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(SOLVED) While crossing a public highway in the city Joel

While crossing a public highway in the city, Joel was struck by a horse-drawn cart driven by
Morison’s agent. The agent was traveling between Burton Crescent Mews and Finchley on his
employer’s business and was not supposed to go into the city at all. Apparently, the agent was
on a […]

The following contract was executed on August 22: Ray agrees to sell and Shaw, the
representative of Todd and acting on his behalf, agrees to buy 10,000 pounds of 0.32 × 1 5/8
stainless steel strip type 410.(signed) Ray (signed) Shaw On August 26, Ray informs Shaw and
Todd that […]

Cook’s Department Store advertises that it maintains in its store a barber shop managed by
Hunter. Actually, Hunter is not an employee of the store but merely rents space in it. While
shaving Jordon in the barber shop, Hunter negligently puts a deep gash into one of Jordon’s
ears, requiring […]

Driver picked up Friend to accompany him on an out-of-town delivery for his employer, Speedy
Service. A ‘‘No Riders’’ sign was prominently displayed on the windshield of the truck, and
Driver violated specific instructions of his employer by permitting an unauthorized person to ride
in the vehicle. While discussing a […]


Green Grocery Company employed Jones as its manager. Jones was given authority by Green
to purchase supplies and goods for resale and had conducted business for several years with
Brown Distributing Company. Although her purchases previously had been limited to groceries,
Jones contacted Brown and had it deliver a color […]

Stan sold goods to Bill in good faith, believing him to be a principal. Bill in fact was acting as
agent for Nancy and was within the scope of his authority. The goods were charged to Bill, and
on his refusal to pay, Stan sued Bill for the purchase price. […]

Paula instructed Alvin, her agent, to purchase a quantity of hides. Alvin ordered the hides from
Ted in his own (Alvin’s) name and delivered the hides to Paula. Ted, learning later that Paula
was the principal, sends the bill to Paula, who refuses to pay Ted. Ted sues Paula and […]


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