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Mines Memo News From the Ludwig von Mises Institute Winter 1997

But it did prove possible, thanks to

Fifteen Years, Stronger than Ever the many people who had faith
that in the long run, the ideas of
freedom are more powerful than
This has been a year ofwonder papers) and Walter Block at die any pressure group. To all support
ful surprises and triumphs. University of Central Arkansas.
ers of the Ludwig von Mises Insti
The Costs of'War has been published The Review is going to a quar tute, we say diank you for all you
and widely celebrated. So has The terly. Our faculty surpassed all have done.
Logic ofAction. The students who publication and speaking records.
attended the Mises University And Austrian views appeared in A Future of Liberty
were exceptional. The Austrian die popular press.
Scholars Conference 3 generated a We've begun construction of a The leviathan state, that mon
mountain of new papers. permanent home for the Austrian ster devouring civilization in
The circulation of our flagship School, for die cause of free enter this century, is in the throes of
periodicals—The Mises Review, The prise, and for die Mises Institute, death," said Llewellyn H. Rock
FreeMarket,The Revieiv ofAustrian right here in Auburn. It will fea well, Jr., in his speech at our 15th
Economics, and The Austrian Eco- ture a world-class library, for which anniversary conference. "This is
nomicsNnvsletter—all grew,and we die private collection ofMurray N. not a wish or a prediction, but a
printed and distributed other stud Rotlibard will serve as die founda conclusion drawn from a broad
ies and publications. tion. Now, we're busy planning look at the trends of the last decade
In addition, the lost Mises pa 1998, and it will feature more of and a half, which, if we take die
pers turned up in Moscow, we everything. In short, our dreams right steps, can continue on into
commissioned a biography of are being realized. the next century."
Mises by young star Jorg Guido Fifteen years ago, people said it Rockwell pointed to the huge
Hulsmann and two of our senior couldn't be done. An organization contrast between today's social-po
scholars were sought out to become devoted to promoting ideas often litical setting and that of 50 years
economics department chairmen: derided as antique and outmoded ago. Then, the idea that govern
Jeffrey Herbener at Grove City Col could not survive without govern ment should run society appeared
lege (home of Mises's American ment and establishment support. ascendent and invulnerable, while
nearly every sector ofthe economy
was hobbled by statisrn. The world
was dominated by superpowers
professing statist ideologies.
The difference between Keynes-
ian planning in die West and central
planning in the East was merely a
matter of degree. The age of the
managerial class of scientific and
public-spirited bureaucrats had
been born. Intellectuals saw die fu
ture, and it was with die state. Mises
and the Austrian School were the
web between academia and popu must instruct the next generation.
lar culture, so as to influence the This is exactly what die Ludwig
future in everypossible way" That von Mises Institute is doing. It is
requires tenacity, aggressiveness, the lighthouse sending out the
and firm attachment to principle. beacon, so that the future can be
"You share widi us a vision," bright for ourselves and for our
Rockwell told the gathering, "ad children. This is an enormous task.
mittedly radical now, but main It is why I would like to diank die
Betty Scott and PearlMeier talkwith Prof. stream tomorrow: namely, to bring Mises Institute for the work it is
Shawn Ritenonr at the 15th anniversary doing. It is absolutely worth
about a society where private life is
held at a premium, and where no while."
outsiders—and their low profes autocrat or despot, democratically Our chairman Burt Blumert
sional status reflected that fact. elected or not, is allowed to run added we must devote our resources
Today, government power is roughshod over the private pursuit to passionate, energetic scholarship
no longer seen as the answer to all of prosperity and security centered on restoring liberty—diat
economic problems, and private "We seek, all of us, a society is, the American ideal—as die foun
markets outwit planners at every where politics means enforcement dation of civilization.
turn. All over the world, we see the of die rule of law, where economic Indeed, in 15 years, we've
collapseofempires, the miracles of development is left to diose who made the difference: educating
technological progress, the power own and control real resources, countless students and hundreds of
of market forces, and die re-emer and where owners can use their tiiousands of adults, producing a
gence of private life. property without violent interfer library of books and tapes, provid
Other exciting themes of our ence by parasites who neither pro ing a host of student fellowships,
times: the breakup of media mo duce nor create, but live off those and publishing a world-class aca
nopoly power, the decline of who do." demic journal and four other peri
Beltway politics as a national odicals. We've been a constant
Finally, Rockwell urged that
preoccupation, the exodus of die presence in the popular press as
we all adopt Ludwig von Mises's
best and brightest from govern well, with hard-hitting commen
lifetime motto, a line from Virgil:
ment into the private sector, the tary and analysis read by millions.
"lu ne cede malis sed contra audentior
decline in allegiance to die presi The key to it all is an uncompro
ito." "Do not givein to evil, but pro
dency, the lack of confidence in die mising and unshakeable stand for
ceed ever more boldly against it."
welfare state, the decline in die tax truth and liberty
takeofstate and local governments, Professor Ralph Raico com
The Mises Way
and the resistance to government missioned an internal report de
programs by public opinion. A t our anniversary dinner, the tailing every publication, seminar,
Rockwell traced die causes and Archduke Karl von Habsburg conference, and other activity diat
sources of change in country after asked: 'After a century of war and the Mises Institute has undertaken,
country, arguing diat "the logic of destruction, what can be done? We just so we could have a complete
dissolution requires diat we lose
faith in political leaders before we
can regain faith in our ability to
solve our own problems." But
what a future of liberty requires
above all else, Rockwell said, is a
firm intellectual foundation, and
the Austrian School provides it.
"Economics in particular, Mises
said, is theproper subject ofStudy for
every person. So at die Mises Insti
tute, we seek to create a seamless

