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Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade Level & Strand: ___________________ Score: _____________

Learning Activity Sheets



We push or pull a door on its knob whenever we want to open or close

it. We use a wrench to tighten or loosen bolts. We also discover from experience
that the amount of force applied is not enough to rotate the object – where and
how the force is applied also matters. Try to open a door by pushing it towards
its hinges. You would notice that the door will not open well because it will not
create a rotational motion. Why? The answer lies in the concept of torque.

Concept of Torque

Torque originates from the Latin word torquere, which means to twist. It
is the rotational equivalent of force, thus also known as moment or moment of
force. Just like how force is needed to alter the object's state of linear motion,
torque is necessary to change the object's state of rotation. In vector form, it is
defined as:
𝜏 = 𝑟×𝐹
where 𝜏 is the torque (pronounced as tau)
F is the force acting on the object
r is the object’s lever arm or moment arm (the position vector of
the point where the force is applied relative to the axis of rotation)

When two vectors are multiplied through cross-product (A x B), the

resulting quantity is a vector. Since force, F, and lever arm, r, are both vectors,
the cross product, torque, is a vector quantity that has both magnitude and

Magnitude and Direction of Torque

The magnitude of torque is defined as follows:

𝜏 = 𝑟 × 𝐹 = |𝑟|𝐹⊥
𝜏 = |𝑟||𝐹 | sin 𝜃
where r is the lever arm
F is the applied force
θ is the angle between the applied force and lever arm.

Figure 1 shows the two components

of F, the parallel (𝐹∥ ) and the perpendicular (𝐹⊥ ).
Since 𝐹∥ acts along the line of the lever arm, r, it
cannot cause rotation. Only the 𝐹⊥ does cause
rotation of the object, and it is equal to |𝐹 | sin 𝜃.

The direction of the torque is always

perpendicular to both 𝐹⊥ and r as defined by the
right-hand rule: If you point your index finger in
the direction of the lever arm, r, and your middle
finger in the direction of the perpendicular
component of force, 𝐹⊥ , then your thumb points in
the direction of torque, 𝜏. See figure 2.

Take note of the following symbols when

dealing with three-dimensional directions:
Symbol Direction Hint
As if you are looking at the head of an
Out of the plane or page
arrow as it moves towards you.
As if you are looking at the tail of an
Into the plane or page
arrow as it moves away from you.

In figure 1, torque, 𝜏, is directed out of
the page. Consider another example: A 5.0-N
force is applied to one end of the lever that has
a length of 2.0 meters. The force is applied directly perpendicular to the lever,
as shown in the diagram. What is the magnitude and direction of the torque
acting on the lever?

For the magnitude:
𝜏=𝑟 ×𝐹
𝜏 = |𝑟||𝐹 | sin 𝜃
𝜏 = (2.0 𝑚)(5.0 𝑁) sin 90
𝜏 = 10 𝑁𝑚
For the direction:
The lever arm is pointing to the right; the force is upward; hence, the
direction of the torque is out of the page.
Note that the SI unit for torque is newton-meter (N·m).


The Learning Activity Sheet consists of different activities intended to

help you master the concept of torque. Read and follow the instructions very
carefully. Perform and complete all the activities, as these will help you have a
better understanding of the concept.

Learning Competency
• Calculate magnitude and direction of torque using the definition of torque
as a cross-product. (STEM_GP12REDIIa-3)

Let’s Investigate Torque


• small nail
• a stick (half meter)
• hammer
• wood or board (any discarded can do)

1. Attach one end of the stick to a plank of
wood or board using a nail as if you are
making the hands of the clock. See
figure 3.
2. Along the horizontal axis, push the stick at the stated locations and
a. on its free end and is directly perpendicular to the stick;
b. on its fixed end and is directly perpendicular to the stick; and
c. on its free end and is parallel to the stick.
3. Experiment pushing the stick in other locations and orientations. Take
note of the conditions in which the stick rotated.

Location where Did the stick rotate?
Force Orientation
force is applied (Yes/No)
Free end Perpendicular to the stick
Fixed end Perpendicular to the stick
Free end Parallel to the stick

1. How is force must be applied to the stick to make it rotate about its fixed
2. What are the conditions which resulted in the non-rotation of the stick?

3. How do you relate the change in the rotational motion (from rest to
rotating) of the stick to its torque?

Let’s Twist our Hands

Directions: Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the torque.
Indicate or draw the direction in the diagrams or figures.

Let’s Appraise Torque

Directions: Solve the following problems and show your solution.

1. The length of a bicycle pedal arm is 0.152 m, and a downward force of

111 N is applied to the pedal by the rider’s foot. What is the magnitude
of the torque about the pedal arm pivot point when the arm makes an
angle of (a) 30°, (b) 90°, and (c) 180° with the vertical?

2. A force of 60 Newtons is applied to the end

of a wrench 12 centimeters long. How much
torque is produced? What is the direction of
the torque?

3. The figure shows a stick that
can pivot about the dot
marked O. Rank the three
forces (A, B, C) according to
the magnitude of the torque
they produce, greatest first.


1. I learned that _________________________________________________


2. I enjoyed most on ______________________________________________


3. I want to learn more on __________________________________________



Location where Force Did the stick rotate?
Force Orientation
Applied (Yes/No)
Free end perpendicular to the stick Yes
Fixed end perpendicular to the stick No
Free end parallel to the stick No
Midpoint perpendicular to the stick Yes
Near the fixed end at an angle (30°) with the stick Yes
Near the free end at an angle (120°) with the stick Yes

1. The stick rotated when pushed between its near fixed end and the free
end, and when the push was applied at any angle greater than 0° but
less than 180° relative to the stick.
2. The stick will not rotate even force is applied on it when its torque is equal
to zero. That is when its lever arm or the sin θ is equal to zero. Pushing
the stick at its fixed end gives a lever arm of zero. And applying force
that is parallel to the stick (at 0° and 180° angles) gives sin 0°= sin 180°=
3. The stick did not rotate even force was applied on it when the torque is
equal to zero. That is when the lever arm or the sin θ equals to zero.
Pushing the stick at its fixed end gave a lever arm of zero. And applying
force that is parallel to the stick (at 0° and 180° angles) made the sin 0°=
sin 180°= 0.

1. Out of the page 6. Out of the page
2. Into the page 7. Out of the page
3. Into the page 8. Leftward
4. Into the page 9. Upward
5. No torque 10. Rightward

1. (a) 8.44 N·m
(b) 16.87 N·m
(c) 0
2. 7.2 N·m, into the page
3. 1st – 𝜏𝐵 = 700 𝑁𝑚
2nd – 𝜏𝐴 = 585 𝑁𝑚
3rd – 𝜏𝐶 = 0


Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2001). Fundamentals of physics (6th
ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Hewitt, P. G. (2006). Conceptual physics (10th ed.). United States of America:

Pearson Addison Wesley

Moore, T.A., (2003). Six ideas that shaped physics: Unit C: Conservative laws
constrain interactions (2nd ed.). New York: Mc Graw Hill

Santos, G. N. C. (2019). General physics (1st ed.). Quezon City, Philippines:

Rex Book Store

Serway, R. A. & Jewette, J. W. Jr. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers
with modern physics (6th ed). Singapore: Thomson Learning Asia

Torque Worksheet. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2020 from

Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________
Grade Level & Strand: ___________________ Score: _____________

