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Linux 2.


Rusty Russell, mailing list $Revision: 1.18 $ $Date: 2002/01/14 09:35:13 $

This do ument des ribes how to do masquerading, transparent proxying, port forwarding, and other forms of

Network Address Translations with the 2.4 Linux Kernels.

1 Introdu tion 2
2 Where is the o ial Web Site and List? 2
2.1 What is Network Address Translation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Why Would I Want To Do NAT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3 The Two Types of NAT 3

4 Qui k Translation From 2.0 and 2.2 Kernels 3
4.1 I just want masquerading! Help! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2 What about ipmasqadm? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

5 Controlling What To NAT 5

5.1 Simple Sele tion using iptables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5.2 Finer Points Of Sele ting What Pa kets To Mangle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

6 Saying How To Mangle The Pa kets 6

6.1 Sour e NAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6.1.1 Masquerading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.2 Destination NAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.2.1 Redire tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.3 Mappings In Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.3.1 Sele tion Of Multiple Addresses in a Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.3.2 Creating Null NAT Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.3.3 Standard NAT Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.3.4 Impli it Sour e Port Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.3.5 What Happens When NAT Fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.3.6 Multiple Mappings, Overlap and Clashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.3.7 Altering the Destination of Lo ally-Generated Conne tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

7 Spe ial Proto ols 9

1. Introdu tion 2

8 Caveats on NAT 9
9 Sour e NAT and Routing 9
10 Destination NAT Onto the Same Network 10
11 Thanks 10

1 Introdu tion
Wel ome, gentle reader.
You are about to delve into the fas inating (and sometimes horrid) world of NAT: Network Address Trans-
lation, and this HOWTO is going to be your somewhat a urate guide to the 2.4 Linux Kernel and beyond.
In Linux 2.4, an infrastru ture for mangling pa kets was introdu ed, alled `netlter'. A layer on top of this
provides NAT, ompletely reimplemented from previous kernels.
(C) 2000 Paul `Rusty' Russell. Li ensed under the GNU GPL.

2 Where is the o ial Web Site and List?

There are three o ial sites:

• Thanks to Filewat her http://netfilter.filewat .

• Thanks to The Samba Team and SGI .

• Thanks to Harald Welte .

You an rea h all of them using round-robin DNS via and
For the o ial netlter mailing list, see
netlter List onta t.html#list .

2.1 What is Network Address Translation?

Normally, pa kets on a network travel from their sour e (su h as your home omputer) to their destination
(su h as through many dierent links: about 19 from where I am in Australia. None
of these links really alter your pa ket: they just send it onward.
If one of these links were to do NAT, then they would alter the sour e or destinations of the pa ket as it
passes through. As you an imagine, this is not how the system was designed to work, and hen e NAT
is always something of a ro k. Usually the link doing NAT will remember how it mangled a pa ket, and
when a reply pa ket passes through the other way, it will do the reverse mangling on that reply pa ket, so
everything works.
3. The Two Types of NAT 3

2.2 Why Would I Want To Do NAT?

In a perfe t world, you wouldn't. Meanwhile, the main reasons are:

Modem Conne tions To The Internet

Most ISPs give you a single IP address when you dial up to them. You an send out pa kets with any
sour e address you want, but only replies to pa kets with this sour e IP address will return to you.
If you want to use multiple dierent ma hines (su h as a home network) to onne t to the Internet
through this one link, you'll need NAT.
This is by far the most ommon use of NAT today, ommonly known as `masquerading' in the Linux
world. I all this SNAT, be ause you hange the sour e
address of the rst pa ket.

Multiple Servers
Sometimes you want to hange where pa kets heading into your network will go. Frequently this is
be ause (as above), you have only one IP address, but you want people to be able to get into the boxes
behind the one with the `real' IP address. If you rewrite the destination of in oming pa kets, you an
manage this. This type of NAT was alled port-forwarding under previous versions of Linux.
A ommon variation of this is load-sharing, where the mapping ranges over a set of ma hines, fanning
pa kets out to them. If you're doing this on a serious s ale, you may want to look at
Linux Virtual Server .
Transparent Proxying
Sometimes you want to pretend that ea h pa ket whi h passes through your Linux box is destined for
a program on the Linux box itself. This is used to make transparent proxies: a proxy is a program
whi h stands between your network and the outside world, shuing ommuni ation between the two.
The transparent part is be ause your network won't even know it's talking to a proxy, unless of ourse,
the proxy doesn't work.
Squid an be ongured to work this way, and it is alled redire tion or transparent proxying under
previous Linux versions.

