Emerging System Approaches in Information Technology

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Emerging Systems

Approaches in Information
Concepts, Theories,
and Applications

David Paradice
Florida State University, USA

Information science reference

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Emerging systems approaches in information technologies concepts : theories

and applications / David Paradice, editor.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: "This book presents findings utilizing the incorporation of the
systems approach into fields such as systems engineering, computer science,
and software engineering"--Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-1-60566-976-2 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-60566-977-9 (ebook) 1.
Information technology. 2. Systems engineering. 3. Software engineering. I.
Paradice, David B.
T58.5.E523 2010

British Cataloguing in Publication Data

A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.

All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the
authors, but not necessarily of the publisher.
Editorial Advisory Board
Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México
Russell L. Ackoff, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Bela A. Banathy, Saybrook Institute, USA
Yanner Bar-Yam, New England Complex Systems Institute, USA
Ovsei Gelman, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México
Michael C. Jackson, University of Hull, UK
George J. Klir, State University of New York, USA
Andrew P. Sage, George Mason University, USA
Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), México
Barry G. Silverman, University of Pennsylvania, USA
† G. A. Swanson (1939-2009), Tennessee Technological University, USA
Denis Edgar-Nevill, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Miroljub Kljajic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
John Mingers, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Amitava Dutta, George Mason University, USA
Yasmin Merali, University of Warwick, UK
Table of Contents

Preface . ................................................................................................................................................ xv

Chapter 1
Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management of Complex IT-Intensive
Organizational Systems: A Systems View............................................................................................... 1
Manuel Mora, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México
Ovsei Gelman, CCADET, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Moti Frank, HIT - Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
David B. Paradice, Florida State University, USA
Francisco Cervantes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Guisseppi A. Forgionne, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA

Chapter 2
A Question for Research: Do We mean Information Systems or Systems of Information?.................. 25
Frank Stowell, University of Portsmouth, UK

Chapter 3
On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems............................................................................ 39
James Courtney, University of Central Florida, USA
Yasmin Merali, Warwick Business School, UK
David Paradice, Florida State University, USA
Eleanor Wynn, Intel Corporation Information Technology, USA

Chapter 4
Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems............................... 51
Miroljub Kljajić, University of Maribor, Slovenia
John V. Farr, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

Chapter 5
Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach in Information Systems
and Software Engineering...................................................................................................................... 67
Doncho Petkov, Eastern Connecticut State University, USA
Denis Edgar-Nevill, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Raymond Madachy, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Rory O’Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland
Chapter 6
Pluralism, Realism, and Truth: The Keys to Knowledge in Information Systems Research................ 86
John Mingers, University of Kent, UK

Chapter 7
Information-As-System in Information Systems: A Systems Thinking Perspective............................. 99
Tuan M. Nguyen, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam
Huy V. Vo, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam

Chapter 8
An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System............. 119
G. A. Swanson, Tennessee Technological University, USA

Chapter 9
A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model..................................... 137
Cynthia T. Small, The MITRE Corporation, USA
Andrew P. Sage, George Mason University, USA

Chapter 10
A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE,
SwE, and IT Disciplines Using the Theory of Systems....................................................................... 156
Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México
Ovsei Gelman, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico
Rory O’Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland
Francisco Alvarez, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Jorge Macías-Lúevano, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico

Chapter 11
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks:
A Systems Approach............................................................................................................................ 182
Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Ovsei Gelman, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Guisseppi Forgionne, Maryland University, Baltimore County, USA
Doncho Petkov, Eastern State Connecticut University, USA
Jeimy Cano, Los Andes University, Colombia

Chapter 12
System-of-Systems Cost Estimation: Analysis of Lead System Integrator
Engineering Activities.......................................................................................................................... 204
Jo Ann Lane, University of Southern California, USA
Barry Boehm, University of Southern California, USA
Chapter 13
Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?........................................ 214
Steven Alter, University of San Francisco, USA

Chapter 14
Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management
for Innovation and Productivity through Enterprise Resource Planning............................................. 227
Stephen V. Stephenson, Dell Computer Corporation, USA
Andrew P. Sage, George Mason University, USA

Chapter 15
A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation............... 257
José-Rodrigo Córdoba, University of Hull, UK

Chapter 16
Information Technology Industry Dynamics: Impact of Disruptive Innovation Strategy .................. 274
Nicholas C. Georgantzas, Fordham University Business Schools, USA
Evangelos Katsamakas, Fordham University Business Schools, USA

Chapter 17
Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach
of Technology-Based Information Systems......................................................................................... 294
Hajer Kefi, IUT Paris and University of Paris Dauphine, France

Chapter 18
The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization............................................. 310
Alfonso A. Reyes, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Chapter 19
Making the Case for Critical Realism: Examining the Implementation of Automated
Performance Management Systems..................................................................................................... 329
Phillip Dobson, Edith Cowan University, Australia
John Myles, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Paul Jackson, Edith Cowan University, Australia

Compilation of References ............................................................................................................... 345

About the Contributors .................................................................................................................... 385

Index.................................................................................................................................................... 388
Detailed Table of Contents

Preface . ................................................................................................................................................ xv

Chapter 1
Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management of Complex IT-Intensive
Organizational Systems: A Systems View............................................................................................... 1
Manuel Mora, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México
Ovsei Gelman, CCADET, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Moti Frank, HIT - Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
David B. Paradice, Florida State University, USA
Francisco Cervantes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Guisseppi A. Forgionne, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA

An accelerated scientific, engineering, and industrial progress in information technologies has fostered the
deployment of Complex Information Technology (highly dependent) Organizational Systems (CITOS).
The benefits have been so strong that CITOS have proliferated in a variety of large and midsized orga-
nizations to support various generic intra-organizational processes and inter-organizational activities.
But their systems engineering, management, and research complexity have been substantially raised in
the last decade, and the CITOS realization is presenting new technical, organizational, management,
and research challenges. This chapter uses a conceptual research method to review the engineering,
management, and research complexity issues raised for CITOS, and develop the rationality of the fol-
lowing propositions: P1: a plausible response to cope with CITOS is an interdisciplinary engineering
and management body of knowledge; and P2: such a realization is plausible through the incorporation
of foundations, principles, methods, tools, and best practices from the systems approach by way of
systems engineering and software engineering disciplines. Discussion of first benefits, critical barriers,
and effectiveness measures to reach this academic proposal are presented.

Chapter 2
A Question for Research: Do We mean Information Systems or Systems of Information?.................. 25
Frank Stowell, University of Portsmouth, UK

This chapter raises questions about the nature of Information systems, the way that they are designed
and developed and suggest areas that IS researchers may wish to investigate. A concern is raised about
the way we think about the domain of information systems and a suggestion made that rather than think
of it in terms of the mnemonic IS, with IS association with IT, it should be thought of in terms of as
systems of information. This suggestion is made as a means of highlighting considerations developers
have to take into account which go beyond those of technology alone. As a means of instigating this
proposition four questions are raised in the chapter which are intended to stimulate further informa-
tion systems research. These questions are about the nature of IS, design Methods, the underpinning
philosophy and finally, IS failure.

Chapter 3
On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems............................................................................ 39
James Courtney, University of Central Florida, USA
Yasmin Merali, Warwick Business School, UK
David Paradice, Florida State University, USA
Eleanor Wynn, Intel Corporation Information Technology, USA

This chapter addresses complexity in information systems. It defines how complexity can be used to
inform information systems research, and how some individuals and organizations are using notions of
complexity. Some organizations are dealing with technical and physical infrastructure complexity, as
well as the application of complexity in specific areas such as supply chain management and network
management. Their approaches can be used to address more general organizational issues. The concepts
and ideas in this chapter are relevant to the integration of complexity into information systems research.
However, the ideas and concepts in this chapter are not a litmus test for complexity. This chapter intends
to provide a starting point for information systems researchers to push the boundaries of our understand-
ing of complexity. The chapter also contains a number of suggested research questions that could be
pursued in this area.

Chapter 4
Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems............................... 51
Miroljub Kljajić, University of Maribor, Slovenia
John V. Farr, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

The interrelationship between Information Systems (IS), Systems Engineering (SE), and Information
Systems Development (ISD) is discussed from past, present, and future perspectives. While SE is rela-
tively a well-established discipline based upon an interdisciplinary approach to enable the realization
of successful systems, ISD has evolved to a variant of SE applied mainly for the development of IS.
Given the growth in complexity, need for enterprise wide solutions, and the cost and schedule overruns
that have be common place for modern software centric systems, well-established tools, techniques,
and processes are needed for the development of good IS. Similarities and differences of methodology
as well as their evolution and perspectives are also presented herein. A positive trend was found in the
evolution of research methodology and published material in SE and its use in IS.
Chapter 5
Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach in Information Systems
and Software Engineering...................................................................................................................... 67
Doncho Petkov, Eastern Connecticut State University, USA
Denis Edgar-Nevill, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Raymond Madachy, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Rory O’Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland

This chapter provides possible directions for the wider application of the systems approach to informa-
tion systems development. Potential improvement of software development practices is linked by some
leading experts to the application of more systemic ideas. However, the current state of the practice in
software engineering and information systems development shows the urgent need for improvement
through greater application of systems thinking.

Chapter 6
Pluralism, Realism, and Truth: The Keys to Knowledge in Information Systems Research................ 86
John Mingers, University of Kent, UK

The aim of this chapter is to outline some of the key themes that the author believes are important, first,
in applying the systems approach to produce high quality IS research in general and, second, to consider
more specifically some of the questions and debates that are of interest within the philosophy of IS and
of the systems approach. Four themes are identified: being systemic, being critical and realist, being
pluralist in approach, and having a concern for truth and knowledge.

Chapter 7
Information-As-System in Information Systems: A Systems Thinking Perspective............................. 99
Tuan M. Nguyen, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam
Huy V. Vo, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam

This chapter investigates the complex nature of information in information systems (IS). Based on the
systems thinking framework, this study argues that information in IS is a system in its own right. A
conceptual model of information-as-system is built on the systems thinking perspective adopted from
Gharajedaghi’s holistic thinking rooted from Ackoff systems approach, which is developed through
Peirce’s semiotics with the validity support of Metcalfe and Powell’s perspective of information percep-
tion, Mingers and Brocklesby’s schema of situational actions, Toulmin’s theory of argumentation and
Ulrich’s theory of systems boundary. The proposed model of information-as-systems is described in
terms of triads–on the structure, function, and process, all interdependent–in a context of information-
as-system in IS.

Chapter 8
An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System............. 119
G. A. Swanson, Tennessee Technological University, USA
Money-information processes are important determinants of the homeostasis of modern exchange-based
societies. While general principles of cybernetics may be approached from an abstract, holistic perspective,
this chapter approaches certain aspects of social cybernetics from a concrete, internal perspective. From
the chosen perspective, it is argued that the irreducible unit (the holon) of modern economic systems is
the exchange. Highly complex economies are combinations of specific and observable exchanges. That
complexity is facilitated by the introduction of money-information markers to temporally separate the
reciprocating transfers of trades.

Chapter 9
A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model..................................... 137
Cynthia T. Small, The MITRE Corporation, USA
Andrew P. Sage, George Mason University, USAA

This chapter describes a complex adaptive systems (CAS)-based enterprise knowledge-sharing (KnS)
model. The CAS-based enterprise KnS model consists of a CAS-based KnS framework and a multi-agent
simulation model. Enterprise knowledge sharing is modeled as the emergent behavior of knowledge
workers interacting with the KnS environment and other knowledge workers. The CAS-based enterprise
KnS model is developed to aid knowledge management (KM) leadership and other KnS researchers in
gaining an enhanced understanding of KnS behavior and its influences. A premise of this research is that
a better understanding of KnS influences can result in enhanced decision-making of KnS interventions
that can result in improvements in KnS behavior.

Chapter 10
A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE,
SwE, and IT Disciplines Using the Theory of Systems....................................................................... 156
Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México
Ovsei Gelman, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico
Rory O’Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland
Francisco Alvarez, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Jorge Macías-Lúevano, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico

The increasing design, manufacturing, and provision complexity of high-quality, cost-efficient and trust-
worthy products and services has demanded the exchange of best organizational practices in worldwide
organizations. While that such a realization has been available to organizations via models and standards
of processes, the myriad of them and their heavy conceptual density has obscured their comprehension
and practitioners are confused in their correct organizational selection, evaluation, and deployment tasks.
Thus, with the ultimate aim to improve the task understanding of such schemes by reducing its busi-
ness process understanding complexity, in this chapter the authors use a conceptual systemic model of
a generic business organization derived from the theory of systems to describe and compare two main
models (CMMI/SE/SwE, 2002; ITIL V.3, 2007) and four main standards (ISO/IEC 15288, 2002; ISO/IEC
12207, 1995; ISO/IEC 15504, 2005; ISO/IEC 20000, 2006) of processes. Description and comparison
are realized through a mapping of them onto the systemic model.
Chapter 11
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks:
A Systems Approach............................................................................................................................ 182
Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Ovsei Gelman, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Guisseppi Forgionne, Maryland University, Baltimore County, USA
Doncho Petkov, Eastern State Connecticut University, USA
Jeimy Cano, Los Andes University, Colombia

A formal conceptualization of the original concept of system and related concepts—from the original
systems approach movement—can facilitate the understanding of information systems (IS). This chapter
develops a critique integrative of the main IS research paradigms and frameworks reported in the IS
literature using a systems approach. The effort seeks to reduce or dissolve some current research conflicts
on the foci and the underlying paradigms of the IS discipline.

Chapter 12
System-of-Systems Cost Estimation: Analysis of Lead System Integrator
Engineering Activities.......................................................................................................................... 204
Jo Ann Lane, University of Southern California, USA
Barry Boehm, University of Southern California, USA

As organizations strive to expand system capabilities through the development of system-of-systems

(SoS) architectures, they want to know “how much effort” and “how long” to implement the SoS. In
order to answer these questions, it is important to first understand the types of activities performed in
SoS architecture development and integration and how these vary across different SoS implementations.
This chapter provides results of research conducted to determine types of SoS lead system integrator
(LSI) activities and how these differ from the more traditional system engineering activities described in
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) 632 (“Processes for Engineering a System”). This research further
analyzed effort and schedule issues on “very large” SoS programs to more clearly identify and profile
the types of activities performed by the typical LSI and to determine organizational characteristics that
significantly impact overall success and productivity of the LSI effort. The results of this effort have been
captured in a reduced-parameter version of the constructive SoS integration cost model (COSOSIMO)
that estimates LSI SoS engineering (SoSE) effort.

Chapter 13
Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?........................................ 214
Steven Alter, University of San Francisco, USA

The work system method was developed iteratively with the overarching goal of helping business profes-
sionals understand IT-reliant systems in organizations. It uses general systems concepts selectively, and
sometimes implicitly. For example, a work system has a boundary, but its inputs are treated implicitly
rather than explicitly. This chapter asks whether the further development of the work system method
might benefit from integrating general systems concepts more completely. After summarizing aspects
of the work system method, it dissects some of the underlying ideas and questions how thoroughly even
basic systems concepts are applied. It also asks whether and how additional systems concepts might be
incorporated beneficially. The inquiry about how to use additional system ideas is of potential interest to
people who study systems in general and information systems in particular because it deals with bridging
the gap between highly abstract concepts and practical applications.

Chapter 14
Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management
for Innovation and Productivity through Enterprise Resource Planning............................................. 227
Stephen V. Stephenson, Dell Computer Corporation, USA
Andrew P. Sage, George Mason University, USA

This chapter provides an overview of perspectives associated with information and knowledge resource
management in systems engineering and systems management in accomplishing enterprise resource
planning for enhanced innovation and productivity. Accordingly, the authors discuss economic concepts
involving information and knowledge, and the important role of network effects and path dependencies
in influencing enterprise transformation through enterprise resource planning.

Chapter 15
A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation............... 257
José-Rodrigo Córdoba, University of Hull, UK

Current developments in information systems (IS) evaluation emphasize stakeholder participation in

order to ensure adequate and beneficial IS investments. It is now common to consider evaluation as a
subjective process of interpretation(s), in which people’s appreciations are taken into account to guide
evaluations. However, the context of power relations in which evaluation takes place, as well as their
ethical implications, has not been given full attention. In this chapter, ideas of critical systems thinking
and Michel Foucault’s work on power and ethics are used to define a critical systems view of power to
support IS evaluation. This chapter proposes a system of inquiry into power with two main areas: 1)
Deployment of evaluation via power relations and 2) Dealing with ethics. The first element addresses
how evaluation becomes possible. The second one goes in-depth into how evaluation can proceed as
being informed by ethical reflection. The chapter suggests that inquiry into these relationships should
contribute to extend current views on power in IS evaluation practice, and to reflect on the ethics of
those involved in the process.

Chapter 16
Information Technology Industry Dynamics: Impact of Disruptive Innovation Strategy .................. 274
Nicholas C. Georgantzas, Fordham University Business Schools, USA
Evangelos Katsamakas, Fordham University Business Schools, USA

This chapter combines disruptive innovation strategy (DIS) theory with the system dynamics (SD)
modeling method. It presents a simulation model of the hard-disk (HD) maker population overshoot
and collapse dynamics, showing that DIS can crucially affect the dynamics of the IT industry. Data from
the HD maker industry help calibrate the parameters of the SD model and replicate the HD makers’
overshoot and collapse dynamics, which DIS allegedly caused from 1973 through 1993. SD model
analysis entails articulating exactly how the structure of feedback relations among variables in a system
determines its performance through time. The HD maker population model analysis shows that, over
five distinct time phases, four different feedback loops might have been most prominent in generating
the HD maker population dynamics. The chapter shows the benefits of using SD modeling software,
such as iThink®, and SD model analysis software, such as Digest®. The latter helps detect exactly how
changes in loop polarity and prominence determine system performance through time. Strategic scenarios
computed with the model also show the relevance of using SD for information system management and
research in areas where dynamic complexity rules.

Chapter 17
Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach
of Technology-Based Information Systems......................................................................................... 294
Hajer Kefi, IUT Paris and University of Paris Dauphine, France

This chapter uses soft systems methodology and complexity modeling to build an evaluation approach
of a data warehouse implemented in a leading European financial institution. This approach consists in
building a theoretical model to be used as a purposeful observation lens, producing a clear picture of the
problematic situation under study and aimed at providing knowledge to prescribe corrective actions.

Chapter 18
The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization............................................. 310
Alfonso A. Reyes, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

This chapter is concerned with methodological issues. In particular, it addresses the question of how is
it possible to align the design of management information systems with the structure of an organization.
The method proposed is built upon the Cybersin method developed by Stafford Beer (1975) and Raul
Espejo (1992). The chapter shows a way to intersect three complementary organizational fields: man-
agement information systems, management control systems, and organizational learning when studied
from a systemic perspective; in this case from the point of view of management cybernetics (Beer 1959,
1979, 1981, 1985).

Chapter 19
Making the Case for Critical Realism: Examining the Implementation of Automated
Performance Management Systems..................................................................................................... 329
Phillip Dobson, Edith Cowan University, Australia
John Myles, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Paul Jackson, Edith Cowan University, Australia

This chapter seeks to address the dearth of practical examples of research in the area by proposing that
critical realism be adopted as the underlying research philosophy for enterprise systems evaluation. The
authors address some of the implications of adopting such an approach by discussing the evaluation and
implementation of a number of automated performance measurement systems (APMS). Such systems
are a recent evolution within the context of enterprise information systems. They collect operational data
from integrated systems to generate values for key performance indicators, which are delivered directly
to senior management. The creation and delivery of these data are fully automated, precluding manual
intervention by middle or line management. Whilst these systems appear to be a logical progression in
the exploitation of the available rich, real-time data, the statistics for APMS projects are disappointing.
An understanding of the reasons is elusive and little researched. The authors describe how critical real-
ism can provide a useful “underlabourer” for such research, by “clearing the ground a little ... removing
some of the rubbish that lies in the way of knowledge” (Locke, 1894, p. 14). The implications of such
an underlabouring role are investigated. Whilst the research is still underway, the chapter indicates how
a critical realist foundation is assisting the research process.

Compilation of References ............................................................................................................... 345

About the Contributors .................................................................................................................... 385

Index.................................................................................................................................................... 388



The papers published in the first volume of the International Journal of Information Technology and the
Systems Approach (IJITSA) and a special issue of Information Resource Management Journal (IRMJ)
reveals that most of the papers describing research that is grounded in a systems approach are theoretical
and conceptual. The papers are typically grounded in a constructionist epistemology. This outcome is
influenced somewhat by the need to publish area-specific position papers in a new journal to establish
the types of research sought be the editorial review boards. However, the analysis also identifies the
opportunity for objectivist, empirical work and shows that a wide range of possible research purposes
may be explored with ample opportunity to make significant contributions.


Organizations have been facing increasingly turbulent environments for over half of a century. Fifty
years ago the post-world-war era ushered in the foundation of the modern business world as nations
around the globe rebuilt their economies. Forty years ago organizations operated in a world of turbulent
social change marked by the emergence of new consumer markets and a host of technological innova-
tions. Thirty years ago the global economy as we now know it began to take shape with oil producing
countries influencing the energy markets that allow organizations to operate. Twenty years ago the
political super power landscape changed, small computing devices became common, and the seeds of
a mobile, computing-based population were sown. Ten years ago global commerce moved boldly into
a digital environment.
Today, we witness the global interconnectedness of the world’s manufacturing, banking, and com-
merce systems. Fluctuations in the price of the fuel required to bring goods to market impact the cost of
goods. The prices of these goods impact the ability of consumers to purchase them. As spending slows,
organizations adjust by cutting back on production or services, slowing the growth of the economy. Jobs
become scarce and wages start to lag the cost of living. Consumers borrow more or purchase on credit
to maintain a standard of living; organizations borrow to finance operations in anticipation of greater
markets later. As debt increases, credit lines grow tighter. Eventually, defaults occur and a cascade
of failures ripples through the system producing ever larger impacts. In today’s world, the system is
truly global. Now more than ever, we realize that only through truly systemic thinking do we have any
chance of managing the complexity of the world around us to any successful result, regardless of how
we define success.

The systems approach is an approach that maintains a holistic view of a problem while supporting
a focused investigation on one or several aspects of the problem. It is a robust approach; one that can
support multi-disciplinary and / or inter-disciplinary methods. It is an integrative approach.
Over the past year, Manuel Mora of Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (Mexico) has sought
to provide outlets for research that was grounded in a systems approach. The International Journal of
Information Systems and the Systems Approach (IJITSA) is an international, refereed journal support-
ing publication of papers that address the foundations, challenges, opportunities, problems, trends, and
solutions encountered by both scholars and practitioners in the field of information systems as they
are perceived from the perspective of the systems approach. IJITSA emphasizes a systemic worldview
of managerial, organizational and engineering interaction, which is often reflected or implemented in
modern complex information systems and information technologies. Articles published in IJITSA focus
on information systems and often also include tenets of software engineering, systems engineering,
complexity and philosophy. Applied and theoretical research papers are welcome.
Similarly, Professor Mora organized a special issue of Information Resources Management Journal
(IRMJ) on the systems approach. The IRMJ is a refereed, international journal providing wide coverage
of issues in information systems field. It is especially receptive of applied research. This book summa-
rizes the work in these volumes to offer interested persons in both the research and practitioner areas
access to the high-quality research in information systems and related disciplines that is grounded in a
systems approach.

IJITSA’s Goals and Mission

The International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA) is a refereed,
international journal on applied and theoretical research, aimed at providing coverage of the foundations,
challenges, opportunities, problems, trends, and solutions encountered by both scholars and practitioners
in the field of information systems when applying the systems approach to important issues. IJITSA was
created to disseminate and to promote discussion of high quality research results on information systems.
A long run goal of IJITSA is to facilitate the application of the systems approach to the systems field,
thus obtaining a better understanding of the complexity inherent in the field. The current publication
rate is two issues per year.
The articles published in IJITSA are organized into several subareas and a particular paper’s home
area is determined by the paper’s primary orientation. These subareas are information systems, software
engineering, systems engineering, complex systems, and philosophy of systems. However, IJITSA em-
phasizes a systemic worldview of modern complex information systems and information technologies.
Therefore, the interaction of managerial, organizational and engineering facets that characterize complex
situations is particularly emphasized in IJITSA.
A “systems approach” can have different meaning to different researchers, probably depending on
their training and philosophy. The editors of IJITSA therefore focus on the rigor of submitted papers in
applying a systems approach (broadly defined) to theoretical, empirical, modeling, engineering or behav-
ioral studies in order to explore, describe, explain, predict, design, control, evaluate, interpret, intervene
and/or develop organizational systems where information systems are the primary objects of study.

A Framework for Analysis & Assessment

This book provides an opportunity to assess the start that has been made in publishing research in the
systems approach area. To that end, each paper published in the first volume of IJITSA and the IRMJ
special issue was categorized on several dimensions. The dimensions were defined in prospectus for
the journal’s creation. They also appear in the descriptive information available online. Table 1 lists the
The first evaluation of each paper was with respect to the overall basis of the paper. The overall
basis of the paper was identified as either theoretical or empirical. There are, of course, many ways
that a paper may be theoretical or empirical. Theoretical research papers may be further divided into
several categories. Theoretical position papers are papers that study the whole discipline or a vast topic
within the discipline, with a long-term and strategic perspective. These papers analyze the contributions,
achievements and challenges of the topic, and may use theoretical or empirical arguments. Theoretical
literature review papers are papers that report the state of the art of a topic. Formal theoretical papers
are papers that report the development and/or utilization of a theoretical construct, framework, model,
architecture or methodology. Finally, theoretical modeling papers are papers that report the development
of a model. The model may be evaluated using simulation.
Empirical research papers may be engineering-oriented or behaviorally-oriented. Engineering papers
are papers that report the design and/or building of a model or system, which is evaluated in an empirical
manner. The empirical test may be an analysis of data to determine the fit of a model to reality or a pilot
test evaluation of a system. Behaviorally-oriented papers are papers that report survey-based, case study
or action research studies, where the behavior of human beings is the main focus of the system. These
studies may occur in a laboratory or in a more ethnographic form in organizational settings.
The second evaluation of each paper was with respect to the epistemology of the paper. The episte-
mology of the paper indicates the philosophical underpinnings of the work. The categories considered
are objectivism, constructionism, and critical inquiry. Crotty (1998) provides an excellent treatment of
epistemologies and theoretical perspectives, upon which we draw. Research from an objectivism epis-
temology is rooted in the notion that truth and meaning reside in the objects of study, independently of
any consciousness. It is typified by positivist and post-positivist studies. Constructionism, on the other
hand, is the view that knowledge and reality is contingent upon human practices, being constructed from
interaction between humans and the world they study. We currently combine both socially-constructed
reality and individually-constructed reality (i.e., subjectivist research) under the constructionism umbrella.
Research rooted in critical inquiry is research that challenges conventions. For the purposes of IJITSA,
critical inquiry need not be pursued from an advocacy or emancipatory perspective, as is often the case
in other social science research (although such a stance is not precluded by any means). Regardless of
the epistemological approach taken, the philosophy is expected to be integrated or discussed from the
perspective of the systems approach with the long-term aim of obtaining a unified view of theory of
systems and the object of study.
The third evaluation of each paper was with respect to the systemic research methodology or ap-
proach employed. Conceptual papers apply a systems approach theory to bring order to a set of related
concepts. Formal mathematical papers apply mathematical rigor to the analysis. Papers that employ
systems simulation may use discrete, multi-agent or hybrid modeling. Papers that study feedbacks and
information flows to gain a better understanding of the system over time typically draw on methods of
systems dynamics modeling. Soft systems methodologies form the basis of another category of papers.
These papers typically examine difficult problems with many opposing, and often conflicting, points of
view. Action research papers recognize the influence the researcher may have on the system when s/he is

Table 1. Papers published using a systems approach

Paper Title Authors

1 Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management M. Mora, O. Gelman, M. Frank, D. Paradice, F. Cervantes, G.
of Complex IT-Intensive Organizational Systems: A Systems Forgionne
2 Do We Mean Information Systems of Systems of Information F. Stowell
3 On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems J. Courtney, Y. Merali, D. Paradice, E. Wynn
4 Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of M. Kljajić, J. Farr
Information Systems
5 Towards A Wider Application of the Systems Approach in D. Petkov, D. Edgar-Nevill, R. Madachy, R. O’Connor
Information Systems and Software Engineering
6 Pluralism, Realism, and Truth: The Keys to Knowledge and J. Mingers
Information Systems Research
7 Information-As-System in Information Systems: A Systems T. Nguyen, H. Vo
Thinking Perspective
8 An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based G. Swanson
Money-Information System
9 A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge C. Small, A. Sage
Sharing Model
10 A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and M. Mora, O. Gelman, R. O’Connor, F. Alvarez, J. Macías-
Processes in SE, SwE, and IT Disciplines Using the Theory Lúevano
of Systems
11 Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms M. Mora, O. Gelman, G. Forgionne, D. Petkov, J. Cano
and Frameworks: A Systems Approach
12 System-of-Systems Cost Estimation: Analysis of Lead System J. Lane, B. Boehm
Integrator Engineering Activities
13 Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts S. Alter
More Fully?
14 Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engi- S. Stephenson, A. Sage
neering and Management for Innovation and Productivity
through Enterprise Resource Planning
15 A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in J. Córdoba
Information Systems Evaluation
16 Information Technology Industry Dynamics: Impact of Dis- N. Georgantzas, E. Katsamakas
ruptive Innovation Strategy
17 Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply H. Kefi
an Evaluation Approach of Technology-Based Information
18 The Distribution of a Management Control System in an A. Reyes
19 Making a Case for Critical Realism: Examining the Imple- P. Dobson, J. Myles, P. Jackson
mentation of Automated Performance Management Systems

engaged in the research of the system. Critical systems research combines a traditional systems approach
with participatory methods so that the complex issues being examined may be reconciled from different
viewpoints as the problem examination process unfolds. Finally, a study may be multi-disciplinary or
inter-disciplinary. However, it can be argued that almost every paper published in these issues is multi-
disciplinary or inter-disciplinary, so that category was not considered in the analysis below.

The fourth evaluation of each paper was with respect to its purpose. This was often the most diffi-
cult category to assess, because most studies of complex phenomena cannot be categorized on a single
purpose. However, a wide range of possible purposes exists and it is beneficial for our purposes here to
place each paper in one primary category to start. Scholastic papers are papers that organize disperse,
fragmented and ignored theoretical knowledge to achieve a better understanding of the phenomenon of
interest. Exploratory papers generate potentially useful insights for new situations. For the purposes of
this effort, descriptive papers identify sets of variables and their measurement scales that best describes
the profile of the information systems field. Predictive papers find plausible relations between variables.
The relationships may be non-linear and include feedback. There may also be multiple predictors and
multiple effects described. Explanatory papers describe cause and effect relationships, which may also
be multiple in nature. Design and control papers design and possibly evaluate conceptual or physical
artifacts used to control information systems, either as a whole or in part. Evaluative papers evaluate
system actions such as politics, programs, or projects, among others, in an information systems context.
Instrumental papers develop and validate a conceptual or physical instrument to measure a construct that
is argued to be useful in better understanding information systems. Interpretation papers develop and
test (or simply apply) a model in a complex event or situation. Often, there is conflict in these situations
due to the different perspectives taken. Interpretation papers seek to achieve a mutual understanding
and interpretation of the event or situation. Interventionist papers design, implement and verify human
actions taken to ameliorate a problematic situation related to an information systems context. Develop-
mental papers design, build and evaluate a physical artifact to exhibit the proof of a new information
systems concept, either in whole or in part. Methodological papers propose a new methodological
research process based on the systems approach. These papers rely on logical argumentation or proofs
of the method’s applicability.
Most of the papers examined can be argued to achieve multiple purposes. In spite of this realization,
most of the papers were placed in only one category, which was selected based on my perception of the
primary goal or achievement of the paper. However, other readers and the authors of the papers may
rightfully disagree with my assessment, but my goal is to provide a “big picture” view of our current
situation. I encourage future researchers to fill in the (in some case, missing) details with future work.
IJITSA also publishes interviews of internationally known information systems scholars who have
published research in the areas covered by IJITSA. These interviews were not included in the analysis
which follows.

Analysis of the Published Papers

Table 2 contains the results of the effort to analyze the papers on the categories described above. The
horizontal lines in the table separate the issues of publication. The first row contains data for the papers
published in IJITSA volume one, issue one. The second row contains data for the papers published
in IJITSA volume 1, issue two. The third row contains data for the papers published in IRMJ volume
twenty, number 1.
When considering the basis of the papers, the analysis reflects an overwhelming bias toward theoreti-
cal work. The first papers in IJITSA were intended to outline the positions of the senior editorial review
board members in order to provide guidance to potential researchers who are interested in pursuing work
in one of the subareas (information systems, software engineering, system engineering, complex systems,
or philosophical issues) of the journal. Given the complexity that can be inherent in a systems approach
to any issue, it is not surprising that a majority of the papers do not incorporate empirical arguments.







Scholastic Theoretical



Explora­tory Empirical

Descrip­tive Objectivism





Predic­tive Constructionism


Explana­tory Critical Inquiry

Design &








Table 2. Analysis of papers published using a systems approach



16 Systems


Interven­tion Soft Systems

Develop­mental Action Research


Methodo­logical Critical Systems


However, a few papers do include empirical analysis. Paper number 4 (“Importance of Systems
Engineering in the Development of Information Systems”) uses data to confirm some of the approach
described in the paper, so it was given both a theoretical and an empirical rating. Paper 16 (“Information
Technology Industry Dynamics: Impact of Disruptive Innovation Strategy”) tested a system dynamics
model using simulation. Paper 17 (“Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an
Evaluation Approach of Technology-Based Information Systems”) tested a model of information sys-
tems / information technology using a systems thinking perspective with empirical data from interviews
and questionnaires. Notably, this paper also confronts the positivist versus constructivist / interpretiv-
ist research dilemma directly, settling on the systems approach as a pragmatic manner for achieving a
purposeful result. This paper was also given both a theoretical and an empirical rating.
With respect to epistemology, and given the bias toward a theoretical basis for the papers published,
it also should not be surprising that a constructionism epistemology is used in most of the papers. Paper
16 (“Information Technology Industry Dynamics: Impact of Disruptive Innovation Strategy”) was clas-
sified as a paper based on an objectivism epistemology because it reflects a fairly standard post-positivist
approach to research.
Several papers were classified as based on a critical inquiry epistemology. Paper 1 (“Toward an
Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management of Complex IT-Intensive Organizational Systems: A
Systems View”), paper 15 (“A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Sys-
tems Evaluation”), and paper 19 (“Making a Case for Critical Realism: Examining the Implementation
of Automated Performance Management Systems”) were placed in this category. As noted above, in this
analysis the focus on the critical inquiry characteristic of challenging the status quo took precedence
over the existence of an advocacy or emancipatory goal.
Paper 1 (“Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management of Complex IT-Intensive
Organizational Systems: A Systems View”), the position paper for the journal, challenges readers to
consider the benefits and advantages of using interdisciplinary concepts “to improve and reposition the
information systems discipline to accommodate the emergence of” complex information technology
intensive organizational systems. Paper 15 (“A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in
Information Systems Evaluation”) uses the ideas of critical systems thinking and Foucault’s work on
power and ethics to examine information systems evaluation processes. Paper 19 (“Making a Case for
Critical Realism: Examining the Implementation of Automated Performance Management Systems”)
proposes that “critical realism be adopted as the underlying research philosophy” in the evaluation of
enterprise systems.
Within the methodology section of Table 2, most of the papers were placed in the conceptual meth-
odology category. This is consistent with the nature of the position papers that were published. Many
of these papers are intended to demonstrate how an application of systems approach theory can bring
order to the primary topic of the paper. For example, in paper 5 (“Towards a Wider Application of the
Systems Approach in Information Systems and Software Engineering”) the authors propose “directions
for future research and practical work” that result from applying systems thinking to the fields of infor-
mation systems and software engineering.
Paper 8 (“An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information Sys-
tem”) is the only paper that was placed in the formal mathematical method category. The paper takes
an analytical approach to examine money-information exchanges. It also takes an internal perspective
to examine certain aspects of social cybernetics.
Paper 9 (“A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model”) uses systems
simulation to test a complex adaptive systems-based enterprise knowledge sharing model. The research
found that the methodology can provide knowledge management executives with a better understand-

ing of knowledge sharing behavior and influences. As noted above, paper 16 (“Information Technology
Industry Dynamics: Impact of Disruptive Innovation Strategy”) is a paper that also uses simulation to
test a model. However, the primary focus of this paper was determined to be the systems dynamics
aspect, so it was placed in the systems dynamics methodology category. It was the only paper placed in
the systems dynamics category.
Paper 17 (“Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach
of Technology-Based Information Systems”) is a soft systems methodology paper. Soft systems meth-
odology is combined with complexity modeling to build an evaluation approach of a data warehouse.
As noted earlier, the systems approach adopted in this work was selected for the pragmatic fashion that
it would support a purposeful outcome.
The final paper considered in the methodology section of the grid is paper 15 (“A Critical Systems
View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation”), which was mentioned earlier
as a paper using a critical inquiry epistemology. The paper takes the position that information systems
evaluation does not provide enough guidance to practitioners on how to act in relation to power as an
issue that affects any action for improvement.
Moving next to the Purpose section of Table 2, we see that eight of the nineteen papers are classified
as having a scholastic purpose. Papers 1 (“towards an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management
of Complex IT-Intensive Organizational Systems: A Systems View”), 3 (“On the Study of Complexity
in Information Systems”), and 6 (“Pluralism, Realism, and Truth: The Keys to Knowledge in Informa-
tion Systems Research”) are all editorial position papers in the first issue. Paper 10 (“A Conceptual
Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT Disciplines
Using the Theory of Systems”) analyzes three fields in a single comparison paper with the objective of
reducing the complexity inherent in business process schemes.
Three of the Information Resources Management Journal papers are scholastic papers. Paper 11
(“Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks: A Systems Approach”)
applies the systems approach to information system research paradigms and frameworks. Paper 18 (“The
Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization”) builds upon the Cybersin method to
align systems and organizational structure. Paper 19 (“Making the Case for Critical Realism: Examin-
ing the Implementation of Automated Performance Management Systems”) leverages a philosophical
stance, so it is considered scholastic on that merit. (Papers 18 and 19 are also methodological papers,
discussed below.)
Paper 7 (“Information-As-System in Information Systems: A Systems Thinking Perspective”) has
been categorized as an exploratory paper. It examines information as a system in its own right, thus
proposing a new way of conceptualizing information.
The descriptive papers in this analysis are paper 4 (“The Role of Systems Engineering in the De-
velopment of Information Systems”) and paper 8 (“An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a
Debt-Based Money-Information System”). These papers contain models that describe relationships iden-
tified by the authors. Paper 8 is also categorized as an explanatory paper. Through the use of analytical
descriptions typically found in economic analysis, the author describes money-information exchanges
and derives implications for the design of information systems.
Only two papers were categorized as design and control papers. Paper 12 (“System-of-Systems Cost
Estimation: Analysis of Lead Systems Integrator Engineering Activities”) examines the activities of ar-
chitecture development and integration in order to answer questions related to time and effort needed to
achieve desired results in systems implementations. Paper 14 (“Information and Knowledge Perspectives
in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation and Productivity through Enterprise Resource

Planning”) focuses on enhancing innovation, productivity, and knowledge management through a better
understanding of network effects and path dependencies in enterprises.
The only evaluative paper is paper 17 (“Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply
and Evaluation Approach of Technology-Based Information Systems”). As mentioned earlier, this paper
uses a soft systems approach to build an evaluative mechanism of a data warehouse implementation.
The final category containing entries in Table 2 is the methodological purpose category. Five papers
are listed there. Paper 9 (“A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model”)
and paper 16 (“Information Technology Industry Dynamics: Impact of Disruptive Innovation Strategy”)
use simulation. Paper 15 (“A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Sys-
tems Evaluation”) and paper 19 (“Making a Case for Critical Realism: Examining the Implementation
of Automated Performance Management Systems”) rely on a critical thinking methodology. As noted
above, paper 18 (“The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization”) builds upon
the Cybersin method.

Opportunities for Future Research

The analysis indicates there are many, many opportunities for publishing new work grounded in the
systems approach. Epistemologically, objectivism is almost nonexistent as a knowledge perspective in
this analysis. Given that outcome, it is not surprising that only three of the nineteen papers published in
these issues were empirical papers. Researchers may be reluctant to pursue empirical work in systems
areas, due to a perceived increase in the complexity of modeling systems as compared to modeling
components of systems (i.e., subsystems). Indeed, a major criticism of non-systems research is that it is
necessarily reductionist and loses much of the richness that a more complete systems-oriented descrip-
tion more naturally captures. However, structural equation modeling has much to offer in the analysis
of systems and researchers are encouraged to investigate the appropriate application of that type of ap-
proach where possible. In cases where structural equation modeling is not appropriate, researchers should
explore the use of multivariate analyses. In some cases, nonparametric approaches may be applicable
to describe differences in distributions of outcomes that do not meet the assumptions of parametric
analysis methods.
On the other hand, the use of critical inquiry-like epistemology is very encouraging. Critical inquiry
is a defining characteristic of scientific approaches (Popper 2000). Through critical inquiry we can sur-
face assumptions in the descriptions and models of problem situations to better understand the nature
of the complexity inherent in them. Critical inquiry is often pursued from an advocacy perspective with
a goal that change will occur in the system (typically, a social / political system). As information sys-
tems researchers, we may be able to improve the application of the systems approach through a more
aggressive advocacy!
All of the methodological categories except the conceptual category are in need of development. The
rigor of formal mathematical approaches should be pursued where possible, including when it can only
be applied to a portion of a system being analyzed. In such a case, a mixed-method approach (Creswell
2003) can be utilized to present an analysis that is richer than one which is based only on a qualitative
approach or only on an empirical approach. Systems simulation, systems dynamics, and the use of the
soft systems methodology can be leveraged to add to the body of work in these categories. This volume
contains excellent examples of critical inquiry, which can be used to inform a critical systems methodol-
ogy approach in research.

The absence of action research methods-based papers in this analysis is a call for researchers to get
out of their offices and into the world. Information systems issues are inherently socio-technical issues,
especially when aspects of decision making come into play. The role of systems in complex decision
making environments such as public policy making, healthcare, financial fund administration, enterprise
management and many other areas depends on understanding how the human element comes into play.
Action research must be executed carefully, as the researcher cannot avoid being part of the system under
investigation. However, guidelines exist for minimizing the researcher’s influence on the study results
so there is no need to hesitate on methodological grounds.
An increase in action research papers could lead to an increase in papers with an interventionist pur-
pose. Research involving the design and implementation of systems that also incorporate an analysis of
human actions taken to mitigate a problematic situation would fall into the interventionist category.
Actually, there is great opportunity for papers in all of the purposeful categories used in this analysis.
As might be expected given a lack of empirically-based papers, predictive papers that find plausible
relations between variables have not been published. Instrumental papers that develop and validate an
instrument to measure a construct are also lacking. Interpretation papers that develop and test (or simply
apply) a model in a complex event or situation are also needed.
Systems design, development, implementation, and assessment were core activities in the early years
of information systems research. Developmental papers that describe these activities related to the design,
implementation, and testing of an artifact to prove systems approach to an information systems concept,
either in whole or in part, certainly would be welcomed.


As noted at the outset, this analysis paints a picture using a broad brush. The papers considered here are
truly too complex to be accurately described on the discrete dimensions that exist in our categories. Yet,
I believe we have established a few reasonable characterizations of the work that has been published.
Much of it is theoretical and conceptual in nature. The underlying epistemology is constructionist, a term
that is used in this work to include subjective perspectives that are either individually or socially con-
structed. The primary purposes of the work are to educate readers as to what could be studied, evaluate a
few approaches, and outline several potential methodologies. There is a small but undeniable collection
of papers that reflect a critical inquiry approach. I feel this is a valuable contribution and I hope to see
more papers develop along that line of inquiry.
There are many opportunities for researchers to fill in gaps in our existing publication scheme. A
greater use of objectivist epistemology (as typically underlies positivist and post-positivist approaches)
will be likely to bring more empirically-based papers into the community. Action research is needed and
increasing that approach can drive academically rigorous research into the world of relevant application,
a need that is often identified inside and outside of academe.


Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd
edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Crotty, M. (1998). The foundations of social research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Popper, K. (2000). Conjectures and refutations (5th edition). New York: Routledge.

Chapter 1
Toward an Interdisciplinary
Engineering and Management
of Complex IT-Intensive
Organizational Systems:
A Systems View

Manuel Mora
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México

Ovsei Gelman
CCADET, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

Moti Frank
HIT - Holon Institute of Technology, Israel

David B. Paradice
Florida State University, USA

Francisco Cervantes
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Guisseppi A. Forgionne
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA


An accelerated scientific, engineering, and industrial progress in information technologies has fostered
the deployment of Complex Information Technology (highly dependent) Organizational Systems (CITOS).
The benefits have been so strong that CITOS have proliferated in a variety of large and midsized orga-
nizations to support various generic intra-organizational processes and inter-organizational activities.
But their systems engineering, management, and research complexity have been substantially raised in

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

the last decade, and the CITOS realization is presenting new technical, organizational, management,
and research challenges. In this article, we use a conceptual research method to review the engineer-
ing, management, and research complexity issues raised for CITOS, and develop the rationality of the
following propositions: P1: a plausible response to cope with CITOS is an interdisciplinary engineering
and management body of knowledge; and P2: such a realization is plausible through the incorpora-
tion of foundations, principles, methods, tools, and best practices from the systems approach by way of
systems engineering and software engineering disciplines. Discussion of first benefits, critical barriers,
and effectiveness measures to reach this academic proposal are presented.

Businesses no longer merely depend on informa- myriad of ICT in the last decade (e.g., mobile
tion systems. In an increasing number of enter- computing, wireless networks, Web services, grid
prises, the systems are the business. (R. Hunter computing, and virtualization services); (e) the
& M. Blosch, Gartner Group, 2003) new ways for performing business-oriented opera-
tional, tactical, and strategic organizational duties
through ICT (e.g., workflow systems, business
Introduction process management, and service-oriented man-
agement); (f) the several tangible and intangible
An accelerated scientific, engineering, and indus- organizational benefits from intra-organizational
trial progress in information technologies and its processes (as in Porter’s value-chain activities) and
convergence with communications technologies inter-organizational activities (supplier-customer
(the ICT concept) has fostered the deployment of value chains, B2B, and e-government initiatives)
Complex Information Technology (highly depen- leveraged by CITOS; and (g) the thousands of
dent) Organizational Systems (CITOS) in the last US dollars lost due to availability, continuity,
decade. The CITOS concept subsumes the well- and capacity failures in ICT services (van Bon,
known constructs of mission-critical systems, Pieper, & van deer Veen, 2006) because of an hour
large-scale information systems, enterprise infor- of system downtime. These factors and others
mation systems, and inter-organizational infor- show that CITOS are relevant for business and
mation systems. Generic instances of CITOS are government organizations (as well as for nonprofit
worldwide credit card systems, brokerage financial organizations).
systems, military defense systems, large ERPs, Such systems are characterized by having
governmental tax payment systems, and world- (1) many heterogeneous ICT (client and server
wide e-commerce and B2B supply-chain systems hardware, operating systems, middleware,
in automotive and publishing industries. network and telecommunication equipment,
Empirical evidence, such as (a) the raising of the and business systems applications) (2) a large
ICT budget (measured as a percentage of sales) to variety of specialized human resources for their
5%-9% in the 2000s (Prewitt & Cosgrove, 2006); engineering, management, and operation; (3) a
(b) the growing of world ICT trade from 8% in worldwide scope; (4) geographically distributed
1995 to 10% in 2001 with a 4% annual growth operational and managerial users; (5) core busi-
rate (OECD, 2004); (c) the IT commoditization ness processes supported; (6) a huge financial
or democratization phenomenon being more af- budget for organizational deployment; and (7)
fordable the ICT infrastructure in midsized firms a critical interdependence on ICT. Thus, these
in the 1990s (Carr, 2003); (d) the maturing of the can be correctly labeled as “complex systems”

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

(comprised of a large variety of components and A transdisciplinary education program needs to be

inter-relationships in multiple scales generating developed by utilizing organizational sociology,
unexpected emergent behaviors). law, services marketing, business strategy and
According to a systemic definition, the emer- operations, accounting and finance, information
gent properties from a system cannot be attributed technology, and industrial and computer engi-
to the individual actions performed from parts. neering to provide the knowledge necessary to
Rather the interactions among people, machines, equip new graduates to lead this culture change.
applications, procedures, data, policies, and the (p. 12)
organizational setting and organizational environ-
ment are responsible for their coproduction. Con- Because the current typical IS graduate cur-
sequently, and because of its raised engineering riculum lacks most systems approach foundations
and management complexity, a holistic study of and contains few, if any, truly systems perspective
human and machine component inter-relationships courses (e.g., most IS development methods do
and of its environment is needed when the effi- not use a well-defined systems perspective (Alter,
ciency and effectiveness of CITOS are considered. 2007; Avison, Wood-Harper, Vidgen, & Wood,
It could be expected that the current IS body of 1998; Checkland & Holwell, 1995)), we hypoth-
knowledge (IS BoK) addresses such issues. Nev- esize (H1) that a deep “system” view has been
ertheless, because of the ICT technological prog- scarcely deployed in the graduate IS curriculum.
ress, combined with the extended capabilities of We also hypothesize (H2) that an IS holistic view
CITOS services demanded in large organizations is better able than a partial view to cope with the
(Dougmore, 2006), have raised significantly the new technical and organizational complexity that
systems engineering, management, and research large organizations show. Feigenbaum1 (1968)
complexity for users, managers, engineers, and foresaw similar ideas by identifying a partial using
researchers, our premise is such a current IS BoK of the systems approach in the IS discipline. His
is insufficient and an extended (interdisciplinary) perspective, a well-defined systemic view where
IS BoK is required. man-machine systems are combined (with new
According to the international expert in roles such as CSD (chief systems designer), CSMO
complex systems Bar-Yam (2003b), to design (chief systems manager officer), CBPO (chief busi-
organizational complex systems, we must recog- ness process officer), and CBAO (chief business
nize that “the networked information system that architect officer)) and their inter-relationships with
is being developed, serves as part of the human their environment are considered, offers an initial
socio-economic-technological system. Various effort toward a holistic view of the firm and the
parts of this system that include human beings and information systems deployed.
information systems, and the system as a whole, is To test H1 and H2 is the long-term aim of
a functional system” (p. 17). Also “the recognition the research stream fostered by IJITSA. In this
that human beings and information technology article, we focus on a more limited but still use-
are working together as an integrated system” (p. ful purpose: to develop the rationality of two
25) should be an imperative consideration for its conceptual propositions relevant for the progress
design. From a service oriented management and of the information systems discipline, and outline
engineering perspective (Chesbrough & Spohrer, plausible courses of action. Proposition P1 (the
2006), Dermikan and Goul (2006) suggest a interdisciplinary IS BoK proposition) argues
similar finding: that an interdisciplinary body of knowledge is
called for in information systems because of the
rising systems engineering, management, and

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

research complexity of the emergent complex conventional systems efficiently in organiza-

information technology-intensive organizational tions. When these systems (originally planned
systems (CITOS). Proposition P2 (the systems as conventional well-controlled physical entities
approach foundation proposition) poses that P1 with core software and hardware components),
is plausible through incorporating foundations, are combined with intensive human-activity sys-
principles, methods, tools, and best practices from tems and telecommunications components from
the systems approach by way of systems engineer- multiples sources, as is characteristic of CITOS,
ing and software engineering disciplines. the systems exhibit characteristics of complex
To support P1 and P2, we use a conceptual systems: many components, rich interactions and
research approach (Glass, Ramesh, & Vessey, loose coupling among the components, the system
2004) with a descriptive and evaluative purpose. evolves, system characteristics emerge over time,
A similar scheme is used by Goul, Henderson, and the system pursues a mixture of component
and Tonge (1992) in the domain of artificial in- goals and system goals (Frank, 2001; Jackson,
telligence (AI). The units of study are abstract 1991; Keating, Rogers, Unal, Dryer, Sousa-Poza,
elements (BoK of SE, BoK of SwE, and BoK of Safford, et al., 2003). Thus, an engineering com-
IS). This article is structured as follows: first, we plexity (manifested as many alternative designs,
identify the emergent engineering, managerial, components, assembly procedures, equipments,
and research challenges raised by CITOS. Second, tools/languages, and standards available for their
we compare the underlying foundations (core defi- realization and operation) and a behavioral and
nitions, disciplines of reference, teaching themes, management complexity (manifested as unex-
and research methods) of information systems pected interactions and emergent behaviors during
and of the two most emergent related disciplines their project management and deployment phases
(software engineering and systems engineering) that might lead to critical failures and the user
that are considered essential to address such rising demand for enhanced system capabilities and
complexity in CITOS, and report the knowledge functionalities) are introduced in such systems.
gaps. Third, we discuss its benefits, the hard and
soft barriers to deployment, and its effectiveness The Engineering Complexity of
measures. CITOS

The complex systems concept has long been pres-

The Increasing Engineering, ent in the systems approach. Von Bertalanffy
Management/Behavioral, (1972) reports that “modern technology and
and Research Complexity society have become so complex that traditional
Demanded by CITOS branches of technology are no longer sufficient;
approaches of a holistic or systems, or generalist
Conventional systems are characterized by being and interdisciplinary, nature became necessary”
architecturally and functionally cohesive (they (p. 420). The software engineering (Glass, 1998)
have low heterogeneity, low dispersion, low and systems engineering (Bar-Yam, 2003a, 2003b)
autonomy of their parts, low functional variety, domains have also been concerned with the engi-
and manageable functional scalability) and for neering complexity of complex systems (Shenhar
being highly predictable. The classic software & Bonen, 1997).
engineering (SE), software engineering (SwE), A main effect of the engineering complex-
and IS disciplines have largely provided the ad- ity of systems is a “system failure.” In the SE
equate knowledge to design, build, and deploy domain, failures occur during the operation of

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

the system but also those taking place during the way to thinking, deciding, acting, and interpreting
various development stages. A system failure, what is done and how it is done” (p. 44), as well
as distinguished from a local component-based as an action-research orientation that links theory
failure, is a failure expressed in degrading system building and theory testing, are the main updates
performance. The symptom of failure is seen or suggested. Because SoS and FoS architectures
measured but its source is not clear. A “system are found in CITOS, these concepts cannot be
problem” refers to another scenario. An example omitted in an interdisciplinary IS BoK.
of a system problem is a user expressing dissatis- Complex systems can be classified to avoid
faction with the system because of unanticipated inadequate deployment of engineering and man-
environmental changes. System problems and agement processes. Shenhar and Bonen (1997)
failures, in a most basic systemic perspective, are derived a 4x3 matrix of instances of systems
not single events but a messy system of problems based on uncertain technological and system scope
(Ackoff, 1981). Sources of system problems come dimensions. Mage and de Weck (2004) developed
from the conflicts raised from the interactions a more detailed classification (also based on the
between the system, subsystems, and suprasystem Theory of Systems) of a 5x4 matrix of operators
to reach their objectives and from changes in such (transformation/process, distribution/transport,
objectives (Ackoff, 1976). store/house, trade/exchange, and regulate/con-
New concepts have been developed in the trol) and operands (matter, energy, information,
SE and SwE domains to cope with engineer- and value). Natural, noncomplex artificial, and
ing complexity. In the case of SE, a few of the complex (artificial) engineering systems are
concepts are system of systems (SoS) (Keating et also differentiated by the authors. Noncomplex
al., 2003), federation of systems (FoS) (Sage & artificial systems have either technical or social
Cuppan, 2001), and complex system (Mage & de complexity. Complex engineering systems have
Weck, 2004). A SoS exists if (1) its component both. Similar to other studies, a complex system is
systems have well-substantiated purposes even if defined as a system “with numerous components
detached; (2) its component systems are managed and interconnections, interactions or interdepen-
for their own purposes; (3) its component systems, dencies that are difficult to describe, understand,
functionalities, and behaviors can be added or predict, manage, design, and/or change” (p. 2). The
removed during its use; and (4) it shows emergent engineering (and management) of CITOS can be
behavior not achievable by the component systems based on these classifications. Other studies have
acting independently (at least one emergent prop- also complemented such concepts to update the
erty must be present to be considered a system). classic SE view (Calvano & John, 2004; Cleary,
When SoS are human-activity intensive, these 2005; Franke, 2001).
become a FoS (Sage & Cuppan, 2001). SoS and In the software engineering discipline, con-
FoS are comprised of component systems that cepts such as software-intensive systems (Andriole
individually provide user-oriented functionalities & Freeman, 1993; Boehm, 2000), sociotechnical
and for the whole system. Each SoS and FoS are software-intensive systems (Sommerville, 1998),
implicitly complex systems but not the converse. and software-intensive systems of systems (Boe-
Because of the ambiguity and uncertainty in SoS, hm, 2006; Boehm & Lane, 2006) are examples
the strong interaction of the SoS and its context, of research efforts for addressing the engineering
and the limitations for deploying partial solutions complexity issue associated with CITOS from an
the classic SE for single-complex systems must information systems perspective.
be updated (Keating et al., 2003). A true systemic For Andriole and Freeman (1993), the best
worldview (our philosophy), conceptualized as “a engineering strategy to address engineering

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

complexity involves unifying the SE and SwE and people who may be end-users and produc-
disciplines. These authors argue (1993) that: ers/consumers of information used by the system
…. Socio-technical systems normally operate in
Our working premise is simple: software-intensive a “systems-rich” environment where different
systems (regardless of their application domains) systems are used to support a range of different
are among the most important, yet hardest to create processes. (p. 115)
and maintain artifacts of modern society. Thirty
years ago, there were few large-scale software- Somerville argues that SE foundations are
intensive systems. Today they pervade the public needed in SwE programs because a computer
and private sectors.(p. 165) science approach is reductionistic and isolates
students from the organizational and human-based
Thus, as “both disciplines address the same complexities in developing large-scale software
subject, the creation of complex software-intensive development. The SE discipline contributes to
systems, albeit from different perspectives” improve the engineering rigor of SwE practices.
(p. 165), they pose a unified software systems This enhanced curriculum then revalues the SwE
engineering. A similar rationality is argued by methods and tools and incorporates well-tested
Boehm (2000): “A unified culture of systems management engineering approaches.
and software engineering can tame the rapid In the domain of information systems, most
changes in information technology” (p. 114). studies have been focused on behavioral and
For Boehm, “organizations can change from managerial perspectives (Hevner, March, Park, &
slow, reactive, adversarial, separated software Ram, 2004), rather than engineering complexity
and systems engineering processes to unified, issues. A seminal study (Nunamaker, Chen, &
concurrent processes. These processes better Purdin, 1991) introduced the system development
suit rapid development of dynamically changing process, from the engineering and software engi-
software-intensive systems involving COTS, neering disciplines, as a research method for IS to
agent, Web, multimedia, and Internet technology” be used jointly with theoretical, observational, and
(p. 114). A software-intensive system of systems experimental research. But the proposal is focused
(SISOS) concept and other core trends for the in the study of the final artifacts rather than in
mutual interaction of SwE and SE disciplines are the study of the engineering and design methods
also proposed in a later study (Boehm, 2006). The to cope with CITOS. Consequently, behavioral-
rationale for improving the SwE acquisition pro- oriented research is ultimately stressed, and the
cess in the new scenario of SISOS is expanded in development engineering process is offered as a
Boehm and Lane (2006). For Sommerville (1998), mediator rather than a primary research goal.
engineering complexity is manifested through the Other authors (Hevner & March, 2003; Hevner
sociotechnical software-intensive systems. These et al., 2004; March & Smith, 1995), using the core
systems can be described as: foundations for a design science established by
Herbert A. Simon (1969), have formulated a design
Systems where some of the components are research paradigm in information systems, one
software-controlled computers and which are different from a routine design paradigm based
used by people to support some kind of business in the application of the existent knowledge for
or operational process …. [Such] systems, there- building an artifact. A theoretical framework
fore, always include computer hardware, software that justifies behavioral (called natural) and
which may be specially designed or bought-in as design dimensions to study IT in organizations
off-the-shelf packages, policies and procedures is reported by March and Smith (1995). The

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

behavior (natural) dimension accounts for the an airline’s flights and crews is highly complex,
formulation and testing (justifying) of theories but the complexity lies in finding the best solution
about how and why IT works or does not work out of an astronomical number of possibilities.
in an organizational setting. In the design dimen- Such problems have high levels of combinato-
sion, the building and evaluation of IT artifacts rial complexity. However, most cases of policy
are conducted. These authors classify IT artifacts resistance arise from dynamic complexity—the
(e.g., the research products) as constructs, models, often counterintuitive behavior of complex
methods, and instantiations. Hevner and March systems that arises from the interactions of the
(2003) and Hevner et al. (2004) extend the study agents over time. Dynamic complexity can arise
proposing design principles and research valida- even in simple systems with low combinatorial
tion methods for the IS domain. They assert that complexity. (p. 11)
the design issue is a core topic in the engineering
discipline, but it has been rarely explored in the This resistance (often occurring as a delay
IS domain (the design references used by these by decision makers to make critical manage-
authors come from the computer science, software rial choices regarding courses of action and to
engineering, artificial intelligence, and political intervene in critical situations) happens because
science domains). Complexity and wicked problem complex side effects are generated in messy orga-
concepts (Rittel & Weber, 1973) are also described nizational systems. These complex organizational
by these authors. From a systems approach, a systems, characterized by an underlying structure
similar construct: messes as a system of problems, of mechanisms that is highly coupled, dynamic,
has also been defined (Ackoff, 1973). adaptive, self-organizing, and with emergent
These few studies, then, contribute directly counterintuitive behaviors (Sterman, 2001), de-
to the IS domain introducing the engineering mand at least a similar complex systemic solution
complexity issue of CITOS. Paradoxically, despite as the controller system (Bar-Yam, 2003b).
some SE literature reports that the incremental In the domain of information systems, the
deployment of IT is generating SoS (Carlock & management complexity is manifested in failed IT
Fenton, 2001; Keating et al., 2003), CITOS as SoS projects (CIO UK Web site, 2007; Standish Group,
are still not studied in the IS domain. 2003). Failed IT projects are defined as projects
where there are cost over-runs, large schedule
The Management and Behavioral delays, incomplete delivery of systems, system
Complexity of CITOS underutiliztion, or cancellations before comple-
tion or early system disposal (Ewusi-Mensah,
According to Sterman (2001), managerial com- 1997; Wallace & Keil, 2004). A common issue
plexity is of two types: combinatorial or dynamic. reported in such studies is the critical influence
Relevant for the IS domain is that combinatorial of management inadequacies during the imple-
managerial complexity is most perceived by or- mentation life cycle. Management complexity
ganizational managers but dynamic managerial is important for CITOS deployment because an
complexity affects them more. As Sterman (2001) information system comprises technology, pro-
indicates: cedures, data, software, and people. Moreover,
the technical, socio-economical, and political-
Most people think of complexity in terms of the cultural components of the CITOS environment
number of components in a system or the number are factors whose influences must be identified
of possibilities one must consider in making a for reaching a successful system deployment
decision. The problem of optimally scheduling (Gelman, Mora, Forgionne, & Cervantes, 2005;

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

Mora, Gelman, Cervantes, Mejia, & Weitzenfeld, In its existing state (pre-SE&A) this framework
2003). This view is supported by a vast literature did not address requirements, architecture de-
on IS implementation research (Kwon & Zmud, velopment, integration, and verification as part
1987). A holistic view of the phenomenon, then, of a coherent Systems Engineering methodology.
requires the inclusion of managerial complexity Existing descriptions of these SE&A practices
and interactions with engineering complexity. Ef- were general and open to interpretations, and
ficiency and efficacy engineering project success often “hidden” in broader activities and work
metrics (on time project completion, on budget, and products. (Hole, Verma, Jain, Vitale, & Popick,
with a high percentage of expected requirements 2005, p. 80)
delivered) must be complemented with system
effectiveness metrics (associated to managerial Enhancements, such as project mission
complexity) to manage CITOS projects. awareness over the traditional project objectives,
In the SE domain, managerial complexity is non-negotiable mission-critical requirements,
manifested when large-scale but simple systems better requirements traceability activities, proj-
become a SoS and when the usual technical, opera- ect manager and lead systems engineer roles,
tional, economical, and political (TOEP) feasibil- disciplined change impact analysis, and tangible
ity priority order shifts to a political, economical, scored reviews (also generated independently in
operational, and technical (PEOT) order (Carlock the SwE domain but rarely used in the IS domain),
& Fenton, 2001). Then, “seamless interoperability are reported as contributions from the SE domain.
and acceptable performance to all users at an ac- IT and IS architecture views of the full enterprise,
ceptable cost are the most important priorities” such as Zachman’s Framework (Sowa & Zach-
(Carlock & Fenton, 2001, p. 245). Managerial man, 1992; Zachman, 1987), have received little
complexity can be addressed through enterprise attention in the IS domain.
systems engineering (a natural extension of SE) for The complexity behavioral dimension in the
an updated and adequate engineering management management of large-scale projects has been re-
of SoS development or procurement. In a SoS, ported also in the SwE domain (Curtis, Krasner,
each system component is also conceptualized & Iscoe, 1988). An implicit holistic multilayer
as a system comprised of hardware, software, model (business, company, project, team, and
facilities, procedures, and people. Such a whole individual milieus) is used to study the behavioral
SoS operating is linked to needed support systems. interactions in the system. Findings suggest that
Facilities and support systems have usually been large-scale software development demands that
ignored in the IS literature. An exception is the the learning, negotiation, communication, and
“SERVQUAL” concept to measure IS service customer interactions activities (that are not usu-
quality. Management complexity of SoS is then ally considered in SwE management projects) be
addressed through an extended management SE accommodated explicitly in the process.
life cycle involving strategic, project manage-
ment (midlevel), and implementation/operational The Research Complexity of CITOS
levels. Recent evidence of managerial complexity
issues manifested in large-scale software systems Because CITOS is concerned with engineering
projects and solved through a SE enhancement is and managerial/behavioral complexity, a research
reported in Hole, Verma, Jain, Vitale, and Popick complexity inherently appears when CITOS are
(2005). Critical deficiencies in the older SwE investigated. Comprehensive IS research frame-
methodology are identified as follows: works that recognize behavioral and engineering
perspectives are recent (Hevner & March, 2003;

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

Hevner et al., 2004; March & Smith, 1995). As sible the cluster of activities we call science” (p.
noted earlier, much research in the IS discipline 30). Accordingly to Mingers (2002):
dilutes IT artifacts and consequently their engi-
neering characteristics or when focused on the CR (critical realism) recognizes the existence
computational view, this ignores the behavioral of a variety of objects of knowledge—material,
issues (Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001). CITOS’ conceptual, social, psychological—each of which
complexity demands mutual research interaction requires different research methods to come to
from both sides. understand them. And, CR emphasizes the holistic
A comprehensive IS research framework interaction of these different objects. Thus it is to
(Mora, Gelman, Forgionne, Petkov, & Cano, be expected that understanding in any particular
2007a) uses a critical realism stance (Bhaskar, situation will require a variety of research methods
1975) and a multimethodology research worldview both extensive and intensive. (p. 302)
(rationalized by Mingers, 2000, 2001, 2002), to
frame some core ideas of the Theory of Systems Other IS frameworks and models based on the
(Ackoff, 1971; Gelman & Garcia, 1989; Mora et Theory of Systems as the most adequate models to
al., 2003), as a proposal to accommodate the dis- cope with the complexities faced by IS practitio-
parate and conflicting research stances (positivist, ners and academicians have been reported (Alter,
interpretative, and critical). Four postulates are 2001, 2003, 2007; Bacon & Fitzergarld, 2001; Ives,
articulated in Mora et al. (2007a) to frame such Hamilton, & Davis, 1980; Nolan & Whetherbe,
disparate philosophical stances. Postulate P4 1980). Such IS systemic research frameworks
posed as integrator and underpinned in critical are usually ignored in IS research, which is still
realism says that: guided by a reductionistic view.
Thus, there is an extensive granularity mani-
The world is intelligible for human beings be- fested by a vast array of IS relevant topics, but the
cause of its stratified hierarchy of organized topics are disconnected as a whole. An IS body of
complexities—the widest container is the real knowledge from an accumulation research tradi-
domain that comprises a multi-strata of natural, tion is missing. A plausible reason, according to
man-made and social structures as well as of Mora, Gelman, Cano, Cervantes, and Forgionne
event-generative processes that are manifested (2006a) and Mora et al. (2007a), is that the holistic
in the actual domain that in turn contains to the view of the IS discipline has been lost from its
empirical domain where the generated events can original conceptualization in the 1960s. Conse-
or cannot be detected. (p. 3) quently, research topics appear disconnected from
a general standardized research framework (as SE
For Bhaskar (1975), reality is independent of and SwE have through a BoK).
human beings: “a law-governed world indepen- These large unconnected research topics, the
dently of man” (p. 26), but the social structures and infrequently-used underlying microtheories, the
their generative mechanisms are conditioned to the broad background of IS researchers, the lack of
existence of human beings at first and then these finding accumulation, and the engineering and
really exist and can be studied and intervened. managerial richness of the phenomena involved
Bhaskar also explains that “it is not the character are also manifestations of research complexity
of science that imposes a determinate pattern or in the IS domain.
order in the world; but the order of the world that,
under certain determinate conditions, makes pos-

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

Consequences and Initial path to obtaining general and advanced skills. As

Interdisciplinary Efforts for CITOS schools become well equipped, however, students
Complexity develop at least basic ICT skills, and ICT-related
degrees can be obtained through formal educa-
Table 1 summarizes the new engineering, manage- tion. For specialist skills, however, sector-specific
rial, and research challenges faced by practitioners training and certification schemes may be more
and researchers in CITOS (and from the software effective, given the rapid changes in skills needs
engineering and systems engineering disciplines and the constant introduction of new technolo-
oriented to CITOS). gies. (p. 12)
Such challenges imply a need for human re-
sources with the adequate competencies for the Given such complexity, our position is that
development (e.g., the engineering and research an interdisciplinary (e.g., a systemic integration
design view) and the management (e.g., the behav- of several disciplines) IS graduate curriculum
ioral research view) of CITOS. Nevertheless, the IS is a plausible course of action that will enable
curriculum literature has not addressed it enough. practitioners and researchers to acquire a holistic
An OECD (2004) study, for instance, claims that view of such phenomena.
most critical technical competencies in ICT must Proposals for a mutually enhanced SwE and SE
be learned directly from organizations: curriculum (Bate, 1998; Brown & Scherer, 2000;
Denno & Feeney, 2002; Hecht, 1999; Johnson &
The need for ICT skills can be satisfied in part Dindo, 1998; Rhodes, 2002; Sommerville, 1998)
through education and training. Full-time edu- and a new unified software systems engineering
cation does not appear to be the most important discipline (Andriole & Freeman, 1993; Boehm,

Table 1.
• A myriad of mature and affordable ICT as building blocks are available for system designers.
• A high variety of ICT capabilities are demanded for internal and external system users.
• Organizational SoS and FoS are required to be engineered to integrate multiple autonomous
Engineering challenges large-scale systems from several providers.
• Multiple international standards are available to system designers.
• Multiple system engineering methodologies and particular vocabulary exists in engineering
• Dynamic complexity of CITOS is not as easily perceived as the combinatorial complexity.
• Unexpected counterintuitive behavior are exhibited in CITOS.
• TOEP project order of priorities is shifted to POET.
• Multiple technologies to be evaluated, acquired, deployed, trained for, and managed are avail-
Managerial challenges
• Effectiveness (holistic) metrics are required besides traditional efficiency and efficacy ones.
• A large variety of skilled ICT and operational human resources are demanded for CITOS.
• Control and coordination scales are increased with CITOS as SoS and FoS.
• The understanding of CITOS demands design and behavioral research modes to be conduct-
• The engineering and managerial/behavioral richness of phenomena demands a pluralist and
multimethodology approach.
• There are still an extensive use unique of multiples disconnected microtheories.
• An IS BoK or general conceptual framework is still missing.
• The big picture of the IS phenomena has been lost.

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

2000; Thayer, 1997, 2002) are initial efforts to A Comparative Analysis of

cope with IT complex systems. Information Systems,
The SE discipline is also being fostered to Software Engineering, and
extend its coverage from an enterprise level fo- Systems Engineering Disci-
cused perspective (Farr & Buede, 2003) (taught in plines
engineering management or industrial engineer-
ing disciplines) and to redefine its identity (Emes, To support Proposition P2 (the systems ap-
Smith, & Cowper, 2001). Such expansion might proach foundation proposition) that argues that
enable SE to strengthen a systems view for manag- P1 is plausible through incorporating founda-
ing the complete organization and the traditional tions, principles, methods, tools, and best prac-
technical processes for engineering a product or tices from the systems approach by way of the
service (Arnold & Lawson, 2004; Bar-Yam, 2005; systems engineering and software engineering
Emes et al., 2001). In particular, Bar-Yam (2005), disciplines, this article continues and enriches
using a trade-off design between the variety (num- three recent reports (Mora et al., 2006a; Mora,
ber of different and highly-independent actions Cervantes, Gelman, Forgionne, & Cano, 2006b;
pursued by the components) and scale (number Mora, Gelman, O’Connor, Alvarez, & Macías,
of elementary components performing the same 2007b) and is developed under the following
core task) of a system, suggests an evolutionary rationale: (1) the engineering, management, and
SE to design and manage complex systems where research complexity of the issues involved with
simultaneous designs, competitive teams, and the emergent CITOS is beyond the scope of the
ongoing fielded and virtual tests are conducted. traditional monodisciplinary and reductionistic
Other proposals argue for a new SE education view of IS (from proposition P1); (2) the IS dis-
focused on complex systems (Beckerman, 2000; cipline is so fragmented that it has become in
Cleary, 2005; Franke, 2001) and the systems ap- disconnected islands in a knowledge sea; and (3)
proach (Frank & Waks, 2001). For instance, Moti an interdisciplinary, systemic approach (Ackoff,
and Waks (2001) report: “technological systems 1960) provides the adequate philosophical para-
grow larger, more complex, and interdisciplinary, digm and methodological research tool to cope
electronics and high-technology industries face with the phenomena of interest.
a growing demand for engineers with a capacity A historical review of the origins of the SE,
for systems thinking” (p. 361). These authors IS, and SwE disciplines shows that SE is the old-
also suggest that the SE knowledge about domain est (from late 1930s) followed by IS (late 1950s),
specializations (software, computer systems, etc.) and then SwE (late 1960s). We consider SE the
be about the (1) complexity of the system; (2) inter- most mature discipline, as evidenced by the ex-
connections of lower and upper level systems; and istence of large-scale projects using standardized
(3) functional domains and constraints. In the IS theories, methods, and tools (Honour, 2004),
domain, few similar direct or indirect arguments followed by the IS discipline. SwE, by its sepa-
have been reported (Hevner et al., 2004; Mingers, ration from computer science (Denning, Comer,
2001; Mora, Gelman, Macias, & Alvarez, 2007c). Gries, Mulder, Tucker, Turner, & Young, 1989)
Hence, our Proposition P1 (the interdisciplin- as an independent discipline, can be considered
ary IS BoK proposition) that argues that an the newest and less mature area of study. Using
interdisciplinary body of knowledge is called for several sources (Editorial policy statement, 2006;
in information systems because of the raising of INCOSE, 2004; SEI, 2003) and the PQR concept
systems engineering, management, and research (Checkland, 2000), it is possible to compare
complexity of CITOS can be supported.

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

general definitions (shown in Table 2) for these order when complex and large systems are de-
disciplines. At first glance, the three disciplines signed. It is usually accepted that SE (Hitchins,
study disparate systems: a well-defined physical 2003) can be deployed in different hierarchical
system, a computer software system, and an IT- levels: (1) the Artifact SE; (2) the Project SE; (3)
based organizational system. the Business SE; (4) the Industry SE; and (5) the
Recent SE (Rhodes, 2002) and SwE (Boehm, Socio-economic (environment) SE. Therefore,
2000) literature has noted the increasing inclu- the increasing inclusion of software components
sion of software and IT components in current suggests a needed interaction between SE and
and emergent complex systems. Rhodes (2002), SwE, and between these disciplines and IS to
for instance, remarks that software is a critical cope with the same object of study under differ-
component, like hardware and people, in the ent systemic scales.
entire artificial organizational system developed Table 3 updates the analysis (Mora et al., 2007c)
by systems engineers. Also as mentioned earlier of the relations of these disciplines with their refer-
(Sommerville, 1998, p. 115), the SwE discipline ence disciplines. A qualitative 5-point scale from
has suggested that software systems must be 1 (very low support) to 5 (very high support) is
considered as sociotechnical software-intensive used to report the current support level assessed
systems. From an IS perspective, this defini- by the authors and based on the different studies
tion of software systems corresponds to what is reviewed (Buede, 2000; Emes et al., 2005 for SE;
considered an information system (Mora et al., Glass, 2003; Sage, 2000; SWEBOK (IEEE, 2001)
2003). The SE discipline has also identified that for SwE; and Culnan & Swason, 1986; Glass et al.,
the usual technical, operational, economical, and 2004; Vessey, Ramesh, & Glass, 2002; for IS). A
political (TOEP) order of priorities (Carlock & grey shading is also used in the cells to show the
Fenton, 2001) has been changed to a political, recommendations. Six relevant implications for
economic, operational, and technical (PEOT) an interdisciplinary IS BoK can be reported.

Table 2. A systemic comparison of the conceptual definition of the SE, SwE, and IS disciplines
Construct <S: Systems <S: Information
<S: Software Engineering>
Engineering> Systems>
… is the technological and
… is an interdisciplinary ap- managerial discipline con- … [is the
<S> is a system proach and means to <P: enable cerned with <P: systematic discipline] <P:
to do <P> … the realization of successful production and concerning [to IT-
systems> maintenance of software based systems]>
… <Q: [the integration of] all the … <Q: [the scien-
disciplines and specialty groups tific study and] the
into a team effort forming a struc- development of
through tured development process that … that are <Q: developed IT-based services,
<Q> … proceeds from concept to produc- and modified> the management of
tion to operation [and] considers IT resources, and
both the business and the techni- the economics and
cal needs of all customers> use of IT>
… <R: [positive]
in order to contrib- … with the <R: goal of providing
… on <R: time and within managerial and
ute to achieving a quality product that meets the
cost estimates> organizational
<R> user needs>

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

Table 3. Reference disciplines for SE, SwE, and IS disciplines

Disciplines of Reference SE SwE IS
Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Management Sciences & Operations
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Research (MS&OR)
Business/Organizational Sciences
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
(Economy, Accounting, Marketing,
Social/Behavioral Sciences (S&BS)
(Psychology, Sociology, Political Sci- ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
ences, Law)
Mathematics and Statistics ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Other Engineering and Physical Sci-
ences (Electronic Engineering, Electrical
● ● ● ● ●
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Quality Engineering)
Systems Sciences (Systems Thinking,
Systems Dynamic, Soft Systems, Criti- ● ● ● ● ●
cal Systems)
Computer Sciences (CSc) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Management and Business Process
● ● ● ● ●
Services Science (Management &
? ? ?
Software Engineering ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Systems Engineering ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Information Systems ? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

First, the SE and IS disciplines have been normal level of support. High-level support from
shaped by at least two basic disciplines (Industrial multiple disciplines generates a loss of identity
& Manufacturing Engineering Management Sci- for the IS discipline when the IT artifacts are
ence & Operations Research for SE; Behavioral diluted (Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001). Given the
& Social Science and Business & Organizational managerial and engineering complexity shown
Science for IS) while SwE has been formed from in CITOS and their technical and sociopolitical
just one discipline (Computer Science). SwE has inter-relationships with their upper and lower
been largely considered as a research stream and level systems, a holistic research approach that
body of knowledge for Computer Science (Den- combines behavioral and design research ap-
ning et al., 1989). In the last decade, the usefulness proaches supported for the SE and SwE disciplines
of other reference disciplines for SE and IS (Fug- is encouraged.
getta, 2000; Kellner, Curtis, deMarco, Kishida, Second, while systems science was a core
Schulemberg, & Tully, 1991), has been recognized discipline of reference for IS (Ives et al., 1980;
in SwE. A recommendation for the IS discipline Nolan & Wetherbe, 1980) and SE (Sage, 2000), now
is to lessen the variety of such interactions from systems science is scarcely used in IS research.
a high (manifested by excessive MBA courses in To cope with CITOS, recent proposals to re-
the curriculum of graduate MIS programs) to a incorporate this original foundation (Alter, 2001,

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

2003, 2007; Gelman et al., 2005; Lee, 2000; Mora and nonpluralist view of models, frameworks,
et al., 2003, 2007a) have been reported. In the SwE and theories are encouraged. Self-reference in a
discipline, there has been little evidence of such domain is positive when there is an open interac-
incorporation, but the recent unification efforts tion with related domains and when there is an
with SE could implicitly link SwE with systems evolutionary accumulation of knowledge rather
science. Such support should be encouraged in SE an iterative decreasing increment of knowledge.
and extended in IS and SwE. Third, management The acceptance of qualitative and interpretative
engineering and business process engineering, research methods was largely rejected in the IS
which has been typically incorporated in the SE discipline through the self-reference of repetitive
and partly in SwE curriculum (through CMMI and specific quantitative methods. Another example is
ISO 15504 initiatives), has been largely ignored the service science engineering and management
in IS with the exceptions of BRP, ERP process initiative (Chesbrough & Spohrer, 2006), rarely
modeling, and emergent ITIL initiatives (Mora et addressed in IS but incorporated in the SE and
al., 2007b). According to Farhoomand and Drury SwE domains in a seamless way.
(1999, p. 16), the highest average percentage (25%) Fifth, although IS and SwE have been outside
of the themes published in eight premier IS journals the engineering specialties, such as electronic,
and the ICIS proceedings during the 1985-1996 electrical, and mechanical, CITOS demands at
period were from “reference disciplines” while least knowledge on the foundations of such dis-
the “information system” themes reached 14%. ciplines for IS researchers and practitioners to get
These authors also report that “there seems to an understanding of IT limitations. Consider, for
be a shift from technical themes towards non- example, developing automated vision recognition
technical themes” (p. 17). Similarly, Orlikowski systems combined with RFID and secure mobile
and Iacono (2001) found in 177 research articles IT for airports, banks, or worldwide package
(published in the ISR journal during the period delivering services. A CIO or research academic
1990-1999) that the highest percentage (25%) of should be able to understand the scope, limita-
papers corresponds to a “nominal” view of IT (e.g., tions, and costs of deploying such solutions and
IT is absent). Although we accept the relevance of collaborating in their design (as systems engineers
such domains for the IS discipline to understand do). IT technical knowledge must not be diluted
the suprasystems served by CITOS, we suggest a in IS research. Another example is the planning,
better balance between organizational, behavioral, design, and management of a data center where
and social sciences and management engineering. network-critical physical infrastructure (NCPI)
This balance provides the IS discipline with new issues include electrical power, environmental
conceptual tools for CITOS management and cooling, space, racks and physical infrastructure,
engineering. Then, the server system (CITOS) cabling, grounding, fire protection, and other is-
and the served system (business process) are sues related to design security (Industry Report,
system components that are studied and designed 2005).
or redesigned simultaneously. Sixth, while SE and SwE have mutually
Fourth, while the SE discipline is strengthened acknowledged the need for interaction, the IS
through the interaction of other engineering and discipline still ignores possibly beneficial inter-
management disciplines and permits a normal disciplinary communications. New theoretical
self-reference, the IS and SwE disciplines have incorporations to the IS discipline from the design/
been extensively self-referenced (Glass et al., engineering paradigm could be obtained by incor-
2004). We consider that it has had more negative porating the systems science paradigm, including
than positive consequences when an imperialist the complex systems intellectual movement.

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

Table 4 exhibits the BoK and general research of conceptual research that study concepts, con-
themes derived for these disciplines. From Table structs, frameworks, methodologies, algorithms,
4, the first inference is that SE and SwE, by their and systems without using data directly from real
engineering heritage, are most likely to interact in artifacts. Engineering and behavioral approaches,
the next 25 years. The IS discipline, in contrast, in contrast, are empirical research methods that
seems to be unaware of the dramatic changes and take data directly for artifacts, people, or organiza-
challenges that world organizations are demand- tions. The holistic systems approach is considered
ing due to complex sociotechnical information a pluralist and multimethod research paradigm
systems. In the cells with very low interaction that uses diverse research approaches relying on
(value of 1 point), more interaction is suggested the complexity of the research situation, goals,
to expand the body of knowledge. According to and availability of resources.
the systems approach, a system is understood only Table 5 shows that the SE research is conducted
if it is studied: (1) from two perspectives (like a mostly through modeling, but it also uses the other
unitary whole and as a set of interdependent parts) research approaches in a more balanced way than
and (2) within its wider system and comprising the other two disciplines. According to Glass
internal subsystems (Ackoff, 1971; Gelman & et al. (2004), theoretical/conceptual studies are
Garcia, 1989). more frequent than engineering studies in SwE.
Details of the need for a systems approach For the case of IS, because of its strong histori-
in the IS discipline have already been reported cal dependence on business and organizational
(Alter, 2001, 2003, 2007; Bacon & Fitzgerald, sciences, most studies are empirical (behavioral
2001; Gelman et al., 2005; Lee, 2000; Mora et al., approach). Recent studies have argued the need
2003, 2007a). A second finding from Table 4 is the for using modeling/simulation (Mora et al., 2007a)
lack of teaching and research of IS frameworks and engineering/design approaches (Hevner &
and standards/models of processes (e.g., CobIT, March, 2003; Hevner et al., 2004; Nunamaker et
ITIL, ITSEC, and ISO 20000). The SE and SwE al., 1991) in the IS discipline. In a similar way,
disciplines have developed their rigor through the other studies have suggested that SwE must con-
development, deployment, and compliance with duct empirical research (Kitchenham et al., 2002)
standards of process, but such a movement has and expand the few modeling/simulation studies
largely been ignored in the IS discipline (Beach- performed (Madachy, 1996).
board & Beard, 2005). A third finding from Table Table 5 also shows a behavioral approach bias
4 is that SE has fewer missing interactions than for the IS discipline, even though the table covers
the other two disciplines. A strong implication positive and interpretative stances. We believe that
is that systems engineers are more holistically the understanding of, and the effective intervention
trained, studying and carrying out large-scale in, single large scale and emergent CITOS demand
and complex systems (Frank & Waks, 2001), an interdisciplinary and multimethodological
than software engineers and information systems research approach. Mingers (2001) has reported
practitioners (Mora et al., 2006b). extensively the relevance and need of such an
In Table 5, the research approaches used in the approach for the IS research stream through a
three disciplines are reported under the same scale. critical realism philosophical stance (Mingers,
The main categories of research are adapted from 2002). Previous analysis for management science
Denning et al. (1999), Nunamaker et al. (1991), and operations research (highly linked to SE)
Hevner and March (2003), Vessey et al. (2002), and has also been reported (Mingers, 2000, 2003). In
Glass et al. (2003, 2004). Theoretical, conceptual, this article, we support this proposal and believe
and modeling approaches can be considered pieces that the systems approach can glue the disparate,

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

Table 4. Main BoK and research topics for SE, SwE, and IS disciplines

Main BoK and Research Themes

for SE, SwE, and IS
Systems Engineering Foundations ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
System of Systems
● ● ● ● ?
and Complex Systems Engineering
Model and Simulation of Systems ● ● ● ● ?
Frameworks and Standards/Models
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
of Processes for SE
Systems Engineering
● ● ● ● ?
Quality and Management
Human Systems Engineering ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Simulation of Systems ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Systems Thinking
● ● ● ? ●
and Systems Foundations
Engineering Design ● ● ● ● ?
Business Process/Workflow Systems
● ● ● ● ●
Management and Engineering
Risk and Project Management ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Control Theory ● ● ● ? ?
Operations Research ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Integration, Verification, and Validation of
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Software Engineering Foundations ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Software Engineering
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Tools and Methods
Software Engineering and Management ● ● ● ●
Frameworks and Standards/Models
● ● ● ● ●
of Processes for SwE
Software Engineering Economic ● ●
Information Systems Foundations ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Information Systems Engineering ● ● ●
Information Systems Management ● ● ● ● ●
Frameworks and Standards/Models of Pro-
? ? ?
cesses for IS
Information Technologies Tools ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Behavioral Issues in Information Systems ● ● ● ● ●
Business Organizational Foundations ● ● ● ● ●
Knowledge Management Systems ● ● ●
Specific Domains and Careers of Applica-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Service Engineering and Management ? ? ?

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

Table 5. Main research approaches for SE, SwE, and IS disciplines

Research Paradigms SE SwE IS
Formal Theoretical Approach
(Theorem Proving & Mathematical ● ● ● ● ●
Conceptual Analysis
(Description, Formulation, or Evalua-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
tion of Concepts, Frameworks, Models,
Modeling Approach
(Conceptual Modeling, Mathematical ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Modeling, Simulation)
Engineering Approach
(Design of Artifacts, Concept Imple- ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Behavioral Approach
(Survey, Case Studies, Social Experi- ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Holistic Systems Approach
(Multimethodological, Interdisciplinary, ● ● ●
Critical Realism-based Research)

conflicting, and still monodisciplinary views of students. Under the assumption of an already
our discipline (Mora et al., 2007a). In concordance existent common core engineering curriculum
with some SE and SwE studies, we also believe for SE and SwE, the challenge is the incorpora-
the IS behavioral approach can enhance the SE tion or adaptation of it to the IS domain. It is
and SwE disciplines. For the IS discipline, a typical for academic institutions to share labs
more balanced use of the engineering, modeling, and library resources, so the new investments
conceptual, and formal theoretical and behavioral in better equipped and integrative labs would
approaches under the holistic paradigm of the be a worthy investment. The virtualization and
systems approach is encouraged. distribution of ICT resources actually can allow a
large campus to share valuable ICT resources with
small academic units. For instance, a small busi-
Discussion and Implications ness data center lab (not a computer network lab)
for an Interdisciplinary BoK could be developed for training SE, SwE, and IS
in Information Systems graduate students in different problem and solution
domains. For the SE and IS disciplines, the ICT
To complete this proposal, we identify the invest- architectural planning of the data center as well
ment resources required, the potential benefits, as the managerial and financial operations of the
and the effectiveness measures for developing ERP installed in the data center lab are adequate
the aforementioned interdisciplinary IS BoK to issues for several courses in the curriculum sug-
cope with the emergent CITOS. In the investment gested in Table 4. For SwE students, the same lab
dimension, hard and soft issues can be considered. can be useful to deploy and test service-oriented
Hard issues are the financial resources required application software and middleware. An implicit
to redesign a graduate curriculum, prepare new benefit for SE, SwE, and IS graduate students is
human resources, and deploy integrated labs for the interdisciplinary team interaction for solving

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

problems under a systems approach. The invest- face the challenges of business organiztions and
ment needed will be determined by supply and society. The IT artifact as an artificial symbolic
demand. Regarding soft issues, the existence of processor for processing, storage, and transport
such an interdisciplinary IS BoK—that should data, information, and knowledge (Simon, 1999)
support the current IS 2006 curriculum (Gorgone, has transformed the world. Now, the challenge
Gray, Stohr, Valacich, & Wigand, 2006)—with for the IS discipline (Ackoff, 1967) will be to
the SE and SwE foundations, principles, and transform such IT artifacts and align them with
methods also demands: (1) adjustments in the the emergent CITOS concept.
faculty power relationships; (2) the management Proposition P2 (the systems approach
risk of identity loss in the discipline; and (3) the foundation proposition), that poses that P1 is
compliance with national accreditation boards plausible through incorporating foundations,
procedures. Soft issues, then, become the main principles, methods, tools, and best practices
barriers for this proposal. from the systems approach by way of systems
The main benefits estimated from this inter- engineering and software engineering disciplines,
disciplinary IS BoK are (1) the revaluing of the can also be supported.
IS discipline as a core element in modern society
and business organizations; (2) the update of the
body of knowledge required by IS practitioners and Conclusion
academics to cope with the emergent CITOS; (3)
the joint development under a holistic view of the We have developed this article with the aim to
rich and complex phenomenon of CITOS with the improve and reposition the IS discipline to accom-
two highly related disciplines of SE and SwE; (4) modate the emergence of CITOS. In this proposal,
the development of a shared mindset of concepts we articulate the rationale for two propositions.
and worldviews with SE and SwE practitioners P1 argues that a plausible response to cope with
and academics; and (5) the increased supply of a CITOS is an interdisciplinary IS, SE, and SwE
new generation of IS professionals and researchers engineering and management body of knowledge,
to meet growing organizational demands. and P2 argues that such realization is plausible
Figures of merit to evaluate the effectiveness through incorporating foundations, principles,
of this proposal are the following: (1) trends of the methods, tools, and best practices from the systems
critical failures reported in CITOS (similar to the approach by way of the systems engineering and
measures reported in Standish Group (2003); (2) software engineering disciplines. We believe the
trends of the financial losses derived by failures evidence articulated from the comparison of the IS
in CITOS; (3) trends of the simplification and discipline with SE and SwE (through the structured
standardization of principles, foundations, and systemic definitions, the disciplines of reference,
methods shared for the three disciplines used in the knowledge for research and teaching, and
organizations; (4) trends of the high-quality and the main research paradigms used) supports our
relevant research conducted and published under claim. It has also been argued that:
the paradigm proposed in this article; and (5)
trends in the enrollment of IS graduate programs The ability of science and technology to augment
under this new interdisciplinary IS BoK. Hence, human performance depends on an understanding
we understand that this proposal is a challenge of systems, not just components. The convergence
that will generate positive as well as negative reac- of technologies is an essential aspect of the effort
tions. However, our academic responsibility and to enable functioning systems that include human
final purpose is to strengthen the IS discipline to beings and technology; and serve the human

Toward an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management

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This work was previously published in International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, Vol. 1, Issue
1, edited by J.D. Paradice; M. Mora, pp. 1-24, copyright 2008 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 2
A Question for Research:
Do We mean Information Systems
or Systems of Information?
Frank Stowell
University of Portsmouth, UK

In this chapter I raise questions about the nature of Information systems, the way that they are designed
and developed and suggest areas that IS researchers may wish to investigate. A concern is raised about
the way we think about the domain of information systems and a suggestion made that rather than
think of it in terms of the mnemonic IS, with is association with IT, it should be thought of in terms of as
systems of information. This suggestion is made as a means of highlighting considerations developers
have to take into account which go beyond those of technology alone. As a means of instigating this
proposition four questions are raised in the chapter which are intended to stimulate further informa-
tion systems research. These questions are about the nature of IS, design Methods, the underpinning
philosophy and finally, IS failure.

