Multiple Choice: Choose The Letter of The Best Answer

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Helen Grace Arroyo

Assessment in Learning 2

Multiple choice: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The Mayor said, “ I _____ won the election” without the backing of the religious sect.
A. could had
B. should have not
C. shall have not
D. should
2. The measure of choosing well is whether or not man likes what he_____.
A. chose
B. has chosen
C. choose
D. is choosing
3. Look! One of the baby giraffes _____ doing a handstand.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
4. This test is _____ than the spelling test we had yesterday.
A. easy
B. easily
C. easier
D. more easy
5. The patient _____ by several doctors.
A. had seen
B. is seeing
C. has been seen
D. had been seeing
6. Roger’s team has won the basketball match. The trophy is now _____.
A. their
B. his
C. our
D. theirs
7. The villagers _____ the thief and handed him over to the police.
A. catching
B. catch
C. caught
D. will catch
8. Gherlen could not afford to buy the dress because it was too _____.
A. expensive
B. expensively
C. more expensive
D. most expensive
9. After a few minutes, the police arrived at the ______ of the accident.
A. seen
Helen Grace Arroyo
Assessment in Learning 2

B. scene
C. sin
D. seem
10. Neither Eli nor Jacob ______ taken up piano lessons.
A. has
B. have
C. is
D. are
11. Neither the students nor the teacher ______ allowed to go to school during this pandemic.
A. is allowed
B. are allowed
C. was allowed
D. we’re allowed
12. The lady ______ I handed the letter to, is very trustworthy.
A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. which
13. Grace, as well as her friends, ______ whenever her sister cracks a joke.
A. laugh
B. laughs
C. laughing
D. will laugh
14. I wrote down the message ______ I would not forget it.
A. because
B. so that
C. as though
D. if
15. Each of the employees ______ responsible for doing a good job at work.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were
16. This policy will ______ your house against natural calamities such fire, flood & earthquake.
A. ensure
B. insure
C. assure
D. insular
17. The teacher, as well as her students,_____ going to the Principal’s office.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
Helen Grace Arroyo
Assessment in Learning 2

18. We finally _____ to the top of the hill.

A. reached
B. went
C. arrived
D. got
19. The two sides finally ______ a compromise.
A. reached to
B. arrived at
C. arrived in
D. went in
20. The conference was set up to _____ alcoholics.
A. council
B. counsel
C. councilor
D. counselor

Key answer:

1. B. should have not

2. B. has chosen
3. A. is
4. C. easier
5. C. has been seen
6. D. theirs
7. C. caught
8. A. expensive
9. B. scene
10. A. has
11. A. is allowed
12. B. whom
13. B. laughs
14. B. so that
15. A. is
16. B. insure
17. C. is
18. D. got
19. B. arrived at
20. D. counsel

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