P1. QUIZ 1.1. Scientific Notation. 10 AI. SL (22 Marks)

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P1. QUIZ 1.1. Scientific Notation. 10 AI.

SL [22 marks]
NAME: __________________________________________________________________ DATE: ______________________
1. Write each number in scientific notation: [4 marks]

2. Write as an ordinary number: [4 marks]

a. 3.8 × 10−3 =
b. 4.33 × 107 =
c. 7.8 × 10−4 =
d. 8.6 × 105 =

3. Use your calculator to evaluate the following, giving your answer in scientific notation:
[3 marks]
a. 680,000 × 73,000,000

b. (9.8 × 10−4 ) ÷ (7.2 × 10−6 )

c. (6.42 × 10−2)2
4. [3 marks]. The speed of light is 300 000 kilometres per second. The average distance
from the Sun to the Earth is 149.6 million km.
Calculate the time, in minutes, it takes for light from the Sun to reach the Earth.

5. [2 marks]. Let 𝑝 = ,
√𝑤 2 −𝑧

where 𝑥 = 36∘ , 𝑦 = 18∘ , 𝑤 = 29 and 𝑧 = 21.8.

Write your answer to part (b)(ii) in the form 𝑎 × 10𝑘, where 1 ≤ 𝑎 < 10, 𝑘 ∈ ℤ.
6a. [4 marks]. Assume that the Earth is a sphere with a radius, 𝑟 , of 6.38 × 103  km .

i) Calculate the surface area of the Earth in km2 .

ii) Write down your answer to part (a)(i) in the form 𝑎 × 10𝑘 , where 1 ≤ 𝑎 < 10 and 𝑘 ∈

6b. [2 marks]. The surface area of the Earth that is covered by water is approximately
3.61 × 108 km2 . Calculate the percentage of the surface area of the Earth that is covered by

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