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In India, about 30% of employees
are women
In the US, it’s 26%, in Australia 23%, and
in Canada 22%
* Includes natural science, math & statistics
39^^ INDIA
** Includes engineering, manufacturing
& construction
^ Includes entire STEM

UNDERGRADUATE ^^ Includes physical sciences & science technologies;

figures are higher for biological & biomedical sciences
(in %) 52
(60%) and math & statistics (43%)
34^ 32 Source: Catalyst, a global nonprofit working with
19 some of the world’s most powerful CEOs and
NA 53* leading companies to build workplaces that work
28** for women Figures for 2016 or 2017


Sonali’s team at Flipkart Girls are 50% of science students,

created robotic vehicles
For women, not
among the highest in the world
being heard at

As mentors step in,

onali Thite distinctly re-
calls being the only woman work is a widespread But many do not go
in the supply management
class during the second year of
problem. It’s important to
speak up and take charge.
into STEM careers;
and many do
more women are
her MBA course. Close to a dec- Over the years,
ade later, she again finds herself
in a room full of men.
I’ve learned to not pursue
find my voice
‘It’s impossible not to feel
post-grad, research
becoming leaders
like an outlier in this industry, and make
especially when there are only myself Swati Rathor & Arpita Misra | TNN
a handful of female role models heard in a

to look up to,” she says. room full n 1933, Kamala Sohonie was de-
But despite that, this Mum- nied admission to the prestigious Shilpa.Phadnis
baikar has made her mark not
of men Indian Institute of Science (IISc) While I was mentored,