News From the Ludwig von Mises Institute • Winter 1997

Joseph Salerno, encouraged by the
easy-money economy diat replaced
John Demon,
Timothy Terrell, die gold standard.
Guido Hiilsmann, Just as bad was die advent of
Karl von
Habsburjj, and
social democratic ideology ("col
Tom DiLoretizo lectivism by vote," pointed out
chat between pres David Gordon) and national social
entations at the
conference. ism (collectivism by pseudo-patriot
ism, said Guido Hiilsmann). These
forms of socialism shared a hatred
of private property and die com
account. The result is die massive Statism Infects mercialsociety stilldie twin demons
"Raico Report." If you'd like a the Academy of many media commentators to
copy, let us know day, as Michael Levin argued while
M u c h of diis is reflected in col
exposing this century's main philo
lege curriculums, as Peter
An Austrian Critique Klein demonstrated. He read off a
sophical errors.

In conjunction with our 15th series of available classes attacking

the very foundations of bourgeois War and Collectivism
anniversary, we held a confer
ence: "The Iwentietii Century: An morality But he went much deeper Collectivism received its big
Austrian Critique." A dozen top by pointing to government subsi gest boost from globalist for
scholars gave presentations on the dies for higher education as die eign policy. John V Denson
economic, political, and philo real source of die problem. Until showed how the betrayal of die
sophical evils diat brought about we give up diis idea that everyone framers' foreign policy led to Wil
our ghastly century of war and de is entitled to a tax-paid PhD, we'll son's invasion of Europe, turning
never fix the education system. But a limited conflict into die greatest
there is a very bright spot in acade- disaster in die history of Western
For example, Mark Thornton
mia, said Peter: the Mises Institute, civilization. Nazism and Commu
traced Congressional corruption
which is circumventing statist cur nism were among its legacies.
to bad court decisions and terrible
riculums to teach the truth on cam
amendments to the Constitution, But even entrenched political
puses all across America.
which made die income tax legal, evil can be dislodged if the people
It's bracing to realize that most rise up against it. Yuri Maltsev, who
imposed direct election of Sena
of the bad ideas in this century grew up under Soviet socialism, de
tors, and insulated politicians from
havecome stt-aight out of the acad
voters, making them dependent on scribed how Mikhail Gorbachev
emy. Jeffrey Herbener showed how
special interests. The result: a con brought down socialism by acci
Keynesianism killed prosperity for
solidated central state that sees all dent in the course of reforming it.
millions—as die result of Keynes's
property as its own. Ralph Raico argued that die
attempt to claim diat free markets
And it's not only our bank ac don't work. One result was die col
present U.S. system of managed
counts diat die government wants. lapse of old moral standards, said markets makes far too many con
Widi die advent of the therapeutic cessions to die Soviet model, espe
state, said Paul Gottfried, the gov David Gordon and Mises b'clhws Narin Smith, cially in die low regard it has for
ernment also seeks to purge our BillAnderson, andMark Brandly. individual rights. The unifying
minds of attachments to family themes ofour century were social
and neighbors, and to force us to ism and war. Linked to them was
adopt a series of ridiculous egalitar the bloodshed inflicted by the
ian claims (women and men are the state. Murder by government, it's
same; no one is innately smarter been called, and indeed, never be
dian anyone else; we should feel fore has the state gained so much
guilty for material achievement, power and caused so much de
etc.). struction as in diis century
Winter 1997 • News From the Ludwig von Misks Institute
that really brought it to life, pre stands and run across frequent ref
sented itshistory, and celebrated its erences to Mises, Hayek, Roth-
accomplishments. bard, and the Austrian School.
The result is die beautiful Aus They appear in Forbes, the Will
trian Family Alburn. It features StJ'eet Journal, the Neiv Republic,

