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BROADER RESEARCH PROBLEM:....................................................................................................2
RESEARCH STATEMENT:....................................................................................................................2
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK:..........................................................................................................2
Mobile phones have become a very important factor in our daily life since its growth and
popularity in 90’s. A research conducted in 2010 showed that the mobile is the most effective
way to communicate through each other. Mobile phone can be used for different purposes like
sharing information, emails, internet, socializing, making transactions and many other activities.
It has somehow affected the society’s accessibility, security, safety and coordination of social
and business activities and became an important part for the whole world. People mostly get
socialize by their families and educational place, this have made people to use more mobile.
There is the conflicting priority of young people, parents and teachers in relation to the mobile
phone device, with teachers more concerned about issues such as discipline in the classroom and
parents worried about means of contacting their children at every point in time. According to the
research, many of them showed that use of mobile phone in the class rooms are problematic. As
Ling and Helmsmen states, the mobile phone is “at cross purpose with the mission of the
school”. Another Moreover, 64% of teens who own cell phones have texted during class, even in
schools where cell phones are technically banned (Len hart, Ling, Campbell, & Purcell, 2010).

Do the excessive mobile phone usage effects negatively on student’s academic performance?


 Kojo Osei Frimpong et al.( 2016). The Effects of Mobile Phone Usage on the Academic
Performance of Ghanaian Students, a Case of Presbyterian University College Asante -
Akyem Campus. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies
(IJIRAS), volume 3, 33-43. doi:
 Md. Moyazzem Hossain. (2019). Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Academic
Performance. World Scientific News An International Scientific Journal, volume(118),
164-180. doi:
 Jangraiz Khan et al. (2015). The Impact of Mobile Phones on the Performance of
University Students. Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(61), 73-78.
doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2015.00010.8

Theory can be defined as a set of interrelated definitions, concepts and is a
generalize thinking or the result of that thinking that explain or predict situation or events by
specifying relationship among variables.
Feber R.J., and OGuinn T.C provided escape theory that have been used to explain the effects of
mobile phone usage. According to them cell phones helps the affected individuals to escape
negative feelings or events. They explained that, mobile phone may be used to avoid big
problems that can cause of greater stress. When people remain busy on mobile phone on using
social media and other apps, they get more aware of what’s happening in the world, and he don’t
focus on issues that are deconcentrating.
Sharples, Taylor and Vavoula provided a theory of mobile phone learning in 2005. This theory is
essential when thinking of the role of communication and mobility in the learning environment.
The theory of mobile learning explains the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone usage.
We have analyses another theory which is named as constructive theory that explains,
” knowledge is being actively constructed by the individual and knowing is the adaptive process,
which organize the individual’s experiential world”. According to this theory the use of mobile
phone contributes to a student’s knowledge but basic knowledge of the student is associated with
his past experience, however this theory also enables the mobile phone technology to focus on
the student’s ability to be self-directed and draw conclusion. The students need opportunity to
experiment different things The previous knowledge and experience of the student build new
understandings of the educational material.
According to Arshi in her research in 2017, the students are addicted to mobile phone. They
spend most of their time on texting.excessive use of mobile create many problems for them.
These problems include pain in back, neck, hands and eye sight. According to her having a
mobile phone for your kids can waste their time in texting and calling each other instead of doing
productive work.
So these all researches showed that mobile phone creates a negative effect on students’ academic

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