Learning Activity Sheets



When people are asked which horse moves
faster on a merry-go-round, some will answer that
the horse near the outside rail moves faster, while
others will say that the two horses move at the
same speed. This conflict of answers depends on
the kind of motion used. Those who chose the
horse near outside the rail used translation, while
those who say that both moves at the same speed used rotation. Translation
is the motion along a straight line, while rotation is the motion requiring an
object to rotate about its fixed axis. The table below shows the equivalence of
translational and rotational motions.
Table 1: Translational quantities and their equivalence in rotational motion.
Translation Rotation
Quantity Symbol Symbol Quantity
Position 𝑥 𝑜𝑟 𝑦 𝜃 Angular Position
Displacement ∆𝑥 𝑜𝑟 ∆𝑦 ∆𝜃 Angular Displacement
Velocity 𝑣 𝜔 Angular Velocity
Acceleration 𝑎 𝛼 Angular Acceleration
Mass or Inertia 𝑚 𝐼 Moment of Inertia
Force 𝐹 𝜏 Torque
Linear Momentum 𝑝 𝐿 Angular Momentum
Work 𝐹𝑑 𝜏𝜃 Work
Kinetic Energy 1⁄ 𝑚𝑣 2 1⁄ 𝐼𝜔2 Rotational Kinetic Energy
2 2

Power Fv 𝜏𝜔 Power
Basic Rotational Quantities

The angular position is the angle through which a point revolves around
a center or through which line has been rotated about a specified axis. Its value
is positive when the rotation is counterclockwise and negative when the rotation
is clockwise (see figure 1). It is defined by:
where θ is the angular position (θ is read as theta)
s is the length of arc along a circle
r is the radius of the circle

The SI unit for angular position is radian. But take note that one
revolution in a circle equals 2π radians or 360°.

The angular displacement is the change in the angular position of the

rotating object. In symbols:
∆𝜃 = 𝜃2 − 𝜃1
where Δθ is angular displacement (Δ is read as delta meaning change)
θ2 is final angular position
θ1 is initial angular position

But when the initial angular position is the zero angular position, then
angular displacement is equal to angular position. Angular displacement is also
measured by radians. It is positive for counterclockwise rotation and negative
for clockwise rotation.

The angular velocity is the rate of change in angular position.
Mathematically, it is described as:
∆𝜃 𝜃2 − 𝜃1
𝜔= =
∆𝑡 𝑡2 − 𝑡1
where ω is angular velocity (ω is read as omega)
Δθ = change in angular position
Δt is change in time

The SI unit for angular velocity is radians/second (rad/s). But then we

also encounter other unit – rpm, meaning revolutions per minute.

The direction of angular velocity is

defined by right-hand rule: Curl your right
hand about the rotating object. Your fingers
are pointing in the direction of rotation, and
your extended thumb points in the direction of
angular velocity (see figure 2). Similarly, it is
positive for counterclockwise rotation and
negative for clockwise rotation.

The angular acceleration is the change in angular velocity per unit time.
Its direction is the same with angular velocity if and only if the rotation increases
in speed. But when the rotation is slowing down, its direction is opposite of the
angular velocity’s direction. It is measured in radians per squared seconds
(rad/s2). In symbols, it is defined as:
∆𝜔 𝜔2 − 𝜔1
𝛼= =
∆𝑡 𝑡2 − 𝑡1
where α is the angular acceleration (α is read as alpha)
Δω is change in angular velocity
Δt is change in time

These basic quantities have both magnitude and directions, then they
are vectors. However, a vector in pure rotation defines only the axis of rotation
and not a direction in which the object moves. Hence, we can describe these
rotational quantities as either positive or negative.


The Learning Activity Sheet consists of activities intended to help you

master the different rotational quantities. Read and follow the instructions very
carefully. Perform and complete all the activities, as these will help you have a
better understanding of the concept.

Learning Competency
• Describe rotational quantities using vectors. (STEM_GP12REDIIa-4)

Quantity Search

Directions: Find and circle the ten quantities that are found both in translational
and rotational motions. These quantities are hidden in any directions
in the grid.

Rotational Motion Puzzle

Directions: Read the clues to complete the crossword. All words are related to
rotational motion.

2. clockwise rotation 1. used to denote angular acceleration
3. revolutions per minute 5. both magnitude and direction
4. the directions of α and ω when 6. point in the direction of rotation
rotation is speeding up 8. SI unit for angular displacement
7. rule used to identify the direction of ω 9. symbol of angular velocity
10. the directions of α and ω when 11. Greek letter indicating change in a
rotation is slowing down quantity
12. motion of wheels, planets, gears, 13. rotation for positive angular
and motors displacement
14. used to symbolize angular position 15. points in the direction of angular

Analyzing Rotational Motion

Directions: Determine the magnitude and direction of the rotational quantities

asked in the following problems. Show your solution.

1. As viewed from the north pole, the earth rotates about its axis
counterclockwise once in approximately 24 hours. What is the angular
displacement of the earth for 1 hour in radians, degrees, and

2. What is the angular velocity of (a) the second hand, (b) the minute hand
and (c) the hour hand of a smoothly running analog watch? Answer in
radians per second and in rpm.

3. What is the angular acceleration of the wheel of the bicycle travelling
forward when it reaches 60 rpm in 2 s? Answer in radians/seconds 2.


1. I learned that _________________________________________________


2. I enjoyed most on ______________________________________________


3. I want to learn more on __________________________________________



1. Position 6. Force
2. Displacement 7. Momentum
3. Velocity 8. Kinetic Energy
4. Acceleration 9. Work
5. Inertia 10. Power

1. alpha 9. omega
2. negative 10. opposite
3. rpm 11. delta
4. same 12. rotation
5. vector 13. counterclockwise
6. fingers 14. theta
7. righthand 15. thumb
8. radian

𝜋 1
1. ∆𝜃 = + 12 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 = +0.262 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 = +15° = + 24 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑
2. a. 𝜔 = − = −1.05 𝑥 10−1
30 𝑠 𝑠
𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑 1 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 60 𝑠 60 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
𝜔=− ( ) (1 𝑚𝑖𝑛) = − = −1 𝑟𝑝𝑚
30 𝑠 2𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑 60 𝑚𝑖𝑛

𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑
b. 𝜔 = − = −1.75 𝑥 10−3 = −1.66 𝑥 10−2 𝑟𝑝𝑚
1800 𝑠 𝑠

𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑 1 ℎ𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑑
c. 𝜔 = − ( 6 ℎ𝑟 ) 3600 𝑠 = −1.45 𝑥 10−4 = −1.38 𝑥 10−3 𝑟𝑝𝑚

3. 𝛼 = +3.14 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
When a bicycle moves forward, its wheel is rotating counterclockwise.
So, its angular velocity is positive. Since the bicycle starts from zero to
60 rpm (increase in rotation), then angular acceleration direction is the
same with the angular velocity’s direction.


Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2001). Fundamentals of physics (6th
ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Hewitt, P. G. (2006). Conceptual physics (10th ed.). United States of America:

Pearson Addison Wesley

Moore, T.A., (2003). Six ideas that shaped physics: Unit C: Conservative laws
constrain interactions (2nd ed.). New York: Mc Graw Hill

Rotational Quantities and Torque. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2020 from

Santos, G. N. C. (2019). General physics (1st ed.). Quezon City, Philippines:

Rex Book Store

Serway, R. A. & Jewette, J. W. Jr. (2004). Physics for Scientists and

Engineers with modern physics (6th ed). Singapore: Thomson Learn

Name: ________________________________ Grade Level:
Date: _________________________________ Score:

Background Information for the Learners (BIL)

When you apply with a pencil, you will find it is impossible to balance the
pencil on its point. On the other hand, it is comparatively easy to make the
pencil stand upright on its flat end.

An object at rest may be in one of the three states of equilibrium. You

can distinguish between the different kinds of equilibrium by considering the
illustrations of an ice cream cone placed on a level table (see Figure 1).