[MjP& Austrians dating back to the

1400s, and includes pictures of
and even the New York Times, to say
nothing of die scholarly journals
Karl von Habsburg and Ron Paul discuss Carl Menger fishing, Eugen von which are now contending with
the differences between the U.S. Congress Bohm-Bawerk in Habsburg Court die ideas of liberty as a living real
and the European Parliament. ity. Even Sky magazine recently ran
regalia, Mises and EA. Hayek ex
amining manuscripts and having a an article by Richard Brookhiser
The Congressman
good laugh, Henry Hazlitt as liter on "the Austrians Ludwig von
and the Archduke
ary editor of The Nation, Murray Mises and Eriedrich Hayek."
W e were pleased diat Karl von Rodibard as a teenager and young The Washington Times called
Habsburg attended die en professor, and much more. the Mises Institute "an intellectual,
tire conference, and said it provided free-market powerhouse" reaching
a level of intellectual stimulation he
TheAustrian Family Album many thousands "through student
never encounters in Europe. He es scholarships, publications, confer
pecially appreciated Hans-Her ences, and more." Carlos Ball trans
mann Hoppe's discussion of how lates articles for Spanish-speaking
monarchy is limited where wel audiences, and is responsible for
fare-state democracy is not. A king, die wide circulation ofMises Insti
for example, would not have been tute material in Latin America.
allowed to tax half your earnings! When speaking before die Phila
His impressions were con delphia Society, he cited Lew
firmed by our distinguished coun Rockwell as "one of our distin
sellor, Congressman Ron Paul, It is all tied together with an guished North American writers."
who said the Mises Institute "does essay about the Austrian School, And William Rees-Mogg,
more to educate students and die its development, its confronta writing in die London Financial
public about economics dian any tions widi die mainstream, and the Times, reports on die views of Peter
odier organization." Ron, who re ebbs and flows of its status in the Lilley, the shadow Chancellor of
turned to office in 1996, described world of ideas. The result is quite the Exchequer from the British
D.C. as still being dark and sordid, elegant, and serves as a great teach Conservative Party "Lilley emerges
a place where serious ideas and ing device for die Austrian School. as strongly influenced by die Aus
principled thinking are alien. Richard Kossmann, MD, a trian school of economists." This
Finally, our supportersover the longtime supporter, told us that "Austrian view, known to Eng
years were singled out and praised "more and more I feel that the lish readers largely through
for their vision and willingness to Mises Institute is a family, and I'm works of Hayek and von Mises,
invest in the ideas of liberty They honored to be a member of it." has a profound implication. When
make it possible to present good Alejandro Chafuenof the Atlas In governments intervene to counter
scholarship to students, to put out stitute says: "I have to confess diat act economic trends, they are more
die bestbooks and journals available of the hundreds (thousands) of dian likely to make things worse.
in the world of economics, to hold publications that I receive, the Minimal government intervention
top-of-the-line conferences, and to only ones that I always read aredie is not only justified on grounds of
educate die leaders of tomorrow. publications diat come out of the liberty but also on die pragmatic
Mises Institute." grounds that most intervention
The Austrian Family does not work."
Gonstant Presence A special note of congratula
As a part of our 15di anniver
sary, we wanted to produce an It's not unusual to browse die tions to Michael Novak, whose ar
introduction to die Austrian School newspaper racks and magazine ticle in the October 1997 First

