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Installation, Operation,

and Maintenance

Split System Air Conditioners

Odyssey™ ™
Cooling Condenser — 6 to 25 Tons
(60 Hz) (50 Hz)
TTA073G/H***A TTA061G/H***A
TTA090G/H***A TTA076G/H***A
TTA120G/H/J***A TTA101G/H/J***A
TTA150H***A TTA126H***A
TTA180H/J***A TTA156H/J***A
TTA240H/J***A TTA201H/J***A
TTA300J***A TTA251J***A

Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and
air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered
equipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury. When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the
literature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.

September 2015 SS-SVX10G-EN

Read this manual thoroughly before operating or WA R N I N G
servicing this unit.
Prope r Field Wiring a nd Grounding
Warnings, Cautions, and Notices Required!
Fa il u re to f ol lo w c ode c o ul d r es u lt i n de at h or
Safety advisories appear throughout this manual as s e r i o u s i n j u r y.
required. Your personal safety and the proper All field w ir in g MUST be p er for med b y qualif ied
operation of this machine depend upon the strict per sonnel. Improperly installed and grounded
observance of these precautions. field wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION
h a z a r d s . To a v o i d t h e s e h a z a r d s , y o u M U S T f o l l o w
The three types of advisories are defined as follows:
requirements for field wiring installation and
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation grounding as described in NEC and your local/
WARNING which, if not avoided, could result in death or state electrical codes.
serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury. It could also be used to alert Pe r s o n a l P r o t e c t i v e E q u i p m e n t ( P P E )
against unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that could result in
NOTICE Fa il u re to w ea r pro pe r PPE f or t he j ob b ei ng
equipment or property-damage only
accidents. u n d e rt a k e n c o u l d r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y.
Te ch n i c i a n s , i n o r d e r t o p r o t e c t t h e m s e l v e s f r o m
p o t e n t i a l e l e c t r i c a l , m e c h a n i c a l , a n d ch e m i c a l
Important Environmental Concerns h azards, MUST follow pr ecaut io ns in th is man ual
Scientific research has shown that certain man-made a n d o n t h e t a g s , s t i ck e r s , a n d l a b e l s , a s w e l l a s t h e
chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring instructions below:
stratospheric ozone layer when released to the
atmosphere. In particular, several of the identified • Before installing/servicing this unit,
chemicals that may affect the ozone layer are t e ch n i c i a n s M U S T p u t o n a l l P P E r e q u i r e d f o r
refrigerants that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon t h e w o r k b e i n g u n d e rt a k e n ( E x a m p l e s ; c u t
(CFCs) and those containing Hydrogen, Chlorine, r e s i s t a n t g l ov e s / s l e e v e s , b u t y l g l ov e s , s a f e t y
Fluorine and Carbon (HCFCs). Not all refrigerants glasses, hard hat/bump cap, fall protection,
containing these compounds have the same potential electrical PPE and arc flash clothing).
impact to the environment. Trane advocates the A LWAY S r e f e r t o a p p r o p r i a t e M a t e r i a l Sa f e t y
responsible handling of all refrigerants-including Dat a Sheets ( MSDS)/Saf et y Data Sh eets
industry replacements for CFCs such as HCFCs and (SDS) and OSHA guidelines for proper PPE.
HFCs. • Wh en wo rkin g with or arou nd hazardou s
ch e m i c a l s , A LWAY S r e f e r t o t h e a p p r o p r i a t e
Important Responsible Refrigerant MSDS/SDS and OSHA/GHS (Global
Practices H a r m o n i ze d Sy s t e m o f C l a s s i f i c a t i o n a n d
Labelling of Chemicals) guidelines for
Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are in for m at io n on a ll owa bl e pe r s ona l e x pos ur e
important to the environment, our customers, and the levels, proper respiratory protection and
air conditioning industry. All technicians who handle handling instructions.
refrigerants must be certified. The Federal Clean Air Act
(Section 608) sets forth the requirements for handling, • If there is a risk of energized electrical
reclaiming, recovering and recycling of certain c o n t a c t , a r c , o r f l a s h , t e ch n i c i a n s M U S T p u t
refrigerants and the equipment that is used in these o n a l l P P E i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h O S H A , N F PA
service procedures. In addition, some states or 7 0 E , o r o t h e r c o u n t r y- s p e c i f i c r e q u i r e m e n t s
municipalities may have additional requirements that for arc flash protection, PRIOR to servicing
must also be adhered to for responsible management the unit. NEVER PERFORM ANY SWITCHING,
of refrigerants. Know the applicable laws and follow D I S C O N N E C T I N G , O R VO LTA G E T E ST I N G
A R C F L A S H C LO T H I N G . E N S U R E

©2015 Trane All rights reserved SS-SVX10G-EN


WA R N I N G Copyright
Re f r i g e r a n t u n de r H i g h Pr e s s u r e ! This document and the information in it are the
Fai l ure t o fol l ow i ns tr uc ti on s be l ow c ou ld re s ul t in property of Trane, and may not be used or reproduced
a n e x p l o s i o n w h i ch c o u l d r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s in whole or in part without written permission. Trane
injury or equipment damage. reserves the right to revise this publication at any time,
and to make changes to its content without obligation
Sy s t e m c o n t a i n s o i l a n d r e f r i g e r a n t u n d e r h i g h
to notify any person of such revision or change.
pre ssu re . Recove r r ef ri ge ra nt to re li e ve pre ssu re
befor e op en in g t he system. See u nit namep late for
re fri ge ra nt ty pe . Do no t u se non -a pp rove d Trademarks
refrigerants, refrigerant substitutes, or refrigerant
additi ves. All trademarks referenced in this document are the
trademarks of their respective owners.

WA R N I N G Revision History
R - 4 10 A Re f r i g e r a n t u n d e r H i g h e r
• Updated to add new 5 and 6 ton microchannel
Pr e s s u r e t h a n R - 2 2 ! models (TTA061H, TTA073H). All data has been
Fai l ure t o us e pr ope r eq ui pm e nt o r c om p on en ts a s updated to reflect these tonnages.
de sc ri b ed be l ow, c ou ld re s ul t i n e qu i pm e nt fa i li ng
a n d p o s s i b l y e x p l o d i n g , w h i ch c o u l d r e s u l t i n • Updated 13 and 15 ton (TTA156J and TTA180J)
d e a t h , s e r i o u s i n j u r y, o r e q u i p m e n t d a m a g e . charging levels, charging charts and superheat data.
T h e u n i t s d e s c r i b e d i n t h i s m a n u a l u s e R - 4 10 A • Updated approved oils list for 13–25 ton, see Table
r e f r i g e r a n t w h i ch o p e r a t e s a t h i g h e r p r e s s u r e s 3, p. 24.
t h a n R - 2 2 . U s e O N LY R - 4 10 A r a t e d s e r v i c e
eq ui pm e nt or c om p one nt s w it h the s e un it s. For
s p e c i f i c h a n d l i n g c o n c e r n s w i t h R - 4 10 A , p l e a s e
c o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l Tr a n e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e .

Table of Contents
Model Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pre-Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Cooling Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Control Circuit Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Discharge Temperature Limit
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 (DTL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Unit Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Low Outdoor Ambient Cooling . . . . . . . . 42
Evaporator Defrost Control
Pre-Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 (EDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Unit Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Low Pressure Cut-Out (LPCO) . . . . . . . . . 42
Inspection Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 High Pressure Cut-Out (HPCO) . . . . . . . . 42
Testing for Leaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Internal Overload Protector
(IOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Lifting Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Clearances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Unit Mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Electromechanical Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Structural Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rooftop Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Evaporator Fan (Indoor Supply
Ground Level Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Air) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Cooling Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Dimensional Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ReliaTel Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Control Cooling Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Control Evaporator Fan
Cooling Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Control Heating Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Refrigerant Piping Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Service Test Modes for ReliaTel™

Refrigerant Piping Procedures (Outdoor Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Units). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Test Modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Refrigerant Piping Procedures (Indoor Step Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Unit). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Resistance Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Auto Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Leak Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
System Evacuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Insulating and Isolating Refrigerant Troubleshooting ReliaTel™ Controls. . . . . . . 46
Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 System Status Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . 46
Refrigerant Charging Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 24 Method 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Charging Levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Method 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Liquid Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Temperature Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Electrical Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Test 1 - Zone Temperature
Unit Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Thermistor (ZTEMP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Low Voltage Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Test 2 - Cooling Set Point (CSP) and
Electromechanical Controls . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Heating Set Point (HSP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
ReliaTel Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Test 3 - System Mode and Fan
Field Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Refrigerant Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Test 4 - LED Indicator Test (SYS ON,
HEAT, & COOL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Programmable & Digital Zone Sensor
Charging Charts and Superheat . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Testing Serial Communication
Installation Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Refrigerant Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 RLCI Loss of Communications. . . . . . . . . 49
Electrical Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Resetting Cooling and Heating
Lockouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Method 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Annually (Cooling Season) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Method 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Coil Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Zone Temperature Sensor (ZTS) Service Microchannel (MCHE) Coils . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Maintenance Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Wiring Diagram Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Model Number Description
Cooling Condenser
TTA 2 40 J 3 00 * *

123 456 7 8 9 10 11 12

TTA 201 J D 00 * *

123 456 7 8 9 10 11 12

N o t e : When ordering replacement parts or requesting DIGIT 8: Electrical Characteristics

service, be sure to refer to the specific model 3 = 208–230/60/3
number, serial number, and DL number (if
4 = 460/60/3
applicable) stamped on the unit nameplate.
W = 575/60/3
D I G I T S 1 - 3 : Pr o d u c t Ty p e D = 380-415/50/3
TTA = Split System Cooling K = 380/60/3
DIGITS 4 - 6: No min al Gr oss Co olin g Capacity D I G I T S 9 - 10 : F a c t o r y I n s t a l l e d O p t i o n s
(MBh) 00 = Packed Stock
061 = 5 Tons (50Hz) 0S = Coated Coil
073 = 6 Tons (60Hz) 0R = ReliaTel, no LCI Board
076 = 6.25 Tons (50Hz) 0T = ReliaTel, no LCI Board with Coated Coil
090 = 7.5 Tons (60Hz) 0U = ReliaTel, with LCI Board
101 = 8.33 Tons (50Hz) 0W = ReliaTel, with LCI Board and Coated Coil
120 = 10 Tons (60Hz) H0 = Hail Guard with Packed Stock
126 = 10.4 Tons (50Hz) HS = Hail Guard with Coated Coil
150 = 12.5 Tons (60Hz) HR = Hail Guard with ReliaTel, no LCI Board
156 = 13.0 Tons (50Hz) HT = Hail Guard with ReliaTel, no LCI Board with
180 = 15 Tons (60Hz) Coated Coil
201 = 16.7 Tons (50Hz) HU = Hail Guard with ReliaTel, with LCI Board
240 = 20 Tons (60Hz) HW = Hail Guard with ReliaTel, with LCI Board and
251 = 20.9 Tons (50Hz) Coated Coil
300 = 25 Tons (60Hz) D I G I T S 11 : M i n o r D e s i g n S e q u e n c e
DIGIT 7: Major Develo pment Seq uence * = Current Design Sequence1
G = Single Compressor, Single Circuit, Microchannel D I GI TS 12 : Serv i c e D ig it
H = Dual Compressor, Dual Circuit, Microchannel
* = Current Design Sequence1
J = Dual Compressor, Single Circuit (Manifold Scroll
Compressors), Microchannel

1. * = sequential alpha character

General Information
This manual describes proper installation, operation, N o t e : It is not the intention of this manual to cover all
and maintenance procedures for air-cooled systems. By possible variations in systems that may occur or
carefully reviewing the information within this manual to provide comprehensive information
and following the instructions, the risk of improper concerning every possible contingency that may
operation and/or component damage will be be encountered during an installation. If
minimized. It is important that periodic maintenance be additional information is required or if specific
performed to help assure trouble free operation. problems arise that are not fully discussed in this
Should equipment failure occur, contact a qualified manual, contact your local sales office.
service organization with qualified, experienced HVAC Use the “Installation Checklist,” p. 41 provided In this
technicians to properly diagnose and repair this manual to verify that all necessary installation
equipment. procedures have been completed. Do not use the
I m p o rt a n t : All phases of this installation must comply checklist as a substitute for reading the information
with the NATIONAL, STATE & LOCAL contained in the manual. Read the entire manual
CODES. In addition to local codes, the before beginning installation procedures.
installation must conform with National
Electric Code -ANSI/NFPA NO. 70 LATEST
Unit Description
Any individual installing, maintaining, or servicing this These condensers come with single, dual and
equipment must be properly trained, licensed and manifolded compressor options. Single compressor
qualified. outdoor units feature a single refrigeration circuitry,
requiring only one set of refrigerant lines. Dual
I m p o rt a n t : Do not remove the VFD without first compressor/dual circuit models give true stand-by
contacting technical support! For protection; if one compressor fails, the second will
performance-related questions and automatically start-up. Also, the first compressor can
diagnostic support in North America call 1- be serviced without shutting down the unit since the
877-872-6363. Any return requires a claim refrigerant circuits are independent. During light load
number FIRST. Removal of the VFD prior to conditions, only one compressor will operate to save
this step will void the unit’s warranties. energy.The dual manifolded scroll compressors come
Installation procedures should be performed in the with two stages of capacity modulation and a single
sequence that they appear in this manual. Do not refrigeration circuit.
destroy or remove the manual from the unit. The
manual should remain weather-protected with the unit
until all installation procedures are complete.

