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Title: The correlation between the level of knowledge and education of parents on

caries prevention behavior in children aged 6 years at Madrasah MDTA Al-Khairiyah

Margagiri, Serang Regency, Banten.

According to the WHO, caries gets special attention, it become the highest rank in
dental and oral health problems. The RISKESDAS report on the prevalence of caries,
states that the proportion of Indonesian people who have problems with dental caries
reaches 45.3%. Caries prevention is very important for parents in maintaining their
children's teeth and mouth health. Objective: To determine the correlation between
the level of knowledge and education of parents on caries prevention behavior in
children aged 6 years at Madrasah MDTA Al-Khairiyah Margagiri, Serang Regency,
Banten. Method: This research was a cross sectional. The sampling method used total
sampling, with a sample size as many as 76 parents of children aged 6 years.
Statistical analysis was done by using the Spearman test with a confidence level of
95% (α = 0.05). The results showed that as many as 75 respondents' parents had good
education (60%), good knowledge (64%), and caries prevention behavior (50.7%).
Conclusion: there was a significant correlation between the level of parents education
on caries prevention behavior in children (p <0.05), while the level of parents
knowledge of children's caries prevention behavior had no significant correlation (p>
0.05). Parents' behavior in maintaining children's oral and dental health is a good
thing. Caries prevention from an early age is recommended and includes maintaining
health in Islamic law.

Keywords: Behavior, caries prevention, knowledge and education.

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