed that when a scan line
spacing of 0.1 mm was used, the sintered density is almost Acknowledgements
independent of the graphite content (Figs. 2 and 3). It is
known that intensifying the energy input results in the devel- A. Simchi would like to thank the Office of Vice President
opment of residual thermal stresses. These stresses are re- for Research and Technology, Sharif University of Technol-
sponsible for reduced part performance as well as warpage, ogy for partial financial support. The authors also acknowl-
loss of edge tolerance and even delamination of layered de- edge Dr. Frank Petzoldt, Fraunhofer Institute IFAM, for his
posited parts [42,43]. Additionally, it has been shown above input during valuable discussions.
that during laser sintering of iron–graphite powder mix-
tures the formation of hard and brittle phases, e.g. marten-
site and/or tempered martensite, is likely to occur. These
phases decrease the toughness of the sintered part, thereby
delamination of the layers due to the development of thermal
[1] F. Abe, K. Osakada, M. Shiomi, K. Uematsu, M. Matsumoto, The
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