Unit Inspection Lifting Recommendations
Inspect material carefully for any shipping damage. If
damaged, it must be reported to, and claims made
against the transportation company. Compare the I m p r o p e r U n i t L i ft !
information that appears on the unit nameplate with F a i l u r e t o p r o p e r l y l i ft u n i t c o u l d r e s u l t i n u n i t
ordering and submittal data to ensure the proper unit dropping and possibly crushing operator/
was shipped. Available power supply must be t e ch n i c i a n w h i ch c o u l d r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s
compatible with electrical characteristics specified on i n j u r y, a n d e q u i p m e n t o r p r o p e rt y- o n l y d a m a g e .
component nameplates. Replace damaged parts with Te s t l i ft u n i t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 4 i n ch e s t o v e r i f y
authorized parts only. p r o p e r c e n t e r o f g r a v i t y l i ft p o i n t . To a v o i d
d r o p p i n g o f u n i t , r e p o s i t i o n l i ft i n g p o i n t i f u n i t i s
Inspection Checklist not level.
To protect against loss due to damage incurred in
transit, complete the following checklist upon receipt of N OT I C E
the unit.
Equipment Damage!
Inspect individual pieces of the shipment before
Use spreader bar s to prevent straps from
accepting the unit. Check for obvious damage to the
d a m a g i n g t h e u n i t . I n s t a l l t h e b a r s b e t w e e n l i ft i n g
unit or packing material.
s t r a p s , b o t h u n d e r n e a t h t h e u n i t a n d a b ov e t h e
Inspect the unit for concealed damage before it is unit to prevent the straps from crushing the unit
stored and as soon as possible after delivery. cabinet or damaging the finish.
Concealed damage must be reported within 15
days. If concealed damage is discovered, stop Before preparing the unit for lifting, estimate the
unpacking the shipment. Do not remove damaged approximate center of gravity for lifting safety. Because
material from the receiving location. Take photos of of placement of internal components, the unit weight
the damage if possible. The owner must provide may be unevenly distributed. See “Weights,” p. 19 for
reasonable evidence that the damage did not occur approximate unit weights.
after delivery. The crated unit can be moved using a forklift of suitable
Notify the carrier’s terminal of damage immediately capacity. For lifting the unit, attach lifting straps or
by phone and by mail. Request an immediate joint slings securely to the lifting holes at each corner (see
inspection of the damage by the carrier and the unit drawings in “Weights,” p. 19). Use spreader bars to
consignee. protect the unit casing from damage. Test lift the unit to
determine proper balance and stability.
Notify the sales representative and arrange for
repair. Do not repair the unit until the damage is
inspected by the carrier’s representative. Clearances
Provide enough space around the unit to allow
Testing for Leaks unrestricted access to all service points. Refer to the
“Dimensional Data,” p. 10 for unit dimensions and
All units are shipped with a holding charge of nitrogen
minimum required service and free air clearances.
in each circuit and should be leak tested before
Observe the following points to ensure proper unit
1. Remove the access panel.
1. Do not install the unit under a low overhang.
2. Locate the liquid line or suction line access valve for Condenser discharge must not be restricted—refer
each circuit. to notes in “Dimensional Data drawings,” p. 10.
3. Install gauges to determine if the circuits are still I m p o rt a n t : Do not obstruct condenser discharge
pressurized. If not, the charge has escaped and air. This can result in warm air
should be repaired as required to obtain a leak-free recirculation through the coil.
2. Do not locate the unit in a position where runoff
water can fall into the fan discharge openings.
3. Condenser intake air is supplied from three or four
sides of the unit. Adhere to the minimum required
clearances given in unit dimensional drawings (see
“Dimensional Data,” p. 10).


Unit Mounting Figure 1. Roof mounted unit

WA R N I N G Ou td o o r Un it
Ga s (S u ctio n )
Mounting Integrity! Lin e - In s u la te d
Fai l ure t o fol l ow i ns tr uc ti on be l ow c ou ld r es ul t i n Liq u id Lin e
death or serious injury or possible equipment or In s u la te d
p r o p e rt y- o n l y d a m a g e . 6”
E n s u r e t h e r o o f s t r u c t u r e s u p p o rt s a r e s t r o n g Un it Mo u n tin g Ra d iu s
Ch a n n e ls
e n o u g h t o s u p p o rt t h e w e i g h t o f t h e u n i t a n d a n y
accessories. Ele va tio n
(Mo u n tin g Fra m e )

Structural Preparation
Ro o f D a m a g e ! Ro o f
Co n s tru ctio n
Sy s t e m c o n t a i n s o i l a n d r e f r i g e r a n t u n d e r h i g h
pressu re. Roof s shou ld b e pr otected fro m Ro o f Tru s s in g
exposure to oils and refrigerant in the system. If
r o o ft o p i s n o t p r o t e c t e d , d a m a g e t o t h e r o o f m a y
o c c u r. Ce ilin g

I m p o rt a n t : Refer to local building codes for proper

installation. All installation must comply Ground Level Mounting
with local building codes. For ground level installation, the unit base should be
adequately supported and hold the unit near level. The
Rooftop Mounting installation must meet the guidelines set forth in local
If the unit will be roof mounted, determine for certain codes. The support should extend two inches beyond
that the structure is strong enough to support the unit the unit base channels at all points. The unit and
and any required accessories, see “Weights,” p. 19. The support must be isolated from any adjacent structure to
unit should be elevated on a level, field fabricated four- prevent possible noise or vibration problems. Any
inch steel or wood 4" x 4" mounting frame. Complete ground level location must comply with required
the frame and secure it into position before lifting the clearances given in the unit dimensional drawings (see
unit to the roof. The mounting frame must support a “Dimensional Data,” p. 10).
minimum of three of the unit’s four sides and should
span roof supports to distribute the load on the roof.

Dimensional Data
Figure 2. Height, width and depth measurements


H - in. (mm) W - in. (mm) D - in. (mm)

TTA061, 073, 076, 090 46.1 (1171) 45 (1143) 38 (965.2)

TTA101, 120 46.1 (1171) 55 (1397) 42 (1067)

TTA126, 150 52.1 (1323) 55 (1397) 42 (1067)

TTA156, 180, 201, 240 52.1 (1323) 96 (2438) 48 (1219)

TTA251, 300 58.1 (1476) 96 (2438) 48 (1219)

N o t e : Full dimensional data available on next pages.

Dimensional Data

Figure 3. 5, 6, 6.25 and 7.5 ton condensing unit, single compressor, microchannel

CLEARANCE 48" (1219.2)



48" (1219.2) (SE E NOTE 2

35 15/16"
33 7 /8"

SER VICE P ANEL 39 3/16"

(995. 3)
26 15/16"
14 3 /8"

(1.5 9) 6" (152.4) 2 7/8"
6" (152.4) (73)
21 11/16" 1 7/8"
(550.9) (47.6) 40 15/16"
33 13/16" 41 15/16"
(858.8) (1065.2)

3" (76.2) 7/16" (11.11) DIA. IS OLATOR MOUNTING


40 3/4" BOTTOM
(103 5) 34 3/4"
(882 .6) OF UNIT

4 3 /16"
(106 .36 )
1 13/16 " 27 11/16" 2 5/1 6"
(46) (703.3) (58.7)

Dimensional Data

Figure 4. 5, 6, 6.25 and 7.5 ton condensing unit, dual compressor, microchannel

CLEARANCE 48" (1219.2)


48" (1219. 2) (SE E NO TE 2

35 15/16"
33 7/8"

S ERVICE P ANEL 39 3/16 "

26 15/16"
14 3/8"

(1.59) 6" (152.4) 2 7/8"
6" (152.4) (73)
21 11/16" 1 7/8"
(550.9) (47.6) 40 15/16"
33 13/16" 41 15/16"
(858.8) (1065.2)

3" (76 .2) 7/16" (11.11) DIA. IS OLATOR MOUNTING


40 3/4" BOTTOM
(10 35) 34 3/4"
(88 2.6 ) OF UNIT

4 3 /16 "
(10 6.3 6)
1 13 /16" 27 11/16" 2 5/16"
(46 ) (703.3) (58.7)

Dimensional Data

Figure 5. 8.33 and 10 ton condensing unit, single and manifolded compressor. microchannel

CLEARANCE 48 " (1219.2 )


48" (1219.2) (S EE NOTE 2
39 15 /16"
(OP TIONAL) (108)
1 1/4" 37 15/16"

39 1 /8"
34 1/16" (865. 2)
26 7/8"
14 5/16"

1/16 "
(1.6) 1 7/8"
6" 25 11/16" 6" (47.6)
(152.4) (652.5) (152.4) 2 7/8" (73)
50 15 /16"
37 11/16" (1294 )
51 15/16"



3" (76.2)

50 3/4"
(1289) BOTTOM
44 3/4" OF U NIT

3 13/16"

2 3/16" 31 11 /16" 1 11/16"

(55.6) (804. 9) (42.9)

Dimensional Data

Figure 6. 8.33 and 10 ton condensing unit, dual compressor, microchannel


CLEARANCE 48" (1219.2)


48" (1219.2) (S EE NOTE 2

39 15/16"

37 15/ 16"

39 1/8"
26 7/8"
14 5/16"

(1.6) 1 7/8"
6" 25 11/ 16" 6" (47.6)
(152.4) (652.5) (152.4) 2 7/8" (73)
50 15/16"
37 11/ 16" (1294)
51 15/ 16"


3" (76.2)

50 3 /4"
(1289) BOTTOM
44 3 /4" OF UNIT

3 13/16"

2 3/16 " 31 11/16" 1 11/16"

(55.6) (804.9) (42.9)

Dimensional Data

Figure 7. 10.4 and 12.5 ton condensing unit, dual compressor, microchannel


Dimensional Data

Figure 8. 13, 15, 16.7 and 20 ton condensing unit, dual compressor, microchannel

Dimensional Data

Figure 9. 13, 15, 16.7 and 20 condensing unit, manifolded compressor, microchannel

Dimensional Data

Figure 10. 20.9 and 25 ton condensing unit, manifolded compressor, microchannel

Cooling Condenser
Table 1. TTA unit and corner weights — lbs (60 Hz)

Shipping Net Max Corner Weights

Tons Model No.
Max (lbs) (lbs) 1 2 3 4
TTA073G 310 241 68 72 35 65
TTA073H 348 279 90 82 54 53

TTA090G 320 251 71 75 37 68

TTA090H 384 315 99 91 63 62

TTA120G 416 340 114 89 60 77

10 TTA120H 428 352 110 102 71 69

TTA120J 474 417 110 168 87 52

12.5 TTA150H 514 457 127 148 77 106

TTA180H 750 648 195 226 120 106

TTA180J 750 648 195 226 120 106

TTA240H 904 762 239 218 149 156

TTA240J 904 762 239 218 149 156

25 TTA300J 969 857 288 241 216 111

Table 2. TTA unit and corner weights — lbs (50 Hz)

Shipping Net Max Corner Weights
Tons Model No.
Max (kg) (kg) 1 2 3 4
TTA061G 141 110 31 33 16 30
TTA061H 158 128 41 38 25 24
TTA076G 145 115 32 34 17 31
TTA076H 174 144 45 42 29 28
TTA101G 189 155 52 40 27 35
8.33 TTA101H 194 160 50 46 32 31
TTA101J 215 189 50 76 39 24
10.4 TTA126H 233 207 58 67 35 48
TTA156H 340 294 89 103 55 48
TTA156J 340 294 89 103 55 48
TTA201H 410 346 108 99 68 71
TTA201J 410 346 108 99 68 71
20.9 TTA251J 440 389 131 109 98 50

We i g h t s

Figure 11. TTA073, 090, 120, 150, TTA061, 076, 101 Figure 12. TTA180, 240, 300, TTA156, 201, 251

#3 #4

#4 #1


ES S #2




Refrigerant Piping Guidelines
Figure 13. Allowable elevation difference: TTA above indoor unit

Contact m anufacturer for review

Figure 14. Allowable elevation difference: TTA or TWA below indoor unit

Contact m anufacturer for review

Accep tab le liq uid -riser heig ht

b ased on total liq uid -line len g th
(b elow ind oor unit)

N o t e : Route refrigerant piping for minimum linear length, minimum number of bends and fittings (no reducers) and
minimum amount of line exposed to outdoor ambients.