A cone standing on its base will return to its original position after a little
disturbance; hence, it is in stable equilibrium on its base (Figure 1.A). On the
other, a cone placed on its tip said to be unstable equilibrium and can be easily
toppled down when slightly disturbed (Figure 1.B). A cone lying on its side stays
in its position without tending either to move further or to return to where it was
before. A cone on its side is said to be in neutral equilibrium where it can be
rolled from one side to another (Figure 1.C). The illustrations show that the
equilibrium condition is affected by the position of the object’s center of gravity.
An object is in stable equilibrium if its center of gravity is at the lowest possible

Figure 1. Three States of
Equilibrium: stable
equilibrium (A), unstable
equilibrium (B) and neutral equilibrium (C)

Conditions for Equilibrium

First Condition
The first condition of equilibrium is that the net force in all directions must
be zero.
For an object to be in equilibrium, it must be experiencing no
acceleration. This means that both the net force and the net torque on the object
must be zero. Here we will discuss the first condition, that of zero net force.
In the form of an equation, this first condition is:
Fnet = 0 or ∑F = ma = 0
In order to achieve this conditon, the forces acting along each axis of
motion must sum to zero. For example, the net external forces along the
typical x– and y-axes are zero. This is written as:
net Fx=0 and net Fy=0
The condition Fnet=0 must be true for both static equilibrium, where the
object’s velocity is zero, and dynamic equilibrium, where the object is moving
at a constant velocity.
Below, the motionless person is in static equilibrium. The forces acting
on him add up to zero. Both forces are vertical in this case.

Figure 2. Person in Static
Equilibrium: This motionless
person in static equilibrium.

Below, the car is in dynamic equilibrium because it is moving at constant

velocity. There are horizontal and vertical forces, but the net external force in
any direction is zero. The applied force between the tires and the road is
balanced by air friction, and the weight of the car is supported by the normal
forces, here shown to be equal for all four tires.

Figure 3. A Car in Dynamic Equilibrium: This car is in dynamic

equilibrium because it is moving at constant velocity.
Consider the following cases of bodies in equilibrium.
Cases 1: A box on a table
The forces acting on the box are its weight (W), acting downward, and
the normal force (FN) that the table exerts upward
on the box. The box is resting on the table with
zero acceleration. Thus, the sum of all forces
acting on the box must be zero.

∑F = FN + (-W) = 0
FN – W = 0
FN = W

Case 2: A chandelier hanging from a vertical rope
The forces acting on the chandelier re the weight
(W), acting downward, and the tension (T) in the rope,
acting upward.
∑F = T + (-W) = 0
Case 3: A swing is pushed until the rope makes an
angle θ with the vertical
The forces acting on the swing are the combined weight of the swing and
the boy (W), acting downward, the force (F) exerted on the swing, acting to the
left, and the tension on the rope (T) that can be resolved into its vertical (T y)
and horizontal (Tx) components.
∑Fx = F + (-Tx) = 0
F – Tx = 0
F – T sin θ = 0
F = T sin θ
∑Fy = Ty + (-W) = 0
Ty – W = 0
T cos θ = W
T cos θ = W
Case 4: Resting in a hammock
The forces acting on the hammock are the weight (W) on the hammock
and the Tensions ( T1 and T2 ) on the ropes that can be resolved into their
vertical and horizontal components.

∑Fx = T2x + (-T1x) = 0
T2x - T1x = 0
T2 cos β – T1 cos α = 0
T2 cos β = T1 cos α
∑Fy = T1y + T2y + (-W) = 0
T1y + T2y – W = 0
T1 sin α + T2 sin β – W = 0
T1 sin α + T2 sin β = W

Case 5: A boy on a slide

The forces acting on the boy are the
frictional force (Ff ), acting upward and parallel
to the slide, the normal force (FN), acting toward and perpendicular to the slide,
and the weight (W) of the boy that can be resolved into its components which
are parallel (W II) and (W ┴ ) to the slide.
∑Fx = Ff + (-W II) = 0
µ FN – W sin θ = 0
µ FN = W sin θ
∑Fy = FN + (-W ┴ ) = 0
FN – W cos θ = 0
FN = W cos θ
µ W cos θ = W sin θ
W sin θ
µ = W cos θ
µ = tan θ
Second Condition
The second condition of static equilibrium says that the net torque acting
on the object must be zero.

A child’s seesaw, shown in, is an example of static equilibrium. An object in
static equilibrium is one that has no acceleration in any direction. While there
might be motion, such motion is constant. If a given object is in static
equilibrium, both the net force and the net torque on the object must be zero.
Let’s break this

Figure 4. Two children on a seesaw: The system is in static

equilibrium, showing no acceleration in any direction.

The Concept of Torque

Consider the familiar seesaw you played during your childhood.

Suppose a 50-kg child (W1) is placed on the right side of a seesaw and a 30-kg
child (W2) is placed on the left side as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. A
Child’s game of
seesaw demonstrates torque.
The weights of the two children exert downward forces, while the support
in the middle of the seesaw exerts an upward force which is equal to the weight
of the two children. Even, though the body is in transitional equilibrium, the body
is still capable of rotating. The 50-kg child on the right end moves downward,
while the 30-kg child on the left end moves upward; this means that the seesaw
rotates in a clockwise direction.
Torque is the quantity that measures how effectively a force (F) causes
acceleration. A torque is produced when a force is applied with leverage. It is
defined as the product of the force and the lever arm. The lever arm is the
perpendicular distance (l) from the axis of rotation to the line along which the

force acts. The magnitude of the torque (τ) can be calculated by:
torque = force x lever arm
τ = Fl
The Second Condition

A torque (a vector quantity) that tends to produce a counter clockwise

rotation is considered positive and a torque that tends to produce clockwise
rotation is negative (see Figure 6). Thus, the condition for an object to be in
rotational equilibrium is that the sum of the torques acting on the object about
any point must be zero. This means that the sum of all the clockwise torques
(τc) must be equal to the sum of all the counter
clockwise torques (τu).
∑τ = 0
∑τ = ∑τc + (-∑τu) = 0
∑τc - ∑τu = 0
∑τc = ∑τu

Figure 6. Torques make

objects rotate.
Let us consider the following cases of bodies in equilibrium:
Case 1: Bamboo pole carried at each end
In a singkil dance, two men are carrying a princess on a bamboo pole
that is 5.0 m long and weighs 200 N. If the princess weighs 450 N and sits 1.5
m from one end, how much weight must each man support? We assume that
the diameter of the bamboo pole is uniform and
the weight of the pole is located at the center.
Using the first condition for equilibrium,
∑Fy = 0
∑Fy = F1 + F2 – WB – WP = 0
where, WB is the weight of the bamboo pole WP
is the weight of the princess
F1 + F2 – WB – WP = 0
F1 + F 2 = WB + WP
= 200 N + 450 N

F1 + F2 = 650 N
We must specify the axis about which the torques will be computed. Let
us consider that the axis passes through point A, where man 1 is holding the
pole with force. Using the second condition for equilibrium, we can solve for F2.
∑τc = ∑τu
WBlB + WPlP = F2l2
(200 N)(2.5 m) + (450 N)(3.5 m) = F2 (1.5 m)
2075 𝑁. 𝑚 𝐹2 (5.0 𝑚)
5.0 𝑚 5.0 𝑚
415 N = F2
Solving for F1,
F1 + F2 = 650 N
F1 + 450 N = 650 N
F1 = 650 N – 450 N
F1 = 235 N

Case 2: A man on a ladder

A ladder 7.5 m long is leaning against a
smooth (frictionless) wall at a point 7.0 m above the
ground with its base 2.0 m from the wall. The ladder
weighs 200 N and an 800-N painter stands two-
thirds of the way up the ladder. (a) What is the
normal force? (b) What frictional force must act on
the bottom of the ladder to prevent it from slipping
for the painter to be safe?