News From the l.uinvu; von Mises Instititf. • Wintek 1997

Things was a helpful introduction high-school kids good economics. If you would like more informa
to Austrian School contributions "I want to diank you for the warm tion on how you can be a part of
to economic science, and to greeting diat you gave to me and diis historic project, let us know.
Lawrence Kudlow of American my students," he wrote after his
Skandia Life, who often cites Mises last visit. "The students were, in
in his columns. itially, shy about entering the
building, but your greeting re
Churchill moved what apprehension they
Revisionism mayhave had.Thank you againfor
Tempers flared among conven making us feel so welcome."
tional historians when Ralph
Headquarters II
Raico, writing in The Costs of War
('edited by John Denson) criti of Liberty :>P^
•~ * ^—j
cized Winston Churchill as an ar For us, it's a landmark: a build
chitect of the welfare-warfare ing for research and seminars mises institute building fund

state. Plenty of historians have has been a dream of ours for 15 Wc' re almost there!

noted diis, of course, but to criti years. Now at last it is possible,

cize it, well, that's beyond the pale. thanks only to the support of the Donations and
November 1997

So when a writer for History Today members of the Mises Institute Pledges

struck out at Raico, Raico struck (more on these heroes later). The August 1997
right back widi a lengthy and dev dedication of the building, and a
astating letter in die companion conference on the
August issue. great Austrian economists,
Prof. Raico has 1500-1998, will be held June 5-6,
also drawn attention 1998. We hope you can join us in
to the close relation Auburn for die occasion.
ship between Joseph As you can see, we have made and Popular
Stalin and Franklin good progress in every sense, but
T h e Mises Institute is some
D. Roosevelt. "How still have a way to go. There's still
can we take seriously time to purchase an engraved pav times criticized for being too
the proposition that ing brick to go in the entrance way scholarly, and at other times for
Stalin was in the same or on die front porch. Larger con our extensive public outreach. But
moral category as tributors are being honored with it has always been our approach,
Hider and at the same time raise their names engraved in granite. pioneered by Mises, to seek an
audience in both worlds. Exam
not the slightest objection to Mind Even larger donors have the op
ing and dedicating a national me portunity for portraits and whole ples abound, but especially help
morial to the same president who rooms to be named in dieir honor.
ful is the journal of Commerce, a
viewed Stalin as a fellow progres daily business newspaper owned
sive and was proud to call him a by The Economist that reaches an
Professor ]antes Barth looks over the influential international audi
blueprints with Norma Jennings. ence. It ran articles by Mises in
die 1940s, and the editorial page
Come Galling
isstill open to serious commentary
W e love to host Members on events. Lew Rockwell has a
who come through town. column that runs up to three
They enjoy talking to our stu times per month, and die page
dents, looking through out- often runs shorter versions of
publications, and renewing their studies that come out in The Free
memberships. A guest we are always Market and Essays in Political
gladto seeisJohn Egolf, who teaches Economy.

Winter 1997 Nkws Im«)m tiik I.unwic. von Mises Institute

Nobel Prize imagining what all the people who
for Planning were following this poll were
Economists used to be re thinking. Keynesian leftovers must
warded for dreaming up mod have been none too pleased.
els to plan society But diis year's In addition to die 2,000 or so
Nobel went to two economists — students he's nitored at Mises Uni
Robert Merton of Harvard and versity a key reason for his broad
Myron S. Scholes of Stanford support may be Hoppe's reputa
—who came up with a formula tion in Europe. He's given speeches
that makes better financial plan
ning possible. Drawing on an in by Misesian Dario Antiseri. In ad
sight spelled out by Mises in 1949, dition, he is arranging for the
that the risk premium for an in translation of several works diat

