Assessment #4

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Assessment #4

1 What was the research article about? Where was it conducted?

This article is about to small retail business leaders who are using online
marketing to increase the revenue. The data was obtained from four small
retail business owners who successfully used online marketing techniques in
California. Business leaders of small retail organizations who want to
increase sales, stay competitive, address online marketing challenges, and
increase contact through the introduction of new technologies could choose
to comply with the strategies described in this report.

2 What is/are the research gap/s that it aim/s to fill?

The research gap is about to

3 What is/are the argument/s of the researchers? What are the


The objectives of the

4 What are the research questions? research hypotheses?

This are the Research question of the article “overarching research question
that guided this study was: What online marketing strategies are used by small
retail business leaders to increase derivative sales”.
1. What online marketing strategies have you implemented to increase derivative
2. What motivated you to start using an online marketing strategy?
3. What are the obstacles you encountered while developing and implementing
online marketing strategies?
4. What online marketing strategies are most effective or beneficial for your
5. What online marketing strategies have been least effective for your company?
6. How do you measure the success of your organization’s online marketing
7. What were the key challenges to implementing your successful strategies for
online marketing?
8. How did you overcome key obstacles to implementing successful strategies for
online marketing?
9. What online marketing strategies do you use to retain your consumers for
follow-up sales?
10. What additional information would you like to share regarding online marketing
strategies implemented to increase derivative sales?

5 How was the research conducted?

The research conducted using of the interview Questions that was

distributed to the 4 small business owners in California. The data that
implement successful strategies for increased sales in their business

6 What were the findings of the research? the conclusion?

The conclusion of the article is the strategies of some retail business

leaders use to implement online marketing to increase derivative sales.
Small business leaders could benefit from the data that implement
successful strategies for increased sales with consumers and by creating
brand awareness. All business leaders in this study participated in social
media advertising, which increased company sales by a minimum of
25% within 6 months of implementation. The results of the study
confirmed online marketing strategies are vital for organizational
sustainability and strategic methods are essential for business leaders to
stay competitive and maintain sustainability in the retail industry. The
findings relate to the diffusion of innovation theory as presented by
Rogers and the use of social media platforms to promote products and
services in the industry.

7 Provide the complete details of the research articles usingtheAPA

7th edition format

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