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Name Jack Cronquist

Classification/Division Essay

Date 10/7/20

Types of Sports Fans

A sports fan can usually be described as the enthusiastic type of person who sits on

their couch yelling at the Television for their team to score. But no one ever talks about the ones

who wear the jersey, which was obviously made for their past self, of some obscure player from

the nineteen-seventies. The same goes for the one who claimed they could have gone pro out

of high school if it weren't for their bad hip or career ending injury. Determining the type of

sports fan can actually help to evaluate someone's overall character as well as how good of a

person they are.

Everyone wants to claim they are a lifelong die-hard fan of the best team in the league,

but there's always one or two people who are unable to stay loyal to their team. These are some

of the worst fans around, the ones you see at a superbowl party wearing the jersey of the

winning team from Seattle, claiming they have been lifelong fans. All while you know they have

never stepped foot in Seattle. The main reason for this is because people want to be associated

with winning, although at the end of the day it's just a game, there are people with such egos

that they can't stand the sight of a losing team. These bandwagon fans are one of the biggest

annoyances in life and they don't have a shred of loyalty in their DNA. All they want to do is win

no matter the cost, which is why I often steer clear of these people.

Then there is the sports fan who can call a play before it even happens. These fans are

oftentimes the best ones to know, the amount of wisdom they give off just by being in their

presence is astonishing. It's almost like they should be the ones coaching games and making

millions of dollars. But instead they are the ones locked in on the TV even though they have

already hypothesized the final score. The reason for taking to this type of sports fan is due to

the character they developed, they never brag of their knowledge but everyone can tell they are

the most knowledgeable around.

Last but not least is the true sports fan, the one who makes spreadsheets, knows all the

players names, or even covers themselves in glitter to show off their team spirit. These types of

fans can be hard to understand, they are always the ones who spend their money buying front

row tickets to games in twenty degree temperatures while losing the game but still have the

same enthusiasm as if their team had just won the championship. These are often the type of

people that cause entire stadiums to shake by getting the crowd to start a chant. The hardcore

fans such as these are the type of people that can make you smile just because of the positive

energy they express constantly. They make everyone feel welcome apart from those of rival

sports teams. They are some of the most positive, loyal, and dedicated people in the world.

The type of fan you are expresses a great deal of things about you. Fans can change

society, make new friendships, or even change history. No matter what type of fan you are,

there will always be some kind of place to go where you are welcomed.

Classification Essay Peer Review Sheet

Name of Author___Jack Cronquist____________ Name of Editor__Alexandra Niblo______

Directions: Choose an essay from a classmate. You will read his/her essay and answer the
following questions. Do not be concerned about grammatical errors. You will return your
classmate’s essay and this sheet as well. This way, your classmate will be able to revise his/her
essay accordingly.

1. Name two specific things that you liked about this essay.

a. I like the categories because they are definitely some of the main stereotypes for sports
fans especially in America.

b. The conclusion just ties everything together in a simplistic way

2. Does this essay have a thesis statement? If so, write the thesis here.

Yes: Determining the type of sports fan can actually help to evaluate someone's overall
character as well as how good of a person they are.
3. Who is the audience of this paper?

Sports fans that can relate to this topic. (mostly football fans)

4. What is the purpose of this essay?

To explain the different types of fans for sports. Sharing the stereotypes for mainly
football fans.

5. How many categories does the author use to divide the topic? What are those categories?

There are three types of sports fans being described. The bandwagon fan, the coach
want-to-be, and the loyal/dedicated fan.

6. Are there categories that you can think of that the author has missed in his or her division of
the topic? Write them here.

There were no categories that were really missed, the only thing would add/change
would be making the last two categories more defined. Giving all three categories a clear
stereotype name can also make them more defined and seperate.

7. Are the categories well-organized? Is there a category that doesn't belong in this

I think they are well-organized. More details could help really make each category stick
out in their own way, but that’s about it for me.

8. Are there grammatical or mechanical errors? If so, please provide assistance on this sheet of

Some sentences could be combined with a comma just to make them one big sentence
rather than ending one sentence and then starting the next with But.

9. Is there a logical conclusion to this essay?

I like how simple the conclusion is and it isn’t making the essay itself seem
“complicated”. Even though it is short and sweet, a little detail isn’t a bad thing to add.

10. Other comments?

The title is what gives the reader an idea of what they essay will be about. Try to come

up with a more creative/fun title to try to grab the reader's attention. The intro is also what really

grabs the reader's attention and by adding a creative hook, it would really capture the reader.

You can also add some imagery in the beginning or somewhere in the paper to give it a more

creative vibe.

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