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Puzzle Agent

Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Solutions
Written by Zachary Jones
Version 1.01
These solutions have been written specifically for the PC version of the game.
You can use them for the Mac or WiiWare versions, but they may have some minor
changes not covered in this guide.
Table of Contents
Press CTRL+F, then type the name of the puzzle you want to find the solution
for into the search box to skip to that particular puzzle.
1. Version History
2. How to Use This Guide
3. Puzzle Solutions
- 1. Cracked Crossword
- 2. Directions & Detours
- 3. Room Key Confusion
- 4. Wrangling Watchmen
- 5. Find the Fuse
- 6. Security Screw-up
- 7. Menacing Map
- 8. Stovepipe Stumper
- 9. The Maw of Madness
- 10. Window Watcher
- 11. Going After Glori
- 12. Screw-up in Space
- 13. A Quorum of Crows
- 14. Grickleback Baffler
- 15. Perplexed Sock Picker
- 16. Snowmobile Snafu
- 17. Frantic Fish
- 18. Locksmithing Learner
- 19. Tracking Trouble
- 20. Master Locksmith
- 21. Barrier Blot-Out
- 22. Fire Up the Furnace
- 23. Hydraulic Headache
- 24. Gnegative Gnomes
- 25. Tapeworm Twister
- 26. Arm Wrestling Redux
- 27. Rearranging Rations
- 28. Bugs in Boxes
- 29. More Bugs in Boxes
- 30. Super Bugs in Boxes
- 31. Air-Mailing
- 32. Contraband Carriers
- 33. Hot Hawks
- 34. New Employee Error
- 35. Cut Your Losses
- 36. Changing Chairs
- 37. Diners and Dishes
4. Copyright & Contact
1. Version History
Version 1.01 - August 17, 2010 - Updated list of authorized sites.
Version 1.00 - August 11, 2010 - Finished Puzzle Solutions section.
Version 0.00 - August 4, 2010 - Started guide.
2. How to Use This Guide
This guide will tell you the solutions to all 37 puzzles in Nelson Tethers:
Puzzle Agent. While you could breeze through the game using this guide to solve
all the puzzles, you'd probably have a lot more fun by trying the puzzles for
yourself and only checking this guide if you're absolutely stuck.
Many of the puzzles are hard to describe with words alone. Therefore, I'll try
to draw basic pictures using punctuation marks and other symbols.
Here is the layout for each puzzle:
##. Puzzle Name
Location: Where the puzzle can be found in-game. If the puzzle is required to
progress the story, it'll say "required."
Type: "Assembly" puzzles require you to put together an object that's been
broken apart. "Selection" puzzles have you select one option out of a few.
"Path" puzzles have tiles that you need to rotate to create a path from one
end to the other. "Entry" puzzles have a keypad that allows you to type in a
numerical answer. "Drag/Drop" puzzles require you to drag objects into
specific spots to advance. "Connection" puzzles have you drawing lines
between two or more dots.
Solution: The answer to the puzzle. May come with a diagram to illustrate the
Explanation: Here I'll explain the reasoning behind the answer, if it's needed.
To find a specific puzzle, press CTRL+F and type in the name of the puzzle.
3. Puzzle Solutions
1. Cracked Crossword
Location: Required, at the Puzzle Investigations department
Type: Assembly
Solution: The crossword should read "SCOGGINS" from top-left to bottom-right.
Explanation: This puzzle doesn't really need an explanation. Just keep moving
and repositioning the pieces until the puzzle is complete. The pieces will
click together once you attach them right. Once all of the pieces are attached
to each other and you can move the entire crossword puzzle at once, press
2. Directions & Detours
Location: Required, after arriving at Scoggins
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: Drag a \ log to F4, and another \ log to B4.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A| N|
B|/ L | N = Nelson
C| | L = Traffic Light
D| L | / = Already-placed log
E| | E = End
F|E /|
Explanation: Nelson will move down from his starting position into the log at
F6 and turn so he's going left. Since we have to hit both traffic lights before
arriving at F1, place a \ log (top-left to bottom-right) at F4. He will hit the
log and go up, hitting the first traffic light at D4.
