Relative Humidity Homework Worksheet

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Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Period: _______

Relative Humidity Practice Problems

1. The readings on a sling psychrometer are 22​o​C for the dry-bulb thermometer and 17​o​C for the wet-bulb
thermometer. What is the ​relative humidity​? Show your work by filling in the table below.
Difference between
Dry Bulb Temp. Wet Bulb Temp. Relative Humidity
Wet & Dry Bulbs

22C 17C 5C 60%

2. The readings on a sling psychrometer are 4​o​C for the dry-bulb thermometer and 0​o​C for the wet-bulb
thermometer. What is the ​relative humidity​? Show your work by filling in the table below.
Difference between
Dry Bulb Temp. Wet Bulb Temp. Relative Humidity
Wet & Dry Bulbs

4C 0C 4C 42%

3. Suppose the relative humidity of the air is 76% and the reading of the dry-bulb thermometer is 10​0​C. What
is the reading of the ​wet-bulb thermometer​? Show your work by filling in the table below.
Difference between
Dry Bulb Temp. Wet Bulb Temp. Relative Humidity
Wet & Dry Bulbs
10C 8C 2C 76%

4. Suppose the relative humidity of the air is 40% and the reading of the dry-bulb thermometer is 18​0​C. What
is the reading of the ​wet-bulb thermometer​? Show your work by filling in the table below.
Difference between
Dry Bulb Temp. Wet Bulb Temp. Relative Humidity
Wet & Dry Bulbs

18C 11C 7C 40%

5. Suppose the relative humidity of the air is 89% and the reading of the wet-bulb thermometer is 13​0​C. What
is the reading of the ​dry-bulb thermometer​? Show your work by filling in the table below.
Difference between
Dry Bulb Temp. Wet Bulb Temp. Relative Humidity
Wet & Dry Bulbs

14C 13C 1C 89%

6. Suppose the relative humidity of the air is 38% and the reading of the wet-bulb thermometer is 6​0​C. What is
the reading of the ​dry-bulb thermometer​? Show your work by filling in the table below.
Difference between
Dry Bulb Temp. Wet Bulb Temp. Relative Humidity
Wet & Dry Bulbs

12C 6C 6C 38%

7. When the temperature is high and the relative humidity is low, would you expect the soil in a field to be dry
or moist? Explain your answer based on what you know about relative humidity and evaporation.

The soil will be dry because it is hot and there is little water vapor.

8. You have the thermostat in your bedroom set so the air temperature is 20 o​​ C, but you’ve been having trouble
sleeping. You decide to borrow a sling psychrometer from science class and measure the relative humidity
to see if that could be what is keeping you from getting comfortable enough to fall asleep. The reading on
the wet bulb is 9 o​​ C. Should you add a humidifier (adds more water vapor to the air) or a dehumidifier
(removes water vapor from the air) to your bedroom? Explain your answer based on what you know about
relative humidity and humans.

The humidity is 17% which is very low, so a humidifier is needed.

9. Explain why the difference between the wet bulb temperature and the dry bulb temperature is always 0 o​​ C
when the relative humidity is 100%. (Hint: think about how a sling psychrometer works.)

The air is so saturated and can’t absorb any more water from the psychrometer. Precipitation will occur.

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