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Unit 2 “Formatting Data In MS Excel”

Unit Planning
Objectives (on the book)

Tricky Terms

Short Q/A = 4

Long Q/A = 2


Tricky Terms

1. Formatting
The presentation of data and its appearance on a printed page.

2. Alignment
The position in which data is placed within the boundary of a cell.

3. Orientation
The relative physical position or direction of the text.

Short Question/Answers

Q1.Explain the two ways to handle long text in Excel-Wrap text and Merge & Center.
Ans. Wrap Text

You can make the text wrap within the same cell. The data is confined to the cell but is
displayed in multiple lines.
Merge and Centre
You can merge adjacent cells into one large cell. The text will be center aligned in a single

merged cell.

Q2. How will you add a rupee symbol to numeric data in a cell?

Ans. To add a rupee symbol follow the given steps:

i. Click on Home tab.
ii. From the number group, click arrow next to “Accounting Number Format”. The
Format cells dialog box appears.
iii. Select the symbol as PKR and click OK.

Q3. How will you add a background color to the cell range
Ans. Select the cells A1:E5 and click the arrow next to Fill color to choose a color. The color
will be selected as the background of the selected cells.

Q4. Name the buttons in the lower row of the Number group on the Home tab.
Ans. The buttons in the lower row of the number group on the Home tab are:

Accounting number format, percent style, increase decimal and decrease decimal.


Long Question/Answers

Q1. What will you do to rotate the text in a cell to a 25 degree angle?
Ans. To rotate the text in a cell to a 25 degree angle, follow the given steps:

i. Type the number or text in the cell and then select the cell.
ii. Click the Home tab, from the Alignment group click the dropdown menu arrow of
the “Orientation” button.
iii. The dropdown menu appears.
iv. Click “Format Cell Alignment” option.
v. The Format cells dialog box appears with the Alignment tab selected.
vi. Under orientation, using the mouse drag the pointer to 25 degree angle.
The text in the selected cell will appear at this angle.

Q2.Analyze the advantages of having different types of formatting in Excel 2013?

Ans. Formatting allows the user to change the way the content of a cell appears in Excel but

not change the exact cell value.

The advantages of having different types of formatting in Excel 2013 is that we can make
our sheets more presentable using background colors, different styles and sizes of fonts,
symbols and can also deal with large calculations.

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