Place another \ log at B4 and Nelson will bank left and hit the second traffic
light. From there, he'll hit the log at B1 and go straight down to the hotel.
3. Room Key Confusion
Location: Required, while talking to Martha at the hotel
Type: Entry
Solution: 9.
Explanation: Look at the black spots sideways, and focus on the white spaces
between them. They spell out "NINE."
4. Wrangling Watchmen
Location: Required, while talking to Sheriff Bahg at the eraser factory
Type: Selection
Solution: 8:00.
Explanation: First, determine how long each employee was working for. They were
working for a total of 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. Pop worked for 3
hours, and Bernie worked for 8 hours. Together that's 11 hours, so Al and Iggy
must have put in the extra 13.
Al says that Bernie put in the most hours, so neither of them could have worked
for eight or more hours. They couldn't have worked for five or fewer hours,
either - the other guy would have 8+ hours to fill up that 24-hour timeframe.
This means that either Al or Iggy had 6 hours, and the other had 7.
Now it's time to figure out the full schedule.
Iggy says that he worked from 6:00 until he was relieved, meaning that he
wasn't the last person to work that day. Since he worked a minimum of six
hours, he couldn't have worked at 6:00 PM, since he'd be working until midnight
and thus would be the last person to work. His shift must have started at 6
The only person who could have worked before him was Al, who worked for 6
hours. This means that Iggy worked for 7 hours that day.
Since Bernie heard the explosion "one hour before the last shift started," he
must have been working when he heard the explosion. This also means that he
wasn't the last shift; he went third, after Iggy.
12AM to 6AM - Al, working for 6 hours
6AM to 1PM - Iggy, working for 7 hours
1PM to 9PM - Bernie, working for 8 hours
9PM to 12AM - Pop, working for 3 hours
Since the last shift started at 9 PM, the explosion must have gone off one hour
earlier, at 8 PM.
5. Find the Fuse
Location: Required, after arriving at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: The second fuse.
Explanation: Cover up the left half of each of the fuses on the top. You'll
see that the first fuse makes a 1, the second makes a 2, and the fourth makes
a 4. Now, do the same for the fuses on the bottom. The second fuse from the
left makes a 3 and fits into the sequence.
6. Security Screw-up
Location: Required, while talking to Sheriff Bahg at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: Picture 1 has only one set of footprints that belong to the man
outside the diner. Picture 2 shows a man walking on a path of footprints that's
already there. Picture 3 shows a man taking a right turn and walking toward his
car. In Picture 4, the car is gone.
Explanation: In Picture 1, the man walks outside and makes the first trail of
footprints. In Picture 2, another man walks outside and walks on the first
trail. In Picture 3, the man goes to his car, and the first two footprint
trails are visible. In Picture 4, the car is gone, and all three footprint
trails can be seen.
7. Menacing Map
Location: Required, after talking to the frozen Mike Lobb at the Sasimy Woods
Type: Path
Solution: Rotate the following tiles so there are exits to ONLY these
1 2 3 4 5
A| G|
B| | A = Start (Mike)
C| G | G = Gnome
D|G | E = End
E| G E|
Rotate A1 so there is an exit to the EAST.
Rotate A2 so there is an exit to the WEST, NORTH, SOUTH.
Rotate B2 so there is an exit to the WEST, NORTH, SOUTH.
Rotate C3 so there is an exit to the EAST, NORTH, SOUTH.
Rotate D2 so there is an exit to the EAST, NORTH, SOUTH.
Rotate E2 so there is an exit to the WEST, EAST, SOUTH.
Rotate D3 so there is an exit to the WEST, EAST, SOUTH.
Rotate E3 so there is an exit to the WEST, EAST, SOUTH.
Rotate D4 so there is an exit to the WEST, SOUTH.
Rotate E4 so there is an exit to the EAST, NORTH, SOUTH.
Explanation: If there is any connecting path between a gnome and Mike, it won't
work. You need to make sure there are no paths leading to gnomes while still
making a path from A1 to E5.