Refrigerant Piping Procedures N OT I C E

(Outdoor Units) Syste m Component Dam age!
Do no t remov e th e sea l ca ps f rom re fr ig era nt
WA R N I N G connections, or open the service valves until
R - 4 10 A Re f r i g e r a n t u n d e r H i g h e r p r ep ar ed t o b r a ze r e f r ig er an t li n e s t o t h e
connections. Excessi ve exposure to atmosphere (>
Pr e s s u r e t h a n R - 2 2 ! 5 m i n . ) m a y a l l o w m o i s t u r e o r d i rt t o c o n t a m i n a t e
Fai l ure t o us e pr ope r eq ui pm e nt o r c om p on en ts a s the system, damaging valve seals and causing ice
de sc ri b ed be l ow, c ou ld re s ul t i n e qu i pm e nt fa i li ng formation in system components.
a n d p o s s i b l y e x p l o d i n g , w h i ch c o u l d r e s u l t i n
d e a t h , s e r i o u s i n j u r y, o r e q u i p m e n t d a m a g e .
T h e u n i t s d e s c r i b e d i n t h i s m a n u a l u s e R - 4 10 A WA R N I N G
r e f r i g e r a n t w h i ch o p e r a t e s a t h i g h e r p r e s s u r e s Hazard of Explosion and Deadly
t h a n R - 2 2 . U s e O N LY R - 4 10 A r a t e d s e r v i c e Gases!
eq ui pm e nt or c om p one nt s w it h the s e un it s. For
Fa il u re to f ol lo w a ll pro pe r s af e re fr ig era nt
s p e c i f i c h a n d l i n g c o n c e r n s w i t h R - 4 10 A , p l e a s e
c o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l Tr a n e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e . handling practices could result in death or serious
i n j u r y.
Each unit ships with a holding charge of dry nitrogen. N e v e r s o l d e r, b r a ze o r w e l d o n r e f r i g e r a n t l i n e s o r
The nitrogen should be removed and the entire system a ny uni t comp one nt s th at a re a bov e a tmosp he ric
evacuated (at the proper time) to avoid possible pressure or where refrigerant may be present.
contamination. A l way s re m ove re fri ge ra nt by fol l ow in g t he
g u i d e l i n e s e s t a b l i s h e d b y t h e E PA F e d e r a l C l e a n
1. Remove the compressor service access panel. Air Act o r o ther st at e or local codes as app rop riate.
2. Locate the liquid and suction line service valves. A ft e r r e f r i g e r a n t r e m o v a l , u s e d r y n i t r o g e n t o
Check that the piping connection stubs on the b r i n g s y s t e m b a ck t o a t m o s p h e r i c p r e s s u r e b e f o r e
valves (Figure 15, p. 22) line up properly with the opening system for repair s. Mixtures of
holes in the unit cabinet. refrigerants and air under pressure may become
combustible in the presence of an ignition source
Figure 15. Outdoor units - refrigerant piping (with dry leading to an explosion. Excessi ve heat from
nitrogen) soldering, brazing or welding with refrigerant
v a p o r s p r e s e n t c a n f o r m h i g h l y t ox i c ga s e s a n d
e x t r e m e l y c o rr o s i v e a c i d s .

4. Cut, fit and braze tubing, starting at the outdoor unit

and work toward the indoor unit. See
recommended tube sizes, .
N o t e : Use long radius ells for all 90° bends.
All brazing should be done using a 2 to 3 psig dry
nitrogen purge flowing through the pipe being
brazed, see Figure 15, p. 22.

Syste m Component Dam age!
Install a regulating valve between the nitrogen
s o u r c e a n d t h e ga u g e m a n i f o l d . U n r e g u l a t e d
pressure can damage system components.

3. Remove the refrigerant connection seal caps and N OT I C E

open the service valve slowly to release the Syste m Component Dam age!
nitrogen from the unit. We t - w r a p a l l v a l v e s a n d p r o t e c t p a i n t e d s u r f a c e s
from excessi ve heat. Heat can damage system
components and the unit finish.

5. Shut off nitrogen supply. Shut off the manifold

valve for the line that is connected to the suction
line service valve. Disconnect the line from the
gauge port on the valve.


Refrigerant Piping Procedures WA R N I N G

(Indoor Unit) Hazard of Explosion!
Once liquid and suction lines are complete to the Fa il u re to f ol lo w re co m m en de d s af e le a k te s t
refrigerant connections on the indoor unit, remove the procedures could result in death or serious injury
gauge port core(s) on the indoor unit connection stubs o r e q u i p m e n t o r p r o p e rt y- o n l y - d a m a g e .
to release the dry nitrogen charge. N e v e r u s e a n o p e n f l a m e t o d e t e c t ga s l e a k s . U s e a
leak test solution for leak testing.
N OT I C E After the brazing operation of refrigerant lines to both
Unit Damage! the outdoor and indoor unit is completed, the field
Do n ot a ppl y h ea t to re move se al ca ps un ti l th e brazed connections must be checked for leaks.
ga u g e p o rt c o r e s h a v e b e e n r e m o v e d . I f s e a l c a p s Pressurize the system through the service valve with
are intact, application of heat may generate dry nitrogen to 200 psi. Use soap bubbles or other leak-
excessi ve pressure in the unit and result in checking methods to ensure that all field joints are leak
damage to the coil or expansion valve. free. If not, release pressure, repair and repeat leak test.

1. Remove both seal caps from the indoor unit System Evacuation
connection stubs.
1. After completion of leak check, evacuate the
N OT I C E system.
Unit Damage! 2. Attach appropriate hoses from manifold gauge to
gas and liquid line pressure taps.
Do n ot re move the se a l cap s fr om r ef ri ge ra nt
connections, or open the service valves until N o t e : Unnecessary switching of hoses can be
prepared to braze refrigerant lines to the avoided and complete evacuation of all lines
c o n n e c t i o n s . D u e t o t h e h i g h hy g r o s c o p i c leading to sealed system can be
p r o p e rt i e s o f t h e R - 4 10 A o i l , e x c e s s i v e e x p o s u r e t o accomplished with manifold center hose and
atmosphere will allow moisture to contaminate connecting branch hose to a cylinder of R-
t h e s y s t e m , d a m a g i n g t h e c o m p r e s s o r. 410A and vacuum pump.
3. Attach center hose of manifold gauges to vacuum
2. Turn on nitrogen supply. Nitrogen enters through
the liquid line gauge port.
3. Braze the liquid line connections. N OT I C E
4. Open the gauge port on the suction line and then O p e r a t i n g U n d e r Va c u u m !
braze the suction line to the connection stub.
Fa il u re to f ol lo w the s e i ns tr uc ti ons wi l l re s ul t in
Nitrogen will bleed out the open gauge port on the
compressor failure.
suction line.
Do not operate or apply power to the compressor
5. Shut off nitrogen supply. while under a vacuum.
4. Evacuate the system to hold a 500 micron vacuum.
Leak Check
5. Close off valve to vacuum pump and observe the
WA R N I N G micron gauge. If gauge pressure rises above 500
microns in one minute, then evacuation is
Hazard of Explosion! incomplete or the system has a leak.
Fai l ure t o fol l ow t he se rec o m m en da ti ons c oul d
result in death or serious injury or equipment or 6. If vacuum gauge does not rise above 500 microns in
p r o p e rt y- o n l y d a m a g e . 10 minutes, the evacuation should be complete.
Use only dry nitrogen with a pressure regulator for
pre ssu ri zin g uni t. Do n ot use a ce ty le ne , ox yg en or N OT I C E
compressed air or mixtures containing them for Equipment Damage!
pressure testing. Do not use mixtures of a C h a r g e w i t h a c c e s s p o rt o n t h e l i q u i d l i n e s e r v i c e
hy d r o g e n c o n t a i n i n g r e f r i g e r a n t a n d a i r a b ov e v a l v e o n l y.
atmospheric pressure for pressure testing as they
may become flammable and could result in an 7. With vacuum pump and micron gauge blanked off,
e x p l o s i o n . Re f r i g e r a n t , w h e n u s e d a s a t r a c e ga s open valve on R-410A cylinder and allow refrigerant
should only be mixed with dry nitrogen for pressure to build up to about 80 psig.
pressurizing units.
8. Close valve on the R-410A supply cylinder. Close
valves on manifold gauge set and remove


refrigerant charging hoses from liquid and gas Refrigerant Charging Procedure
gauge ports.
If charging by weight, refer to for starting change. If
9. Leak test the entire system. Using proper refrigerant adjustments are needed because of length
procedures and caution, as described in the of line, refer to “Charging Charts and Superheat,” p. 36.
previous section, repair any leaks found and repeat
the leak test. Charge by weight through the gauge port on the liquid
line. Once the charge enters the system, backseat
(open) the liquid line service valve and disconnect the
Insulating and Isolating charging line and replace the cap on the gauge port.
Refrigerant Lines Notes:
Insulate the entire suction line with refrigerant piping • R-410A should only be charged in the liquid
insulation. Also insulate any portion of the liquid line state.
exposed to temperature extremes. Insulate and isolate • When possible, always charge the
liquid and suction lines from each other. Isolate refrigerant into the liquid line of the unit.
refrigerant lines from the structure and any duct work.
• If the entire charge can’t be charged into the
I m p o rt a n t : liquid line, the balance of the unit charge can
1. To prevent possible noise or vibration be metered through a charging manifold set
problems, be certain to isolate as liquid — preferably through a schrader
refrigerant lines from the building. valve into the suction line to the compressor
— only while the compressor is running.
2. All suction and hot gas bypass piping (if
installed) should be insulated from the • Check and adjust superheat using Table 9, p.
termination in the air handler to the 39, then re-check charging charts to
condensing unit cabinet entry. Failure to determine if charge corrections are
do so can cause condensate drip off and necessary.
performance degradation.
3. Prior to starting a unit, it is advisable to
have the approved oils available in the Equipment Damage!
event oil needs to be added to the N e v e r ch a r g e l i q u i d r e f r i g e r a n t i n t o t h e s u c t i o n
system. l i n e o f t h e u n i t w i t h t h e c o m p r e s s o r o ff.

N OT I C E Figure 16. Outdoor units - refrigerant piping

Equipment Damage!
T h i s i s P O E o i l , w h i ch r e a d i l y a b s o r b s m o i s t u r e .
A lwa ys us e ne w oi l a nd n ev e r l e av e c on ta in er s
open to atmosphere while not in use.

