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Tigran Ohanyan

Former Doctoral Student in the

Faculty of political Sciences and International Studies of the

University of Warsaw

Address: Zwirki I Wigury 95/97, Apt. 721, Warsaw, 02-089, Poland


Change of Political Power in Armenia in 2018

Key words: Armenia, Political Power, Velvet Revolution, Nikol Pashinyan, My Step


In November, 2015 there took place a Referendum in Armenia and there was adopted
New Constitution. According to New Constitution Armenia became a Parliamentary
Republic. Till the adoption of New Constitution Armenia was Half-Presidential
Republic and the head of state and head of executive power was President and the
same person can not be elected more than twice as a president. Many oppositions and
experts expressed the opinion that the results of the referendum were falsificated and
main aim of New Constitution is to make juridical basis for Serzh Sargsyan to
continue to hold a power.1

In 2017 there took place a Parliamentary Elections in Armenia according to New

Constitution. Majority in the parliement took Republican Party of Armenia. There
were 105 deputies elected. 101 from 4 political parties /Republican Party of Armenia,
Prosperous Armenia Party, Armenian Revolutionary Dashnakcutyun Party and ELQ
Coalition/ and 4 representatives from National Minority Groups living in Armenia.

President, according to New Constitution, is head of state, but has limited functions.
In February New President of Armenia was elected Armenia Sargsyan. 2

In April, 2018 the time of Presidency for Serzh Sargsyan was over. Head of
Opposition Coalition ELQ Nikol Pashinyan started walking campaign against the
Serzh Sargsyan and against the Republican Party. On 9 of April Parliament elected
Serzh Sargsyan as a Prime Minister, which head of executive power according to new
constitution, Since 13 of April there started mass demonstrations against Serzh
Sargsyan and number of demonstrates was increased day by day. 3 Demonstrations
took place also in front of Embassies of Armenia in different countries by the
representatives of Armenian diaspora. There took place a meeting between Serzh
Sargsyan and Nikol Pashinyan, but it was without results. On 30 of April Serzh
Sargsyan was resigned. On 2 of May Parliament rejected to elect Nikol Pashinyan as a
Prime Minister and Mass Demonstrations became bigger and bigger. On 8 of May
Nikol Pashinyan was elected as a Prime Minister of Armenia. 4


In April Serzh Sargsyan was elected as a Prime minister of Armenia and this fact was
the reason for the leader of Opposition Nikol Pashinyan to start campaign against it.
This was also to certify the opinion of political opposition leaders and political
experts, that the new constitution was initiated by Serzh Sargsyan to hold the power.

Nikol Pashinyan started his campaign from Gyumri in March and walked to Yerevan.
He reached to Yerevan on 13 of April and many students and youth activists met him
in Yerevan and there started protest against the prime minister Serzh Sargsyan and
Republican party of Armenia. There were less number of protestants but the number
was increased day by day. Protesters’ demands did not concern foreign policy and,
importantly, the country’s relations with the Russian Federation. It should be
emphasized that during this year’s demonstrations neither anti-Russian slogans nor
postulates of integration with the EU could be spotted, and the protests agenda

concerned essentially the Armenian policy. It is important inasmuch as in recent years
Armenians have expressed their increasing distrust towards Russia. Even though the
Russian Federation is still perceived as the country’s only protector in the context of
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the blockade imposed by Turkey, the Armenian
perceptions of its activities are becoming more and more varied. In this respect, one
can mention such factors as adverse effects on the country’s national economy due to
its integration with the Eurasian structures, increases in gas and electric prices (as both
are provided by Russian companies) and such events as the Gyumri massacre (2015)
when a Russian soldier stationed at the local military base murdered an Armenian
family of seven.

In their slogans, the protesters did not refer to geopolitics, which may explain why
other countries got involved in the development of Armenia’s political situation only
to a limited extent. Obviously, special attention was paid to the authorities in the
Kremlin who traditionally perceive all kinds of color revolutions in the region as a
threat to the legitimacy of their own system. In this case, the Russian activity that
could be observed included primarily consultations with the current power camp (also
between high-ranking officials) as well as Nikol Pashinyan and other protest leaders.
The talks had both official and behind-the-scenes character, as evidenced by
unexpected landing of the Russian government aircraft in Yerevan and its departure
less than an hour later.5

Pashinyan declared that this protests are not against any country and are not supported
by any country and this are internal affairs of Armenia. When number of protestants
was increased there took place a meeting of Nikol Pashinyan with Serzh Sargsyan but
it was without results. Leaders of other political parties represented in the Parliament –
Prosperous Party of Armenia and Armenian Revolutionary Dashnakcutyun announced
that they join to the Revolution. The protestants blocked central streets and road to the
airport and this influenced on Serzh Sargsyan to be resigned. On the first stage of
protests Police tries to arrest some protestants and Nikol Pashinyan as well, but later

all were not arrested. Many experts express opinion, that Pashinyan was using
methods of Mahathma Gandy of Peaceful protests and this was factor of his victory.

