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World Most

outstanding Lady
Hazarat Fatima (A.S)
Hazarat Fatima (A.S) was born in Makka on the 20th
of Jamad ul Thani.
Hazarat Fatima (A.S) was died on 3rd jamadi al thani
or 13 jamadi ul Awwal in Madinah.(two opinions)
On the 1st Dhul Hijja, Fatima (S.A.) was married to
Hazarat Ali (A.S.).

Her father Name Hazarat Muhammad (PBUH)

Her mother name Hazarat Khadija (A.S.)
Her husband name Hazarat Ali(A.S.)
Hazarat Fatima (A.S) always appearing as the
manifestation of self sacrifice, bravery,
affection, abundant and generosity in the way
of the presentation of Islam and the Qur'an,
At the time of birth of Hazarat Fatima (A.S)
Allah sent four ladies from heaven to assist
Hazarat Khadija(A.S).

1.Sarah (wife of prophet Moses)! Asiah (the

wife of the pharaoh). One was
Maryam(mother of prophet Issah),and fourth
one was Kolthoom(sister of prophet Moses
God gave glad tidings of this blessed child to the
Prophet in the Quranic Surah kawthar.
‫ك اﻟْﻮﺛَﺮ‬
َ ‫اﻧﱠﺎ اﻋﻄَﯿﻨَﺎ‬
Surely We have given you the Kawthar
‫ﻚ واﻧْﺤﺮ‬ َ ِ‫ﻓَﺼﻞ ﻟﺮﺑ‬
Therefore pray to your lord and make a sacrifice.
‫ﻚ ھﻮ اﺑﺘَﺮ‬ َ ‫انﱠ ﺷَﺎﻧ‬
Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without
Prophet Hazarat Muhammad(S) had an astonishing
attachment to his daughter, Hazarat Fatimah(S.A.),
that the Prophet (S) said:
. " ‫ َﻓﻣَنْ أَﻏْ ﺿَ َﺑﮭَﺎ أَﻏْ ﺿَ َﺑﻧِﻲ‬،‫ﻓَﺎطِ َﻣ ُﺔ ﺑَﺿْ ﻌَ ٌﺔ ِﻣﻧﱢﻲ‬

“Fatimah is a part of me whoever angers her has

made me angry.
‫ﻣﻦ ﺳﺮھﺎ ﻓﻘﺪ ﺳﺮن‬
Whoever makes her glad has made me glad,
Hazarat Fatimah (S.A.) loves her father a lot
not only on normal days (even though the Prophet
(S) had very few of these days), but even on stormy
days of war in the range of tasks that she was
commissioned to perform.

Hazarat Fatima (S.A.) proves that a Muslim woman

can hold on to her dignity while taking part in social
activities and preserve her nobility as a Muslim.
Hazarat Fatima (S.A.) accompanied her father
everywhere. She witnessed her father speak softly in the
midst of a crowd of people and they in turn harshly sent
him away. Fatima (S.A) as a small child stood a short
distance from the scene in Masjid al-Haram and
watched when her father was called beaten. She watched
as he prostrated himself in the mosque and his enemies
threw intestines of sheep at him. With her small hands
she clean her father's face and comfort him. That's why
he would call her Umm al Abiha, the mother of her
Hazarat Fatimah (S.A.) have 5 children's

● Imam Hassan(A.S.)
● Imam Hussain(A.S.)
● Bibi Zainab(S.A.)
● Bibi Umme Kalsoom(S.A.)

● Hazarat Mohsin (was martyred before birth)

The Prophet had a new dress made for Fatima (as a
gift) for her wedding. On her wedding night,
someone knocked on the door saying “I ask the
household of The Prophet to give me an old
dress.”she gave him her wedding dress.
Remembering aya 3:92 of the Qur’an:

“Never shall you attain righteousness unless you give

freely of that which you love the most”,
Tasbeeh at time of difficulty:
Hazarat Fatima (A.S.) grinds the wheat herself,
brings water from outside, she is constantly working
in the house. The Prophet (pbuh) observes this and
visits her one day bringing a gift from Allah to
overcome her difficulties and hardships in the form
of divine words: He advises her to recite
● "Allahu Akber" thirty four times,
● "Alhamdulillah" thirty three times
● "Subhanallah" thirty three times.
Ayat e Tatheer(Surah Ahzab: Ayat 33)
The event was related by Fatima (pbuh) when her
father feeling weak, came to her house and asked
for a Yemeni blanket to cover himself with.
Soon after, in quick succession Hassan (A.S.),
Hussain (A.S.) and Ali (A.S.) entered the house and
became aware of the fragrance of the Prophet’s
(pbuh) presence. Each of them including Fatima
(S.A.) entered under the blanket after asking his
permission to do so.
Ayat e Tatheer (Surah Ahzab: Ayat 33)
Jibrail then descended from the heavens with a
message from Allah (swt) saying:

‫ﺖ َو ﯾُﻄَﮩﱢ َﺮﮐُﻢۡ ﺗَﻄۡ ﮩِﯿۡ ﺮًا‬

ِ ۡ‫اِﻧﱠﻤَﺎ ﯾُﺮِﯾۡ ُﺪ ّٰﷲُ ﻟِﯿُﺬۡ ﮨِﺐَ ﻋَﻨۡ ُﮑ ُﻢ اﻟ ﱢﺮ ۡﺟﺲَ اَﮨۡ َﻞ اﻟۡ ﺒَﯿ‬

Certainly only Allah desires to keep away the

uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and
to purify you a (thorough) purifying.
Event of Mubahila(surah Ale imran:Ayat 61)

The next day the after the event of Kissa Prophet

(pbuh) had invited the Christians of Najran to a
Mubahila. This is an event which is arranged
when a dispute cannot be resolved with
discussion. In such a meeting each side asks Allah
to rid themselves of the company of the other side
if they are followers of falsehood.
Event of Mubahila(surah Ale imran:Ayat 61)
Sixty of the most important leaders of the
Christians of Najaran came to Madina to discuss
The Prophet’s (pbuh) invitation to Islam.
They asked The Prophet (pbuh) what he thought
about Jesus (pbuh). The Prophet (pbuh) explained
that Isa (pbuh) was not the son of God. “Hazarat
Isa(A.S.) is like Adam in the sight of Allah. The
Christians were not prepared to accept the
Event of Mubahila(surah Ale imran:Ayat 61)

‫ع اَﺑۡ ﻨَﺂ َءﻧَﺎ َو اَﺑۡ ﻨَﺂ َءﮐُﻢۡ َو ﻧِﺴَﺂ َءﻧَﺎ َو‬

ُ ۡ‫ک ﻣِﻦَ اﻟۡ ﻌِﻠۡ ﻢِ ﻓَﻘ ُۡﻞ ﺗَﻌَﺎﻟ َۡﻮا ﻧَﺪ‬ َ ‫ﮏ ﻓِﯿۡ ِہ ﻣ ِۡۢﻦ ﺑَﻌۡ ِﺪ ﻣَﺎ ﺟَﺂ َء‬
َ ‫ﻓَﻤ َۡﻦ ﺣَﺂ ﱠﺟ‬
َ‫ﻧِﺴَﺂ َءﮐُﻢۡ َو اَﻧۡ ﻔُ َﺴﻨَﺎ َو اَﻧۡ ﻔُ َﺴﮑُﻢۡ ۟ ﺛُ ﱠﻢ ﻧَﺒۡ ﺘَﮩ ِۡﻞ ﻓَﻨ َۡﺠﻌ َۡﻞ ﻟﱠﻌۡ ﻨَﺖَ ّٰﷲِ َﻋﻠَﯽ اﻟۡ ﮑٰ ِﺬﺑِﯿۡ ﻦ‬

But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has
come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our
sons and your sons and our women and your women and our
near people and your near people, then let us be earnest in
prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars.
Event of Mubahila(surah Ale imran:Ayat 61)

The Prophet (pbuh) brought Hasan and Husayn,

Fatima, Ali, to the Mubahila. They represented “our
sons”, “our women”, and “ourselves” of Muhammad
(pbuh) as described in the ayat.
On seeing those accompanying The Prophet (pbuh),
the Christian delegation withdrew from the Mubahila.
Hazarat Fatima(S.A.) Name

Zahra Radiant

Saddiqa Truthful/Honest

Zakkiya Pure

Radhiyya Satisfied/Content

Sayyidatun Nisa-il „Aalameen greatest woman of the world(s)

Umm e Abeeha Mother of her father

Good Deeds taught by Hazarat Fatima (S.A.)

● Allah asks you to be charitable and to help others so that you can get
more from Him.
● Allah has advised people to be kind to their parents so that they can
avoid displeasing Allah.
● Human kind cannot fully understand Allah except by studying His
Attributes (Asma ul Husna)
● The Qur’an contains all the knowledge one could want. Following
these instructions will lead us to Allah and Heaven.
[page 1-7]
From book of“Naser Makarim Sherazi”
[page 8-19]
From book of “QFatima”(UK org)

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