GENERAL INTRODUCTION about the constituents of the subject itself implies

that there is universality of understanding about
Information Systems, as a domain on knowledge, is the nature and composition of IS. It is true that the
rarely satisfactorily explored in the literature. There range of knowledge and the variety of skills that
are papers which discuss IS within the context of IS embraces makes its definition, in terms familiar
a particular area of application e.g. Management to the more traditional areas of expertise, difficult
Information Systems but few deal with the nature to achieve. The lack of a common and acceptable
of Information Systems. Although IS researchers description has vexed the IS community for some
and practitioners refer to IS theory rarely do they years and a sound theory of IS is still elusive (see
define what they mean. The dearth of discussion also Gregor, 2006, p612).
We can argue that the mnemonic IS, which is
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-976-2.ch002 the common way of referring to the area, has added

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A Question for Research

to this difficulty which is compounded by many by the users as having failed. Is it failure which
examples in the literature where IS and IT are used acts to differentiate between IT and IS?
interchangeably. This apparent confusion between
IS and IT may be seen, by some academics and
practitioners, as an indication that Information WHAT IS AN INFORMATION
Systems is a transitory domain of knowledge SYSTEM?
created by the accessibility of Information Tech-
nology which will disappear as the technology Whilst we can accept that computers are at the
itself becomes part of the cultural infrastructure heart of most businesses it should not lead us to
e.g. much like users of mobile telephones have assume that Systems of Information (our territory)
become expert in their usage with little practical is solely about computing any more than it is about
guidance. marketing or stock control. It is about all of the
So what can we say about Information Sys- components that together make up a system of
tems? We can say is that Information Systems is information for the collective clients. It is worth
a general term that defines our branch of learning, reminding ourselves that there is a difference be-
our discipline. It is an area of knowledge which tween data processing and information; people are
is concerned with the way of using technology interested in identifying and understanding what
which is determined by purposeful (willed ac- a data object means but computers only need to
tivity becomes action) human activities. We can identify data objects. Traditional Data Processing
argue that the practice is concerned with gaining (DP) is not concerned with information because
understanding about systems of information. The it produces data which are used to guide routine
separation of the two terms serves to emphasise our activities without being explicitly interpreted to
branch of learning i.e. IS relates to the intellectual the activity and the human actors informed by the
underpinning and associated learning about the data. It seems axiomatic that such straightforward
domain, and systems of information refers to our considerations are incomplete when looking at the
area of interest i.e. any situation where we take “system” as a whole.
action and from that action learn from it which in The knowledge base of Information Systems
turn contributes to the formation and reformation (as a discipline) is concerned with information
of knowledge about the domain itself. technology (IT) but it also requires an equal
Rather than attempt to define Information knowledge of other areas including social and
Systems I have chosen instead to raise 4 issues management science and of business practices.
in the form of questions which I believe reflect The development of IT systems require skills
important areas of research and practice which that focuses upon the technology and the way
will contribute to the body of knowledge. The first that it might be used to assist the client (end user)
question is: What is an Information System – how undertake some tasks, whereas IS is concerned
do we recognise one?; the second question relates with knowledge and skills required first, to gain
to Methods - How do we set about designing In- understanding and then to be used as a means of
formation Systems and what approaches do we use improving the clients system of information as
that are distinctly IS?; the third question relates to a whole.
what philosophical ideas underpin IS as a subject The failure of commentators (and some
domain and, finally; What constitutes a failure? academics), to differentiate between IT (data)
The latter being important as there are many IT/IS and IS (information) has resulted in a profusion
failures reported where there is no actual failure of reports in the literature (both academic and
of the IT but the “system” as a whole is deemed practitioner) that are referring to data processing

A Question for Research

Figure 1. A notional information system

but are often, describing them as information tempt to identify the whole relevant system and its
systems. If we think of the “territory” in which components” (Checkland and Scholes, 1999).
we work in terms of a system of information and The importance of understanding the rela-
consider the whole in a mereolgical sense; that is tionship between information and associated
to say that the relations of part to whole and the connections within an enterprise cannot be over-
relations of parts within a whole. (Varzi, 2004) stressed. It is this distinction that makes IS prac-
then it amplifies what our task is as Information tice different from that of IT. IT practitioners are
Systems professionals i.e.to consider all parts, hu- more concerned with what they perceive as the
man and technical and the relationships between technological needs of the situation. If this is the
them (see figure 1). case then our first challenge is to ask ourselves if
So where does this leave us? We can say that there is an over reliance upon methods of design
systems of information are formed from interre- and development that come from computing and
lated information units and the relations between software engineering and if so are such techni-
them and as a consequence our primary task is cally oriented approaches suited to the develop-
to understand the purposeful actions of those that ment of systems of information? One potential
make up the system of interest and describe the area for further research and publication lies in
systems of information that enable it. In other greater analysis of development methods shaped
words our first task is to consider what system it is by the practice, in particular where the lessons
that is to be served (Winter et al, 1995, Checkland have been learnt from the development of public
and Scholes, 1999) and then model the serving information systems.
systems (systems of information) – i.e. first “at-

A Question for Research

RE-THINKING IS METHODS (Boland, 1985, 1991; Stowell, 1985; Avison and

OF DESIGN Wood-Harper, 1986; HMSO, 1993; West, 1991;
Stowell and West, 1994; Dobbin and Bustard,
Many methods used in Information Systems 1994, Savage, and Mingers,1996; Bell and Wood-
development have their origins in the early years Harper, 1998,) but this had little impact upon the
of computing and even those developed in recent success of the IT based systems of information.
years owe more to satisfying data processing needs Object Oriented Analysis seemed to offer a better
than defining a system of information. One major way of defining an information system (West et
obstacle with technically oriented methods of al, 1996; Liang et al, 1997; Graham, 1998) but
design is that it is difficult for the technical expert this too is technically oriented. Although the OO
to avoid their position as expert being used to approach consists of five major activities: defining
impose personal values or ideologies. Too often class and objects; identifying structures; identi-
the design methods used effectively promote the fying subjects; defining attributes and defining
technical viewpoint instead supporting the users’ services, it is strongly algorithmic with compli-
desires and values. It could be that it is the tech- cated calculations that are not straightforwardly
nical domination and unintentional sidelining of broken down into objects and it is expensive to
the end-user which is the underlying cause of IS develop. Like many methods used for informa-
failure. This may well be the case for those large tion system development OO is a means to a
public information systems which are reported as programming end.
failing (see Cross, 2005) In more recent times the best known of the
The impact and number of IS failures (e.g. see lightweight methodologies XP (extreme program-
Fortune and Peters, 2005) has precipitated much ming) focuses on building a person-to person
research into ways of involving the end-user in the mutual understanding of the problem environment
design process (e.g. Delone and McLean, 1992, through what they describe as minimal formal
2003; Cavaye, 1995; Bødker, 1996; Lynch and documentation and maximum on-site interaction
Gregor, 2004) because this is seen as one way of (Highsmith, 2000). There are four values involved;
improving satisfaction. Examples include high communication, simplicity, feedback and cour-
level architectural specification techniques such age. Communication is between customers and
as Jackson Development (Jackson, 1983) which programmers and design is kept simple, and also
endeavours to define how the human, the hardware embraces constant feedback from the customers.
and the software interact. Joint Application Design, Using the approach the programmers claim that
(McConnell, 1996), includes a brainstorming they are able to respond, ‘courageously’, to chang-
element to enable some users to communicate ing requirements and technology. Bødker, (1996)
ideas, to reduce resistance to change and help the description of the XP development cycle shows
end-users to understand the development process that it begins promisingly be getting end users to
but the method is not completely client driven provide “stories” to estimate development time
and defaults to technical requirements. Structured and provide a plan for the release of applications.
Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM, This is because it makes it easier to get feedback
1990), is a modified version of traditional infor- from users as the whole application is developed,
mation systems development life cycle but it is but the criteria for success are measured in tech-
still a data-driven approach based on data flow nological terms. For example, it is measured in
diagrams and entity life histories. terms of early and continuous delivery of valuable
Efforts were made in the 1980’s and 90’s to software. (Agile, 2004).
add softer methods to enrich the IS definition

A Question for Research

The above summary is not intended to provide will also produce a specification for the informa-
an exhaustive analysis of attempts to embrace user tion system as a whole, including the technical
requirements nor of more recent thinking about and non-technical activities. There are problems
software development life cycles but to serve with this idea as many researchers have found it
as an illustration of the way that the end-user is difficult to translate aspects of the information
becoming more involved in the development of requirements into technical support (see, Rashid,
the software. The involvement of the end user et al 2006 as one example). The translation of the
(or client) in the technical side of the situation definition of requirements, in natural language,
underlines the importance attached by designers into a technical specification is sometimes referred
in obtaining a successful result. Nevertheless, to as “bridging the gap” (Champion and Stowell,
in many instances success is measured by the 2001; Champion et al, 2004; Stowell and Cooray,
working software and it is questionable if this is 2006) and often it is this aspect where the rich-
a good indicator for measuring its usefulness to ness of the client definition is lost in favour of the
a system of information. It could be argued that technical requirements.
such methods of software development is what To this end we could re-examine the way we
computer hackers have done for years; namely, view information systems development and the
shape the programme as they go along. As Bus- lessons learnt from past attempts at embracing both
tard and Keenan (2005) point out it is not clear the technical and non technical dimensions. For
in this kind of approach who the customers are, example, Langefors (1995) early work attempted
how they are selected and how the suitability of to relate information requirements through to a
the resultant software is assessed, moreover is it technical specification using what he called an
as they point out it is not clear from the methods Infological approach. Infology was suggested
used if the design process is requirements or as a means of thinking through the possibilities
product driven. of translating natural language into technical
From a development perspective, one way of specification. Mumford and Henshall’s, (1979)
involving the end-user in the process might be and Mumford’s, (1995), work on socio-technical
to undertake it with them and, together, envisage systems is a source of lessons learnt about partici-
how the technology can be assimilated into their pation. Avison and Wood-Harper’s (1986) ideas,
system of information. There is no universal for- expressed as Multiview, provides an example
mula to do this but we can say that the approach of the way that the despite best efforts technical
used should be flexible and capable of authenti- requirements still tend to dominate the end result.
cation (see Champion and Stowell, 2001). The Similarly Stowell’s, (1985, 1997, 2006) attempt
pioneering work of Churchman, (1971); Ackoff, at linking Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to
(1978); Vickers (1981) and Checkland (1981) dataflow diagrams and latterly OO modelling pro-
all provide important insights into methods of vides lessons about the difficulties of maintaining
inquiry, analysis and design. But selecting the right the continuity of “soft systems” thinking through
method is not a trivial undertaking and care must to technical specification. Lyytinen’s (1988) dis-
be taken to ensure that tools used do not get in the cussion of SSM and Information System failure
way of the learning about the system of interest provides further insights into ways of using non
(Churchman, 1971; Checkland, 1981/99; West reductionist ideas in design and development.
and Stowell, 2000). The linking of SSM to SSADM (HMSO, 1993)
The suggestion being made here is that we is also an important milestone in the recognition
need to research and test ideas which provide the of the failure of purely technical methods as
end user, or client, with greater control and which the means of Information system development

A Question for Research

(see Lewis, 1995). Revisiting Hirschheim et action so that whatever is developed or changed it
al, (1995) we can consider some philosophical will ensure that the relationships of the system of
foundations of data modelling which will help interest and its environment is maintained.
in thinking about the different perspectives that Understanding an enterprise and how it oper-
underlie approaches that have emerged over the ates cannot be replicated within a laboratory and
past twenty years. Stamper’s (1997) ideas on hence the method of inquiry employed must be
Organisational Semiotics also contribute to the flexible and capable of addressing “real world”
difficulty of solving “soft” problems that require complexity. To gain an “Appreciation” of the
practical solutions. Walsham’s (1991) ideas of system of information, how it operates and how it
Organisation and Alter’s paper (1999) similarly can be improved means being a part of that system
provide useful discussions on the thinking about rather than a dispassionate observer. By thinking
Information Systems from a theoretical basis. By in terms of systems of information and the need to
revisiting these ideas and their applications we may gain an “Appreciation” (ibid) of what that means
find lessons that will contribute to the develop- to the clients might help to avoid the premature
ment of methods more suited to understanding imposition of purely technical solutions.
and designing systems of information capable of IS practitioners should have knowledge of
satisfying clients needs. non-reductionist methods as well as the reduc-
tionist techniques associated with computing and
software engineering. In Churchman’s (1971),
SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT AN classic text “Design of Inquiring Systems” he
UNDERPINNING PHILOSOPHY reflected upon the deficiencies of the methods
of science when applied to human situations, he
Human situations are (usually) complex so it is said that “As a system, science cannot discuss
reasonable to suggest that a clear-cut application social change (implementation) in any but a very
of the empirical methods of natural science into restricted sense……science has no adequate way
organizational intervention is problematical. The of studying the elusive, since it always aims for
constituent parts of human social networks are dif- precision, and hence in some real sense science
ficult to distinguish and even when we are able to is alienated from nature” (Churchman 1971).
do so they do not easily provide an understanding Churchman’s point has resonance for Informa-
of the whole. Social networks are complex because tion Systems since success seems to be as much
we humans are not entirely subjected to physical about understanding the “elusive” as it does the
laws as are other living creatures. For example, supporting technology.
we may choose a course of action that might be IS professionals should be skilled in using ideas
judged as being irrational by others. Even so, capable of taking on the complexity of human
we are able to reflect upon our actions and upon interactions and their information needs. This is a
our surroundings and through that understanding tall order but Systems thinking may offer such an
chose a course of action which will allow us to intellectual device. “Systems” is an epistemology,
maintain our relationship with our environment a theory of knowledge which we might adopt to
(see Vickers, 1983, 1991, for a discussion on Ap- help us understand the world. The noun System
preciative Systems and Relationship Maintenance, comes from the Greek, “Syn”, to declare; addition,
both ideas important to IS). Recognising this is i.e. the action of putting something (s) together and
critical to Information Systems development “Histemi”, which means “to stand”, so Systima
in that there should be an ‘Appreciation’ of the (the combining of Syn and Histemi), means to
systems of information that exist as a precursor to put something together that “stands” (i.e. has a

A Question for Research

purpose), which those who subscribe to the notion attempts to use them. Ideas such as Checkland’s
of wholeness refer to by the noun System. notion of recoverability, Naughton’s constitutive
The notion of Systems as a way of understand- and strategic rules (Checkland 1999, Checkland
ing the world as Bullock and Trombley, (2000) and Holwell, 1998) and Champion and Stowell’s
put it is an “an approach to the study of physical notion of authentication (Champion and Stowell,
and social systems which enables complex and 2001) contribute to the rigour of using an interpre-
dynamic situations to be understood in broad tivist systems approach to IS development.
outline”. By adopting the Systems epistemology By revisiting the ideas within the context of
as our underpinning idea we might find that it reported IS failure and lessons learnt from earlier
provides a means of addressing some of the issues research (e.g. the brief references in design meth-
that exercises our domain. ods above) new ideas about IS development and
Yet the way that the term System is used can the relationship between client needs and technical
also create difficulties. For example, the adjectives specification may emerge. For example, the work
systemic and systematic are often confused. Whilst of Stowell (1985-2007) who in 1985 proposed
both terms are adjectives from the same noun (i.e. using Soft System Methodology as a means of
‘system’) they are frequently used badly even by assisting in IS design, Avison and Wood-Harper
those who subscribe to the notion of “system”. (1986) had similar ideas and the work of Bell and
When we refer to taking a systems approach or Wood-Harper (2003) and Cornford and Smithson
adopting an holistic approach to problem solving (2006) also refer to the use of soft systems with
we would use the word ‘systemic’ (e.g. we might the development process. In 1988 Lyytinen pro-
claim that we have undertaken a systemic analysis posed an holistic, systems oriented approach as
of a business problem) rather than undertaking a a preferred way of researching IS failure. Since
systematic analysis. We use the term ‘systematic’ that time attempts to use systems ideas have met
when adopting an ordered, step-by-step, methodi- with varying degrees of success but the lessons
cal approach. In some respects the way that the learnt from this early work provide the basis for
term is used can reveal the kind of thinking of the moving forward and an underpinning philosophy
individual that uses them. For example, system- for the discipline.
atic can be associated with a functionalist way of
approaching analysis whereas systemic can be
associated with a more holistic approach. WHAT IS FAILURE?
But using Systems ideas is not without diffi-
culties and questions have been raised about the IT projects have a poor record throughout the
problem of assessing the quality the work (e.g. world. Cross reports that 70% of projects in the
Klein and Myers 1999). There are also problems USA fail to meet their timetable or budget or
with combining methods from different intel- come up to specification (Cross, 2005). A survey
lectual origins such as the notion behind multi carried out by Dunleavy and Margetts in 2004
methodology (Mingers and Gill, 1997) as each and across seven countries show that the UK
will refer to its own paradigm which means that has the highest record of failure with Japan and
inevitably there is some sort intellectual compro- the Netherlands with the best records. OECD
mise (see Midgley, 2000 for further discussions reports only 28% of all IT projects in the US
on paradigm incommensurability). Whilst criti- were successful in 2000 (Kristensen and Buhler,
cisms about quality are important and are not to 2001). The reports give several reasons for lack
be dismissed lightly neither should an apparent of success including differences between public
intellectual impasse be the cause of the abandoning and private sector projects, project size, project

A Question for Research

isolation, government interface with IT industries, NHS’s £12.7bn computer programme is in doubt
market and technical dominance of IT companies, after its managers acknowledged further delays
modernity of equipment, and the extent to which in introducing a system for the electronic storage
government retains IT expertise. and transmission of patients’ records. Connecting
The above reports indicate that failure results for Health, the NHS agency responsible for the
from a mixture of things but provide little evi- world’s biggest civil IT project, said “it was no
dence that the failure is of a technical origin so longer possible to give a date when hospitals in
one conclusion that can be formed is that reported England will start using the sophisticated software
failure is the result of human error or discontent that is required to keep track of patients’ medical
and not failure of the technology. One example files.” Moreover the Treasury is reported to be
where mismatch between technical provision and earmarking health service IT as a candidate for
user needs is highlighted comes from a quotation cuts to compensate for the billions spent on the
reported in the National Press, by the chairman of bailout of the banks.(Carvel, 2008).
a public accounts committee who stated “One of A senior figure in the programme is reported as
the major problems was the ‘horrible interface’ criticising staff for resisting the need for change.
between civil servants, who understand all there is Amid growing dissent over the way the Govern-
to know about, for example, the national insurance ment’s reforms are being pushed through he went
system but know little of how a computer works, on to say that there is “an unwillingness to “em-
and technicians who just know the reverse”, he brace” the Government’s £12 billion IT upgrade
went on … “they don’t spend enough time at the for the health service” (Daily Telegraph, 2007).
start of the project explaining where they are both In London, attempts to install the system at the
coming from” (Morris and Travis, 2001). Royal Free hospital and Barts caused weeks of
The likelihood of avoiding future failures is confusion and disruption. Other trusts that were
doubtful and there is little to suggest much has next in line were so alarmed that they pleaded for
been learnt from the recent past. But what is an postponement (Carvel, 2008) It could be that a
IS Failure? Previous attempts to define IS failure prime reason for failure is that IS development is
tend to focus on a failure to the take up the technol- often undertaken as a technological project and
ogy and its associated software, but success and because of this there is a failure to distinguish
failure of systems of information are not as easy between the systems of information and the tech-
as this to measure. In a recent text Fortune and nology that supports it.
Peters (2005) characterise IS failure as a “product Importantly failure is often a failure to en-
of outputs which are considered to be undesirable gage the end-user, or client, in the development
by those involved”. They cite Vickers (1981) who process and as a consequence there is a failure to
perhaps proves a richer and more experiential take ownership. Returning to the national project
definition as “A human system fails if it does not for IT a survey carried out by MEDIX in 2004
succeed in doing whatever it was designed to do; showed that 40% of doctors stated that they had no
or if it succeeds but leaves everyone wishing it information about the project with one practitioner
had never tried”. stating “as a practicing clinician, I am concerned
One of the largest public IT programmes in the that this IT programme has all the hallmarks of
world (the UK National Health IT project called previous governmental IT failures, for example,
the National Project for IT) approved in 2002 by failure to consult with end-users about how it will
the then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, is late, integrate with their daily work and make their
over budget and facing difficulties of implemen- work easier. If it is perceived as management or
tation. It has been reported that the future of the government driven additional tasks (which it is

A Question for Research

currently, by the few who have heard of it), then CONCLUSION

it will fail.” There has been more recent reported
concern about a lack of clarity and poor commu- In this chapter we have considered elements of
nications. Some of those interviewed said they felt the IS domain with a suggestion that it might be
disempowered and frustrated because decisions useful to consider IS in terms “Systems of informa-
were being made by Connecting for Health and tion” (SI) as a means of thinking about the wider
local IT service providers without consulting key implications for definition and design. Questions
NHS staff. Collins, T., (2007). have been raised about the relationship between
It would seem that despite observations made the cause of information system failure and the
decades before little has moved on as Lyytinen methods used for SI development suggesting that
observed two decades ago “An IS fails when it the methods themselves may impose restrictions
cannot fulfil the expectations and this incapabil- because of the in-built bias towards satisfying the
ity calls for stakeholder action” (Lyytinen, 1988). technology. The Suggestion is made that design-
But if the solution is to engage the clients more ing an information system requires consideration
how can the user, stakeholder, client, engage in of the system as a whole and its relationship to
something as complex as IS development which its environment and the argument goes on to
necessitates specialist knowledge of problem question whether the predominant approaches to
solving, technology, working practices and some design are appropriate to the task. Clearly this is
degree of clairvoyance? It would seem this is an a difficult proposition to satisfy as it brings with
area for more research. it the need for knowledge of many areas including
Clearly a failure can be caused for a variety of organisational analysis, information theory, group
quantifiable reasons such as being over budget, interaction, anthropology, inquiring systems, and
technology breakdown and so on but it is the impact technical knowledge.
upon the users and intended consumers that causes The logical outcome of the assertions in this
the greatest problems. Whilst the specific cause chapter is to suggest that the design methods
of failure differs with each information system should be able to take into account the end-user
what they have in common is economic and social and consumers views and specify the IT support.
calamity. The failure of a large public system of Moreover, it should be possible for the end user/
information effects not just those who operate or client to authenticate the outcome i.e. the design
use it as a management tool it also frustrates the should be represented in a form that a non techni-
sponsors, the designers, those who managed the cal person can readily understand.
project and, increasingly, the general public. It is suggested that using Systems ideas might
There are numerous reports of failure (see For- provide an intellectual framework for SI develop-
tune and Peters, 2005; Cross,2005; Myers 1994) ment. But the difficulties of doing so are raised
but the puzzle is why do they continue? Lyytinen by drawing attention to the problem combining
and Robey suggest that many ISD organisations two apparently incompatible concepts into one
appear unable or unwilling to adjust their practices seamless method i.e. the need to satisfy the client
even when they fail to produce beneficial results and the resultant technical specification. But it is
(Lyytinen and Robey, 1999). It would seem that important not to let such difficulties be the cause
lessons about failure are not being learnt and of the abandoning attempts to create methods
research into design methods not taken up, a situ- suited to IS.
ation which one commentator describes as being Systems Thinking and Practice provides ideas
“like a computer virus, endlessly replicate the and methods of making sense of the complexi-
mistakes of the past” (Caulkin, 2004). ties of systems of information. It is hoped that by

A Question for Research

Table 1. Suggested topics for research

Topic Associated question

Information Systems      • Is Information Systems a discipline? IS papers can be found in a variety of journals
dealing with the technical aspects of information system provision through to the IS
management. But what is it that binds these papers together under the general heading of
Information Systems?
     • Is Information Technology and Information Systems the same thing?
     • Is IS a part of Management Science or Computing?
     • We welcome papers dealing the educational requirements of the IS professional
     • Papers dealing with the social and cultural context of Information Systems are particu-
larly welcome, e.g. the effects upon social cohesion
Systems of Information      • How are Systems of Information understood?
     • To paraphrase Stafford Beer “Given information systems what are organisations
now?” The relevance of organisational models to systems of information?
     • Research dealing with Information, Systems and Democracy and freedom
     • Systems of Information for specialist areas e.g. the Law, medicine, security
     • Research dealing with the impact of IS upon social cohesion
IS Design and Development      • There is a significant literature based on interpretivist ideas but when these ideas are
translated into methods they often fall short. We would like to see more research in this
     • What is the relationship between an information system and the supporting technol-
     • We welcome papers reporting Action Research projects
     • Research into methods of Inquiry Problem identification and Analysis and their suit-
ability to large and small scale projects.
Philosophy      • Has IS an underpinning Philosophy? IS draws upon a wide rage of theory does it
contribute to the confusion between IT and IS?
     • To what school of thought does IS belong? We welcome a critical review of its intel-
lectual home
Failure      • Why do Information Systems fail?
     • By what criteria should we judge success?
     • We welcome papers dealing with the impact and causes of IS failure upon the wider
community e.g. welfare and medical systems
     • The social and economic impact of failure

raising questions about the nature of Information The following table provides some suggestions
Systems it may serve to reassess the way in which for IS research, including research concerned with
we set about defining what it is and designing the theory and research from the practice. The sug-
how these systems might operate. The intention gestions are intended to encourage submissions to
is that by encouraging researchers to re-visit the journals from a variety of areas of interest where
way that we set about development it will provide the implications of Information Systems design
opportunities for researchers and practitioners and development are explored.
to contribute ideas about the development and
distinctiveness of the discipline. To this end we
should also reflect upon IS curricular we teach REFERENCES
in our Universities and ask if it reflects the dis-
tinctiveness of IS or is it here that the confusion Ackoff, R. L. (1978). The art of problem solving.
between IS and IT begins? (see Work, 1997 for New York: John Wiley and Sons.
an interesting discussion on IS curricular). Agile Technology. (2004) http://www.agileal-

A Question for Research

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Chapter 3
On the Study of Complexity
in Information Systems
James Courtney
University of Central Florida, USA

Yasmin Merali
Warwick Business School, UK

David Paradice
Florida State University, USA

Eleanor Wynn
Intel Corporation Information Technology, USA


This article addresses complexity in information systems. It defines how complexity can be used to inform
information systems research, and how some individuals and organizations are using notions of complex-
ity. Some organizations are dealing with technical and physical infrastructure complexity, as well as the
application of complexity in specific areas such as supply chain management and network management.
Their approaches can be used to address more general organizational issues. The concepts and ideas in
this article are relevant to the integration of complexity into information systems research. However, the
ideas and concepts in this article are not a litmus test for complexity. We hope only to provide a starting
point for information systems researchers to push the boundaries of our understanding of complexity.
The article also contains a number of suggested research questions that could be pursued in this area.

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

Introduction everywhere. In some part, this is because life really

is complex! But this conclusion is also driven by
This article reflects some thoughts of the editorial the fact that over the last few decades, we have
review board for the complexity area of this new learned more about the nature of complexity
journal. We are pleased to see a journal introduced and the role that complexity plays in our lives.
whose mission is to truly emphasize a systems Complexity is a feature of all living and natural
approach in the study of information systems and systems. The approach we speak of has permeated
information technology. Within this area of the the natural sciences as a way of understanding
journal, we will focus on the issue of complexity. natural order. However, its application to human
We think it is befitting of the area that this article systems is to date fragmented.
was a group effort. Complexity has many aspects, A recent issue of the journal Complexity (Com-
and we are eager to receive submissions that are plexity at large, 2007) provides a glimpse of this
truly informed by a systems approach in general phenomenon. The first seven pages provide an
and a complexity perspective in particular. index into complexity studies from a wide range
In the sections that follow, we will outline of disciplines. Here we find news about studies
some thoughts on what complexity is, what it can in biodiversity, weather prediction, stem cells,
mean when used to inform information systems learning, gene therapy, battlefield operations,
research, and how some individuals and organiza- algorithm development, morality, neural activity
tions are using notions of complexity. We provide in primates, topographical issues in anthropol-
some comments on how organizations are dealing ogy, organ development, consciousness, robotic
with technical and physical infrastructure com- reasoning, human moods, and, appropriately,
plexity, as well as the application of complexity complexity measures. Presumably, the common
in specific areas such as supply chain manage- thread in all of the articles referenced is some
ment and network management to more general notion of complexity.
organizational issues. We offer these pages as a The focus of this area in the International
beginning of a dialog on the topic, not as an ex- Journal of Information Technology and the Sys-
haustive or restrictive set of criteria. We believe tems Approach (IJITSA) cannot, unfortunately,
the concepts and ideas in this article are relevant be so broad. We must limit our scope to topics
to the integration of complexity into information in information technology. That, however, will
systems research and that, in most cases, some not be a serious constraint. The application of
aspect of these topics will be apparent in future complexity theory to information system design,
submissions. However, the ideas and concepts in implementation, testing, installation, and main-
this article are not a litmus test for complexity. tenance is well within the scope of this IJITSA
We expect, and hope, that information systems area. Fundamental issues related to definition,
researchers will push the boundaries of our un- measurement, and application of complexity
derstanding of complexity through their efforts, concepts are valid areas of inquiry. In looking at
which they report in this journal. complexity in information technology, however,
we cannot overlook the organizational structures
that technology supports, in the image of which
Complexity Considered information technology is designed.
Information technology underlies and sup-
Human life is frequently described as becoming ports a huge part of the operations of modern
more and more complex, and rightly so. It seems organizations. By extrapolation, therefore, the
that the terms “complex” or “complexity” appear role of information systems as they support

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

complex organizational processes is well within be connected, according to need, to a different

our scope. Simon (1996) argued that complexity part. Dynamic complexity exists when a certain
is a necessary feature of organizations and Hu- operation results in a series of local consequences
ber (2004), in a review of management research, and a totally different series of results in other
underscores the importance of recognizing that parts of the system (O’Connor & McDermott,
organizational decision making in the future will 1997). So we see that even constructing a defini-
occur in an environment of growing and increas- tion is no small task when dealing with the topic
ing complexity. of complexity. In fact, we will not be surprised to
Indeed, information technology underlies a publish papers in the future that clarify or expand
large part of life itself for young people today. Their the definitions we offer today.
lives are entwined in online social networks. They Complexity is a characteristic that emerges
may have a “relationship” with hundreds of other from the relationship(s) of parts that are combined.
people who they have never met. Their identity The idea that the “whole is greater than the sum
may be connected to online activities in ways that of the parts” is fundamental to considerations of
no other prior generation has ever experienced. complexity. Complex describes situations where
Concepts such as “network” and “relationship” the condition of complexity emerges from that
are fundamental to complexity. Investigations of being considered. Complexity cannot be foreseen
information technology supported communities from an examination of the constituent parts of a
through a complexity theory lens are certainly thing. It is a characteristic that emerges only after
within the scope of this area of IJITSA. But com- the parts are entwined in a way that subsequent
plexity and interdependency underlie “normal” separation of the parts would destroy the whole.
social science as well. Granovetter’s seminal work We can see hints of this characteristic even in
(1973, 1983) on “weak ties” in social networks descriptions of situations that are not focused
remains a model today in social network theory specifically on complexity. For example, Buckland
(Watts, 2003). As well, Lansing’s study of Balinese (1991) writes of information systems that support
farming reflects a complex systems approach to libraries: “By complexity, we do not simply mean
traditional society (Lansing, 2006). the amount of technical engineering detail, but
rather the diversity of elements and relationships
involved” (p. 27). He further observes that sys-
Complexity Explored tems that are provided on a noncommercial basis
and Described are necessarily more complex than commercial
systems due to the political dimension of their
But let us not get ahead of ourselves, for our provision. Clearly, this notion of complexity goes
understanding of complexity is still evolving. well beyond the hardware and software and con-
A good starting point for this area is to define, siders a much broader system in use.
to the extent that we can, what our terms mean. One widely accepted definition of a complex
A distinction has to be made between a system adaptive system comes from Holland (1995), as
having many different parts—complexity of de- cited in Clippinger (1999). A complex adaptive
tail and a system of dynamic complexity. In the system is said to be comprised of aggregation,
case of complexity of detail, the system may be nonlinearity, flows, diversity, tagging, internal
treated by categorization, classification, ordering, models, and building blocks. What these mean
and systemic-algorithmic approach. A system has in the context of information systems is the
dynamic complexity when its parts have multiple subject of an entire paper. The basic principle is
possible modes of operation, and each part may that complex systems contain many interaction

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

variables that interact together to create emergent observe that under chaos, a basis of attraction is
outcomes. Initial conditions may be local and formed that brings about the nonrandomness.
small in scale, but may gain nonlinearity due to A “strange attractor” accounts for the system’s
aggregation, and so forth. bounded preferences.
Thinking in terms of complexity and some Chaos is critical to the process of adaptation
of the concepts and metaphors that are emerging and evolution. Schneider and Somers (2006)
in the study of complexity is a departure from observe that complex adaptive systems (CAS)
some traditional scientific thinking. Many ap- reflect an ability to adapt through the emergent
proaches to understanding that are “scientific” characteristic of self-organization. Karakatsios
have involved decomposing some thing into its (1990) has developed a simple illustration of how
parts so that the parts may be better understood. order can emerge from chaos or randomness in
This reductionism in understanding often sacri- such systems. First, a matrix is randomly popu-
fices as much as it gains by losing the richness of lated with a binary variable, say zeroes and ones.
context in which the object studied exists. Such Let a zero value represent the notion of “off” and
an approach provides great knowledge about a one value represent the notion of “on”. Next,
parts, but little about the whole. It assumes that the following algorithm is iteratively applied to
each part has its own trajectory unaffected by the matrix:
other parts. Moreover, this approach is limited by
relying entirely on countable “units” as opposed For each cell in the matrix
to analog conditions. If 3 or fewer neighboring cells and this cell are
The dynamics of interaction between ele- on, set this cell to off.
ments gives rise to a number of features that If 6 or more neighboring cells and this cell are
are difficult to reconcile with some of the tenets on, set this cell to on.
of the “classical” IS paradigm and its methods If 4 neighboring cells are on, turn this cell on.
for dealing with complexity (see Merali, 2004, But if 5 neighboring cells are on, turn this cell
for more detail). Schneider and Somers (2006) off.
identify three “building blocks” of complexity Repeat until no changes occur.
theory: nonlinear dynamics, chaos theory, and
adaptation and evolution. By nonlinear dynamics, Some of us have tried it and found that the
they refer to dissipative structures that exhibit an matrix typically stabilizes in as few as five or
inherent instability. These structures may be easily six iterations. However, not all systems have
affected by a small change in the environment. the capacity to adapt. Some systems find small
They do not tend toward equilibrium. Rather, they changes in the environment too disruptive to ever
go through transitions, typically moving into con- evolve to another state. Catastrophe theory studies
ditions of greater complexity both quantitatively systems that may transition into one of two states,
and qualitatively. This is fundamentally different one stable and the other highly chaotic. Whether
from the General Systems Theory inclination a system enters a chaotic state or remains stable
toward equilibrium. may be highly sensitive to initial conditions, so
Chaos is a deterministic process that is pro- sensitive in fact that it may not be possible to
gressively unpredictable over time. Chaos theory know inputs precisely enough to predict which
provides a basis for the study of patterns that state the system will enter. This may appear to
initially seem random, but upon closer inspection be troublesome to those attempting to manage
turn out to be nonrandom. Schneider and Somers organizational systems, but work in the area of

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

complex adaptive systems tells us that systems Complexity As a Lens

can adapt and learn and information can be fed for Investigation
back to the control mechanism (management) to
keep the organization on a relatively stable path. Complexity concepts have been deployed to study
On the other hand, other systems are too stable complex systems and their dynamics in two ways.
and do not react to the environment in any mean- The first is through the direct use of complexity
ingful way. These systems are essentially inert. concepts and language as sense-making and
They continue in their current behavior oblivious explanatory devices for complex phenomena
to the environment around them. Somewhere in diverse application domains. To capture the
between these two extremes are systems that are “unfolding” of the emergent dynamics, we need
able to react to the environment in a meaningful to have methods that can provide a view of the
way. Kauffman (1995) suggests it is the systems dynamics of the changing state in continuous
“poised” at the edge of chaos, the ones that are not time. The complex systems approach to doing this
too stable and not too instable, that have the flex- is by describing state cycles using mathematical
ibility to evolve. He theorizes a set of variables that models or by running simulations.
affect the degree of chaos/nonchaos in a system, The second is through agent-based computa-
and hence its ability to evolve. The application tional modeling to study the dynamics of com-
of chaos theory to information systems design, plex systems interactions and to reveal emergent
implementation, testing, installation, and main- structures and patterns of behavior. Agent-based
tenance is well within the scope of IJITSA. computational modeling has characteristics that
With the impressive growth of the field of are particularly useful for studying socially em-
complex systems, the lack of a clear and generally bedded systems. Typically agent-based models
accepted definition of a system’s complexity has deploy a diversity of agents to represent the
become a difficulty for many. While complexity constituents of the focal system. The modeler
is an inherent feature of systems (Frank, 2001), defines the environmental parameters that are
a system may be complex for one observer while of interest as the starting conditions for the par-
not for another. This is not due to subjective ticular study. Repeated runs of the model reveal
observation, but due to the observers’ scales of collective states or patterns of behavior as they
observation. A system that is highly complex on emerge from the interactions of entities over
one scale may have low complexity on another time. Agent-based models are very well-suited for
scale. For example, the planet Earth is a simple revealing the dynamics of far-from equilibrium
dot—a planet moving along its orbit—as observed complex systems and have been widely used to
on one scale, but its complexity is substantial when study the dynamics of a diversity of social and
viewed in terms of another scale, such as its eco- economic systems.
system. Thus, complexity cannot be thought of as With the escalation of available computational
a single quantity or quality describing a system. power, it will be possible to build bigger models.
It is a property of a system that varies with the The mathematicians and the natural scientists
scale of observation. Complexity, then, can be have a powerful battery of technologies for
defined as the amount of information required to studying dynamical systems. However, for social
describe a system. In this case, it is a function of systems, the specification of the components
scale, and thus a system is to be characterized by for the construction of agent based models is a
a complexity profile (see Bar-Yam, 1997, 2002a, challenging prospect. The challenge of creating
2002b, 2004). entire mini-economies in silicon is not one of

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

processing power, but one of learning how to Yet, this only begins to get at the complexity
build sufficiently realistic agents. of complex systems. Systems have boundaries
The science of complexity allows us to consider that separate what is in the system from what
the dynamic properties of systems. It allows us is outside—in the environment. Environments
to explore how systems emerge and adapt. When themselves may be complex, and the system, the
viewed as a complex adaptive system, it provides organization, or the information system may inter-
us a mechanism for dealing with both the technical act with the environment in many ways. Moreover
and the social aspects of systems. We have new the interactions themselves may be complex.
metaphors for articulating how IS are used and An information system that exists with a par-
how they evolve. We move from concepts em- ticular organization (ignoring inter-organizational
bedded in an assumption of stable hierarchies to systems, for the moment) has the organization as its
ideas embedded in an assumption of networks of environment. If the organization and its informa-
dynamic relationships. With this, we move closer tion requirements are stable, then the information
to a unified view of IS and management. system itself has relatively little need to change,
Simon (1996) writes: “Roughly, by a complex other than to keep up with changes in relevant
system I mean one made up of a large number hardware and software technologies (which may
of parts that have many interactions” (p. 183). be no mean feat in and of itself).
This simple definition can be readily applied However, it seems to be the norm today for
to organizations and their information systems. organizations and their environments to be in a
Thus, an organization is a complex system if state of constant change. Organizations must adapt
it has many units (departments, for example) to environmental changes in order to survive, not
and there are many interactions among units. A to mention thrive. The same can be said for infor-
complex information system is one that has many mation systems in organizations. Organizations
elements (programs, modules, objects, relation- may even rely upon their information systems in
ships, attributes, databases, etc.) that interact in order to understand, analyze, and adapt to such
many ways. changes. Thus, we say that organizations and
At the most fundamental level, technologi- information systems are one form of complex
cal developments have the potential to increase adaptive systems, a topic of great interest today
connectivity (between people, applications, and among those interested in systems theory.
devices), capacity for distributed storage and Simon (1996) describes three time periods in
processing of data, and reach and range of infor- which there were bursts of interest in studying
mation transmission and rate (speed and volume) complex systems. The first followed World War
of information transmission. The realization of I and resulted in the definition of “holism” and
these affordances has given rise to the emergence an interest in Gestalts, and a rejection of reduc-
of new network forms of organization embodying tionism. The second followed World War II and
complex, distributed network structures, with involved the development of general systems
processes, information, and expertise shared theory, cybernetics, and the study of feedback
across organizational and national boundaries. control mechanisms. In one perspective, in the
The network form of organizing is thus a signature second era, the information system of an orga-
of the Internet-enabled transformation of econom- nization is viewed as a feedback mechanism that
ics and society. Merali (2004, 2005) suggests helps managers guide the enterprise towards its
conceptualizing the networked world as a kind goals.
of global distributed information system.

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

We are now in a third era. The foundation What Does This Mean for IS?
had been laid for the development of the concept
of complex adaptive systems, elements of which There is no question that information systems
include emergence, catastrophe theory, chaos in organizations, as they have been defined, are
theory, genetic algorithms, and cellular automata. complex. The very basis of information systems,
Complex adaptive systems receive sensory in- the underlying technologies, programs, machine
formation, energy, and other inputs from the language, and so forth, are inherently ways of
environment, process it (perhaps using a schema dealing with complexities of calculation and the
in the form of an updatable rule-base), output ac- complexity of the use contexts, in this case, the
tions that affect the environment, and feedback organization. What has not been included in the
control information to manage system behavior description of information systems as “systems”
as learning occurs (update the schema). are several key notions from complex adaptive
Complex adaptive systems are reminiscent of systems and current compute models that directly
the concepts of organizational learning and knowl- or indirectly reflect complex systems modeling.
edge management, which have been viewed from These include machine learning, Bayes nets,
the perspectives of Churchman’s (1973) inquiring inferencing algorithms, complex calculations for
systems which create knowledge or learn and feed science applications, visualization, virtualization
that knowledge back into an organizational knowl- schemes, network traffic modeling, social net-
edge base (Courtney, 2001; Courtney, Croasdell, working software, and diverse other areas.
& Paradice, 1998; Hall & Paradice, 2005; Hall, Organizational analysis as we know it, even in
Paradice, & Courtney, 2003). Mason and Mitroff its evolution to be inclusive of multiple paradigms
(1973), who studied under Churchman as he was of research, has failed to acknowledge that orga-
developing the idea of applying general systems nizations are inherently complex. Organizations
theory to the philosophy of inquiry, introduced defy simplification, and the only way to deal with
this work into the IS literature early on, and it this fact is to embrace and manage complexity.
has ultimately had great influence on systems Structuration theory and actor network theories
thinking in IS research. applied to organizations both begin to cope with
Complexity in this context is in the form of this reality that the whole is greater than the sum
“wicked” problems (Churchman, 1967; Rittel of the parts and that outcomes are emergent.
& Weber, 1973). In sharp contrast to the well- While visionary management authors like
formulated but erratically behaving deterministic Wheatley (1992, 2006), Weick and Sutcliffe
models found in chaos theory, in a wicked situ- (2001), Axelrod and Cohen (2000), and others
ation, “formulating the problem is the problem,” have written directly on the topic, the application
as Rittel and Weber put it (1973, p. 157, emphasis of their thinking is not evident in the ordinary
theirs). The question that arises here is whether management situation. There is some adoption on
problems in management domains that involve the edges in areas where complexity is defined by
human behavior are of such a different character the behavior of objects, like supply chain manage-
that elements of complexity theory and chaos ment, RFID tagging and tracking, and network
may not apply. This is clearly an open question traffic. However, these applications often occur
and one that can only be addressed through ad- without recognition of the greater framework
ditional research. they represent. Further, attempts to generalize
from these technically specific domains to the
overall behavior of the organization have not been
accepted easily.

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

Figure 1.

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

What is missing from the computational The interesting thing is that the science is there;
paradigms that do use complexity in their mode the systems are there; the computational capacity
of operation is simply the recognition that this is is there. All that is lacking is the consciousness
so. It is as if connectionists have entered into the to apply them. Some notable exceptions exist,
world of dealing with complexity as a “natural however. The Department of Defense Command
environment”, like air or water, which ceases to Control Research Project has a number of publica-
be noticed. tions that apply a self-organizing system concept
At this point in history, the organization and to hierarchical command and control systems.
its information systems are inextricable. There is Boeing PhantomWorks (Wiebe, Compton, &
no turning back, as there may have been as late as Garvey, 2006) has drawn out the Command and
the 1970s when paper systems were still an option. Control Research Program (CCRP) scheme into
Aside from back-ups for legal purposes, all large a large system dynamic model. In short, there is
organizations are fully committed to their infor- no lack of research and conceptual material.
mation systems environments as infrastructure. But getting this across to people responsible
Indeed, technical infrastructure encroaches on for the stock price and cost containment of a very
physical infrastructure with outsourcing, telecom- large organization is no simple matter. It seems
muting, globalization of work, and other major risky, even though it is likely much less risky
trends. As information systems facilitate more than acting as if the world were a stable place
and more networked operations and distributed and a linear progress model will provide a safe
work, as enterprise applications emerge that serve approach to operations. As a defense strategy
one and all, the very functioning of the organiza- organization, CCRP recognizes acutely that
tion, especially a large one, becomes impossible they are dealing with volatile, rapidly changing,
without an information system. Studies of Intel’s network-based asymmetrical conflicts that also
workforce find that on six dimensions of time, have great potential for reaching critical mass and
space, organizational affiliation, software tools, nonlinear effects so large they could overwhelm
culture, and number of projects, the workforce conventional forces, or at least those using con-
can be said to be operating approximately 2/3 ventional methods.
in “virtual mode”—across time, space, culture, The large organization lives in very much the
multiple teams, and so forth (Wynn & Graves, same world as the military organization, only
2007). effects are slower to take hold and direct loss of
This means that the workforce coordinates life is not normally a risk. However, there are
itself mostly on the network. If the medium of coor- environmental instabilities in global politics,
dination, action, and work production is primarily competition and licensing, labor forces, currency
a network, it more and more resembles a rapidly and liquidity, stock market fluctuations, energy
changing complex system that has the possibility costs, supply chains that reach across the globe,
of being self-organizing in a very positive way. transportation, changing demand, and of course,
Indeed, that is the case. But without the recogni- competitors. All of these elements together, and
tion that virtuality equates with greater capacity others not noted, comprise a highly complex
for self-organization (and that self-organization and turbulent environment. That is the external
is adaptive), then this enormous potential will environment. The internal environment of the
be not only underutilized, but at times interfered organization and its information system can create
with, sub-optimized, and cut off from its latent the adequate response to the external environment.
functionality. For that to happen, both workforce and information
systems need to be seen as comprising an adap-

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

Table 1. Some research questions related to complexity and information systems

Does chaos theory really apply to the IS domain? IS seems to have characteristics more resembling those of wicked problems where
formulating the problem is the problem. Chaos consists of well-specified models whose behavior gets less predictable over time because
of nonlinearities. The two do not seem to be isomorphic.
How does one go about modeling agents in IS problems? Modeling computer systems may not be so difficult, but modeling human actors
seems to be problematic. How, for example, do you model changing schemata as learning occurs? Human agents have almost limitless at-
tributes. What characteristics of human agents are important to model? How do you model the exchange of knowledge among agents?
As organizations and IS become more intertwined, it becomes increasingly important that the IS be reliable. Does chaos theory make
sense here, in that the organization’s behavior may be unpredictable if the IS fails?
How does management’s attitude about importing innovation from the environment affect the IS function? Does sharing or importing
innovations help the organization fit the environment?
How do we define and measure organizational and information systems complexity? How do we test complex models of organizations
and information systems? We need to measure to be able to test.
Is it possible to organize and manage so that the organization and its information systems co-evolve and emerge together? Can proto-
typing help support co-evolution?
From Rouse (2007, pp. 16-17): What architectures underlie the physical, behavioral, and social phenomena of interest? How are architec-
tures a means to achieve desired system characteristics? How can architectures enable resilient, adaptive, agile, and evolvable systems?
How can and should one analytically and empirically evaluate and assess architectures prior to and subsequent to development and
deployment? What is the nature of fundamental limits of information, knowledge, model formulation, observability, controllability,
scalability, and so on? How can decision support mechanisms be developed for multistakeholder, multi-objective decisions?

tive resource. This is where explicit recognition with others may grow, and the relationships we
of complexity can make the difference. have with them may become more complex. We
A recent special issue of the journal Informa- exist, along with our relationships, in an environ-
tion Technology & People (Jacucci, Hanseth, & ment of equal or greater complexity.
Lyytinen, 2006) took a first step in applying this We strive to understand what complexity
approach to what we know about information means and what it implies for us. We believe that
systems research (Benbya & McElvey, 2006; Kim a better understanding of complexity will give
& Kaplan, 2006; Moser & Law, 2006). However, us a better ability to function more effectively
a journal that is regularly dedicated to this theme and achieve our goals, both personal and profes-
is needed both to publish available research and to sional. We welcome research that will broaden our
foster further research on this important topic. understanding of complexity, help us understand
We offer a set of possible research questions how to embrace a notion such as emergence in
in Table 1. This list is by no means exhaustive, complexity, show us how to use complexity to
and we welcome work on these and others that inform our social and our work lives, leverage the
our audience may conceive. self-organizing capabilities of complex adaptive
systems to achieve personal and organizational
goals, and apply metaphors from chaos and other
Conclusion complexity-oriented theories to better describe
and understand our world. We look forward to
Few would argue that complexity is not inherent in publishing the best work in these areas and in
living today. As networked information environ- others that will surely emerge.
ments become more integrated into both our social
and our working lives, the number of relationships

On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems

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This work was previously published in International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, Vol. 1, Issue 1, edited by D.
Paradice; M. Mora, pp. 37-48, copyright 2008 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 4
Importance of Systems
Engineering in the Development
of Information Systems
Miroljub Kljajić
University of Maribor, Slovenia

John V. Farr
Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

The interrelationship between Information Systems (IS), Systems Engineering (SE), and Information
Systems Development (ISD) is discussed from past, present, and future perspectives. While SE is rela-
tively a well-established discipline based upon an interdisciplinary approach to enable the realization
of successful systems, ISD has evolved to a variant of SE applied mainly for the development of IS.
Given the growth in complexity, need for enterprise wide solutions, and the cost and schedule overruns
that have be common place for modern software centric systems, well-established tools, techniques,
and processes are needed for the development of good IS. Similarities and differences of methodology
as well as their evolution and perspectives are also presented herein. We found a positive trend in the
evolution of research methodology and published material in SE and its use in IS.

INTRODUCTION been a difference in the SE methods used for the IS

development and other socio-technical problems.
Our task for this chapter is to analyze the signifi- These differences in tools, techniques, and processes
cance of IS for SE and its methods as well as the were caused by user experience, traditional domain
relevance of systems approach (SA) and SE for the stovepipes. Fortunately, established domain centric
development of IS. It is impossible to utilize SE stovepipe practices will ultimately converge because
and SA methods without proper IS, and conversely of economic forces. Our aim in this article is to gen-
you cannot develop cost effective and efficient IS eralize and highlight these different methodologies
without disciplined SE or SA. All of them are mu- and their relevance for research of the vast variety of
tually dependent. However, there has historically processes where IS and system’s methodologies are
essential conditions. Evidently, IS are an essential
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-976-2.ch004 part of any real process: biological, organizational

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

and technical that enable data collection, process- should be “ in today’s global business environment,
ing, storing and retrieving, while SE and SA are engineers integrate hardware, software, people,
general methodology for system “construction” and interfaces and to produce economically viable
and deployment. Although IS has its’ own unique- and innovative applications while ensuring that
ness and logic of functioning it is always part of all pieces of the system are working together.”
the systems; to enable communications and are (Farr, 2007)
inseparable from systems itself. In general, IS As shown by Figures 1 and 2, one can con-
has properties and function developed trough clude how important are IS and methodologies to
evolution as a part of the organizational systems handle IS in order to cope with complex society.
as the results of the social relationship, technol- The world crisis just started could be caused by
ogy development, and methodology. Presently, structure change in world economy as shown in
the advances in net information technology and Figure 1 and our limited knowledge to cop with
software science have been tremendously impact new reality. In the rest of the paper we will try
on the organizations structure and functioning as to highlight systematically the role of methodol-
well as implementation of IS. Various kinds of IS, ogy (SE and SA) for development of IS and vice
such as Enterprises Resource Planning systems, versa.
Decision Support Systems, Group Decision Sup- The word “system” can broadly be defined as
port, and Knowledge Management Systems, have an integrated set of elements that accomplish a
become recognized as indispensable in enabling defined objective (INCOSE 2004). Simply put,
organizations to survive. In order to cope with a system is a whole consisting of parts and being
huge variety of IS produced by the Internet, the more than sum of its parts. That was an axiom of
www ontology of IS was developed. A formal ancient philosophers, which accurately anticipated
concepts of the sets of objects of interest and the the contemporary definition of systems. Only
relationships that hold among them. A concep- order, structure, and behavior were added to the
tualization is an abstract, simplified view of the meaning of systems in cybernetics and general
world that we wish to represent for some purpose systems theory. Complex systems are usually
(Gruber, 1995). This definition is in turn similar understood intuitively, as a phenomena consist-
to yet more specific to the context of domain of ing of a large number of elements organized in a
interest. This concept is similar to the definition multi-level hierarchical structure where elements
of abstract general systems (Mesarović and Taka- themselves could represent systems (Mesarović
hara, 1989) and has origin in it and philosophy and Takahara, 1989). The word “complex” is
yet more pragmatic. In the article we will try to used only to indicate that the problem treated here
highlight the relation between these two important cannot be expressed only in hard (quantitative)
phenomena: IS and their methodologies. relations and those many relevant characteristics
The world is rapidly changing with out- are qualitative. With a conception of complex
sourcing, globalization, network centricity, and systems, we think about a system within which a
complexity being the mantra for 21st century main role is played by a complexity of control and
engineering. Services dominant the economies of information processes. We also now understand
most countries (see Figure 1) with IS being the that for a system to operate at optimum efficiency
key business enabler. Also, as shown in Figure that the components or sub-systems must operate
2, the operating environment is also changing. sub-optimally. Undoubtedly, existing SE method-
Gone are the days of an engineer working at the ology is applied to small, medium, large scale and
component level in a stovepipe organization. In complex process but with complex systems, SE
fact, a more relevant definition of all engineering moves to a SA methodology. Fortunately, these

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

Figure 1. Growth of services for the U.S. economy (Michigan Tech, 2008)

same SE techniques that have been successfully the Machine Age and was marked by its use of
applied to complex systems are also being applied classical analysis for problem solving (Akoff,
to systems of systems (SoS) and large enterprises 1999). Systems engineering was subsequently
with limited success. born in the telecommunications industry of the
A paradigm of SE has played important role 1940s and nurtured by the challenges of World
in the dealing with different aspect of human War II, when project managers and chief engi-
activity. In the beginning, it was based on empiri- neers with the assistance of key subsystem leads,
cal knowledge and heuristics in the building of oversaw the development of aircraft, ships, etc.
human-made objects like pyramids, fortifications, The post-war creation of more complex systems
tools, etc. Industrial production and scientific mainly in defense and communication systems
organization began with Henry Ford and F. W. led to the formalization of SE as an engineering
Taylor, who contributed to work specialization, discipline. Its relevance became indispensable
planning, and control. The result was mass pro- after WWII, when technical solutions and orga-
duction, standardization, and higher productivity nizational interactions become highly complex. A
at defined quality levels. This period of world- landmark for systems philosophy was founded in
view in science and production was known as General Systems Theory (Bertalanffy, 1968) and

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

Figure 2. The current environment for developing new products and services (modified from Stevens
Institute of Technology, 2007)

Cybernetics (Wiener, 1948) and continued to be domain is the engineering of solutions to systems
adapted to the different contexts and tools, taking problems independent of employing a certain
new meaning and significance with successive technology for realizing systems functions and
ages as indicated by Akoff (1999). The history properties. In this definition SE was understood
of civilization development and growth is closely as composition of SA and engineering of solu-
related to the history of working methodology tion for systems problems independent of type
and organization. of process. However, a SA could be considered
Although modern definitions of SE are of later also as enhanced SE for complex problem solv-
date, there are several books and papers on this ing, taking into accounts not only stakeholders’
topic, which discuss SE and the systems engineer requirements but also the environments require-
in great detail; these include (Thome, 1993; Martin, ments. That means considering a complex system
1996; Sage, 2000). Some examples of modern SE from all relevant points of view in its environment
definitions are shown in Table 1. These definitions during developing, maintaining and functioning.
are derived from the root of two words: engine The similarity and difference of methodology titles
and systems. An engine is a device consisting of were discussed in (Lazanski and Kljajić, 2006)
different parts. Engineers are those who construct where the triadic principle of Peirce (1998) was
engines according to their knowledge of natural used to explain the meaning of methodology in a
sciences and economic law. “Systems” means a context of problem solving. According to Pierce
whole consisting of parts. Systems engineering is (1998), meaning is a triadic relation between a
a methodology of how to “construct” purposeful sign, an object, and an interpretant. A general
systems in their surroundings. It is obvious that the meaning can always be found in genuine triadic
meaning of SE has changed with the complexity relations, but can never be found in degenerate
of the man-made systems and social changes in its triadic relations. Only a subject gives real value
surroundings. As a comprehensive definition of SE and meaning to the model and methodology in a
as methodology, we took Thome’s (1993): “Sys- frame of a context of the problem. Basic principles
tems engineering consists of applying a System and requirements for SE and its translation to
Approach to the engineering of systems.” Figure practice as well as for SE education are described
3 shows a graphical representation of what might in Martin (1996) and Sage (2000).
constitute a SA to the engineering of a system. Its

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

Table 1. Standard definitions of SE

International Council on Systems Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of
Engineering (INCOSE, 2004) successful systems.
Military Standard on Engineering The application of scientific and engineering efforts to:
Management 499A (USAF, 1974) (1) transform an operational need into a description of system performance parameters and a
system configuration through the use of an iterative process of definition, synthesis, analysis,
design, test, and evaluation;
(2) integrate related technical parameters and ensure compatibility of all related, functional, and
program interfaces in a manner that optimizes the total system definition and design;
(3) integrate reliability, maintainability, safety, survivability, human, and other such factors into
the total technical engineering effort to meet cost, schedule, and technical performance objec-
Department of Defense Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary approach or a structured, disciplined, and docu-
(DoD, 2004) mented technical effort to simultaneously design and develop systems products and processes
to satisfy the needs of the customer. Systems engineering transforms needed operational capa-
bilities into an integrated system design through concurrent consideration of all Lifecycle needs
NASA (NASA, 1995) Systems engineering is a robust approach to the design, creation, and operation of systems.

Figure 3. Relationship between the traditional SE functions (center column), cost (left column), and
supportability and logistics (right column) (Stevens Institute of Technology, 2007)

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

The relevance and growth of SE and its 5.8% while IS&SE&Simulation had only three
variation for complex problem solving and its articles.
management could be clarified by a number of Because our primary interest is the use of
articles published in the last decade. Our research research methodology like: ISD, SE, SA and its
results from the Engineering Village (Engineer- combination with IS from the WoS database for
ing Village, 2007) and the Web of Science (WoS n = 18,055 articles, the following result has been
Expanded, 2007) are shown in Table 2. The En- obtained: IS&SA = 0.4%, IS&SE = 0.4%, ISD
gineering Village database is large and represents = IS&ISD = 2%, IS&Simulation = 3.5% and for
all articles from conference proceedings, journals IS&SE&SA and IS&SE&Simulation only two and
from Journal Citation Records (JCR), secondary five articles were find respectively. From these
databases and doctoral dissertations. Different findings, only 6% of articles use established meth-
results were observed from the Web of Science odology with regard to IS all other 94% articles
(WOS) database since it covers only journals do not use labels like ISD, SE, and SA or similar.
from JCR. This finding does not mean that methodology is
Although SE and SA represent just method- not used at all but perhaps not explicitly.
ologies and IS real systems, we compare their This research clearly shows two different
portions in order to see how frequently IS has trends in publications. In the broader Engineer-
been used besides established methodology. As ing Village database, the majority of publication
shown in Table 2, the sum of relative frequency contents keywords is by SE at 58% and then IS
of SA and SE is 77% and IS =23% from the En- at 23% followed by SA at 19%, while from WOS
gineering Village database. Since our primary database; from the Journal references listed in the
interest is IS and its associations with research Journal of Citation Reports (JCR) most dominant
methodologies like ISD, SE, SA, Simulation and Keywords is IS at 80% followed with SA at 15%
its combination, within the database n1= 442,767 and SE at 5%. Keeping in mind that articles in
articles were found: JCR is usually represents finished research, we
ISD = ISD&IS=29%, IS&SE= 47%, can analyze the WOS database where IS=80%
IS&SA = 18%, IS&SE & SA=6%, and for (n1=18,055) as meaning that these articles con-
IS&SE&Simulation only three articles. Regard- sidered topics where information systems play
ing ISD or ISD&IS, the answer was 29% in both dominant role like: Production IS, management
cases. It means that ISD methodology was used information systems, Medical IS, Educational
exclusively with IS and is between IS&SE=47%, IS etc. SA at 15% could mean that articles also
and IS&SA=18%. The result of IS&SE&SA is consider besides SA methodology another process
or just methodology with SA dominant.
We have summarized key concepts for SE and
Table 2. Engineering Village and Web of Science SA and presented an overview of the research
subject searches trends in SE, SA, and IS as reflected by the two
established research databases. The remainder of
Engineering Web of
Village Science this chapter is divided into three sections: Section
Articles in Database (1969 2 contains overview of some theories and methods
to 2007) 1,926,146 22,615 relevant for SE; Section 3 deals with the anticipa-
Keywords IS, SE, and SA
tive concept of SE and a simulation approach to SE;
% SE 58 5
and finally, Section 4 provides some concluding
% IS 23 80
remarks and ideas for further research.
% SA 19 15

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

OVERVIEW OF SOME THEORIES based on anticipated and feedback information.

AND METHODS RELEVANT FOR SE To estimate the consequence of decision-making,
the decision maker needs a model of the system
Even though methodologies do not belong directly and the environment. System Dynamics (Forester,
to systems theory, they are its products in search- 1961), and System Thinking (Senge, 1994) are
ing for the means of complex problem solving. equivalent and can be unified within the systems
The diversity of systems phenomena created concept (Kljajić, 1994). Some relevant paradigms
a variety of concepts and theories to describe for analysis were described in (Rosenhead, 1989;
them. The description of a system depends on Flood and Carson, 1988), including: soft systems
the describer’s point of view, interests, culture analysis, hard systems analysis, critical thinking,
and time (Koizumi, 1993). Experience, learning, strategic options development and analysis. It is
knowledge and motives, influence an individual’s not surprising that a number of works have been
consciousness and consequently society’s aware- dedicated to these topics. There are almost no dif-
ness, which results in a certain choice of action. ferences among them; different names are a result
A social reality, which is a consequence of a of the complex context and the author’s point of
compromise, is an organization and is measur- view. As Forrester (1994) states, all these titles
able by its goals and means for achieving these have one and only one aim “to emphasize that
goals. This is an objective matter, although there this is the wish following an integral research of
is a problem of measurability, scale ordering and complex phenomena through its feedback con-
subjective understanding of an individual and his nections.” It is the eternal wish of a human being
value. The objective exists in time and place and for the complete yet never-ending description of
not separated from them, even though it is only his surroundings. The cybernetics and general
partly described. Awareness that partial descrip- system theory expose these wishes even more.
tion is not wholeness and the fact that we can We can accept a SA or systems point of view as
more or less get close to this wholeness requires being proper. Even more: thinking and rethinking
a SA (Kljajić, 1994). In this way Miller’s Living is the mental process of a human being. It can be
Systems (Miller, 1978) represents a comparative true or false in relation to a matter of thinking.
analogy among the structures, functioning and If taken terminologically, it is a metaphor, with
processing of energy and information of different which we would like to expose a working method
living phenomena. A comparative scheme is just for mathematics (mathematical thinking) or philo-
an analogy without the power for deeper under- sophical method (philosophical thinking). This is
standing of the phenomena. Even though we can the reason that the basic concept of General System
find some useful similarities among an organism, Theory (GTS) was the interdisciplinary work for
an organ, and an organization, we can say that complex problem solving. It is obvious that we
these are actually different systems with regards cannot find an actual solution with just formal
to their behavior. This approach can be partly methods. Abstract matters need concrete ones and
useful as an analogy with organizational science. vice versa. The philosophy of SA is typical for
Organizational systems are complex goal-oriented complex problem solving and can be expressed
systems (Ackoff, 1999) designed to achieve certain with two words: interdisciplinary methodology
purposes. As such organization is a function of + context problem solving = systems approach.
the past; present and future state and represents Its openness and transparency satisfy Popper’s
an anticipatory system. Therefore, the basic requirements for provability (Popper, 1973: p.
principles of systems development are essentially 131): “Within a methodology we do not define
anticipatory as consequences of decision-making only a problem and search for a solution, but also

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

set conditions for verification of solutions and vali- develop methodologies in a form familiar to users
dation of alternatives.” All complex phenomena and, at the same time, incorporate the best aspects
are systems in their essence, whose methodology of various methods, which nicely coincide with
derives from Cybernetics and GST. Ackkof’s (1999) classifications. Samaras and
In order to illustrate the interconnection of Horst’s (2005) SE perspectives on the human-
the above theory, ISD methodology relevant for centered design of health IS are described. With
IS and its evolution the articles (Xu, 2000; Zhu, human-centered design, authors require that SE
2000; Jan and Tsai, 2002) will be analyzed. As a method to take into account human ergonomics
good example of Miller’s living systems analogy (although cognitive aspects would be better),
and Ackoff’s (1999) lucid systems classification in which in other words mean systems approach.
the paper (Jan and Tsai, 2002) a three-stage ISD An example of an IS for community nursing is
has analyzed: methodology for the IS as machine, presented in (Šušteršič et al. 2002). The goal of
methodology for the IS as part of organization as IS, in this case, is to reduce the workload with
well as IS as the part of social system. The study modern information and communication tech-
investigates the changing roles and missions of IS nologies and to improve the quality of nurses’
for the three stages and explores the evolution of work. It relies on an integrated and structured
ISD strategies. In early phase of IS development information picture, with special emphasis on
for the organization as machine, IS was developed transparency and interpretability. In (Mouratidis
by information specialists. The role of the IS is et al. 2003) the security of information systems
to support transaction processing systems and is considered as an integral part of the whole sys-
operational control. In the organic stage, the IS tem development process. The above-mentioned
role is to support transaction processing systems articles, dedicated mostly to IS and its developing
at all organization and all levels of manage- methodologies, clearly show the evolution of ISD
ment. In the social stage, the IS role is to support to a SA methodology.
organization as a social system and its mission
should take account of organization as part of
larger systems even ecological ones. Similarly in ANTICIPATIVE NATURE OF SA
(Xu, 2000) author reviewing the contribution of AND SE METHODOLOGIES
systems science to information systems research
stressed how concepts and findings in systems Many problem-solving methodologies are roughly
science have to be applied, extended and refined similar regardless of the type of the process or
in IS research. purpose of the article. Three types of articles
Zhu (2000) presents in an article titled “WSR: could be found on SE topics: SE Methodology,
A System Approach for ISD a Systems-Based Ap- SE Application and SE Education. This triad of
proach”, which is derived from traditional Oriental methodology, application, and education are inter-
thinking and contemporary practice in that social- related; each methodology is context dependent as
cultural setting. As a philosophical framework, well as on education curricula. Therefore, common
wuli-shili-renli (WSR), contends four principles; bases of all articles are also at high levels. Within
seeing ISD as a differentiable whole, treating ISD this rough classification there are large variation
methods as complementary opposites, conducting and combinations of methods. The best example
ISD as a spiral bubble-management process, and of that is the fact that almost 94% of articles de-
searching for ISD methodologies in a form not voted to IS do not use in the keywords ISD, SE
independent from that of general management or SA. With all respect to the keywords, in these
approaches. In this way, ISD researchers should

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

94% of articles some implicit methodology has process. For this representation, the SE process
to be used. begins at the upper left with the definition of user
Most common terms used with respect to SE requirements and of system concepts that meet
can be divided into three stages: the initiation stage, those requirements. It continues down through
the growth stage, and the maturity stage, which system design and fabrication, then up through
correlate to Jenkins’ four phases cited in (Flood testing, integration, verification, and delivery of a
and Carson, 1988): Systems Analysis, Systems product. Since SE encompasses the entire system
Design, Implementation and Operation. Each of life cycle, many SE diagrams continue to the right
these phases could have several sub phases for with segments representing system upgrades,
detail analyses. Thus, in (Martin, 1996) SE is maintenance, repair, and finally, disposal.
defined with three parts: The relevance of concurrent engineering in
order to reduce design changes in the developing
A. SE Management Plans (organizes, controls phase is stressed in (Martin, 1996). In (Sage, 2000)
and directs the technical development of a in a similar way, the problem of SE education
system or its product); was dealt with from the point of view of SE as
B. Requirements and Architecture Definition method, process and management. In the context
(defines the technical requirements based of education of SE, Sage (2000) elaborates three
on the stakeholders requirements); and groups of knowledge: a natural science basis, an
C. System Integration and Verification (inte- organizational and social science basis, and an
grates the components at each levels of the information science and knowledge basis. This
architecture and verifies that the require- curriculum was further elaborated (Shenhar, 1994)
ments for those component are met). into courses: mathematics and statistics, techni-
cal and engineering disciplines, economic and
SE is normally presented in terms of a flowchart financial disciplines, management and organiza-
describing a process. Figure 4 presents one such tion theory and SE procedures. Asbjornsen and
process and is loosely refereed to as the “Vee” Hamann (2000) approach unified SE education

Figure 4. The Vee model of SE (modified from Forsberg and Mooz, 1992)

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

from a systems theory concept appealing to the From a decision point of view, SA to SE as
SA concept to define the ratio between theory and described by SIMILAR could be unified as in
applicative knowledge in curricula. Figure 5. As portrayed, the process represent
Perkins (2002) presents an educational pro- the progress of problem solving at anticipated
gram in an industrial process SE was analyzed. systems performance in environment X (systems
His analyses show what is common in SE edu- requirements in Figure 3), decision means action
cation curricula as well as differences caused by U according chosen methodology while feedback
specific of chemical process. Finally (Brown and means interactive control and adaptation of real-
Scherer, 2000) compare SE programs in the United ized task Y in phases of design, development and
States. They note that there are relatively small deployment. Figure 3 clearly shows the interde-
numbers of students in SE as well as that none of pendence of problems to be solved (process) users
the associations covering SE have a successfully as decision makers and methodologies used. Yet
defined core body of SE knowledge embraced the simulation method for dynamic testing of al-
by academic institutions. The INCOSE (2007) ternatives for the anticipated system performance
has developed a standard reference for graduate could be a very useful tool within SE.
programs. However, SE programs can range from
operations research, control theory, information
systems engineering, to industry standards of SE. SIMULATION METHODS AS A
Yet in the future the first concerns of the “integra- PART OF SA METHODOLOGY
tion of information technology subject into the
SE curricula” must be addressed. Similarities The role of the simulation methodology in the
in these diverse processes suggest that there is understanding x systems is constantly evolving
a general process that might be closely related and increasing. Today in moderns organizations
to human thinking (Bahill and Gissing, 1998). two words are dominant: change and learning
Bahill and Gissing defined these procedure with from which are derived change management
acronym SIMILAR which means: State the prob- and learning management. Human knowledge,
lem, Investigate alternatives, Model the system, the simulation model and decision methodology
Integrate, Launch the system, Assess performance, combined in an integral information system of-
and Re-evaluate. fers a new standard of quality in management
problem solving (Simon, 1967). The simulation

Figure 5. General model of a goal oriented system

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

model is used as an explanatory tool for a better and Li, 2006), business process re-engineering
understanding of the decision process and/or for (BPR) is regarded as a revolution of enterprise
defining and understanding learning processes. An management. Advances in modeling languages
extensive study on using the simulation method in such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
enterprises can be found in (Gopinath and Sawyer, is an industry standard that is used in modeling
1999). Information systems and decision support business concepts when building software systems
is an important area in Management Information in an object-oriented manner has also become
Systems (MIS) as the part of complex SE. That mainstream for most SE organizations. Recently,
could be clarified by number of articles associ- XML has gained ground in becoming a key enabler
ated with IS and Simulation: 3.5%. The majority of these systems in terms of transport of informa-
of them discuss IS related to decision assessment. tion and commands. All of this demonstrates the
For example, in (Mora et al, 2003; Mora et al, growth in tools and languages needed to describe
2005) a new framework of identifying and clas- and model a system.
sifying the support capabilities provided by the Using a hybrid simulation model, decision
full range of decision-making support systems is assessment of BPR was analyzed Kljajić et al
posed with special regards to the information and (2000). The decision assessment has been orga-
knowledge representation and processing capabili- nized at two hierarchical levels. The model at
ties. However, only a few papers were used for the upper level is used for the assessment of an
simulation methods and SE in IS research. In (Gao enterprise’s strategy (continuous simulation). At

Figure 6. The principle diagram of simulation approach for decision support in enterprises

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

the lower level, the model is used for discrete most delicate part of this circle is above all
event simulation, necessary for operations plan- (principally) the methodology of the system
ning and testing production performance. The simulation that facilitates “experimenting”
simulation approach seems to be an appropriate on the system model and the model of the
methodology for obtaining anticipative informa- process itself.
tion for decision-making as shown in Figure 5. c) The a posteriori information concerning
Roughly speaking, this involves the concepts of model applicability and former decision-
state, goal, criteria, alternative and the state of making. This loop represents the pragmatic
nature combined in a dynamic model interacting validation of the model. The comparison of
with decision-making groups. In both of these, the prior information concerning the impact
simulations interacted with human experience of the selected strategy on the system be-
create a new quality. The representation of the havior with the achieved results allows us
proposed approach is shown in Figure 6 adapted to gain knowledge and evaluate the value
according (Kljaić, 1994). of the model and improve it. In this way,
Figure 6 shows the interaction between the learning is facilitated on the basis of a priori
user, simulation model and scenario in the process assumptions on the model and not just on
of seeking a solution to a managerial problem as the basis of empirical experiences, which is
decision support in a business system. The fol- usually delayed.
lowing three basic loops are emphasized:
Loops a) and c) are the basic ones for the
a) The causal or the feed-back loop, represent- knowledge generation and experience for learning
ing the result as a consequence of former and quality decision-making. Loop b) represents
decision-making, and being a part of manage- the knowledge validation. In literature, major
ment experience and history of the system. attention has been paid to the methodology of
From the learning point of view, this loop design, testing and evaluation of the model. As
could be named “learning by experience”. such a simulation could be very useful in testing
b) The anticipative or intellectual feedback of alternatives in the similar methodology or
loop, which provides the feed forward merely SA. The user is, however, the key ele-
information relevant to the formulation of ment of the three circles because he/she is the
the system strategy. This loop consists of one who makes decisions. As most of simula-
the simulation model of the system, crite- tion projects necessitate teamwork, considerable
ria function and scenarios. The simulation attention should also be paid to the presentation
scenarios consist of two subsets: a subset of of findings in the decision-making process. The
input xi that anticipates the state of nature advantage of simulation method application for
(or exogenous scenarios) and a subset of decision support is proved by the laboratory
alternatives aj (or endogenous scenarios). experiment on the business simulator (Škraba et
The generation of scenarios of the simulation al, 2003; Škraba et al, 2007). The authors tested
system that responds to the what-if is based the efficiency of decision making (DM) (value of
on different scenarios anticipating future criteria function and its variation) at three different
impacts of the environment and desired conditions: a) DM-based on problem understand-
performance of the system. They usually rep- ing, b) DM-based on problem understanding and
resent the extrapolation of past behavior and using simulation model as feedback and c) DM,
an expert evaluation of development targets which in addition to individual feedback also use
employing the brainstorming method. The information of group decisions. The best results

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

were achieved for condition c) than b) and the evolution of research methodology in IS and the
worst at the group a). use of IS for SE implementation toward the SA
Advantage of simulation model as a part of methodology. All classical methods initially devel-
SA lays in fact that problem defined in natural oped for specific problems and processes converge
language could be easily transformed in directed with development of information technology (IT)
graph convenient for qualitative analysis and then and society into one holistic methodology colored
transformed in computer program. In this case user with specific problems (context) and user prefer-
always can check correctness of stated problem ences. A common name for SE or ISD could be
within certain theory and further its translation to SA or more precisely SA to SE and SE with SA
computer programming. as a holistic methodology for complex problem
This is important especially in case of complex solving. A core substance for management of
problem where feedback loop and stochastic rela- all these methods is IS. Conversely, when IS
tion are present, no mother if the process is continu- itself should to be developed and deployment
ous or discrete event. Rich graphic presentations in such complex situation as internet, intranet,
and 3D animation of simulated process make this e-everything, geographic information systems,
technique unique for testing systems performance e-market, and management information systems
in phase of system design and deployment. on a global enterprise level, then ISD have to
Modeling and simulation (M&S) have become move to SA combining with principles of SE but
ever more central to the development of modern combined with different methods and tools for
systems. Unprecedented advances in digital pro- dynamic testing of IS in all phase of SE by means
cessing have made high fidelity representation of of system simulation. One cannot imagine how to
systems and subsystems in computer models pos- test reliability, stability, functioning and behavior
sible from the simplest of our systems to the most of global (complex) systems, where IS represents
complex. This has made it possible to examine backbone and the central nervous systems, after
the projected performance of systems over wide disaster impact without SA methodology com-
excursions of design and environmental assump- bined with systems simulation.
tions very early in the development process when No matter how we describe a methodology for
key resources are committed. Today’s M&S tools complex systems managing: systems thinking,
make it possible to perform extensive SoS and SA, soft systems methodology, critical systems
enterprise wide simulations and evaluate alternate methodology or dialectic systems, the essence
architectures at affordable cost and early enough of such methodology has to be intention to cope
to make a difference. with wholeness of the process in its environment.
Or more precisely, environment is a relevant part
of the tangible problem solving local or global.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Advances in basic and applied science along with
a host of computer aided design tools offer solu-
In this paper the relationship among Information tions in developing information technology for
systems, SE, SA, and ISD was discussed from more complex IS of the enterprise. Because of
past, present and future perspectives. While SE complexity, we must adopt a holistic perspective
is a well-established methodology for develop- and remain focused on end user requirements. It
ing of different kind of man-made objects from means that it has to contain all existing particular
components to enterprises, ISD is a variant of SE methodologies (context oriented) in one working
applied for IS development. Based on a library methodology where the user has to be in the first
study, it is possible to see a positive trend in the plan - anthropocentric orientation.

Importance of Systems Engineering in the Development of Information Systems

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Chapter 5
Towards a Wider Application
of the Systems Approach
in Information Systems and
Software Engineering
Doncho Petkov
Eastern Connecticut State University, USA

Denis Edgar-Nevill
Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

Raymond Madachy
Naval Postgraduate School, USA

Rory O’Connor
Dublin City University, Ireland

The chapter provides possible directions for the wider application of the systems approach to informa-
tion systems development. Potential improvement of software development practices is linked by some
leading experts to the application of more systemic ideas. However, the current state of the practice
in software engineering and information systems development shows the urgent need for improvement
through greater application of systems thinking.

INTRODUCTION Such a statement justifies the continuous search

for improvement of Information Systems Develop-
Information Technology (IT) articles often include ment (ISD). Boehm, one of the founding fathers of
statements along these lines: “systems development Software Engineering, stressed in a recent interview
continues to be challenging. Problems regarding the importance of the systems approach to achieve
the cost, timeliness, and quality of software prod- improvements in software development (see Lane,
ucts still exist.” (Iivari and Huisman, 2007, p.35). Petkov and Mora, 2008). These are some of the
origins for the motivation for this paper.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-976-2.ch005

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

Glass, Ramesh and Vessey (2004) provide boundaries” (Hirschheim and Klein, 2003, p.245).
an analysis of the topics covered by the three In that light, it is somehow striking to note the
computing disciplines - Information Systems conclusion about a lack of a systems approach in
(IS), Software Engineering (SE) and Computer IS research according to Lee (2004, p.16). Alter
Science (CS) - and show overlaps between them (2004, p.757) is even more specific claiming that
all in the area of systems/software concepts. They “the information systems discipline is ostensibly
also demonstrate that CS has only minor regard about systems, but many of our fundamental ideas
of the issues and concerns of systems/software and viewpoints are about tools, not systems”.
management. Sommerville (2007) states that CS The systems approach has been acknowledged,
is concerned with the theories and methods that in the SE literature, as providing an insight into
underlie computers and software systems rather the factors that influence the success or failure of
than the engineering and management activi- computer technologies (Mathieu, 2002, p.138).
ties associated with producing software. Whilst It is symbolic that the 2006 special issue of the
acknowledging that CS, SE and IS do have a IEEE Computer magazine on the 60th anniversary
considerable overlap, the practices of both IS and of the IEEE Computer Society was dedicated to
SE have to deal with common matters such as the the past and future of SE. A brief examination of
management of huge development projects, human the papers in that issue shows that four of them
factors (both software developers and software are dealing with some systems features and the
end users), organizational issues and economic other three give examples of tool thinking. None
aspects of software systems development and of the seven papers issue had a reference to any
deployment (Van Vilet, 2000). source from the field of systems thinking and only
For the reasons stated above we will concentrate one paper (Baresi, Di Nitto and Ghezzi, 2006) had
here only on SE and IS and their links to systems references to several classic SE sources dealing
thinking. We will consider as a starting point the with fundamental systems ideas. This does not
reality that the whole computing field has evolved advance the ideas suggested by Boehm (2006a)
historically as several ‘stovepipes of knowledge’; and Sommerville (2007) that there is need to in-
CS, SE and IS (Glass et al., 2004). Whether the tegrate SE with Systems Engineering; a branch
separation or integration of computing disciplines of systems thinking (see Jackson, 2003).
will prevail is a complex issue. Integration has The contribution of this research is in the
yet to be achieved as a consequence of the sets identification of areas where a systems approach
of values central to each area. We believe, along would lead to improvements in ISD within a point
with others, that a systems approach may lead to of view that favors implicitly the integration of the
improvement of the development and management IS and SE disciplines. The paper will proceed with
of software systems and to a greater integration of an analysis of how links between software develop-
computing. One might expect that the use of the ment and systems thinking were perceived in the
word “system” in various contexts today leads to fields of IS and SE. This is done predominantly
more “systems thinking”, but is this true? with the intention of exploring the application of
A reflective history of the IS field is presented systems ideas to software development separately
in Hirschheim and Klein (2003, p.244-249). Ac- in the two fields, outlining the success stories and
cording to them, because of its roots in multiple the open problems. At the end we will propose
disciplines, “such as computer science, manage- possible directions for future research in software
ment, and systems theory, it is hardly surprising development within SE and IS associated with the
that the field of IS cast a wide net when defining systems approach.
its boundaries, sweeping in many themes and

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS proach used in the field of IS (see Holwell (2000)

DEVELOPMENT AND for a detailed account of the literature on SSM and
SYSTEMS THINKING Checkland and Poulter (2006) for a contemporary
presentation of SSM ideas).
A review of the history of various IS development The relevance of SSM to the field of IS has
methods is presented in Avison and Fitzgerald been explored in two directions. One way is to
(2003). Iivari and Huisman (2007) point out, apply SSM on its own in some IT related aspect;
however, that the research literature on IS develop- e.g. extend the standard SSM method to specify
ment is scarce. This is most evident for the period the information requirements of the system (see
after 1990. Prior to that point the origins of IS Wilson, 1990). The use of SSM in data modelling
research were associated more strongly with issues is explored by Lewis (1995). A further applica-
on building information systems. However, one tion of SSM for improvement of software quality
sub-area of IS development grew significantly in is presented in Sweeney and Bustard (1997). A
the UK and elsewhere over the last twenty years; second direction of using SSM in Information
incorporation of Soft Systems Thinking (SST) Systems is through the linking of SSM to exist-
into IS (see Checkland, 2001). ing design methods. An overview and detailed
analysis of using SSM with structured analysis
Soft Systems Thinking and Social and design is provided by Mingers (1995). Several
Science and their Influence on IS authors have covered aspects of combining the
Unified Modelling Language (UML) with SSM.
Stowell and West (1996) argued in the mid 1990’s A recent paper by Sewchuran and Petkov (2007)
that practices of IS design had not appeared to analyses the related theoretical issues and shows
have progressed since 1979; despite attempts in a practical implementation of a combination of
several proposals to embrace the social aspects UML and SSM within a Critical Systems Thinking
of an information system, most seem to be based (CST) (see Jackson, 2003) framework justified by
upon a functionalist view. Stowell and West Multimethodology (see Mingers, 2001).
(1996) explored the shift towards anti-positivism
in the mid 1980’s which resulted in a number of On Critical Systems Thinking,
suggested methodologies that focussed upon the Multimethodology and IS
social implications of computer systems design.
As examples they point out Soft Systems Meth- Multimethodology is a meta theory for mixing
odology (SSM) (see Checkland, 1999), the MUL- methods from different methodologies and para-
TIVIEW approach (Avison, 2000), participative digms in the same intervention (Mingers 2001).
systems design and others (see also Avison and It seems to be an attractive vehicle for further
Fitgerald, 2003). research in systems thinking and IS research. Fur-
SSM evolved originally from experience ther refinement of the ideas on pluralist interven-
within interventions in various management tions can be found in a recent paper on Creative
problems in public administration and industrial Holism (Jackson, 2006). Details on three cases
companies. However, subsequently it evolved illustrating how Multimethodology and CST were
more towards the field of IS (see Checkland and practiced in separate systemic interventions in the
Holwell, 1998). Stowell (1995) presents a col- Information and Communications Technologies
lection of papers analyzing various aspects of sector can be found in Petkov, Petkova, Andrew
the contribution of SSM to IS. SSM seems to be and Nepal (2007).
the most well researched interpretive systems ap-

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

In his paper on the links between CST and IS approach in IS, the work system method (Alter,
research, Jackson (1992) demonstrates the power 2007), has emerged recently that may be linked
of an integrated critical approach in the IS field. to the pragmatic school of thought.
However, there have been relatively few subse-
quent publications on the practical application The Work System Method and IS
of CST in IS. Some of them are surveyed in Ng-
wenyama and Lee (1997), a paper demonstrating Alter (2006) stresses that past dominance of single
the significant relevance of CST to IS. Another ideas like Total Quality Management and Busi-
interesting example, exploring how Triple Loop ness Process Reengineering are not sufficient to
Learning (Flood and Romm, 1996) can be applied influence the IS field profoundly. The work system
to the complexities during systems development method provides a rigorous but non-technical ap-
is given in Finnegan, Galliers and Powell’s (2002) proach to any manager or business professional
work. Further papers on systems thinking and IS to visualize and analyze systems related problems
can be found in proceedings of several meetings and opportunities (Alter, 2006). This method is
on the philosophical assumptions of IS research more broadly applicable than techniques “de-
that took place after 1997; including the UK annual signed to specify detailed software requirements
systems conference, the European Conference on and is designed to be more prescriptive and more
Information Systems, the Australasian Conference powerful than domain-independent systems analy-
on IS and Americas Conference on Information sis methods such as soft system methodology”
Systems (AMCIS). (Alter, 2002).
CST provides both theoretical sophistication We may note that making comparisons between
and practical directions for future research that the work system method and soft systems meth-
are applicable to IS. Jackson (2003) cautions that odology requires a broader investigation of their
whatever argument is made in favour of plural- philosophical assumptions and scope. A possible
ism, it is bound to run up against objections from starting point for comparing their areas of applica-
those who believe in the incommensurability bility could be the classification of strategies for
of paradigms. The latter notion is linked to the doing systems analysis provided by Bustard and
assumption that if paradigms have distinct and Keenan (2005). SSM has been attributed by them
opposing philosophical foundations, applying to the situation when the focus is on development
them together is impossible. This issue has been of a long term vision of the environment in which
addressed by several authors in the past (see a computer system is to be used with identifica-
Jackson, 2003). Zhu (2006), however, questioned tion of appropriate organizational changes (see
recently the relevance of concerns about paradigm Bustard and Keenan, 2005). Where does Alter’s
incommensurability from a practical point of view; approach stand in the Bustard and Keenan (2005)
another issue for possible further research. His classification is an open question for research
view on paradigm incommensurability is similar requiring both theoretical work and field experi-
to that of the pragmatic pluralism approach. This mentation. Petkov and Petkova (2008) consider the
is based on the assumption that we are witnessing systemic nature of the work system method and
the end of a particular reading of theory and that its applicability to understanding business and IS
there is no single truth and no single rationality problems to be its most distinctive and important
(White and Taket, 1996, p.54). characteristics. Possible research directions for
Both pragmatism and functionalism are often incorporating the work system method in systems
criticised in systems thinking (see Jackson, 2003). analysis and design are presented in Petkov, Misra
However, an interesting and relevant new systems and Petkova (2008). Though the work system

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

method has a relatively short history and a small that are as relevant today as they were in 2000: the
group of followers for now, the multifaceted scale rigor versus relevance debate in IS research; the
of Alter’s work, bringing together systems ideas “reference discipline” versus “independent disci-
with methods for deeper understanding of work pline” dilemma; the technology versus behaviour
systems and ISD, has strong appeal. as a focus for IS research dilemma.
On sticking to a single research tradition in IS. So far we have considered the second of Lee’s
Bennetts, Wood-Harper and Mills (2000) provide ideas and its relevance to IS development over the
an in-depth review of combinations of SSM with last 15 years and to a lesser degree some issues
other IS development methods supporting multiple related to scientific paradigms in terms of Kuhn
perspectives along the ideas of Linstone (1984). (1970). Further details on earlier contributions
Thus they brought together two distinct traditions of Systems Science in the 1970’s and 1980’s can
in IS research: the former practiced in UK/Europe/ be found in comprehensive reviews related to the
Australia where SSM has found significant accep- fields of IS research (see Xu, 2000); Decision Sup-
tance, and the latter being pursued predominantly port Systems (see Eom, 2000) and Information Re-
in the USA. Linstone’s ideas are strongly related sources Management (see McLeod, 1995). Mora,
to the influence of Churchman whose analysis of Gelman, Forgionne, Petkov and Cano (2007)
Inquiring Systems was a starting point for some presented a critique and integration of the main
significant IS research that followed (see as an IS research paradigms and frameworks reported
example Vo, Paradice & Courtney, 2001). in the IS literature using a systems approach. We
It is interesting to note that Bennetts et al. briefly comment below on design science, a more
(2000) have examined sources not only from IS recent trend in IS research.
but also from the CS and SE literature. This raises
a question that is hard to answer in a simple way. On Design Science as One
We observe that often authors of SE articles belong of the Directions to Resolve
to CS or IS departments, rather than engineering the Three Dilemmas in IS
schools (Dietrich, Floyd & Klichewski, 2002)
(Aurum & Wohlin, 2005). On the other hand, it According to Hevner, March, Park and Ram
seems that publications on IS development writ- (2004), IS related knowledge is acquired through
ten by US scholars often use references only from work in behavioral science and design science
IS or from SE disciplines; depending on the field paradigms. They point out that “behavioral science
of the authors (a refreshing exception is a series addresses research through the development and
of articles written over many years by R. Glass justification of theories that explain phenomena
and I. Vessey with several collaborators (Glass et related to the identified business need, while design
al., 2004)). The reason could be the lack of com- science addresses research through the building
munication between CS, SE and IS (see Glass, and evaluation of artifacts designed to meet the
2005). Another possible reason is the growing particular need”. Another relevant detail is the dif-
concern within the separate computing fields for ferentiation that Hevner et al. (2004) make between
promoting and protecting their own paradigms routine design and system building from design
(Bajaj et al, 2005). science. The former is associated with application
Maybe similar paradigmatic concerns have led of existing knowledge to organizational problems,
Allen Lee to formulate his first idea from an advice while the latter is associated with unique (often
to IS researchers: “practice paradigm, systems wicked or unresolved) problems that are associ-
thinking and design science” (Lee, 2000). These ated with the generation of new knowledge. The
are seen as a recipe to address the three dilemmas

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

latter idea is similar to the main thesis in Hughes for strengthening the IS field. Their work was
and Wood-Harper (1999). partly motivated by a widely discussed paper by
Hevner et al. (2004) laid the foundation for a Benbasat and Zmud (2003) on the identity crisis
significant boost in IS research on issues related in the IS discipline. Both papers provide impor-
to IS development, including systems analysis tant background details about the IS research
and design science. The journal Communications environment in which one may pursue the main
of AIS started a series of articles in 2005 on this ideas of this paper.
topic; the first of which was Bajaj et al. (2005).
We may note that in spite of progress in applying
action research in IS in theory (see Baskerville ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
and Wood-Harper (1998) and in practice (see the AND SYSTEMS THINKING
IbisSoft position statement on environment that
promotes IS research) the dominant IS research Software Engineering has a primary focus on the
trend has been of a positivist behavioral science production of a high quality technological product,
type which is another challenge for the proponents rather than on achieving an organisational effect,
of a systems approach. however increasing emphasis in SE is being given
A substantial attempt to provide suggestions to managerial and organisational issues associated
towards resolving the three dilemmas in IS re- with software development projects. Cornford
search mentioned by Lee (2000) is discussed in and Smithson (1996) observe that SE “can never
Hirschheim and Klein (2003). They identify a encompass the whole range of issues that need
number of disconnects between various aspects of to be addressed when information systems are
IS research and outline a new body of knowledge studies in the full richness of their operational
in IS development (Iivari, Hirschheim and Klein, and organisational setting”.
2004). They suggest there are five knowledge Weinberg (1992) writes about systems thinking
areas in ISD: technical knowledge, application applied to SE. It is an excellent introduction to
domain (i.e. business function) knowledge, or- systems thinking and quality software manage-
ganizational knowledge, application knowledge ment dealing with feedback control. It has a close
and ISD process knowledge. Further, according kinship with the concepts of systems thinking and
to Hirschheim and Klein (2003) “ISD process system dynamics in Madachy (2008), even though
knowledge is broken down into four distinctive it is almost exclusively qualitative and heuristic.
competencies that IS experts are suggested to pos- Weinberg’s main ideas focus around management
sess: (1) aligning IT artefacts (IS applications and thinking about developing complex software
other software products) with the organizational systems; having the right “system model” about
and social context in which the artefacts are to the project and its personnel.
be used, and with the needs of the people who Systems thinking in the context of SE as
are to use the system as identified through the described in Madachy (2008) is a conceptual
process of (2) user requirements construction… framework with a body of knowledge and tools to
(3) organizational implementation from which (4) identify wide-perspective interactions, feedback
the evaluation/assessment of these artefacts and and recurring structures. Instead of focusing on
related changes is factored out … These compe- open-loop event-level explanations and assum-
tencies are … at best weakly taken into account ing cause and effect are closely related in space
in the ten knowledge areas of SWEBOK” (see for and time, it recognizes the world really consists
comparison SWEBOK, 2004). Hirschheim and of multiple closed-loop feedbacks, delays, and
Klein (2003) present comprehensive proposals non-linear effects.

