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Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) (For TLE/TVL CSS NCII)

Name of Learner:________________________ Grade and Section:________________

Date: ______________

Install network cables

I. Learning Competency with Code


• What is computer network?

• Network cable installation

II. Background Information for Learners

What is computer network?

A computer network is a set of connected computers. Computers on a network are called nodes. The
connection between computers can be done via cabling, most commonly the Ethernet cable, or fiber optic
cable. Connections can also be wireless; you'll hear the term wi-fi to describe information sent via radio waves.

Connected computers can share resources like access to the Internet, printers, file servers, and others. A
network is a multipurpose connection, which allows a single computer to do more than it could without any
connection (what could you really do without an Internet connection?)

MAN- A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that interconnects users with computer
resources in a geographic region of the size of a metropolitan area.

PAN- A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network for interconnecting electronic devices centered on
an individual person's workspace. A PAN provides data transmission among devices such as computers,
smartphones, tablets and personal digital assistants.

LAN- A local-area network (LAN) is a computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most often, a LAN is
confined to a single room, building or group of buildings, however, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over
any distance via telephone lines and radio waves.
WAN- A wide area network (WAN) is a telecommunications network that extends over a large geographic area for
the primary purpose of computer networking.

Types of Network Connections

Computer networks can be broken down historically into topologies, which is a technique of connecting computers.
The most common topology today is a star topology.

Star Topology

A star topology is a design of a network where a central node extends a cable (or wireless) to each computer on the
network. On a star network, computers are connected independently to the center of the network.

A star topology allows straightforward management of the entire network from one place. Since each node has its
own connection, the loss of one node won't break the whole thing. If you need to add a device to the network, it
plugs right in, without additional extra effort.

The only problem is that there is a single point of failure in the star network. If there's only one hub, the whole thing
goes down. However, networking professionals will often have fail-over servers--backups--that keep things running
while they fix the main server.

Bus Topology

A bus topology is another type of design where a single cable connects all computers and the information intended
for the last node on the network must run through each connected computer. If a cable is broken, all computers
connected down the line cannot reach the network. The benefit of a bus topology is a minimal use of cabling.

Ring Topology

A similar topology is called a ring. In this design, computers are connected via a single cable, but the end nodes also
are connected to each other. In this design, the signal circulates through the network until it finds the intended
recipient. If a network node is not configured properly, or it is down temporarily for another reason, the signal will
make a number of attempts to find its destination.

A collapsed ring is a topology where the central node is a network device called a hub, a router, or a switch. This
device runs a ring topology internally and features plugins for cables. Next, each computer has an independent
cable, which plugs into the device. In offices that have the collapsed ring, there will be a cabling closet, or a space
containing a switch device that connects the network. All computers in the office connect to the cabling closet and
the switch. Even if a network plug is near a desk, the plug is connected via a cable to the cabling closet.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

1. (

2. (

3. What is a computer network as Fast As Possible (

IV Activity Proper

Network cable installation

The Do's & Don'ts of Installing Ethernet Cable Wiring

As each year passes, Ethernet cable wiring becomes increasingly important in our world of constantly evolving
technologies, especially because of the Internet of Things (IoT) and now the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The
concept of IoT proposes the development of the internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity,
allowing them to send and receive data.

Properly installed Ethernet network cable reduces downtime and allows for the constant flow of data, connecting
your data systems and network devices such as routers, modems, adapters, or whatever 'thing' needs connecting
throughout your facility.

Planning Your Network Cable Installation

Given that you have previously identified a central location where all of your cables will terminate, you can begin
planning your network cable installation. Keep in mind that this central location for your cable should be large
enough to accommodate your current project as well as any future data network expansion plans in your plant. If
the cable will be subjected to any harsh environments, choose a cable that has industrial strength properties such as
high flex life and resistance to UV light, cutting, abrasion, oil, chemicals, and extreme temperatures.

Choosing Ethernet Wiring

• PROFINET: This industrial Ethernet cable uses foil and braid shielding to protect signals from the noise
expected on plant floors.

• CAT6: These cables are backwards compatible with all previous CAT cables, have larger gauge wires, can be
run in longer lengths, support up to 10 Gbps and 250 MHz bandwidth, and are longer-lasting.

• CAT6A: This Ethernet cable wiring doubles the capacity of the CAT6 by performing up to 500 MHz and can
accommodate longer distances — up to 100 meters.