Using the first condition for equilibrium, we have,

a. ∑Fy = 0
∑Fx = 0
∑Fy = FN + (-WP) + (-WL) = 0
FN – WP – WL = 0
FN = 800 N + 200 N
FN = 1000 N
b. ∑Fx = F + (-Ff) = 0
F – Ff = 0
F = Ff
Suppose the axis of rotation is the base of the ladder. Using the
second condition for equilibrium, we have
∑τ = 0
∑τc = ∑τu
Fflf = WLlL + Wlll
F(7.0 m) = (200 N) (1.0 m) + (800 N)(1.33
200𝑁.𝑚+1064 𝑁.𝑚
7.0 𝑚

F = 181 N.

Learning Competency: Determine whether a system is in static equilibrium

or not.


Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word/s that complete/s the key
concept in each item.
1. An object is in stable equilibrium if it is at the ___________ possible
2. An object with a _________base is more stable than one with
__________ base.
3. The stability of an object depends on the location of the
_________________, __________________, and amount of mass.
4. _____________ is the product of force and the lever arm.
5. Net torque always produces ______________________.
6. The lever arm is the _______________ distance from the reference
point to the direction or line of action of the force.
7. There are two conditions for a body to be in rotational equilibrium:
a. ______________ equilibrium is when the vector sum of all forces
acting on it must be zero.
b. ______________ equilibrium is when the sum of all torques about
any point must be zero.


Directions: Analyze and structure a comprehensive reasoning to answer each
situation below. (5 points each)
1. Why does a man with a large belly or a woman in her last trimester of
pregnancy tend to lean backward when walking?
2. Which man carries the heavier load? Why?



Directions: Solve the following problems and show your complete solution. (5
points each)
1. If a person can apply a maximum force of 200N, what is the maximum
length of a wrench needed to apply 90 N.m torque to the bolts on a
motorcycle engine?

2. A 500-N diver stands at the end of a 4.0-m

diving board. The board is attracted by two
supports 1.5 m apart as shown below. Find
the tension in each of the two supports if the
diving board weighs 150 N.

Padua, Alicia L. et. al, States of Equilibrium, Practical and Explorational
Modular Approach, 2003, pp. 98-107.

“Conditions of Equilibrium”.

Answer Key:
Activity #1: Complete the key Concepts
1. lowest
2. wider , narrower
3. center of gravity , area of the base
4. Torque
5. angular acceleration
6. perpendicular
7. a. Translational , b. Rotational

Activity #2: Critical Thinking

1. Carrying any load in front of your stomach shifts your centers of gravity
forward. By leaning backward, you can keep your center of gravity above
your supporting feet to maintain your stability.
2. Peter carries the heavier load. He has the shorter leverage.

Activity #3: Problem Solving

τ 90 𝑁 .𝑚
1. τ = (F) (l) l=𝐹= = 0.45 m
200 𝑁

2. Consider the point where F2 is applied as the axis of rotation.

∑τ = 0
∑τc = ∑τu
W1l1 + W2l2 = F1l1
(150 N)(5.0 m) + (500 N)(2.5 m) = F1(1.5 m)
75 N . m + 1250 N . m = F1(1.5 m)
1325 N . m = F1(1.5 m)
F1 = 883.33 N
We can find F2 by using the first condition for equilibrium.
∑Fy = 0
∑Fy = F2 + (-F1) + (-W1) + (-W2) = 0
F2 - F1 - W1 - W2 = 0
F2 = F 1 + W1 + W2
= 883.33 N + 150 N + 500 N
F2 = 1533.33 N


Baggao National Agricultural School Sta. Margarita Annex

Name: ________________________________ Grade Level:
Date: _________________________________ Score:

Background Information for the Learners (BIL)

A body in motion may be travelling either in a straight line or along a
curve. By definition, a body in pure translational motion moves such that a line
drawn between any two of its internal points remains parallel to itself after
displacement. An example is when you carry a glass full of water from one place
to another. It is held in a way such that the contents do not spill.

On the other hand, a body may also have rotational motion such that a
line between any two points does not remain parallel to itself. And this is
explained by the kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion.
Angles in Radians
In trigonometry, you may have encountered angle measures not only in
degrees but also in radians. In science, angles are often measured in radians
(rad). In the figure below, when the arc length is equal to the radius r, the angle
θ swept by r is equal to 1 rad. In general, any angle θ measured in radians is
defined as = 𝑟 .

Figure 1: Measuring angles in radians

Since the radian is the ratio of an arc length to the length of the radius,
the units cancel and the radian becomes a pure number. The value 3600

equals 2π rad, or one complete revolution. This means that one revolution is
equivalent to 6.28 rad.

Figure 2 shows a circle marked with both radians and degrees. Any
angle in degrees can be converted into angle in radians by multiplying it by
2𝜋 𝜋
, or its lowest term 180° . In symbols, this is written as :
𝜃 (𝑟𝑎𝑑) = ∙ 𝜃 (𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠)

Let us have this as an example. Convert 1100 into radians.

∙ 110° = 𝟏. 𝟗𝟐 𝒓𝒂𝒅

Figure 2: Radians and

Angular Displacement
In translational kinematics, the position of the body is defined as the
displacement x from a certain reference point. In rotational kinematics, the
position of a point on a rotating body is defined by the angular displacement θ
from some reference line that connects this point to the axis of rotation.
Study Figure 3. The body has rotated through the angular displacement
θ if the point which was originally at P1 is now at the point P2. This angular
displacement is a vector that is perpendicular to the plane of the motion. The
magnitude of this angular displacement is the angle θ itself. The direction
depends whether it is a positive or a negative quantity. If it is positive, the
rotation of the body is counter clockwise and the angular displacement vector
points upward. If it is negative, the rotation is clockwise and the vector points

Just an angle in radians is defined by the ratio of the arc length to the
radius, the angular displacement is equal to the change in the arc length, ∆𝑠,
divided by the distance from the axis of rotation, r.
It is given as,
∆𝜃 =
which means that,
∆𝑠 = 𝑟∆𝜃.
Figure 3: Angular displacement in a
rotating body
Sample Problem
A boy rides on a merry-go-round at a distance of 1.25 m from the center.
If the boy moves through an arc length of 2.25 m, through what angular
displacement does he move?
Given: r = 1.25 m
∆𝑠 = 2.25 m
Find : ∆𝜃
∆𝑠 2.25 𝑚
Solution: ∆𝜃 = = = 𝟏. 𝟖 𝒓𝒂𝒅
𝑟 1.25 𝑚

Angular Velocity
Angular velocity is similarly defined as the linear velocity. It is denoted
by the lowercase of the Greek letter omega (𝜔) and is defined as the ration of
the angular displacement ∆𝜃 to the time interval ∆𝑡, the time it takes an object
to undergo that displacement. It describes how quickly the rotation takes place.
In symbols, the average angular velocity is given as:
∆𝜃 ∆𝑠 1
𝜔𝑎𝑣𝑒 = = ∙
∆𝑡 ∆𝑡 𝑟
In the limit that the time interval approaches zero, becomes the
instantaneous velocity, . Angular velocity is expressed in radians per second
(rad/s). In some instances, angular velocities are expressed in revolutions per
unit time such as revolutions per second (rps) and revolutions per minute (rpm).
1 𝑟𝑒𝑣 = 2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
Linear velocity of a point on the rotating body and angular velocity of the
body are linked by the equation, 𝑠 = 𝑟𝜃 divided by t. That is,

𝑠 𝑟𝜃
𝑡 𝑡
𝑠 𝜃
but we know that, 𝑡 = 𝑣 and = 𝜔 . And so, 𝒗 = 𝒓𝝎.

This equation implies that, for a body rotating at an angular velocity 𝜔,

the farther the distance 𝑟 that the body is form the axis of rotation, the greater
is its linear or tangential velocity.
Sample Problem
A child in a barber shop spins on a stool. If the child turns counter
clockwise through 8.0 𝜋 rad during an 8.0 s interval, what is the average
angular velocity of the child’s rotation?
Given: ∆𝜃 = 8.0𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
∆𝑡 = 8.0 𝑠
Find: 𝜔𝑎𝑣𝑒
∆𝜃 8.0𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
Solution: 𝜔𝑎𝑣𝑒 = = = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 𝒓𝒂𝒅/𝒔
∆𝑡 8.0 𝑠

Angular Acceleration

Angular acceleration occurs when angular velocity changes with time.

