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Motor Starting Exercises 1 and 2

1. Exercise 1: Static Motor Starting

Purpose and Description
Purpose of this exercise is to perform static motor starting analysis using different motor starting
settings. This exercise helps to illustrate use of different parameters specified in motor editor for motor
starting analysis.

Open the project file named MSExample1and2.OTI

1.1. Motor Data input for Static Motor Starting
Go to the Imp page of induction motor editor or LR Model page of synchronous motor editor
and enter the LRC for following motors.

Table 1.1: Motor Locked Rotor Current

Motor ID LRC %
Mtr1 650
Mtr2 600
Mtr4 600
Mtr5 650
Syn1 615

Go to the Start Cat page for the motors listed below and enter the data.

Table 1.2: Starting Category, % Loading and Time of motor load change
Select Starting % Loading Time of Load
Category Change
Motor ID Cat ID Check? Start Final Begin End
Mtr1 Normal Yes 0 100 2 4
Mtr2 Backup No 0 100 1 2
Mtr4 Normal Yes 80 100 1 2
Mtr5 Normal No 60 100 1 4
Syn1 Normal Yes 25 90 2 4

Go to the Load page for the motors listed below and enter the Acceleration Time data

Table 1.3: Acceleration Time (Static Starting)

Motor ID No Load (sec) Full Load (sec)
Mtr1 1 2
Mtr2 0.5 1
Mtr4 1 2
Mtr5 2 4
Syn1 1 2

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Motor Starting Exercises 1 and 2

1.2. Set up Study Case:– Use MSCase-1

Info Page:
 Info Page: Select “Design” for both Prestart Loading Category and Prestart Generation
 Set Load Diversity Factor to “None”

Event Page:
 Run simulation for 15 seconds.
 Events (described in table 1.4)

Table 1.4: Study Case Event Description

Event Time
Action Type Parameter Setting
ID (sec)
By Element Start Mtr5 using normal starting category
Event 1 0.2
By Element Switch on static load 2, Loading Category: Design
By Starting Start all motors in the system belonging to Normal
Event 2 3
Category Category (Mtr1, Mtr4 and Syn1)

Model Page:
 Include XFMR LTC in Pre-starting Load Flow, not during simulation
 Starting Load of Accelerating Motors – Based on Motor Mechanical Load

Adjustments & Alert Pages:

 Use default settings (do not modify)

1.3. Static Motor Starting

Run static motor starting and check Alert View and observe motor under voltage alerts
 Are the under voltage issues due to the motors themselves or are they related to starting
sequence events created in the study case?

Make a copy of study case MSCase-1 (call it MSCase-2) and inside of the event page of the
study case, do the following:
 Deactivate “Event 2” by selecting it, clicking on Edit button, and uncheck the Active
 Add an event labeled “Mtr1” and start Mtr1 at t=4 sec
 Add an event labeled “Syn1” and start Syn1 at t=8 sec
 Add an event labeled “Mtr4” and start Mtr4 at t=12 sec
 Increase Total simulation time to 20 Sec.

Rerun Static motor starting with MSCase-2. Do you see any critical alert? Why/Why not?

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Motor Starting Exercises 1 and 2

2. Exercise 2: Dynamic Motor Starting

Purpose and Description
Purpose of this exercise is to perform dynamic motor starting analysis using different motor models
and load models. This exercise helps to illustrate the difference between static and dynamic motor
starting analysis. The dynamic acceleration requires a dynamic circuit model representation of the
electrical behavior of the motor. The mechanical parameters and the inertia of the rotor, shaft,
coupling and load are also needed.

The nameplate rating values of the motor (i.e. rated %PF, efficiency, slip, rated kVA, etc) used for
load flow and short-circuit studies may be different than those used for motor acceleration studies.

The nameplate ratings can also be determined from the dynamic or characteristic circuit model. Only
use the new circuit model for motor acceleration purposes by unchecking the options to update the
“Nameplate Data”, “Loading Data”, and “Short-circuit Data”. Only update the characteristic data.

Continue using the same exercise project “MSExample1and2.oti”

2.1. Motor Data input for Dynamic Motor Starting

Enter the data in Table 2.1 in the Model (LR Model for sync motors), Load, and Inertia pages
for the motors listed under Motor ID.

For motors with CKT model selections uncheck all update boxes (see Figure 2.1). For motors
with characteristic curves accept to update all characteristic data (see Figure 2.2).

Table 2.1: dynamic circuit model selection and mechanical information

Circuit Model Mechanical Load
Motor ID Inertia
Type Library Type Library H
Mtr1 Polynomial FAN 0.4
Single 2 MV500HP2P
Mtr2 Charac. Polynomial a k***3 0.2
CKT HV-HS-HT, Recip.
Syn1 Polynomial 0.5
Single 2 MV1000HP2P Comp

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Motor Starting Exercises 1 and 2

Figure 2.1: Uncheck the update for all sections to keep nameplate data intact (CKT model)

Figure 2.2: Select to update characteristic data (motors with Characteristic curve model)

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Motor Starting Exercises 1 and 2

2.2. Set up Study Case:– Use MSCase-1

2.3. Run Dynamic Motor Starting

Can all the motors be started? (Check Mtr4)

 Solution to solve problem with motor failing to start. The key is to increase acceleration
torque. Which methods listed below can solve the problem and which might not?
o Change starting sequence (Will MSCase-2 work in this case?)
o Use XFMR LTC – (How much effect can it have?)
o Use starting device – (A very large Capacitor?)
o Use larger motor (Is it possible in an actual system?)
o Change the load (Is it possible in an actual system?)
o Try to change Mtr4 Starting Load from 80% to 60% or 40% -- Can Mtr4 be started
Check for low voltage problem – Are there any voltage problem? (check Bus4 and Bus7)
 Use study case MSCase-2. Do you see any critical alerts now?