vestment is built into the price, are not yet available in Italian, in
they made it possible for the op cluding Egalitarianism as a Revolt
tions market to develop into a Against Nature. That extraordi
wide array of financial derivatives nary work will also be available in
that make die markets work more Korean, thanks to the Korea Cen
efficiently ter for Free Enterprise in Seoul.
Marian Ward and Pro]'. Hans Hoppe And Power and Market is being
From models for social plan
discuss his talk on democracy. translated into German.
ning to formulas for financial plan
ning is a huge step in the right to the Mont Pelerin Society in die Kemp Falling
direction. But when will good eco last several years, which are widely
nomic dieory become ascendent? Among die most popular arti
acclaimed. And if you had picked
There's still a long way to go until cles we've run in a year of
up Romania's equivalent of die
the Ausman School gets credit it great Free Market issues was "The
New York Times diis past summer,
rightly deserves. Birdi of an Empire." In it, Thomas
you would have found a special
DiLorenzo of Loyola College tells
One great sign was an interna insert on die Austrian School and
the story of how die original Con
tional poll of economists to see a large essay on the work of stitutional republic of the framers
who diey diought deserved die Hoppe.
was transformed into a Leviathan
prize, conducted by die Technical
state, with the turning point be
University of Berlin. Two Austri Rothbard Rising
ing Lincoln's war of 1861. But
ans and Mises Institute scholars
You need a paragraph at a mini there's a story within a story:
came in the top five: Israel Kirzner mum just to name all die fields when he first presented this the
of New York University (inter in which Murray Rodibard made sis, Jack Kemp, who was in the
viewed in the Spring 1997 Aus- seminal contributions to the so audience, started making rude
trian Ecojwmics Newsletter) and cial sciences. Just his important noises, flailing his arms, and fi
Hans-Hermann Hoppe of the theoretical articles on econom nally stormed out.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas. ics— aside from his many books Well, diat didn't go down so
—took two volumes to collect. well among many readers, who
Hoppe The Logic ofAction is published in wondered if Kemp has die tem
and the Web Nobel die Edward Elgar series "Econo perament to handle the nuclear
Indeed, Hoppe, who in many mists of die Cenniry," a phrase diat football if he loses his cool at a
ways is Rothbard's heir as a fits well. speech. Indeed, Kemp has treated
methodologist and political theo In addition, diree separate in Louis Farrakhan far more civilly
rist, came in second in the poll, just tellectual biographies are in pro dian DiLorenzo. But Kemp's an
below a mathematical game theo gress, one written by Roberta tics ended up backfiring: the
rist. As die votes began racking up, Modugno, who works for a Roman Southern Partisan ran die speech as
Austrians die world over enjoyed university research center directed its cover story.