only in her company, but also in – Sonali in Bengaluru by then director and ight years ago, when Nivruti I became such a visible
the industry. As the group prod- Thite Nobel Laureate, CV Raman, because Rai was senior director at In- face that it helped build
uct manager at Indian e-com- she was a woman. Sohonie was un- tel, she participated in a lead- my network
merce giant Flipkart’s Bengalu- member,” she quips. deterred. She refused to accept the ership programme at the San Diego within
ru office, Sonali leads the prod- An engineering graduate diktat and insisted that she be al- office. She was part of Diane Bry- Intel and
uct team for automation and ro- from Mumbai University, Sonali lowed to study at the institute. She ant’s team, working on a simulation outside
botics for the company’s supply h o l d s a n M BA f ro m I I M was eventually let in but with many project. Bryant was then CIO and
chain vertical. Ahmedabad. Prior to joining terms and conditions. Sohonie later one of Intel’s most storied execu- – Nivruti
Sonali’s team was instrumen- Flipkart in 2014, she had brief went on to earn a PhD at Cambridge ENJOYING THE RIDE: Gojek, the Indonesian on-demand services firm that’s valued at tives. “She got me talking and asked Rai |
tal in developing the robot-based stints with companies like Ama- University. nearly $10-billion, has over 400 technologists in India, many of them women. Meet if I have a sponsor.” A sponsor is a COUNTRY
Automated Guided Vehicles zon and IBM Global Services. A Eight-seven years later, India five (from left): Ishrat Jahan, she codes in Java & Golang to integrate payment senior executive who mentors some- HEAD -
(AVGs) that were deployed at Flip- tech enthusiast since college, has one of the highest percentages methods into the payment widgets of the GoPay App; Susan Theresa Davis, graphic one junior to them. Rai then was not INDIA, INTEL
kart’s sortation centre here last Sonali says she has always been of women entering STEM (science, designer looking at bringing all Gojek’s visual communication under one roof; even aware of what a sponsor
year. These AI-powered bots work interested in supply chain man- technology, engineering & mathe- Aayushi Agrawal, she provides solutions to bring together designers and developers meant. “Diane signed me up for the Women leaders
in conjunction with the facility agement and ventured into prod- matics) education. The country has in the development stage to make the process faster; Jacintha Vundi, she works on Senior Women Network within In- can be powerful
staff in processing packages and uct management along the path. 32% women in engineering educa- the Chat product used in Gojek bookings; and Anisha Raj, she sieves through tel. I got invited to speak at a TEDx agents of change,
ensuring faster delivery. “By combining both tech and tion, compared to just 20% in the qualitative and quantitative data to give Gojek customers the best app experience event. After that, I became such a inspiring others as
“These bots are capable of management, I believe I’ve been US and 28% in the European Union, visible face that it helped build my role models
handling upto 10,000 shipments able to add more value to the according to Catalyst, a global non- enters higher education (post-grad- network within Intel and outside,”
According to Mastercard – Rekha M Menon |
an hour, scaling supply chain company,” she says. profit working with leading com- uation followed by PhD) is typi- recollects Rai, who is now country
research, 93% of girls CHAIRMAN, ACCENTURE
operations,” she says. The effi- A working supermom, Son- panies to build workplaces that cally when she is expected to get head of Intel India and VP of Intel’s
surveyed in India between INDIA
cacy of this innovation was such ali juggles her work and family, work for women. In IT education, married and have children. “If a data centre group.
that within a year of its roll-out, playing the doting mother to the difference is even more stark woman chooses to be a researcher, 12 and 14 years consider Rai in turn is today a sponsor to Our programme called
its number was increased to 450 two boys, a 5-year-old and a – it’s 52% in India, compared to 19% she would have to balance her ca- STEM-related careers early four women executives in Intel. “I
Ace provides customised
from the initial 100, increasing 9-month-old. “I’m fortunate to in the US and EU. In science it is reer with social expectations, on. However, 38% believe that want to help them avoid the pitfalls
development opportunities for
the company’s sorting capabili- have a dedicated support sys- 51%, compared to 39% in the US. which requires a lot of commit- they are ‘less likely’ to take up women generally go through,” Rai
ties manifold. “Even in the team tem both at home and at work, “In India, maths and science are ment. Institutions have to support says. Intel today has a large pool of women who want to be experts
STEM because the industry is
of nearly 40 engineers that led that has helped me strike the regarded very high in terms of them not just financially but also women in senior roles thanks to the in their technology
male-dominated. Such disparity
this project, I was the only female perfect balance.” choice of subjects. But if we look offer flexibility in terms of work mentorship programme. area and has had
further leads to lack of
at western countries, the number schedule and infrastructure like Despite women constituting a big impact
women leadership
of women enrolling in STEM is creche/day care. Institutions still more than 30% of junior-level em- in grooming
INDIA: REGION-WISE UNDERGRADUATE ENROLMENT declining,” says Maggie Inbamuth- have a lot of work to do in this
in the technology
ployees at many tech companies, the them into tech
EAST WEST iah, MD at India, a non- area,” she says. IIITH has set up a numbers at the top are abysmal. leaders
profit focused on the advancement diversity channel to improve wom- – Sukanyya Misra Nasscom estimates that 80% of its
of women in technology. en numbers. | SENIOR VP, INDIA member companies have less than – Sindhu
2,400 111,250 67,150 227,150 Kaushik Banerjee, VP at man- Deepthi Ravula, CEO of WE TECH HUB, 10% women in senior management Gangadharan |
power solutions company Team- Hub, the Telangana government MASTERCARD positions, and 65% have less than MD, SAP LABS INDIA

1 : 46 lease, says education is sacrosanct sponsored incubation hub for wom- 10% women in middle management.
1 :3.5 in India and irrespective of the en entrepreneurs, says the organisa- When it’s about pursuing But across major tech companies women in leadership globally in
child being a boy or a girl, parents tion encourages women researchers a career in science, the today, mentorship programmes are Google has increased over the past
NORTH SOUTH want them to excel in it. “STEM by ensuring they have all the sup- entrenched patriarchy in society playing a big role in increasing five years from 20.8% to 26.1%.
education ranks high, especially in port they need as they go from re- women numbers in leadership. NetApp India’s women’s mentor-
holds women back. As a first
southern and western India, and is search to ideation to market. Since 2016, more than 500 wom- ship programme launched in Octo-
step, schools need to break the
69,150 380,250 380,250 somewhat affordable, with govern- Major companies are also step-
‘gendered notions of intelligence’
en executives in Accenture India ber 2018 has seen over 30 successful
ments even offering incentives for ping in to encourage girls in STEM have been part of its Grow Women partnerships – with mentees seeing
231,900 567,250 girls. In board exams, you will al- – partly with the recognition that and encourage in Leadership programme that pro- increased performance ratings and
ways find girls have a better pass STEM will be crucial to future jobs girls not only to vides personalised coaching and even promotions. Of the 10 mentees
1:5 percentage. And meritorious girls and partly because they are keen take science at networking opportunities. Rekha M last year, two were promoted to the
pick up the STEM seats in top col- to increase their women employee secondary and Menon, chairman and senior MD at next level.
leges and universities,” he says. numbers. Many women, even after higher secondary Accenture India, says to build a cul- Shweta Rajpal Kohli, director of
Girls 1 :2.5 At the research level though, the a STEM education, often do not go level, but also to ture of equality, organisations need government affairs in Salesforce
Boys numbers are disappointing, and it into a STEM career. Last year, IBM pursue careers in bold leadership, and the commit- India, says the Women’s Network is
Source: Zinnov impacts women’s progress in their announced collaborations with STEM ment must be reflected in clear goals Salesforce’s oldest and largest
* Figures are for engineering & management
careers. About 29% of the world’s state governments for a STEM for and comprehensive action. “Women Equality Group and now has over
Ratio (G:B) courses, but the bulk is engineering
Girls programme. “Since the
– Manoj Balachandran
researchers are women, but only leaders can be powerful agents of 6,000 global members working to-
around 14% in India are women, launch of the programme, over | CSR LEADER, IBM INDIA change, inspiring others as role ward gender equality in the work-