We will use the symbol alpha, α , to denote angular acceleration. The average
angular acceleration is given by this relationship,
𝜔𝑓 − 𝜔𝑖
𝛼𝑎𝑣𝑒 =
𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡𝑖
𝛼𝑎𝑣𝑒 =
where ∆𝜔 is the change in angular velocity and ∆𝑡 is the change in time.
This quantity is expressed in the unit radians per second squared
(rad/s ). There is a connection between instantaneous tangential acceleration
and angular acceleration. The tangential acceleration associated with motion
of a point moving in a circular path of radius r is related to the instantaneous
angular acceleration through:
𝒂𝒕 = 𝜶𝒓.
Sample Problem
A figure skater begins spinning counter clockwise at an angular speed
of 5.0𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠. She slowly pulls her arm inward and finally spins at 9.0𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
for 3.0 s. What is her average angular acceleration during this time interval?
Given: 𝜔𝑓 = 9.0𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
𝜔𝑖 = 5.0𝜋 𝑠
∆𝑡 = 3.0 𝑠
Find: 𝛼𝑎𝑣𝑒
𝜔𝑓 − 𝜔𝑖
𝛼𝑎𝑣𝑒 =
𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡𝑖

𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑
9.0𝜋 𝑠 − 5.0𝜋 𝑠
3.0 𝑠
𝜶𝒂𝒗𝒆 = 𝟒. 𝟐 𝒓𝒂𝒅/𝒔𝟐

Rotational Kinematic Equations

Sample Problem
A fish
swimming behind a luxury cruise liner gets caught in a whirlpool created by the
ship’s propeller. If the fish has an angular velocity of 1.5 rad/s and the water in
the whirlpool accelerates at 3.5 rad/s2, what will be the instantaneous angular
velocity of the fish at the end of 4.0 seconds?
Given: 𝜔𝑖 = 1.5
𝛼 = 3.5 𝑠2
𝑡 = 4.0 𝑠
Find: 𝜔𝑓
Solution: 𝜔𝑓 = 𝜔𝑖 + 𝛼𝑡
𝑟𝑎𝑑 3.5𝑟𝑎𝑑
= 1.5 +( ) (4.0𝑠)
𝑠 𝑠2
𝝎𝒇 = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟓 𝒔

Learning Competency: Apply the rotational kinematic relations for systems

with constant angular accelerations. (STEM_GP12RED-IIa-6)

Activity #1: TRUE OR FALSE
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if otherwise.

____________ 1. The angle turned through by a body about a given axis is

angular displacement.
____________ 2. Angular acceleration is the change in the angular
displacement of
rotating body about the axis of rotation with time.
____________ 3. Angular velocity is the change in the angular speed of a
____________ 4. The farther the distance 𝑟 that the body is form the axis of
the greater is its linear or tangential velocity.
____________ 5. The value 3600 equals 2π rad, or one complete revolution.


Directions: Solve the following problems. Show your complete solutions.

1. Convert the following into indicated angle measure unit:

a. 360 to rad
b. 1250 to rad
c. 2 𝜋/5 to degrees
d. 𝜋/7 to degrees

2. A wheel of radius 14.0 cm starts from rest and turns through 2.0
revolutions in 3.0s.
a. What is its average velocity?
b. What is the tangential velocity of a point on the rim of the wheel?

3. A rifle is a long gun barrel has been grooved or “rifled” on the inside with
spiral channels. Bullets fired from a rifled barrel spin. This gives them
greater stability in flight and thus greater accuracy when fired. Since
1964, the standard infantry weapon in the US Army has been the 0.22
caliber M16 rifle. Due to rifting, a bullet fired from an M16 rotates two and
a half times on its journey from the breech to the muzzle. Given a barrel
length of 510 mm and a muzzle velocity of 950 m/s. Determine the
a. the average translational acceleration
b. the average angular acceleration (in radians per second squared)
c. the final angular velocity (in rotations per second)

4. A fish swimming behind a luxury cruise liner gets caught in a whirlpool

created by the ship’s propeller. If the fish has an angular velocity of 2.5

rad/s and the water in the whirlpool accelerates at 4.5 rad/s2, what will
be the instantaneous angular velocity of the fish at the end of 5.0


Try riding on a freely rotating child’s merry-go-round. What happens to
the rotational velocity when you move inward or outward from the axis of the
merry-go-round? How can this be explained?

Padua, Alicia L. et. al, Rotational Kinematics , Practical and
Physics: Modular Approach, 2003, pp. 149-153.
The Physics Hypertxtbook.

Answer Keys:
Activity #1: TRUE or FALSE

Activity #2: Problem Solving

𝜋 25𝜋
1. a. 𝑟𝑎𝑑 , b. 𝑟𝑎𝑑 , c. 720, d. 25.710
5 36
2. a. 𝜔𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 4.19 𝑠

b. 𝑣 = 0.59 𝑚/𝑠
3. a. a = 8.8 x 105 m/s2
b. t = 0.001074 s , 𝛼 = 2.7 𝑥 107 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠 2
𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
c. 𝜔 = 29,000 𝑠
0𝑟 𝜔 = 4,700 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑
4. 𝜔 = 25 𝑠

Activity #3: Constructive Reasoning
Answers may vary.


Baggao National Agricultural School Sta. Margarita Annex

Name: ________________________________ Grade Level:
Date: _________________________________ Score:

Background Information for the Learners (BIL)

Rotational Inertia
An object rotating about an axis tends to continue rotating about that axis
unless an unbalanced external torque tries to stop it. This is because objects
tend to resist any change in their state of motion. This resistance is physically
embodied in the inertial mass, or simply mass. The resistance of an object to
changes in its rotational motion is called rotational inertia which is also termed
as moment of inertia.

Figure 1. Dumbbell B is easier to rotate in spite of its large masses because these are
near its axis of rotation; hence, the dumbbell’s moment of inertia is smaller. The
opposite can be said of dumbbell A.

If force is needed to change the linear state of motion of an object, torque

is required to change the rotational state of motion of an object. And so, if there
is no net torque, a rotating object continues to rotate at a constant velocity.
Rotational inertia depends on the distribution of the mass. A small mass
which is at a greater distance from the axis of rotation has a greater moment of
inertia than a large mass which is near the axis of rotation.
The moment of inertia I, gives a measurement of the body to a change
in its rotational motion. The larger the moment of inertia of a body, the more

difficult it is to put that body into rotational motion or, the larger the moment of
inertia of a body, the more difficult it is to stop its rotational motion.
For the very special case of the moment of inertia of a single mass m,
rotating about an axis, a distance r from m, we have
I = mr2
It is important to remember that when moment of inertia is asked for, it
is a must to specify about what axis the rotation will take place. Because r is
different for each axis and, since I differs as r2, I is also different for each axis.
The unit for the moment of inertia is kg ∙ m2 and has no special name.
Calculus is usually used to sole for the moment of inertia. However, for
simplicity, you can use Table 1, which shows how values of the moment of
inertia for some reason uniform symmetrical bodies about different axes can be
Sample Problem
Find the moment of inertia of a solid cylinder of mass 3.0 kg and radius
0.50 m, which is free to rotate about an axis through its center.
Given: m = 3.0 kg
r = 0.50 m
Find: I=?
Solution: 𝐼 = 2 𝑚𝑟 2
= (𝟑. 𝟎 𝒌𝒈)(𝟎. 𝟓𝟎 𝒎) 2
= (𝟑. 𝟎 𝒌𝒈)(𝟎. 𝟐𝟓 𝒎𝟐 )

𝑰 = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟖 𝒌𝒈 ∙ 𝒎𝟐
You have seen how Newton’s first law of motion is similar to rotational
motion. Newton’s three laws many be stated in terms of rotational motion.

