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SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. Combined Competitive Examination, 2020 English (Précis and. Composition) ‘Wednesday the 11" November, 2020, | Time: 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm Maximum marks, 100 Note; Attempt al Questions. No. Marks. ‘Make a précis of the following passage and give a sultable title: ; x ‘Almost every sensible and responsible person has some goal to achieve, We takes it asa target to reach an aim to fulfill, Therefore, he makes some plan In right eames! and materialize his alm or object. Goal Is obviously n wellshought ond well-planned purpose for which man strives, pursues it and ultimately wins it, provided everything goes well and he does not give up. flan is a systematic arrangement of some object to achieve something in a given period of time. It Involves methods, steps, strategy and way out 10 get something for which man aspires. A plan depenils , Upon the planner's will power, determination and intelligence as ta how he puis everything in right order al the right time. A proverb says, “Strike the icon while I is hot". It means 3 good planner should make best of the opportunity as soon as he gets it. Another proverh says, “Make hay while the sun shines”. It means one should avail oneself of a favorable opportunity well in ime, Another proverb says, “A bird in Ihand is worth two in the bush”. It means ‘whatever one has at one’s disposal it isthe best and can do well apleast for the time being. A long waiting for a better chance and missing the good one, leaves one Jevold feither, Such uncertain and hesitating situation tantalizes man and invokes frustration and unrest in him. Itis, therefore, wise ta ullize the available opportunity 10 fs best, and whatever is at man’s disposal at the moment should be availed of , rather than sitting [dle and wavering in valn. Proper rote at the proper time plays a vital part for a man of action. Since excess of everything Is bad, man should adop! moderation and prove himself determined and committed at all, When it comes to 3 positive action, he should be decisive and determined. A slight hesitation and infirmity of willpower might Teave him beaten or faited. His role as a well-organized man of action can win ‘him laurels. The moment he believes thot he can win what he aspires and endcavors for he geis it, It is a state of mind and determinalion thal enables man of setion 19 achieve a brilliant success. So 9 modcrate and definite plan paves way (oa sure success that fies ahead of man, who thinks he ean make difficult things possible. He plays part of a mover and potent doer who steals the show surprisingly. His goal is the destination that attracts him like s magnet and a beacon light that guides him ta his most aspired aim of life. tr, 02 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: x Natural writing is nonfiction or fiction prose or pociry about the natural environment. Nature ‘writing encompasses: a wide variety of works, ranging from thote thal place primary emphasis on natural history facts (such 85 field guides) to those in which philosophical interpretation predominate, It includes natural history essays, poetry, essays of solitude or escape, a5 well as iravel and adventure writing, Nature Avriting often draws heavily on sclenlific Information and facts sbout the natural worl; a the same time, i is frequenlly writen In the fist person and incorporates personal ebservations of and philosophies! reflections upon nature. Modem nature writing traces fs roots to the works of narural history that were popular in the second half of the 18° century and throughout the 19". An important early figure was the “parson-naturalist” Gilbert White (1720 ~ 1793), a pioneering naturalist and ornithologist. He Is best known for his Natural History and Antiquities of Selbarne (1789). AD Whysciemifie knowledge is necessary for nature writing? iy What are the dvannges and dsavanagsof "est esa’ wtng? gi ‘Whol kind of writing was Gilbert White interested in and why? 03 (A) Write appropriate Synonym for any Five of the following words: os recate (ify Seeede (ii) Munificence (7) Gnash (v) Blather ) Brunt (viii) Tryst. . {8) Write appropriate Antonyms for any Five of the following words: os (i) Bicker (ii) Gaiety Gil) Glacial (v) Tgnominious (¥) Germane (Wi) Lanocuous (vii) Vacillating (viii) Covetous Comect he following sentences: hope you don't mind me to sit near we Tall, brown, fat cows two of Australi few antiques ate there of a rich widow's are up for suetion. {don't idemify what ace they." {v) According to my firm bellef, a life after this life ts there (ei) Karachi is far away from Sullur as compared with Hyderabad. (il) the owner and mannger of the estate ae in their offices, (wilt) Theirdeseased father said a will, (ex) She said here farewell and was leaving. (x). know what you are meaning. Ps Explain and use meaningfully any Ten of the following phrases and idioms ow in your own sentences; @ To blow one’s own trumpet. BF To beat somebody hollow, Gil). To Kill somebody in cold blood, iv) To faee the music, (W), To show somebody the door (vi)_Tossend somebody packing. (Wil), To lead somebody by the nose, (will) To tock the sable door afer the horse has been stolen, (ix) Ta make hay white the sun shines. (1) On the homs of dilemma. A catche 22 situation {sil} To look dowe an somebody, ws (A) Sclcet one word substitution from the given list for the following expressions: 19 yr _ GA person who is above hundred years. (8). A book published after the deh of its author. (ily A book written by an unknown author. (iv) > A cinema show which is held inthe afternoon. ) A citizen of the works, (i) A contapious disease which spreads over a huge area. (vii) A drug or other substance that induces sleep. (sill) A Mesh eating animal, CR) A patie in which ncither panty wins. G) A thingno longer in we. + (Matines, Soporific, Ephicmte, Cosmopolite, Centenarian, Obsolete, Posthumous, ‘Anoaymoas, Dram, Carniroroas) Y ‘Do asdireeted agains cath sentence: we @)— Hehurled a brick the window. (Insert prepositions) ” (i) Ske rose ‘Ge occasion, (Inser preposition) (Gil) Cut your cost (Compete the proverbs) (iv) Time and tide __ (Compete the proverb) (9) Tell meshat you know abot it (Change the woiee) (vi) She longs for__ of her husband who abandoned her tong ago (insert a suitable word) (vii) He said that he had married twice before he married the third time (Render the sentence concise) ; | ‘You should be aware of the dog (Change ta imperative making il short) These old ladies never maried (Use one word substitution noun forthe dies) (3) She ourlived her husband by ten years (Resirocture using “Her husband” inthe beginning Aecping the sense intact uh ‘Translate the following passage from Sindhi or Utdu into English: 101% ey gar AER A S of ealacde Gat be hn Gs OS ee a ye i lay Seg e Pie Sct At at al Gat bared Gor Otele GE Gee GP Gate a PS Byam AS A ee wt ll Se ht So aay OO yt i Mange GS ah gait linge iy wl Snertla Saal yp Dl ra Baa ld oS pi yr Saar dante ate oe 1 eS ae jira tte ye Sige dad ye He eee es oa le Dap suf len aso SF Lapedtabre ea dadler Fardeen ails bos Frrbe fersous ug uA Cat iY baesiidisiante tied ete tnt isdn Ne GE) Societe cedar Shiro durarante LeeSabe tbe feso shasta rhe Fintan se darth Sco dunc ou ee tas + WH Political Science Paper-T Tuesday the 17" November, 2020, Time: 02:00 prn to 0: Maximum marks. 100 Question No Note: This Section carric Tatal 0 marks_ Shiemgeeee Three gu stecting Two qurstions of 30 markeami ten oa 1 é 20 of Islamic and Westsm Nations of Sove 20 PE How Genera will of a Society is formate? Di 2» ight of Rowsseau'sintsrneagion ee the conchusions ant characteristics of the Theory of General Wilt P_ Discuss in detail abou the concept of Khu by Allama lybal 10 AF Whi World enemies Machel? Whats souropinon om histhomght? 10 uestione (rut this Section by restion of M tnarks, PH Distinguish among diftereat types of Political Parties 20 we Define P 0 Political process’ 08 Discuss the “Political Culture” and its importanes with special 20 reference to democraey 09 Discuss the extent to which there should be linits on freedom, 10 10 10 Outline dhe differen factors that explain voting re! ant ts Sin aa forks cttnnnnnis fetta Sis yes SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. HYDERABAD. Combined Competitive Examination, 2020 Current Affairs & Pakistan A ffairs.. Friday the 13 November, 2020. | ks. 100 Time: 03:00 pm to 06: 00 pm Maximum marks. Note Attempt anwFiveyquestions. All questions carry equal marks. uestion No. % In the light of newly developing lose partnership between China and Iran, what are the prospects and challenges to China-Pakistan Econ Corridor? 