Table 3. TTA approved oils

Unit Model Number Approved Oils

TTA061, TTA073, TTA076,

TTA090, TTA101H/J, Trane Oil Part Number
TTA120H/J, TTA126, TTA150, OIL00094 (1 quart container)
TTA156, TTA180,

Trane Oil Part Number

TTA101G, TTA120G, TTA201, OIL00079 (1 quart container)
TTA240, TTA251, TTA300 or OIL00080 (1 gallon

For units equipped with compressors containing site

glasses, the oil level must be visible through the sight
glass when the compressor is running under stabilized
conditions and a few minutes after the compressor has


Charging Levels
Table 4. Estimated charge levels at ARI rated line lengths (25 feet) - 50 & 60 Hz

Refrigerant Charge Per Circuit

Matched Set Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Liquid Line Diameter Vapor Line Diameter

TTA061G w/TWE076D(a) 10 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA061H w/TWE073E 7.0 7.0 0.5 (1/2”) 0.875 (7/8”)

TTA073G w/TWE090D(a) 10 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA073H w/TWE073E 7.0 7.0 0.5 (1/2”) 0.875 (7/8”)

TTA076G w/TWE076D 9.7 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA076H w/TWE076E 7.25 7.3125 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA090G w/TWE090D 9.7 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA090H w/TWE090E 7.25 7.3125 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA101G w/TWE101D 13.6 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA101H w/TWE101E 7.7 7.6 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA101J w/TWE101D 13.1 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA120G w/TWE120D 13.6 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA120H w/TWE120E 7.7 7.6 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA120J w/TWE120D 13.1 N/A 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA126H w/TWE126E 9.8 9.8 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA150H w/TWE150E 9.8 9.8 0.5 (1/2”) 1.125 (1 1/8”)

TTA156H w/TWE156E 11.5 11.5 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA156J w/TWE156E 21.3 N/A 0.625 (5/8”) 1.625 (1 5/8”)

TTA180H w/TWE180E 11.5 11.5 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA180J w/TWE180E 21.3 N/A 0.625 (5/8”) 1.625 (1 5/8”)

TTA201H w/TWE201E 11.6 12.0 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA201J w/TWE201E 23.8 N/A 0.625 (5/8”) 1.625 (1 5/8”)

TTA240H w/TWE240E 11.6 12.0 0.5 (1/2”) 1.375 (1 3/8”)

TTA240J w/TWE240E 23.8 N/A 0.625 (5/8”) 1.625 (1 5/8”)

TTA251J w/TWE251E(b) 29.8 N/A 0.625 (5/8”) 2.125 (2 1/8”)

TTA300J w/TWE300E(b) 29.8 N/A 0.625 (5/8”) 2.125 (2 1/8”)

1. For line lengths other than 25', please refer to the Application Guide (SS-APG008-EN) for charge levels and line sizes.
2. See Figure 17, p. 26 and Figure 18, p. 26 for transition tube location and electrical connections.

(a) TTA061G and TTA073G need a reducer for vapor line. (1.375 to 1.125 inch) (1 3/8” to 1 1/8”).
(b) TTA251J and TTA300J are provided with a transition tube to be installed outside of the unit for front or rear access, (1.625 to 2.125 inch) (1 5/8" to 2 1/8").


Figure 17. TTA 251, 300 transition tube location

Suction Line Transition Tube

Figure 18. TTA251, 300 rear refrigerant and electrical connections

Lo w Vo lt a g e ( Re a r Acce s s )

Po p - in Wire Tie
( Pro vid e d )

Line Vo lt a g e ( Re a r Acce s s ) Ro u t e wire s a wa y

fro m h o t t u b e s a n d
s h a rp e d g e s

Trans it io n Tu b e
( Pro vid e d )
Ce n t e r Divid e r Pa n e l

Suc t io n Co n n e ct io n
( Fie ld In s t a lle d )

Suc t io n Co n n e ct io n
( Fie ld In s t a lle d )

Liquid Charging N o t e : The compressor access panel must be installed

when the unit is running and being charged.
This procedure is accomplished with the unit Manifold hoses must be routed through
operating. Electrical connections must be complete. Do refrigerant gauge access hole(s). See
not proceed until the system is ready to operate. “Dimensional Data,” p. 10 for specific locations.


WA R N I N G Electrical Wiring
Li ve Electrical Components! WA R N I N G
Fai l ure t o fol l ow al l e le c tr ic a l s af et y pr ec a uti on s
when exposed to li ve electrical components could Prope r Field Wiring a nd Grounding
r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y. Required!
When it is necessary to work with li ve electrical Fa il u re to f ol lo w c ode c o ul d r es u lt i n de at h or
components, have a qualified licensed electrician s e r i o u s i n j u r y.
or other indi vidual who has been properly trained All field w ir in g MUST be p er for med b y qualif ied
in handling li ve electrical components perform per sonnel. Improperly installed and grounded
these tasks. field wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION
h a z a r d s . To a v o i d t h e s e h a z a r d s , y o u M U S T f o l l o w
1. Turn on power to the unit. Allow the system to run requirements for field wiring installation and
for 15 minutes to stabilize operating conditions. grounding as described in NEC and your local/
2. Measure airflow across the indoor coil. Compare state electrical codes.
the measurements with the fan performance data in
the Data/Submittal or Service Facts. Once proper Field wiring consists of providing power supply to the
airflow is established, compare discharge pressure unit, installing the system indoor thermostat and
and liquid temperature to the “Charging Charts,” p. providing low voltage system interconnecting wiring.
36. Add or remove refrigerant (liquid only) as Access to electrical connection locations is shown in
required to obtain correct discharge pressure and “Dimensional Data,” p. 10. Determine proper wire sizes
liquid temperature. and unit protective fusing requirements by referring to
the unit nameplate and/or the unit Service Facts. Field
3. Check suction line superheat and condenser sub- wiring diagrams for accessories are shipped with the
cooling to ensure the unit is operating properly. accessory.
4. Disconnect all power to the unit.
I m p o rt a n t : If the unit is charged and left without Unit Power Supply
power until a later date, the crankcase The installer must provide line voltage circuit(s) to the
heater should be energized for a unit main power terminals as shown by the unit wiring
minimum of 8 hours prior to powering diagrams (available through e-Library or by contacting
the compressor(s). a local sales office) or field wiring. Power supply must
include a disconnect switch in a location convenient to
WA R N I N G the unit. Ground the unit according to local codes and
provide flexible conduit if codes require and/or if
H a z a r d o u s Vo l t a g e w / C a p a c i t o r s ! vibration transmission may cause noise problems.
F a i l u r e t o d i s c o n n e c t p o w e r a n d d i s ch a r g e
capacitor s before servicing could result in death or I m p o rt a n t : All wiring must comply with applicable
s e r i o u s i n j u r y. local and national (NEC) codes. Type and
location of disconnect switches must
D i s c o n n e c t a l l e l e c t r i c p o w e r, i n c l u d i n g r e m o t e
d i s c o n n e c t s a n d d i s ch a r g e a l l m o t o r s t a rt / r u n comply with all applicable codes.
c a p a c i t o r s b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g . F o l l o w p r o p e r l o ck o u t /
tagout procedures to ensure the power cannot be WA R N I N G
i n a d v e rt e n t l y e n e r g i z e d . F o r v a r i a b l e f r e q u e n c y Prope r Field Wiring a nd Grounding
dri ves or other energy storing components
p r o v i d e d b y Tr a n e o r o t h e r s , r e f e r t o t h e
a p p r o p r i a t e m a n u f a c t u r e r ’s l i t e r a t u r e f o r Fa il u re to f ol lo w c ode c o ul d r es u lt i n de at h or
a l l o w a b l e w a i t i n g p e r i o d s f o r d i s ch a r g e o f s e r i o u s i n j u r y.
c a p a c i t o r s . Ve r i f y w i t h a n a p p r o p r i a t e v o l t m e t e r All field w ir in g MUST be p er for med b y qualif ied
t h a t a l l c a p a c i t o r s h a v e d i s ch a r g e d . per sonnel. Improperly installed and grounded
For ad di ti on al i n for m at io n rega rdi ng t he s a fe field wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION
d i s ch a r g e o f c a p a c i t o r s , s e e P R O D - S V B 0 6 A - E N . h a z a r d s . To a v o i d t h e s e h a z a r d s , y o u M U S T f o l l o w
requirements for field wiring installation and
5. Remove the charging system from the unit. grounding as described in NEC and your local/
state electrical codes.
6. Replace all panels.


N OT I C E ReliaTel Controls
Use Copper Conductor s Only! Wiring shown with dashed lines is to be furnished and
Fai l ure t o us e c op pe r c o ndu ct or s c o ul d r es ul t i n installed by the customer. All customer supplied wiring
equipment damage as unit terminals are not must be copper only and must conform to NEC and
designed to accept other types of conductors. local electrical codes. Codes may require line of sight
between disconnect switch and unit.

Low Voltage Wiring Notes:

1. When electric heater accessory is used,
Mount the indoor thermostat, zone sensor, or Night
single point power entry or dual point power
Setback Panel (NSB) in accordance with the
entry is field optional. Single point power
corresponding thermostat installation instructions.
entry option is through electric heater only.
Install color-coded, weather-proof, multi-wire cable
according to the field wiring schematics (see “Field 2. ***Choose only one of the following;
Wiring,” p. 29). Thermostat, Zone Sensor, or NSB Panel.
I m p o rt a n t : For the EDC switch to be functional and
Electromechanical Controls thereby facilitate reliable unit operation,
Wiring shown with dashed lines is to be furnished and make the EDC connections from the indoor
installed by the customer. All customer supplied wiring to the outdoor control boxes.
must be copper only and must conform to NEC and Figure 20. ReliaTel jobsite connections
local electrical codes. Codes may require line of sight
Disconnect S witch
between disconnect switch and unit. (By Others)
Note 2
N o t e : When electric heater accessory is used, single
point power entry or dual point power entry is
field optional. Single point power entry option is B Air Handler

through electric heater only.

I m p o rt a n t : For the EDC switch to be functional and Heat Accessory

thereby facilitate reliable unit operation,

make the EDC connections from the indoor
to the outdoor control boxes. B
D Disconnect S witch
(By Others) Note 2
Figure 19. Electromechanical jobsite connections
Disconnect S witch A Disconnect S witch
(By Others) (By Others)

B Air Handler
T’s t a t Zo n e NSB P anel

Electric A. 3 power wires, line voltage for 3 phase, (2 power wires for
T’s t a t
Heat Accessory single phase)
B. 3 power wires, line voltage for 3 phase, (2 power wires for
C single phase)
C. Cooling only thermostat: 3 to 7 wires depending on stages of
B electric heat
D Disconnect S witch D. 3 to 7 wires depending on type of outdoor unit(s)
(By Others) Note 2
E. Zone Sensor: 4 to 10 wires depending on zone sensor model(a)
A Disconnect S witch
F. Night Setback Panel: 7 wires
(By Others)

A. 3 power wires, line voltage for 3 phase, (2 power wires for (a) For SZVAV air handlers: 4 additional wires are required (2 of which
single phase) require twisted pair or shielded wire) in order to make connections
B. 3 power wires, line voltage for 3 phase, (2 power wires for between ReliaTel boards in the condenser and air handler.
single phase)
C. Cooling only thermostat: 3 to 7 wires depending on stages of
electric heat
D. 3 to 7 wires depending on type of outdoor unit(s)


Field Wiring
Figure 21. Night setback panel field wiring

Figure 22. Zone sensor field wiring


Figure 23. Thermostat field wiring

Figure 24. Thermostat wiring for electromechanical units


Refrigerant Circuit
Figure 25. Typical split system cooling refrigerant circuit — microchannel










Electrical Data
Table 5. Electrical characteristics — compressor and condenser fan motors — 60 Hz
Compressor Motor Condenser Fan Motor
Unit Amps Amps
Tons Model
Number No. Volts Phase RLA LRA No. Volts Phase FLA LRA
(Ea.) (Ea.) (Ea.) (Ea.)
TTA073G3 1 208-230 3 21.9 136 1 208-230 1 3.1 8.1
TTA073G4 1 460 3 9.1 66.1 1 460 1 1.6 3.8
TTA073GK 1 380 3 10.3 83 1 380 1 1.9 4.9
TTA073GW 1 575 3 7.4 55.3 1 575 1 1.2 3
TTA073H3 2 208-230 3 9 71 1 208-230 1 3.1 8.1
TTA073H4 2 460 3 5.7 38 1 460 1 1.6 3.8
TTA073HK 2 380 3 5.5 45 1 380 1 1.9 4.9
TTA073HW 2 575 3 3.8 36.5 1 575 1 1.2 3
TTA090G3 1 208-230 3 25 164 1 208-230 1 3.1 8.1
TTA090G4 1 460 3 12.9 100 1 460 1 1.6 3.8
TTA090GK 1 380 3 13.9 94.3 1 380 1 1.9 4.9
TTA090GW 1 575 3 10.6 78 1 575 1 1.2 3
TTA090H3 2 208-230 3 14.6 83.1 1 208-230 1 3.1 8.1
TTA090H4 2 460 3 6.8 41 1 460 1 1.6 3.8
TTA090HK 2 380 3 7.6 51.8 1 380 1 1.9 4.9
TTA090HW 2 575 3 4.9 33 1 575 1 1.2 3
TTA120G3 1 208-230 3 36 267 1 208-230 1 5 14.4
TTA120G4 1 460 3 19 142 1 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA120GK 1 380 3 27 160 1 380 1 3.4 7.8
TTA120GW 1 575 3 17 103 1 575 1 2 5.1
TTA120H3 2 208-230 3 16 110 1 208-230 1 5 14.4
TTA120H4 2 460 3 7.8 52 1 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA120HK 2 380 3 10.4 65.6 1 380 1 3.4 7.8
TTA120HW 2 575 3 6 38.9 1 575 1 2 5.1
TTA120J3 2 208-230 3 16 110 1 208-230 1 5 14.4
10 TTA120J4 2 460 3 7.8 52 1 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA120JW 2 575 3 5.7 39 1 575 1 2 5.1
TTA150H3 2 208-230 3 22.4 149 1 208-230 1 5 14.4
TTA150H4 2 460 3 10.6 75 1 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA150HK 2 380 3 11.3 88 1 380 1 3.4 7.8
TTA150HW 2 575 3 7.7 54 1 575 1 2 5.1
TTA180H3 2 208-230 3 25 164 2 208-230 1 5 14.4
TTA180H4 2 460 3 12.2 100 2 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA180HK 2 380 3 13.9 94 2 380 1 3.4 7.8
TTA180HW 2 575 3 9.2 78 2 575 1 2 5.1
TTA180J3 2 208-230 3 25.8 164 2 208-230 1 3.1 8.1
TTA180J4 2 460 3 12.5 100 2 460 1 1.6 3.8
TTA180JK 2 380 3 14.3 94 2 380 1 1.9 4.9
TTA180JW 2 575 3 10.3 78 2 575 1 1.2 3
TTA240H3 2 208-230 3 39.1 267 2 208-230 1 5 14.4
TTA240H4 2 460 3 18.6 142 2 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA240HK 2 380 3 22.4 160 2 380 1 3.4 7.8
TTA240HW 2 575 3 15.4 103 2 575 1 2 5.1