The first law for rotational motion:

A body in motion at a constant angular velocity will continue in
motion at that same angular velocity, unless acted upon by some
unbalanced external torque.
A very good example to illustrate this is the earth’s rotation. The earth
continues to rotate at an angular velocity of 7.27 x 10-5 rad/s since there is no
external torque acting on it.

The second law for rotational motion:
When an unbalanced external torque acts on a body with moment
of inertia 𝐼, it gives that body an angular acceleration α, which is directly
proportional to the torque 𝜏 and inversely proportional to the moment of
In symbols, this is given as
𝝉 = 𝑰𝜶
The third law for rotational motion:
If body A and body B have the same axis of rotation, and if body
A exerts a torque on body B, then body B exerts an equal but opposite
torque on body A.
Table 1. Moments of Inertia of selected bodies with Mass m

Angular Momentum
If the rotational equivalent of force is torque, which is the moment of the
force, the rotational equivalent of linear momentum (p) is angular momentum
(L), which is the moment of momentum. Like linear momentum, angular
momentum is also a vector quantity; it has magnitude and direction. It is defined
as the product of the moment of inertia (I) of a rotating body and its angular
velocity (𝝎). In equation form, this is given as

L = I𝝎

The unit of angular momentum is kg ∙m2/s.
If an object is small compared with the radial distance to its axis of
rotation, the angular momentum is equal to the magnitude of its linear
momentum mv, multiplied by the radial distance r. In equation form,

L = mvr

The velocity is always perpendicular to radial distance. Otherwise L = r x p =

mr x v.

The angular momentum of an object, such

as a stone swinging from a long string, or a planet
circling the sun, can be determined using the
equation L = mvr. This shows that the angular
momentum is directly proportional to the linear
momentum and the radius.

Figure 2. Demonstrating angular


Sample Problem
What is the angular momentum of a 250 g stone being whirled by a
slingshot at a tangential velocity of 6 m/s, if the length of the slingshot is 30 cm?

Given: m = 250 g = 0.25 kg

v = 6.0 m/s
r = 30 cm = 0.30 m
Find: L=?
𝐿 = 𝑚𝑣𝑟 = (0.25 𝑘𝑔) (6 ) (0.30 𝑚 = 𝟎. 𝟒𝟓 𝒌𝒈 . 𝒎𝟐 /𝒔

The table below shows the concept of momentum for linear and
rotational situtions.

Table 2. Kinematic Equations for Linear and angular Momentum.

If no net force acts on a system, we know that the linear momentum of
this system is conserved. Angular momentum is also conserved for systems in
rotation. The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum states that in the
absence of an unbalanced external torque, the angular momentum of a system
remains constant.

Learning Competency: Determine angular momentum at different systems.



Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively. (3 points each)
1. Why do you bend your legs when you run?
2. If you walk along the top of a fence, why would extending your arms out
help you to balance?

3. When is angular momentum conserved?
4. By how much will the rate of spin of skater increase, if she pulls her arms
in to reduce her moment of inertia to half?
5. Will there be a change in a gymnast’s angular momentum if he changes
his body configuration during a somersault?

Activity 2: PROBLEM SOLVING (5 points each)

Directions: Solve the following problems. Show your complete and accurate

1. Lara, a 50.0 kg gymnast, swings her 1.5 m long body around a bar by
her outstretched arms. What is her moment of inertia?

2. Lito is spinning a basketball with a radius of 12 cm on the tip of his finger.

Determine the mass of the ball if its moment of inertia is 5.568 x 10 -3

3. What is the angular momentum of a 300 g stone being whirled by a
slingshot at a tangential velocity of 9 m/s, if the length of the slingshot is
40 cm?


Padua, Alicia L. et. al, Rotational Kinematics , Practical and

Physics: Modular Approach, 2003, pp. 149-153.
The Physics Hypertxtbook.

Answer Key

Activity 1: Critical Thinking

(Answers may vary)

Activity 2: Problem Solving

1. 37.5 kg . m2
2. O.58 kg
3. 1.8 kg . m2/s


Name: ____________________________ Grade Level: _________
Date: _____________________________ Score: ______________





Torque is the turning or twisting effectiveness of a force. Figure 1,

helps to explain the idea of torque. When you push on a door with a force F,
as in part a, the door opens more quickly when the force is larger. Other
things being equal, a larger force generates a larger torque. However, the
door does not open as quickly if you apply the same force at a point closer to
the hinge, as in part b, because the force now produces less torque.
Furthermore, if your push is directed nearly at the hinge, as in part c, you will
have a hard time opening the door at all, because the torque is nearly zero. In
summary, the torque depends on the magnitude of the force, on the point
where the force is applied relative to the axis of rotation (the hinge in
Figure 1), and on the direction of the force. For simplicity, we deal with
situations in which the force lies in a plane that is perpendicular to the axis of
rotation. In Figure 2, for instance, the axis is perpendicular to the page and
the force lies in the plane of the paper. The drawing shows the line of action
and the lever arm of the force, two concepts that are important in the definition
of torque. The line of action is an extended line drawn collinear with the
force. The lever arm is the distance l between the line of action and the axis
of rotation, measured on a line that is perpendicular to both. The torque is
represented by the symbol τ (Greek letter tau), and its magnitude is defined
as the magnitude of the force times the lever arm:

Figure 1 With a force of a given
magnitude, a door is easier to
open by (a) pushing at the outer
edge than by (b) pushing closer
to the axis of rotation (the hinge).
(c) Pushing into the hinge makes
it difficult to open the door.

Figure 2. In this top view, the hinges of a door appear as a black dot (•)
and define the axis of rotation. The line of action and lever arm l are
illustrated for a force applied to the door (a) perpendicularly and (b) at
an angle. (c) The lever arm is zero because the line of action passes
through the axis of rotation.

Torque Formula

Magnitude of torque = (Magnitude of the force) X (Lever arm) = F X l

The S.I unit of torque is Nm.

Torque = F x L (Cross product! Not a simple multiplication!)

= FLsinƟ (you have to consider the angle!)

Sample Problem no 1:

In Figure 2 a force (magnitude = 55 N) is applied to a door. However, the lever

arms are different in the three parts of the drawing: (a) l = 0.80 m, (b) l = 0.60
m and (c) l = 0 m.

Find the torque in each case.

First, we are going to write all the given and identify the unknown.

Given: F= 55 N
l= a= 0.80 m
b= 0.60 m
c= 0 m
τ= ?
Second, perform the needed operation in each of the following problem.

a. τ= F x l b. τ= F x l c. τ= F x l
τ= 55 N x 0.80 m τ= 55 N x 0.60 m τ= 55 N x 0 m
τ= 44 Nm τ= 33 Nm τ= 0 Nm
In parts a and b the torques are positive, since the forces tend to produce a
counterclockwise rotation of the door. In part c, the line of action of passes
through the axis of rotation (the hinge). Hence, the lever arm is zero, and the
torque is zero.

Angular Momentum

Why does Earth keep on spinning? What started it spinning to begin

with? And how does an ice skater manage to spin faster and faster simply by
pulling her arms in? Why does she not have to exert a torque to spin faster?
Questions like these have answers based in angular momentum, the
rotational analog to linear momentum. Linear momentum p of an object is
defined as the product of its mass m and linear velocity v; that is, p = mv. For
rotational motion the analogous concept is called the angular momentum L.
The mathematical form of angular momentum is analogous to that of
linear momentum, with the mass m and the linear velocity v being replaced
with their rotational counterparts, the moment of inertia I and the angular
velocity ω.
L= I ω

SI Unit of Angular Momentum: kg • m2/s

Linear momentum is an important concept in physics because the total

linear momentum of a system is conserved when the sum of the average
external forces acting on the system is zero. Then, the final total linear
momentum Pf and the initial total linear momentum P0 are the same: Pf = P0.
In the case of angular momentum, a similar line of reasoning indicates that

when the sum of the average external torques is zero, the final and initial
angular momenta are the same: Lf = L0, which is the principle of
conservation of angular momentum.

