Single National Curiculm, Hopes and Hurdles

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as wll _ {5H igh hopes axe aMsocated witfht Sn gle Nodal 7 ——rtieltin ee im fokistom | Howe, a of | Eakistam's — Secral, t | 34 Single riaHonad Cunrienkuomn all Atmovel ——Sposlletd_tm_eclusa}isntysteom 24 Pakistan | res to Fn} he” thigh. _aspinokiows _Aemove _¢ £ Single ration Lawwiteubeuans aka —_—_—_—E -% High Upuolion are l’nked with SNC shatl ps ertol ment _ 3 34 _| a4 Single Nations! Cunteuluen, Gil order @ Saag] __t}_-matiqneligm conel_fpataiobisen va 33 dt vill Acarse Th stamdard amd quslit _ of eehucalifie = 6 Ethics All be domaht de mfn- mashes ties Hil_be tows fs abe peak] . Wim oti ties. a 34 Simsle Nalemel Cnasstusbune __ Social 38 Gangle Gaiam will Asvuse Canges__Ubunarelling _ 96 Siudewls [5.0 SL IL Artmuigorate “he adminiytaahie _ | 4 Haerdey de YE “a of _fuuersful of i [4s Tingusl gentle Sif] shee machine “4 educs tion Seow Lapua aah Single woul _U Castine ae a ese 2 mages hurdle im whe pst _of SNC. 2 QE Pakistan's oon 43 Ural, adle jor Single Nedrodel Cauiudel. [4-4 the 4 Ee sep thee Hea of Pakistan's education Custem aso Jc-S Setier erenemde disparities 94 Pakisdawin| %__amothn fader: _|—_—_ |4.6 Ghost teachers amd ghost Selreols are also create shunclles ten, meno santo _|48 On geting peleieal “polavinalio= amd te 185 an nemelnet_ son "see of posal mre _ontating thunder ton, SNC» 4 ‘S00 - $ Saeture__ —- @ Lf: > Oot Peachevs met Glos _Streools Aare ako Gece undies ston meny und LOM Yim poz Heal polarinzalion amd _the _gememolmentt face of piasinssfim — At _weaiting 4 hacen ran SOLO be ugha wilh | ae Seis | “am lamnim cin cides de cheaite Itncluucive emu tataiment_ 4H speabn 4 SNC. TTSr4 Naligiel cGncemsuy must be created ay [sri teu ef fectionly Ard vactuce st: | || _ gesermeent mast “sate GDP | Share 94 eclucalion Sector 4o boost |__‘injassiauchne of Schaal - [5.5 Adminishalie eqdiciomey amd edqedirc | bunvertlance tmrethominn Shéuld be emus eto Ls oxernment sheald Smplensnt. the trade 0} editalion a4 emrune cluacaion Thal s a OT ||| HELL LAL LTT ties | goes without Seusfing _ TyaL Whe _ Essay: the remnialen deackis-bmemt Shay — at ste 4. pom: Wink or : pale over hese ad ae while va aby Noli al Cuniun Coumet (Hee). "Whe Sima le tierra! — Cumirulirm rer a Kermove aatherd — sim Pakéstew's exucahin gle Nabtone| Casrceubemn "SUL embude | Stamdarizesd — amd Sea | wh feachew’ any Aimba besks. Simale Nallenal_ “pastes. 2 Seme 6 moralit ae create Simummrbert Jr Em Aooludhion to Cohiulim (SNC) 94 Seon os But it 4% also Sri, “dem _ whens _ Wrolen__ ARISES “Ee eumemic P Ahatlemge te ee vest Whe foe. | whey, antionel Locos, Pits S@ciud SAministsshie tect SI rlemowtab tn ot Sinwale ie ‘Tdly, eg everett should | dcusele We wecle] Seveloped_taumbias leke Fonlamal, Swe aml Ginga pore hoa hey civ if Toes echucation aac Heyes, al, 9 at Staake gio ee Een ttionale ent __| Tig ptadeing 24 ale el fete The Single ee | Conan Suc) ates Scheme “fo: stich Ws Goverment is dim oveley to nevtse ste — selistalien Sadh aet ratte [is Pakistan. dm thy eee gosemment ——| tee baskeat, Bee Sangle ——|{Ene) thie Agctesing all 4 ~ Nase edintatcon Sythe _| thtermolenwal tAcnalss the Feist phase ef Cc. y_Manth Zot" 4m. gaacle

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