02 Keeping in view the recent series of events and communiqués between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia; identify, obstacles and irritants evalving in bilateral relations of the two 03 Inthe wake of hate speech and freedom of expression, what best mechanism would you suggest to reduce the gap between the West and the Islamic belt? a Explain the importance of Pak-Afghan Relations for South Asia. Comment on the suengths and weaknesses of bilateral ties between the fWo nations in aftermath of US- Taliban Peace Deal. — OS What are the issues and challenges to Pakistan's Economy? Comment on the national CHesign stand against pandemic like Covidel J and reoccurcing pattems af flowds and earthquakes, $6. Comment the relevance to two-nation theory in twenty-first century? Hllustrate your ~~ response by framing examples of current populist trends in South Asia, 07 Explain in detail the internal and extemal Fepercussions of declaring, constituting and extending a provincial siatus to Gilgit-Bahistan. init ars the impacts of Hydro-Poltes on South Asian Security? Elaborate the significance of Kashmir for Pakistan's water security in this regard. -_ Point out obstacles and irritants in i stan i ive, liberal and ruodem Islami nation transforming Pakistan into a progressive, liber! AU Deine Renewable and No SIND PUBLIC §| ERVICE CO! S MMISSION, HYDERABAD. Combined C Ompetitive Examination, 2020 General Seience & Ability. turday the 14” November, 2020, Time: 02:00 pm to 05; 00 pm MPL any Five questions, pe Selecting Three questiggS Wott Section and Two tun TE Question oc co SECTION OL AY © Define major sources of Water fy 3 ‘allution How do one domestic and industrial 10 Parts Pollute water? Elaborate with examples three main Industral wen pollutants, (ny What do gos underytand by Acid Rain, Is there any elation of following 10 with acid rain? {i) Global Warming (ii) Ozone Depletion — (ii) Green House Effect Explain with examples Renewahte Energy Sources. Provide example 08 of cach, Among all Renewable Energy Sources hightight, which one is more efficient, 08 Please rank them as per their efficiencies. oh \eF— Whatis Wind Cos 7? What are the potential areas in Pakistan where these 05 Wind Corridor are located? We have seen Solar Pattels everywhere. Could you name the technology os behind these panels as they ste known commotily as PY panels? Seine Vaccine and Antibotes. How they differ in their functioning. 0s GF Whatiy the harmful impact of fertilizer on soil? How they harm human life. 8 (A Pesticides are essential for Agricultural Growth. Do you agree o disagree 0s With this statement? (W) —Hiodegradable plastic isthe solution ‘of many Environmental problems, 0s Please explain f FT Write short note on the following: os ews HY Protina US Lipids We Carbotyeates eft inzymes. UA Define Cell Stricture. What are Three functions of eel os WC) Compare and contrast four similarities and differences in animal and plant cell. 0S WH What is Dengue. Discuss its causes and prevention techniques. 0s 05 (A) How adiet is termed as ‘Balanced Diet’. Discuss different food group 0s consisting in Balanced Diet. . ; (8) What is Adulteration. Give examples from daily habits of eating. as (C) Why preservatives are added in food items, Give reasons. (D) Mow Antioxidants in food help to maintain our health. Explain with examples, 0S PTO, 06 08 (A) (B) (c) (D) SECTION-I SLETION-T Write Short notes on the following: i) Percentage (iil) Types of Triangles (iv) Average A shopkeeper bought 600 oranges and 400 bananas, He found 132 of oran 6 of bananas as Fotten, Find the percentage of frutts in good condition. What number comes next’? 