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Motor Starting Exercises 3 to 6

3. Exercise 3
The purpose of this exercise is to identify and solve the starting problems by utilizing the Starting
Device element available in motor editor

3.1.Open the project file name MSExample3.oti and set the following:
Configuration: Tie-Open,
Study Case: MSCase-1B
Revision: Base

Run Dynamic Motor Starting and open the Alert View.

Check bus voltage for starting motors. (Bus8 for Mtr1 V < 80%)
Drag the motor starting time slider around t=5s and observe the Bus8 turns to red.
Verify the reason and compare bus voltage drop with Study case Alert settings.

How can you solve the problem? (Re-sequencing, start at reduced load, using starter?)

3.2.Try Using Starting Device

What type of starting device to use?
Try current control soft starter and Capacitor bank at motor terminal. Is it a good way of
solving problem?

Starting Device
Current Control Capacitor at Bus/Terminal
Speed Setting Type Speed Setting Type
(%ωs) (%ωs)
0 400% Fixed 0 1000 kvar Fixed
2 200 or 250% Ramp 95 Remove
95 400% Fixed
95 Remove

3.3.Try voltage control soft starter.

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Motor Starting Exercises 3 to 6

4. Exercise 4: MOV Starting

4.1.Set up MOV data
Both MOVs have Hammer Blow.
Both MOVs do not have Micro Switch.
Both MOVs have Vlimit = 80. (check “Start Cat” page)
T = 0.5 second for Start, Full Speed, Seating/unseating, and Stall periods.
5 seconds for Travel period.

4.2.Set up Study Case MSCase-2 and MSCase-3

Using Design Load, No load diversity factor.
Run simulation for 15 Seconds.
Include XFMR LTC in Pre-starting Load Flow, not during simulation.
Acceleration motor model based on Mechanical Load.
Use default settings on Adjustment and Alert Pages. Check all alert options with minimum
violation span = 0.2 second.
Use Normal configuration.
Action sequence:

Study Case: MSCase-2

Time Parameter Setting
0.2 second Start all motors in the system belongs to Backup Category
Switch on static load Load 1, Design category
3 second Start OpenMOV and ClosedMOV

Study Case: MSCase-3

Time Parameter Setting
3 second Start OpenMOV and ClosedMOV
5 second Start all motors in the system belongs to Backup Category
Switch on static load Load 1, Design category

4.3.Run Dynamic Motor Starting with MSCase-2

Check results from OLV display, plot and report.
Check MOV starting process.

4.4.Run Dynamic Motor Starting with MSCase-3

Check results from OLV display, plot and report.
Check MOV starting process.

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Motor Starting Exercises 3 to 6

5. Exercise 5: Load Transition

5.1.Set up Load data
Mtr 1: Design -- 100%, Normal – 80%, Winter – 0%.
Mtr 2 & 3: Design -- 100%, Normal – 0%, Winter – 90%.
All Other Motors: Design -- 100%, Normal – 90%, Winter -- 75.
All Static Load: Design -- 100%, Normal – 80%, Winter -- 90.

5.2.Set up Study Case MSCase-4

Using Design Load, No load diversity factor.
Run simulation for 10 Seconds.
Include XFMR LTC in Pre-starting Load Flow, not during simulation.
Acceleration motor model based on Mechanical Load.
Use default settings on Adjustment and Alert Pages. Check all alert options
Use Normal configuration.
Action sequence:

Study Case: MSCase-4

Time Parameter Setting
0.2 second Switch to Normal Load Category
Exclude MV loads >= 5000 kVA
3 second Switch to Winter Load Category
Exclude MV loads >= 1200 kVA
Exclude MV loads >= 1000 kVA

5.3.Run Dynamic Motor Starting with MSCase-4

Check results from OLV display, plot and report.
Check bus load change.
Check if any motors are started or stopped.

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Motor Starting Exercises 3 to 6

6. Exercise 6: Apply the motor load characteristic curve:

Go to Library from top toolbar.
Go to Motor Load Model and select the Curve option, click Add
Read the few suggested points from the following load Torque curve and enter to library.

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Motor Starting Exercises 3 to 6

Save the Library file and open Mtr1 motor editor.

Go to Load page and select the Curve option and pickup the load model have added to library.
Run Dynamic Motor Starting and check the Load Torque output plot for Mtr1.

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Motor Starting Exercises 3 to 6


Dynamic Motor Starting is sensitive to total inertia of the machine. This exercise shows increasing the
load inertia makes the acceleration time longer.

Open Mtr1 and go to Inertia page.

Set H = 1 for the Load. (Total H = 1.4)
Run Dynamic starting and observe the current output plot for Mtr1.

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Motor Starting Exercises 3 to 6

Compare the plots using MS Excel:

Here are the steps to compare two plots and overlap on each other:
Open Plot 1 and double-click on the curve to open the following “Plot Parameters” window:

Click on Data to see the list of points (X, and Y values)

Click on Copy
Open a new XLS file and paste the points

Repeat the same steps for plot2. And in XLS file paste them next to plot1 points.
Select all the columns and go to Insert > Scatter as shown below:

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