To do this, you need to avoid D1 and A5 entirely, as their gnomes have exits to
all four sides. You also need to rotate C3 and E3 to make sure every gnome's
path leads to a dead end.
If you completed the puzzle using this method, Mike should follow this path:
A1 -> A2 -> B2 -> C2 -> D2 -> D3 -> D4 -> E4 -> E5.
8. Stovepipe Stumper
Location: Required, at the hotel when the stovepipe breaks down.
Type: Path
Solution: The pipes need to follow these paths:
1 2 3 4 5
A| |
B| | A = End
C| | S = Stovepipe
D| |
E|S |
The pipe goes up at E1. At D1, the pipe splits; Split 1 goes north, the main
pipe goes east. Split 1 goes east at C1, north at C2, and rejoins the main pipe
at B2.
At D2, the pipe splits again; Split 2 goes north, the main pipe continues east.
Split 2 goes east at C2, north at C3, and rejoins the main pipe at B3.
The main pipe goes south at D3, east at E3, north at E4, north at D4, north at
C4, east at B4, north at B5, west at A5, south at A4, and west at B4. It goes
west at B3, rejoining with Split 2. It goes north at B2 after rejoining with
Split 1. It then goes west at A2 and west at A1 to reach the chimney. Phew!
Explanation: A lot of the parts here aren't required to reach the chimney.
Don't get nervous if a lot of the parts don't seem to fit together. Actually,
you can figure out this puzzle mostly by looking at the artwork and seeing
which pieces fit together smoothly and which don't.
9. The Maw of Madness
Location: Required, after talking to Bo next to the dumpster behind the hotel
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: Place the following arrows in the highlighted areas:
1 2 3 4 5 6
A|P D X|
B|U X D U| N = Nelson (starts by going east)
C| D X X | P = Pit of Perplexity
D|U X L | X = Brain Tube
E|U D | L = Light of Lucidity
F|N U U U| U/D = Up/Down Arrow
Place a <- arrow at B5.
Place a <- arrow at C3.
Place a -> arrow at D3.
Place a -> arrow at E2.
Place a <- arrow at F5.
Explanation: You'll need to use the Brain Tubes and their automatic right turns
to reach the Light. Entering the Brain Tube from the left makes it exit out
the top, entering it from the bottom makes it exit out the right, and so on.
With this method, Nelson's voice will travel along this path:
F1 -> East until F3 -> North until D3 -> East until D4 -> Right turns via tubes
to B5 -> West until B4 -> South until C4 -> Right turn to C3 -> West until
C2 -> South until E2 -> East until E5 -> South until F5 -> West until F4 ->
North until D4 -> Right turn to D5.
10. Window Watcher
Location: Required, at the lodge
Type: Connection
Solution: Connect the first dot on the top edge with the third dot on the right
Explanation: This line covers all the boards and chains. If it was any lower it
wouldn't hit the black chain on the top. If it was higher, it wouldn't reach
the light gray chain (it's barely touching it now). If it was steeper it would
miss the tan board connecting the 3rd dot on the top to the 3rd dot on the
right, and if it was less steep it would probably miss the black, light gray,
or tan chains.
11. Going After Glori
Location: Required, after seeing Glori leave the building next to the hotel
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: Rearrange the logs as shown in the diagram.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A| t |
B| / \ t N | N = Nelson
C| \ F F F \| F = Footprint
D| t F E F /| t = Tree
E| F t F | / or \ = Log
F| \ / | E = End
Explanation: By rearranging the logs, Nelson can avoid all the trees and follow
this path:
B5 -> South until F5 -> West until F3 -> North until B3 -> West until B2 ->
South until C2 -> East until C6 -> South until D6 -> West until D4.
12. Screw-up in Space
Location: Required, after being knocked out at the eraser factory
Type: Connection
Solution: Create the longest possible path between the two red wires, then fill
in the remaining area by creating a path between the yellow wires.
Explanation: Need a more specific solution? OK, try this.