3 The Two Types of NAT

I divide NAT into two dierent types: Sour e NAT (SNAT) and Destination NAT (DNAT).
Sour e NAT is when you alter the sour e address of the rst pa ket: i.e. you are hanging where the
onne tion is oming from. Sour e NAT is always done post-routing, just before the pa ket goes out onto
the wire. Masquerading is a spe ialized form of SNAT.
Destination NAT is when you alter the destination address of the rst pa ket: i.e. you are hanging where
the onne tion is going to. Destination NAT is always done before routing, when the pa ket rst omes o
the wire. Port forwarding, load sharing, and transparent proxying are all forms of DNAT.

4 Qui k Translation From 2.0 and 2.2 Kernels

Sorry to those of you still shell-sho ked from the 2.0 (ipfwadm) to 2.2 (ip hains) transition. There's good
and bad news.
Firstly, you an simply use ip hains and ipfwadm as before. To do this, you need to insmod the `ip hains.o'
or `ipfwadm.o' kernel modules found in the latest netlter distribution. These are mutually ex lusive (you
have been warned), and should not be ombined with any other netlter modules.
4. Qui k Translation From 2.0 and 2.2 Kernels 4

On e one of these modules is installed, you an use ip hains and ipfwadm as normal, with the following
dieren es:

• Setting the masquerading timeouts with ip hains -M -S, or ipfwadm -M -s does nothing. Sin e the
timeouts are longer for the new NAT infrastru ture, this should not matter.

• The init_seq, delta and previous_delta elds in the verbose masquerade listing are always zero.

• Zeroing and listing the ounters at the same time `-Z -L' does not work any more: the ounters will
not be zeroed.

• The ba kward ompatibility layer doesn't s ale very well for large numbers of onne tions: don't use
it for your orporate gateway!

Ha kers may also noti e:

• You an now bind to ports 61000-65095 even if you're masquerading. The masquerading ode used to
assume anything in this range was fair game, so programs ouldn't use it.

• The (undo umented) `getso kname' ha k, whi h transparent proxy programs ould use to nd out the
real destinations of onne tions no longer works.

• The (undo umented) bind-to-foreign-address ha k is also not implemented; this was used to omplete
the illusion of transparent proxying.

4.1 I just want masquerading! Help!

This is what most people want. If you have a dynami ally allo ated IP PPP dialup (if you don't know, this
is you), you simply want to tell your box that all pa kets oming from your internal network should be made
to look like they are oming from the PPP dialup box.

# Load the NAT module (this pulls in all the others).

modprobe iptable_nat

# In the NAT table (-t nat), Append a rule (-A) after routing
# (POSTROUTING) for all pa kets going out ppp0 (-o ppp0) whi h says to
# MASQUERADE the onne tion (-j MASQUERADE).
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

# Turn on IP forwarding
e ho 1 > /pro /sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Note that you are not doing any pa ket ltering here: for that, see the Pa ket Filtering HOWTO: `Mixing
NAT and Pa ket Filtering'.

4.2 What about ipmasqadm?

This is a mu h more ni he user base, so I didn't worry about ba kward ompatibility as mu h. You an
simply use `iptables -t nat' to do port forwarding. So for example, in Linux 2.2 you might have done:

# Linux 2.2
# Forward TCP pa kets going to port 8080 on to's port 80
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P t p -L 8080 -R 80
5. Controlling What To NAT 5

Now you would do:

# Linux 2.4
# Append a rule before routing (-A PREROUTING) to the NAT table (-t nat) that
# TCP pa kets (-p t p) going to (-d port 8080 (--dport 8080)
# have their destination mapped (-j DNAT) to, port 80
# (--to
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p t p -d --dport 8080 \
-j DNAT --to