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

Lee and Miller (2004) advocate a systems Software Engineering Education

thinking approach in their work on multi-project and Systems Thinking
software engineering pointing that “in general, we
are able to make better, more robust, and wiser The coverage of systems concepts in leading SE
decisions with systems thinking, since we are textbooks is possibly another indicator about the
considering the problem by understanding the full way the systems approach is perceived within the
consequences of each feasible solution”. SE community. We considered books by several
Other details on systems thinking with links well established authors: Sommerville (2007),
to other books and articles can be found through Pressman (2009) and Pfleeger (2008) amongst
practitioner’s web sites such Weinberg (2007), many. Table 1 shows a summary of findings re-
Developer (2007) or Yourdon (2007). The inter- lated to the treatment of several typical systems
est of software practitioners in systems ideas is notions in those books.
a significant fact; in light of the previously men- Table 1 shows that the systems concepts
tioned debate about relevance in the IS literature. covered in the three widely used textbooks are
However, systems thinking is not mentioned by mostly related to introductory notions from
Reifer (2003) in his taxonomies of the SE theory systems thinking. There is nothing about open
state-of-the-art and SE state of practice. In relation and closed systems, about the law of requisite
to that, we will discuss below whether systems variety or any other aspect of cybernetics, very
ideas are promoted in SE education. little about socio-technical systems and nothing
about soft systems methodology or CST. In our

Table 1. Systems features covered in popular software engineering textbooks

Notions covered Author

Sommerville Pressman Pfleeger
System definition Yes Yes Yes
Boundary Implied Yes Yes
Open vs Closed systems No No No
Relationships Implied Implied Yes
Interrelated systems Implied Implied Yes
Emergent property Yes No No
Decomposition Yes Yes Yes
Coupling No Yes Yes
Cohesion No No Yes
Hierarchy Yes Yes Yes
System behaviour Yes Yes Yes
Law of No No No
requisite variety
Socio-technical systems Yes No No
Systems engineering Yes To some To some extent

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

opinion these are unexploited notions that have One promising systems approach used for edu-
some potential to introduce fresh ideas in SE after cation of software engineers is the Model-Based
further research. System Architecting and Software Engineering
Crnkovic, Land and Sjogren (2003) question (MBASE) framework being used at USC, and
whether the current SE training is enough for also adapted by some of their industrial affiliates.
software engineers. They call for making system According to Boehm (2006c), MBASE integrates
thinking more explicit in SE courses. They claim the systems engineering and SE disciplines, and
that “the focus on modifiability (and on other considers stakeholder value in the system de-
non-functional properties) requires more of a velopment. The MBASE framework embodies
holistic and system perspective” (Crnkovic et al., elements of agile processes, and teaches students
2003). Similar thoughts are shared more recently to “learn how to learn” as software development
by others in engineering like Laware, Davis and will continue to change. Valerdi and Madachy
Perusich (2006). (2008) further describe the impact of MBASE
The narrow interpretation of computing dis- in education.
ciplines is seen as a contributory factor to the
drop in student enrolments in the last five years. On Software Engineering and
Denning (2005) hopes that students will be at- Systems Engineering
tracted by a new educational approach promoted
by the ACM Education Board that relies on four Systems Engineering is concerned with all aspects
core practices: programming, systems thinking, of the development and evolution of complex sys-
modelling and innovating. It has now been four tems where software plays a major role. Systems
years since those ideas were stressed by ACM but engineering is therefore concerned with hardware
there is little evidence that systems thinking has development, policy and process design and sys-
become a core practice emphasized in teaching in tem deployment, as well as software engineering.
any of the three computing disciplines. System engineers are involved in specifying a
In the UK the Quality Assurance Agency system, defining its overall architecture and then
(which monitors and quality assures all UK integrating the different parts to create the finished
university programmes) recently published the system. Systems engineering as a discipline is
updated version of the Computing benchmark older than SE; people have been involved in speci-
statement (encompassing IS, SE and CS) on the fying and assembling complex industrial systems
content and form of undergraduate courses (QAA, such as aircraft and chemical plants for more than
2007). Although not intended to be an exhaustive a hundred years (Sommerville, 2007).
list but “… provided as a set of knowledge areas A thought provoking comparison of SE culture
indicative of the technical areas within comput- versus systems engineering culture is presented by
ing” it fails to make explicit reference to systems Gonzales (2005). This work points out to where
thinking or systems approaches and makes only we should strive to change the perceptions of the
one reference to “systems theory” under a more SE student entering the IT profession. We agree
general heading of “systems analysis and design”. with Gonzales (2005, p.1) that we “must continue
Perhaps the answer is to explore how to introduce the dialogue and ensure that we are aware of
these concepts earlier in pre-university education strides to formalize standard systems engineering
or to continue to try to convince the broader aca- approaches and generalize software engineering
demic community of the importance of systems approaches to capturing, specifying and manag-
thinking. ing requirements”. We would also suggest that
this dialogue should be supported by more work

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

on the application of a systems approach to SE; integrating systems and SE. Some research areas
stimulated by journals such as the International include software-unique extensions and modern
Journal on Information Technologies and the software development techniques and how they
Systems Approach (IJITSA). relate to systems engineering; flexible systems
Boehm (2006b) concludes that “The push to in- engineering environments to support complex
tegrate application-domain models and software- software systems and commercial-off-the-shelf
domain models in Model Driven Development hardware and software integration; and other
reflects the trend in the 2000’s toward integration aspects involving SE and IS (Stevens Institute of
of software and systems engineering”. Another Technology, 2008).
reason he identifies is that other surveys have Part of the SERC acquisition research is to fur-
shown that the majority of software project fail- ther develop the Incremental Commitment Model
ures stem from systems engineering shortfalls. A (ICM) (Boehm & Lane, 2007) for better integrat-
similar thought is expressed by Boehm and Turner ing system acquisition, systems engineering, and
(2005), who state that there is a need to move SE. The ICM is a risk-driven process generator
towards a common set of life-cycle definitions for incremental development of complex systems
and processes that incorporate both disciplines’ that uses the principles of MBASE with both plan-
needs and capitalize on their strengths. driven and agile process components.
Boehm (2006a) points out that “recent process An issue is how to capitalize on these new and
guidelines and standards such as the Capability upcoming developments in SE as will be discussed
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), ISO/IEC in the next section.
12207 for software engineering, and ISO/IEC
15288 for systems engineering emphasize the The Evolution of Plan-Driven
need to integrate systems and software engineer- and Agile Methods in SE
ing processes”. He further proposes a new process and System Thinking
framework for integrating software and systems
engineering for 21st century systems, and improv- The traditional software development world,
ing the contractual acquisition processes. characterised by SE, advocates use plan-driven
A very recent development illustrates the methods which rely heavily on explicit docu-
increasingly recognized importance of applying mented knowledge. Plan-driven methods use
systems thinking to large and complex acquisition project planning documentation to provide
processes for software-intensive systems. The broad-spectrum communications and rely on
United States Department of Defense (DoD) just documented process plans and product plans to
created a long-term Systems Engineering Research coordinate everyone (Boehm & Turner, 2004). The
Center (SERC) as a consortium of universities. late 1990s saw something of a backlash against
The SERC leverages developments in systems what was seen as the over-rigidity contained
architecting, complex systems theory, systems within plan-driven models and culminated in the
thinking, systems science, knowledge manage- arrival of agile methodologies, which rely heavily
ment, and software engineering to advance the on communication through tacit, interpersonal
design and development of complex systems knowledge for their success.
across all DoD domains (Stevens Institute of Boehm and Turner (2004, p.23) quote Philippe
Technology, 2008). Kruchten (formerly with IBM Canada and now a
As the first research centre focused on systems professor at UBC in Vancouver) who has likened
engineering, it is specifically concerned with the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) – a plan-

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

drive approach - to a dictionary; “that is, one uses Systems Dynamics and SE
the words one needs to make the desired point-
there is no need to use all the words available”. A widely publicized idea is modelling software
They conclude that processes should have the right development processes through systems dynamics
weight for the specific project, team and environ- (see Abdel-Hamid & Madnick (1991), Madachy
ment. Boehm and Turner (2004) have produced (2008) and others). The differences and relation-
the first multifaceted comparison of agile and ships between systems dynamics and systems
plan-driven methods for software development. thinking are detailed in Richmond (1994) and
Their conclusions show that neither provides a others. Systems dynamics is a tool that can as-
‘silver bullet’ (Brooks, 1987). Some balanced sist managers to deal with systemic and dynamic
methods are emerging. We need both agility and properties of the project environment, and can
discipline in software development (Boehm & be used to investigate virtually any aspect of the
Turner, 2004, p.148). software process at a macro or micro level. It is
Boehm (2006b) presents a deep analysis of the useful for modeling socio-technical factors and
history of SE and of the trends that have emerged their feedback on software projects. The systems
recently. These include the agile development dynamics paradigm is based on continuous sys-
methods; commercial off-the-shelf software and tems modeling, which has a strong cybernetic
model driven development. The same author thread. Cybernetic principles are relevant to many
points out that the challenges are in capturing the types of systems including software development
evolving IT infrastructure and the domain restruc- systems, as detailed in Madachy (2008).
turing that is going on in industry. In our opinion The primary purposes of using systems dynam-
it is necessary to investigate further if systems ics or other process modeling methods in SE as
thinking may play a role in integrating agile and summarized from Madachy (2008) are strategic
plan-driven methods (see Madachy, Boehm & management, planning, control and operational
Lane (2007) as an application of systems thinking management, process improvement and technol-
to this problem). It has also been speculated that ogy adoption and training and learning. Example
systems thinking could be relevant to Extreme recent work by Madachy (2006) focuses on the
Programming (XP) as it supports building relevant use of systems dynamics to model the interaction
mental models (see Wendorff, 2002). between business value and the parameters of a
Kroes, Franssen, van de Poel and Ottens software process for the purpose of its optimiza-
(2006) deal with important issues in systems tion. Another application of systems dynamics
engineering; such as how to separate a system to assess a hybrid plan-driven and agile process
from its environment or context. They conclude that aims to cope with the requirements of a
that the idea that a socio-technical system can be rapidly changing software environment while
designed, made and controlled from some cen- assuring high dependability in Software-Intensive-
tral view of the function of the system, has to be Systems-of-Systems (SISOS) is presented in
given up as many actors within the socio-technical Madachy, Boehm and Lane (2007).
system are continuously changing (redesigning)
the system. This is an important issue deserving On Other Methods of Systems
further investigation in light of software systems Thinking Applicable to SE
and the methods implied by agile development
frameworks. The development of understanding of a particular
software project for making better judgments
about the cost factors involved in cost and ef-

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

fort estimation is supported also by the work of analogical examples of systemic reasoning or
Petkova and Roode (1999). They implemented a even just of alternative thinking related to every
pluralist systemic framework for the evaluation aspect of the work of a software engineer and IS
of the factors affecting software development developer demonstrating the power of innovative
productivity within a particular organizational interconnected thinking. The analysis so far allows
environment. It combines techniques from several us now to formulate some recommendations in
paradigms; stakeholder identification and analysis the following section.
(from SAST, see Mason and Mitroff, 1981), from
SSM (Checkland, 1999), Critical Systems Heu-
ristics (Ulrich, 1998) and the Analytic Hierarchy CONCLUDING RECOMMENDATIONS
Process (Saaty, 1990). ON THE NEED FOR MORE
While we could not find any specific earlier ac- RESEARCH LINKING SOFTWARE
counts of the use of SSM in the mainstream SE lit- ENGINEERING, INFORMATION
erature, it is significant that Boehm has recognised SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT
its potential as he quotes its originator in a recent AND SYSTEMS THINKING
paper: “… software people were recognizing that
their sequential, reductionist processes were not We may derive a number of possible directions
conducive to producing user-satisfactory software, for future work from the analysis of research and
and were developing alternative SE processes practice in ISD and systems thinking within the
(evolutionary, spiral, agile) involving more and fields of IS and SE. Alter (2004) has produced a
more systems engineering activities. Concurrently, set of recommendations for greater use of systems
systems engineering people were coming to similar thinking in the IS discipline which incorporate
conclusions about their sequential, reductionist various aspects of the work system method. We
processes, and developing alternative ‘soft systems believe that Alter’s proposals are viable and de-
engineering’ processes (e.g., Checkland,1999), serve the attention of IS and SE researchers.
emphasizing the continuous learning aspects of Boehm and Turner’s (2005) suggestions to ad-
developing successful user-intensive systems” dress management challenges in integrating agile
(Boehm, 2006a). and plan-driven methods in software development
One does not need always to have a systems will be used by us as an organizing framework for
philosophy in mind to generate an idea that has a formulating directions for research on integrating
systemic nature or attempts to change the current IS, SE and the systems approach. The five main
thinking in SE. Thus, Kruchten (2005) presents, points below are as defined originally by Boehm
under the banner of postmodernist software de- and Turner (2005) for their purpose, while we have
sign, an intriguing framework for software design provided for each of them suggestions promoting
borrowed from architecture. One may investigate such integration along the aims of this paper:
how such an approach is different from a systemic
methodology and what are their common features. 1. Understand how communication occurs
Starting from a language-action philosophy point within development teams: There is a need
of view, Denning and Dunham (2006) develop a to continue the work on integrating systemic
framework of innovation based on seven practices methods promoting organizational learning
that are interrelated in their innovation model – (see Argyris and Schon, 1978) like systems
every element is in a relationship with all others, dynamics, stakeholder analysis, soft systems
thus fulfilling the criterion for “systemicity” methodology, critical systems thinking and
by Mitroff and Linstone (1993). We need more others to identify the advantages of using

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

specific methods and their limitations when project-based education at a Japanese

dealing with uncovering the micro climate university (Chujo & Kijima, 2006),
within a software development team. Most on integrating systems thinking into
of the previously mentioned applications IS education (see Vo, Chae & Olson,
of systems methods for this purpose have 2006), or the use of MBASE in stu-
had limited use and little experimental dent projects (see Boehm (2006c) and
evaluation. More case studies need to be Valerdi & Madachy, 2007).
conducted in different software develop- ◦◦ Broaden the systems knowledge
ment organizations to validate the claims of IS and software engineering
for the applicability of such methods and educators: the current situation in
to distil from the accumulated knowledge some of the computing disciplines
best practices and critical success factors can be compared to a similar one
relevant to flexible, high quality software in Operations Research (OR) in the
development teams. We may expand further 1960s, which had evoked a sharp cri-
the boundary of investigations with respect tique by Ackoff (1999) in his famous
to what is happening at the level of systems- paper “The future of operational re-
of-systems (see Sage, 2005). An example of search is past”, published originally
related relevant ideas on cost estimation for in 1979. Ackoff (1999, p.316) points
large and complex software projects can be that survival, stability and respect-
found in Lane and Boehm (2007). Another ability took precedence over devel-
direction is to explore information systems opment and innovativeness in OR in
development as a research act, as suggested the mid 1960’s and its decline began.
by Hughes and Wood-Harper (1999) and The challenge however is not just to
Hevner et al. (2004, as well as the philosophy bring systems thinking to IS and SE
of integrating practice with research in the education beyond several elementary
field of software and management, promoted concepts of general systems theory
by IbisSoft. but to keep up to date with the lat-
2. Educate stakeholders:This is probably est body of knowledge in the systems
the most difficult task of all. It needs to be field. For a comprehensive overview
addressed at several levels: see Jackson (2003) and for recent de-
◦◦ Implement changes in educational velopments in systems science, see
curricula: it is essential to introduce Barton, Emery, Flood, Selsky and
the systems idea in relatively simple Wolstenholm (2004)
forms at undergraduate level and in ◦◦ Empower IT developers to practice
more sophisticated detail at masters’ systemic thinking: a significant role
level. There is a need to create the in- here needs to be played by research
tellectual infrastructure for more doc- on the most suitable forms for con-
toral dissertation projects in IS or SE tinuing professional education on IT
involving systems thinking. Teaching and the systems approach, supported
could be supported by creating an ac- by professional meetings and journals
cessible repository for successful uti- for mixed audiences like this one, that
lization of systems ideas in IT educa- are oriented to academia and industry
tion. Among the many examples we practice. Ackoff (2006, p.707) un-
may mention here the use of SSM in derlines that one of the reasons why

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

systems ideas are adopted by few or- customers and supporting mul-
ganizations is that “very little of the tiple perspective representations of
systems literature and lectures are ad- problem situations as proposed by
dressed to potential users”. Further he Linstone (1984).
stresses the need to analyse manage- 4. Emphasize value for every stakeholder:
ment failures systemically, pointing Design science research and agile methods
out that there are two types of fail- place high emphasis on this idea. There is a
ures: errors of commission and errors need for more research on systemic identifi-
of omission. In spite of publications cation of stakeholder values. Further there
analysing software failures like Glass is a need for research on methods to model
(2001), there is still room for systemic and help the effective analysis and better
analysis of IT failures and there are systemic understanding of all aspects of soft-
very few accounts of errors of omis- ware development, related to the technical
sion in software projects. product attributes, the project organizational
◦◦ Change the attitudes of clients in attributes, the developers attributes and
managerial and operational user the client features in a particular project or
roles: viable research and practi- system-of-projects.
cal activities in this direction could 5. Pick good people, reward the results
use the work system method (Alter, and reorient the reward system to
2006) and other relevant methods to recognize both individual and team
develop better understanding of orga- contribution:These suggestions can be
nizational problems and to improve categorized as human resource management
their communication with software issues and hence are also suitable for investi-
developers. gation through suitable systemic approaches
3. Translate agile and software issues into and problem structuring methods, including
management and customer language: multi-criteria decision analysis, promoting
We may suggest several possible directions evaluation and decision making.
◦◦ Investigate in a systemic way the One of the limitations of the scope of our
existing agile and plan-driven proposals is that we have provided suggestions
models for software development reflecting only on the above five ideas by Boehm
and continue with the work started and Turner (2005). A systemic investigation of all
in Boehm (2006a) on creating new aspects of ISD could lead to a much broader set
process models integrating not just of considerations integrating SE, IS and systems
SE and systems engineering ideas but thinking. We believe, however that the examples
other applicable systems concepts as we have provided here can lead to easier adaptation
well. and development of other relevant ideas serving
◦◦ Explore the applicability of a similar purpose. Another possible limitation is
“Sysperanto” (see Alter, 2007) to fos- that we have produced our suggestions for future
ter a common language for all stake- research on integrating SE, IS and the systems
holders in software development. approach by assuming that the current state of the
◦◦ Build methods and tools to facili- art and practice in SE and IS are known and we
tate the communication process have focused rather only on identifying examples
between software developers, and of the use of a systems approach in IS or SE. As

Towards a Wider Application of the Systems Approach

we have pointed earlier, we have relied on the Ackoff, R. (2006). Why few organizations adopt
comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art systems thinking. Systems Research and Be-
of the IS discipline provided by Hirschheim and havioral Science, 23(5), 705–708. doi:10.1002/
Klein (2003). We have also reflected on trends sres.791
in SE (see Reifer (2003), Boehm (2006a, b) and
Alter, S. (2002). The work system method for
Boehm and Turner (2004)) and on the compara-
understanding information systems and informa-
tive analysis of research in the three computing
tion systems research. Communications of the
disciplines by Glass et al. (2004). It would be
AIS, 9(6), 90–104.
interesting to conduct a further investigation of
IS implementation as a whole that goes beyond Alter, S. (2004). Desperately seeking systems
the existing disciplinary boundaries and takes a thinking in the information systems discipline.
systems approach as an organizing viewpoint. Proceedings of Twenty-Fifth International Confer-
Most of our recommendations on integrat- ence on Information Systems, 757-769.
ing IS, SE and systems thinking relate to issues
Alter, S. (2006). The work system method: con-
of organizational learning where contemporary
necting people, processes, and IT for business
systems methods have a significant history of
results. Lakspur, CA: Work System Press.
achieving improvement. The relevance of this
paper is supported by Boehm’s recent interview, Alter, S. (2007). Could the work system method
mentioned earlier (see Lane et al., 2008). The embrace system concepts more fully? Information
challenge for IS and SE practitioners, researchers Resources Management Journal, 20(2), 33–43.
and educators is not just to investigate the issues
Argyris, C., & Schon, D. A. (1978). Organiza-
we discussed in this paper but also to practice the
tional learning. A theory of action perspective.
systems approach for improved ISD.
Addison- Wesley.
Aurum, A., & Wohlin, C. (Eds.). (2005). Engi-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT neering and managing software requirements.
Heidelberg: Springer.
The authors are very grateful to D. Bustard, I.
Avison, D. (2000). Multiview: An exploration in
Bider, M. Mora and D. Paradice for their insightful
information systems development (2nd ed). Alfred
comments that helped improve an earlier version of
Waller Ltd.
the paper that was published in IJITSA in 2008.
Avison, D. E., & Fitzgerald, G. (2003).
Where now for development methodologies?
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Chapter 6
Pluralism, Realism, and Truth:
The Keys to Knowledge in Information
Systems Research

John Mingers
University of Kent, UK


The aim of this article is to outline some of the key themes that I believe are important, first, in apply-
ing the systems approach to produce high quality IS research in general and, second, to consider more
specifically some of the questions and debates that are of interest within the philosophy of IS and of the
systems approach. Four themes are identified: being systemic, being critical and realist, being pluralist
in approach, and having a concern for truth and knowledge.

Introduction The aim of this article is to outline some of

the key themes that I believe are important, first,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome a new jour- in applying the systems approach to produce
nal devoted to the systems approach, in this case high quality IS research in general and, second,
applied in the domain of information systems and to consider more specifically some of the ques-
information technology. I have been appointed as tions and debates that are of interest within the
Senior Associate Editor for the area of Information philosophy of IS and of the systems approach.
Systems Philosophy and the Systems Approach, This article explores my own personal position
and I have been asked to contribute a short posi- and particularly themes such as pluralism, critical
tion article for this, the inaugural issue of the realism, and multimethodology, so I need to state
International Journal of Information Technologies that these are not necessarily those of the journal
and the Systems Approach (IJITSA). as a whole. The official Call for Papers makes it
clear that IJITSA is interested in a wide range of

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Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

research areas and methodological approaches, so the interactions of their properties and powers,
potential authors should not feel circumscribed by generate the events. We should note two things:
what I say, but nevertheless I believe these themes that the events are part of the causal dance in that
are very much in accord with the thinking of the they can be triggers of the underlying mechanisms
founders of the journal and do not get aired as and that human beings are also part of this picture
much as they should in other IS journals. Papers as powerful generative mechanisms.
along these lines would therefore be very much Moving up Figure 1, we can see that science
welcomed. emerges as a domain of reflective action in which
people try to understand and explain the workings
of the everyday world. This involves observation
Philosophy and Systems and interrogation of the Actual and the Real, as
well as attempts to test and validate theories and,
I would like to begin by giving a brief review of in the case of action research, explicitly to bring
the role of philosophy with respect to systems about change. In Bhaskar’s terms, this is the
research with the help of Figure 1, which draws domain of the Empirical in which a small subset
in part on the ideas of both Bhaskar (1978) and of all the actual events that occur is captured for
Checkland (1999). scientific activity.
We can begin in the bottom of Figure 1 with We can now move to another metalevel and
the ongoing flux of events and ideas. Following consider the emergence of philosophy, more spe-
Bhaskar, we can term this the domain of the Actual, cifically the philosophy of science, as a domain
the actual occurrences and non-occurrences of the of reflective action that considers the nature of
everyday world. We can then see that these events science and research and, in particular, tries to
are the manifestations of underlying mechanisms offer guidance about how science can and/or
or systems, often unobservable, which through should be carried out. The main philosophical

Figure 1. The domains of science and philosophy with respect to the Real, the Actual and the Empirical

Philosophy of Science

Axiology Methodology




Flux of events and ideas

Generative mechanisms


Note that in fact the Empirical is a subset of the Actual and Philosophy of Science is a subset of the Empirical but they have
been drawn apart for clarity. The whole constitutes the Real.

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

questions that arise can be classified in terms of This view of science was extensively cri-
(Mingers, 2003a): tiqued. The idea of pure, objective perception
and observation was exploded by psychologists,
• Ontology: what kinds of objects or entities sociologists, and philosophers; others showed
may be taken to exist, and what are their that observational terms were not an atomistic
types of properties or forms of being? picturing of reality but part of a pre-given lin-
• Epistemology: what is our relationship, guistic structure—in short, that all observation
as human beings, to the objects of our was theory-dependent; and Popper (1959, 1969),
knowledge (including ourselves), and what based on Hume, rejected the possibility of veri-
distinguishes valid (i.e., true) knowledge fication and induction, replacing it with falsifica-
from belief or opinion? tion and deduction. In response, there developed
• Methodology: Given the first two, what the standard “deductive-nomological (D-N)” or
methods should we use to acquire valid “hypothetico-deductive” method.
knowledge? This view leads to a much greater recognition
• Axiology: what are the purposes or values of the social and psychological nature of scien-
of science? What are the ethical or moral tific activity. The idea of paradigms replacing
limits of science (if any)? each other over time has developed, particularly
within social science, to the idea of there being
We can see from Figure 1 how these four ele- competing paradigms existent at the same time
ments relate to various aspects of the world and (e.g., positivist, interpretive, and critical). This is
of science. The whole of Figure 1 constitutes what often combined with the claim that paradigms are
Bhaskar would call the domain of the Real. incommensurable. Clearly, the Kuhnian view has
A particular set of assumptions about these major relativistic implications for empiricism. It
four questions can be called a paradigm (Burrell & highlights the constructed, conventional nature
Morgan, 1979; Kuhn, 1970). Kuhn originally used of scientific theorising, and truth is that which is
the term to describe the historical development of accepted by a scientific community rather than
one set of theories (e.g., the theory of relativity) correspondence to some external reality. The in-
from another (e.g., Newtonian physics) but now, commensurability thesis is even more undermin-
especially in the social sciences, paradigms are ing since it makes it impossible to judge between
often seen to be co-existing. For much of the 20th paradigms or even assert that a later paradigm is
century, the prevailing scientific paradigm was actually superior to an earlier one.
empiricism, more specifically positivism, which There are also major philosophical debates
sees science as limited to explaining events that concerning the nature of social science in rela-
can be empirically observed. Events are expected tion to natural science that can only be sketched
to display regularities or patterns that can be here. Broadly, there are three possible positions:
explained as being particular instances of uni- (1) the naturalist view that there is one general
versal laws of the form “given certain conditions, approach to science that applies to all domains.
whenever event X occurs then event Y will occur”. Within this category, positivists hold that for
Science is seen as the systematic observation of anything to be scientific, it must follow the can-
event regularities (Humean causality), the descrip- ons of positivism/empiricism and thus be based
tion of these regularities in the form of general on universal generalisations from empirical
laws, and the prediction of particular outcomes observations. (2) The antithesis is the view that
from the laws. the social world is intrinsically different to the
natural world, being constituted through language

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

and meaning, and thus involves entirely different engineering, cybernetics, system dynamics, soft
hermeneutic, phenomenological, or social con- systems, general systems theory (GST), living
structivist approaches. The argument here would systems theory, or complexity theory.
be the idealist one that ontologically social objects How does systems thinking relate to the
do not exist in the way physical ones do (i.e., as philosophical questions and paradigms outlined
subject independent) and that epistemologically above? I would argue that it could be conceived
there is no possibility of facts or observations of as a paradigm in the sense that it does have
that are independent of actors, cultures, or social implications for each of the levels, but in a sense,
practices. (3) The most radical position denies the it contains within it the particular paradigms
possibility of objective or scientific knowledge at described above. There are empiricist, interpre-
all, in either domain. Arguments here come from tive, and critical versions of systems thinking
the strong sociology of knowledge program: post- just as there are its opposite—reductionism or
structuralists such as Foucault (1980) and, more individualism.
generally, postmodernists (Best & Kellner, 1991) To what extent is the systems approach evident
who attempt to undermine even the most basic in the IS/IT literature? At one level, one could
categories of modernist rationality. say that systems thinking is at least implicit in
In the rest of the article, I want to put forward much of the IS research. The discipline is called
four themes which I value in terms of generating Information Systems after all, and I suspect that
significant and reliable knowledge: systems think- few academics would say they were reductionists,
ing, pluralism, critical realism, and truth. Whilst or deny that they assumed a systems approach.
research published in IJITSA clearly does not have However, the number of papers that formally or
to conform to all of these, I would expect that it explicitly claim to use systems seems very small.
does accord with at least some. Although I have by no means conducted a thor-
ough survey, looking through some of the main
IS journals over the last five years revealed pre-
The Systems Approach cious few papers. Perhaps one of the most relevant
to this article and IJITSA is by Mora, Gelman,
The systems approach at its most general in- Forgionne, Petkov, and Cano (2007) which aims
volves deciding explicitly to employ systems to use the systems approach to provide a unifying
concepts in theorising and research. Some of framework for the disparate research paradigms
the basic concepts are a system as a collection within IS. Porra, Hirschheim, and Parks (2005)
of elements that are linked together such that the examined the history of Texaco’s IT function
behaviour or characteristics of the whole depend using GST, interestingly using several different
on the relationships between the parts rather than “lenses,” thus showing that GST can be used in
the nature of the parts themselves; a boundary an interpretive manner. Champion, Stowell, and
separating the system from its environment; O’Callaghan (2005) developed a framework for
subsystems and wider systems that form a nested supporting the client during the process of systems
hierarchy; multiple-cause relations and feedback design based on Checkland’s (1999) Soft Systems
loops; communication and control systems; the methodology and Vickers’ appreciative systems
inevitable entanglement of the observer with the concepts. McBride (2005) used the ideas of chaos
observed; and a commitment to holism rather and complexity theory to examine the implemen-
than reductionism. Beyond these basic concepts, tation of an IS strategy in the U.K. Probation
there are many particular systems approaches Service. Johnstone and Tate (2004) developed a
that have been developed, for instance, systems systems model of human information processing

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

behaviour that incorporated both qualitative and The idea of “being critical” or of critique has a
quantitative views of the same problem. Finally, long history rooted in the work of both Kant and
we can sympathise with Alter (2004), whose ICIS Marx. At its most general, we can see it as a deep
paper was titled “Desperately Seeking Systems form of questioning, of refusing to take things for
Thinking in the IS Discipline”, who argued for a granted, or accepting the status quo (Mingers,
systems thinking approach as opposed to a “tool 2000). We can distinguish two main senses,
thinking” approach within IS. one linked to epistemology and one to axiology
Hopefully, IJITSA can to some extent redress in Figure 1. The first, Kantian idealist sense, is
this by ensuring that all the papers it publishes concerned with knowledge and the limits to or
are based explicitly in systems thinking. conditions of knowledge. Here we are question-
ing particular forms or types of knowledge; the
explicit, or often implicit, assumptions made by
Critical Realism particular theories; or indeed the transcendental
limits of knowledge itself. The second, Marx-
Critical realism (CR) is a theory within the ist materialist sense, involves questioning the
philosophy of science that has been developed oppressive nature of society and its institutions
primarily by Roy Bhaskar over the last 30 years and organisations. The two senses can be seen to
(Bhaskar, 1978, 1979, 1993). In essence, it main- come together in the work of Habermas (1978,
tains a position that is opposed to both positivism 1984, 1987) and later Foucault (1988a, b) who
(empiricism) and interpretivism (idealism) while had epistemological concerns about the nature
accepting elements of both. CR strongly espouses of knowledge and portrayed how knowledge
ontological realism—that is, the existence of a was constituted and distorted by the operation
reality independent of our knowledge of it, yet of power within society.
also accepts epistemological relativism—that is, Within IS, there has been a long, if somewhat
that our knowledge of that reality will always be thin, line of critically-inspired research based
locally situated and provisional. Critical realism is mainly on the work of Habermas going back to
becoming increasingly influential within informa- Mingers’ (1980) comparison of Habermas and soft
tion systems (Dobson, 2001a, 2001b; Klein, 2004; systems methodology; Mumford, Hirschheim,
Longshore Smith, 2006; Mingers, 2004b; Monod, Fitzgerald, and Wood-Harper’s (1985) exploration
2004; Mora et al., 2007; Mutch, 1999; Pather & of alternative research approaches; and Lyytinen
Remenyi, 2004; Wikgren, 2005) and manage- and Hirschheim’s (1988) application of commu-
ment, more generally (Ackroyd & Fleetwood, nicative action theory. Klein and Huynh (2004)
2000; Contu & Willmott, 2005; Fleetwood & provide a comprehensive coverage of Habermas’s
Ackroyd, 2004; Hunt, 2005; Mutch, 2005; Reed, theory and its relevance for IS while Sheffield
2001, 2005; Willmott, 2005). (2004) and Heng and de Moor (2003) are recent
In fact, we can distinguish between Critical empirical studies. Foucault has been less well
Realism and “critical” “realism”. What I mean used although Zuboff’s (1988) seminal book is
is that CR is one specific philosophical approach inspired by his ideas. Willcocks (2004) provides
but there are other ways of being both critical, for an exceptionally clear introduction to Foucault’s
example, critical hermeneutics (Myers, 2004) or complex works and covers applications within IS
critical theory (Klein & Huynh, 2004) or realist, and more broadly within management studies.
for example, scientific realism (Hunt, 2005) or There are other philosophers whose work falls
critical scientific realism (Niiniluoto, 2002). within the critical realm but who have made less
impact on information systems so far, including

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

Adorno (Probert, 2004) and Callon and Latour However, this polarisation could not continue
(actor-network theory) (Mitev & Wilson, 2004; and it came to be recognised within social sci-
Walsham, 1997). Howcroft and Trauth (2005) ence generally that the world does not divide
have produced a handbook on critical research itself up neatly into hard and soft, quantitative
in information systems which covers theories as and qualitative, and that to understand its full
well as practical applications. complexity we need to combine methods from a
I am particularly concerned that the research variety of perspectives. Tashakkori and Teddlie
published in IJITSA should be (self-) critical at (1998) published one of the first methodology
least in the epistemological sense. All research is books entirely on mixed methods in social sci-
inevitably embedded within the messy real world ence based on many studies that had already
of power, politics, and interest, yet it is often been carried out, and Mingers and Gill (1997)
described in papers as though it were pure and published a book on “multimethodology”, that is,
perfect. This is a delusion that we all collectively combining management science methodologies.
maintain. As authors, we do it because we fear our This movement has grown considerably with a
papers will be rejected, and as referees/editors, new handbook of mixed methods (Tashakkori &
we do it because we fear the journal’s reputation Teddlie, 2003); a new journal—Journal of Mixed
for rigorous research will be tarnished. In reality, Methods Research; and discussion of mixed meth-
however, as has been continually shown by the ods in general research methodology textbooks,
critical research discussed above, it is a fallacy to for example, Bryman and Bell (2003).
suppose that rigour comes from sanitised results; There are several different positions with re-
that facts can be divorced from values; or that spect to mixed methods or multimethodology, and
research can be isolated from power and inter- debate in this area is certainly welcome in IJITSA.
est (Backhouse, Hsu, & Silva, 2006; Cordoba & My own view is a strong one in that I argue for
Robson, 2003; Doolin, 2004). It is much better to plurality not just of methods but of all the four
be open and explicit about the real context of the philosophical dimensions in Figure 1. Moreover,
research so that readers can judge for themselves I suggest that this stance actually follows from
any potential effects or biases. A framework of both a systems perspective, seeing the world in
questions for assisting this process can be found a holistic way, and a critical realist perspective
in Mingers (1997). which accepts a plurality of objects of knowledge.
To employ Habermas’s (1984) model (discussed
further below), we can say that communications
Pluralism and actions relate to three different “worlds”—
the objective or material world that consists of
We have seen that different paradigms developed all actual or possible states of affairs; the social
within IS and other social science disciplines— or normative world that consists of accepted and
positivism, interpretivism, critical, and perhaps legitimate norms of behavior; and the subjective
postmodernism—and for a period these became or personal world that consists of individuals’
like silos, each separate and isolated from the emotions, feelings, and ideas. As human beings,
others (Burrell & Morgan, 1979). Each paradigm we have different epistemological access to each of
developed its own research methods and research these ontological domains: we observe the mate-
had to be conducted from within one paradigm. rial world, we participate in our social world, and
There were divisive debates between the para- we each experience “my” own personal world.
digms (Mingers, 2004a). This in turn generates the need for distinctive
methodologies which then need to be combined

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

together to synthesise our understanding of the be both necessary and sufficient for a proposition
whole. Finally, we have distinct axiological rela- to count as knowledge. In other words, to validly
tions to the worlds (Habermas, 1993), pragmatic assert “I know that p …” implies:
with respect to the material world, moral for the
social world, and ethical for the personal world. 1. You must sincerely believe that p is the
Finally, this leads into the view that there are ac- case.
tually different forms or types of knowledge and 2. You must have justifiable grounds, evidence,
that these are distinguished by different forms of or explanation for p.
truth (Mingers, 2003b). 3. p must, indeed, be true.

Although this sounds straightforward, there

Truth are in fact many problems with each condition as
well as their conjunction. For instance, there is
It is paradoxical that “truth” is one of the great much debate about what would constitute proper
unspoken concepts of the IS literature. If we as- justification for such a belief—empirical evidence,
sume that the purpose of scholarly research is rational argument, personal experience, percep-
the generation of valid and reliable knowledge, tion, or what? How in any case can we determine
and that truth is a central characteristic of valid if something is actually true? More fundamentally,
knowledge, then we might expect that there should however, there are several different and competing
be discussion and debate about the nature of truth theories of truth (see Mingers, 2003b, for a fuller
and procedures for discovering the truth. In fact, discussion and references).
the subject is never mentioned in the IS literature, Correspondence theories (Popper, 1959; Rus-
even in the literature on knowledge management sell, 1912; Tarski, 1944; Wittgenstein, 1974) are the
where one might expect that a concern with the main and most obvious view of truth. They hold
validity of knowledge was central. I searched the that truth (and falsity) is applied to propositions de-
ISI Web of Knowledge using the very general pending on whether the proposition corresponds to
key words “information systems” and “truth” the way the world actually is. Coherence theories
going back to 1970. Amazingly, only two proper (Bradley, 1914; Putnam, 1981; Quine, 1992) stress
IS papers were returned (Sheffield, 2004; Zhou, the extent to which a proposition is consistent with
Burgoon, & Twitchell, 2004), neither of which other beliefs, theories, and evidence that we have.
had any sustained discussion of truth. The more that it fits in with other well-attested
This situation could be explained if the concept ideas, the more we should accept it as true. This
of truth was essentially simple and uncontested, approach avoids the need for a direct comparison
yet this is actually far from the case. Differing with “reality”. However, it is more concerned with
positions in terms of ontology and epistemology the justification of beliefs rather than their absolute
inevitably lead to different views on the nature truth. Pragmatic theories (James, 1976; Peirce,
of truth, and even as to whether truth is a neces- 1878; Rorty, 1982) hold that truth is best seen in
sary or attainable characteristic of knowledge. terms of how useful or practical a theory is—that
The most common view, in Western philosophy, which best solves a problem is the best theory. A
is that knowledge is true, justified, belief (TJB). version of this is instrumentalism, which holds
This stems from Plato’s Theaetetus where Socrates that a theory is simply an instrument for making
argues that knowledge implies not just that a belief predictions and has no necessary connection to
be true but also that there be a rational explanation truth at all. This also leads into consensus theo-
for it. These three conditions have been taken to ries. An obvious argument against this view is

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

that a true theory is likely to be most useful and are clearly in the transitive domain and strongly
powerful1 and therefore should be an important tied to language, this aspect moves beyond to
component of a useful theory. posit some sort of relation between language and
Consensus or discursive theories (Gadamer, a referent. Finally, ontological and alethic: this
1975; Habermas, 1978) hold that truth is that which level is the most controversial (Groff, 2000) as it
results from a process of enquiry resulting in a moves truth entirely into the intransitive domain.
consensus amongst those most fully informed— It is the truth of things in themselves, and their
in the case of science, scientists. At one level, we generative causes, rather than the truth of proposi-
can see that this must be the case if we accept tions. It is no longer tied to language, although it
with critical realism the impossibility of prov- may be expressed in language.
ing correspondence truth. But, today’s accepted It is also interesting to consider Habermas’s
truth is usually tomorrow’s discarded theory and theories of knowledge and truth as his work has
so this does not guarantee truth. Finally, there been applied within information systems. His first
are redundancy, deflationary, and performative framework was known as the theory of knowledge-
theories (Frege, 1952; Horwich, 1991; Ramsey, constitutive interests (KCI) (Habermas, 1978).
1927; Strawson, 1950) which argue, in different This suggested that humans, as a species, had
ways, that the whole concept of truth is actually needs for, or interest in, three particular forms
redundant. If we say “it is true that snow is white”, of knowledge. The technical interest in molding
we are saying no more than that “snow is white”; nature led to the empirical and physical sci-
the two propositions will always have the same ences. For Habermas, these were underpinned
truth values and are therefore equivalent. by a pragmatist philosophy of science (inspired
Turning now to critical realism, what view by Peirce) and a consensus theory of truth. The
of truth does it espouse? The first thing to say practical interest in communication and mutual
is that the whole approach is fallibilist. That is, understanding led to the historical and interpretive
since CR accepts epistemic relativity, the view sciences underpinned by a hermeneutic criterion
that all knowledge is ultimately historically and of understanding. And the emancipatory interest
locally situated, it has to accept that theories can in self-development and authenticity led to critical
never be proved or known certainly to be true. science which identified repressions and distor-
Thus, if provable truth were to be made a neces- tions in knowledge and in society. Its criterion
sary criteria for knowledge, there could be no of success was the development of insight and
knowledge within critical realism. self-expression free from constraint.
Bhaskar does discuss the notion of truth and This theory of transcendental interests was
comes up with a multivalent view involving four the subject of much criticism (see Mingers, 1997,
components or dimensions (Bhaskar, 1994, p. 62) for a review), and Habermas later transmuted it
that could apply to a judgment about the truth or into the theory of communicative action (TCA)
falsity of something. The first level is sincerity (Habermas, 1984, 1987). Utterances and, I would
or trustworthiness: truth as being that which is argue, actions as well, raise certain validity
believed from a trustworthy source—“trust me, I claims that must, if challenged, be justified. These
believe it, act on it.”; second is warranted or justi- claims are comprehensibility, truth, rightness, and
fied: based on evidence and justification rather than truthfulness (sincerity). This is premised on the
mere belief—“there’s sound evidence for this.”; third argument that utterances stand in relation to the
is weak correspondence: corresponding to or at three different “worlds” discussed above. When
least being adequate to some intransitive object such a claim is challenged, the process of justi-
of knowledge. Whereas the first two dimensions fication must always be discursive or dialogical.

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

That is, there should ideally be a process of open identified four themes—being systemic, being
debate unfettered by issues of power, resources, critical and realist, being pluralist in perspective
access, and so on until agreement is reached and methodology, and being concerned with the
by the “unforced force of the better argument” nature of knowledge and truth—which I believe
(Habermas, 1974, p. 240), what Habermas calls are the hallmarks for producing research that is
the “ideal speech situation”. Thus, Habermas held both rigourous and relevant to the complexities
a consensus or discursive view of truth both in the and seriousness of the problems we face in the
moral or normative domain of what ought we to organisational world. Each of these themes is an
do, as well as in the material domain of external area of research and debate in its own right and
reality. To say of a proposition, “it is true” is the hopefully will generate interesting and scholarly
same as saying of an action “it is right”, namely papers for the journal.
ideal, warranted assertability.
However, more recently, Habermas (2003)
has returned to the issue of truth and now rejects References
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This work was previously published in International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, Vol. 1, Issue 1, edited by D.
Paradice; M. Mora, pp. 79-90, copyright 2008 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 7
Information-As-System in
Information Systems:
A Systems Thinking Perspective

Tuan M. Nguyen
HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam

Huy V. Vo
HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam


This article investigates the complex nature of information in information systems (IS). Based on the systems
thinking framework, this study argues that information in IS is a system in its own right. A conceptual
model of information-as-system is built on the systems thinking perspective adopted from Gharajedaghi’s
holistic thinking rooted from Ackoff systems approach, which is developed through Peirce’s semiotics
with the validity support of Metcalfe and Powell’s perspective of information perception, Mingers and
Brocklesby’s schema of situational actions, Toulmin’s theory of argumentation and Ulrich’s theory of
systems boundary. The proposed model of information-as-systems is described in terms of triads–on the
structure, function, and process, all interdependent–in a context of information-as-system in IS.

INTRODUCTION workers and business managers in various societ-

ies and organizations.
Information is the central object in several fields Lee (2004) stated that information itself is the
of information-related studies (Tuomi, 1999), in- very rich phenomenon of subject matter distinct
cluding information systems (IS). Drucker (1999) from organizations’ or information technology’s
argued that one of the challenges of managements one. Therefore, IS researchers should pay more
in the next century is just information, which is attention to the nature of information, which
not relating to technologies, but focusing on how so far is less studied than the problems of tech-
to satisfy information requirements for knowledge nologies, organizations, or systems. Meanwhile,
Ulrich (2001) recommended that we need to

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Information-As-System in Information Systems

consider not only the ways of using ISs but also, system (Checkland, 2000), an inquiring system
more basically, the ways information is defined (Churchman, 1971), or an open system (Emery,
and becomes very important socially. Similarly, 2000) in its own right. Based on Gharajedaghi’s
Lauer (2001) proposed that information-oriented (2005) holistic thinking developed from Ackoff’s
perspective is essential to IS; Metcalfe and Powell systems approach (1974), a conceptual model of
(1995) argued that the area that IS may claim as information-as-system is developed through the
its very own one is just the information. pragmatism semiotics (Peirce, 1931) with the va-
Unfortunately, little research has been paid to lidity support of the perceiver-concerns model of
how to conceptualize the information itself (Lauer, information (Metcalfe & Powell, 1995), the sche-
2001). It is warned that understanding the nature ma of situational actions (Mingers & Brocklesby,
of information is even more important than the 1997), the argumentation theory (Toulmin, 1964)
process of IS design (Metcalfe & Powell, 1995) and the theory of systems boundary judgment
because IS may not exist without information (Ulrich, 2003). The proposed model is described
(Mingers, 1996). Likewise, to understand what the in terms of triads on the structure, function, and
information is and how to use it shall support us process and context of information in IS. The
to solve the problems of requirements engineer- main research questions are both whether or not
ing of ISs (Goguen, 1996). To these researchers, information could be seen as system and what
knowledge of the nature of information is non- would be the system’s model of information?
trivial, but there is still no agreement on what The article is organized in the following man-
information is. ner. First, we discuss the complex phenomenon
Recently, several studies have attempted to of information in information related studies,
construct conceptual models of information. For including IS. Second, a brief discussion of Peirce’s
example, Callaos and Callaos (2002) proposed semiotics is presented. Third, we propose a sys-
a systemic notation of information, which is tems model of information-as-system based on
based on a dialectic process, consisting of two Gharajedaghi’s systems thinking framework. Next
components—data and information—as well we make some comparisons of our model with
as of two respective relationships—perceptions others, especially with Mingers’ comprehensive
or sensations and actions. The data component theory of semantic and pragmatic information
represents the objective side of information and to discuss the implications of our model. Finally,
the information component represents the subjec- the article’s findings as well as several theoretical
tive side of data. Meanwhile, Buckland (1991) and practical contributions are presented in the
suggested that information in IS is just informa- conclusion.
tion as thing. In this sense, information may be a
tangible form to represent objects and events and
it is in nature situational, consensus-led evidence. INFORMATION IN INFORMATION
From a different view, Mingers (2006) proposed a SYSTEMS
comprehensive theory of semantic and pragmatic
information, in which information, an object of While IS researchers mostly investigate orga-
IS, is associated closely with meaning, an object nizational contexts to develop computer-based
of human cognition. systems relying on functions or roles of individuals
This article is an exploratory study of the in various organizations (Ellis, Allen, & Wilson,
nature of information in IS. The key thesis is that 1999), studies of information in IS focus on the
the information in IS is a system, or specifically, a pragmatic aspects and information related ap-
meaning system (Mingers, 1995), a human activity plications, particularly how information is used

Information-As-System in Information Systems

in organizations, interacted with organizational categories of all of human experience (Figure 1),
factors, and exchanged among stakeholders. More, we can designate that information has a triadic
the field of IS requires a multidisciplinary ap- nature, in which its syntactic dimension, with
proach to studying the range of socio-technical information theory, plays the role of firstness or
phenomena that determine their development, use, signifier, its semantic dimension, with informa-
and effects in organizations and societies (Ellis, tion science, the role of secondness or signified,
Allen, & Wilson, 1999). Given the teleological and its pragmatic dimension, with IS, the role of
nature of IS (Churchman, 1971), the concept of thirdness or signification.
information would be around social aspects that
are shown as resources and constructive forces Peirce’s Pragmatism Semiotics
in society (Braman, 1989).
The whole picture of the field of information- First, according to Peirce, semiotics is the formal
related studies are briefly as follows: (i) informa- doctrine of signs in all their aspects and, in a dif-
tion theory focuses on the forms of information, ferent view; it is also the theory of logic in general
the signal flow from source to destination, (ii) (CP 2.93; 2.227)1. We may learn that Peirce’s
information science aims at the information semiotics is a direct foundation of his theories,
content, chiefly on textual information to deliver which will be employed in our next triads, such
information services such as libraries, reference as theory of perception (CP 1.336), of inference
database via communications channels like jour- (CP 2.435-444), and of inquiry (CP 5.374-377),
nals, books, conferences, and so on, and (iii) IS as well as of cognition and knowledge (CP 1.537;
focuses on the pragmatic aspect of information 2.60-66).
to develop computer-based systems for various Second, Everaert (2006) argued that Peirce’s
organizational contexts (Ellis, Allen ,& Wilson, semiotics has three foundational categories, which
1999). are necessary and sufficient for all of human ex-
Therefore, the disciplines of information perience and designated as firstness, secondness
theory, information science and IS have the same and thirdness. In other words, representamen,
object of study, which is information. However, object, and interpretant are in order firstness,
the focal aspects of the so-called information secondness and thirdness (CP 2.242), which are
investigated vary from discipline to discipline. the three most universal categories of elements
At this point, foreshadowing the semiotic triangle of all experience (CP 1.417-418). From this, it is
as a triadic relation of three most fundamental also obvious that the Peircean model of sign is

Figure 1. Information in pragmatism semiotic triangle

Pragmatic, Signification,
Interpretant, Thirdness,
Syntactic, Information System
Semantic, Signified,
Information (SOI) Object, Secondness,
Information Science

Information-As-System in Information Systems

beyond Buhler’s (1982) version in which sign, … of any greater number of correlates is nothing
which is also admitted a kind of triadic pattern, but a compound of triadic relations” (CP 1.347).
turns out to be equal linguistic utterance, not a Thus, to Peirce, there are only three, “the number
general expression of human experience. Next, Three in philosophy” (CP 1.355), categories in his
in reference to Bhaskar’s (1993) semiotic triangle schema, which beyond “there is nothing else to
of signifier, referent and signified, we may find be found in the phenomenon” (CP 1.347). This is
that the Peircean version would be more generic very distinctive, in comparison with Kant’s table
and theoretically powerful, in the perspective of of categories where “the third category is merely
phenomenology in general and of IS foundations derivative” (Sowa, 2000, p.58) and to Hegel’s
in specific. In fact, Bhaskar’s conception of sign schema in which “the three categories have not
is put in the framework of critical realism, an their several independent and irrefutable stand-
underpinning philosophy for IS (Mingers, 2004), ings in thought” (CP 5.91). Likewise, in reference
that Nellhaus (1998, p.21) remarked that: to Morris’ (1938) and then Nauta’s (1972) five
term model of sign (Mingers, 2006), the Peircean
Critical realism can fill many gaps in its semiotic version of three-element sign would better meet
theory by adopting a Peircean understanding of the condition of “the minimum number of entities
signs and semiosis, which grasps both the in- that must be involved” (Sowa, 2000, p. 61). As a
transitive dimension of reality, and the semiotic summary, we would like to designate the Peircean
nature of our mental access to it in the transitive version pragmatism semiotics to emphasize its
dimension. nature as general, triadic, and pragmatic at once
(Everaert, 2006).
More, Nellhaus (p.3) argued that the Peircean
theory of signs not only “clearly satisfies criti-
cal realism” but also “possesses other critical SYSTEMS MODEL OF
realist features, including ones not envisioned INFORMATION
by Bhaskar.”
Third, one more very interesting point in Systems Descriptions of Information
Peirce’s work is just the “love for triads,” as Burks
commented: First, for systems epistemology, system is a human
construct (Metcalfe, 2004) of basic characteristics
All three philosophers (Peirce followed Kant and of general systems theory devised by von Berta-
Hegel) found triadic categorical schemes to be lanffy (1968). Next, Metcalfe (2004) mentioned
useful ways of structuring their theories of reality. that the very first concept of systems theory is
(Burks, 1996, p.329, parenthesis added) the boundary, which is the core idea of critical
systems thinking such as Ulrich’s (2003) and
Specifically, Kant organized his table of judgments Midgley’s (2003) ones and is also considered a
and categories in four groups of three and argued separator between scientific thinking and systems
that, In every group, the number of categories is al- thinking (Metcalfe, 2004).
ways the same, namely, three. This is remarkable... The article prefers Gharajedaghi’s schema of
(Sowa, 2000, p.58). Hegel used his triadic logical systems thinking growth. Generation 1, operations
schema of thesis-antithesis-synthesis iteratively research, is to struggle with interdependences of
to explain many aspects of reality (Burks, 1996), mechanical systems. Generation 2, cybernetics
and Peirce himself confirmed that, “every relation and open systems, is to fight with double challenges
of interdependence and self-organization in living

Information-As-System in Information Systems

or biological systems. Generation 3, design, is to systems approach is also closely associated with
cope with triple challenges of interdependence, the continuity assumption, a continuity of the
self-organization and choice in socio-cultural whole existing spatially as well as temporally.
systems that are bonded with information. With The continuity assumption, a core assumption of
his schema, Gharajedaghi argued that systems systems thinking (Barton, Emery, Flood, Selsky,
thinking now in generation 3 is featured with in- & Wolstenholme, 2004), is an essential component
teractive design, which Gharajedaghi intensively in Peirce’s principle of continuity (CP 1.171) and
developed from Ackoff’s (1993) design thinking. theory of evolution (CP 8.317-318), hence, some
The design thinking is also emphasized in Church- researchers suggest that the Peircean pragmatism
man’s (1971), Banathy’s (1996), and Nelson’s is fundamentally a better choice of foundation for
(1994) systems thinking and is essential for other general systems thinking (Barton, 1999).
disciplines opposed to natural sciences and living
sciences (Simon, 1996). In such domains, we may Structural Aspect of
recognize, in reference to traditional classification Information-as-System
of systems thinking, that Gharajedaghi’s design
thinking is closer to critical systems thinking than Based on the semiotics model (Figure 1), we view
soft or hard systems thinking. Moreover, Ghara- the structure of information-as-system as a triad of
jedaghi’s interactive design approach is supported SOI including sign (S), object (O) and interpretant
with a comprehensive methodology that is applied (I) or alternatively, including signifier, signified
broadly by Gharajedaghi himself. and signification. The respective relationship
Gharajedaghi emphasized on descriptions of manifested by information is also a triadic one
social systems via plurality of structure, function, of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic dimension
process, and their relationships in a specified con- of any communicative expression (Morris, 1938).
text. This conception obviously reflects Midgley’s The communication bears meaning of action of
(2003) systemic intervention in which three main informing (verb) presented via the signifier and
concerns are boundary critique, theoretical and meaning of content of informing (noun) presented
methodological pluralism, and action for improve- via the signified and meaning of effect of inform-
ment. Next, Gharajedaghi’s descriptions are also ing presented via the signification that is specified
quite similar to Banathy’s (1992) three-viewpoint by the interpretant, and moreover, is an activity
approach, which comprises viewpoint of system– of interpretation beyond informing.
environment, of function-structure and of process. Note that a modified version of the triad can
Besides, the viewpoint is more or less familiar be applied when the object component (O) in the
with Flood’s (1999) four-window approach that triad is replaced with the value component (V).
applies ethical and critical thinking into systems This modification is adopted due to the insight
thinking to show four windows simultaneously. provided by Goguen (1997) that the signified is
Four windows are process, structure, meaning, specified with social values (V). In our triad model,
and knowledge or power. the structure of information always includes the
With the descriptions of process and context, human component, because to Peirce, a sign is
Gharajedaghi’s systems approach is able to accom- “something which stands to somebody for some-
modate Gunaratne’s (2003) new systems thinking thing in some respect or capacity” (CP 2.228).
that is based on theories of complexity and non- This idea is largely supported in the literature. For
linear dynamics and, hence, recognized the very instance, relying on the need to include people
important role of the factor of time in investiga- in any information perspective, and human “con-
tion of social systems. Moreover, Gharajedaghi’s cern” as a key to deal with information, Metcalfe

Information-As-System in Information Systems

and Powell (1995) proposed a “perceiver-concerns and capable of a definite increase of knowledge.
perspective” in which nothing rather than perceiv- (CP 5.311)
ers can generate information. Likewise, Mason
(1978, p. 220) confirmed: After all, the original structural triad of SOI
should be transformed into that of SOC (or SVG)
Every sign, to be ‘informative’ must signal, influ- to emphasize the importance of community rather
ence, persuade, indicate or otherwise affect the than of individual (Figure 2), and our structural
user. So the user becomes the sine qua non of triad of information-as-system including indi-
any sign. vidual or community would be a Mingers’ (1995)
human meaning system.
In the context of IS, the emphasis on human
element in the structural dimension of informa- Functional Aspect of
tion equals an emphasis on pragmatic aspect of Information-as-System
information itself, namely, the “rules governing
the relationship between signs and their users” The functional aspect of information-as-system is
(Mason, 1978, p. 220). However, the interpretant determined relying on Peirce’s pragmatic theory of
here should be extended into a “community of cognition or the triple model of human experience.
competent inquirers” to simultaneously interpret According to Peircean epistemology, there are
and justify the same phenomena (Ulrich, 2001). three worlds of experience and they are under the
Rather similar to this is Goguen’s (1996) viewpoint philosophical principle of continuity2 (CP 7.438;
that information is generated by social groups 1.171). For the Outer, or the world of things, and
(G). Thus, the interpretant component (I) could the Inner, or the world of ideas, human experience
and should be extended into the component of is called “action” and “perception” respectively.
community of inquirers (C) or social groups (G). Peirce explained that experience is “the course of
This thought is in line with Peirce’s pragmatic life” (CP 1.426), is a consciousness of two variet-
theory of reality and knowledge as expressed ies, which are both “action, where our modifica-
with Peirce’s own words: tion of other things is more prominent than their
reaction on us, and perception, where their effect
… the very origin of the conception of reality on us is overwhelmingly greater than our effect
shows that this conception essentially involves the on them” (CP 1.324). Meanwhile, specific to the
notion of a COMMUNITY, without definite limits, third world, or the intermediate or logical world

Figure 2. Structural aspect (SOC) of information-as-system

Community, C

Syntactic, Semantic,
Information Signified,
Signifier, Object, O
Sign, S (SOC)

Information-As-System in Information Systems

(CP 8.299), human experience turns into “cogni- empirical level and that both shared the same
tion” in Peirce’s term, which is a consciousness of “discursive kernel of knowledge,” which actually
synthesis, of mediation or of a process and “this originated from Peirce, we upwardly map the triple
in the form of the sense of learning, of acquiring, of Peirce’s worlds of human experience into the
of mental growth is eminently characteristic of triple of Habermas’ real worlds. As a result, the
cognition” (CP 1.381-82). functional aspect of information-as-system can
Secondly, as warrants for our suggestion, we now be represented with a triad of social actions,
take, for instance, Boland, Tenkasi, and Te’eni’s here after referred to as the triad of DCC, that are
(1994) model of distributed cognition and Mingers design (D), creativity (C) and culture (C) (Figure
and Brocklesby’s (1997) schema of situational 3). Human design oriented to the material world,
actions. In fact, distributed cognition could be human creativity to the personal world, and human
considered the process through which individu- culture to the social world, respectively.
als construct and reconstruct system of their For the material world, action aims at build-
roles through self-reflection (personal), dialogue ing purposeful systems (Gharajedaghi, 2005) for
(social), and action (material). Next, note that social development. Such a development requires
Mingers and Brocklesby (1997) added human human to have activities of construction, or, in
means of accessibility into problem situations nature, activities of design that assist to under-
and hence made clear kinds of human actions stand system (Churchman, 1971), to change the
for three real worlds of Habermas (Table 1). existing (Ulrich, 2001), and to develop society and
From this, taking Ulrich’s (2001) argument that create future (Ackoff, 1974). Philosophically, as
Habermas’s analysis starting from the pragmatic Churchman (1971) emphasized, systems design
level in place of Peirces’s one starting from the is a tool for improvements of human conditions.

Table 1. Situational actions in Habermas’ three worlds

Analytical world Epistemic relationships Knowledge interests Human means of accessibility
Material Objective Technical Action
Social Intersubjective Practical Languaging
Personal Subjective Emancipation Emotion
[Adapted from Habermas (1984), Mingers and Brocklesby (1997)]

Figure 3. Functional aspect (DCC) of information-as-system


Culture, C

Design, D Information
Creativity, C

Information-As-System in Information Systems

The improvement, to Churchman, implies learn- systems via their experience, belief, attitude, and
ing and this turns out to be fit very well with the ideals to get connected altogether (Gharajedaghi,
Peircean conception of “cognition” as a “sense 2005). For people, “culture is the ultimate product
of learning” just mentioned above. and reflection of their history and the manifesta-
For the personal world, action is a reflection tion of their identity” (Gharajedaghi, 2005, p. 121).
or cognition accompanied with emotion (Gha- Broadly, Gharajedaghi argued that social systems
rajedaghi, 2005). It may be worth mentioning need to have learning capability, also called
Dewey’s (1997) approach of four types of think- culture, which in turn consists of two aspects:
ing ranging from random thinking to reflective (i) cognitive that includes attributes belonging
thinking where there is a continuous learning loop to languages, meaning, thinking, and reasoning;
between thoughts and reflections on thoughts and (ii) normative that includes attributes belonging
thus knowledge creation becomes possible. Mean- to values, belief, and social contracts. Therefore,
while, taking Ackoff’s (1971) types of systems the viewpoint of culture is seen by Gharajedaghi
behaviors, Gharajedaghi (2005) concluded that as an important dimension to build social systems
action is type of behavior where outside changes by which culture creates human as well as human
are neither necessary nor sufficient conditions. creates culture.
The respective systems, purposeful systems, can In summary, the functional aspect of informa-
select means as well as ends of changes and are tion are reflected in social actions, and strongly
able to generate the same outcome in different expressed in terms of mutual relationships be-
ways in the same environment and can produce tween individuals and their worlds of experience.
different outcomes in the same and different en- In this sense, it is easily recognized that the func-
vironment. In sum, they are free will and “such tional points of design (D), of creativity (C) and
systems not only adapt and learn; they can also of culture (C) are beyond “action,” “emotion,” or
create” (Gharajedaghi, 2005, p. 36). Therefore, “self-reflection” and “languaging” or “dialogue”
action is featured as self-determined behavior in Mingers and Brocklesby (1997) or Boland,
of human beings, a typical purposeful system, Tenkasi and Te’eni (1994) models respectively
and it is an autonomous activity resulting from in the context of sociocultural systems, which
creative capability including reasoning and emo- are information-bonded systems (Gharajedaghi,
tion on the one hand, adaptation and learning on 2005). Because our functional triad is composed
the other hand. of social actions, in this respect, our model of
For the social world, communication needs information-as-system would be a Checkland’s
to be accompanied with discourse to generate (2000) human activity system.
interactions (Ulrich, 2001) and hence to build
culture (Gharajedaghi, 2005). Here, discourse is Process Aspect of
a way of construction of social reality (Haber- Information-as-System
mas, 1984) or of organizational decision-making
(Richardson, Courtney, & Haynes, 2006). By this, The process dimension of information-as-
communications and discourses are linked into system, drawing on Peirce’s pragmatic theory of
social interactions— between individuals, intra knowledge, is divided into three (sub)processes:
and inter-group, as well as organizations (Ulrich, the process of perception, of abduction and of
2001). Based on social interactions, shared image inquiry. Perception through observations of the
of a person could be formed, which is also human outside world results in empirical data. Abductive
culture in society in order for members of social operation of empirical data creates new ideas,

Information-As-System in Information Systems

hypotheses, or knowledge. Note that abduction as an argumentative inquiry process. There are
is in nature both inference and insight (CP 1.332) three key states in this process, which are data,
and hence shows individual mental efforts (ego) warrant, and claim. Data are evidences or facts
to cope with the outside world (non-ego). Inquiry used as basis for argumentation and also called
means to arrange, test, and confirm or refuse new the start of reasoning. Warrant is a component
ideas, hypotheses, or knowledge so as to draw of logic linking between data and claim and also
some conclusions, or equally information that plays the role of reasoning process through which
needs to be accepted by some community. Remind speaker convinces audience of how to reach some
that, because inquiry is essentially inference or conclusion from existing data. Finally, claim is
reasoning, inquiring methods are very important result, conclusion, or goal of argumentation and is
and identified by Peirce totally, such as method of also what speaker would like to support. Therefore,
tenacity, of authority, of a priori, and of science as a process, information-as-system would have
(CP 5.377-87). However, the very method of sci- three states, hereafter referred to, for the sake of
ence is the only one acceptable by community of simplicity, as DWC, that are data (facts, given or
inquirers for scientific inquiry. D for short); warrant (backing, knowledge, or W
At the end of inquiry, information itself just for short); and claim (conclusion, information, or
formulated is ready for the next cycle of informa- C for short) (Figure 4).
tion formulation with influencing the following Courtney’s (2001) and Richardson, Courtney,
human perceptions and abductions. And the and Haynes’ (2006) works are close to our descrip-
process of information-as-system or equally tions about the states of the information process.
information formulation as just described is evo- For example, Courtney used Bock’s (1998) and
lutionary theoretically indefinitely. In the light of Nonaka’s (1994) schemas of knowledge creation,
semiotics, getting back to the structural aspect of through which information (explicit forms, in
information-as-system, information-as-system is a shared way) is converted back and forth into
just a typical semiotic triangle, hence, also just knowledge (tacit, in heads of people). Hence, both
a semiosis, a Peirce’s term, an infinite process schemas are essentially cyclical processes, which
of sign production and transmission (Mingers, are similar to ours, but the relevant states of the
2006). processes seemed not to be specified in full. Simi-
Support for our point is evident most in Toul- larly, Richardson, Courtney, and Haynes’ theoreti-
min’s (1964) theory of argumentation. According cal principles for the Singerian inquiring systems
to Toulmin’s theory, information may be seen development introduce the kinds of process of

Figure 4. Aspect of process (DWC) of information-as-system

Claim, C

Facts, Value,
Data, D Information Warrant, W

Information-As-System in Information Systems

knowledge creation, which are put under the pro- knowledge to subjectivity or present tense; and
cess of discussive action of Habermas. However, resultant information or claim to intersubjectivity
the process under discussion is limited into only or future tense. Next, the resultant information
generation of exoretic knowledge, the knowledge or claim of previous iteration of argumentation
very essential for the Singerian inquiry, namely, process would be data of next iteration of the
for broad social and managerial problems and for cyclical process of representation and interpreta-
more loosely coupled or community of practice. tion of socio-cultural systems that are inherently
Thus, the transformation among the respective bonded with information. Thus, briefly, we argue
processes for various types of knowledge is not that the operation process of information as an
fully modeled. The special feature of our model argumentation process evolves over time and is
of information as an argumentative inquiring irreversible.
process is that information may evolve over time For evolution in space, information-as-system
and in space through the loops that exchange the could be seen in two points as follows. First,
roles of three different states: data (D), of war- information, as reference system, may depend
rant (W) and of claim (C). We will discuss time on observations (facts) or judgment (values) as
issue in the next paragraph, and space issue in indicated with Ulrich’s (2003) boundary critique
the next section. or, alternatively, interpretant (I) or community (C)
For the time perspective, Fenzl (2005) argued may depend on sign (S) or object (O) in structure of
that there could be logical relationships between information-as-system. As a result, information-
the past, present and future in discussion of in- as-system would evolve in space at boundary
formation. Given that time only flows from past shift upon human or community interpretations.
to future and, hence, on the one hand, human Second, there are two opposite hierarchies in the
cannot get back to the past (Prigogine, 1997) or literature: data–information–knowledge (Ackoff,
information is irreversible (Fenzl, 2005) and, on 1989), as well as knowledge–information–data
the other hand, social systems are open systems, (Tuomi, 1999) and Tuomi (1999) recognized that
far-from-equilibrium and historical (Gunaratne, both hierarchies could be necessary. Thus, the
2003). Therefore, epistemically, information is the roles among data, knowledge, and information
final state and the outcome of applying warrant can be transformed back and forth along the
onto given data. In other words, the following time process of information formulation. And infor-
relations are found (Figure 5): given data corre- mation evolution in space could be described a
sponding to objectivity or past tense; interpretive little bit more in the next section of contextual

Figure 5. Time aspect (PPF) of information-as-system

Intersubjective, Claim,

Objective, Future, F
Data, Subjective,
Past, P Warrant, Present,

Information-As-System in Information Systems

aspect of information-as-system. Further, in a its essential part because “information cannot be

meta-theoretical sense, the problem of evolution neatly categorized under either the ‘social system’
in space and over time seems, surprisingly, to be heading or ‘the technical system’ heading” (Lee,
non-sense. That is because, to Peirce, “space and 2004, p. 13). On the other hand, human being
time are relations connecting objects and events, is a familiar example of a purposeful system
and so … cannot exist until objects and events (Ackoff, 1971). From this and with our structural
exist” (Burks, 1996, pp. 344-45). descriptions of information-as-system, we claim
Because our process triad of information-as- that the direct supersystem and the subsystem of
system is able to reach some convincing claim information-as-system would be the IS and the
(or produce knowledge) for community, in this interpretant or community of inquirers respec-
sense, it would be a Churchman’ (1971) inquir- tively. This relationship implies that, while any
ing system. IS consists of at least a person (Mason & Mitroff,
1973), the human aspects are always embedded
Contextual Aspect of in the context of information. In fact, in refer-
Information-as-System ence to Mason and Mitroff’s definition of an IS
as five-element system, the human factor in IS is
The contextual aspect of information-as-system only manifested through the factor of informa-
(Figure 6) is defined in a context relating to an tion, which is in turn mentioned very clearly in
IS (Lee, 2004) and a human (Metcalfe & Powell, the other elements of IS, which are psychological
1995). Specifically, the context is an evolution- types, problems types, types of evidence genera-
ary triadic relation in which human is firstness, tors and guarantors, organizational context, and
information secondness, and IS thirdness and they modes of presentation.
three co-evolve. In fact, to Lee, ISs consist of three Next, while the relationship between informa-
(sub)systems, which are social system, technical tion-as-system and interpretants is already put in
system, and knowledge system. To be clear, the a semiotic triad as addressed in our structural,
third system definitely comprises information as functional and process descriptions of informa-

Figure 6. Aspect of context (SIP) of information-as-system

Information Information, I
System, S

Constraining &

Information-As-System in Information Systems

tion-as-system, the relationship between the IS relation of concepts as concepts grow. More exactly,
and information needs to be elaborated more. at this point, the analogy manifests an evolution
We make two following points. First, the IS from a level of system (i.e., information-as-system)
itself, the IS social system, and the IS techni- to a higher level of system (i.e., IS).
cal form a systemic triangulation, an Ulrich’s At this point, we claim that, with our context
(2003) concept, in which the IS plays the role of triad referring to systems boundary, information-
boundary judgment, the social system the role as-system would be an Emery’s (2000) open sys-
of value or evaluations, and the technical system tem because it is able to meet the central theses
the role of facts or observations. In Lee’s (2004, for Emery’s open systems thinking as follows: (i)
pp. 11-2) words, there are systems and social environments as well
as relationships between them; (ii) all systems are
an information system is the result of an informa- open and all boundaries are permeable; and (iii)
tion technology enabling an organization, as much people are at the heart of the system and create
as an information system is the result of an organi- social environments and co-evolve with them
zation enabling an information technology. (Barton, Emery, Flood, Selsky, & Wolstenholme,
2004, pp. 13-14).
Lee’s argument lends a full support to our
boundary critique on IS and thus, our systemic DISCUSSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS
triangulation of information-as-system, the IS
social system and the IS technical system. Second, In this section, we shall make a couple of compari-
there may exist a recursive relationship between sons of our model to Buckland’s (1991) concept of
the IS and information-as-system, which is sup- information-as-thing and Mingers’ (2006; 1996)
ported further with the arguments that both the IS comprehensive theory of semantic and pragmatic
and information-as-system consist of individual(s) information. Both versions are theoretically sound
and that in the extreme case of disappearing both enough because they underlie some kinds of ty-
the social and the technical system, IS would turn pologies, which are usually requested for formula-
to mere information. tion of scientific knowledge in general (Handfield
And last but not least, note that there may be & Melnyk, 1998). Besides, Mingers’ works are
a meta-theoretical analogy between IS as a sys- at least much more typical and significant in IS
temic integration (i.e., system) of social system because they have already covered evaluations of
and technical system and information as a product selected theories of information in the field.
(e.g., concerning a symbol) of connotation (depth) First, our model of information is able to meet
and denotation (breadth) (e.g., of the symbol). To all four possible dimensions of information as
be clearer, the former statement reads that IS is Buckland’s conception of information as thing in a
“simply an instance of a sociotechnical system simultaneous and all-in-one way. Particularly, with
in general” (Lee, 2004, p. 12) and the latter says its structural triad SOC, information-as-system
that information concerning a symbol is “the sum meets Buckland’s aspects of information-as-thing,
of synthetical propositions in which the symbol which may be included in its component S (sign
is subject or predicate” (CP 2.418). Furthermore, or signifier) and of information-as-knowledge,
while Lee (2004, p. 13) stated that IS “would be which may be embodied in its component O
the emergent result of the mutually and iteratively (object or referent); with its process triad DWC,
transformational interactions among the social information-as-system satisfies Buckland’s as-
system, the technical system and the knowledge pects of information-as-process (being informed),
system,” Peirce considered information as a triadic which may be the transformative flow from data

Information-As-System in Information Systems

to claim (i.e., information), and of information son shall be at two levels, meta-theoretical and
processing (i.e., data processing), which may theoretical level of the conception. For the former
be the application of knowledge onto data to level, we consider the aspects of epistemology
produce something more significant. Our model and ontology and for the latter level, the natures
of information-as-system not only includes “the of and the relationships between information and
only form of information with which information its relatives as well as the aspects of process and
systems can deal directly” (Buckland, 1991, p. context between two conceptions are compared.
359), but also covers “important use of informa- Note that our discussion here mainly refers to
tion... to denote knowledge imparted,” “to denote Peirce’s semiotics, which is obviously a frame
the process of informing,” and “data processing.” of reference for both models.
Further, in an epistemic sense, our model of In an epistemic sense, our model of information
information-as-system is also compatible upward seems to be more generic and simpler and hence
with Buckland’s description of “information by more effective than Mingers’ one in terms of the
consensus” because of intersubjectivity compo- capability of theoretical explanation. However,
nent as discussed earlier. Mingers’ detailed accounts of kinds of sign are
Therefore, from the practical view, our model good enough to ontologically support our position-
of information-as-system could define classes ing basic concepts of information into semiotic
of information-related activities expected by triangle. In fact, whilst information in our concep-
Buckland, such as various kinds of “information tion is intersubjective, that of Mingers has both
storage and retrieval systems,” “knowledge bases forms, subjective for signification and objective
for expert systems,” and “statistical analysis” of for the nested information or intent, which in
“patterns in populations of objects and/or event” turn has three possibilities that are analytic (i.e.,
that belong to the objects of studies of various by definition), nomic (i.e., by natural laws), and
fields such as IS, information science, cognitive situational (social conventions and practices)
psychology, interpersonal communication and consequences.
persuasion, and so on. And for the theoretical Rearranging Mingers’ both forms, we suggest
concerns, information-as-system can cover that there should be three new possibilities of in-
completely Buckland’s four-aspect topography formation as follows: (i) signification, (ii) analytic
of information. Additionally, our functional triad intent, and (iii) nomic, as well as situational intent.
crossing over all three worlds of human is in line Note that information in our model is Peirce’s
fully with schema of three sources of information interpretant and hence, having three forms due
(Wersig, 1979, as cited in Buckland, 1991), the to its nature of thirdness, and imagine that three
broader view of information that goes beyond possibilities of information just reordered are
Buckland’s version of information-as-thing. respectively three kinds of Peirce’s interpre-
We next compare our conception with Mingers’ tant, that is, emotional or immediate, energetic
(2006) very recent one, which we believe “provides or dynamical, logical or final interpretant, the
a clear and consistent conceptualization of the ba- mapping between our conception and Mingers’
sic concepts of information” (p. 128) because it is one becomes direct as follows: (i) signification to
based on the evaluation of “a comprehensive range emotional interpretant; (ii) analytic to energetic,
of information theories and concepts” (Mingers, and (iii) nomic as well as situational to logical.
1996, p. 206). When comparing the two models, Hence, our conception of information as third-
we expect not only to validate our conception ness is supported perfectly with Mingers’ forms
but also to seek out some complementary aspects of information.
between them. And to be complete, our compari-

Information-As-System in Information Systems

Next, our term knowledge refers to the state of 2006, p.129) also recognized “the role of the body
subjectivity whereas Mingers’ meaning has also and nervous system” or “embodied cognition” in
both dimensions; subjectivity for specific meaning transformation of information back and forth. In
or import and intersubjectivity for general mean- addition, the introduction of time factor into our
ing or connotation system. Meanwhile, remind conception of information-as-system advanced
that knowledge in our model is Peirce’s object or our model in comparison to Mingers’ one. With
referent and, hence, having two forms due to its this, our model of information-as-system is more
nature of secondness, and also image that Mingers’ significant for development of new technologies
two possibilities of meaning are correspondingly employed in IS such as data mining, data ware-
immediate and dynamical objects, our conception house, online analytical processing, and so on,
of knowledge as secondness matches successfully which require a time component. As a result,
with Mingers’ two forms of meaning. our triads of process and of time may generally
One more point, take it that meaning is more introduce the infinite evolution of information,
subjective than information, and in reference to in which information is any sign and for any hu-
the very popular hierarchy of data-information- man actions including but not limiting to human
knowledge (Ackoff, 1989) and the reverse hier- communications. Likewise, Mingers (2006) also
archy of knowledge-information-data (Tuomi, referred to the similar growth but only for mean-
1999), for basic concepts of information in IS ing, or seemingly emphasized on linguistic signs
as data, information and knowledge (Courtney, and intersubjective communications only.
2001), we may prefer knowledge to meaning. From Second, traditionally Mingers put information
this, briefly, information, knowledge, and data into the context of IS, which, as he emphasized,
are in line respectively with interpretant, object, is really only a part of human meaning system.
and sign ontologically and with intersubjectivity, Meaning system, in turn, is composed of signs
subjectivity, and objectivity epistemically as well and signals, which are continually produced and
as with thirdness, secondness, and firstness in the interpreted and of course are carriers of informa-
general sense of phenomenology. Getting back tion. Hence, for Mingers’ version, information, IS,
to Mingers’ version, we may see that both sign and meaning system are the nested levels and they
and meaning in his model are in order assigned all comprise the whole for human language and
implicitly to signifier and referent in Bhaskar’s communication. However, Mingers also argued
semiotic triangle but information seems not to that information itself and even IS are mean-
be mentioned very clearly in relation to signified ingless until they get connected into the wider
in Bhaskar’s. meaning system consisting of human beings. It
At the theoretical level, first, the process aspect is obvious that such conceptions of information
of information is the same basically in both models, as meaningless and of IS as non-human system
but the transformation from information to mean- are respectively opposed to the common sense us-
ing in Mingers’ model is essentially a subprocess age of the term “information” and the traditional
in our triad of process of information-as-system. definition of IS as system consisting of at least a
Our triad model of process includes the process person (Mason & Mitroff, 1973).
of abduction, of cognition, and of perception, Meanwhile, as developed earlier, our model
which are in order the transformation from data puts person, information, and IS into a triadic
to knowledge, then to information and then back relation in which person is firstness, information
to data newer, whereas Mingers’ main process secondness, and IS thirdness. This means that
described in full is only the transformation from these three levels are interdependent and each is
information to meaning, although he (Mingers, significant in itself. Furthermore, for the general

Information-As-System in Information Systems

contextual problems of information with extra cannot process information, only meaning, the
dimensions of truth, truthfulness and rightness, human conversion from objective information
Mingers (2006) proposed Habermas’s theory of (intent) to meaning is out of question and only
communicative action as the most promising subjective information (signification) should be
approach; whilst, to our version, such pragmatic considered instead. But, note that “the receiver’s
dimensions are satisfied highly with the Peircean knowledge, intentions and context determine what
theories of reality, truth and knowledge, which counts as information” (Mingers, 2006, p. 124), the
have the same foundation, the pragmatism se- way from information to meaning clearly stated
miotics. One more final interesting point is that by Mingers needs also to be put in parallel with
Habermas’ validity claims of truth, truthfulness, some way from meaning to information. Just the
and rightness, in the bottom line, can also be latter link is missing somehow in Mingers’ model.
traced to the Peircean philosophical principle of Whilst, our triad of process shows clearly that
continuity of the three worlds of experience, in information (claim) is the product of knowledge
which validity claim of truth belongs to Outer (warrant) and data, or equally, that there exists the
or the physical world, of truthfulness belongs way from knowledge to information. Of course,
to Inner or the personal world, and of rightness the transformation from information back to data
belongs to Logical or the social world. This may and then to knowledge is also evident, as discussed
be not surprising to us because Peirce explained earlier in the aspect of process. Furthermore, the
“Logic is rooted in the social principle” (CP 2.654) crucial point we make here is that the two-way
and Habermas also developed his “universal transformation from information to meaning and
pragmatics” as universalism for social theory vice versa is insufficient to explain the relation-
(Meadwell, 1994). ships among concepts of information. That is, we
Third, regarding the nature of information, need to take account of one more and only one
Mingers (2006) believes that information is a more information-related concept that is merely
propositional content of signs but, for our concep- the conception of data for our model.
tion, information is beyond proposition, which Fifth, so far we have only discussed informa-
is secondness of Peirce’s trichotomy of symbol, tion and knowledge or meaning, not data. That
to reach to the status of an argument, which is is because the semiotic levels of syntactics and
thirdness of the trichotomy (Peirce, 1931). Sim- below are less significant to IS than to informa-
ply put, we may find out some inference only in tion science or information theory. In fact, our
argument, not within proposition. For meaning, model has not gone far into empirics and syntac-
Mingers stated that the semantic content (mean- tic level and hence, variety of signs in Mingers’
ing), not the information, must have some effect typology of signs is worthy to be a complement
or action on a receiver. To our model, such actions to our model.
(i.e., by the semantic dimension) have effects for Finally, briefly, our model of information is
the personal world only, whilst our information- more generic and simpler philosophically and
as-system shows effects on all three worlds of firmer theoretically than Mingers’ one. In regard
experience of a receiver. to semantic and pragmatic aspects of information,
Fourth, concerning the relationships among ours has only three elements or states of affairs
basic concepts of information, we may see that (data, knowledge, information) ontologically and
the relation between information and meaning in three states of mind (objective, subjective and
Mingers’ conception is opposed to the one between intersubjective), but the full process of informa-
information and knowledge in ours, regardless of tion formulation or transformation of information
terminology. As Mingers pointed out that human back and forth is also determined completely and,

Information-As-System in Information Systems

especially, neither overlappings nor confusing and community of inquirers for interpretation
between elements or states is shown. Hence, the of reality. In terms of function, that is a triple of
clear cut as well as consistency between infor- social actions—DCC— design for the natural
mation and its relatives as well as between the world, creativity for the mental, and culture for
respective processes is more easily established the social. In terms of process, that is a triple of
for our conception. states of argumentation DWC: data as a start,
warrant as a link, and claim as a conclusion. In
terms of time, we develop a continuous interval
FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION or continuum of time— PPF— of three referent
points of time, namely, past, present, and future. In
Although the significance of information in IS is terms of context, we posit a recursive, not nested,
early recognized, IS researchers so far have mostly structure of three levels—SIP— information sys-
focused on the subject matters of organizations, tem, information itself, and person all constrains
technologies, or systems in dealing with IS prob- and enables each other in an interdependent way.
lems. Thus many problems with IS development, Finally, the triads of process, of time, and of
implementation, and usage could be rooted in context altogether are able to model the evolution
the information itself. Our intention is to make of information over time and in space. Hence,
contributions to this area of IS study. information is investigated as an entity (i.e., a
Unlike other studies of ISs focused on either typical semiotic triangle) or a process (i.e., an
the technical or the social system, we attempt to indefinite semiosis). We believe that our general
investigate the concept of the knowledge system model of information-as-system is able to cover
(Lee, 2004), which centered around the notation all types of signs of all three of human worlds,
of information-as-system. Our argument is that thus worth to be investigated more with care in IS
future studies of IS should pay adequate attention and other disciplines such as social theories and
to modeling of information-as-system, in addi- organizational behaviours as Mingers suggested
tion to traditional models of technical and social for his version of information (1996, p. 204).
systems. We believe that our proposed model We have shown that our triad model has a
creates a foundation for determining information number of more advanced features than other
necessary for business managers and to assist models in the literature. First, our model of in-
them in reformulating the problems of information formation is developed on the three-dimension
significance and objectives for various societies, descriptions (triadic relations) of the three aspects
organizations, and individuals (Drucker, 1999). (structure, function, process) of information-as-
The article is to critically explore the nature of system, regardless of its context. Only this way,
information in IS and has developed a conceptual our model of information is able to cover all
model of information-as-system. First, informa- three human worlds of experience fully but at a
tion could be considered a system in its own right minimum effort and to show interdependent and
that has aspects of structure, function, process, evolutionary relationships among information-
and context according to Gharajedaghi’s (2005) related phenomena. For example, our model
systems thinking developed from Ackoff’s (1974) is more than Callaos and Callaos’ (2002) two
systems approach. component notation of information (e.g., data
Each aspect in turn could be represented in a and information), completely covers Buckland’s
semiotic triangle of Peirce. In terms of structure, (1991) four aspect schema of information (e.g., as
that is a triple of interpretation—SOC— sign for thing, as knowledge, as process, and information
representation of reality, object for reality itself, processing) and simpler as well as more clear

Information-As-System in Information Systems

cut than Mingers’ comprehensive typology of understanding what information is and how to
signs. Second, our systems model cannot only go use it shall support us to solve the problems of
beyond the traditional dichotomy of objectivity requirements engineering of ISs. Our findings
and subjectivity existing in most current models, would facilitate systems analysts and designers at
but also provide a comprehensive model for each least in dealing with the problem of information
one concept involved and hence avoid ambiguous requirements of various kinds of organizational
statements such as “meaning is subjective or per- and group ISs.
haps intersubjective,” or “information is objective” Ultimately, the article claims that, along with
but “mean different things to different people.” IS as a human meaning systems (Mingers, 1995),
Third, we believe our systems model far advances human activity system (Checkland, 2000), inquir-
other models of information in its time-related ing system (Churchman, 1971), or open system
nature of information. In the process aspect of (Emery, 2000), information itself also needs to be
information-as-system, we have already identi- considered such a system or such all systems at
fied all three states of the process and they all are once, but definitely not an independent variable
time-related: D (data, given) of past orientation, of IS. Information-as-system is both input and
W (warrant, knowledge) of present orientation, outcome of IS as well as of human actors. The
and C (claim, information) of future orientation. interdependent relationships between human,
Besides, the process is irreversible in its nature. information, and IS make the problems of three
This is similar to the concept of irreversible or- levels of these entities always be wicked or messy
der of stages in IS analysis and design, implied and, therefore, it is really necessary to have many
in the traditional waterfall model. Last, while deeper and broader researches on information
maintaining the nature of triads of information, itself in particular and ISs in general.
our model emphasizes the “interpretant” or the
pragmatic side of information, which stresses
more on the intersubjectivity of information as Acknowledgment
social phenomenon.
To put the systems model of information into The authors thank three anonymous reviewers for
practice, implementation guidelines need to be their helpful comments on the article.
developed in more detail. Any place information
is needed; it should be designed on the aspects
of its structure, function, process, and context. REFERENCES
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Systems, 16(3), 103-117.

This work was previously published in International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, Vol. 1, Issue 2, edited by M.
Mora; D. Paradice, pp. 1-19, copyright 2008 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 8
An Analysis of the Imbursement
of Currency in a Debt-Based
Money-Information System
G. A. Swanson
Tennessee Technological University, USA

INTRODUCTION xxv-xxvi) “difference that makes a difference”

has appeal. Nevertheless, when we consider that
The imbursement of currency into modern debt- technology emerges in self-organizing, evolving
based money-information systems is a concrete living systems that exist in physical space-time,
phenomenon. Economic jargon traffics in abstract that definition has little explanatory power. Alter-
concepts. This analysis attempts to bridge the gap natively, Shannon’s H restatement of the measure
between the abstract and the concrete and to provide of entropy (Shannon, 1948) that became known as a
practical insights into certain social consequences measure of information is significantly explicatory
of different modes of currency imbursement. of an essential connection between information and
Information science, like economics, has devel- matter-energy processes. Shannon’s treatment of
oped as an analytic science. Many reasons might information as a reduction of uncertainty has found
explain that development. Not least among them wide application.
is the daunting complexity of the matter-energy Miller (1978) makes the connection between
systems they concern. Button and Dourish (1996) information and the processes in which it emerges.
provide an interesting view of the role of systems He straight-forwardly endorses Shannon’s defini-
design to provide an opaque barrier for decision- tion while also defining information as the formal
makers against that complexity while enabling patterning in space-time of the elements of matter-
engagement. That conceptual distance can give a energy that comprise a concrete system. Only
false sense that the design of information systems when we recognize that all continuing material
should be limited only by imagination. Many organization is made possible by the unidirec-
definitions of information have been proposed and tional entropic processes occurring in nature can
some have gained acceptance in certain circles. In we begin to recognize the fundamental connection
some highly abstracted systems, Bateson’s (1972, between information and the evolving processes of
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-976-2.ch008

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

An eon before the analytic sciences of econom- information technology in tandem with system
ics and information came into being, information approach provides opportunity to consider special
systems were emerging and forming human civi- information systems deeply embedded in societies.
lization. It is important for information systems The exchange system and the money-information
scientists, from time to time, to contemplate their system have become societal prostheses perform-
rolls in that continuing grand scheme. ing vital and fundamental information processes.
Human civilization may be approaching an It is difficult to conceive of information, which
evolutionary cusp. The agents that usher in the new is processed by more narrowly defined informa-
era will likely not be grand new political thinkers, tion systems, that is not in some way constrained
or even the clash of philosophers and ethicists. by those deeply embedded systems. This paper
The legal, accounting, and information scientists considers certain patterns of control that emerge
and technicians are the likely actors. Their work in the money-information processes of modern
requires exacting specialization. The grand view exchange-based societies. Those cybernetics
is seldom taken. If history teaches us that an should instruct certain design processes of infor-
uninterrupted advance in civilization always oc- mation systems.
curs, we might lean heavily on the unseen hand
always guiding to the benefit of the whole. But,
history teaches the opposite. The grand question CYBERNETICS AND EXCHANGE-
is: Will the evolutionary cusp advance or retard BASED SOCIETIES
human civilization?
The insight of the medical profession, “Do Societies may be characterized by many differ-
no harm,” should be considered by information ent attributes and from a variety of perspectives.
systems scientists, technicians, and academics. However one views a society, eventually the
Before replacing an evolved information system characterizations concerns a collection of living
that supports life, whether biological or social, that individuals in interaction, in physical space-
system should be studied and understood. time. Modern exchange-based societies are self-
This paper at first glance may seem inappro- organizing and maintain a homeostasis, whereby
priate for the systems technologies as they are complex internal changes occur among their
narrowly defined. It, however, attempts to de- components while they maintain a relative overall
scribe in some significant degree two intertwined constancy. That relative constancy of the whole
information systems embedded in the intercourse can only occur if a change in one component is
of social life. They are material processes of ex- met with opposite, reactive changes in the other
change and money-information. The analytics of components. From the time Cannon (1939, p. 293)
information science often concern those processes. gave us the term homeostasis, he anticipated the
Their characteristics, consequently, constrain discovery of general principles that would apply
information systems development. not only to biological organization but also to
Information technology is never far removed “industrial, domestic, and social” ones.
from money-information processes. That fact General principles may be approached from
notwithstanding, money-information processes an abstract perspective or from a concrete one.
are seldom a major subject of discussion except In both approaches, the object of the principles
when the technology is directly involved with is ultimately concrete. That is so because human
money transfers and accounting systems. Informa- curiosity arises, as far as we may examine by
tion systems are human artifacts and sometimes science, in a material existence.
become prostheses. A journal that considers

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

When we approach such principles from When we speak of action and reaction, we
the concrete perspective, our first concerns are acknowledge that the condition of homeostasis
measurement and the avoidance of observer bias. can only occur inter-temporally. Movement in
From the abstract vantage, one is first concerned physical space always involves physical time.
with the development of an understood concep- Process simply cannot occur absent time. Further-
tual system, usually a mathematical model, and more, to acknowledge action is to acknowledge
then with a fitting of that system or model to motion, transportation in physical space-time.
measurements taken on concrete objects. The Having such powerful ideas now available, it is
principles expressed in this paper are developed reactionary (to borrow a popular term) to rely on
from the concrete perspective. That perspective the more limited sense-response, action-reaction
demands measurement, and the models used are paradigm. The view of entities existing in space-
constrained by the properties of the measurement time as processes—inputs, throughputs, and
system employed. Ashby (1962), from the abstract outputs—provides a much more robust inquiry.
vantage, emphasized the development of models Not only can we speak of actions of one entity
based on possible patterns of change. Time and as it interacts with another but the interior of
time again, he makes it clear that such models the entities is opened for investigation. There,
do not depend on the physical characteristics of processes of self-organization and homeostasis
any machine or dynamic system. They transcend may be identified.
those characteristics and model the behavior (how Analysis of the internal properties of homeo-
the object can change). His goal is to identify stasis of modern exchange-based societies leads
models with transformation properties that have inevitably to two rudimentary lines of enquire.
exact parallelism with the behavioral properties They are: What is the irreducible unit, the ho-
of objects. In such an approach, the homeostasis, lon, of modern economic systems? And what is
the complex interactions of its parts that form the money? Upon sufficient answers to those ques-
observable whole, is encased in a black box. The tions, homeostatic processes themselves may be
daunting complexity of homeostasis is left to be identified and examined. To that end, the follow-
explicated only on its general patterns of behav- ing first concerns the rudimentary question of the
ior—patterns of change exhibited by the system irreducible unit. That discussion is followed by a
as a whole. Many systems that we investigate short description of the internal control affected by
are in fact impenetrable, particularly those that exchange on societal components. The question
involve mind and meaning. As might be expected, of money is then engaged and the paper rounds
Ashby’s “cybernetics” has proven fruitful in the out with more in-depth discussion of variations
development of artificial intelligence and other and adjustment processes that may occur due to
pattern recognition information systems. different ways money-information is imbursed.
Such abstracted approaches may be extended
to grand human systems such as societies. Those
extensions, however, may blind against many THE IRREDUCIBLE UNIT OF
aspects of the reality encountered daily. The ob- MODERN ECONOMIC SYSTEM
server is in fact inside those systems and knows a
lot about them. As a consequence, the limiting of In the introduction, I have used without defini-
our inquiry to the behavior of the whole neglects tion the term modern exchange-based societies.
unnecessarily a wealth of information about the Such societies exist in space-time and are mod-
processes out of which the structures of societies ern in the sense that they are of relatively recent
emerge. emergence. Markets go back to pre-history, but

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

societies that are dominantly controlled by market exist empirically to activate a single transaction.
type processes (that are exchange-based) only go The fundamental dynamic of mutual benefit ac-
back a few centuries. I use the term exchange- tivates exchanges.
based instead of the term market in part to avoid Simon (1962, p. 467), when discussing hierar-
the value-laden language with which the latter chical system, asserts that there is “some lowest
has come to be associated. Mostly, however, the level of elementary subsystem.” He associates this
choice is one of exactness. The exchange is a idea with that of elementary particle put forward
specific process that occurs in the interactions of by physicists. While recognizing that such lowest
humans. Exchange is often associated with market levels may be exceedingly complex in their own
environments. Exchange, however, need not be composition, he points to the fact that science
confined to them. accepts such cut-offs when they are carefully
The exactness of definition that I seek is not employed. My assertion that the exchange is the
evident in the various meanings of exchange found irreducible unit of modern economic activity is
in the literature. Modern economic value theory not unlike Simon’s assertion and similar ones
uses the term in connection with the changes made in scores of disciplinal sciences.
occurring in a subjective hierarchy or ranking of An exchange consists of five elements—two
preferences or significance. Mises (1912) extends transactions, reciprocity, a coupling relationship,
its use to intermediary trades that are taking on and time immediacy. In it, two reciprocal trans-
the characteristics of money. Its common use actions occur at a moment (without intervening
often implies a set of monetary reciprocating time). An action is any change of matter-energy
transactions. over time. A transaction is an action across the
The exchange to which I refer is a concrete boundaries of interacting concrete systems. An
economic phenomenon. It happens in physical exchange always occurs between two, and only
space-time and may include both goods-services two, entities. Compound exchanges of many dif-
and certain forms of money. Ecology imposes ferent substances can occur, but always between
economy. The environmental quality that gives only two entities. Related exchanges, those con-
rise to economy is defined by the law of entropy ditioned in some way upon other exchanges, often
(Georgescu-Roegen, 1971; Swanson, Bailey, and occur—but the exchanges themselves are always
Miller, 1997; Swanson, 2006). That which is used between only two entities.
cannot be unused and, thus, scarcity of useful
matter-energy (goods-services) ensues. In order for
it to function in economies as goods-services do, THE CYBERNETICS OF
money must also have utility and scarcity. Those THE EXCHANGE
qualities are imposed by human invention. The
patterns by which money-information is imbursed The concept of exchange, as I have stated it, is
affect patterns of economic processes, that in turn straightforward, observable, and thus objective.
adjust certain social behavior. That objectivity does not have to mean that we
The exchange, not generalized but specific, is cannot explore the manner in which subjective,
the holon—the irreducible unit—of modern eco- decisional aspects are connected to the objective.
nomic systems. Notwithstanding their immense The exchange is a culmination of covenant and a
complexity, those systems are combinations of consummation of contract. The behavioral and the
specific and observable exchanges. While analyti- legal are thus brought together in the economic.
cal models often conceptually divide exchanges The behavioral and the legal are difficult to quan-
into their component transactions, no dynamic tify. The economic is measurable.

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

Figure 1.

Individuals struggle between a duality of values. It is cybernetic. The possibilities that

individual and collective human action. Some present to each entity in the covenant process are
characteristics of the extremities of that duality are changed by new limits imposed by the economic
presented in Figure 1. In that tension, it is important objects surrendered and received.
to recognize that two very different actions are The constraints exercised by exchange on
captured in the etymological roots of the terms societal components are important. Those con-
covenant and contract. The meaning of covenant straints, however, are only part of the adjustment
is “to come together,” while that of contract is “to processes thus introduced. Patterns of exchanges
draw together.” To come together, a near infinite impose adjustment processes on societal structure
array of possibilities present to each individual. as well. With the advent of money, the patterns of
To draw together implies limits, convergence. exchanges can be designed to provide a primary
The covenanting process realistically may be means of societal control.
studied no more concretely or exactly than that
which stochastic, conjectural models may afford.
Alternatively, the contractual process converges MONEY EMERGENCE
on an action. That action may be observed and
measured in the case of the exchange. How does money emerge in economies? The
The exchange forms an attractor, a vortex, answer to that question is colored by how one ap-
drawing together in a decision structure the choices proaches economic science, whether by analytical
available to each of the exchanging entities. At the or empirical means. Considerations of economic
point that the determined value of that which each questions drift finally to questions of value. The
is offering equates, an exchange occurs. Individual analytic science of economics generally ap-
entities simply will not give up more than they proaches the question of value from a subjective
perceive that they are receiving. The values that, vantage—the value that individuals attach to
because of complexity and inaccessibility, may economic actions. Such an approach is almost
be indeterminable are in the exchange expressed. certain to ensure that the systems of such values
On a temporal map, the complex private decision are not isomorphic to any empirically discoverable
processes subside as contract prevails. But the system of objective values.
exchange is more than the exposition of internal

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

The choice to base the analytical science on that exchange transactions must be preceded by
subjective value is not based in ignorance of measurement of the quantity of value contained
the objective values exhibiting in economies. It in each of the objects that are to be exchanged.
rather is an effort to explain the most fundamental And, it is then an obvious step to regard money
aspects of economy. Those aspects always boil as the measure of value.
down to scarcity imposed by nature and utility
arising in the minds and behaviors of humans. He, however, rejects such a theory because
Auditors often “look through” the legal form of “scientifically” conceived value is subjective.
business organization to its “economic substance.” Having further concluded that money has no util-
Economists take a similar perspective but with ity (no subjective value) and thus must arise from
reference to money instead of legal form. Models objective exchange value, he imputes its current
constructed with such a view may be expected to value back to its previous value as a commodity.
assign no economic value directly to the interme- This conclusion leads him to advocate a strong
diary through which they gaze to the substance. gold standard as the fundamental currency. Look-
The extension is that money flows themselves ing back, almost a century later, one has but to
do not contain information. They rather provide wonder what kind of a world would now exist if
a price index upon which certain judgments of his advocacy had prevailed. His conclusion that
value may be made. money must arise from an objective exchange
While embracing completely the subjective value, nevertheless, is interesting.
value approach embodied in the marginal util- Mises relies on historic development in con-
ity school of thought, Mises (1912) provides an cluding a prominent place for gold in his hypoth-
objective explanation of how money emerges in esis. Unfortunately, he neglected the reflexion
economic activity. He views money simply as a of advancing human cognition in the developing
medium of exchange. It arises according to Mises money-related artifacts of the same period. When
from an individual desiring a certain commodity one includes that evidence, money takes on the
for which he cannot directly trade a commodity character of information. With that quality, money
in his possession. He must, therefore, make an is thrust to the heart of social organization and
indirect trade—that is, a trade for a third commod- market activity very early in the development of
ity that may in turn be traded for the commodity human civilization.
desired. Mises explains how certain commodities, Schmandt-Besserat (1992), from her study
being more “marketable,” become the target of of the extant artifacts of a prehistoric accounting
such indirect trade. He extends the use of the term system, formulates a strong hypothesis that the
exchange from subjective exchange to those indi- evolution of human cognition moves from the
rect trades. That view of money persists to today concrete, objective to the abstract. She examines
in most economic theory. It is an easy step from clay objects that began to appear with the advent
that view to the treatment of money as exogenous of agriculture about 8000 B.C. and continued
to most economic models. (with significant changes occurring) until about
Mises (p. 51), furthermore, concisely states an 3000 B.C. With the advent of monumental archi-
objective theory of value as follows: tecture about 3500 B.C., the accounting systems
underwent major change. Schmandt-Besserat
If . . . the possibility of an objective concept of hypothesizes that both written language and ab-
commodity values is accepted, and exchange is stract numbering emerge in that change. Those
regarded as the reciprocal surrender of equivalent technologies are informational aids to human
goods, then the conclusion necessarily follows cognition. If her hypothesis holds, quantification

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

and measurement clearly are not abstract additives 4. Tokens used to account, count, and as a
of a much later emerging science. They are at the medium of transaction (about 3,500-3,000
heart of human interaction and their fundamental B.C.)
expressions involve economy. And, to the point 5. Tablets used to separate the accounting
at hand, it is the informational content of certain artifact from the transaction artifact.
artifacts that emerging into exchange processes 6. Precious metal artifacts used for long-
distinguishes money from the economic goods- distance exchanges.
services it facilitates. 7. Coins
Swanson and Miller (1989) analyze the emer-
gence of incipient forms of such money-informa- From the coins, money-information markers
tion, termed primitive money by Grierson (1977), continued to evolve as documented in the numis-
Einzig (1966) and others. It may be hypothesized matic literature (Kagan, 1982). It is evident from
that the inception of money-related artifacts oc- that trace that the evolution of counting, and thus
curred in the following order: of measuring, are intertwined, with that of money
(Table 1).
1. Bone tallies and pebbles used to count (about For the topic at hand, it is important to dis-
10,000 B.C.) tinguish between two types of units of measure-
2. Tokens used to account (about 8,000 B.C.) ment, a counting unit and an accounting unit. A
3. Tokens used to count (about 3,500 B.C.) counting unit is one belonging to a quantified
conceptual (abstract) system. Its value is de-

Table 1. An evolution of numbering

Concrete System Elements Artifactual Abstractions (Models)

Ordinal Numbering Time ordering of creation rituals Bone tallies, calendrical notations
Transition Numbering Human counting systems— (fingers, toes, Administrative token systems
multiple persons)
Trade of equal amounts of commodities Abacus
Cardinal Numbering 1 Trade of differing amounts of commodities Substitutions of differing amounts of administrative
tokens representing different commodities
Cardinal Numbering 2 Trade on the basis of a common denominator Administrative tokens representing common denomina-
Cardinal Numbering 3 Accounting unit commodities used as medium Tokens representing absolute (undifferentiated) quanti-
of exchange, e.g., weighed metals ties of transaction value
Cardinal Numbering 4 COINS
Undifferentiated quantities of exchange value calibrated on various monetary scales
Swanson and Miller (1989, p. 42). Used by author permission.

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

termined entirely by the characteristics of that Information in such systems is defined as the
system. It has no empirical (concrete, material) arrangements of those matter-energy elements.
content. Alternatively, an accounting unit is a unit Concrete information, consequently, is always
of a convenient commodity used as a common borne in matter-energy markers. The term marker
denominator to establish relationships between rather than that of mark is selected to indicate that
the exchange values of other commodities. An information is a primal quality of such systems.
accounting unit is always determined with refer- Any matter-energy, by virtue of the changing ar-
ence to a concrete, material system element. It is rangements of its elements, is a marker. In order
an object among objects. to move in space or to endure in time concrete
information must be borne on information markers.
An economic power of organization is exercised
MONEY-INFORMATION by the introduction of money-information markers
at the level of the exchange.
The information content of money should be When money-information is recognized as
further clarified. For that purpose, a clear distinc- to have power to organize, the quality of the
tion may be struck between the term monetary objective value of accounting unit measurement
information and money-information. That dis- becomes a significant ingredient of homeostasis.
tinction may be made on the basis of a subjective Furthermore, the homologies presenting in the
doubling of the terms negentropy and information money-information values of specific exchanges
introduced by Beauregard (1961). Shannon (1948) constitute a certain type of formal identity—a
had called his H measure of entropy information, cybernetic system.
which term quickly became associated with the It is convenient to classify money-information
negative of entropy, with negentropy. If entropy markers (MIM) into two basic classes, time-lagged
is progress towards disorganization, negentropy MIM and currency MIM. Time-lagged MIM
is progress against disorganization. Negentropy (TLM) document executory contracts, which ob-
came to connect the organization (the formal ligate the issuers to some future action. Currency
patterning) that characterizes physical systems MIM (CM) documents objective value free of any
with the more common understanding of the term future obligation. For example, bonds obligate a
information. Beauregard defined the relationship transmission of a certain value at a certain future
with two transitions (negentropy  information). date and shares obligate managers to act in the
The direct transition is acquisition of knowledge financial interests of shareholders. That example
and monetary information is defined in that man- points to the common subclasses of TLM. There
ner. Monetary information is a price index that is is, however, an additional very important subclass
useful for all sorts of economic decision-making. of TLM. That subclass is socialization documen-
Money-information, however, is something more. tation such as tax and subsidy receipts and court
It corresponds with Beauregard’s reciprocal transi- orders that transfer wealth. This subclass should
tion power to organize. By its objective value in be disclosed in public financial statements, but
specific exchanges, money-information provides it is not. Currently in the name of accountability,
a motive force, a dynamic for actual economic vast monetary values of socialization documen-
activity. tation are being introduced into the worldwide
The goods-services flows in economies are economic system with very little public disclosure.
actual concrete (matter-energy) substances. Such The stated purpose of such introductions is the
substances accumulate in regions of space-time injection of currency to get the credit markets
to form systems with interacting subsystems. functioning properly.

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

SOME ADJUSTMENT PROCESSES Samsuiluna reigns of the First Dynasty of Babylon.