Electrical Data

Table 5. Electrical characteristics — compressor and condenser fan motors — 60 Hz (continued)

Compressor Motor Condenser Fan Motor
Unit Amps Amps
Tons Model
Number No. Volts Phase RLA LRA No. Volts Phase FLA LRA
(Ea.) (Ea.) (Ea.) (Ea.)
TTA240J3 2 208-230 3 39.1 267 2 208-230 1 5 14.4
TTA240J4 2 460 3 19.8 142 2 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA240JK 2 380 3 22.4 160 2 380 1 3.4 7.8
TTA240JW 2 575 3 15.8 103 2 575 1 2 5.1
TTA300J3 2 208-230 3 41 304 2 208-230 1 5 14.4
TTA300J4 2 460 3 19.4 147 2 460 1 2.5 5.8
TTA300JK 2 380 3 23.8 168 2 380 1 3.4 7.8
TTA300JW 2 575 3 16.7 122 2 575 1 2 5.1
Note: Electrical characteristics reflect nameplate values and are calculated in accordance with cULus and ARI specifications.

Table 6. Unit wiring — condensing units — 60 Hz

Unit Operating Maximum Fuse or HACR
Tons Unit Model Number Minimum Circuit Ampacity
Voltage Range Circuit Breaker Size
TTA073G3 187-253 30.5 50
TTA073G4 414-506 13 20
TTA073GK 342-418 15 20
TTA073GW 518-632 10.5 15
TTA073H3 187-253 24 30
TTA073H4 414-506 15 20
TTA073HK 342-418 15 15
TTA073HW 518-632 10 12
TTA090G3 187-253 34.4 45
TTA090G4 414-506 17.7 25
TTA090GK 342-418 20 30
TTA090GW 518-632 14.5 20
TTA090H3 187-253 36 50
TTA090H4 414-506 16.9 20
TTA090HK 342-418 20 25
TTA090HW 518-632 12.2 15
TTA120G3 187-253 42.6 60
TTA120G4 414-506 23.4 30
TTA120GK 342-418 28.2 35
TTA120GW 518-632 17.5 25
TTA120H3 187-253 41 45
TTA120H4 414-506 20.1 25
TTA120HK 342-418 26.9 30
TTA120HW 518-632 15.5 20
TTA120J3 187-253 41 50
10 TTA120J4 414-506 20 25
TTA120JW 518-632 15 20
TTA150H3 187-253 56 70
TTA150H4 414-506 27 35
TTA150HK 342-418 29 40
TTA150HW 518-632 20 25

Electrical Data

Table 6. Unit wiring — condensing units — 60 Hz (continued)

Unit Operating Maximum Fuse or HACR
Tons Unit Model Number Minimum Circuit Ampacity
Voltage Range Circuit Breaker Size
TTA180H3 187-253 67 90
TTA180H4 414-506 33 40
TTA180HK 342-418 39 50
TTA180HW 518-632 25 30
TTA180J3 187-253 65 80
TTA180J4 414-506 32 40
TTA180JK 342-418 37 50
TTA180JW 518-632 26 35
TTA240H3 187-253 98 125
TTA240H4 414-506 47 60
TTA240HK 342-418 58 70
TTA240HW 518-632 39 50
TTA240J3 187-253 98 125
TTA240J4 414-506 47 60
TTA240JK 342-418 58 70
TTA240JW 518-632 39 50
TTA300J3 187-253 103 125
TTA300J4 414-506 49 60
TTA300JK 342-418 61 80
TTA300JW 518-632 42 50
1. Electrical characteristics reflect nameplate values and are calculated in accordance with cULus and ARI specifications. 7.5 and 10 ton values
are system rated; 12.5 - 25 ton values are condensing unit only rated.
2. HACR type circuit breaker per NEC.

Table 7. Electrical characteristics — compressor and condenser fan motors — 50 Hz

Compressor Motor Condenser Fan Motor
Unit Model Amps Amps
Number No. Volts Phase RLA LRA No. Volts Phase RLA LRA
(Ea.) (Ea.) (Ea.) (Ea.)
TTA061GD 1 380-415-50 3 8.9 67.1 1 380-415-50 1 1.6 3.8
TTA061HD 2 380-415-50 3 5.4 38 1 380-415-50 1 1.6 3.8
TTA076GD 1 380-415-50 3 12.5 101 1 380-415-50 1 1.6 3.8
TTA076HD 2 380-415-50 3 6.7 43 1 380-415-50 1 1.6 3.8
TTA101GD 1 380-415-50 3 19 142 1 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
8.33 TTA101HD 2 380-415-50 3 8 51.5 1 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
TTA101JD 2 380-415-50 3 7.8 52 1 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
10.4 TTA126HD 2 380-415-50 3 10.6 74 1 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
TTA156HD 2 380-415-50 3 12.2 101 2 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
TTA156JD 2 380-415-50 3 12.5 101 2 380-415-50 1 1.6 3.8
TTA201HD 2 380-415-50 3 18.6 142 2 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
TTA201JD 2 380-415-50 3 18.6 142 2 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
20.9 TTA251JD 2 380-415-50 3 19.2 147 2 380-415-50 1 1.9 5.8
Note: Electrical characteristics reflect nameplate values and are calculated in accordance with UL and ARI

Electrical Data

Table 8. Unit wiring — condensing units — 50 Hz

Maximum Maximum Fuse
Unit Model Unit Operating Circuit Size or Maximum
Tons Number Voltage Ampacity Circuit Breaker
TTA061GD 380/415 12.7 20
TTA061HD 380/415 14 15
TTA076GD 380/415 17.3 25
TTA076HD 380/415 16.7 20
TTA101GD 380/415 25.7 40
8.33 TTA101HD 380/415 19.9 25
TTA101JD 380/415 20 25
10.4 TTA126HD 380/415 26 35
TTA156HD 380/415 32 40
TTA156JD 380/415 32 40
TTA201HD 380/415 46 60
TTA201JD 380/415 46 60
20.9 TTA251JD 380/415 48 60
Note: HACR type circuit breaker per NEC

Charging Charts and Superheat
Figure 26. TTA061G Figure 29. TTA073H
TTA061G Charging Cu rve
Both Compre s s ors Running TTA073 H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
625 650
600 625
D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig

575 600

Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig
550 575
525 550
500 525
Re m o ve ch a r g e 500
475 Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 475
425 450
400 425
375 400
350 375
Ad d c h a r g e 350
325 Ad d c h a rg e
300 325
275 300
250 275
225 250
200 225
175 200
150 175
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

Figure 27. TTA061H

Figure 30. TTA076G
Both Compre s s ors Running TTA061 H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
650 TTA076G Charging Cu rve
600 650
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

575 625
550 D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig 600
525 575
500 550
475 Re m o ve c h a rg e 525
450 500
425 475
400 450
375 425
350 400
325 Ad d c h a rg e 375
Re m o ve ch a r g e
300 350
275 325
250 300
225 275
200 250
Ad d c h a r g e
175 225
150 200
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 175
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140

Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F

Figure 28. TTA073G Figure 31. TTA076H

TTA073G Charging Cu rve
Bo t h Co m p re s s o rs Ru n n in g TTA076H Charging Cu rve
625 650
600 625
D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig

575 600
D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig

550 575
525 550
500 525
475 500
450 475
425 450
400 425
375 Re m o ve ch a r g e 400
Re m o ve ch a r g e
350 375
325 350
300 325
275 300
250 275
225 Ad d c h a r g e 250
Ad d c h a r g e
200 225
175 200
150 175
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F
Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F

C h a r g i n g C h a rt s a n d S u p e r h e a t

Figure 32. TTA090G Figure 36. TTA101H

TTA090G Charging Cu rve Bo t h Co m p re s s o rs Ru n n in g TTA101H Charging Cu rve (Each Circuit)
650 650
625 625
600 600
D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig

575 575

D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig
525 525
500 500
475 475
450 450
425 425
400 400
Re m o ve ch a r g e Re m o ve ch a r g e
375 375
350 350
325 325
300 300
275 275
250 250
Ad d c h a r g e Ad d c h a r g e
225 225
200 200
175 175
150 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140

Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F

Figure 33. TTA090H Figure 37. TTA120G

Bo t h Co m p re s s o rs Ru n n in g TTA090H Charging Cu rve (Each Circuit) TTA120G Charging Cu rve

D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig
D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig

550 550
525 525
500 500
475 475
450 450
425 425
400 400
Re m o ve ch a r g e Re m o ve ch a r g e
375 375
350 350
325 325
300 300
275 275
250 250
Ad d c h a r g e Ad d c h a r g e
225 225
200 200
175 175
150 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140

Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F

Figure 34. TTA101J Figure 38. TTA120J

Both Compre s s ors Running "TTA101J Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)" Both Compre s s ors Running TTA120 J Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
650 650
625 625
600 600
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

575 575
550 550
525 525
500 500
475 Re m o ve c h a rg e Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 450
425 425
400 400
375 375
350 350
325 Ad d c h a rg e Ad d c h a rg e
300 300
275 275
225 250
200 225
175 200
150 175
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

Figure 35. TTA101G

Figure 39. TTA120H
TTA101G Charging Cu rve Bo t h Co m p re s s o rs Ru n n in g TTA120H Charging Cu rve (Each Circuit)
625 650
600 625
D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig

550 575
D is c h a r g e P r e s s u r e , p s ig

525 550
500 525
475 500
450 475
425 450
400 425
375 Re m o ve ch a r g e 400
Re m o ve ch a r g e
350 375
325 350
300 325
275 300
250 275
Ad d c h a r g e Ad d c h a r g e
225 250
200 225
175 200
150 175
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F
Liq u id Te m p e r a t u r e Le a v in g O D Co il, º F

C h a r g i n g C h a rt s a n d S u p e r h e a t

Figure 40. TTA126H Figure 43. TTA156J

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA126 H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it) Both Compre s s ors Running TTA156 J Ch a rg in g Cu rve
650 650
625 625
600 600

Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

575 575
550 550
525 525
500 500
475 Re m o ve c h a rg e 475 Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 450
425 425
400 400
375 375
350 350
325 Ad d c h a rg e 325 Ad d c h a rg e
300 300
275 275
250 250
225 225
200 200
175 175
150 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140

Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

Figure 41. TTA150H Figure 44. TTA180H

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA150H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it) Both Compre s s ors Running TTA180H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
650 650
625 625
600 600

Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

550 550
525 525
500 500
Re m o ve c h a rg e 475 Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 450
425 425
400 400
375 375
Ad d c h a rg e 325 Ad d c h a rg e
325 300
300 275
275 250
250 225
225 200
200 175
175 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

Figure 42. TTA156H Figure 45. TTA180J

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA180 J Ch a rg in g Cu rve

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA156H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
650 625
625 600
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

