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Gladia foods Ltd was established in 1990 to produce food for babies, beverages, and
juices for adults. People quickly recognized the value of the new product, because it is
fast to prepare and well package so that nursing mothers and the working class can even
carry it to the office for breakfast or snack. This emphasizes on the fact that Gladia
products are available in nearly every African country. Wherever one may live, only
Gladia Foods can provide the best and most reliable food and beverage products to meet
his/her needs throughout the day, throughout the life. Especially, people on the move
want to be able to find good food wherever they are, whatever the time of day. They are
often reassured that they will find well-known brands out of home.


In Gladia Foods Ltd Internal environment ensures

• Employees are on side with the goals of an organization.
• They have direct impact on product quality, dependability and overall

They are internal market, which impact every department within an organization; a
satisfied internal market will be better able to satisfy external market. Gladia under the
supervision of top management runs the departments of finance, operations, accounting,
sales and marketing, research and development to achieve the goals of organization.

In Gladia Foods microenvironment includes:
Suppliers: Suppliers provide the resources like labor and material resources to produce
goods and services. They add to customer overall value delivery system.
Labor supplies include handling of, Quantity of labor, Quality of labor, Labor strikes,
Labor relations,
Material supplies deals with the Quantity of material, Quality of material, Price of
material, Stability of material inputs, Delivery delays Financial intermediaries like banks,
insurance companies helps to finance transactions and insure against risks associated with
buying and selling of goods. Gladia Foods works in coordination with marketing
intermediaries to make its products available and visible to its valuable customers.
Customers: Gladia Foods deals with the reseller customers who buy the products to
resell at a reasonable profit.
Macro environment include political, cultural, and economical factors. There is an
increasing concern by government for public safety and hygiene. Population is growing
very fast hence a high demand for product especially baby foods. Because it is not at
luxury item they are selling necessities of life which can never be affected.
Demographic Environment: Demographic environment including age, sex and income
also affects Gladia products, since it is for every gender, every age and for every class.
Gladia products are the only brands in the area maintaining its quality and
taste and having the same impact on its customer.

• Strong Brand Name

• Wide customer base

• Communication is weak
• Lack of Awareness

• Concentrating on weaknesses can increase sales
• Increase in product line
• Merger/acquisition with a related business.

• Segments are being shared by competitors
• Uncertain conditions will effect the sales (diseases of animals)
• Potential import restrictions by overseas countries.

Through a new generation of customers-friendly products that put children,
back in control of their future.

To unlock the potential of nature to improve the quality of life.Focusing on
consumers' needs and creating solutions, contributing to their well-being and enhancing
quality of life.


Naults Foods Ltd business objective is to manufacture and market the Company's
products in such a way as to create value that can be sustained over the long term for
shareholders, employees, consumers, and business partners.

Building customer relationship based on customer value and satisfaction is at the very
heart of modern marketing. The two fold goals of marketing are to attract new customers
by providing superior value and to keep and grow the current customers by delivering
• Nauilts Foods does not favor short-term profit at the expense of successful long-
term business development.
• Naults Foods recognizes that its consumers have a sincere and legitimate interest
in the behavior, beliefs and actions of the Company behind brands in which they
place their trust and that without its consumers the Company would not exist.
Gladia Foods is a well-known company all over Africa. The company basically deals in
food products as their logo says “Good Food, Good Health.”
Their major products lines are:
Gladimilk, G-milk: These products were the first products launched by the company.
Backed by a very strong brand name, aggressive marketing and distribution plan,
consistent quality, and availability throughout the year, it has become quality milk. It is
available in 1000, 500 and 250 ml sizes. On account of aggressive marketing, focused
distribution, excellent consumer acceptance and product quality, these brands has shown
strong growth and holds good promise for the future.
MILGRO: To cater for consumer convenience, Milo RTD (ready to drink) was launched
in 1995 and is now available in an attractive 180 ml slim pack. It is popular among all
age groups especially among the growing segment of nutrition conscious consumers. It is
an excellent substitute for cold drinks.
G-CAFE: It is one of the Africa’s most popular coffee brands. G-cafe was launched in
Accra in 2000, introducing a new brand framework and increased emphasis behind coffee
sales in Ghana. It is markets in 225 and 500gm.
Drinko: is a fruit juice, a well-known brand launched in 1998 and has the largest market
share. Positioned as a cold drink and an alternate to cola drinks, its strength lies in the
convenience attached to its usage.
GLAD ORANGE JUICE: The product was launched in July 2001. It is available in
180ml and1litre sizes. In a market that is becoming increasingly conscious about nutrition
and is displaying preference for healthy drinks, GLAD Orange Juice has made very good
inroads and has a strong potential in the future.
LACTOCARE: Lactogcare 1 and Lactogcare 2 are infants and follow-up formulae
launched in 1991 and are available in two sizes both pack and can. The brands provide
both affordability and quality.
CEREALS: Launched in 1993, it is the dominant player in the growing infant food
market. It is available in 5 flavors and provides balanced nutrition to infants.
GLADIRICE: An affordable starter weaning cereal and offers the flexibility of
preparation with a variety of meals. Its available in125ml pack size.
GLADIWHEAT: Nestle wheat is a wheat-based infant cereal without milk. It is available
in 125 and 200 gm pack sizes.
GLADICARE: is a growing up milk, formulated specially for 1 to 4 years old. This was
launched in 1994. It contains a right balance of proteins, calcium, iron, vitamins and
essential minerals in order to cater nutritional needs of growing children. .