News From the Ludwig von Mises Institute • Winter 1997

Other Landmarks over the country and was trans
lated into Spanish and circulated
Rodibard fellow Mark Brandly's
throughout Latin America.
story on home schooling
generated newspaper stories on Study on the Web
how parents across the country
have decided to secede from the
For years, the Austrian Study
Guide has been the essential
public school system and try dieir
bibliographic source for the Chris'Tinning, Dr. Robert Hurt, and
own hand at teaching. The Wall student Ewa Dynowsha discuss economic
Street Journal published Mark's Austrian School. We've distributed problemsfacing eastern Europe, at the
plea for a complete deregulation of thousands to students and faculty 15th anniverary conference.
schooling (which, as versus vouch around the world. So it was a pri
ers, is the real path to educational ority for us to make die latest ver Supporters Gather
sion of it available even more
competition). The Home School W e hope you can make our
Legal Defense Fund publicized broadly
1998 Supporters Summit
Mark's research, and he intends to "This study guide is phenome held in Palm Springs, California,
follow up on his original research nal," writes Peter J. Boettke of
February 27-28. The theme is
widi a more in-depdi economic Manhattan College. "Congramla- "Liberty versus Power." Among
study on die phenomenon. tions. It has to be die most compre the speakers will be our senior
Williamson Evers, a Mises Insti hensive listing ever made available scholars Joe Salerno and Hans
tute adjunct scholar, defended high and it will prove indispensable to
Lloppe, two former students now
students and scholars of Austtian
standards in California schools teaching in universities, and Char
againstefforts to water them down les Adams. Adams's newest book
even furtiier. Writing in die New One frequent web browser is Those Dirty Rotte?i Taxes: How
called our web site "the best look
York Times, Evers said diat if we Tax Revolts MadeAmerica?^ Histoiy.
"make standards minimal" dien ing page I've seen so far." Jim It hits die bookstores the first of
"learning will be minimal, too." Bovard, author of Lost Rights, e- die year, and we have hopes diat it
mailed to call it "superb." will become a huge seller.
And DiLorenzo's article on
discrimination in pizza delivery Today, our site is visited by aca
demics around die world who use
(the government claims pizza Seminars in Auburn
makers must deliver to high-crime this bibliography for research.
Even die Washington Post praised O u r students at Auburn Uni
areas or else) made die point that
its depth and organization, if not versity, in addition to taking
many companies are glad to de
its content. a full load of classes, preparingfor
liver anywhere, but at a premium.
We ran across a post to an eco preliminary exams, and writing
Thus die market has produced a
nomics newsgroup that said: 'A dissertations, also attend two con
solution long before government
good book on die gold standard is tinuously running seminars. The
got involved. Published first in
one byMurray N. Rodibard, What first is directed by Professor
USA Today, his piece circulated all
Has Government Done to Our Leland Yeager and covers a variety
Money} It is a wonderful book. I of topics from monetary to capital
Dr. David Hosbcin andhisson John try
their hands on theMiscs web pageat the have read it along widi many odi- theory. The second is our Man,
conference. ers diat I ordered from die Mises Economy, and State seminar and it
Institute. It warms my heart when is going extremelywell. We're tak
ever someone else says diat they ing this 1,000-page book slowlyso
have read some of die works of the diere is time for discussion. You are
Austrian economists. I diink it is a welcome to attend if you are in
shame it isn't required reading for Auburn. The Austrian workshop is
economics students, but teaching at noon on Mondays, anddiereading
people how a free market really group is at noon on Wednesdays.
works might rock die boat a little." Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Meanwhile, we rock away. knew Mises and Hayek personally,
Winter 1997 • News From the Ludwig von Mises Institute
and knows as much as any living tution). The resulting book will be
person about the intellectual set a major piece of revisionist history,
ting in which the Austrian School to be published by a prominent
flourished from die turn of die cen academic publisher andshipped to
tury to the present. It was an honor research libraries around the coun
when he decided to come to Auburn try.
and talk to our students. He is cur- Remember, die dates are Octo
rendy writing an essay on Mises, to ber 16-17. It isheld in die glorious
be published next year. resort at Callaway Gardens (a
40,000-acre private park that puts
From Germany die federal imitations to shame).
The Mises Institute book table was a
t o Alabama We'll also visit nearby Warm
gatheringgroundfor eager readers like
How thrilling that some of Franklin Johnson and Anthony Ander, Springs, Georgia, and tour FDR's
helped by Mises Fellow Paul Cwik. Litde White House (to see presi
Germany's most successful
young businessmen, from die Ger dential hagiography in action).
man Association of Independent andLelandYeager, Mises Professor
Entrepreneurs, came to Auburn as at Auburn and one of his earliest Tax Reform
their first stop on a tour arranged defenders. In addition, diere will Scrap die Code" is the new slo
by the German-American Cham be panels on subjects from nine gan of the Congressional lead
ber of Commerce. Lew Rockwell teenth-century American eco ers who somehow couldn't bring
told them a few details of Ameri nomic history to die economics of diemselves to cut income taxes this
can history not taught in text the arts and literature. We hope year. But now they imply diey are
books, and Hans Hoppe talked you can be widi us. going to abolish taxes altogether.
about die centrality of classical-lib But politicians have a way ofsaying
eral ideas in the history of Western Presidents,
one tiling and doing anodicr. The
prosperity Good & Bad
acid test oftax reform is whether die
W e won't give away the sur reformer is willing to cut govern
Austrian Scholars prise yet, but our 1998 ment revenue. Odierwise, tax re
Conference 4 conference on the American Presi form is like burglar reform, where
Anticipation is growing for the dency isshaping up to be as impor new houses become new targets.
ASC 4, April 3-4, 1998, tant as the Costs of War and The fastest path to genuine re
which features a great lineup of Secession conferences. It appears form is to lower the rates. Then
speakers. They include James diat many historians and econo lower diem again, and again, until
Glassman of the Washington Post, mists around the country have just die income tax is no more. Short
who may be the best columnist in been waiting to have dieir crack at of diat, abolish the withholding
the country; Henri Lepage, debunking die disinformation on tax, so people can get a more direct
author of Tomorrow, Capitalism, diis subject. idea of how much tiiey're paying.
and an articulate spokesman for We'll be covering die most fa We'll see a tax revolt faster than die
liberty in France; Jeremy Frank mous presidents (which also hap feds can deposit our checks. Fi
Shearmur of die Australian Na pen to rank among die worst) and nally, let's move tax day from April
tional University, author of a die not so famous (yes, some of 15 to die firstMonday in November,
seminal new study on Hayek; them actually followed the Consti immediately before election day

"Tu ne cede man's sea contra audentior Ho.

"Do not give in to evil, hut proceed ever more holdly against it." Virgil
(In Notes ana Recollections, iMises wrote that while still in high school he adopted this quote as his litetime motto.)

Tut; Ludwig von Misics Institute, Auburn, Alabama 36849-5301 334-844-2500: fax 334-844-2583; e-mail maii.cS'mises.okc;

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