575 550
550 525
525 500
500 475 Re m o ve c h a rg e
475 Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 425
425 400
400 375
375 350
350 325 Ad d c h a rg e
325 Ad d c h a rg e
300 275
275 250
250 225
225 200
200 175
175 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

C h a r g i n g C h a rt s a n d S u p e r h e a t

Figure 46. TTA201H Figure 49. TTA240J

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA201H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it) Both Compre s s ors Running TTA 240J Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
650 650
625 625
600 600

Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

575 575
550 550
525 525
500 500
Re m o ve c h a rg e 475 Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 450
425 425
400 400
375 375
350 350
Ad d c h a rg e 325 Ad d c h a rg e
300 300
275 275
250 250
225 200
200 175
175 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

Figure 47. TTA201J Figure 50. TTA251J

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA251J Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA201J Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
650 625
625 600

Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

550 550
525 525
500 500
Re m o ve c h a rg e 475 Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 450
425 425
400 400
375 375
350 350
Ad d c h a rg e 325 Ad d c h a rg e
300 300
275 275
250 250
225 225
200 200
175 175
150 150
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140

Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

Figure 48. TTA240H Figure 51. TTA300J

Both Compre s s ors Running TTA240H Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it) Both Compre s s ors Running TTA300J Ch a rg in g Cu rve (Ea c h Circ u it)
650 650
625 625
600 600
Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

Dis c h a rg e P re s s u re , p s ig

550 550
525 525
500 500
475 Re m o ve c h a rg e Re m o ve c h a rg e
450 450
425 425
400 400
375 375
325 Ad d c h a rg e 350
Ad d c h a rg e
300 325
275 300
250 275
225 250
200 225
175 200
150 175
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F
Liq u id Te m p e ra tu re Le a vin g OD Co il, °F

Table 9. TTA superheat with matched TWE air handler

Cooling Superheat

Condenser Air Handler Circuit 1 Circuit 2

TTA061G TWE076D 13.2 —

TTA061H TWE073E 14.7 15.6

TTA073G TWE090D 13.2 —

TTA073H TWE073E 14.7 15.6

TTA076G TWE076D 15.5 —

C h a r g i n g C h a rt s a n d S u p e r h e a t

Table 9. TTA superheat with matched TWE air handler (continued)

Cooling Superheat

Condenser Air Handler Circuit 1 Circuit 2

TTA076H TWE076E 10.5 10.5

TTA090G TWE090D 15.5 —

TTA090H TWE090E 10.5 10.5

TTA101G TWE101D 13.7 —

TTA101H TWE101E 15.9 15.9

TTA101J TWE101D 11.4 —

TTA120G TWE120D 13.7 —

TTA120H TWE120E 15.9 15.9

TTA120J TWE120D 11.4 —

TTA126H TWE126E 12.7 12.7

TTA150H TWE150E 12.7 12.7

TTA156H TWE156E 10.3 10.3

TTA156J TWE156E 10.0 —

TTA180H TWE180E 10.3 10.3

TTA180J TWE180E 10.0 —

TTA201H TWE201E 10.8 10.8

TTA201J TWE201E 11.5 —

TTA240H TWE240E 11.5 11.5

TTA240J TWE240E 11.5 —

TTA251J TWE251E 12.9 —

TTA300J TWE300E 12.9 —

1. An adjustable TXV is provided for each circuit in the TWE and TWA models. If the application causes the superheat to deviate from the values shown
above by more than 1 degree - after the system has achieved steady state - the TXV should be adjusted to provide the values shown as measured at
the compressor.
2. The values given above have been tested and are approved for the matched sets shown. If an alternate combination is used, an expansion device
should be used that provides 16-20°F degrees of superheat measured at the compressor.
3. Check and adjust superheat using this table, then compare with charging chart to determine if charge corrections are necessary.

Installation Checklist
Complete this checklist once the unit is installed to Insulated the entire suction line?
verify that all recommended procedures have been Insulated portions of liquid line exposed to
accomplished before starting the system. Do not extremes in temperature?
operate the system until all items covered by this
checklist are complete. Performed initial leak test?
Inspect unit location for proper required service Evacuated each refrigerant circuit to 500 microns?
clearances. Charged each circuit with proper amount of R-
Inspect unit location for proper free air clearances. 410A?
Inspect unit location for secure, level mounting
position. Electrical Wiring
Remove coil protection boards on microchannel Provided unit power wiring (with disconnect) to
units. proper terminals in the unit control section?
Installed system indoor thermostat?
Refrigerant Piping Installed system low voltage interconnecting wiring
Properly sized/constructed liquid and suction lines to proper terminals of outdoor unit, indoor unit and
connected to stubs at both the indoor and outdoor system thermostat?

Control Circuit Features drops below the Low Pressure Cut-Out setting. Once
the suction pressure has returned to normal, the
N o t e : Not all of these features may be required for your compressor and outdoor fans will cycle back on.
unit, check electrical schematic.
High Pressure Cut-Out (HPCO)
Discharge Temperature Limit (DTL)
This control’s sensor is located in the discharge line.
The control’s sensor is located on the discharge line. This device will shut off the compressor and the
This device will shut off the compressor and the outdoor fan(s) if the discharge pressure exceeds the
outdoor fan(s) if the discharge temperature exceeds the High Pressure Cut-Out’s setting. Once the discharge
DTL setting. Once the discharge temperature has pressure has returned to normal, the compressor will
returned to normal, the compressor will cycle back on. cycle back on.
Low Outdoor Ambient Cooling
The Evaporator Defrost Control is standard equipment
Prevent Injury!
on Air Handlers and will permit low ambient cooling
down to 50°F. For cooling operation down to 0°F, use an D u e t o a g e n c y s a f e t y r e q u i r e m e n t s , n o s ch r a d e r
Accessory Head Pressure Control on the outdoor unit. c o r e i s t o b e i n s t a l l e d b e n e a t h t h e H P C O. R e m o v a l
o f t h e H P C O w i t h o u t e v a c u a t i n g t h e s y s t e m ch a r g e
Evaporator Defrost Control (EDC) could cause injury and release of refrigerant.

This control is located in the Air Handler. The control’s

sensing tube is embedded vertically in the evaporator Internal Overload Protector (IOL)
coil, near the center. This device will stop the This device is embedded in the compressor. It will shut
compressor if the indoor coil temperature drops below off the compressor if the discharge temperature of the
its setting. The indoor air will still circulate across the compressor exceeds its design trip temperature.
coil bringing the temperature of the coil back up to the
cut-in temperature of the evaporator defrost control. N o t e : The IOL will put the compressor back in
operation once the compressor motor heat has
Low Pressure Cut-Out (LPCO) dropped below the trip setting; however, a check
of the refrigerant and electrical systems should
This control’s sensor is located in the suction (gas) line, be made to determine the cause and be
near the compressor. This control will stop the corrected.
compressor and the outdoor fans if suction pressure

Electromechanical Controls evaporator fan contactor also energizes on a call for
cooling and initiates evaporator fan operation.
The 24–volt, electromechanical controls feature a
control transformer and contactor pressure lugs for On units with dual circuits, the second stage of cooling
power wiring. Once the unit is properly installed and is initiated as a result of the 2-stage thermostat calling
pre-start procedures are complete, start the unit by for additional cooling.
turning the System Switch on the indoor thermostat to
either H E AT, C O O L or A U TO. The system should ReliaTel Controls
operate normally.
The ReliaTel™ Control is a microelectronic control
N OT I C E feature, which provides operating functions that are
significantly different than conventional
Equipment Damage! Electromechanical units. The ReliaTel™ Refrigeration
Ensure the disconnect for the indoor air handler is Module (RTRM) uses Proportional/Integral control
closed before operating the system. Operating the algorithms to perform specific unit functions that
o u t d o o r u n i t w i t h o u t t h e i n d o o r f a n e n e r g i ze d ca n govern the unit operation in response to application
cause unit trip-out on high pressure control and/or conditions.
l i q u i d f l o o d b a ck t o t h e c o m p r e s s o r. The RTRM provides compressor anti-short cycle timing
functions through minimum “O ff” and “O n ” timing to
General increase reliability, performance and to maximize unit
efficiency. Upon power initialization, the RTRM
Operation of the system cooling (and optional heating)
performs self-diagnostic checks to ensure that all
cycles is controlled by the position of the system switch
internal controls are functioning. It checks the
on the room thermostat. Once the system switch is
configuration parameters against the components
placed in either the H E AT or C O O L position, unit
connected to the system. The system LED located on
operation is automatic. The optional automatic
the RTRM module is turned “O n” within one second
changeover thermostat, when in the A U TO position,
after power-up if all internal operations are okay.
automatically changes to heat or cool with sufficient
room temperature change. Once the unit is properly installed and pre-start
procedures are complete, start the unit by turning the
Evaporator Fan (Indoor Supply Air) System Switch on the indoor thermostat to either
H E AT, C O O L or AU TO. The system should operate
The evaporator fan is controlled by an O N / A U TO normally.
switch on the room thermostat. With the switch
positioned at A U TO and the system operating in the
cooling mode, fan operation coincides with the cooling
run cycles. If the system is equipped with heat and is Equipment Damage!
operating in the heating mode while the fan switch is at Ensure the disconnect for the indoor air handler is
A U TO, fan operation coincides with the heating run closed before operating the system. Operating the
cycles. When the fan switch is positioned at O N , fan outdoor unit without the indoor fan energized can
operation is continuous. cause unit trip-out on high pressure control and/or
l i q u i d f l o o d b a ck t o t h e c o m p r e s s o r.
Cooling Mode
With the disconnect switch in the O N position, current Control Cooling Mode
is supplied to the compressor sump heater(s), phase
monitor and control transformer. The sump heater(s) For Zone Sensor Control
supplies heat to the compressor(s) during the “O ff” When the system switch is set to the C O O L position
cycle. The phase monitor looks at the incoming power and the zone temperature rises above the cooling
to verify that there is no reversed phase, no phase setpoint, the RTRM energizes the compressor
imbalance, and no loss of phase. If the phase monitor contactor, provided the high and low pressure and the
detects any of these three conditions, it will shut off discharge temperature limit controls are closed. When
control voltage. The transformer steps down the line the compressor contacts close, the compressor and the
voltage to 24V for the low voltage control circuit. When outdoor fan motor start to maintain the zone
the room thermostat system switch is positioned at temperature to within ± 2°F of the sensor setpoint at
C O O L and the fan switch is at A U TO, the compressor the sensed location. On units with dual circuits, the
contactor energizes on a call for cooling. When the second stage of cooling is initiated as a result of the
contacts of the compressor contactor close, operation Proportional/Integral control algorithms calling for
of the compressor and condenser fan begins. The additional cooling.

