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Layne Norton's Ph3 Program


For the following cells, please enter your most recent 1RM for
the squat, bench press, and deadlift

What is your weight tracked in (lb or kg)? kg

Squat 170.0 kg
Bench Press 100.0 kg
Deadlift 170.0 kg

Exercises labeled with "RIR" means you should choose a weight so you have
the listed number of reps left in the tank (Repetitions in Reserve)

Exercises labeled with "BFR" are lighter weight

exercises with Blood Flow Restriction

All credit for this program goes to Dr. Layne Norton

This excel file is merely a way to make the program easily accessible
Week 1
Day 1 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
Squat Warm Up 122.5 x9 122.5 x9
Bench Press Warm Up 72.5 x9 72.5 x9
Deadlift Warm Up 122.5 x7 122.5 x7

Day 2 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Flat/Incline Dumbbell PWarm Up x6-8 x6-8
Lat Pull-down/WeightedWarm 30Up
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
Seated Military Press (3Warm
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl ( Warmrest
Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Machine Bicep CurlWarm sets
Up x20 x10 x10 x10
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tri Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR b/Cable Tricep Pu Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10

Day 3 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Squat Warm Up 132.5 x7 132.5 x7 132.5 x7
Bench Press Warm Up 77.5 x7 77.5 x7 77.5 x7
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10 x8-10
Reverse HyperextensionWarm rest
Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Opti Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10

Day 4 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 5 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body)Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Deadlift Warm Up 140.0 x4 140.0 x4
Bench Press Warm Up 82.5 x3 82.5 x3 82.5 x3
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable CrosWarm Up x12-15 x12-15
Cable/Machine Lat Pull Warm30Up
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Dumbbell/Machine RowWarm rest
Upin between x12-15 x12-15
Lateral Raise (2RIR) Warmsets
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Machine Preacher/Conce Warmrest
Upin between x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Machine Bicep CurlWarm sets
Up x30 x15 x15 x15
Cable Tricep Push-downWarm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Tricep Push-down (2Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15

Day 6 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Squat Warm Up 140.0 x5 140.0 x5 140.0 x5
BFR Leg Extension Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15
BFR Leg Curl Warm
seconds of x30 x15 x15 x15
Reverse HyperextensionWarm rest
Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Opti Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15

Day 7 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Week 2
Day 8 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
Squat Warm Up 122.5 x9 122.5 x9 122.5 x9
Bench Press Warm Up 72.5 x9 72.5 x9 72.5 x9
Deadlift Warm Up 122.5 x7 122.5 x7

Day 9 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20 x10 x10
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 10 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up 132.5 x7 132.5 x7 132.5 x7
Bench Press Warm Up 77.5 x7 77.5 x7 77.5 x7
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10 x8-10
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 11 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 12 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Deadlift (AMRAP Set 3) Warm Up 140.0 x4 140.0 x4 140.0 AMRAP
Bench Press (AMRAP Set 4) Warm Up 82.5 x5 82.5 x5 82.5 x5 82.5
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15
Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets) sets
Warm Up x30 x15 x15
Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Tricep Push-down (2 Cluster Sets) Warm Up x30 x15 x15

Day 13 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat (AMRAP Set 4) Warm Up 140.0 x5 140.0 x5 140.0 x5 140.0
BFR Leg Extension Warm Up x30 x15 x15
BFR Leg Curl Warm
seconds of x30 x15 x15
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30 x15 x15

Day 14 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Auto-Regulation for Week 3

# of Reps 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11+

SQUAT 165.0 170.0 172.5 175.0 177.5

# of Reps 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11+

BENCH PRESS 97.5 100.0 102.5 102.5 105.0
# of Reps 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10+
DEADLIFT 165.0 170.0 172.5 175.0 177.5

*These numbers are calculated by based on the performance

of days 12 and 13, which will determine the difficulty for the
next week of this block
Squat: -

Bench: -

Week 3 Deadlift: -

Set 5 Day 15 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2

Squat Warm Up - x9 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x9 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x7 -

Set 5 Day 16 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2

Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7
x6-8 x6-8 Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8
x10 BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20
x6-8 x6-8 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8
x10 BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20

Set 5 Day 17 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2

Squat Warm Up - x7 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x7 -
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20
x6-8 Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

x10 BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20

Day 18 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Set 5 Day 19 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body) Set 1 Set 2

Deadlift (AMRAP Final Set) Warm Up - x4 -
AMRAP Bench Press (AMRAP Final Set) Warm Up - x5 -
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR) Warm Up x12-15
Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x12-15
Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15
Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
seconds of x12-15
x12-15 x12-15 Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15
x15 BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets) sets
Warm Up x30
Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15
x15 BFR Tricep Push-down (2 Cluster Sets) Warm Up x30