Starting from the red wire at the very top (the one right above the yellow
wire), go East, South, East, and East again. Then follow the outer edge until
you reach the very top-left of the puzzle. Then go East, East, and then go
South. Now keep following the inner edge until you can connect to the red wire.
If you followed my instructions exactly, the yellow wire path should be clear.
13. A Quorum of Crows
Location: Required, while talking to Bjorn in the lodge
Type: Entry
Solution: 5.
Explanation: You might have been thrown off by the bluebird, thinking there was
only one, and the first and the last pictures were overlapped. You could assume
that, but to reach the absolute minimum number of crows, we need to assume
that there are two - the bluebird at the beginning, and the bluebird at the
The correct order of the birds is as such:
b = bluebird, r = red bird, C = Crow
b r r C C r C r C C b
|-----| |-------|
5th 4th
|-----| |-----|
3rd 2nd
14. Grickleback Baffler
Location: Required, while talking to one of the cult members in the lodge
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: 4 fish at A, 8 fish at B, 6 fish at C, 3 fish at D.
Explanation: We can't have an odd number of fish at an intersection. Therefore,
the group of 3 fish can only be placed at D, since it requires no intersections
to reach the river.
Let's focus on A and B first. The 4-fish group will divide at the first
intersection, leaving 2 to go down into the Abdominal Swamp and 2 to continue
to B. That means that at the intersection right after B, there will be 10 fish.
5 fish will take the top path and go straight into the river, and 5 will go
into Mifpik Marsh.
Now, let's focus on C and D. The 6-fish group will divide at the first
intersection, so 3 will go down with D and 3 will have to go through the
Abdominal Swamp. That means a total of 6 fish will go down the D path, and 5
fish (3 from C, 2 from A) will go through the Abdominal Swamp.
So if the marsh marmots are in Mifpik Marsh, then we'll have:
5 fish on top path
0 fish on Mifpik Marsh path
5 fish on Abdominal Swamp path
6 fish on bottom path
Or 16 fish overall.
If the marsh marmots are in Abdominal Swamp path, we'll have:
5 fish on top path
5 fish on Mifpik Marsh path
0 fish on Abdominal Swamp path
6 fish on bottom path
Or 16 fish overall. This means that no matter where the marsh marmots are,
we'll always end up with 16 fish.
15. Perplexed Sock Picker
Location: Required, while talking to one of the cult members at the lodge
Type: Selection
Solution: C.
Explanation: A is wrong, because Lars could easily take out two non-matching
socks. B is wrong, because Lars could take out one striped, one plaid,
one spotted, one argyle, and one with owls. C is the correct answer. If he
takes out six socks, he's guaranteed to get at least one match among the six.
16. Snowmobile Snafu
Location: Required, when trying to leave the area after escaping the lodge
Type: Path
Solution: The tiles need to create this path:
1 2 3 4
A|S |
B| | S = Start
C| | E = Exhaust (end)
D| |E
The pipe should go east at A1, south at A2, east at B2, north at B3, west at
A3, east at A2, south at A3, east at B3, north at B4, south at A4, west at B4,
south at B3, west at C3, west at C2, north at C1, south at B1, south at C1,
east at D1, north at D2, east at C2, south at C3, north at D3, east at C3,
south at C4, east at D4.
Explanation: Again, look at how the pipes are drawn. You should be able to make
a smooth line along the above path. If you've rotated it so you're moving from
a large pipe into a small one, you've probably moved it wrong.
17. Frantic Fish
Location: Required, inside the ice-fishing hut
Type: Selection
Solution: The red fish on the top-left line.
Explanation: The red fish is the least numerous kind (there are only 4 of
them), so there must be 5 or more blue fish, green fish, and tan fish. First
off, the key is on a line with 5 fish, including swallowed fish. This rules out
the bottom-left line, since it would have 7 fish if one of them had a key (4
original fish + 3 fish inside other fish).
It can't be the tan fish on the bottom-right. If it was, then there would be
only 4 tan fish total (3 inside the green fish, 1 with a key) and we need 5.