OF CERTAIN MIM IMBURSEMENTS The dockets are pyramidal clay objects bearing
impressions such as “The inscription mentions
The particular patterns by which MIM are im- on the first side: 1 lu hun-ga ‘one hired worker,’
mited both have cybernetic effects on the deci- on the second side, the name of the man, and on
sion processes of individuals and affect processes the third side, month and day” (p. 12). A docket
of homeostasis in societies. It is, consequently, was given to a worker in exchange for his labor.
informative to examine those patterns. Methods The docket was then taken to the store where it
of mining such patterns in actual processes be- was exchanged for probably grain (which became
come daunting because of complexity. We may, the accounting unit during that period). This is
therefore, resort to analytical simplification. The an example of an IOU temporarily intervening
method of simplification is developed within a in the reciprocating transfers of a trade (the giv-
macro accounting conceptual framework built ing of labor for grain). It may be modeled as in
on four essential ideas. They are: 1. The irreduc- Notation 1:
ible unit of economic process is the exchange; 2.
Complex modern economic processes are com- IOU-P 1IOU+W1LW P W S S W
-1 L+1 IOU-1IOU +1G-1G +1
binations of exchanges; 3. Within modern eco-
nomic processes, money-information processes (1)
emerge from executory contracts documented
by accounting instrumentation that temporally
intervenes in the reciprocal transfers of trades; where: IOU is a type of promissory note, L is
4. Accounting documentation of debt is the basic labor, G is grain, P is producer, W is worker,
form of modern money. and S is stone. The notation always begins with
A trade is an exchange in which the reciprocat- an outflow (-) of a transaction from one entity
ing transactions are transfers of goods-services. followed by its inflow (+) to another entity. The
The trade is primal. Out of it emerges all other reciprocating transaction follows in order (again
types of exchanges. Contract consummation in a beginning with outflow) to complete an exchange
trade is determinate—it imposes a near infinite in four terms. Measurements are included by
package of constraints from both an abstract introducing quantitative subscripts. Very general
vantage and a concrete one. terms are used to examine the cybernetic effects
Economic activity is facilitated by relaxing, of money-information at a macro level—such as
to some extent, those constraints by introducing the general classes of MIM defined above. Ad-
MIM into trades. The resulting exchanges form ditional terms are introduced as needed.
chains of directed economic activity. Those inter-
actions participate in the societal adjustment pro-
cesses that maintain homeostasis. In the following THE TRADE
paragraphs, various kinds of MIM introductions
are presented. Each introduction relaxes certain The primal exchange is the trade. A trade is an ex-
constraints inherent in the trade which, in turn, change of goods-services for other goods-services.
increases uncertainty. It is useful to define the transactions of a trade as
The notation used in the presentation can be transfers. The power of money-information to or-
demonstrated with a simple example from arche- ganize social processes originates in the temporal
ology. Weitemeyer (1962) describes a system of separation of the transfers of a trade. Notation 2
worker dockets that date in the Hammurabi and describes a trade.

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

GS-C11 GS+
C2 C2 C1
1 GS-1GS+1
transmit the TLM in return for other GS (giving
the other person the right to the contracted har-
vest). However, the person accepting the TLM is
subject to an increased risk of default (increased
where C1 is one individual and C2 is another.
uncertainty) due to decreased personal knowledge
The trade requires availability of certain goods-
concerning the payor. If the merchant does not
services, placing severe space and time restrictions
exercise a choice of additional economic activity,
on economic activity.
the initiated chain of exchanges forms a circuit.
The TLM introduced by the peasant is retrieved
by him. The TLM immission is determinate. At
THE TRADE WITH DEBT the completion of only one trade, the circuit is
INTERVENING closed and provides no further motive force for
additional economic activity.
Such severe restrictions may be relaxed to a certain
extent by the introduction of an intervening debt
instrument. Such an instrument is introduced in
Notation 1, but there it has more the characteristic
of a receipt given by one component of an entity
and received and destroyed by another. Even in that
The incremental uncertainty of public versus
introduction, some release of the restrictions of di-
private debt, perhaps more than anything else,
rect trade are obtained. Debt instrumentation takes
explains why societies imburse currency. Caveat:
on a public characteristic when a means of civil
Currency in macro accounting is not defined by
enforcement of private contract is introduced. Its
the common usage of the term. Currency explic-
imission, then, may become the motive force (the
itly is MIM that carries no obligation for future
dynamic) for more extended economic activity.
action. Juxtaposed with debt, currency cannot be
For example, a merchant of medieval times passes
defaulted. All debt instruments risk the uncer-
through the countryside giving small amounts of
tainty of default. By accepting debt in exchange
gold to peasants in exchange for debt contracts,
for currency, society bears the uncertainty of
executed over their “marks,” with their promises
to deliver a certain volume of grain at harvest, and
Consider a situation in which individual initia-
the promise is fulfilled (Notation 3).
tive and trust emit the primary money-information
as debt and society makes available currency to
remove the risk of default (Notation 4).
C2 C2 C1
1GS-1GS+1 TLM -C21 TLM+
S S C2
1CM-1CM +1

where M is merchant and P is peasant. Time and
space constraints are relaxed, but within certain CM-C21CM +
C1 C1 C2
S C1
1GS-1GS+1 1TLM +1
limits. The new time constraints are defined by the
executory contract underlying the debt instrument.
That contract can also allow latitude in place of
consummation. Uncertainty is introduced by the Perhaps C1 gives a promissory note to C2 to
relaxed constraints. The risk of failure to repay is obtain the labor of C2 and C2 obtains cash by
introduced, and it is possible for the merchant to giving the note to a social institution. (Society’s

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

money is actually processed by certain compo- first producer satisfies its debt that is now in the
nents). C2 then uses the cash to buy goods from hands of society.
C1, and C1 gives the cash to the social institution
to satisfy the promissory note. In this particular
chain, society releases the risk of default constraint SOCIETY IMBURSED MIM
incidental to debt but C1 does not take advantage
of that freedom to motivate additional exchanges. Thus far, only societal component initiated MIM
Notice five aspects of this situation: 1. The im- has been considered. What happens when society
mission of the original money (TLM) is from the decides to initiate MIM to increase production
entities engaged in exchange. Control of that initial and commerce? Notation 6 maps a simple case
process is at the societal component level. 2. The of society initiated economic activity.
chain is determinate. Circuits are formed for both
TLM and CM. Control may be imposed at both CM- 1CM +1TLM-1TLM +1 CM-P 1CM +

component and system levels. 3. The conversion (6)
of TLM to CM serves no obvious purpose, since
only two entities are involved in a single trade. CM-C 1CM +P 1GS-P 1GS+
1 CM-P 1CM S+1TLM-
1TLM +1
However, C2 shields itself against default of the
TLM during the period that it holds CM. The
availability of a shield may entice less trusting
components into initiating economic activity. 4.
where society loans currency to producers, who
The increased negotiability of the CM increases
in turn pay for labor and other factors of produc-
the probability that the motive force of the TLM
tion. The laborer/consumers (C) then buy the
will be extended to instigate additional trade during
product of the producers with the currency, and
the life of the executory contract underlying the
the producers repay society. Notice that in this
TLM. While in circulation, the currency provides
circuit, the MIM initiated by society stimulates
immediacy of motive force. Notation 5 gives an
both production and commerce. Similar expan-
example of a simple expansion instigated by avail-
sions to those possible in Notations 4 and 5 can
able CM. 5. The motive force of the TLM has a
occur here as well. In fact, since the motive force
discrete temporal limit. Debt contracts mature.
of all the represented goods-services activity is
Repayment is required at a moment certain. The
currency MIM, the array of possible expansion is
temporal limit that is put on CM by introducing it
increased. That characteristic not withstanding, the
in exchange for debt is a powerful control.
prominent characteristic of debt-based currency
CM-C 1CM +Pb1GS-Pb1GS+
CM-Pb1CM +Pa1GS-Pa1GS+Pb1
is maintained. The currency is introduced for a
discrete period. Its retrieval is predictable. It should
(5) also be noted that society is loaning currency to a
societal component. Society is holding the debt.
Society is not owing the debt.
where a worker accepts a debt instrument from
a producing entity (Pa) to supply labor. The
worker then exchanges the debt for currency
and uses the currency to purchase goods from a
second producer (Pb). The second producer then
purchases goods from the first producer, and the

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

CURRENCY DISCONNECTED by the temporal constraint of debt no longer ex-

FROM DEBT BY DEFAULT ist. How the rogue currency affects further eco-
nomic activity depends on many factors, not the
Even though debt-connected currency provides least of which is economic structures designed
predictability, that predictability is not determinate to re-circulate such currency. Perhaps the most
in the final sense. The culprit is risk of default. In important point made by Notation (7) is that the
the degree that debt may be defaulted, determi- money supply of CM in circulation is increased
nateness fails. A default, in essence, disconnects by defaults of debts to society.
currency from the debt instrumentation that ini-
tiated it. From the side of the debt instrument, a
default is tantamount to paying off the debt. That HOLDING OF DEBT BY SOCIETY
is so because the executory contract underlying
the debt instrument terminates at its maturity That same effect (increased money supply) may
date, whether by repayment or default. Since the be introduced by the action of society holding the
currency has not been used to satisfy the debt, debt that underlies the currency imbursement—by
its flow is no longer predictable. The currency extending the maturity date of the debt instruments.
associated with defaulted debt remains in the Notation 7 holds but society does not write off
economy to be used at the discretion of the holder. the debt. Its increasing debt “burden” reflects the
If the debt contract is between societal compo- increasing currency supply in the economy.
nents, the lending component suffers the loss of Now that is a very interesting development.
currency. That currency left undirected is termed We all know that the national debt is owed by the
local discretionary currency. Such currency, it society, not owed to the society. The common jar-
turns out, has no effect on the average ratio of gon associated with such processes conveniently
currency to goods services (it is neither inflation- clouds analysis of national debt and the money
ary nor deflationary in the whole). Alternatively, supply.
defaulted debt contracts between components and Some light may break through when we realize
society introduce global discretionary currency that governments (who owe the debt) are societal
which, in fact, can affect changes in the ratio of components that provide certain societal functions
total currency to total goods-services. Notation but only certain ones. Churches, synagogues,
7 maps that which happens upon default of debt temples, and mosques provide other societal
to society. functions, and an exhausting list can be made of
other types as well. In the realm of economic con-
CM-C 1CM +Pb1GS-Pb1GS+
C Pb S S Pa
1 /RSD/ CM +1 , CM-1 , TLM-1 , TLM +1 trol through debt instrumentation, governments

(7) borrow from a pool of investors. The investors
constitute a societal decider super-ordinate to
S Pa Pa S
CM- 1CM +1TLM-1TLM +1 CM-Pa1CM +C 1GS-C 1GS+Pa1 that of the government. The national debt we
commonly describe as owed is in fact held by
that higher echelon of societal decider. What we
inversely describe as the national debt is at least a
where /RSD/ means residuals. The exchanges
surrogate for that described in Notation 7. It is the
that could close the circuit are never made. The
inversion that makes surrogating necessary, not
currency introduced in the initial exchange of the
the amount. The amount is actually an objective
chain remains somewhere in the system. The debt
measurement established in exchange.
is written off by society, and the limits imposed

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

Now when we perceive in this manner, it again a partial chain).

becomes necessary to acknowledge a global
integration of societal deciders super-ordinate to TR -G1TR +C 1CM-C 1CM+G1 CM-G1CM S/C S/C G
+1 TLM-1 TLM +1

those of national governments. That global decider (9)
subsystem is rapidly becoming the final arbitrator
of social order. The power to do so is exercised
through debt instrumentation that subordinates the where S/C indicates the dual role of the super-
borrower to the lender. If the vast sums of debt ordinate deciders as social lenders and consumer/
instrumentation being used currently to imburse laborers. Alternatively, if the super-ordinate de-
currency into national monetary systems are cider is exogenous, the currency is removed from
“sold” as usual to the class of global deciders, the system (Notation 10, partial chain).
the locus of social order will likely be finalized
at the supranational level. If, alternatively, semi- TR -G1TR +C 1CM-C 1CM+G1 CM-G1CMS/F S/F G
+1 TLM-1 TLM +1

autonomous units such as the U.S. Federal Trade
Commission hold the debt instruments exacted
from societal components (leaving the currency
in the economy), the headlong plunge to supra-
where S/F indicates foreigner who will not re-
nationalism may be abated.
introduce the CM in the economic system. In
this case, the initial results of taxation (Notation
8) is not mitigated and the constraints imposed
Notations 9 and 10 bring up the interesting
What, then, would happen if the national debt were
question of whether or not truly exogenous gov-
paid off? The answer to that question is not simple,
ernment creditors exist. And that question begs an
but we may examine some effects. In order for it
explanation of the function of national currency in
to pay down the debt owed, the government taxes
the boundary of a society. Miller (1978; Swanson
other societal components. Notation 8 presents
and Miller, 1989) define living systems at eight
this situation without regard to the beginning of
hierarchical levels of increasing complexity. The
the chain or its residuals.
society is the seventh level. Systems at all of those
TR -G1TR +C 1CM-C 1CM +
S G levels exhibit twenty critical subsystems, without
1TLM +1
which they cannot endure in the environment
(8) of earth. The boundary is one of only two such
subsystems that process both matter-energy and
information. The others process one or the other.
were TR is tax receipt and G is government. Be- National currency (money-information) extends
cause a tax receipt is not a negotiable instrument, the boundary of a nation to all economic activity
the CM taken from the consumer/laborer limits denominated in that currency. So, if such reason-
the choices of economic actions (remaining). It ing is correct, no truly exogenous government
tends to slow economic activity. However, how it creditors exist. Nevertheless, one cannot neglect
actually perturbs the system depends on whether significant structural impediments to the free
the super-ordinate decider is endogenous or ex- flow of national currency that is held beyond the
ogenous to the system. If endogenous, the CM delimited physical border of a nation.
comes right back into circulation (Notation 9,

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

CYBERNETIC DYNAMICS OF dynamics may be anticipated. The relaxation of

SUCH MOTIVE FORCES AS that constraint, however, has proven to provide a
INTEREST, RENTS, AND PROFIT powerful motive force for innovative activity.
Similar patterns to those of profit emerge
Space does not allow a full discussion of the many from wages, interest, rents, and other motive
effects of the introduction of these and other mo- forces when participants in chains of exchanges
tive forces. Although the mutual benefit dynamic are allowed the freedom to set their prices in
may suffice for an explanation of trades, seriously specific exchanges. It is not difficult to see that
considering the value of time requires introduc- the management of monetary and financial policy
tions of additional motive forces. Once a certain in such systems is forced to rely to a great extent
dynamic is accepted by economic participants, on stochastic models. That fact notwithstanding,
currency facilitation by government of economic the objective values of each specific exchange in
processes must include the price of that dynamic. the trillions-plus exchanges per year that com-
If it is not included, the price of the dynamic will prise a modern economic system are considered
inhibit the orderly retrieval of currency in the and observed—and, in most cases, are recorded.
amount of the dynamic. Notation 11 describes Each exchange works in tandem and in chains,
one such situation. and importantly, in circuits to produce a certain
homeostasis of social interaction.
CM-C 1.0 CM +P 1.0 GS-P 1.0 GS+
CM-P 1.0 CM S+1.0 TLM-
1.0 TLM +1.0


where the TLM includes an obligation to pay The examples above provide some insights to
interest to society. Society, however, fails to remit certain cybernetic aspects of money-information
currency in the amount of the interest. If, after the imbursement. It is clear that the introduction of
interest part is defaulted, society insists on closing currency is not a necessary condition for economic
the circuit (removing the residual) several things activity to be facilitated beyond that allowed by
might happen. For example, the producer may trade. The negotiation of private debt can do that.
enter immediately into another debt contract with Such facilitation is generally orderly. It is also clear
the government for another cycle of production that certain limits inherent in debt instrumentation
and sales. Some of the cash received may then be can be relaxed by the imbursement of currency.
remitted to the government to satisfy the interest As long as the currency introduced remains con-
owed. However, the producer will then be able to trolled by the temporal constraint of the executory
invest only 0.9 in the next round of production. contract underlying the debt instrument, the result-
The failure to introduce sufficient currency forces ing economic processes are determinate within
a slowing of economic activity. It is possible to that limit. In the event that the debt instrument
manipulate the patterns of currency imbursement is defaulted, the temporal constraint is released,
to retain the incentive/coercion of such lags with- and the pattern of the motive force of the MIM
out dampening economic activity. is unpredictable.
Profit is a special case because it is introduced The examples provided examine very simple
at the discretion of a participant in a chain of expressions of some money-information marker
exchanges. A consequence of this is to relax the imbursement and their contributions to societal
orderly processes that result when prices of specific homeostasis. Many more complex systems involv-
ing the dynamics of interest, taxes, rent, royalties,

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

dividends, and profit have been modeled with the 1. The money-information systems are par-
notation used (Swanson, 1993, pp. 97-149), as well ticularly interesting because the constraints
as inter-societal exchanges (pp. 145-165). of those systems are pervasive and those
constraints may be neglected in the design of
particular information systems. The greater
IMPLICATIONS FOR reason, however, that embedded societal
INFORMATION SYSTEMS information systems should be studied is
that they often are the most efficient such
Technology conceived broadly includes not systems and, by trial and error evolution,
only human artifacts but also processes and, yes, have incorporated satisfactory levels of re-
expanded perception (e.g., written language and dundancy. When such information systems
mathematical systems). Information technology exist, their strengths and weaknesses should
makes possible our modern modes of social order. be considered rigorously before substituting
The emerging global corporations are persons a designed information system.
of law endowed with only the rights prescribed 2. The cybernetic effects of money information
thereby. They are inventions of humans. They are imbursement on both the individual entity’s
technological informational entities. Those legal array of possibilities and on societal patterns
persons cohabit with natural citizens in modern of development may be important consider-
societies, all interacting with each other and the ations in the design of information systems.
environment. A system approach suggests that, at the least,
The disciplines concerned with informa- the possibility should be considered.
tion science and technology have emerged only 3. Information systems are often perceived
recently—actually in a single lifetime. As history to have changed the money-information
goes, exchange-based societies emerged just a little markers to more energy efficient forms.
earlier. The scientists, technicians, and academ- They have done that, and that is important.
ics (as with those in other disciplines) involved It is also important that information systems
in information systems development are often have increased the rate of transmission of
concerned with narrow problems. Even though money-information. These advances, how-
governments are some of the largest consumers ever, have much greater implications than
of information technology, only recently have simply obtaining energy-efficiency. In some
they begun to emphasize information systems situations, they have moved competition in
that broadly and deeply integrate social processes. the exchange system to a new technological
Those systems are being designed to gather and level. Consider the super computers that
distribute information on already mature social engage arbitrage in the system of floating na-
systems. Such social systems could not exist tional currency values. The faster computer
without embedded information systems. I have wins. Remember that debt instrumentation
attempted to draw attention to two such embed- is the basic form of private money. In such
ded information systems, exchange systems and information systems, the period of a debt
money-information systems. instrument shrinks to nana-seconds. Hugh
The concrete view of information in exchange- magnitudes of money are imbursed and
based societies has many implications for infor- transmitted. The higher technology systems
mation systems design. Only five implications work because they have incorporated the
are presented here. characteristics of the evolved exchange
and money-information systems. The

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

magnitudes of money, however, if permitted sub-prime mortgage crisis provides an example

into ordinary exchanges can have devastating of how this can happen. FASB157, par. 18, sec.
effect. a., moving towards a purely analytic concept
of public financial reporting, stated: “Valuation
The question of magnitudes of money useful to techniques consistent with the market approach
one section of a monetary system being destruc- include matrix pricing. Matrix pricing is a math-
tive to another section has some relevance to the ematical technique used principally to value debt
current “credit crisis.” Are the trillions of dollars securities without relying exclusively on quoted
worth of currency imbursement the amounts prices for specific securities, but rather by relying
needed to remove the drag of past unimbursed on the securities’ relationship to other benchmark
interest, profit, etc.? If so, in order to not simply quoted securities” (FASB, 2006).
compound the problem, semi-autonomous gov- Because FASB has the force of law, a fall in
ernmental units should hold and accountfor the the credit rating of a company whose security you
debt instrumentation. hold as an asset forces an immediate write-down
of the value of that asset. No actual exchanges
4. Democracy and exchanged-based societies are required to bring about the falling value.
have emerged more or less together. One However, the write-down can result in a lower-
reason is that in free exchange the societal ing of certain financial ratios written into a debt
decider subsystem is widely distributed to covenant, which finally results in your creditor
virtually all citizens. Emerging technol- calling in the loan. Now you are forced on an
ogy depends on the ability of individuals untimely basis to provide cash to retrieve the note.
to account their ideas and skills to others. The security that you hold has not been defaulted
It is bottom-up. It is interesting, however, and yet despite your diligence in exchange, loss
that the English language does not assign is imposed from above. Should the information
such a straight-forward meaning to the systems be so tightly connected? At what point
term accountability. It only allows “to hold do the information systems that are used to set
accountable.” Currently, evolving informa- automobile insurance premiums based on fair-
tion systems seem overly concerned with ness become unfair for their complexity beyond
top down control. It is true that “expert the control of policy holders? And, how do such
systems” and “open source” programs open systems undermine confidence of members of
up accountability from the bottom up, but society at large?
even they can be used for top down control.
Both bottom-up and top-down are necessary. 5. An over-reliance of information science on
Reaching the proper balance is difficult. its common analytic models and simulations
may obscure some of the central characteris-
Because of the analytic science approach tics of the concrete systems with which they
of information-related disciplines, it is easy to are concerned. This paper has emphasized
not consider sufficiently the cybernetics of the one such characteristic—the motive force
exchange processes themselves. Those systems of money-information in exchange. When
are contributing to the homeostasis of societies. models neglect the coupling relationship of
They may be overridden by information systems, the exchange, they neglect the dynamic that
the design of which overly connects critical brings about the patterns being modeled.
elements, and that results in the unnecessary The models and simulations deriving from
perturbation of societal processes. The current Leontief (1953) without doubt advanced the

An Analysis of the Imbursement of Currency in a Debt-Based Money-Information System

art of governance. However, those models, The system of notation developed in macro
as with most economic models, completely accounting provides a means of modeling different
neglect the processes of money-information. patterns of imbursing money-information. Some
There are at least as many types of money patterns result in chains of exchanges that form
information as there are classes of goods- circuits—inserting and removing money-informa-
services. Information models that track tion to motivate specific economic activity. Other
those types are likely as necessary for good patterns result in chains that do not close—leaving
governance as those that model the good- residuals of discretionary currency and defaulted
services classes. debt instruments. In each case, the models can pro-
vide significant cybernetic insight to the processes
that concern policy makers at both the societal
CONCLUSION level and that of societal components.
Exchange and money-information systems,
Money-information processes are important embedded deeply in social processes, constrain
determinants of the homeostasis of modern social activity. Information systems are designed to
exchange-based societies. While general prin- facilitate such activity. Consequently, their design
ciples of cybernetics may be approached from an should include consideration of the constraints
abstract, holistic perspective, this discussion has imposed by exchange and money-information
approached certain aspects of social cybernetics systems, and the patterns economic consequences
from a concrete, internal perspective. From the imposed by various means of imbursing currency
chosen perspective, it is argued that the irreducible into social systems.
unit (the holon) of modern economic systems is the
exchange. Highly complex economies are com-
binations of specific and observable exchanges. REFERENCES
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Chapter 9
A Complex Adaptive Systems-
Based Enterprise Knowledge
Sharing Model
Cynthia T. Small
The MITRE Corporation, USA

Andrew P. Sage
George Mason University, USA


This paper describes a complex adaptive systems (CAS)-based enterprise knowledge-sharing (KnS)
model. The CAS-based enterprise KnS model consists of a CAS-based KnS framework and a multi-agent
simulation model. Enterprise knowledge sharing is modeled as the emergent behavior of knowledge
workers interacting with the KnS environment and other knowledge workers. The CAS-based enterprise
KnS model is developed to aid knowledge management (KM) leadership and other KnS researchers in
gaining an enhanced understanding of KnS behavior and its influences. A premise of this research is that
a better understanding of KnS influences can result in enhanced decision-making of KnS interventions
that can result in improvements in KnS behavior.

CAS-Based Modeling of 1. Knowledge sharing is a human behavior

Enterprise Knowledge performed by knowledge workers;
Sharing 2. Knowledge workers are diverse and hetero-
The enterprise KnS model developed here models 3. Knowledge workers may choose to share
enterprise knowledge sharing from a complex knowledge; and
adaptive systems perspective. Hypothetical con- 4. The KnS decision is influenced by other
cepts that are fundamental to the development knowledge workers and the KnS environ-
of this CAS-based model and to this research ment.

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

Enterprise knowledge sharing is the result Enterprise KnS behavior takes on many forms.
of the decisions made by knowledge workers, It can be a conversation around a water fountain,
individually and as members of teams, regard- e-mail sent to a co-worker or a group forum, a
ing knowledge sharing. As depicted in Figure 1, presentation to a small group, an enterprise “best-
there are two major decisions (rectangles) that a practice” forum, or documents published to a
knowledge worker makes: “Share Knowledge?” corporate repository. Murray (2003) categorizes
and “Type of Knowledge to Share?” This research KnS activities into technology-assisted commu-
models the KnS decisions as being influenced by nication (videoconferencing, databanks/intranet,
the attributes of the individual knowledge worker, e-mail, and teleconferencing), meetings (face-to-
the KnS behavior of other knowledge workers, face interaction, seminars and conferences, social
and the state of the KnS environment. Previous events, and retreats), and training and development
KnS studies and research identify factors that (mentoring, instructional lectures, video tapes,
influence KnS behavior. However, few address the and simulation games). This research combines
heterogeneity of knowledge workers and how the the two types of knowledge (tacit and explicit) and
attributes of the individual knowledge worker, and the ontological dimension (individual, group, and
knowledge worker teams, impact KnS behavior. organization) of knowledge creation presented by
The emergent enterprise KnS behavior, noted by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) to derive the types of
the diamond shape in Figure 1, is the result of the KnS behavior for the model. The KnS behaviors
interactions of the knowledge worker with the investigated and incorporated in the enterprise
KnS environment and other knowledge workers. KnS model are as follows:
Relevant aspects of enterprise KnS behavior and
the associated KnS influences are discussed in 1. Individual tacit: This behavior includes
the sections that follow. sharing tacit knowledge with an individual

Figure 1. Enterprise KnS influence diagram

Knowledge-sharing behavior Enterprise
of other knowledge workers Knowledge-

Sharing or Hoarding KnS Environment State KnS Environment State

Share knowledge? Yes Type of knowledge to share?

Explicit and/or Tacit

No Attributes of Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Worker

Influence Knowledge-

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

or individuals, such as face-to-face interac- The KnS literature, such as reviewed in Small
tions in informal or formal meetings. and Sage (2006), identifies many factors that
2. Individual explicit: This behavior in- influence KnS behavior. A discussion of each of
cludes sharing explicit knowledge with an the major influences is provided in the sections
individual or individuals, such as through that follow.
sending e-mail or hard copy material to The enterprise KnS environment is closely
select individual(s). aligned to the Japanese concept of “ba” which
3. Group tacit: This behavior includes shar- translates into English as “place.” Nonaka and
ing tacit knowledge with a group, such as Konno (1998) adapted this Japanese concept
face-to-face interactions with a community for their knowledge creation theory. “Ba,” as
of interest, community of practice (CoP), or described by Nonaka and Konno (1998), is the
organizational unit. shared space for emerging relationships that can
4. Group explicit: This behavior includes shar- be physical, virtual, mental, or any combination of
ing explicit knowledge with a group, such as these. It is the place where knowledge is created,
posting or contributing to a community of shared, and exploited. The “ba” is comprised of
interest, CoP, or organizational unit reposi- the knowledge resources and the people who own
tory, Web site, or mailing list server. and create the knowledge. The KnS environment
5. Enterprise tacit: This behavior includes or “ba” is comprised of many factors that influence
sharing tacit knowledge in an enterprise- KnS behavior. There are at least six important
wide forum, such as presenting at a techni- influence factors in the KnS environment modeled
cal exchange meeting or other forum that is and investigated here. A brief description of each
open to the entire enterprise. of these factors is appropriate here:
6. Enterprise explicit: This behavior includes
sharing explicit knowledge in a manner that 1. KnS technology: KnS technologies are
makes it available to anyone in the enter- those technologies that allow knowledge
prise, such as publishing in a corporate-wide workers to share tacit or explicit knowledge.
repository or enterprise-wide intranet. Technologies and tools reported (APQC,
2000) as critical to knowledge sharing at best
While we investigate KnS behavior as being practice firms included: e-mail, intranets,
comprised of six different types, both tacit and document sharing systems, collaboration
explicit knowledge are often shared in a given tools, and video conferences. Chu (2003) in-
situation. For example, in an enterprise KnS fo- cluded e-mail, Internet, intranet, databases,
rum, tacit knowledge, such as unrehearsed oral and teleconferences in his listing of these.
presentations and responses to questions, and With the advent of Web 2.0, wikis, blogs,
explicit knowledge, such as hard copy presenta- and social networking applications are being
tions, are generally both shared. used to enable enterprise knowledge sharing
We investigate three major KnS influences on (APQC, 2008)
the associated sharing of knowledge: 2. Leadership: Leaders and managers in
an organization impact KnS behavior by
1. The enterprise KnS environment, directing behavior, rewarding or recogniz-
2. KnS behavior of other knowledge workers, ing behavior, and by setting KnS behavior
and examples. Many studies indicate that orga-
3. Attributes of the knowledge workers. nizations with appropriate KnS leadership

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

behavior have more instances of appropriate to business strategy can be either explicit or
KnS behavior than others. implicit. When organizations have explicit
3. KnS culture: Culture is an organization’s alignment, language regarding knowledge
values, norms, and unwritten rules. Most sharing can be found in documents such
existing KM models and KnS investiga- as strategic business plans, vision or mis-
tions include culture as a critical enabler or sion statements, or performance measures.
influence on KnS behavior. Additionally, Organizations with implicit alignment are
cultural issues are regularly cited as one of evidenced by knowledge sharing embed-
the concerns held by those implementing ded in business practices. Fifty percent of
KM initiatives. the best-practice firms that participated in
4. Human networks: This factor includes the APQC benchmarking study (APQC,
processes, technology, and resources that 1999) on knowledge sharing were explicitly
help to connect knowledge workers or sup- aligned, while the other half were implicitly
port knowledge networks. Support for hu- aligned. Findings of two APQC bench-
man networks, which includes informal and marking studies found that organizations
formal forums, is widely practiced among where knowledge workers understood how
best practice organizations. They are often knowledge sharing supported the business
referred to as communities of practice or strategy had stronger KnS behavior.
community of interests. Organizations
can enable these networks with knowledge The behavior of other knowledge workers
stewards, online collaboration tools, and within an organization affects the KnS decisions of
tools to facilitate easy publishing. a specific knowledge worker in many ways. Ford
5. Rewards and recognition: This factor (2003) describes sharing knowledge as a risky
includes the approaches organizations use behavior because the individual does not know
to encourage or reinforce the discipline of how the shared knowledge will be used by the
knowledge sharing. Approaches include party who obtains it. Trust in, and some knowledge
rewards, recognition, alignment with of, what the recipient of the shared knowledge
performance assessment and promotion, will do with the shared knowledge are critical to
and conducting visible KnS events. When knowledge sharing. From an enterprise perspec-
establishing rewards, organizations must tive, knowledge workers must trust the organiza-
consider the generic type of behavior they tion not to cast them aside after the knowledge
are trying to stimulate. Many organizations is harvested. From a peer interrelationship per-
have instituted reward and award programs spective, a knowledge worker must trust that the
for knowledge sharing and/or have integrated knowledge recipient will make ethical use of the
incentives for knowledge sharing with per- shared knowledge (Bukowitz & Williams, 1999).
formance appraisals and promotions. If a knowledge worker shares and the knowledge
6. Alignment with strategy:This refers to recipient misuses the shared knowledge, from the
the alignment of knowledge sharing with perspectives of the intended purposes for sharing,
business strategy. Best practice organiza- then the knowledge worker may be reluctant to
tions do not share knowledge for the sake share knowledge in the future.
of knowledge. Rather, knowledge sharing is The KnS influence of individual knowledge
deemed critical to achieving business goals workers attributes is very important because
and is linked to the business strategy (APQC, knowledge sharing is a human behavior in which
1999). The alignment of knowledge sharing the knowledge worker chooses to share. The

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

decision to share is influenced by interactions. and perspectives of the knowledge worker. The
Leonard and Straus (1997), for example, assert CAS-based enterprise KnS model integrates the
that individuals have preferred habits of thought knowledge worker, KnS decisions, and the KnS
that influence how they make decisions and influences into a CAS-based framework, which
interact with others. Knowledge workers have consists of two major components:
many diverse attributes, some of which are fixed
and others of which are variable. Some of the 1. CAS-based enterprise KnS framework
individual attributes or human factors identified 2. Enterprise KnS simulation model (e-KnS-
in the KM and KnS literature include employees’ MOD).
means, ability, and motivation (Ives et al., 2000);
job characteristics including workload and content A detailed discussion of each of the components
(Chu, 2002); feelings of being valued and com- is provided in the sections that follow.
mitment to the project (Ipe, 2003); and conditions
of respect, justice perception, and relationships
with superiors (Liao et al., 2004). CAS-Based KnS Framework
Here, we model enterprise knowledge sharing
as emergent behavior that is the result of deci- The CAS-based KnS framework is the most criti-
sions made by knowledge workers. The decisions, cal element of our CAS-based KnS model and
“Share Knowledge?” and “Type of Knowledge distinguishes it from other KM models, such as
to Share?” depicted in Figure 1 are based on dy- those described in Small and Sage (2006). The
namic interactions and are influenced by factors CAS-based KnS framework describes enterprise
in the KnS environment, KnS behaviors of other knowledge sharing from a complex adaptive
knowledge workers, and the individual attributes systems perspective. The properties of a CAS,

Figure 2. Major elements of the CAS-based KnS framework


KnS Rules
Knowledge Another
Executes Behavior Knowledge Worker
Interacts With
Influences Interacts With/
Knowledge Worker Influences
Interacts With
Influences Knowledge-Sharing
Attributes Comprises

KnS Influences/Enablers
& Barriers

Agent Artifact Interactions

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

as described by Holland (1995), are aggregation, CAS concepts used in the CAS-based framework
diversity, internal models, and non-linearity. of Figure 2 is as follows:
Axelrod and Cohen (1999) identify variation, in-
teraction, and selection as the hallmark of complex • KnS Influence Diagram Elements
adaptive systems. Other important concepts of Knowledge workers

complex adaptive systems include the agent, strat- KnS Environment

egy, population, type, and artifacts. For simplicity, KnS Decisions

the following constructs of a complex adaptive Enterprise knowledge sharing

system have been addressed at the highest level Knowledge worker attributes

of the enterprise KnS framework: agent, agent • CAS-Based KnS Framework Elements
attributes, interactions, artifacts, and rules. KnS Agents

The CAS-based KnS framework, illustrated KnS Environment (artifacts)

in Figure 2, is comprised of the following ele- KnS Rules

ments: knowledge worker(s); KnS environment KnS Behaviors (interactions)

(comprised of KnS influences/enablers and barri- KnS Agent attributes

ers); KnS behaviors; KnS rules; and attributes of

the knowledge worker. The KnS behavior results The knowledge worker is the KnS agent within
from the interactions of the knowledge workers the CAS-based model. Critical to this concept is
with each other and the KnS environment. The the diversity and heterogeneity of this KnS agent.
decision to share is influenced by individual The knowledge worker within an enterprise is
attributes, KnS behavior of other knowledge diverse in many ways: personality, gender, role,
workers, and the KnS environment. A mapping and job level. Figure 3 associates this segment
of the KnS influence diagram in Figure 1 to the of the KnS framework with the attributes of the
knowledge worker. The KnS decisions (execution

Figure 3. Investigated attributes of knowledge worker

knowledge worker
Job characteristics (Agent)

external org. has

Internal org.

Job level

yrs. of Goals knowledge
Affiliation Acquired Gender


A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

of rules) of a KnS agent depend on the agent’s tions with which the knowledge worker is
attributes and are influenced by the agents’ in- affiliated.
teractions with other knowledge workers and the 10. Job characteristics: This includes number
KnS environment. of tasks supported, workload, pace, and
The attributes of the knowledge worker in- content of work.
vestigated here include: personality, gender, level
of knowledge acquired, years of affiliation, role, KnS rules drive the decisions the knowledge
career goals, job level, internal organizational worker makes. A knowledge worker has two
affiliation, external organizational affiliation, and fundamental KnS decisions: “Share Knowl-
job characteristics. These attributes are described edge?” and “Type of Knowledge to Share?” The
as follows: KnS rules are the same for all KnS agents. They
are parameterized based on the attributes of the
1. Personality: Such as introvert, extrovert, agents, behavior or other knowledge workers, and
or a combination. the state of the KnS environment.
2. Gender: Male or female. An enterprise KnS environment consists of
3. Level of knowledge acquired: The level many factors that influence or enable KnS behav-
of knowledge acquired over time (related ior. A KnS artifact is an entity in the enterprise
to competency) by the knowledge worker. (not a person) with which the knowledge worker
4. Years of affiliation: The number of years a interacts that either influences or enables their KnS
knowledge worker has been affiliated with behavior. An enterprise has many KnS artifacts,
the enterprise (i.e., number of years at the including information technology, performance
company). and reward systems, knowledge repositories, and
5. Role: The role (s) the knowledge worker information help desk. The KnS influences or
has within the enterprise, organization, or enablers examined here and illustrated in Figure
project. Examples include manager, techni- 4 include: KnS linked to corporate strategy, align-
cal leader, or technical contributor. ment of rewards and recognition, KnS embedded
6. Career goals: The job or career-related goals with work processes, KnS aligned with core
possessed by the knowledge worker. Goals values, enabling of human networks, and KnS
investigated as part of this research include: technology (availability and ease of use). The
career growth (promotion), knowledge artifacts that exist in an environment can have
growth opportunities, satisfying customers, different enabling characteristics. A five-state
satisfying management, recognition, and characterization instrument was developed to
reward. characterize the KnS environment.
7. Job level: The job level that is assigned by A knowledge worker (KW) gains or acquires
the company to a given knowledge worker, knowledge by interacting with the environment
ranging from entry/junior level people to and other knowledge workers. Knowledge sharing
executive management. results in and from a KW interacting with another
8. Internal organizational affiliation: An KW and/or with the KnS environment. Enterprise
enterprise usually consists of many organi- knowledge sharing is the result of knowledge
zations. This is the internal organization to workers interacting with other knowledge work-
which the knowledge worker is assigned. ers and the enterprise KnS environment. Included
9. External organizational affiliations: The in the CAS-based framework are the following
number of external professional organiza- KnS behaviors: individual tacit, group tacit, en-
terprise tacit, individual explicit, group explicit,
and enterprise explicit.

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

Figure 4. KnS influences/enablers investigated

Knowledge-Sharing KnS Linked to

Environment Corporate Strategy
Align. of Rewards
Comprises & Recognition

KnS Influences/Enablers Embedded in

& Barriers Work

Human Networks
Barriers Aligned with
KnS Core Values

Multi-Agent Enterprise KnS & Axtell, 1996) and the Sugarscape source code
Simulation Model (e-KnSMOD) developed by Nelson and Minar (1997) using
Swarm (Minar et al., 1996; Johnson & Lancaster,
The Enterprise KnS Model (e-KnSMOD) simu- 2000; Swarm Development Group, 2004).
lates enterprise knowledge sharing as the emergent The e-KnSMOD model simulates a population
behavior of knowledge workers, represented as of knowledge workers that work in an artificial
agents, interacting with the KnS environment enterprise. As with Sugarscape (Epstein & Axtell,
and other knowledge workers. The design of the 1996), the e-KnSMOD leverages the research
e-KnSMOD is based on the CAS-based KnS results that have been obtained using cellular
framework described here. All of the constructs automata (CA) for agent-based modeling. KnS
of the framework (KnS agent, agent attributes, agents represent the knowledge workers, and
KnS behavior, KnS environment, and rules) are the CA represents the artificial enterprise, KnS-
implemented in the simulation model. For sim- scape. The KnS agents interact with each other
plicity, the simulation model implements a subset and their environment as they move around the
of the attributes (level of knowledge, role, career enterprise gaining valuable knowledge (a goal
goals, job level, and internal organizational af- of many knowledge workers). Agents acquire
filiation) of the knowledge worker included in the knowledge by engaging in a knowledge creation
CAS-based framework. The purpose of the model opportunity or by receiving knowledge shared by
is to examine the effects of the KnS enterprise other knowledge workers. In order to satisfy their
environment and behavior of other knowledge goals, they must continue to generate new knowl-
workers on the KnS behavior of a heterogeneous edge. As conceptually depicted in Figure 5, the
population of knowledge workers. Epstein and e-KnSMOD consists of three major elements:
Axtell (1996) refer to agent-based models of so-
cial processes as artificial societies. The design 1. KnS agents (“knowledge workers”)
and implementation of this model leverages the 2. The artificial enterprise or KnS-scape
agent-based computer modeling of the artificial 3. Interactions (driven by rules).
society known as The Sugarscape Model (Epstein

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

Figure 5. Major elements of the e-KnSMOD

Agent Agent


Strategy Technology
Rewards & Human
Recognition Networks


Each of these elements, as implemented in Each agent has the following variable states:
the e-KnSMOD, is described in the following
subsections. • New knowledge gained
• Location on the KnS-scape
KnS Agent • KnS indicator (indicates if the agent shared
in the previous run cycle).
A KnS agent represents a knowledge worker in
the artificial enterprise. The KnS agents are het- The KnS agent comes to the KnS-scape with
erogeneous. This implementation of e-KnSMOD a specified competency. Upon entry, the agent
models the following subset of attributes included is assigned a vision and organizational affilia-
in the CAS-based KnS framework: level of knowl- tion. The job level is then based on vision. The
edge acquired, role, job level, and organization KnS agent moves (changes location) around the
affiliation. Each KnS Agent is characterized by enterprise in order to participate in knowledge-
a set of fixed and variable states that vary among creation opportunities that allow the KnS agents
the agents. The fixed states include: to gain knowledge. The agent’s vision restricts
what knowledge creation events the agent can
1. Level of knowledge acquired (competen- see. The agent decides to share or hoard the
cy) knowledge gained. If the agent decides to share,
2. Job level (vision is based on job level) in it can participate in one or more KnS behaviors:
organization (e.g., Jr. Analyst, Sr. Analyst, individual tacit, individual explicit, group tacit,
Principal, Director) group explicit, enterprise tacit, and enterprise
3. Role in organization (manager, non-manag- explicit. The shared knowledge indicator is set
er) when the agent shares knowledge.
4. Organizational affiliation.

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

KnS-scape: The Artificial “Ba” KnS Environment State

The KnS-scape, which represents the “Ba,” is Each location on the KnS-scape has a KnS envi-
represented by a two-dimensional (50 x 50) co- ronment state. The states are as follows:
ordinate grid. The grid is built using the Swarm
tool set. The grid has multiple views. Each point 1. Barrier: KnS environment has a negative
(x, y) on the grid has a knowledge-creation op- impact on KnS behavior.
portunity, an organization identifier, and a KnS 2. Neutral: KnS environment has no or mini-
environment state. The information needed by mum impact on KnS behavior.
the model to create these views is read from data 3. Enabled: KnS environment enables KnS
files, which can be specified at run time. A KnS behavior.
agent is randomly placed on the KnS-scape. The 4. Encouraged: KnS environment encourages
organizational unit associated with the agent’s KnS behavior.
initial location on the KnS-scape determines an 5. Aligned: KnS environment positively influ-
agent’s organizational affiliation. When a KnS ences KnS behavior.
agent engages in a knowledge-creation opportu-
nity, it acquires the knowledge associated with the KnS Organization View
opportunity. An organization view of the KnS-
scape would indicate that there are four different Each location on the KnS-scape, represented by an
organizations within the enterprise. The KnS (x, y) coordinate, has an organizational identifier.
agents are colored by the organizational affiliation When an agent enters the KnS-scape, it is given
of their initial location on the KnS-scape. the organizational identifier of the location where
it is placed. The organizational identifier is used
Knowledge-Creation Opportunity in group KnS behaviors.

Each location on the KnS-scape, represented by an Interactions: Acquiring and Sharing

(x, y) coordinate, has a knowledge-creation event Knowledge
or opportunity. KnS agents interacting with their
environment and with other KnS agents create The KnS agent interacts with the KnS-scape and
knowledge. One of the ways a KnS agent interacts with other KnS agents. As previously described,
with the environment is by moving to a location each KnS agent comes to the KnS-scape with a
and then acquiring the knowledge associated vision that allows it to see knowledge-creation
with a knowledge-creation event. When an agent opportunities. During each simulation cycle, an
acquires the knowledge at a given location, the agent looks out over the KnS-scape and determines
knowledge is depleted (value = 0) until another the location of the best knowledge-creation op-
knowledge creation event occurs. The value of portunity. It then moves there and acquires the
the knowledge creation event is increased on knowledge. If the KnS agent acquires enough
each cycle of the simulation until the maximum knowledge to share, the KnS agent then chooses
value for that location is achieved. The amount of to share or not to share. The KnS agent can
increase on each cycle is controlled by the “alpha” participate in six types of KnS behaviors: indi-
parameter, described later. vidual tacit, individual explicit, group tacit, group
explicit, enterprise tacit and enterprise explicit.
The impact of each of these KnS interactions is
briefly described as follows:

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

1. Tacit individual: Results in the “current • Agent movement rule: The KnS agent uses
knowledge” attribute of the recipient KnS the movement rule to move around the KnS-
agent being increased. The physical vicinity scape. The movement rule processes local
of KnS agents restricts this interaction. information about the KnS-scape and returns
2. Tacit group: Results in the “knowledge ac- rank ordering of the state according to some
quired” attribute of the recipient KnS agents criteria. The rules and functions used by
being increased. The “current knowledge” the agents are the same for all agents. The
attribute restricts this interaction. values of the parameters change based on
3. Tacit enterprise: Results in the “current the attributes of the agent and the state of the
knowledge” attribute of all KnS agents being environment. A summary of the movement
increased. The “organizational affiliation” rule is as follows:
attribute restricts this interaction. 1. Look out as far as vision (an agent attribute)
4. Explicit individual: Results in the “current permits and identify the unoccupied
knowledge” attribute of the recipient KnS site(s) that best satisfies the knowledge
agent being increased. acquisition goal.
5. Explicit group: Results in an increase of 2. If goals can be satisfied by multiple sites,
knowledge in the organizational or group select the closest site.
repository. 3. Move to the site.
6. Explicit enterprise: Results in an increase 4. Collect the knowledge associated with the
of knowledge in the enterprise repository. knowledge-creation opportunity of the
new position.
The most important aspect of “ba” is interac- • Generation of New Knowledge Creation
tion. Important to this research is that knowledge Events: A knowledge creation event has a
is created by the individual knowledge worker knowledge value. After the knowledge is
as a result of interactions with other knowledge collected from the site on the KnS-scape,
workers and with the environment. the value goes to zero (it no longer exists).
The frequency of new events is driven by
Rules for the KnS-Scape the “alpha” parameter. At the end of each
cycle, each location on the KnS-scape is
Eptein and Axtell (1996) describe three types incremented by the “alpha” value until it
of rules: agent-environment rule, environment- reaches its maximum value.
environment rule, and agent-agent rule. There • KnS Rule: After an agent completes the
are three types of similar rules in the KnS-scape move to the new location and acquires the
model: knowledge there, the KnS rule is executed.
The decision to share and the type of knowl-
1. Agent movement rule; edge to share is dependent on the KnS be-
2. Generation of new knowledge creation havior of other agents, the KnS environment
events rule; state, and the “level of knowledge acquired”
3. KnS rule. attribute.
• E-KnSMOD—Simulation of Enterprise
A brief description of each rule is provided Knowledge Sharing: Enterprise knowledge
here: sharing is simulated by the e-KnSMOD.
Enterprise knowledge sharing is measured
by the number of KnS agents participating

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

in one of the six KnS behaviors, the percent on the KnS-scape has a knowledge creation
of KnS agents that share, the frequency opportunity, an organization identifier, and
that KnS agents share, and the number of a KnS environment state. The KnS_event,
items deposited into the group or enterprise organization, and KnS_environment data-
repositories. files (specified in the ModelSwarm probe)
are used to build the characteristics of each
Initializing the e-KnSMOD environment prop- (x,y) location, respectively. The knowledge
erly is important here. E-KnSMOD, built using creation events, which have a value of 1
the Swarm tool set, has two basic components: the through 5, are observable by the user of the
Observer Swarm, and the Model Swarm. Swarms KnS model from the KnS-scape window.
are objects that implement memory allocation The value of a knowledge creation (KC)
and event scheduling. Upon execution of the e- event is distinguishable by color as repre-
KnSMOD, two probes and a program control panel sented in the KnS-scape window illustrated
are displayed. The observer (ObserverSwarm) and in Figure 6.
model (ModelSwarm) probes consist of default 2. Creation of the KnS Agents: After the
parameters that are modifiable by the user. After KnS-scape is created, the KnS agents are
the parameters for the Observer Swarm and Model created and randomly placed on the KnS-
Swarm are processed, the e-KnSMOD environ- scape. The “KnSnumAgents” parameter is
ment is established by creating the Observer and used to determine how many KnS agents are
Model objects and building the Scheduler. The created. The model creates a heterogeneous
Observer objects consist of the windows used to population of KnS agents. Some of the at-
display the KnS-scape and KnS agents and other tributes are randomly generated, and others
graphs specified by the user. The Model objects are based on where the agent is placed on
consist of the KnS-scape and the KnS agents. the KnS-scape. The agents organizational
These steps are described next: affiliation is determined by the organiza-
tion associated with the (x, y) coordinate at
1. Creation of the KnS-scape: The KnS- which the agent is placed. The initial value
scape, a 50 x 50 lattice, represents the KnS of current knowledge is based on the vision,
enterprise environment. Each location (x,y) which is randomly generated.

Figure 6. Knowledge creation (KC) events on the KnS-scape

K C E v ent T y p e #3

K C E v ent T y p e #1 K C E v ent T y p e #4

K C E v ent T y p e #2
K C E v ent T y p e #5

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

3. Creation of the Scheduler: The Observer 8. Summary File: Update KnS summary (met-
Swarm and the Model Swarm create a sched- rics) file.
ule for activities to be performed during 4. Model Output: The e-KnSMOD has three
each cycle of the model. The Model Swarm primary output windows that are updated
schedules the actions to be performed by the after each cycle. The windows include:
KnS agents and the actions to be performed KnS Agent Attributes Over Time, Agent
on the KnS-scape. The actions include: Knowledge Distribution, and the KnS-scape.
1. KnS Agent: Move and acquire knowl- Additionally, the model maintains a KnS
edge. summary data file that captures the KnS
2. KnS Agent: Execute KnS behavior rule. metrics of the KnS agents. This data file is
3. KnS-scape: Update KnS-scape (Knowledge used for additional data analysis outside the
Creation Event View). e-KnSMOD environment. The following
4. KnS Repositories: Update group and enter- KnS metrics are captured by the model:
prise repositories. the number of KnS agents that shared, the
5. Display: Update KnS-scape display win- number of agents that shared by organiza-
dow. tion, the average amount of knowledge ac-
6. Display: Update knowledge distribution quired, the number of items contributed to
graph. a group repository, and the number of items
7. Display: Update KnS attributes over time. contributed to an enterprise repository.

Figure 7. Example run – recurring rate for KC events = 1

M o d e l ru n w ith de fa u lt
re cu rrin g ra te fo r K C E ve n ts
W h ite in d ica te s
A g e n ts th a t S h a re d
K C E ve n ts

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

The e-KnSMOD is designed to allow the user percent when the parameter was changed
to explore possible improvements in enterprise from 0 to 1.
knowledge sharing by observing the impact of 3. Max vision: The maximum vision was tested
KnS influences. The influences identified in the with the values 7, 14 and 28. In most cases,
enterprise sharing influence diagram, shown in as the vision increased (7 to 14 to 28) the
Figure 1, are: KnS environment, KnS behavior resulting knowledge sharing increased ~ 1
of other knowledge workers, and attributes of the %. However, the percent was higher when
knowledge workers. Figure 7 shows the results the knowledge creation events with high
of a 10-cycle run using the default “alpha” value value (part of the KnS_scape) were further
(alpha = 1), which causes a depleted KC event apart.
to increase one unit per cycle until it reaches 4. KnS_scape:– the percent of agents sharing
its maximum capacity. Examination of the KnS is impacted most by this parameter. The
Agent Attributes Over Time window shows that KnS agents acquire knowledge from the
an average number of KnS agents sharing dur- KnS_scape and if the agent does not have
ing each cycle is approximately 50, with a steady knowledge, it does not share.
increase of knowledge acquired. By changing the 5. KnS_environment: the percent of agents
“alpha” parameter to zero (0), for example, the sharing is impacted greatly by this param-
user can examine what the impact of the KC event eter. A difference of one state (i.e., barrier
not reoccurring has on KnS behavior. Here, the to neutral or neutral to enable) can change
results of a 10-cycle run show that the number of the percent of agent sharing from 5 % to 14
KnS agents sharing began to drop until no shar- %.
ing occurred. The resulting KnS-scape window
shows that there are no KC events. Much more detailed discussions of the con-
Sensitivity analysis may be performed on struction of this simulation model are presented
e-KnSMOD by executing the model of several in Small (2006).
varying conditions in order to determine if small As described in this article, the e-KnSMOD, is
changes to the parameters resulted in unexpected a simple multi-agent simulation based on simple
results. Analysis may be performed on the pa- environment and KnS rules. The environment
rameters that are used in either the KnS rule or is represented by three 2-dimentional (50 by 50)
the environment rules. A summary of the find- lattices: one for the knowledge creation events,
ings are: one for the organization affiliation, and one for
the state of the KnS environment. Many complex
1. Number of agents: the model was tested relationships among the KWs and the KnS envi-
with the number of agents ranging from ronment are not included in the implementation
100 to 500 with varying conditions. In most of e-KnSMOD. The objective of the model is not
cases, the percent of agents sharing increases to predict enterprise KnS behavior, but to be used
slightly (< 1.5%) as one increases the number with the other CAS-based tools to enhance the
of agents in increments of 50. The number understanding of enterprise knowledge sharing.
of agents was more sensitive in the range of One major use of this KnS model is to improve
100-300 than in the range of 200-500. enterprise knowledge sharing. The CAS-based
2. Behavior influence: the model was tested enterprise KnS model can assist enterprise KM
by setting this parameter to 0 and 1. In all leadership, managers, practitioners, and others
the tests conducted the percent of agents involved in KM implementation to characterize
sharing decreased in the range of 1.7 to 4.0 the current KnS environment, identify influences

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

of KnS behavior, and better understand the impact 3. What influences your KnS behavior?
of KnS interventions. This model can be applied 4. What is the state of the KnS environ-
to enterprises that are about to embark on KnS ment?
initiatives, as well as those that have a rich KnS
portfolio. The answers to these questions allow a KM
The CAS-based characterization instruments practitioner to investigate the extent of KnS
allow a practitioner to characterize enterprise KnS influences on the heterogeneous knowledge
from the perspective of the KW and from that of worker populations. Addressing the attributes of
KM Leadership. Both instruments characterize the knowledge worker is a critical aspect of this
the frequency of KnS behaviors, the extent of CAS-based methodology.
influence of KnS influences and barriers, and the The focus of the KM Leadership Character-
state of the KnS environment. The data gathered ization Questionnaire is to determine, from the
using these instruments provide the information perspective of KM leadership and implementers,
needed to characterize and model an enterprise the answers to the following four questions:
from a CAS perspective.
The KW Profiling Questionnaire is a critical • Part I: What is the understanding of the KM
element here. The purpose of the KW Profiling Leadership Team regarding the KnS needs
Questionnaire is to determine, from an individual (mission perspective) and KnS behavior
knowledge worker perspective, the answers to within the organization?
four questions: • Part II: What are the KnS influences and
the extent of the influences within your
1. What are your attributes? enterprise?
2. What is your KnS behavior? • Part III: What is the state of the KnS en-
ablers/influences within your enterprise?

Figure 8. KM leadership characterization and the CAS-based KnS framework

drives Part II.

kns behavior?
kns rules
executes behavior knowledge worker
Interacts with
Interacts with/
knowledge worker Influences
(Agent) Part Iv.
Influences state of kns environment?

Influences Interacts with knowledge-sharing


Part I. kns Influences/enablers

& barriers
kw Attributes?

Part III.
kns environment Influences?
Agent Artifact Interactions

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

• Part IV: What is the KnS Strategy for Im- ment, identify factors in the KnS environ-
provement? ment that need improvement, and to establish
priority of their implementation.
Part I and Part IV of the KM leadership charac- 4. Step 4: Perform CAS-based Analysis. During
terization instrument relates to the KnS improve- this step, population analysis is performed
ment strategy. Part I addresses the importance of based on KW attributes of interest to the
KnS to support mission needs, and whether KnS organization. A gap analysis is performed
is occurring at the right level (individual, group, on areas targeted for improvement against
enterprise) and frequency. Part IV addresses the the extent of influence of the KnS factors
KnS strategy, which includes areas of improve- identified by the KWs.
ment and the priority for achievement. The re- 5. Step 5: Develop KnS Improvement Strat-
lationships of these questions to the CAS-based egy. During this step, the results of the
KnS framework are depicted in Figure 8. CAS-based analysis are used to develop or
The CAS-based KnS improvement methodol- align the KnS strategy. The current state
ogy can be used by either an enterprise about to of the KnS environment (KW perspective),
embark on KnS improvement activities for the the target state of KnS environment (KM
first time (Initial Stage) or an enterprise that has a leadership), and the extent of KnS influ-
KnS strategy and robust KnS portfolio (Learning ence (KW perspective) are used to identify
Stage). The tools described here can be used to areas of improvement and their priority.
identify and prioritize KnS improvement courses The CAS-based simulation model can be
of action. The CAS-based methodology consists used to model the planned improvements
of five primary steps: to gain insight into the possible impacts on
KnS behavior.
1. Step 1: Determine KnS Needs in Context of
Mission Effectiveness. During this step, the The steps of the CAS-based KnS methodol-
KM practitioner determines the importance ogy should be integrated into the organizational
of KnS to the organization and assesses improvement framework. We describe the CAS-
whether KnS is occurring at the appropriate based KnS improvement methodology in the
frequency to support mission needs. Part context of the IDEALSM (SEI, 1996) model, an
I of the KM Leadership Characterization improvement process originally designed for
Questionnaire is used to gather this infor- software process improvement. The IDEALSM
mation. model consists of five phases:
2. Step 2: Characterize Current State of KnS.
During this step, the KW profiling instru- 1. Initiating: This phase lays the groundwork
ment is used to characterize KnS in the for a successful KnS improvement effort.
organization from a CAS perspective. The It includes setting the context and sponsor-
frequency of KnS behavior, KnS influences, ship, and establishing the improvement
and the state of the KnS environment are infrastructure (organizations). Step 1 is
characterized from the individual knowledge conducted during this phase.
worker perspective. 2. Diagnosing: Assessing the current state of
3. Step 3: Establish KnS Target State. During KnS in the enterprise and determining where
this step, Part III of the KM Leadership the organization is relative to the target state.
Characterization Questionnaire is used to Step 2, 3, and 4 are conducted during this
capture the target state of the KnS environ- phase.

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

Figure 9. CAS-based methodology: An IDEALSM perspective

Part I.
Importance of kns to Mission Goals?
understanding of kns behavior?
kns rules
executes behavior knowledge worker
Interacts with
Interacts with/
knowledge worker Influences
(Agent) Part III.
Influences state of kns environment?

Influences Interacts with knowledge-sharing


Part Iv. kns Influences/enablers

& barriers
need Improvement?
Priority? Part II.
kns environment Influences?
Agent Artifact Interactions

3. Establishing: Developing strategies and KM leadership and practitioners with an en-

plans for achieving the KnS target state. hanced understanding of KnS behavior within
Step 5 is conducted during this phase. their organization. This research found that the
4. Acting: Executing the plan to improve CAS-based enterprise KnS model and methodol-
KnS. ogy provides KM leadership with an enhanced
5. Learning: Learning from the KnS experi- understanding of KnS behavior and the KnS
ence and feedback from mission stakehold- influences. In the two case studies conducted in
ers, KM leadership, and knowledge work- operational environments, members of the KM
ers. leadership teams indicated that they had gained
a better understanding because of the CAS-based
As shown in Figure 9, Step 1 occurs during modeling approach. Enhanced understanding of
the Initiating phase. Step 2, 3, and 4 occur during the following was indicated: KnS behavior in their
the Diagnosing phase, and Step 5 concurs during organization; KnS influences in their organiza-
the Establishing phase. tion; and the extent of the KnS influences within
their organization. KM leadership also indicated
that because of the CAS-based modeling, they
Summary would either change the target KnS state of the
KnS environment or the priority for achieving
A CAS-based enterprise KnS model is described that state.
in this article. The model was evaluated for The CAS-based enterprise KnS model de-
validity and effectiveness in two case studies. veloped as part of this research was found to be
The premise of our research was that modeling valid. The CAS-based enterprise KnS model was
enterprise knowledge sharing from a complex exercised in two case studies. The results of the
adaptive systems (CAS) perspective can provide case studies (Small, 2006) provided support for

A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

the validity of the assumptions on which the CAS- Bukowitz, W., & Williams, R. (1999). The knowl-
based enterprise KnS model was developed. The edge management fieldbook. London: Financial
claims associated with the validity of the CAS- Times Prentice Hall.
based enterprise KnS model are as follows:
Epstein, M., & Axtell, R. (1996). Growing artifi-
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1. Claim 1 (C1): The KnS behavior of other
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havior. Ford, D. (2003). Trust and knowledge manage-
2. Claim 2 (C2): The KnS environment factors ment: The seeds of success. In Handbook on
are a significant influence on KnS behav- Knowledge Management 1: Knowledge Matters
ior. (pp. 553-575). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
3. Claim 3 (C3): The attributes of the KW are
HBSP. (1998). Harvard Business review on knowl-
related to the frequency of KnS behavior
edge management. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
(how often a KW engages in a KnS behav-
Business School Press.
4. Claim 4 (C4): Enterprise KnS behavior can Holland, J. (1995). Hidden order: How adap-
be characterized using a multi-agent CAS tation builds complexity. MA: Perseus Books
model, with a few basic rules that drive agent Reading.
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(1999). Creating a knowledge-sharing culture. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Consortium Benchmarking Study -- Best-Practice
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(2000). Successfully implementing knowledge
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A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model

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This work was previously published in International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, Vol. 1, Issue 2, edited by M.
Mora; D. Paradice, pp. 38-56, copyright 2008 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 10
A Conceptual Descriptive-
Comparative Study of Models
and Standards of Processes
in SE, SwE, and IT Disciplines
Using the Theory of Systems
Manuel Mora
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México

Ovsei Gelman
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico

Rory O’Connor
Dublin City University, Ireland

Francisco Alvarez
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico

Jorge Macías-Lúevano
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico


The increasing design, manufacturing, and provision complexity of high-quality, cost-efficient and
trustworthy products and services has demanded the exchange of best organizational practices in
worldwide organizations. While that such a realization has been available to organizations via models
and standards of processes, the myriad of them and their heavy conceptual density has obscured their
comprehension and practitioners are confused in their correct organizational selection, evaluation,
and deployment tasks. Thus, with the ultimate aim to improve the task understanding of such schemes
by reducing its business process understanding complexity, in this article we use a conceptual systemic

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

model of a generic business organization derived from the theory of systems to describe and compare
two main models (CMMI/SE/SwE, 2002; ITIL V.3, 2007) and four main standards (ISO/IEC 15288,
2002; ISO/IEC 12207, 1995; ISO/IEC 15504, 2005; ISO/IEC 20000, 2006) of processes. Description
and comparison are realized through a mapping of them onto the systemic model.

Introduction a holistic view of such a system under a learning

Competitive market pressures in worldwide Manifestations of such raising business process
business firms, because of an accelerated sci- performance and business process understanding
entific, technological, and human-development complexities are: (i) critical failures (by cancella-
progress1 (Bar-Yam et al., 2004) have fostered tions, interruptions, partial use, or early disposal)
the consumer’ demands for better and cheaper of enterprises information systems implementa-
products and services (e.g., designed with more tions (Standish Group, 2003; CIO UK, 2007);
functional capabilities and offered in more market (ii) the apparition (and necessary retirement in
competitive prices). Consequently, in order to the market) of defective products3 (as tires, toys,
design and manufacture, as well as provision and software); and (iii) system downtimes and/or low
operate competitive high-quality technical, cost- efficiency and effectiveness in critical services
efficient and trustworthy products and services, such as electricity, nuclear plants, health services,
worldwide business firms are faced with the intra and governmental services (Bar-Yam, 2003).
and inter organizational need to integrate multiple Consequently, some researchers have proposed
engineering and managerial systems and business the notion of complex system of systems (SoS)
processes (Sage & Cupan, 2001). (Manthorpe, 1996; Carlock & Fenton, 2001;
Such a demanded intra and inter business Sage & Cuppan, 2001) and others have helped
process integration, in turn, has introduced an to organize such a novel construct (Keating et
engineering and managerial business process al., 2003; Bar-Yam et al., 2004), as a conceptual
performance complexity in organizations (but tool to cope with that we call a business process
experimented by technical and business manag- performance complexity and a business process
ers), and an engineering and managerial business understanding complexity. Worldwide business
process understanding complexity in practitioners firms, then, can be considered SoS and, as such,
(experimented by technical and business man- are comprised of a large variety of self-purposeful
agers as well as business process consultants). internal and external system components and
A business process performance complexity in forward and backward system interactions that
this context is defined as the structural2 and/or generate unexpected emergent behaviors in mul-
dynamic system’s complexity (Sterman, 1999) tiple scales. Also, as SoS, the design/engineer-
that confronts technical and business managers ing and manufacturing/provision complexity of
to achieve the system organizational performance products/services is manifested by the variety of
goals (e.g., efficiency, efficacy, and effective- processes, machines/tools, materials, and system-
ness organizational metrics). In similar mode, component designs, as well as for the high-quality,
a business process understanding complexity is cost-efficiency relationships, and value expecta-
defined as the structural and/or dynamic system’s tions demanded from the competitive worldwide
complexity that confronts technical and business markets. In turn, managerial process complexity
managers (and business consultants) to acquire is manifested by the disparate business internal

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

and external process to be coordinated to meet from organizations with a global scope (like ISO:
the time to market, competitive prices, market- International Organization for Standardization
sharing, distribution scope and environmental and in Switzerland), but others limit their influences
ethical organizational objectives, between other in some countries or regions (like SEI-CMU in
financial and strategic organizational objectives USA, Canada, and Australia, or British Standard
to meet (Farr & Buede, 2003). Furthermore, other Office in UK). While both types of organizations
authors have introduced the notion of complex can differ in their geographic scopes, both keep
software-intensive systems (Boehm & Lane, a similar efficacy purpose: to make available to
2006) and complex IT-based organizational sys- them a set of generic business processes (technical,
tems (Mora et al., 2008) which are characterized managerial, support, and enterprise) which come
by having: “(i) many heterogeneous ICT (client from the best international practices to correct
and server hardware, operating systems, middle- and improve their organizational process, with the
ware, network and telecommunication equipment, expected outcome to hold, correct, and improve
and business systems applications), (ii) a large the quality, value, and cost-efficiency issues of
variety of specialized human resources for their the generated products and services.
engineering, management and operation, (iii) a However, because of (i) the available myriad
worldwide scope, (iv) geographically distributed of models and standards reported in these three
operational and managerial users, (v) core busi- disciplines, (ii) the planned convergence for SE
ness processes supported, (vi) a huge financial and SwE models and standards, and (iii) the critical
budget for organizational deployment, and (vii) role played by emergent CITOS in organizations in
a critical interdependence on ICT.” And, because nowadays, we argue that a correct understanding
such CITOS are critical-mission systems for large- and organizational deployment of such standards
scale organizations and, according to Gartner’s and models of process has been obscured by an
consultants Hunter and Blosch (2003, quoted inherent business process complexity understand-
in Mora et al., 2008), these CITOS “no longer ing of the engineering and managerial process to
merely depend on information systems … [but] be coordinated and the standards and models to
the systems are the business,” the need for a better be used for such an aim. Business process un-
engineering and management process practices derstanding complexity is manifested by a high
based in IT becomes critical in present times. density of concepts and interrelationships in the
Under this new business and engineering models and standards (Roedler, 2006) and by a
context, global and large-scale business firms lack of an integrated/holistic SE, SwE, and IS
have fostered the development of best organiza- view of them (Mora et al., 2007a). According to
tional practices (Arnold & Lawson, 2004). The a SEI (2006) statement that points out which “…
purpose is to improve the definition, coordination in the current marketplace, there are maturity
and execution of business processes and to avoid models, standards, methodologies, and guidelines
critical failures in the manufacturing of products that can help an organization improve the way it
and the provision of services. Best practices have does business. However, most available improve-
been documented (via a deep re-design, analysis, ment approaches focus on a specific part of the
discussion, evaluation, authorization and updating business and do not take a systemic approach
of organizational activities) through models and/or to the problems that most organizations are fac-
standards of processes by international organiza- ing,” and, with the ultimate aim to improve their
tions for the disciplines of systems engineering business process understanding complexity, in
(SE), software engineering (SwE) and information this article, we report the development and ap-
systems (IS). Some models and standards come plication of a systemic model to describe and

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

compare standards and models of process based taxonomy of research methods (Mora & Gelman,
in the theory of systems (Ackoff, 1971; Gelman 2008), where are related the situational areas under
& Garcia, 1989; Mora et al., 2003) by using a study (A’s), the knowledge known on such situa-
conceptual design research approach (Glass et al., tions (F’s) and the known knowledge on method-
2004; Hevner et al., 2004; Mora & Gelman, 2008). ological issues (M’s) to study the A’s, two criteria
The study’s research purpose is limited to access are used to classify them: (i) the conceptual vs.
the business process completeness and the busi- reality dimension and (ii) the natural/behavioral
ness process balance levels, which are introduced vs. purposeful design dimension. Both criteria
as a guidance of indicators for the selection and divide the spectrum of research methods in the
evaluation of standards and models of processes. following four quadrants: (Q1) the conceptual
The empirical assessment of the business process behavioral research, (Q2) the conceptual design
understanding complexity construct is planned research, (Q3) the empirical behavioral research,
for a subsequent study. and (Q4) the empirical design research.
Usefulness of this systemic model is illustrated The conceptual dimension accounts for the
with the description and comparison of two main organized and verifiable/falsifiable subsystem
models [CMMI/SE/SwE:2002 (SEI, 2002), ITIL of concepts (e.g., knowledge) on the reality and
V.3:2007 (OGC, 2007)] and four main standards of itself. The reality dimension (Bhaskar, 1975;
[ISO/IEC 15288:2002 (ISO, 2002), ISO/IEC Mingers, 2000) accounts for the stratified domains
12207:1995 (ISO, 1995), ISO/IEC 15504:2005 of: (i) observable and not observable events (the
(ISO, 2005), ISO/IEC 20000:2006 (ISO, 2006a, empirical and actual domains), and the (ii) broader
2006b)]. The remainder of this article continues as reality domain of physical and social product-
follows: firstly, a general overview of the concep- producer generative structures and mechanisms.
tual design research approach and the face valida- The scientific knowledge (e.g., the conceptual
tion process conducted by a panel of experts are domain) is socially generated by human beings in
reported. Secondly, the rationale of the systemic concordance with the reality (the truth criteria) and
concepts, which are used in the design of the pro is temporal and relative (Bhaskar, 1975). However,
formas to systemically describe and compare the reality existence is independent of human beings
standards and models, is reported. Finally, the ap- from a critical realism philosophical stance. Thus,
plication of the systemic descriptive-comparison when we conduct conceptual research we address
model is presented and their main findings are knowledge objects mapped to a reality and when
discussed. Findings suggest the adequacy of the we perform reality-based research (e.g., empirical)
systems approach for such an aim. we address real subjects or objects. On the other
hand, both conceptual and real entities generated
The Conceptual Research Method by the nature and social structures and mecha-
nisms can be studied without or with an interven-
Conceptual research has been extensively used in ing or modifying purpose. In the former case, we
the disciplines of IS and SwE as a non-empirical explore, describe, predict, explain, or evaluate
research method (Glass et al., 2004). Nevertheless, conceptual or real entities, and, in the latter, we
its principles and methods have been implicitly purposely design, build, and test conceptual or
used and its scientific value has been obscured real artifacts (Hevner et al., 2004). This article can
when is compared with empirical research meth- be classified both as a conceptual design research
ods which address tangible subjects and objects (Q2) by the design of a systemic model to describe
of study. In a recent systemic (Checkland, 2000) and compare standards and models of processes,

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Figure 1. Conceptual research framework

C onceptual Domain M ethodological C D.2: methodological
C B .2: methodological K nowledge knowledge
C D.5:
C B .3: conceptual new design &
data collecting C D.4: knowledge
C B .4: conceptual design data C D.1: a k-gap
analysis collection is identified
C B .1: a k-gap K-gap K-gap C D.3: Design pr ocess
is identified

E B .4: data E B .1: a k-gap E D.1: a k-gap E D.5:

analysis is identified is identified new design/build &
E B .2: methodological E D.4:
knowledge design/building E D.2:
E B .3: empir ical
data collecting data collection methodological
G iven E xpected ar tificial
natur al/social r eality E D.3:
r eality design/building
pr ocess

R eality Domain

and as a conceptual behavioral research (Q1) by In contrast to empirical research methods, the
the utilization of such a model to describe the validation procedures used in conceptual research
schemes. Figure 1 illustrates the general research can be one of the following: numerical mathemati-
methodological framework. cal analysis, mathematical/theorem proof, logical
In Mora et al. (2007b, 2007c) the systemic argumentation, or a face validation by a panel of
model was designed by applying the follow- experts. Model validation used in the conceptual
ing four activities of Q2: CD.1 knowledge gap design approach was face validation. A panel of
identification, CD.2 methodological knowledge four experts participated in the validation. Two
(conceptual purposeful design), CD.3 conceptual experts own an academic joint expertise of 10 years
design, CD.4 design data collection, and CD.5 of teaching graduate courses related to standards
analysis and synthesis where a new conceptual and models of processes in software engineering.
artifact outcome is generated [e.g., a construct, The other two evaluators were invited for their
framework/model/theory, method, or system/ practical knowledge in systems engineering and
component (not instanced in a real object)]. Vali- IT projects with an approximate 30-year joint ex-
dation is exercised in all five steps: a relevance pertise in IT and SE consulting activities. Because
validity assessment of the knowledge gap in CD.1 no specific instrument was located in the literature
and CD.2, a methodological validity assessment to conduct a model face validation, an instrument
in CD.3, CD.4, and CD.5 through a face validity previously used to validate conceptual models in
instrument used with two schemes (ISO/IEC several M.Sc. theses was used. Model validation
15288 and CMMI/SE). was tested with the description and comparison
of the CMMI/SE model and the ISO/IEC 15288

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Table 1. Model face validation in conceptual research

Panel of International


Academic 01

Academic 02






I.1 The designed conceptual model is supported by core
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 4.75 0.50
theoretical foundations regarding the topic under study.
I.2 The theoretical foundations used for developing the
designed conceptual model are relevant to the topic under 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 4.75 0.50
I.3 There are no critical omissions in the literature used for
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 4.75 0.50
developing the designed conceptual model.
I.4 The designed conceptual model is logically coherent to
1 2 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 4.75 0.50
the purpose to the reality of study.
I.5 The designed conceptual model is adequate to the pur-
1 2 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 4.75 0.50
pose of study.
I.6 The outcome (i.e. the designed conceptual model) is
congruent with the underlying epistemological philosophy
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 5 4 4.50 0.58
used for its development among positivist, interpretative,
critical or critical realism.
I.7 The designed conceptual model reports original findings
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 4.75 0.50
and contributes to the knowledge discipline.
I.8 The designed conceptual model is reported using an ap-
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 5 4 4.50 0.58
propriate scientific style of writing.
Mean 4.75 4.75 5.00 4.25 4.67
Desv.Std. 0.46 0.46 0.00 0.46 0.47

standard. Table 1 reports the items used in the tive review approach. Conceptual data collecting
validation step and their scores. was conducted by a systematic reading of the
In this study, then, we apply the four activities original documents of the three models (CMMI/
of Q1: CB.1 knowledge gap identification, CB.2 SE:2002, CMMI/SwE:2002, ITIL V.3:2007) and
methodological knowledge (e.g., conceptual ex- the three standards (ISO/IEC 15288:2002, ISO/
ploratory review, conceptual descriptive-compar- IEC 12207:1995, ISO/IEC 20000:2006) and by
ative review or conceptual tutorial review), CB.3 an identification of the items required in the sys-
conceptual data collecting, and CB.4 conceptual temic model. Finally, the conceptual descriptive-
analysis and synthesis where an exploratory, comparative analysis and synthesis of findings
descriptive-comparative, or tutorial conceptual was conducted by the two lead authors, broadly
outcome is generated. Q1 was used for a descrip- reviewed by a third co-author and validated by
tive/comparative purpose. the remainder two co-authors. The joint-academic
Knowledge gaps are reported in the related expertise of the full research team in systems ap-
work section as well as in the introduction section. proach is about 40 years, and 20 years in standards
Methodological knowledge is realized through the and models of processes.
utilization of a conceptual descriptive-compara-

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Related Work process improvement efforts (and consequently

include a capability maturity level assessment
The systems approach has been implicitly used such as CMMI), while the standards are focused
to study organizations as general systems but on an overall complain/not complain general as-
few papers have reported formal or semi-formal sessment (e.g., ISO/IEC 12207), (ii) the models
definitions of such constructs (Ackoff, 1971; are used under an agreement between companies
Feigenbaum, 1968; Wand & Woo, 1991; Gelman to legitimate their industrial acceptance (e.g.,
& Negroe, 1991; Mora et al., 2003). In the case CMMI in the Americas), while the standards are
of models and standards of processes, these have used under a usually obligatory implicit country-
been studied individually (Gray, 1996; Garcia, based agreement (e.g., ISO/IEC 15504 in Europe),
1998; Humphrey, 1998; Arnold & Lawson, 2004; and (iii) the models can be originated from any
Curtis, Phillips, & Weszka, 2001; Menezes, organization, while the standards are strongly
2002) and comparatively (Sheard & Lake, 1998; endorsed by nations.
Johnson & Dindo, 1998; Wright, 1998; Paulk, Our study enhances previous ones through
1995, 1998, 1999; Halvorsen & Conrado, 2000; the introduction of a normative-generic systemic
Minnich, 2002; Boehm & Vasili, 2005). While model of a business organization that is used
both kinds of studies on standards and models of to describe and compare the business process
processes have been useful to describe the main completeness and business process balance of
categories of processes, contrast directly two or standards and models of processes, as well as the
more schemes, identify their focus of applica- next research goal to assess the understanding
tion, strengths and weaknesses, similarities and complexity on such schemes by potential practitio-
differences, and their fitness with a particular SE ners. Business process completeness is defined as
or SwE development approach, all of them have the extent of a standard or model fulfills the busi-
not used a normative-generic systemic model of a ness process of the organizational subsystems of
worldwide organization to estimate their process the generic systemic organization. The categorical
completeness and process balance constructs, scale used is very weak, weak, moderate, strong,
neither to estimate their inherent business process and very strong business process completeness.
understanding complexity in practitioners. Business process balance is defined as the extent
For instance, other descriptive and/or com- of a standard or model provides an equilibrated
parative studies on standards and models of support for all organizational subsystems of the
processes (Sheard & Lake, 1998; Minnich, 2002) generic systemic organization. The categorical
have identified core similarities and differences scale used is very weak, weak, moderate, strong,
between such schemes. Main similarities are: and very strong business process balance. A high
(i) both provide a map of generic processes business process completeness does not imply a
from the best international practices, (ii) both high business process balance for a standard or
establish what and must be instructions rather model and vice versa. In the former case, a stan-
than how specific procedures, and (iii) both do dard or model could to have a high support for
not impose a mandatory life-cycle of processes all organizational subsystems but some of them
but suggest a demonstrative one that is usually could be redundant. In the latter case, a standard
taken as a basement. Thus, implementers must or model could provide similar support for all
complement such recommendations with detailed organizational subsystems but for some organiza-
procedures and profiles of the deliverables. In tional subsystems this could be insufficient (e.g.,
the case of main differences: (i) the models (at low value). The business process understanding
least the early reported) have been focused on complexity construct empirical assessment is
planned for a further research.

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Description and Comparison reports the systemic definition of the concepts

of Models and Standards of system, subsystem, component and suprasystem/
Processes entourage. These concepts are used in the second
appendix to define the concepts of organization,
The Rationale of the Systemic organizational subsystem, business process and
Building-Blocks Constructs of the subprocess, business activity, product and service.
Normative-Generic Model of an Finally, in the third appendix, previous concepts
Organization are used to define a pro forma of a generic orga-
nization as a system. The latter definitions are
According to Mora et al. (2007b), the ISO rooted in the classic cybernetic paradigm (Gelman
9000:2000 series of standards (ISO, 2007) con- & Negroe, 1982) and extended to include the
tains two principles (Principle 4 and 5) which information systems subsystem concept (Mora
endorse respectively the process approach and et al., 2003). Tables 2 and 3 update the defini-
the systems approach as critical management tions reported in the first and second appendices
paradigms. Principle 4’s rationale states that the aforementioned. Table 4 illustrates the cybernetic
resources and activities are managed as processes. organizational model mapped to the Porter and
In turn, the Principle 5’s rationale sets forth that Millar (1985) business process model where the
the process be organized via a systems view. Fur- IT service processes are explicitly added to the
thermore, the ISO 9000:2000 standard remarks original model.
that while “… the way in which the organization Definitions in Table 2 (Mora et al., 2007b,
manage its processes is obviously to affect its final 2007c) are rooted in theory of systems (Ackoff,
(quality of) product” (ISO, 2007), these standards 1971) and are based in formal definitions reported
“… concerns the way an organization goes about in Gelman and Garcia (1989) and Mora et al.
its work … concern processes not products – at (2003), and other semiformal definitions (Gelman
least not directly” (ISO, 2006). Hence, the con- et al., 2005; Mora et al., 2008). Concepts in Table
cepts of process, system, and product/service 3 (Mora et al., 2007b, 2007c) emerge from an
and their conceptual interrelationships become analysis of relationships between the concepts
critical for understanding the different standards of process, service and system in the context of
and models under study. In Mora et al. (2007c) standards and models of process.
are reported three appendices. First appendix Despite multiple definitions of process, main
shared attributes can be identified: (i) an overall

Table 2. Definitions of core system concepts

is a whole into a wider <SS: suprasystem> or <ENT: entourage> that can be modeled with mandatory <A: attri-
butes: a1,a2,a3,a4,a5> (where <a1: purpose>, <a2: function>, <a3: inputs>, <a4: outputs> and <a5:outcomes>)
R1 S: system
that are co-produced by at least two parts called <sB: subsystems> and the <R: relationships: R1, R2, …> be-
tween this whole, their parts, attributes and/or its suprasystem.
is a <S: system> that is part of a <S: system> and that is decomposable in at least two or more <sB: subsystem>
sB: subsystem
or <C: components>.
R3 C: component is a constituent of a <sB: subsystem> that is not decomposable (from a modeling viewpoint).
R4 SS: suprasystem is a <S: system> that contains to the system of interest under observation.
R4’ ENT: entourage is the supra-system without the system under study.
R4’’ W: world is the entourage of the suprasystem.

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Table 3. Definitions of organizational concepts as systems

is a <S: system> composed of three <OsB: organizational subsystems: driver, driven and IS subsystems>,
R5 O: organization into in a wider <OSS: organization suprasystem>, and with the generic attribute of <a1:purpose: “to pro-
vide valued outcomes for external systems”> additionally to other attributes.
OsB: organizational is a <sB: subsystem> composed of three subsystems called <BP: business process: control, operational
subsystem and informational>.
is a <sB: subsystem> of an <OsB: organizational subsystem> composed of at least two or more subsystems
BP: business
R7 called <BsP: business subprocess> or components called <BA: business activities>, and with the addi-
tional mandatory attributes <a6: mechanisms> and <a7: controls>.
BsP: business
R8 is a <:BP: business process> into a <BP: business process>.
is a <C: component> into a <BP: business process> or <BsP: business subprocess> with the additional
BA: business activ-
R9 mandatory attributes <a6: tasks>, <a5:7personnel>, <a8: tools & infrastructure>, <a9: methods & proce-
dures> and <a10: socio-political mechanisms & structures>.
is an intangible, and time-continuously but period-limited <a4: people-oriented valued outcomes> from
R10 Sv: service <a3: outputs: acts> of a <BA: business activity>, a <BP: business process>, an < OsB: organizational sub-
system> or an <O: organization>.
is a tangible, and discrete <a4: machine-oriented valued outcome> from <a3: outputs: matter> of a <BA:
R11 Pr: product business activity>, a <BP: business process>, an <OsB: organizational sub-system> or an <O: organiza-

Table 4. Mapping of the Porter-Millar business process model onto the systemic model


control business process >] <FINANCIAL PROCESS>
driver-or- [<OBP2: SUPPORT
ganizational operational business process >] <ADMINISTRATIVE – LEGAL PROCESSES
subsystem>] PROCES>
informational business process>] PROCESS>


control business process >] <OUTPUT LOGISTIC PROCESS>
driven-or- [<OBP2: PRIMARY
operational business process >]
informational business process >] PROCESS>
control business process >] PROCESS>
nizational operational business process >] PROCESS> PROCESSES
informational business process >]

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

purpose (transform inputs in outputs), (ii) in- well as for organization, organizational subsys-
terrelated activities, and (iii) the utilization of tem, business process sub-process and business
human and material resources, procedures, and activity are reported in the Appendices A and B.
methods. Similarly, even though there is no one Pro formas and the systemic definitions enable us
standard definition of service, several shared to develop a multi-scale systemic comparison of
attributes can be also identified: (i) intangibil- the standards and models of processes. Because
ity, (ii) non-storable, (iii) ongoing realization, the generic model is mapped onto a very strong
and (iv) a mandatory participation of people and validated business process model (Porter &
to determine the value attribute. We argue that Millar, 1985), we claim this strategy is better than
only the human beings can assess a value scale a direct comparison between them because there
on services (even though such services can usu- is a common normative model against to each
ally include machine-based metrics), while that standard or model can be compared and because
automated processes (by using artificial devices) this is useful to estimate an absolute process
can assess the quality attributes of products (e.g., completeness and process balance levels. In the
to fit some agreed physical specifications). Then, opposite case, the assessment would be relative
main distinctions between a product and a service against the considered best model or standard.
are: (i) the tangibility-intangibility dichotomy
which leads to the quality (e.g., the attributes The Systemic Description and Com-
expected in the product) versus the value (e.g., parison of Standards and Models of
the benefits to the quality-prices rate perceived Processes
from a customers’ perspective), and (ii) the time-
discrete utilization of products versus the ongoing In this article, we report the description and com-
experience of services (Teboul, 2007). Concepts parison of two models (CMMI/SE:2002, CMMI/
reported in Tables 2 and 3, then, help to dissolve SwE:2002, ITIL V.3:2007) and four standards
the conceptual omission of the responsible entity (ISO/IEC 15288:2002, ISO/IEC 12207:1995, ISO/
that generates a service: a process or a system. IEC 15504:2005, and ISO/IEC 20000:2006) of
We argue that the concept of system (Gelman processes. Description and comparison details
& Garcia, 1989) is the logical concept to link are reported in the Appendix C but a summary
process and service/product constructs. Similar of them is reported in Table 5. The symbols: ,
conceptualizations are being developed also in , , , and , corresponds directly to the
the SSME’s research stream under the notion of categories of very strong, strong, moderate, weak
service systems (Spohrer et al., 2007). Hence, and very weak.
we claim that these concepts can be used as con- Assessments reported in Table 5 are based
ceptual building blocks to describe and compare in the conceptual analysis conducted by the two
standards and models of processes. lead authors and validated by the other three co-
authors on the data reported in Appendix C. Such
The Systemic Normative-Generic descriptions and comparisons are conducted in the
Model of an Organization organization level of the cybernetic organizational
model with initial descriptions and comparisons
For applying the conceptual building blocks and in the organizational subsystem level (e.g., the
their interrelationships, we define a set of pro for- driver, the driven and the information organiza-
mas (Andoh-Baidoo et al., 2004) for each concept. tional subsystems). The analysis was conducted
Pro formas for the concepts system, supra-system, under the premise of an organization interested
subsystem, component, entourage, and world, as to deploy a standard or model to manufacture and

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Table 5. Business process completeness and balance assessment summary

15288:2002 Stan-

12207:1995 Stan-

15504:2006 Stan-

20000:2005 Stan-

ITIL V.3 : 2007

2002 Models









<STRATEGIC MGT>      
[<OsB1: driver-organiza-
tional subsystem>]

<FINANCIAL MGT>      

<HR MGT>      

<ADM-LEGAL MGT>      

<ITSfM>      

     
<INPUT LOGISTIC>      
org. subsystem>]
[<OsB2: driven-

<OPERATIONS>      

<OUTPUT LOGISTIC>      

<ITSfO>      

     
[<OsB3: is-org

     

     
<IT SERVICE SUPPORT >      
     



OUT OsB3 Strong Strong Strong Strong
Strong ated

OVERALL      


COMPLETENESS Weak Strong Strong
erated ated ated



OsB3 Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong
     

PROCESS BALANCE Mod- Moder- Moder-

Weak Strong Strong
erated ated ated

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

provision products and services strongly based in oldest schemes (CMMI/SE/SwE and ISO/
IT. Furthermore, CMMI, ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/ IEC 12207:1995) do not explicitly treat it.
IEC 15504 claim to be a model/standard for any In contrast, the other four schemes address
kind of system/product. Through the generation this important process. Best addressing is
of the systemic pro formas and their interpretation from ITIL V.3:2007 followed of ISO/IEC
by the two lead authors, and the additional valida- 20000:2006 and ISO/IEC 15288:2002.
tion of the validation team, we can summarize the Latter scheme treats this as the investment
following core findings as follows: management process. Regarding the human
resources process, while all of them consider
• Business process completeness on the the topic of training and competent human
Porter-Millar’s support process: The six resources (e.g., moderate completeness),
schemes are focused on the core processes only the ISO/IEC 15504:2006 addresses
related to the lifecycle of man-made systems explicitly and adds the KM process. Other
and related support process. Furthermore, worthy effort is considered by CMMI/SE/
all of them claim to be useful for guiding SwE:2002 model, which assigns to orga-
the design and manufacturing/provision nizational training a strategic focus. The
of any kind of system or product/service existence of the CMM-People is a proof of
where software or IT be a core component. this strategic aim but its incorporation into
However, while this aim is worthy, its over- CMMI/SE/SwE:2002 model is not implicit.
all extent of business process completeness The completeness on the administrative-
when the whole organization is considered is legal process is strong for the first four
not so strong in some standards/models. For schemes (CMMI/SE/SwE:2002, ISO/IEC
instance, the ISO/IEC 12207:1995 standard 15288:2002, ISO/IEC 12207:1995, ISO/IEC
while mainly focused on software products 15504:2006) and very strong in the service-
or services also addresses systems that con- oriented new schemes (ISO/IEC 20000:2005
tain software, so its overall completeness and ITIL V.3:2007). This happens because
should at least be strong. Futhermore, by the existence of an explicit service level
using the combined systemic and classic management process in both standards with
process-based organization model (Porter strong legal considerations. Finally, the
& Millar, 1985), the core strategic man- IT service for management process is not
agement and financial processes are not explicitly addressed in all standards except
included or moderately included in the ISO/ for the ISO/IEC 20000:2005, and the ITIL
IEC 12207:1995 and ISO/IEC 15288:2002 V.3:2007, given their aim. However, ISO/
schemes. In contrast, others explicitly ad- IEC 15288:2002 standard considers a general
dress such aims through the organizational information management process, and the
alignment and financial management pro- others should address it given the relevance
cesses. Best explicit addressing is realized for of the IT services process for the modern
the ISO/IEC 20000:2005 and ITIL V.3:2007 business firms. Hence, the business process
schemes. While the strategic process and completeness metric for the Porter-Millar
its links with the remainder process are not support process is strong for ITIL V.3:2007
considered, the business value of standards model, the ISO/IEC 20000:2005, and ISO/
and models of process and its full and correct IEC 15504:2006 standards, moderated in
deployment can be obfuscated. For the case the CMMI/SE/SwE model, and ISO/IEC
of financial management process, two of the 15288:2002 standard, and weak in ISO/IEC

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

12207:1995 standard by the lack of strategic for operations process, the completeness
and financial management processes. assessed is similar to the ITSfM process:
• Business process completeness on the these ones are not explicitly addressed ex-
Porter-Millar’s primary process: Be- cept for ISO/IEC 20000:2005 standard, and
ing the six schemes focused on the core ITIL V.3:2007 model. ISO/IEC 15288:2002
processes are related to the lifecycle of standard considers also a general informa-
man-made systems, it is not an unexpected tion management process into the project
result a strong completeness assessment management category. Hence, the business
in almost all schemes (five of them). ITIL process completeness metric for the Porter-
V.3:2007 model is the most complete (e.g., Millar primary process is strong for five
very strong). However, despite such a high schemes and very strong for ITIL V.3:2007
assessment for ITIL V.3:2007 model, and model.
the existence of the service release and de- • Business process completeness on the
ployment management process, being this Porter-Millar’s IT support process: Our
one the core engineering process where the analysis reveals the explicit lack of IT service
service is built, its general treatment into the management, IT service engineering, and
high density of the remainder of processes is IT service support process as a mandatory
obfuscated. The relationships of this process and relevant component of the standards
with the service design process are critical and models of processes, except for the
for a final high-quality, cost-efficient, and two designed for such an aim (e.g., ISO/
trustworthy service, and should be clearly IEC 20000:2005 and ITIL V.3:2007). We
established in the standard. Similarly to its consider that under the new business envi-
antecessor model (e.g., ITIL V.2, which is ronment characterized by a strong competi-
enhanced in the new ISO/IEC 20000:2005 tive pressure for high quality, cost-efficient,
standard), this process is weakly elaborated and trustworthy products and services, and
from a systems engineering view. Regard- the increasing engineering and managerial
ing other processes, the input and output complexity for achieving them, as well as
logistic ones, are also strongly completed. the increasing dependency of IT services,
The existence of specific process to treat such a kind of process becomes relevant to
with suppliers or performing as such ones be included in updated versions of the models
reinforces both processes. CMMI/SE/SwE and standards. Hence, the business process
does not distinguish between suppliers and completeness metric for the extended Porter-
customers’ agreement process. The remain- Millar IT service process is strong ISO/IEC
der schemes consider both views: when the 20000:2005, very strong for ITIL V.3:2007
organization buys products/services and model, and weak for the remainder schemes.
when it sells them. ITIL V.3:2007 model The well-structured lifecycle view with
and ISO/IEC 20000:2005 standard are the design, transition and operation, guided by
most completed schemes by introducing the strategic and continual improvement
specific service level management and busi- service process of ITIL.V3:2007, enhances
ness customers’ relationships processes to its antecessor ITIL V.2:2000 model, which
manage the output logistic process, as well is the underlying framework for the ISO/
as the supplier management and business IEC 20000:2005 standard.
supplier relationships to treat with the input • Overall business process completeness:
logistic process. Regarding the IT service Based in the previous assessments, and

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

the fact of the lack of explicit IT service and 2004. Improvements in the ISO/IEC
process in most schemes, it is adequate to 12207:1995 standard are clearly exhibited in
divide the overall evaluation without and ISO/IEC 15504:2005:Part 5 standard, which
with the OsB3 (e.g., the IS-organizational uses the new ISO/IEC 12207:2004 version
subsystem). For the first case, five of the as an exemplary model for assessment. The
six schemes are considered with strong problem is the lack of a full document of this
business process completeness and one standard where all amendments are seam-
with a moderated assessment (for ISO/IEC lessly integrated in the previous knowledge.
12207:1995 standard). For the second case, We estimate (by anecdotic but academic
when the OsB3 organizational subsystem sources given the textbook literature on
is included in the evaluation, the two IT the topic) that main organizational deploy-
service-oriented schemes keep a strong ments are still using ISO/IEC 12207:1995
assessment, but the others reduce it to a version.
moderate assessment (CMMI/SE/SwE • Implications for IS discipline. Space and
model, and ISO/IEC 15228:2002, ISO/IEC time limitations preclude a deep discussion.
15504:2005 standards) and an overall weak Our general and core observation is that, in
business process completeness assessment order for the standards and models studied
(ISO/IEC 12207:1995 standard). in this paper to be used and deployed jointly
• Overall business process balance: Simi- with ITIL-based models and standards, a
larly to the business process completeness, deep managerial effort will be required to
the assessment can be divided without and harmonize them. Another core observation
with the OsB3 subsystem. In the former case, is the necessary inclusion in the graduate
five schemes qualify with a strong balance IS/IT programs of the models/standards
and only ISO/IEC 12207:1995 standard is topics as mandatory. In the meanwhile, IS/
assessed as moderated. In the latter case, IT practitioners have been alerted to be cau-
the process balance assessment is reduced to tious, given the large economical, human,
moderate in three schemes: CMMI/SE/SwE and organizational resources required to
model, and ISO/IEC 15288:2002, ISO/IEC implement successfully such standards and
15504:2005 standards. ISO/IEC 12207:1995 models.
standard balance process is assessed as weak.
The two IT service-oriented schemes keep
a strong assessment. These results are not Conclusion
unexpected. ITIL-based models and stan-
dards are of the most updated (e.g., 2005 We have argued that modern firms are complex
and 2007 years) and both are based in the systems of systems (SoS) regarding to the en-
new business philosophy of service science, gineering and management of their processes
engineering, and management (Spohrer et to deliver cost-effective, trustworthy, and high-
al., 2007). We consider that the remain- quality products and services. Consequently, the
der standards and models will follow this organizations have developed and fostered the
approach in short time. For instance, the exchange of “best practices” through the concepts
new planned CMMI-SVC model is being of standards and models of processes. However,
designed for such an aim. In turn, the low the myriad of them is causing a business process
scores for ISO/IEC 12207:1995 can explain understanding complexity that obfuscates their
the two core amendments published in 2001 correct deployment. Then, we have posed the

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

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A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Appendix A. Pro formas of the core conceptual building-

blocks to study entities as systems.


[ <S: system>] = [ S(X) ] The X thing that is modeled as a system.
The next up system called supra-system that contains to the modeled S(X)
[ <SS: supra-system> ] = [ SS(S(X)) ]
under study.
[ <ENT: entourage> ] = [ ENT(S(X)) ] The supra-system without the modeled S(X) under study.
The most up system to be considered in the study without the supra-
[ <W: world> ] = [ W(S(X)) ] = [ ENT ( SS(S(X)) ]
system of the system under study.
[ <A: attributes>] = [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + (a6 + a7 + … ) ] The attributes that are defining the system.
[ <a1: purpose>] = [<a1: “to achieve its outcomes” >] The effectiveness mission of the system.
[ <a2: function>] = [<a2: “to achieve efficiently its outputs”>] The efficacy mission of the system.
= [<a3: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a3: inputs>] The system’s input flows.
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
= [<a4: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a4: outputs>] The system’s output flows.
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
The expected consequences to be generated by the system’s outputs. PoV
[ <a5: outcomes>] = [<a5: [ { PoV} | MoV } n ] >] and MoV are respectively people-oriented and machine-oriented valued
• … … Other possible attributes.
[ [ <sB: subsystems>] | = [ [ sB(X1) | C(X1) ] + [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] +
The main constituents of the system.
[ <C: components>] ] ( [ sB(X3) | C(X3) ] + … ) ]
[ [ sB1 | C1] ] = [ sB(X1) | C(X1) ] The first constituent of the system.
[ [ sB2 | C2] ] = [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] The second constituent of the system.
… … Other system’s constituents.
Relationships between the system’s parts, attributes and/or its supra-
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ]
system and entourage.