5 Controlling What To NAT

You need to reate NAT rules whi h tell the kernel what onne tions to hange, and how to hange them.
To do this, we use the very versatile iptables tool, and tell it to alter the NAT table by spe ifying the `-t
nat' option.
The table of NAT rules ontains three lists alled ` hains': ea h rule is examined in order until one mat hes.
The two hains are alled PREROUTING (for Destination NAT, as pa kets rst ome in), and POSTROUT-
ING (for Sour e NAT, as pa kets leave). The third (OUTPUT) will be ignored here.
The following diagram would illustrate it quite well if I had any artisti talent:

_____ _____
/ \ / \
PREROUTING -->[Routing ℄----------------->POSTROUTING----->
\D-NAT/ [De ision℄ \S-NAT/
| ^
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
--------> Lo al Pro ess ------

At ea h of the points above, when a pa ket passes we look up what onne tion it is asso iated with. If it's a
new onne tion, we look up the orresponding hain in the NAT table to see what to do with it. The answer
it gives will apply to all future pa kets on that onne tion.

5.1 Simple Sele tion using iptables

iptables takes a number of standard options as listed below. All the double-dash options an be abbreviated,
as long as iptables an still tell them apart from the other possible options. If your kernel has iptables
support as a module, you'll need to load the ip_tables.o module rst: `insmod ip_tables'.
The most important option here is the table sele tion option, `-t'. For all NAT operations, you will want to
use `-t nat' for the NAT table. The se ond most important option to use is `-A' to append a new rule at the
end of the hain (e.g. `-A POSTROUTING'), or `-I' to insert one at the beginning (e.g. `-I PREROUTING').
You an spe ify the sour e (`-s' or `sour e') and destination (`-d' or `destination') of the pa kets you
want to NAT. These options an be followed by a single IP address (e.g., a name (e.g., or a network address (e.g. or
6. Saying How To Mangle The Pa kets 6

You an spe ify the in oming (`-i' or `in-interfa e') or outgoing (`-o' or `out-interfa e') interfa e to mat h,
but whi h you an spe ify depends on whi h hain you are putting the rule into: at PREROUTING you an
only sele t in oming interfa e, and at POSTROUTING you an only sele t outgoing interfa e. If you use
the wrong one, iptables will give an error.

5.2 Finer Points Of Sele ting What Pa kets To Mangle

I said above that you an spe ify a sour e and destination address. If you omit the sour e address option,
then any sour e address will do. If you omit the destination address option, then any destination address
will do.
You an also indi ate a spe i proto ol (`-p' or `proto ol'), su h as TCP or UDP; only pa kets of this
proto ol will mat h the rule. The main reason for doing this is that spe ifying a proto ol of t p or udp then
allows extra options: spe i ally the `sour e-port' and `destination-port' options (abbreviated as `sport'
and `dport').
These options allow you to spe ify that only pa kets with a ertain sour e and destination port will mat h
the rule. This is useful for redire ting web requests (TCP port 80 or 8080) and leaving other pa kets alone.
These options must follow the `-p' option (whi h has a side-ee t of loading the shared library extension for
that proto ol). You an use port numbers, or a name from the /et /servi es le.
All the dierent qualities you an sele t a pa ket by are detailed in painful detail in the manual page (man

6 Saying How To Mangle The Pa kets

So now we know how to sele t the pa kets we want to mangle. To omplete our rule, we need to tell the
kernel exa tly what we want it to do to the pa kets.

6.1 Sour e NAT

You want to do Sour e NAT; hange the sour e address of onne tions to something dierent. This is done
in the POSTROUTING hain, just before it is nally sent out; this is an important detail, sin e it means
that anything else on the Linux box itself (routing, pa ket ltering) will see the pa ket un hanged. It also
means that the `-o' (outgoing interfa e) option an be used.
Sour e NAT is spe ied using `-j SNAT', and the `to-sour e' option spe ies an IP address, a range of IP
addresses, and an optional port or range of ports (for UDP and TCP proto ols only).