It also can't be any of the green fish, since we'd end up with 4 tan fish as
It can't be the blue fish on the top-left, either. We'd end up with 4 green
fish (3 hanging, 1 inside the bottom-left blue fish). Therefore, it has to be
a red fish - and the only red fish on a 5-fish line is the one in the top-left.
18. Locksmithing Learner
Location: Required, after collecting all the gear pieces
Type: Assembly
Solution: This is the puzzle screen, with all the mixed-up gear pieces. Each
letter represents a piece.
| |
| A F |
| |
| B H | A, B, D, E, G, and I are little pieces.
| E G | C, F, and H are big pieces.
| |
| C I |
| D |
Connect I to the bottom-right opening of C.
Connect A to the bottom-left opening of C.
Connect E to the top opening of H.
Connect G to the bottom-right opening of H.
Connect B to the top opening of F.
Connect D to the bottom-left opening of F.
Connect F to the bottom-right of C.
Fill in the last space with H.
Explanation: This is a bit complicated, but as with the other assembly puzzles,
you should get the pieces together eventually.
19. Tracking Trouble
Location: Required, after the gnome steals the gear outside the lodge
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: Place the logs as shown in the diagram. (Some of them are already
placed for you.)
1 2 3 4 5 6
A| / G \ N|
B|/ \ G G \ | N = Nelson
C|G G / G G /| G = Gear Piece
D| G G G G | / or \ = Log
E| \ G G / | E = End
F|E \ / /|
Explanation: You should end up with 2 / logs and 1 \ log. Nelson will follow
this path:
A6 -> South until C6 -> West until C3 -> South until F3 -> East until F4 ->
North until A4 -> West until A2 -> South until B2 -> East until B5 -> South
until E5 -> West until E2 -> North until B2 -> West until B1 -> South until F1.
20. Master Locksmith
Location: Required, at the eraser factory after getting the last gear
Type: Assembly
Solution: Here are the pieces of the three gears:
| A |
| |
| B F |
| | All yellow gear pieces are large.
| |
| C E |
| |
| D |
| |
| H G O |
| I N |
| | G, J, and M are large pieces.
| | H, I, K, L, N, and O are small pieces.
| J M |
| |
| K L |
| P Q |
| |
| X R |
| | R, U, and X are large pieces.
| | P, Q, S, T, V, and W are small pieces.
| W S |
| V U T |
| |
Hoo boy. This is a pretty big gear to put together.
Connect the bottom-left side of N to the right side of D.
Connect P to the right side of N.
Connect C to the bottom-right of P.
Connect U to the left side of C.
Connect M to the left side of U.
Connect R to the bottom-left of M.
Connect E to the top-left of R.
Combine Q and I, then put it between the two top-left yellow pieces.
So far you should have...
| Q I D N P |
| E R M U C |
| |
... and almost half of the gear finished.
Connect G to the bottom of R.
Connect F to the left side of G.
Connect X to the right side of G.
Connect J to the top-right of X.
Connect B to the bottom-right of J.
Connect A to the bottom of X.
Combine K and S, then put it on the bottom-right corner of the whole thing.
Combine L and W, then put it on the bottom-left corner.
Combine H and V, then put it on the left.
Combine O and T, then put it on the right.
You should end up with something like this:
| Q I D N P |
| E R M U C |
|V T|
|H O|
| F G X J B |
| L W A S K |
Of course, it'll look less like an oval and more like a gear, but you get it,
Explanation: As you can tell, this is hard to explain. Like many of the
assembly puzzles, you can probably solve the puzzle just by randomly putting
the pieces together until they click.
Basically, the outer edge will alternate between large yellow pieces and pairs
of small red and blue pieces. The inner edge will alternate between large red
pieces and large blue pieces. If you need help, call on the hint function
(it'll give you a picture of the top half, then the bottom half of the gear),
or send me an email (my address is in the Copyright & Contact section of this
21. Barrier Blot-Out
Location: Required, at the giant eraser inside the eraser factory
Type: Selection
Solution: 8.
Explanation: The cable connected to the giant eraser goes all the way to the
left, then all the way to the right, and finally ends at 8.
