Music Q2 Las 1

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Name: Tuazon, Wendell Ron L.

Grade & Section: Grade 10- Ruby

Subject: MUSIC 10 Teacher: Ma’am Catherine Lazona Score: ________

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 3 LAS 1

Activity Title : Afro-Latin American and Popular Music
Learning Target : Describe the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American
and Popular music
Reference(s): MELC MU10AP-IIa-g-2, Learner’s Manual pages 40-79
LAS Writer: Jomar C. Castro

African Music is a collective result of the cultural and musical diversity of the more than
50 ethnic divisions of the continent. It is largely functional in nature, used primarily in
ceremonial rites, such as birth, death, marriage, succession, worship, and spirit
invocations. Some traditional African music include the Afrobeat, Axe from Salvador,
Bahia and Brazil, Jit of Zimbabwe, Kwassa kwassa from Zaire, the Apala by the Yoruba
tribe in Nigeria, and the Jive of South Africa.

Latin American Music music of Latin America is a product of three major influences
-Indigenous, Spanish-Portuguese, and African. The indigenous music of Latin America
was largely functional in nature, being used for religious worship and ceremonies. Some
of Latin American popular music forms are the tango, bossa nova, samba, son, and

Popular music literally means “music of the populace,” similar to the traditional folk
music of the past. As it developed in the 20th century, pop music (as it has come to be
called) generally consisted of music for entertainment of large numbers of people,
whether on radio or in live performances. Some examples of popular music are blues,
jump blues, jazz, and gospel music with the Western swing and country music.

Direction: Briefly describe the history and culture that influenced the type of music
identified below and provide sample genres as. Complete the table below with your
History Cultural Background Sample Genres
Their music is for special life Africa is a culturally  Afrobeat
celebrations like birth, rich and diverse nation  Axe from
death, initiation, marriage, with more than 50 Salvador
African and funerals. African Music countries in its  Kwassa
Music is also an art of expressing continent, making their Kwassa
religious beliefs and political music a collective from
angenda. result of cultural and Zaire
musical diversity.
It is a combination of three It was largely  Tango
Latin major influences and these functional in nature,  Bossa
American are the Indigenous, being used for nova
Music Spanish-Portuguese, and religious worship and  Samba
African. ceremonies.
It means “music of the Popular music is  Blues
populace”, just like the commonly used for the  Jump
past’s traditional folk music. entertainment of the Blues
It developed in the 20th crowd or people.  Jazz
Popular century and pop music
Music consisted of music for the
entertainment of large
numbers of people, whether
on the radio or in live

Explanation Rubric
Level 4 (4pts.) Level 3 (3pts.) Level 2 (2pts.) Level 1 (1pt.)
student was
student was student was
able to convey student was
Knowledge able to convey able to convey
several ideas able to convey
and several ideas a few ideas w/
w/ a good limited ideas w/
Understanding w/ high degree some degree
degree of little knowledge
of knowledge of knowledge
student was
student was student was
able to make student was
able to make able to make
connections able to make
connections connections
between the connections
between the between the
Organization ideas w/ a between ideas
ideas w/ a high ideas w/ some
considerable w/ little degree
degree of degree of
degree of of clarity and
clarity and clarity and
clarity and effectiveness
effectiveness effectiveness
Shows no Shows less Shows few Shows lots of
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
error error error error

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