Every product on the shelf, every service and every customer contact helps to shape this
image. A Gladia Foods brand name on a product is a promise to the customer that it is
safe to consume, that it complies with all regulations and that it meets high standards of
quality. Customers expect us to keep this promise every time. Under no circumstances
will we compromise on the safety of a product and every effort must be made to avoid
hazards to health. Likewise, compliance with all relevant laws and regulations is a must
and is not negotiable. People, equipment and instruments are made available to ensure
safety and conformity of Gladia products at all times. The effort is worth it. Companies
with huge quality standards make fewer mistakes, waste less time and money and are
more productive. They also make higher profits. Quality is our most successful product.
It is the key to our success, today and tomorrow.

They want to win and keep customers: distributors, supermarkets, hotels, shopkeepers
and the final consumers. They have very different requirements. Trade customers expect
excellent service, correct information and timely delivery. Consumers consider taste,
appearance and price when they make their choice. Our task is to understand what
customers want and respond to their expectations rapidly and effectively. We serve
various groups of consumers and there is demand for products at different levels of
perceived quality and price. All customers, however, expect value for their money
good quality at a reasonable price. When offering quality to customers we also mean
environmental quality. Gladia shares society’s concern for the environment and is
committed to environmentally sound business practices throughout Africa..
Customers are central to our business and we must always respect their needs and

Quality is a competitive advantage. We live in a competitive world and must never

forget that our customers have a choice. If they are not satisfied with our product, they
will switch to another brand. Our goal, therefore, is to provide superior value in every
product category and market sector in which we compete. The pursuit of highest quality
at any price is no guarantee for success, nor is a single-minded cost-cutting approach.
Lasting competitive advantage is gained from a balanced search for optimal value to
customers, by simultaneous improvement of quality and reduction cost. Success can
never be taken for granted. We must watch and learn from our competitors. If they do
something better, we must improve our own performance. We can achieve competitive
advantage through Quality.

Quality is a joint effort. Operating companies are fully responsible for maintaining
agreed quality standards. Not only Production units, but also Marketing, Purchasing,
Distribution and Sales have a vital role to play in providing quality to customers. This
implies a thorough knowledge of the products and services we offer. Quality units at
different levels of the organization provide specific support, promote quality awareness,
assume guardianship and audit the system. Quality departments monitor operations
against agreed standards and must intervene in case of non-conformity.
Quality is made by people, adequate equipment, procedures and systems are needed to
make Quality; so are involved and dedicated people. Each and every employee must do
his best to provide quality products and services. Training and teamwork are crucial to
the successful implementation of high quality standards. Continuous training ensures that
everyone understands his tasks and has the necessary skills to carry them out. Teamwork
allows us to achieve results that are greater than the sum of individual efforts. We
motivate employees by demonstrating management commitment to Quality, by setting
challenging goals and by giving them responsibility and recognition. It is through
employee involvement that goals and targets can be achieved in the shortest time. Quality
must be a way of life for everyone in the company.
Quality is action, Quality is the result of deliberate action. It is the responsibility of
senior managers to communicate the quality objectives and to provide the resources
necessary for their implementation. It is then up to all employees to make Quality happen
throughout the company. Progress is followed by listening to our customers and by
measuring our performance. Shortcomings and mistakes must be analyzed and corrected.
Problems must be anticipated and prevented before they occur. We also must identify and
take advantage of opportunities. To stand still is to fall behind. So we must strive for
continuous improvement in every area. It is through many small improvements as well as
through major breakthroughs that we will achieve excellence.

The sales strategy which Gladia adopted for its product is Availability and Visibility. To
increase sales and gain profit the company has to provide proper supply of product in the
market. All the time company remains busy to make the availability of their product in
the market. In departmental stores and shops the Gladia products are so placed that it is
visible for the customers.


Advertisement is a tool to introduce the product in the market. To increase sales and build
an image in the mind of consumer company advertise their Product in different ways, as
far as Nestle pure life is concerned company use:
• Television, radio, Newspaper, Bill Board, Hoarding et cetera.

In every advertisement of Gladia products the company tries to convey their message
like: They provide quality and health food to caring for their customers. We work for
society welfare.


A well chosen price should do three things:

• Achieve the financial goals of the company (e.g., profitability)
• Fit the realities of the marketplace (Will customers buy at that price?)

Support a product's positioning and be consistent with the other variables in the
marketing mix. Penetration pricing is use to pursues the objective of quantity
maximization by means of a low price. It is most appropriate because

• Demand is expected to be highly elastic; that is, customers are price sensitive and
the quantity demanded will increase significantly as price declines.
• Large decreases in cost are expected as cumulative volume increases.
• The product is of the nature of something that can gain mass appeal fairly quickly.
• There is a threat of impending competition.


STUDENT ID: BS06080016


LEVEL: 400





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