From linguistics prof to according to UNESCO Institute for

Statistics (UIS) data for 2018.
“When we organise workshops
69,000 girls have been on-boarded
in six states. The target is to cover
200,000,” says Manoj Balachandran,
We must celebrate
female icons in STEM to
inspire girls. India has had top-
models, and driving transforma-
tion,” she says.
Google’s sponsorship pro-
place. The Lean In circles, provide
opportunities for employees to net-
work and learn from experienced

researcher at Microsoft at IISc and send invitations out to

colleges, we find that if we don’t
take an effort to explicitly attract
CSR leader in IBM India.
Mastercard’s global Girls4Tech
programme is into its 5th year. In
notch female computer science
teachers. However, to
the outside observer,
gramme pairs high-potential wom-
en directors with VPs. Jayashri
Ramamurti, people partner – tech
Paypal India’s Emerging Lead-
ers Programme for middle manage- and see what you bring to the or reach out to female students, our India last year, the programme’s in Google India, says it’s a long-term ment saw six women graduate from
the IITs and IISc
table,” says Kalika, who later seminar halls may not have a single reach more than doubled from 2018. engagement that goes beyond the it last year, says HR head Jayanthi

might appear to be
n 1994, Kalika Bali, who had worked with a startup spun out female attendee,” says Bhavana “Globally, the technology industry traditional personal development Vaidyanathan. The company has
of IISc called PicoPeta Simput- Kanukurthi, assistant professor in is dominated by men, which dis- all-male bastions that mentors are often known for. also initiated a `Shadow a leader’
just graduated in chemistry
from Delhi University, hap- ers, followed by HP Labs. She’s the department of computer sci- courage women from taking up – Bhavana “The sponsor actively influences, programme, where women employ-
pened to step into Jawaharlal now at the Microsoft Research ence and automation at IISc. STEM roles at the very first stage Kanukurthi | protects and advocates for the ca- ees at mid and senior level can
Nehru University (JNU) to pick Lab in Bengaluru as a principal Prof Jayanthi Sivaswamy, dean of their careers,” says Sukanyya ASSISTANT reer advancement of the Googler,” shadow a leader over a period of
up a form for her younger sister. researcher. (academics) at IIIT Hyderabad, Misra, senior vice-president at PROFESSOR, IISC she says. According to its latest Di- time to gain insight, skills and ex-
A casual glance at the courses Kalika’s currently working notes that the time when a woman Mastercard’s India Tech Hub. versity Report, the percentage of posure to develop leadership skills.
on offer soon turned into a long on Microsoft’s Project Melange,


tryst with linguistics. a research project to try to un-
“My choice of career was ac- derstand, process and generate
cidental, but a very fortunate one. code-mixed language data for
Linguistics is one subject that both text and speech. “Code-
goes from absolute science to ab- mixing or use of more than one
solute philosophy,” says Kalika, language in a single conversa- Ardra Shankar & women who want to return F lipkar t’s ‘Mom on Centres in India (ATCI)
who did a Master’s in linguistics tion is a common trait of all Shilpa Phadnis | TNN to work, it is to remain flex- Board’ seeks to provide alone has over 900 Return-
from the university, after which multilingual societies. Not only ible,” says Pallavi Tyagi, women guilt-free parenting ing Mothers Coaches.