• CAT7A: CAT7A Ethernet wiring supports 10-Gigabit Ethernet, frequencies up to 1000 MHz, and is a viable
alternative to fiber optic cabling.

How to Install Ethernet Cable

Do: Cross Power the Cable at a 90-Degree Angle

If you do need to or happen to cross your data network cabling, they should be kept at a 90-degree angle in order to
avoid interference.

Don’t: Run Cable in Unsafe Locations

• At some point, you may need to run the cable in the ceiling or wall. Make sure the cable doesn't touch the
ceiling tiles and do not run the cable over electrical conduit, water pipes, or any other pipes, as it is unsafe
and may not pass inspection.

• Do not run any data cable beneath the floor.

Do: Use Different Color Schemes

• Separating cabling colors is convenient and keeps your data lines organized.

Don’t: Bundle Cables Too Tightly

• Kinked cable can have a negative effect on the network and reduces the quality of the cable.

• Cables that are bound too tightly are difficult to troubleshoot, should there ever be an issue.

Do: Label the Cable

Ask yourself the following questions to help with the labeling process:

• Which location is the cable destined for?

• How was it terminated?

• Is the cable for Ethernet or a jack?

Don’t: ‘Over-Cable’ Your Racks

Having too much cable in your data center will create excess heat, which isn't good as the racks need to stay cool.

Do: Use an Effective Wire Management System

• Use a safe and effective wire bundling device (like Velcro® or cable ties) to organize patch cabling between

• Space your wires out in a patch panel.

• Dress your cabling without diving or cable-crossing.

• Create a simple map layout of cable locations that will serve as a quick and easy reference for locating cable
for repair or replacement.

Don’t: Leave Wires Exposed by Terminations

Leaving the Ethernet cable wiring exposed by terminations runs the risk of damaging the wire inside the termination
and can break inside the plug.

Do: Purchase Connectorized Cable

Buying pre-connectorized cable makes it easier for plug-and-play installation and will provide you with the exact
assembly needed.

Prepare Your Data Systems for a Smarter Future

The IoT describes a world where (pretty much) anything can be connected and will communicate in an intelligent
manner. Reduce downtime and prepare your plant's data systems for a much smarter future in communications.
Begin your network cable installation plan today by downloading TPC Wire & Cable®’s “Do's & Don'ts of Installing
Ethernet Cable” sheet, including the “Build Your Own Ethernet Cord Sets” sheet.
2. Exercises / Activities

A. Watch YouTube Video (In your browser, type the URL given)

1. What are the types of network topologies

2. How To Make RJ45 Network Patch Cables - Cat 5E and Cat 6

B. Read this

1. What is network cabling by Total Comms Training

3. Guide Questions

A. Network Topologies video observation

1. Based on the 1st video, what are the different types of network topologies?

B. Web search

1. Why is reading the network cabling important? What do you think will happen if you violate any of the terms and

2. What are the risks if you do not follow the correct procedures of network cabling?

4. Rubric for Scoring

Needs Needs Improvement Approaching Good Excellent

improvement 1Pt standards 3Pts 4Pts
1 pts 2Pts
Ideas and Content There is no clear or You put thought What you are What you are
specific explanation into this, but there writing about is writing about is
in answer to the is no real evidence clear. You answered clear and well-
question. of learning. More the question. Some expressed, including
specific information support may be specific examples to
is needed or you lacking, or your demonstrate what
need to follow the sentences may be a you learned. Well
directions more bit awkward. done!
closely. Overall, a decent
Use of terms No terms from the Only one term from Your answer Your answer
lesson are used. the lesson is used in included several included all the
the answer. Try for a terms from the terms from the
few more, next lesson, lesson that applied
time. demonstrating to the question
adequate asked. All terms are
understanding of fully defined and
the material. used in the proper
Sentence Fluency Sentences are Some sentences are Sentences are Sentences are
incomplete or too complete and easy complete and able complete and they
long. It makes to understand. to be understood. connect to one
reading them Others require some another easily when
difficult. work. they are read out
loud. Your writing
5. Reflection (Provide reflection guide question)

As the current situation prolonged due to the pandemic, most of the households nowadays are preparing for
transition, from using data to installing a wired network provider. As an ICT student how will you help your family in
dealing with the situation in accordance to the standards and procedures you’ve learned in this activity?


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