When you push a merry-go-round, spin a bike wheel, or open a

door, you exert a torque. If the torque you exert is greater than opposing
torques, then the rotation accelerates, and angular momentum
increases. The greater the net torque, the more rapid the increase in L .
The relationship between torque and angular momentum is:

Net τ = Δt

This expression is exactly analogous to the relationship between force and

linear momentum, F = Δp / Δt. The equation net τ = ΔL / Δt is very
fundamental and broadly applicable. It is, in fact, the rotational form of
Newton’s second law.

Calculating the Torque Putting Angular Momentum

The image on the right shows a Lazy

Susan food tray being rotated by a person in
quest of sustenance. Suppose the person
exerts a 2.50 N force perpendicular to the lazy
Susan’s 0.260-m radius for 0.150 s. What is
the final angular momentum of the lazy Susan
if it starts from rest, assuming friction is

Given: F = 2.50 N
l = 0.260 m
t = 0.150 s

Solving net τ = ΔL / Δt for ΔL gives ΔL = (net τ) Δt.

Because the force is perpendicular to r, we see that net τ = rF , so that

L = r F • Δt
= (0.260 m)(2.50 N)(0.150 s)
= 9.75×10−2 kg ⋅ m2 / s.

LEARNING COMPETENCY WITH CODE: Apply the torque-angular

momentum relation (STEM_GP12REDIIa-10)

Directions: Encircle the letter of your answer on the choices below the

1. “All objects tend to keep on spinning”. What does the statement implies?
a. Objects in rotational motion, like moving objects along
straight line will keep on moving not unless acted upon by
an outside force.
b. That is only true for some objects under rotational motion.
c. The object will eventually stop soon.
d. Only outside application of force will make it stop.
2. What do we call the tendency of a spinning object to continue to spin?
a. Torque
b. Conservation of angular momentum
c. Conservation of Torque
d. Newton’s Second Law of spinning bodies
3. What is the symbol of Torque?
a. T b. t c. τ d. t
4. What happens to angular momentum when the sum of all external torque
acting on a system of particles is zero?
a. The angular momentum is also zero
b. The angular momentum increases
c. The angular momentum decreases
d. The angular momentum remains constant
5. What happens when the line of action passes through the axis of
a. Lever arm is zero and so with the torque
b. Lever arm and torque is constant
c. There will be a negative rotation
d. Lever arm and torque doesn’t change


Answer the following set of problem. The scoring is being provided for you
before the questions.

Given 1 pt
Solution 2 pts.
Final Answer w/ unit 2 pts.

1. In a public playground, one cloudy afternoon. Reyma and her friends

wanted to try the merry - go – round. Supposed she let her friends try it
and she will be the one to spin it for them. If she exerts 50 N force
perpendicular to the 1.2 m radius for 5 s. What is the final angular

momentum of the lazy Susan if it starts from rest, assuming friction is

2. Calculate the torque of a door upon applying 5 N of force to open it and

has a lever arm of 2.3 m?


Multiple Choice: Problem Solving:

1. a
2. b 1. 300 kg ⋅ m2 / s
3. c 2. 11.5 Nm
4. d
5. a


Name: ____________________________Grade Level: _________

Date: _____________________________Score:______________


Background Information for the Learners (BIL)

*statics= the study of forces and momentum

*equilibrium = a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing

forces. Equal balance between any powers.

1 kg = 9.8 N

When all the forces that act upon an object are balanced, then the object is said
to be in a state of equilibrium. The forces are considered to be balanced if the
rightward forces are balanced by the leftward forces and the upward forces are
balanced by the downward forces. This however does not necessarily mean
that all the forces are equal to each other. Consider the two objects pictured in
the force diagram shown below. Note that the two objects are at equilibrium
because the forces that act upon them are balanced; however, the individual
forces are not equal to each other. The 50 N force is not equal to the 30 N force.

If an object is at equilibrium, then the forces are balanced. Balanced is the

key word that is used to describe equilibrium situations. Thus, the net force is
zero and the acceleration is 0 m/s/s. Objects at equilibrium must have an

acceleration of 0 m/s/s. This extends from Newton's first law of motion. But
having an acceleration of 0 m/s/s does not mean the object is at rest. An
object at equilibrium is either

• at rest and staying at rest, or

• in motion and continuing in motion with the same speed and direction.
This too extends from Newton's first law of motion.

If an object is at rest and is in a state of equilibrium, then we would say that

the object is at "static equilibrium." "Static" means stationary or at rest. A
common physics lab is to hang an object by two or more strings and to
measure the forces that are exerted at angles upon the object to support its
weight. The state of the object is analyzed in terms of the forces acting upon
the object. The object is a point on a string upon which three forces were
acting. See diagram at right. If the object is at equilibrium, then the net force
acting upon the object should be 0 Newton. Thus, if all the forces are added
together as vectors, then the resultant force (the vector sum) should be 0
Newton. (Recall that the net force is "the vector sum of all the forces" or the
resultant of adding all the individual forces head-to-tail.) Thus, an accurately
drawn vector addition diagram can be constructed to determine the resultant.
Sample data for such a lab are shown below.

Force A Force B Force C

Magnitude 3.4 N 9.2 N 9.8 N

Direction 161 deg. 70 deg. 270 deg

For most students, the resultant was 0 Newton (or at least very close to 0 N).
This is what we expected - since the object was at equilibrium, the net force
(vector sum of all the forces) should be 0 N.

Another way of determining the net force (vector sum of all the forces)
involves using the trigonometric functions to resolve each force into its
horizontal and vertical components. Once the components are known, they
can be compared to see if the vertical forces are balanced and if the
horizontal forces are balanced. The diagram below shows vectors A, B, and C
and their respective components. For vectors A and B, the vertical
components can be determined using the sine of the angle and the horizontal
components can be analyzed using the cosine of the angle. The magnitude
and direction of each component for the sample data are shown in the table
below the diagram.

The data in the table above show that the forces nearly balance. An
analysis of the horizontal components shows that the leftward component of A

nearly balances the rightward component of B. An analysis of the vertical
components show that the sum of the upward components of A + B nearly
balance the downward component of C. The vector sum of all the forces is
(nearly) equal to 0 Newton. But what about the 0.1 N difference between
rightward and leftward forces and the 0.2 N difference between the upward and
downward forces? Why do the components of force only nearly balance? The
sample data used in this analysis are the result of measured data from an actual
experimental setup. The difference between the actual results and the expected
results is due to the error incurred when measuring force A and force B. We
would have to conclude that this low margin of experimental error reflects an
experiment with excellent results. We could say it's "close enough for
government work."

Analyzing a Hanging Sign

The above analysis of the forces acting upon an object in equilibrium is
commonly used to analyze situations involving objects at static equilibrium.
The most common application involves the analysis of the forces acting upon
a sign that is at rest. For example, consider the picture at the right that hangs
on a wall. The picture is in a state of equilibrium, and thus all the forces acting
upon the picture must be balanced. That is, all horizontal components must
add to 0 Newton and all vertical components must add to 0 Newton. The
leftward pull of cable A must balance the rightward pull of cable B and the
sum of the upward pull of cable A and cable B must balance the weight of the
sign. Suppose the tension in both of the cables is measured to be 50 N and
that the angle that each cable makes with the horizontal is known to be 30
degrees. What is the weight of the sign? This question can be answered by
conducting a force analysis using trigonometric functions. The weight of the
sign is equal to the sum of the upward components of the tension in the two

cables. Thus, a trigonometric function can be used to determine this vertical
component. A diagram and accompanying work is shown below.

