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Coronavirus Module components ranking and correlation to Gen Ed and Course Learning Objectives

When we discussed the background information for Fold It during our online class discussion, I had the
class go the "About the Science" section to look at the science basics for the site. I am linking my "About
the Science" portion on canvas so you can see how you might develop and write up an experiment
relevant to learning/training with respects to perceived participant learning and popularity of
learning/training approaches. I recommend taking a quick look at it before you start or if you have
questions about the survey items. Complete responses to the survey are worth 10 Bonus Points. I hope
you enjoy it!

Question Title

1. Identify the component of the Coronavirus Module by rank (1 being the best) for learning Gen Ed and
(5) Course content.

(2) Movie and Position Paper

(3) In Classroom Discussion (largest part was first class after Spring Break, graphs analysis primarily)

(1) Homework: During Spring Break, identify infection and mortality numbers for 5 countries

(6) On-line Class Discussion (detailed discussion of USA and states issues)

(4) Fold It Protein Structure Crowd Sourcing Platform for Service Learning

For Organic Students only: Coronavirus medication synthesis/characterization/and purification

Question Title

2. For the Movie/Position Paper Activity, identify the Gen Ed learning Outcome that, in your opinion,
was best reinforced as a result of the learning activity.

Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - In Hidden Figures the use of black women as calculators,
formulas and no computers available whom primarily women use data and reduced it to scientific
methods with the use of regular calculators.

Communication Skills – utilized by bringing our understanding correlation with chemistry of the movies
in a formal essay.

Ethical Responsibility- a story that showed a story of empowerment, of balck women overcoming the
barriers of racisms and gender to succeed in their journeys.
Information Literacy - watched the movie and utlized online resources to gather more information
related to the movies

Critical Thinking - the review of online resources to analyzed the movie in relation to chemistry, theory
in regards of race, feminist, stereotype and school of that time period along with research study,
qualitative methods gave us the findings and come out with our own judgement to write the final essay.

Question Title - appropriate for the movies involved.

3. For the Classroom Discussion Activities, identify the Gen Ed learning Outcome that, in your opinion,
was best reinforced as a result of the learning activity.

Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - I believe professor was able to present to us the correlation of
the movies to the chemistry class

Communication Skills

Ethical Responsibility

Information Literacy – ideas presented

Critical Thinking - possible outcomes due to the movies presented

Question Title

4. For the online (over Spring Break) locating and organizing Coronavirus infection and mortality values
activity, identify the Gen Ed learning Outcome (1 only) that, in your opinion, was best reinforced as a
result of the learning activity.

Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - correlation of Coronavirus and possible outcomes with peak
and flat line


Ethical Responsibility

Information Literacy

Critical Thinking

Question Title

5. For the Fold It Online Activity, identify the Gen Ed learning Outcome that, in your opinion, was best
reinforced as a result of the learning activity.

Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - an interesting module to work on hydrogen bonding and some
protein chemical reactions. In my opinion I struggled more on formulas, and I probably would like to
work better on things related to the next CHEM 2 Analytical or reinforce on DPS which are so difficult for

Communication Skills

Ethical Responsibility
Information Literacy

Critical Thinking

Question Title

6. For the Movie/Position Paper Activity, identify the course learning outcome that, in your opinion, was
best reinforced as a result of the learning activity.

Scientific Method

intermolecular and intramolecular attractions

molecular structure (2D and 3D)

reaction/infection rates and factors

mathematical correlations (direct/inverse, linear/exponential, graphing, empiricism)

organic reactions and biochemistry

Question Title

7. For the class discussions, identify the course learning outcome that, in your opinion, was best
reinforced as a result of the learning activity.

Scientific Method

Intermolecular and Intramolecular attractions

molecular Structures (2D/3D)

Reaction/Infection rates and factors

mathematical correlations (direct/inverse, linear/exponential, graphing, empiricim)

organic reactions and biochemistry

Question Title

8. For Fold It online activities, identify the course learning outcome that, in your opinion, was best
reinforced as a result of the learning activity.

Scientific Method

Intermolecular and Intermolecular Attractions

Molecular Structures (2D/3D)

Reaction/Infection Rates and Factors

Mathematical Correlations (direct/inverse, linear/exponential, graphing, empiricism)

Organic Reactions and Biochemistry

Question Title
9. For Organic 2 (CHM2211C) students only, identify the course learning outcome that, in your opinion,
was best reinforced as a result of the alternate routes for Coronavirus ventilator medications learning

Scientific Method

Intermolecular and Intramolecular Attractions

Molecular Structures (2D/3D)

Reaction/Infection Rates and Factors

Mathematical Correlations (direct/inverse, linear/exponential, graphing, and empiricim)


Multistep Syntheses Strategies

Spectral Analysis

Purification Strategies


Question Title

10. Overall, rank the Coronvirus Module activities relative to their overall value to you.

1 Movie/Position Paper

2 Class Discussions (in classroom and online)

3 student search online for Infection and mortality values for 5 countries

4 Fold It

For Organic students only: Organic Medicine sytheses/characterization/and purification


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