she headed to University of York is this important for a machine’s omen who decide to chief HR officer, Capgemini a n d wo rk e x p e r i e n c e Recharge is PayPal’s
for a PhD in phonetics. understanding of human-hu- raise a family per- India. “Our fareWelcome! through shared life hacks. u n i q u e s i x - we e k p r o -
Kalika then worked as a fac- man interaction, but is also nec- haps have the most programme incorporates The speed mentoring con- gramme where women on a
ulty member for two years at the essary for any human-computer daunting cultural roles to extended maternity leave, nects new moms with sen- career break, with at least
University of the South Pacific, interaction technology,” she perform — the foremost be- work from home option, up- ior women leaders within five years’ work experience,
Fiji, where she handled a diverse says. Siri, Cortana and Google ing that perfect, doting moth- skilling enablers and fo- the organisation, who share are selected for a boot camp
student population. Once when Voice, she says, would become er. For those women with cused group discussions,” their learnings. There’s an to undergo rigorous techni-
presenting a paper at a confer- true personal assistants once little support systems, the joy says Tyagi. online and offline commu- cal orientation. This is fol-
ence, a company in Belgium, they comprehend a brew of mul- of motherhood comes at the Last year, Capgemini nity that supports new lowed up with an interview,
which was looking for people tiple languages. cost of her career. hired over 200 professionals mothers and parents alike, where they could potential-
working on speech technology, Right now it can be done at a The good news is that through CAP- through net- ly land a job.
spotted Kalika. “I got the job.
And I transitioned from being a
very basic level, for borrowed
vocabulary, named entities and
many technology firms —
who are the real ambassa-
tivate, a wom-
en-only career REBOOTING working ses-
sions, coun-
The second comings
would get stressful if new
linguistics professor to a speech frozen expressions, such as “Hy- dors of workplace diversity comeback ini- selling and by moms are not backed up
technologist,” she says. derabad ka weather kaisa hai?” today — have put in place tiative launched in 2017. providing relevant reading with a daycare facility. SAP
Today, Kalika, 48, calls her- or “ Aaj movie ki robust processes to end this When many of your em- material. Then there are established a massive facil-
self a ‘hybrid animal’. “I’m no tickets leni hai.” brain-drain to cultural de- ployees are either working hosting inclusion circles for gramme is a six-month across Gurugram, Bengal- ity several years ago. SAS
longer a pure linguist and I Not, Kalika mands. From rolling out parents, or on their journey managers, stakeholders and structured journey with uru and Hyderabad. India’s HR director Srinivas
have never been an engineer. s ay s , w h e n special initiatives to build- to embracing parenthood, mothers, to create an empa- periodic leadership con- Accenture has a ‘Return- Rao says the company has
But I love my job,” she says. people switch ing a community support there is a need for compa- thetic work environment nect, domain training and ing Mothers Pro g ram’ tied up with a daycare centre
The transition to tech was rapidly and system within the organisa- nies to design conscious where parents feel support- learning sessions. wherein proactive engage- near the office so that new
initially challenging. “It’s fluently as tion to launching learning interventions. “As parents, ed and celebrated. Uber’s U4Her helps ment, personalised coach- moms can visit their babies
the science-vs-every- they do in modules, the tech industry they should not need to pri- Accenture Operations’ women on a break re-enter ing and a focus on enabling 3-4 times a day and manage
thing-else attitude. It natural con- has built a successful model oritise work over children, Career Reboot, launched in t h e a c t ive wo rk f o r c e flexi-work has enabled 90% their work ef ficiently.
takes some time versa- of talent retention. or vice versa,” says Flip- 2017, targets seamless rein- through a 3-6 month project of mothers to return to Capgemini, besides provid-
for people to take tions. “If there’s one thing that kart’s chief people officer tegration of women who are immersion. This is for both work. At present, the Accen- ing an in-house crèche, has
you seriously employers can do to help Krishna Raghavan. on a career break. The pro- tech and non-tech roles ture Advanced Technology also set up feeding rooms.

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