[ <sB: subsystem> ] = [ sB(X?) ] The subsystem to be modeled.
[ <S: system>] = [ S(X) ] The owner system of the subsystem.
[ <A: attributes>] = [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + (a6 + a7 + … ) ] The attributes that are defining the subsystem.
[ <a1: purpose>] = [<a1: “to achieve its outcomes” >] The effectiveness mission of the subsystem.
[ <a2: function>] = [<a2: “to achieve efficiently its outputs”>] The efficacy mission of the subsystem.
= [<a3: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a3: inputs>] The subsystem’s input flows.
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
= [<a4: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a4: outputs>] The subsystem’s output flows.
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
The expected consequences to be generated by the subsystem’s outputs.
[ <a5: outcomes>] = [<a5: [ { PoV} | MoV } n ] >] PoV and MoV are respectively people-oriented and machine-oriented
valued features.
• … … Other possible attributes.
[ [ <sB: subsystems>] | = [ [ sB(X1) | C(X1) ] + [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] +
The main constituents of the subsystem.
[ <C: components>] ] ([ sB(X3) | C(X3) ] + … )]
[ [ sB1 | C1] ] = [ sB(X1) | C(X1) ] The first constituent of the subsystem.
[ [ sB2 | C2] ] = [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] The second constituent of the subsystem.
… … Other subsystem’s constituents.
Relationships between the system’s parts, attributes and/or its supra-
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ]
system and entourage.

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT


[ <C: component> ] = [ C(X?) ] The component to be modeled.
[ <sB: subsystem> | <S:
= [ sB(X?) | S(X) ] The owner subsystem or system that contains to the component.
system> ]
[ <A: attributes>] = [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + (a6 + a7 + … ) ] The attributes that are defining the component.
[ <a1: purpose>] = [<a1: “to achieve its outcomes” >] The effectiveness mission of the component.
[ <a2: function>] = [<a2: “to achieve efficiently its outputs”>] The efficacy mission of the component.
= [<a3: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a3: inputs>] The component’s input flows
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
= [<a4: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a4: outputs>] The component’s output flows
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
The expected consequences to be generated by the component’s outputs.
[ <a5: outcomes>] = [<a5: [ { PoV} | MoV } n ] >] PoV and MoV are respectively people-oriented and machine-oriented
valued features.
• … Other possible attributes.
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ] Relationships between the component’s attributes and its wider system.


[ <SS: suprasystem> ] = [ SS( S(X) ) ] The next up system that contains to the modeled system under study.
[ <S: system> ] = [ S(X) ] The system under study that is a constituent of the suprasystem.
[ <ENT: entourage> ] = [ ENT( SS(S(X))) ] = [ W(S(X) ] The supra-system without the modeled S(X) under study.
The most up system to be considered in the study without the supra-
[ <W: world> ] = [ W(S(X)) ] = [ ENT ( SS(S(X)) ]
system of the system under study.
[ <A: attributes>] = [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + (a6 + a7 + … ) ] The attributes that are defining the supra-system.
[ <a1: purpose>] = [<a1: “to achieve its outcomes” >] The effectiveness mission of the supra-system.
[ <a2: function>] = [<a2: “to achieve efficiently its outputs”>] The efficacy mission of the supra-system.
= [<a3: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a3: inputs>] The supra-system’s input flows.
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
= [<a4: [ { energy-matter | information-
[ <a4: outputs>] The supra-system’s output flows.
knowledge | acts }n ]>]
The expected consequences to be generated by the supra-system’s outputs.
[ <a5: outcomes>] = [<a5: [ { PoV} | MoV } n ] >] PoV and MoV are respectively people-oriented and machine-oriented
valued features.
• … Other possible attributes.
[ [sB: <subsystems>] | = [ [ sB(X1) ] + [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] + ([
The main constituents of the supra-system.
[ C: <components>] ] sB(X3) | C(X3) ] + … )]
[ sB1 ] = [ sB(X1) ] = [ S(X) ] The system S is the first constituent of the supra-system.
[ [sB2 | C2] ] = [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] The second constituent.
… … Other supra-system’s constituents.
Relationships between the supra-system’s parts, attributes and its wider
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ]


The most up system to be considered in the study without the supra-
[ <W: world> ] = [ W( S(X) ) ]
system of the system under study.
The system under study that is a constituent of the suprasystem into the
[ <S: system> ] = [ S(X) ]
The next up system called supra-system that contains to the modeled S(X)
[ <SS: supra-system> ] = [ SS(S(X)) ]
under study.
[ <ENT: entourage> ] = [ ENT(S(X)) ] The supra-system without the modeled S(X) under study.
[ <A: attributes>] = [ a1 ( + a2+ … ) ] The attributes that are defining the world.

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT


[ <a1: purpose>] = [<a1: “to be a system” >] The effectiveness mission of the world.
• … Other possible attributes.
[ [sB: <subsystems>] | = [ [ sB(X1) ] + [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] +
The main constituents of the world.
[ C: <components>] ] ( [ sB(X3) | C(X3) ] + … ) ]
The supra-system SS(S(X) is the first constituent of the world that is mod-
[ sB1 ] = [ sB(X1)] = [ SS( S(X)) ]
eled as a closed system.
[ [sB2 | C2] ] = [ sB(X2) | C(X2) ] The second constituent.
… … Other world’s constituents.
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ] Relationships between the world’s parts and attributes.

Appendix B. Pro formas of the systemic conceptual building-

blocks for modeling an organization
[ <O: organization>] = [ O(X) ] The X thing to be modeled as a systemic organization.
[ <OOS: organizational The next up system called supra-system that contains to the modeled O(X)
= [ OSS( O(X)) ]
supra-system>] under study.
[ <OENT: organizational
= [ OENT( O(X)) ] The supra-system without the modeled O(X) under study.
entourage> ]
[ <OW: organizational The most up system to be considered in the study without the supra-
= [ OW( O(X)) ]
world> ] system of the system under study.
[ <A: attributes>] = [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + (a6 + … ) ] The attributes that are defining the organization.
[ <a1: purpose>] = [<a1: “to provide valued outcomes”>] The effectiveness mission of the organization.
= [ <a2: “to achieve efficiently its out-
[ <a2: function>] The efficacy mission of the organization.
puts”> ]
= [ <a3: [ { energy-matter(utilities, artifacts,
[ <a3: inputs>] money) | information-knowledge | acts } The organization’s input flows.
= [ <a4: [ { energy-matter(utilities, artifacts,
[ <a4: outputs>] money) | information-knowledge | acts } The organization’s output flows.
] >]
The expected consequences to be generated by the organizational system’s
= [<a5: [ { <PoV: service> } | <MoV:
[ <a5: outcomes>] outputs. PoV and MoV are respectively people-oriented and machine-
product >} n ] >]
oriented valued features.
• … Other possible attributes.
[ [sB: <subsystems>] |
[ C: <components>] ] =
= [OsB(X1)] + [OsB(X2)] + [OsB(X3)] The main constituents of the organization.
[ <OsB: organizational
The organizational subsystem responsible to perform the support business
= [ <OsB(X1): [strategic management +
processes. In the Porter-Miller organizational model, this subsystem
[<OsB1: driver-organiza- financial management + human resources
corresponds to the following support processes: strategic management,
tional subsystem>] management + administrative-legal man-
financial management, human resources management, administrative
agement + IT service for management ] > ]
& legal management, and IT service for management.
The organizational subsystem responsible to perform the primary business
= [ <OsB(X2): [input logistic + operations +
[<OsB2: driver-organiza- processes. In the Porter-Miller organizational model, this subsystems cor-
output logistic + IT service for operations]
tional subsystem>] responds to the following primary processes: input logistic, operations,
output logistic and IT service for operations.
The organizational subsystem responsible to support the informational
[<OsB3: informational- = [<OsB(X3): [ IT service management and business processes. In the Porter-Miller organizational model, this is not
organizational subsystem>] engineering] >] reported explicitly. We call it the IT service management and engineer-
ing processes (ITSM&E).

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT


Relationships between the organizational parts, attributes, and/or its
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ]
supra-system and world.


[ <OsB: organizational
= [ OsB(X1) | OsB(X2) | OsB(X3) ] The organizational subsystem to be modeled.
[ <O: organization>] = [ O(X) ] The organization to which belongs the organizational subsystem.
[ <A: attributes>] = [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + (a6 + … ) ] The attributes that are defining the organizational subsystem.
[ <a1: purpose>] = [<a1: “to provide valued outcomes”>] The effectiveness mission of the organization.
= [ <a2: “to achieve efficiently its out-
[ <a2: function>] The efficacy mission of the organizational subsystem.
puts”> ]
= [ <a3: [ { energy-matter(utilities, artifacts,
[ <a3: inputs>] money) | information-knowledge | acts } The organizational subsystem’s input flows.
= [ <a4: [ { energy-matter(utilities, artifacts,
[ <a4: outputs>] money) | information-knowledge | acts } The organizational subsystem’s output flows.
] >]
The expected consequences to be generated by the organizational
= [<a5: [ { <PoV: service> } | <MoV:
[ <a5: outcomes>] subsystem’s outputs. PoV and MoV are respectively people-oriented and
product >} n ] >]
machine-oriented valued features.
• … … Other possible attributes.
[ <BP: organizational busi-
= [BP1 ] + [ BP2 ] + [BP3] The main constituents of the organizational subsystem.
ness processes> ]
The business process responsible for controlling the operational processes
[BP1] = [ <BP1: control business processes> ]
into an organizational subsystem.
The business process responsible for doing the core activities into an
[ BP2 ] = [ <BP2: operational business processes> ]
organizational subsystem
= [ <BP3: informational business pro- The business process responsible for providing the informational support
[ BP3 ]
cesses>] into an organizational subsystem.
Relationships between the organizational subsystem parts, attributes and/
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ]
or its wider system.


[ [ <BP: business pro-
cess>] |
= [ BP1 | BsP1 ] The business process or subprocess to be modeled.
[<BsP: business subpro-
cess> ] ]
[[ <OsB: organizational
The owner organizational subsystem or business process of the
subsystem>] | [ <BP: = [ OsB | BP ]
BP or BsP that is being modeled.
business process> ] ]
= [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + The attributes that are defining the business process or subpro-
[ <A: attributes>]
(a8+ … ) ] cess.
= [<a1: “to provide valued out-
[ <a1: purpose>] The effectiveness mission of the organization.
= [ <a2: “to achieve efficiently its
[ <a2: function>] The efficacy mission of the business process or subprocess.
outputs”> ]
= [ <a3: [ { energy-matter(utilities,
[ <a3: inputs>] artifacts, money) | information- The organizational business process or subprocess’ input flows.
knowledge | acts }n ] > ]
= [ <a4: [ { energy-matter(utilities,
[ <a4: outputs>] artifacts, money) | information- The organizational business process or subprocess’ output flows.
knowledge | acts }n ] >]

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT


The expected consequences to be generated by the organizational
= [<a5: [ { <PoV: service> } | <MoV:
[ <a5: outcomes>] business process or subprocess’ outputs. PoV and MoV are re-
product >} n ] >]
spectively people-oriented and machine-oriented valued features.
= [<a6: [{ [people | tools | machines] The organizational process’ resources used for generating the
[ <a6: mechanisms> ]
}n ]>] outputs.
= [<a7: [{ [ information | knowl- The organizational process’ resources used for controlling the
[ <a7: controls> ]
edge}n ]>] generation of outputs.
… … Other possible attributes.
[ [<BsP: business
= [ BsP1 | BA1] + [ BsP2 | BA2] + ( [ The main constituents of the organizational business process or
subprocesses>] | [<BA:
BP3 | BA3 ] + … ) subprocess.
business activities> ] ]
[ BsP1 | BA1 ] = [ BsP1 | BA1] The first business subprocess or activity.
[ BsP2 | BA2 ] = [ BsP2 | BA2] The second business subprocess or activity.
… … Other possible business subprocess or activity.
Relationships between the business process’ parts, attributes and/
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ]
or its wider system.


[ <BA: business activ-
= [ BA ] The business activity to be modeled.
ity> ]
[ [<BP: business pro-
cess>] | The owner organizational business process or subprocess of the
= [ BP | BsP ]
[ <BsP: business sub- BA that is being modeled.
process> ]]
= [ a1+a2+a3+ a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 +
[ <A: attributes>] The attributes that are defining the business activity.
(a8+ … ) ]
= [<a1: “to provide valued out-
[ <a1: purpose>] The effectiveness mission of the business activity.
= [ <a2: “to achieve efficiently its
[ <a2: function>] The efficacy mission of the business activity.
outputs”> ]
= [ <a3: [ { energy-matter(utilities,
[ <a3: inputs>] artifacts, money) | information- The organizational business activity’s input flows.
knowledge | acts }n ] > ]
= [ <a4: [ { energy-matter(utilities,
[ <a4: outputs>] artifacts, money) | information- The organizational business activity’s output flows.
knowledge | acts }n ] >]
The expected consequences to be generated by the organiza-
= [<a5: [ { <PoV: service> } | <MoV:
[ <a5: outcomes>] tional business activity’s outputs. PoV and MoV are respectively
product >} n ] >]
people-oriented and machine-oriented valued features.
The logical unitary workloads required to complete the BA. At
[<a6: tasks> ] = [ t1 + t2 + ( … ) ]
least two are required.
The people required for that the BA be performed. At least one
[ <a7: personnel> ] = [ p1 + ( … ) ]
person is required.
[<a8: tools & infra- The tools and physical infrastructure required for that the BA be
= [ t&i1 + ( … ) ]
structure> ] performed.
[ <a9: methods & pro- The methods and procedures about how the BA must be per-
= [ m&p1 + ( … ) ]
cedures> ] formed.
[ <a10: socio-political
The socio-political influences (modeled as socio-political norms,
mechanisms & struc- = [ spm&s1 + ( … ) ]
values and beliefs) that affect the BA execution.
tures> ]
Relationships between the business activity’s attributes and/or its
[ <R: relationships>] = [ R1 + ( R2 + … ) ]
wider system.

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

Appendix C. Systemic Description and Comparison of the

Models and Standards of Processes.

Table C.1 Description and comparison of models and standards in the organizational level.

Systemic Map of the Systemic Map of the Systemic Map of the Systemic Map of the Systemic Map of the Systemic Map of the
CMMI/SE/SwE: 2002 ISO/IEC 15288:2002 ISO/IEC 12207:1995 ISO/IEC 15504:2006 ISO/IEC 20000:2005 ITIL V.3 : 2007
Models Standard Standard Standard Standard Model

[ <O: “a company,
legal entity or other
institution … any
[ <O: “is typically an
entity that has
administrative struc- [ <O: “is a body of [ <O: “an organi-
[<O: organization>]

People, Resources and

ture in which people [ <O: “a group of persons organized for zational unit deploys
Budgets” | “Business
collectively manage people and facilities some specific purpose, one or more processes [ <O: “a service pro-
unit: a segment of the
one or more projects with an arrangement as a club, union, that have a coherent vider is the organiza-
business that has its
as a whole, and whose of responsibilities, corporation, or soci- process context and tion aiming to achieve
own Plans, Metrics,
projects share a senior authorities and rela- ety” and is called a operates within a co- ISO/IEC 20000”>]
Incomes and Costs …
manager and operate tionships” >] “party” when enters herent set of business
owns Assets and uses
under the same poli- into a contract> ] goals”>]
these to create value
for Customers in the
form of goods and
[<OSS: organizational supra-

[ <OSS: “Enterprise:
[ <OSS: “larger [ <OSS: “business: [ <OSS: “business:
[ <OSS: “Enterprise: the part of an orga-
[ <OSS: “Enterprise: organization: the organization that an overall corporate

the full composition nization with responsi-

a system of at least the organization that that receives the pro- entity or Organization
of companies” that bility to acquire and to
two parties”> contains to the organi- vided services of the formed of a number of
belongs the O> supply products and/
] zational unit”> service provider ”> Business Unit ”>
] or services according
] ] ]
to agreements”>]

[<a1: “to provide an

[<a1: “… establishes
industry consensus on
[ “to provide valued outcomes”]>]

a common framework
quality standards for [<a1: “the objective
for software life cycle
IT service manage- of the ITIL Service
[<a1: “… establishes processes … applied
[<a1: “… provides ment processes … Management practice
[<a1: “to help to a common framework during the acquisi-
[<a1: purpose:

a framework for the (that) deliver the best framework is to pro-

deliver products or for describing the tion of a system that
assessment of process possible service to vide services to busi-
services through life cycle of systems contains software, a
capability” + “under- meet a customer’s ness customers that
ensuring stable, created by humans … stand-alone software
standing of the state business needs within are fit for purpose,
capable, and mature with the ultimate goal product, and software
of process” + “process agreed resource levels, stable and that are so
processes”> ] of achieving customer service, and during
improvement” > ] i.e. service that is reliable, the business
satisfaction”> ] the supply, develop-
professional, cost-ef- view them as a trusted
ment, operation, and
fective and with risks utility” >]
maintenance of soft-
which are understood
ware products” >]
and managed” >]

[<a2: “to provide pro-

[<a2: function:[ “to achieve

[<a2: “to provide

efficiently its outputs”]>]

[<a2: ” … planning, cess of management

robust, mature and
managing, monitor- system requirements
[<2: “ … providing a time-tested practices
[ <a2: “to manage the ing, controlling + service management
[<2: “… managing process … for defin- into process of service
development, acquisi- and improving the planning + new or
and performing the ing, controlling, and strategy + service
tion, and mainte- acquisition, supply, changed services plan-
stages of a man-based improving software design + service
nance of products or development, op- ning & implementing
system’s life cycle” >] life cycle processes transition + service
services”>] eration, evolution and + service delivering +
” >] operation + continual
support of products relationships + release
service improvement
and services ”> ] + resolution + control
”> ]
”> ]

continued on following page

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

[<a3: inputs

[ <a3: [{ energy-matter(utilities, artifacts, money) | information-knowledge | acts }n ]>]

[<a4: outputs

[ <a4: [{ energy-matter(utilities, artifacts, money) | information-knowledge | acts }n ]>]

[<a5: [<a5: [<a5: [<a5:

[<a5: [<a5:
[{ [{ [{ [{
[{ [{
[<PoV1: IT-based [<PoV1: IT-based [<PoV1: IT-based [<PoV1: IT-based
[<a5: outcomes>]

[<PoV1: IT-based [<PoV1: IT-based

services> + services> + services> + services> +
services> + services> +
<PoV2: capability <PoV2: capability <PoV2: complain- <PoV2: capability
<PoV2: capability <PoV2: complain-
process profile>] process profile>] not-complain process process profile>]
process profile>] not-complain process
| | profile>] |
| profile>]
[<MoV1: IT-based [<MoV1: IT-based | [<MoV1: IT-based
[<MoV1: IT-based |
products> ] products> ] [<MoV1: IT-based products> ]
products> ] [<MoV1: IT-based
}n ]>] }n ]>] products> ]}n ]>] }n ]>]
}n ]> ] products> ]}n ]>]

<STRATEGIC MGT: <Organizational Life <STRATEGIC MGT:
<Enterprise P.: [ ORG.ALIG, QUA. <*Mgt. System
<Process Mgt: Cycle P.: not defined <*Service Strategy:
[ SLCP.MGT + QUA. MGT ]>, Reqs.>, <*Service
[ OPF + OID ]>> >> [ STRAT.GEN ]>>
MGT ]>> <P. Improvement P.: Mgt. P&I>>

<Resource & Infst. <FINANCIAL MGT:
P.: <*Service Strategy:
<Process Mgt: not <Enterprise P.: Cycle P.: <*Service Delivering:
[<OsB1: driver-organizational subsystem>]


defined>> [ INV.MGT ]>> [ INFRASTR ]>> [ BUDGT.ACCT ]>>
<Reuse P.: >


<HR MGT: <HR MGT: <Organizational Life <*Mgt. System <HR MGT:
<Resource & Infst.
<Process Mgt : <Enterprise P.: Cycle P.: Reqs.: [Competence, <*Org. Develop-
[ OT ]>> [ RES.MGT ]>> [ TRAINING ]>> awareness & train- ment>>
KM ]>>

<Management P. : <*Service Design:
<ADM-LEGAL <Enterprise P.: <Organizational Life MGT:
[ ORG.MGT + [ SvL.MGT ]>,
MGT: <Process Mgt : [ RES.MGT+ Cycle P.: <*Service Delivering:
MEASRMNT]>, <*Continual Service
[ OPP + OPD ]>> EENV.MGT ]>, [ MGT.PROC + IM- [ SvL.MGT + Sv.REP
<P. Improvement P.: Improvement: [Sv.
<Project P.: PROV.PROC ]>> ] >>
[ INF.MGT ]>>

<*Continual Service
<ITSfM: Improvement:
<ITSfM: <ITSfM: <ITSfM: <*Service Delivering:
<Project P. : [ Sv.MEASRMNT
not defined> not defined> not defined> [ SvL.MGT + Sv.REP
[ INF.MGT ]>> + Sv.ANLYS
] >>
+ Sv.REP +

[<OsB2: driven-

<INPUT LOGISTIC: <*Service Design:




<Primary Life Cycle
<Project Mgt: [ ACQ.PROC ]>, <Management P.: <*Relationships: <*Service Transition:
P. :
+ Sv.KM ]>>

continued on following page

A Conceptual Descriptive-Comparative Study of Models and Standards of Processes in SE, SwE, and IT

<Primary Life Cycle
<Technical P. : + Sw.REQA
<Engineering: + REQ.ANLYS + Sw.CNST
<Primary Life Cycle <*Service Operation:
[ DEV.PROC ] <*Resolution: + REQST.FULLMT
<Supporting Life + PROB.MGT ]>, + PROB.MGT
Cycle P.: <*Control: + ACCS.MGT
[ DOC+ CM+ QA+ [ CM + F.Sv.DESK
<Support: + OPERAT >,
[ CM + MANTNC <Supporting Life
JOINT.REV+ <*New/Changed + F.IT.OPER.MGT
[<OsB2: driven-organizational subsystem>]

+ PPQA + DISPOSAL ]>, Cycle P.:

+ M&A <Project P. : [QA+VERIF+
MGT] >,
<Reuse P.:
ENG] >>

TIC: <*Service Transition:
<*Service Delivering: [ VALID.TEST.MGT
<Primary Life Cycle MGT + EVAL.MGT
TIC: [ SUP.PROC ]>, TIC: <Primary Life
P.: + INF.SEC.MGT + Sv.KM ]>,
<Project Mgt: <Project P.: Cycle P.:
[ SUPPORT + SvL.MGT <*Service Design:
+ OPERAT + Sv.REP ] >, [ SvL.MGT
+ MANTC ]>>> <*Release: + Sv.CTLG.MGT
MGT ]>>
<*Relationships: + AVL.MGT
]>> + IT.Sv.CONT.


<Project P. : embedded in the embedded in the
not defined> not defined> not defined>
[ INF.MGT ]>> other processes > other processes >


<* Service Strategy >,
not defined> not defined> <*Service Design>,
<Continual Service
[<OsB3: is-org subsystem.>]



<*Service Transi-
<*Service Design>,
not defined> not defined>
<*Service Opera-


<IT SERVICE SUP- <*Service Transi-
PORT: not defined> tion>,
not defined>
<*Service Opera-

This work was previously published in International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, Vol. 1, Issue 2, edited by M.
Mora; D. Paradice, pp. 57-85, copyright 2008 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 11
Integrating the Fragmented
Pieces of IS Research Paradigms
and Frameworks:
A Systems Approach

Manuel Mora
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico

Ovsei Gelman
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Guisseppi Forgionne
Maryland University, Baltimore County, USA

Doncho Petkov
Eastern State Connecticut University, USA

Jeimy Cano
Los Andes University, Colombia


A formal conceptualization of the original concept of system and related concepts—from the original
systems approach movement—can facilitate the understanding of information systems (IS). This article
develops a critique integrative of the main IS research paradigms and frameworks reported in the IS
literature using a systems approach. The effort seeks to reduce or dissolve some current research conflicts
on the foci and the underlying paradigms of the IS discipline.

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

INTRODUCTION accepted concepts (Alter, 2001, p. 3; Banville &

Landry, 1989, p. 56; Wand & Weber, 1990, p.
The concept of management information systems 1282) and (4) with an informal, conflicting and
(MIS) in particular, or information systems (IS) ambiguous communicational system (Banville
in general, has been studied intensively since & Landry, 1989; Hirschheim & Klein, 2003).
the 1950s (Adam & Fitzgerald, 2000). These Such findings provide insights for a plausible
investigations have been conducted largely by explanation of the delayed maturation of the
behavioral-trained scientists to study the emer- field and the conflictive current perspectives on
gent phenomena caused by the deployment and information systems (Farhoomand, 1987; Wand
utilization of computers in organizations. & Weber, 1990).
This discipline, from its conception as a po- This article illustrates how systems theory can
tential scientific field, has been driven by a dual be used to alleviate the difficulties. First, there
research perspective: technical (design engi- is a review of basic system and related concepts
neering oriented) or social (behavioral focused). relevant to information systems (Ackoff, 1960;
This duality of man-made non-living (hardware, Bertalanffy, 1950, 1968, 1972; Boulding, 1956;
software, data, and procedures) and living sys- Checkland, 1983; Forrester, 1958; Jackson, 2000;
tems (human-beings, teams, organizations, and Klir, 1969; Midgley, 1996; Mingers, 2000, 2001;
societies), the multiple interrelationships among Rapoport, 1968). Next, these systems approach
these elements, and the socio-cultural-economic- concepts are used to formulate a critique inte-
politic and physical-natural environment, make grative of the main paradigms and frameworks
IS a complex field of inquiry. suggested for IS research. Then, a theoretical
The complexity of the IS field has attracted re- scheme is developed to integrate holistically and
searchers from disparate disciplines—operations coherently the fragmented pieces of IS research
research, accounting, organizational behavior, paradigms and frameworks. To end, this article
management, and computer science, among oth- presents future research directions on potential
ers. This disciplinary disparity has generated the conflictive conclusions presented.
utilization of several isolated research paradigms
and lenses (e.g., positivist, interpretative, or
critical-based underlying research methodolo- THE SYSTEMS APPROACH:
gies). The result has been the lack of a generally PRINCIPLES AND PARADIGMS
accepted IS research framework or broad theory
(Hirchheim & Klein, 2003) and has produced: (i) a The Principles of the Systems
vast body of disconnected micro-theories (Barkhi Approach
& Sheetz, 2001); (ii) multiple self-identities
perceived by the different stakeholders (e.g., IS The systems approach is an intellectual move-
researchers, IS practitioners, and IS users); and ment originated by the biologist Ludwig von
(iii) partial, disparate and incomplete IS concep- Bertalanffy2 (1950, 1968, 1972), the economist
tualizations (Benbazat & Zmud, 2003; Galliers, Kenneth Boulding (1956), and the mathematicians
2004; Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001). Anatoly Rapoport (1968) and George Klir (1969)
Despite scholastic indicators1 of maturity, IS, that proposes a complementary paradigm (e.g., a
then, has been assessed as: (1) highly fragmented worldview and a framework of ideas, methodolo-
(Larsen & Levine, 2005), (2) with little cumulative gies, and tools) to study complex natural, artificial,
tradition (Weber, 1987), (3) deficient of a formal and socio-politic cultural phenomena.
and standard set of fundamental well-defined and

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Lazlo and Lazlo (1997) interpret the modern attributes emerge in the whole but are not owned
conceptualization of the systems approach as by the parts). The mechanist view holds that the
a worldview shift from chaos to an organized phenomena happen by the occurrence of discon-
complexity. Boulding (1956) argues that the nected and simple linear cause-effect networks,
systems approach—labeled as general systems and the systems approach complements this view
theory (GST)—is about an adequate trade-off through a teleological perspective that claims that
between the scope and confidence in valid theories the phenomena happens via a complex interac-
from several disciplines. In the former case the tion of connected non-linear feed-back networks.
greater the level of scope the lesser the level of Causes or independent constructs are affected by
confidence and vice versa. For Rapoport (1968), lagged effects.
the systems approach should be conceptualized Under the systems approach, the systems own
as a philosophical strategy or direction for doing core general properties: wholeness, purposeful-
science. Klir (1969), in turn, considers that GST ness, emergence, organization, hierarchical order,
should contain general methodological principles interconnectedness, competence, information-
for all systems as well as particular principles based controllability, progressive mechanization,
for specific types of systems. Bertalanffy (1972) and centralization. Wholeness refers to the unitary
quotes himself (Bertalanffy, 1950 (reprinted in functional view and existence of a system. Pur-
Bertalanffy, 1968, p. 32)) to explain that GST's posefulness refers to the extent of a system has
“…task is the formulation and derivation of those predefined or self-generated goals as well as the
general principles that are applicable to systems set of intentional behaviors to reach these targets.
in general.” Emergence involves the actions and/or properties
According to these systems thinkers and ad- owned solely by the whole and not by their parts.
ditional seminal contributors to this intellectual The property organization implies a non-random
movement (Ackoff 3 in particular, 1960, 1973, arrangement of its components and hierarchical
1981), the systems approach complements the order the existence of multi-level layers of compo-
reductionism, analytic, and mechanic worldview nents. Interconnectedness accounts for the degree
with an expansionist, synthetic, and teleological of interdependence effects of components on other
view. components and subgroups. Competence implies
Reductionism implies that the phenomena are that the inflows of energy, material, and informa-
isolated or disconnected from wider systems or tion toward the system will be distributed in the
the environment, while expansionism claims that parts in a competitive manner, and this property
each phenomenon can be delimited—objectively, also accounts for the conflicts between system,
subjectively, or coercively—into a central object subsystems, and suprasystem’s objectives. Finally,
of interest (e.g., the system under study) and its the information-based controllability, progressive
wider system and/or environment. The analytic mechanization, and centralization are properties
view holds that we need only investigate the which involve the transference of information
internal parts and their interrelationships of the and control fluxes between components that are
phenomenon to understand its behavior. A syn- required to regulate and govern the relationships.
thetic view accepts and uses the analytical view In particular, progressive mechanization refers
but incorporates the interrelationships between to the extent to which the parts of a system act
the whole and its environment. Furthermore, independently and centralization to the extent
the synthetic view holds that some events and to which changes in the system result from a
attributes of the parts are lost when these are not particular component.
part of the whole and vice versa (e.g., events and

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Research Paradigms of the Systems The hard/functionalist/positivist systems ap-

Approach proach is based on P.1. The soft/interpretative
approach rejects P.1 but supports P.2. The critical/
Many researchers have shaped the systems ap- emancipative approach is neutral to P.1, rejects
proach. These researchers include the hard/ P.2, and endorses P.3. Finally, the emergent criti-
functionalist/positivist stream (Forrester, 1958, cal realism systems approach endorses P.4 and
1991) supported by a positivist/pragmatist phi- automatically includes P.1 through P.3.
losophy (Jackson, 2000), the soft/interpretative The first three systems paradigms have been
stream (Checkland, 1983, 2000) linked to Hus- extensively studied and applied, However, accord-
serl’s phenomenology and appreciative philosophy ing to several authors (Dobson, 2003; Mingers,
(Checkland, 2000), the critical/emancipative 2001; Mora, Gelman, Forgionne, & Cervantes,
stream (Flood, Norman, & Romm, 1996; Jack- 2004), Bhaskar’s critical realism has emerged to
son, 2000) underpinned in a critical philosophy dissolve theoretical contradictions in the different
from Habermas (referenced by Jackson, 2000) systems approaches and offer an original expected
and the emergent critical realism systemic stance holistic view of the discipline. Critical realism
(Mingers, 2000, 2002) endorsed by Bhaskar’s has been suggested as a common underlying
philosophy (Bhaskar, 1975, quoted by Mingers). philosophy for management sciences/operations
These four main streams can be associated research (Mingers, 2000, 2003) and also recently
respectively to the following general philosophi- for information systems research (Carlsson, 2003;
cal principles: Dobson, 2001, 2002; Mingers, 2002). According
to Mingers (2002):
P.1 the intelligible world is an organized com-
plexity comprised of a variety of natural, Critical realism does not have a commitment to
man-made, and social systems that own a a single form of research, rather it involves par-
real existence ticular attitudes toward its purpose and practice.
P.2 the intelligible world can be studied freely First, the critical realist is never content just with
through systemic lenses and under an inter- description, whether it is qualitative or quantita-
subjective social construction tive. No matter how complex a statistical analysis,
P.3 the intelligible world can be uniquely or rich an ethnographic interpretation, this is
understood when it is studied freely from only the first step . CR wants to get beneath the
restrictive social human relationships and surface to understand and explain why things
a variety of theoretically coherent systemic are as they are, to hypothesize the structures
lenses are used. and mechanisms that shape observable events.
P.4 the world is intelligible4a for human beings Second, CR recognizes the existence of a variety
because of its stratified hierarchy of orga- of objects of knowledge—material, conceptual,
nized complexities—the widest container is social, psychological—each of which requires
the real domain that comprises a multi-strata different research methods to come to understand
of natural, man-made and social structures4b them. And, CR emphasizes the holistic interaction
as well as of event-generative processes that of these different objects. Thus it is to be expected
are manifested in the actual domain that that understanding in any particular situation
in turn contains to the empirical domain will require a variety of research methods (mul-
where the generated events can or cannot timethodology [Mingers 2001]), both extensive
be dectected- and intensive. Third, CR recognizes the inevitable
fallibility of observation, especially in the social

Soft/Interpretative Critical Emergent Critical Realism
System Paradigm System Paradigm System Paradigm
System Paradigm
- all reality (natural, designed and so-
cial) has real underlying mechanisms
and structures (real domain) that gener-
- the social reality and their ate events observed (empirical domain)
- systems and their under- - the reality and their un- underlying structures can be as well as non observed (the actual do-
lying structures exist in derlying structures can be studied systemically when main including the empirical one), but
Framework of Ideas,
reality (a systemic ontol- studied systemically (a restrictive power relationships social reality (concepts, meanings, cat-
Theories, Theo-
ogy) and can be studied, systemic epistemology) but are uncovered (a systemic epis- egories) are socially built and thereby
retical Problems and
Table 1. Systems research paradigms

predicted and controlled systems do not have a real temology) but systems can be rely on the existence of human beings
using systems approach (a existence (non systemic contingently considered to be and a communication language (a sys-
systemic epistemology) ontology) real (a conditioned systemic temic ontology)
ontology) - research involves the underlying
mechanisms and structures of the ob-
served events (a systemic epistemol-
- systems methods are used with an isolated (just a sole
research method is required), an imperialist (just a sole re-
Methodology (re-
search method is required and superior to others but some - systems methods are used in a pluralist and complementarist view with
search strategies and
features of latter can be added ) or a pragmatism (any re- theoretical and practical coherency
search tool perceived as useful can be used and combined
with others despite theoretical inconsistencies) strategy
Areas of Study in - natural and designed sys- - social systems (including
- social systems - all systems
the Reality tems human activity systems)
Response inqui- - to formulate interpreta- - to formulate critical theories - to know the correct underlying mech-
- to predict the behavior of
ries (understand tive theories and models on and models on the phenomena anisms and structures that causes the
the phenomena of interest
reality) the phenomena of interest of interest actual domain

Solve, resolve or
- to achieve a shared and - to foster the emancipation of
dissolve prob-
-to control the behavior of mutual understanding of human beings from restrictive - to use knowledge to intervene in the
lems (intervene
the phenomena of interest conflictive views of the power work , life and societal phenomena of interest
and modify

Research Purposes
phenomena relationships
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

world, and therefore requires the researcher to REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF A

be particularly aware of the assumptions and CRITICAL REALIST INTEGRATION
limitation of their research. (p. 302) OF IS RESEARCH PARADIGMS
Based on Checkland (2000), Jackson’s (2000)
interpretations of Checkland (1981), Ackoff, Systemic Integration of the
Gupta, and Minas (1962), Ackoff (1981), and Information Systems Research
Midgley (1996), a systemic view of the problem Paradigms
can be articulated with three essential components
and five purposes. These components are: (1) the Six IS research paradigms are reviewed in this
framework F of ideas, initial theories, theoretical section: Weber (1987), Orlikowski and Iacono
problems, and models that compose a discipline, (2001), Benbazat and Zmud (2003), Hirschheim
(2) the set of philosophical research paradigms and Klein (2003), Galliers (2004), and Larsen and
and methodologies M that define the ontological Levine (2005), and arguments are articulated for
definitions of the world to be studied as well as a systemic integration of them.
the epistemological principles and tools regard- Weber (1987) critiques the proliferation of
ing how it can be studied, and (3) the situational research frameworks that have lead to a random
area A of the reality that contains well-defined and non-selective set of worthy research ques-
or messy situations of interest. tions (e.g., a hypothesis generator). Then novel
According to Midgley5 (1996), a science can researchers could infer that every relationship
have the following purposes: (1) to predict and is useful to be studied. Weber also asserts that
control well-defined objects or situations of study technology-driven research can produce a frag-
as in the hard/positivist/functionalist systems ile discipline with a lack of sound theoretical
paradigm, (2) to increase a shared and mutual principles. A paradigm is proposed with three
understanding of messy real situations as in the required conditions: (i) a set of objects of interest
soft/interpretative systems paradigm, and (3) to that other disciplines cannot study adequately, (ii)
increase the quality of work and life of human the objects must exhibit an observable behavior,
beings in organizations and societies through and (iii) a possible underlying order is associated
an emancipation of power relations between with the object’s behaviors. For Weber, two sets
dominant and dominated groups as in the critical of objects are candidates: objects that externally
systems paradigm. Ackoff et al. (1962) and Ackoff interact with an information system and objects
(1981) suggest two main purposes for science: (1) that internally compose the system. The behaviors
to respond to inquiries and (2) to resolve, solve of interest are performance variables and interre-
or dissolve problems. lationships of the two set of objects. Weber claims
The integration of these core concepts of the that an internal order of the second set of objects
systems research paradigms and the underlying can and must be assumed to pursue research based
philosophies and research strategies (adapted on the paradigm. No argument is reported for
from Gregory, 1996) leads to the holistic proposal the first set of objects. Weber also suggests that
presented in Table 1. the IS discipline can have several paradigms. He
proposes static, comparative static, and dynamic
paradigms. The articulated paradigm is not the

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

same as a research framework where a definitive Such disparate views indicate a need to develop
set of variables is fixed: “instead, it provides a conceptualizations and theories on the IT artifacts
way of thinking about the world of IS behavior that could be used in every IS study. Otherwise, IS
and the types of research that might be done” research will be a fragmented field where its core
(ibid, p. 16). With such a paradigm, a piecemeal, object is not a “major player in its own playing
methodological dominant-oriented and event-day field” (ibid, p. 130). However, for Orlikowski &
driven research can be avoided. Iacono (2001), the development of a single grand
Orlikowski & Iacono (2001) suggest that IS theory for IT artifacts that accommodates all their
research should focus on the information technol- context-specificities is not adequate.
ogy (IT) artifact as much as its context, effects, Benbazat and Zmud’s (2003) suggest that the
and capabilities. According to their study, IT IS discipline’s central identity is ambiguous due
artifacts have been analyzed only as monolithic to an under-investigation of core IS issues and
black-boxes or disconnected from their context, over-investigation of related and potentially rel-
effects, or capabilities. IT artifacts are defined evant organizational or technical issues. These
in five different modes: as a tool, as a proxy, as authors use Aldrich’s (1999) theory of formation
an ensemble, as a computational resource, and of organizations to explain that the IS discipline
as a nominal concept. The IT artifact can be will be considered a mature discipline when a
studied as a tool for labor substitution, produc- learning/cognitive and sociopolitical legitimacy
tivity enhancement, information processing, or is achieved. For this maturity to occur, method-
to alter social relationships. As a proxy, the IT ological and theoretical rigor and relevance must
artifact refers to the study of some essential at- in turn be achieved. A dominant design, for ex-
tributes such as individual perceptions, diffusion ample, a central core of properties of what must
rates and money spent. As an ensemble, the IT be studied in the IS phenomena, is suggested to
artifact is associated with development projects, accommodate the topical diversity. For Benbazat
embedded systems, social structures, and pro- and Zmud, this dominant identifying design for
duction networks. IT artifacts as computational the IS discipline does not preclude the utilization
resources can be algorithms or models, and then of an interdisciplinary effort. In this view, the
the interactions of the IT artifact with its social central character for the IS discipline is defined
context or its effects on dependent variables are as the composition of the IT artifact that enables/
not of interest. Finally, IT artifacts as nominal supports some task(s), into structures and later
concepts imply that no specific technology is into contexts, and its nomological network of IT
referenced, for example, the IT artifact is omit- managerial, technological, methodological, opera-
ted in such studies. This nominal view was found tional, and behavioral capabilities and practices of
most common next to the computational view the pre- and post-core activities to the existence
(e.g., a computer science-oriented perspective of some IT artifacts. Like Orlokowski and Iacono
of the IT artifact). Next common view is of IT (2001), Benbazat and Zmud (2003) reject the IS
artifacts as tools that affect dependent variables. research based in the black-box IT concept.
The ensemble view was the least frequently re- Hirschheim and Klein’s (2003) thesis is that
ported. According to the authors, the researchers’ the IS discipline is fragmented with structural
original research paradigms or lenses bias the deficiencies manifested in a missing and gener-
IT artifact conceptualization. Nominal, tool, or ally accepted body of knowledge and in internal
proxy views are used for management and social and external communication gaps. These authors
scientists, while computer scientists consider the build on Habermas’ theory of communication
computational view. (and of knowledge) to pose that any inquiry has

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

two cognitive purposes6: a rationale for IS design informal human, computer and external systems.
and the communication for mutual understand- In Galliers’ view, Benbazat and Zmud’s IT artifact
ing and agreement of disparate perceptions and is not conceptually sufficient to embrace these ele-
interpretations (called technical and practical ments and thereby the “essentially human activity
originally by Habermas). Hirschheim and Klein of data interpretation and communication, and
accept that the technical purpose seeks the predic- knowledge sharing and creation” (2003, p. 342)
tion and control of the law-based IS phenomena, could be diminished. In addition, Galliers rejects
while the practical seeks the accommodation of the notion of an IS as solely a generic social system
disparate viewpoints underpinned in different with a strong technological component. Instead,
norms, values, and contexts. They also agree that Galliers considers IS a complex, multi-faceted
IS frameworks, called categorization schemes, and multi-leveled phenomenon that requires
are useful to start a shared body of knowledge a trans-disciplinary research effort. Gallier’s
(BoK) but fail to indicate how the IS knowledge thesis for a mature discipline is the acceptance
as a whole—for example, as a system—can be of a dynamic and evolutionary field in research
articulated. Also, they accept theoretical and meth- focus, boundaries, and diversity/pluralism versus
odological diversity in the discipline. Like others, a prefixed set of core concepts with a monolithic,
Hirschheim and Klein suggest that the lack of a and dominant, perspective of the discipline. As
shared core set of underlying knowledge weakens a tentative strategy, Galliers uses Checkland’s
the IS discipline. They identify four challenges (1981) definition of a system’s boundary and en-
for the IS community: to accept and understand vironment and its dependence on the observer’s
through clear communication the theoretical research purposes.
and methodological pluralist status, to develop a In summary, Galliers disagrees with the lim-
common general theoretical base, and to conduct ited concept of the IT artifact and notes “inclusion
research with methodological rigor and relevancy errors” resulting from the closed boundaries of
for IS research stakeholders. For the second chal- the IT artifact. Galliers also notes the IT artifact
lenge, they encourage the development of studies concept ignores relevant topics such as EDI,
that take fragmented pieces of evidence and put inter-organizational IS, knowledge management
them in a broader theoretical framework, as in Ives, systems, and the digital divide concept.
Hamilton, and Davis study (1980). In their view, For Larsen and Levine (2005), the crisis in
the IS BoK should be integrated with four types the field has been over-assessed. While these
of knowledge with similar relevance: theoretical, authors accept the lack of coherence, the paucity
technical, ethical, and applicative. of a cumulative tradition, and the loss of relevant
Galliers (2004) disagrees with the current research, they blame the university education and
evaluation of the IS discipline as a field in crisis. disciplinary knowledge aggravated by the effects
According to Galliers, Kuhn’s ideas on paradigms of a rapid evolution of ITs. Based on Kuhn’s field
can be interpreted as an evolution rather than a concept, Larsen and Levine suggest that the IS
revolution. Core ideas, then, should not be aban- discipline can be considered pre-paradigmatic:
doned but complemented, as in the organizational “a common set of theories derived from a para-
sciences (Gellner, 1993). For Galliers, the concepts digmatic platform do not exist in MIS” (p. 361).
of information and information system must be They suggest that Kuhn’s ideas, built on natural
uncovered to understand the IS discipline. Sup- sciences, could be inadequate. Instead, they pro-
porting Land and Kennedy-McGregor’s view pose the socio-political Frickel and Gross’ (2005,
(1987, quoted by Galliers, 2004), Galliers con- referenced by Larsen & Levine, 2005) concept of
siders IS as a system that comprises formal and scientific/intellectual movement (SIM) in which

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

several SIMs tied to multiple research approaches Kuhn’s imperialist or dominant framework of
can co-exist under a common umbrella and com- ideas, theories, and models, and the IS discipline
pete for recognition and status. as a post-Kuhnian paradigm, as a dynamic body
Larsen and Levine use a novel co-word analysis of knowledge and a diversified intellectual move-
technique (Monarch, 2000; quoted by authors) to ment under one umbrella. The first includes the
identify networks of associated concepts, repre- approaches of Weber (1987) and Benbazat and
sented by leximaps (Monarch, 2000; quoted by Zmud (2003) and partially Orlikowski and Iacono
Larsen & Levine), and measure the associative (2001), while second incorporates the work of Gal-
strength of pairs of concepts. Concepts highly liers (2004) and Larsen and Levine (2005), and
connected are considered the center of coherence. partially the paradigm proposed by Hirschheim
A total of 1,325 research articles from five top IS and Klein (2003).
journals in the 1990-2000 period are the dataset. The critical realism approach claims that the
The researchers divide this dataset in two sub- IS discipline can have a framework F based in
periods: 1990-1994 and 1995-2000. A key finding permanent and shared generic knowledge struc-
is that in both sub-periods the center of coherence tures on systems, as well as of dynamic or chang-
related to IS generic concepts, like system, infor- ing concepts that will emerge as in any systemic
mation, and management, is present. However, in structure. Also, it supports the utilization of a
the leximap of 1995-2000, new concepts appear, set of methodologies M that are theoretical and
such as model, process, technology, user, and pragmatically coherent according to the purpose
research. The number of centers of coherence of a specific research study (Midgley, 1996; Min-
related with identified theories is minimal. Fur- gers, 2000) and consequently offers a pluralist-
thermore, four selective pairs of concepts were complementarist research strategy. The central
used to trace a building theory activity. The scarce theme is information systems conceptualized as
evidence and the minimal number of centers of systems (Gelman & Garcia, 1989; Gelman, Mora,
coherence for theories are interpreted by Larsen Forgionne, & Cervantes, 2005; Mora, Gelman,
and Levine as a lack of cumulative tradition where Cervantes, Mejia, & Weitzenfeld, 2003; Mora,
innovation is more appreciated than building on Gelman, Cano, Cervantes, & Forgionne, 2006;
the work of others. Mora, Gelman, Cervantes, & Forgionne, in press).
The previous studies provide the alternative Such an approach incorporates the different com-
proposals to establish a framework F of ideas, ponents and interrelationships of the system as
theories, theoretical problems, and models that well as of the lower (subsystems and so on) and
are suggested to define the distinctive identity upper (suprasystems and wider systems) systemic
of the IS discipline. Table 2 summarizes the key levels, including the environment. The specific
findings from this research. components, attributes, events, and interrela-
From the diverse systems paradigms exhib- tionships and levels of lower and upper systemic
ited in Table 1, this article argues that a critical layers depend on the specific research purposes,
realism systems approach is ontologically and resources, and schedules required.
epistemologically valid and comprehensive to This critical realism stance can accommodate
integrate with theoretical and pragmatic coherence the two competitive approaches posed for the IS
the shared ideas, theories, theoretical problems, discipline through the acknowledgement of the
and models from such studies. complexity and diversity of the phenomenon.
Table 3 exhibits a summarized systemic pro- Weber’s (1987) foci of IS research is identified
posal of integration. There are two competitive as systemically founded: its components and its
research paradigms: the IS discipline as a classic environment are based on Miller’s living systems

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Table 2. Analysis of main IS research paradigms

IS Research Main weaknesses Concept of what
Foci for IS Re- Underlying System
Paradigm or identified in the IS Maturity Criteria an Information
search Theories Used
Framework Discipline System is
Weber (1987) - lack of a research
paradigm - existence of at - set of objects that
- little cumulative tra- least one Kuhn’s interacts with an in- - Milller’s Living
dition Paradigm (used as a formation system Systems Theory
- not reported
- lack of grand stream grand theory ) - set of objects that - Simon’s concept of
direction - pattern of literature comprises an infor- Complex Systems
- fashion event-day citations in the field mation system
driven research
Orlikowski & - IT artifact as a
- not engaged with the
Iacono (2001) software-hardware
central object for IS:
package with cul-
the IT artifact
tural and material
- thus the IT artifact is
not studied per se but is
- IT artifacts are not
studied within its con-
natural, neutral, uni-
text or as it affectsthe
versal and given - no explicit theory
dependent variable - IT artifact is in-
- the IT artifact, its - IT artifacts are em- of systems
- IT as a monolithic cluded in every IS
context, effects and bedded in some time, - pluralism and
black-box or even ab- research in any of its
capabilities place, discourse and multi-methodology
sent multiple views
community is encouraged
- IT artifacts are con-
- IT artifacts involve
ceptualized in multiple
an arrangement of
ways by management,
social and computer
- IT artifacts are
not fixed, static, or
- lack of theories on IT
independent from
Benbazat & Zmud - the IT artifact (any
(2003) application of IT to
support tasks, em-
- central character,
bedded in structures
claimed distinctive-
and latter in con-
- lack of a core collec- ness and claimed
texts) and its nomo-
tive identity temporal continuity - no explicit theory
logical network ( IT - IT artifacts related
- errors of inclusion by (based on the cen- of systems
managerial, techno- with tasks, inserted
doing research on non tral identify concept - interdisciplinary
logical, methodolog- in structures and lat-
IS issues and of omis- for organizations of research is encour-
ical , operational and ter in contexts
sion by not studying Albert & Whetten, aged
behavioral capabili-
core IS issues 1985)
ties) and practices
- cognitive legiti-
for pre and post core
activities of an IT

model (1978). Also, Benbazat and Zmud’s (2003) tributes, events, and interrelationships according
IT artifact and its nomological network can be their specific purposes. The systems approach
accommodated in a systemic structure. As Gal- provides the methodological tools for this extended
liers (2004) suggests implicitly, the nomological analysis. Since Orlikowski and Iacono’s (2001)
network should be considered a dynamic rather framework of ideas is a subset of Benbazat and
than static set of concepts. Additional research Zmud (2003), the previous arguments apply also
could extend the inside and outside elements, at- for this framework.

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Table 2. continued
IS Research Main weaknesses Concept of what
Foci for IS Re- Underlying System
Paradigm or identified in the IS Maturity Criteria an Information
search Theories Used
Framework Discipline System is
Hirschheim & - IS field is frag-
Klein (2003) mented
- internal and external
communication gap
- intellectually rigid - partial use of
- not defined but
and lack of fruitful Habermas’ philoso-
implicitly inferred
communication - an accepted IS phy
- the IS body of as instruments for
- disagreement about body of knowledge - no other systems
knowledge process and organi-
the nature of IS field is available theory but it is
zational efficiency
includes accepted that IS are
and effectiveness
- lack of a shared systems (pp. 282)
core set of underlying
- a high strategic task
Galliers (2004) - based on Check-
land’s soft systems
- a field that evolves
- trans-disciplinary
dynamically in - an IS is composed
research focus and of six elements:
- change and new approach encour-
boundaries formal and informal
challenges as op- - organizations, aged
- a trans-disciplinary human, com-
portunities for field individuals and in- - Asbhy’s Law of
criteria puter and external
evolution instead of a formation systems Variety of Requisite
- practice improved systems (based on
crisis status - methodological,
through research Land and Kennedy-
theoretical and
- IS interaction with McGregory, 1981)
topical diversity and
other disciplines
pluralism encour-

Larsen & Levine - lack of cumulative

(2005) tradition
- Kuhn’s field in its
- weak coherence in (Lee’s (1999) defini-
own right mani-
the field tions supported)
fested by an shared
- affected by the - MIS includes an
exemplar study as - centers of coher-
current intellectual information system
base, an image of ence linked to the
anxiety on the role and its organiza- - the system of sys-
the subject matter, concepts of system,
of university educa- tional context tems (SoS) concept
theories, and meth- information, man-
tion and disciplinary - MIS includes is subtly endorsed
ods and instruments agement, process,
knowledge and aug- information from Systems Engi-
or model, user, re-
mented by the rapid technology and its neering discipline
- scientific/intel- search, technology
change of IT instantiation
lectual movement mainly.
- a Kuhnian pre-para- - MIS includes the
umbrella (based on
digm status activities of a corpo-
Frickel & Gross,
- ambiguity, fragmen- rative function
tation and change pat-
terns as most frequent

Galliers’ (2004) conceptualization for the sophically supported by the soft/interpretative

IS discipline focused on information systems, systemic approach (Checkland, 2000), can be
organizations and their individuals; that is, philo- also accommodated in the critical realism stance

Key Systemic Issues for
IS discipline toward a IS discipline toward a Kuhnian’s IS discipline toward
Integrating IS Research
well-defined Kuhnian’s Paradigm Evolution of the discipline a holistic and critical realism integration
- a dynamic IS body of knowledge
- a central character manifested by
– with centers of coherence varying
a core set of concepts linked to the
in time that considers the formal
F: IT artifact and nomological network - a broad systems view of the field with permanent
and informal human, organizational
Framework of funda- based in contexts, effects and capa- and shared generic constructs and dynamic and emer-
and technical components of IS
mental concepts bilities (inferred from Weber (1987); gent system properties
(inferred from Hirschheim & Klein
Orlikowski & Iacono (2001); Benba-
(2003), Galliers (2004) and Larsen
zat & Zmud (2003))
& Levine (2005)
- real multi-methodology research approach not limit-
M: - monolithic research approach (hard/ - multi-methodology research ap-
ed to dominant tools/lenses (all variety of hard/quanti-
Methodological quantitative or soft/interpretative proach but limited to some domi-
tative, soft/interpretative or critical/intervention tools)
research tools tools) nant tools/lenses
(inferred from Midgley (1996), Mingers (2000))
- IT artifact (internal view) and its no- - Information systems, individual,
A: mological network based on contexts, organizations and society and fu- - Information systems as systems (and automatically
Areas/situations effects and capabilities (inferred from ture centers of coherence (inferred includes both perspectives) (inferred from Gelman &
of study in the world Weber (1987); Orlikowski & Iacono from Galliers (2004) and Larsen & Garcia (1989) and Mora et al (2003))
(2001); Benbazat & Zmud (2003)) Levine (2005))
- pluralist paradigm under the con-
- an imperialist paradigm that inte- cept of scientific/intellectual move-
Table 3. Systemic integration of main IS research paradigms.

grates other paradigms that strength- ment umbrellas (inferred from - pluralist paradigm with theoretical and practical co-
en the dominant paradigm (inferred Orlikowski & Iacono (2001), Gal- herence between different philosophical paradigms
from Weber (1987), Benbazat & liers (2004) and Larsen & Levine (Mingers, 2001, 2002).
Zmud (2003)) (2005). Hirschheim & Klein (2003)
holds a neutral position.
- Critical realism: all reality (natural, designed and
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

social) has real underlying mechanisms and structures

(real domain) that generate observable events (em-
pirical domain) as well as non observable events (the
Philosophy Kuhn’s imperialist or paradigmatic Post-Kuhnian imperialist or para-
actual domain including the empirical one), but social
of Science stance digmatic stance
reality (concepts, meanings, categories) are socially
built and thereby rely in the existence of human be-
ings and a communication language (a systemic on-

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

by the arguments reported in Table 1. Larsen & artifact, are focused on specific types of IS, or
Levine’s (2005) framework of ideas, based in a omit the organizational environment except by
subtle concept of system of systems and the em- the type of managerial levels related with the
pirical evidence to keep as center of coherence IS artifact. Based on Mora et al. (2006), Ives et
the concept of information systems with some al.’s (1980) IS research framework contributes to
dynamic concepts, also can be accommodated in the integration of the disparate dimensions and
the critical realism stance as follows: the underly- provides a structured framework to organize and
ing mechanisms and structures of the real domain classify IS research. However, Mora et al. (2006)
become the permanent center of coherence to be suggest that Ives et al. (1980) do not articulate a
searched and the dynamic elements of knowledge correct systemic organization (e.g. a hierarchical
are located in the empirical domain of the events definition of <system, subsystems, environment>
observed. Then, according to the specific research and the conceptual differentiation of system’s out-
purposes, tools, resources, and schedules, some comes with systems elements in the model), and
events generated in the actual domain will be the concept of <organization> and <organizational
observed in the empirical domain. In this way, environment> are not well differentiated.
the permanent and dynamic central themes are A second IS research framework is reported by
linked to a critical realism view of the world. Nolan and Wetherbe (1980). This framework also
Hirschheim and Klein (2003) admit the use- draws on the same five past studies analyzed by
fulness of a broad underlying structure for the Ives et al (1980). However, Nolan and Wetherbe
IS discipline that can organize the fragmented build on a more fundamental conceptualization of
pieces of the IS knowledge in a coherent whole the theory of systems (Boulding, 1956). As result,
(e.g., a conceptual system). This IS body of knowl- the IS research framework is more congruent with
edge initiative relies on a systemic approach. the formal concept of system. According to Mora
Furthermore, its philosophical support, based et al. (2006), this framework is composed of
in Habermas’ theory of knowledge, links their
ideas automatically with the systems intellectual a <MIS Technology System> that is part of an
movement. < Organization> and it of its < Organizational
Hence, we claim that competitive and con- Environment >. The <MIS Technology system>
flictive perspectives posed for the IS discipline is conceptualized as a system composed of the
can be dissolved under a critical realism view as following subsystems: <hardware>, <software>,
articulated in Table 3. <data base>, <personnel> and <procedures>.
In turn, the <Organization>, as the wider system
A Systemic Integration of the for the <MIS Technology system> is conceptu-
Information Systems Research alized in five subsystems: <goals and values>,
Frameworks <psychosocial>, <structural>, <technical> and
Ives, Hamilton, and Davis’ study (1980) can be
considered the first effort to develop a comprehen- Nolan and Wetherbe’s contribution can be
sive IS research framework. According to Ives et identified as a more coherent articulation of the
al. (1980), the previous five similar studies were main theory of system elements of interest to be
dimensionally incomplete (e.g. capture a partial studied in the IS discipline. Nonetheless, Mora et
view of the IS field). These previous studies do al. (2006, p. 3) report the following deficiencies:
not account for the overall processes and envi- (1) the outputs of the <MIS Technology system>
ronments to develop, operate, and evolve the IS are only conceptualized in terms of types of IS,

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

omitting other outcomes that it can generate Furthermore, the initial systemic views for
such as <IT audits>, <IT proposal assessments> IS and for organization—exhibited in Figures
and <IT services> in general; (2) the model does 1 and 2 (ibid, p. 364)—are disconnected from
not conceptualize the interactions between the the final model. The IT infrastructure element
systems considered as wholes and the systems —viewed as a subsystem of the organization
considered as a set of components—e.g. the system —affects the component, but it is not part of the
type I and type II views respectively defined in IS system, and the people component—also an
Gelman and García (1989) and updated in Mora, initial subsystem of the organization— is lost or
Gelman et al (2003)- and then influences like <IT transformed in the structure and culture element.
suppliers>, <IT trends> or the conceptualization Then the formal utilization of the Systems Ap-
of an <Inter-organizational IS> cannot be mod- proach is incomplete.
eled; and (3) the time dimension that is critical for In a fourth IS research framework (Bacon
some of the 33 cases reported—e.g., on system’s & Fitzgerald, 2001), the researchers contrast
evolutions- is implicitly assumed and not related arguments on the advantages and disadvantages
with the state ω(t) of the system, subsystem or of frameworks and conclude that the potential
environment. benefits exceed the potential limitations. The
In a third IS framework (Silver & Markus, researchers also support empirically the academic
1995), the researchers quote an MBA student’s and practical need to have and use frameworks
claim: “I understand the pieces but I don’t see how for the IS discipline. This evidence is based on
to fit together” (p. 361). Based on Bertlanffy’s a survey of 52 prominent IS individuals from
(1951) ideas and using Ackoff’s (1993) recommen- 15 representative countries in North-America,
dations to study a phenomenon from a systems Europe and Oceania. However, given the current
view, the researchers recognize that the study of philosophical and methodological debate, it is
an IS as a system implies the need to identify its noted that a general IS research framework could
supersystem—e.g. its suprasystem—as well as be not totally possible but it is highly encouraged
its subsystems. The Silver and Markus’ model to be pursued (Bacon & Fitzgerald, 2001, pp. 51).
places the IS as the central object of learning into a According to the researchers, previous related
supersystem: the organization, and this in its wider studies fail to describe a holistic—e.g.integrated,
environment. In the organization as a system, the overall, and systemic (ibid, pp. 47)—view of the
following elements are identified: firm strategy, discipline.
business processes, structure and culture, and Through a grounded theory research method
the IT infrastructure. Also, additional elements and after an extensive review of concepts from the
for the model are included: IS features and IS literature, IS syllabus, IS curricula proposals and
implementation process. For each category, a list opinions of IS academicians, Bacon and Fitzgerald
of sub-elements are also identified. Yet the three induce five categories for IS research framework:
levels of systems, suprasystem, and subsystems are (a) information for knowledge work, customer
inconsistently structured from a formal systemic satisfaction, and business performance, (b) IS
perspective (Johnson, Kast, & Rosenzweig, 1964). development, acquisition, and support activities,
Conceptual categories for subsystems are mixed (c) information and communication technologies,
with system outcomes, actions, and attributes. (d) operations and network management activities,
For example, firm strategy can be categorized as and (e) people and organizations issues.
a system’s outcome instead of a subsystem, and Despite four references to recognized systems
the IS implementation process is disconnected researchers (Checkland & Howell, 1995; Mason
from the subsystem of business processes. & Mitroff, 1973; Stowell & Mingers, 1997; van

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Gich & Pipino, 1983), no specific systems model the classic view of a system as a set of interrelated
or approach is used to structure the conceptual components. Furthermore, the definition used
system posed. Then its framework is not sys- here also considers the output/input relationships
temically articulated. A formal systemic analysis between any subsystem and the whole system.
reveals that this systemic model lacks: (a) a co- In turn, the auxiliary definitions — reported in
herent set of subsystems, (b) a description of its Mora et al. (2006, in press)—help to support the
subsystems as systems, and (c) an environment expansionist systemic perspective that indicates
for the system. that every system always belongs to another
Hence the four comprehensive IS research larger system (Ackoff, 1971). Figure 1—bor-
frameworks posited, despite their theoretical rowed from Mora et al. (in press)—exhibits a
and practical contributions, are incomplete and graphical interpretation of the system-II view. In
non-comprehensive from a formal systems-based turn, Figure 2 exhibits a diagram of the concept
view. A framework with systemic theoretical organization O(X) as system with its high-level,
soundness that is able to integrate holistically all low-level, and socio-political business processes
dimensions considered in past frameworks and the as subsystems.
few dimensions omitted is still required. Mora Mora et al.’s (2006) framework uses an in-
et al. (2006) report a framework that can be use- tegrative cybernetic, as well as interpretative
ful for such purposes. This systems-founded IS socio-political systemic paradigm theoreti-
research framework is based on formal definitions cally coherent through a critical realism stance,
of systems7 (Gelman & Garcia, 1989) and formal where SII(X.1) and SII (X.2) are conceptualized
definitions of organization, business process and as a driving-org-subsystem and a driven-org-
information systems (Gelman et al., 2005; Mora subsystem, respectively, SII (X.3) = HLBP(X.3)
et al., 2003, 2006, in press). as a information-org-subsystem, and SII(X.4) =
According to Gelman and Garcia (1989), SSBP(X.4) as a socio-political-org-subsystem.
Gelman et al. (2005), and Mora et al. (2003, 2006, The Figure 38—also borrowed from Mora et al.
in press), to define an object of study as a system-I (2006)—exhibits the systemic articulation of the
implies to specify it as a whole composed by at- concepts: organization and information systems,
tributes, events, and domains for attributes. For as well as of its wider systems and subsystems.
the case of system-II, the formal definition offers

Figure 1. A diagram of the multilevel layers of the concept system and related terms

Given a S(U(X))= <CU(X), RS(CU(X)’)> Then = CU(X) {X, W(X)}


W.2 W.3





F.E(X)=ENT(SS(X)) S(X)

SS(X) X.1 X.2



Y.1 Y.1

Z.2 ENT(X) Y.1

Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Figure 2. A schematic view of an organization as a system

Figure 3. The articulation of the concepts of organization and information systems

O(X)+W(O(X)): organization X and its world (e.g. the universe of X)

the widest system conceptualized is the supra-suprasystem of the organizations and it entourage

SSS(O(X)): supra-suprasystem of the organization W.1 …

SS(O(X)):supra-system of the organization EE(O(X)) T.1 …

ENT (O(X)) Z.1 …

O(X): organization
Y.1 …

O(X): organization


Driving-Org Driving-Org Information-Org Socio-Polictical-Org

Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem












LLBP(I-SS) of and HLPB(X.j)


Tasks Personnel Tools & Infrastructure Methods & Procedures
Mechanisms & Stuctures

The Critical Integrative IS Research Framework
Ives, Hamilton & Davis’ Nolan & Wetherbe’s Mora, Gelman, Cano, Cervantes & Forgionne’s Bacon & Fitzger- Silver & Markus’
Framework Framework Framework ald’s Framework Framework
<external environment> : legal so- this is not explic-
this is not explicitly EE(O(X)) : (the systems to be modeled at this level of this is not explicitly
cial, cultural, economic, educational, itly
considered analysis are determined by the researcher) considered
resource and industry/trade systems considered
External Environ-
<organizational environment> <environment of the organization> ENT(O(X)) Environment
competitors, government, suppliers, (the systems to be modeled at this level of analysis are this is not explicitly five Porter´s forces
customers, etc. determined by the researcher) considered model
The concept of <organizational
<organization> O(X) <organization> <the organization>
environment> used by Ives et al,
does not consider the environment of Goals & Value SS, psychosocial SS, and structural
an organization, but the organization’s SS, are considered in the SSBP(X.4) and the SSBP(HSP-
attributes per se such as: goals, tasks, The 5 subsystems of <organiza- SS) for any HLBP(X.j). The managerial and techni-
structure, volatility and management tion>: goals and value SS, psycho- cal SS respectively corresponds to the HLBP(X.1) (e.g. <organization & Firm strategy,
philosophy/style social SS, managerial SS, structur- the driving-org subsystem) and to HLBP(X.2) (e.g. the people> are consid- business processes,
al SS and technical SS driven-org subsystem). Ives’ et al such as: goals, tasks, ered in the same com- structure & cul-
volatility and management philosophy/style, as well as ponent ture
<organization> issues of others can be also modeled.
<user environment> + this is not explicitly considered but
Any HLBP(X.j) and SSBP(X.4) of the O(X)
<use process> is implicit in the 5 subsystems
IS as function is implicit in the framework HLBP(X.3) = The IS function as system IS Function IT infrastructure
<IS development,Resources of the
<IS development environment> +
Development, operations and main- LLBP(O-SS) and SSBP(HSP-SS) of the HLBP(X.3) acquisition & sup- firm to generate IT
<IS development process>
tenance aspects are considered in this accounts for any IS operation and process to be con- port> applications and
<IS operations environment> + <IS concept of <MIS Technology> sidered. <Operations & Net- <Implementation
operations process> work management> Process>
Table 4. Systemic map of the concepts for IS Research in the five frameworks

IS as ICT + Im-
IS as <properties and effects> IS as <<MIS Technology> LLBP(I-SS) = The IS artifact as system IS as core element
LLBP(I-SS) of any HLBP(X.j) comprised of the
(hardware, soft-
(hardware, software, data base, SG(T-SS) +SG(P-SS) + SG(T&I-SS) + SG(M&P-SS) <Information for
<Information Subsystem> (attributes ware, procedures,
procedures and personnel) + SSBP(LSP-SS) (e.g. the low-level business process KW, CS & BP> +
of content, presentation, time, etc) data and people)
that corresponds to the <informational subsystem> of <ICT>
any high-level business process in an O(X) )
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks
Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Finally, Table 4 exhibits a mapping of the fragmented discipline with a strong cumulative
concepts posited in the previous four frameworks tradition. Davis’ (1974) seminal ideas for IS were
onto the systemic framework. It can be inferred related with general systems theory. Back to the
from the formal definitions of system-I, system-II, basics could be useful to coherently organize the
and general system, organization, suprasystem, discipline.
supra-suprasystem, envelop, entourage and
world, high-level process, low-level high process,
socio-political process, and information systems REFERENCES
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Integrating the Fragmented Pieces of IS Research Paradigms and Frameworks

Wand, Y., & Weber, R. (1990). An ontological Bhaskar (1975, p. 30) explains that “it is
model of an information system. IEEE Transac- not the character of science that imposes a
tions on Software Engineering, 16(11), 1282- determinate pattern or order in the world;
1292. but the order of the world that, under certain
determinate conditions, makes possible the
Weber, R. (1987). Toward a theory of artifacts:
cluster of activities we call science.”
A paradigmatic basis for information systems re- 4b
For Bhaskar (1975), the reality exists per
search. Journal of Information Systems, 2, 3-19.
se independently of the existence of human
beings: “a law governed world independently
of man” p. 26. However, the social struc-
Endnotes tures and mechanisms are conditioned to
the existence of human beings at first and
Such as: (1) a vast set of undergraduate, then these have a real existence that can be
master, and doctoral programs; (2) a network studied and intervened.
of research centers focused on IS topics; (3) Midgley reports his interpretation from
100 relevant specialized conferences and Flood and Jackson ‘s ideas (1991) on Hab-
journals; and (4) the existence of professional ermas’ theory of knowledge.
and academic associations. The emancipative Habermas’ third purpose
According to Lazlo and Lazlo (1997), Ber- is not considered by the authors.
talanffy’s ideas were also influenced by the 7
Gelman and Garcia analyzed the formal
mathematician Alfred Whitehead and the definitions of the concept system from
also biologist Paul Weiss. Ackoff, Arbib, Bertalanffy, Kalman, Lange,
Ackoff (1973) describes the machine age as Mesarovic, Rapoport and Zadeh.
useful for some kind of problems but not suf- Interactions between subsystems are not
ficient for studying the complex phenomena diagrammed.
of the present age, hence the emergence of
a systems age.

This work was previously published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 2, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 1-22,
copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 12
Cost Estimation:
Analysis of Lead System
Integrator Engineering Activities

Jo Ann Lane
University of Southern California, USA

Barry Boehm
University of Southern California, USA


As organizations strive to expand system capabilities through the development of system-of-systems

(SoS) architectures, they want to know “how much effort” and “how long” to implement the SoS.  In
order to answer these questions, it is important to first understand the types of activities performed in
SoS architecture development and integration and how these vary across different SoS implementations.
This article provides results of research conducted to determine types of SoS lead system integrator
(LSI) activities and how these differ from the more traditional system engineering activities described in
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) 632 (“Processes for Engineering a System”). This research further
analyzed effort and schedule issues on “very large” SoS programs to more clearly identify and profile
the types of activities performed by the typical LSI and to determine organizational characteristics that
significantly impact overall success and productivity of the LSI effort. The results of this effort have been
captured in a reduced-parameter version of the constructive SoS integration cost model (COSOSIMO)
that estimates LSI SoS engineering (SoSE) effort.

INTRODUCTION Efforts are currently underway at the University

of Southern California (USC) Center for Systems
As organizations strive to expand system capabili- and Software Engineering (CSSE) to develop a
ties through the development of system-of-systems cost model to estimate the effort associated with
(SoS) architectures, they want to know “how much SoS lead system integrator (LSI) activities. The
effort” and “how long” to implement the SoS.  research described in this article is in support of

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

the development of this cost model, the construc- “system-of-systems” development approach, we
tive SoS integration cost model (COSOSIMO). have seen a new role in the development process
Research conducted to date in this area has evolve to perform these activities: that of the LSI.
focused more on technical characteristics of the A recent Air Force study (United States Air Force
SoS. However, feedback from USC CSSE industry Scientific Advisory Board, 2005) clearly states
affiliates indicates that the extreme complexity that the SoS Engineering (SoSE) effort and focus
typically associated with SoS architectures and related to LSI activities is considerably different
political issues between participating organiza- from the more traditional system development
tions have a major impact on the LSI effort. This projects. According to this report, key areas where
is also supported by surveys of system acquisition LSI activities are more complex or different than
managers (Blanchette, 2005) and studies of failed traditional systems engineering are the system
programs (Pressman & Wildavsky, 1973). The architecting, especially in the areas of system
focus of this current research is to further inves- interoperability and system “ilities;” acquisition
tigate effort and schedule issues on “very large” and management; and anticipation of needs.
SoS programs and to determine key activities Key to developing a cost model such as CO-
in the development of SoSs and organizational SOSIMO is understanding what a “system-of-sys-
characteristics that significantly impact overall tems” is. Early literature research (Jamshidi, 2005)
success and productivity of the program. showed that the term “system-of-systems” can
This article first describes the context for mean many things across different organizations.
the COSOSIMO cost model, then presents a For the purposes of the COSOSIMO cost model
conceptual view of the cost model that has been development, the research team has focused on the
developed using expert judgment, describes the SoS definitions provided in Maier (1999) and Sage
methodology being used to develop the model, and Cuppan (2001): an evolutionary net-centric
and summarizes conclusions reached to date. architecture that allows geographically distributed
component systems to exchange information and
perform tasks within the framework that they are
COSOSIMO CONTEXT not capable of performing on their own outside
of the framework. This is often referred to as
We are seeing a growing trend in industry and “emergent behaviors.” Key issues in developing
the government agencies to “quickly” incorpo- an SoS are the security of information shared
rate new technologies and expand the capabili- between the various component systems, how to
ties of legacy systems by integrating them with get the right information to the right destinations
other legacy systems, commercial-off-the-shelf efficiently without overwhelming users with un-
(COTS) products, and new systems into a system necessary or obsolete information, and how to
of systems, generally with the intent to share maintain dynamic networks so that component
information from related systems and to create system “nodes” can enter and leave the SoS.
new, emergent capabilities that are not possible Today, there are fairly mature tools to support
with the existing stove-piped systems. With this the estimation of the effort and schedule associ-
development approach, we see new activities ated with the lower-level SoS component systems
being performed to define the new architecture, (Boehm, Valerdi, Lane, & Brown 2005). However,
identify sources to either supply or develop the none of these models supports the estimation of
required components, and then to integrate and LSI SoSE activities. COSOSIMO, shown in Figure
test these high level components. Along with this 1, is a parametric model currently under develop-

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

Figure 1. COSOSIMO model structure

size drivers sos

definition and
cososIMo Integration
cost drivers effort


ment to compute just this effort. The goal is to • Validation and feasibility assessment of SoS
support activities for estimating the LSI effort in a architecture
way that allows users to develop initial estimates • Continual integration and test of SoS-level
and then conduct tradeoffs based on architecture capabilities
and development process alternatives. • SoS-level implementation planning, prepara-
Recent LSI research conducted by reviewing tion, and execution
LSI statements of work identifies the following • On-going change management at the SoS
typical LSI activities: level and across the SoS-related integrated
product teams to support the evolution of
• Concurrent engineering of requirements, requirements, interfaces and technology.
architecture, and plans
• Identification and evaluation of technologies With the addition of this new cost model to the
to be integrated constructive cost model (COCOMO) suite of cost
• Source selection of vendors and suppliers models, one can easily develop more comprehen-
• Management and coordination of supplier sive estimates for the total SoS development, as
activities shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Architecture-based SoS cost estimation

level 0 sos

level 1
s1 s2 sm

level 2 s11 s12 s1n s21 s22 s2n sm1 sm2 smn

Activity levels cost Model

SoS Lead System Integrator Effort (SoS scoping, planning, Level 0, and other COSOSIMO
requirements, architecting; source selection; teambuilding, re- levels if lower level
architecting, feasibility assurance with selected suppliers; systems
incremental acquisition management; SoS integration and test; components are
transition planning, preparation, and execution; and continuous also SoSs
change, risk, and opportunity management)
Development of SoS Software-Intensive Infrastructure and Level 0 COCOMO II
Integration Tools
System Engineering for SoS Components Levels 1-n COSYSMO

Software Development for Software -Intensive Components Levels 1-n COCOMO II

COTS Assessment and Integration for COTS-based Components Levels 1-n COCOTS

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

LSI EFFORT ESTIMATION Further observations of LSI organizations in-

APPROACH dicate that the LSI activities can be grouped into
three areas: 1) planning, requirements manage-
As mentioned above, key to an LSI effort estima- ment, and architecting (PRA), 2) source selection
tion model is having a clear understanding of the and supplier oversight (SS), and 3) SoS integration
SoSE activities performed by the organization as and testing (I&T). There are typically different
well as which activities require the most effort. In parts of the LSI organization that are responsible
addition, it is important to understand how these for these three areas. Figure 3 illustrates, con-
SoSE activities differ from the more traditional ceptually, how efforts for these three areas are
systems engineering activities. Analysis presented distributed across the SoS development life cycle
in Lane (2005) describes how the typical LSI phases of inception, elaboration, construction,
SoSE activities differ from the more traditional and transition for a given increment or evolution
system engineering activities identified in EIA of SoS development.
632 (Electronic Industries Alliance, 1999) and the Planning, requirements, and architecting begin
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability early in the life cycle. As the requirements are
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) (Software refined and the SoS architecture is defined and
Engineering Institute, 2001). Subsequently, Del- matured, source selection activities can begin to
phi surveys conducted with USC CSSE industry identify component system vendors and to issue
affiliates have identified key size drivers and cost contracts to incorporate the necessary SoS-en-
drivers for LSI effort and are shown in Table 1. abling capabilities. With a mature SoS architecture
Because there are concerns about the avail- and the identification of a set of component systems
ability of effort data from a sufficient number for the current increment, the integration team can
of SoS programs to support model calibration begin the integration and test planning activities.
and validation, current efforts are focusing on Once an area ramps up, it continues through the
defining a “reduced parameter set” cost model transition phase at some nominal level to ensure
or ways to estimate parts of the LSI effort us- as smooth a transition as possible and to capture
ing fewer, but more specific, parameters. The lessons learned to support activities and plans
following paragraphs present the results of this for the next increment. Boehm and Lane (2006)
recent research. describe how some of these activities directly
support the current plan-driven SoS development

Table 1. COSOSIMO cost model parameters

Size Drivers Cost Drivers

• Requirements understanding
• Architecture maturity
• Level of service requirements
• # SoS-related requirements
• Stakeholder team cohesion
• # SoS interface protocols
• SoS team capability
• # independent component
• Maturity of LSI processes
system organizations
• Tool support
• # SoS scenarios
• Cost/schedule compatibility
• # unique component systems
• SoS Risk Resolution
• Component system maturity and stability
• Component system readiness

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

Figure 3. Conceptual LSI effort profile

effort while others are more agile, forward looking, the model developers to calibrate and validate
trying to anticipate and resolve problems before the model components with fewer parameters
they become huge impacts. The goal is to stabi- and data sets. It also allows the collection of data
lize development for the current increment while sets from organizations that are only responsible
deferring as much change as possible to future for a part of the LSI SoSE activities. Finally, this
increments. For example, the planning/require- approach to LSI SoSE effort estimation allows
ments/architecture group continues to manage the cost model to provide estimates for the three
the requirements change traffic that seems to be areas, as well as a total estimate—a key request
so common in these large systems, only apply- from USC CSSE industry affiliates supporting
ing those changes to the current increment that this research effort.
are absolutely necessary and deferring the rest Detailed definitions and proposed ratings for
to future increments. The architecture team also these parameters may be found in Lane (2006).
monitors current increment activities in order to The following provides a brief description of each
make necessary adjustments to the architecture to of the COSOSIMO parameters. Note that several
handle cross-cutting technology issues that arise of the COSOSIMO parameters are similar to those
during the component system supplier construc- defined for the constructive systems engineering
tion activities. Likewise, the supplier oversight cost model (COSYSMO) and are identified in the
group continues to monitor the suppliers for risks, descriptions below.
cost, and schedule issues that arise out of SoS
conflicts with the component system stakeholder COSOSIMO Size Drivers
needs and desires. As the effort ramps down in
the transition phase, efforts are typically ramping Number of SoS-Related Requirements1
up for the next increment or evolution.
By decomposing the COSOSIMO cost model This driver represents the number of requirements
into three components that correspond to the three for the SoS of interest at the SoS level. Require-
primary areas of LSI SoSE effort, the parameter set ments may be functional, performance, feature,
for each COSOSIMO component can be reduced or service-oriented in nature depending on the
from the full set and the applicable cost drivers methodology used for specification. They may
made more specific to the target area. Table 2 shows also be defined by the customer or contractor.
the resulting set of size and cost drivers for each SoS requirements can typically be quantified
of the three primary areas. This approach allows by counting the number of applicable shalls,

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

Table 2. COSOSIMO parameters by SoSE area

Associated Size Drivers Associated Cost Drivers
• Requirements understanding
• Level of service requirements
• Stakeholder team cohesion
• SoS PRA capability
• # SoS-related requirements
PRA • Maturity of LSI PRA processes
• # SoS interface protocols
• PRA tool support
• Cost/schedule compatibility with
PRA processes
• SoS PRA risk resolution
• Requirements understanding
• Architecture maturity
• Level of service requirements
• # independent component • SoS SS capability
SS system organizations • Maturity of LSI SS processes
• SS tool support
• Cost/schedule compatibility with SS
• SoS SS risk resolution
• Requirements understanding
• Architecture maturity
• Level of service requirements
• SoS I&T capability
• # SoS interface protocols • Maturity of LSI I&T processes
• # SoS scenarios • I&T tool support
I&T • # unique component systems • Cost/schedule compatibility with I&T
• SoS I&T risk resolution
• Component system maturity and
• Component system readiness

wills, shoulds, and mays in the SoS or marketing Number of Independent Component
specification. Note: Some work may be required System Organizations
to decompose requirements to a consistent level
so that they may be counted accurately for the The number of organizations managed by the LSI
appropriate SoS-of-interest. that are providing SoS component systems.

Number of SoS Interface Protocols Number of Operational Scenarios1

The number of distinct net-centric interface This driver represents the number of operational
protocols to be provided/supported by the SoS scenarios that an SoS must satisfy. Such scenarios
framework. Note: This does NOT include inter- include both the nominal stimulus-response thread
faces internal to the SoS component systems, but plus all of the off-nominal threads resulting from
it does include interfaces external to the SoS and bad or missing data, unavailable processes, net-
between the SoS component systems. Also note work connections, or other exception-handling
that this is not a count of total interfaces (in many cases. The number of scenarios can typically be
SoSs, the total number of interfaces may be very quantified by counting the number of SoS states,
dynamic as component systems come and go in modes, and configurations defined in the SoS
the SoS environment —in addition, there may be concept of operations or by counting the number
multiple instances of a given type of component of “sea-level” use cases (Cockburn, 2001), includ-
system), but rather a count of distinct protocols ing off-nominal extensions, developed as part of
at the SoS level. the operational architecture.

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

Number of Unique Component team dynamics, trust, and amount of change in

Systems responsibilities. It further represents the hetero-
geneity in stakeholder community of the end us-
The number of types of component systems that ers, customers, implementers, and development
are planned to operate within the SoS framework. team. For each sub-model, this parameter should
If there are multiple versions of a given type be evaluated with respect to the appropriate LSI
that have different interfaces, then the different team (e.g., PRA, SS, or I&T).
versions should also be included in the count of
component systems. Team Capability

COSOSIMO Cost Drivers Represents the anticipated level of team coopera-

tion and cohesion, personnel capability, and con-
Requirements Understanding1 tinuity, as well as LSI personnel experience with
the relevant domains, applications, language, and
This cost driver rates the level of understanding tools. For each sub-model, this parameter should
of the SoS requirements by all of the affected be evaluated with respect to the appropriate LSI
organizations. For the PRA sub-model, it includes team (e.g., PRA, SS, or I&T).
the PRA team as well as the SoS customers and
sponsors, SoS PRA team members, component Process Maturity
system owners, users, and so forth. For the SS
sub-model, it is the understanding level between A parameter that rates the maturity level and
the LSI and the component system suppliers/ completeness of the LSI’s processes and plans.
vendors. For the I&T sub-model, it is the level of For each sub-model, this parameter should be
understanding between all of the SoS stakeholders evaluated with respect to the appropriate LSI
with emphasis on the SoS I&T team members. team processes (e.g., PRA, SS, or I&T).

Level of Service Requirements1 Tool Support1

This cost driver rates the difficulty and critical- Indicates the coverage, integration, and maturity
ity of satisfying the ensemble of level of service of the tools in the SoS engineering and manage-
requirements or key performance parameters ment environments. For each sub-model, this
(KPPs), such as security, safety, transaction speed, parameter should be evaluated with respect to
communication latency, interoperability, flexibil- the tool support available to appropriate LSI team
ity/adaptability, and reliability. This parameter (e.g., PRA, SS, or I&T).
should be evaluated with respect to the scope of
the sub-model to which it pertains. Cost/Schedule Compatibility

Team Cohesion1 The extent of business or political pressures to

reduce the cost and schedule associated with the
Represents a multi-attribute parameter, which LSI’s activities and processes. For each sub-model,
includes leadership, shared vision, diversity of this parameter should be evaluated with respect
stakeholders, approval cycles, group dynam- to the cost/schedule compatibility for appropriate
ics, integrated product team (IPT) framework, LSI team activities (e.g., PRA, SS, or I&T).

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

Risk Resolution other environments), overall compatibility of

the component systems with each other and the
A multi-attribute parameter that represents the SoS interface protocols, the number of major
number of major SoS/LSI risk items, the maturity component system changes being implemented
of the associated risk management and mitigation in parallel with the SoS framework changes, and
plan, compatibility of schedules and budgets, the anticipated change in the component systems
expert availability, tool support, and level of un- during SoS integration activities.
certainty in the risk areas. For each sub-model,
this parameter should be evaluated with respect Component System Readiness
to the risk resolution activities for the associated
LSI team (e.g., PRA, SS, or I&T). This indicates readiness of component systems
for integration. User evaluates level of verification
Architecture Maturity and validation (V&V) that has/will be performed
prior to integration and the level of subsystem
A parameter that represents the level of maturity of integration activities that will be performed prior
the SoS architecture. It includes the level of detail to integration into the SoS integration lab.
of the interface protocols and the level of under-
standing of the performance of the protocols in
the SoS framework. Two COSOSIMO sub-models COSOSIMO COST MODEL
use this parameter, and it should be evaluated in DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY
each case with respect to the LSI activities covered
by the sub-model of interest. The COSOSIMO cost model is being developed
using the proven cost model development meth-
Component System Maturity and odology developed over the last several years at
Stability the USC CSSE. This methodology, described in
(Boehm, Abts, Brown, Chulani, Clark, & et al.,
A multi-attribute parameter that indicates the 2002), is illustrated in Figure 4.
maturity level of the component systems (num- For COSOSIMO, the literature review has
ber of new component systems versus number focused on the definitions of SoSs and SoSE; the
of component systems currently operational in role and scope of activities typically performed

Figure 4. USC CSE cost model development methodology

Analyze existing
literature Concurrency and
Step 1 Behavioral feedback implied...
Step 2 Identify relative
Perform expert-judgment
Step 3
Delphi assessment,
formulate a-priori model
Step 4
Gather project
Determine Bayesian
Step 5 A-Posteriori model
Step 6 Gather more
data; refine model

Step 7

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

by LSIs; and analysis of cost factors used in re- technologies being dropped and new parameters
lated software, systems engineering, and COTS added. In the case of COSOSIMO, it will be im-
integration cost models, as well as related system portant to track the evolution of SoS architectures
dynamics models that investigate candidate SoSE and integration approaches and the development
cost factors. of convergence protocols.
The behavioral analyses determine the poten- For COSOSIMO, each of the sub-models will
tial range of values for the candidate cost drivers go through this development process. Once the
and the relative impact that each has on the overall sub-models are calibrated and validated, they may
effort associated with the relevant SOSE activities. be combined to estimate the total LSI effort for
For example, if the stakeholder team cohesion is a proposed SoS development program. To date,
very high, what is the impact on the PRA effort? several expert judgment surveys have been con-
Likewise, if the stakeholder team cohesion is ducted and actual data collection is in process.
very low, what is the resulting impact on PRA
effort? The results of the behavioral analyses are
then used to develop a preliminary model form. CONCLUSION
The parameters include a set of one or more size
drivers, a set of exponential scale factors, and a LSI organizations are realizing that if more
set of effort multipliers. Cost drivers that are re- traditional processes are used to architect and
lated to economies/diseconomies of scale as size integrate SoSs, it will take too long and too much
is increased are combined into an exponential effort to find optimal solutions and build them.
factor. Other cost drivers that have a more linear Preliminary analysis of LSI activities show that
behavior with respect to size drivers are combined while many of the LSI activities are similar to
into an effort multiplier. those described in EIA 632 and the SEI’s CMMI,
Next, the model parameters, definitions, LSIs are identifying ways to combine agile
range of values, rating scales, and behaviors are processes with traditional processes to increase
reviewed with industry and research experts us- concurrency, reduce risk, and further compress
ing a wideband Delphi process. The consensus overall schedules. In addition, effort profiles for
of the experts is used to update the preliminary the key LSI activities (the up-front effort associ-
model. In addition to expert judgement, actual ated with SoS abstraction, architecting, source
effort data is collected from successful projects selection, systems acquisition, and supplier and
covering the LSI activities of interest. A second vendor oversight during development, as well as
model, based on actual data fitting, is then devel- the effort associated with the later activities of
oped. Finally, the expert judgment and actual data integration, test, and change management) show
models are combined using Bayesian techniques. that the percentage of time spent on key activities
In this process, more weight is given to expert differs considerably from the more traditional sys-
judgement when actual data is not consistent or tem engineering efforts. By capturing the effects
sparse, and more weight is given to actual data of these differences in organizational structure
when the data is fairly consistent and experts do and system engineering processes in a reduced
not strongly agree. parameter version of COSOSIMO, management
Since technologies and engineering ap- will have a tool that will better predict LSI SoSE
proaches are constantly evolving, it is important effort and to conduct “what if” comparisons of
to continue data collection and model analysis different development strategies.
and update the model when appropriate. Histori-
cally, this has led to parameters related to older

System-of-Systems Cost Estimation

REFERENCES Lane, J. (2006). COSOSIMO Parameter Defini-

tions. (Tech. Rep. No. 2006-606). University
Blanchette, S. (2005). U.S. Army acquisition – The of Southern California Center for Systems and
program executive officer perspective, (Special Software Engineering, Los Angeles, CA.
Report CMU/SEI-2005-SR-002). Pittsburgh, PA:
Maier, M. (1998). Architecting principles for
Software Engineering Institute.
systems-of-systems. Systems Engineering, 1(4),
Boehm, B., Abt, C., Brown, A., Chulani, S., Clark, 267-284.
& et al. (2000). Software cost estimation with
Pressman, J., & Wildavsky, A. (1973). Implementa-
COCOMO II. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
tion: How great expectations in Washington are
dashed in Oakland. Oakland, CA: University of
Boehm, B., Valerdi, R., Lane, J., & Brown, A. California Press.
(2005). COCOMO suite methodology and evolu-
Sage, A., and Cuppan, C. (2001). On the systems
tion. CrossTalk, 18(4), 20-25.
engineering and management of systems of
Boehm, B., & Lane, J. (2006). 21st century systems and federations of systems. Informa-
processes for acquiring 21st century systems of tion, Knowledge, and Systems Management 2,
systems. CrossTalk, 19(5), 4-9. 325-345.

Cockburn, A. (2001). Writing effective use cases. Software Engineering Institute (2001). Capabil-
Boston: Addison-Wesley. ity maturity model integration (CMMI) (Special
report CMU/SEI-2002-TR-001). Pittsburgh, PA:
Electronic Industries Alliance. (1999). EIA Stan-
Software Engineering Institute.
dard 632: Processes for engineering a system.
United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Jamshidi, M. (2005). System-of-systems engineer-
(2005). Report on system-of-systems engineering
ing - A definition. Proceedings of IEEE System,
for Air Force capability development. (Public
Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Conference. Re-
Release SAB-TR-05-04). Washington, DC:
trieved January 29, 2005 from http://ieeesmc2005.
Valerdi, R (2005). The constructive systems en-
Lane, J. (2005). System of systems lead system
gineering cost model (COSYSMO). Unpublished
integrators: Where do they spend their time and
doctoral dissertation, University of Southern
what makes them more/less efficient. (Tech. Rep.
California, Los Angeles.
No. 2005-508.) University of Southern California
Center for Systems and Software Engineering,
Los Angeles, CA.

Adapted to SoS environment from CO-
SYSMO (Valerdi, 2005).

This work was previously published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 2, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 23-32,
copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 13
Could the Work System
Method Embrace Systems
Concepts More Fully?
Steven Alter
University of San Francisco, USA


The work system method was developed iteratively with the overarching goal of helping business profes-
sionals understand IT-reliant systems in organizations. It uses general systems concepts selectively, and
sometimes implicitly. For example, a work system has a boundary, but its inputs are treated implicitly
rather than explicitly. This chapter asks whether the further development of the work system method
might benefit from integrating general systems concepts more completely. After summarizing aspects
of the work system method, it dissects some of the underlying ideas and questions how thoroughly even
basic systems concepts are applied. It also asks whether and how additional systems concepts might be
incorporated beneficially. The inquiry about how to use additional system ideas is of potential interest
to people who study systems in general and information systems in particular because it deals with
bridging the gap between highly abstract concepts and practical applications.

BACKGROUND convinced me that many business professionals

need a simple, yet organized approach for think-
The idea of using the concept of work system as ing about systems without getting swamped in
the core of a systems analysis method for busi- details. Such an approach would have helped our
ness professionals was first published in Alter customers gain greater benefits from our software
(2002), although the ideas had percolated for and consulting, and would have helped us serve
over a decade. Experience as vice president of a them more effectively across our entire relation-
manufacturing software company in the 1980s ship. A return to academia and production of an

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

IS textbook provided an impetus to develop a set coherent approach that is organized, flexible, and
of ideas that might help. Starting in the mid-1990s based on well-defined concepts. Use to date by
I required employed MBA and EMBA students to MBA and EMBA students (early career business
use the ideas in an introductory IS course to do professionals) indicates that WSM might be quite
a preliminary analysis of an information system useful in practice. Recent developments motivated
in their own organizations. The main goal was by widespread interest and concern about services
to consolidate their learning; a secondary benefit and the service economy led to an attempt to
was insight into whether the course content could extend the work system approach to incorporate
actually help people understand systems in busi- the unique characteristics of services. The main
ness organizations. products to date of those efforts are the service
To date over 300 group and individual papers value chain framework and service responsibility
have contributed to the development of the work tables. (Alter, 2007, 2008) Further development
system method (WSM). At each stage, the papers of WSM might proceed in many directions, in-
attempted to use the then current version of WSM. cluding improving the concepts, testing specific
With each succeeding semester and each suc- versions in real world settings, and developing
ceeding cycle of papers, I tried to identify which online tools that make WSM easier to use and
confusions and omissions were the students’ fault more valuable.
and which were mine because I had not expressed WSM uses system concepts, but the priority
the ideas completely or clearly enough. in developing WSM always focused on practical-
Around 1997 I suddenly realized that I, the ity. System concepts and system-related methods
professor and textbook author, had been confused that seemed awkward or difficult to apply were
about what system the students should be ana- not included in WSM. For example, WSM might
lyzing. Unless they are focusing on software or have incorporated certain aspects of soft system
hardware details, business professionals thinking methodology (SSM) developed over several de-
about information systems should not start by cades by the British researcher Peter Checkland
describing or analyzing the information system or (1999). An area of similarity is SSM’s identification
the technology it uses. Instead, they should start of 6 key aspects of a “human activity system.”
by identifying the work system and summarizing Those include customers, actors, transformations,
its performance gaps, opportunities, and goals worldview, owner, and environment. Based on
for improvement. Their analysis should focus on an unproven belief that SSM is too abstract and
improving work system performance, not on fixing too philosophical to be used effectively by most
information systems. The necessary changes in (American) MBA and EMBA students, WSM was
the information system would emerge from the designed to be very flexible but also much more
analysis, as would other work system changes prescriptive than SSM and much more direct about
separate from the information system but neces- suggesting topics and issues that are often relevant
sary before information system improvements for understanding IT-reliant work systems.
could have the desired impact. At this point in the development of WSM it
After additional publications (available for is worthwhile to ask whether additional systems
download at www.stevenalter.com) helped devel- concepts might be incorporated beneficially and
op various aspects of WSM, the overall approach might contribute to its value for practitioners.
became mature enough to warrant publication of Searching for possibilities is a bit awkward be-
a book (Alter, 2006) that combines and extends cause there is very little agreement about what
the main ideas from the various papers, creating a constitutes general systems theory and general
systems thinking.