Set 5 Day 20 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2

AMRAP Squat (AMRAP Final Set) Warm Up - x5 -
x15 BFR Leg Extension Warm Up x30
x15 BFR Leg Curl Warm
seconds of x30
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15
x15 BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30

Day 21 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Auto-Regulation for Week 4

# of Reps 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

SQUAT - - - -

# of Reps 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

# of Reps 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9
DEADLIFT - - - -

*These numbers are calculated by based on the performance

of days 19 and 20, which will determine the difficulty for the
next week of this block
*Enter weight from the chart under Week 2
to calculate numbers for Week 3

Week 4
Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 22 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift)
x9 - x9 Squat
x9 - x9 Bench Press
x7 - x7 Deadlift

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 23 (Full-Body Hypertrophy)

x6-8 Leg Extension (3RIR)
x6-8 x6-8 Leg Curl (3RIR)
x6-8 Calf Raise (1RIR)
x5-7 Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR)
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) 30 seconds of
x10 x10 x10 T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest in between
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
30 seconds of
x10 x10 x10 Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl rest in between
BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR)
x7 - x7 - x7 BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down
x7 - x7 - x7
x8-10 Day 24 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift)
x8-10 Squat
x10-15 x10-15 Bench Press
x15-20 x15-20 Deadlift
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
x10 x10 x10 Day 25 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 26 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 27 (Rep Test)

x4 - AMRAP Squat
x5 - x5 - AMRAP Bench Press
x12-15 Deadlift
x12-15 Day 28 (Rest)
x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
x15 x15 x15
x12-15 x12-15
x15 x15 x15 # of Reps

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 # of Reps

x5 - x5 - x5 - AMRAP BENCH PRESS
x15 x15 x15
x15 x15 x15 # of Reps
x10-15 x10-15 DEADLIFT
x15-20 x15-20
x12-15 x12-15 *The numbers you use for the Intermediate Block are determined by
x15 x15 x15 how many repetitions you perform for each lift on Day 27

**If only 1-4 repetitions are performed, use the reduced 1RM
and repeat the Accumulation Block with those new 1RMs

Week 4




Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under Week 3
to calculate numbers for Week 4
Bench: -

Deadlift: -

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 - x4
Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 - x4
Warm Up - x4 - x4

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10
Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5
Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5
Warm Up - x4 - x4
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
Warm Up 145.0 AMRAP
Warm Up 85.0 AMRAP
Warm Up 145.0 AMRAP

Estimated 1RMs for Intermediate Block

1-4 5 6-7 8+
167.5 170.0 172.5 175.0

1-4 5 6-7 8+
97.5 100.0 102.5 102.5

1-4 5 6-7 8+
167.5 170.0 172.5 175.0

ock are determined by

e reduced 1RM
Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under Wee
to calculate numbers for Week 5
Bench: -

Week 5 Deadlift: -

Day 29 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x8 - x8
Bench Press Warm Up - x8 - x8
Deadlift Warm Up - x6 - x6

Day 30 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20 x10 x10
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 31 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x6 - x6 - x6
Bench Press Warm Up - x6 - x6 - x6
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10 x8-10
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 32 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 33 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Deadlift Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3
Bench Press Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 -
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15
Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets) sets
Warm Up x30 x15 x15
Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Tricep Push-down (2 Cluster Sets) Warm Up x30 x15 x15

Day 34 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 -
BFR Leg Extension Warm Up x30 x15 x15
BFR Leg Curl Warm
seconds of x30 x15 x15
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30 x15 x15

Day 35 (Rest/Active Recovery)

ht from the chart under Week 4
ulate numbers for Week 5

Week 6
Set 5 Day 36 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2
Squat Warm Up - x8 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x8 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x6 -

Set 5 Day 37 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2

Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7
x6-8 x6-8 Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8
x10 BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20
x6-8 x6-8 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8
x10 BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20

Set 5 Day 38 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2

Squat Warm Up - x6 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x6 -
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20
x6-8 Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

x10 BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20

Day 39 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Set 5 Day 40 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body) Set 1 Set 2

Deadlift (AMRAP Set 3) Warm Up - x3 -
x4 Bench Press (AMRAP Set 4) Warm Up - x4 -
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR) Warm Up x12-15
Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x12-15
Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15
Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
seconds of x12-15
x12-15 x12-15 Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15
x15 BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets) sets
Warm Up x30
Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15
x15 BFR Tricep Push-down (2 Cluster Sets) Warm Up x30