S t a rt - U p

For Thermostat Control cooling requirement has been satisfied to enhance unit
When the room thermostat system switch is positioned efficiency. When the heating cycle is terminated, the
at C O O L and the fan switch is at A U TO, the RTRM evaporator fan relay coil is de-energized at the same
energizes the compressor contactor, provided the high time as the heater contactors. When the fan selection
and low pressure and the discharge temperature limit switch is set to the O N position, the RTRM keeps the
controls are closed. When the contacts of the evaporator fan relay coil energized for continuous fan
compressor contactor close, operation of the motor operation.
compressor and condenser fan begins. The evaporator
fan contactor also energizes on a call for cooling and
Control Heating Operation
initiates evaporator fan operation. On units with dual Electric heat is factory disabled on all split system units
circuits, the second stage of cooling is initiated as a with ReliaTel control (jumper placed between J2-1 and
result of the 2-stage thermostat calling for additional J2-2 RTRM inputs). To configure the unit for electric
cooling. heat, cut or remove the jumper wire between J2-1 and
N o t e : Irregular unit operation may occur when the unit J2-2 on the RTRM. All split system units with ReliaTel
is controlled with a triac-switching thermostat. control are also configured from the factory for only 1-
Please review the approved thermostat vendor stage of electric heat (jumper placed between J1-3 and
list for all recommended relay-switching J1-6 RTRM inputs). To configure the unit for 2-stages of
thermostats. electric heat, cut or remove the jumper placed between
J1-3 and J1-6 RTRM inputs.
Control Evaporator Fan Operation When the system switch is set to the H E AT position
When the fan selection switch is set to the A U TO and heating is required, the RTRM energizes the Heat 1
position, the RTRM energizes the evaporator fan relay relay coil on the RTRM. When the Heat 1 relay contacts
coil approximately 1 second after energizing the close, the first stage electric heat contactor is
compressor contactor coil in the cooling mode. In the energized. If the first stage of electric heat cannot
heating mode, the RTRM energizes the evaporator fan satisfy the heating requirement, the RTRM energizes
relay coil approximately 1 second before energizing the the Heat 2 relay coil on the RTRM. When the Heat 2
electric heat contactors. relay contacts close, the second stage electric heat
contactor is energized. The first and second stages of
The RTRM de-energizes the evaporator fan relay coil heat are cycled “O n” and “O ff” as required to maintain
approximately 60 seconds on dual compressor units the zone.
and 80 seconds on single compressor units after the

Service Test Modes for ReliaTel™
™ Controls
Test Modes Step Test Mode
Upon power initialization, the RTRM performs self- This method initiates the different components of the
diagnostic checks to ensure that all internal controls are unit, one at a time, by temporarily shorting across the
functional. It also checks the configuration parameters two test terminals for 2 to 3 seconds.
against the components connected to the system. The For the initial start-up of the unit, this method allows
system LED located on the RTRM module is turned the technician to cycle a component “O n” and have up
“O n ” within one second of power-up if internal to one hour to complete the check. Service Test Mode
operation is okay. will be ignored if a short is present across Test 1 and
Use one of the following “ Te s t ” procedures to bypass Test 2 at start-up.
some time delays and to start the unit at the control
panel. Each step of unit operation can be activated Resistance Test Mode
individually by temporarily shorting across the “ Te s t ”
This method can be used for start-up when a decade
terminals for 2 to 3 seconds. The system LED located
box for variable resistance outputs is available. This
on the RTRM module will blink when the test mode has
method initiates the different components of the unit,
been initiated. The unit can be left in any “ Te s t ” step
one at a time, when a specific resistance value is placed
for up to one hour before it will automatically
across the two test terminals. The unit will remain in
terminate, or it can be terminated by opening the main
the specific test mode for approximately one hour even
power disconnect switch. Once the test mode has been
though the resistance is left on the test terminals.
terminated, the system LED will glow continuously and
the unit will revert to the “ S y s t e m ” control.
There are three methods in which the “ Se r v i c e Te s t ”
can be cycled at LTB-Test 1(T1) and LTB-Test 2 (T2).

Table 10. Service test guide for component operation


1 Fan On Off Off Off Off 2.2K

2 Cool 1 On On(a) Off Off Off 4.7K

3(b) Cool 2 On On(a) On(a) Off Off 6.8K

4(b) Heat 1 On Off Off On Off 10K

5(b) Heat 2 On Off Off On On 15K

(a) The condenser fans will operate any time a compressor is ON.
(b) Steps for optional accessories and non-applicable modes in unit will be skipped.

Auto Test Mode The unit will start the first test step and change to the
next step every 30 seconds. At the end of the test
This method is not recommended for start-up due to
mode, control of the unit will automatically revert to the
the short timing between individual component steps.
applied “ Sy s t e m ” control method. For unit test steps,
This method initiates the different components of the
test modes, and step resistance values to cycle the
unit, one at a time, when a fixed jumper is installed
various components, refer to Table 10, p. 45.
across the test terminals.

Troubleshooting ReliaTel™ outputs, and all of the external controls (relays,
contactors, etc.) that the RTRM outputs energize, for
Controls each respective mode. Proceed to Step 6.
WA R N I N G 6. Step the system through all of the available modes,
and verify operation of all outputs, controls, and
Li ve Electrical Components! modes. If a problem in operation is noted in any
Fai l ure t o fol l ow al l e le c tr ic a l s af et y pr ec a uti on s mode, you may leave the system in that mode for
when exposed to li ve electrical components could up to one hour while troubleshooting. Refer to the
r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y. sequence of operations for each mode, to assist in
When it is necessary to work with li ve electrical verifying proper operation. Make the necessary
components, have a qualified licensed electrician repairs and proceed to Step 7 and Step 8.
or other indi vidual who has been properly trained
7. If no abnormal operating conditions appear in the
in handling li ve electrical components perform
test mode, exit the test mode by turning the power
these tasks.
“O ff” at the main power disconnect switch.
The RTRM has the ability to provide the service 8. Refer to the individual component test procedures if
personnel with some unit diagnostics and system other microelectronic components are suspect.
status information.
Before turning the main power disconnect switch “O ff,” System Status Checkout
follow the steps below to check the ReliaTel™
Refrigeration Module (RTRM). All diagnostics & system Procedure
status information stored in the RTRM will be lost when “ Sy s t e m S t a t u s ” is checked by using one of the
the main power is turned “O ff”. following two methods:
To prevent injury or death from electrocution, it is the
responsibility of the technician to recognize this hazard Method 1
and use extreme care when performing service
If the Zone Sensor Module (ZSM) is equipped with a
procedures with the electrical power energized.
remote panel with LED status indication, you can check
N o t e : The J6 & J7 screw terminals must be tightened the unit within the space. If the ZSM does not have
in order to accurately measure voltage in the LED’s, use “Method 2,” p. 47. BAYSENS010B,
required steps. BAYSENS011B, BAYSENS119A, BAYSENS020A,
1. Verify that the system LED on the RTRM is burning BAYSENS021A, BAYSENS023A, BAYSENS109 and
continuously. If the LED is lit, go to Step 3. BAYSENS110 all have the remote panel indication
feature. The LED descriptions are listed below.
2. If the LED is not lit, verify that 24 VAC is present
between J1-1 and J1-2. If 24 VAC is present, • L E D 1 ( Sy s t e m )
proceed to Step 3. If 24 VAC is not present, check – “O n ” during normal operation.
the unit main power supply, check transformer
– “O ff” if a system failure occurs or the LED fails.
(TNS1). Proceed to Step 3 if necessary.
– “ F l a s h i n g ” indicates test mode
3. Utilizing “Method 1,” p. 46 or “Method 2,” p. 47 in
the System Status Checkout Procedure section, • LED 2 (Heat)
check the following: – “O n ” when the heat cycle is operating.
• System status – “O ff” when the heat cycle terminates or the LED
• Heating status fails.
• Cooling status – “ F l a s h i n g ” indicates a heating failure.
N o t e : If a System failure is indicated, proceed to • LED 3 (Cool)
Step 4. If no failures are indicated, proceed to
Step 5. – “O n ” when the cooling cycle is operating.
4. If a System failure is indicated, recheck Step 1 and – “O ff” when the cooling cycle terminates or the
Step 2. If the LED is not lit in Step 1, and 24 VAC is LED fails.
present in Step 2, then the RTRM has failed. – “ F l a s h i n g ” indicates a cooling failure.
Replace the RTRM.
The following information describes the complete
5. If no failures are indicated, use one of the TEST listing of failure indication causes.
mode procedures described in the “Service Test
Modes chapter,” p. 45 to start the unit. This
procedure will allow you to check all of the RTRM

Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g

System Failure • H e a t O p e r a t i n g = approximately 32 VDC

Check the voltage between terminals 6 and 9 on J6, it • H e a t O ff = less than 1 VDC, approximately 0.75 VDC
should read approximately 32 VDC. If no voltage is • H e a t i n g F a i l u r e = voltage alternates between 32
present, a System failure has occurred. Refer to Step 4 VDC & 0.75 VDC
in the previous section for the recommended
troubleshooting procedure. Cool Failure
Cooling Failure Measure the voltage between terminals J6-8 & J6-6.
1. Cooling and heating set point (slide pot) on the • C o o l O p e r a t i n g = approximately 32 VDC
zone sensor has failed. Refer to the “Programmable • C o o l O ff = less than 1 VDC, approximately 0.75 VDC
& Digital Zone Sensor Test,” p. 48.
• C o o l i n g F a i l u r e = voltage alternates between 32
2. Zone temperature thermistor ZTEMP on ZTS failed. VDC & 0.75 VDC
Refer to the “Programmable & Digital Zone Sensor
To use LED’s for quick status information at the unit,
Test,” p. 48.
purchase a BAYSENS010B ZSM and connect wires with
3. CC1 or CC2 24 VAC control circuit has opened, alligator clamps to terminals 6 through 10. Connected
check CC1 & CC2 coils, and any of the controls each respective terminal wire (6 through 10) from the
below that apply to the unit (HPC1, HPC2, DTL1, Zone Sensor to the unit J6 terminals 6 through 10.
N o t e : If the system is equipped with a programmable
4. LPC1 has opened during the 3 minute minimum “on zone sensor, (BAYSENS119A, or BAYSENS023A),
time” during 4 consecutive compressor starts, the LED indicators will not function while the
check LPC1 or LPC2 by testing voltage between the BAYSENS010A is connected.
J1-8 & J3-2 terminals on the RTRM and ground. If
24 VAC is present, the LPCs have not tripped. If no
voltage is present, LPCs have tripped. Temperature Tests
N o t e : These procedures are not for programmable or
Simultaneous Heat and Cool Failure digital models and are conducted with the Zone
WA R N I N G Sensor Module electrically removed from the
Li ve Electrical Components!
Fai l ure t o fol l ow al l e le c tr ic a l s af et y pr ec a uti on s Test 1 - Zone Temperature Thermistor
when exposed to li ve electrical components could (ZTEMP)
r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y.
When it is necessary to work with li ve electrical This component can be tested by measuring the
components, have a qualified licensed electrician resistance between terminals 1 and 2 on the Zone
or other indi vidual who has been properly trained Temperature Sensor. See Table 11, p. 47 for typical
in handling li ve electrical components perform indoor temperatures, and corresponding resistive
these tasks. values.
Table 11. Typical indoor temperatures and values
• Emergency Stop is activated.
Zone Temperature Nominal Resistance
Method 2
50°F or 10.0°C 19.9 Kohms
The second method for determining system status is
55°F or 12.8°C 17.47 Kohms
done by checking voltage readings at the RTRM (J6).
The system indication descriptions and the 60°F or 15.6°C 15.3 Kohms
approximate voltages are listed below.
65°F or 18.3°C 13.49 Kohms
System Failure 70°F or 21.1°C 11.9 Kohms
Measure the voltage between terminals J6-9 & J6-6. 75°F or 23.9°C 10.50 Kohms
• N o r m a l O p e r a t i o n = approximately 32 VDC 80°F or 26.7°C 9.3 Kohms
• S y s t e m F a i l u r e = less than 1 VDC, approximately 85°F or 29.4°C 8.25 Kohms
0.75 VDC
90°F or 32.2°C 7.3 Kohms
• Te s t M o d e = voltage alternates between 32 VDC &
0.75 VDC
Test 2 - Cooling Set Point (CSP) and
Heat Failure
Heating Set Point (HSP)
Measure the voltage between terminals J6-7 & J6-6.
C o o l S P = Terminals 2 and 3

Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g

Range = 100 to 900 Ohms approximate Test 3 - System Mode and Fan Selection
H e a t S P = Terminals 2 and 5 The combined resistance of the M O D E selection switch
Range = 100 to 900 Ohms approximate and the FA N selection switch can be measured
between terminals 2 and 4 on the Zone Sensor. The
possible switch combinations are listed in Table 12, p.
48 with their corresponding resistance values.

Table 12. Test 3 - system mode and fan selection

Zone Sensor Unit/Fan

Resistance Valves(Ohms) Mode Local Unit Mode Local Fan Mode

2.32K Off/Auto Off Auto

4.87K Cool/Auto Cool Auto

7.68K Auto/Auto Auto Auto

10.77K Off/On Off On

13.32K Cool/On Cool On

16.13K Auto/On Auto On

19.48K Heat/Auto Heat Auto

27.93K Heat/On Heat On

35.0K Emergency Heat/Auto Emergency Heat Auto

43.45K Emergency Heat/On Emergency Heat On

Out of Range (Short) INVALID/Short Invalid (CV), Auto (VAV) Invalid

Out of Range (Open) INVALID/Open Invalid (CV), Off (VAV) Invalid

Test 4 - LED Indicator Test (SYS ON, high resistance in both directions, LED is open. If low in
HEAT, & COOL) both directions, LED is shorted.