22. Fire Up the Furnace
Location: Required, at the big pile of stuff inside the eraser factory
Type: Assembly
Solution: Follow these steps to connect the objects together so they can fit
into the furnace.
Connect the "Think Safety!" magazine to the shirt of the J.S. Scoggins statue.
Connect the saw to the back of the statue's head.
Connect the red vacuum cleaner to the top of the wooden stool.
Connect the "Scog" sign to the hose of the vacuum cleaner.
Connect the lamp to the bottom-left of the saw.
Connect the goggles to the top of the statue.
Connect the hand-truck to the right side of the goggles.
Connect the circular blade to the magazine.
Connect the apron to the left side of the goggles.
Connect the "Scog" sign to the front of the statue's face.
Connect the brown box to the bottom of the circular blade.
Connect the gray-and-yellow arm to the right side of the box.
Connect the fan to the open space behind the statue's neck.
Explanation: If all of the objects are put together correctly, they should fit
neatly inside the furnace without touching the brown areas.
23. Hydraulic Headache
Location: Required, at the lift station inside the eraser factory
Type: Drag/Drop
Up, Up, Right, Up,
Up, Up, Left, Up,
Up, Right, Up, Blank.
Alternate Solution:
Up, Up, Right, Up,
Up, Right, Up, Up,
Left, Up, Up, Up.
Explanation: Both solutions work. The first solution puts the lifts in order
(1-2-3) at the end. Lift 2 reaches its destination first, then 1, then 3.
The alternate solution puts the lifts out of order (1-3-2), but it still works.
Lift 1 and 2 reach the end at the same time, followed by 3.
24. Gnegative Gnomes
Location: On the shelf of gnomes in the hotel
Type: Selection
Solution: The fifth gnome from the left.
Explanation: The film negative is flipped so all the gnomes are facing the
wrong way. Not only that, but the colors are inversed, so green is really red
and vice versa.
The fifth gnome on the film negative is wearing a red hat and green clothes,
so its counterpart should be wearing a green hat and red clothes. It's facing
right and its right arm (from our point of view) is up, so its counterpart
should therefore be facing left with its left arm up.
There isn't a gnome in the top-right picture that matches the fifth gnome.
25. Tapeworm Twister
Location: While talking to Bo in the hotel
Type: Path
Solution: Rotate the tiles as follows:
1 2 3 4
A| |
B| |
C| |
D| |
Rotate B1 twice.
Rotate C2 twice.
Rotate B3 three times.
Rotate D3 once.
Rotate B3 once.
Explanation: If you did it correctly, you should make a complete rubber band
(as in, it shouldn't end with a tapeworm's head or tail). The rubber band makes
a loop around the corner of B2, B3, C2, and C3.
26. Arm Wrestling Redux
Location: The newspaper on the ground, next to the dumpster behind the hotel
Type: Selection
Solution: The woman on the bottom-right ("Flo's Grizzly Grip couldn't whip
Explanation: To solve this puzzle, we need to assume that this is a standard
four-person tournament. There are three rounds - Round 1 is between two
people, Round 2 is between the other two people, and Round 3 is between the two
winners of the previous rounds.
The woman on the top-left was defeated by Flo's Grizzly Grip, meaning that Flo
won one match and proceeded to Round 3. However, the woman on the bottom-right
won against the Grizzly Grip, so that must have been Round 3.
Since the woman on the bottom-right won Round 3, she won the tournament.
27. Rearranging Rations
Location: The plate that's distracting Gloria at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Assembly
Solution: Follow these steps to make a circle:
Connect the chocolate cake to the bottom-left of the sausages.
Connect the chicken wing below the sausages.
Connect the asparagus to the bottom-left of the chicken wing.
Connect the bacon to the bottom-left of the asparagus.
Connect the toast to the top-left of the chocolate cake.
Connect the steak to the top-left of the bacon.
Connect the mushroom above the steak.
Connect the carrot to the left of the mushroom.
Connect the fish to the empty space in the middle.
