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Early Child Care and Development refers to the full range of health, nutrition, early
education and social services development programs that provide for the basic holistic
needs of young children from age zero (0) to four (4) years; and to promote their
optimum growth and development. (Section 4 (a) of RA 10410 or Early Years Act (EYA)
of 2013)

b. Alternative Learning System refers to a parallel learning system in the Philippines that
provides a practical option to the existing formal instruction. It includes both the non-
formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills. (
12/inclusive-education/about-alternative-learning-system/) ; SB 1142

c. Out-Of-School-Youth/Children - Out-of-school children is defined in the FLEMMS as

persons aged 6 to 14 years who are not attending school while out-of-school youth as
persons aged 15 to 24 years who are not attending school, have not finished any college
or post secondary course, and are not working.

d. Special Education refers to basic education that takes into account the special needs of
both disabled children and gifted children that requires a systematic and deliberate
process for them to achieve functional literacy and which will bring the individual to the
highest level of his potential and capacity. It is also defined as that type of education
tailored to meet the needs of children who cannot profit because of disabilities or
exceptional abilities. (SB 2020)

e. Persons with Disability refer to individuals who suffer long-term physical, mental,
intellectual or sensory impairments which, upon interaction with various barriers, may
hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. (RA

f. Rido refers to a state of recurring hostilities between families and kinship groups
characterized by a series of retaliatory acts of violence carried out to avenge a perceived
affront or injustice. (Source: Rido:Clan Feuding andConflict Management in Mindanao
by Wilfredo Magno Torres III)

g. Child Labor refers to any work or economic activity performed by a child that subjects
him/her to any form of exploitation or his harmful to his/her health and safety or
physical, mental or psychosocial development. (Section 3 (b) of DOLE D.O No. 65-04, IRR
of RA 9231, Amending RA 7610, as amended)
h. Early Marriage is defined as a marriage of a girl or boy before the age of 18 and refers to
both formal marriages and informal unions in which children under the age of 18 live
with a partner as if married. (
j. Forced Marriage are marriages in which one and/or both parties have not personally
expressed their full and free consent to the union.



l. Parental Authority (and responsibility) shall include the caring for and rearing them for
civic consciousness and efficiency and the development of their moral, mental and
physical character and well-being. (Art. 209 Family Code)

m. Legitimate Child/ren refers Children born after one hundred and eighty days following
the celebration of the marriage, and before three hundred days following its dissolution
or the separation of the spouses shall be presumed to be legitimate. (Art. 225, Civil of
the Philippines).

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