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TFE3E1 Event Planning

The COVID-19 Event

The world is experiencing an epic event right now ----- COVID-19.
 What is COVID-19?
 How can people get COVID-19?
 How does COVID-19 affect people?
 What is the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic?
 Is COVID-19 a pandemic or an epidemic?
Our government is trying to keep us safe while opening up the economy in stages. As
businesses begin to open up, there are some concerns with some personal services being
delivered as physical distancing is virtually impossible.
Choose one personal service business and discuss how you would protect your 3 employees
and the clients from COVID-19. Consider such things as: scheduling, cost, implementation, etc.
 Outline at least 5 safety measures that you would implement for you and your 3
 Outline at least 5 safety measures that you would implement for the clients.
 Explain how or why each safety measure that you would implement for both staff and
clients would help to keep everyone safe.


Comm - clearly conveys information in written form /10

K/U - demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of COVID-19

T/I - uses creative and critical thinking when considering appropriate safety
measures /15
App - implementation of safety measures are reasonable and doable


Total = /60
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