Explanation: Keep working at it and eventually everything will click together,
just like the other assembly puzzles. The result should fit nicely on the
28. Bugs in Boxes
Location: While talking to Darrel & Daryl at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Connection
Solution: Draw these boxes:
| P P | |
+---+---+---+---+ + + + = Peg
| G G | P | G | - or | = Box
+ + + + + + + G = Green Grassgrazer
| | P | G | P = Pink Puddlepaddler
+ + +---+---+---+---+
| | P P |
Explanation: The green grassgrazers on the left and right all have 2 extra
spaces. The pink puddlepaddlers on the top, bottom and middle all have 1 extra
space. Every box is limited to one species, and this is the minimum number of
boxes possible (5).
29. More Bugs in Boxes
Location: While talking to Darrel & Daryl at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Connection
Solution: Draw these boxes:
| P | G | G |
+ +---+---+---+ + + + = Peg
| P | P | | - or | = Box
+ + + + + + + G = Green Grassgrazer
| | P P | G | P = Pink Puddlepaddler
+ +---+---+---+---+---+
| | G | P |
Explanation: By following this method, you can come up with the minimum number
of boxes needed to box all the bugs (6).
30. Super Bugs in Boxes
Location: While talking to Darrel & Daryl at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Connection
Solution: Draw these boxes:
| G | | P |
+---+---+---+ +---+---+ + = Peg
| | P | P | | - or | = Box
+ +---+---+---+ + + G = Green Grassgrazer
| | G | G | P = Pink Puddlepaddler
+ + + + + + +
| G | G | G |
Explanation: You know the drill. All bugs, seven boxes.
31. Air-Mailing
Location: While talking to Steve at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Entry
Solution: 14.
Explanation: Let's start with the obvious - there are five visible gnomes in
two separate bags.
_ + 3 + 2 + _ + _ + _
By looking at the third bag (with 2 gnomes in it), we can see that a bluebird
can carry a maximum of 2 gnomes (since each bird is carrying its maximum
weight, as the rules say). If the bluebird were to carry two bags at once, it
would have to carry 1 gnome per bag. Therefore, the first bag that's hidden
must only have 1 gnome in it, since it is being carried by 1 bluebird leg.
1 + 3 + 2 + _ + _ + _
By looking at the second bag, 1 bluebird leg + 1 mallard leg can carry 3
gnomes. Since we already know that 1 bluebird leg can carry 1 gnome, 1 mallard
leg must be able to carry 2 gnomes.
Now let's look at the other bags, knowing this. The fourth bag is being carried
by 2 mallard legs, so it must have 4 gnomes. The fifth bag is being carried by
a mallard leg and a bluebird leg, so it must have 3 gnomes. The sixth bag is
being carried by one bluebird leg, so it must only have 1 gnome.
1 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 14.
32. Contraband Carriers
Location: While talking to Steve at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Connection
Solution: Connect the birds' legs to these bags:
Connect the first mallard's left leg to the 1st bag.
Connect the first mallard's right leg to the 2nd bag.
Connect both of the first bluebird's legs to the 2nd bag.
Connect the second bluebird's left leg to the 2nd bag.
Connect the second bluebird's right leg to the 3rd bag.
Connect both of the owl's legs to the 4th bag.
Connect the second mallard's left leg to the 4th bag.
Connect the second mallard's right leg to the 5th bag.
Explanation: Each mallard's leg can carry 2 gnomes, each owl's leg can carry
1.5, and each bluebird's leg can carry 1.
1st bag: 1 mallard leg = 2 gnomes.
2nd bag: 1 mallard leg + 3 bluebird legs = 5 gnomes.
3rd bag: 1 bluebird leg = 1 gnome.
4th bag: 2 owl legs + 1 mallard leg = 5 gnomes.
5th bag: 1 mallard leg = 2 gnomes.
33. Hot Hawks
Location: While talking to Steve at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Connection
Solution: Connect the birds' legs to these bags:
Connect the first bluebird's left leg to the 1st bag.
Connect the first bluebird's right leg to the 2nd bag.
Connect the second bluebird's left leg to the 2nd bag.
Connect the second bluebird's right leg to the 3rd bag.
Connect the first mallard's left leg to the 3rd bag.