Since each cable pulls upwards with a force of 25 N, the total upward pull of
the sign is 50 N. Therefore, the force of gravity (also known as weight) is 50

N, down. The sign weighs 50 N.

In the above problem, the tension in the cable and the angle that the cable
makes with the horizontal are used to determine the weight of the sign. The
idea is that the tension, the angle, and the weight are related. If the any two of
these three are known, then the third quantity can be determined using
trigonometric functions.

As another example that illustrates this idea,

consider the symmetrical hanging of a sign as
shown at the right. If the sign is known to have a
mass of 5 kg and if the angle between the two
cables is 100 degrees, then the tension in the
cable can be determined. Assuming that the sign is at equilibrium (a good
assumption if it is remaining at rest), the two cables must supply enough
upward force to balance the downward force of gravity. The force of gravity
(also known as weight) is 49 N (Fgrav = m*g), so each of the two cables must
pull upwards with 24.5 N of force. Since the angle between the cables is 100
degrees, then each cable must make a 50-degree angle with the vertical and
a 40-degree angle with the horizontal. A sketch of this situation (see diagram
below) reveals that the tension in the cable can be found using the sine
function. The triangle below illustrates these relationships.

Thinking Conceptually
There is an important principle that emanates from some of the trigonometric
calculations performed above. The principle is that as the angle with the
horizontal increases, the amount of tensional force required to hold the sign at
equilibrium decreases. To illustrate this, consider a 10-Newton picture held by
three different wire orientations as shown in the diagrams below. In each
case, two wires are used to support the picture; each wire must support one-
half of the sign's weight (5 N). The angle that the wires make with the
horizontal is varied from 60 degrees to 15 degrees. Use this information and
the diagram below to determine the tension in the wire for each orientation.
When finished, click the button to view the answers.

At 60 degrees, the tension is 5.8 N. (5 N / sin 60 degrees).

At 45 degrees, the tension is 7.1 N. (5 N / sin 45 degrees).

At 15 degrees, the tension is 19.3 N (5 N / sin 15 degrees).

In conclusion, equilibrium is the state of an object in which all the forces acting
upon it are balanced. In such cases, the net force is 0 Newton. Knowing the
forces acting upon an object, trigonometric functions can be utilized to
determine the horizontal and vertical components of each force. If at
equilibrium, then all the vertical components must balance and all the
horizontal components must balance.

Let’s try this sample using the trigonometric function!

After its most recent delivery, the infamous stork announces the good news. If
the sign has a mass of 10 kg (98 N), then what is the tensional force in each
cable? Use trigonometric functions and a sketch to assist in the solution.


The tension 56.6 Newtons.

Since the mass is 10.0 kg, the weight is 98.0 N. Each cable must pull
upwards with 49.0 N of force. Thus,

sine 60 (degrees) = (49.0 N) / (Ftens).

Proper use of algebra leads to the equation

Ftens = (49.0 N) / [ sine 60 (degrees) ] = 56.6 N.

ACTIVITY 1: Show you solutions in solving the following questions

1. The following picture is hanging on a wall. Use trigonometric functions to

determine the weight of the picture.

2. The sign below hangs outside the physics classroom, advertising the most
important truth to be found inside. The sign is supported by a diagonal cable
and a rigid horizontal bar. If the sign has a mass of 50 kg (490 N), then
determine the tension in the diagonal cable that supports its weight.

3. The following sign can be found in Glenview. The sign has a mass of 50 kg
(490 N). Determine the tension in the cables.

ACTIVITY 2: Choose the best answer to the following questions

1. Statics is the study of what?
a. Forces and moments
b. Acceleration
c. Inertia
d. Weight and torque
2. Static equilibrium only defines an object at rest.
a. True
b. False
3. For an object in static equilibrium......
a. Acceleration is zero
b. Velocity is zero
c. No motion at all exist
d. No external force acting on it
4. The mass of the right side is __________ compared to the left side.

a. More
b. Less
c. Equal
d. None of the above
5. A croquet mallet balances when suspended from its center of mass, as
shown in the left part of the figure. If you cut the mallet into two pieces at
its center of mass, as shown in the right part if the figure, how do the
masses of the two pieces compare?
a. The piece with the head of the mallet has the greater mass
b. The piece with the head of the mallet has the smaller mass
c. The masses are equal

ACTIVITY 3: Answer the following questions briefly

1. Why is static equilibrium important?

2. What is an example of static equilibrium?
3. Why do we need equilibrium?
4. What is an example of equilibrium in everyday life?

ACTIVITY 4: Solve for the unknown!

1. weight=? Ftens = 45 N Ftens = 45 N

45 N
25® 25® 25®

2. Ftens =?
mass= 30kg Fy
55® 55® 55®

3. Ftens = ?
mass = 15kg


1. I learned that ____________________________________________


2. I enjoyed most on ________________________________________


3. I want to learn more on ____________________________________



Activity no. 1

1. The weight of the sign is 42.4 N.

The tension is 30.0 N and the angle is 45 degrees. Thus,

sine (45 degrees) = (Fvert) / (30.0 N).

The proper use of algebra leads to the equation:

Fvert = (30.0 N) • sine (45 degrees) = 21.2 N

Each cable pulls upward with 21.2 N of force. Thus, the sign must
weigh twice this - 42.4 N.

2. The tension is 980 Newtons.

Since the mass is 50 kg, the weight is 490 N. Since there is only one
"upward-pulling" cable, it must supply all the upward force. This cable
pulls upwards with approximately 490 N of force. Thus,

sine (30 degrees) = (490 N ) / (Ftens).

Proper use of algebra leads to the equation

Ftens = (490 N) / [ sine 30 (degrees) ] = 980 N.

3. The tension is 346 Newtons.

Since the mass is 50.0 kg, the weight is 490 N. Each cable must pull
upwards with 245 N of force.

Thus, sine (45 degrees) = (245 N ) / (Ftens).

Proper use of algebra leads to the equation

Ftens = (245 N) / [sine (45 degrees)] = 346 N.

1.) A 2.) B 3.) A 4.)A 5.)A

1. Static equilibrium is important because an object in translational
equilibrium is not travelling from one place to another, and an object in
rotational equilibrium is not rotating around an axis… Static equilibrium
is a valuable tool: for example, if two forces are acting on an object that
is in static equilibrium, that means they add up to zero
2. Static equilibrium means the resultant force is zero and the object is not

Examples: An object (e.g book) lying still on the surface (e.g table). No
resultant moment about a pivot, so clockwise moment equals
anticlockwise moment and there is no resultant force and no motion
3. We need equilibrium since the forward and reverse rates are equal, the
concentrations of the reactants and products are constant at
equilibrium….. The equilibrium constant can help us understand whether
the reaction tends to have a higher concentration of products or
reactants at equilibrium.
4. There are many examples of chemical equilibrium all around you. One
example is a bottle of fizzy cooldrink. In the bottle there is carbon
ddioxide dissolved in the liquid. There is also gas in the space between
the liquid and the cap.

𝐹𝑦 2. Ftens = 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒
1. Degree = 𝐹𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠
𝐹𝑦 Convert 30kg to weight is equal to 294
Sin 25 = 45 𝑁
Each cable must pull 147 N
Fy= Sin25 * 45N
147 𝑁
Ftens = sin 55
Fy (weight) = 19.02 N
Ftens = 179.45 N
3. Ftens = 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒

Convert 15kg to weight is equal to 147

Since there is only on upward pulling cable, the weight is equal to
147 𝑁
Ftens = sin 35

Ftens = 256.29 N

and -Statics


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