Set 5 Day 41 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2

x4 Squat (AMRAP Set 4) Warm Up - x4 -
x15 BFR Leg Extension Warm Up x30
x15 BFR Leg Curl Warm
seconds of x30
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15
x15 BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30

Day 42 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Auto-Regulation for Week 7

# of Reps 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9

SQUAT - - - -

# of Reps 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9

# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
DEADLIFT - - - -

*These numbers are calculated by based on the performance

of days 40 and 41, which will determine the difficulty for the
next week of this block

Week 7
Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 43 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift)
x8 - x8 Squat
x8 - x8 Bench Press
x6 - x6 Deadlift

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 44 (Upper Hypertrophy)

x6-8 Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR)
x6-8 x6-8 Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) 30 seconds of
x6-8 T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest in between
x5-7 Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
30 seconds of
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest in between
x10 x10 x10 BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR)
x10 x10 x10 BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 45 (Squat, Bench, Legs)

x6 - x6 - x6 Squat
x6 - x6 - x6 Bench Press
x8-10 Leg Extension (3RIR)
x8-10 Leg Curl (3 RIR) 30 seconds of
x10-15 x10-15 Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest in between
x15-20 x15-20 Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 Calf Raise (1RIR)
30 seconds of
rest in between

x10 x10 x10 BFR Calf Raise

Day 46 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 47 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body)

x3 - x3 - AMRAP Deadlift (AMRAP Final Set)
x4 - x4 - x4 - AMRAP Bench Press (AMRAP Final Set)
x12-15 Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR)
x12-15 Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) 30 seconds of
x12-15 Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest in between
x12-15 Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
30 seconds of
x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR) rest in between
x15 x15 x15 BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets) sets
x12-15 x12-15 Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR)
x15 x15 x15 BFR Tricep Push-down (2 Cluster Sets)

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 48 (Squat, Legs)

x4 - x4 - x4 - AMRAP Squat (AMRAP Final Set)
x15 x15 x15 BFR Leg Extension
x15 x15 x15 BFR Leg Curl 30 seconds of
x10-15 x10-15 Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest in between
x15-20 x15-20 Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
x12-15 x12-15 Calf Raise (1RIR)
x15 x15 x15 BFR Calf Raise

Day 49 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Week 7

10+ # of Reps


10+ # of Reps

9+ # of Reps


*These numbers are calculated by based on the performance

of days 47 and 48, which will determine the difficulty for the
next week of this block
Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under Week 6
to calculate numbers for Week 7
Bench: -

Deadlift: -

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x8 - x8 - x8 - x8
Warm Up - x8 - x8 - x8 - x8
Warm Up - x6 - x6 - x6 - x6

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10
Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x6 - x6 - x6 - x6 - x6
Warm Up - x6 - x6 - x6 - x6 - x6
Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
seconds of x8-10 x8-10
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 - x3 - AMRAP
Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 - x4 - AMRAP
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 - x4 - AMRAP
Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15
seconds of x30 x15 x15 x15
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15

Auto-Regulation for Week 8

1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10+

- - - - -

1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10+

- - - - -
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9+

- - - - -

e performance
fficulty for the
Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under We
to calculate numbers for Week 8
Bench: -

Week 8 Deadlift: -

Day 50 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3

Day 51 (Full-Body Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Leg Curl (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1 RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20 x10 x10
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 52 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4
Day 53 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 54 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 55 (Rep Test) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - AMRAP
Bench Press Warm Up - AMRAP
Deadlift Warm Up - AMRAP

Day 56 (Rest)

Estimated 1RMs for Intensity Block

# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+

SQUAT - - - -

# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+


# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+

DEADLIFT - - - -

*The numbers you use for the Intensity Block are determined by
how many repetitions you perform for each lift on Day 55

**If only 1-2 repetitions are performed, use the reduced 1RM
and repeat the Intermediate Block with those new 1RMs
ight from the chart under Week 7
alculate numbers for Week 8

Set 5
x3 - x3
x5 - x5

Set 5


x6-8 x6-8
x6-8 x6-8

Set 5
Set 5
Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under We
to calculate numbers for Week 9
Bench: -

Week 9 Deadlift: -

Day 57 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x7 - x7 - x7
Bench Press Warm Up - x7 - x7 - x7
Deadlift Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5

Day 58 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20 x10 x10
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 59 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5
Bench Press Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10 x8-10
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 60 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 61 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Deadlift Warm Up - x2 - x2 - x2
Bench Press Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 -
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15
Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets) sets
Warm Up x30 x15 x15
Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Tricep Push-down (2 Cluster Sets) Warm Up x30 x15 x15