Connect the first mallard's right leg to the 4th bag.
Connect the second mallard's left leg to the 4th bag.
Connect the second mallard's right leg to the 5th bag.
Don't do anything with the third bluebird.
Connect both of the owl's legs to the 5th bag.
Explanation: This puzzle is made a bit harder by the third bluebird. There's no
way to connect the third bluebird's legs to a bag without giving a bag extra
support or crossing the ropes, neither of which is allowed. Turns out that you
can get just enough support without having to use the third bluebird at all.
1st bag: 1 bluebird leg = 1 gnome.
2nd bag: 2 bluebird legs = 2 gnomes.
3rd bag: 1 bluebird leg + 1 mallard leg = 3 gnomes.
4th bag: 2 mallard legs = 4 gnomes.
5th bag: 2 owl legs + 1 mallard leg = 5 gnomes.
34. New Employee Error
Location: The "Help Wanted" sign on the building to the right of the hotel
Type: Connection
Solution: Here's the puzzle screen. Each letter represents a football player
(glass not shown). Start at A, and draw lines to the next player in
alphabetical order (A to B to C to D etc.).
| A |
| |
| E |
| G |
| D |
| B |
| F |
| C H |
Explanation: Since H and A can only throw to one person (or catch one person's
pass), they have to be at the beginning/end of the line. By following this
passing line, each player should be able to get the football without breaking
any glass.
35. Cut Your Losses
Location: The "Closed" sign on the building next to the hotel
Type: Connection
Solution: Here's the puzzle screen. Each letter represents a football player
(glass not shown). Start at A, and draw lines to the next player in
alphabetical order (A to B to C to D etc.).
| G |
| |
| H |
| C |
| A |
| B |
| E |
| D F |
Explanation: By passing along this line, every football player gets the ball
exactly once, and every piece of glass is thrown through exactly once. The line
between C and D may look iffy, but it works.
36. Changing Chairs
Location: Required, while talking to Darrel and Daryl at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Assembly
Solution: This is a puzzle that's hard to describe. By the end, you should have
a picture of a red crescent moon with a green plant sticking out of its mouth.
Explanation: Seriously? You should be able to put it together through trial and
error. I wouldn't be much help trying to guide you through it, but in case
you're totally stuck, I'll try to push you in the right direction.
Three chairs will fit on the top row, four in the middle, and three on the
bottom. The crescent moon starts at the bottom-right and curves to the left,
ending at the top-right. The green plant starts on the bottom-middle chair and
can be seen in the top-middle, top-right, and middle-right regions.
If you're still stuck, the third hint gives you a full picture of the puzzle.
Use it to assemble the pieces.
37. Diners and Dishes
Location: While talking to Glori at the Moose Ear Diner
Type: Drag/Drop
Solution: Clockwise, starting from the fish-resembling woman at the bottom-
left: chicken, ham, banana split, onion rings, fish, burger.
Explanation: "One lady ordered a meal resembling the fish-eating man sitting
next to her." Since the women can't have a meal resembling their spouses, the
only woman sitting next to a man who isn't her spouse is the chicken-
resembling woman at the far end of the table, who's sitting next to the onion
ring-resembling man. Therefore, she must be eating onion rings, and the man
must be eating fish.
From there, you can start experimenting with where to put each dish. However,
the only combination that follows all the rules is the solution listed above.
The one person that resembles the food he's eating is the banana split man at
the far end of the table. From there, you know where to put the ham, and the
rest of the puzzle can be easily solved.
And that's it! All 37 puzzles from Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent.
4. Copyright & Contact
Copyright 2010 Zachary Jones.
If you need clarification on any puzzles, notice any errors in this guide, or
just want to give some feedback, e-mail me at:
NOTE: Please write something like "Puzzle Agent guide" or anything related to
the game or this guide in the subject line. If you leave it blank or put
something irrelevant, your e-mail may get deleted.
So far, the following websites have permission to post this guide:
If you want to put this guide on your website, send me an e-mail with
information about the site and what specific parts you will be posting (if not
the entire guide).
Thanks for reading!

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