WA R N I N G Method 3
To test LED’s with ZSM connected to unit, test voltages
Li ve Electrical Components! at LED terminals on ZSM. A measurement of 32 VDC,
Fai l ure t o fol l ow al l e le c tr ic a l s af et y pr ec a uti on s across an unlit LED, means the LED has failed.
when exposed to li ve electrical components could
r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y. I m p o rt a n t : Measurements should be made from LED
common (ZSM terminal 6 to respective LED
When it is necessary to work with li ve electrical
components, have a qualified licensed electrician
or other indi vidual who has been properly trained
in handling li ve electrical components perform Programmable & Digital Zone
these tasks.
Sensor Test
Method 1 Testing Serial Communication Voltage
Testing the LED using a meter with diode test function.
1. Verify 24 VAC is present between terminals J6-14 &
Test both forward and reverse bias. Forward bias
should measure a voltage drop of 1.5 to 2.5 volts,
depending on your meter. Reverse bias will show an
Over Load, or open circuit indication if LED is

Method 2
Testing the LED with an analog Ohmmeter. Connect
Ohmmeter across LED in one direction, then reverse
the leads for the opposite direction. The LED should
have at least 100 times more resistance in reverse
direction, as compared with the forward direction. If

Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g

WA R N I N G Resetting Cooling and Heating

Li ve Electrical Components! Lockouts
Fai l ure t o fol l ow al l e le c tr ic a l s af et y pr ec a uti on s Cooling Failures and Heating Lockouts are reset in an
when exposed to li ve electrical components could identical manner.“Method 1,” p. 49 explains resetting
r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y. the system from the space; “Method 2,” p. 49 explains
When it is necessary to work with li ve electrical resetting the system at the unit.
components, have a qualified licensed electrician
N o t e : Before resetting Cooling Failures and Heating
or other indi vidual who has been properly trained
Lockouts check the Failure Status Diagnostics by
in handling li ve electrical components perform
the methods previously explained. Diagnostics
these tasks.
will be lost when the power to the unit is
2. Disconnect wires from J6-11 and J6-12. Measure disconnected.
the voltage between J6-11 and J6-12, should be
about 32 VDC. Method 1
3. Reconnect wires to terminals J6-11 and J6-12. To reset the system from the space, turn the M O D E
Measure voltage again between J6-11 and J6-12, selection switch at the zone sensor to the O F F position.
voltage should flash high and low every 0.5 After approximately 30 seconds, turn the M O D E
seconds. The voltage on the low end will measure selection switch to the desired mode, i.e. H E AT, C O O L ,
about 19 VDC, while the voltage on the high end or AU TO.
will measure from approximately 24 to 38 VDC.
Method 2
4. Verify all modes of operation, by running the unit
through all of the steps in “Service Test Modes for To reset the system at the unit, cycle the unit power by
ReliaTel Controls,” p. 45. turning the disconnect switch O F F and then O N
5. After verifying proper unit operation, exit the test Lockouts can be cleared through the building
mode. Turn the fan on continuously at the ZSM, by management system. Refer to the building
pressing the button with the fan symbol. If the fan management system instructions for more
comes on and runs continuously, the ZSM is good. information.
If you are not able to turn the fan on, the ZSM is
Zone Temperature Sensor (ZTS)
RLCI Loss of Communications Service Indicator
If the RLCI loses input from the building management The ZSM SERVICE LED is a generic indicator that will
system, the RTRM will control in the default mode after signal the closing of a Normally Open switch at any
approximately 15 minutes. If the RTRM loses the time, providing the Indoor Motor (IDM) is operating.
Heating and Cooling setpoint input, the RTRM will This indicator is usually used to indicate an airside fan
control in the default mode instantaneously. The failure.
temperature sensing thermistor in the Zone Sensor
The RTRM will ignore the closing of this Normally
Module is the only component required for the
Open switch for 2 (±1) minutes. This helps prevent
“ D e f a u l t M o d e” to operate.
nuisance SERVICE LED indications.

WA R N I N G Remove any accumulation of dust and/or dirt from
the unit casing.
H a z a r d o u s Vo l t a g e w / C a p a c i t o r s !
Remove corrosion from any surface and repaint.
F a i l u r e t o d i s c o n n e c t p o w e r a n d d i s ch a r g e
Check the gasket around the control panel door to
capacitor s before servicing could result in death or
ensure it fits correctly and is in good condition to
s e r i o u s i n j u r y. prevent water leakage.
D i s c o n n e c t a l l e l e c t r i c p o w e r, i n c l u d i n g r e m o t e
d i s c o n n e c t s a n d d i s ch a r g e a l l m o t o r s t a rt / r u n Inspect the control panel wiring to ensure that all
c a p a c i t o r s b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g . F o l l o w p r o p e r l o ck o u t / connections are tight and that the insulation is
tagout procedures to ensure the power cannot be intact.
i n a d v e rt e n t l y e n e r g i z e d . F o r v a r i a b l e f r e q u e n c y N o t e : Condenser fan motors are permanently
dri ves or other energy storing components lubricated.
p r o v i d e d b y Tr a n e o r o t h e r s , r e f e r t o t h e
Check refrigerant piping and fittings for leaks
a p p r o p r i a t e m a n u f a c t u r e r ’s l i t e r a t u r e f o r
a l l o w a b l e w a i t i n g p e r i o d s f o r d i s ch a r g e o f Inspect the condenser coils for dirt and debris. If the
c a p a c i t o r s . Ve r i f y w i t h a n a p p r o p r i a t e v o l t m e t e r coils appear dirty, clean them.
t h a t a l l c a p a c i t o r s h a v e d i s ch a r g e d .
For ad di ti on al i n for m at io n rega rdi ng t he s a fe Coil Cleaning
d i s ch a r g e o f c a p a c i t o r s , s e e P R O D - S V B 0 6 A - E N .
Regular coil maintenance, including annual cleaning-
enhances the unit's operating efficiency by minimizing:
N OT I C E • compressor head pressure and amperage draw
O p e r a t i n g U n d e r Va c u u m ! • water carryover
Fai l ure t o fol l ow t he se in st ruc t io ns w il l r es ul t i n • fan brake horsepower
compressor failure. • static pressure losses
Do not operate or apply power to the compressor At least once each year — or more often if the unit is
while under a vacuum. located in a “dirty” environment — clean the coil using
Perform all of the indicated maintenance procedures at the instructions outlined below. Be sure to follow these
the intervals scheduled. This will prolong the life of the instructions as closely as possible to avoid damaging
unit and reduce the possibility of costly equipment the coils.
Microchannel (MCHE) Coils
Monthly N OT I C E
Conduct the following maintenance inspections once Coil Damage!
per month. Fa il u re to f ol lo w in s tru ct io ns b el ow c o ul d res u lt i n
Check unit wiring to ensure all connections are tight coil damage.
and that the wiring insulation is intact. D O N O T u s e a n y d e t e r g e n t s w i t h m i c r o ch a n n e l
condenser coils.
Inspect the condenser coils for dirt and debris. If the
U s e p r e s s u r i ze d w a t e r o r a i r O N LY, w i t h p r e s s u r e
coils appear dirty, clean them.
n o g re at er th an 6 0 0psi .
With the unit operating in the cooling mode, check Fo r a dd it io na l i nfo rm a ti on re gar di ng th e pro pe r
the suction and discharge pressures and compare m i c r o ch a n n e l c o i l c l e a n i n g p r o c e d u r e , r e f e r t o RT-
them with Pressure Curve values in unit Service SVB83*-E N
Facts. Record these readings on the “Maintenance
Log,” p. 52. Due to the soft material and thin walls of the MCHE
coils, the traditional field maintenance method
recommended for Round Tube Plate Fin (RTPF) coils
Annually (Cooling Season) does not apply to microchannel coils. Moreover,
The following maintenance procedures must be chemical cleaners are a risk factor to MCHE due to the
performed at the beginning of each cooling season to material of the coil. The manufacturer does not
ensure efficient unit operation. recommend the use of chemical cleaners to clean
microchannel coils. Using chemical cleaners could lead
Perform all of the monthly maintenance
to warranty claims being further evaluated for validity
and failure analysis.
With the unit operating, check unit superheat and
record the reading in the “Maintenance Log,” p. 52.


The recommended cleaning method for microchannel the pressure washer aimed perpendicular to the face of
condenser coils is pressurized water or air with a non- the coil during cleaning. Optimum clearance between
pinpoint nozzle and an ECU of at least 180 with the sprayer nozzle and the microchannel coil is 1”–3”.
pressure no greater than 600 psi. To minimize the risk
of coil damage, approach the cleaning of the coil with

Superheat (°F) Subcooling (°F)
Evaporator Entering Air Compressor (at compressor) (at service valve)

Ambient Suction Pressure Discharge Pressure

Temp. Dry Wet
Date (°F) Bulb Bulb (C1) (C2) (C1) (C2) Circuit #1 Circuit #2 Circuit #1 Circuit #2

Maintenance Log

Note: Perform each inspection once per month (during cooling season) while unit is operating

Wiring Diagram Matrix
Table 13. Wiring schematics R-410A cooling
Schematics Connection Diagrams
Model Refrigerant
Ton Voltage Hz Ph Electromechani- Electromechani-
Number Circuit ReliaTel ReliaTel
cal cal
TTA061GD 5 Single 380-415 50 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA061HD 5 Dual 380-415 50 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA073G3 6 Single 208-230 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA073G4 6 Single 460 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA073GW 6 Single 575 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA073GK 6 Single 380 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA073H3 6 Dual 208-230 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA073H4 6 Dual 460 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA073HW 6 Dual 575 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA073HK 6 Dual 380 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA076GD 6.25 Single 380-415 50 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA076HD 6.25 Dual 380-415 50 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA090G3 7.5 Single 208-230 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA090G4 7.5 Single 460 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA090GW 7.5 Single 575 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA090GK 7.5 Single 380 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA090H3 7.5 Dual 208-230 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA090H4 7.5 Dual 460 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA090HW 7.5 Dual 575 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA090HK 7.5 Dual 380 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA101GD 8.33 Single 380-415 50 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA101HD 8.33 Dual 380-415 50 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA101JD 8.33 Manif 380-415 50 3 12131508 12131503 23130418DRW 12131512
TTA120G3 10 Single 208-230 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA120G4 10 Single 460 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA120GW 10 Single 575 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA120GK 10 Single 380 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131516 12131511
TTA120H3 10 Dual 208-230 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA120H4 10 Dual 460 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA120HW 10 Dual 575 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA120HK 10 Dual 380 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA120J3 10 Manif 208-230 60 3 12131508 12131503 23130418DRW 12131512
TTA120J4 10 Manif 460 60 3 12131508 12131503 23130418DRW 12131512
TTA120JW 10 Manif 575 60 3 12131508 12131503 23130418DRW 12131512
TTA120JK 10 Manif 380 60 3 12131508 12131503 23130418DRW 12131512
TTA126HD 10.4 Dual 380-415 50 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA150H3 12.5 Dual 208-230 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA150H4 12.5 Dual 460 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA150HW 12.5 Dual 575 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA150HK 12.5 Dual 380 60 3 12131507 12131503 12131517 12131512
TTA156HD 13 Dual 380-415 50 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA156JD 13 Manif 380-415 50 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA180H3 15 Dual 208-230 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA180H4 15 Dual 460 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA180HW 15 Dual 575 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA180HK 15 Dual 380 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA180J3 15 Manif 208-230 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681

Wiring Diagram Matrix

Table 13. Wiring schematics R-410A cooling (continued)

Schematics Connection Diagrams
Model Refrigerant
Ton Voltage Hz Ph Electromechani- Electromechani-
Number Circuit ReliaTel ReliaTel
cal cal
TTA180J4 15 Manif 460 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA180JW 15 Manif 575 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA180JK 15 Manif 380 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA201HD 16.7 Dual 380-415 50 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA201JD 16.7 Manif 380-415 50 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA240H3 20 Dual 208-230 60 3 12131688 12131665 12131691 12131519
TTA240H4 20 Dual 460 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA240HW 20 Dual 575 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA240HK 20 Dual 380 60 3 12131506 12131502 12131690 12131680
TTA240J3 20 Manif 208-230 60 3 12131692 12131666 12131693 12131520
TTA240J4 20 Manif 460 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA240JW 20 Manif 575 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA240JK 20 Manif 380 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA251JD 20.9 Manif 380-415 50 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA300J3 25 Manif 208-230 60 3 12131692 12131666 12131693 12131520
TTA300J4 25 Manif 460 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA300JW 25 Manif 575 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
TTA300JK 25 Manif 380 60 3 12131508 12131503 12131695 12131681
Note: Wiring diagrams are available through e-Library or by contacting your local sales office.



The manufacturer optimizes the performance of homes and buildings around the world. A business of Ingersoll Rand,
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The manufacturer has a policy of continuous product and product data improvements and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.
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