Day 62 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 -
BFR Leg Extension Warm Up x30 x15 x15
BFR Leg Curl Warm
seconds of x30 x15 x15
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30 x15 x15

Day 63 (Rest/Active Recovery)

ht from the chart under Week 8
culate numbers for Week 9

Week 10
Set 5 Day 64 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2
Squat Warm Up - x7 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x7 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x5 -

Set 5 Day 65 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2

Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7
x6-8 x6-8 Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8
x10 BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20
x6-8 x6-8 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8
x10 BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20

Set 5 Day 66 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2

Squat Warm Up - x5 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x5 -
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20
x6-8 Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

x10 BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20

Day 67 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Set 5 Day 68 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body) Set 1 Set 2

Deadlift (AMRAP Set 3) Warm Up - x2 -
x3 Bench Press (AMRAP Set 4) Warm Up - x3 -
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR) Warm Up x12-15
Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x12-15
Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15
Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
seconds of x12-15
x12-15 x12-15 Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x12-15
x15 BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets) sets
Warm Up x30
Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15
x15 BFR Tricep Push-down (2 Cluster Sets) Warm Up x30

Set 5 Day 69 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2

x3 Squat (AMRAP Set 4) Warm Up - x3 -
x15 BFR Leg Extension Warm Up x30
x15 BFR Leg Curl Warm
seconds of x30
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x12-15
x15 BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30

Day 70 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Auto-Regulation for Week 11

# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

SQUAT - - - -

# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

# of Reps 1 2-3 4-5 6-7
DEADLIFT - - - -

*These numbers are calculated by based on the performance

of days 68 and 69, which will determine the difficulty for the
next week of this block

Week 11
Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 71 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift)
x7 - x7 - x7 Squat
x7 - x7 - x7 Bench Press
x5 - x5 - x5 Deadlift

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 72 (Upper Hypertrophy)

x6-8 Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR)
x6-8 x6-8 Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) 30 seconds of
x6-8 T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest in between
x5-7 Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
30 seconds of
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest in between
x10 x10 x10 BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR)
x10 x10 x10 BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 73 (Squat, Bench, Legs)

x5 - x5 - x5 Squat
x5 - x5 - x5 Bench Press
x8-10 Leg Extension (3RIR)
x8-10 Leg Curl (3 RIR) 30 seconds of
x10-15 x10-15 Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest in between
x15-20 x15-20 Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 Calf Raise (1RIR)
30 seconds of
rest in between

x10 x10 x10 BFR Calf Raise

Day 74 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 75 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body)

x2 - x2 - AMRAP Deadlift (AMRAP Final Set)
x3 - x3 - x3 - AMRAP Bench Press (AMRAP Final Set)
x12-15 Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Crossover (3RIR)
x12-15 Cable/Machine Lat Pull-Down (2RIR) 30 seconds of
x12-15 Dumbbell/Machine Row (2RIR) rest in between
x12-15 Lateral Raise (2RIR) sets
x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 Machine Preacher/Concentration Curl (1RIR)
x15 x15 x15 BFR Machine Bicep Curl (2 Cluster Sets)
x12-15 x12-15 Cable Tricep Push-down (1RIR)
x15 x15 x15

Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Day 76 (Squat, Legs)

x3 - x3 - x3 - AMRAP Squat (AMRAP Final Set)
x15 x15 x15 BFR Leg Extension
x15 x15 x15 BFR Leg Curl 30 seconds of
x10-15 x10-15 Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest in between
x15-20 x15-20 Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
x12-15 x12-15 Calf Raise (1RIR)
x15 x15 x15 BFR Calf Raise

Day 77 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Week 11

9+ # of Reps


9+ # of Reps

8+ # of Reps


*These numbers are calculated by based on the performance

of days 75 and 76, which will determine the difficulty for the
next week of this block
Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under Week 10
to calculate numbers for Week 11
Bench: -

Deadlift: -

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x7 - x7 - x7 - x7 - x7
Warm Up - x7 - x7 - x7 - x7 - x7
Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5 - x5 - x5

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10
Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5 - x5 - x5
Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5 - x5 - x5
Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
seconds of x8-10 x8-10
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

Warm Up x20 x10 x10 x10

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x2 - x2 - x2 - x2 - AMRAP
Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 - x3 - AMRAP
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
seconds of x12-15 x12-15
Warm Upin between x12-15 x12-15
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15 x12-15