After resign of Serzh Sargsyan on 2 of May parliament rejected to elect Nikol

Pashinyan as a Prime Minister and number of protestants was increased up to 150
thousands. Only on 8 of May parliament elected Pashinyan a a Prime Minister. 7 The
same day President of Armenia Armenia Sargsyan appointed him as a Prime Minister
of Armenia. According to the Constitution Parliament is electing the prime minister
and president should appoint him or to complain it to the Constitutional Court.

Pashinyan chose ministers and other cabinet staff only young persons motivating it as
there were not integrated in any corruption. He announced its principle as Armenia
without corruption and monopoly. There was created a Coalition between Party “Civic
Contract”, Armenian Revolutionary Dashnaktsutyun and Prosperous Party of
Armenia. Minister of Defends and Minister of Foreign Affairs are professionals.
Minister of Defends Davit Tonoyan was the Minister of Emergency Situations within
the cabinet of Serzh Sargsyan. Before he had been the Deputy Minister of Defends.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Zohrab Mnatsakanyan was Ambassador of the Republic of
Armenia to the United Nations. This two persons were presented by Pashinyan and
immediately were appointed by the President. All other Ministers were young persons
representing parties of Coalition members.and they met criticism of the
representatives of Republican Party, as well as political experts. They does not have
any experience in Government.

After appointment of Ministers and Governors of Regions Pashinyan’s Government

presented its Programme to the Parliament. Parliament adopted the Programme but
there were many critical points as the Programme did not include any percent of
Economical grow.

Concerning to Foreign Policy Pashinyan announced that Armenia will continue its
membership to the Eurasian Economic Union and will continue active cooperation
with Russian Federation, European Union and United States. Being a leader of
opposition party and Deputy of Parliament Pashinyan many times criticized Serzh
Sargsyan and membership of Armenia in the Eurasian Economic Union and after
appointment as a Prime Minister his words were rejected by himself.

Concerning to Internal Affairs he announced the Principle Armenia without

Corruption and Monopoly and many entrepreneurs were allowed to import all goods
they want. The prosecutors asked the Parliament to arrest Deputy from Republican
Party Manvel Grigoryan. As the National Security Service told, there were stolen aids
of soldiers by himself.8 Besides the Investigation Committee started the Investigation
of 1 of March, 2008 incidents, were 8 protestants and 2 police officers were shot.
According to the investigation were arrested former president of Armenia Robert
Kocharyan. Kohcaryan announced it as a political repression against him. Besides,
there started investigations against other former deputies but they were stopped after
short period.

Pashinyan announced, that the revolution has not been completed yet and there should
take place Parliamentary Elections in Armenia in 2018. In October, 2018 there took
place a Parliamentary Assembly of Fracophony International organization and after
that there were discussed mechanisms of resign of Parliament. The Constitutions
states only limited mechanisms of resign of Parliament. There were started political
debates about such mechanisms and there was agreed that Prime Minister would
announce about his resign and parliament 2 times will not elect the prime Minister.
This took place and parliament has been resigned.

Arrest of Robert Kocharyan and the investigation against former Duputy Minister of
Defends Yuri Khachaturov, who was Secretary General of Collective Security Treaty
Organization till November, 2018 have been accepted very badly by Russia. In
November there took place a General Assembly of Collective Security Treaty
Organization where President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko did his best that
Belarus hold the position of Secretary General. Armenia put Veto on it and this issue
has not been resolved yet. Armenia tries to hold the position till 2020. During his

press conference in Armenia Pashinyan told that he expects explanation from
Lukashenko. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus announced the words of
Pashinyan as non-acceptable.10 This Misunderstanding has been resolved in during the
general Assembly of Eurasian Economic Union in Minsk, where Pashinyan and
Lukashenko talked with each other. But the question of the Secretary General of
CSTO has not been resolved yet.