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

General Systems Theory (GST) integrates a ideas already appear in WSM and whether they
broad range of special system theories by naming might be incorporated to a greater extent. The
and identifying patterns and processes common goal is two-fold, to find directions for improving
to all of them. By use of an overarching terminol- WSM and to reflect on whether typical general
ogy, it tries to explain their origin, stability and systems ideas are truly useful for understanding
evolution. While special systems theory explains information systems and other work systems from
the particular system, GST explains the system- a business professional’s viewpoint.
ness itself, regardless of class or level. (Skyttner,
A system is not something presented to the
observer, it is something to be recognized by him. WSM focuses on work systems rather than the
Most often the word does not refer to existing information systems that support them and often
things in the real world but rather to a way of overlap with them. WSM is designed to produce
organizing our thoughts about the real world.” … shared understandings that can lead to better tech-
‘A system is anything unitary enough to deserve nical specifications needed to develop software.
a name.’ (Weiss, 1971) … ‘A system is anything It does not produce the type of specification that
that is not chaos’ (Boulding, 1964) …[A] system might be converted mechanically into software.
is ‘a structure that has organized components.’ Although WSM can be used for totally new sys-
(Churchman, 1979).” (Skyttner, 2001) tems, its basic form assumes that a set of prob-
One of the problems in trying to incorporate lems or opportunities motivate the analysis of an
general system ideas is that so many different existing work system. The structure and content
types of systems fit under the GST umbrella of WSM attempt to provide both conceptual and
(Larses and El-khoury, 2005): procedural knowledge in a readily usable form,
and try to express that knowledge in everyday
• Concrete (living, non-living), conceptual, business language.
or abstract
• Open, closed, or isolated • Definition of work system: A work system
• Decomposable, near-decomposable, or non- is a system in which human participants and/
decomposable or machines perform work using informa-
• Static or dynamic tion, technology, and other resources to
• Black, gray, or white box produce products and/or services for inter-
nal or external customers. Typical business
This chapter dissects some of the ideas underly- organizations contain work systems that
ing WSM and questions how faithfully even basic procure materials from suppliers, produce
systems concepts are incorporated into it. This products, deliver products to customers,
chapter proceeds as follows. After summarizing find customers, create financial reports, hire
WSM, it summarizes four work systems to illus- employees, coordinate work across depart-
trate the range of systems that WSM addresses ments, and perform many other functions.
(and conversely, the types of systems it does not Almost all significant work systems in
address). Building on this clarification of the con- business and governmental organizations
text, the chapter looks at typical concepts from employing more than a few people cannot
writings about the systems approach or general operate efficiently or effectively without us-
systems. In each case it discusses whether those ing IT. Most practical IS research is about the

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

development, operation, and maintenance of is basically a project model rather than a

such systems and their components. In ef- system life cycle, the work system life cycle
fect, the IS field is basically about IT-reliant model (WSLC) is an iterative model based on
work systems. (Alter, 2003) the assumption that a work system evolves
• Work system framework: The nine ele- through a combination of planned and un-
ments of the work system framework (Alter, planned changes. (Alter, 2003, 2006, 2008)
2003, 2006) are the basis for describing and Consistent with Markus and Mao’s (2004)
analyzing an IT-reliant work system in an emphasis on the distinction between system
organization. Even a rudimentary under- development and system implementation,
standing of a work system requires aware- the planned changes occur through formal
ness of each of the nine elements. Four of projects with initiation, development, and
these elements (work practices, participants, implementation phases. The unplanned
information, and technologies) constitute the changes are ongoing adaptations and ex-
work system. The other five elements that fill perimentation that adjust details of the work
out a basic understanding of the work system system without performing formal projects.
include the products and services produced, In contrast to control-oriented versions of the
customers, environment, infrastructure, and SDLC, the WSLC treats unplanned changes
strategies (see Figure 1). as part of a work system’s natural evolution.
• Work system life cycle model: WSM’s Ideas in WSM can be used by any business
other basic framework describes how work or IT professional at any point in the WSLC.
systems change over time. Unlike the sys- The steps in WSM (summarized later) are
tem development life cycle (SDLC), which most pertinent in the initiation phase as

Figure 1. The Work System Framework, slightly updated (Source: S. Alter, The Work System Method:
Connecting People, Processes, and IT for Business Results, Larkspur, CA: Work System Press, 2006).
All rights reserved.


n s
e t
m products & services r
n a
o t
r e
i g
v processes and activities i
n e
e s

participants information technologies


Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

individuals think about the situation and • Work system #1: How a bank approves
as the project team negotiates the project’s commercial loans: A large bank’s execu-
scope and goals. tives believe that its current methods for
• Information systems as a special case of approving commercial loans have resulted in
work systems: Work system is a general a substandard loan portfolio. They are under
case of systems operating within or across pressure to increase the bank’s productivity
organizations. Special cases of work systems and profitability. The work system for ap-
include information systems, projects, sup- proving loan applications from new clients
ply chains, e-commerce web sites, and totally starts when a loan officer helps identify a
automated work systems. For example, an prospect’s financing needs. The loan officer
information system is a work system whose helps the client compile a loan application
work practices are devoted to processing including financial history and projections.
information, i.e., capturing, transmitting, A credit analyst prepares a “loan write-up”
storing, retrieving, manipulating, and dis- summarizing the applicant’s financial his-
playing information. Similarly, a project is a tory, projecting sources of funds for loan
work system designed to produce a product payments, and discussing market conditions
and then go out of existence. The relationship and the applicant’s reputation. Each loan is
between the general case and the special ranked for riskiness based on history and
cases is useful because it implies that the projections. Senior credit officers approve
special cases should inherit vocabulary and or deny loans of less than $400,000; a loan
other properties of work systems in general. committee or executive loan committee ap-
(Alter, 2005) Based on this hierarchy of proves larger loans. The loan officer informs
cases, an analysis method that applies to the loan applicant of the decision.
work systems in general should also apply • Work system #2: How a software vendor tries
to information systems and projects. to find and qualify sales prospects: A soft-
ware vendor sells HR software to small and
Examples of Information Systems medium sized enterprises. It receives initial
expressions of interest through inquiries from
A common problem in reading general discussions magazine ads, web advertising, and other
of information systems is the lack of clarity about sources. A specialized sales group contacts
which types of information systems are being leads from other sources and asks questions
discussed and which are being ignored. Similarly, to qualify them as potential clients. A separate
discussions of general systems theory are often outside sales force contacts qualified pros-
unclear about the types of systems for which spe- pects, discusses software capabilities, and
cific concepts or principles are relevant. WSM is negotiates a purchase or usage deal. Manage-
designed for situations in which an information ment is concerned that the sales process is
system is viewed as an IT-reliant work system inefficient, that it misses many good leads,
devoted to processing information. WSM is less and that the outside sales group receives too
applicable if the information system is viewed as many unqualified prospects.
a technical artifact that operates on a computer • Work system #3: How consumers buy gifts
and is used by “users” who are external to the using an ecommerce web site: The web site
system. The following four examples from Alter of a manufacturer of informal clothing for
(2006) illustrate the types of information systems teenagers has not produced the anticipated
to which WSM applies: level of sales. Surveys and logs of web site us-

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

age reveal that customers who know exactly Three Levels for Using the Work
what they want quickly find the product on System Method
the web site and make the purchase. Custom-
ers who are not sure what they want, such The current version of WSM (Alter, 2006) consists
as parents buying gifts for teenagers, often of three problem-solving steps (SP, AP, and RJ)
find it awkward to use the site, often leave related to systems in organizations:
without making a purchase, and have a high
rate of after purchase returns. The company • SP - Identify the System and Problems:
wants to extend existing sales channels. Its Identify the work system that has the prob-
managers want to improve the level of sales lems that launched the analysis. The system’s
by improving the customer experience. size and scope depend on the purpose of the
• Work system #4: How an IT group develops analysis.
software: The IT group buys commercial • AP - Analyze the system and identify Pos-
application software whenever possible, sibilities: Understand current issues and find
but also produces home-grown software possibilities for improving the work system.
when necessary. Many of the IT group’s • RJ - Recommend and Justify changes:
software projects miss schedule deadlines, Specify proposed changes and sanity-check
go over budget, and/or fail to produce what the recommendation.
their internal customers want. Software
developers often complain that users can’t Recognizing the varied nature of analysis situ-
say exactly what they want and often change ations and goals, WSM can be used at three levels
their minds after programming has begun. of detail and depth. The level to use depends on
Users complain that the programmers are the user’s particular situation:
arrogant and unresponsive. Use of the com-
pany’s computer aided software engineering • Level One (Define): Be sure to remember
(CASE) software is uneven. Enthusiasts the three main steps when thinking about
think it is helpful, but other programmers a system in an organization.
think it interferes with creativity. The IT • Level Two (Probe): Within each main step,
group’s managers believe that failure to ask questions that are typically important.
attain greater success within several years These questions include:
could result in outsourcing much of the  Five SP questions (What is the system?
group’s work. What is the problem? What are the
constraints? And so on)
Several features of the four examples should be  Ten AP questions (One question about
noted. First, each example concerns an IT-reliant how well each work system element is
work system, and each of these work systems is performing, and one question about the
an information system. (Yes, software develop- work system as a whole)
ment, work system #4, is basically an information  Ten RJ questions (What is the recom-
system). In addition, as the analysis proceeds in mendation? How does it compare to an
each case, the system to be analyzed will be de- ideal system? Was the original problem
fined based on the problem or opportunity posed solved? What new problems will the
by management. The system will not be defined recommendation cause? How favorable
based on the software that happens to be used as is the balance of costs and benefits?
a part of the system. And so on).

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

• Level Three (Drill Down): For each ques- miss some insights related to the type of system
tion within each step, apply guidelines, con- WSM studies. To reflect on how WSM applies
cepts, and checklists that are often useful. a systems approach, it is possible to look at the
form and prominence of basic system concepts
The most recent version of WSM uses an within the current version of WSM:
electronic questionnaire, the first page of which
is basically a Level One outline of the execu- • Identification of the system: WSM users
tive summary of a typical business analysis and start their analysis by defining the work
recommendation. The next pages present the system. As a general guideline, the system
25 questions in Level Two, with space to fill in is the smallest work system that has the
answers. Vocabulary and concepts identified problem or opportunity that launched the
throughout Alter (2006) and arrayed in checklists, analysis. The system’s scope is revealed by
templates, and tabular forms provide additional identifying the work practices (typically a
(Level Three) support for the analysis. These tools business process, but possibly other activi-
help in identifying common topics that might be ties as well) and participants who perform
considered, providing hints about common issues, the work.
and providing blank tables that might be used to • The observer: Systems thinking recognizes
summarize specific topics or perspectives. that system is a mental construct imposed on
WSM is built on the assumption that an a situation in order to understand it. Different
organized structure combining flexibility with observers have different system views of the
considerable depth can be effective in helping same situation. Part of WSM’s value is as a
business professionals pursue whatever amount way to help people come to agreement about
of detail and depth is appropriate. Because WSM what system they are trying to improve.
is designed to support a business professional’s • Boundary and environment: The identifi-
analysis, even Level Three does not approach the cation of the work system in the initial part
amount of detail or technical content that must be of WSM automatically sets the boundaries.
analyzed and documented to produce computer- The work system framework includes some
ized information systems. elements that are part of the work system and
some that are outside of the work system.
The four elements inside the work system
WORK SYSTEM METHOD AS A are work practices, people, information, and
SYSTEMS APPROACH technologies. The other five elements are not
part of the work system but are included in
At a superficial level WSM surely represents a the framework because it tries to identify
systems approach because it describes a situation the components of even a rudimentary
as a system consisting of interacting components understanding of a work system.
that operate together to accomplish a purpose.
A closer look is worthwhile, however, because Mora et al (2002) noted several logical prob-
some aspects of WSM use systems concepts in lems with treatment of the system concept context
an idiosyncratic manner. In particular, a careful in an earlier version of the work system framework
look at the four examples (beyond the scope of this that was used in 2001. (Context appeared where
article) would show that each is a system but that environment now appears.) They also noted that
describing each as a set of interacting components the customers are not included in the box called
operating together to accomplish a purpose might context (now environment). These observations

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

are accurate from a definitional viewpoint, but Inputs and Outputs

the priority in creating WSM is to combine
system-related ideas in a way that makes WSM The work system framework contains neither the
as useful as possible for typical business profes- term inputs nor the term outputs. The term output
sionals. Explicitly saying that a work system exists is not used because it sounds too mechanistic and
to produce products and services for customers is associated too much with computer programs.
encourages the WSM user to pay special atten- In terms of logic and structure, there is no prob-
tion to the products and services and customers. lem in calling a work system’s outputs products
Various aspects of the environment such as and services. Also, that terminology helps focus
culture and political issues may matter greatly attention on the work system’s goal of providing
in some situations and may be unimportant in products and services customers want, rather than
other situations, but products and services and just producing whatever outputs it is programmed
customers are always important for understanding to produce. Even the terms products and services
work systems (including information systems) in are occasionally problematic. For example, con-
organizations. sider a work system that produces entertainment.
The term infrastructure is also problematic in The product might be described as a temporally
relation to boundaries. Real world work systems sequenced information flow that is sensed and
could not operate without infrastructure owned interpreted by viewers (the customers). It also
and managed by the surrounding organization and might be viewed as the customer’s stimulation,
external organizations. Infrastructure is included peace of mind, or enjoyment. At minimum there
as one of the elements for understanding a work is question about whether the customer plays an
system because ignoring external infrastructure active role as a participant in the work system. As
may be disastrous. However, it is awkward to treat the nature of the product becomes more ambigu-
computer networks, programming languages, IT ous, the boundary of the system also becomes
personnel, and other shared resources as internal more ambiguous.
parts of the work systems they serve. If these The work system framework ignores inputs
components of infrastructure were treated as altogether because it assumes that important inputs
internal components of the work system, even will be understood implicitly. The first step in the
small work systems involving a few people and work practices typically will describe something
several activities would become gigantic. They about receiving, transforming, or responding to
would be like an iceberg, with visible aspects of something that comes from outside of the work
the work system above the water and an enormous system. (If important inputs are not mentioned
mass of shared infrastructure largely invisible anywhere in the work practices, it is likely that the
below the waterline. To discourage unnecessary summary of work practices will be insufficient.)
attention to distinctions between technology Also, information from external sources is often
and infrastructure early in the analysis, WSM listed under the information used or produced by
users creating a ‘work system snapshot” for the work system. And what about other inputs,
summarizing a work system should assume that such as the air the participants breathe, the food
the difference between technology and technical they metabolize as they do their work, or the skills
infrastructure is unimportant for the initial sum- they received from a training course last year? It
mary. The distinction should be explored only if is easy to say in general that systems have inputs,
it is important for understanding the work system but substantially more difficult to identify which
in greater depth. inputs are worth mentioning in an analysis. The
work system framework lacks a slot for inputs

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

because it is easier to infer important inputs from WSM treats control as one of the perspectives for
the steps listed in the work practices. thinking about work practices. The basic ques-
tion is whether controls are built into existing or
Transformations proposed work practices, and whether a different
type or different amount of control effort would
The term transformation is particularly meaning- likely generate better results.
ful in physical systems such as assembling a set
of tangible components to produce an automobile. Wholeness
Transformation is less meaningful for various
aspects of each of the work system examples men- One of the major premises of the system approach
tioned earlier. For example, it doesn’t feel natural is that systems should be treated as wholes, not just
to say that the loan approval system transforms as a set of components. The structure of WSM is
loan applications into approvals or denials; nor designed to recognize systemic issues, but WSM
does it feel natural to say that the ecommerce web certainly doesn’t favor wholeness over analysis
site transforms customer desires into purchase of components. The structure of WSM calls for
decisions. Thus, the term transformation is often looking at each element separately and drilling
unsatisfactory for summarizing the activities down to understand the elements in enough depth
that occur within the work system. During the to spot problems within each element. Simulta-
development of WSM, alternatives to the term neously, however, the work system framework
transformation included activities, actions, busi- contains explicit links between elements, showing
ness process, and work practices. Work practices the main routes through which they interact in the
was selected because it includes business process operation of the work system as a whole.
and other perspectives for thinking about activi- An interesting issue with wholeness is that
ties, such as communication, decision making, many components of work systems are not wholly
and coordination. dedicated to those work systems. The work prac-
tices are the activities within the work system, but
Goals, Controls, and Feedback the participants may be involved in many other
work systems. Their activities within a particular
Most observers say that purposive systems contain work system may absorb only an hour a day or
control mechanisms that help the system stay on an hour a week. Similarly, the information and
track or help the system move toward equilibrium technologies may be used in other work systems.
(as with a thermostat). A thermostat-like goal and In the real world, the wholeness of the work system
feedback metaphor is appropriate for heating a is often challenged when work system participants
house, but doesn’t fit well for many information feel torn about their responsibilities in multiple
systems. For example, the role of feedback control work systems.
in the use of the ecommerce web site is not appar-
ent. Similarly, the software development system Emergent Properties
may or may not have formal feedback mechanisms.
Those mechanisms will be more apparent in a Users of WSM automatically observe emergent
highly structured software development environ- properties when they look at how a system oper-
ment, and much less apparent in an agile develop- ates as a whole. However, the level of detail and
ment environment that proceeds through a series broad-brush modeling used in WSM is usually
of incremental changes that receive individual insufficient to reveal the types of counterintuitive
feedback but may or may not lead to a larger goal. system behaviors (Forrester, 1971) that are some-

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

times revealed and understood by system modelers • However subgroups of the elements are
using techniques such as systems dynamics. formed, all have an effect on the behavior
of the whole but none has an independent
Hierarchy, Subsystems and effect on it(cited by Skyttner, 2001).
In Ackoff’s view, each element is a separate
Systems in organizations are typically viewed component that has the capability of behaving.
as subsystems of larger systems. Relationships In contrast, the work system framework says that
between information systems and the work the work practices are the behaviors and the work
systems they support have changed over recent system participants and in some highly automated
decades. Before real time computing, computer- cases the technologies have the capability of
ized tracking systems and transaction processing behaving. In other words, each work system is
systems were often separate from the manual basically a separate element in Ackoff’s terms.
processes they served or reported. As real time The implication for future development of the
computing became commonplace, information work system method is that it might be possible
systems became an integral part of the work to include explicit forms of interaction between
systems they served. Remove the work system work systems. Currently the only form of interac-
and the information system has no meaning. Turn tion included in WSM is the potential use of one
off the information system and the work system work system’s products and services in the work
grinds to a halt. All four of the work systems practices of another work system.
mentioned earlier have some aspect of this feature.
All were selected as information systems that are System Evolution
somewhat independent of other work systems,
yet major failures in any of these systems would General system theory is primarily concerned
have significant impacts on larger systems or with how systems operate, and somewhat less
organizations that they serve. concerned with how they evolve over time. Pat-
terns through which work systems evolve through
System Elements planned and unplanned change are extremely
important in WSM because the justification of
Even the idea of system elements can be called a proposed system change includes preliminary
into question. The nine elements of the work sys- ideas about how the system can be converted
tem framework are different types of things. For from its current configuration to a desired future
example, work practices are different from people configuration. As explained in substantial detail
(participants) and are different from information. in Alter (2006), the work system life cycle model
Compare that view of work system elements to says much more about the evolution of a work
Ackoff’s (1981) definition of a system as a set of system than is implied by most general system
two or more elements that satisfies the following discussions. As WSM develops further it will
three conditions: surely absorb more ideas and principles related
to system change, but most of these will probably
• The behavior of each element has an effect come from the IS literature and the organizational
on the behavior of the whole. behavior and innovation literatures rather than
• The behavior of the elements and their ef- from the general systems literature. On the other
fects on the whole are interdependent. hand, it is possible that some aspect of Beer’s (1981)
viable systems model might be incorporated in

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

future explanations or explorations of the work umbrella of general systems concepts. Evaluation
system life cycle model. of WSM in relation to general systems theory
is all the more difficult because WSM was not
Chaos, Complexity, Entropy, developed as an application of general systems
Self-Organization theory. It was developed to provide a set of ideas
and tools that business professionals can use
Concepts such as chaos, complexity, entropy, and when trying to understand and analyze systems
self-organization are often part of sophisticated from a business viewpoint. At every stage in its
discussions of systems. Although these ideas are development, every choice between maximizing
sometimes tossed around at a rather non-specific, ease of use and maximizing conceptual purity
metaphoric level (the chaos of everyday manage- was decided in favor of ease of use.
ment, the complexity of our lives, etc.), bringing The review of the relationship between typi-
these concepts into WSM while maintaining their cal system concepts and concepts within WSM
deeper, more precise meanings in sophisticated showed that WSM uses a system approach and
discussions of systems seems impractical at this system concepts, but sometimes uses those terms
point. Attaining insightful analysis when using idiosyncratically. Consistent with its practical goal
the existing WSM vocabulary is challenging of helping business professionals understand and
enough. analyze IT-reliant work systems, WSM adapts sys-
The use of the term complexity in WSM il- tem concepts within a framework that is easier to
lustrates the challenge of moving toward more understand and apply than any of the frameworks
advanced concepts. Within the current version of typically associated with general system theory
WSM, complexity is applied with its every day (at least in my opinion).
meaning and is treated as one of many strategy Real world examples were introduced in this
choices for work practices. Simpler work prac- article as a reality check because general systems
tices deal with fewer variables and are easier to theory tends to include under one umbrella many
understand and control; the opposite is true for different types of systems at vastly different levels
complex work practices. Even with that simple (e.g., Miller’s (1978) inclusion of cells, organs,
definition, MBA and EMBA students have shown organisms, groups, organizations, communities,
little inclination to use that term when evaluating societies, and supranational systems within the
a work system (i.e., it is too simple or too complex) category of living systems). Potential changes
and little inclination to use it to describe proposed in WSM concepts and process should be tested
improvements. If they shy away from relatively against realistic examples of IT-reliant work sys-
simple usage of that type, it is unlikely that they tems. If a change would make typical examples
would be willing or able to apply advanced un- clearer to typical business professionals, then it
derstandings of complexity that require insight might be appropriate within the spirit of WSM,
at a very abstract level. especially if it could also co-exist with the rest
of WSM or if it would make an existing part of
WSM unnecessary.
CONCLUSION It is unclear whether a detailed review of gen-
eral system theory and its sophisticated extensions
This reflection on WSM’s use of general system related to concepts such as chaos, complexity,
concepts is highly subjective because different entropy and self-organization might lead to use-
authors use different definitions of terms and have ful improvements in WSM. Although this is a
different views of which terms belong under the possibility, the path would probably be long. The

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

first step would involve finding real situations in REFERENCES

which sophisticated use of these concepts would
help in evaluating, analyzing, and designing Ackoff, R. (1981). Creating the corporate future.
the types of systems that WSM addresses. It New York: John Wiley & Sons.
seems likely that sophisticated applications of
Alter, S. (2002). The work system method for
concepts such as chaos, complexity, entropy, and
understanding information systems and infor-
self-organization are less pertinent to in typical
mation system research. Communications of the
work systems and more pertinent to physical and
AIS, 9 (6), 90-104.
mathematical systems whose components and
component interactions are more amenable to Alter, S. (2003). 18 reasons why IT-reliant work
mathematical analysis. systems should replace the IT artifact as the core
The original question was “Could the work subject matter of the IS field. Communications of
system method embrace systems concepts more the AIS, 12 (23), 365-394.
fully?” At this point the answer to that question
is a weak maybe. WSM is mature enough that its Alter, S. (2005). Architecture of Sysperanto - A
value to business and IT professionals can be tested model-based ontology of the IS field. Communi-
in a number of different settings. Informal results cations of the AIS, 15 (1), 1-40.
thus far show that many users find it useful, and Alter, S (2006). The work system method: Con-
imply that at least some future users will suggest necting people, processes, and IT for business
ways to make it easier to use in general or easier results. Larkspur CA: Work System Press.
to apply to specific types of situations.
If I had to guess, I would say that the sugges- Alter, S. (2007). Service responsibility tables: A
tions most directly associated with general systems new tool for analyzing and designing systems.
concepts would be related to subset/ superset Paper presented at the 13th Americas Conference
relationships and supplier/customer (output/input) on Information Systems, Keystone, CO.
relationships between separate work systems. The Alter, S. (2008). Service system fundamentals:
current form of WSM focuses on a single work work system, value chain, and life cycle. IBM
system and says that it may be convenient to sub- Systems Journal, 47(1), 2008, 71-85. Available
divide one work system into several or combine at http://www.research.ibm.com/journal/sj/471/
several work systems into one. An effective way alter.html
to handle relationships between separate work
systems without making the analysis too awkward Beer, S. (1981). Brain of the firm, 2nd ed. Chichester,
probably would be a very useful extension of the UK and New York: John Wiley.
current version of WSM. Boulding, K. (1964). General systems as a point
At a more theoretical level, it also would be of view. In J. Mesarovic (Ed), Views on general
interesting to look at general systems concepts and systems theory. New York: John Wiley.
principles at much greater depth than was possible
in this brief chapter. For example, Skyttner (2001, Checkland, P. (1999). Systems thinking, systems
pp. 61-64) lists 39 different “widely known laws, practice (Includes a 30-year retrospective). Chich-
principles, theorems, and hypotheses). It would be ester, UK: John Wiley.
interesting to look at each in turn and to decide Churchman, C. W. (1979). The design of inquiring
whether it says anything that is both non-obvious systems: Basic concepts of systems and organiza-
about IT-reliant work systems and useful in un- tions. New York, Basic Books.
derstanding them in real world situations.

Could the Work System Method Embrace Systems Concepts More Fully?

Forrester, J. (1971). Counterintuitive Behavior Miller, J. G. (1978). Living systems. New York:
of Social Systems. Technology Review, 73 (3), McGraw-Hill.
Mora, M., Gelman, O., Cervantes, F., Mejía, M.,
Larses, O., and El-Khoury, J. (2005). Review of and Weitzenfeld, A. (2002). A Systemic Approach
Skyttner (2001) in O. Larses and J. El-Khoury, for the Formalization of the Information Systems
“Views on General Systems Theory.” Technical Concept: Why Information Systems are Systems.
Report TRITA-MMK 2005:10, Royal Institute In J.J. Cano, (Ed.), Critical reflections on informa-
of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Retrieved tion systems: A systemic approach. Hershey, PA:
June 30, 2006 on the World Wide Web: http:// Idea Group Publishing, 1-29.
Skyttner, L. (2001). General systems theory.
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
Skyttner, L, (1996). General systems theory: Ori-
Markus, M.L. and Mao, J.Y. (2004). Participation
gin and hallmarks. Kybernetes, 25 (6), 16, 7 pp.
in development and implementation – updating an
old, tired concept for today’s IS contexts. Jour- Weiss, P. (1971). Hierarchically organized systems
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5 (11: 14).

This work was previously published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 2, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 33-43,
copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 14
Information and Knowledge
Perspectives in Systems
Engineering and Management
for Innovation and
Productivity through Enterprise
Resource Planning
Stephen V. Stephenson
Dell Computer Corporation, USA

Andrew P. Sage
George Mason University, USA


This article provides an overview of perspectives associated with information and knowledge resource
management in systems engineering and systems management in accomplishing enterprise resource
planning for enhanced innovation and productivity. Accordingly, we discuss economic concepts involv-
ing information and knowledge, and the important role of network effects and path dependencies in
influencing enterprise transformation through enterprise resource planning.

Introduction attention is being paid to enterprise transformation

(Rouse, 2005, 2006) through these efforts. The
Many have been concerned with the role of in- purpose of this work is to discuss many of these
formation and knowledge and the role of this in efforts and their role in supporting the definition,
enhancing systems engineering and management development, and deployment of an enterprise
(Sage, 1995; Sage & Rouse, 1999) principles, resource plan (ERP) that will enhance transfor-
practices, and perspectives. Major contemporary

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Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

mation of existing enterprises and development for its new product offering is the understand-
of new and innovative enterprises. ing and implementation of these new economic
Economides (1996) has also been much con-
Economic Concepts Involving cerned with the economics of networks. He and
Information and Knowledge Himmelberg (1994) describe conditions under
which a critical mass point exists for a network
Much recent research has been conducted in good. They characterize the existence of criti-
the general area of information networks and cal mass points under various market structures
the new economy. Professors Hal R. Varian and for both durable and non-durable goods. They
Carl Shapiro have published many papers and illustrate how, in the presence of network exter-
a seminal text, addressing new economic con- nalities and high marginal costs, the size of the
cepts as they apply to contemporary information network is zero until costs eventually decrease
networks. These efforts generally illustrate how sufficiently, thereby causing the network size to
new economic concepts challenge the traditional increase abruptly. Initially, the network increases
model, prevalent during the Industrial Revolution to a positive and significant size, and thereafter it
and taught throughout industry and academia continues to increase gradually as costs continue
over the years. In particular, the book Informa- to decline. Odlyzko (2001) expands on the concept
tion Rules (Shapiro & Varian, 1999) provides a of critical mass and describes both the current and
comprehensive overview of the new economic future growth rate of the Internet and how proper
principles as they relate to today’s information planning, network budgeting, and engineering are
and network economy. The book addresses the each required. He emphasizes the need for accurate
following key principles: forecasting, since poor planning can lead to poor
choices in technology and unnecessary costs.
• Recognizing and exploiting the dynamics Economides and White (1996) introduce im-
of positive feedback portant concepts with respect to networks and
• Understanding the strategic implications of compatibility. They distinguish between direct
lock-in and switching costs and indirect externalities, and explore the implica-
• Evaluating compatibility choices and stan- tions of networks and compatibility for antitrust
dardization efforts and regulatory policy in three areas: mergers,
• Developing value-maximizing pricing strat- joint ventures, and vertical restraints. They also
egies discuss how compatibility and complementarity
• Planning product lines of information are linked to provide a framework for analyzing
goods antitrust issues. Strong arguments are made for
• Managing intellectual property rights the beneficial nature of most compatibility and
• Factoring government policy and regulation network arrangements, with respect to vertical
into strategy relationships, and policies are set forth to curb
anti-competitive practices and arrangement.
These concepts have proven their effectiveness Farrell and Katz (2001) introduce concepts of
in the new information economy and have been policy formulation in preventing anti-competitive
fundamental to the success of many information practices and, in addition, explore the logic of
technology enterprises introducing new ideas and predation and rules designed to prevent this in
innovations into the marketplace. Paramount to markets that are subject to network effects. This
an enterprise’s success in reaching critical mass work discusses how the imposition of the lead-

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

ing proposals for rules against predatory pricing In addition to the technology, TEI also in-
may lower or raise consumer welfare, depending corporates stakeholders. People are empowered
on conditions that may be difficult to identify in at all levels of the enterprise to improve the
practice. quality of their decision-making. One result
Research conducted on these economic con- of this is MRP II (Manufacturing Resources
cepts establishes a solid foundation and baseline Planning) systems. MRP II evolved from MRP
for further research in the area of enterprise re- (Material Requirements Planning), which was a
source planning and new technology innovations method for materials and capacity planning in
(Langenwalter, 2000). In this work, he extends a manufacturing environment. Manufacturing
the traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) plants, to plan and procure the right materials
model to incorporate a total enterprise integration in the right quantities at the right time, used this
(TEI) framework. He describes TEI as a superset method. MRP became the core planning module
of ERP and also describes how it establishes the for MRP II and ERP. MRP was later replaced by
communications foundation between customer, MRP II, which expanded the MRP component to
manufacturer, and supplier. Each entity is linked include integrated material planning, accounting,
internally and externally, allowing the TEI system purchasing of materials for production, and the
to enhance performance and to provide process shop floor. MRP II integrated other functional
efficiencies that reduce lead times and waste areas such as order entry, customer service, and
throughout the supply chain. This work illustrates cost control. Eventually, MRP II evolved into
how ERP is uniquely integrated with customers enterprise resource planning (ERP), integrating
and suppliers into the supply chain using TEI and even more organizational entities and functions
how it significantly improves customer-driven such as human resources, quality management,
performance. The model for this includes five sales support, and field services. ERPs became
major components: executive support, customer richer in functionality and involved a higher de-
integration, engineering integration, manufactur- gree of integration than their predecessors MRP
ing integration, and support services integration. and MRP II.
These components are essential for integrating all Another very well-known contributor to the
information and actions required to fully support field of enterprise resource planning is Thomas H.
a manufacturing company and its supply chain. Davenport (2000). In Mission Critical: Realizing
TEI presents a strategic advantage to an enterprise, the Promise of Enterprise Systems, the need to
rather than just improving operating efficiencies. take a customer or product focus when selecting
The TEI framework provides the enterprise a an operational strategy is emphasized. To enable
competitive edge by: this, a direct connection should exist between the
daily operations and the strategic objectives of
• Maximizing speed and throughput of infor- the enterprise. This is made possible through the
mation and materials use of operational data, that is used to enhance
• Minimizing response time to customers, the operational effectiveness of the enterprise.
suppliers, and decision makers Operational data is defined by the organization
• Pushing decisions to the appropriate levels seeking to measure the operational effectiveness of
of the organization its environment. Operational data may be defined
• Maximizing the information made available in terms of various parameters such as cycle time
to the decision-makers (CT), customer response time (CRT), or MTTR
• Providing direct integration into the supply (mean time to repair). These are only a few of
chain the parameters, and they are contingent on the

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

operational strategy the organization is seeking benchmarks and target improvements they have
to adopt. For example, an organization that seeks set for themselves.
to reduce cycle time (CT) for processing orders Christopher Koch (2006) supports Daven-
in order to minimize cost may look to capture port’s data concept and elaborates on the value
CT in its operational data. This data is captured of an ERP and how it can improve the business
over time as process efficiencies are instituted performance of an enterprise. He demonstrates
within the existing order process. Operational the value of an ERP by integrating the functions
effectiveness is then determined by comparing of each organization to serve the needs of all
the future CT state of the order process with that stakeholders. The associated framework attempts
of its initial CT benchmark. For example, if cycle to integrate all organizational entities across an
time to process an order was originally 15 minutes, enterprise onto a single-systems ERP platform
and after the process efficiencies were instituted, that will serve the needs of the various entities.
CT was then 5 minutes, then operational effec- This single platform replaces the standalone sys-
tiveness improved by 10 minutes. Now it takes tems prevalent in most functional organizations
fewer resources to process orders, thus reducing such as human resources, finance, engineering,
operational costs. and manufacturing, thereby allowing people in
Davenport (2000) introduces a data-oriented the various organizations to access information
culture and conveys the need for data analysis, not only in the most useful manner but also
data integrity, data synthesis, data completeness, from their own perspectives. This information
and timely extracts of data. Data is used across may be the same shared data used between the
organizational boundaries and shared between the organizations or may vary, based on the need of
various entities in an effort to enhance operational each of the organizations. Each organization in
effectiveness. For example, transaction data must the enterprise and its stakeholders will have their
be integrated with data from other sources, such as own set of requirements for accessing, viewing
third-party vendors, to support effective manage- and manipulating their data. Data management
ment decision-making. One’s ability to interpret may even take on a hybrid of a centralized and
and analyze data can effect the decisions that distributed approach. Some organizations may
are made and the confidence management has in need a view of the same data, while others may
pursuing particular ongoing decisions. Davenport have their own unique data requirements. Koch
believes that a combination of strategy, technol- (2006) indicates that there are five major reasons
ogy, data (data that is relevant to the organization), why an enterprise adopts an ERP strategy:
organization, culture, skills and knowledge assist
with developing an organization’s capabilities for 1. Integrate financial information
data analysis. When performing data analysis, 2. Integrate customer order information
various organizations may have similar results, 3. Standardize and speed up manufacturing
but with different meanings. He indicates that processes
a typical corporation may have divisions that 4. Reduce inventory
have a need to store customer data in different 5. Standardize human resources (HR) informa-
customer profile schemes. Therefore, a common tion
shared master file between the divisions may not
be feasible. This approach takes on more of a dis- Each organization within an enterprise has its
tributed approach versus a centralized approach to own requirements for an ERP. They may share
data management. The operational effectiveness the same ERP solution; however, the ERP may be
of each of these divisions will vary based on the designed to support the specific business need of

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

each organization. Some organizations may have strategic thinking and how some enterprises fail
a need to view the same data. For example, a sales to plan long term. This is based on the notion that
and customer care-focused organization may need “while people may want to think strategically,
to view the same customer profile data to access they actually do not know how( p. 3).” He empha-
customer contact information. In comparison, a sizes the need for stakeholders to understand the
human resources-focused organization may not solutions offered as a result of new innovation,
need to be privy to this same information. They and how strategies are critical for ensuring suc-
may be more interested in accessing internal cessful products and systems. Most importantly,
employee personnel records for employee perfor- these strategies must also create a successful
mance monitoring. The senior executive level of enterprise for developing, marketing, delivering,
an enterprise will also have its own unique data and servicing solutions, thus leading to the need
requirements in order to make key strategic and for human-centered planning, organization, and
tactical decisions. This executive level may need control. These are among the approaches needed
the capability to access data from each of the or- to stimulate innovation in products and services
ganizational units in order to effectively manage (Kaufman & Woodhead, 2006).
the operations of the business. The organizations, Rouse (1992) describes the need for applying
within an enterprise each have their own instances a human-centered design methodology to the
of an ERP with respect to accessing data and problem of enhancing people’s abilities and over-
implementing processes. Some organizations coming their limitations. In the process of plan-
may share a common process such as the order ning, organizing, and controlling an enterprise,
fulfillment process. For example, this process may he illustrates how technology-based enterprises
be shared between organizational entities such as differentiate themselves from each other based
sales, operations, and revenue assurance. Sales on their core product technologies. This strategic
would complete a service order, operations would strength is based on the unique value that the
deliver the service, and revenue assurance would core product can provide to the marketplace. He
bill the customer. However, there are processes indicates that the enterprise should continuously
that are only unique to a particular organization. analyze the market and measure core product value
For example, the marketing organization may to determine the benefits that can be provided. As-
not be interested in the escalation process used sessing and balancing the stakeholders’ interests
by operations to resolve customer issues. This will be necessary to ensure success of the core
process is unique to operations and, as a result, product. Stakeholders consist of both producers
the ERP would be designed for such uniqueness. and consumers. Each may have a stake in the
The design of an ERP should, of course, take or- conceptualization, development, marketing, sales,
ganizational data and process requirements into delivery, servicing, and use of the product. The
account and support management of the enterprise three key processes highlighted in this work are:
and its inter-workings in a transdisciplinary and strategic planning, operational management, and
transinstitutional fashion (Sage 2000, 2006). the engineering/administration, vehicles used by
William B. Rouse had produced very rel- the enterprise to assist stakeholders with pursuing
evant and important popular work surrounding the mission of the enterprise.
new technology innovation with respect to the Rouse further addresses strategic approaches
enterprise. In Strategies for Innovation, Rouse to innovation in another one of his books. In Essen-
(1992) addresses four central themes to introduce tial Challenges of Strategic Management (Rouse,
strategies for innovation in technology-based 2001), he illustrates the strategic management
enterprises. Rouse discusses the importance of challenges faced by all enterprises and introduces

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

best practices for addressing these challenges. to strategic programs of action. Determining
He disaggregates the process of strategically what knowledge would make an impact, and
managing an enterprise into seven fundamental in what ways, is required. This understanding
challenges. The essential challenges he describes, should facilitate determining what information
which most enterprises are confronted with, are: is essential and should provide further elabora-
growth, value, focus, change, future, knowledge, tion on how it is to be processed and how its use
and time. Growth is critical to gaining share in will be supported. The most significant challenge
saturated and declining markets and essential identified is that of time. A lack of time is the
to the long-term well-being of an enterprise. most significant challenge facing best use of hu-
A lack of growth results in declining revenues man resources. Most people spend too much time
and profits, and, in the case of a new enterprise, being reactive and responding to emergencies,
there is the possibility of collapse. He describes attending endless meetings, and addressing an
value as the foundation for growth, the reason an overwhelming number of e-mails, all of which
enterprise exists. Matching stakeholders’ needs cannibalize time. As a result, there is little time
and desires to the competencies of the enterprise, for addressing strategic challenges. Carefully
when identifying high-value offerings, will justify allocating the scarcest resource of an organiza-
the investments needed to bring these offerings to tion is vital to the future of an enterprise. Some
market. While value enhances the relationships of of the best practices Rouse (2001) has presented
processes to benefits and costs, focus will provide in addressing the seven strategic challenges may
the path for an enterprise to provide value and be described as follows.
growth. Focus involves pursuing opportunities
and avoiding diversions, that is, making decisions • Growth: Buying growth via strategic ac-
to add value in particular ways and not in others quisitions and mergers; fostering growth
are often involved. For example, allocating too from existing market offerings via enhanced
few resources among many projects may lead to productivity; and creating growth through
inadequate results or possible failure. innovative new products and brand exten-
The focus path is followed by another path sions.
called change. An enterprise challenged with • Value: Addressing the nature of value in the
organizational re-engineering, downsizing, and market; using market forces in determin-
rightsizing often takes this change path. The ing the most appropriate business process;
enterprise will continue to compete creatively and designing cost accounting system to
while maintaining continuity in its evolution. align budgets and expenditures with value
As the nature of an organization changes rapidly streams.
during an enterprise’s evolution, managing change • Focus: Deciding what things to invest in
becomes an art. According to Rouse (2001), invest- and those things to be avoided or stopped;
ing in the future involves investing in inherently and linking decisions or choices to organi-
unpredictable outcomes. He describes the future zational goals, strategies, and plans.
as uncertain. The intriguing question is, “If we • Change: Instituting cross-functional teams
could buy an option on the future, how would we for planning and implementing significant
determine what this option is worth(p. 6)?” A new changes; and redesigning incentive and
enterprise will be faced with this challange when reward systems in order to ensure that
coming into the marketplace. people align their behaviors with desired
The challenge of knowledge is transforma- new directions.
tion of information from value-driven insights

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

• Future: Employing formal and quantitative technology systems. As an example, this could
investment decision processes; and creating be a state-of-the-art enterprise resource planning
mechanisms for recognizing and exploiting system, which could easily maximize what we
unpredictable outcomes. will call operational velocity and, as a result,
• Knowledge: Ensuring that knowledge maximize shareholder wealth. The process that
acquisition and sharing are driven by busi- Gardner suggests using would be to first identify
ness issues in which knowledge has been the target opportunity, align the information
determined to make a difference; using com- technology system to provide the features the
petitive intelligence and market/customer customer wants in a cost-effective manner, and
modeling to provide a valuable means for then to accurately measure the economic value
identifying and compiling knowledge. that can be captured through this.
• Time: Committing top management to Some of the techniques Gardner uses to com-
devoting time to challenges; and improv- pute economic value are net present value (NPV),
ing time management, executive training, rate of return (ROR), weighted average cost of
and development programs, in addition to capital (WACC), cost of equity, and intrinsic
providing increased strategic thinking op- value to shareholders of a system. Each of these
portunities. techniques may be used to determine aspects of
the shareholder value of an information technol-
Gardner (2000) takes a complementary ap- ogy system. The results from computing these
proach to the enterprise and to innovation by fo- values will assist an enterprise with making the
cusing on the valuation of information technology. right decisions with respect to its operations.
He addresses the difficulties of defining the value For example, if the rate of return on capital is
of new technologies for company shareholders high, then time schedule delays in deploying
using integrated analytical techniques in his book an information technology system can destroy
The Valuation of Information Technology. Gard- enormous value. Time to market becomes criti-
ner presents methodologies for new enterprise cal in this scenario. Gardner suggests that it may
business development initiatives and presents be in the best interest of the company to deploy
techniques for improving investment decisions the system early by mitigating the potential risk
in new technologies. This 21st-century approach and capitalizing on the high rate of return. A risk
to valuation avoids making investment decisions assessment must be performed to ensure that the
on an emotional basis only, in favor of predict- customer relationship is not compromised at the
ing shareholder value created by an information expense of implementing the system early. If the
technology system before it is built. Determining primary functionality of the system is ready, then
the contribution an information technology sys- the risk would be minimal, and the other func-
tem makes to a company’s shareholder value is tional capabilities of the system may be phased
often challenging and requires a valuation model. in at a later time.
Gardner suggests that the primary objective of If the rate of return is low, however, schedule
information technology systems development in delays will have a lesser effect on value and
business is to increase the wealth of shareholders deployment of a system does not immediately
by adding to the growth premium of their stock. become crucial to the success of the enterprise.
The objective of maximizing shareholder wealth This approach to predicting value takes a rational
consists of maximizing the value of cash flow approach to decision making by weighing the
generated by operations. This is accomplished rewards and risks involved with an informa-
by generating future investment in information tion technology system investment. The author

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

suggests moving away from the more intuitive research and commercial payoff within the value
approach of valuation often practiced in the high- model of an enterprise.
tech industry, which is said to be very optimistic, This value model is comprised of four elements:
spotty, and driven by unreasonable expectations operations, financial structure, management, and
from management. Gardner describes this in- opportunities. The opportunity element is most
tuitive practice as a non-analytical approach to critical to the future growth of an enterprise.
assessing the economic viability of an informa- The options value of an enterprise and how it is
tion technology system. This practice primarily addressed strategically will determine the fate
ignores the bare essentials that management must of an emerging enterprise. Boer illustrates how
consider in assessing whether the economics of productive research and development creates op-
an information technology system are attractive. tions for the enterprise to grow in profitability and
Gardner has established an analytical framework size. He views R&D as a component of operations,
for analyzing the economics of information tech- since this is the point at which new technology
nology systems. His process is comprised of the is translated into commercial production. In the
three following steps: competitive marketplace, the enterprise evolves in
order to generate opportunity and growth. R&D
1. Identify the target customer opportunity. serves as the vehicle for converting cash into
2. Align the information technology system value options for the enterprise. Boer introduces
to cost-effectively provide the features the R&D stages (conceptual research, feasibility,
customer wants. development, early commercialization), where the
3. Measure the economic value that can be level of risk, spending, and personnel skills vary.
captured. Each stage of the R&D process allows manage-
ment to make effective decisions regarding the
The result of utilizing the framework is the technology opportunity and perform levels of risk
quantification of the shareholder value created mitigation. R&D can be instrumental in decreas-
by an information technology system. ing capital requirements with results of a very
Boer (1999) also has much discussion on the high rate of return on the R&D investment. The
subject of valuation in his work on The Valua- art of minimizing capital requirements requires
tion of Technology. He illustrates links between good and effective communication between the
research and development (R&D) activity and scientific/engineering and business communi-
shareholder value. In addition, he identifies the ties. This will allow both communities to share
languages and tools used between business ex- their views and foster the need for driving this
ecutives, scientists, and engineers. The business essential objective.
and scientific/engineering communities are very Some of the methods Boer uses for asset
different environments and are divided by diverse valuation are similar to Rouse’s methods. Boer
knowledge and interest levels. Bridging the gap uses discounted cash flow (DCF), NPV, cost of
between these communities is made possible money, weighted average cost of capital, cost of
through the process of valuation, which fosters equity, risk-weighted hurdle rates for R&D, and
collaboration and communication between both terminal value methods for assessing valuation.
communities. Boer identifies the link between In accelerated growth situations, as in the case of
strategy and value and addresses the mutual rela- an emerging enterprise, Boer emphasizes that the
tionship between corporate strategy and technol- economic value is likely to be derived from the
ogy strategy. He introduces tools and approaches terminal value of the project, not from short-term
used to quantify the link between technological cash flows. A lack of understanding of terminal

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

value can compromise the analysis of an R&D 5. Calculating the option value, and
project. R&D can be a cash drain, and the outcomes 6. Calculating total value.
are difficult to predict. Boer’s techniques provide
a vehicle for converting cash into opportunity and Options theory approached to valuation le-
creating options for the enterprise. verage on elements of uncertainty such as these
Another work that addresses valuation is en- afford enterprise managers major investment
titled The Real Options Solution: Finding Total opportunities. This was not common using more
Value in a High-Risk World (Boer, 2002). Here, the traditional valuation methods such as NPV- and
author presents a new approach to the valuation internal rate of return (IRR)-based calculations.
of business and technologies based on options As Boer (2002) illustrates, the new options theory
theory. This innovative approach, known as the emphasizes the link between options, time, and
total value model, applies real options analysis information. Boer states: “Options buy time.
to assessing the validity of a business plan. All Time produces information. Information will
business plans are viewed as options. These plans eventually validate or invalidate the plan. And
are subject to both unique and market risks. While information is virtual (p. 106).” This theory and
business plans seem to create no value on a cash its extensions (Boer, 2004) may well pave the way
flow basis, they do become more appealing once for a new generation of enterprise evolution and
the full merit of all management options is rec- enterprise innovation.
ognized. Since management has much flexibility Rouse (2005, 2006) is concerned with the
in execution, the model offers a quantifiable majority of these issues in his development of
approach to the challenge of determining the systems engineering and management approaches
strategic premium of a particular business plan. to enterprise transformation. According to Rouse,
Boer defines total value as “the sum of economic enterprise transformation concerns change, not
value and the strategic premium created by real just routine change but fundamental change that
options (p. vii).” He presents a six-step method substantially alters an organization’s relation-
for applying this model in a high-risk environ- ships with one or more of its key constituencies:
ment for evaluating enterprises, R&D-intensive customers, employees, suppliers, and investors.
companies, bellwether companies, capital invest- Enterprise transformation can take many forms.
ments, and hypothetical business problems. His It can involve new value propositions in terms
method reveals how changes in total value are of products and services and how the enterprise
driven by three major factors: risk, diminishing should be organized to provide these offerings and
returns, and innovation. to support them. Generally, existing or anticipated
Boer’s option theory efforts provide the enter- value deficiencies drive these initiatives. Enter-
prise with a vehicle for computing the strategic prise transformation initiatives involve addressing
premium to obtain total value. This six-step the work undertaken by an enterprise and how the
method to calculate total value is comprised of: work is accomplished. Other important elements
of the enterprise that influence this may include
1. Calculation of the economic value of the market advantage, brand image, employee and
enterprise, customer satisfaction, and many others.
2. Framing the basic business option, Rouse suggests that enterprise transformation
3. Determining the option premium, is driven by perceived value deficiencies due to
4. Determining the value of the pro forma existing or expected downside losses of value;
business plan, existing or expected failures to meet promised or

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

anticipated gains in value; or desire to achieve new, Network Effects and Their Role in
improved value levels through marketing and/or Enterprise Resource Planning
technological initiatives. He suggests three ways
to approach value deficiencies: improve how work In today’s information economy, introducing new
is currently performed; perform current work dif- technologies into the marketplace has become a
ferently; and/or perform different types of work. significant challenge. The information economy
Central to this work is the notion that enterprise is not driven by the traditional economies of scale
transformation is driven by value deficiencies and diminishing returns to scale that are prevalent
and is fundamentally associated with investiga- among large traditional production companies.
tion and change of current work processes such It has been replaced by the existence of network
as to improve the future states of the enterprise. effects (also known as network externalities),
Potential impacts on enterprise states are assessed increasing returns to scale and path dependence.
in terms of value consequences. This is the core economic reality, and not at all a
Many of the well-known contributors in the philosophy, which has revolutionized traditional
field of enterprise resource planning presented economic theories and practices, resulting in a
had developed their own unique model. Each new approach to economic theory as it pertains
had established a strategy to address the evolu- to the information economy.
tion and growth of the enterprise. Differences There are a number of market dynamics or
between the models varied based on the challenge external variables that impact the success of any
presented and the final objective to be achieved by new technology entering the market. The most
the enterprise. A comparison of the ERP models common variable is the element of network ef-
presented is illustrated in Table 1. fects. A product exhibits network effects when
Fundamentally, system engineering and system its value to one user depends on the number
management are inherently transdisciplinary in of other users. Liebowitz and Margolis (1994)
attempting to find integrated solutions to problems define network effects as the existence of many
that are of a large scale and scope (Sage, 2000). products for which the utility that a user of them
Enterprise transformation involves fundamental derives from their consumption increases with
change in terms of reengineering of organizational the number of other agents that are also utiliz-
processes and is also clearly transdisciplinary as ing the product, and where the utility that a user
that success necessarily requires involvement of derives from a product depends upon the number
management, computing, and engineering, as well of other users of the product who are in the same
as behavioral and social sciences. Enterprises and network. Network effects are separated into two
associated transformation are among the com- distinct parts, relative to the value received by
plex systems addressed by systems engineering the consumer. Liebowitz and Margolis (1994)
and management. Rouse’s efforts (2005, 2006) denote the first component as the autarky value
provide a foundation for addressing these issues of a technology product, the value generated by
and the transdisciplinary perspective of systems the product minus the other users of the network.
engineering and management provide many The second component is the synchronization
potentially competitive advantages to deal with value, the value associated when interacting
these complex problems and systems. with other users of the product. The social value
derived from synchronization is far greater than
the private value from autarky. This social value
leads the way to increasing returns to scale, by
creating path dependence (also known as positive

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

Table 1. Comparison of ERP models

ERP Models
Contributor Model Strategy Challenge Objective
Gary A. Total enterprise • Integrates customer, manufac- • Establishing seam- • Incorporate all stake-
Langenwalter integration turer, and supplier less communica- holders
(TEI) frame- • Provides competitive edge by: tion • Empower people at
work maximizing speed of infor- • Multi-functional all levels of the
mation, minimizing response integration organization
time, pushing decisions to the • Improve quality of
correct organizational level, decision-making
maximizing information
available to decision-makers,
and direct integration of sup-
ply chains
Thomas H. Operational • Introduces data-oriented culture • Defining organiza- • Define operational
Davenport data model • Supports a customer and prod- tional boundaries performance pa-
uct focus • Enhancing opera- rameters
• Uses operational data to mea- tional effective- • Measure operational
sure operational effectiveness ness effectiveness
• Support effective
Christopher Business • Supports data sharing • Centralized and dis- • Integrate all organi-
Koch performance • Integrates financial information tributed approach zational entities
framework • Integrates customer order infor- to data manage- across a single
mation ment systems platform
• Standardizes manufacturing • Establishing require- • Manage enterprise in
process ments for access- transdisciplinary
• Reduces inventory ing, viewing, and and transinstitu-
• Standardizes HR information manipulating data tional fashions
William B. Strategic inno- • Introduces a strategic approach • Enhancing people’s • Support strategic
Rouse vation model to innovation abilities and planning, opera-
• Focuses on the need for human- overcoming their tional management,
centered planning, organiza- limitations and engineering
tion, and control • Essential challenges: • Ensure the successful
• Differentiating from the compe- growth, value, innovation of prod-
tition based on core product focus, change, fu- ucts and systems
technologies ture, knowledge,
and time
Christopher Valuation • Presents methodologies for new • Defining the value • Increase shareholder
Gardner model enterprise business develop- of new technolo- wealth
ment initiatives gies • Maximize the value
• Determines the contribution an • Mitigating the of cash flow gener-
enterprise system makes to a potential risk and ated by operations
company’s shareholder value capitalizing on
the high rate of
Peter F. Options model • Bridges the gap between the • Identifying the link • Introduce research
Boer business and scientific/engi- between corporate and development
neering communities strategy and tech- stages for assessing
• Introduces research and devel- nology strategy technology oppor-
opment that creates options • Minimizing capital tunities
for the enterprise to grow in requirements • Determine strategic
profitability and size • Understanding premium created
terminal value of by real options
a project

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

feedback) and influencing the outcome for net- network of Microsoft Office users is predicated
work goods. These efforts and others are nicely on the number of people already connected to
summarized in Liebowitz (2002) and Liebowitz this virtual network. The strength of the linkages
and Margolis (2002). to the virtual network and its future expansion
Path dependence is essential for a company to is based on the number of users who will use the
reach critical mass when introducing new tech- same office applications and share files.
nologies into the market. As the installed customer Path dependence can easily generate market
base grows, more customers find adoption of a dominance by a single firm introducing a new
new product or technology of value, resulting in technology. This occurs when late adopters latch
an increase in the number of consumers or us- onto a particular virtual network, because the
ers. Consumer choices exhibit path dependence majority of users already reside on this infrastruc-
for new products as others realize their value, ture and have accepted the new technology. As
eventually leading to critical mass. Path depen- more consumers connect to the virtual network,
dence is simply an effect whereby the present it becomes more valuable to each individual
position is a result of what has happened in the consumer. Consumers benefit from each other
past. The path dependence theory demonstrates as they connect to the infrastructure. The larger
that there are a number of stable alternatives, network becomes more attractive to the other
one of which will arise based on the particular consumers who eventually become integrated.
initial conditions. Path dependence is evident A communications network can best illustrate
when there is at least persistence or durability in this concept. For example, additional users who
consumer decision-making. Decisions made by purchase telephones and connect to a communica-
early adopters can exhibit a controlling influence tions infrastructure bring value to the other users
over future decisions or allocations made by late on the network, who can now communicate with
adopters. These product decisions are often based the newly integrated users. This same concept
on the individual arbitrary choices of consumers, applies to the virtual network and has the same
persistence of certain choices, preferences, states impact. Real and virtual networks share many of
of knowledge, endowments, and compatibility. the same properties and, over time, are destined
The outcome may depend on the order in which to reach a critical mass of users.
certain actions occur based on these behavioral New and emerging startup enterprises seek-
determinants. ing to take advantage of network effects and path
Network effects, increasing returns, and path dependence when launching a new technology or
dependence can be better illustrated when applied innovation in the marketplace must have a reliable
to the concept of a virtual network. The virtual and operationally efficient enterprise resource
network has similar properties to a physical or real planning (ERP) solution in place. The ERP so-
network, such as a communications network. In lution must be capable of attaining operational
such networks, there are nodes and links that con- velocity to address market demands. Miller and
nect the nodes to each other. In a physical network, Morris (1999) indicate that traditional methods of
such as a hard-wire communications network, managing innovation are no longer adequate. They
the nodes are switching platforms and the links suggest that as we make the transition to fourth
are circuits or telephone wires. Conversely, the generation R&D, appropriate complex timing
virtual network nodes may represent consumers for innovations remains a significant challenge.
and transparent links represent paths, as driven by These authors assert that as new technologies and
network effects and path dependence, that impact new markets emerge, management must deal with
consumer behavior. The value of connecting to the complexity, enormous discontinuities, increasing

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

volatility, and the rapid evolution of industries. organizational capabilities must exist to sustain
The challenge becomes that of linking emerging competitiveness as a result of this evolution. Be-
technologies with emerging markets through cause innovation usually requires large capital
methods such as an ERP solution to bridge this infusions, decreasing the time for appearance of
link and to allow new emerging enterprises, or a positive revenue stream is critical to the success
established mature enterprises seeking to trans- of the enterprise. This decrease in time is made
form themselves, to adapt quickly to the dynamics possible through operational velocity attainment,
of the marketplace. The solution supports both which requires changes in existing implementa-
continuous and discontinuous innovation as tion strategies and organizational capabilities.
defined by Miller and Morris (1999). This form This requires a collaborative effort between the
of innovation works well when customer needs various involved organizations to understand
in a competitive environment can be met within what is needed to support new innovations.
existing organizational structures. Responsibility for supporting new innovation
In contrast to this, discontinuous innovation is not only supported by internal organizations
may bring forth conditions emanating from fun- but by such external organizations as suppliers,
damentally different new knowledge in one or customers, and partners. Organizational structure,
more dimensions of a product or service, and of- capabilities, and processes are fundamental to an
fer significantly different performance attributes. evolutionary ERP model and serve as the frame-
Discontinuous change potentially brings about work for supporting new technology adoption in
change in a deep and systematic way. It offers a the marketplace.
potential lifestyle change to customers that can be The information economy is driven by network
dramatic. Miller and Morris (1999) note, for ex- effects (also termed demand-side economies of
ample, the transition from typewriters to personal scale or network externalities). Network effects
computers for producing written documents. In support path dependence and are predicated on
part, this occurred because customers no longer Metcalfe’s Law, which suggests that the value of
were satisfied with the existing framework of capa- a network goes up as the square of the number
bility offered by the typewriter. New knowledge, of users (Shapiro & Varian, 1999), or on recent
organizational capabilities, tools, technology, and suggested modifications to this (Briscoe, Odlyzko,
processes changed the behavior and desires of the & Tilly, 2006). Positive effects occur when the
customer. In addition to this change was also the value of one unit increases with an increase in the
change resulting in supporting infrastructure. number of the same unit shared by others. Based
Miller and Morris (1999) emphasize that discon- on this premise, it is possible to create an enterprise
tinuous innovation affects not only products and resource planning model that influences positive
services but also the infrastructures integral to feedback from human behavior in adopting new
their use, as well as extensive chains of distribu- technologies and accelerates critical mass early
tion that may involve a plethora of affiliated and in the deployment phase of the product develop-
competing organizations. ment lifecycle, by attaining operational velocity.
As the threat of unexpected competition sur- Operational velocity is defined in terms of speed
rounds any new enterprise entering the market, in delivering products or services to market,
the risk associated with technology shifts and meeting all customer expectations in a timely
the compression of the sales cycle make suc- manner, and decreasing the time for appearance
cessfully managing discontinuous innovation a of a positive revenue stream as much as possible.
necessary challenge for success. We must be able This ERP model would support the integration of
to gauge how the market is evolving and what data, standardization of processes, order fulfill-

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

ment, inventory control, supply-chain manage- for an enterprise have been their position in the
ment, and customer relationship management marketplace, achievements as innovators, produc-
(CRM) as critical drivers to result in enterprise tivity, liquidity and cash flow, and profitability.
transformation. In order for an enterprise to grow and mature, it
William B. Rouse, in his work Strategies for must be able to respond to market demand in a
Innovation (Rouse, 1992), states “A prerequisite timely manner. Responding to market demand
for innovation is strategies for making stake- includes timely delivery of products and services,
holders aware of enabling technology solutions, immediate attention to customer problem/resolu-
delivery of theses solutions in a timely fashion, tion, and continuous process improvements. Op-
and providing services that assure the solutions erational velocity attainment becomes the focus
will be successful. These strategies must not only and the critical success factor in the execution of
result in successful products or systems, they an evolutionary ERP strategy, thus supporting the
must also create a successful organization—an long-term vision of the enterprise by ensuring a
enterprise—for developing, marketing, deliver- strategic advantage for the enterprise.
ing, and serving solutions” (p. 2). His philosophy A well-thought-out ERP strategy will require
encompasses the human-centered design approach advanced planning to determine how each of the
that takes into account the concerns, values, and organizations will be integrated in supporting the
perceptions of all stakeholders during a design long-term objective. Critical to the success of an
initiative. This approach entertains the views of enterprise is how well its associated organiza-
all the stakeholders, balancing all human consid- tions can adapt to organizational change, as the
erations during the design effort. company begins to mature and demand increases
Traditionally, when designing an enterprise for the new innovative products and services.
resource planning solution, very few enterprises Change may include the type of culture that is
are easily able to think strategically. Most are only fostered, tools used, and level of knowledgeable
concerned with today’s products and services and resources required to make the organizational
the financial profits and revenue growth realized in transitions. Most importantly, customer experi-
the short term. They often fail to properly forecast ences becomes the focus. How fast an enterprise
future growth and to properly scale their ERP in can service customers to meet their expectations
order to meet the potential consumer demands of may determine how soon it meets revenue expec-
the future. An enterprise must be able to plan for tations. The quality of on-time customer service
and respond to future demands by analyzing the could impact the number of future sales. A good
market and evaluating the impact that their core product or service, combined with excellent
product technologies will have in the marketplace. customer service, may drive more business to
Market demand will drive consumer needs and the enterprise, decreasing the time taken to meet
desire for these core product technologies, as well revenue forecasts. The mechanism used to drive
as the type of ERP that will be used to support these customer on-time service becomes what we call
products. An effective ERP must be capable of an evolutionary ERP model. In order for new core
assessing and balancing all stakeholders’ interests technology products to become acceptable to a
consciously and carefully. The market share that newly installed base of customers, service delivery
an enterprise is able to acquire for its core product and customer response times must be minimized
technologies can be tied to how well an ERP is as much as possible. True enterprise growth and
developed, deployed, and implemented in order profitability can be made possible through this
to provide the operational support infrastructure model for emerging enterprises delivering new
needed. Many of the traditional success factors innovations to the marketplace. The model takes

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

into account the long-term vision of the enterprise, nication between supplier and the enterprise can
which is a key to its consistent success. Rouse help reduce design errors, foster good supplier
(1992) states this well when he says that many and enterprise relationships, reduce enormous
technology-based startup companies are very at- costs, reduce the supplier’s time to respond to the
tracted to learning about new technologies, using enterprise, and improve performance and market
these to creating new products, and hiring appro- adoption of a new core technology product.
priate staff to accomplish these. Such activities Langenwalter (2000) indicates in his work on
may get the product, resulting from the enterprise enterprise resource planning that integrating the
vision, into the marketplace. Initial sales and profit design process with customers can surface cus-
goals may be achieved. He appropriately notes tomer responses with respect to their true needs.
that without a long-term vision, plans for getting He emphasizes the voice of the customer (VOC)
there, and an appropriate culture; no amount of as a proven methodology that addresses the true
short-term oriented activity will yield consistent needs and expectations of the customer. VOC
long-term success. serves as basic input to the evolutionary ERP
The strategic advantages that a well-defined, model. Key customer considerations in achieving
developed, and deployed ERP brings to the en- operational velocity using this model are ranked
terprise are: integration across the enterprise, customer expectations, performance metrics, and
communication, operating efficiencies, modeling, customer perceptions of performance.
and supply chain management. These effective In The Valuation of Technology, Boer (1999)
strategies assist with bridging the overall corpo- is also concerned with these customer consid-
rate strategies with the organizational objectives. erations by including the concept of the value
Integration across the enterprise supports the proposition from the customer’s viewpoint. He
following organizational objectives: emphasizes that stakeholders must find useful
ways to determine the value added in every step
• Maximization of speed and throughput of of the business process from the viewpoint of the
information, customer. The enterprise must exist to deliver
• Minimization of customer response times, value to the extent that it improves operational
• Minimization of supplier and partner re- performance and/or lower costs through new or
sponse times, enhanced products, processes and services. For
• Minimization of senior management re- example, the operations of an enterprise will fo-
sponse times, cus on procuring equipment and materials from
• Decision-making authority pushed to the vendors and suppliers to produce products on
appropriate levels within the organization, time and within budget. The operations objective
using work flow management, is to meet customer demand through scheduling,
• Maximization of information to senior procurement, implementation, and support, to
management, meet the ever-changing needs of the customer
• Direct integration of the supply chain, environment. These changes must be measured
• Reduction of inventories, so that the operations of the enterprise may be
• Reduction in order-to-ship time, able to meet the needs of the marketplace. Such
• Reduction in customer lead times, and flexibility of operations in the marketplace is es-
• Total quality integration. sential in keeping up with the dynamic needs of
the customer.
Communication links the enterprise to both In the new technology age, markets are
the suppliers and the customers. Good commu- moving much faster than traditional predictive

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

systems suggest. Flexibility therfore becomes true if new technology is involved. Langenwalter
an essential and necessary element in achieving (2000) indicates that a study performed by the
operational velocity. To achieve this, Langenwalter McKinsey Consulting Group reflects that a six-
(2000) introduces a new measurement system month delay in entering a market results in a 33%
that recognizes the ever-changing dynamics of reduction in after-tax profit over the life of the
products, customers, workers, and processes. product. In addition, the six-month delay is five
His approach is based on the assumption that all times more costly than a 50% development-cost
products have life cycles and should have four key overrun and approximately 30% more costly than
metrics: profitability, time, quality, and company having production costs 10% over budget.
spirit. Encompassing this approach would be An ERP should be capable of monitoring prod-
the execution of a continuous process improve- uct development and manufacturing processes
ment initiative, with respect to the operational to ensure timely delivery of products to market.
component of the product lifecycle. He proposes Such items as customer requirements, techni-
that the enterprise measure each organizational cal viability, manufacturing costs, production
contribution to profit for the entire lifecycle of volumes, staffing levels, work order priorities,
the product. An ERP can effectively measure the material requirements, and capacity requirements
contribution to margin that a sales organization can be accessible via the ERP, and allow both the
may make on new product releases. Unprofitable engineering and manufacturing components in
products can be immediately identified and retired. an organization to respond to product demands
In comparison, an ERP can also track the total quickly. The ERP supports time to market in
lifecycle cost that a manufacturing organization that these two organizations are able to ensure
incurs when producing a product. Total profit and efficient product development manufacturing
loss (P&L) responsibilities can be tracked and processes and organizational communication in
material procurement and cost strategies can be launching new products to market. The ERP, so
evaluated to enhance profitability to the extent enabled, becomes the common domain and com-
possible. Other organizational facets such as munications intermediary between engineering
engineering and marketing can increase profits, and manufacturing.
by accessing customer profile information from Time to customer is the next most critical
an ERP and trending product demand for various dimension, or aspect, of time as described by
new features and functionality. Incorporating new Langenwalter (2000). This time dimension is
design considerations in future product releases focused on reducing lead times to customers. For
may also increase potential profitability, as more example, manufacturers look to reduce the lead-
high-end products are released. time it takes to produce a product, component,
The element of time is an important metric and or assembly. Although it may have taken weeks
is truly a measure of process, although process to produce a particular component, improved
efficiencies can also translate into cost savings. manufacturing capabilities may now enable this
Langenwalter (2000) describes three key time process in only two days. This may have been
dimensions: time to market, time to customer, accomplished through the use of an ERP, which
and velocity. Each is a component of operational made it possible to track performance metrics of
velocity. In achieving operational velocity, time to the various manufacturing processes. As a result
market is critical for new technology adoption. It of isolating various inhibiting manufacturing
is crucial for new enterprises to launch their core processes and improving these processes, time
technology product(s) on time, in order to sustain to customer was reduced significantly, thus sup-
long-term product profitability. This is especially

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

porting the operational velocity objective of the sense of ownership and responsibility among the
enterprise. people involved. An enterprise without a healthy
Another good example is customer care, team spirit and aggressive workforce has little
achieved by responding to a product fault sce- chance of success.
nario and providing technical support capability Rouse (1992) introduces yet another interesting
to the customer for fault resolution. Response growth strategy that further supports the con-
to a customer call may have originally taken cept of operational velocity for new technology
72 hours to resolve the problem due to the lack adoption. He describes a strategy for growth via
of an effective scheduling tool for the timely enhancing productivity through process improve-
dispatching of technical support field resources. ment and information technology. This approach
With the integration of a resource-scheduling leads to higher quality and lower cost of products
tool within ERP, customer care can now respond and services and, eventually, to greater market
perhaps within four hours and provide timely share and profits. Enterprise performance is not
customer support. Velocity, the final dimension as visible as product performance, so the money
that Langenwalter presents, is defined as the total and time saved on process refinements often go
elapsed time consumed by a process divided by unnoticed. Each approach has its own value.
the actual value-added time contributed by the Rouse describes product value as the foundation
same process. for growth and indicates that the challenge of
The quality metric of the product life cycle, as value concerns matching stakeholders’ needs and
described by Langenwalter, focuses on continuous desires to the enterprise’s competencies in the
improvement. Quality metrics are very much tied process of identifying high-value offerings that
to what may be called an evolutionary enterprise will justify investments needed to bring these to
resource planning architecture framework. Op- market. Value to the customer is dependent on the
erational velocity is only as good as the product particular market domain. The most noticeable
and the service that is delivered. Any compromise form of value comes in the form of new innova-
in quality may translate to potential customer at- tions that meet a customer’s economics or needs.
trition and/or the degradation of market share. A Customers quickly realize the benefits of a new
good ERP should be capable of tracking product technology product; however, the real value is
component failure rates and product design flaws, determined at the enterprise level, where customer
so that immediate action may be exercised on support becomes critical. Technology products are
the part of the enterprise. Speed without qual- sophisticated and require a high level of customer
ity only becomes a formula for failure. Product support when potential problems arise. After the
failures are not the only inhibitors of quality. A sale of the product, the relative performance of
lack of knowledgeable and skilled resources can the enterprise becomes the focus of the customer.
compromise quality, and this describes Langen- Lack of timely and quality support can erode
walter’s last critical metric – company spirit. He consumer confidence and eventually erode market
emphasizes the fact that people are the ones who share for an enterprise.
develop relationships with customers and suppli- After the launch of its first product, an enter-
ers, eventually leading to new products and pro- prise is immediately under the scrutiny of the
cesses. This metric goes outside much traditional public. Often, early adopters of new technologies
thinking. However, during the enterprise startup can either make or break an emerging enterprise.
technology revolution, company spirit is gener- Early adopters will assess the enterprise on
ally the most important element of survival and product quality, delivery, and customer support.
success among enterprises. This leads to a greater If the product is reliable and performs well, then

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

delivery and customer support become the two and decision-making tools. This problem can be
most critical criteria that a customer will evalu- overcome by integrating these capabilities with the
ate. It is usually the shortfalls in these two areas ERP. An ERP can scale easily to meet the busi-
that diminish consumer confidence and challenge ness needs. The enterprise that plans for growth
the credibility of a new enterprise. An enterprise through its evolution can scale more easily and
that has an ERP strategy to address these crite- adapt to change.
ria is better positioned for success. If the ERP Rouse (2001) states that “given a goal (growth),
is designed well, it will allow the enterprise to a foundation (value), and a path (focus), the next
ensure quality delivery and customer support to challenges concern designing an organization to
the end users. The true value to the customer is follow this path, provide this value, and achieve
realized in enterprise performance as opposed this goal” (pp. 5-6). The climate of the enterprise
to product performance. Historically, customers changes rapidly and dramatically throughout its
have been prone to pursue other vendors because evolution. As new core technology products are
of lack of customer support, moreso than with launched, the environment is subject to change.
average product performance. The result of a Enterprises find ways to scale their infrastructures
well-executed ERP strategy enables the enterprise to meet growth, fend off competition, restructure,
to react immediately and consistently, enabling the reengineer, and support virtual organizations.
organizational components to focus their human The objective of change is to improve quality,
and financial capital in the right areas. delivery, speed, and customer service. All of this
Rouse describes the challenge of focus as is made possible through a well-integrated ERP.
deciding the path whereby the enterprise will An ERP capable of facilitating change allows the
provide value and grow. Rouse (2001) introduces enterprise to foster new opportunities for growth
some common challenges in and impediments to and reward. As an enterprise evolves over time
an organization’s decision making, including: into a major corporation, business practices change
and a paradigm shift occurs over several phases
• Assumptions made, of maturation. The ERP can assist an enterprise
• Lack of information, in transitioning new business philosophies and
• Prolonged waiting for consensus, practices and to help pave the way for future
• Lack of decision-making mechanisms, growth. There is a major need to anticipate future
• Key stakeholders not involved, and opportunities and threats, plan for contingencies,
• Decisions made but not implemented. and evolve the design of the enterprise so that the
plans are successful.
An enterprise is capable of addressing these The value of the future is difficult to estimate;
challenges if it institutes an ERP solution dur- this realization has lead to another interesting
ing its evolution. The ERP solution will bridge concept, the option value of an enterprise. As previ-
many of the communication gaps common among ously mentioned, Boer (2002) is a major proponent
enterprises that are often organizationally dis- of options value as applied to the enterprise. This
connected. A good ERP solution will support concept explores investment decisions based on
information sharing, track performance metrics, buying an option on the future and determining
and archive information, thus providing methods what that option is worth. An enterprise must
and tools in supporting rapid decision making plan for future growth and weigh the various
and furthering the concept of operational veloc- investment alternatives available. These include
ity. Many times, senior management is unable looking at the following:
to focus on key areas due to lack of information

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

• Strategic fit, and human resources can easily find themselves

• Financial payoff, becoming reactive versus proactive in their day-
• Project risk and probability of success, to-day activities. Rouse (2001) emphasizes that
• Market timing, and it is important to increase the priority given to
• Technological capability of the enterprise. various long-term strategic tasks, especially since
they too often suffer from demands for time from
The above factors weigh into the decisions the many near-term operational tasks. A well-
made to invest in the future. It is through invest- integrated ERP supports time management and
ments in education, training and organizational allows human resources to gain control of their
development that the enterprise is enabled to meet time and allocate it across the appropriate tasks. It
future objectives through resource allocation. further supports the need for long-term planning
Other investments in research and development by supplying various tools and methods for en-
technology make decision-making much more hancing strategic thinking. The tools and methods
complex. However, they may yield promising integrated within the ERP should improve both
future results if planned well and integrated with the efficiency and effectiveness of time allocation
other decisions taken. Investments in R&D require to tasks. An ERP that is incapable of handling the
knowledgeable resources that can influence the challenge of time diminishes the true value of the
abilities of an enterprise to provide value. Knowl- ERP. Time management is a crucial component
edge management becomes a key element in the in achieving operational velocity and must be
overall ERP strategy. Rouse (2001) indicates that controlled, in order for the enterprise to respond
knowledge management and knowledge sharing quickly to customer demands.
(Small & Sage, 2006) will promote an integrated The seven challenges to strategic management
approach to identifying, capturing, retrieving, of Rouse (2001) are all critical elements that need
sharing, and evaluating an enterprise’s informa- to be considered when designing an ERP. A well-
tion assets. This may be achieved by applying designed ERP helps position the enterprise well
knowledge management concepts to the ERP in the market and gives it a strategic advantage.
strategy. A sound return on investment (ROI) The true gauges of success of an enterprise, with
model for an ERP should assess the dynamics of a successfully executed ERP, will be reflected in
the enterprise, changes needed, and projected sav- how it is positioned in the marketplace. Rouse
ings from these changes. The changes themselves (1992) has identified five gauges of success:
should be measurable. An ERP must be planned
carefully and, most importantly, well-executed 1. Standings in your markets,
with all resource considerations made during 2. Achievements as an innovator,
its evolution. The benefits derived from a well- 3. Productivity,
executed ERP should reveal improvements in task 4. Liquidity and cash flow, and
management, automation, information sharing, 5. Profitability.
and process workflow. Each of these components
improves the most scarce resources that people Each of these gauges of success is tied to
face within the enterprise, that of time. shareholder value. Gardner (2000) also raises a
Time is a key ingredient for gaining organi- major consideration about designing an ERP in
zational control. An ERP system with integrated his book The Valuation of Information Technol-
tools and methods for communicating and model- ogy. He asks the questions:
ing assists human resources with time manage-
ment. Time management can be a critical problem What contributions will an information technology
system make to a company’s shareholder value?

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

How can an information technology system be life, there should be little resistance in replac-
constructed to create shareholder value? In other ing legacy systems. In comparison, if the rate of
words, not just determine the effect of a system on return is low, delays have little effect on value,
shareholder value but guide the activities involved and a longer product lifecycle is feasible, thereby
in its construction in the first place. (p. 63) allowing for a more thorough systems develop-
ment effort. Gardner extends the NPV method to
He emphasizes the need to predict the share- an ERP system and illustrates how shareholder
holder value that will be created by an information value is created by changes in the present value
system before it is actually built. In the context of of the cash flow to shareholders due to the use of
an ERP, the objective is to increase the wealth of the ERP system.
shareholders by adding premium growth to their The DCF method illustrated here focuses
stock. An ERP can improve the asset utilization of solely on the economic value of the enterprise.
an enterprise by allowing shareholders to increase Boer (2002) introduces a concept known as the
their returns on invested capital. The traditional options value of the enterprise in his book The
approach to increasing shareholder wealth consists Real Options Solution: Finding Total Value in
of maximizing the value of the cash flow stream a High-Risk World. The options method is pre-
generated by an operational ERP. The cash flow sented as a means to value the strategic capital
generated from the ERP is allocated among the of an enterprise. This method is known as the
shareholders and debt holders of the enterprise. total value model and combines the economic
Shareholder value is traditionally measured by value and strategic value of the enterprise, and
using the DCF method, which is central to the also takes into account three major drivers that
valuation of assets and the return they generate in affect value: risk, diminishing returns, and in-
the future. Boer (1999) addresses the DCF method novation. Enterprises satisfactorily releasing
well in his book The Valuation of Technology. He new technologies into the marketplace normally
defines the premise of the DCF method “as a dollar increase their strategic value if consumers adopt
received tomorrow is worth less than one in hand these new technologies to meet their needs. New
today” (p. 63).The question that arises from this technology adoption in the marketplace can vary
premise is how much should one invest today in based on need, price, standards, and other related
order to earn a dollar tomorrow. To address this, factors. Once the need is recognized, operational
Boer presents one of the common DCF methods velocity becomes critical to answering the cus-
known as net present value. tomer’s needs. How fast customers can be served
The NPV method can be used to compute the and cared for will drive the strategic value of the
value of tomorrow’s dollar. Boer properly defines enterprise. A well-designed and executed ERP
NPV as “the present value of a stream of future can assist with operational velocity attainment by
cash flow less any initial investment (p. 98).” improving efficiencies, speed, and time to market.
NPV addresses the time value of money, which Boer’s total value model uses a six-step approach
is essential for developing an ERP strategy, with to computing the total value of an enterprise.
the objective of attaining operational velocity. His practical six-step approach encompasses the
Gardner (2000) illustrates how this has a signifi- following:
cant effect on the management of ERP systems.
If the rate of return is high, schedule delays in • Step 1. Calculate the economic value of the
deploying an ERP can erode value, which makes enterprise, where free cash flow (FCF) is
time to market critical; and since short product defined as the actual cash flow minus the
life generates as much value as long product amount of cash that must be reinvested:

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

Economic Value = FCF / (Cost of Capital Once the children are educated, the marketplace
– Growth Rate). may not demand their skills, or they may not meet
• Step 2. Frame the basic business option the various job requirements of their profession.
and identify strategic options. For example, In comparison, an enterprise may have potential
leasing space at another site and expanding strategic value in a new technology that it devel-
the enterprise may yield additional future ops. The enterprise may have sufficient venture
revenue. Here, investment in an ERP sys- capital to cover R&D expenses for the next few
tem may yield future revenue, as a result of years. Once the technology goes to marketplace
enhancing operational velocity. for the first time, the enterprise has first mover
• Step 3. Determine the option premium, advantage in the market if it attracts enough
which is the premium paid or expenditures early adopters to build market momentum. Criti-
incurred to make the plan actionable. For cal mass can be achieved as momentum for the
example, this may include the option cost product accelerates. However, there could be the
of technology, people, partners, financing, risk of competitors with a similar technology that
systems, and R&D. may go to market during the same time frame.
• Step 4. Determine the value of the pro forma In addition, the competitor may have a similar
business plan, where NPV is computed to product with different performance standards,
determine valuation of the enterprise which adds to the competitive nature of the situ-
• Step 5. Calculate the option value. Here, the ation. This leads to a race for market share and
Black-Scholes option formula is used using ultimate establishment of the preferred technology
five key elements: value of the underlying standard between the products.
security, strike price, time period of the Strategic value is not always predictable, and
option, volatility, and risk-free rate. the dynamics of the market change constantly. A
• Step 6. Calculate total value according to negative impact on strategic value could result in
Total Value = Economic Value + Strategic zero return; this results in a loss of venture capital
Value. to cover the R&D expenses. There is evidence
during the past five years that a number of startup
Boer’s model computes the true value of the technology enterprises never arrived at fruition in
enterprise taking options thinking into consid- strategic value. The strategic value represents the
eration, thus reflecting real life and the strategic potential revenue that could be realized if market
payoff that can result if an enterprise is successful. conditions are ideal for the enterprise. Gardner
To clarify the concept, Boer makes an interest- (2000) estimates the revenue opportunity for
ing analogy by illustrating the strategic value of an enterprise using Annual Revenue = ;Annual
a common family with a low standard of living. Market Segment Size x Annual Likelihood of Pur-
The family’s principal economic activities concern chase x Annual Price. The terms in this relation
the income produced. Costs such as mortgage, are time dependent and are critical to new tech-
utilities, and gas are set against this revenue. Any nology adoption in the marketplace. Forecasting
savings are stored away as additional income. potential annual revenue requires understanding
The income and expenses mentioned thus far the purchasing decisions and patterns customers
only reflect the economic value of the family. The will make. Decreasing the time for appearance of
potential strategic value lies in the education of a positive revenue stream for an enterprise, a new
its children. Education could pay off in the long technology into the marketplace is highly desir-
term and increase the family’s standard of living. able. The mechanism for achieving this objective
However, there are also significant market risks. is the evolutionary enterprise resource planning

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

architecture framework, which will accelerate sign flaws, functional limitations and constrained
critical mass early in the deployment phase of feature sets may overshadow the true value of the
the product development lifecycle by achieving technology, making it less attractive to potential
operational velocity. Thus , the work established consumers. In addition, moving too late in the
by the early pioneers of ERP and technology valu- market means not only missing the market entirely
ation methods has laid the foundation for a new but also the opportunity to acquire any significant
ERP paradigm to evolve and support operational market share. Moving without an effective ERP
velocity attainment. strategy compromises new customer acquisition
and customer retention.
Network Elements Influencing Path The marketplace is subject to various network
Dependence and Network Effects elements that influence path dependence and
network effects of new technology adoption.
Consumers who become completely satisfied These network elements directly impact consumer
with a new technology product or innovation decision-making and lead to the formulation of
realize the value proposition derived from this consumer perceptions and expectations of new
new creation. For example, the value of a digital technology. Network elements can be defined
subscriber line (DSL) at home brings value to the as economic, business, regulatory, market, and
home PC user who now has high-speed access to technological influences that impact consumer
the Internet. The home user is no longer confined decision making relative to new technology
to the limiting speed capability of a 56 Kbps dial- adoption. Understanding what drives consumer
up modem. As more users adopt DSL, due to its behavior and how it can be controlled allows
broadband capabilities, increasing returns to scale innovators and technologists to achieve better
and path dependence are achieved. The economy success in launching new products while gaining
has shifted from the supply-side economies of market acceptance.
scale, based on the traditional industrial era of In Information Rules, Shapiro and Varian
mass production driven by unit costs, to increas- (1999) identify 10 primary network elements
ing returns to scale (also known as demand-side that influence consumer decision-making. They
economies of scale) driven by consumer attitudes describe how these network elements impact
and expectations. Strategic timing is vital with consumer decision making with respect to new
respect to demand-side economies of scale. First, technology adoption. The network elements
introducing an immature technology into the described are: partnerships, standards, pricing
marketplace may result in negative feedback from differentials, product differentials, lock-in and
potential consumers. For example, potential de- switching costs, complementary products, first

Figure 1. Network elements

Partnerships Dependence
Pricing Differentials
Produce Differentials consumer
Lock-in and Switching Costs decision critical
Complimentary Products Making Mass
First Mover Advantage
Government Network
Competition Effects

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

mover advantage, versioning, government, and understanding the influence network elements
competition. Figure 1 reflects these 10 primary have on achieving critical mass is essential, a
network elements that influence consumer deci- narrative follows describing each one of the ele-
sion making over time. These network elements ments shown in Figure 1.
will shape consumer choice, based on the degree The first network element reflects partnerships,
of consumer confidence, need, desire, satisfaction, which provide a strategic advantage. New technol-
and comfort with adopting a new technology. The ogy enterprises, possessing a leading-edge niche
degree that these human traits will vary among product in the marketplace, may find that one or
consumers will determine the speed with which a more partnerships, with major players offering a
new technology will be adopted. Consumers will complementary product suite, may be the answer
most likely fall into three categories of adoption: to acquiring critical mass early in the game. An
early, evolving, and late. As a technology becomes emerging enterprise would have the opportunity
popular, consumer decision-making becomes to immediately sell its new product to the existing
positive with respect to new product acquisition. installed customer base of its partner. This exist-
Early adopters of the technology will begin to ing installed customer base may have taken the
generate demand for the product. partner years to establish and grow, thus offering
Based on the success of the initial product, an advantage to a new enterprise, which has not
more consumers will see and understand the value yet established customer relationships or gained
proposition realized by the early adopters. A large brand name recognition. An opportunity to sell
number of consumers begin to evolve connecting into an existing installed base of customers, by
to the network of users. At this stage, consumer gaining the visibility and credibility via a strong
choice begins to exhibit path dependence and strategic partner, can shorten the sales cycle and
network effects. As the network of users begins accelerate critical mass. Alliances can even be
to accelerate, critical mass is realized. Critical established through suppliers and rivals as a means
mass occurs when a large enough customer- of accelerating critical mass attainment. It would
installed base is established, as a result of positive also be advantageous for the enterprise to offer
feedback derived from the growing number of incentives when possible. Consumer confidence
adopters. The network continues to expand until may be won, along with new customer acquisi-
these late adopters eventually interconnect and tions, by allowing customers who are undecided
the product reaches maturity in the marketplace. over a new technology to sample or test the new
Network elements are also critical to consumer product.
decision-making and can impact the destiny of a The next element reflects standards. Standard
new technology if unrecognized. A good illustra- setting is one of the major determinants when it
tion of this was the competition between Beta and comes to new customer acquisitions. Consumer
VHS in the 1970s. Beta was believed by most to expectations become extremely important when
be clearly superior to VHS in quality; however, achieving critical mass, especially as each com-
VHS was the de-facto standard among consum- petitor claims they have the leading standard.
ers due to its compatibility. Operational velocity Standards organizations try to dispel any notions
is one of the most fundamental critical success or perceptions as to which company drives the
factors influencing adoption of new technology predominant standard; however, most of these
the presence of network elements. Operational standards groups are comprised of industry play-
velocity is a factor that needs the most atten- ers, each of whom attempts to market their own
tion and the one that can easily be controlled by agendas. Most will try to influence the direction
implementing an effective ERP model. Since of standards setting for their own best interests.

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

Standards are necessary for the average consumer, solution first. Once the high-end consumers have
who wants to reduce potential product uncertain- been acquired, a low-end solution can be made
ties and lock-in (defined as consumers forced to available to capture the low end of the market.
use a non-standard proprietary product). The The low-end product also may be used to position
product that consumers expect to be the stan- the high-end product, when using an up-selling
dard will eventually become such, as standards strategy. When introducing a new technology
organizations and large industry players begin to to the market, the market should be segmented
shape and mold consumer expectations. Standards based on several factors such as user interface,
increase the value of the virtual network and build delay, image resolution, speed, format, capability,
credibility for new technologies introduced into flexibility, and features. These factors help target
the market. and span various consumer profiles.
One strategy often used among new and As various pricing schemes, product features,
aggressive companies in order to gain market and functionality are offered to the consumer,
momentum is that of pricing differentials. This the fears of lock-in and excessive switching costs
network element can ignite market momentum by enter into the decision-making. This network ele-
under-pricing competitors and targeting various ment is one of the most common ones that can
consumer profiles. Some enterprises may use halt adoption of a new technology, especially if
various pricing strategies to offer incentives consumers only deal with one vendor. Most con-
to new customers. As a result, this may be an sumers want to deal with two or more vendors in
effective strategy, since some customers may order to maintain a level of integrity among the
be more price sensitive and may not be as influ- suppliers offering the product or service. This
enced by factors such as standards. A common alleviates the possibility of lock-in with any one
pricing strategy is differential pricing; this may particular vendor, as long as they share the same
take the form of personalized or group pricing. standard. Consumers who deal with only one
Personalized pricing takes the form of selling to supplier may face the possibility of lock-in and
each consumer at a different price. The focus is high switching costs should they decide to select
in understanding what the consumer wants and another vendor later. If the existing supplier has
tailoring a price to meet the consumer’s needs. not kept up with standards and new technology
Group pricing will set targets for various consumer trends, the consumer may be bound by old legacy
profiles and group them accordingly. This affords infrastructure, which could result in complica-
flexibility to potential consumers and takes into tions if the consumers can no longer scale their
account various price sensitivities that may im- environment to meet their own business needs.
pact decision-making. Consumer lock-in may be Some enterprises may absorb the switching costs
achieved through pricing strategies by offering of a consumer to win their business, if it is in
incentives such as discounts, promotions, and the their own best interest, and also if they need to
absorption of consumer switching costs. increase their customer base and market share
Making product differentials available is to gain critical mass. New enterprises gaining
another strategy that is very common in the tech- minimal market momentum with cutting-edge
nology industry and that can effectively influence technology product introductions may be more
consumer decision-making. Product differentials willing to take this approach.
offer consumers a choice across several product A common competitive strategy used by many
derivatives. By designing a new product from the high-technology organizations is the selling of
top down, the company can easily engage any complementary products to their installed base
potential competition by introducing the high-end of customers. These complementary product of-

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

ferings can arrive internally within a company by to ensure that there are no illegal predatory practices
entering new product domains, or externally by that violate true competition, scrutinizes mergers
offering a partner’s complementary product and and acquisitions involving direct competitors.
leveraging on its core competencies. There is every reason to believe that it will continue
One of the most challenging network elements to focus on controlling genuine monopoly power
that an enterprise faces is having time to market and take action where necessary. All mergers and
a new innovation, better known as first-mover acquisitions are subject to review by the Department
advantage. First-mover advantage is the best of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. In
way to gain both market momentum and brand addition, the government can serve as a large and
name recognition as the major provider of this influential buyer of new technologies. It can become
new technology. Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, a catalyst by financing, endorsing and adopting new
and Netscape serve as good examples of compa- technologies in order to accelerate their develop-
nies that have succeeded in gaining first mover ment, adoption, and use. Federal government IT
advantage and that have become leaders in their spending on emerging technologies over the next
industries (Economides, 2001). An early presence several years can potentially aid those enterprises
in the market place has allowed these companies that are struggling for business and survival as a
to secure leadership positions throughout the result of downturns in the economy.
years. We note, however, that Netscape has lost Another network element that can restrict
considerable market share to Microsoft’s Internet critical mass attainment is competition. Com-
Explorer for reasons that are also explainable by petition in the marketplace will continue as new
this theory. enterprises are entering the market and presenting
Over the years, versioning has become a com- a challenge to some large established companies
mon practice among technology companies. The that are plagued by inflexibility and bureaucratic
network element of versioning offers choices to challenges. Companies will compete on new inno-
consumers. Companies will offer information vations, features, functionality, pricing, and, more
products in different versions for different market importantly, standards. Information products are
segments. The intent is to offer versions tailored to costly to produce but inexpensive to reproduce,
the needs of various consumers and to design them pushing pricing toward zero. Companies that are
to accommodate the needs of different groups of challenged with a negative cash flow, and have
consumers. This strategy allows the company to limited venture capital, will need to devise cre-
optimize profitability among the various market ative strategies to keep themselves in the game.
segments and to drive consumer requirements. Margins begin to diminish as pricing reaches zero;
The features and functions of information prod- a complementary set of products or services may
ucts can be adjusted to highlight differences and be necessary or required to maintain a level of
variations of what consumers demand. Companies profitability. Knowing the customer, owning the
can offer versions at various prices that appeal to customer relationship, and staying ahead of the
different groups. competition are the major keys to survival.
As observed with the Microsoft antitrust legisla- Operational velocity is the critical success
tion proceedings, the government can impact the factor, making a much more profound impact on
direction of new technology, whether it attempts revenue and profit than the individual network
to control a monopoly or fuel demand for new elements described and illustrated in Figure 1.
technologies (Economides, 2001). This network This critical mass determinant, which is the key
element can be the most restrictive in achieving to the success of an enterprise, is often given very
critical mass. The government, in efforts intending little attention due to the organizational dynamics

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

that take place. Operational velocity, as defined to run a business in its operational entirety. The
earlier, is speed in delivering products or services importance of the COO role is later recognized,
to market, meeting all customer expectations in but many times it is too late as much of the infra-
a timely manner, and decreasing the time for ap- structure damage has already occurred.
pearance of a positive revenue stream as much as Many of the chief executive officers (CEO)
possible. This may appear to be a simple concept; hired to lead new enterprises are prior senior vice
however, it is very difficult to master. Without presidents of sales. It is believed that they can
an evolutionary ERP approach, it will be quite bring immediate new business to the enterprise
challenging to scale a business to meet aggressive and begin instant revenue-generating activity. The
future customer demands. There exists a direct sole focus becomes revenue generation and new
relationship between an effective evolutionary the customer acquisitions. The common philosophy
ERP model and operational velocity attainment is that the company will resolve the back-office
that allows an enterprise to scale its business infrastructure later. This is usually a reaction-
accordingly while meeting customer demand ary approach to developing a back-office versus
in a timely manner. More importantly, there is a proactive approach. The lack of a sound evo-
a unique organizational process lifecycle and lutionary approach in developing an ERP from
key behavioral influences that are essential to concept to market maturity for new products can
implementing an effective ERP model. Without result in missed customer opportunities, customer
these, the model becomes ineffective, in that ERP de-bookings, loss of market share, lack of cred-
has not been implemented in an appropriate and ibility, competitive threats and, most importantly,
effective manner. bankruptcy of the business.
Many enterprises lack any initial operations Other potential plaguing factors that can impact
plan or back-office infrastructure to support new implementation of an effective ERP strategy are
product launches in the marketplace. This is a undefined, or at least under-defined, organizational
major challenge in the commercial world, where requirements, sometimes termed business rules,
time to market is critical and development of and lack of business process improvement (BPI—
an effective ERP may be neglected in favor of also known as workflow management) initiatives
seemingly more pressing and immediate needs. and strategies. Organizational requirements and
The primary focus of a new technology company BPI for supporting new product launches should
is to amass customers immediately at minimal be addressed early in the development phase of the
cost. Often a number of senior executives hired new technology. How a product is supported and
to manage a new enterprise come from sales the relationship and communication between the
backgrounds and have very little experience in respective support organizations will be vital to the
running a company from a strategic IT, operations, success of the product. Quite often, organizational
and financial perspective. They sometimes lack requirements and BPI are lacking due to limited un-
the associated fundamental technical and non- derstanding and use of contemporary IT principles
technical skill sets, which can easily compromise and practices. Many of the savvy technologists who
the future of the business. This often stems from have started the enterprise may lack knowledge in
senior executives who come from large corpora- formal methods, modeling, systems development,
tions but who lack the entrepreneurial experience and integration. They may be great internal design
necessary to launch new businesses. For example, engineers who have come across a new innova-
they may fail to see the value of hiring a chief tion or idea; however, they lack infrastructure
operating officer (COO) who has the required knowledge for commercializing the new technol-
operations background and who understands how ogy. This had been a common problem among a

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

number of new enterprises. Most new enterprises 4. Enhances customer response time;
that have succeeded with these challenges have first 5. Establishes timely and effective communica-
mover advantage, a positive cash flow to continue tions mechanism;
hiring unlimited human resources, and, although 6. Automates processes;
reacting late in the process, have implemented an 7. Creates tracking mechanisms;
infrastructure that could support the business. The 8. Maintains continuous business process
infrastructure was a splintered systems environ- improvement;
ment lending only to a semi-automated environ- 9. Supports fault management through problem
ment. The systems migration strategy occured detection, diagnosis, and correction;
too late in the product launch phase to allow for a 10. Manages customer profiles;
seamless automated process. 11. Monitors business performance;
Another factor that often plagues the enterprise 12. Establishes best practices;
is the lack of IT personnel who have business- 13. Creates forecasting tools;
specific skills. Personnel in the IT organization 14. Supports supply chain management; and
who lack business skills in the various vertical 15. Integrates all systems within the ERP model
markets such as engineering, manufacturing, such as sales tools, order entry, CRM, bill-
healthcare, financial, legal, and retail may have a ing, and fault management.
difficult time eliciting internal customer require-
ments when developing and implementing an These performance attributes are ones that
ERP. They may also lack the various business companies have adopted to monitor, manage,
skills internally, if they are unfamiliar with the support, and measure success of their operational
business and technical requirements of the other environment. Companies are also continuously
functional organizational elements such as sales, challenged with developing and implementing
marketing, finance, operations, engineering, an effective model to support these attributes.
logistics, transportation, manufacturing, hu- The challenges stem primarily from a lack of
man resources, business development, alliances, knowledge and limited use of contemporary IT
product development, legal, along with any other principles and practices. Enterprises must realize
relevant enterprise elements. the need for appropriate performance metrics in
Finally, not all employees hired into an enter- order to measure success criteria and to plan for
prise come with an entrepreneurial spirit. Some future growth and expansion.
still have a corporate frame of mind and do not Of all the network elements impacting the
become as self-sufficient as is necessary to keep adoption of new technology, operational velocity
up the pace. They have a tendency to operate in is the most compelling, since it will influence cus-
closed groups and do not interact well with other tomer expectations based on how quickly customer
business units. A team philosophy and aggressive needs can be serviced. These needs may consist
work ethic is essential in order to succeed in an of rapid customer service response time, product
enterprise environment. delivery, problem resolution, and maintenance.
The approach, suggested here, to achieving op- Operational velocity, like the network elements,
erational velocity is to develop an ERP model that will influence consumer decision making on new
meets the following 15 performance criteria: technology adoption. If a new technology prod-
uct has long delays in service delivery or lacks
1. Reduces service delivery intervals; customer support, new customer acquisition and
2. Maintains reliable inventory control; retention eventually become compromised. Under
3. Reduces mean-time-to-repair (mttr); these circumstances, it is possible to lose business

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

to the competition, which may be introducing a tive system challenges associated with these, and
similar product into the marketplace. Consumers these must be explored as well.
become disappointed, less patient and quickly Many of the enterprise resource planning ef-
begin to look for alternatives. The lack of a reli- forts cited in this article can be traced to the three
able operational infrastructure would have been basic core elements of an ERP: people, process, and
the result of a poorly executed ERP. An effective systems. Each of these elements were addressed
ERP must be automated, capable of tracking, serve in the various models and frameworks identified
as a communications mechanism, and support by early contributors in the field. As an ERP
various tools. If these criteria are recognized and architecture evolves, each of the ERP elements
controlled by the core team of an enterprise, the goes through a maturity state. The evolution of a
ERP can provide many benefits as the business fully developed and integrated ERP architecture
begins to scale and the product begins to meet can be inferred from the phases of a basic systems
customer expectations. Network elements can engineering lifecycle. Table 2 illustrates this
influence the outcome of a new technology or inference through a framework of key systems
the destiny of the product. Understanding the engineering concepts that can be applied to the
impact that the various network elements have development of an enterprise resource planning
on the enterprise can help position the business architecture.
in taking on the challenges that prevail. The This suggested framework could be used
market timing of the product and the influence on to develop an enterprise architecture using six
customer decision making will determine the end key system engineering concepts. To support
result of critical mass attainment. An enterprise the ERP development effort, this 6x3 matrix of
that prepares and develops strategies, and which Table 2 could be used with the six general system
takes into account the large number of potential engineering concept areas as rows and the three
network influences, will accordingly realize this columns depicting the core components of an
end result. There are a number of complex adap- ERP. This defines the structural framework for

Table 2. Key systems engineering concepts framework

Framework of key systems engineering concepts
ERP Core Components
Concept Area
People Process Systems
Requirements defini- High-level operational processes
Organizational requirements elicited System functions identified
tion and management defined
Systems architecture High-level architecture developed by Architecture supports organiza- Systems defined to address
development team tional processes organizational requirements
System, subsystem Unique data and functionality criteria Operational processes at the or- Organizational system compo-
design addressed for each organization ganizational level are developed nents are designed
Operational processes are All organizational system com-
Systems integration Shared/segmented data and functionality
fully integrated, seamless, and ponents and interfaces are fully
and interoperability is designed
automated integrated and interoperable
System response time and
Validation and veri- Organizations benchmark and measure Operational process efficiencies
performance are benchmarked
fication operational performance and inefficiencies are identified
and measured
Systems are brought online into
System deployment Team launches complete and fully inte- Operational readiness plan is
production environment and
and post deployment grated ERP architecture executed and processes are live
supporting customers

Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation

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This work was previously published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 2, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 44-73,
copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 15
A Critical Systems View of
Power-Ethics Interactions in
Information Systems Evaluation
José-Rodrigo Córdoba
University of Hull, UK


Current developments in information systems (IS) evaluation emphasise stakeholder participation in

order to ensure adequate and beneficial IS investments. It is now common to consider evaluation as a
subjective process of interpretation(s), in which people’s appreciations are taken into account to guide
evaluations. However, the context of power relations in which evaluation takes place, as well as their
ethical implications, has not been given full attention. In this article, ideas of critical systems thinking
and Michel Foucault’s work on power and ethics are used to define a critical systems view of power
to support IS evaluation. The article proposes a system of inquiry into power with two main areas: 1)
Deployment of evaluation via power relations and 2) Dealing with ethics. The first element addresses
how evaluation becomes possible. The second one goes in-depth into how evaluation can proceed as
being informed by ethical reflection. The article suggests that inquiry into these relationships should
contribute to extend current views on power in IS evaluation practice, and to reflect on the ethics of
those involved in the process.