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 - x3 - AMRAP
Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15
seconds of x30 x15 x15 x15
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
Warm Up x30 x15 x15 x15

Auto-Regulation for Week 12

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9+

- - - - -

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9+

- - - - -
1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8+

- - - - -

e performance
fficulty for the
Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under W
to calculate numbers for Week
Bench: -

Week 12 Deadlift: -

Day 78 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x7 - x7 - x7 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x7 - x7 - x7 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5 -

Day 79 (Upper Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20 x10 x10
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 80 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x5 - x5 - x5 -
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x8-10 x8-10
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x8-10 x8-10
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
30 seconds of
rest in between

BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 81 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Day 82 (Deadlift, Bench, Upper-Body) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Deadlift (AMRAP Final Set) Warm Up - x2 - x2 - x2 -
Bench Press (AMRAP Final Set) Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 -
Flat/Incline Dumbbell Press (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
Lat Pull-down/Weighted Pull-up (2RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
T-Bar Row/Machine Row (2RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8
Seated Military Press (3RIR) sets
seconds of x5-7 x5-7
Dumbbell/EZ-Bar Curl (1RIR) rest
Warm Upin between x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Machine Bicep Curl sets
Warm Up x20 x10 x10
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher/Tricep Push-down (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Skullcrusher/Cable Tricep Push-down Warm Up x20 x10 x10

Day 83 (Squat, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat (AMRAP Final Set) Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 -
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8
Leg Curl (3 RIR) Warm
seconds of x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
Reverse Hyperextension (Optional) rest
Warm Upin between x10-15 x10-15 x10-15
Ukrainian Stallion (Optional) sets
Warm Up x15-20 x15-20 x15-20
Calf Raise (1RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x30 x15 x15

Day 84 (Rest/Active Recovery)

Estimated 1RMs for Final Week

# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+

SQUAT - - - -

# of Reps 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+

# of Reps 1 2-3 4-5 6+
DEADLIFT - - - -

*The numbers you use for the Intensity Block are determined by
how many repetitions you perform for each lift on Day 55

**If only 1-2 repetitions are performed, use the reduced 1RM
and repeat the Intermediate Block with those new 1RMs
ht from the chart under Week 11
culate numbers for Week 12

Set 5 Set 6
x7 - x7 - x7
x7 - x7 - x7
x5 - x5 - x5

Set 5

x6-8 x6-8
x6-8 x6-8

Set 5 Set 6
x5 - x5 - x5
x5 - x5 - x5


Set 5 Set 6
x2 - x2 - AMRAP
x3 - x3 - AMRAP


Set 5 Set 6
x3 - x3 - AMRAP


Squat: - *Enter weight from the chart under Wee
to calculate numbers for Week 13
Bench: -

Week 13 Deadlift: -

Day 85 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3

Day 86 (Full Body Hypertrophy) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

30 seconds rest
Leg Extension (3RIR) Warm Up
in between sets x8-10 x8-10
Leg Curl (3RIR) Warm Up x8x10 x8x10
Calf Raise (1 RIR) Warm Up x6-8 x6-8 x6-8
BFR Calf Raise Warm Up x20 x10 x10
Pec-Deck Fly/Cable Cross-Over (3 RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
Lat Pull-Down (2 RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
30 seconds rest
Dumbbell/Machine Row (2 RIR) Warm Up
in between sets x12-15 x12-15
Lateral Raise (2 RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15
Preacher/Concentration Curl (1 RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15
BFR Machine Curl (2 Cluster Sets) Warm Up x30 x15 x15
Cable Tricep Push-Down (1 RIR) Warm Up x12-15 x12-15 x12-15

Day 87 (Squat, Bench, Legs) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Squat Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 -
Bench Press Warm Up - x4 - x4 - x4 -
Deadlift Warm Up - x3 - x3 - x3

Day 88 (Rest)

Day 89 (Rest)

Day 90 (Testing) Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3

90-94% 96-100% 100-104%
Squat Warm Up
0 to 0 0 to 0 0 to 0
90-94% 96-100% 100-104%
Bench Press Warm Up
0 to 0 0 to 0 0 to 0
90-94% 96-100% 100-104%
Deadlift Warm Up
0 to 0 0 to 0 0 to 0

*Choose numbers between the two percentages given per attempt

Ex: if your estimated 1RM on the deadlift is 500lbs, you will choose anything
between the range of 450-470lbs for your first attempt
ght from the chart under Week 12
culate numbers for Week 13

Set 5
x3 - x3
x3 - x3

Set 5


x12-15 x12-15
x12-15 x12-15

Set 5

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