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Anatomy Unit One (1/28/2019)

1. Anatomy
- Study of Structure
- Look
2. Physiology
- Study of Function
- Work
Fields of Anatomy
- Gross Anatomy- see with the naked eye (Larger Structures)
o Regional Anatomy: Medical School; specific parts of body
o Systemic Anatomy: Study of the 11 body systems separately
o Surface Anatomy: Study of Superficial Landmarks
- Microscopic Anatomy- see with a microscope
o Cytology: Study of individual cells (fat cells, bone cell, blood cells, smooth
muscle cells)
 Neurons have dendrites
 Intestinal tract- microvilli- increase surface area for absorption
o Histology: study of Tissue [4]
- Fields of both macro and micro anatomy
o Developmental: study of anatomical changes of the body from conception to
o Comparative: study of anatomical similarities and differences between
- Radiographic Anatomy: study of anatomical structures through specific visualization
****Structural levels of organization****
- Chemical level: Not studied in here, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen
- Cellular
- Tissue
- Organ
- System
- Organism
**Read the questions carefully on the quizzes and exams

Common Characteristics sheared by all organisms

1. Excitability (Responsiveness)
a. Ability of a cell to respond to changes in the environment (stimuli)
2. Growth/ Differentiation
a. Increase in cell size
b. When organisms increase in size
c. Multicellular organisms have cells that will eventually differentiate (Specialized)
to perform specialized functions
3. Reproduction
a. When a single cell divides into two or more cells (Mitosis and Miosis: Humans)
b. Found in Tissues, Organs, Body
c. Creation of a new organism
4. Movement
a. Whole body, organs, cells, molecules in and out
b. O2 + Nutrients – IN; Waste – OUT
5. Metabolism and Excretion
a. Process of obtaining and utilizing energy
b. Allows us to make or use ATP
c. Removal of toxic waste from digestion and metabolism

- Anatomical Position
o Body is erect and facing Supine (forward)
o Head in neutral position. Chin forward & Perpendicular to body
o Arms straight & at sides
o Palms forward
o Legs straight & parallel
o Feet flat, toes forward
o Feet shoulder length apart
- Regional Terms
o Acromial: Shoulder
o Antecubitis: Inner Elbow
o Axilla: Axillary- Arm Pit
o Brachium: Upper Arm
o Bucca: Cheek
o Cervicis: Back of neck
o Cranium: Head: Skull
o Digits/ Phalanges: Fingers and Toes
o Gluteal: Buttock
o Hallux: Big Toe
o Pollex: Thumb
o Sura: Calf (Lower Leg, back)
o Inguen: Groin
o Lumbus: lower back: Lumbar
o Oris: Mouth
o Otic/Auris: Ear
o Oculus: Eyes
o Popliteus: Back of Knee
o Femoral: Thigh: Upper Leg
o Thoracis: Chest
o Palma: Palm of Hand
o Plantar/ Planta: Sole of foot
o Cephalon: Entire Head
o Facies: Face
o Crus: Lower Leg, Front
o Mentis: Chin
**What is the regional term: Say anatomical name, not laments terms**

- Directional Terms
o Anterior (Ventral): Towards the front
o Posterior (Dorsal): towards the back
o **Torso Only: Top of head to Pubic Region**
 Superior: towards the head
 Inferior: Towards the tail
o Medial: Towards the midline
o Lateral: Away from the midline
o **Arms & Legs Only**
 Proximal: Towards the point of attachment
 Distal: Away from the point of attachment (Hint-Distant)
o Superficial: Towards the surface (Outside)
o Deep: Towards the center (Inside)
- Body Planes: Directional terms, helps describe different places of the body
o Sagittal plane: Divides the body into right and left sections
 Midsagittal plane: Runs directly down the midline (Equal right and left
 Parasagittal Pane: Slightly shifted, off the midline (Unequal left and
right sections)
o Frontal (coronal) Plane: Divides the body into anterior and posterior sections
(front and back)
o Transverse Plane: horizontal, superior and inferior sections
 Transverse
 Axial
 Horizontal
o Oblique Plane: Divides the body into superior and inferior sections- at an
- Body Cavities: Spaced that house body structures/ organs
o Anterior (ventral) cavities
 Thoracic Cavity
 (2) Pleural Cavities: Lungs
 Mediastinum (heart, trachea, esophagus)
o Pericardial Cavity (Heart)
 Abdominopelvic Cavity
 Abdominal Cavity (liver, stomach, spleen, intestines,
o ***Peritoneum: referring to organs in the abdominal
pelvic cavity ***
 Pelvic Cavity (Bladder, internal reproductive organs)
 Thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity divided by muscular diaphragm
o Posterior Cavities
 Cranial Cavity (brain)
 Spinal Cavity (Spinal Cord)
- Serous Membranes: some cavities formed by secreting, continuous membranes
o Visceral: Touching the organ (touching heart)
o Parietal: forming (or touching) the wall of the cavity (touching the lining of
the cavity of the heart)
o First name (Visceral/ Parietal) Last name (cavity)

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