In December, 2018 there took place Parliamentary Elections in Armenia. During the
Campaign Republican Party announced that Pashinyan had used administrative
resources but it was rejected by Pashinyan. After the Elections Republican Party has
not received minimum 5 percent and has not passed to the Parliament. Alliance My
Step of Pashinyan got 80 percent, Prosperous Party of Armenia 18 percent, Bright
Armenia Party 8 percent. As the Constitution states, that 1/3 of deputies should be
from the opposition, the new Pariament will have 132 deputies, from which 4 will be
representatives of National Minorities in Armenia.11

After the election many heads of states congratulated Pashinyan, except Russia,
Belarus and Kazakhstan. In December there took place a visit of Pashinyan to Russia,
where President of Russia sent congratulations to Robert Kocharyan concerning to
New Year and told Pashinyan that Kocharyan is his friend. There were discussed also
new price of Gas for Armenia. There is expected that the price will be more

Many political experts think that this is pressure against Pashinyan for the Arrest of
Robert Kocharyan. Long time there was no information about it and only in the end of
December Pashinyan announced that in the Border Gas will be more expensive, but
for inhabitants the price will be the same. There is a reason to think, that Russia uses
many ways to press Pashinyan concerning to its internal policy, as well as raise
dissatisfactions of Armenia inhabitants towards Pashinyan, to show the inhabitants of
Russia, that the revolution is not positive.

1. The Velvet revolution is Armenia was one of good examples in Political
Sciences, that it is possible to change the power without any blood. There were
many reasons for revolution:
 Huge Corruption in Armenia in all spheres
 Willing of Serzh Sarhsyan to hold the power
 Big number of youngsters educated in European countries and well
understanding the price of Democracy and Freedom
 Serzh Sargsyan and his cabinet did not try to use Police forces and to make
blood for holding the power.
2. The positive side of the change of power are:
 Real fight against the corruption.
 Fundamental freedom and exclusion of falsifications of elections.
3. The negative sides are:
 Existence of Hate Speech both in Online and Offline Space.
 Existence of Hate towards the any criticism of Pashinyan
 Non-professionalism of high level officials in Armenia
 Liquidation of many governmental institutions and reduce of many
governmental officials.
 Non-professional policy concerning to Culture, Youth, Diaspora, etc.
4. Being a deputy of the Parliament Pashinyan was against Eurasian Economic
Union and against Collective Security Treaty Organization but after
appointment as a prime minister he changed his opinion. This is to fact, that
Armenia can not exit from the zone of influence of Russia
5. After visit of High Level US officials to Armenia Pashinyan announced the
possibility to close border with Iran, which can badly influence on the economy
of Armenia.

In November 2015 in Armenia there was adopted new constitution, according to
which Armenia became a Parliamentary Republic. In 2017 there took place a
Parliamentary Elections, where elected majority was Republican Party of Armenia. In
April, 2018 the period of president Serzh Sargsyan was finished and Parliament
elected him as a Prime Minister. After the election of Serzh Sargsyan as a Prime
Minister, Nikol Pashinyan – leader of opposition party ELQ stated campaign against it
and there started demonstrations against Serzh Sargsyan. Number of demonstrates
became bigger and bigger and in 30 of April Serzh Sargsyan has been redigned. On 8
of May Nikol Pashinyan was elected as a Prime minister.


W listopadzie 2015 r. W Armenii przyjęto nową konstytucję, zgodnie z którą Armenia

stała się Republiką Parlamentarną. W 2017 r. Miały miejsce wybory parlamentarne, w
których większością głosów była Partia Republikańska Armenii. W kwietniu 2018 r.
Został wypisany okres prezydent Serzh Sargsyan i Parlament wybrał go na stanowisko
premiera. Po wyborze Serza Sargsyana na premiera Nikola Pashinyana - lidera partii
opozycyjnej ELQ oświadczył przeciwko niemu kampania i rozpoczęły się
demonstracje przeciwko Serzhowi Sargsyanowi. Liczba demonstracji stawała się
coraz większa, a 30 kwietnia Serzh Sargsyan został zmieniony. 8 maja Nikol
Pashinyan został wybrany na premiera.


В ноябре 2015 года в Армении была принята новая конституция, согласно

которой Армения стала парламентской республикой. В 2017 году состоялись
парламентские выборы, где большинством голосов стала Республиканская
партия Армении. В апреле 2018 года президент Серж Саргсян был истек, и
парламент избрал его премьер-министром. После избрания Сержа Саргсяна
премьер-министром Никол Пашинян, лидер оппозиционной партии ЕЛК,
объявил кампанию против него и начал демонстрации против Сержа Саргсяна.
Количество демонстрантов становилось все больше и больше, и 30 апреля Серж
Саргсян был переделан. 8 мая Никол Пашинян был избран премьер-министром.





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