Reza Exam

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Name : ______________________________

Date :______________________________

A. Enumerate the Different chemicals in Applebees.

1. 7.
2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.

B. What is the chemical for hand washing?_________________________.

C. What is the chemical for cleaning, glass, mirror and stainless steel?
D. Lift is a chemical use for heavy duty degreaser, True or false?
E. How to use Lift, for general cleaning-Dilute 1.50 parts water( ____ml per 5 liter).
F. Chemical use for insect.___________________________.
G. What is the chemical use for polishing Stainless Steel?
H. What are the chemicals for G.U Machine?
I. WHAT IS S.D.S.? S_______________D____________S_________________.
J. The Sanitizer in Applebee’s is what we called______________________________.
K. Esteem Sanitizer dilution for Food Contact Surface is .Dilute _____parts of water of hot
water (500ml per 5 liter) wipe or spray surfaces.
L. Chemicals should away from the food? True or False.
M. If you swallowed the chemicals, what will you do?
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BOH Expert : Angelo Umali

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