## Change sour e addresses to

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to

## Change sour e addresses to, or

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to

## Change sour e addresses to, ports 1-1023

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p t p -o eth0 -j SNAT --to
6. Saying How To Mangle The Pa kets 7

6.1.1 Masquerading
There is a spe ialized ase of Sour e NAT alled masquerading: it should only be used for dynami ally-
assigned IP addresses, su h as standard dialups (for stati IP addresses, use SNAT above).
You don't need to put in the sour e address expli itly with masquerading: it will use the sour e address of
the interfa e the pa ket is going out from. But more importantly, if the link goes down, the onne tions
(whi h are now lost anyway) are forgotten, meaning fewer glit hes when onne tion omes ba k up with a
new IP address.

## Masquerade everything out ppp0.

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

6.2 Destination NAT

This is done in the PREROUTING hain, just as the pa ket omes in; this means that anything else on the
Linux box itself (routing, pa ket ltering) will see the pa ket going to its `real' destination. It also means
that the `-i' (in oming interfa e) option an be used.
Destination NAT is spe ied using `-j DNAT', and the `to-destination' option spe ies an IP address, a
range of IP addresses, and an optional port or range of ports (for UDP and TCP proto ols only).

## Change destination addresses to

# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -j DNAT --to

## Change destination addresses to, or

# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -j DNAT --to

## Change destination addresses of web traffi to, port 8080.

# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p t p --dport 80 -i eth0 \
-j DNAT --to

6.2.1 Redire tion

There is a spe ialized ase of Destination NAT alled redire tion: it is a simple onvenien e whi h is exa tly
equivalent to doing DNAT to the address of the in oming interfa e.

## Send in oming port-80 web traffi to our squid (transparent) proxy

# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p t p --dport 80 \
-j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

Note that squid needs to be ongured to know it's a transparent proxy!

6.3 Mappings In Depth

There are some subtleties to NAT whi h most people will never have to deal with. They are do umented
here for the urious.

6.3.1 Sele tion Of Multiple Addresses in a Range

If a range of IP addresses is given, the IP address to use is hosen based on the least urrently used IP for
onne tions the ma hine knows about. This gives primitive load-balan ing.
6. Saying How To Mangle The Pa kets 8

6.3.2 Creating Null NAT Mappings

You an use the `-j ACCEPT' target to let a onne tion through without any NAT taking pla e.

6.3.3 Standard NAT Behavior

The default behavior is to alter the onne tion as little as possible, within the onstraints of the rule given
by the user. This means we won't remap ports unless we have to.

6.3.4 Impli it Sour e Port Mapping

Even when no NAT is requested for a onne tion, sour e port translation may o ur impli itly, if another
onne tion has been mapped over the new one. Consider the ase of masquerading, whi h is rather ommon:

1. A web onne tion is established by a box from port 1024 to www.nets ape. om port 80.

2. This is masqueraded by the masquerading box to use its sour e IP address (

3. The masquerading box tries to make a web onne tion to www.nets ape. om port 80 from (its
external interfa e address) port 1024.

4. The NAT ode will alter the sour e port of the se ond onne tion to 1025, so that the two don't lash.

When this impli it sour e mapping o urs, ports are divided into three lasses:

• Ports below 512

• Ports between 512 and 1023

• Ports 1024 and above.

A port will never be impli itly mapped into a dierent lass.

6.3.5 What Happens When NAT Fails

If there is no way to uniquely map a onne tion as the user requests, it will be dropped. This also applies
to pa kets whi h ould not be lassied as part of any onne tion, be ause they are malformed, or the box
is out of memory, et .

6.3.6 Multiple Mappings, Overlap and Clashes

You an have NAT rules whi h map pa kets onto the same range; the NAT ode is lever enough to avoid
lashes. Hen e having two rules whi h map the sour e address and respe tively onto is ne.
Furthermore, you an map over real, used IP addresses, as long as those addresses pass through the mapping
box as well. So if you have an assigned network (, but have one internal network using those ad-
dresses and one using the Private Internet Addresses, you an simply NAT the
sour e addresses onto the network, without fear of lashing:

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 \

-j SNAT --to
7. Spe ial Proto ols 9

The same logi applies to addresses used by the NAT box itself: this is how masquerading works (by sharing
the interfa e address between masqueraded pa kets and `real' pa kets oming from the box itself).
Moreover, you an map the same pa kets onto many dierent targets, and they will be shared. For example,
if you don't want to map anything over, you ould do:

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 \

-j SNAT --to --to

6.3.7 Altering the Destination of Lo ally-Generated Conne tions

The NAT ode allows you to insert DNAT rules in the OUTPUT hain, but this is not fully supported in
2.4 (it an be, but it requires a new onguration option, some testing, and a fair bit of oding, so unless
someone ontra ts Rusty to write it, I wouldn't expe t it soon).
The urrent limitation is that you an only hange the destination to the lo al ma hine (e.g. `j DNAT to'), not to any other ma hine, otherwise the replies won't be translated orre tly.

7 Spe ial Proto ols

Some proto ols do not like being NAT'ed. For ea h of these proto ols, two extensions must be written; one
for the onne tion tra king of the proto ol, and one for the a tual NAT.
Inside the netlter distribution, there are urrently modules for ftp: ip_ onntra k_ftp.o and ip_nat_ftp.o.
If you insmod these into your kernel (or you ompile them in permanently), then doing any kind of NAT on
ftp onne tions should work. If you don't, then you an only use passive ftp, and even that might not work
reliably if you're doing more than simple Sour e NAT.

8 Caveats on NAT
If you are doing NAT on a onne tion, all pa kets passing both ways (in and out of the network) must
pass through the NAT'ed box, otherwise it won't work reliably. In parti ular, the onne tion tra king ode
reassembles fragments, whi h means that not only will onne tion tra king not be reliable, but your pa kets
may not get through at all, as fragments will be withheld.

9 Sour e NAT and Routing

If you are doing SNAT, you will want to make sure that every ma hine the SNAT'ed pa kets goes to will send
replies ba k to the NAT box. For example, if you are mapping some outgoing pa kets onto the sour e address, then the outside router must know that it is to send reply pa kets (whi h will have destination ba k to this box. This an be done in the following ways:

1. If you are doing SNAT onto the box's own address (for whi h routing and everything already works),
you don't need to do anything.

2. If you are doing SNAT onto an unused address on the lo al LAN (for example, you're mapping onto, a free IP on your network), your NAT box will need to respond to ARP requests
for that address as well as its own: the easiest way to do this is reate an IP alias, e.g.:

# ip address add dev eth0

10. Destination NAT Onto the Same Network 10

3. If you are doing SNAT onto a ompletely dierent address, you will have to ensure that the ma hines
the SNAT pa kets will hit will route this address ba k to the NAT box. This is already a hieved if the
NAT box is their default gateway, otherwise you will need to advertise a route (if running a routing
proto ol) or manually add routes to ea h ma hine involved.

10 Destination NAT Onto the Same Network

If you are doing port forwarding ba k onto the same network, you need to make sure that both future
pa kets and reply pa kets pass through the NAT box (so they an be altered). The NAT ode will now
(sin e 2.4.0-test6), blo k the outgoing ICMP redire t whi h is produ ed when the NAT'ed pa ket heads out
the same interfa e it ame in on, but the re eiving server will still try to reply dire tly to the lient (whi h
won't re ognize the reply).
The lassi ase is that internal sta try to a ess your `publi ' web server, whi h is a tually DNAT'ed from
the publi address ( to an internal ma hine (, like so:

# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d \

-p t p --dport 80 -j DNAT --to

One way is to run an internal DNS server whi h knows the real (internal) IP address of your publi web site,
and forward all other requests to an external DNS server. This means that the logging on your web server
will show the internal IP addresses orre tly.
The other way is to have the NAT box also map the sour e IP address to its own for these onne tions,
fooling the server into replying through it. In this example, we would do the following (assuming the internal
IP address of the NAT box is

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -s \

-p t p --dport 80 -j SNAT --to

Be ause the PREROUTING rule gets run rst, the pa kets will already be destined for the internal web
server: we an tell whi h ones are internally sour ed by the sour e IP addresses.

11 Thanks
Thanks rst to Wat hGuard, and David Bonn, who believed in the netlter idea enough to support me while
I worked on it.
And to everyone else who put up with my ranting as I learnt about the ugliness of NAT, espe ially those
who read my diary.

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