Introduction pects that influence information systems adoption

(Hirschheim & Smithson, 1999; Irani, 2002; Irani
It has been argued extensively in the literature of & Fitzgerald, 2002; Irani, Love, Elliman, Jones, &
information systems (IS) evaluation that failures in Themistocleus, 2005; Serafeimidis & Smithson,
implementation of information systems occur due 2003). Among these aspects, the issue of ethics also
to lack of consideration of different (e.g., softer) as- gains importance, yet few evaluation approaches

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A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

consider it explicitly (Ballantine, Levy, Munro, & with ethics. With these areas, different manifesta-
Powell, 2003). When evaluating the implementa- tions of power can be accounted for and related
tion of information systems, there is still a need in evaluation interventions. In addition, inquiry
to consider the context of human relations within into these areas enables people involved to reflect
which evaluation takes place (Walsham, 1999), on the ethics of their own practices.
and more specifically, the nature and impacts of The article is structured as follows. Critical
power relations (Doolin, 2004; Gregory, 2000; systems thinking is introduced in relation to three
Introna, 1997). This consideration has also been (3) commitments that can inform systems think-
noticed in the realm of systems thinking, but ing and practice. Then, information systems (IS)
there is a dearth of approaches to deal with the evaluation as interpretation(s) is described and
complexities of power (Gregory & Jackson, reviewed in relation to how the issue of power
1992; Jackson, 2000). In IS evaluation, power is currently being addressed. It is argued that a
has been mainly considered as a “contextual,” critical, pluralistic and ethically oriented view of
“political,” or “external” variable (Serafeimidis & power is needed. To build up this view, the article
Smithson, 1999), and its impacts in practice (for presents the basic tenets of Michel Foucault’s work
instance regarding the treatment of ethical issues) on power and ethics, highlighting implications
are far from clear. Power is often understood as for IS evaluation. A system of inquiry into power
“politics” (Bariff & Galbraith, 1978), “interests for IS evaluation is defined, and its relevance for
playing” or struggle between parties (Walsham, evaluation practice discussed.
1993), and is associated with the dynamics of
organisational change that are said to be difficult
to manage (Lyytinen & Hirschheim, 1987). These Critical Systems Thinking
connotations could limit a better understanding
of the nature of power in IS evaluation and how This article stems from the UK-based systems
practitioners can act in relation to it. research and practice, in which there is a variety
Awareness of the nature of power for interven- of systems methodologies that contain principles,
tion has been a subject of discussion in critical ideas, and methods to facilitate intervention for
systems thinking, a set of ideas and methodologies social improvement (Checkland, 1981; Flood &
that aim to clarify stakeholders’ understandings Jackson, 1991b; Flood & Romm, 1996; Jackson,
prior to the selection and implementation of in- 2000, 2003; Midgley, 2000; Stowell, 1995). The
tervention methods in situations of social design use of systems ideas has also pervaded the infor-
(Flood & Jackson, 1991b; Jackson, 2000; Midgley, mation systems (IS) field. Currently, it has been
2000). Using the commitments of critical systems accepted that a systemic view of IS practice, one
thinking to critical awareness, pluralism, and that looks at different elements of activity in or-
improvement as well as Michel Foucault’s ideas ganisational, social, and technical domains, can
on power and ethics, this article extends current contribute to make sense of a variety of efforts
understandings of power to inform IS evaluation. in the IS field (Avison, Wood-Harper, Vidgen,
The article proposes a relational view of power & Wood, 1998; Checkland, 1990; Checkland &
that is dynamic, transient, and pervasive, and Holwell, 1998). This view also shares a common
which influences, and is influenced by, individu- idea with other systems research movements else-
als’ ethics. With this view, the article defines a where that conceive of an information system as
“system of inquiry” with two elements of analysis part of an organisational system (Mora, Gelman,
for IS evaluation: (1) Exploring the deployment of Cervantes, Mejia, & Weitzenfeld, 2003).
evaluation via power relations; and (2) Dealing

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

In the UK, the popularity of systems think- and practitioners. These commitments are: (1)
ing can also be reflected through the use of soft Critical awareness, continuous re-examining
systems methodology (SSM) as a learning tool of taken-for-granted assumptions in a situation
(Checkland, 1981) and its applications in several (including those inherent to systems methodolo-
areas in information systems. These include in- gies); (2) Pluralism (or complementarism), using
formation requirements definition (Checkland, a variety of ideas and approaches in a coherent
1990; Checkland & Scholes, 1990; Lewis, 1994; manner to tackle the complexity of the situation;
Wilson, 1984, 2002), systems development and (3) Improvement, ensuring that people ad-
(Avison & Wood-Harper, 1990), intervention vance in developing their full potential by freeing
methodology (Clarke, 2001; Clarke & Lehaney, them of potential constraints like the operation
2000; Midgley, 2000; Ormerod, 1996, 2005), of power.
and professional practice (Avison et al., 1998; The commitments of critical systems thinking
Checkland & Holwell, 1998). have been put into practice in different ways. For
To this popularity, however, it has also been instance, there is a system of systems methodolo-
argued that the use of some methodologies like gies (Jackson & Keys, 1984) to help those involved
SSM can help in reinforceing the ‘status quo’ in an intervention choose the most adequate sys-
in a situation if it is not used in a more critical tem methodologies to tackle a problem situation
and informed manner (Jackson, 1982; Mingers, according to methodologies’ own strengths and
1984). Jackson (1992) argues that the practice of weaknesses. In addition to methodology choice,
information systems can be further developed creativity can also be fostered when thinking
if systems-based interventions are not only about problem situation with the use of metaphors,
guided by one type of rationality, methodology, and reflection is included to enable learning and
or research paradigm, and if assumptions about understanding through the use of methodologies
the ‘status quo’ in a situation of social design (Flood & Jackson, 1991a; Flood & Romm, 1996).
are critically reviewed. Using systems ideas, Recently, systems practice has also been enriched
practitioners should be able to foster creativity, with generic principles to ensure that interven-
complementarity and social responsibility. tion is guided by continuous critique, the use
Jackson and others have developed a collection of different methods and definition of local and
of ideas, methodologies, and approaches under temporary improvements (Jackson, 1999, 2003;
the name of “critical systems thinking” (Flood & Midgley, 2000).
Jackson, 1991b; Flood & Romm, 1996; Gregory, An emerging (UK- and non-UK-based) slant
1992; Jackson, 2000, 2003; Midgley, 2000; Min- on critical systems thinking is that developed
gers, 1992, 2005; Mingers & Gill, 1997; Ulrich, by Ulrich (1983; 2003) and Midgley (2000) on
1983). Critical systems thinking (CST) has been boundary critique. According to them, our pro-
defined as a continuous dialogue between systems cesses of producing knowledge about a situation
practitioners who are concerned with the issue of are bounded by a number of assumptions about
improvement (Midgley, 1996). As an evolving set purpose(s), clients, theories, methodologies, meth-
of ideas, it contains a variety of notions that aim ods, and other aspects related to an intervention.
to foster continuous stakeholders’ reflection prior These assumptions are intimately linked to sys-
to the selection and implementation of planning tems boundaries. Here the idea of a system is that
and design methods. of an intellectual construction that guides analysis
In critical systems thinking, Midgley (1996) and decision-making (Churchman, 1970, 1979).
distinguishes three common and inter-related According to Ulrich and Midgley, such boundar-
commitments to guide the efforts of researchers ies and their underpinning assumptions need to

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

be identified, analysed and debated with people Information Systems

involved in relation to their value content, so that Evaluation
individuals can make more informed decisions
regarding the implications of privileging some In general terms, information systems (IS) evalu-
boundaries at the expense of others. ation is about assessing the continuous value that
In line with the above, in critical systems systems and communication technologies give to
thinking, the issue of power has been discussed organisations and individuals (Irani & Love, 2001;
at length, and it has been argued that power can Parker, Benson, & Trainor, 1988; Piccoli & Ives,
inhibit individuals’ own reflection about the condi- 2005; Remenyi & Sherwood-Smith, 1999). IS
tions that influence their own improvement (Flood, evaluation is still considered a “wicked” phenom-
1990; Flood & Romm, 1996; Valero-Silva, 1996; enon (Farbey, Land, & Targett, 1999), a “thorny”
Vega-Romero, 1999). Power has not been defined and complex process (Irani, 2002; Serafeimidis
in a unique way. It has been associated with phe- & Smithson, 2003) that is difficult to carry out
nomena of coercion, which affects relationships given different aspects that affect its outcomes.
between stakeholders (Gregory & Jackson, 1992; To date, there are a number of approaches and
Jackson, 2000). Critique on systems boundaries techniques that are used to support successful
adopted for analysis and decision making in a evaluation of IS and technology investments prior
social situation has been enhanced with the idea to, during, or after their implementation, although
that such boundaries are the result of the operation a strong focus on financial techniques still remains
of power and its manifold manifestations (Flood, (Irani, 2002; Parker et al., 1988; Serafeimidis &
1990; Midgley, 1997; Vega-Romero, 1999). De- Smithson, 1999).
spite acknowledging the importance of power In IS evaluation, it has also been argued that
for systems practice, in critical systems thinking success depends on the usefulness of evaluation
there is little about how practitioners can identify processes and outcomes to inform managerial
and act in relation to power issues in intervention. decision-making. This usefulness has been re-
Although this could be attributed to the diversity lated to the identification of different issues (i.e.,
of meanings of power (and hence an interpretation financial, ethical, organisational, and cultural)
of a commitment to pluralism), there is a need to that affect IS implementation so that these are
provide further insights into the nature of power promptly and adequately addressed (Avison &
and how reflection about it can be developed in Horton, 1992; Ballantine et al., 2003; Doherty &
practice, if a commitment to improvement in King, 2001; Hirschheim & Smithson, 1999; Irani,
social situations is to be honoured. 2002; Irani & Love, 2001; Symons & Walsham,
In this article, we use the above commitments 1988). With the inclusion of a variety of issues in
in critical systems thinking to develop a view of IS evaluation, a growing concern is the usefulness
power for intervention. With this view, we generate that evaluation will have for those individuals
a “system” (e.g. a “whole”) of inquiry into power involved and affected by it (Irani, 2002; Irani
that aims to follow these commitments. We apply & Love, 2001; Serafeimidis & Smithson, 1999).
our view and system to the domain of informa- People would like to benefit from being involved
tion systems (IS) evaluation in order to provide in an evaluation or using evaluation outcomes.
guidance to practitioners on how to identify and Therefore, individual perceptions have become
manage power in evaluation practice. In the next relevant, and researchers have suggested that IS
section we review the practice of IS evaluation in evaluation can be better understood as a continu-
relation to power. ous and subjective process of interpretation(s)
(Hirschheim & Smithson, 1999; Smithson &

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

Tsiavos, 2004; Walsham, 1999). In other words, evaluation (evaluators) and those taking part
evaluation is a process of “experiential and subjec- (evaluands) to share their expectations and
tive judgement, which is grounded in opinion and concerns about IS investments or projects.
world views, and therefore challenges the predic- Sense-making evaluation, though, does not
tive value of traditional [IS] investment methods” exclude the possibility that the revealing of
(Irani et al., 2005, p. 65) (brackets added). For meanings can be used for political purposes
Walsham (1999), IS evaluation processes are about or to advance the evaluators’ own interests
understanding and learning through stakeholders’ (Legge, 1984; Weiss, 1970).
perspectives and actions; stakeholder participa- 3. Social learning, or fostering the creation,
tion can contribute to minimise resistance IS to storing, and exchange of knowledge. Stake-
implementation (Walsham, 1993). The idea of IS holders can take part in this exchange and
evaluation being a subjective process is expanded contribute so that they reduce any uncer-
by Serafeimidis and Smithson (2003) who argue tainty about the implementation and success
that IS evaluation “is a socially embedded process of information systems. In social learning,
in which formal procedures entwine with the in- evaluators facilitate the exchange of knowl-
formal assessments by which actors make sense edge through interactions with stakeholders
of their situation” (p.253, emphasis added). They (for example by promoting conversations
provide the following roles of IS evaluation as: about how systems will address people or
business-related expectations). The selec-
1. Control, meaning that evaluation is and be- tion of what type of knowledge is relevant
comes embedded in traditional procedures for evaluation can become an instrument of
of organisational appraisal. IS evaluation political influence (e.g. directed to achieve
processes adhere to existing hierarchies and particular objectives), as well as the ways in
accepted ways of assessing and monitoring which this knowledge can be disseminated
investments. The aim of IS evaluation is or exchanged.
to deliver value to the business. Financial 4. An exploratory exercise, to help organi-
techniques that appraise the contribution sations to clarify their strategic direction
of information systems and technologies to and promote change. Those involved in IS
business strategies are preferred to any other evaluation develop new ways of appraising
type of evaluation approach (Serafeimidis and monitoring the value that systems have
& Smithson, 1999). In control-evaluation, to organisations. This requires thinking
traditional channels of communication are creatively. In doing so, people involved in
used. Participation of stakeholders contrib- evaluation can contribute to shift the existing
utes to minimise the risks related to invest- balance of power: They can challenge those
ments and to ensure commitment. However, who advocate evaluation techniques based
those people who benefit from controlling solely on financial benefits or traditional
other individuals can use evaluation to ad- accounting and reporting techniques.
vance their own interests.
2. Sense making, or clarifying any implications In each of the above orientations on IS evalu-
that IS investments and projects could have ation, the perceptions and actions of stakeholders
to stakeholders. Informal communication can be used to reinforce or shift the balances of
complements formal communication. In power, but power has not been defined yet. The
sense-making evaluation, establishing a wider (non-IS) literature on evaluation suggests
common language helps those leading the situations of disadvantage or conflict can be ad-

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

dressed via more participation or empowerment evaluation roles discussed before. These notions
(Guba & Lincoln, 1989; Mertens, 1999; O’Neill, are drawn from existing classifications in the IS
1995; Weiss, 1970, 1998). Moreover, it is suggested literature (Dhillon, 2004; Horton, 2000; Jasperson
that evaluators should “sign in” with disadvantaged et al., 2002) and elsewhere (Lukes, 1974; Oliga,
groups and ensure that their concerns, claims and 1996). As seen in the table, it can be common to
issues are adequately considered and listened to associate power with tangible or distinguishable
in the evaluation process (Guba & Lincoln, 1989). resources (i.e., information), skills or authority
However, as Gregory (2000) contends, participa- that some people have and use to control others
tive evaluation approaches can easily overlook the (Bariff & Galbraith, 1978; Horton, 2000). Power
operation of power and how it can contribute to can be also associated with institutional struc-
generate and maintain the very same conditions tures, so that its use can reinforce, perpetuate,
that enable or inhibit participation to occur. By or resist existing organisational hierarchies and
trying to address imbalances in participation, “games” (Bloomfield & Coombs, 1992; Dhillon,
evaluators may well be privileging their own 2004; Markus, 2002). Or power can be seen as the
power as experts or facilitators, or inadvertently influence that any action of particular individuals
reinforcing the power of those who are in mana- have in the behaviour of others (Handy, 1976;
gerial control in a situation (Wray-Bliss, 2003). Walsham & Waema, 1994). This includes, for
For Gregory (2000), the problem of participation instance, the influence that IS experts have over
in evaluation can only be approached through a systems users (Horton, 2000), the political skills
wider understanding of power and its operation in (Checkland & Scholes, 1990), or the style that
practices that prohibit or promote such participa- managers have to define, implement, and evaluate
tion. There needs to be considerations about the IS plans (Walsham & Waema, 1994).
context of power in which evaluation is taking The above views presented about power show
place, as well as the role of those being involved individual notions, as if power had different but
in it as part of evaluation practice. not intersecting manifestations. Nevertheless,
Table 1 contains a summary of four differ- power could be an intertwining of capacities,
ent notions of power that can be related to the IS influences, or resources. These views describe

Table 1. power in orientations for is evaluation

IS Evaluation as
(Serafeimidis & Smith- Power as Manifestations
son, 2003)
Resources (Bariff & Gal-
Authority, skills, information, use of
Control braith, 1978)

Structures that facilitate (or inhibit) com-

Sense-making Capacity (Markus, 2002)
Influence (Checkland & Sc-
Social-learning, explor- Expertise and styles used to facilitate (or
holes, 1990; Handy, 1976;
atory inhibit) knowledge exchange and change
Walsham & Waema, 1994)
In the relations between people (Fou-
cault, 1984a), as a backdrop (Horton,
Relational All of the above
2000) and in the conditions that make
evaluation possible.

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

very little about how power comes to be considered (Foucault, 1980b). For Foucault, the meaning of a
as such, in other words, how power is deployed “subject” is twofold: “someone subject to someone
as such in a situation. In IS practice, it has been else by control and dependence, and tied to his
acknowledged that explicit exercise of power can own identity by a conscience or self-knowledge”
contribute to systems implementation (Markus, (Foucault, 1982a, p.212). Both meanings in the
2002; Serafeimidis & Smithson, 2003; Walsham above definition suggest a form of power, which
& Waema, 1994). However, this does not fully subjugates and makes one subject to it (Foucault,
consider the often indistinguishable, unintended, 1982a). This suggests that power operates in dif-
contradictory, and complex consequences of ferent ways (targeting individuals and/or groups),
power in IS/IT implementations in a context of influencing the ways in which people relate to
intervention (Jasperson et al., 2002; Robey & themselves and each other.
Boudreau, 1999). According to Foucault, the end result of
Therefore, it can be argued that IS evaluation processes of production of knowledge is the po-
faces a similar problem to critical systems think- tential operation of forms of “normalisation” in
ing, that of not providing enough guidance to society which constrain our behaviour and limit
practitioners on how to identify and act in relation our freedom as individuals. The set of analyses
to power as a multifarious and complex issue that on how people become normalised is called by
affects any action for improvement. It is neces- Foucault “subjectivity” (Foucault, 1977). With his
sary to consider a critical view on power in which historical analyses, Foucault also shows that the
power is studied in its deployment (how, why), ways individuals define themselves and relate to
and not only taking power as a given. The view others have been contingently defined, contested
also needs to be pluralistic in order to include dif- and deployed via power relations as “the ways we
ferent manifestations and forms of power, as well fashion our subjectivity” (Bernhauer & Mahon,
as the relationships between them. Moreover, an 1994, p. 143). Subjectivity refers to the practices
alternative view of power should help practitioners we perform on ourselves, and this includes what
to explore possibilities for improvement in action we consider ethical, as will be shown later.
in relation to power relations. To develop this view In Foucault’s analyses, one can find differ-
in line with the commitments of critical systems ent definitions of power that also show power’s
thinking, Michel Foucault’s ideas on power and dynamic nature in society (Foucault, 1980b).
ethics are now presented. Power can be identified in the relations between
people, between actions influencing other actions.
Foucault on Power Power means power strategies through which
individual try to define, determine, or guide the
Michel Foucault’s work on the history of Western conduct of others (Foucault, 1984a). Power also
civilisation provides relevant insights into the helps deploying some forms of knowledge at a
problem of the human subject, be it individual particular moment in time whilst obscuring oth-
or collective. For Foucault, the main question ers, so that certain practices prevail as the valid
in modern society is how human beings are ones. Power can be seen as a “total structure of
constituted as subjects (Foucault, 1982a, 1982b). actions brought to bear upon possible actions: in
His aim is to show connections between what incites, it induces, it seduces, it makes easier or
counts as knowledge, the power relations used difficult“ (Foucault, 1982a, p. 220).
to make it valid, and the ethical forms that sup- For Foucault (1980b, 1984b), power is not an
port its deployment. This for Foucault is a way objective issue; it can only be identified in its
of developing critique in contemporary society operation through the relations that it establishes,

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

maintains (including resisting), or creates between From the above discussion, we elaborate a
individuals. Power is an analytical device that fourth notion of power to support IS evaluation (see
helps us to understand how we have been consti- last row of Table 1). In this notion, power operates
tuted as the subjects we currently are in the rela- in the relations between individuals. It includes
tions with ourselves and others. Such relations are different manifestations as well as the conditions
mobile, transient, and dynamic; they target single and relations that make possible the existence and
individuals or entire populations; their operation use of power as a resource, structure, or influence
occurs across institutions and at different levels in evaluation as previously discussed. These dif-
(micro, macro) in society. New forms of power ferent manifestations of power not only generate
emerge that reinforce, support, undermine, or potential constraints that inhibit action (includ-
resist previous ones, and this happens at any level ing the evaluation itself), but also opportunities
(e.g., individual, micro and macro). In Foucault’s that will make action feasible according to the
work, power is present where there is freedom “landscape” of possibilities that individuals are
and is essential to regulate relations between part of (Brocklesby & Cummings, 1996; Foucault,
individuals in society (Foucault, 1984a). Power 1980b). As will be seen in the next section, these
can be used intentionally, but the consequences possibilities can be better defined in relation to
of doing so cannot be fully determined (Foucault, the ethics of individuals.
1984a, 1984b).
Foucault’s work has been used in the realm of
information systems to understand the effects of Ethics
information systems planning and implementation
in managerial practices (Ball & Wilson, 2000; According to Brooke (2002), some authors see
Córdoba & Robson, 2003; Doolin, 2004; Horton, Foucault as failing to provide a concrete space
2000; Introna, 1997). For instance, Introna (1997) within which debate can take place given the
suggests that Foucaultivan notions of power helps ever presence of power even as resistance to it.
to identify some “obligatory passage points” in the In particular, Foucault’s acceptance of the idea
design and implementation of information systems that “Yesterday’s resistance can become today’s
as sets of relations that determine what types of normalisation… which in turn can become the
information and the practices associated with its conditions for tomorrow’s resistance and/or nor-
management count as organisationally accepted. malisation” (Darier, 1999, p. 18) is lacking any
According to Bloomfield and Coombs (1992), such normative content and thus generates ambiguity
awareness can also help IS practitioners to map or confusion (Rowlinson & Carter, 2002; Taylor,
and better understand the conditions that enable 1984). A question arises about how one can then
the implementation of systems in an organisation. discern and decide on ethical issues in evaluation
For Doolin (2004), the Foucaultvian concept of (Ballantine et al., 2003). This question gains im-
power can help explain how people can resist or portance in light of a critical systems-based com-
react to existing implementation practices and mitment with improvement as mentioned before.
how implementation is the by-product of many To the potential ambiguity of power analyses,
different organisational factors, some of which more structured ways of dealing with questions of
emerge in opposition to the implementation ethics in IS evaluation like the ones presented by
itself. In these accounts, the issue of ethics has Ballantine et al (2003) (based on Habermas) can
not been explicitly addressed using Foucault’s provide alternative and systematic answers. These
ideas (Burrell, 1988), and this will be revisited alternatives focus on reviewing and developing
later in the article. spaces for equal debate about ethical issues, as

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

well as providing general rules for examining or constitution of us as autonomous subjects and act
conducting debate. In contrast to these alterna- accordingly. He says:
tives, for Foucault it is essential to explore the
conditions that led debate and inequalities to The question, in any event, is that of knowing
emerge in the first place. These conditions could how the use of reason can take the public form
be unique in a context of intervention (Brooke, that it requires, how the audacity to know can be
2002), including those that enable participation exercised in broad daylight, while individuals are
in IS evaluation to take place. obeying as scrupulously as possible. (Foucault,
To address the above question, there is a still 1984c, p. 37)
largely unexplored area in Foucault’s work that
needs to be made more explicit, and that is eth- This means that in the light of power relations
ics. Foucault’s work is not power but the human in a particular context of intervention, it is pos-
subjects, how we have been constituted as the in- sible to develop a reflexive and ethically oriented
dividuals we are (Chan & Garrick, 2002; Foucault, practice of individual freedom. Ethical practice
1982a). According to Foucault (1977), any action becomes a way of providing direction to action
in relation to power cannot be considered exterior for improvement, an opportunity to (re) develop
to power relations, so that inevitably any debate forms of ethics within what is possible in relation
on issues (including ethical) in evaluation takes to power relations. This aspect will be further
place in relation to power relations. Therefore, we discussed when proposing a system of inquiry into
need to look at power relations from the inside power for IS evaluation in the next section.
(Brooke, 2002). Foucault’s analyses aim to show
how subjects position themselves to situations Towards a System of Inquiry into
according to what they think it is ethical (Darier, Power for IS Evaluation
1998; Foucault, 1977). In his study of the history
of sexuality, Foucault says: From the above discussion on power and ethics,
two important implications can be derived to
Morality [ethics] also refers to the real behaviour inform the definition of a critical systems view
of individuals to the rules and values that are of power for IS evaluation. First, the inclusion of
recommended to them…the manner in which they power would require considering it as a backdrop
respect or disregard a set of values… (p. 25)… (Horton, 2000) of relations against which any
those intentional and voluntary actions by which IS evaluation orientation can be studied. Any
men not only set themselves rules of conduct, manifestation of power (as a resource, capacity,
but also seek to transform themselves, to change structure, or influence) in IS evaluation should be
themselves in their singular being. (Foucault, considered the by-product and medium of power
1984b, p. 10) relations operating in a context of intervention,
with these relations having varied implications (for
This means that it is possible for subjects to instance, economic, political, social, and cultural).
make strategic use of their freedom (Foucault, Identification and analysis of how power relations
1984a, 1984c) and use it to “no longer being, doing operate would help those involved in evaluation
or thinking what we are, do, or think” (Foucault, to reflect on how they become subjects of evalu-
1984c, p. 46). Foucault is aware that we need to ation activities and what they can do about it.
continuously recognise the limits of our actions, The above does not mean that power should be
what is no longer necessary (or dangerous) for the avoided but its possibilities and constraints used
strategically according to what individuals con-

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

sider relevant to do (Brocklesby & Cummings, Figure 1. A system of inquiry into is evaluation
1996) in relation to what has been institutionally IS Evaluation
unfolded and accepted as IS evaluation (Smithson
& Tsiavos, 2004). For those involved in evalua-
tion, analysis of power requires them to reflect on 1. Studying Power relations and
forms of power
their participation in power relations that make deployment as
evaluation (im) possible and that facilitate or in- sense-making,
hibit unfolding of events. It becomes necessary social learning, 2. Dealing
or exploratory with ethics
to explore the origins and deployment of power
relations in which IS evaluation has arisen as a
process to be carried out. what do we want to
be as subjects?
Secondly, the analysis of power relations as a
system requires ethical awareness from those in-
volved about ethical issues that they adopt, debate,
or resist in IS evaluation, and this also includes the 1. Exploring the deployment of IS evaluation.
ethical issues that are adopted to analyse power. Analysis of power in relation to forms of be-
This requires direct intervention from the “inside” ing, knowing, and acting consists of locating
of evaluation. Foucault is proposing to continu- how power relations contribute to deploy
ously study power in order to see the limitations of (implement) or undermine IS evaluation
its “normalising” ethical systems, and how power activities. The purpose is to identify how
can also offer possibilities for action for people as evaluation became possible and accepted
they see them fit (Brocklesby & Cummings, 1996) as such, and how it progresses. This type of
or ethically appropriate (Vega-Romero, 1999). In analysis requires unveiling power relations
other words, Foucault is proposing to study and at different levels (for instance, economic,
reflect on the internal conditions that can make social, political)—as maps of actions in-
ethical action possible in IS evaluation in order fluencing other actions—(Foucault, 1984a)
to define the “battleground” and possibilities for that constitute the definition, approval and
further action. unfolding of the evaluation under study. A
Considering the above, the following is the good starting point or “points of entry” to
definition of a system of inquiry into power to analyse power is to see how it helps in the
support IS evaluation as presented in Figure 1. deployment of accepted evaluation roles (i.e.,
The system is composed of two areas interacting as control, sense-making, social-learning,
with each other and informing existing role(s) of and exploration) (Serafeimidis & Smithson,
the evaluation process as described by Serafeim- 2003); in other words, to study how these
idis and Smithson (2003). This analysis brings roles came to being, and the wider relations
together an understanding of evaluation as a series that made them possible and valid. The
of interpretations as described by Smithson and analysis can then be complemented or devel-
Tsiavos (2004), and a way of reflecting on ethical oped with the following questions (Córdoba
issues in IS evaluation as proposed by Ballantine & Robson, 2003): How is that evaluation is
et al (2003), so that those involved in evaluation defined and approved? How does it engage
can reflect on power from their own participation. those involved? What role(s) for evaluation
The areas of inquiry are: are accepted? Through which mechanisms
and justifications? How do activities in
evaluation become successful or unsuc-

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

cessful? How are evaluations institutionally how is evaluation deployed?), could trigger the
completed or abandoned? identification of ethical issues for those involved.
2. Dealing with ethics. As said before, for Using this analysis, individuals could then identify
Foucault (1977), one cannot be exterior to and reflect upon their ethics and how to develop
the power relations one is analysing or in- it by considering what has been deployed as
tervening. Therefore, analyses should also ethically acceptable. This could place people in
show how individual subjects position them- a better position to define their possibilities and
selves in situations (Darier, 1998; Foucault, constraints for action according to existing power
1977). This consideration should lead those relations. As new issues of concern emerge in an
involved in IS evaluation to consider what is evaluation process, further analysis of power and
ethical for them to do according to power, forms of ethics is required, as the interactions
and to go beyond the idea of interpretations. between the elements of Figure 1 show.
Analysis of power should also yield insights
as to what behaviours and actions are ethi-
cally acceptable or unacceptable (including An Example
the analysis itself as a practice that is guided
by ethical values), and what to do about them. As an example of how to use the above elements
Those involved in evaluation can decide to of inquiry, let us consider that in an IS evaluation
adopt a critical stance and go beyond what process, financial control and communication to
is being established, to imagine new forms stakeholders are seen as essential (Irani, 2002;
of being and acting (Foucault, 1984c). This Serafeimidis & Smithson, 2003) in order to guar-
could mean that the purpose and nature of antee compliance with organisational procedures
evaluation are re-defined according to what of auditing. In this context, evaluation can then
people consider ethical to do in a context of be seen as control mechanism, more specifically
intervention. as a way of exerting control over IS investments
(or perhaps as a way of enabling financial officers
Using Foucault’s (1984b) elements of analysis to exert control over the rest of the organisation).
of ethics, those involved in evaluation can formu- The deployment of evaluation as an accepted
late the following questions to help them decide process can have many manifestations. These
on how to treat ethical issues: In the dominant could include, for instance, continuous exercise
role(s) of evaluation, what part of our behaviour of formal authority (e.g., via established practices
(thinking, acting) do we need to be ethically con- of reporting to finance officers), traditional use
cerned with? Through which evaluation activities of financial skills and resources to get evaluation
(including analysis of power) ought we to show activities “done” (e.g., by an influential chief finan-
our ethical behaviour? What individual activities cial officer), or emerging pertinence of financial
do we need to work on to become ethical? Most matters in IS investment decisions (e.g., a sound
importantly, what type of ethical subjects do we business case with “numbers” that now needs
want to be in relation to existing power? Answers to be elaborated before being approved). These
to these questions can yield further insights as to manifestations could be the by-product of previ-
how to define action to carry on with evaluation ous practices (i.e., a history of financial success
activities. or failure in the organisation).
Figure 1 shows how these two areas of analysis With this understanding of evaluation as a
are related. To the deployment of IS evaluation deployment of power relations, those involved in
through power relations, analysis of power (e.g., evaluation could then proceed to reflect on how

A Critical Systems View of Power-Ethics Interactions in Information Systems Evaluation

a particular issue (e.g., communication) and its from those involved in evaluation leaves indi-
treatment can be dealt with. This issue can be viduals with little guidance in relation to how to
then considered “ethical,” and the expected be- identify and act about it. Using the commitments
haviours or ways of thinking about it identified. of critical systems thinking and Foucault’s ideas
People involved in evaluation could decide not to on power and ethics, the article develops a view
pay any more attention, for instance, to requests of power and a system of inquiry into how it can
to analyse or communicate (financial) progress be analysed in IS evaluation. The system enables
to other stakeholders or use existing communica- practitioners and others involved in evaluation to
tions to raise a different set of ethical issues (e.g., be critically aware of the influence of power to
confidentiality, quality, etc.) Decisions can follow deploy evaluation. It also allows for the inclusion
people’s desire to become ethically different (e.g., and study of different manifestations of power
more professional in their practice) or to be “seen” and relations between them. Using this system,
as ethical (and then using the power available to practitioners can inquire about how evaluation
make themselves known). These decisions need to becomes possible through power relations. Inquiry
be examined in the light of potential consequences should lead practitioners to reflect on ethical issues
for individuals and their organisations, and any ef- associated with IS evaluation and develop their
fect that could be foreseen (for instance, excessive own actions to improve their practice according
professionalism could then generate a desire for to what they consider is ethical to do.
people to become “professionally accredited”). In In comparison with other perspectives on
this particular case, the emergence of new issues power, Foucault’s ideas can prompt those involved
to be discussed in evaluation (for example, due in evaluation to study the power conditions of the
to new business practices related to improvement evaluation itself before establishing any possibilty
in customer service), or new ways of conducting of dialogue or debate6. This can help them to frame
evaluation in the context of intervention (e.g., their actions into the possibilities and constraints
those seen as more “professional”) can then trig- given by power relations in the context where they
ger further analyses on how these elements are are immersed. In evaluation practice, there is still
being deployed and how they need to be managed. a need to compare the study of power from this
Although this example is brief, it illustrates the perspective with others. We see an opportunity
type of analysis that can be conducted and the to incorporate the use of the proposed system of
actions that could result to improve the practice inquiry with the use of systems methodologies to
of IS evaluation. The example can also prompt promote participative IS evaluation. We hope the
evaluation practitioners to reflect on the scope of view on power developed in this article contributes
their analyses by considering manifestations and to open up further opportunities of dialogue and
effects of power at different levels (economic, research between critical systems thinking and
social, “political”, etc). information systems.

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This work was previously published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 2, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 74-89,
copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 16
Information Technology Industry
Impact of Disruptive Innovation Strategy

Nicholas C. Georgantzas
Fordham University Business Schools, USA

Evangelos Katsamakas
Fordham University Business Schools, USA


This chapter combines disruptive innovation strategy (DIS) theory with the system dynamics (SD) model-
ing method. It presents a simulation model of the hard-disk (HD) maker population overshoot and col-
lapse dynamics, showing that DIS can crucially affect the dynamics of the IT industry. Data from the HD
maker industry help calibrate the parameters of the SD model and replicate the HD makers’ overshoot
and collapse dynamics, which DIS allegedly caused from 1973 through 1993. SD model analysis entails
articulating exactly how the structure of feedback relations among variables in a system determines
its performance through time. The HD maker population model analysis shows that, over five distinct
time phases, four different feedback loops might have been most prominent in generating the HD maker
population dynamics. The chapter shows the benefits of using SD modeling software, such as iThink®,
and SD model analysis software, such as Digest®. The latter helps detect exactly how changes in loop
polarity and prominence determine system performance through time. Strategic scenarios computed
with the model also show the relevance of using SD for information system management and research
in areas where dynamic complexity rules.

INTRODUCTION innovation is emerging as a mainstream strategy

that firms use first to create and subsequently
In challenging business environments, where to sustain growth in many industries (Bower &
even the best thought-of and executed strategies Christensen, 1995; Christensen, 1997; Chris-
can fail dramatically (Raynor, 2007), disruptive tensen, et al 2002; Christensen & Raynor, 2003).

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Honda’s small off-road motorcycles of the 60s, participation metric (PPM), implemented in his
for example, personal computers and Intuit’s Digest® software (Mojtahedzadeh et al, 2004).
accounting software initially under-performed Shown here is a small part of a modeling project
established product offers. But such innovations that combined DIS theory with SD to answer
bring new value propositions to new users, who specific client concerns about the dynamic con-
do not need all the performance incumbent firms sequences of implementing disruptive innovation
offer. After establishing themselves in a simple strategies in established high-technology markets,
application or user niche, potentially disruptive which contain over- and under-served (current
products (goods or services) improve until they and potential) users.
“change the game” (Gharajedaghi, 1999), driving By definition, DIS is a dynamic process. Any
incumbent firms to the sidelines. model that purports to explain the evolution of a
Christensen and Raynor (2003) see disruptive dynamic process also defines a dynamic system
innovation strategy (DIS) not as the product of either explicitly or implicitly (Repenning, 2002).
random events, but as a repeatable process that A crucial aspect of model building in any domain
managers can design and replicate with sufficient is that any claim a model makes about the nature
regularity and success, once they understand and structure of relations among variables in a
the circumstances associated with the genesis system must follow as a logical consequence of
and distinct dynamics a DIS entails. Similarly, its assumptions about the system. And attain-
Christensen et al (2002, p. 42) urge technology ing logical consistency requires checking if the
managers, adept in developing new business dynamic system the model defines can generate
processes, to design robust, replicable DIS for the real-life performance of the dynamic process
creating and nurturing new growth business the model tries to explain.
areas. In so doing, they must (a) seek to balance But most existing DIS models are merely
resources that sustain short-term profit and invest- textual and diagrammatic in nature. Given a par-
ments in high-growth opportunities and (b) use ticular disruptive innovation situation, in order to
both separate screening processes and separate determine if a prescribed DIS idea can generate
criteria for judging sustaining and disruptive in- superior performance, which only ‘systemic lever-
novation projects. age’ endows (Georgantzas & Ritchie-Dunham,
DIS can crucially affect the dynamics of IT, 2003), managers must mentally solve a complex
causing turbulence and industry shake-outs. An- system of differential or difference equations.
thony and Christensen (2004) and Christensen et Alas, relying on intuition for testing logical con-
al. (2002) argue that is extremely important for sistency in dynamic business processes might
technology managers to understand DIS. To help contrast sharply with the long-certified human
them make it so, this chapter shows a system dy- cognitive limits (Morecroft, 1985; Paich & Ster-
namics (SD) model that replicates Christensen’s man 1993; Sterman 1989; Sastry 1997).
(1992) data on hard-disk (HD) maker population Aware of these limits, the chapter makes
dynamics. The model draws on archetypal SD multiple contributions. One is the culmination of
overshoot and collapse work (Alfeld & Graham, the early disruptive innovation literature into a
1974; Mojtahedzadeh, Andersen & Richardson generic model of the hard-disk makers’ overshoot
2004), which covers SD models in many areas with and collapse. Using a generic structure from prior
similarities in the structure of causal processes. SD overshoot and collapse work, the model con-
Cast as a methodological IS industry case, the tains assumptions common to seemingly diverse
chapter also shows the use and benefits of model theories in economics, epidemiology, marketing
analysis with Mojtahedzadeh’s (1996) pathway and sociology. Two is the translation of these

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

seemingly diverse components into a simulation tion: sustaining vs. disruptive (Christensen, 1997).
model that allows addressing the specific concerns The defining feature of DIS is that it emphasizes
of a real-life client, by generating the overshoot new performance virtues or dimensions, which
and collapse dynamics of the hard-disk makers’ are not the primary performance dimensions of
population. the mainstream market. Conversely, sustaining
Furthermore, the chapter aims at expanding the innovation emphasizes the improvement of extant
relatively scarce but insightful IS research using product performance dimensions.
the SD modeling method (Dutta & Roy, 2005; Typically, DIS or disrupter firms start out
Kanungo, 2003; Abdel-Hamid & Madnick 1989). small and operate on the fringes of existing
By describing the SD method and demonstrating markets for a while, growing and establishing
its value, the chapter encourages a wider adop- a foothold under incumbents’ radar screens. At
tion of the SD modeling method in information the heart of DIS, with the potential to disrupt a
systems research. mature industry, perhaps even to overtake and
The model analysis results show that, over five to displace incumbent firms through time, is a
distinct time phases, four different feedback loops technology and a good or service platform that
become prominent in generating the HD maker marks a departure from sustaining innovation,
population dynamics from 1973 through 1993. The in the form of product extensions and add-ons to
chapter does not merely translate Christensen’s existing goods and services. Such a technology
DIS work into a SD model to replicate his results. fills a previously unidentified or unaddressed niche
It dares to ask how and why the model produces with a value proposition aligned with user needs
the results it does. With the help of Digest®, the or ‘jobs to do’ (Christensen & Raynor, 2003).
chapter ventures beyond dynamic and operational A disrupter firm offers new choices in the
thinking, seeks insight from system structure and form of stripped down functionality at a lower
thereby accelerates circular causality thinking price, i.e., a ‘less for less’ offering. Adapted from
(Richmond, 1993). Digest® helps detect exactly Christensen and Raynor (2003, p. 44), Figure 1
how changes in loop prominence determine sys- shows the low-end and non-consumption markets
tem performance. disrupters exploit. The sustaining innovations of
Following are a review of the disruptive inno- established firms often over-supply users with
vation strategy literature and an overview of the technological functionality or services that users
SD modeling method. Then the chapter proceeds do not actually need. The broken straight lines
with model description and discussion of the of Figure 1 show the trajectories of increasing
simulation and model analysis results. user requirements for a given good or service.
The sustaining innovations solid line on the front
panel of Figure 1 is the increasing performance
DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION the good or service offers, which is steeper than
STRATEGY (DIS) THEORY the user requirements broken line. For example,
mainframe and mini-computers in the late 1980s
The management innovation literature has delin- offered users higher levels of performance, fea-
eated multiple ways to dichotomize innovation, tures and capability than they could use. This
such as radical vs. incremental, competency oversupply left a vacuum at the low end of the
destroying vs. competency enhancing, and com- market for a ‘simpler’ product offering: the per-
ponent vs. architectural (Hill & Jones, 1998; sonal computer (PC).
Christensen, 1997; Tushman & Anderson, 1986). Once introduced, along the solid, low-end
The DIS theory offers a new dichotomy of innova- disruption line on Figure 1, PCs had offered lower

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Figure 1. Low-end and non-consumption market disruption (adapted from Christensen and Raynor,
2003, p.44)

performance to users than mainstream mainframe functionality that far exceeds their needs, at a
and mini computers did. But a niche of users price they only pay reluctantly for lack of alterna-
valued PCs and, through time, PC technological tives. Contrary to fitly served users, users in such
performance improved along the trajectory of markets cannot absorb sustaining performance
the low-end disruption line. At some point, PC improvements that exceed the range of utility
performance equaled that demanded by the aver- they need or know how to exploit.
age mainstream users of mainframes and mini- Once a disrupter firm becomes successful
computers. So users started to switch, causing a at penetrating non-consumption and low-end
widespread disruption of the established computer tiers, and has been on the market long enough
market, thereby driving many incumbent firms to improve service delivery, to strengthen core
out of business. Depending on the performance business processes and to achieve a reasonable
ranges users can use or absorb to get a job done level of profitability, then the DIS firm is poised
(i.e., to fulfill a need), new goods and services for an up-market march. This entails going after
continually improve, usually faster than the aver- incumbent firms’ high-end segments with an
age user’s requirements, leaving space for new- improved or expanded good/service offering and
market disruption waves among non-users on the enhanced functionality at higher price points. The
back panel of Figure 1. Potentially, for example, disrupter must be aware that moving up market to
the fast evolving personal digital assistant (PDA) contest an incumbent firm’s lock-in of lucrative
and related mobile devices might next disrupt the users might trigger a wave of retaliation. So dis-
PC market further in the future. rupters must ensure sufficient readiness to address
Disrupter firms typically target market seg- the competitive response prior to embarking on
ments currently unable to purchase a good or their up-market march.
service or to fill a specific need. In effect, they Disrupter firms exploit incumbents’ exclusive
create new markets by addressing non-user needs. focus on sustaining innovations and improved
Each disrupter firm exploits its ability to appeal presence in the high-end, most profitable market
to incumbent firms’ low-end markets, i.e., over- segments (Christensen, 1997). As incumbents pay
served users facing a good or a service, with little attention to new and lower-end markets, they

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

allow DIS entrants to move in and position them- THE SYSTEM DYNAMICS (SD)
selves to eventually move up-market and to begin MODELING METHOD
carving paths into the very markets established
players serve. Incumbents begin to compromise Client-driven, the entire SD modeling process
long-term growth by allowing disrupters to eat aims at helping managers articulate exactly how
into the lower-end segments and undermine their the structure of circular feedback relations among
competitive position. Often, incumbents face a variables in the system they manage determines
cost disadvantage compared to the typically light its performance through time (Forrester & Senge,
DIS cost structure. This limits when and how 1980). In the endless hunt for superior perfor-
incumbents can respond to the DIS threat. Taking mance, SD’s basic tenet is that the structure of
a long-term view might well suggest retaliating feedback loop relations in a system gives rise to
early and with great force. its dynamics (Meadows, 1989; Sterman, 2000,
Disrupters are typically ideally positioned p. 16).
to take advantage of the time lag to retaliation. SD moves beyond mere - (Gharajedaghi, 1999;
They strengthen their presence and improve the Senge, et. al, 1994) to systems formal modeling.
quality and functionality of their offering and Pioneered by MIT’s Forrester (1961) and influ-
its overall value proposition as they prepare to enced by engineering control theory, SD calls
embark upon an up-market march. A successful for formal simulation modeling that provides
up-market march can spell a prolonged period of a rigorous understanding of system behavior.
upset and transformation for entire industries. Old Formal simulation modeling is an essential tool
ways of doing business and serving users give because “people’s intuitive predictions about the
way to superior ways of addressing user needs dynamics of complex systems are systematically
or jobs to do, at a more granular level and at a flawed” (Sterman, 1994, p. 178), mostly because
lower price. of human’s bounded rationality. Fontana (2006)
This chapter provides insights in industry sees SD as a most coherent modeling method,
transformation, focusing on the effects of DIS on with high descriptive ability and theory building
the number of firms operating in IT industry. It potential.
shows that DIS may crucially affect the dynam- Two types of diagrams help formalize system
ics of the IT industry, causing turbulence and structure: causal loop diagrams (CLDs) and stock
consolidation of firms operating in the industry. and flow diagrams. CLDs depict relations among
The number of firms is a core aspect of industry variables (e.g., Figure 5b). Arrows show the direc-
structure because it affects product price and tion of causality and ‘+’ and ‘–’ signs the polarity
variety, as well as firm profitability and the value of relations, i.e., how an increase in a variable af-
enjoyed by technology users (Tirole, 1988). The fects change in a related variable. The culmination
chapter also contributes to the emerging IS lit- of all variable relations describes a set of positive
erature on disruptive innovation (e.g. Lyytinen or reinforcing and negative or balancing feedback
& Rose, 2003a,b; Katsamakas & Georgantzas, loops characterizing a system.
2008; Georgantzas & Katsamakas, 2008). Much Complementary to CLDs (Sterman, 2000),
of that literature focuses on the organizational stock and flow diagrams depict how flow vari-
impact of disruptive innovations (e.g., Lyytinen ables accumulate into stock variables, i.e., how
& Rose, 2003a,b), but pays little attention on the stocks integrate the flows and how the flows dif-
explanation of industry dynamics. ferentiate the stocks (e.g., Figure 3). Stock and
flow diagrams include causal loops, and provide
the system with useful features such as memory

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

and inertia. So they are essential in determining & Hines, 2000; Kampmann, 1996; Mojtahedza-
the dynamic behavior of the system under study. deh, 1996; Mojtahedzadeh, et al 2004; Oliva,
Figure 2 shows possible system behavior patterns 2004; Oliva & Mojtahedzadeh, 2004). Mostly,
through time. At the right level of abstraction, SD they build on Nathan Forrester’s (1983) idea to
researchers encounter similar causal processes link loop strength to system eigenvalues.
that underlie seemingly highly diverse phenomena Mojtahedzadeh’s Digest® software plays
(Forrester, 1961). a crucial role in the analysis of this chapter’s
model. The pathway participation metric inside
Model Analysis in the SD Modeling Digest® detects and displays prominent causal
Method paths and loop structures by computing each
selected variable’s dynamics from its slope and
Both as an inquiry and as a coherent problem- curvature, i.e., its first and second time derivatives.
solving method, SD can attain its spectacular Without computer simulation, even experienced
Darwinian sweep (Atkinson, 2004) as long as it modelers find it hard to test their intuition about
formally links system structure and performance. the connection between circular causality and SD
In order to help academics and managers see (Oliva, 2004; Mojtahedzadeh et al 2004). Using
exactly what part of system structure affects per- Digest® is, however, a necessary but insufficient
formance through time, i.e., detect shifting loop condition for insight. Insightful articulations that
polarity and dominance (Richardson, 1995), SD link performance to system structure integrate
researchers use tools from discrete mathematics insight from dynamic, operational and feedback
and graph theory first to simplify and then to auto- loop thinking (Mojtahedzadeh et al 2004; Rich-
mate model analysis (Gonçalves, Lerpattarapong, mond, 1993).

Figure 2. Eight archetypal performance (P) dynamics (i.e., behavior patterns through time) might exist
within a single phase of behavior for a single variable (adapted from Mojtahedzadeh et al 2004)

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Figure 3. Hard-disk (HD) makers’ population and users’ jobs to do sector

Linked to eigenvalue and dominant loop of structure. PPM can identify dominant loops,
research, Mojtahedzadeh’s (1996) PPM is most but does not start with them as its basic building
promising in formally linking performance to blocks. Using a recursive heuristic approach, PPM
system structure. Mojtahedzadeh et al (2004) detects compact structures of chief causal paths
give an extensive overview of PPM that shows and loops that contribute the most to the perfor-
its conceptual underpinnings and mathemati- mance of a selected variable through time.
cal definition, exactly how it relates to system Mojtahedzadeh et al (2004, pp. 7-11) also pres-
eigenvalues and concrete examples to illustrate ent Digest® software. Digest® detects the causal
its merits. Very briefly, the pathway participation paths that contribute the most to generating the
metric sees a model’s individual causal links or dynamics a selected variable shows. It first slices
paths among variables as the basic building blocks a selected variable’s time path or trajectory into

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

discrete phases, each corresponding to one of eight Oliva (2004) structurally derived via an algorithm
possible behavior patterns through time (Figure for model partition and automatic calibration, does
2). Once the selected variable’s time trajectory contain the most influential or prominent causal
is cut into phases, PPM decides which pathway paths that Digest® detects. Methodologically, this
is most prominent in generating that variable’s chapter contributes to this line of work.
performance within each phase. As causal paths
combine to form loops, combinations of such cir-
cular paths shape the most influential or prominent MODEL DESCRIPTION
loops within each phase.
Mojtahedzadeh is testing PPM with a multitude The SD model consists of two major components
of classic SD models, such as, for example, Alfeld or sectors. First, we describe the hard-disk mak-
and Graham’s (1976) urban dynamics model (cf ers’ population and user jobs to do sector, and
Mojtahedzadeh et al 2004). Similarly, Oliva and then the behavior reproduction testing sector. The
Mojtahedzadeh (2004) use Digest® to show that SD simulation model was developed using the
the shortest independent loop set (SILS), which iThink® SD software (Richmond 2006).

Figure 4. Behavior reproduction testing sector

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Hard-Disk (HD) Maker Population what drives the flows in the system. In the context
and User Jobs to do Sector of systems thinking (ST), stock and flow diagrams
like the one on Figure 3 help accelerate what
Figure 4 shows the model’s hard-disk (HD) mak- Richmond (1993) calls operational thinking.
ers’ population and user jobs to do sector. Listed in The model on Figure 3 and Table 1 is based
the Appendix, Table 1 shows the equations of the on a classic structure that illustrates how the
model. There is a one-to-one association between population of firms in a particular industry grows
the model diagram of Figure 3 and its equations through time until the resources needed to support
on Table 1. Building a model entails diagramming its growth are depleted (Alfeld & Graham, 1976;
system structure and then specifying differential Mojtahedzadeh et al 2004). The model captures
equations and parameter values. The software real-world processes as feedback loops that might
enforces consistency between model diagrams cause the performance dynamics of its pertinent
and equations, while its built-in functions help variables. Caught in a web of eleven feedback
quantify parameters and variables pertinent to the loops, the HD Makers’ population, for example,
HD Makers’ overshoot and collapse dynamics. grows when, ceteris paribus, new hard-disk mak-
Rectangles represent stocks or level variables ers enter through a reinforcing or positive (+) loop
that accumulate in SD, such as the population of and declines when, again ceteris paribus, they exit
HD Makers (Figure 3 and Eq. 1, Table 1). Ema- through a balancing or negative (–) loop (Figure
nating from cloud-like sources and ebbing into 3). Once new firms join the hard-disk makers’
cloud-like sinks, the double-line, pipe-and-valve- population, they immediately begin to deplete the
like icons that fill and drain the stocks represent users’ Jobs To Do stock (Eq. 2), a vital resource
flows or rate variables that cause the stocks to for HD Makers to stay in business.
change. The exit outflow of Figure 3 and Eq. 5, for The shortage of jobs ratio (Eq. 12), i.e., the ratio
example, bleeds the HD Makers stock, initialized of done jobs (Eq. 3) to jobs sought (Eq. 13), also
(INIT) with 18 hard-disk maker firms (Eq. 1.1, affects new firm entry and exit indirectly. Last but
Table 1) per Christensen’s (1992) data. Single-line not least, the users’ Jobs To Do stock controls its
arrows represent information connectors, while own depletion rate, i.e., done jobs, by modulating
circular icons depict auxiliary converters where the jobs delivery delay (Eq. 12), i.e., the ratio of
constants, behavioral relations or decision points Jobs To Do to jobs sought (Eq. 13).
convert information into decisions. Given its specific set of parameters and ini-
The enter inflow (Eq. 4), which fills the HD tial values, to explain the dynamics the model
Makers stock, depends, for example, on the HD generates, the question is: which of the eleven
Makers population itself, multiplied by the in- feedback loops HD Makers are caught in are
dustry’s empirical growth fraction, an exogenous most influential or prominent in generating the
auxiliary constant parameter (Eq. 7), and by the HD Makers’ behavior Christensen (1992) ob-
annual shortage of jobs effect (Eq. 16), a graphical served. For example, what made the users’ Jobs
table function (gtf). To Do decline rapidly? What drove HD Makers
The stock and flow diagram on Figure 3 shows to grow rapidly in the first few years? What part
accumulations and flows essential in generating of the structure is responsible for the decline of
the performance dynamics of the hard-disk maker the hard-disk makers’ population followed by
population. The fate of this population was de- its growth? Those familiar with this archetypal
termined by the disruptive innovation diffusion model structure might easily explain the growth
process (Christensen, 1992). This diagram also and declining phases. It might not be as easy,
tells, with the help of the equations on Tables 1, however, to distinguish which part of the model

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

contributes most to the dynamics of HD Makers failing to match the random component of the
in the transition from reinforcing (+) growth to a data” (2000, p. 877).
balancing (–) decline. Using Digest® allows de- Figure 4 shows the stock and flow diagram
tecting the most prominent or influential feedback of the behavior reproduction testing model sec-
loops as the HD Makers dynamics unfolds. tor and Table 2 the sector’s equations, complete
with explanatory comments included for this
Behavior Reproduction Testing TIS implementation. Worth noting, however, on
Sector Figure 4 and Table 2 are the estimated hard-disk
makers stock (Est HD Makers, Eq. 19), along with
To replicate the DIS-caused overshoot and col- its associated in and out flows (Eqs 34 and 35).
lapse dynamics of the HD Makers’ population that These last three model components help replicate
Christensen (1992) reports, the model’s specific Christensen’s (1992) data exactly, with zero error,
set of parameters and initial values were set to using the built-in STEP function of iThink®. This
minimize the mean square error (MSE) between may seem like a futile exercise at the outset, but
actual and simulation data. Shown on Figure 4, it helped convince the client of the much larger
Theil’s (1966) inequality statistics (TIS) subse- modeling project than what is shown here that
quently decompose MSE on Figure 7. replicating real-life data does not necessarily
TIS provide an elegant decomposition of the produce much insight, nor does it help one ap-
MSE into three components: bias (UM), unequal preciate a dynamically complex system.
variance (US) and unequal covariance (UC), so that
UM + US + UC = 1 (Oliva, 1995; Sterman, 1984
and 2000; Theil, 1966). Briefly, bias arises when RESULTS
competing data have different means. Unequal
variance implies that the variances of two time To be useful, model analysis must create insight via
series differ. Unequal covariance means imper- coherent explanations of how influential pieces of
fectly correlated data that differ point by point. system structure give rise to performance through
Dividing each component by the MSE gives the time. Figure 6 shows the simulation results for the
MSE fraction due to bias (UM), due to unequal hard-disk maker population performance, with
variance (US) and due to unequal covariance (UC). time phases and prominent feedback loops. The
A large UM reveals a potentially serious system- Est HD Makers behavior faithfully reproduces the
atic error. US errors can be systematic too. When actual HD Makers dynamics without error (Figure
unequal variation dominates the MSE, the data 5a). But zero error in behavior pattern reproduc-
match on average and is highly correlated but the tion can also mean zero insight for appreciating
variation in two time series around their common a dynamically complex system. The HD Makers
mean differs. One variable is a stretched out ver- behavior (line #3 on Figure 5a) provides a less
sion of the other. US may be large either because impressive data fit, but the feedback loop web
of trend differences, or because the data have the behind its dynamics is where insight lives.
same phasing but different amplitude fluctuations The vertical lines on the time domain output
(Sterman, 2000, p. 876). If most of the error is of Figure 5a show five distinct time phases in the
concentrated in unequal covariance, then the HD Makers dynamics, which Digest® identified
data means and trends match but individual data by detecting behavior pattern shifts. Phase I of
points differ point by point. When UC is large, then the HD Makers dynamics on Figure 5a shows
most of the error is unsystematic and, according reinforcing growth (Figure 2), which lasts for
to Sterman: “a model should not be faulted for about 4 years. During this time, both the slope

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Figure 5. Simulation results with time phases and prominent feedback loops

(first time derivative) and the curvature (second In addition to discerning distinct time phases
time derivative) of the variable of interest, HD in the dynamics of a variable of interest, Digest®
Makers, remain positive. Phase II on Figure 5a also detects and displays the most influential or
shows balancing growth. The slope and curvature prominent structures that contribute the most
of HD Makers have opposite signs in this phase. to the selected behavior pattern in each phase.
Phases III and IV show reinforcing decline. And Corresponding to the first phase of the behavior
lastly, in its fifth distinct phase (Figure 5a) the of HD Makers is reinforcing feedback loop #1
HD Makers dynamics shows balancing decline of Figure 5b which, according to Digest®, is the
(Figure 2). most prominent loop in generating the reinforc-

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Figure 6. Phase plots of relations among pertinent variables

ing growth in the HD maker population. Initially, In phase IV, prominent loop #2 takes over
HD Makers attract new hard-disk makers to enter again, now from loop #3, while keeping the users’
the industry, increasing HD Makers further. By Jobs To Do stock in focus. In phase V, however,
inspecting the model structure on Figure 3, one with HD Makers already dropping, prominent
could identify eleven feedback loops surround- loop #4 bypasses the Jobs to Do stock, increasing
ing HD Makers. Using its pathway participation the jobs delivery delay directly, indirectly causing
metric, Digest® automatically selects reinforcing the exit fraction, and thereby the exit rate of HD
feedback loop #1 as the most prominent one among Makers, to slow down. Prominent loop #4 remains
all the other loops in the model. most influential until the end of the simulation.
In phase II of the HD Makers dynamics, system In phase II of Figure 5, while trying to explain
control shifts from reinforcing loop #1 to the most why HD Makers is generating a balancing growth,
influential structure or balancing feedback loop it may be easy to spot the role of the balancing
#2 of Figure 5b, associated with the users’ Jobs To feedback loop that controls the Jobs To Do stock
Do stock. Initially plenty in phase I, users’ Jobs depletion. The users’ articulated Jobs To Do
To Do now begin to fall, along the pathway that is dropping, thereby preventing new hard-disk
carries the effect of balancing loop #2 to HD Mak- makers from entry. The subtlety in explaining
ers. This same structure is also most prominent the behavior of the HD Makers is the subsequent
in phase IV of HD Makers’ dynamics. reinforcing decline in HD Makers’ dynamics in
In phase III of the HD Makers behavior, balanc- phase IV. Some novices may even look for rein-
ing loop #3 becomes the most influential structure forcing feedback to explain the reinforcing decline
of Figure 5b, associated with the users’ Jobs To dynamics. But Digest® tells that what forces HD
Do stock and the delivery delay. By phase III, the Makers to fall faster and faster is exactly the same
large HD Makers population causes the done jobs process that keeps their population at bay. Balanc-
rate to deplete the users’ articulated Jobs To Do ing loop #2, which controls Jobs To Do, prevents
faster. And the more job delivery delay decreases new hard-disk makers from entering and, once
because of the–by now–large hard-disk maker new entries fall behind those who exit, the HD
population, the more it causes the exit fraction Makers stock goes into a reinforcing decline.
to increase, thereby forcing some HD Makers to The relations among select pertinent variables
exit, while preventing new ones from entry. on the phase plots of Figure 6 confirm the above.
Polarity changes in all three cases, making it

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Figure 7. Dynamic behavior reproduction test results

rather impossible to assess such relations with Behavior Reproduction Test Results
correlation statistics. On Figure 6a, for example,
as the users’ articulated Jobs To Do decline, HD The coefficient of determination, R2, which
Makers initially rise and subsequently fall. On measures the variance in the data explained by
Figure 6b, new jobs gradually decrease as the the model as a dimensionless fraction, is a com-
HD Makes stock grows exponentially, then they mon statistic used to assess a model’s ability to
begin to grow once the HD maker population reproduce system behavior. The coefficient of
slows down, i.e., begins to increase at a declining determination is the square of the correlation
rate but, lastly, they increase even more rapidly coefficient, r, which measures the degree to which
once the HD Makes stock decreases. two series co-vary.

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Although widely reported because audiences But SD models also allow computing strategic
expect it (Figure 7), R2 is actually not very use- scenarios of what might happen in the future as
ful. Two series with the same error can generate well as of what might have been in the past. Both
very different R2 values depending on their trend academics and managers again can benefit from
(Sterman 2000, p. 874). Conversely, Theil’s (1966) the insight such scenarios provide, with respect
inequality statistics (TIS) use the mean square to the potential effects that changes in environ-
error (MSE), which measures the average error mental and policy parameters and variables might
between competing data series in the same units have or might have had on chosen performance
as the variable itself and weights large errors more variables of interest.
heavily than small ones. Back to the time domain of Figure 8, the
The residual plot of Figure 7a shows an uneven computed strategic scenarios of Figure 8a show,
pattern of serially autocorrelated errors, but both for example, what might have been the effect of
the r and the R2 values are high. And Theil’s in- increasing the available Jobs To Do stock, i.e.,
equality statistics (Figure 7b and c) do support the the HD Makers’ market size, on the hard-disk
model’s usefulness. The unequal covariance TIS, maker population. Ceteris paribus, a larger mar-
UC, dominates throughout the simulation (Figure ket size back in 1973 might have prolonged the
7b), and Figure 7c shows the end TIS values on reinforcing growth phase of HD Makers, perhaps
a vertical bar graph. Most of the MSE fraction is giving enough time to some of them to respond
concentrated above UC, showing that the model more timely to new entrant firm’s DIS. But the
captures the mean and trends in the actual data assumed structure of relations among variables
rather well, differing mostly point by point. in the system would still render inevitable the
balancing growth phase that followed (Phase II,
Computed Strategic Scenarios Figure 5a).
Again all other things being equal, less greed
Both academics and managers can benefit from on HD Maker’s behalf, in terms of the sought-
the leading interpretive instruments used in SD jobs-per-firm-per-year policy parameter (Figure
model analysis, such as eigenvalues, Theil’s (1966) 8b), might have similarly prolonged the Phase I
inequality statistics (Oliva, 1995; Sterman, 1984 reinforcing growth of Figure 5a, giving time to
and 2000) and the pathway participation metric, some HD Makers to develop an effective disrup-
implemented in the Digest® software (Mojta- tive innovation response strategy (DIRS). The
hedzadeh, 1996; Mojtahedzadeh, et al 2004). computed strategic scenarios of Figure 8 show but

Figure 8. Strategic scenarios computed with the SD model

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

one example of how academics and managers can The SD model behavior might resemble IS
benefit from the insight SD models can give them, technology industry dynamics beyond the DIS
about the strategic leverage of pertinent strategic effects in the hard-disk industry. For example,
performance variables and policy parameters or industry overshoot and collapse dynamics have
strategy levers. Choosing which lever to push or been observed in e-commerce early in this
pull on and when is crucial for both DIS and DIRS century, when a large number of Internet firms
design in IS research and practice. entered the industry and then went out of busi-
ness (Oliva, Sterman & Giese, 2003). The SD
modeling method and tools described here can be
CONCLUSION extended and used equally well in these diverse
contexts and that should be a fruitful direction
In business processes and systems, “randomness for future research.
is a measure of our ignorance” (Sterman, 2000, p. The SD modeling method can provide dynamic
127). And Christensen and Raynor (2003) might leverage insights in the dynamic complexity of
be right to see disruptive innovation strategies information technology markets, and the design,
as repeatable processes and not as the products development, implementation and management of
of random events. But have the DIS and DIRS IS, DIS and DIRS within organizations. A more
theory proponents used the right tools to help extensive adoption of system dynamics method in
managers understand the circumstances associ- IS research and practice should be fruitful. To that
ated with the genesis and distinct dynamics that direction, the chapter authors organized a Work-
DIS and DIRS entail? shop with theme “Complex Information System
Purely deterministic, this chapter’s SD model is Dynamics” in NYC on June 11 2008. They are
rather useful in explaining the HD Makers dynam- also guest-editing a forthcoming System Dynam-
ics. With four different feedback loops becoming ics Review special issue on “Information Systems
prominent along five distinct time phases, the Dynamics”, aiming to fuse a reinforcing feedback
chapter demonstrates the indispensable role of loop that will breed needed high-quality research
SD modeling in explaining the hard-disk makers’ on complex information systems dynamics.
rise and fall between 1973 and 1993.
It is Mojtahedzadeh’s Digest®, with its analy-
sis of shifting prominent structure and polarity REFERENCES
phases that has helped reveal the model analysis
results. Indeed, tools such as PPM can help make Abdel-Hamid, T. and Madnick, S. (1989). Les-
sense of the dynamically complex structure of sons learned from modeling the dynamics of
SD models, even if Oliva (2004, p. 331) finds software development. Communications of the
SD keen in understanding system performance, ACM, 32(12), 1426-1455.
“not structure per se”, in lieu of its core tenet that
Anthony, S. and Christensen, C. (2004). Forg-
system structure causes performance. Undeniably,
ing innovation from disruption. Optimize, (Aug)
while looking for systemic leverage in strategy
issue 24.
making (Georgantzas & Ritchie-Dunham, 2003),
modelers do play with structural changes for Alfeld, L.E. and Graham, A. (1976). Introduc-
superior performance. Model analysis tools such tion to Urban Dynamics. MIT Press, Cambridge
as Digest® help articulate structural complexity MA. Reprinted by Productivity Press: Portland
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Information Technology Industry Dynamics


Table 1. Hard-disk (HD) makers’ population and users’ jobs-to-do sector equations

Stock or Level (State) Variable ({·} = comments and/or units) Equation #

HD Makers(t) = HD Makers(t - dt) + (enter - exit) * dt (1)
INIT HD Makers = 18 {unit: firm} (1.1)
Jobs To Do(t) = Jobs To Do(t - dt) + (new jobs – done jobs) * dt (2)
INIT Jobs To Do = TIME / job articulation fraction {unit: job} (2.1)
Flows or Rate Variables
done jobs = jobs delivery delay effect * jobs sought {unit: job / year} (3)
enter = ROUND (STEP (HD Makers * empirical growth fraction * annual shortage of jobs effect, TIME)) {unit: firm (4)
/ year}
exit = ROUND (STEP (HD Makers * exit fraction, TIME)) {unit: firm / year} (5)
new jobs = 1 - job articulation fraction * (Jobs To Do - done jobs) / TIME {unit: job / year} (6)
Auxiliary Parameters and Converter Variables
empirical growth fraction = 0.1385 {unit: 1 / year} (7)
exit fraction = (1.048 - jobs delivery delay effect * annual shortage of jobs effect) {unit: 1 / year} (8)
jobs delivery delay = Jobs To Do / jobs sought {unit: year} (9)
jobs fraction = 0.103 {unit: 1 / year} (10)
jobs sought per firm per year = 29.3 {unit: job / firm / year} (11)
shortage of jobs ratio = done jobs / jobs sought {unit: unitless} (12)
jobs sought = HD Makers * jobs sought per firm per year {unit: job / year} (13)
year = 1 {Data time interval (i.e., unit: year)} (14)
actual HD Makers = GRAPH(TIME {Christensen’s (1992) HD Makers data}) (15)
(1973, 18.0), (1974, 20.0), (1975, 22.0), (1976, 24.0), (1977, 26.0), (1978, 28.0), (1979, 27.0), (1980, 26.0), (1981,
23.0), (1982, 20.0), (1983, 17.0), (1984, 14.0), (1985, 11.0), (1986, 10.4), (1987, 9.75), (1988, 9.12), (1989, 8.50),
(1990, 7.88), (1991, 7.25), (1992, 6.62), (1993, 6.00)
annual shortage of jobs effect = GRAPH(shortage of jobs ratio / year {unit: 1 / year}) (16)
(0.00, 0.00), (0.1, 0.06), (0.2, 0.14), (0.3, 0.255), (0.4, 0.395), (0.5, 0.535), (0.6, 0.685), (0.7, 0.825), (0.8, 0.92), (0.9,
0.98), (1, 1.00)
jobs delivery delay effect = GRAPH(jobs fraction * jobs delivery delay {unit: unitless}) (17)
(0.00, 0.00), (0.1, 0.06), (0.2, 0.14), (0.3, 0.255), (0.4, 0.395), (0.5, 0.535), (0.6, 0.685), (0.7, 0.825), (0.8, 0.92), (0.9,
0.98), (1, 1.00)
job articulation fraction = GRAPH(TIME {unit: 1 / year}) (18)
(1973, 0.197), (1974, 0.221), (1975, 0.237), (1976, 0.259), (1977, 0.287), (1978, 0.325), (1979, 0.369), (1980, 0.416),
(1981, 0.468), (1982, 0.527), (1984, 0.593), (1985, 0.667), (1986, 0.75), (1987, 0.844), (1988, 0.949), (1989, 1.07),
(1990, 1.20), (1991, 1.35), (1992, 1.52), (1993, 1.71)

Information Technology Industry Dynamics

Table 2. Behavior reproduction testing sector equations

Stock or Level (State) Variable ({·} = comments and/or units) Equation #

Est HD Makers(t) = Est HD Makers(t - dt) + (in - out) * dt; INIT Est HD Makers = 18 {unit: firm} (19)
∑ee(t) = ∑ee(t - dt) + (add ee) * dt; INIT ∑ee = 0 (20)
∑x(t) = ∑x(t - dt) + (add x) * dt; INIT ∑x = 0 {Cumulative sum of the actual data} (21)
∑xx(t) = ∑xx(t - dt) + (add xx) * dt; INIT ∑xx = 0 {Cumulative sum of the squared actual data} (22)
∑xy(t) = ∑xy(t - dt) + (add xy) * dt; INIT ∑xy = 0 {Cumulative sum of the xy product} (23)
∑y(t) = ∑y(t - dt) + (add y) * dt; INIT ∑y = 0 {Cumulative sum of the simulated data} (24)
∑yy(t) = ∑yy(t - dt) + (add yy) * dt; INIT ∑yy = 0 {Cumulative sum of the squared simulated data} (25)
n(t) = n(t - dt) + (add n) * dt; INIT n = 1e-9 {The current count n of data points} (26)
Flows or Rate Variables
add ee = e: residuals^2 / DT {Adds to the sum of squared errors between actual and simulated data} (27)
add n = sample / DT {Increments n, i.e., adds one to the number of observations} (28)
add x = x / DT {Adds to the cumulative sum of the actual data} (29)
add xx = x^2 / DT {Adds to the sum of the squared actual data} (30)
add xy = x * y / DT {Adds to the cumulative sum of the xy product of actual and simulated data} (31)
add y = y / DT {Adds to the cumulative sum of the simulated data} (32)
add yy = y^2 / DT {Adds to the cumulative sum of the squared simulated data} (33)
in = STEP(2, 1973) - STEP(2, 1978) {unit: firm / year} (34)
out = STEP(1, 1978) - STEP(1, 1980) + STEP(3, 1980) - STEP(3, 1985) + STEP(0.625, 1985) - STEP(0.625, 1993) (35)
{unit: firm / year}
Auxiliary Parameters and Converter Variables
bias TIS = ((∑x / n) - (∑y / n))^2 / (1e-9 + MSE) {The unequal bias Theil inequality statistic (TIS) is the MSE fraction (36)
caused by unequal means of the actual and simulated data}
covariance TIS = (2 * s x * s y * (1 - r)) / (1e-9 + MSE) {The unequal covariance Theil inequality statistic (TIS) is the (37)
MSE fraction caused by imperfect correlation between actual and simulated data}
e: residuals = x – y {The difference between sampled actual and simulated data} (38)
MSE = ∑ee / n {The mean squared error between actual and simulated data} (39)
r = ((∑xy / n) - (∑x / n) * (∑y / n)) / (s x * s y + 1e-9) {The correlation between x and y} (40)
RR = r^2 {The coefficient of determination R is the square of the correlation coefficient}
s x = SQRT ((∑xx / n) - (∑x / n)^2) {The standard deviation of x} (42)
s y = SQRT ((∑yy / n) - (∑y / n)^2) {The standard deviation of y} (43)
sample = PULSE (DT, year 1973, year) * (STEP (1, year 1973) - STEP (1, year 1993 + DT / 2)) {Sterman (2000, Ch. (44)
21 + CD) suggests sampling once a year between in order to compare actual and simulation data only where actual
data exist}
variance TIS = (s x - s y)^2 / (1e-9 + MSE) {The unequal variance Theil inequality statistic (TIS) is the MSE fraction (45)
caused by the unequal variance of actual and simulated data}
x = sample * Est HD Makers {The actual data sampled} (46)
y = sample * HD Makers {The simulated data sampled} (47)
year 1973 = 1973 {The data start time} (48)
Year 1993 = 1993 {The data end time} (49)
Zero = 0 {This plots a horizontal line at the origin of the y axis in the time domain} (50)

This work was previously published in Best Practices and Conceptual Innovations in Information Resources Management: Utilizing Technolo-
gies to Enable Global Progressions, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 231-250, copyright 2009 by Information Science Reference (an imprint
of IGI Global).


Chapter 17
Using a Systems Thinking
Perspective to Construct and
Apply an Evaluation Approach
of Technology-Based
Information Systems
Hajer Kefi
IUT Paris and University of Paris Dauphine, France


In this article, we use soft systems methodology and complexity modeling to build an evaluation approach
of a data warehouse implemented in a leading European financial institution. This approach consists in
building a theoretical model to be used as a purposeful observation lens, producing a clear picture of the
problematic situation under study and aimed at providing knowledge to prescribe corrective actions.

INTRODUCTION the reasons why we have chosen a systemic view

to build an evaluation approach of an information
In this article, we discuss a research approach technology (IT)-based information system (IS).
constructed and applied to evaluate the perfor- We will argue that pragmatic issues arising from
mance and the multiple impacts of a corporate data the characteristics of the empirical field under
warehouse implemented in a financial institution. investigation and/or the researcher status within
The first section examines the epistemological this field can lead to seek an alternative to the
and the methodological underpinnings of our ap- positivist paradigm on one side and the interpre-
proach based upon soft systems methodology and tive paradigm on the other side. In the second
systemic modeling. We will especially focus on section, we discuss the theoretical development

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

of our evaluation tool conceived as a structuring practical recommendations, corrective actions

framework to investigate the field with special prescription (action research), and so forth.
lenses, and also allowing the description of emer- The research study discussed in this article
gent and unpredictable events. The third section is related to an evaluation process conducted by
describes how this approach has been applied in a doctoral student in management information
an empirical research process conducted during systems, who has been mandated by the chief
a period of 17 months using multiple research information officer of a leading European financial
techniques. Finally, results, limitations, implica- institution to assess the performance of a corporate
tions, and recommendations for future research data warehouse (DW) implemented within this
are presented. firm and to prescribe corrective actions in order
to promote success and avoid failure. To cope with
this task, combining scientific rigor, pertinent
SEEKING A METHODOLOGICAL observation, objective assessment, and corrective
APPROACH: TO MAKE SENSE, actions, a research approach built upon systems
BUILD THE MODEL thinking is iteratively developed, applied, and
adjusted over time (Churchman, 1979). Theoreti-
Since the Delone and McLean (1992) quest for a cal work is not a prerequisite to enter the research
dependent variable to assess technology-based field. Empirical and theoretical tasks are combined
information systems (IS/IT) success, the evalu- to help the researcher give meaning to what he or
ation of these systems, in terms of their intrinsic she observes and experiences (Avison, Lau, Myers,
performance (technical or task-oriented), and/or & Nielson, 1999; Avison, Baskerville, & Myers,
impacts on individuals, groups, organizations, 2001). This is what Checkland and Scholes (1990)
and societies is still a hot issue, generating much call an Organized Purposeful Action defined as
interest among a wide range of researchers, in a “deliberate, decided, willed action, whether by
management science, economics, sociology, an individual or by a group” (p. 1).
computer science, and so forth. The dilemma here is that to produce purposeful
This issue illustrates, in our opinion, the action, the researcher cannot ignore the knowledge
divergent and nevertheless complementary per- already accumulated. He is also willing to produce
spectives and points of view that characterize the “new” experience-based knowledge. Now, where
information systems field. We believe that this might the knowledge to guide action be found?
diversity does not contribute to enhancing the The temptation is great to try an affiliation to the
identity crisis within this discipline (Benbasat & positivist research tradition (Hirschheim, 1992).
Zmud, 2003; Galliers, 2003) but helps researchers Whereas the omnipresent social dimension of the
and practitioners to develop multiple evaluation IS field and the human intentions embedded in
tools and frameworks that can satisfy a multiplicity organized purposeful action, the constructivist
of requirements: technical, financial, productivity- and interpretivist research strategy seem to be
oriented, behavioural, and so forth. The first step more appropriate (Galliers, 1992).
for a researcher or a practitioner involved in an Pragmatically, we adopt a systems thinking
evaluation process is to define the perspective that epistemology positioning that we will apply us-
will be adopted. Such a choice obviously depends ing pluralistic research techniques (qualitative
on his or her intentions, interests, and theoretical and quantitative). As argued by many authors
and professional background. It also depends on (Alter, 2004; Checkland, 1999; LeMoigne, 1977;
the objectives of the study being conducted: theory Mora, Gelman, Cervantes, Mejía, & Weitzenfeld,
development, theory testing (empirical studies), 2002), using “systems” thinking in the informa-

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

tion “systems” research field is not evident at complex, that is, ill-structured and not recogniz-
all. This is because the word “systems” does able directly and in a one and only “best” way. A
not refer to the same thing in these two areas of purposeful “general system,” or holon, is needed
knowledge. While the “systematic” perspective is to make a recognition (between many others) of
predominant in the IS field, particularly in systems a given real-world situation.
development, it is the “systemic” or “systems” Figure 1 below describes this mechanism.
perspective that mostly characterizes systems The general system, or holon, is the method that
thinking. In the systematic perspective, a system transforms a soft phenomenon in a well-structured
is a group of elements in interaction. Reasoning object under study (the model). Rather than a
in a systematic manner implies identifying all the transformation, LeMoigne prefers the term of
embedded elements of an object and studying all “modeling.” The representation system is a very
the interactions between them, in respect of the important component of the modeling mechanism.
reductionism principle of the positivist paradigm It is a surrogate of the researcher and encompasses
(Popper, 1963). In the systemic approach related his or her intentions, research objectives, and view
to the systems thinking paradigm and particularly points. Accordingly, to develop knowledge, that
to the general systems theory (Von Bertalanffy, is, a structured understanding of natural facts,
1968), a system is an abstract notion that means it is not necessary for the observer to be neutral
a whole, or holon: an emergent entity that is not and to remain out of the subject under study to
simply the collection of its constituent elements. guarantee objectivity.
According to this view, a way of thinking, solving This approach produces a substantial theo-
problems, and learning require the construction retical contribution to the systemic thinking
of a model that we can call “general system” to paradigm. Nevertheless, it is not, in our opinion,
help restructure the real-world situation in an sufficiently explicit to be applied per se in our
“investigable” or modeled manner. study. We have chosen to build upon soft systems
This philosophy has been supported by Jean- methodology (Checkland, 1999; Checkland &
Louis LeMoigne (1977), professor emeritus in Scholes, 1991) to define our research approach. In
France and the initiator of the European Program SSM, the adjective “soft” is linked to the systemic
on Complexity Modeling and the association for perspective, as opposed to “hard” systems related
complex thinking (www.mcxapc.org). According to the systematic perspective. It also advocates
to LeMoigne, real-world situations are necessarily (as for complex or systemic modeling) the neces-

Figure 1. Systemic modeling lemoigne (1977, p.57)




Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

sary feed-back between real-world and systems levels: the IS/IT level, the individual level, and the
thinking about real world. SSM and complexity organizational level. The focus is then to develop
modeling are neighboring and complementary a context-based, process-oriented description and
research perspectives, yet they continue to ignore explanation of the phenomenon, rather than an
each other. objective and static description (Kannelis, Lycett,
We have decided to adopt the systemic view & Paul, 1998; Orlikowski, 1993).
(built upon SSM and systemic modeling) in our This approach draws on Pettigrew’s (1990)
research approach. And accordingly, to attribute conceptualization of the organizational change
meaning to what we observe and experience in an study within the organization in a manner that
investigated situation, we have to build a model. considers both the content and context of change
This model will be used as a diagnostic tool that over time. Multiple research techniques will be
aims to produce a clear picture of this situation used to draw a clear picture of the reality we are
and provides knowledge to prescribe corrective describing, from multiple viewpoints and using
actions. multiple data sources, including questionnaire,
The core question we investigate is: “What are structured and semi-structured interviewing,
the critical elements that conduct and converge documentation review, and observation.
over time to the success (or the failure) of the DW
implementation project within the organization
and are there any solutions to prescribe in order THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT
to promote success and avoid failure?”
A longitudinal case study is conducted, based We consider three dimensions of what Markus
on the assumption that the adoption and use of the and Robey (1988) call a good theory, that is, a
DW should be conceptualized as a form of organi- “theory that guides research, which when ap-
zational change and that such perspective allows plied, increases the likelihood that information
us to anticipate, explain, and evaluate different technology will be employed with desirable
consequences following the introduction of such consequences for users, organizations and other
a tool in the organization (Orlikowski, 1993). We interest parties” (p. 583).
argue that these consequences occur at multiple

Figure 2. Represents the conventional seven-stage model of SSM.

Action to improve
Problem situation the problem
Considered problematic situation
Changes systematically
Culturally feasible

Comparison of models
Problem situation and real world


Real world

Systems thinking
About real world

Conceptual models
of the systems (holons)
Root definitions of Named in the root
relevant purposeful definitions

activity systems

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

These dimensions are: causal agency, logical and how they are shaped over time. That means
structure, and level of analysis. whether causes are related to effects in an invari-
The causal agency refers to the nature of ant, sufficient, and necessary relationship (vari-
causality relationships between the two major ance model) or in a recipe of sufficient conditions
components of the theory: IS/IT and organiza- occurring over time.
tion. Here we have chosen to break with the We argue that a process model for IS/IT evalu-
frameworks largely used in this kind of research ation is more appropriate to investigate over time
area, such as the studies investigating the orga- the conditions of success or failure of an IS/IT
nizational impacts of IS/IT or those related to IS/ project throughout its lifecycle, considering the
IT development and implementation literature. content of the impacts it generates and the context
These frameworks consist of causal and vari- in which these impacts occur.
ance models that proceed to the identification of Process-oriented IS/IT evaluation models sup-
dependent and independent variables, and define posing longitudinal studies are recommended in
the relationship between the technology and the many studies, such as those of King and Rodriguez
organization, in terms of causal unidirectional (1978), Hamilton and Chervany (1981a, 1981b)
relations, based on the deterministic assumptions and Delone and McLean (1992, 2003).
of either a technological or an organizational The level of analysis refers to the entities about
imperative (Markus & Robey, 1988). which the theory poses concepts and relation-
The framework proposed here is different ships. We adopt a multi-level perspective for IS/IT
from those identified above. It is based on a evaluation. These levels are considered over time,
structurational perspective (DeSanctis & Poole, beginning with the (IS/IT) tool and his intrinsic
1994; Giddens, 1987; Orlikowski, 1992, 1993, characteristics (technical and social ones); then we
2000; Swanson & Ramiller, 1997) that empha- consider the impacts it generates at the individual
sizes the dual nature of technology, comprising a level (the users considered individually, then on
social and a technical interrelated component, and the organization as a whole).
considers a bi-directional and recursive relation As such, our process-oriented and multi-level
between technology and organization, via diverse evaluation approach has some similarities with the
attitudes and behaviors of human agents during Delone and McLean Model (1992). However, we
task execution. Three main categories of agents propose an extension to this model by breaking
are identified: the decision makers (or managers), with the simple unidirectional causes-effects rela-
the users, and the conceptors/developers. The tionships it advocates and that have been so criti-
institutional properties of the organization are cized (Ballantine et al., 1998). The structurational
considered in this framework to be: (1) the context perspective allows us to build an interactionist and
that affects the ways in which these agents interact recursive relationship between the three levels: the
with technology; and (2) the field in which the technology, the individual, and the organization
impacts of these interactions are shaped. considered, in this order over time, and the insti-
We have to notice here that this structurational tutional context. Evaluating the performance and
perspective belongs to the socio-technical tradi- effectiveness of a technology-based information
tion thinking in IS (Bostrom & Heinen, 1977) system within this framework requires a global
and that both of them are built upon the systems understanding of the phenomenon incorporating
thinking paradigm (Checkland, 1999). the strategic and organizational context, and more
The logical structure concerns the hypoth- specifically the context of development and use,
esized relationships between causes and effects, and the interactions between actors during the
or outcomes, among the components of the theory system life cycle. We argue that the complexities

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

related to all these aspects should not be ignored Now we explicitly define the major components
or underestimated. of our theoretical model and define their causal
Our theoretical model consists of two com- relationships.
The Strategic and Organizational
• The first component is a process-oriented Context
evaluation instrument of a technology-based
information system that determines: (1) the Organization size, corporate strategy, structure,
perceived performance of this system by its culture, role of the IS/IT function in the organi-
users; (2) its individual impacts on users zation, IT strategy, and role of the leadership in
by identifying the resulting appropriation the decision-making concerning IS/IT are some
types; (3) its organizational impacts defined of the most-cited factors related to the strategic
in terms of organizational changes. and organizational context of IS/IT implemen-
tation projects. In most of the studies, they are
• The second component of the model displays considered in a contingency perspective in the
the context factors that affect the perceived evaluation approaches (Myers, Kappelman, &
performance of the IS/IT and its individual Prybutok, 1998; Saunders & Jones, 1992).
and organizational impacts. These factors A deeper stream of research is based on an
are related to the organizational context, inductive perspective aimed at identifying, ex-
the strategic context, and the context of clusively through data collected and analyzed
development and use. in the field, the critical elements that shape the
impacts associated with the implementation and
According to the structurational model defined use of IS/IT tools (Orlikowski, 1993).
above, the two components are recursively inter- We propose to begin our investigation of the
related (Figure 3). strategic and organizational context by consider-
ing three aspects largely cited in the literature:

Figure 3. Research model of IS/IT evaluation

Evaluation Process

IS Level Individual Level Organizational

Perceived Appropriation
Performance Types Organizational

Context of Development and Strategic and

Use Organizational Context

Contextual Properties

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

(1) corporate strategies, (2) structure and culture, more recently, it’s been seen in the instruments
and (3) role of IT function. developed by Straub, Limayem, and Karahanna-
Evaristo (1995); Garrity and Sanders (1998); Ish-
The Context of Development and man (1998); and so forth.
Use We draw on this stream of research to establish
our first hypothesis:
The approaches that focus on the context of
development and use are based on theories of H1: The IS/IT quality assessed in terms of
attitudes and behavior and try to identify the task-support-fit, ease of use and interface
situational factors that lead to intentions to IS/ quality, jointly with the degree of usage of
IT utilization and acceptance. They argue that this tool, determine its perceived impacts in
increased utilization and acceptance lead to posi- terms of: global user satisfaction, impacts
tive performance impacts. Within these situational on productivity, decision-making impacts
factors, Zmud (1979) focuses on the construct of and quality of work life satisfaction.
individual differences; Ives and Olson (1984) and
Kappelman (1995) on user involvement (Barki The Impacts of Development
& Hartwick1989); on user participation, user and Use Context on the Perceived
involvement, and user attitude (Barki and Hart- Performance of the IS/IT
wick1994); and Goodhue and Thompson (1995) on
the characteristics of the task and the individual The key issue here concerns the nature of the
and the concept of task-technology-fit. relationship between the factors related to this
In these studies, the subtleties between these context and the determinants of the perceived
approaching concepts are determined and their performance of the IS/IT defined above.
impacts on IS/IT performance studied either as Following Goodhue and Thompson (1995)
independent variables or as mediating ones. and Barki and Hartwick (1994), we consider task
characteristics and user participation in the devel-
The IS/IT level: Perceived opment process to be the determinant variables
Performance Evaluation of perceived IS/IT performance.
However, user involvement (a priori and a pos-
This component of our model is related to the teriori), user attitude toward IS/IT tools (mostly
perceptual approaches of IS/IT evaluation that try the degree to which they regard themselves as
to identify “the dependent variable” for the IS/ experimented and skilled in manipulating these
IT effectiveness or success and focus on the user tools) and, finally, collaboration relationships
perception of utility and satisfaction to measure between users and conceptors/developers, are
it. The so-called user satisfaction or user informa- mediating variables that affect the way previ-
tion satisfaction construct is the main surrogate ous determinant variables shape the ultimate
measure for this variable. It is the theme of a wide perceived performance (McKeen & Guimares,
range of theoretical and empirical studies, such as 1997; Saleem, 1996). Our second hypothesis is
Franz and Robey’s (1986) measure of perceived then the following:
usefulness; Doll and Torzadeh’s (1988) measure
of end-user computing satisfaction; Bailey and H2: Task characteristics and user participation
Pearson’s (1983) measure of user information in the development process have an impact
satisfaction; and Davis’ (1989) measure of per- on the perceived performance of the IS/IT.
ceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. And This impact is moderated by mediating fac-

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

tors related to user involvement, perceived explain each of them using different determinant
experience in IS/IT use and collaboration factors, such as the IS/IT function maturity or the
relationships between users and conceptors/ leadership role. We have adopted this point of
developers. view to establish our fourth hypothesis:

The Impacts of the Strategic and H4: Multiple appropriation types at the individual
Organizational Context on the level emerge over time. They are affected
Perceived Performance of the IS/IT by the perceived performance of the IS/IT
and by the prevailing context.
These impacts have not been deeply investigated
in previous literature. We can, however, build upon The Organizational Level:
some works (Franz & Robey, 1986; Lucas, 1973) Investigating Changes
that support the intuitively accepted hypothesis
according to which: The approaches that focus on the organizational
level to evaluate IS/IT are based on the assump-
H3: The strategic and organizational context tion that the information system, its technological
contribute to shape the IS/IT development support, and the human being using it to per-
and use context and accordingly have an form his or her tasks is a subsystem within the
impact on the perceived performance of organizational system and that the performance
the IS/IT. The strategic and organizational evaluation of this subsystem has to be assessed
impact can also directly affect that perceived via its contribution to the achievement of the
performance. organizational objectives, mainly those related
to organizational effectiveness (Chakraborty,
The Individual Level: Identifying 1994; Mirani & Lederer, 1998) and IT-enabled
Appropriation Types organizational change (Grover, Jeong, & Teng,
1995; Kettinger, Teng, & Guha, 1997). While
Different interaction schemes may occur between most of the studies that investigate these aspects
the users and their IS/IT tools. These are what we follow a causal, variance, and deterministic
call appropriation types. According to DeSanctis framework, those based on the structurational
and Poole (1994) and the adaptive structuration model identified above try to go further and argue
theory, the appropriation concept results from that the implementation and use of IS/IT should
studying the structurational impacts of an IS/IT be conceptualized as a form of organizational
at the individual level, that is to say, situating the change (Orlikowski, 1993, 1996 ; Orlikowski &
user as the analysis unit. Hofman, 1997).
More precisely, the studies on the concepts These studies offer a deeper framework to
of infusion, diffusion, and routinization (Coo- emphasize the criticality of the organizational
per & Zmud, 1990; Saga & Zmud, 1996) adopt context in shaping technology use in organizations
a process-oriented perspective to describe the and in describing the changes that have occurred
human-machine subsystem in its ongoing and among them recursively. Hence, they support
day-to-day practices. These result from a series of hypotheses H5 and H6:
events: implementation, use, and acceptation.
Saga and Zmud (1996) establish a utilization H5: Organizational impacts defined in terms of
taxonomy at the individual level—the extended organizational changes: planned change,
use, the integrated use, and the emergent use—and improvisational change, and/or emergent

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

change, appear over time. They are affected Phase 2: (five months)
by the different individual appropriation
types and by the prevailing context. • Purpose: Constructing and applying an in-
H6: These organizational changes (H5) potentially strument that measures the DW performance
produce incremental or radical changes and relates the performance criteria used to
among the pre-existing context. some specificities of the development and
use context.
• Research techniques: Questionnaire con-
THE CONDUCT OF THE struction and administration: A total of 101
RESEARCH PROCESS usable questionnaires were collected and
analyzed using statistical data analysis.
A longitudinal case study was conducted in a
multinational financial organization specialized Phase 3: (seven months)
in assets management. The IS/IT under study is
related to a data warehouse implementation project • Purpose: (1) Identifying appropriation types
conceived as a decision support system and aimed at the individual level, and relating them to
to be an organization-wide information system that the performance scores obtained in phase 2
supports all the activities of assets performance and the characteristics of the user-machine
analysis and client reporting. characteristics during all the observation
The study was conducted during a period of period; (2) describing the organizational
17 months. It consisted of three main phases, changes over time, relating them to the iden-
which not only differed in time and purpose but tified appropriation types and the prevailing
also with respect to the research methodology context.
and techniques used. • Research techniques: Qualitative data
collection and analysis using documen-
Phase 1: (five months) tary analysis, observation, interviewing
(11 structured interviews), and participative
• Purpose: Study of the strategic and organi- intervention (in collaboration with the ac-
zational context and the context of devel- tors) that aimed to solve problems related
opment and use (including the DW project to usage dysfunctions identified for each
specificities). appropriation type.
• Research techniques: Qualitative data col-
lection and analysis using documentary ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
analysis (content analysis), observation,
and interviewing of the three categories of As stated above, distinct research phases were
actors (decision makers, IS/IT conceptors/ conducted. Data analysis performed in one phase
developers, and users; 6 semi-structured can be interpreted and reused in the following
interviews and 15 structured interviews phases. The results obtained in phase one con-
were conducted) cerning context properties are used and actualized
(identifying the changes) during all the research
process. The results of phase two are used and
reinterpreted in phase three.

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

Phase 1: Context Properties The 101 usable questionnaires obtained rep-

resent a response rate of 53.2 %.
We have focused on the strategic and organiza- We used the statistical data analysis package
tional context and identified the characteristics SPSS 10.0 to execute the following treatments:
of the company concerning:
• A descriptive data analysis
• Corporate strategy: Maintaining com- • A confirmative data analysis through a series
petitive advantage by applying the climate- of factor analyses
intimacy model in all the targeted markets • A series of hierarchical regression analy-
using standardized management processes ses
built upon standardized IS/IT tools (among
them consolidated data bases and the DW All of them aim to test hypotheses H1 and
under study). H2.
• Strategy and culture: A global structure
built upon a network of local firms acting Descriptive Data Analysis
in their respective local markets. A multi-
cultural and collaborative climate prevails It concerns two categories of variables:
that promotes mobility of the know how and
competencies throughout the global firm • The performance criteria variables (depen-
• IS/IT function: It is a global function where dent variables): global satisfaction, impacts
global and standardized IS/IT solutions on productivity, impacts on quality of work
(proprietary or externalized) are built and life satisfaction, impacts on decision making,
implemented, beginning by one pilot site usage (frequency/regularity and perceived
(one of the local firms), then extended in dependence), task-technology-fit, ease of
the other sites. The DW project was built in use, and interface quality.
the Paris site, then it began to be extended • The context variables (independent vari-
to the other sites. ables), including user participation in the
development process, characteristics of the
Phase 2: DW Perceived Performance human-machine subsystem (user-task), user
involvement a priori (during the develop-
The questionnaire has been adapted from pre- ment process), user involvement a posteriori
vious literature (Baroudi & Orlikowski, 1988; (during the use process), collaboration re-
Davis, 1989; Doll & Torzadeh, 1988; Franz & lationships between users and conceptors/
Robey, 1986; Goodhue & Thompson, 1995; Ish- developers, and finally user perceived ex-
man, 1998; Kappelman, 1995; Myers et al, 1997; perience in IS/IT.
Saleem, 1996).
A pre-test has been realized in order to adapt We calculated aggregated and detailed perfor-
the original items to our specific case. Then, all mance scores for the first category of variables
the adapted items were translated into French. and, using frequency analyses performed upon
The questionnaire has been established in two the second category of variables, determined
versions, French and English, and then adminis- groups of users presenting the same context of
tered in the two sites where the DW is functional, development and use specificities.
in Paris and London.