9, 15, 13, 19, 17,2 A Bat and Ball cost Rs. 1.10 in How much does the Ball Cost? total, The bat cost one Rupee more than the ball, cluding Stoppages, the speed of a bus is $4 kanph and including stoppages, Wis 4S kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour? (i) 9 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 20 Robert is traveling on his eyele and has ealculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. fhe travels at 10 kmph, he will reach there at 12 Noon if he travels at 1S kmph, At what speed must be travel to reach A at | P.M,? ) Skmph (i) 11 kenph Giiiy 12 kph (iv) FA mph. Two tailors X and ¥ are paid a total of Rs, $50/- per week by their employer. id 120 percent of the sum paid to Y, how much is ¥ paid per week? Gi) 250/- (iii) 300/- (iv) None of these 0.002 x 0.5 = 2 (i) 0.0001 (ii) 0.001 (ii) 0.01 (iv) 01 ge) ce N 0s os mbined Competitive Exa General Paper in Sindhi Thursday the 12" November, 2020, Time: 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm . Maximum Marks: 100 Note: Attempt al tion: SINDH-PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD q ‘Combined Competitive Examination, 2020 Sl gynian J alpe Soe t HS Ole Go Od apeqee angel ye Mes say pe ea gene Dy rat atl) Me I ae pan eA ye BPN ae BS ye tt ei tee rd ate Doin JS tag em ty Uae UW). ee eh tai gS tyr gi 90 5 Pare ye om AGS Ob GSK BH er or) ~ = a ago® . sy pe a : Sr FBIM cow wl pine oS Wee Sle 2 PS sen a 5 yr Ave Pea yy Pos 2 init) of Sal yp aaa porate yo MPa SA sae a tires SEMEN! aye aS pare yp ton 10m ob a Bs 3 Io See i BaD SoM) ore ake WAT SA OLS Wr daha cedar yet 3 Soe Se i ee Fry oe é Spd abedy wa Stor yas yf br v eh po abel ane eye 2 Ud way eagn ede ee phe get ge lS 0gaSlh aS Mal a GS CP Page 3 0f2 ea A SSS SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. Combined Competitive Examination, 2020 Interna 1 Relatio: (Pay Tuesday the 17* November, 2020. ‘Time: 02:00 pm to 08: 09 pr Maximum marks. 100 Note Attempt any Five questions, All questions earry equal marks Question No. O1 Weis argued cat well as complen phenonena. ENamin influenced Pakistan's Foreis (A) Blitedommstion of public (B) Ethnic coatlicts and Sectarian divide. (C) Growing Polarization between Political Elites £ bhalance ia its celationship with Chin challenges faced by Pakistan in Iysis of foreign policy has become inereasingly sophisticated 35 io what extent the following factors have US — Pakistan relations? Do you believe that maintaining n become one of the complicated Finereasing Indian aiocities in Kushini nd terrorist raluate the imponance of new legislation to counter money Launde Financing as required by Financial Action Task Force (FATP) © weston srsen te tos (1 Sebamed tio taee to ow soy you se dye The 20° ey pil mi a ‘SES sre toate a Tec aoe Neo-Nco debate. What are the similarities and Also disouss the impact of globalization on the neo: countries (ji) Pukistan’s Policy 0 (iv Cold War 06 Provide a detailed account oft dissimilarities between the 180 realist and ned-liberal thinking? 07 Vas nationalism been the most common cause of conflict in the post-Cold War era? Accordingly. point out the reasons for the nse of populism and antielobalization wave in this yard 8 © Whatare the challenges of seeurity in mirasiueture diploms the Belt and the Road lnivative as an excimple of infact Idemity geo-sirategie and geo-political issues suroeing in the BRI. Critically evaluate ined Competitive Examination, 2020 International Relations.(Paper- Wednesday the 18" November, 2020, Time: 02:00 pm to 05: 00 pm. Moximumm marks. 100 Rote Attenptany fi Question No. of Glotat Pal sth sys enjoyed lt ceeent pst? Also Sigg leacship criss jal Landscape in COVID-19 times, Do yau believe the js wilhcting aay fiom sibilicy, conformity and rechanism wo overcome the global sin Pokiston’s Foreign Policy with particular teferense Kashmir? Crieally seantty the pitfalls of this approach and suggest practical masures tobe taken toe pragmatism in National Foreign Policy 0 notes i ane Te of the followin [Regionalisis vs Gioalisjn 20" Century EExtemial Shock and Power Shit 18 Jono" Trex on Pakistan's Exon OF Do sow agree that China does not sn protseted conflict near a key elt of its ambitious project of economic connectivity? How do you sze the importance of ces for achieving is gevveonvuac imerets throu 0S Revion cuit Finkayes are in operation is consi prvent, Feonomie, social and nites divided by issn the tn Couey in thsi of above ae @ _Eapain my Two ote ttle {By incmniona Condernnn of Vara RihtsVilation in Kashmis CH) soto orl in the Worl onthe fs uf Stsepnsoed voles zi Sali cries “ati, emis an Soil Ipc o Piitn's War on Terex see in the World. Suggest the structural reforms fir its father improvement and efestiveness 68 Pakistan as rerained! committed to auel the field of el safety and this coun at security, Diseuss the Paki 5 is ahead of India in s prowsols for ensuring provection of inucleae sites

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