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

Confirmative Data Analysis are effectively related to human-machine charac-

teristics, user involvement, and their perceived
• The factor analysis produced satisfactory experience in IS/IT.
results in terms of reliability of data: internal
consistency (Alpha Cronbach’s > 0.7 for most Phase 3: Individual Appropriation
of the variables), content and convergent/ Types and Organizational Impacts
discriminant validity. Twenty-four items
over a total of 26 load to their respective We have to notice here that the third hypothesis H3
factors (the variables they are assumed to has not been tested using the previous question-
measure in the theoretical model). naire because it is not frequent to find items related
• The hierarchic regression we executed on the to strategic and organizational context variables
basis of the previous results aim to examine in satisfaction questionnaires in IS/IT usage ad-
how the different categories of variables dressed to a population of users belonging to the
behave in terms of causal relationships. same organization. We argue that these context
We consider that the ultimate dependent specificities have to be assessed and related to the
variables are the perceived impacts of the results obtained during the evaluation process,
DW: global user satisfaction, impacts on using qualitative data collection techniques, such
productivity, decision making impacts and as observation and interviewing.
quality of work life satisfaction. We establish For this concern, we found that the role of IS/
a regression equation for each of these vari- IT function in this firm as a global entity produc-
ables where we test the determinant power ing standardized solutions is the main explaining
of those variables related to task-support-fit, factor of a context of development and use with no
ease of use, interface quality, and degree of significant participation of users in the develop-
usage, introduced progressively (hypothesis ment process, except for those who will use the
H1). Then we test the determinant power of DW in decision-making tasks.
the context variables (hypothesis H2), also Now, concerning the individual level of analy-
introduced progressively. sis, the results obtained through the questionnaire,
interviewing of the actors (users, developers, and
The results obtained strongly confirm the managers), and observation have converged to
first hypothesis H1 (p<0.01 and satisfactory define four appropriation types that describe dif-
correlations). Global user satisfaction, impacts ferent interactions schemes between the DW and
on productivity, decision making impacts, and the users, depending on the role they played in the
quality of work life satisfaction are effectively development process, their own characteristics,
determined by the DW quality assessed in terms of mainly their perceived experience in IS/IT, and
task-support-fit, ease of use and interface quality, their collaboration with developers during the
and by the degree of usage of this tool, in terms development and use of this tool.
of frequency and regularity of use and perceived These appropriation types are defined along
dependence of users. two axes:
Concerning the second hypothesis H2, evi-
dence showed no significant determinant power • The utilization type: DW has been conceived
of all the context variables for the impacts criteria as a decision support system. Two utiliza-
related to global user satisfaction, impacts on tion categories exist: the primary utilization
productivity and impacts and quality of work life (decision making) and the secondary utili-
satisfaction; however, impacts on decision making zation (reporting and treatments of data to

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

be used by the decision makers who do not IMPLICATIONS AND

have direct access to the DW). RECOMMENDATIONS FOR
• The perceived experience in IS/IT: That FUTURE RESEARCH
is, whether the users regard themselves as
experienced and skilled users of such tools In this article, a theoretical model is developed
or not. as a process where three levels of evaluation are
considered over time: the IS/IT level, by measuring
These results provide support to hypothesis the perceived quality of the application and of the
H4. information, the degree of use of that application,
We have also noticed that each appropriation and its perceived impacts by users, in terms of
type is characterized by homogenous performance satisfaction, for example; the individual level,
scores and presents the same utilization problems by the identification of individual appropriation
related to data quality or task support misfit. types; and the organizational level, by the study
A collaborative working group including the of the organizational changes. The whole pro-
researcher and the representatives of (1) the DW cess is integrated among the organizational and
conceptors/developers team, (2) each group of strategic context and the context of development
users, (3) managers of users departments, and and use.
(4) managers of the IS/IT function, has been This model has been applied in an in-depth
established in order to identify these problems, field study conducted over 17 months and related
design solutions, deliver them, and provide all the to a DW implementation project in a financial
support and assistance to implement them. institution. Multiple research techniques have
This collaborative group is a temporary been used, including documentary analysis, ob-
structure (maintained during three months) and servation, cooperative intervention, interviews,
has not been institutionalized, whereas some of and a questionnaire.
the changes it helped create can be defined as Results suggest that the perceived performance
organizational changes: the DW hotline imple- of the DW, jointly with the context factors related
mentation within the IS/IT function, routinizing to the characteristics of the human-machine sub-
the collaborative use of the DW between the users system characteristics and the role of the IS/IT
departments, are some of the most significant function in the organization, determine multiple
changes and thus provide support for our fifth appropriation types. To be effective, these involve
research hypothesis H5. a process of organizational change over time.
Regarding the observation period (only seven From a theoretical point of view, we argue that
months for phase three), can we detect the recursive the data warehouse studied in this research process
impact of the DW implementation process on the has been conceived as an IT artifact fully embedded
prevailing institutional context? and explicitly specified in time, place, discourse,
What we can say is that role of the IS/IT func- and community, as recommended by Orlikowski
tion as a global entity delivering standardized and Iacono (2001). We have constructed a multi-
solutions to all the sites of the group has been faced evaluation tool and have integrated it into
reconsidered to adjust the implemented solutions an organizational context in a process-oriented
to the real needs of the users. Thus, we can con- approach. The systemic approach adopted here
clude that this recursive impact is also confirmed, helped us go beyond the dichotomy positivist
and so is the final hypothesis H6. methodology versus interpretive methodology
dichotomy in an attempt to integrate them in a
pluralistic research perspective.

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

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Implications for IS theory testing. Management
Radical changes in systems development. MIS
Science, 41(8), 1328-1342.
Quarterly, 17(3), 309-340.

Using a Systems Thinking Perspective to Construct and Apply an Evaluation Approach of Technology

Swanson, E. B., & Ramiller, N. C. (1997). The Von Bertalanffy, L. (1968). General systems
organizing vision in information systems innova- theory. George Braziller, NY Editions.
tion. Organization Science, 8(5), 458-474.
Zmud, R. W. (1979). Individual differences and
MIS success: A review of the empirical literature.
Management Science, 25(10), 966-979.

This work was previously published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 2, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 108-121,
copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 18
The Distribution of a
Management Control System
in an Organization
Alfonso A. Reyes
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia


This chapter is concerned with methodological issues. In particular, it addresses the question of how is
it possible to align the design of management information systems with the structure of an organization.
The method proposed is built upon the Cybersin method developed by Stafford Beer (1975) and Raul
Espejo (1992). The chapter shows a way to intersect three complementary organizational fields: man-
agement information systems, management control systems, and organizational learning when studied
from a systemic perspective; in this case from the point of view of management cybernetics (Beer 1959,
1979, 1981, 1985).

UNDERSTANDING CONTROL IN AN simple idea of connecting communication (at that

ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT time used as a synonymous of information flow)
and control by a continuous feedback process
When Norbert Wiener defined cybernetics as opened up a huge space of possibilities to explain
the science of control and communication in the physical, biological and social phenomena related
animal and the machine (Wiener 1948) he was to self-regulation (Heims 1991). This is the case,
using the Greek word κυβερνητηζ, or steersman, for instance, of a heater in a physical domain,
as his main inspiration. Indeed, he was recalling or the homeostatic mechanism to regulate body
the ancient practice of steering a ship towards temperature in mammals (Ashby 1956). In all
a previously agreed destination regardless of these cases, however, it is important to notice
changing conditions of currents and winds. This that control is far from its naïve interpretation as

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

a crude process of coercion, but instead it refers An organization, on the other hand, is un-
to self-regulation. This is the meaning of control derstood in this context as a closed network of
used in this chapter. relationships constituted by the recurrent interplay
Cybernetics has evolved in many branches of roles and resources in a daily basis. In other
since its early years (Espejo & Reyes 2000). One words, people in organizations play formally
of these variations has focused on the study of defined roles that underpin the working relations
communication and control processes in organiza- they carry out with other organizational members.
tions; this is the topic of management cybernetics When these relations allow them to create, regulate
(Beer 1959, 1966, 1979) and is the conceptual and produce the goods and services they want to
underpinning of this chapter. offer, an organization with a particular identity
Given the close relation between information emerges; a human interaction system (Espejo
and control in self-regulating systems (as orga- 1994). This is an operational way to distinguish
nizations) this chapter addresses the question of between a group of people that meets regularly to
how information should be distributed across do something (as fans that used to meet at football
the structure of an organization in order to allow matches) and an organization (when those fans
self-regulation to be effective. In order to achieve constitute a club).
this, we would like to show a way of relating There are different ways to describe what an
three organizational fields: management infor- organization is doing; one way is to make explicit
mation systems, management control systems the transformation process by which this orga-
and organizational learning. This is done from nization is producing the goods or services it is
a methodological point of view by describing a offering. Figure 1 shows a simple representation
step-by-step method (although it is not intended of such description. Notice that this description
to be linear) to build a network of homeostatic is suitable not only for an organization as a whole
mechanisms. But before describing the method, (like an insurance company that transforms
it is important to clarify with more detail the information into specific products) but also to
meaning of control used herein. any other organizational processes like those
In an organizational context controlling a carry out by the human resource department of
system is a process intended to close the gap a bank or those constituting the quality system
between the observed outcomes produced by of a company.
the organization and the expectations previously Our concern is to model the self-regulating (or
agreed among relevant stakeholders. It is, there- control) process of any organizational system that
fore, a self-regulating process. could be described as a transformation process.

Figure 1. A representation of a system-in-focus as a transformation process

A sy stem - in - fo cu s

In p u ts T ra n s fo rm a tio n G o o d s / S e rvic e s

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

From now on we will call an instance of these the system-in-focus, designing a strategic and op-
processes a system-in-focus. erational action and directing its execution through
Figure 2 describes a self-regulating mechanism the doing of other organizational members are at
for a system-in-focus. This control cycle starts by the core of a management control system. And
observing the behavior of the system, that is, by finally, the control loop itself can be related with
looking at a set of indices that measure the critical the continuous operation of four stages: observing
success factors of its operation. If the state of these the state of a system; assessing the mismatch with
indices does not match a set of expected values, expected outcomes; designing a set of actions; and
then the system is out of control. The manager (or implementing them to close the loop. These four
any organizational member) that is responsible for stages are characteristics of an individual learning
its operation has to address the reasons of such an loop usually known as the OADI learning model
undesirable behavior and as a result of this inquiry (Kim 1993). When the loop is designed in such a
design a set of strategic or operational actions to way that it operates for a particular role (instead
intervene on the system. Once this decision is of a particular individual) we are entering in the
agreed and carried out by relevant organizational field of organizational learning (Argyris 1993);
agents the cycle starts over again. we will go back to this point later on.
Notice how this self-regulating mechanism al- So far we have shown a model that allows the
lows us to explain the intertwined relation between conceptual integration of (management) informa-
several organizational fields. First, the need to tion systems, (management) control systems and
define a set of critical success factors (CSF) for the organizational learning; all of them related to
system-in-focus and a corresponding set of indices self-regulation of a system-in-focus. The meth-
to measure them, along with the regular reports odological problem now is how we can define an
needed to inform management about the behav- integrated set of these self-regulating mechanisms
ior of the system are the basis of a management given a particular organization.
information system. Secondly, inquiring for the
reasons underpinning an unexpected behavior of

Figure 2. A general model for a self-regulating mechanism in an organizational system

risks (related to a csF)



reporting by
Action strategies

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

A METHOD TO DISTRIBUTE from the elements shown in Figure 1 it is possible

CONTROL IN AN ORGANIZATION to differentiate five stakeholders (see Figure 3):
those who supply the inputs to the transforma-
Our goal is to identify a complete set of control tion (called suppliers); those carrying out the
loops distributed across the structure of the or- activities of the transformation (called generically
ganization. The steps presented here are based actors); those who receive the goods/services of
on the Viplan method (Espejo 1989; Espejo et the transformation (usually called clients) and
al 1999). those responsible for the management of the
transformation (normally called owners). It is also
Step 1: Naming a System-in-Focus important to take into account the larger organi-
zational context in which the system is operating;
The first step of the method consists of identifying this consideration allows us to identify what are
precisely the organizational system that will be called the interveners of the system. They are
the focus of control. This could be an organiza- stakeholders that although do not belong to the
tion as a whole, a strategic business unit of an system-in-focus their organizational role may
organization, an area of such organization or a directly affect the system’s transformation. This
support process. In every case what is important is, for instance, the case of both the competitors
is to name the system as a transformation pro- and the regulators of the system.
cess (see Figure 1). A canonic form to name this Viplan provides the mnemonic TASCOI to fa-
transformation is as follows: the system-in-focus cilitate this process of naming the system-in-focus;
S produces X by means of the activities Y with certainly T(ransformation), A(ctors), S(uppliers),
the purpose Z. In short, we are answering three C(lients), O(wner), and I(nterveners).
main questions related to the system: ¿What is
produced? ¿How is it produced? and ¿with what Step 2: Unfolding of Complexity
purpose is it produced?
Next follows the identification of the stakehold- Once the system-in-focus has been named what
ers of the system-in-focus. To do this notice that follows is to recognize the way this system orga-

Figure 3. Stakeholders of a system-in-focus

In terven ers
O w n ers

T ran sfo r-
in p u ts G o o d s / S ervices
m atio n

S u p p liers C lien ts
A cto rs

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

nizes its resources to carry out its transformation. technology. To describe these activities and their
There are four complexity drivers that normally relations we used technological models (Espejo
guide an organization to distribute its activities: et al 1999).
technology, geography, market segmentation and A technological model is a macro flow dia-
time (Espejo et al 1999). gram showing the activities needed to produce
The first one refers to the way the activities the transformation of the system-in-focus. Figure
constituting the transformation are organized 4 shows an example for SATENA, a Colombian
according to the technology selected. We can use airline company.
different technologies to produce the same trans- The second complexity driver for structuring
formation. For instance, Banks at the beginning an organizational system refers to the distribution
of the 20th century used a technology based on the of activities in geographically diverse locations.
use of books and manual calculations to deliver Indeed, sometimes we need to take into account
its services to clients. Nowadays Internet is the the best location of actors, suppliers and clients
main technological driver to deliver these services. in order to organize activities of a transformation.
The roles, resources used and the way activities For instance, if a company produces pavement-
are carried out have changed dramatically over related products, it makes sense to have activities
this period in the banking industry. Therefore, related to the production process near the quarries
choosing the appropriate technology to produce whereas its sales division will be near its clients.
a given transformation is crucial to organize the In the same way, and for economic reasons, some
primary activities of an organization. The other companies do prefer to have their manufacturing
way around, given a particular system-in-focus, processes distributed in different countries (ac-
it is always possible to describe the primary ac- cording to the cost of raw materials and salaries
tivities implied (and carried out) by the selected of the local work-force) while the assembly of

Figure 4. An example of a technological model for SATENA, a Colombian airline company

Builders Flight Clients Builders


Airplane fleet
EMBRAER ERJ-145 Flight
Fligth 100 Coodination Pilots
DORNIER D-328 scheduling
- Weather information
- Navigation charts
Flight plan Airplane
- performance
ailines Exchange of services Check-in
Overhall Airplane

tickets Security Airplane
Boarding Fuel & other supplies
inspection setting up


Service of
mail and Flight

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

final products could be located in another country. turn, may affect the relations with suppliers (to get
Similarly, a multinational company may group new raw material) and the relations with clients
its primary activities according to geographical (to tackle the newly differentiated market).
criteria to distribute its products and services. Client-supplier models are helpful to describe
In all these cases geographical models are used the way a company groups its activities accord-
to describe this distribution of activities. Figure ing to this segmentation strategy. Figure 6 shows
5 shows an example for SATENA, we can see an example of this kind of models for SATENA.
how their resources are distributed across the Here we have that this company offers two main
country and inside each particular city where it services: air transportation and plain maintenance
operates. to other companies. The first service, in turn, is
The third driver refers to the grouping of divided into four sub-services: passenger trans-
activities that are necessary to produce, in a dif- portation, packages delivery, charter flights, and
ferentiated way, the goods or services offered to planes renting. The model shows the relations
a segmented market. Market segmentation is a between suppliers, services and clients taking
good practice to increase market share for many into account this market segmentation.
products and services. In this case, each new prod- Finally, the last driver refers to the need of dif-
uct/service will respond to more specific needs of ferentiating activities according to time chunks.
potential clients and, therefore, it is probable that This is usually the case of an organization that
the company has to incorporate a further special- has several turns to carry out its activities. For
ization of activities in its production process (or instance that happens when a company is using
into the design of customize services). This, in the same production line to produce different

Figure 5. An example of a geographical model for SATENA

B o g otá B u ca ra m a n g a M e d e llín P o pa yán

B u en a ve ntu ra L a M a ca re na P u e rto A sís

E l D o ra do airp o rt C a li P u e rto C a rreñ o

E l P ob la do
C a rg o lo catio n s N o rth O ffice P u e rto L eg uíza m o
M itú
C e n tro Q uibd ó
S o u th O ffice
In terna cio nal M o co a

C ú cu ta N e iva S a n Jo sé del
G u a viare
N o rth C o un try C o ro zal N u qu í
O ffice
N o rth U n ice ntro Flo re n cia O rio to S a n V ice n te d el
. O ffice C a g uá n
G ua ip í P a sto
N o rth C ll 10 2
. ffice
In írid a S a ra ve na
C o s m oce n tro2 0 00
R e strep
. o O ffice
Ipiale s Tame
N o rth O ffice
A p a rtad ó L a C h orre ra T u m a co

B a hía So la no L eticia P e reira V illa vicen cio

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

Figure 6. An example of a client-supplier model for SATENA


A ir T ra n sp ort P a sse ng e rs fro m o th e r

In form a tio n co m m e rcia l flig ht co m p a nie s
p ro vide rs P a sse ng e rs
C o m m e rcia l
ro u te s
P a sse ng e rs
“” “Soocial”
S cial”
N a tio na l A ir ro u te s
F ligh ts re gula to r
C lie n ts sen ding /re ceiving
P a cka ge s a nd
le tte rs/pa ckag e s
le tte rs
C a tte rin g p ro vid e rs
C h a rte r fligh ts
T ra vel a ge n cie s

R e n ting pla ne s
F u el su pplie rs
O th er air flig h t co m p a nie s

M a in te na n ce
A ircraft su pp lie rs
O th er air flig h t co m p a nie s

products following a cyclic time-pattern during on to summarize the organization’s structure of

a month. Figure 7 shows a good example from the system by depicting the logical ordering of
another company (SATENA does not operate in its primary activities.
shifts). Here the company’s production cycle is A primary activity is an activity that produces
divided into 12 weeks. Each week the company an organization’s task (i.e., its goods or services).
uses its line production structure to produce differ- Normally, it is made up of a set of sub-(primary)
ent products in four shifts (am shift, pm, evening activities along with some regulatory functions
and weekend shift). In this sense, time could be (Espejo 1999). Therefore, the relation of all pri-
an important aspect to take into account when mary activities will describe the way the system-
designing how to group activities in a company. in-focus performs its mission.
In a similar way, given a system-in-focus, we The unfolding of complexity (Espejo 1999)
can use time-models to describe the way time is a diagram that precisely shows the operational
is participating in the structuring of activities of structure of an organizational system. It is build
the system. up from the primary activities taken from all the
Once we have described the organization of structural models used to describe the grouping of
the system-in-focus from these four perspec- activities of the system. Figure 8 shows an example
tives using the structural models (technological, of an unfolding of complexity for SATENA. Here
geographical, client-supplier and time) we can go we can see that the second level corresponds to

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

Figure 7. An instance of a Time-Model

U .F . G lue
pp we pm pp W
am p m we et

we am D
tm 1 2 pm ry
1 2 3
pp 3

pm we
1 1
am 3 W ee k 12 W ee k 1
D ry

2 W ee k 2 3
W ee k 11 pm U .F .
pp 1
t or

3 pp
pm 2

2 W ee k 10 W ee k 3
am we
we 2 1 am
W ee k 9 W ee k 4
1 2
pp pm
G lue 3
3 pp
pm W ee k 8 W ee k 5
2 we
am 1
B onds W ee k 7 W ee k 6 3 am
we 2 1
2 pm
pm 3 1 3 pp

1 3 we B onds


we pp am

pm a m = a m sh ift
pm am we pp

p m = p m sh ift
p p = e ven in g shift
U .F . W et or D ry w e = w e e ke nd shift

the geographical model whereas subsequent levels of interrelated primary activities that produces
come from the client-supplier model indicating the organization goods/services. By contrast,
the way SATENA groups activities according to the supporting structure is the set of interrelated
particular services. Notice that all services are not activities that regulate the primary activities. This
provided in all cities, for instance maintenance distinction is similar to one between missional
of planes to other companies is only provided in processes and supporting processes normally used
Bogotá. We can continue doing the unfolding by in ISO certification projects. This is a systemic
depicting in the last level activities taken from way of describing the structure of an organization
the technological model. However, for the sake in which we can simultaneously see the organiza-
of simplicity we are leaving aside this level in tion as a whole (the first level of the unfolding of
Figure 8. complexity) as well as all its primary activities
The unfolding of complexity is a means to organized in a cascade of subsumed logical levels.
depict the operational structure of an organiza- Notice that from one level to another there are no
tion. The operational structure refers to the set hierarchical relations. Indeed, related activities

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

Figure 8. An example of a complexity unfolding for SATENA


B ogotá M edellín C ali

A ir P a sse n -
P a cka ge s
M ainte nance P a sse n - R e n ting g e rs C h a rte rs
T ra n sp o rt g e rs p la ne s letters
P a cka ge s C h a rte rs
P a cka ge s “S o cia l” C o m m e r-
letters cial
R e n ting
C h a rte rs p la ne s
P a sse n -
g e rs

“S o cia l” C o m m e r-

in level n+1 constitute the activity they are part Step 3: Defining Indices
of in level n. This is a radically different way of
describing the structure of an organization that As mentioned in the previous section, the unfold-
leaves aside the fragmented view offered by the ing of complexity of the system-in-focus shows all
traditional organization chart. primary activities necessary to produce its goods/
The unfolding of complexity shows an inter- services. Each of these primary activities can be
related set of primary activities autonomously treated, in turn, as (sub)systems-in-focus at dif-
producing, at different structural levels, the ferent structural levels and, therefore, they could
organization’s goods/services. Each primary be named in the same way as explained in step 1.
activity acts as a “smaller” whole by itself. On In particular, each one is doing a transformation
the other hand, the organization chart is a func- of inputs to produce specific outputs to clients.
tional description of a company that normally So each primary activity has a manager (or an
difficult a holistic view of the organization by organizational member) who is responsible for its
its members. effective performance. Surely the manager, tacitly

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

or explicitly, has chosen a set of critical success we have indices referring to the performance of
factors (CSF) to focus his/her managerial role. the system-in-focus as a whole.
Each CSF, in turn, should have associated one or This relationship between the level of aggrega-
more indices that measure it through time. Figure tion of indices (or information in general) and the
9 shows the distribution of CSF and indices across structural level of the manager getting the reports
primary activities of a system-in-focus. Of course is what some authors call the alignment between
it is quite possible that several of this CSF were information systems and organizational structure
the same for different primary activities. (Espejo 1993). A mismatch in this alignment
Notice that this same figure shows the distribu- implies a manager receiving either information
tion of a managerial information system across too detailed (in respect to its managerial task) or
this organization. Specifically, it shows what type too aggregated for its actual capabilities. The first
of reports containing what kind of information one is the case of a manager that is concerned
(indices) should go to what relevant roles in the with so much detail that soon losses track of the
organization (in fact, the manager responsible for holistic view of its primary activity and collapses
each particular primary activity). Notice that the under the pressure of too much information. The
higher it goes in the diagram the more aggregate second one refers to those managers that are very
the indices are until we reach the first level in which well informed of such things for which they do

Figure 9. Distribution of indices (and CSF) across primary activities of an organization


CSF 10
CSF 11
CSF 7 CSF 12

B ogotá CSF 16 M edellín C ali

CSF 17
CSF 13
CSF 18
CSF 14
CSF 15

A ir P a sse n -
P a cka ge s
M ainte nance P a sse n - R e n ting g e rs C h a rte rs
T ra n sp o rt g e rs p la ne s letters
CSF 19
CSF 20 P a cka ge s C h a rte rs
CSF 21 letters
P a cka ge s “S o cia l” C o m m e r-
letters cial
C S F 25
R e n ting C S F 26
C S F 22
C h a rte rs p la ne s C S F 27
P a sse n -
C S F 23
C S F 24 g e rs

C o m m e r- C S F 31
“S o cia l” C S F 32
cial C S F 33
C S F 28
C S F 29
C S F 30

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

not have any capability to take decisions nor between what has been produced (or offered, in
mobilize resources to do something about them. the case of a service) and what has been planned.
In both cases, the information (indices) received Efficiency, in turns, measures the optimal use of
by the information system is irrelevant; therefore resources needed to produce the goods/services
it make sense to say that the alignment between of the system-in-focus. Effectiveness, on the other
the two facilitates the effective management of hand, measures to what extend the purpose of the
the system-in-focus. transformation has been accomplished.
Nowadays many organizations have their own Notice that this taxonomy defined in such a
set of indices. So, and independently of its actual way implies that all three categories form an or-
relevance, it is quite important to recognize such thogonal set. In other words, none of the indices
efforts from the start. Figure 10 shows a table in in one category can be calculated as a function
which it is possible to keep a record of all indices of the other two. In simple terms, it is possible to
that have been built for the system-in-focus. This have a system-in-focus whose indices of efficacy
table classifies indices in three main categories: and efficiency (at any moment in time) are high
efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness, although but its effectiveness is low; in the same way it is
it can be extended to allow other categories. For possible to have a state in which indices of effi-
each indicator there is a code, a name and an op- ciency and effectiveness are high but indices of
erational definition. But before going any further, efficacy are low; and also a state in which while
it is important to explain the way we understand indices of efficacy and effectiveness are high, the
this taxonomy of indices. system is inefficient.
Let us recall that the name of the system-in- The following table (Figure 11) shows a dis-
focus, using the mnemonic TASCOI, answers tribution of indices used by the system-in-focus
three main questions regarding the transformation according to the primary activities of the unfold-
process: ¿what is produced? ¿how is it produced? ing of complexity of such system. Rows in the
and ¿for what purpose it is produced? We say that table correspond to the primary activities of the
indices that measure the first question belong to the system-in-focus while columns refer to the indices
category of efficacy; those measuring the second registered before (using Table in Figure 10).
question relate to efficiency and those measuring This table (Figure 11) can be used to show
the third one refer to effectiveness. Another way to weaknesses of the actual managerial informa-
put this is to say that efficacy measures the relation tion system of the organization. In fact, an empty

Figure 10. A table to register the existing indices of a system-in-focus

S Y S TE M -IN -F O C U S :

E .1 F .1 I.1 0 ,1

E .2 F .2 I.2 0 ,2

E .3 F .3 I.3 0 ,3

E .4 F .4 I.4 0 ,4

E .5 F .5 I.5 0 ,5

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

Figure 11. A distribution of indices (classified by categories) among primary activities (SATENA)

S AT E N A E1 E2 F1 F2 F3 I1 O1
B o g o tá E1 F2 F4
A ir tra n s p o rt E3 E4 F5
P a c k a g e s a nd le tte rs E5 F5
P a s s e n g e rs E1 E3 F1
"S o c ia l"
C o m m e rc ia l
C ha rte rs
R e nting p la n e s
M a inte nanc e E3 F1
M e d e llín E1 F2 F4
P a s s e n g e rs E1 E3 F1
P a c k a g e s a nd le tte rs E5 F5
C ha rte rs
R e nting p la n e s

C a li E1 F2 F4
P a s s e n g e rs E1 E3 F1
"S o c ia l"
C o m m e rc ia l
P a c k a g e s a nd le tte rs E5 F5
C ha rte rs

third column (for a given primary activity) shows However, in order to specify more detailed
a lack of indices measuring the effectiveness of requirements for the MIS, it is quite useful to
such primary activity (e.g. most primary activi- fill in a form for each indicator (see Figure 12).
ties in SATENA). In other words, the manager This form will register, among others, the fol-
will not be aware of the impact of the task s(he) lowing information: a) Name of the indicator; b)
is responsible for in this activity. Similarly, we Associated Primary Activity; c) CSF related; d)
could point out other managerial problems if other Type (efficacy, efficiency, effectiveness, other);
columns are void for a giving primary activity. e) Operational definition, that is the function of
An empty row is, of course, an extreme case in variables defining the indicator; f) Relation of
which a manager is acting by feeling because it variables, indicating for each one its unit, the level
lacks any measure (i.e., information) that could of aggregation, its frequency and source (the role
guide his/her decisions. This is the case of air responsible for providing or getting the informa-
transportation of “social” and commercial pas- tion); g) Level of aggregation of the indicator; h)
sengers for SATENA. Goal (that reflects managerial expectations about
Developing an appropriate management (dis- the CSF associated with the indicator); i) Criteria
tributed) control system should take care of these for interpretation (that facilitates the way to ascribe
weaknesses just mentioned. This means defining meaning to the indicator); j) Context for inter-
new indices (if needed) to measure the efficacy, ef- pretation (that includes other variables or indices
ficiency and effectiveness of each primary activity that should be looked at in order to understand
of the system-in-focus. Once Table in Figure 11 is the behavior of the indicator in a given period);
filled, we will have the general specifications for a k) the role responsible to produce the indicator
managerial information system (MIS) supporting (to calculate and generate the report); l) the role
the distributed control of the system-in-focus. responsible to interpret and use the indicator

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

Figure 12. A form to specify detailed information of indices


Frequency of indicator
Date of definition: DD MM YY
1 16
2 Id number: defining Indicador
3 Primary Activity
4 WHO observes
Name of indicator the indicator and defines
actions to follow?
5 What does it measure? Please, specify related CSF
Objective of indicator

HOW is it interpreted?
6 1 Efficacy 3 Effectiveness 5 Equality
Classification of
INDICATOR (Mark with 2 Efficiency 4 Ecology 6 Other
an "X")
Explain briefly which criterion you used to make this classification: 19

WHAT other aspects

(internal or external to the
Primary Activity) have to be
¿How it it measured? taking into account for
7 Formula: intertreting the indicator?
Unit of measurement


9 10
12 11 12 13 14
Name of Source Level of Frequency Unit of
Variable Aggregation Measurement Responsable

Originally designed by: Soledad Guzmán S.

Modified by: Alfonso Reyes A.
Last version: July 2006

(that usually will be the role responsible for the Step 4: Calculating Indexes
management of the associated primary activity);
and m) Date of definition (that allows a historical Figure 9 shows how indices are distributed through
tracking of the indicator). primary activities of the system-in-focus. Each
This record should be updated any time an indicator is measuring at least one CSF which
indicator suffers a modification and, in fact, should reflects management’s priorities. These aspects
be part of the MIS itself. This is so because indices could be of quite different nature: productiv-
are aligned to the strategy of the organization ity, opportunity, costs/benefits, quality, market
through the CSF of each primary activity. That share, and so on. Each one, therefore, could have
means that a strategic change in the organization a different unit of measurement: time, quantity,
could imply a modification of management priori- money, percentage, etc. This lack of uniformity,
ties. This, in turn, may produce a need to update along with the number of indices at any moment
CSF and, therefore, indices. In other words, as in time, could make complex the interpretation
much as an organization is alive and subject to of reports produced by the MIS.
regular changes so should be its distributed control In order to reduce such complexity there is a
system. This explains the reason to keep track of useful method called Ciberfilter (Beer 1975; 1979).
indices through time. This method normalizes any indicator by defin-
ing a set of three indexes. The way it works is as
follows. First, for each indicator we differentiate

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

three different kinds of values: its actuality, its the manager responsible for the performance of a
capability and its potentiality. primary activity, after recognizing that with its ac-
The actuality of a given indicator is the value tual resources (people, technology, budget, etc,) s/
it gets regularly by the MIS; its capability is de- he could get a (maximum) value for a performance
fined as the maximum value (or the minimum, indicator (i.e., its capability), s/he may set for a
depending on how the indicator was defined) that better goal for this indicator (i.e., its potentiality)
the indicator may achieve taking into account all as long as s/he can get enough resources to invest
the structural limitations of the corresponding in reducing these limitations.
primary activity. If the indicator is defined in Secondly, once these values (or goals) are set,
such a way that the bigger its value the better (as three indexes can be calculated for each indicator.
in the case of measuring productivity or revenue) These indexes are called: achievement, latency and
then capability is the maximum value it can get performance (Beer 1975; 1979). Figure 13 shows
given current structural limitations; on the other the way these indexes are defined. Achievement is
hand, if the definition of the indicator implies that the ratio between actuality and capability; latency
the smaller its value the better (as in the case of is the ratio between capability and potentiality;
measuring costs or delays) then capability is the and performance is the ratio between actuality
minimum value it can get given current structural and potentiality (or the product between achieve-
limitations. Examples of these restrictions could ment and latency). Notice that we have to invert
be related to insufficient resources (people, money, these ratios if the indicator is defined in such a
etc.), obsolete technology, poor training, and so on. way that the smaller its value the better. Indexes
On the other hand, the potentiality of an indicator should never be greater than unity.
will be the maximum value that it can achieve Notice that by definition all indexes are num-
(or the minimum) if we invest enough resources bers between 0 and 1; in other words, they indicate
in reducing these structural restrictions. Notice percentages no matter what is the measurement
that these two types of values are goals defined unit of the corresponding indicator. This is ex-
by recognizing the structural limitations of the actly what we were looking for, that is a way to
primary activity under consideration. normalize all indicators; therefore, any time a
Whereas the capability of a given indicator manager gets a report from the MIS, s/he gets an
may be the result of management experience or the index whose value is always a percentage. How
output of a benchmarking process, its potentiality could s/he interpret this value?
is the outcome of a negotiation process. Indeed,

Figure 13. Three indexes for a given indicator (Beer 1979)

P o ten tiality

÷ L aten c y

C ap ab ility x P erfo rm an c e ÷
÷ A c h ie ve m e n t

A c tu ality

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

Considering that the maximum value that Finally, managers should fix a range of ac-
actuality could achieve is capability, then a low cepted values for each index so that s/he will get
level of achievement indicates weaknesses in the reports from the MIS only by exception. This
management of current resources, whereas a low means that a report is produced only when a
level of latency indicates that investment is not hav- given index is falling out of the range previously
ing an expected effect in reducing the structural defined. This setting of the expected values for
limitations of the primary activity. Notice, on the each index and for each indicator will normally
other hand, that performance shows the balance of go through a process of tuning until it reaches
the other two indexes in the sense that it achieves some stability; this is part of the learning process
its maximum value (that is 100%) if and only if of managers as part of their structural coupling
simultaneously the indexes of achievement and with the MIS.
latency are 100%. In other words, a low level of
performance for a given indicator shows that either Step 5: Setting Control (Learning)
management of current resources is poor or that Loops
we are not investing in improving the primary
activity. This is quite important because traditional So far, we have shown how indices that are pro-
MIS tends to concentrate in information from the duced by a MIS could be distributed across all
past (measuring and reporting what happened) primary activities of a system-in-focus. Moreover,
whereas cyberfilter additionally shows what is each indicator is a way to measure a crucial as-
the impact of investment over the performance pect for the management of each primary activity
of primary activities. In this way management (indeed, it is a critical success factor). Therefore,
becomes more proactive. Figure 9 is also showing a distributed control
system for an organization.

Figure 14. A management of risks as part of a control cycle



S tra te g y fo r re s o u rc e
m anagem ent

In vestm en t strateg y

E xp ected
V alu e





CSF 4 C S F 10 •
C S F 11
CSF 7 C S F 12

B ogo tá M ed ellín C ali

CSF 16
CSF 17
C S F 13
CSF 18
C S F 14
C S F 15
Figure 15. A distributed control system in an organization

A ir P ass en -
M ainte na nc e P ass en - R enting g ers P ack ag es C h arters
Tra nsp ort g ers letters
CSF 19 plan es
CSF 20 P ack ag es C harters
CSF 21 letters
P ack ag es “S ocia l” C om m er-

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

letters CSF 25 c ial

R enting CSF 26
CSF 22 C h arters plan es CSF 27 I
P as s en-
CSF 23
CSF 24 g ers

CSF 31
“S ocia l” C om m er- CSF 32
cia l CSF 33
CSF 28
CSF 29
CSF 30


The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

In fact, for each CSF we have a manager re- the way of distributing a control system in an
sponsible to keep this aspect (of a primary activity) organization. Figure 15 summarizes in a single
under control. In order to do this, as we saw in picture the self-regulating mechanism that has
Figure 2, a manager has to enter into a learning been presented here.
loop in which s/he is able to observe (indices), as-
sess (the reasons of any mismatch with expected
values), design (i.e., choose a particular decision), FINAL REMARKS
and implement (i.e., transform this decision into
effective action). If each one of the organizational We have shown a method to a step-by-step build-
members responsible for the management of each ing of a distributed control system for a particular
primary activity in a system-in-focus has both the organization-in-focus. The method consists of five
capacity and the means to carry out these learn- steps that are mutually interconnected, that is, the
ing cycles as part of its managerial role, there process is nonlinear but a cyclical one: outcomes
is a good chance of having an effective control of one step may affect previous steps.
system of primary activities. Notice that in this First, we have to explicitly identify the orga-
case a distributed MIS is essential. nizational borders of our system-in-focus. The
But managers not only have to take care mnemonic TASCOI is the tool used to distinguish
(directly or indirectly) of the day-to-day aspects the transformation process of this system. Relevant
that may affect the performance of their primary stakeholders of this transformation are Actors,
activities, they also need to pay attention to those Suppliers, Clients, Owners and Interveners.
aspects that, although of rare occurrence, may Secondly, we used four different structural
dramatically affect the outcome of the primary models (technological, geographical, time and
activity. These events are usually called risks. segmentation) in order to describe the way the
Managers not only have to learn how to esti- system-in-focus organizes its primary activities.
mate the probability of risk’s occurrences (PRO) The whole (systemic) picture is represented by a
but also they have to be able to quantify their diagram called an unfolding of complexity.
impact (IMP). If this impact is measured as a Thirdly, each primary activity, in the logical
percentage, then the relevance of each risk could hierarchy of the unfolding of complexity, has a
be calculated as the product (PRO * IMP). This manager responsible for its effective performance.
exercise allows managers to establish a priority To assure this, each manager has to define a set
of risks. At the same time, to determine risks for of CSF relevant for its task. Then, it is crucial to
each primary activity will produce a risk-map define one or more indicators to measure each CSF
useful for the management control system as a for each primary activity of the system-in-focus.
whole. We presented three main types of indices: efficacy,
Finally, for each one of the top risks identified efficiency and effectiveness defined in such a way
in each primary activity, it is quite important that they form an orthogonal space.
that managers define in advanced the strategic Taking into account that we may have many
action and the investment required in order to indices with different measurement units, we
prevent, diminish or take care of a particular need a way to normalize them. We showed this
risk occurrence. Figure 14 illustrate this aspect in step fourth by identifying three values for each
of management. indicator (actuality, capability and potentiality);
Learning (i.e., controlling) cycles like these the last two relate to the structural limitations of
are associated with each CSF of each primary their corresponding primary activity. We then
activity of a system-in-focus. This is precisely built three indexes (achievement, latency and

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

performance) which values are inside the [0,1] Beer, S. (1959). Cybernetics and management.
range; so they could be interpreted as percent- London: The English University Press.
ages. By definition a low achievement indicates
Ashby, R. (1956). An introduction to cybernetics.
poor management of actual resources in the
London: Chapman & Hall Ltd.
primary activity; whereas a low latency points
to an ineffective investment plan. The index of Beer, S. (1966). Decision and control. Chich-
performance, in turn, by definition is balancing a ester: Wiley.
short-term tactical management with a medium-
Beer, S. (1979). The heart of enterprise. Chich-
term strategic management.
ester: Wiley.
In step 5 we showed how the distribution of
control for the system-in-focus means setting a Beer, S. (1981). Brain of the firm. Chichester:
learning loop (observe, asses, design and imple- Wiley.
ment) for each CSF in every primary activity.
Beer, S. (1985). Diagnosing the system for or-
Indexes are a fundamental part of these learning
ganisations. Chichester: Wiley.
loops and so are the MIS that provide them. This
relation among CSF and indices regarding primary Espejo, R. (1989). A cybernetic method to study
activities shows the way to align a MIS with the organisations. In Espejo, R. and Harnden, R.
organizational structure of the system-in-focus. (eds), The viable system model: interpretations
Finally, management should be aware not only and applications of Stafford Beer’s VSM. Chich-
of daily perturbations that may affect indices ester: Wiley.
but also aware of risks whose occurrence may
Espejo, R. (1992). Cyberfilter: A management
dramatically impinge upon the performance of
support system. In Holtham, C.(ed.), Executive
CSF. Distributing these learning/control loops
information systems and decision support. Lon-
across primary activities shows a way to imple-
don: Chapman.
ment a distributed management control system
in an organization. Espejo, R. (1993). Strategy, structure and in-
The method has been applied extensively dur- formation management. Journal of Information
ing the last three years in a regular postgraduate Systems, (3), 17-31.
course on managerial control systems in the
department of industrial engineering in the Uni- Espejo, R. (1994). ¿What is systemic think-
versidad de los Andes. Students taking the course ing? Systems Dynamics Review, (10), Nos. 2-3
have to apply the method in a system-in-focus (Summer-Fall), 199-212.
selected from the organization they work for. Espejo R., Bowling, D., & Hoverstadt, P. (1999).
About twenty of these applications have actually The viable system model and the viplan software.
being implemented. Kybernetes, (28) Number 6/7, 661-678.
Espejo, R, and Reyes, A. (2000). Norbert Wiener.
REFERENCES In Malcom Warner (ed), The international en-
cyclopedia of business and management: The
Argyris, C. (1993). On organizational learning. handbook of management thinking. London:
Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. Thompson Business Press.
Heims, S. (1991). The cybernetics group. Cam-
bridge, MA: MIT Press.

The Distribution of a Management Control System in an Organization

Kim, D. (1993). The Link between individual Wiener, N. (1948). Cybernetics: Or control and
and organizational learning. Sloan Management communication in the animal and the machine.
Review, Fall, 37-50. New York: Wiley.

This work was previously published in Best Practices and Conceptual Innovations in Information Resources Management: Utilizing Technolo-
gies to Enable Global Progressions, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 36-54, copyright 2009 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


Chapter 19
Making the Case
for Critical Realism:
Examining the Implementation of Automated
Performance Management Systems

Phillip Dobson
Edith Cowan University, Australia

John Myles
Edith Cowan University, Australia

Paul Jackson
Edith Cowan University, Australia


This article seeks to address the dearth of practical examples of research in the area by proposing that
critical realism be adopted as the underlying research philosophy for enterprise systems evaluation.
We address some of the implications of adopting such an approach by discussing the evaluation and
implementation of a number of automated performance measurement systems (APMS). Such systems are
a recent evolution within the context of enterprise information systems. They collect operational data
from integrated systems to generate values for key performance indicators, which are delivered directly
to senior management. The creation and delivery of these data are fully automated, precluding manual
intervention by middle or line management. Whilst these systems appear to be a logical progression in
the exploitation of the available rich, real-time data, the statistics for APMS projects are disappoint-
ing. An understanding of the reasons is elusive and little researched. We describe how critical realism
can provide a useful “underlabourer” for such research, by “clearing the ground a little ... removing
some of the rubbish that lies in the way of knowledge” (Locke, 1894, p. 14). The implications of such
an underlabouring role are investigated. Whilst the research is still underway, the article indicates how
a critical realist foundation is assisting the research process.

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Making the Case for Critical Realism

Introduction able underlabourer for IS research (Dobson, 2001,

2002; Mingers, 2001, 2002), yet there have been
Many recent articles from within the informa- few practical examples of its use in IS research.
tion systems (IS) arena present an old-fashioned The application of critical realism within the IS
view of realism. For example, Iivari, Hirschheim, field has been limited to date. Mutch (1999, 2000,
and Klein (1998) see classical realism as seeing 2002) has applied critical realist thinking in the
“data as describing objective facts, information examination of organizational use of information.
systems as consisting of technological structures In so doing, he comments how difficult it is to apply
(‘hardware’), human beings as subject to causal such a wide-ranging and sweeping philosophical
laws (determinism), and organizations as relatively position to day-to-day research issues. Mingers
stable structures” (p. 172). Wilson (1999) sees the (2002) examines the implications of a critical
realist perspective as relying on “the availability realist approach, particularly in its support for
of a set of formal constraints which have the char- pluralist research. Dobson (2001, 2002) argues
acteristics of abstractness, generality, invariance for a closer integration of philosophical matters
across contexts.” (p. 162) within IS research and suggests a critical realist
Fitzgerald and Howcroft (1998) present a approach has particular potential for IS research.
realist ontology as one of the foundational ele- Carlsson (2003) examines IS evaluation from a
ments of positivism in discussing the polarity critical realist perspective. This article seeks to
between hard and soft approaches in IS. Real- address the dearth of practical examples of critical
ism is placed alongside positivist and objectivist realist use in IS by proposing the review of APMS
epistemologies and quantitative, confirmatory, implementation from such a perspective.
deductive, laboratory-focussed, and nomothetic
methodologies. Such a traditional view of real- The Case Example
ism is perhaps justified within the IS arena as it
reflects the historical focus of its use; however, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was introduced in 2002
there now needs to be a greater recognition of the to address high-profile accounting scandals in the
newer forms of realism—forms of realism that U.S. The act requires that senior executives must
specifically address all of the positivist leanings advise stockholders immediately of any issues that
emphasised by Fitzgerald and Howcroft (1998). A are likely to affect company performance. This
particular example of this newer form of realism liability is personal and thus makes senior execu-
is critical realism. This modern realist approach tives liable for the effectiveness and immediacy of
is primarily founded on the writings of the so- their internal measurement systems and reporting.
cial sciences philosopher Bhaskar (1978, 1979, Similar legislation has been introduced in many
1986, 1989, 1991) and is peculiarly European in other countries, including Australia, where the
its origins. Corporations Act was implemented earlier in
Critical realism is becoming influential in a 2001. The development of effective performance
range of disciplines including geography (Pratt, reporting and management tools is one necessary
1995), economics (Fleetwood 1999; Lawson, consequence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and
1997), organization theory (Tsang & Kwan, 1999), similar legislation. The resulting requirement
accounting (Manicas, 1993), human geography for executives to have unimpeded, unmediated
(Sayer, 1985), nursing (Ryan & Porter, 1996; access to organizational data suggests that such
Wainwright, 1997), logistics and network theory tools require minimal or no human intervention
(Aastrup 2002), and library science (Spasser, in the analysis and collection of the data. This
2002). Critical realism has been proposed as a suit- automated component in corporate performance

Making the Case for Critical Realism

management systems will lead to the growth of the world is composed not only of events and our
a new class of monitoring system distinct from experience or impression of them, but also of (ir-
traditional business intelligence (BI) and business reducible) structures and mechanisms, powers
activity monitoring (BAM) tools—these so-called and tendencies, etc. that, although not directly
automated performance management systems observable, nevertheless underlie actual events
can be argued to ultimately rest on a lack of trust that we experience and govern or produce them.
or confidence in traditional reporting tools and (Lawson, 1997, p. 8)
management structures. The research described in
this article seeks to understand the issues involved The deep structures and mechanisms that
in implementing such performance measurement make up the world are the primary focus of such
systems and proposes the adoption of critical real- an ontological realism. The realist seeks a deep
ism as a basic underlying philosophical grounding knowledge and understanding of a social situ-
for the research. ation. It argues against single concentration on
observed events and requires an understanding of
Realist Review as a Foundational the deeper structures and mechanisms that often
Platform belie the surface event level observation.
Bhaskar (1979) presents fundamental difficul-
The lack of practical examples of critical realist ties with the way that prediction and falsification
use is perhaps not difficult to understand given have been used in the open systems evident within
the philosophy provides little real methodologi- the social arena. For the critical realist, a major
cal guidance. Contemporary realist examination issue with social investigation is the inability to
requires precision and contextualized detail, this create closure—the aim of “experiment” in the
contextualization being a necessary consequence natural sciences. Bhaskar argues that this inability
of an underlying, ontologically bold philosophy implies that theory cannot be used in a predictive
(Outhwaite, 1987, p. 34). Along with most real- manner and can only play an explanatory role in
ist approaches, critical realism encompasses an social investigations since:
external realism in its distinction between the
world and our experience of it. This assumption in the absence of spontaneously occurring, and
necessarily implies that any knowledge gained of given the impossibility of artificially creating,
an external world must typically be provisional, closed systems , the human sciences must con-
fallible, incomplete, and extendable. As Stones front the problem of the direct scientific study
(1996) suggests, realist methodologies and writ- of phenomena that only manifest themselves in
ings need to reflect a continual commitment to open systems—for which orthodox philosophy
caution, scepticism, and reflexivity. of science, with its tacit presupposition of clo-
In contrast to traditional realist approaches, sure, is literally useless. In particular it follows
critical realism also suggests a so-called depth from this condition that criteria for the rational
realism and argues for a stratified ontology. This appraisal and development of theories in the
concept suggests that reality is made up of three social sciences, which are denied (in principle)
ontologically distinct realms—first, the empiri- decisive test situations, cannot be predictive and
cal, that is, experience; second, the actual, that so must be exclusively explanatory. (Bhaskar,
is, events (i.e., the actual objects of experience); 1979, p. 27)
and third, the transcendental, non-actual or deep,
that is, structures, mechanisms, and associated As Mingers (2002) suggests, such an argu-
powers. Critical realism argues that: ment has specific ramifications with respect to

Making the Case for Critical Realism

the use of statistical reasoning to predict future new security/authorisation layers to protect the
results. Bhaskar (1979) argues that the primary reporting document.
measure of the “goodness” of a theory is in its Most of the systems examined are languish-
explanatory power—from Bhaskar’s perspective, ing as implementation and process change man-
predictive use of theories is not possible in open agement failed to get traction. Generally these
social systems and therefore predictive power systems have not become embedded within the
cannot be a measure of goodness. various organizations as meaningful tools. They
As Sayer (2000) suggests the target for realist are generally used in an ad hoc fashion and are
research is not the determination of an “objec- seen by some as just “expensive toys.”
tive” or generalisable truth but the achievement In contrast to the general failure, however,
of the best we can do at the time, that is, “practi- two of the APMS are in fact producing useful
cally adequate” explanations. This practical focus outcomes with over 60% of managers and in-
within critical realism sees knowledge as existing formation analysts using the tool throughout the
in a “historically specific, symbolically medi- business with production benefits being realised.
ated and expressed, practice-dependent form” A cursory examination of the different systems
(Lawson 1997) that is potentially transformable has not produced any easy explanation for the
as subsequent deeper knowledge is gained. The differences in implementation success. Given
realist denies easy generalisability and requires that such systems are expensive and difficult to
a heavy focus on context. produce, the organizations were understandably
interested in determining the possible reasons for
Implications for APMS Examination the patchy success.
This widely felt concern prompted a doctoral
The APMS examined in this study were founded research study to be conducted by an experienced
on large-scale data warehousing applications that IS industry consultant. A discussion group in-
form a part of various automated business (or volving two academics and the researcher was
corporate) performance measurement systems. then formed to analyse and review the critical
All projects were based on SAP’s business ware- realist approach being utilised, resulting in this
house product, and the data warehouses sourced article. Figure 1 reflects the approach adopted in
their data from SAP’s R3 enterprise resource the research.
planning (ERP) systems as well as a myriad of The research stages illustrated in are described
other non-SAP production systems. The organisa- below. Each stage number corresponds to the
tions ranged from a large government business number in a circle on the figure.
enterprise to a mixture of global commodity
companies. 1. A literature review was conducted based
The data warehousing systems had the com- on the DeLone and McLean I/S Success
mon objective of producing automatic perfor- Model (DeLone & McLean, 1992) by con-
mance measurement management reporting via trasting the DeLone and McLean Ten Year
a mixture of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and review (DeLone & McLean, 2002) and
Web-based reports. The objective of the APMS the Wixon and Watson Data Warehousing
was for performance measures to be presented Success model (Wixom & Watson, 2001).
directly to senior management in a form that A consolidated model was proposed based
precluded any manual manipulation. In most on the information systems literature. This
cases, this was achieved through implementing literature review also concentrated on avail-
able operations management literature where

Making the Case for Critical Realism

Figure 1. Research approach

A u to m a te d P e rfo rm a n c e M a n a g e m e n t

r e s e a rc h A p p ro a c h

The Journey
d e lo n e &
l ite ra tu re M clean
1 r e v ie w M odel
(1 9 9 2 )

d e lo n e &
w ix o m & M clean
w a ts o n M odel - 10
(2 0 0 1 ) y e a r u p d a te
(2 0 0 3 )

w ix o m &
2 Q u e s tio n s w a ts o n
(u p d a te d )
F o c u s G ro u p
In te rv ie w s
e x p e rie n c e

C ase
C ase
C ase S u b je c t m a tte r
C ase E x p e rts

r e v is e d
A n a ly s is
M o d e l (1 ) 3

C a s e S tu d y

Q u e s tio n s

In te rv ie w s

P ro je c t T e a m &
M anagem ent
(U s e rs )

A n a ly s is
R e v is e d
M o d e l (2 )

R e v is e d
R e v ie w
M o d e l (n )

R e p o rt

there have been a number of recent research a revised model was produced (Model 1).
publications. Through a process of review 4. Model 1 is being tested against a case study
and consolidation by comparing and con- (Yin, 1989) with further refinements to the
trasting the different domains, a model for model being made as required. This will
performance measurement system success result in an updated model (Model 2).
was proposed. 5. Through a number of reviews and case
2. This model was then used as the basis for de- interviews, more refinements to the model
fining a set of questions for semi-structured, will occur (Model 3 & 4).
qualitative interviews. 6. A final model will be synthesised and is
3. Once refined, the questions were used in to be included in the doctoral thesis to be
a set of interviews utilising a focus group submitted for examination.
(Krueger, 1988). This focus group was
composed of I/S industry experts, active in The approach is based upon continual com-
the performance measurement system area. parison of the data collected in each stage with
Given the level of organizational interest in the developing model. Constant, iterative com-
the perceived failure of the APMS, recruiting parison of the data with the developed model
participants was not difficult. Against this and conceptual categories leads to a continuously
data, the results were further analysed and refined explanatory model.

Making the Case for Critical Realism

Throughout the study, critical realism pro- Realist Emphasis on Explanation

vided a foundational platform for developing the and Ex-Post Evaluation
research. The following realist elements were
important in the study development: The realist focus on explanation rather than pre-
diction necessarily encourages an emphasis on
The Realist Focus on Context and ex-post evaluation. The realist would suggest that
Setting ex-ante or predictive evaluation is difficult given
Pawson, Greenhalgh, Harvey, and Walshe (2004) the highly complex nature of the implementation
describe realist review as “a relatively new environment. Ex-post evaluations after the event
strategy for synthesizing research which has an are more in keeping with the underlying realist
explanatory rather than a judgemental focus. It focus on explanation rather than prediction.
seeks to unpack the mechanisms of how complex The critical realist focus on explanation rather
programmes work (or why they fail) in particular than prediction suggests that the critical realist
contexts and settings” (p. 21). Such methods are method involves “the postulation of a possible
becoming more prevalent in the analysis of the [structure or] mechanism, the attempt to col-
effectiveness of social programs. It is the conten- lect evidence for or against its existence and the
tion of this paper that a similar approach can be elimination of possible alternatives.” The realist
effective in examining the heavily social and con- agrees that we have a good explanation when (1)
textual nature of complex APMS implementation. the postulated mechanism is capable of explain-
Critical realist evaluation moves from the basic ing the phenomenon, (2) we have good reason to
evaluative question—what works—to what is it believe in its existence, (3) we cannot think of any
about this implementation that works for whom equally good alternatives. (Outhwaite, 1987). Such
in what circumstances. an approach has specific impacts on the research
In the context of the APMS research, it became process in that it argues for research heavily ori-
evident that contextual issues were paramount in ented toward confirming or denying theoretical
explaining the success and failure of the imple- proposals. For the realist, the initial explanatory
mentations. With the focus group interviews and focus may be on proposing (i.e., transcending or
individual case follow-up, the fundamental discus- speculating) non-experienced and perhaps non-
sion is always around the particular circumstances observable mechanisms and structures that may
of the implementation. This emphasis on context well be outside the domain of investigation. As
impacted the underlying research focus. The criti- Wad (2001, p. 2) argues:
cal realist focus on retroductive prepositional-type
questioning led to a contextual basis for the study If we take explanation to be the core purpose
seeking to answer “Under what conditions might of science, critical realism seems to emphasise
APMS implementation prove successful?” rather thinking instead of experiencing, and especially
than “What are the (predictive) critical success the process of abstraction from the domains of the
factors for an APMS implementation?” A sim- actual and the empirical world to the transfactual
plistic critical success factors approach tends to mechanisms of the real world.
deny the heavy contextuality and complexity of
large-scale systems implementation. For the APMS study, the case examples were
of previously implemented systems, and the fo-
cus was on confirming or denying a postulated
model. The model developed from the focus group

Making the Case for Critical Realism

interviews is being further refined by examining 2. Action-formation mechanisms (micro-micro

an actual case study. level)
3. Transformational mechanisms (micro-
The Realist Need for an “Analytical macro level)
The typology implies that macro-level events
The original Delone and McLean model (1992) or conditions affect the individual (step 1), the
of IS success in Figure 2 is realist in focus, as it individual assimilates the impact of the macro-
emphasizes causal factors; however, the critical level events (step 2), and a number of individuals
realist would have difficulty agreeing with the generate, through their actions and interactions,
simplistic notion that organizational impacts are macro-level outcomes (step 3). Such a critical
solely pre-determined by individual factors. The realist perspective on technology is presented by
realist argues for a deeper multi-level analysis that Smith (2005) when he suggests that:
recognizes that individual agency (micro) level
impacts are only one of the components. Such an technology introduces resources and ideas (causal
analysis ignores the duality of structure in that mechanisms) that may enable workers to change
agency actions are both constrained and enabled their practices, but these practices are also con-
by pre-existing structures. strained and enabled by the structures in which
Any research study founded on critical re- they are embedded … Thus … a researcher must
alism needs to reflect this duality of structure try to understand how the generative mechanisms,
and agency. Archer (1995) proposes that such a introduced by the technology into a particular
duality is difficult to properly examine in social context of structural relations that pre-existed
situations and therefore argues for an “analytical” the intervention, provided the resources and ideas
or artificial dualism whereby structure (macro) that resulted in changes (or not) to individual
and agency (micro) are artificially separated practices that then either transform or reproduce
in order to properly examine their interaction. those original structural relations. (p. 16)
Hedström and Swedberg (1998) propose three
basic mechanisms: Such a representation highlights the historicity
of information technology (IT) implementation
1. Situational mechanisms (macro-micro and argues for a consideration of the environment
level) prior to IT initiation. The framework also suggests

Figure 2. Delone and Mclean model (1992)

system use
Individual organisation
Impact Impact
Information user
Quality satisfaction

Making the Case for Critical Realism

that any study of APMS implementation would The models did, however, provide guidance
need to view the implementation as fundamentally as to the various categories that might be used in
a change of pre-existing social practices. the grounded theory analysis.
The original Delone and McLean model An extension of Delone and McLean’s original
emphasizes the micro-macro interaction when model developed by Wixom and Watson (2001) to
it suggests individual impacts aggregate to or- model data warehousing success provided further
ganizational impacts. However, from a realistic depth to the analysis. The new model (Figure 4)
perspective, it has no recognition of the macro- helped to identify the various levels of analysis
micro and micro-micro level interactions. needed and associated impacts at each level. The
The 2002 changes made to the original De- increasing richness of the model suggests a more
lone and McLean model (see Figure 3) were the subtle and differentiated interaction between its
introduction of service quality and two dimen- elements and reduces the dependence upon a few
sions, organisational and individual impact, being “critical” success factors.
combined into one dimension called net benefits
(Delone and McLean, 2002). From a realist per- An Emphasis on the Social Nature of
spective, this again moves the model further away IT Implementation
from a realist position in that the organizational
and individual impacts are conflated. Archer The defining characteristic of APMS is that it is
(1995) argues against such conflation when she the automated communication of key performance
suggests that “structure and agency can only be indicators. As such, the implementation and op-
linked by examining the interplay between them eration of such a system can be highly political
over time, and that without the proper incorpora- and sensitive. Performance measurement can be
tion of time the problem of structure and agency defined as the process of quantifying the efficiency
can never be satisfactorily resolved” (p. 65). The and effectiveness of action and a performance
static simplistic representation of Delone and measurement system as the set of metrics used to
McLean is inconsistent with such a view. quantify both the efficiency and effectiveness of
actions (Bourne, Neely, et al., 2003). The devel-

Figure 3. The reformulated I/S success model (DeLone & McLean, 2002, p. 9)

Quality Use
(Intention to
System Net
Quality Benefits

Service Satisfaction

Making the Case for Critical Realism

Figure 4. Research model for data ware housing success (Wixom & Watson, 2001)
Implementation Factors Implementation success system success



Resources Data Quality

Perceived Net
User Participation Implementation

Team Skills System Quality

Source Systems


Research Model for Data Warehousing Success (Wixom & Watson, 2001)

opment of any performance management system ing party.” The final phase is termed “miscreant
must adhere to the following definite stages: response” in which “failing parties are shamed,
chastised, made contrite and so improve perfor-
• define the performance to be measured mance in order to be reintegrated.” As Pawson et
• determine and agree on appropriate perfor- al. (2005) argues these social processes are all fal-
mance metrics lible and can all lead to unintended outcomes. The
• implement systems to monitor performance initial performance metric may be inappropriate or
against these metrics measuring the wrong problem, the dissemination
• implement systems to communicate these may be inappropriate, public reactions may take
metrics to concerned stakeholders the form of apathy or panic rather than reproach,
thus leading to attempts to “resist, reject, ignore
Each such stage in the development of a per- or actively discredit the official labelling.” The
formance management system can be expected potential for active resistance seems more likely
to be personalised, potentially highly political, given the automated nature of an APMS system.
possibly controversial, and affect the acceptance Automated communication may be seen to imply a
of the final management system. lack of trust in intervening management structures
The final communication of performance and could lead to active resistance.
figures is inherently social. As Pawson et al. Organizational goals are set by management;
(2005) suggest, this collection of performance high-level requirements are set by management,
figures is usually followed by public disclosure of as are timelines, resources, and objectives. The
underperforming sectors. Such a public disclosure design solution of APMS, its overarching prin-
ideally leads to “sanction instigation” whereby the ciples and objectives, depend upon the ideologies,
broader organizational community act to “boycott, requirements, and principles of these decision
censure, reproach or control the underperform- makers. These principles are based upon a nor-

Making the Case for Critical Realism

mative threat (the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation of the structure of work, boundary spanning
and similar such acts) as well as the drive to and the unimpeded flow of information will be
maximise productivity through control and early perceived as a threat to those whose authority
intervention. The ideology of industrialization, is based upon the existence of boundaries and
that increasing labor productivity is the founda- fiefdoms. The adjustment and threat to power
tion of increasing wealth and the improvement structures defined through knowledge is a high-
of social and economic conditions, also makes risk area for projects whose focus and objective
rational resistance difficult. The solution of APMS is to codify knowledge and ways of doing things
is therefore conservative, preserving the power and make them freely available. The case of
status quo and serving the needs of those who need APMS is particularly interesting because it is
to control, measure, and manipulate. Here we can managers whose knowledge is being codified and
observe a structure of legitimated management commoditized and whose ability to intervene and
and regulation interacting with the agency of indi- massage production figures is being withdrawn. It
vidual and idiosyncratic leaders and subordinates. is managers whose fiefs are becoming subject to a
Critical realism allows that these structures have super-Panopticon, accessed by the CEO himself,
a causative function, derived from the ontological who may ring up at 8 a.m. and complain about
commitment of protagonists. These causal events the previous day’s poor production quality. The
may have elements that can be generalized, but stance of critical realism can sensitise researchers
their universality needs to be understood in the not only to the collision of conflicting structures
context of agency and individualism. but also to the motivations of the protagonists
Conversely, where there is an emphasis on who inhabit those structures and have careers to
authority and control, this is antithetical to knowl- build or mortgages to pay.
edge commitments and the hostages one gives to People in organisations are usually aware of
fortune, when one gives away knowledge. One the importance of their knowledge to their posi-
of the complicating factors in systems design in tion, status, and remuneration, and any reduction
particular, as indeed it is in any form of innova- may well be met with lack of full cooperation.
tion, are the implications of change for partici- The implementation of APMS moves this to the
pants involved in and stakeholders affected by next level. Martin (1988) states that “the major
the change. Innovation of any kind is knowledge resource distribution by technological change is
intensive and controversial, “uncertain, fragile, knowledge: groups with knowledge of the old
political and imperialistic” (Kanter, 1996, p. 95). system may lose control of knowledge under the
It crosses boundaries, redefines job descriptions new system.” (p. 119) Scarbrough and Corbett
and requires close communication. This leads (1992) assert that the higher the levels of autonomy
inexorably to the fact that “Information systems and job specialisation, the greater the power of
development is also a political process in which the job holder. If this is correct, then if these two
various actors stand to gain or lose power as a parameters are reduced by technological change,
result of design decisions” (Robey & Markus, it is more than likely that the change will be
1984, p. 5). resisted at some stage of the technology change
New divisions of labour and requirements for project: either in design, implementation, or use.
cooperation, a transcendence of current work This resistance is a denial of the legitimacy of
processes, will break down existing divisions of the technological solution and may have nothing
labour and require extensive cooperation. Particu- to do with whether the solution is “the best for
larly in organisations with command and control the company” or even represents a best possible
management paradigms and Fordist conceptions reorganisation of work processes. Critical realism

Making the Case for Critical Realism

recognises the role of individual agency in the (highly “structurated”) rules, processes, and meta
withdrawal of support and legitimation for the data definitions.
normative and regulative structures implied by
the “organisation as machine” metaphor in which The Ontological Depth of Critical
APMS finds its validation. The automated aspect Realism
of an APMS has implications for the autonomy of
the manager in that the APMS is intended to by- In line with the recognition of continuing micro/
pass the manager’s intervention. The performance macro interaction and the social implications of
management aspect of the system has implications IT implementation, Carlsson (2003) proposes a
derived from surveillance and control and the multi-leveled investigation of the research situa-
concomitant power structures. tion. As Figure 5 indicates, the framework includes
The diverse range of stakeholders, subordi- macro phenomena, like structural and institutional
nate to the accountable managers, are line staff, phenomena, as well as micro phenomena, like be-
whose actions have already been “informated” haviour and interaction. The framework highlights
by the implementation of an operational informa- the importance of wider macro-level issues on
tion system. They are responsible for data entry individual situated activity. As Carlsson suggests
(which must be timely and accurate for the APMS (2003, p. 13), the self and situated activity focus
to succeed). There are the technical personnel concentrates on “... the way individuals respond
who set up and maintain the APMS. They must to particular features of their social environment
understand the needs of the other “culture” and and the typical situations associated with this
be competent in the execution of the technology. environment” (Layder, 1993).
There appear to be quite different purposes and Critical realism is ontologically bold in the
value orientations within these groups. sense that it not only encompasses an external
There is a requirement for a high degree of realism in its distinction between the world and
structure and order in the interaction between our experience of it, but it also suggests a stratified
systems and the delivery of meaningful outcomes. ontology and a so-called depth realism in defin-
The derivation of a few key numbers from highly ing the objects that make up such a world. This
complex ERP systems requires the correct func- concept suggests that reality is made up of three
tioning of many software and hardware systems ontologically distinct realms—first, the empiri-
and types of components, as well as standardised cal, that is, experience; second, the actual, that is,

Figure 5. A realist research map (Carlsson, 2003, p.13, adapted from Layder, 1993)

Element Focus
CONTEXT Macro social forms, e.g. gender, national
H culture, national economic situation
S SETTING Immediate environment of social activity,
e.g. organisation, department, team
O Dynamics of face to face interaction
SELF Biographical experience and social

Making the Case for Critical Realism

events (i.e., the actual objects of experience); and examination of the case study yet to be completed.
third, the transcendental, non-actual, or deep, that In the case study, the organization had previ-
is structures, mechanisms, and associated powers. ously tried to implement automated performance
The deep structures and mechanisms that make management on at least five occasions with very
up the world are thus the primary focus of such little success. The final attempt was, however,
an ontological realism, events as such not being successful in, that the system is being used to
the primary focus. An important element within report meaningful data. One of the key aspects
critical realism is that these deep structures and being identified is that the successful APMS ap-
mechanisms may, in fact, be only observable pears to have a degree of sustainability that other
through their effects and thus a causal criterion systems did not have. According to Backström,
for existence is accepted: van Eijnatten, & Kira (2002), a sustainable work
system can be described as a work system that con-
Observability may make us more confident about sciously strives toward simultaneous development
what we think exists, but existence itself is not at different levels: individual, group/firm, and
dependent on it. In virtue of this, then, rather than region/society. The term “sustainability” is also
rely purely upon a criterion of observability for referred to as corporate sustainability (Liyanage
making claims about what exists, realists accept & Kumar, 2003) and may convey a difference
a causal criterion too (Collier, 1994). According in meaning to many, but generally it consists of
to this a plausible case for the existence of un- external influences that are not commonly refereed
observable entities can be made by reference to to within the information systems discipline. They
observable effects which can only be explained can include economy and technology, ecology and
as the products of such entities…. A crucial im- demography, and governance and equity.
plication of this ontology is the recognition of the The notion of timeliness also emerges as an
possibility that powers may exist unexercised, and underlying structure. It addresses how quickly,
hence …the nature of the real objects present at a when, or by what date an enhancement or
given time constrains and enables what can hap- change can be applied to affect the automated
pen but does not pre-determine what will happen. performance reporting. The ability to react to
(Sayer, 2000, p. 12) a new measure within a reporting cycle is very
important. Governments, external regulators, and
Realist researchers need to be able to ac- other ex machina bodies do not necessarily wait
count for the underlying ontological richness for a business to be ready to report a particular
they implicitly assume and also need to reflect measure. Sometimes these measures are driven
the belief that any knowledge gains are typically internally due to a need to correct or enhance a
provisional, fallible, incomplete, and extendable. particular business process.
Realist methodologies and writings thus must From the ongoing study, it is becoming evident
reflect a continual commitment to caution, scepti- that external structures and the constraints and
cism, and reflexivity. mandates they impose have severely affected
APMS implementations. Such a conclusion is
Discussion consistent with the critical realist view, in that it
reveals the evident analytical duality in the way
The focus group meetings with previous APMS that agents are both constrained and enabled
project participants confirmed the importance of by pre-existing internal and external structures
many of the factors identified in the various mod- that they transform and reinforce through their
els. The study is still ongoing with the in-depth ongoing actions.

Making the Case for Critical Realism

conclusion contamination, and “programme failure”

—its outcomes therefore make a good fit
APMS implementation is highly complex, socially within the context of organisational learning
and technologically. In a sense, such systems are and professional reflection;
the pinnacle of enterprise information systems, f. It engages stakeholders systematically,
relying upon the technological success of base as experienced but nevertheless fallible
systems, the adequacy of their own technology, experts whose “insider” understanding of
and the organisational coherence and commit- historical reasoning and action needs to be
ment of a wide range of affected stakeholders. documented, formalised, reflected upon,
In line with Pawson et al. (2005, p. 22), the use and validated within complex, multi-level
of critical realism as an underlying philosophy explanatory models.
for the APMS research appears to offer some
particular benefits: Realist review does, however, have a number
of limitations:
a. It has firm roots in the social sciences and
allows one to identify and make salient the a. It is not an easy foundation on which to
external, objectified, social structures that build in that it recognizes complexity in
function as causal elements in the success social research and requires a pluralist and
and failure of implementation. Using this innovative development process. It is an
paradigm, one is allowed to explore in approach that requires experience, both in
depth the social aspects of systems use and research and in subject matter. As Pawson
implementation; et al. (2004) suggest, realist review is not
b. It is grounded in the rigor of structured, for the novice.
analytical philosophy, and one can be b. The research generated cannot be taken to
reasonably confident in its reliability and be reproducible and has therefore limited
consistency as a base paradigm for research generalisability. Expressed differently, this
development; is an honest recognition of the fact that social
c. It is not a prescriptive method or formula systems, while they contain real structures,
for developing research but provides a logic are in fact open-ended and informed with
of inquiry that is “inherently pluralist and individual agency and situational specific-
flexible,” embracing both “qualitative” and ity.
“quantitative,” “formative” and “summa- c. Research based around critical realism can-
tive,” “prospective” and “retrospective,” not provide easy answers, as much as users
perspectives – it suggests but does not or researchers would like this to be the case.
prescribe which “rocks to look under;” Conclusions reached are always provisional,
d. It seeks not to judge but to explain and is fallible, incomplete, and extendable and rely
driven by the question “What works for upon the reader to draw conclusions about
whom in what circumstances and in what transferability and reuse.
respects?” It supports the pragmatic realiza-
tion, after many years of information systems Perhaps the greatest benefit of adopting a
failure, that “there is no silver bullet;” critical realist underlabouring is the emphasis on
e. It learns from (rather than “controls for”) deep understandings and context. The emphasis
real-world phenomena such as diversity, throughout the study has been to try and under-
change, idiosyncrasy, adaptation, cross- stand why particular APMS implementations

Making the Case for Critical Realism

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This work was previously published in Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 2, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 138-152,
copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).


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About the Contributors

David Paradice is Sprint Professor of MIS and Chair of the MIS Department at Florida State Uni-
versity. He has worked as a programmer analyst and consultant and was a member of a team that built
one of the first interactive DSS used in the electric utility industry. Dr. Paradice has published numerous
articles focusing on the use of computer-based systems in support of managerial problem formulation.
His publications appear in Journal of MIS, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Deci-
sion Sciences, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Annals of Operations Research,
Journal of Business Ethics, and other journals. His research also appears as chapters in several books.
He is active in the Association of Information Systems Special Interest Group on Data, Knowledge, and
Decision Support Systems and the International Federation on Information Processing TC8 Working
Group 8.3 on Decision Support Systems. Dr. Paradice has served on several corporate advisory boards.
He is co-Editor-in-Chief with Professor Manuel Mora (Autonomous University of Aguascalientes,
Mexico) of the International Journal of Information Technology and the Systems Approach.


Denis Edgar-Nevill is Head of the Department of Computing at Canterbury Christ Church Univer-
sity. He is a senior member of the Editorial Review Board of IJITSA. His publications span a number of
IS, SE and CS disciplines; software quality, systems thinking, software engineering. His more recent
research in the application of IS in Computer Forensics has led to his election as Chair of the UK national
British Computer Society Cybercrime Forensics Specialist Group

John V. Farr is Associate Dean for Academics and Professor of Systems Engineering and Engi-
neering Management in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology. He
was the founding Director of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at
Stevens, which he led from 2000 to 2007. He taught at the United States Military Academy at West Point
from 1992 to 2000, and achieved the rank of Professor of Engineering Management. Dr. Farr was one
of the first civilian professors in engineering at the Academy. He is a past president and Fellow of the
American Society for Engineering Management, a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers,
and a member of the Army Science Board and Air Force Studies Board of the National Academies. He
is a former editor of the Journal of Management in Engineering and the founder of the Engineering
Management Practice Periodical. He has authored over 100 technical publications including several
textbooks. He is a registered Civil Engineer in New York and Mississippi, and holds an undergraduate
degree from Mississippi State University, a master’s from Purdue University, and a PhD in Civil Engi-
neering from the University of Michigan.

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
About the Contributors

Miroljub Kljajić graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia in 1970 where also he obtained his M.Sc. in 1972 and his D.Sc. degree in 1974. Since 1976 he
has been employed by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj in the field of System Theory,
Cybernetics, Computer Simulation, and Decision Theory. He obtained the rank of Professor in 1986.
His main research field is methods of modeling and simulation of complex systems. He is author of
two books on the Theory of Systems and Discrete Event Simulation. He published over 200 scientific
articles from which 27 in JCR. He is the recipient of four awards for the best papers in international
conferences and received three recognitions for achievements in the field of decision support systems.
He was a member of the research team that received the Prize of the Boris Kidrič Fund in 1976 and the
Prize for Innovations and Improvements in 1984. For his successes in engineering pedagogical work
he received the Golden Medal of the University of Maribor in 1989.

Raymond Madachy is an Associate Professor in the Systems Engineering Department at the Naval
Postgraduate School. He has over 80 publications including the book Software Process Dynamics. His
research interests include modeling and simulation of processes for architecting and engineering of com-
plex software-intensive systems; economic analysis and value-based engineering of software-intensive
systems; integrating systems engineering and software engineering disciplines; systems and software
measurement, process improvement, and quality; quantitative methods for systems risk management;
and integrating empirical-based research with process simulation.

Rory O’Connor is a Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering at Dublin City University and a re-
searcher with Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre. He received a PhD in Computer
Science from City University (London) and has previously held research positions at both the National
Centre for Software Engineering and the Centre for Teaching Computing and has also worked as a
software engineer and consultant for several Irish and European technology organizations. His research
interests are centered on the processes whereby software intensive systems are designed, implemented
and managed.

D. Petkov is professor and coordinator of BIS at ECSU, USA. He is a Deputy Editor (USA) of Sys-
tems Research and Behavioral Science, Senior Area Editor for Software Engineering and the Systems
Approach of IJITSA and editorial board member of several other journals. His research has appeared
in the Journal of Systems and Software, Decision Support Systems, IRMJ, IJITSA, Telecommunications
Policy, JITTA, Intl. J. on Technology Management, Kybernetes and elsewhere.

Frank Stowell is Professor of Systems and Information Systems at the University of Portsmouth.
He has a PhD in Organisational Change and his research centers around Participative design of In-
formation Systems. He has been co-chair of a number of research council funded projects notably the
Systems Practice for Managing Complexity project, (http://www.spmc.org.uk/) which has developed
into a self sustaining network. He is past President of the UK Academy of Information Systems and
the UK Systems Society (http://www.ukss.org.uk/) and he presently occupies the chair of the Council
of Information Systems Professors. He has supervised a number of research projects including model-
ing complex decision making in mental health care. He has published papers and texts in the field and
presented papers at a number of international conferences in Europe and the United States. Prior to
his academic career he was employed by central government as a consultant within the Management

About the Contributors

Systems Development Group and has experience of defining and developing IT supported management
information systems.

G. A. Swanson is professor and past chair of the Department of Accounting and Finance at Ten-
nessee Technological University. Dr. Swanson holds a BS from Lee University, an M.A.C.T. from the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the PhD in accounting from Georgia State University. He is a
Tennessee CPA, ret. and founder and first president of the Tennessee Society of Accounting Educators.
He has served the International Society for the Systems Sciences as SIG chair, president elect, president,
past president and VP for administration among service to other professional organizations. His more
than 100 scholarly publications include books such as Measurement and Interpretation in Accounting:
A Living Systems Approach with James Grier Miller and articles in such journals as The Accounting
Review, Systems Research and Behavioral Science (SR&BS), and the International Journal of Social
Economics. Professor Swanson serves on various editorial boards and has recently guest-edited a special
issue of SR&BS honoring James Grier and Jessie Miller who are among the founders of the systems



A business process performance 157

business process performance complexity 157
accounting systems 120,  124 business process re-engineering (BPR) 61
ACM Education Board 74 business process understanding complexity
agent-based computer modeling 144 156,  157,  158,  159,  162,  169
agent-based modeling 144
algorithm development 40 C
Analytic Hierarchy Process 77
analytic sciences 120 Capability Maturity Model (CMM) 75
anthropology 40 Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
anticipatory system 57 75
anti-competitive practices 228 CAS-based enterprise KnS model
APMS 329,  330,  332,  333,  334,  336,  337,  137,  141,  150,  153,  154
338,  339,  340,  341 CAS-based framework 141,  142,  143,  144
APMS projects 329 CAS-based KnS framework 137,  141,  142, 
application-domain models 75 144,  145,  151,  152
application of communicative action theory 90 CAS-based model 137,  142
APQC benchmarking study 140 CAS-based tools 150
articulated paradigm 187 Catastrophe theory 42
artificial enterprise 144,  145 causal loop diagrams (CLDs) 278
artificial society 144 cause-effect networks 184
automated performance measurement systems cellular automata (CA) 144
(APMS 329 Center for Systems and Software Engineering
(CSSE) 204
B centralization 184
chief executive officers (CEO) 252
battlefield operations 40 chief operating officer (COO) 252
Bayesian techniques 212 chief systems designer 3
behavior reproduction testing 283 CITOS 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11, 
biodiversity 40 13,  14,  15,  17,  18
biological, organizational 51 CITOS deployment 7
broad theory 183 CITOS realization 2
business intelligence (BI) 331 civilization development 54
business process balance 159,  162,  169,  170 coercion 311
business process completeness Command and Control Research Program
159,  162,  167,  168,  169,  170 (CCRP) scheme 47

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) 205 COSOSIMO component 208

communicational system 183 COSOSIMO cost model 205,  207,  208,  211
communications channels 101 COSOSIMO parameters 208,  209
communicative action theory 90 Critical awareness 259
community of interest 139 critical management paradigms 163
community of practice (CoP) 139 critical mass 228,  238,  239,  248,  249,  250, 
complex adaptive systems 42,  43,  44,  45,  251,  254
48,  50,  365,  377 critical realism 86,  89,  93,  95,  96,  97
complex adaptive systems (CAS) 137,  153 critical success factors (CSF) 312,  319
complex goal-oriented systems 57 critical systems 257,  258,  259,  260,  263,  26
Complex Information Technology 1,  2 4,  265,  268,  269,  270,  273
complex natural 183 Critical systems thinking (CST) 69, 259
complex nature 99 critical view 263
complex software-intensive systems 158 CSSE industry 205,  207,  208
complex systems 2,  3,  4,  5,  7,  11,  12,  14,  Currency MIM (CM) 126
15,  19,  20,  21,  74,  75,  348,  349,  358 customer relationship management (CRM) 240
Complex systems 52 customer response time (CRT) 229
component system changes 211 cybernetic 123,  126,  127,  132,  133,  135
component systems 205,  207,  209,  210,  211 cybernetic paradigm 163
computational resource 188 Cybernetic principles 76
computational view 188 cybernetics 52,  57,  89,  311
computer aided software engineering (CASE) Cybersin method 310
software 219 cycle time (CT 229,  230
computer-based tools. 170 cyclical process 108
Computer Science (CS) 68
concepts system 163,  165 D
conceptual 185,  194,  196 data-driven approach 28
conceptual behavioral research 159,  160 data interpretation 189
Conceptual data collecting 161 data mining 112
conceptual descriptive-comparative review ap- data on hard-disk (HD) maker 275
proach 161 Data Processing (DP) 26
conceptual model of information-as-system data warehouse (DW) 295
99,  100,  114 DCF method 246
conceptual models 160 decision assessment 61,  65,  365
conceptual systemic model 156 decision making (DM) 62
consciousness 40,  47 decision-making support systems 61,  65,  371
constructive SoS integration cost model (CO- Decision Support Systems 52
SOSIMO) 204,  205 deductive-nomological (D-N) 88
constructive systems engineering cost model deflationary 93
(COSYSMO) 208,  213 Department of Defense (DoD) 75
control, in an organizational context 310 deployment phase 239,  248
control system 312,  321,  322,  324,  325,  design engineering oriented 183
326,  327 dialectic systems 63
convergence protocols 212 digital subscriber line (DSL) 248
core software 4 discounted cash flow (DCF) 234
Correspondence theories 92 discursive theories 93


disruptive innovation response strategy (DIRS) environment 3,  6,  7,  12,  41,  42,  43,  44, 
287 45,  47,  48
disruptive innovation strategy (DIS) 274–293 epidemiology 275
disruptive innovation strategy (DIS) theory epistemological concerns 90
274 epistemology 90,  92
DIS theory 275,  276 ERP development 254,  255
DM-based 62 ERP maturity states 255
dynamic behavior 279 ERP model 239,  240,  241,  249,  252,  253
dynamic IS phenomenon 199 ERP: people 254
ERP solution 230,  238,  239,  244
E ERP strategy 230,  240,  244,  245,  246, 
economic activity 122,  124,  126,  127,  128,  248,  252
129,  130,  131,  132,  135 evaluation 329,  330,  334,  342,  344
economic and financial disciplines 59 evolution 189,  192
economic control 130 exchange-based societies 120,  121,  133,  135
Economic jargon 119 exoretic knowledge 108
economics 119,  120,  123,  136,  275,  289
economics of networks 228,  255
economic system 126,  131,  132 face-to-face interactions 139
economy 122,  124,  125,  130,  131,  135,  136 federation of systems (FoS) 5
e-KnSMOD environment 148,  149 financial policy 132
e-KnSMOD model 144 framework 183,  187,  188,  189,  190,  191, 
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) 204 194,  195,  196,  198,  199,  201,  202
elementary particle 122
elementary subsystem 122 G
emancipatory interest 93 general systems theory
emergent dynamics 43 52,  102,  215,  218,  224,  225
empiricism 88,  90 General Systems Theory 53
engineering complexity 4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  13 general systems theory (GST) 57, 89,  184, 216
enterprise 44,  47,  49,  353 generic business organization 157
enterprise information systems 2 generic intra-organizational processes 1
enterprise knowledge sharing gene therapy 40
137,  139,  141,  144,  150,  153 global enterprise level 63
Enterprise knowledge sharing governmental IT failures 32
137,  138,  142,  143,  147 Group Decision Support 52
enterprise knowledge-sharing (KnS) 137
enterprise KnS model H
137,  138,  141,  150,  153,  154
hard-disk (HD) 274,  275,  282
Enterprise KnS Model (e-KnSMOD) 144
hardware 183,  191,  194,  198
Enterprise performance 243
hardware components 4
enterprise resource planning architecture
HD maker population model 274
243,  247,  254
HD Makers dynamics 283,  284,  285,  288
enterprise resource planning (ERP) 229,  238
health IS 58
Enterprises Resource Planning systems 52
heterogeneity 138,  142
enterprise’s strategy 61
holism 89
enterprise transformation
227,  235,  236,  240,  256


homeostasis in societies 127 information systems (IS) 51, 68, 99, 158, 182,
homeostatic mechanism 310 183,  330
homeostatic mechanisms. 311 information systems (IS) evaluation
human activities 26 257,  258,  260
human activity 186,  189 Information Systems Philosophy 86
human activity system 100,  106,  115,  215 information systems subsystem concept 163
human-centered design 58,  65,  377 Information technology 40,  120,  133
human conditions 105 information technology (IT) 26,  67, 188
human construct 102 information technology system
Human design 105 233,  234,  245,  246
human experience 101,  102,  104,  105 infrastructure 221
human factor 109 integrated product team (IPT) 210
human information processing 89 integrated product team (IPT) framework 210
human interaction system 311 integrating software 75
humankind 119 intellectual property rights 228
human-made objects 53 internal rate of return (IRR) 235
human moods 40 internal rate of return (IRR)-based calculations
Hume 88 235
Humean causality 88 inter-organizational activities 1,  2
hybrid simulation model 61 IS artifact 194,  198
IS body 192,  193,  194
I IS curricula proposals 195
idealism 90 IS discipline 72,  77,  80,  182,  187,  188, 
IJITSA 86,  89,  90,  91 189,  190,  192,  193,  194,  195,  200
Incremental Commitment Model (ICM) 75 ISD researchers 58
information-as-knowledge 110 ISD strategies 58
information-as-system 99,  100,  103,  104,  IS evaluation 257,  258,  260,  261,  262, 
105,  106,  107,  108,  109,  110,  111,  263,  264,  265,  266,  267,  268,  270
112,  113,  114,  115 IS failure 25,  28,  31,  32,  34,  37,  379
information-based controllability 184 IS foundations 102
Information Rules 228,  248 IS generic concepts 190
information system 27,  28,  29,  33,  34,  35,  IS industry 275
36,  37,  40,  44,  352,  215,  218,  219,  IS investments 257,  261,  267
223,  225,  361,  367 IS/IT level 297,  300,  305
Information System failure 29 IS journals 87,  89
information system management 274 IS research 182,  183,  187,  188,  189,  190, 
information systems 39,  40,  41,  43,  44,  45,  191,  193,  194,  195,  196,  199,  200, 
47,  48,  49,  50,  56,  58,  60,  63,  65,  202
66,  86,  349,  90,  91,  351,  92,  93,  IS researchers 25
94,  95,  96,  364,  372,  377,  383,  257,  IS research framework
258,  259,  260,  261,  264,  268,  269,  183,  194,  195,  196,  199
271,  272,  273,  384 IS research paradigms
Information Systems Development (ISD) 182,  183,  187,  191,  193,  199
51,  67, 78, 80, 81, 347, 349 IS syllabus 195
information systems, examples of 218 IS technical system 110
IT artifact 188,  189,  191,  193,  201


IT artifacts 188,  191 life cycle 28

IT-based organizational systems 158 lifecycle 167,  168,  171,  172
IT infrastructure 76 linguistic utterance 102
IT managerial 188,  191 living systems 183,  190
IT organization 253 local discretionary currency 130
IT personnel 253 logical progression 329
IT programme 32,  36,  353 logical structure 298
IT services process 167 LSI organization 207
LSI SoSE 205,  207,  208,  212
Journal of Citation Reports (JCR) 56
Journal on Information Technologies and the macro accounting conceptual framework 127
Systems Approach (IJITSA) 75 management and organization theory 59
management control systems 310,  311
K management cybernetics 310,  311
key performance parameters (KPPs) 210 Management Information Systems (MIS) 61,
KM leadership 150,  151,  152,  153 321
knowledge-constitutive interests (KCI) 93 management systems 331
knowledge management (KM) 137 managerial process 157,  158
knowledge management (KM) leadership 137 mandatory life-cycle 162
Knowledge Management Systems 52 man-made systems 167,  168
knowledge program 89 mature enterprises 239
knowledge resource management 227 meaning system 100,  104,  112
knowledge worker 138,  140,  141,  142,  143,  mean square error (MSE) 283,  287
144,  145,  147,  151,  152 Medical IS, 56
knowledge workers 137,  138,  139,  140,  meta-theoretical analogy 110
141,  142,  143,  144,  147,  150,  153 methodology 51,  52,  54,  56,  57,  58,  59, 
KnS artifacts 143 60,  62,  63,  151,  152,  153,  205,  208, 
KnS behavior 137,  138,  139,  140,  142,  211,  213
143,  144,  146,  147,  149,  150,  151,  MIM 126,  127,  128,  129,  132
152,  153,  154 mixed methods 91,  97
KnS environment 137,  138,  139,  141,  142,  mnemonic IS 25
143,  144,  146,  147,  148,  150,  151,  Model-Based System Architecting and Soft-
152,  153,  154 ware Engineering (MBASE) framework
KnS framework 137,  141,  142,  144,  145,  74
151,  152 Model Driven Development 75
KnS leadership 139 Model Swarm 148,  149
KnS model 137,  138,  141,  148,  150,  153,  ModelSwarm 148
154 Model validation 160
modern economic processes 127
L modern exchange-based societies
120,  121,  135
large-scale information systems 2
money-information 119,  120,  121,  122, 
lead system integrator (LSI) 204
125,  126,  127,  128,  131,  132,  133, 
legal form 124
134,  135
leximap 190
money-information systems 119,  133,  135


monolithic 188,  189,  191,  193 philosophy of science 87,  90,  93

multi-attribute parameter 210,  211 physical-natural environment 183
Multimethodology 69,  84,  89, 91, 370 plan-driven methods 75,  76,  77
multi-scale systemic comparison 165 Pluralism 259
mutual relationships 106 pluralist-complementarist research strategy
N policy parameter 287
national debt 130,  131 political-cultural components 7
naturalist 88 positivism 88,  90,  91,  97
natural science 59 Pragmatic theories 92
net present value (NPV) 233 probability of risk’s occurrences (PRO) 326
network economy 228,  256 process of interpretation 257,  260
networked information system 3 Process Reengineering 70
network elements 248,  249,  251,  253,  254 process workflow 245
network management 39,  40,  195 product development lifecycle 239,  248
nominal concept 188 Production IS 56
nomological network 188,  191,  193 product lifecycle 242,  246
non-empirical research method 159 profit and loss (P&L) 242
NPV method 246 progressive mechanization 184
project-based education 78,  81,  353
O project planning 75
public information systems 27,  28
Observer Swarm 148,  149
ObserverSwarm 148 Q
ontology 52,  92
operational structure 316,  317 quality system 311
organisational hierarchies 262
organizational learning
310,  311,  312,  327,  328 radical position 89
organizational science 57 rate of return (ROR) 233
organizational systems 52, 57 R&D-intensive companies 235
organizations 39,  40,  41,  44,  45,  47,  48,  R&D process 234
49,  50,  354,  367 R&D stages 234
realization 156,  165,  170
P real-life client 276
parameter 204,  207,  208,  210,  211,  212 real-life performance 275
pathway participation metric (PPM) 275 real-world situation 296
Peircean model 101 redundancy 93
performance complexity 157 reference disciplines 12,  13,  14
personal computer (PC) 276 research and development (R&D) 234
philosophical debates 88 return on investment (ROI) 245
philosophical foundations 70 revolution 189
philosophical framework 58 RFID tagging 45
philosophical principle 104,  113 rising systems engineering 3
philosophical strategy 184 robotic reasoning 40
philosophy 86,  87,  90,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96, 
97,  98


S Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) 29

Soft Systems Thinking (SST) 69
SA methodology. 52,  58,  63 software 183,  191,  194,  198
SATENA 314,  315,  316,  317,  318,  321 software development 67,  68,  72,  74,  75, 
scientific community 88 76,  77,  78,  79,  84,  374
scientific/intellectual movement (SIM) 189 software development life cycles 29
scientific knowledge 159 software-domain models 75
scientific theorising 88 software engineering discipline 5
SD model analysis software 274 software engineering (SE) 4, 68
SD modeling method 276,  288 software engineering (SwE) 4,  158
SE education 54,  59,  60 Software-Intensive-Systems-of-Systems
SE Education 58 (SISOS) 76
self-organization 42,  47,  50,  364 software systems 6,  8,  10,  12,  21,  68,  72, 
self-regulation 310,  311,  312 75,  76,  355
SE Methodology 58 software-unique extensions 75
semiotics model 103 SoS architecture 204,  206,  207,  211
services customers 221 SoSE activities 205,  207,  208
SE topics 58 SoS engineering (SoSE) 204, 205
SI development 33 SoS environment 209,  213
simulation method 60,  61,  62 SoS framework 209,  210,  211
simulation methodology 60 SoS interface protocols 207,  209,  211
simulation model 60,  61,  62,  63 SSADM 28,  29,  36,  37,  362,  367,  383
single-complex systems 5 stakeholder community 210
social 183,  185,  186,  188,  189,  191,  193,  strategic process 167
198,  199,  203 Structuration theory 45
social actions 105,  106,  114 structure 216,  220,  221,  222
social design 258,  259 Structured Systems Analysis and Design
socialization documentation 126 Method 28
social life 120 sub-model 210,  211
social processes 127,  133,  135,  144 subsystem 195,  196,  198
social relationship, 52 sub-systems 52,  199
social science 59,  88,  91 Sugarscape Model 144
social systems 103,  106,  108,  114,  116 supply chain management 39,  40,  45
social values 103 supply-side economies 248
social world 88,  91,  92,  105,  106,  113 supporting structure 317
societal decider super-ordinate 130 support virtual organizations 244
societal information systems 133 supra-suprasystem 197,  199
socio-economical 7 suprasystem 5,  184,  195,  197,  199
sociology 89 system development life cycle (SDLC) 217
socio-political systemic paradigm 196 System Dynamics 57,  64,  66,  357,  378
socio-politic cultural phenomena 183 system dynamics (SD) model 275
socio-technical phenomena 101 system dynamics (SD) modeling method 274
socio-technical problems 51 systemic concepts 199
socio-technical system 76 systemic definition 163
soft/interpretative systems paradigm 187 systemic framework 77,  85,  377
soft system methodology (SSM) 215 systemic model 156,  157,  158,  159,  160, 
soft systems 89,  90,  96 161,  162,  164,  170,  172


systemic triangulation 110 total enterprise integration (TEI) framework

systemic view 187,  202,  294,  297 229
systemic worldview 5 Total Quality Management 70
system of information 26,  27,  28,  29,  30,  33 Toulmin’s theory 99,  107
system of systems 192,  194,  199 trade 124,  127,  128,  129,  132
system of systems (SoS) 5, 204 traditional information systems 28
system-of-systems (SoS) architectures 204 transfers 120,  127,  135
systems approach 86,  89,  94,  97 triadic pattern 102
systems approach (SA) 51 triadic relation 54,  101,  109,  110,  112
systems-based view 196 true, justified, belief (TJB) 92
systems boundary 99,  100,  110 true theory 93
systems concepts
214,  215,  216,  220,  224,  225 U
systems dynamics 76,  77 Ulrich’s theory 99
systems engineering Unified Modeling Language (UML) 61, 69
74,  75,  76,  77,  79,  81,  89,  350 University of Southern California (USC) 204
systems engineering lifecycle 254,  255 useful theory 93
Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC)
75 V
Systems Engineering (SE) 51, 158
Valuation of Technology 234,  241,  246
systems epistemology 102
verification and validation (V&V) 211
system’s methodologies 51
virtual network 238,  250
systems model 89
Systems of Information 25,  26,  34 W
systems of systems (SoS) 169
systems theory concept 60 weighted average cost of capital (WACC) 233
systems thinking 278,  282 wideband Delphi process 212
systems thinking framework 99,  100 work system 214–226,  215–226,  216–
systems thinking perspective 99 226,  217–226,  218–226,  219–
system theory 223,  224 226,  220–226,  221–226,  222–
226,  223–226,  224–226,  225–226,  346
T work system framework
217,  220,  221,  222,  223
tacit knowledge 138,  139
work system life cycle model 217
technical 183,  188,  189,  193,  194,  198
work system method 214,  214–
technical and engineering disciplines 59
226,  215,  223,  225
technical solutions 53
work system method, as a systems approach
TEI system 229
telecommunications industry 53
work system’s goal 221
terminology 113
wuli-shili-renli (WSR) 58
theoretical model 294,  299,  304,  305
theory building potential. 278 X
theory of argumentation 99,  107
theory of communicative action (TCA) 93 XP development cycle 28
theory of systems 157,  159,  163,  170
Time-lagged MIM (TLM) 126
topography 111


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